11.1 1211 e.. , l's; fle. ' 11 . ~t:ri~:s~;'.~..;;: , bl.4°4lokedr EU vstfretticetof .fitalt ordiao wia,..Dtm. 1.01 , • or, moutked irie• 0 .0 VIA PC" -, .g A r 4 4?" - ' p ~ I,TOO'illad. isloyai poliiiehsw = fie 4,1 4014.4...11411• ahPittk. LC , make nt4 i tiox4o, htilok,--***pnt -Men, who arc eekl(mLtippmVpi.ll4e okpolitiee_to hi me S tio ol ip f; , s3. 4lligaig d4or, l o l l , oo! m :ii ii m ki g n g pa ,:n t io h g e zid b e 7 ichilet ges'and culri:ouir flings, at in G. e Mutter. rltri !Atilt te Petnievry,rind his *art" (rikitde, aie i wont to call b ni l l '93i , iiiitforrieoOl, 9 '' I- Well,"Briek," We i suppose, wart 'desiromi some - time ago of •lleovertileg , himself with 'glory," and aCcirainglyje published a 'letter in , hie - pavefeig ecLit,Ge eral , _Butter,in which ,that gentleman k notifiee him thatho has riommeectid an action for .., iisl-igaiiisk bizn, Laying his= damages it 1160;000,1mfhoilfres `ißrick” that i'f:.hri ocier . esete liis vituperation, the nit, still boxlvitlidraWn. To this lettpr, Pomeroy .makes .a , grandiloquent re pltaand -type Gaper& Butler to gre uktead, do his hestikand winds up by ikringtblit4Whemtne effit begins But. lrie•must giv him' time to - "hide bib spuintsirAte,lV now `turns out the,i mowititleir be! was • thought, of by i r Butler, thae he did not know =the an. signifieant ofeatui4 byreputation even, and= that the. letter published by "Briek,''.l46 ootnipg. from Butler to him was,* f rgerr, got up, nO • doubt, by Portiere hi ruerelf; wi', thought But; ler would a vet' bee' it, and that the, eireuntstan would invest him with! 1 an imperil co at'liffme thot he could not:: others" se obta in. But, alas fur •i"Briekl" littler)foind cut what he t iler's:Maud g thus st amps . the forgery 1 sad texpeseo th our rely To to T iferif'Lri of )ihe N. Y Trthune , __ ~, 3 / 1 1 :'May I ask you to stamp a for gery? An iannotirteernent ht , gonigihe rounde of - the , papers thql have brought a•tpit o f gainst 00,3 Fomero3-, i of the La - Circles% Pti;oonstn,Demeerat, for libel. Thlt inCtion, so contrary to coy determined silence as to newspaper 11011 e -rs, okeded l eonfirinationc BQ the Democrat ptuAltilip4 e letter purporting to be eig•iil kr,,,rne, offeribg to Wir,h ' ttrttcr the -e it, ty_ which he makes , a, ii grangiloqii nrand'ebusive reply. Need I say that I hove brought' no milt i l iiiiiirit hill or ony other alandeiipg eeribblert• Thelettei is - a forgery col ,' : bolster a lie. , ,•'Yours,• 'truly, • •;- ' 4 , Be t sy. F. BUT LB.II. i . Nett To k, Feb. 4, 1867. Impo o ttehing Presideifts, I The pre rent attemp t to impeach the u ' Li' , ,L; , letgeest-ouwer or the Government, is not i%e ontT tine[ of the kind that bis : been-mada",. In . 1 Jannary,, 1848, Jobn 1 `M i„,.,.... M. • .1 -Betti, t,,en at, moraine - Of Congrisse L , , ggi i.; pl erUi ,c U CnltykaB ... ~,,-.. against Jelin T,11)31 , Who had succeeded Kari hien tt, ihe Peesidency cf the Uni:. tea States,.:' Tifise charges enahr!seed i usurpationotpottecr, -,- 101ation of law. i iabuse of e porerof appointment itedi 'removal, idieie to excite' a di-.organ- , ic ing epir tin ;the country, whereby', the sever I States were invited toll's.' , regard and dir,phey . a law of Coneres.• 1 letainingi. men,in office for months lei:: ierthey had beim 'rejected by the Sen- i ate; abitrary,'.despotic and corrupt' atillae of the veto power;' illegal tied uroonetitiptiotialexereise or power, &c. Mr. BoA,ts moved that a committee Or iiitie - tie appointed to. investigate i these e ellarges, and report whether articles cr in v Octiment should he pre eeeterkend on,a, voto' l being taken i bis motion•tias lest--yeis, 83; Lays 127 —1 The atteinpt wile then abandoned - -',- , 1 Mt. Bot ( ti ditt not get his projeet into 1 the ban s of a , de.s M M 11,1 eft' 0 ?en, arid j'y this respe ct bras not as successful, as Mr. A bley I has been .• Tbo latter p attern a presented his charges ; bait,' i. them ie rred;',to a committee, ''wh&' are now investigating,them, but who will-in ill prOhnbilityl give them An' , - adverse repal'. ~ - --r-.0.-,--- • • Virithini the,;,post few weeks, ;the,' jßidictils)haviS made two changes ,iii Abe - Beater , ;I>ostottlee I First, ttre:r removed 'sties Maggie Andertion , ond bad. Mi.. Serinda MeGilliik% apploin ted 'as P ostmistress. The latter lady not eniti g t h eir style. they hare had 1 her Swim ad sal ' Miss Mary A. nf'-' , Gifilek a poii!ted in her place T-Local. 'Near! i e: ee r y word Of this iii false. l Miss A mon* tendered her resigni rtion mo hs tbelore it was accepted, , and 14 not 'llmi there be - en no fault n t ;found 13 *i 1 hair is a r il &leer, but ore - r . y "Fedi at" ,in tbe 'town, so far as we are adviliedr, , ;regretted the step i abe lad takin in :asking to be reliefed of 'llier 413Z1 ditties. Mien- her resigniw • I ticyri w dr-call however, 4e-,,y4 ger:xiss MoGalllcg, was up , iPaetPti A he! eteitit, and when the Lett siyieedie did - not suit the orad irk'fitis4," if', imply Says what is not `true: i. , ,1 145 iianner in which . she (its. •.,,,,Aaes,e 4 _berAluty was sa., 4 6factOry to ..the, ,, rattietkier and to the community -16- 14'01 114 ; but putt:mut fitly • bet age' • ;did nofiall `'the 'recrifk relents' of the, i .P`est, litee' , :bePartme f 'sod: b , ,, , hence.' ,fteth . e .i l i ttppointrnect bad to be :made, gees e Oteta . welt , kuown to this ,cbriainnfity,lat'ad 941 the _Local be-I COli3e, .) . 1r .. 1 ;wean AB' to try' to create the 1 . in)Prekrlibresci Ljt 1. these young, . 11 1:4:4. tirii,:;Aried as officers in the 1 liesorestObsOeffii.e, and failed. .‘o , rep der - gatierikeklon, an d bad to be retney• Ad, .ta Inpre th m an is -4:jut accoonf. „f0r.1.. ,To.siyi it is:'Ns,ll basinese," is .per kips the m oat te/wit:ibis coler , it•tior. that it? ecadvier anti -bear. • i '; ^ • l i. , Thi 6alu* - 13111: - •i Most of the readers oftt hti" rgos will recol:eot that . Governor, sir his last aiessage to . thn 14egisiatiire recommended - , the passage of an4f)t- lloUthwrisiog de slectiOn Of .. twe . fary Lpominissioners In -each %ion*, Iselecte4 as Inepectors o }Pectic:ins. are 'now chosen. The cause - assigned by 'the wfis: tbal-ofiiitping pnlit3oa on Al tbb' jury iioa`: Tii - Ciiiijiiitii.'efireit ilii l Zkviiti - orA,' nu . 'Won:* hill friuit;44 read iii'4l4, Senite.wthieVprovAas itiat•thir.qual..... ified v.oters „Wench' county shall; at the _next genetal-elOtiOn;"cbtiose .471'0 - persons to eerie - as JitiY'Corriiniesioh era for three - . years followlns - thetr . election, Arid the manner of choosing 1 will t iesrilt itronsot thess - being taken froni' me% of - tbea two political parties. Than selected ; they wiil. meet thirty daYe'before the firstteracof thecoork Of Common Pleas An: each, yew., and proceed to designate; alternately, the names of persos. Who shall serve as jarors in the several irts.for_that 1. year. Th is bill, it parsed by the Leg- . 1 islature, an d becomes a la*, will give us in each paner - an equal npmber. - of Republica . ns and - Democrats.;. and the friends of themessure chain - that polr• itics will thus be driven ;from the jury I box, and justice meted out to all. , We. throk 'Otherwise. - Defective as- probet, bly the preeent mode`o l l• designating jurors is, it is infinitely' better, in our , opinion, -than the. one proposed. As' eb ected now, the mast - :)nttiliger-t, so er .and judicious persOne from the co rity 'tit large are taken, without +rd to their political proclivities; iimb very rarely does' it bappeh that eiher the jittiges,attarneys orb tigents k iow the polities of a. majority of the I jufrore ip pitting before - them. Polith;al . , . . 0 intone, then, sur e l y have but little . to - do with oar jar). decisions, as these pities are now conatitUttal. But the pl•nding hill, while it sets op an limp leery evil, and proposes. to knock it Own, ree.lly entails the very wrong, it would avoid. 1`.1) . e ' office of Jury I Commissioper would he beaked upon 1 tie a very trivial one, and butlittle, at tention would he paid to the character 1 1:: the wiTsoas - filling- it. This being I the, eaet,, it would not Unfrequently _ - happen -iliac our Jii r ry.' Coin ruissiozera Would be selected 'froth that class of persoes who are characterized as •floose:iii the twilit;" - and in-th:s event i qualifications,' sobriety -_and goA I R Candi n g would be erlio:li- lest eight of, and the pcilitizel affinities of, this man and that, man would he thorough- ' 1,,r citnyaseed, with a vievr. of • making _„,...„....... : - c'- L.J...„,... . ~,,_ .L.........4. :....t.,,,,,di t i g wrc.tig, our panels uroUld he*c - ertirmy i made uP . in this"mannSt of a - majority 1 ' . ; of Linen without ebitracter,'or intent. 1 '- - i 1 genre sufficient to appreciate,l the .du- 1 ties which. they, are called upon; to ; i discharge. To place the life, liperty 1 i f and property of the citizen in anvil!! ! hands, would be iteurring risks that' i but few would be williiig to ran. In addition to this,' there are 'hit nd reds of 1 - I illiterate, drunk-m voters in each .3i 1 the counties of the State, who do not now know tlie manner of drawing ju rors, ran by whom drawn, that Would i fore* themselves; upon the notice 'Of these COmmissioners. - They would . I°badger" these Officers themselves,aud 1 britlg ttio pressure of their friends to bear upon them until 'they succeeded lin baying their narnee put in the box. Neither the general goocLnor tbo fur. 1 theme° of public- jiisticitii , would be' thought of by these trienOietinte; but, ' on the contrary,their whole,aim Would 1 i be to gra t i fy a :desire to lay around' 1 ( 'te Court House for a week oi two at 1 'the public expense.v • - 1 ; 1 ', The office of Jury Commissioner I would: : be a. ' new 6no, aild while it I ; wciuld-fail, to .accomptiph any good .1 1 wbatiiver. it Could not he maintsi4d I 1 but at a heavy cost to the tax-payers I I of tn! ruspective_cou °ties of the §tate. I '1 171i1Wr these circumstances.-we , would 1 I i.rnucli rather-see the bill- fail than pasal the Legislature; and if an improve-:I meet on the present mode of ;sleeting . i jtircirs is really needed, let.-slime other , effort at reform than OA be tried. In the State sf Ohio the townships elett annually two TruEtous, whose duty it is, amonipther things,tu,Ftdeet ft. sxod pee Coil tage of Alaeoreiters of the township to serve as jurors 'for each year. 'These are reticrned' 'to 01;3 county chnimisiionels, End the names put in the jury wheel. Haring no Township Trustees State. this duty, might *ith 'eafety bo ettrusted the electiosyckftoera of each ,town=. ship. "Two of these are chosen ,from one party, arid the third fron. the mit% and thus etmstituted; there eau d be.no pialitio.al unfairmiss in se lecting our.' likot's • T tris report of Thomas ti..BurrOtri, St4te SuporintendAttt of the- So)oiers Orphitts .hal just boewprarlished, and non tait l is tnanv . intere s ting faete• Du ring, t he feu _ past year r': oetv . schools have'*ekestabikbecl; ct the'ntirOter.. of - pvtg].lB adMitted doriog the year is 1,57ai - autt the: .. total the:lit - r*PepwAtler.Fair . 6 5 8, of 4htei , 1;591. Tho exper4s;i4ittlle ..sysiaii" . "Of the peer was f4: 7 ;, 23, • • . 1 - . Virr. rirriebiirg ,7 r etigfiliringes !election of Ben Wade to the Fress de Ti o -0 :1 tr : ii i e rrh p r etlll " tfil l / V a l t a in i" :6 l) :: suita , . ey , 30E440.-tioporLitarrto before I don laritik . ' ', : - . " : -.-' nfi fr iali of 'tbd .. WO Nods - joubna n be CIE, of gouti l 13 % - • `''''- -,,--t 4 - ti' of reco tit -• '" . .\ ~ . ja , Sigireb. While I,l#lre are, . r i iy- ~, 'tin, ' - '4 - --,-. ~- ..' 4 - "‘ . 4. - • Nt 11 -. . ' - it ... • . 1, ^ : .: 4 4.1v , i`.: Matt in , e bat b yr , 14 ~, . • non., 7 : - - le,gielnipjo n , Rfro 4- C 1 ' •- - • '4 . P° eakr re nt 0 g ~, p 11 . g ~; ea w l t ., the. -4 ' - -,. -,- -, - - $ ll belie ibereletone a i sty out s . aid :-. l oli r th e , 1.- - -- 1 A ......,..., $ , _ l f li . ; 'Menu faction, would be so well receive fl or, i s im ei i b - 1 C --,4----- 1 -PT ° P ° si ,, L-t....)k a l_. 9P.: - _ so - beartity approver4trtheloyelletit o, I gr - e3O - • a iid - - •-i- -i------ --- 1 - - flak ~., 7,.the peo e. ~he country ,as would=l4l4 if stty4y .1 1 , w i F,..,.., . ,afari , mid fearless. Ben- Wild ' e: irtObio: ' "The '- ' IAA ?pa - c -,4-feedis; ._„ , . tonntryrimissimattoloolr urn; biit: -- • . - -, ---•--- . : .-Taarriciarr4=so.'ir with ionfraiinii,'ElitiPtEe" - e . cindltiCit li* l tint lr '' lar " 4 " 414-1 " 1 " e , L . !Uri , ,:,* re: .c.: 4 , ,n, 7 i 7.1. t rf " t il l4 l lo o,, ,lT gitk i kt#iFft ijk ill . 4 k. 1 , 4 .Whlen it Bpae, i i teeix, enouiu. teaon tat it. re ,csy its Asp tk„, i 1:...... 5..-- .... •' • ----- 4 - .' - -, 'ti •hr la' , ' . • • linneeits 'ptaes'iifi , the necessity of placing none pal, kir- thftoorir s idit s . • • -^ thy vott r annv. frail leas, honest - Arid trio&Unionistalit the then-Itioitadelitimarimi turnuiotemks um _head of eithcr branch! of Vongters:- - ' ° C . - h 4 sz li -' 4 ---smg, 4 _ 111111 L0 11 : ilid -wo.•" 1 -,--- ?• • . - 9- o Y•rna.. •34. ti ~ „, _ t ey reside. Mate any right to elect a Seriator)tirid.4 fills th4e'iesOlittriipiitii, shall make or .s - - ‘t4f th U • from e nion, . and We earnestly ,biipe that the Serrate a l l I " whilde olll 4l, . - lb de ' - - pries it uf. Its ' abridge the paaklagos equal- eaffrage in the I will *sleet him a std future prelltning or,imniunities of °Air Senate, or of repro- r ,- 1 ofilear,l until - another isAttiviao:by the ,*104,A1f,"""th0..: Vigted itentatipx intka Rot!" . oo 1 pt e • , - Iliac:es ; nor - ithsdl aRy of Representative's.- 1 p; • ,' State deprii - e any Of- "fl e e` taloa, under the ' lion lof life, liberty ei. 'cinstitution, shall be 1 ; propeeif with , stpatilit. :' I 1 processoflaw.adrd 1 63 °'" 276 Pliki . gie is any Vernon ~cEitt l ijus dab) of the. United 1 its jursedictism, A ;C ates, Cates a utheyized . by I equal p'rotectitin a i m -, , thim...,-ey bit, ad laws- -......._...i.. trod and inviolate, Sao. 2. • R'sprlVata- ifuritiltioir thellnited 1 ti/es :ban • se-iippetigti States - restrany , Statei ed among the see . ' ball aumosir.or pay I State's- 111:00y#0&;„ i p? atlideht in obligation ; their respective atm ineuri edli aid of in- bers, consting,,it r it,e arrectien or rebellion whole-nunatier of .per. against 'tits liover.a -r mini in (KlWl:State; =ant or authority "of excluding Intyltailidetithe United States: taxed. But udillkhetl' Sao. 8. All pare9l** right to Tote at stity!born or naturalised in election fee efie - cheisaliha.Unitea States; and ' ofelectors fort_titi- eubject to the jut-it:lie- dent and Vinc:Pfeiii - ,. - Sion thereOf, ,are siti dent of ' the' United ions ot the" "United States, • - Ititpreeenta- thateattud of thelittater area in Congress,l the in whioh they laside; 1 executive and juditds,L end the citizens .of' Ayers of , a State oriestolt State shall; be en the' members, c4i.tissilitled to all the r Privil- ,i Legislature tialsOr; isliiitis and fmtnunia** if' denied•tii atiinf f the i citisene in the several I Emile inhabitant's ofiStetes. No Stateshall * nil ' ls **ioi 'ltni4d*Oly* lily P* ram 'of twenty-oa. • yew+ oflliN li bortf or property and citizens of the; without due process of United ..14atee,,or iniliter,. nor deny tip any 1 any way *bet 1 dge,.41,.. 1 p e rson within its ulie- I cep s for parytiattiction. the equal. pro in l rebellion or btlier.tietion of the lils. crimes, ' the beide ofl '''Src. 4. Represtenta representation ifietrolit;tives shall 'be ippor shall be redutunknoitaltiened among the MT' proportion, which iheleral Stares according numbei o sash mete, to their respective l„ citizens. shall bear . to umbers,counting the the whole number of . whole number of perl l a mule oat ens titenty-,sons in each State,ex one years of age - talcluding Indians not 1 doh that . r ,'taxed. , But whonany r i • • • t I Sea. 3. No , pr. eini State. shall, on account ! shall be a Sen4er; 0r 4 ,0f raceqor color,oe,pre- 1 Representetive'inCen- I .rious condition of set- gi, rte. Or, elite or . eir:eitude, deny the cier. President teild Vice,cise of the elective' President,ot. h -cloy ifranchiso at- wry sloe.- i I I office.civil or military,,tion for the choice of ; It n 'le r the.',.nited,, , electort for President i SinCes, or under any:arid Vitie President• of! State, who,' 'hairing,the . United • States,: prey iowly mien r infttpres en I sti vet in ' oath, ,as a meniber of.SonEress, "meptivirs of! q.ligs awl;•or as un A., Legislature•end other 1 ter of the ,lliiiiedlotliotire elective by the atip.tes,vr is a ineMttax t peoplu- tO rimy of ..tha of sny State LegisliHmale inhabitants be- , turs,oeste ins eittefelisoilonSitii HuohState4)* - 1 tit judicial.. officer_ suite& '4l .yearsof age and any State,yto eu rise sof the United -. , T • t utternatorial-Pardorus,: , That the petal:ming iniiier`liAabitea tauch,abtised in IPennitylyania, is eery, apparent. 'Critnitiate -of :;the. eq . ?: Worst, - character :havo. , bient vaiught, tried; couviete'd 'and eient'An'the Pent: tentiarjr, arid_ 'then, throligh 4xcentiv,is elemeney, have been 4;t14,eti:,:.1005e, , to begin-anew their infamous crimes; in. , perhaps, the /mine community. - that' had -, suffered .* at" their bands, • atd brought - thetn..to _POni%tieuix t -Rot only has this conditiont of things existed within: the past feiv j years, but it has extended' back for a period. of eight or, ten Oubernatofial . terms Under these eircumstanites, .we , hail wits pleasure the announcement that Governor Geary has put Lin "foot down," and ; that durirg t his !errufthe' pardoning poWer ' will be used - ` with • extreme caution. , He . has therehYre given notice that in , all applios,tions, tor. Executive clemency the' 1141i:riving rules .will iidupted : • • , . First. .NO-pardoa will. be granted until notice of the appiicatien therefor shall have-,`beer}-given by publication, once a week,tor twu cqnsecutive weeks iu,a newspaper painted it,- the county in which the eouvicaun -was had.- - See. .No partinri wilt be granted enleße notice -of the applicatiln. bhall have Iteen given to the judge w,Lv, ttieti the cause, to , the tiiitnut . attorney, or to the attorney `ho prosecur,ed, proof of which notice 'titian holluriastieti this Depttrtinetit.. • • 'Third. Ali . applitnitiutliffor pardon: mat hay with them pipit :A, N ttin ir. VI eleilr "Ain/ !lini.in:Li t hind.:'• • .• t • • ' •, .1. A. certified of tic re cord, incindimg docket '1.1141m:10 Min. rates of eotirt, copy "of , indictment, pleas, aad all other: Oafers.on file in the_ L courtlrelatiag.to .thiccase. . I 2. A full state ment : ofl,he "reasons upon whicb thezipplieetinn is based, adtt r7"-.711"---nvrtIr . . • United '•St r efei. ' ihilllciess Of pentons so d h have engaged to item-Added from the exer rection or iiebellioocise of. the elective, against the !mini, or : franchise shell not be giveiii cid or comfort to counted in thd ithsis 1 the enemies iihereof lot representation. , . Rut Congress inay,lip[ Also_ Alic--folldwing 1 a vote of two-thitids.orota be pert of - the Con- 1 , each House, ! remo - e 'stitution of each State:'; such disability. " ! :e:vely male citizen . a ' etsc. 4. - file validieilyear in the State. Rue!! of the public!: tight etisix months . in . the the,'lTnittol Sotes,.ati.-;c - Juntry . immediately.; thorited by law, knctu- ipt cording an election, i ding debut incurred for I niut who can read the ) payment of'ipenlinnelDeclaration of. - Jude, sad. bou Mins I .for ler- Ipendenee and the Cott- ; 1 vices in euppreoting t stitution of the Unit.ad 1 insurrection -I and -re- I t Siatellt in the English!billion, shell out, *language, and • the 1 questioned. I.lut, net:lOWller of two huniirdd i they the - United Stites-''end fifty dollars worth uor . auy 1 Stiite- shalt i ot- I arable . property, I . sesame or pi/Y - Imi vlobl'etiall be entitled. to or obligationl innorred l ni4e: Provided, that in aid of iniu rt igL o i:no pars,* whn bas or reb e llion -; ne t,beretufore Toted shall , the Drifted latiktai." - , e r -tie eptludod from sot-' any claim foro" tholing-, ' " 1 lois or emancipation oC any slave ; tint alt such; ' ' debt. obligations .to , • - claims !shall be held,, 'I . illegal and void. ' ` " 1 : - ' Ur. 5. This - Corgreits' shalt have 1-polver In; : eiforechy plppg,prirt.tol. regiele Oen, the peoeis- ' ! . . ions of this 'article. . - .1 - . -• ! ~ IL.Will be seen that these plemfdiffer WOrrtan's Voting ihialew Jersey. • ..f '''' - 1 1; ';' ' ' - I ; ; bu t h* cd . f . - et i severe part lon SalS, le C le 1 , i' - •' • , _ _ To the Editor ..1 5he..21 7 ..;Y . Tribune. ''fer.)neo iii that the ono is in favor of ' Slit (lira. Stanton in' . her ! add iesii;-- ~ restoringt ,reb ,o . all the ir, forme r before the Legislative Committeeii on i right!' an t l privileges without' punish . I. Woman's Suffrage, lei re in Jnent, sinrsiitrourinekingfiheir tree y(!ar,raper of the 23d - inst., as folloWs- ' fon nu jpi ILI wj ' ate ib, 0 ' 001 ' 6'1 , impose:' a ti From a regent examination by L ' Idiss hi I i tsi ' 1 'i viliVe -- h' brand ' s ' S thAm . * with by Stone of the archives of the State - of 1 ' • I ,- • ~• - New Jeray,_we learn that owing tot i , ertine until -Congress seed . proper to ilberal Quakerrinflcrite, 'Women and ) remove it.. ' •'` ' • -` '- ' . I neg,roes e-xereised he ',right of suf. i - This new pim a bowover, *lll hardly t !rage in that State 3i. yeateL:frotn ;be a lent1;1 ! for 'neither tho : tnion'tStS 1 ; 776 to - ItiO7-'-when " white males.' i - ' i amended the" Constitniio6'..'and arbi- i or' Detnocrate.tn Congress appear will. ~ trarily assumed the rains of . Govern,' ling to gve it countenance or proin4e r..• r ' meat,,. .. : • tit `support. The reader will notice . . .. • The t aut'is. the the - Constitution : tat in ii t hiS ' ' pian the f i re;iitien t his adOlited in 17713, which ieeurpd itif- ' t. l i . .1 4.... 'il nil 1 - te,,,ea a eeir ,stri,..3, :.-WAr.. ......ngress. Frage 16 "all inhabilanti i lie :remain-1 . •. a • - - 'ed unchan' od i . this ' ~ g n la ipar, ion ar ti t • ' 1 11 , an d' it tglAaile ! nna r sible that by the 1844. -'; 1 - 1 1 tithe the, F.ortieth Gong, elm - Comes ,te . „ of ridnne.e taken 4 on 'trial; 141Lers frthn responsible persona . .in the on - I'.- nttinity i hiro the:slit-net Was commit. ted; a recentinemitaion from tho joyor's .tiho mat-ou'llte•trial, - .and• ' any tit them refose to -re Commend a pardori;ji "reason., iven for inch ref ussl; letter, from th district attorney r:t who tided the case; and, a latter from!! the judge, pusiilhg 1 6 .)EL11. ili-vi , eria:upim he subject of the application. • Fourth Rectinimondation •for par_,! don for - unexpired' terms_ of. sentence, must hart a copy of. the ,whole record] as,befoje. roquiretl Aiso..a- copy of aomrpitmeOt, _petition' from prisoner . !setting -forth reasons, and statemeUt from Wurden and _lnspectors of .ti'le! l'Prison". Fi 1h2 . .N0 personal.) applietabos j will be permitted. • . Sixth. All of the abore;papere. frit - en submitted: mnAt be necoMpsoied by a Iprinted copy of seine, in pamphlet '1 tortit- ' twelve, coptes ,of thich,at least • mast'bo:sent„to : this Depurttnent. 'lt 1 the parties are foe poor, the • paper book.need 'not be !minted. .• • Saverith.'As thefts tubes are inten t ded- to subserve the administration of justice, they will be„_atrietly..ettforeed land •relaxed only when good freasOns ;shall be fumished .for so ' , But ini,lllo74* Le n in;!attire elected i meet, other stridits Will ;be taken in by .• universal Suffrage', - ctolited„ the the Sair.e direction, which win - bring Ootstitiition_by enactir.g a laW which libo - Legistatire and Biecutive Depart prohibited, under penalty fi any but imients of the GovernMer.t into -some wnite mato icitizens from exerchiing 1 th;ng likE harmonious action. : the franchise. This set was t 1 "oriole 1. n • which could never - have been cOmtitit- TheCie° of if°4lJ-13" Culver. 'fed agiiinst 'white men. Nor 'cintld I The PhifitaelOitt', Telegraph, coal. •• - ii be .again egainst• Oegroes, syliose ';tnefiting'cin the - of this gen. claim.to political _ e,guatity is finding r tlentin as the result of the late trial advocates everywhere, i as it'shout . d. ! at Franklin,sacs:, Bat_ forlbb women; Ic:4. as Ltien,' - foong,lirititiddiatTe!y - attity `:the failure neither reformei , statesman, Or poll= ;' - or 'Pent. ,sit" ran high tioian thinks", they should be so,!. much :'ainetiiiiiti,.YetTitne "altotred the named to :this solem n hour' when' to • .end, lie, who - vB4 first pasion cop, _ old things ate; passing . away, and when!`reviled irpaceOun'Oiel, has, sliown" the only f eci ! elli ." 4 " ° 9 c l an;kelt'cinli an . unfortnnate silrly avail to sit4isi t r th is 'patios, VlUkti - ThersicX. that his acquittal74o' = f o aPiF• Wtqch„ . i.s -,6afieffzi_on 6 f . Wi t h apple wed' by ihe entire _itchdls . the . aserngd.C.'.../ Oiar4" once. siatirii . lit p*6lo',feejitiri 7.14 - 7„. - ;-usr,tied izti'h6nvi, I Tdi d t'Al 3 b!st I' ve r ' l '. nve. , ei of .11:1 innocence.;! aiffia The co pperhead papers of the coon- I ~ ,„,,_ r ,:'• , tiT,p 4 . all intl• o • Id: IC gee V ~,. at G Ca o • :',- our ,'• •: tor .. • :104 , the' ._,.e . t r. a s3l 7 .. fa kng_t 'he 'i- - • r ,-• t to , liga • , 'n , n tt.: r n tit co - o • ' Catn et.' , GMI 11 ‘ ' ing correspondinco ought to lm sat taftuto-itntry,-eittnittr-persorcz-en that __,- J - i I : • ~_ •-, 4 • : ,' 1 -P XIS I WAWItiatt" - : ) 1 s_o 4 itskitk poi:11140Mo Wrearternneia "Jur SRA; t'xpressed 16ng since, to. resign ider:seat In the Ciibit.ek have i'ot been, immtndtitl-rif , have been! only unwilling't'd , chiseini. co a change j at - a time and under tircenist . ;eneeill ;which might give occailon - ,te nu t scon-1 tructi '4O l / 4 nod .tt,filsOls. 49:inee. 40i1c1:9De avoided. ' • • Bat the. desire of Sir Clay f o return hOine, and tak_otfar fais,serViOeo his country irrtifelfeht- enables'. m:e no* to gratifyyour - wish, and at the seine 'time evince my, • personal - .regard for you and' my confidence. in' your pa-' triotism, ability end.fideity to ! public' .trust... : • - • - I therefore tender, to your tiocep-, - 1 you still. desire to resign!, riui.ltritiehi 7 4JoititiOn—the'..ptiste Xinister . io Ittnisitt. Should you ae.,-,1 cept it you .will bear with you the-as- 7 1 surance of my . undimmished eoiifi °.dence,. (1 my affectionate esteent,• and ofTly sure expectation that, r .the great sovereign whose . personal and hereditary . friendisitip for the 'States - so mueli endears)hirn t Ameri cans; you Will beithid to rotidarl:Stirvi- -- cce to lour country - i not less timpor tent than those' you' could render at home. Very aincerely,youf friend ; A; _LINCOI;N ..t.t.on SIMON CAM - ERON. r WalsinisoTnn, Jan. JI. 18C.1.., • DEAR have the. honor -to knowledri yoar. T .favor of . . this date, and to thank -you„With.„PrOfoniid . re- , specs; for its kind. and generous,- ‘, When you. were elected Presidentja I _result to *bleb •I contributed my best 1 exertions), T bad'no - tlicught of )44 , -; ing the Senate of- the ,U tact! ) States; I or of, acCoptingany position in . yOur gift. Bat when .you Invited ine . te Springfield . , , illinoitt,i end eseitted'Arie the chrsice of two2-named places in yh . e list of your constitutional adVi.serSll I could 'not, for grave puhlie • reasons,l and: . after' grave . reflection, refuse a.; trust so trying andjaborious. 31,y, li:e had been cue of canstatit labor tend exeitement. I.ok.ect to the & t. net . as the best field] efter'snch a .fitr4 in which to. serve My country and 'my ) State: .- If - Wasi .only - When I ';reali-1 I that 1 Might be . ot service to the gen; eral cause•in the darkly foreshado*(M% fu'are g , that I. vent2d to. tutdertztliel the m anifold-.and various . responsibiti4-1 -ties of' the War Mpartment. I fel-L i when I saw. the traitors lensing their ; 4ats in Congress, and when the . ;tar of. the South was fired-apt:4),in . Char. , t NEM:l:harbor, thatt tootlY conflict • waiinetitahle.VL Irii.l-d'evototl m} se f witicult..4l7o , tertni,ssi° l ? offic,ul duties. .1 hare 'given .to t -.11 my ! energies. I. have done iny,beat... It ts,-;,,,p c ,4 5 i• I ble, in-. the d'.-ruction 'of operittinmil.qc i ; extensi7e,. Litt that spnie_ i 'rhistakes happen, and some .complieations -putt! ClTllliplitintS,lll : iSe. In view Ot ecflectionsa thank :you 'froin heart for the expression of Tour fi•letri•C in my : ability,l prtin.dism a• nd pablittrust.! own conSeient ions Mende-of doing my duty by - the Excentive and!by my countlty, is approved 'hY thei ackitowledged head of . the GoVernment • itelt, ' When l. beenthe a Meinber of , :your • administration' I iivowed Purp'oSe to retire: from the Oabinet,as Soon as: i t ...mydnty to my country WOuld me to do In .four' letter of clay's date, so illustrative . of your ; iusli , and• upright character, ynti ievive ?act, that come time, ago I! s xpr soli 00 .9:1111C, parpbae, to you; spa.. • tE^i la.inding me of thi's xon.prO,ffet • fiid my' ! . ieeeptanee . one : of 7tlie _ highe4t-51i . ploinntic , positions 'in your • addittonal mark olyour cocifldeuee AUL esteem. , . In retiring frnm the War D4Part, meat, I feel: that thelmiglrty. : art .of the United tatesiSready..to do at ; tle for, the Constitution; that it ie inar ish4tetl•.by- experience •1 leaders; that it is fired by tlic t enthusiftm .for the good 'can'se,. ' 'd that my successor - demo meet is my j . icnd,„.l unites, to great in tllleet a: .1 gland essential of. earrAist the - present struggle., andibeing-lsol ed - upon a speedy and 2 o g . 1 it iumph of our arms. 41'. tlier'eto-e I gratefully aceept.the new diitinetiii ; you have:conferred, u mei Xrd ass 'soon as iinportnnt and 'Ong negl l ected private business has been arranged; I will enter upon the impettant duties of the mission to which yea hate ' ca 1.. ied mu. • Cooper, Minerva, intermarried with Thee. 11. pi r ETTLRS ' testa:new:Ty ha'-Uri :v., ;all of-whops reside tn the borough of Ereedom, l Li of PETCR. .1,l XII, .1:4.20 _of ii'llU, :Beaver ertinity,`Pa4 Emily, intertuarri - ri n wit It ' t ,irt.eziet:;l•. Betv;:r icot k ruy-, i's,; dap:a t,; -- ... Jaiue! it'suer, residing in Grundy county, 1 be . .n gt•ntited to . 't he andersigued;all_p r' I.!dissouri; Adel:un-:h im) , residing in Paducall,i indebted to said •tt Ate tt • ••••..rcqueltei u. si , 1 Kentucky; 1: h•Od o Ni l Grau.-, of Freedom h-•r." immediate pt ".I.l.ii' a1..1 i 'font , tiara; -',,i li nigh. afores aid; ally of whoni ... , ma , 1; ' • ,• (Rill ': • • 1 •.. s l ut , against ~,• sa i ta ,. e , 1 , 1 pr.-- , ,ta; t.et.a p.. , rs , ( o. ighte aid d' cadent; a.se gr; tin - • .... i 'ran% viz r - ' c o hilt 9 lren :f Adam : G • re Fiala, • rice d, t ' I" h en ! ''''''.' '. " 7.,` . .. '..",* - AN Ph.1.',1%. V 1 --LF.I.•!.•11 h•Ezton, i-who was et. son of intestates, and died - before • -feat,,. -: 11,.., J ,::::::-. rostut,,. ) hisa4cease; viz; * L A,zetta ,Graham, Mellen M_ _, ,)" lN T s., ..-......-....‘ . %Fr: , c , ,i , i l Graham', John Lewis Graham and William i, 1 .1 .' .." '• **" 1 ' 'I, -, 2 ` ' I LA- I" Graham, all of whcau resitle in leaver county 1 1 I..TTETIS Of sdiontittf,,t :on te....,„ ,I ts II aforeesid, the last three being minors and hat - I I 4 dr t a_ n 11. __ . ‘ all 111 a •.. i,' t • l a t 0 .. 0 , F rikc jip ,l, 1 ing Thos- M. Elliott of New Brighton; in said ' snip., Beaver 'et -1••• •I a iri-,t tik ,, n v.; 1 pt..,•0.1•11.4 `; county, for their gdortlien,-and all other; iii.tled to the under igne.l. t..: - • t erest ed. grceting-fl You . and each of you are are required to; 4osie inialitiate [.outer, hereby cited to he and appear before the lion. 1 those having 04,,,..?,04 well srri , eat tnea,,r Judges of our said court, at an Orphan's Cotirt. ' erly euthentieatO for Frit-lel: 1 ' 0 -, ; to, be held at Bearer on the third Monday :of , 111_70 . 1 hllliSitAl.l., North -eat:...! P. Marelz nest. 1867, to I accept. r refuse to takt . i ., felil''-'' 67 .: . _ • - !" .4. ' ° 'l,' the real estate of said intestate at the Talna- I ADJOURNED SALE Of VALIABI. tine of the inquesti, and fouhrt. to eon:It'll:le as i follows, sittiat •in the Iturongli of Irt eetinin ; REAL ESTATE AT_ OtKP44rs:, i aforesaid, to wit : Purpart ....I.'•house,autl let 1 COURT SALE ~*- - , 1 1 valued at $12.00; Ptirpart •11,"being 'racsEt lot I 1 lyitig, north Of pnblie road, or street; val-1 1 . 31: )- ,i, t i f , , 1- - 1.. -•-• ono , ' t, 1 - .. e ta:ll{. tolosndtaaitn?n;g26o; one e urF i t d r t' • s- C one-fourth bciti lot of ro u nd d g. 1 1. ! ..t t i, : e. 0 ., r, h rt 1 , 3 ‘ , , t: i 1 1 t v e e n. , i . .y 1. :; . , , , , , t , ii. d:.i. . „, 0 rt le . t,.i loortl o f f %gigue* st 1,, , vaided_ats4.l6; and tri the • of the real estate of - tlyb;cp . l V.11'.•,• . 111 . .• the rime should not non * be :1').1 sh ow A trenaeuesikep;hoi: '. under ij-?'";1"g' its. p :V.: 1 1 ' .: ° 1.1 0 .:; 1 7 ' 1q 4.4 1 estate, w il l}sp ans rule. 1" J. ,S. LITTELL, 1 febl3:-G7 1,.. • • J • ' ' 4 iheriff "1 " "' • ' - : t-erv. at tile Court ti1...0; 11 i , e• - .' -7, 1 -.... -:-_-___ • ~__,_._. - • ifOSDA Y...11/r... 1 ...1r , .t.';,irt , I • NOTICE IN , PARTITION. al 12 o'clock. M., 'ail tie if.i..o 1 1.14 "d: r , -m'.4 I real estate - situate in i.ait 4 ; ....lot, .1, , z e ite. I.DZAVER COVN . TT, , 1 1 • , ,' 4- : .• ••: Slate ofPeuttel% snit,. ,' 1 . JI ...' ~ , , .- 11 'S the Orphansledurt of Beaver eounty.• ha- : No. I, • A..:adretly let N .. . 2-•'L h'r' .. 4 . I I'l It the lionCirable Judges of saidCentel. 1 containing about tt .le, ee.I.:;;•ia•le,1111 pp--F „ !In the matter of , the petition fur partition of „of the Res.:l've tree% Ito. No -.'s / 4 ' ti,:• , ri i ".., the real estate of?-George -Smith, (We'd. And ' lane, &c.' all ' cleared a! 0 ouA#t fel , ' ida h&lit '', , Inai to Wit : Noittretb4r ...kith:lB66.'ole Court i which are ' erected rit e 1-.etio ' I grant - a rule on the ,1 6riiand legal represent a i ceaesd; a large two stork brick iet:hil,',l'? Oyes of the sttid.,O6 rge,§thith, deed., ty wit:" 8 no-en's and lan : frltute'kilq::;'• '''''' 4'ZJ ' i:l. Wiltlarn gatith; p,et,t er4resitling in ,Wash.) good cellar Underneath lull. se ,a, 101: tgli, l Viisiting4t county, Pa.; Jas. i good eist stre'im•le: neat 111 ii'le kittn''' t t,, • i f s . g S t i l3 u n it h h s , t hose..Post-offitie address is Library, 1 frame dwelling house !Ile ' 1.1 "'.'"•11" ' i s t i ll i e ti gbe , t , i n y, s P e a u .; d : i Ma ß r e y av Eliv i art v i:, l a eiatt:r, re- 1 ,, with four . theme :' ..i i lfr A , e lre . h lb sa :f- l i Agave Cake,ot kip, , bor er r , (sto i ne . barerneut 1 ••• 11 1., , ,, .4f h, c .. •:;_ ki .,i,.,, I , .. co u n t zt .e y w s :i fo r r c e a sa s i l d t ; T Syl n r ; s s h id M g, in when' Y' lal l i r b i :aril° 1 1 h u o n: as to n e e: n il: ll = o :3 % l a i s r .n e.. t t b .n a ll gy i ii • mi f.. ..1_,0; ! fr,oro, in Richland count y Ohio; Nancy &jut- : tyro story frame tenant h i ftto; ss . titj'; g4 t ', i . bertson, a sister,lstl , ose re idenee i's uoknown; 1 , hone°, and - other out bkliiiiltlgli 1 4 t C. 1 4,4 Jane Link, a slate now et -widow,.of 'Marshall i and improvements in eite2l o )r 3 . - . ' 1 ,, 13 , I.' county, West Vir ginia; ,lilleti Parker, a sister, 1 orchard on the pre:nit: o l ( i wife of :James I Parker;lresidint, When last ; deSignited as pm part . - 1 " t" I''' . •:, t ta . heard from, in the vicinity of Cadiz, 'Ohio, : panyin i k the cetera of tile in ritoi else . • and all others interested. to ehew cause, it' any i titiou ass-es.t..t. % . to `tr.•'l,- 0 the,y_have, why an inquest to make partition 1 No. 2. A trust i,f Int J in' lirig,:c r , 0 , said pram , ` ati, or •ealetation of the reel estate of said intestate ', thip, bouipleti soUth itr gihe tad" n .1, 1 0 wititild itotlie awarded at - an - -Prplainue Court • by lauct'of Hugh 'A atiert6e, n01.68 11 '4 . it . to he held at Rehm!, in sticifOr the county of: tries, or parkliNo. g. n"t herilLs '4f . ; 7 . .:' , r•e' - ' i Beaver, on the the. t t,hird I Monday of March, I, peril:zed, Coat alung 174 ll' le , , 5 '.... d ft • I , 1807. A true copy of Bale: • ' About:9o acresteleured 1 , ,111 tr. 1 ia.. i t _ 2o . . 1 Afte t. II • 3 : , J. S 'LITTELL Sheri ff . cultivation ,l lat •c well I ;Lahti ed ,r,l, , • A Washinfr'em special says: The • - - • 7 • l - - . i_s- , '-' - - - .1 ' .,. -- ----- t well wieletd; & de l :igitied ' e, Pa i r: " ' i .' i I . l4SOlitierli3g . ..A.l - AF. _enticiork !I' ; the return ofitie ing l ie•dinfortem a • ; .41 iiepUblicini of this District are mak- 1 lug a very thorougli and active, rain- 11 CIoLPIERS ulib have t.,, „,•.-, oof dot wl'ile.servirtg in tiat U. S. Army , aforesaid, htmodea ni' • / te r dr : paign in preparatiOV for the ed fiorn the ' service, and ! coln ! a F , • hondrably'discharg lieett wounded in lens; ... No. .‘t. A :tyae... , t s o i f fl l - tTiit il lt i l: f t r..., ! . j . municipal elections in, this city -:aid ' rbri.iit e atill - ,satle to --do ; Ketizie and trazt.sNo. 4. i tlroul, ,_ yt , Georgetown. The Republican associ - liiiiiiii a la tti.4stlll:`S' - ,. t ' &air) , cretarali Re: ' Glitrigoil duty : Oan i east by - Act/3.41.05. Nr- 9el , : i t v il .. ,, e s:li 3 =.• , Power end ' others , and fees! L. ,. P . 1 1 `, 0 ,'„,e' anon is•takinis Mold ~of the wOrk lin , gory. Corps) Regular Ar ny, at No.' 1 4 0 Fourth - ' d • 6 Idt '' • 1: ' ' earnest aft ris u ntrtneet ngsin the: Street, 1 3 ,ittsbur I gh, Pi. .21-',_ i . , , perehee. A hout Se: a_.‘ l,l i , e . xO l I'7 I . above - - desotibe.l. co ntrit,Tlllg e i lt l x : e.l i.r. d ,at . . „. ' iid ;erste . of 'euttleatian . Woo". • t o o rdifforent; witrdeltail fusgpagapx,„illstry I The 46th is a new Ite4lineOt: mon oommi.r.! g° d - . o „,i I,..itiui l PF 0. `associations - ..., --, , i ,, ..4 -- .. tr ,...,._..y : eioned stiff and non-eo n ruissi-ned officers of . bere 't *6-1 ' "`"'"'', • ' l4 • - ---'' chif° .. •zontpdseu GI u.O witi:te 1 i lins t tT i,,,, i 1 .; . . :. .• - i o bar,t4ii the 'pramites. awl " 7:: / ',,,:i7;.! p q es•remsta Who eppotuted. 'goo I and colored ,., eitiFeyis4 .' The ,Lepleked'i inAtited lint - do • : a e a a from ? hay hoods. • 1 "" 1.4 " . ' "'''' ' - y . to• ert7son- uty: --, Any , ~ . -- • . . 5 .„,. a ~I, 011 7' league's are also holding public - rne'pt. - 'wounil, - howoratrelight.- tattles a Mall i.O join, ••‘ L 4°l " - P lot 11 " I : . ; ,• • .i.Eistreit vaiibtarp*ltAtt Ar. the , :two ; lei. Woundrivhich disqualify, arm loss or shorten- 1 ar° " ;41 " .11: -- -".• ' 1;4 1164 :".•*. ties, whlc` h are addressed _ by , !white: mg leg or arm. or werind preverutios appli : -.• ''f,h• 64 "'''' euil " . " 4l!.l'e ' '''''''' VI a"oo(le.nadition. lime r.111;t 11 - ":-., 1 ,..., !fast !tom watklnror hkodliiig *nos, -Itegi" • . 1 ' ' I r . d ..i• -• , iold 3cP.ar' lte 's t° t?' and colored speakers. They slob die t. mentatetioaied at 're lorlterraeka touiiiti • ' cuss the politicsik,topies of tuo day, 1 Ky. Add toss _Beaver . ; . lin %I 1 0 , e. _, Tge 11 " frtleacribed, or 1 wo' at' 19.,P , P. 7',.. i , m ot ' Y Ilk:i. P. ItI.7 . NEkLE, t h e t urcP.7, f Q ., and it.struct the colored rotes a, asi to: • ' ..Majoi 4:50, r.:, l Irdkr.try V.'"it. i' , ! 1 !" / '''. /-- "P"` . tLicd • °l 1 ,„':,,f 01 ' , "le their duties in their new palitical4cOn'..: - .:ife1i13:47.;-"zOil , : . ' ' f Prreseusto:-P-ti ditior.., , ' ------ .... .,,......—..-.....„....., . frafil site date 01 ~ . i , j tl) 1.21 psid upota etzutirlas % _ i 4 , 1 , 1 . A 1.3.;;., - ' j in . t •. ff ? Y ea r* ' • . • i ai ,. :he del! rt ,' s • ' , With . interest ifala t's%ate 4 • ~.,,, ~., "Your itilleSyttirii," ;stottueMA tube •.,;,ii•L - - , i 1,,, - . 0,1 • 1 .'4 1 ' 1 0 70.:;f: - tier, count*„ "' formerly 1 • For forther'inc•Volktiwi tiro' i i • Jelly, deeeasei. is 1 mutes iigii. , l: ,4 . •,, . 1 _ L e , . For . pertioulara. ed- . .103 •C .. .W .. i . 1....0L . . , t.lnts , '.i - \t „ft LLY, ' •. ' • .' .:37;77.,... - :. , .-. , . ouu ,„. r, • ,Youpobedie,ntund . hwi),blq§er-vnt, SZVON 'CA3IEItON Ha E.Coijepey., I.OcIDLN. • I 'Mrs:Lfan 11 1, 8iittlenikvitectilfej . .riimi gAitmi ,Generll bvi New I. efi in illEr - Asitghto . n . ,p;ir Re fiat ' earns:mita. ItiereMa rt . r: retOinled by : * Citbc•iir. cl.e”y• L t;nl I, _ - ':ttftoi = N' --., D. ER SE N " • • A • 4iit Art# ' L our lerge Stock lof Wint ry to - be closed out, ortontsLiog CHE AP. j INMOI rz ._ k ~' i f [ • 'Will be of 'greet., stivintnge lo . th l i people of ‘Beaver'crotinly in purelinsint GOOD . GOODS `„,,t, a . (4II,EXT4i6DOCTION. ••: -I 1 ---. .' , AND COMIDEIi ~,,, T BF, liir - firi l 4eviiii . or'the If . 0 . 3 - t e., : .f: ~..tai t ' . T ' llait. we hare bought ". *Jr sto,Ar 'ai:jiLie the. i:r.o.4s'l.schoo7Blwliir'e-blitiU(.::4i;e.t.l:lZ,',)e'':',,l',l,2eCol:ol,iti.:.:7l:'lCtici..tril, . . bot decline the muncoensisting of , I. l * - • .. ,t: ei„ lierm „.1, 0 , 011 ~i,.„,, 1 . , , emr et o 1 French 3ferinos, , !riots, ~ it t i ro. 0'35 justitotion.' Nil heourt. e .. 4t A l , c o b urts;.. . . -., .... • ; ',:.:: , ,:r• ...Flannels,. _ _ ... 1 ..,',,-., , taught •In a r t , t t o c h il - i rre ti ho , :' i ll t s i ir::ll.‘l,-ti7oee'l o tt :l" i i il 7 , 4 ll4 - t ill ; I"prir.fi Toelairief ' . 1 ' Ticicings, •• . _ and ever y T m et u b s i l e, i r EL L s i , i7n, . •-, . for' . obtaining:li, kne a tt l e c 'tife f..,•,) 1 Poplins, ' ci"Oplin,Stripes, ,l 1 the Sciences ari I Cl• ' }lmpress Cloth. ... I, Shawls, • '. : lloardirig:nol rooms • a ill he, - fon,' •,.-',. - 1 •L•otirfoi I, Ail wool Delsixtes, . . 1 . , . Blankets ; .• . St ad;uts - in tLie t o al l al in..,i l'e.anstir e ,a . ) • Gloves • . - . ROOLIIR for self honra:ng• . e..ta 1,,, ,riteib e 47l 1 Delaines •' ' j • • • . -•., , ~Ging}k a ms, .; -... 1 . Hooas A.' Scarfs, .cfenired.- ~ • , -..-• . . .4 . . l' Together with ap endless variety of . Foreign' _ , 11 . a s tos oL s ' qiit . i,lol.. for t.,-,•,,,-...,f fourteen cr ee . o l : sena Domestic G.dorle,,,ull of wtholt er,tlll pool, .. 1. .. ra . d t . q d ., ~ : . 1 . 4 114 .g_ h et Ma , , ”`tEtt!leg. SF) t i . ,!.. ' tiVitrtitir illid regardleiefo . cdsk i t prdifr 60 . tiger 1 W . F .: lei__ m.,.22 .. e_Te L. 0 . , _ 1 • 1 ,, , lie . 1 . ,Scirn - cee. tz 4 oui„our idede stoek. ' In givi . ng ttil .1 . 1 . call, you; I', ~'"'"Y "'"5.."! . .7; 1'" . 1."'..:•3 will finrh us always in reeilihele l lto shOw . our- ..., •• ~ A . It, I ...1.1 ?Al t. A. Bp• • 1 ' . .. dt en leave it to -1 •; ' - pia -. • • • ... . Ai, •- • . goods yrith pleasure, en _,...,b ..• t.. fet ,i 'i . l'A ' ' : IFI(); - 2 • - ' 1 • i t --, 1 ,C , . , r J -' • -•' T- '. : .HOUSE FOR. SALTET'I , '• . I 4 ' Mit' SF. on - . 1 neatly otiellielf 1,,. e 4- : . , •. • ‘, , 1 Ow . „,.„.,,,,,.,,le in ilo) r - i;lic t iti o f I;4 m i, ' -:- . 1 ni i ni n i Tha . .. 1 , e ,, pl y_ . e . 41 ; 1 e: t in t s . m ri tif n ui I . l o6: l : l Etie ,p r ,. y r.e : ii : . :. i t I le ( id. pv, _] : , _ ~ ..,.*:.;:;Age.:::::::::7:::::L.c.,:i1111:11 111: _ . 1 ,l' fails.' .. . •-1 ." 1 I 1 1 . 1.. ._ . • I ... 1- • •'.. . ' - it'CoOrt 11.416, ~;,. ,i. e 1,%;• ,• -• I , sr " Judgment: .- Fittally;'we wentetl.e.e] that we , .___-..__. _ _ . . _ • . ___ , r• • , L ' ~ . giterantee full satisfaction r'Ogarding • the . . g.,-. 4 0- it : sAL - E .. .. f tre c r i s i e t i ct ip l a o t b w p G(I e to ri;e d e o lli e u 7 r :; , cy 'v esin t . i :, " : l l la L o r t i h Y . 4 li t e :S e es z a: 1 ; filth lot. e: i n i 1.. ii , ~.4,111,,ntri utt,kl ir .. l . - .r i - t a t tlii i.2 .s I . , j oi et Ld .. , •,-,. i Tltlra Mnvel , 11'44 ,Ikll.l 4..1 I, , arie to an 14 r L . . • - Therese &laterals:et r. , f 1 ,;..•,,i f,,iiii on tie iteit - 1' The house ii li * 00 .4i i tft , tl l.t !Ll:Lilildki-e I;Q ,eight rooms anT1, ,, . , : , .1)...1,,,•, 4t . :..t ilia thr via : end of :town. : I:A6c, his tarn,.) iy :: . r..trei.e4aiap . ei ti e , i . ,Joseph A. Wray [arm. :t . 0 I a'', ril:la4 c=rib of !71,,,,if e i.. hs. gt,cni ' ii.q , r-iplaoiw...*Oi.ail tz ,i, LI tittv V. t 13 ti [bi ......-- i• , l ,1 r n ..r• i , :t1,,,,:r,, .. , ,• , ...,•: . .I,tov - IN 1i . ,...1; t„iker, , a. ~,...,:m), 1 .,,‘„,.. - ,,i,, n tl a ~ +. • • ' , eitirquuding tAstil-; .:. e ins triAni , - •-•J'i• •• , - ' ''i , - eV i-i. , . • :or the Aiiii-:crirlo ;4; 1;c:i , ...1, , '- , 17 •.1 , ri, snit! 1),. 1,,,,, toyLtten . d.s-aall .1,1011,4 to . . ~. • • , . 1i ::I;, 11. Si 1;".:,l' ,1 *- 1 favor us with their pp ronngeo'„ - • ' 1 , • twirl f.;',37 . •11t., 1 ... 1 .. _ .. i • , - Verb respelitfUlly, . INTEREST. . - - -- - - , .1 . : • . • ' 4 . . ii. — T u .1 , ,t , :r ~._, - Tis r iST , I.!EI9N , 1 ,41. - . RO7S . LE .. R. „. . ,: ! . ~,, 4,,•1 , , :' .. f l 61.) ; -11 .im. -1 : 11, % 1-- ,,,,,,, --1 6 : itib f-V w m i , 'I ~. , i In the Diailibitd, R . ochester,l'a . : .. 1.,.-- 7 0r .,'°.7: 1 :;,'"A`' : ' , " I ':; , f i a h 3 e ' L l': . l : - .. i i t i3 ' , Y . i ,, z duo L. ~; 1 i b c o i r t x ., . • 1 - —,— •, . . „ , • NOTICE IN PARTITION .-:' - '"'' ""' " . " 1 ''''''" -I'6' ' `S lit- 1"1" l' e ' t 1 'around hr. r.pitek. with, :: • I•tatt• t,t , 11. *host';- RnavEn. Cotts!rs, lb:.. •.. . ..- i I sirs 61,1-, straicht.; hiv e. ort,Any z:ltt,',ll. , 11N the t)rphins' Ccfurt of seitrtoitnty.before . turning her. or , an. iiiiol"lit.Cst..ll ics.l44 tt:11, 1 il . the Ron .B.ll: : Chatobarlin President ,ett ,- 07":litIrsah ,, •:1. c - I;; fatlVlritii . i. rewardvth i - his associate Justicee ..... said eonr,t. in tII ft i —., 7 : • l'KT.r.k ANA I E!.. 'l _ , [natter of am partiti6u of 0.4.: .. rail rstat,t, ot t - .. • I ''' '''''.."'"' t is t"""h 4 1-14 : 1 i - -ti `,,A.Tam Graham titse'cV, 'The CotornontsCalth of t -., . • .. i i';c-::1 1 '-'" ?", 4 ` , 11 1 L i. 47 ; 4 Petinsylvattia, to Nancy. Graham, (aiitiow, 1. . ,, , c, r , e .. , r(1 .,,,, , .., r , r ,,,,„ I , Nf.ary B. :Atirquits, fOrntesiy Mai?". B. Graham ; - ' - ':' s 'i -"' -' j'`‘-'l-t1 MIS _ N EW JAY ZOODS sToil E o:1. -$.s.7% .1 ',Meet Side, neat Marko • • u , - "Aul J P! TTSLIIIRG li f 4. 1 i.tlo.ll.Ulit2l ST P I 1....- THIS 1 - •-..,-,......:, i - . , s i - a - - - • T 3i I, ~ „LAC i LCI P 4.113 •tp "IltsiNt,,pptirtti . gu t ), .: f r 0,0, _knight _Th'r„/:- art cli t , , m , 0% 3_ is tidtiterttiliiis o. l atje.in'l,?Pt 1)'; kului it 4 4 - 1 1 1-st ook, . . CAL/C.7OFX ~/=.- 1 - '‘ -.-" =1 *./..,:laptetti...l l ' li OA i t ;irei).m 17. , urt .v, - - 12 4', i k - - .. . q .0 -1 - trke r.l IA 13 L N .1", 1. 5 ;:' AA . S.: • ... . - :•5 to v.,1 41 , z , 74.1 . Cl., EA ..V. BL'A ..A . K 1 l'S . 1 : • • ' , (1n ' l '; FR rwrl,4-1%-‘:x 6•61.11',' • , n, A - -LS-6131 0 . 0 .v,v ri; s. . 41 L'A' 1 -v-('-'i P. - 4 C- 4 s. 4e. , - ; ~.,,' .Th• at "a -wile' ite 1.,u1.11 tti•pitte-:.(7,,,,i' rr hob xale (it P..awtri.'l"7 ,ee,..1 : - p0b142-t t! a, ' - ' 7, St LECT ; SCHOOL ' 1 • , -,.,:z.f. I ) El MS , -,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers