*mai CoWats, the re resat Senator from this State received the Democrat., lc caucus nomination for U. S. SOD+ tor, and waeroted for by the 1 Demcoz, erode - members of tlie Legish tam"' yesterday. It matters but littlaiheth er a roan been a traitsr ; too Ills country or to his party he ha s only p) , ask latter - day Democracy fa . upport, and be receives it at once. 'r -( - The BOUND Speaks hip Axl' ia. yr . In last weeks Argus vre took owe. 1 i. eion to express our o n views of the i causes which lcd to oitl. Quire defeat for; the House SPeakerrhip. Below will be found the opinion - of the Phil- adelphia Transcript, a paper that has been daerminedly,in favor of General Cameron for the germ s , on . the dame subject. Is will be sn that_the same - feets are given b) the Transcript ie connection with the Seakership that Were submitted by as last week ; and that Col.' Quay's, defeat wee brought about by a twlit' In • between the friends of Senatorial' candidates % ow., posed - to Curtin, and because of- his being - the known eltome of the latter for thou posstioli; Cef. Quay, standing 'alone and aloof iron( the Senatorial qriestion,_ would have Veen elected Speaker-of .the Houle without.- acy serious opposition. Tho, Se 'isttoria Straggle. 1 • . IlasaMica t i, Jan. 5, 1867. The General Asse bly of Pennsyl vania convened on Oiday last. The interest which centered in it* couven• ing was greatly inereased.not so much by the mere choice o men to repre sent the organization . 0.1 both braechne as it was to show tht s trength of the division of the Rep blican party La the Legislature • on the • Senasoritil question: Ever since the adjournment of the lait. Assembly, the friends of . Governor Curtin• were busy consolida. ting . a forte to make him United States Senator. The soldier • interest_ —so ,to eat! it—was'Wielded with great force' in his favor before the tnasses-of the peortle,. and there is no denying that the Gc:vernor had attained a sort I of' effervescent popoiarity,a • sett 'of surface 'reputation, ti , / huh made him, assume immense p ro portions to the gate 'of politicia outside of _the State, and which glee him that: kind of the State, and which gave bin. that kinder flimsy strength at bane that - 7 - 1 --- - lasts only while it, ie left uncontested. A Reutonetranoe . , • lAs the nominating conventions WOW 1 On Monday morang lat a iremoe. , bled in the Republ ican counties, Gov strance, signed by eight, hundred dn. lids took ossessio ernor Cut tin's frig p p. . 1 iof them and:were allowed to do juet sans of this county, was sent from as they pleased, so that, after the Oe this place, against the passage of a law totter elections, that • gentleman, and by which the use of 1 crude petroleum I lhia backers flattered, themselves that de plahloited for illuminating ! ' he only was regarded' nt the mass of purposes. Ws have Do ribt - but that i LibrPeePle as the Fittest. man cf all the 1 I &spit ants for Senatorial honors, to be ivery,adult in t h i s coun y wedld have i - !elected i M n rCo ' Role place. I am append - 4d his signitt?re to dim paper! thbe al etific in m .statement, to pre-, if ~,,,lime and opPortunity hid been leertre the truth of ststory. It is r!ght. . gieen. ; Ab it la, it to clearly shown , fully c vow . to butte that Gov. ertm an ,• ' ' Itd hirblaints before the people both that the passage of en eh a law as is 1 ' ' H , obatdimplated Wadi' be looked upon i Must havethe boleti*. of Chid feet, in IS ~In Unjust and harsh one bi almest,".order them the readers of the Tran., IStremy pessim in this vicinity; and Jo ' script' i t io be enlithtened , and enabled` -ilortlia id this general public itinttment, t! ° 11 1'1 4 'eeitt te „ hie - 'zeellee,ela Troent: , . osition. Auer ttte °donor e ectioni we appeal to our Sonetor arid,Repre ._. 11. - S. Q uay ', a rep esentalive Jr om Bea; tentative,' to meetithie contemplated ver county, was ut i forward as the at. promptly when it' comes hp . in the Curtin Candidate for Speaker. 15cp. I. filature; and to do their utmost to closely was Mr. nay allied to Curtin's -, - • , I' , • . Intepst, that he actually denlined to, recent Its pomace. The priposition consider any nth r man's claims,boldly .is MI 4141 W one to the PaaPla general - assuming that h would stand or fall I Y,' and of Pplissounty particillarl ,and in his contest fo the Speakership,and is so' regarded by J ell disintereste per. his preference . f i r Senator. -1 .:eons. - I - .•., ~ ', TIM 70 07 WAS. • _ i ••••—••••••_,. r•••• _ , 1 Here commenced the tiig of we! -- The TIM' On IN'hiskir• The friends of lir. Stevens and those , . . . ' Kr. Iteveane Collector : Wells, a of lir. Grbvi didinet feel strongenough g•sly Policy" rasa, in iae report urged to oneet Ma. Quay, Slid - at one time ' were partly mcimed to yield hint: an a reduetien of t hi s tax o h - n n--i e b Y election; but - the - friends,. of General ,Wharton, of the Lticql, !nil also, in Cameron .did wit partake cif that ei n 'favor of . cutting thirtax doWn ; but descending nature. General Cameron , the Ways and Muni Committee of ;the was toa'; eftgaJtous not ' to • see the!, :} l, llouse of Sepresenfativis, not gtivto,..n. i t Quay's , electio . n it? . ,Ithe Spe d akershi 1,1 '.'ed the advise of either of these an avowed Curtin candt ate, w u - i , give Curtin a prestige in the Rep b-, sages, has p erversely - concluded to i H ea p eauce ,e w oLieb could i 4 1 • 1 i.Oklia oter: ' leave tbatax as it now is. : 1 1- I come. The obi chief, therefore row" lv - , —1 i II • . We do not now Isretnember thersa , l ed to strike a ow in the initial rn v . ii:- sons given by the Commiesioliei- for I mu " for " 2° l! organization of li, J t HONDO which would at -once exhibit this request , bit it rtquiris but little .h- ' ~ _pa a yie t e 'a 1 l' h tetglicity to understand why Wharton's I working forces lof his oppooents. 1 It. •49tigArsiole wits Written advoCatingNis a bold e ff ott, entirety pee - gib - a - to . - ..ibir fame Ud e l l: - R . b e d,, age to th a t the man. It' required.: deileake mea -1 1 &gement esti . diplomatic 'skill and hens ploiassf persons who°" P*". au ' that cau t io n while dealing with aii i sees '.0.1 310 10_0 WI in the utility of "dee of nietr,f for which General Cainiron for coo kie twee and for purposed of has.beeeme so celebrated.' ' usvigatioik btilil.who nevertheless i:in....• Tux maul . sArt „ owzD DOWN AND /OMIT. her, that' Oil • L l* "thirst quencher" is , iii'!, i. ' One week go, Mr. Quay had a J ut thetl ' in g• *i n etbt'r w°rae , majority of the Republiean members it as laid he prsferii .whisky for drink -_ of the House in his lava for Speaker. th e P lir P t l eig " i i all other Ib i l l iiik_,_ the law '' Re was preferred for personal reimene., thetofOro.to - foetor of having um law . Ths ova good qualities attached these Ille eete - eded . so to enable .b!ia • to get it ,00lleause to is cerise; hence it Was . -144 • A .I ' l o P l mtm e nt e e lytnbt„ i n° , ' that " mots ilia I - one , Of Galeria Caner. A tf,6 % .,d, T0t ak,,,,, e y nti.f .,,,,i r r y 0 p r ie .,_.,., D0 0, 4 .,„ . ......,,,,rd_ kinc , fr, : n c0 d.„ . .. 1 b . „...,, t1 _ •ani efts tolcontemplatond were k r . qua for the tspeakersbip. Neva I mei& bacritees plaoe,we woutdseser ert a e i eee , a m p ere ; c amerae perce i ve d oitit on" sail theta' on wb4y, wit gat Mr. Qua ' s tininess would be pis hreoglitt &awn. ' ~ - conetroed ; t at what was in minty - gr.,Quay's personal popularity; if at loied to succed, would be bruited over tbi &O , as GOVOrnix•, Cillrible, strength for ! the Senatorship'. Tivm I , thislaust, this stork an ,this conteitisl aireatir boo n t.; the people of Penh . . sylvania.' 1 can be records, in, ifitsi words, viz: L 0 contest for, yaii Sieak. ship of the oast OfitereSentlitlVlNl 1 - *Di 11-4,SL 040‘WO011 .drew,: G.J Curtin sad mon CoMeree- I .t we'a , tallassiimen of their plate as polth. flies'', ;a. ' of tbeirsktil aalasoo 3 . l 4 - vasuagfos high plum; iedtbs result his Wei a egnilioOin,TiniOrY for Si an* :,13iini cia- Every. SPIPPORIPLirb 'trite Went i tb abs caucus. woe Sally . 1 iivarost•W t ,tpurstkat of Sperberebip was redo to this Issue: . fir: Quay represented Glovernor Curtin' ; Mr. - Gass p fed General Cameron. The lat r'esiectfon is as =oh stin a- I fieto eroa's ' ty as will be . Cameron's election? to the, United . States thane. I m tHE IEALVer u .-11N1ITA4D, ;: .Ammisa 017.1 r H ME oo*-Tioarable Birgit Mita U a abort time ago, a ', t ibial in: vivjettrinitO ettind mt J orer,!tbF 'Conn, bell ; at Pittibbrgb •4* .4414. -/biaue? from hOmp for spina time wgi therefoto bi in Una— Touli t 0 seoebeity. t ; **ea States Sena oic 1 ~ Tit -past wie# has been_ prolific in 'making botninitions for United States 1 Senator'. SOM o of these a IniiiiitioDe' bare already resulted in ele Liens, atd begot! the Week expires al of' ',them Will biliVeTeediVed a insjoritYlof the votell'ef their respective Legie l latures• . „4C - #.134n0n - Camerori; of/ this State, sio,noittiaited. by the Vnionißepub lklan:fmucas of :the Legislitur on - the - -11414 . 0114 so this iteetion , ivas fixed for the Toth, we lifaveito I doubt tin t that, I . ne:Wil ditty elect ed yesterday.,l This' win iiiiitillialhird term it the Sulfite r if .the Vollso States: t_ 4 . HOC Rowe Conklin. at ;present • a nseoft4E" Of the United Statee House i _ of: *epic/tentative', from H e y ,York, : waists° nominated by . the Re Publican camels of the Legislature foi the Dui= WI Staters Senate on Oho-101,15. '"He is rit4r *ming ' ids . third term \ in the 'Houk and will wake an efficient aid able genitor. . lisiti. (.1. D. Drake, of Missouri , wag alio, nominated on the 10th by the UniOnists in the Legislature of that State. lie is a Radical in' politi l cs,ind both bold and able inl, the advolutcy of -• • bis . political opinion . 1 Th is is kie first, . eppearance in ofliciai life. 1 Gov.. Horton; of Indiana, wee also aeniinated last week}, by the Republi cane in the -Legislature Of that State as their car.didate for United', States Senator. He, is one lof ' the belt, men for: that•positiot in , the 'United States, ' and every loyal ma n in the . ci3untry • • will rejoice to knew that in the CAUCUS . I but onc,vote was given ageinst • 'him 'Teti faecal same to till* that Lilo rAti propommon 4,0111111t41 111 W p.-3 es the *M of erode piitrolimm IC bat a iinan'a Ural, grit op to oar patriotic .411!N11141 1 / 1 111110 la kick 0,4C 3 and 400 hit borne claim great merit for, done This is oalir tatithor ttat‘ 4414 OM 49, etlitOrt of Magid :vetilikkra of 1 1 , 1111 . 0 1_ ... 1 _46 kamd! shot Like kw. lOW/ r b git lb* basins* ;Wir ed& of Um Sooty' in wig& Ably li+% "rmtliniiat __tiikteir&V i k t icAL6- sititimato m er•:oit 4 SAL A UM** baiktsio terkood a itprthOMIVIP - 41,A• pubiks 'welfare :are paideritothot Away otter into their retoetione. Thrff wonid • rather -kirk at the heele,of private individuals than be caair,bl doles any : t 5! ri; promote 111 e goaeral good.. 131 !NEM di:orica.Brase. s• - . 11 • T k,t -". i ----' A * j 1 d 001114 - niiiellitirina l i ale yr.-Pleat_ 1 1 - A nor inititirtisithe were resittited . Od erred.. ' ' • ‘ ••_ ear ''' ,•-• , ~. , ';-'' Mr. Sumner presented claims ths Neer_England Bmigrants Aid Society for 825,000 damages donate property la Leavenworth, Sans* Tenter?, by a _.mob some years , ago- BefeirelY_li! the Committee on Claims. Mr. Lane reported' tram 'the Cops: am on fensione- bilk getiiiting: pan-. Moue to 'eridOws of: deceased'Union soldiers of Best Tennessee" :mho were hung by the Rebel þ's( during the war when caught harmless. bridge nesOLnozilill. - the pee lion ie mesh , case: is _eight dollars pet' month, and dates from November, 1861; Alto in creasing pensions of iridoWs of ',iota: ternary soldiers-married before-1600. Mr Morrill; from the Committee` the District of Colombia, reported ad; versely, on the bar Suoulliisg . all lifira eadordinances of the District cif CulS amble, and of several Territenies mak. logs distinction betwes persons on account of color, and for pentehment of *officers *Aid , persons who may at tempt to execute any Sikh- Jaws or otr diminees contrary to the provisions of this act. This subject. hir 'said, , bad eiready•been acted. -upon - 1 1 n the, sat' fiage bill. ' 1 ' . • The bia to provide fur the payment l of pensions was taken up, and after discussion postponed. The bill fur adenieeion of Nebraska was then tak tp ? up. • Mr. Johns addressed the Semite in opposition e the pending amendment, coetending that Congress had "no , poiirer to regulate - the suffrsge gua r Lien. ' ' ! Tne debate was further coo tinned by; Messrs. Sumner, Wade•anif others. Mr. Johnson in the coarse of his Sr gulinint on the equal rights of the States said Limas the Intention of the coned titetioo to place all on equal , grouide, and tor that reason he was optesed to the amendment. , Mal. Wade hoped the. friends of the bill 'w.ould not vote for Mr Brown's amendment !The other was , at alt events harmless, and would result in the immediate admission Of _Nobriiki. • ; After a protracted detrate, Mr. Ed, moird's amendment was 160., - yeas 16 /. .„_ pays Li: , t , Itlx. Brown's ameedment was also voted down; yeas B,nays 22. 'Mr: Edmonds thee moved his amend rnent as an amendment to. the original I hill: Not agreed to. ' Mr. Buckalew • then spoke against i the bill asserting that the constitution t was rejected , by a fair sole.ei the pto pie of Nebraska. ' :, • hir Cragin believed COngress' win bound to admit these Territories'. and ell .irregularities would be sur - Uewhat 'remedied, by such admission. Mr. Wade—Let us : have a vote, . on :the bill. -.- - Mr. 1r moved teriinend by adding as an. .additional ;Section kis I termer - proposition,lvhieh - .. earried.l yeas 20; says 18. ' • - • • On motion of Mr. Wide the bill' tit' admit Coloiiiii6as a State was - - then , t liken app, . - ' . . 'Mr. wards moved to amer.d by adding the same amendment , *shish! I bad been attached to the Nebraska. bill. Agreed to—Days 24, yeas 28. ' Mr. lienciricks, at 'adieus, said thie action wee' even mute irregular than , that on the 'Nebraska bill.. In addi- . tion to the small Imputation of Coltriet do, it was the int instance , of OOP' grey cheating a Constitution libiisli the people ad agreed on. • -, • Mg:Willey said he hadsoted against the hill to admit: Nebraska with, Mr. Bdinuteis's amendment biU. ,- Mr. Grimes saidjur thesame reason stated by 'the last speaker, he would vote against it. His conclisiee *mild not elloWinm taaot so inconshitently. , He helieited"the iiinendinent 'would be 'entirely inoperative and void. Mr. Doolittle read the stateatent or the Goveranient of Colorado, lb which be said that constitution Willi& indtb cation of the sentimente of the peo- Pie, nod that' there was bat twenty seven thousand people; that the en deavor to have it admitted Wasithe out Of wicked and designing .men, midst least =two-thirds of the people were opposed to it. "- , fir. Doolittle reiterated the charge that. this sdaiission Ma" only - to emel t...A-el the party, end that the proposed amifidiner.t'wes unconstitutional. ' Mr. Wide iiiiiiisis ,be hoped _ they would have a Vote immediately oi it. Mr. Wilaljks said while berated-be; the hill, bewould notiatiquisse• in the amondmeit: lie feared the majority hid put on record today something I which would return .to plague 0, taw eptOrs. ' c ;•,-.. -_- :-• ' • ' L , Mr. -Willey held himself respbesible' WI his' own.siiiiiieitiate for Ms totkiosid ' 'hp% to the - Staab* from' • Whilioiiiin, '(1:kocili(tle) who hid enough-to dis to talcs Ciro 'orbit own nonseietten -: Idr.' Doolittle disclaimed-any inteit. Lion of castle); imposspon Ott- the Bete. lator's high rnoralsatise._ "' ' •''' Mr. Edmunds believed poateriW would - rkitfy the . doctripe -ii the I*•tasiailinent... .. . , - ~. A vote was taken:midi* bill pais edk yeas r 3 , - nays 11, filessts •Pestet, G,rimis, __Doolittle tiad`Morgiiil Were among thatiittiu• . •'' • ' Mr. Kuson intrediviert reiohliacki to'lestare . thelurlidiet of tie 8114 telitoLindisti 4.11.10:0 Do' partmeat • Itesalttinsiiiwarimreed , o.timrieit• tisk: go - 1340740011. 0. - . 4111 1 .0trp., inform ,t.he Howie mod a, illieoessaryin tbi third aftfoisA tb Amity 'limb tiiselioetartirl**lNerpe k'tiA riv 6 04 _.1 4 11,, Aso. whweby 14,51,14,1,14,, f 1 .••••9B Isdiegio oan Mir* sins dOsied.' Alive i pos.pd. 1110.60ist liippm prist ili• backslid Postotleksito to Siw Tort. of ilitiou,..indruoting the Cuseittes es ' -- .--...... ^..1/. 6 ' Ways sad Ml .1 1 1 1 101 ,111 0 14. ah. limped • Aoss ,eveiae laws so thee .isan r thisio , lad dollars testa. Um., ; „ i'. ' 's' :- ' itek-; -, Seat.— Pla -.---: -';''is 71-` , .]_,,,i -;, , 1f, -. I , s hl i tioreo r t. 4 l l l . ~..--.. , : ---5 ... - / ..., ,di . notiogo iii .430 , ~ . eli on7Claiisa AO tefinsilir ihassder all: *alio • ,ferred by si o lseas of jtbe Wei libel sa° lool , J 1 40 1 114 AO etlarbfitlq - sr. lytocapplie loyal ci hutu la Eels.. JAW. 5-114-..-M :.: *OW pr.ss i tad ritiortfrOafllinJoy.a , Otis," eitAr. 41111.01,0 snsistmegorthe preeetils State, Goeenintent. 'll4 IbriOmmildlii..wd el . glare tinktillaty.five 'Writ States are the only litotes competent to pass judgessah—sPiih . ,th 4 ' Oatistßationsi AIW(./stent• s'. , 4lifsrveit'.. l 4 o Alia . 9 ) o l i7 s mitts* onßattensisetsCtkm. • i Pl* Tariff 'bill , Wait re • 'tad,: and oneth,scopten • • - to tin ca c ti , - . printed;fta - An . :eeetitlirno• :11.46 ,__, 1 ' ) t he Sings a till Meow- '' . - .2 . ----4•*--f l innisa l ., - . .; .The reign! ~. , cuder4f- bust, th e Speaker it', 'woeitli•-lor the considers "of bills of a privittiChar• acter. • L. 1 ~ r ti ' Mr. Deleon sof °hit., from ' t u be !Tom. ' ' ed lo • WM. n ii, report a t 1 pri. 1 vats bill s, , !eh were laid' os• the irTI table wi i kh reading. A 'atm rof otber'pewate bills were coned* . Mr. AsUbi reported, from the tkn. mitten tin Territories; a subititute for ' the North{ Carolina reconstruction bill, was te ldird to' be' printed sad, ~ recommit . I Leave I . . [ Jan. 12. was siren to the CommiticelotlWaysiaud Means to sit ' during Ant-session of the • Mouse. i Mr. Palwintrodnosd &lesolution 014 Oaring -Abet': the American Govern. Intent ought 'to . protect. Lateriese ift limit% but if people are compelled to subino, to' free , trade 3r. products of apt. ricultiite, they ought is have at the sametim e t i t i lee trade is products of manes* ' Referred to Wayland Mesas Coauttnittima. '.- s . After some- qtfiimportant holiness. the bill fouheadmiswou of Nebraska carneuprbut wha,posiponed, on motion of, - IMr. Othelleid, ,".-Ist , favor of the taint rtisolutimil giving the twenty per cent. ,dditiouid CiotepetleatiOn to Maas. meet cuipkyuesurWlailagtOn,'"which passed—.R against 42. .„. . ; , The Mouse, in2C.omfuittee of -:.tie _ Whole, eonaddered the legtilatire sp propriatiCti bill. ,The ninondisent to 'lnd nee theigipapriation of SNOW for sttinpraisa.ntZodo fouled. Without .. ._ lite° o n A k s; 0,1867.TP i =KO nottos,-.- corritetiStAhis bill the - Comm rn°, whin •., - -.. . _ .' i . ' eznan. Mr. l -1101 hgruducati a bill ogee- I Jan. IA —Mr. Lawry,' of. brie; . "on ' ding- tbsaiprovisiona of the bounty `behalf c$ the couimittee on tits part laws to. *Otero who died or wsrs..dis. lof the Senate, stated that there had NbledlitklliWlsrloagb by leave ,of a been nothing to report - in reference to coninisiniting-efiene, -withost fasit, of- the alleged corruption.. - ' - th e -„,igaii, 4 , ^- - 3 fr. Graham nominated' Thomas*. • Marshall, -of AllsgbenY, • fir United . nfrirs Tilatil sm. '' ' St4gisit Ssitatoi - - • - • - ''' -- r ; Mr: : Low r y . an apt to incorporate : t . - , . ttg• German insurancli and Tring Corn - ~, , .-; - • , • - 1 Pef,,7* „ 1 ~ - F, .._ SESATT; ' ' I _ M r. Ammo, an *l4 to ir.corporste i rairpditigranee or cal:ions of Free- i t!oe Jeteeettiwe C.,e(neter,3( - . ..Aespenv.• *strait , „ . eprcdilbiting, the sale - of' "P. '- 4 i t te fi qu pt oof - p row iwit, - , - Z. Lowry, an -.act to in6rporate An net - presented in religion to i the Gera:tame Savingsl,'lnstitntton or landlords' d 'operas. r ~ I Erie. 4' 1 1 ' Ii - ' - An act'reas passed itiva ipersoing . *week ' Oreilleliene 'fur, United a t G G iieheflt - 8111110 - pittture , of - Stet* StentOr were made. i, 1 . Erie. ~•'• •,..; '' • -,- -. :1 The Coastitatioriat amendments r joi.' ci i ka Dampe d -bd . - to c ki m iii t , wet. niadn. &ha 404K4a1 order for Mon , thearranm iron sad Steer Colo r.iiiik, iILY. I - 1 - , 4n iiot. was presentedlo extilidtbe t - Adkaaraea Ilitil Monday (ironing at sale of limas end tukigest. - • • Oren and hiliti OuloCk.l. An act as rsairti4rovide ter the. 1 rt ri ' ' 11"1 i L • , A , -I. noun [ srectie:.. 111-4 oat o iss n air niece i ' cone ty. - , ~; Speaker Glass announced the , stand- A bilt lie Passed •-to* i irorporate the 1 - ew V is' Water C t odiriny,„ • -I - aye and Means —Messra.lWiosidell. 1 alr tificreirtmitist,fer the Heise: ' ': - • ,- _ . . - Leto * Qua,y, I,MoCantiint, Whenii, Mo ," - - Roca.' % ' tharrin. Barton, Mirka, Armstrong, • Th . CI rk 'of the Senate announced Freeborn, Senn, Wilson, Woodward. the oOomirmenoo of that body:in 'the Whertrisifil , erleY , Phase, Weetheeehr rouse . relicilution tii ifireatigiternritors Chalfant* Boyle !Oyer* and - Gtegory. Otbri rf sad Corruption. Tbe • &alp ,IL-JedieithfY Oeeer_#—lfeefi're• Mann, istrif,: ' nnaittoo: is 'Lowry, of Brie; Mechling e .l4,linyc Waddell, Wingird, Orel ni -Allegheny, and . Ssatig'at, Darla, Boyis * Juirke and Meyers, Of Fa kit es:, /. - - T q .Judisiary i , - LiCal---Kcsars. . No. Yo t I f,,,tbsei t lumina was spent i fit Creary, . Berton, ,ifswing, Harbison, drr.w . og isirere in the - boriteetsti elec Wubb, Allan, Morrell, Craig, Jones, tion't 'of Charles D. Itorteh - sire ,Fbelan. and Thorp. ions 1_ Miollool Mullin: - -, ' , Maaicipal corpora' wee ---', Messrs. iiii i it The- use and Sebite met, in Con- 'Fteleborh, Worrell, SW - 06i, M'Crea esatiOn &is' efiatrd W. if Ifetribfe 0., MiCantrint, , A rmstreng; Humph... Stet li T - alinier, by' a•rota;i:ifierigbty ray, t Barton*. W demi, 1 70 1;el,; Rear man, two toff w' • - - Coastiel anti Townsbips—Missrs. .Whairn*MVal*ltet, M-Therrie;Bete° 'Phry, Feanypsekrer, Harbison, Allen, _Striae. Slearplas, Wright, Hamel, Sat tor. theretit, Markley, c011iaa.,44 Craig. Mailroad-Xel us, ilitadelphie;lie- Kele PiteellPell*;.-S.V imei Veesege.; Harbison, Lawrence., Cameron ; Sus ilushartneollloll4li; - Tioga; Marks, rifiladelphia; St4nri, agb, Franklin ; 'Daels t . - Vagitdebh4 l lunben , Udiacs ; Illeabiiitg, Arington Pillow,,Batler; ;MOM% ititiMtastert . addelkthestar; Wal*RtiledSlitt'W n,Pittebergh; i l im C r es t ' ii,Phibstislphta; J-11140/eftennal'7ol hieruladelidae; 'lleefiilliraPalte• , ': . '' , ' • : Itenand Coal-- ra. Huletheughi Sobers.:. Da.eii, tension," Ghe• ,via*,-,..Mlite,e . .Wif4 _. i itarks, , ,irlitli • altrititYS g(ti 7*.; on& ,/lee'P.* Y- ' • tt .W.liPmalkul• z I J iga ? -iregai.g, i 4eria., higeni,,lYarton. Ilttlithanabi,MOina * Diricievs, Ntur mo t ma, Virsuom, IT.' 'O4 - 0 4ailik. line% . 1441g1itr, cmicinkiroo, I *-otil:!*lA.l'' umr.-Athoors . Atrlka%-iff?tr, • ...,:, ,rox4i,:.. „ ...p. - _ a r, otihriabblilcorirc.PrOiqb* 1- megaroifiaNgiosi pilospyop 1 - isolitud iirt100..,,, , , i11, , -. • :,..i. i ~ i : - : : 1 ?Rio ~ ,„ . wilroirii•iiii4it . ositu - ~ obilmtibilosit ijk iiit ii.samarilkid 2 : ' 2 :1 ..1 Bidnrinti9A.ltMelferiL*Rl4esi, .4 1 .1 1 4: 2illoirrillteekiMlo,9sy_.A.ll4 4 *ft, Hiring, Gesiko,7filytte. to, Außigkerstir. JElir.e, Tharp, Itobineou i ruid B,..faj, APISO Relatipte—liessiii. Lamy, AcConatighx, , Who*, Ds- mixAm Feast 146'6) iris. - I Fiity Wori,l3l nak; 'fikee,4el Jtesikis Contleil,Grabits, 10,1iandon, WO*. (Gainerikij— 'lttlisa!„ skm: rimMeVotiliat al-;• ) bY ) W (potio)—ltiors, Ocriles, le:tomtit! gilt-4141;mm% Royer - , Conal11," and illsobeatsa-lisieri, SixtoL Whit., wonstil, Obis*, isTrr , I—' Mogen _ taisedEsbeitts--- .Mech- Bslip IrCreary; Mimi, Attay,fillinman, iri„,,Weibk, Wnanit, Harbison. st r: lS Jostles, Kerr, Koo,liood'aziii , i : _id - :elpi" - fletationa— Messrs Davis, Wifiss 111.0 in, Fteebora, Lee. M'. iii,y, nikponu i pseker s icaddell, ril ial f& hu h. iiito,Philanilloyle, Key- , ,;ors and Tharp. -2 '- PlIl4lOlllll anderatnitint—Messrs Win gard,Subers,Weller,Armstrong,Brown; GaliagheiColiiil,Advir, Richardißar. rington; Habib, Calvin, Chalfant,. end t ITO , Compare Bili* 77 Meitere. Watt; 1 ~Citi" neron, Chase, ;Steacy, Stehman, , l Niyd, Breen„ Brennan and Korta . I . ,Baistion Districte--21Lisere. Hum.:' pbrey, Weller. Leech, Bowan, Chase; bpi, Kimmel!. Canturon, Day. Hat% ner,allue, Hunt, Tones sod- Collins. - Agriculture—M*lra. Ewing,Webb, Chadwick, 111. 1 Pherrin, Gordon, Peters. Bichszds, Shumitri, Steacy, Wright, Breen, Roach, ittalab; Fogel aud Col lit t - 1 i . Vies, and Immorality—Messrs. Webb, Hoffman, Leech, Brown, Rich arde,'Maliin, Robinson and Deist,.. . ..- Public .•Builiinie--Messrs. Meily,J, .Woriall andliini.i• i i larity•.-Meseri. l 'Seiler, Sharpleil Da y,Kennedy,Heliy, Steacy,Wßeery, Boyd. Linton and :Rhoads. , Military— itiilllll. Woodward. Wer.:l rail, Allen, Day, .B y, Gallagher, Giir-- don,Ponnypsoket,Tiliow, Bomb, Lin ton, Westbro?k, Roach, BURenry and - . . Rhoads. • .. - i!ousa. 1 'Divorees.—Mesit.'i. Kinney, Gbe e lan, ' - .- - 'Pm House organised at 11 2`elook. H i Phirrin, M'Cimant, Colville, Don. &feral' billi were. sent" in from the ohne); Roffman, 'ilit'Kee, Seiler,- De Senate for conourrenee. The r rules Haven, - Quigley, 1 Markley, Josephs, - Were inspended, -.and -billspassed . te l3stterthwait and Gregory . , 1 inemirpitrato tile Sullivan band Coin. Accounts—Masers. Wallace _, Watt,.l party, - tar amend the alit incorporating Seiler, Stehman 1. Wharton,Shitioao• I the. Freedom Iron_and Steel Company; Kennedy, Peters: l Retzel„lleadmaiii , to ineorporate the New Castle, 'Law- 1 Hamner and Calvin. - .1 retied elmotr, - Witter Company+eapi.4 Printing—He re. • • Wingar d , - It. 1 r tat fifty thousand dollars with Slither. I Cement, Colville and Bonet). • . Ity to supply the borough of New cis. , ,Paanenger Rail ' aya—Messra.Marki. tie with water. ' , ', , i . I Fteeborc, Dullittrent Adaire ' - Chad. • ‘ The former vote en the Senate bill, viielt, Kerns, Witson i Seiler, Ghegat, tolls the hour for the election of -Woodward, Quigley, Gregory, Malin) United States - Senator at 11 o'clock, sodaood 1 ~_! 1 ' was reconsidered, end the tune fi xed it. ks—Measea, Cameron, Yenr.y• three; o'clock. ' ' ' • packet-, did rt, , Brown Dor.ohugh, 'Heise and Senate met in °Convie„. has,. C villa ! : Wright,. Kinirnell, tion, in count the votes on Goiernor. Steaey, 'Henry, Brennan, Breen, The teturns were read! by counties, ,Calvin se Bariington. ' • and certificate !signed that , Gesiy ire Mr. Mk berrin nominated Sainuel delved - 30T - ,274, rand Clymer-280,098 ~A. Purvis .ce of Pittsburgh, and Mr.l votes. 1_ : „. 1 • . ..Lintor. te mtnated .11.0'. Cyrni L.Per-- Petition preaented.,,,eotiteeting seat 1 , Idling, of' umbels; for United States of Jilin P. Linton , et Cambria I coon - I Senator. :1 .. tY. 'Two 16th J anneui 'fixed as time 1- ElTri f. . . . CPI PILI6BINTI6. ' : • foii drin:i!ig a jury. 1 . ' - ' T wo miser , „rem recalled f roth A rem nstrunce of citizens of Beaver =the Govettifer, inflow:oft!! his sign*. 'llama the Poologo 01 st isl! probib Aare to several loCal bit which De cWog the uscur petroleuM fair Mimi time laws. Adjuurned.l , . nating purposes. t , 1 , • I L.LI, Efflosis sad .11riagat--Xsares.. Ililm II ,t, Laudon. Ts tor, Gists, yridts. ws% li . 31 1 pini '.' ' ' ' • . la sr.l ' ~i . i ' ' 1 -%; rsliiiplieso4:CitSi .1r 3 , . „*:'ittis - T ,* . , , i. 4 ~ ,_ ~,. ~.,, 4 , rissts Kos slid Dauksies— -Tiir , lor.l3tatistss, Fisher, ames, &hilt. I :Libitum, TB-_3Lsasts.- Worthh.o PcesisA -- Nyellsos. ' , ribli ro 4wthm—.4•o94 _ R°Y•rt jii gway. 'Cookson; Occisdiess, Poliiseßsilesgs.4llsesei: cohkisso, •Brows,Olieraer.) Gists., Net Cosothes sa4 ' °study fielie-= 1 illilMo Brolltilh' . ,(lEtweer,)listses, Ghoomikitss, Doi,Wri". Burt64 l . -; • • •Seve local ani , :wore mid in yee;•, lathin to Philadelphia. lilinindiraria!, an act totogn• latejokitiogers Toli ma,' vo*tpitpie.; susboliseapasuagerif .to cam. wilbout - additional _ eharge,, ass 1 10100 41 at b l 4ll l 4°a not. Lo U two hundred dollars. ta dal- : • • , . ' Mr. Wails**. an' aot sotboriStOt Roretis*Ws; of isilroads,inteale, 844 un der treat eel's,' AO Lid on the ', J flint, iniir • like Rowers; /61 ir sold .at]! Judi- . 'chit Wei. - ~ . . , Along de'bete took place relatifs' to the atoen.loiein, of I rale ol the - Bloat. governing . the COntnit tees. i Ajoern- " 7. tus'n ' 1 44 1111 S L Ifirejallo.o. 85"1111141br'441111"-'!:541 • A ENE *Doran, Ircaudleri ~tT~. • ' Artip/CLIN TP., Jan-10,1867. EdittriArgust: Having had occasion to,,visit New Brighton '43veral times within) the last threemeeks, I Ovierv. i e. ed that ',; the Nunty: Commis loners have, had erected two wroug t 410 ti tabular bridge,s,.to supply ! roe places of two *oodon :dis, which ha rot: ted down-km) averbat is called Meck lem. on Brush, creek, lo.Martoroovrin. ship,, the other , at the PiersolFur rura -1 belie saw.mill in North ,S.iwicklv tp. These bridges', wore contracted 'for, I I behove, in October, and:they are nlw 1 u_p, sod passe gore are crossing them. • They were contracted for and hitilt by Messrs. Boll: . and Etnezkinridge; of Butler .and 1.. Mercer counties—both master mechanics. These bridges do honortn our ] county, and also to onr ivortby County Commissioners, They coat no t i over orie.third" " more than wooden', structures, - and for dura• bility they will far snip:reit any , wood. nbridge th4t can be built. W e out this quarter of the county feel proud of them. We live in a pro -1 greesive age,' at least so tar as bridges are concerned. - , Yours, ' ' X. Y.-Z. ' XEW ..OVERTIKFMENTS. Public Sale. • . N TII COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF I BEAVER COUNTY, No. 1, Jinn T., NOS. Jowl Hasmow es. William Barlow,.A.nn War-I Inu:st., David Berle*, Thos. Barlosi,lEsther' _ Kenyon, Rachel. Jackson ', Sarah Barnes;- • Jelin Barloi, Thos. Smith, William, John; Sidnek and Jonas Smith, Sarah Hatfield, WM. Jain** Pullen, Mary ~Whiter - head, But) r - Woolly,. Samuel Par - Mason; "J.seins Idoretuten, „Jane - Ingham, Rachel flarbillloo,l,Wm. Smith, Jonathan Smith ;Ind JoDea Schofield. ' • . Eltincoxe IN PARTITION 1 - BY virtue of an order of , the Court Common. Plea ' s of Beaver eonnfy, to me d- I rested, underlproseedingi in 'partition in t - above visited cue, I will expose to sale , t' public vendu s or out-nry, on - the premises; • 1 New Brighten, ea ItaNDA Y, February . 181k:1867, . at 9 °Vet& A. IL She - follow 4iscribictio t. of grosid, siihte so. tiein the pion - of said bonded on the north by lot 247,east , iiii - j - dige *twat, south by let 249, and west by Cana ettiet, or towing. path, sa wlstels is ereeted alarige two -stery triune house' frith tiriek aid slime basement, lot enclosed , • pleated With4rnit trees. ' ' Tilibbfit—tute-third of the parasite money to bonisinni eonirination of tka sole by the Court, the - ismaliting two-thirds to' be paid in two equ ir t i l annual payments , With intesait thereon the eentematien of • • sale ; -the deferred payments to be secured by bead and mertiage. •i. . . • Ten per cant. of ;the purchase mitiey will be required in hand en the,day of sale. - - --- - J. - 8. L1T1111,4 - 131e1L- '',Bltisirr'sOrtitroil - . - . ; ell • .Itroveref. Iva. r - . ... ; 1 . - TWO ND-itAND -„PLANOS; alit have alga- for. Wichita, for tali. Wi r • - :* TA.TLOA. ••- - • - CMCCOMOI _ iletiThows, 041188te,i088,14.18iudroSo, CI:4M SW's, kg. hula* et - 8. J. 8.814/1.. tYBy7-1 , Ostarat **At, Besver. - r - lifininoW 'so • - - , wpv* ier-Vore s. .teetasneA tarq est ti!ks i litabll*This- TO* St' 4011*.; i. p,, 1 Power pasty, Pa., dated. !Wail ben' to , - . Ati - L. tatitor all pewits ~ __ _laddliod to mid Ist** ars rotraoloted to make maidiyillimelihaWAtitthiestlitriag thaws spalastAki =as lain protest thus properly ai4biateititi ltatiolgieloto:* I-',,,-,_,, : " - V 1 1 JOSEPII. BICITtA II: ,1 . ? s ;Chippewa towiWkiP) i juil.T437 , - Executor. c. unix c. u.JivitiklrErt A t . c l . -- ---- ."..-,. '•-• , .. .. I Iva 4,11044,18*. R4TAtiL ,- - - iill3tPACittlitiftOr;- ..,_, TIN SinfIIMMTRON Waal its vt4.1.1-111 - 1 -- . , .- jApANNED , PLANISHED&PRES S ji ' . 'WARE, . HuseAr,tei Also, a. gooaval-asanionat et ME _a, ar•Clkm. rare . • - • -,C9NSISTI).IO..Or CA RPEN MRS"; SA DDLEI,st aFd .; sIio„NAKL -TOOL,t 'Table & Pocke Iwitl iiB, BUTTS, LOCKS, . STRAP'III,Yotst 241.1 11S7' CORY SITEALBRS' Ix 4: IRON ' azAss..4,.; Tin itooillg, Spoiling and ?übbiag dew; order. NO 220 14ItcaDIVit, jaiilGla--:474: - 7—.1. W BRIGgTOX _ . • ExecutOee. Bale of 1 Real Estate! II I virtue of an nutliority'contaitud i t , hat will of WlWarn Brittain, Sten c il , t undersigned soli' sell at , publie reek ' , out-tory. on the premises, on TUESDAIc Februir, li26th, a t 11' o'clock A. M., the valuable farm 14W in Darlington township, Beaver-epitatr, the estate of thenaid and on which hcresided it the time of Ma deco's ! , adjoining lands of R. A: Cochran ea. thittorth, Rrr. J. Johnston on the met, Jana! Caugheren the west, and. S. 11.1felah oi tit" , aoliaa ;4X9ntaining Cir acres ? all rider fetes.l % l'About 80 litres excellent bottoniland,elearti; the balance good . land. Ivith a, 3' fad vein of coal underneath .' Improvem ents, sped tra' 'ettky frame house, fria,rue barn, milk beast, wash house and other out buildings. Plenty of }good never-failing water at the door al in the barn yard, and a g'oci bearing °Maid In, the premises.. Said faqa is itithium. half mile of Darlington, about two reßeqtris NeW Gallilee Station; on the P. Ft. W. ke; Railroad, ;with schools, churches, grid Cul saw convenient. • I 11111118-4wo-6fths of molten moniy- in hand on confirmatiOn -of rale 5y the Conn balance in.two equal, annual psymentibse tbak date, with inteirest' thereon from sea date; to be secured by bond and mortgage: For further informaiien,inquireef H. Hies, Esq., Beaver, Pa., or - -sis undersigned. Nee Brighton ; Ps. - : :10srril DRUM'S, Ex 'r of the last will of WM. Eiittsin, d'ee'd., janl6llql - ' 1 WYJQU_RNED SALE• Of YrallaV REAL ESTATE 'A'T-''ORPHANS' URT SALE. . IDIOT • virtue ;of as larder." of the rip _EIIO Court of 13 county,theunnemori Trustees appointed by said Court to mike • of the real estate of dtchecca Mulvanoebil under proceedings in partition of ettind ' estate; will!. expose to eali.by Publiiimin or out-cry, at the r Court Houle An 11 tale,' SAT U.RDAT, •I'brifetry 2.nti,:li . st 11 o'cloc, A. 31., all tb e fOltowing ,i/eiv real estate, situate in .7aid.eotinty . of 111 State or Pennsylvania, Ti -r:: .' '-: Y , No. 1. Academy lot Ne; 28,in Bervatilil containing about 8 acre", bounded hy title? of the Iteaerve tract, lot No. 22,. Geerieute lane; itc., 411 cleared i and under lee* which are _erected the Mansion bailie :it emitted ; a' ergs two-story brick (limit* i 8 rooms a d ball ; 'frame kitchen aliselit good celleunderneath the 'lsom law: good cistern underneath the kitelies ;In freme &Welling bones ;(ewe stories)em with few' rooms ; • a large frame but ter (stone .beasetrient) 60 by 40 feet, with ii , ' 1 underneath—ell well finishod;; i 1114 house, coil hoemerand buggy bouts :. eat' Item story frame renant." h met; s'ltittt ,ll hotline, and other out buildings.' { ; The N: 'and improveMents in good order. •!1 i t orchard on the premises; toil preoisott designeted as pm part "A',l ini, the 040 panying the return of the trigheotal4:( l ' tition as afor“a- id. ' ''• .• ' No. ;. ,A' tenet. of land in Brighteo t ship, bounded eolith by the Ohio rive 1 . by land of Hugh Anderson, nortiresel i'l li tract or:pareel No. '3, next. hereinOv acribed,:contatnng 179 lateen and iipetn° tj abs e nt 90 acre' cleared and in s gc4>l l enluvation. basilic'_ well tintberef -- P 3 r wolf watered; designated_as purptn;!'' the rears of.-the inquest . aforesaid.' 1 1 r l• No. — ll.. - A tract ,of and la the tilt" c aforesilid, bounded north by Ised if1.n.,_, 1 ' Kenai, and tract No. 4, hereinafter* , least by Academy LAI, it.c.; south byllk, I( Power and others,- and meet by Pi r 7 l :l; above described. containing 124 &09 perches. About V acres rieq 4 l4 good state of cultivation ; balance 'vt , , bared, well watered ,' i goal Inarist eft; red, on the premises, and enninett it, eel a frame hay house; designatelv:"J°: 1 1.1" in the plot and return of tht n, aforesaid. - - _t r' diA 'Lot Ne sf, in therPlin 1 1 • 4 , 4 0 lota atorboaid, adjoining Mode a P n or vanon on the west. 'Undo of D.-M :l'lW li t e 'alley on the first, the 13 ",_ 11r 40 sal the swab, and an Containing!! woo ond 27 Pv °s ",ii s ios and enclosed—good bottom land. , , _.,, Ito Purpirt 4 4" in the and tog§ t . l . e:', ' 1e0..5. . Lot - No. 15, in the gentl' bo ; lots of the Bormigh.of Britifort!;oll by. Walnut street, Water 111°I, ad ded ti,peing 180 by SO ft e t,eoeloted ; ...o ,t itilipurrui ~r, in the plot lid 07 sail, .. . - I ' l loit • in eol T 2 lot hi m t \a n picop_ es\ efb"'lnryeabiri:gets:3‘ottaaidelooarodiigi:tibtliti: i!leiii stilly .as aboVidescritred, er to° lir ; gels will be sold 'together. ~_„,l Tanse--Onethird of Ike pf'e,7 , i, to be paid upon confirmation r%ll, Court, one-third in one year, uric is twoyears from the 'date o ":l,fire with interest from Leine tiros, .° _, s e etelments to be s emit ea by bona,r a t# Poi further inforMatiotti t°" ng, 1 &sniped. , , JOll, C. WILSO:t, ;qv!! • • JOHN. JOHNST O i: ° . o ' 4"16;67.. .8,5,...1.11,..,.13e5t_err0t. ::, *At . , • • x 2 to of . 04. 4 .istaimoT OA7 .111711NERS; Te.the:6)itutitt. Lower; L a wreotesai.otb eil, JACOB. tyttc22.; ,(or e;sle ; by ••• -2 15CCIair Bt. ; korry , . • . .. . lion - s fiiii:: , f . .. - t) ' l "' • AIIIARES. BEAVgIi,,, . _., K._ ttjje stipeit 15 1! 0 ,e; g - intertiscoli t t b•investtee 51.11 % •ered the beet en4grawl guts. loq"'"e cdfice2- _ . .... , • .. . .., .• n MZt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers