' • . ..; , • / :',; '; • . •. '''' ... 1p... ,.._ . .. ,_111,21 11811 ..g10- 2 1 - , --E4 -A r- t - -- • - - , , . 2 . - q - - 1 " - , r = -ifr , -1 ' .' • . ,i- - . , )i. p " blielielf tve * .ry - - edn'adat; .t3-*zvre.o... ,f,r4f.W var,e u ~,_. j . . - , , - ~ :i,..,.0.,,,,.....11,00x- i . x,.t.. _d o & 40 - 44:140-10#1,Ditimg • ... „, • , ~. on o ST,.,INAV-SEMLW . , at%oo pax aim l nroxiitylmicp: : - ir ; 610.i.;-... , ._6„.t i ...,i-.? • I.' - ' ' --' - - , ---,',..,8 . ~, , ,,,:•!, . :- . ..i _,.11 , ~ ,- ,-,...1 e. and contributions, by mail, - _ ,:-•;,,,. 1 . - . ..„..,,,,, 4 '. - , ..„. --..- „a,ryetters .-; ;., -: .. 7 ,' , 77,•;. , ,. , - 1 . 4 c 1 sr'. . ' .t...... ,- . - - - ,- , n-.1 l'e.j•-•-°"'" l. %-' l . 1 -. "" -- •-!•,.,.I'I.•1:-:.:i.'-•'/-,. 'prompt' attention. AssllbiT e . ,t-r . I , V(5.1'494 y,t-Ntk Editor ' & Proprietor. • 1 . .. Wt...-- , 3 ~.. -, 1,-- '.,J. , - N... -'. - s ~, - t ,- "i1"... at"4-"A4./.4 4. -,, . . . , ,-=, r -- , -- - 8 FOR ` I I I I3M I : t A. - ; ' .I*.Y. , ' lt = ..9 t -rrii • - - ' , c...:w:1 - 1. -, ..1 1-14 , t. :: . :•?... - ' - '- yjig "i - i . -$......!.4 .1.;','"4. ..•a--,-, , -,i,,„, • _ Prrille ,r,„ ' ' "1141)LIDA • - -.- - . •'.- - - - A doe ' • - ' . • • it ''.. .v,. / '. • ~ • 0 1 1 Wideftr.l:;oll , o VI --; ~ ,:'- - t ' .. - -... . ~.. , 1 k 10r . i .. . , ,, * el ' ~ ' 1i....re........terits ; l eatit e ,a 6. , •,, r..t... _ ~. ''' ; • , - • . t '. 1 ' " ,P '. , "-t Thiel&PlAßrilliMin .14 ‘li: - ;-i It . 4-V= • . laiklEnßcalrritia, .Pittsburg "» ! •2040 rt 700A4 :220Art 180 Mi, _ Enekate.tlB;- 01 1 / 1 .. i 3 1" lie " 4 1 (1 - 1 8 . ..1. 4 ,4 ,S .i . !. ' ' .-'. .. 1 ,, Bi r ie d , o ,..,_ 400 .. -f. - .• it 421,4 . . .. ... . . . ... - . -Enc,„........... 612''a 93. ii . 4 - 4.ry. ..407ii ... . .. ' ' Columbisila:. 55e., 018 ''a . .....r...; a -4401 ;.V 1 : .4. -- r I_V d CV'7' .5 ; s i l e i l i - -;-• 4flols. 047' iset i , ltur% Tli -1 - •.- : ..,. : .: • • Alliance -716 " 15&, • 4641iM MCA* Canton:....:.. 806:.! /Mem 74t ' 4 ! ies„..! Mellistßse:•...-..- 826 t'.l/6„.4 :808,a ilia :.. I T :wtevery a'rtiole kept in a Variety 4'''''.:- store,tto hefound: . •• ' - throttle- • 906.:a -200. 0 1 860:f.i ;SOO !‘ ' • • ~ - Wooster.. 8 1 / 8 -74 . ' WV. 14244 - ! . )11/15 : 3 i . ' . - .J,. -. • ~- ' .. ..,. Loudotiiille :i. ttiltrei .•:.. 7. 4 486). 4 . ,--,. • , AT. ' ' '... Marreilleld f..... - 11117 . a' ' i.i. 1112 if 1086. SS, • . ~,-,." ..,, ~.n .: ,-.,. it, i.,;, ijAr 1116Ast / 1 146 a 1100. 13 . M - C7l_l " -E3-0..i-L-1-Na..". _ '''''! s '".".. ° A P* 1240... , 620 a 220rit .700Ast, " L . ' '. '' ' .' • Bucyrus - 66110' 4 . - 58 -- a 1248 .., 738 " 11. Sandusky 151 ' . /30 a )25 6. 128 - .i Fo eat '.-; ' '221 a r_ - .. -154: " .867 " 8111 DOE Sr., .BEIDGEWATIE, /PA. r".-' -.. . r • . i . 856 • •. --- - • •--3,.. ~ ,r Lima. -1 .. ' " 18 4 " 905 ," itrAi " . - , L. . . - , _.--., ... -. Delphos. - / .436. l 3a . IB a 11!0 . 2 ,16!. Vaal West ..i.. :; 406 .'ill f: ill 1 . 405 'a 1187'. I. . - • Fort Wayne.. 650 "1150 . 3. ",8 1 40 -" 120441 lbs t ebscitLer again , greet ß :-hi s ansieroue . Columbia ..... ; 1.784 a 1285 Am. :623 a 208 ~.i. , Pstr-oas with the • . .Hunteville.::'.l :.;.... "L, ..i .. ..... " ' ••r •- •" ' . ...;... " 1 . Piereaten ..... ...... a - 4.... a • a al• WOO “ • , 1.11 1 .01181', MOST VARIED k COMPLETE' Waxiim Ii 825,•a 130 a ,711 " aoi !. 1 -STOCK OF ' - , ' • ..• - Bourbon .......r, ~..- " .... ‘! . 4 . a .t.:. " s •' - ' ' ''' " ' Plysaoutlr_...: 925, .. .235, .. $O7, " 405' a ' chrktoz es &New Years presents lianatah ,.- . 1 . .... _,. i -- -i , i -.... " ''• Valpiraiso.:- 1050 " 416 4. 936 .., 648 a .•. . , . , ' ever offered In the county. 1 . :Hobart '• ,- - " .1..... 44 .", it - --. :ft ' . - ' • • Clarke - --. ...:.: " 4.. ‘, . .... " ',.." ,„ . , . , , ~.• , . , 13..vuLititim. -1110.11E.Cres • " . fr. a '',' .a , , ~"‘ ma g eirat g rjr.2s,'66---ly , - . [ilecs . 66 R - . T O '4 ' : 1 °- "F 6 " ii - 6 " ' SOO " Chicago ....... -oot.i: - ", 3 " . . ; i 860.00 . • " . . • vv.' 3ti ran . . -- _ ..-- • •'., Chieage 's • • . ewing Machines. R.lslßlllnrio , , M C.Ell Crest ALSO, . Clarke'.. I FINKLE 'AND Llt•ON . Hobart ..' .1, Valpareso.... 1 •• . _ - _____. '•' • . ' - • ' " Wanateh .... , 1.. - ' - Plymouth ....1 11111 ESE Bashines are-adapted for efreiy.de-,B Bourbon 1 . 1 . seriptioa of family 'owing and,wiil stitch " 6.18 a."" -- •-•-t• I from the finest gauze 'to the t ickest Beaver Piceetlni eloth without. any - chattie in eed„ -. needle or guntivill !) . ..:4 Columbia... 1 :ensien:and run for;two years, without taking ?Art to clean. ' If the purchaser, after a „ F°ll , ‘ „, w ",! l Yno-1 ,it trial, daps not regard, • these, Ma- w Dan "en '•••• Linea us superior to any machine In - the mar: ' De l p hos ••••,.• ii ~ ti, he ens return it. ancVnassiirlds money:- Lima ~II .".. , t lzdjilies the LOCK I STITCI4• ' Bdt - elms alike/ 1 0re5t... ? "..,.1 866 . . .. cheili sides, 'whidh wilPint.srip or ravel.-• II Sndusky -1 411 4 1 , ,. a _5 3 -"I ha. . he cheapest machine by- /sari/ail per cent. in j . 4 43 Y.rua ti . s g - - -," 58 " 2 ,.?. 5.. '" , " 1210 . -- a. Warranted for tour yetira. It has beers] ‘t= 2, 5 5 es 19,,, ,, gristline ljn Ar- 1. Z j n i) " •- 5 ' E 6.. '- mole this place for - ten years, and has giv.- . • .--. I P I -- -Alt '- i1 k.... " * . sidsfactiszo in all cases. ,Plain finish tiii• Irsuseno l4l ..... .1 56 , "' ..etabogany inlaid with pearl, silier,plai ed ' Lisetlenville . .. ' 1 d rosewedd. ' ' Weostar....... 1 Tf_, 4 9 12 -!9_ sl .JfAilcals - Or vid1e,,.... 411:11;41410TC/1 etuee to; ,----- 'ALSO; •- • - '4 -, -,, i . - i Alhariee 1.:.. - 0 60 I . ~ mi15.,....:.... I Columbiana . ' CLARK & -.5..11.A.Wn0n 1E....i. , . • , • • - IN. Brighton., SE 11l N G . . NIACHIN ES' • Rochester .... , leranted 1 6 ve ,!mari, and licensed. - Pittsburgh...ll 1 ' 1 1 _ Erie andPittsbtirgErOessTaainleavesNew - • • ALSO,' , I Castle at 4:05 -p.m., arrives in Pittsburg at . iken, t s, Family . Knitting Bite_bine, i ' 4 ' IPIL Returning 'cares Pittsburg at 6:00 1 arr ives in Now Castle at 8.80 a.m. hith is the best in use and w111t. 1116 7 I a li: r C r astle and Pittsbur at _ . :4 4 rieu;,it will knit -1.2 pairs son4titi 43'. I Train leaves New Castle at 7 :00 a m irrivei A 1 100E1. i'Olt CUTTLNG LADIES' AND ;• • .A lleghenY - at 9:45 a.in i . ...11. etui . nin'g leaves lILLKI , NI DRESSES.-Any person t',nin Allegheny at 1:20 p.m., it-sives in New Casa? rn front i . Also, braid, embroidery and at 6i.20 p.m. ."64.4._ : , . ppm. stalLps vale, and stamping done. :y,,IZ: - At.j-i:..N.VS WANTED. , Address, with 1 _F. 8.. MYERS, flea. Ticket Ag't. ,i,p, -,.."-, B. H. LONG. - l ii ; - -s----'----- ---" . ,; . , General Agent, -', 'C LE No -. & l'lr TS. I Rrt• _urn! =l., oppos:te Cathedral; Blatt:burg_ I 'On atid after Nov 19, IS6G trains'iiillleave eta- Pllll5ll i .., , 1: . fdec2.6:2ml tions daily, Sundays ex opted, its follows : tr.r.l.ixas 'll• , r.(ti , ,•of New Brighton, is the •- . 1 r , ..1 tar Bearer county. , - ' . , • , . GOING 807TH, . L . : , i D Viden.d i'VO. 111./a4. - . ' •1134Arn. Ex . 's. Mi i n. / • Angora ______ -.........-4 -.- `S t . rr. - = \ At. BANK' or BiSVILII,SOUSTY, } -- . l' i • New rri”lton Jan "'• lbti - ' .b = .. •-s 4.,--. Cleveland...l , i! 8104,31- 28 PAS (836 r3ii Euclid street! i 8 4 1 1 ". 24 " 1346 "1 ' • 1 1 11 ii Pre•iklent and Direators of thiseßni . lk i go , ' j 925" .4 0,1 da 00 4.1 ' 1 ii‘e•thil day deeldred a DIVIDEND oy ; lied °n u ' *".. 1 5 - . , . 7""" al'. 11;11 C:F.NT. upon'its Capital Stock, out . Orrville I I : 1 - - ... t.i•nizs o f . tiii. last ti months, 'Payable 1 Idillersbur il ~ t,ll ,, ler s or their legal representatives .Ravenn l a... g :...... ;11000 " - 4 . 1 .7 ..k . 536 " " 1 i ien .aLti-free of gnvernment tae. I Alliance ......, 1 11100 " 5 " ' 64T0 " .. I ' f 1 T. . , ; .!!:!: !T. ..-... 1.11.4tu: ' ` , 1 Bayard ....... 1 1130 " 53 ie I . • ... ,i :• ". ..• • EDWARD 1100 BS, Carhier. _ I Welliiille ....".",105 rm 70 i ..... ... 1 1-. ):•l':'' 1- : TO It'S . No l, l` 1.6 E. . , I I __''' 1 1 1.° 1 _ 5 2 lc L a r ': - ' , _'_._.• -_ Viii:itrAS letters testamentary en the 1 !! .11Art. Ex 's. j Amon - Sir's. estate of 'HANNAH BUiB, late of New ; -- 2 ----- il --- - --- ----' illubs bore', Beaver co., dec'd,, having' Wellsville .... I 845ait, 45 Pal ....1.... :: ,; .:Z r n‘t , cl t o the undersigned; all persons ' Bayard-L.- I 1017 "61 " ....i.... "... i ti; :.g: t henlllel y rcs indebted to said estate !Alliance 1125 " " 700 Ax .... ...... ~ . .- e 'lt'l top - tnisde fininediate. payinent, I Ravenna-- 1214rx 7''' " 751 " ''"-:• “.,-(- hay ii,g claims against the same wi,ll; Millersburg.. ; -...j•••$ ~.. :• 1 • : ileacproperly authenticated for set- !Orrville ..... ~. • , - •1 ; • !Akron 1....... • • lll',NJ. 11. BRAI)EORD. E li'., 1; 1 Hudson. 1 1246 " 803 " 846 • " - New Brighton. Euclid street 147 " 904 " -952 " ..... --- ---- - --------17,-.-L.....1--H-, Cleveland..:. 200 a 915 .1 . 711146',.. 4 ,..... .. .. ESTRAY NOTICE. ' T ! .• - izoixa'.2•27. - , , , 1 111 - 1 - 1 ; t , ,- .-, I ' ~.6. . Le. resfOnce pr.the sibter ilfrpf, 1 -- • , fot - Au., Exals. /gar's. Accost ..14.ilie '.:.f..,'1 of December, in - Moon tp:, I, ----....-.... 1., - --- 1 .- .------. ----- :11',!,', 1. ,i' i n,';':" . . 1 ;a.,a bai Mare,shod ell round, I 8e1aire........ 1 440rx 610 Ax 1040 Ax ......1.. : i ...-I , ‘ ~., white spoil on nose,linippoised 1 Bridgeport... 450 4, .624 a 1050 a -+.. , ,4',,,,,, 1G years old. IThe "owner is re- ragrange..... . 541 .4 721 a 1189, , .. ' .. Y.. ..,,,........ t 7 : '," - ,. t. e .i ets. , e , fo.rward, prove ' pr.or . ..iiry, pay ' Steubenville: 600 ~ .748 1:. , ,, _ , - ....,,e ..cer away;' - i d 6 - ; 1 Wellsville.... 7,25 a a 126 ex 700 ax _'- - 17 1 - 1W.1.1. E. t, Tr. i . Bmith'sFerry 7 41 rd .00 14 . 147 CI . 785 . 01 , ', • 1 -,' Beaver 820 " " 217 " 8 23 " 1%k . 7%., . „I Rochester ~... 8801 .950 a; 225 'f $B5 " 4 11.'(14 tOr 1 1ig . ..L.-4i t..,P r ‘...i Gt I Pittsburgh .. 940 " 1105 al MO " 956 " ip . " ''l ir i r -_ , , ~_ . Orphans' Court of Bear rj !Count ' • clots° nal.: the mattero f the adconni - fi 'WiIYM ----",--' ' Li ra . rapv . M Elea:: reel,. -' . 1 ,, _, “o o r of th e will of .3ebn Thatff,dec'd. ' I • 1 4 44L, ' -19 ‘ 444. ~ .- 1 . . 1 1): . : tt Tit : November 14th, , - - -- ~,‘,7:. jet . Joh n B. Young, Esq 4 / 2 1 1 A wn,' )0 8 , the j Pittsburgh ~ 225rx 4866 614 x 380rx ..1:1t b.,..., , ante t e hands ef i' me lin a c v h e e r ster ... 885 " 6 1 .. 710 " 446 " I,l rlbute the hal 1 in b- 556 'a l 788 " 485 " I, '''"'c'r- Prom the Record.: 1 11 !:1 1 , - --1 jiso: A. - -I , , , South eFerr,y II 411 a 681 .. 607; a 544 a F , ItAt iti. p k . :l' Wellsville . 600 4, 725 a 840• " 'me - .. 'l4 Ailii'lar appointed ; by ', I , • A l ,- 1 1! S teubenville . - 600 a .828 a.WO a ;tat sl it t ifr rib E u x tv e the in bitiatic - g in t o e j 't b .T n u d a s n e s , ; i Lagrange 4... 1. 618 .. 840 . 1010' 4 : -.. • ... . . Bridgeport-. j 712 .7 , 927 " 1112 " • • . ~t . _, to the elitslr of John • Dta, 4 - eci'd4 I Bellaire 2 ..' I '725 a 940 " 1/26'4 ' . -.... ..tz7.4,_ .. elr duttes,of his appointment at 1--- •'' • -*--,.. ' - - - 1 4,t,1 4 : 1 _k . on Wednesciis7lJhe lath 1 - 11.1111104 RAWAS. Ciller ~;,i,7:77. /Mt. et- 10 .0'c100k , A.15f., at I. .IA *Vas , --' ! iii i' :•,:„. , ;',,,au,'s Place all , p Art • •• ' • parties lin,tq rest s'l:hilidelphtkeMargt 546144 1455.4' m. -• `-' " !Ley see proper. • - ,1 ,L. :,.,~ - ---__ . , „ Additer., i 1 F. 11.: , -"MFERS; General. -- Tieiket•Agent. • • y 4 a. --- j----:---- --4.4 J • - ' 14. - 1 dDer4rtei Ctif ' tha- T t2l. 41; 1133L4A.C11 1°‘11°31-4.L'P' . ' 'a.t B eaver, P a. 1 1 . ' - Alt; '' -- --- ' ~- --.- I , :--- ' - • ----- ' i 'l, 1 --- (4f .firo 24 . 4 e0Algir-4, 1 ,V46,14:-Pit4.- h . ... , ...', 14- ,Essi ern inakdue it c.. 1 -3p . ,- .i.'L dui at 3,16, I . .* 'I A- 2 . 4 ' I Hats, , 'Cape- -, mitilitadifie Aux. 'lt --ast e' • .1 - - ,•,i; .....- - -= -" .___ rtt mail leaves st, 7:50-, .' ' --- - - ' . . 7' - ''''S ". - "'I ,i7, 7 n , mail leaves at witi:-. :tai tt ..1. Beaver Cbtanty . T Sotk•itea,... • .17 s. • 3. . - -6• - ' - , • ; 3 'I.k.PFICK l'P; Iti A- t Norio:ter 4;1860-4'4r , r • I- , . , • , - , : , .i. !. i 1 , • . .4f 4r, - ; r3::[•: , ,i-aa - a 1r N0;t1,441: 1 .4. na miit • 9 CiOr".7::: _ALIAS- ' .Tilliultir-411 saissmaa......-_____ , idj, ic.. - ttair!)-_, -- - gierga"*.* I ttiittl jtj e ff. ea 5I: i —eialturstus4ll4 r 11 DLWltileoll} 4 4,oll .__ 1 ~ " I giliisit. times tulle 1146% el~it id .ssi. an.. . , . . ,- Aligftilabe scene of the. extinempit of .4 '}!.:.4 . i 62. iflind,eed that, can becialkap tit ilt anal: WI eithil 1 *tie __SillhOr fawn; or be, sold feift , I llirilteitilt *el.".`lMl tl ..wifitinii7*d __3 4 hele [-isiOfii,fiiiiiiiiiilialVa4iniiiWif fig lit 0 .i f ii -7 0 - iiiiniesiii reiiiiiiiit:liirixt i hibtfiiiiiere'"ffrliitnilli' L andlax lilttit fiVidebtlf-g‘iotto tfisnitlialif th ioio:pit4 . iz I egterd r;ehiiie . bitiiiitidttaid_i tbi z ;„it, 9ne of :the &rest* the retoS'ef,hundrida ; ofltiiiii, Ti'! the"ta 7Vikiligifliej.ivepyOducing.tatt little Ol l -tla fthe aggtegatethesiiiiN 4 everted quite as inflatippry on_ Abe •attAiiir- 7 . Varekl e t :amides' rePeirt .4 o . liiii'd” in the - prineiple pert" - of Alie'Worlif; a , pies entetzck of oil equid'to 156" '[..barrels of refined oil. As. this is half • a million barrels more than was sup. !posed, to. be on hand 'Doe year orttyou will readily see that a very fait atoOlF I is Awaiting. equglin P,,Lion•-• Tie *9l- i d uotion,ef thr y.e11Y.A.066 ja , -.4.OWIWINFL 1 to hare keep, _egos./ iii,,two7.o;illitonial.i . [hundred thoniiarid,:iiiiireli_of;refined, oil,-4 e, about .four ,n,illiOn - larrsila:or rerotO 'Oil- ;Wlisti..-49 - the :C;t4hetra wiio thit.k . the - ".94_,Fegitirteff are .played' nut" think of., ilia.? The *Ad epeealti- tioos of Aitt aed , '6s Weri.iniqueetion lably a curse to Ibis sectioilskwritli ;ea ruinous, to - nipp y ! wboetaharked- Weir all in thia,niad race for ~weal.Al-_ though-the - number Of . dry.iiells is, 10 - gien, ypt On amount of ,Oll.,.ictitalli prlodneed and sold. duriog the ;"past, twelrii . rsonllsis. 4 u‘her!A convincingl argument of ther. o ?Liste.nPP vi. Paling ....litany of -the Oil . companlei Ishmae l flaming "prospecting)" ;flooded i,tlia, , land two years ago, are: now re-ap,- ipeering cu r _ the .stage, t 4) enact olio 1 racre„:ad to many their i5at,...)„,a000::, In this VPnango county tragedy, corn: [ely or farce!' Which is it 1 • pl. Shoe.' till has "gone, fer .1 1 4 - In," orlige.ti..WAlk-s' 1 ' arias-,of u a woe di lmost hideous : array o a a, od law,,phrasea, "from which therenan be ) no escape. The majority of the caeca-, will no doubt surrender at discretion, and - vo. pht tnreat all expectations pf eipelezholders winii have so . long 'nod earnestly loOked for a divldendontot I' thine days. 'ln some sections - Of the ; country diiappointed steekholders I hare commenced suit for 'recoveryOf tEte.P arc al ) . i llic 43 7-' 6 9 - the bic 4 o I ilr.mnd AlakrupreaelsALoo,7' °A perfect delvge oril _,,.. it not for thievery sotemn feet thatin most cases the getting nii of the coma , pany _aforgsaid, Lave bat, in subss- I qaent transactions, their entire far tenets (!) • One ease was recently tried in New York, where the property sold :was represented, among other items., to, consist of "At least -forty acres of bottom laud suitable for boring, the bluffs covered with 'timber' from 1 Ibieh source alone enough money could be realized to pay - leisure' • cost of ;farm—,,besides - a spring on- the place from - which--(astouishing circant stance 1 .)---:a vial or oil had been gath ered." This was nearly two years 'ago, and' the "stockholders" almost lost their breath castling in for stock The inevitable "committee," which in almeSt: all cases was sent - out too late, couldn't see that -"bottom —as only two or three acres were visible- the balance of the forty' was autable land," tlevated some two to four -bun drafeet----I-more or;lesicquite - "suitable fotboring," and then,too,remote from any. damage from' floods, :which bad 1 cleated out so many "bottom farms" itt ihe memorable Spring of '65. Then, too, tho "timber," soft maple, etc., - not worth- the cutting; end then _the I I spring I that "vial of oil" tad exhatiat ed it. So the stockholders sued the "getter up," and ,on trial ,haendesishr ed to prove that table liv id and bluff territory was now ,considered better , 'oil-land than bottoms TheJedgede dined this evidence, as what he want-' led to know was, "what was consider 'ed good territory then I" --Tho jury brought in everdiet for the Plaintiff, and the Defendant - appealed. This is to . be a "test case," and if on the asp peat the Defendant_ PI again beaten;. there will be a harvest for lawyers 4n these parts. - - . - I i A new county- has been carved oat, taking for its greater part the land of Forest county, , whose namegoes with: it, and . adding thereto "atekorr', region of Venango.. Tionesta Is the °minty Seat, and alreeAy two newitia- I 'per. have pots meneed: to .w.rite the plane up.. The iprospeel is -anything but flattering, . palms not been fined to emit thereier-tr it toes,' it As Bo' .well Pleased with its suttees that ii, resists all - the *doctor* 'aittetipte : of puMps, ! wor kint barrids sw torpedopsi to retie it to the &arise& • Theroll is chiefly, remembered' as the planswbere the .tuimber al • sixteenths int - I well, was only limited by - th e Waite of the seller or the Lumber of buyers. Wells in Which - 19; 21. end even litisfxteenthi .ti had' been sold, still remain -am this iitili isli : lXt.fdir Ottilf' ran t- - iinidatii of the tuatiolid abilities of their . ;.ownevi, - the 'ertishieg *eight -orivlios,elmitbilt• ee'they _were titlible . to pales. no laterpatiiphlet , of- WA-- t'•alOie I hita produced guile.., an - exisitstai.ht thrOdgtiont this entire`reem;auditu bad ; the'dodble effest - tir addithe, lutriber et.bialtimbdk and itatoslaini - ii 'old'itilida ;with'. the Asimaidgubstue,. they so much neildad; - h The tans who areiloweillliectwpail up, rtbiwpitekpretlailftrie% =acute I eat 1 -affrUhf 'wt. 'i 4%411 #olStfithisinttiir nuass . aorma XAff. i ' - .• , T 1 Erri ilEpos: llicrse.l Baer. , !'......:..-........- .- "...z..._....:. —./.....,—;.- ' ...-.........:. . , 11 440.4 720 A, •8164 1 31 1020rx 11 4 : i " ! " .1:1 - :: -1:r . :: .......... 8'• aa ,i.,„ i., ..:-4.t..,.-.. 44 . 11 r 1..680' " )1195 1 1,521 1 1 11254 Au up,. •.. 0 • :4....• " •c " 1 I I 4 829 - S‘ , l 85 1,1 71 , 01."..257-.! 64 1 940 11 1 I 88' ~ I , 817 1 '‘ , l 420 :1 , 1 ,, ~ -,• ..,. -it :•••••-• :..4 44 4040 ;11. 1 149034 90C i• -in '!‘' 1145.-u .123 1 . 1008' 14 4-700.1‘ 119rm•„182..u. /1141: 11 '4324; „1.1 145 u — 303 ~ 1148 4 . 1 '9OO .. 219 . .`. -- '' Oss .:. 12x7Ax 935 " l it 866 - u — 9:.: -1257.,T•1100... 481. s. ' 5 3.11 151 1 .1 1188 1 . . 5 g 2 : - .` . ! - 5 8.? , 2115';,-,/‘ 12•18rw. , Mit) .4 .1 . 5 u 255 s i t 1250 u 1 615 Ag ' - f3 u E 81.5 -it 180 '/,' 658 uf -607 4. . 848 u - 200 ..I I • 750.1 746 t• - 425 .f.a 4 245 !-' . 860. u 4185 " '1106.. 4, 882:1i -920i A. • 6 u - .5410 '' 1557„ :a .7.F::..tte426:3 - ' . 616 74 ' fltiffi; - :11 1 ,1125' ull ' u . 715 u 545' u 41207 -,. 11 gi 744 . ." - 820 ' 1,12881. mi 11 )6 u ..„. u - 545 44 1 1 1 .7 2 11' : 112 r 2""t „ 4 ,88 ::I '7 4 7 8 :: 285 t 1 1 5 es . 9211 820 I. 2 u. 860 0 I. 1025 - u 980 u r' - - ,_, Mil EINE I=ll : ibrikrap, The life 01 peror who, toPPIRVI'AA twAtfOs* is 4/ . 1 1 , 4uorn e Yirs ' r X-7a ° m l 9g at • soaveitlLAß*. ay" ; 4o a o P ! l or 1 0Sm,4 1 s , ► maisiiiwi4)4Fea tCisk i bleat of a irTitt:f 4teoupied ,ceitaia sped ; qf rose,, 'briieshiuto i the- Egli oat theloriune, Deft' her`)) to that acqulred by her and takint, it eilabtt env-UW-0r it obetelaitil hew leis uraftitimie; calibrationt rin loc k imime. ly- areepied. *Mt :ot all - luirsezderequire 'court -eLViaanaizaaakefebeo"(tv,..,_ mica orea-pbALObreakr.W4oslko4;6l4 ecmaeae. u 4: lipprolorliozeowl, member of Lb fx.l imperial ..; 7! tem The. Ilifirfid 41101011 a it' - de Iteichetadt ie shorta Magestest wAtiktbaremMair 'l*** at:coart. *minded by:ll'4k la *Web hie. bistb • -bad:or auras-the woad lutehd, bra Tedativesi -he; Wili• • awariati die count q4g-fibi t Oaf al a little 11 . illagr cleetoi's br- the moment tame for y . atilt caxnes for all men . - ' Ire becaufdAttuck with_ the, grace and bounty:pi' hi 4 landlady's niece, a girl:fresh !rein _ the. woods, whose picturesque costume aiid'aimple :manners*atterad hoth his artiritle and noral taste, kind he soon bee:ail:le deep ly- enaltotedl Tochiagirl I .le told the w hale atory, cif his hfa=thkieteptations which bad Vee,n coffered him, Um aspir ations iu which he indulged:tee hopei be onto tained. flis enure 44ieteuce :underwente l l ---4,ange. • 'Te • soe . c . i .. ' being he_ could, urdiild the societal 'of his heart; and t thp reatreint, Whieb had been killing' him WsB OYBrOBO4O at last. I But as there must always Ws ,de montx at war epon the' happThess of every mute here below, e , )' id the , aitisfa3tion periencea by t young Due de Itelnhatadt Boon . coal .t 6 sn end fie whollad ever !limited all gaiety, who{ had obatinatalyi ; refused I r. to attend al ebartly fetes, opimt„ ball play 7 - 7 fir.din • his health &ell, apirita much 4:mpro. ed, must needs e- night by seized In hlan irresiatible claire to see the ballet , at ..ThO, Dia, le ° Bei. tour," in wh:icb the daeltuca - dtihdle4 by 'Fanny Ellsie s r Who bad beconut the sum and object of 'every de,nversetion'ar.d of silt the en:thusissm or the lie Wont alone _to the 'operahe Yaw the _dancer cc,ntic fez Ward to thelgotlights with that arinauting. step had won the . hearts .of all nuinlitad—he gazed first ip terror, then doubt, then in horror and amitzeiniut, aild sank "slowly i florin seniete* en. the floor .Of tbe Ilsik where har.naa placed,. :i i'it was tba'danoer basalt bit whoeu his whole heart and.soul hail : been - be. at9wed. is Was to her be hid r.opfid-. ed .his cow, secret- thignibta., The whole iatrig4 of the con became revealed at once te . ,his L ain t.. He went Widen° more to the tte, 'but retired .agaia to - the' little dent's dent's m roo in the Oalseeoptill shown. aiAbe Owe whored's died,.and emalij - never be p 011118484 to behold theltialtrees I Who bait agiaiposoci gpon i bis Visaing beart. - ; lio o i cketa 1 timselcincor sus peeted Fanny Ellsler,of anY base its. trignoi 6 .this* paatoril Bottled r 14110 boon 10 1 4' 4 4 0 0i* teed part .and with the entire conont*ee orimperil4, - reli- IttiaL 'The sad 'of the' drapaS._was a bright *ad ilorloasazjeterarrlbr the &nom Int the I) Elks. adukty c iahlaipair and death I 1 , .- 811 4 20 /) 4a4TE Biloin4)Wishis a letter to the reopie.01011• fotatoehdieg,l shiver . * alai* Aittd anfneetr.totalt4i.efiiCie4Vo:7l:!e debt co _7 l ' VinoteriihfiejAhve• Aba aggiithi „111 - 4:,13; dim, WICKS iantoria *tee isd .c..-40,1:.}1 . 3 4 1 141noss,awasAkzarfar etnetaroismt-itstekliontot tqout i and afterwardajgbanoit , .0401fari-larlakyilit JANg"7OII6, I 410,;,Iseginf aqui tyinWoli* ACyr.ith• , drew front: itinal4lkAistr,M4 1 . • I:. " *7. • • ~ • Eini . 401aufstia - of - 77-'''' ,. - '''''"'" '''"" r e2l l rP 2 4"4l lWitif:, t . 2- . --r :: .nstritgrimp - rr ; • . 7r 1 • - i -..." ..;-• ,-; --. v..- ~ .o ; - . 4 . -1. - 1:5: Iv-, ..., _-.r., , 1 ... , .;-, t . awe. est 11114,233t.ivei, tis , v, 1,.. 3 , . - t _ x„.. tam- Ofinfli, Altren at; ndlorSTipcii,hkfbti=e trona .09Asta.Pene ttle• itno,r3" e t, th.47/41. 11 't, -..,-0,......, .• i ....... !( ..- 1 , .... 7.44 1 • ... - - -- lES- I V-14.1:911 ;; -li•ATAI4RIIO .r.PAI,JAPFffiIt.„It!..-13ii ; 41" ' ' C • •W ". rt 4. 1 The :kinii4Vin i 43 -.- ~- Cense l - . Genera( '‘` t i z t l4l C sr + . 004:8 fetter in !ix rOliiiiire,:eo‘'tfie sr. 1 11k01 - 1 , 1444 4 _90'..; ALI!, ‘.. iese af - Sitiiiiit: f* It 'ii dritlitiAleittti: 1 14 5 019 -6 1 . 19 t4M1914W s kii t '4 . 'd 'Vlkybi,,tind siddreitsed ztivileol**& , " 14 1 5 0 P14 PA% iiiThati .01 1 .1 i i l tmir s epai : , ditieof its tontatita.bave Iltelik„ . 91 1% - oo e ,r/ if r.. E4 l , lretir. ot pithwhedi• ' ,••- • ' • , z 4 Jel fl 4 i'l'. 9 , 1 / 4 Zi -144W'5343!314 411 0Fg i t 1 i ' i s k. lailir. 'I. Pi ' TUX ) ' 44:4-i'tbilkiiBAPlrsl4.si '74l ,l " latif °4 aitfirr Aistii; ;' 4 ;;O . '' i' l Let i ol l iaPllot_ l so l Atifslinettilearr i ttleftsgVei-sle. 3t , I'.' ;1 11 if ti la.. t e, 1 1 .4 1 4.r. IS I - 41,t.:. - ... - 4 . ; lam e 414 b hicirtor 31 - ;0 repbrai 1 0. 4 .er 34111,_ alt. ,ll . l Pl a lftlint { in souse/lie, .o.firie teleg . keiemW -ik e ls A v tialiSA% r ijegMl..seite - 11 Viis . A.Ametiantinopleziroing'l4.r,: i t„,,,,,,- - 1$ .I °A,Y l ". l „..ti l L et ALIA! t" /iihg, Onited kithtes iltianiater.et *env. `3TV"ru l IF I / 4 • 11 N l k"..?" nrr_., IT riiiiViiik:sevital3 4itters . rareceited'floist. 41upeOt,,abrwo0;1143,-.14,i !_t,niPe,l 4 4fal..- Ur: 'Whithropi3Jrnited Statow-Coattak, c itulgokilm i Ntv,euttrarvililes_ pliant .i,,'„..-"te :atlllaiticitliti Kediterrarean Iteirtt: hes , .. l i 1 4f4 .M... dt rSict ft ti,iiii* e .e...u,4 ll 9,-14... • i 3. nnfortunateli3-hrokeua-.ibekween 113 " •-• tuli n wta A - 1 tu .:3„ 771 : ', 1.1, 4-I '. ;Haiti; And• thiv place. , thaVir - th IS _day V3 , 3%"3' • I T l Ct t t- 1 ; 'i'?"-" . ... ° 1. "1 arrested' a man . ;calling: hiniselt...Wal-_, VfilL ; i ii i il e,%,! i tei.ol. t,.. 8 " - ' te ' rs,dreesad.4lthe l uFriu.of elottare; ioliiiii thif3,1114T1?"014.i,',,. 4; : i .: who arriv/dai`Nlaiiii'drti`aii th6 l 23d '`; ,4 "3- 4 '; :it'' ' ''' /' . ,' : illfit.; ill : 'the •iteannibiti''TriPiili, gout ;hot true ' - ; ---Iri.k •-1 ,1* : -.. . ° , 6 A ,N' teetnii Wh n!iti &dieted. to-be John, ---*14 : 1 t; 44 F 4-44 0 ;iiii6 Y °48 " ; Il aP '' .- ' 'SU li 1 of th toispira - .•,. -.. amnion : tre k , one e. , k. icing * , Op: .. organ . sou ght. .`er house .tors for the assasienatioe of Preeident, 4 4 ,11 .;P h mifirigaW' 'f)il ,the 34 / 4 1 : 1 P - - Lincoln. :The telegram and some.; .ot 1 1 118 10 01 r.it..44.!"iver k %/fie, ._...! -W. initant t he levers= having- , been •ifeleyen if:: Was thteie links - oat of tritfre;and knew si atismiesiOn f l waiitorTialiatefe Sin to / 31-44 43 1 Mifi'-9C .11 k9.r.0.3 11 e a, --hCig•'.o.: litli t h e ;lia. still in. qhsuiantine aniong, 3 'the, tett : wog tithistjea i tli.tiliiitten o'cluek, third class - passengera, of whom there ritql4l3::: 1i 4 ,9 4 2 . .. ° l „. t fcar! ra.,!.... ; f :_q_ _ 11 , 6 , ' i , i ‘_.. -: is! nip list trhative.v.,:: It, was -easy to" . - ..PfaSM Ve.rtsiY.R!'lle-i'v. l f i e,_.l ) ,_;.)."'• 71,0 1 9 diiiihgaisb him /tinting seven ty , eight 'TC' A - = l ,4 l .S.lftw:olo,4PkV . tFe ' ham. ° ' P i 'a:these lir his -teutive unifOrm, tir4 6, Ittitn.lre..i Captured 'hi Morgan's -:, - • i l a .h-i a t rEi ,,i t J un . '' ' tr"' `-' `-' I '- '• : ' ec,stree.r. lees e as y y. ; _ . i O, l O.)Sti4P-t3 QZ.:71.a.r0 - S9..."rag - t o r n , _ -mistakeable American type of eo.unter ci lest the boy might give 'informs : . - _ ' 3 3, -• 1 , L• ..,,_ , ~,, tierce- -• . . j 1 . ..-. - . 1:. ii45 t:...,! ° . 11 1.P 1 PP 2 . 13 ., i !t1;i n i r2 , -, 1 "L.W:a 1 1" 1 „id I said at7onca fa Lim, :- "You, EireLtiaci i cl •Aq!` ,4 s l tUr. s "` l ''''' ' "" mrB,7 " th : - ""aY Man .I want:- .Yoh.are.an American. 7 .-r004134 e lla4-.W . 9.ili' _i at r al a ht ,: ta* ,. hie :Re - ; :said; "Yes' sir, I am." :it 4id, uk*ußt,.4l:til rdPaiteu 'w h at: " o. - " a d "You doubtless T ii now wt." I watity ou? . . 1164 • 4 ' AO liaa r i t , 4 l4 thaiea g m - ltdack, What is your name r I le. replied : .Icoyjill4.24l,,'iliiiy sirad, and dcit 'iobel, W 64014.: Willfitinti. ineiiiited;ti ft oree Promptly-•;;"lValeers." : I : said, "II be lieve pier true nacho is auiTait,"itad .and . reds' seventeen' inilefflo Pen.. Gillegn : - _ Let history : a f o rr t : in arresting him mentioned my official" 8°- . -41 "-'1iiitiltiOli 06 United: States CZnsul -Oen.. 'that "white Midi. do not seal ton ers •- ' - feral: - - The' .dirigit.oi of- guarani-hie belonging tp , bleeti:l9,yl.lsll; .' -.-.,:.. -., I speedily arranged a aittlitient becoii, -Mier?, by whom the prisener was , to wise place =within I the. Atte walls. - r.'-.4ltilOughthe walk led-.screnia miliatetii, the .palsontii :at inl ' -loi4e.,..;Plada!notireiniirk ;cr. _displaying neither .#llr . pfis9 : atatitm.i -‘ j!:,. , .3.-3- 1 3- .ved at Ike: pfaue prepavetf a l gave '.lafraisutii Magtetetialealftiul_iithzlt: not-, obi igeit'Aci, , tety,,, any thin i , yanyttlint:49.o. 4404 F 4 11 - 4 taiuwkdov.434. l -i_ft,-writing.„llld k.L .iiihave:ntatorts.,.t,'Basi4iiyuirth I . hilt win* O.trjaitifri. :...ASS .. _ ~-f hild,ls4tbot:4Wool-1,410r7 . -ggage, nor nacnry,except six triiires. .c Ilia companiuda.oorinn his 'suite- 1 menta in this resPect. - They- say lie clime to Naples, a', deserter. from the i Papal : army at Kerne. ~...t nod - that Lc had napipers and'noulotbee bet those I he isi.wcaring. Pie appearance et! 3the prisoner' answers very . welt the :description given ] of Surratt by_ the l iritness IV, eichman, at page II ,of Pitman's report offiejilly ten;. t , ., inO. 'by the Government, and is accurately portray_ed . ill the' Jikeness ot.Serratt in 'the frontispiece c.f the same volume 'Mr. King and Mr.; Winthrop speak in confident term (*the identity of the . man Waltere withiSurratt, and after seeing the man - have not a shadow of I doubt - of it, 1 --- ' 1 1 .According, to the well established public law of this place ' as the prison- or avowed himself en American and i submitted without. objection .to- arreat I by me on my statement that I acted for the United: States; and i especially 1 as be bas no paper, tO'isuggest even a pinta facia claim for belonging to any l other jurisdietion,there is no other an 1 t hority Which can rightfully interfere here with his present custody, and I have geed reason f a r Baying' that no attempt: at intf‘rfc:riwt. - will be set on j foot by any authority whatever prel tension he may ma • o. The prisoner' s quarantine will ea!pire on the .29th.— Ile will then be received • ink; the prison of the locallGoveinmentiwhich gives me even). tissstancii. -. , - ; . . . The , St: irtrne ,' Court. .. ' • ,. ; • : As considerable: ',Wrest is now felt in the character' 'endl,convietions ,of the gentlemen *, bo compose ' the Su preme Court, 19 1 ,t3 sebmit for reference the following nilinad jurists, with -the i . .1 date of their appointments : . 1 1863-' l -13. P. Cifier. Ci.i, ChiofJuatioe. ..1 , , ,.... i _. . 1 1835,-J/131 Zr .}lll. ir,ATNE, eels.- - 184&-Samtfier, "lamer?, Ne w - `Y ork. cork. .1846--Renzirs 0, Gales, Penn's: - •1:1858- . -NATUAN 01;01/6RD, , itainek,•• 1862-=Nose M. §WAYNE, Ohio. : 18624-DAVIi DA*lB, Illinois. . ..* . - • • , 1862T-SaSittar, Pf. Mri,r,an, lowa.: ' 1868-:SriPiEn J. Tinto, california,. '''' ' COn t ha t It wilhhe S five of the 'lne• tices, including th O• Chief Justioe,were sippointed by. Mr. Lincoln, the - largest ,impber of the same appointments ever i tems by _anY Chif•iMagistrate, since ~that. organmatlon of the Court. ;• Had J,ustice Daile,of IllinOhl, .b p ett *tie to , the; spirit in which - be Was axe:Rated, :the' Courtj . .to day,' wonld not' be in Parlal.4 l l l ,g!4 • • 4 1111 * ‘ hi* o. bas'e boon world. BAD PLACE ,FOR. A DENIFiCRATIC PA- Pint —The Cincionatk Enquirer enye:-:- • ••Chicago'appeare to bo a bad ;plebe! for a .Demoerati4 paper , John Went.; 'worth was once a Demoprat, l and' started the Chicago :Democrat: lln, few years be went over to the 4apub !leans. Mr. Sheehan was then brought to Chicano to edit another Detnoctatio nten'. lie soon sold out and !went into a Republican paper.. Lastly ; the Chicago Timm. the paper he started; has come oat for the Republican Alias upon the question of negro suffrage, and , seems to be on the way over to that camp " Da. WINSHIP OUTLIFTILD.—AL Mr. Batts has entirely "taken the I wind , Out: of the sails" of the gentremea named 'above. lie writes to thei.ller-' au . of Bealth that be can lift two tiarith. • sand seven bundrecLapdlwenty seven'. tiourscitand two ounces. !Ile .saYa: have eaten plain eimpie foed-, few+ kindest a meal--avotded kniek knacks pork, and condiments, I have used mostly: vegetable food; and when tbat would .answer;' - ,„but Inind it necessary a portiOn of , the date.- to, introdadesolid aui malfood into mydiei / regard beet steak as containlcg the beat, musele-ritakingiiiineiple, because it is made, and more rebdtly distriba. ted as 811011 throughout the . system ” Itionartotioar,. .fin merly gen.i. eral of the C. S. was arrested , last; week in Memphis. nad held in $5OOO !Ail, for swindling. It oppears, .4bri genera has been getting up an momse sorither4reeinpany,:with capital of Sonia 820;00C,000, a bsneticent management, was linen..., dad to enrich overy l .trian,wolll,o and child in "the land we hive."• A young min in Mobile took $j 5O stock, L with the assurance of Ai valuable pcuktiini. Met waited patiently fbr appoict aseaty but. hearing nothiog further he went to Memphis and found hinuelf l swindled. ; , Ar St. Paul. liintiesota, 4 W. P.l il son, the chi United Btsti% issi M ostor, having reinood to 'yield his'"office Coio l 9 l l Wood,. TOhnson's new appoin• tee,-that gentlernarAiss set up an op position assessor's &800, and the nova petition in revenue helloess promises to be liTtlY * • tiaP). l;.. ' ' - ENE - Govsavoi haa .aprodiated _ Mali)! William Frerviri of Tit;sbunp-sp Vpoitrithiiatorterfroio - Peaairylvama to thiPaifitrafaereatßzpositioa of Pita. 4.• - G . • 1 011“ 4411,8 _P.l l Trirsikotr;- 11 . 4511 , iFl6°,4lol‘brbkor,` 9 6 4- I ;:lidkie If" Pin 4l o:Abe l allb4eillikbpilotoiv the'repciv. etz 0f.05,040,1149,gti to hini . biroo Alms frwilliiii.":Ttioltotitiiitrgio bill to Vie am - diatlil24,ooQ fa. ' iodar • - _ I. • 'ilo- I iirli.,B'7assq:ilt•l edi ,11.41.;;G ' ',"), 114,64. - -''' • . i ~ , . '.. tr0c,4.15,74. o;ll,•,Jl7:Dtval,-oaaJa rid; fil ' L rtz.e 1.3•....1 1: - •it at;lst:iii•ooz, e4...Eizi;:, ots,m, l ... ,-t 4 .-1 bkis, - )7 .ip,•; - reiaa. . . ; ', . 17) .1.1 , 4,1, ,'.•,„cf; !.. * . /- 11.1tlitil ..:.,-;:t ? .! - • ff. , , ;,* - I- •,. •• - ••..- 1ia1.4.0_:,,4:,..,..1.r,7'.7r-Ji.a' 4.1. .. f . , 7, F S .. , it • , 'd .11 , -,T• `4,1.2-ilit.l.l a cv,it af.:,f otfst ..: IQ nscra , .... ,3 , .,.• . • , ,1 ~ ~/iiira,. ;*3 5, , 9 1, 1. . ~. ti,,;,.. 444 ~:iv1.,..,,. •,; , -..1 rt./ 30 +: 1 : , 1 : IPS 3 ,s,7lFtifFlfri.._ , - -7-- 777 . " - 4 --- - , ..F" -- 77 .---- , , ,7.,.. —. T7P“" MA A tri*:at erOO . C d.. l thstablislifll:BllB:. ..,,, la* uis aw:iuoitGL) ti. 4 ll - --r 4 rsez.ll4a-er.v.. .rtev....X.t. .. .1 the' rgest i man L 1 MI it utarrin. tositmati,ew. mike 'the eoe. itinnberrof sheep, .ID tho! .1/nltcit . 134414 . 110,00q,000,.-and 05;000,000 poinds,aio itioreisse_ t 7.4.38,' 7t6' egeep Ix': o:At:years.; liatt i psati ilst . kitr:itio o rit,asitt74B,ooltbe,pri-. ' 4ger boas' 4oir 84,744.087.1 ttie , -lasi :fiver. , ,iriyika:, ar4 llll FT: 747 , 9 4 4 *lmituOlvt4o l .-- - r0b.01 138 .• - • 40 1 '7001*r' . • . Ais gr 14t, strui.d-. in t • IMI . MI of •ob 101111 , 14 R 551 t—Vitig gi:7 4 A:Wertiwith e at e wirormormir4f Si Ar altars ---taistaigh*Lollaiseitiliii gents:. ssio libresitdiwatiti stoditit44o‘ ll 47 OvertisirerseeltibusburAii.. A space f 3 qtkattatwidAt Itilialdikto typo -- iitlleftelilligagliffigigifigo iilarritew4ol 04:43 a fz tdota '; 11 n 4403, alsr44.-fit PS. .ap l ata Dosthi l kAgo. R.'•!7 - 1 ; .. 7 4..: i . * 4 Titeh ! to % 41 t/ stillos ' The followljigl letter4o.4,fritOrt 1-i7lment of ttgficalittriniwcatrmkj,l - ,Sundell,toniiiticit Stitiff4 firPthisi, WillidtiMitfess priticrentitudinftettatilif ticia 4e ade Xinitt' o 4loW4lfilkkiVilittAl -iiiiii,„,milnn. ci,f i thettertli z seist ii,,,,,,,,-, ' -,,,,,,, ~1 9 ,k b oup iTiat 'mai diciafiii. dtapsuln '" -in self ,e c Atair iiiettGrikaifirieWlni thei - iiike timid' , lit4ifigilittaVitlita4 iirshibedo calicntit,* ini:tanututril,r,4lo4l.v,, Tebearyntabit. 3344 4 :t ei i 4 Pf t yiii ii SS O' a PANKII.N 2 ,I'Ii.4-- 8 0.; (0e5 ,1 4,„0.1,,,„n 0 F1 , -, _, et fig gpo r ted ;.tron4 - , t, 4 - 6,1 t'y' u . trurraus," .sw - ildfit i tfiliffrhOcieef.- TheiritclAtNifre; ,c,fie4inglifebitiikl•cidkatalmotischoliy o ll 66 d1 41 " 10 / 1 /*Tetlahleilfr* tilgl* .. . 1 , 1 Rfai.eiPoliltfc.4s4.34P. AFIVAIff VA' , 4116 •" iicil f ;was - discp„,,v„eked spells tifitiftrq 'eeci 4nouitilottdekirtli' ihil Ifirf+ 24 iseiteii;Oierfilitfepet;sefis, ail4.lesaii.vr - these some of - theAbearakittiaCt. i l z ' Titsutisrllg ff4gi,AS 140 9k i 1g.4 4 '" - t 43 kiPitinLAtYi eotoe; is *ldto b 3 attended wi th. MORtitftirclitr.ginkiiiiit atcr it tsriared -3 '.'itht - riiftifttfiltiiset,' affeeted Will PAY: vcitfr:'-their - iiivett.44-.4 yteldrig,fo that ilegaliaa44o; kilke.PMft"l OL9PRISI or i l 4 l O, 9iPOLLY; 4 0 aed 4 4/4 6 tOC,Zke 1 :1 : meat, aii„ preveldrA . .o * ttitit" ,eitiffe try: ,Ikits meted that tboise,.. - * - 14.0'- ha,e = partaken "Or sausage` firt-Oftrecth- r from the Infected moat, and . - onl-. t , 11m4.74 c_ I ipir.iy.ficially ainedActi, are•subject to, wore.' : pains than Wage who' had eaten sticttli. and pther dishe s inacif t ficienily coelceit , ;t:itilloWii,:ilia4forq---tilaV die - . o4etter 4 'the beat. to-iw hich such: /heats , are sub!;'''''. jested Abe 'surer ,will 4110.4iniasitetc f Ahnyetubct made 'll4;4ilesh au& itkiS i 4 ., i' . IA sir,riple Tact . w hich -cannot - lA' fO6 - . st ropgly impressed: 10'06 - the iffincr a a cOant . fi'74ko t oura. where Pork' , Is - au eAtenSivetrtitt led. --:it is.ipso, ,- -_oonlifinis4 ded: that. ily outleittitkis 44141.r:k5f....1-".-. blo --LO .hare. the heat pehat.ra. V, e . meat _sufficiently Willout burning some., - nOftion of the cods. - The atinplaristiiii'i 'edy 'would be CoViniate-antleta2arithvii . oict -bones, andsa with 'ct - l'ettiiy, diffifti*,- „ from swine's meaty L; .;C j... --- L',,,,, -- . 'The. scientific, c9l is i ; i o n:or:ttitit.4,' medical ''faccttiy - lb yrifiiiiit . init . ' Icir ., tbeir decisi t c,f:t r ulid....„- ale t. of 'ttie i I:ith - of Febr4rart - tiST,ltint, nteirtsel+picial einniinnfi Una lirceiliiir (111,fifitetatlid) parts ef - itheawilio"wauld be the, 443.4,14, way 11l prey . 4 1 in lk l tbe!!4. 4%04 di lr i tiSk `Cho eciv q .r o i t i s . m§ , thifvfore . ,....no r re,6oruilienctir'iiiieellut;pW tiiiiil ti 44 #4 i)VOi - OhiOliictiit'at itlti4k r=diriutviiiile ken iff':ttietiiiighly cooking-laud !btfutie : paringobelc. t ituels - eaffnlifitlitiolifkeltsSt _ 134 A!taTkiil4 1 4a1 9P104P-TX;. ':.:-. -'' ';•l•fi . *' I ..” This ad c , i 0, as,. the 4:r el filifil -ca - 1 a :flits c o s stilo4 l ,qii'dhiteWiliiiia 'ii:te rvi 6 i5t; 4 i 4440 i0d#N 6 44,40104-,;si' , setierlitnie - infiliilo -- eati ;little ,- elent- -- .. .z I it, and it is 113. w public ly. prtipW4 l . ' that those who - sell triellicioua meat bik i r made responsible for the coniiivenvel', - I Thus it - will be Wee*. that ' the ' peiopfei - Ihere are in, earnest, 'to guard, ff--4pos t :._ isible; spinet, the recurrence of; , tit* - • I late cliscoycred-141 that human flesh ll I heir tv," One Summer's Work, TL 'iitysjut~ . vjur cost $42,0.90,4101; which t l he conquerer has levied kolj her - . onotnioti - 'us fullolVll, iiiclui3itig s! Friar& Of prat 1 Austria, Bavaria Wurterablirg Baden FianWort - • 1,2C9,40Q , li • SK2e6;ol)§ll - , Tlis gives a - dear fisin. -toiktie! lil ' needle-gun 'of - $14,209,b00—a liiStiT'': good snmmer's work:' :-' , i, : yr.--•••_:1! Hessg Danietnit RI IM If Jefferson Davin bad astabll‘had the monateby' for -.which fie and' thgst present earnest' rtlivp_catcs 4.2 f tbe:C!inA'q stitution .of the United States .vreieik f lt earnestly eontendinb-,7lie'- Would cot 4 T only have , compelled: tba :ilefiftitedl 11 North and . .West y. t r"Plidutto three thoipand - 411,111i)na : dejit4 bat:;r , wo4ld, have taxed them, to to pay at least tourthousand - -ratltiotfilt,,; more of bis own exponi3es;inelaillag ; indemnity to tho poor. si)avehaldeille: 4 --11 , AB' 10 political right% Jelfewa 4:ftakt wise taken ;bezu.all h. i imself,irieluiling the property and live - a Of :slizeTt'lslidtagi traitors as Stevens;"stitnnev,l3lifftol%rr• 41d Andrew Johhio# I •• Tax on Real and !ersontilEatate Estate . 1 The report of • commit Jititrinft, ;:. Auditor General o f ! the Sts.ts, 001,11111, : as usual, the value ion of propertiutel ;: - assessment of tax ick; the= eaveral - Wa..P..:.:: ties of the Commonivoalth,': wiatillict i -, • population and nuraiiet pi, unhitioer:., - By this we jeep: that the tax ea teat - and personal estate' in. the : si t stptitrett! 1 i.. -'- counttes, inelnding• 4 ! k. item a - *MP . 1:! ; 17 from a fciimer treasurer of.' tali at.i • the counties, amounted te118Z9,44540 t '' , .'.: and the special tax of one half truli buil , : • the -dollar, -imposed by the apt at May. .; 14, 1861; amounted to P94 1 ._ 11;. , i O FT'.', l . jug an w,grogafa - pi , 0019,2 B.' ' tt! , i : -• i ni l , tax cif Phil a d elphia legs 14 . .?, ~ . att i -: -,' real and peraonat eetate, a ,*60,-. on the epeeist tax, rendevinifialalhill • of $651,742.6.: , Thi siaallest , '..,, f r., paneepal - Waite tax . is , pai paid : b7 . ,. ' 2 cannty.'aud is 20 cote Forest . . , not , .. .. ' Int- 215 74. The spectilltulf - ! 4 I ' ! - yielctee - VOllB 09.. iii J's' : . i :., 1 _,. 44, . 1-..-, ."2747,88 in Cheet*Soo4o4laie ' 1 1 , ii4W B .44.inilakati4siiaraff4f : 1 14.... R •.!--, *H I ' l .lO, R4g9n/147-4-- 4.144.A.z0 tek - IA tiara -• , . 7 • •-"7---- 0.0. ..: - .7," 7:4t. krApfolitkrairhleinri 4Diatileklei , '., _ : irlylle'wallettiettfotir , 4lisktatmiiti v AVß.., 7° , 13facirdatc . ilippetAfeera-liiiii,44 . aqiip t . • elfiiiiiement,antrainetaid t 6 deathritea i l 4eafoldltnttle,whictildat. was- - . seirripg " . ' t o , t er '.. i triji l . ...-11 , :i;:"1.14'31: 'l 7 . ....:' ; nr ESE • , • ;I;ji. • _ _ • - 7.004,0043;11 6 ... .... • :• 41 . 15 . 02. • 4200,10,0001 . fqo.ooo,i't MI MEM MEM MIME 11 U H II E = II I= 111 IM! =I MS El 1 1 ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers