11 EXAVER ARGUS. IttiVenlber it rioc4cgil , .lXl:P/Wifflg nrs. r fix. Bt eaex , Ju., - 54 bir g,is in that city. 4 ot f o n, go to the fitate irormai, i g: o re. -The teaching 'is bot ; • 1 "'• • " • • ,• e are indebted to Jno. ,;C : the Steanier..4mtnajip., Li, ere pspeFs., ExHiciTiox,--TL ere lilt 1411 r /try ex,: I.ihition Sheffield ort this (Wednes Tbe ..:!!14bitioplip. be ileld l ixt; tte 31t. Carmel Church. os • TUC lifisit. 7 --buring' th , latter part of lo t week several flocks . of geese passed thin.ont tbeir.y4y .st We:inter gy-The receipts - of interiist_frnrentuVrom :Jsty. let to Baturtlay last amettnted to -414 -- 475,416, 39. lIMIE A Ri-"Orr.—Qp Saturciny hist • ti „ lean; lie longing .to e .llr...iarnes oil thittplace4 ran A gay, breaking the wagon neathyto pieces;• 1 - 3 41 perhaps fatally injuring one of the horses. - • Redness si of) last i4ek . re ere.s is it ed. -anti •a • !savag9r . an OR et Car; LieL co linuealhrong4out• tllte•day. .4:::lver echts, tires; &c., .irereid demand, and Hypeared to be all the 45,:" , I • Ltricarrox.-7-The docket fOr the/all - term (1 - Court in Belinont county;lohio, has over hurtlred casee•on it. The Buckeyes in stlat locality nuisybo nelligeltntly disposed,.) 11 e nkl the sweets of :paying huge Cot RI . IVE,En.Ii--' 7 9ur Tenders in mind t kat next' S Opens its session in .thi; , ; ;place. Itis tlio. two tkreek tcrm,nnd le learn that - there is qti o ite an amount of bu tiuessbu the severftl-lnckets to : ltte transacted 4 CEO I'lll ' 4e:lES Li -- 1:11r1Vr B(111111i. •,burOip,srare in pteeess of 6 1 , ttheTyi•esbyte other,bi the Meth. Cbsreli l ;:. The formei it is said boo, ona the latter about $ buildings . 14111 mill much to lb t tact "fidurishing ‘lllnge N.VlC)h.t 11'04. GUONTY2B 4 agricitltural . friends arelinfortned. that there 1%111 be a National WimllGrowers' Con -I,l,tinn Cleieland. -Ohio,- on 'Wednesday, 14th. e ExtenSivearrangiments are ain!w•l everyullter.e l•eing matte to attend it,. . we doubt ho - t..put n hat it. would well pay tow the heitrytc'ool grovrera Kthaeounty to U. incaeut NitwerArnit. Finn.—The Imle•stAv:as k(,). Advocate, a sterling Union payer hylt he Ivey, is edited by rllessrs:.?.lll - r:tteu t r ; _as 1-ei'etitlintis 14fly :hid the g‘,...se Irtgb" with them, ;hr:--4 , 41 7ftt Initrrit4 4t:- the same . time, an or t sru•after the last election. Inas mid; ibey s'olin.l politically, we take it Egt ;Ley will.bc!!'clennwheat:l'domestically. , . . . ca.‘xor. 1% THE 0033i111.98102i11. •, • . 115:erday,"the rah. inst., Jas.- lyarnoek, Esq., „North Sowickley township, took the oath county commissiolner, to fill the place occu 7 pied . by John 11.. Beighley, whcce,.. bunt • exiiiredon that day. Mr. - Beighley has made ttctico,, intelligent officer, l i and there is t oacaM ya. übt but what r. I Yarnock will worthily 1 his place. ). itEu.--The New Castle »I:411ns Gleason, who was l i resisting nil otrieerl ted to sr..v months iniprisqntneot,f I 12ti: »r June:. and has been rill ia'nt Friday, when he *as fool vome:to to - wn.. Sheriff McCon him, has him sufe in jail, where lTrue, to reflect over his folly, and , ip6rntnity to serve a. short time breaking jail. Q~ Slav ti, , ll.ir.n`sio •Dcar....—Wm. Shron , 5, Esq., the Fteictil of the Poor; House far ~ informs . its i.. 't!,:tt tram his cabbage crop this y or he picked 'III iu , i 'weighed four heads,4 e aggregate wtigla,[ol:whieb reached one hits ed'poUnds. 'lle large 4 of , these weighed: t enti-seven rinit4: ; ', Frcmlis drop et- beets be tteleCted t•tie Witfcli l rineastired:27l inched cir'euinfer etce4lB! In diameter. lle to elt that,in l ie .i . liblinge and beet .line, hot '-'of ': these titc'uncas' would be pretty .hari to beallc,-- () dell:lave , you 'any '"big'-' ting upyinir say •' If you have, trot them till , o tonever Arra hold ;our peace. ' ' • . • d tressitig liis.county tances: are, Lied Samuel going out lis in view, .bortitsstsc Aceinrr.—A ver; tee;oent oreurrO at ltrichester,..in m last Wednesday. ihe, - , , pircum te.toilmwsi A .seung than nan 4 elnson and his brothlr intend,e it, a'hunt lug ezzeiifsiotand with. t tie former took down his shot - gum, ling the muzzle to 'his mouth_k- 1 ILiziimat loaded—it was accid J .tiVi'ed whit e he was blowing, het i Ikah . frinn the gun riddled his I l 'llinc, broke his . ja w, and carried hlsl lote and lips, disfiguring hip"' At 'h accounts he was still livit rte.-ovary is dolahtful: • 1 . ' • T t t r s.nAnos'pti, IVELL.-4The wet tt property fortnerltpolmiting to in .Sbaron,'-itill continues to be if the i leig.hbo . thoOtl. When the !Ilea froh it the bOrere t t , bad reach 1(12.1i itet, and oti tubing it she towing vater, and hai continued trio l the -present tithe. The tubing 441ths ago: The lab in it it.: qul at , .; the water io thiown in'"spittsl `ll l n the top, of 'th4 derrick. WI trot tubed we .petiti a T r ait to Ptlite •rte 'reg,artle4 i jite pr'fr.pect ;• few days ago we wej 4, tt ntip,ml wer surpri/ zp oil in aaall,yn ntitieA was nd Itith the water,' Whether it wi 'lNce...ig •tyct cannot ray ".141}/111 indicatitins were , • , &tile tiUle WC , a, TV it than I . -A ti tlif; f poll Isr,pne township } ; itawrecod county. , - October 9th, appeared Thai+. Whet. I stone and offered 4 %do.. Theiniapec turs could not agrce as to hie right te Vote, consequer.tlY a debate commen- I ced and lasted for the spice Of att hour t decided he had s right, to vete, and be did vote. Dl.r.,Whetstene is a boatman, has DO resiciEui:tornortirton Ohi o , vas notimbosed, - n6r did he . pay any talc: But by had paid toll od the ca nal, and that he alygod wa a State tax;.-Whilo the Board (excepting one inispeetor) and a nuir her: of i the- big gune.9l the Democyatio part i ir argued the ',:ase fill gum) t that ad paid toll "on a canal owned by a - Conynny, a portion of 'which was a State tax, andtcr.taled the .saia Wbetstnno to vote. ' l c _Bearing in mind that State tax is MO Fifth st., Pitts ; p. - 744 2014c1 edn- School, at Ed thorough and R. Eakin, Esq., elate 13,9Ptihr REM paid annutilly, and that a `boatman' ( pays ,t r oll ocory time_ Pllseg 4 . P in" 'dOwn:thec`analtfils . will be recognized as the "heftiest" construction of law heard of for many a day. . - . • I . THE LAST 0F40}1.T.-4i r e . have boon trylng ever since the. .9th of 'October, to convince the_ editor of the Local that heVAlliii party lOsr the biection I in this county. le does not believe it;. and as bar langua . ge . - and Style of argument . has heretofpre.evidently not been comprehended by him, as a last resort we w.c ho.liarige it, and, with the assista'nee of nn illustration, Iwo 'hope to' be 410 mak el rtilm ‘ 4 4see it:" IF, the language c:4l.Wctrpleurn.lirk Washy, .'the oirneeratic - mind . is heftY,!and it can only .be Convinced by the heftiest arguments." So hero goesk Simon , SUggg, • a literary ... ll'o:e, •once ,"ca me near" being married. Ile silted Be. linda ta. have:liim, and Belinda she said ,• n." Belinda had said Vonict x.—Two fine ciion Kew married; - Trie DerAci;iti"caine' near" inn congrega-. .list Episcopal vill cost $30,- 0,600. -TV,ese appearance of carrying t-he election in thii county. The 7 asked the people - to 'V i m their Ifnd thepeople - sald "No!! . But if'Alle people had said "Yes,"l'then the Demoeiat.s mipuld have beat Tbeve if you - •don:t waderiitpqd the I.4ing now, Sod haven't k, t obe•fourth a the "vitality" yon say yoa , have. MN 1:r .,, 0 0 SOLDIERS AND A11.01[8 : 7-- ~ w a are r l quested' by the Pittaburgianitary Spiders' 114 mo Assocrationi to state !hate they will 1 feeetYii turtle:a i r() for, free of expense, all ,: , shik,• I maimed, %rounded aiid helpless soldiers and sailors of Vestern Pennsylvania *1.., can show an lion.firablGAiio,arge.H This institution' is supportcd . • by the interest of - i180;000,. transfdrred: by the Pittsburg SAnitari Conitnia'sion at; 1 • the, CIOPC of,the wro. Thorear.4 bout ;• se‘ - enty•fiv - e inmates a; Abu' . -Rollie: !:nuw, quite,a . ntiniber_of "whorl' - tire at tending the di fra ° l ent tioMmerehtl col. ' I ee4 . of Pittsburg', and - al nsAlnalifYing • ' themselves , for Clerks; salesmen; -4td.-L -1 {. ! . .1 : )r.•. Cyrus. B. King,loa experienced army On rgeon;-is't he Superintendent. t .1 , , • As Beaver. county added ..larcrely in making up this:fund:it shsi has any i soldiet a or sailors such 'as see outliner ! ated above, they should avail thorn= Iselvts of its ad tianta , res at once. • ~• Courant says convicted at and .sent.On ibroke jail on t large since eh ettougb to ell arrested be will hare probably' an logger, ;for, A. CATANGE IN JOE BEAVpt POST understood in .this vicinity for some time' baCk that Miss . Maigi'e. - A nderson; our Post-Mistress, had rent in her resignation. ITbis•res ignation was tendered Several months ago, but never acted upon until the last fow. days, when it. was accept ed and Miss &Hilda MeGraffijk; Of t . this place, appointed in Miss Anderbon's stead. Miss Anderson has 'bold the office since ism, and bas been an at • - tentive, obliging and competent 'Post mistress, and : takes leave of !the pub: tic,' iu act - official canacity, w4ll many friends. Miss McGaffick is a Republi 'can in politics, a young lady 'of fine scholarly attainmetits l i: and will no doubt. make a verywffieient public ser •vant. She th 4. second •ditaghter of the late Wm. - .McGaffick, Esq., well known to most of our eitiiens.' To WooL,•GROWEas:—Wo arere . quested to fitaie 'that thOrevill'h'e a mcetineof tho Wool GrowePs of Bea 7 i'ver county, at the Court #ouse,'on Mondaq evening,. lc overnberll2,lB66, for the purpose of orgrinieng a Wiwi Growers' Af , sociatiiiii in 014 county: persons interests in the; growing of wool. are tfordiaily invited to attend, and put 7 .ot knowing dis io it. The mouth" and 1. il!off - part-of frightfully. og, but, bia • MARRIED: Sept. 8, 186G,by the Rev. J. 31utitty, Wm's Boarnwlox to. $ l / 1 33 SERRPTA THOIRPRON,• both of Clinton, Lawrenee;eenoty, Pa.•.j _ Sept. .27th, by 'the- • sarna,!,:Jitates Fox to CATHARINE MCKEEVER, both of ,Bra l dgewa tor. Oct. 22d, by tipi same, JOSEPH PENTECOST, of New Orleans, autl.Mis! Emtxp.i. Sturman,- "le • ---- of Pittsbu rg; Pa. - " 11 put down Irs. Dick be wonder (tools were ed - a depth ommenced doing. so took-place Tito strong llhalf way n she was, nd at that not 'at all November list,-..3866, by - arae*: John B. trentz, at his own Louse,-Mr; ifsi. B. Forsir, 1 of Clarkson., Columbiana .colinty,-10hio, and Miss Biota RAIL; of Black Hawk, Beaver county, Pa.= - - ' On Tuesday, 'October 80, 1866, 1 by . Rey: Glenn, of New . Brigtt3niPs., Mr. Una; A. An nsa,sox to Mini' Lou: •H. Hawrinoanibath'of Beater, Pa. - - .: •1 - - • nt - tcisee it ved to find 'w , coming in ever be MEM DIED: November Ist, 1866, infant- son of John 8 and Nanci J. Anderson, aged 15tia„Vs. more flat hey were Xlittribt#49; We A' ol3l 4l . epl).a.ttWittql? tho.opin ion of one lb& tattling 'papers of 'Gamete; an ibte itubjeet 'TN •TT • frlose , Of our readers have no doubt read•some or thilltliterotis advertise: . I ments of Gift Enterprises, _Gilt Con eel hllllimeitta heft to time iti,theptttlie prseta, offering most teniptitig bargainr,tolttetto who will Ipatronite . them: n most; eases these 'ark gerritinit hiltnitfifes thin!, are `.l" litw , respeet t abie, ftr i tn.tt .„Who. do bt3si- Oeistn this . manner, and they do it us a iiii±ubs,of,-mereitting their Wbolksale Lbusiness, nEd - not to make titTo,:liitasortiii t rind veins bib articles are - procuted for a very - Small - sum, and iiitat 'is -more ,limpurtant', no onu.ll,ever cheated. Every Persongerts'gc,od 'Value for his cloAtar; because., awe bade stated, it' tisl an adVertisettent to i riefga i sp,thgiy..urdi nu,r,y 4 buki nest; 'TO have: 'B - 041 'numbcis Prffes ;sent,'tout in this - way .5 x, 'AVATEO:4& COMpAg i lr, O Isrr ass.an Street; Y„ and there is, no doub t that some 'of the articles are worth'eigliCoi . ter. times thaithoney or for them, while o we have ot seen or heat:did a sicgle artiele,wyeltwes i cet c lully worth tit w dollar hielt it.eitst. But this is only ono of, th.elexceptiontt of. this rule, full , as a general thing the parties engaged in thrtcliusinese are nothing but, clever' swindlers —(Satarday Reader, *on— E.„lan. 13, 1866. - of Jurors for. Nov'. T.,1866. E2l j i goIIMENCING 21) MOZ4DAY. • ;: t ',Nano. Thee Bigger Forerrsan;) ;Big .Beaver: DiOid 'Johnatori; • -- BriOgiwaj.eri . .11attblua.Blake; • Brighton Geo.Balehty, AB Wolf; - Aza•lah Inman;. ' •Dairtirigtori: W M'Cartney; EcO.t.Orny:. Jails , _ , FriledOin Tas M'Ken; Greene:4;bn Chrie4er.;].. . . .1 , 1(„b Stunqh Archibald_ Juli,ingoo . , Sr., John'; Kee ; _ .. .• Indep'fatlcrwe : Bobt, Sternu4, • likOst.ry: John , .1 Moon: NI:Nola Doiid9;' . • ' New iSewickly : ..,.Chrottisn Magee ." lien4h•rsor. 4 Elijah (RAIL igh Ohio:; 11.,ht.-Barclay , ; ! • Raccoon: J m T Ewing, IV in Ilood, Win R Irwin; ° 1 • RO'cliester• • P.K•rfr J.unons Zan. WEEK. Big -Beaver. : JottoGrrr b D Walhicq,4*co-1.1: Young, JnO CChap— mail; j Borough . Nathaniel Lindsey,; PatrinkH3calranor,;. Beaver Darid' 'Shumaker, Jacob ,Weyar,(4; : . • • Bridgewater Johnston Small; Brighton: J A Hays, Thaar; Morgan; Chippewa: Thos Dunap,S E Walton; . ' :'Darlingtor,:.Robt Irwin, Jno White; Jas 11R:eet1; .- - • Economy-. Washington`Davia, John Irenttriekson; : • •. ~ 1 Franklin: Jog Pil ji HP; . Freedom: Jric .- , B. Snead; . . . Glasgow: A . J Petit; .. - -.- Hanover: John Mereer,J.B CrOoks,; John X Gibbs' . - Hdokstowd; Jus II Trimb!i),Jackson • .. .Swearlegen ;i:-- . :•.- • ' Harmony :George Shire's ; Woiruff Winegartner . .- --1 - - . • ~ • Hopewell: 'lt C - Seott.Jogram Boyd;; : Independence: David:Reed; , .• ,- ' • Industry : . Jos Nevill, Jas Potter ; m Jim AMon -- ': . - r 11 , ,' • Mar*: Godfrey .ralin;. . . Moon: Amos Ewing; i ' 'New IT..righton: 900 T. Glass, Sam:, uel Osborn;- . 1. -, • New .Sewickly: :NO A. Mellon', John Wago!4r, Edwin Reeder. Geo- Teets ; North Sewiekly: las D Boots, Mat thew E.enn i edy; • - ' - - :lido: Al(redi Ly0O; • .. •ri Patt,erson : Win Harrison, Robert Dupenn; '‘'... • • -•-,• • ,•. . Phillipsburg,: Jacob Shafer; '• 'Pulaski .: Andrew- 'McMillin, jambs M'Guire i Ephraim Smith; ~ • 4aceoon: Itenry,Kenned3lokJohn C Cliristy„ Alex Ewing, Sr ; Rochester boro: John 8 Darragh, Marshall Hays, Geo ^ Spcyerer; South Beaver : David Cowan, Peter Crowl l Cornelius Donovan; 2D WEEK Bc* - tii - boro:'Thoi M.Troicryilos C Willioh . 3 . • Bridg' water: Samuel R Dtinlap; Brighton:" Richey Eakin; Chippewa:: David Ferguson; - Darlingtorf: Wm Whan; Economy. : W C Dunn, Dard Neely; :Franklin; John Y Zeigler; Freddc-nn: .Thos' G. Kerr, • Greene : Johnston Calhoun, Jacob fl Diehl; Solomon Fronk; GeorgdAown : „Chas Calhoun; " independence : Matthew Anderson, Thos Standisb; , • i Industty4 Samuel E4lng; Mopb Wear Conrad; , NOW ;Brighton: Eli Alesanaer, Jno - • , • • ' Now Sowickly: Wm Frampon, Jno arrard, Geo Ruiner, T F Robinson ; North Sewickly Hugh Bennett, Jno Be,A,ter, Sanotl, Boots, Jacob Ggbe; 011 1 ,6:•Sa ail Du actin, Wallacb Hun rer; Phillipsburg: Francis Le GUnlon; RaCcoon: Boom D Donde; • Rochester born - F. A.... Fortune, Wm - Poiler; Rochester tp: John 11-Whistler; South . Beaver : John Culbertson, W m Ga7y, ROht Gy.ahana. t , -ria.raphlet La mes. 1 • ,s• anTHE. PA3IPITLET-• LAWS for 1566 have beon'received at the. Prothon otary's °M AO, are ready:for dellyery to these entitleirto the tune.' , • M. WEYAND, octBl,'6B. ',' : .Prothonotary.. [Local insect 8 - xiines and charge ed. . ty.] _l4cense . DoTotio: EArrsa noon John R artier, BoobOattr, bor. oet2f 66 ; • .lORN A. FRAZIER; 'Ell. - , cokpli t i4 B'COVINE SALK AY"iirtue l ein _ er- , ..of.Ane Orkihiuui' Court of Beaver ciinty,the undersignei, ministrator with the. will annexed of Wit= Barn 510 4 0.4 ate. Of Malfros*entity,. Ohio, idt,,, ciaiedi , will -asposi to dale by liana vanillin or ont-cry, upon the,premisee, on. • • '. MONDAY, November' 12th, 1860, at 11 O'clech 4 1 L.1ii., all the following lots of! ground, late °paid direessed, situate in Fair- view, Beliveitcounty„-Peririsylvania, to wit: ~ I No 1, •beffineitig at the etrett, thence by lot of it. D. tiowson, north 7 9 1degrees;twest 7:3 perches, fienlit 121 degrees, west B.t perches thencelrr,,- lot ]"ate ; of ,Thoirisa, It - Scroggs. south 791 degrees. east 8.8 perches, south 67 degrees, ea'it t ,2.s percheii,4muth 79 . 1 degrees; east kpercf tp,,,' the .etreef• 1 therice „by. said 'street; flirt ' 32 ,deg!e,el, !tat 95 perobei to the' piaci' erbegirining; on Which is created - a good; bri 4 Cli dwelling - house, One and a halt stories high, with cellar tinderneath, well of water at."-the doer; &p. J... t.. ... .. '.. ...1 No. 2;liegiitiOng at t he strOet, thence by, an alley south 86} degrees, east 143 feet; thence :by land of 11. D. -De;wson north 18 degrees. west 92 feet, thence north 801 degrets, *est 92 feet; .thence by, lot et.lssuirit,Elliott i south 12 degree* west, 30 feet; *bent* north - 88f de grees,, west 18f feet; thence ,by the public street siiiithl2 degroti, west . 634 feet to the place of beginning. ,• • ,' . • No. 3,beginn, ingot the corner of Mrs ; Quay's i• lot, theffeeary•torif - of . north 75 degrees, east 261 feet, thence by 'lot owned • BRIT by -James Graham, north 8,1 degrees, w, li etit 102 1 • I feet, thence by land Of It. b. Dawson; neri"s 4' legre e s,"liast ' 330 -feet, thenea l south'B7l de grees, *eat 204:5 feet, thence" north llf •de- -- 1 . grees,east 93 feet,thence by Ili alley nortuB6l4 deg., west 165 feet, _thence sontli.lll;,diigiees, wg.st '356 feet, thence north 791 degrees. west 128.7 feet, thence" south 11} degrees, wilt 12 feet,,,thericii south-7n deiieei,l east- 14&6,and thence south -8 degrees,-wpi5t12.14.5 feet to place of beginning.- • - 4 ' 4 - • - TERMS—One-third of the purchase money to,be paid on ocinfirreation of the sale by the Court, tuilarme in . Uri* 'equal, annual instal ments, with interest-froorthat date, to be tte eurodby bond Bid fainitgage.,- • - i • For further inform'athin inquire of the cm dereigned. at Deairert-Ps. J. C. W11..89:4, 0ct17, 1 66. . - Aird,r. with will annere.d, 4-e. ORPHANS' !CO MS ALE„ TN pursuance.: of an order of the Orphino i Court of Beaver, county; made the 13th day et October; 1866, I will expose to sale by public venduo or OuVory, on "the premises, on SATURDAY,, itrottenoer -. loth; 18661 • st 2 o'clock P, ALL all the followingdeSerilied i real etdate of James;:Jolth and Itldrgaret Gill, minors, under the age of fourteen years l situate in th e botroughs of New. Brighton, 'Bea ' ver connly , Pa..being the undivided half ofl all that.,,,certainlot of ground, marked. in ihe'i plan of the sag bordueb of New - Brighton las Lot No. 36; and bounded on the north by Straw-,. berry Alley;;Mist bY , Bridge Street, South by 1 , Lot No. 37; *rid on the west by Division Alley. I This lot being on the main street otthe borough `is a very desirable location, either as ,a place :for residence or business. - .1 - TFIOIB-4--One-half in hand, on confirm a tion of sale; ' balance in one year, with interest from date of cOnfainationiby Court: . • At the same time - 4nd place Will be exposed to sale the other undividetihalf of lot. Terms -cosh, on delivery of deed, and tem percent. on the bids Will be required on the day of sale, I • I . W.: S. MORhAN: Attorniv for„Ro6l. A Peserson;oSardisn o•4li sore, and al,S,Ateyfor keener of Ike ocher Aatf.l . 04207 OM . • ORPHANS' C 01.7 RT SA BY virtue or an oraer °filo Orpkans' Court of Bearer county, the undersigned,ivar dian, legally' appointed, of the estate of Ellen Boston and John Ford, minor children of Pat rick Ford, late of Bearer county, dec'd, will cxpose to publils sale, oa FRIDA Noventbo. 16th, ISA at !in_ o'ilticlt• 'A., M. on ibet. prmnises, ,the folloWing described tot . lof ground, situate iii the hdrougb. of F4llston, county of Beavcrl aforesaid, ciz I Lot numbered 14in the plan of the.lofs of said bormigh and bounded by John Thornily and Mhers.l ,Thn dower tot the wid ow of Patrick;Ford, accessed, will be released to the purchaser without additional charge. Teans.-;—One-half of the purchase money in hand on- thblcortfirination of the sale by the court. balance' in one year. 'with interest thereon, tO b l eisecured by fond and mortgago'. 0ct17,493•... D. L. IMptilE, Guardian. • - • ORM A Ns• - comer, SAL.E, vißrtue,of an order of the Orphans' urt f Of Ilea* ctunty, I will expose te nale by publics residue ortout.cry, on the 8, •I, „ • I Si TU.R.bdA - opentber Nag. 1866; ' - • at 2 o'clock F. if., all.the following:descri bed real, estate, late of John D. stokis, dec'd.,,vii: Loti Nos. 173, 174 and 175 in the 'general plan of lots of the borough , pf Beaver t in the county aforesaid; each lot having a front of 120 feet on Fifth street, and extending . back 300 feet to Canal : Said lots adjoin each other, and together constitettra block.. bounded north by Fifth street,.eastby Raccoon street, eolith . by Canal alley and west by Navigdtion alley, all enclosed by a substantial fenco. • No. 175 is ,planted With choice fruit trees. , !TEAMS..—One-third of the purchase money 'on the confirmation of the sale by the court, the balan'teln two . equal, annual payments from the date of the Oonfirauttion bf the, sale by the - court, with interest; back payments;to be secured by bond 'and Mortgage. For further information inquiii`of the up dersigned.nt• Beaver, Pa. - . _ I ELIZABETH B STOLES, • Adreipistratrix. rNTIIE COVRT OFt CO LION 'FLEAS OF BEAVER COUNTY . . octli'i36 In . the 'matter of the- andication •of the “Presbyterian congregation . of Dethlehenr" for a Chartor . of Incorporation,' And now, Sipt.' 86, 1866, application presiented. 'Where upon the Court having perused the accompi-' nying instrument, and being of 'Opinioitthat it- contains, nothing contrary' to law,' direct said instru ment to be'ffied in thC PrOthonota ry's Office,' and order publicatidn Ocording to last, and unless cause be shown Wan contra ry, the aforesaid Charter of incorporation 'trill be, granted by the Court at the next ' term. oct-11"66:3w WEYASD, Pro. S rATE.NORMAL SCHOOL,. EDINBORO. ERIE CO.; PA. . . , . , I : i • IBIS School offers e.xcellent.,facilities for obtaining a. thorough, practical English* ucation. - The State assists those who in tend to become teacheis. .A.! Rertificate, from this institution iegood for life in jilt part of Penusylyanise. and exempts the _holder from examination by School officari. The' Whiter Term will open December sth.. I, .. For circular or catalogue ) address oatl9:43yi " . : -i - 11. *. COQPER. 1 iNiF4' . VV . 'I% , LEA.'''OC, SLICI]e - , - -"-IN BEAVER ! , • --- - 7 ' : 3 . • ' THtatfbscriber has opened. a Neat Shop at his house on Sisson& street, in the boe ough of Beaykr. Fresh meat and 'aanyages always on hand. , ' ' ' . • octl7: . • • JOAN viRpER. • - i , . - , 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. 11.4ETTER13 testamentary ittt 4,11CJ estate of Brairrps °capon. late of New &wick y Bearer co. deed., 'glaring Veen a indebtedgraner ed to the midersigned; all persons' ;said estate are requested to make' inundate payment,and those lining Stalin against thi estate will present them to tie subscriber properly authenticated for settlimeiL 1 JAMS C. FERGUSON, Nei:, octlrar.; • New gewickly tp. ]., 1 G- " 1 ~ „ • ... S ~ AND: ' . - . . '~~9~` IWire ' e l 71 Ka El SBTTRC-H TWO /711 J {2 •,, . , PE - .140 , INFORM THEIR d patro s of Bearer ~county, and I..arge Fall Stocl(.of i ßry e.,in. alll departments ; ti now ,iols,, at lery popular prices , :ass 1 oods: _ plain;poplins, 1: Empreii, '-. - llaid . Empreas. . ' atitt Cloths' .- ' •-- - Ereach sappy, - _ nglisl,l -ropps,, .. .... reach merinos„ , .. Gala cloths. . ~ `hick alpadas; lain, Baratheas, , rape baratheas, ~. 1 igured merinos, oni delaines, yen Goods. , , . . BE 1 . leterida that their Goods; 'Corn open for in . an loco pie iPt Satin stripe , Silk stripe . s . .Poplin strip . s, - Yitiencia•strApes, - Plaid poplins, Stripe poplins, i .t . Brocade poplins, Brocade ErnreSs bfoliiiir clot a; Mohair rep s Carded. Emiress, irish s poplin ,' Eitglislt iner i incet, 44a variety ' of oche! Mack inks Colored al Yaricy 'silk. At prices MO LE I brig; enCloth, t i ck ,cloth,, ishi water lish Ovate c)ot cstbs, faho clot .8 cloth, k -.lac Bleck melt Blekik4e Brown L En- Colored sk , P,oodle l ' Csipitiere Clog. Bacciues,i Circulars; All pf, the -lutes ZZ2 . . • A.Nr . L'S.• Thibet, , epordenade, I3Fe.akfast, listurtang,." • s Wooten, Single and (ton , llroched, • Caehrneril,. , SECtla, I ;deetraille I L.rge i;tto . r aid cheap. 0114%11 . SKIRTS r zolids. from $2,00 to s t), . 'l3 Woolen.- Gray,. t Brown, • Fiom . .$3; 50 , ! • ! EMI I la A rte,' Red., Soiferin. ind 3 of fa ;Blanket, . -Drab, Scar White, and 11 • • *lixteress, soya,, Twed, Satinets,Blue Earge stook' of coatiins I • Geircrociles, r , , • .1 HOUSE FI7RHISHMG ,GOODS, S; . • I • • TOWEL, ; C,JEL For Limn an Tweeds; and, NAPKINa SEI LI HE CHEAP !:: EAP 1. EMI ip Skirls, ' p uts, tion Ba i 4 Bat cannot f forsep, 'Do Fhirt Fr' ' :If Ail at pricee*b • 1 . . 't I • I „ ... ~ .. ', ar' 43‘7211 , '4111.1) =1 9.21 ; Asir et. sast r , [ow njfiltrAb intOlit'. '.. f' • • ' • :.'" ' - 1- '4olllll4oSiiiieilly --- ! ''''' rt•, - lathe matter of the . .partition , oz. the' real I _-. J ~- il ~,. „.; ~, i .4, • j .,. : - eitate of Rebecca - Mulvanon; deed; •- -_ .i,Thipittii i 36 1 * ;11Ei 1 =1Nassnt,IW Sito.o,, -. • BEAVER COUNY, oiL l '' •' - -t . .• . '•• * tstiLiberkylit :- ,; * ,f•v-I . r 1 vlls ,COMM.ONWEALTH OP t, . ~• • - - SEAL y, ' I) L • PENNSYLVANIA, to Ea- l' . . 1. ' NE WTY:OIIK-C-ITY.: '•'„T.i.-- tler °wren and Josep h-Gmen , Of . Rosewood Piano.S. Sind MelOdeoie4. Fiae 011 her htiaband of Wells county , Indiad*, j 6 ha 1 - Paintings, Engravings, .Silver Ware, Gel& . Glees, of Wells county; Indiana, Wm. Glass . and Silver Watches - e a:id Eletplutt Jetrfltri; 7 .. of De Witt . county , ?texas, Ann • M'Gaifick; r consisting of j34 -, oootipi ..._ Th ...... t0 „-j . . Beaver county, Pa.,. Lucinda Barclay and Jas..l •- , pi ngs. Jew Bracelets. Coral.. Fio74::. Barclay bee husband, of Buchanan countid. 1 tine.' MOsitie;.JeLlava, iind• same lowa, S arah Johnston and 'John Johnston :her, .. ' Ladies ' PerisiWit Giibr ' - husband, 'Beaver • county,' Pa., Nancy . • Law ',• • and.Silyer BitOnsion Rol ere, ..-i rence and, Joseph 'Lawrence her husband . ' I •, ' - stievel:Aluttims; ' Sets of ' Bearer nettotY-rPe - Nana, 'Glees, !Odor of!' 'Studs. Veit • • and • N k i i Jameeeissis, deed, and the children of ettie , -_ - ..eb e i ns; r a ja Web, Jadp! Glass, dec'd.i'to wit : Jolla H. G toss, 1 . '- ed Gold 'chains, Ad., Wilson•Gless, Teny, intermarried with. D Yid , , ...4c r . i valued at i, Hatfield; - Mary Ann Glass, Andrewelael, °hal. . 1. - 00 WO' reit - 6ifit iii Todd, surviving husband of Abbey: Toddi• 0r... 1/,lll___ 1 , t .1 inerly Abbey (Rasa, Idec'd., and --- 7 Todd, which they need not i tiy••;tintil . Minor daughter of said Abbey Todd,.deed.; what is drawn - and its •V, able. •••, • , Martha Glass, intermarri ed , witliGeolge Har.- 7'sE AMERICAN IJE ir,m4F4,T ; :iasSiti ter, and George Glass, lan of whoin reside In . crATION calls . 34dr itiention4olthellitetor- Wells county; Indiana, except. John 11. Glass, , i ts b e i ng the largest and most pcip o ir,t7,o* , s: . who -resilqa in. Beaver county , PC) liein Of I Association in the United Staten.. ,The . balli-, said Rebec ca' Mulvanon, dcc'd., and all others ; ness is and always has been, coed cted in etutf - • interested,Wireetiur Yon and each. of you are i moat .candid and 'honorable Inapner.: - .l oiir- . .. 'hereby notried to be and . appear before the 'rapidly increasing trade is a sure •goiknte• of . Honorable i the Judges of-our. said Court et the appreciation of our patrons for hiitnethcid . Beaver; itsaaid county, on the second Mender "of' obtaining.riols, elegant and .ly gosiih , i- , (12th) of November next, to accept or refuse The amidenatagnstion 'of' 'tratti;. in sitilerii&; the real estate of said deceased; at, the value- owing to-Oe late German War a 'recent tilli-.; . Lion thereof-iby . the inquest, viz ; Purport Ad astrous finlnciarceisis3ii England basest: ed' Academy . lot Na 28; with mansion house, Sto.,' ; the failure - O f .•-a large , ntinibmtf 4 ;rJewelry -- _ • valued 13 , 000; B containing 179 acres and', Houses in _Zenulin Ad Pitria, 2 obliging them tir. . : , 75 per4hes, valued at Sat . :4)er acre; e l contain - I aell their geoids at a great .sacritke, in-scum - lug 124 acres and 22 perettes,at.s36,!eer acre; I instanceiless.thati-one-fbiril the desk ire-viiitg • D 118 sera and 70 perches , at $3O. per 'acre; , ufacturing. , We htiver_lately purphased very B, being pare,of Academy, 0t,N .0 .29, at s l l o 9i largely of theartankrupt Good4l at. atich:Lx- F, being out lot N 0.123, 6 acres, and 47 per- tremely low prices, that we can afford -to send, chest at $33 per, acre ; 434: being out lot No•• away Finer GOods,'and• es give belt' chitti,* 122, containing 61 acres, at SOO per acre ; /1, draw the most valuable Prizeatba any *thee . ..•' being !out .lot No. 121, 61 acres, at4er 14 p esitabliehment doing a milliliter WM OUR. se . . . / be acre,; ,1, being Academy tit No. 64, at $2500, AIM IS TO PLEASE,, and we ,', eripectfaltsn ”: ~., lad ' J " , being lot NO. 15, in borOugh of Bridge• solicit , your Patronage, as We..artr onfldent'ef - water,at $150; and in the event of non-accept- giving the u..most satisfaction. During. the ..... once; t l o.show cause Why the - same should -not , past year we - hive forwarded a' number, alt. be sold. ' Witness the lion: B. B. Chamberlin,., the most valuable prizes to all parte - of. the , Prevident of our said Conti at Beaver; the 4 th'l'countrY.' .ThosewhOe - Aron* us Will receive . . day of ..September, 1866. . -• 1 the'full value of their money, an so article • ' - :• . , JoliN A....FItAZIER,gIerk. on our list is worth less than-One Dollar. re- . ' The -parties abctve named will take notice tair, and there are no blanks.. Parties, ' deal, accordingly ' ' I JOSEPH LEDLIE , lins wi'h us., may depend en- hai i ingpisttipt: . 0ct17'66. ' • I ' • 1 Sheriff. .l returns,' and the article drawn - Will :be z tig t lisf - diately sent, to any 'address by rellurn tailor ~ express. i ~. , • - I ' - The following parties have recently-draw*. , valuable prizes from the American Jewelers' Associatien, , and have.kindly AlloWed theyint of their nettles: ••'' d - " _ L „ - Charles J. Hunter, Beg.; Treasnry Diaarr+ meat, Washington. D. C.; Riano, lane $3OO t Miss. Anna 0; Yates,.&2St.- Mark s Place, N. - Y., Sewing Machine, value $74; iBV4. - Geil'! • • 1,..L. Hanson, U. S. •Vols.: Nashville, Terra.; - Ellice Tea Set.,, value $150; Miss gmuntiTuri •-• ter, 63 Front St.; Harrisburg, ra.,l B .eiripS Machine, value SOO; Meet Cot. waliejelit " . - teadeu, Quartermaliter, Louisville Kentucky, Gold Watch, value 150 ;.tWiii. S. ajOill, 247 • King St., Charleston, S. 017. Silver", Wattlit Value $5O; Alexander 'Johnson, Bsii.. niter:- Murhateur Pioneer, Mu slat etir, Mina., Ladies' Eiiimeled • Watch, value $1,10; ',9 l .aratt,.l , 'Lze. Bee .. President. Colorado . and. 11 ed l t Datil:l3lin ',. • inggompany, San.Franeisco. Cal 31elogleori‘ value .s_'oo; Aaron S. 'Lung, Ei.. Principal Elkhart Collegiateluititute, Elk art;: N,- .1%-. Diamond Pin, value $2OO, E. iti,.lLongstreet. Montgomery. Ala., Aisle Be x., !value $751 . Rev. Isaac ; Van Duzer.,Albany,lN..Y. Gold Lined Dining. Set „: valise, $300; I,Missi,Clarti. Lucuguer, Dayton, Ohic,, , Pianoforte, ;value. $4OO, and Difunotid Pist,valae $1; Many names lOnld.be placed o but , we publiSh . no names' without Our.patrons•are desired to send 1: 1 currency when it is' cenvenieut. . .PARTIAb LIST-. oF- A IMEEI Notice in Partition -in the' Orphans' . Court of Beaver County. i;a T ifi BEZ & RETAIL DEALERS • Figarea silks Repps • . _ - -. 1 Cico.th g, proof, proof, - I!' 4" Basques, P sletois, Wrapps, Otis. i' • • Olga ' Pine; Gray, , Pink. .Blue and i cy ahirtintflantiels. IENS, CrHEAP ! 1,.', Glines, to !`offers, In& it t 0 suit: - '. Ell E. PERT. STEw.rlark,, • . A. WILSON. FALL :1 . 4Sr.l WI-Nrr.lol;t, BOOTS & SHOES, WILSON & ' STEWART. W - OULD respectfully' inform 'the . public. Vir, that they have just recsived direct from the inatmfacturers, largest 'std best sele . cted'FALL AND 'WINTER STOCK (117 Ladies', Gent's, Boy's and t;ttilditn's Boots and Shoes; I GAITERS, SLIPPERS and OVERSHOES, that have ever been brought to this county, - We would particularly call- attention` to our stock of ' tl,lcris' heavy tap and double sole*;steel • heeled Boots. FrenCliCalf, double sole and double upper , sewed scotch bottom Boots. I • ' * Dope Youths' aneehildren's heavy kip, tap anti double sole copper tiped_ an 'steel heeled I3oota. Ladies' French kid and Morocco polish floats, Balmorals and GaiterS, of the !at-. est styles. - • Misses Ind Chlldren's pegged and sewed poi `. isle. Boots and Balmorals, of the let , • est styles. and a , great variety of Children's copper tip: shoes: • , ;Wlitch we , will sell WA°Tank a nd Reta• - , , as cheap, if , not cheaper, than they can e -,bought in thevity of Pittsburg: -'• • . • We would respectfully, purchase to call and examine our stock, compare our r pri. ces.with other dealers, and Satisfy themstilres before purchasing : elsewhere. . • - 4/1 Goods Warranted. • • ' , WILSON 4. STEWART, In tie Diamond. ROCIIESTER, Octpls.-11. 431- 0 C3O ! I i RAVE just received s new !stock of I Goode, of the • c • , • LATEST 'STYLES, Fon .FALL & WINTER, WEAR 1 i i Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Constantly. on :band. EOM CLOTHING 11'IDE TO ORDER In all the latest atylesland at shortest.notice. ~%~; REICH SYewarfs Bow" Bridge &red, octlo'66 SALISBURY:BROTHER & CO. 'E.Ftel.nre,Mcntrfireetrters lirvortets of Gold, PlOedlt (Ireide Jewelry, *OLID ?AND NICKEL • 1911 - vrer ware, 1 Anierican, EngHA 45, ' Swiss' Watah‘i BARED BY :0 UR SELVES, And ev,e.ery desoriptiOn of Fancy -Goods and Yankee Potions,'• Especially adaptettand designed foillonthein, and Weitern Trade,' •• •—• Circulars and full gesariptiee lists sent free. Agents wanted everywhere Address • - SALISBERY, BRO. & CO.. ' - • • tr _ostt,t3cE oct2l:3zn • • Brovidence, R. I. Grire . a.t ' : • TO BB SOLD Apr $1: 17:101.- • . 'l,, Without. regard to value. and nut t be paid for, Until you know_ wliat'yoit are to recelve: -- I 'l5 - 'elegant Rosewood Pi.ines.fcinti $2OO to 4i51 15:eleg't 31eRideons - .ltosew'd essus 175 to 2501 50 first class Sev.ing !iliel.ines...l,.. 40 to ilito.. 75 fine OR Paintings j 1......3p toi.ou -. 150 fine. Steel Engtavings. frotoodi.. 2 1 to 30 50 Music boxes.;,' , ' • 25 . to 414 ', 150 Revolving Plitentlctistcrs, silt' r 20 to '4O. ~ 50 Silver - Fruit and f.l'uke baskets...2o4o 1415.' ' 400 Sets of Tea and Table Spoons.: 20.tii . '4O . ' 150. Gold liuntingeaselWatches.wa .. 50 to ; 150` 114.0 Diam'd ring, chister.sing spin ~ 75 to 26J • 1.175 Gold 'Watches . • ,f $5 to 15 r 300 Lefties' Watches ; '', ' ;.. 7; ... . 69:t0 10.1: . 500 Silver ,Watchea. ' • ...... 2) to ,Z.:' Diaintind Pins, Brotiehes Wad.' or;;lirops. - Ladies' Sets of ; Gold and Coral. Je. oinillold; iFlorentine,,lossic. Lava and Unmere sels 'of I StudS, vi at:and-neck Chains. Plain sad chased,: I gold:rings, gold thimbles, dlockets, new style ' I belt 'gold pens awl 'pencils, fancy wortid boxes, gold peat-With gold and silver extunsiorl holders. and a large assortment ; of 6mi - silver* 1 ware and jewelry afl'everY description. the — • *91,4 chance obtain l any of allovo i I, Articles for ONE DOLL.iR, by pUrehaninea ' sealed enveliqii for 2 cents. .. ' it ,Five seale'd Eavelopes will be sent . for - f ./ $1; hleven for t.S'2; ' , Thirty for . i.I. Sixtv sv.^; , for $10; One ll undreil fur $l5. , • I - sacirrs . RANTED .xvimvi. - n• lir; ~ Unequalled inducements offered. to Ladies ,_ and Gel tirwho willact us iuch. Our descrip: ' tire circulars, will be sent, on application. • .., I ; • ..Distributionswre made lin the following malt; ner: 7 -Certificates namin4 each article anditi' value are 'placed in _;sealed envelopes, which'. are well mixed- Oite,of these envolspea.„cen- , taining the Certifmate or. Order , for spinerartl, cle, will be dSliveredi at otir'office, , or. sent bid ' , mail to any address,' withont regard to choice, , ' ; on receipt of 145 cents.. ' ; ; On 'receiving the ;certificate the purehaser 7 -.- will see what article it irtisvis and its ialne,.-- - and can then'send ONE Dottsti, and. receive ; • 'the article nomad, or cap choose any other one; ' article on , our list of the Mime value.. ',: i• Purchasers of our.SEAAAD ENVZIOPia way,' - in this manner, obtain aft article wortL from' one io five hundred dellars. . Long . .lettera are, unnecessary Have tii ' ' ,itindness to write: plain directions,. sad, in,'.' chociMnicdiffereint iirticles front those s' mention the stile desired. -- - - &Imp j - . 41 4 , 1 1 11 Or Order's fOr 13ssimi Envitroins must , m , every ease be sooompsnied with: , the cash, with (he name '; .of the Iteilion. sending,' IMO. Town, .County., and State plainly w itten. . _... Lettera.sbould be' adaressed `ja the Mana ge's, as folloirs:. • ". , - 'SHERMAN, WATS ..N &Cat ~,- 37; & 39 NASSAU 81%, Nxiirltirr, Gunn - ... El t i ~: -, VA - LiJABL FARM FOR - rpHE, undersi ned Offers for sale '•iit price and • reasonable terta6,l i s farm, of ABOUT 200 A ass, situate' 3 .mile's south- '' west ofparlin n, Bearer connty Pa. farin is a good one;,abont 110 aerea tle4rtd, and • in a good state Of eulthiation. Insprore-: !- merits are a good, large TWO' Story Stone Dwil ling 'Rouse, large Pion*. Rank Bafrn," Wagon Shed and Corn oi6;ltay House, SOne,Spring; Howie, 4e.; Theimildinge are in good repair:, Plenty of good gait. trees on nreOses. — lor further informat ion igquite.of thedundeinsign-' ed, residing on the prettifies, or or A. Rice, '. Esq:, Beaver, Pair • s • .00t17'66:tf JOHN . KOBE .TS, Ja. BRIDGEWATER TRIAL LIST NOV:. TERM; 4B(I6; T • , ...1,. ._.. - . I pincon. ri.lirq•-• 7 4 ! n moNDAL : • - Baniuel Morrow t vs Thomas_ Gnen'tee I - - Ramln Kinsey *W vs Thoitoi*lrSUS - - . G.A.lemuider's h'its vs JaiskAn Charabevi et „ a ',- 8. Marker's heir* ITB C. *.P. 4.tv0.. ” . __. Mint - met Main, Ivs 'Abraham li tar e - '- -, Henri Barr . - - -[ vs GeO W. - Baro Sri -- ---. Samuel Usselton I vs Willson These i too '. • ' N C *-13 V RR Co i Ts John Beatty les -EV.,' • same- tvs Wm Jones -I'.: I'' : - , ocilr6 i ti 1 'lt .A 1 WEYAND rro - II Mall2l bT T A , ME= the Met . ''. perjei l esnon. lied tat TrICI.ES .` .., El SALE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers