El rtiLdt IitAVER AnGUS. :1-VP,VAND -11 11 ,D/ 1 '414419? P 1 11°- 1 -111 It ovembiii litee : 7th,_1866. :~. ;,;~•. ~s, Foiyvard 1. ~, 4 The history of our liountry;Says - tbe: ,ftr!' the last six rat.l 4 .: s ia;it tioi4•Derr.o:. stekol by ‘ :Since the pre,Sliwery ,party its 4,tvii prophecy hy,linaugur- • tatinethe•Rebellien, it has nev er i •• , -'to:ariticipitettnd ibrestie exadtly what did n'ot entle'to puss: , • ..kilyst proclairnad that Any Attempt of.tho;Lingoln - 9diainisteatkin to en+ forte the-.114s and ituai n tan the author= st or tho' i tniori in the South wouldt l . provoke, resiitance and civil Itar - in'the 1.• North; but, rhen• the time came for action, it _ 4 . not dare to make zood rit inBiBto4 th,t the Slit\rtaiolders' Rebellion could paver ptit_ dewn; . and,th,p.t . anyatteMpt so: to subdue it. must ~ i ne;rittirl:ply fail; Yet the RChellion • has ,been ntOrly, denielislied by dottin • figh,t,:hird knocks. ' It 4eclurO2‘.l, When ktblellan was en • perceded. i that tihouldl'have 'no mote . su ccess , till` he was recalled to ' - 'eotnma'nd; but he wits nciJedalled, and mu armies were led by others to • deci - we victory. - • . ' croaked in Our ears ;that .:the • 'poliey of Etnancipation was the death - • knell of ibe Union;but events proved it too Union's salvation. ' ' It declared that, v if Acgroes were'al loweci to fight tor the Unio . n, White hfin4oUltlinot; bui, they would . and did; zien *hen Blacks charged .1 and beside /them, as ,at. Wagner, 1141000,And Poi t IludsOn. 'I4"-;declared the War far the Union a • ftalurn, and on' Oat g•rarind iclemanded tbe . People i s votes ; the People refused , ••to givot rn he, and fought out ttio• War to a glorious issue. - • • ,It warned our people that, if Lin— coin !were re-elected, din War would be interminable , l and disunion a fixed faot ryetArincoin was ro.olocted and - the - \PHI. Bohn' brought to an end. - It sought to frighten our farmers with,a, prospect bf endless conscriptions . , and a ;sl;ational Debt that :would *priyo thpiyilrirm4 of all: value if the. apptiblicans .Niere not, gusted from power.in yot, though they were not, eonsetiiptioki soon eeased and the Debt is beirig rapidly paid off without l ' es6entiallrrodueitia the . culue of farms in...anyloy*l State. , - ;- And nos 4, this detected, expased.false prophet ernes before the geople with n thcusand: falitfied pr'edietion!aboet.od into its forehead, and say€ 4 "Tara out - the Republica a ?iron? res RS selfish -mild doleful • prognostieittions ?' Whp,do4not know that ityrilf have to make a evil war if , there is, to 'he one? .Repialiean tnion jots! onward to the.strnigle, and the . cletery r 1 I • I ON the outside of d this paper will be found - a, well wri(ton cominuniention ' .on the subject of irnpeaching thcPres identof tho United. States; anO.while . we agree With .ihe writer that it is a sitbject of very I grave!iniportance, and that linpeachmen.tiihOuld only he- re. sorfe l d to ; when it lia . astertaiced that in this % way only l ean' the. Itherties of . the - country, be preserved, re never theless are not - preparei to Character ize-an'others who think ,diffarently, as, ". ':desperate political afiventui•ers; , radi• • 'cal monbrnantacs, and thOugh i tless pol iticians.' Neither: are we willing to admit that the electioti- of Jalin A. * i3iiagbam; of Obio:ltThornis Vilharns of PennSYleania, anti Bonj- 11. Butler, of.gassaeausetts, ( !ls a las ing die. grice hi their constituentS," amply be. ' cause they bare avowed themselves ready to present articles; of t i mpeadr. tripn:t. against the President al soon as 'Congress conVeneS. Thep° men have neually been-in advance of tlicir par. • ty aSsociates'on leading plalttical ques; tintis, and it has seldom, faNd to be, ' show): that they ()illy compriehended their_ditty and took the scent Of public Opiniciu'before others . In they matter, therefore of impeaching the President, they (may be in error, and they Okay not; at all (rebuts it Is i pruilent as'ii . ell as safe, to 'forego denouncing, tlfienaand their constituents until tr i o see what they proPosa, to do; and bOw tihey in. tend doing fl;;- , .. 2 Barocroti. *'niarrr,'of New „Torsey, died on lais't Thursday . Moiriing, - in Newark, in that State. On yekterday r .l . the election was held ini.N'ew ersey; and the Senators and Repreae tatives 'theri elected will ebodso his au i eesaor. If a 'Majority of these are Union men, ' then we gain a United St.atiss Senator from that State, and if the' majority is , ;the other way NVO.will OimpSy hold . 'Our own, as Senator liyright belonged to the . party opposing . na, , - -1714i1 tho Legis latri re elects. on 6; ho We yell, Gov; !Iffarri will Ippoint, and this aprioin tee `•ill ; I will be Li RelillbliCOO 1 . 11 1i00!§t. 1 ' ' Newspaper. Cir-culatioit• - The l'Fottble in Baltimore. • The editor of the Local tells bis Air events F,•have transp i red in anth readers that we .!contioually c4n- epic' _s ' eesi t ion lin , klilatron to ffie 'plain" to eur'friends that ihecirc dif fi cult i n wliLar4la4-sip as;lbilir • : c lion of our papor is so much infe or o l ia 'occupy ,m9to itate' Wai l es,* i t .1,- I to that of t,lio Locaq"while thitc rt 7 .,, in ERtil,*likltail on eayor• to4i_yi ty is .E 0 'llt,rotigly! marl." Softly, our readeia only a brief 'summary of young mitoli • Yon never beard, j ef a what has'occarred since our last issue. complaint jof thle'..kind. .We arernot . The Governor, afieisitiMiniMingite in tfil o l)#ti,•ol , ',l4l ,. oplift , o4 , l4ertra, pa , ;' Volk° Conitaissicfrie*!..of rßal4ittiore pers_inanyiway,and much idle in the before him at LAnnsielia; arid listening manner' or-WhichT'y—aniiiieniCAliir 10116 — iiiiilineeiiitfairibe - M; 46G:ie.- - - .1 cirottithol,lB.V9llol,3.l92,t9net,lihouseild mined cfthetr . remcivak, and issued'h is codes ii i the ,county, and ~rap - order to that effeet:'kle then apPleint. idly Increasing; and 'these eithigerib,e • rie, ed two °there in their stead.. These take and pay .for it becaptsa.t,hey Was , two :mere' sworn in Om Fridtty last,' ' sidefit*nith What it 'apats.- ; 4l42rity and demanded Of the old Po l ice Corn• has nothing:to do with the Argun:' lt misinonera the hiie s iyi and pubfie prop , "iii*in ,00 - .'FlOV.es`_itiid has ajbeine erty :in: their,. possession, .This was . i o t.4ic,l i ts w i ,an d i. ,, e7 i et.o.6 intrinsic refused, - and en.- their assitring to I- wort h:failSto proiideltst own stipp ort ,, , organize a'police force, and t.Ci . Make gtv their.'WW'vicilentlylrito seii . io'-tif . tilt. then-i 6 as it stiottld,- .4e - wn. 13t it bait is'lt with the /.46t.it . ' Pqllee Stationk they Were lhe - riselves So 'peorlYis ,it Palronizei, and:So shati: eY're'4 . 94 'l 4 - -the, !:) 1 ( 1' . Cn..4 l (n ri;A L intierfi, and taken before Jadgensifd; of the by is itsekehequor,that oven the lees of the pay for : publishing' the-racelio ~Criminal - Cotirt l -who tenimitted theta Nod , expenditures of' the' county - Ohfi..; th, jail' t.p def4iilt; of ':a2000 'eenrity gos its edit. 'r e 1056/Ino the : Tole neo: in : f. 3 4o: , C4i,e. , „Tiia 'judge - held that mendicant and go 'out . into the cotta-; they were- disturbers, of the publics try and whine until a Sem equal to it is' peace, andacted aeeordingly,,; • ' ' At' ili ie stake; like; Gen. ' 'Cirant, appeared Made iip .tiy ebaritable' contribetions I 1 An d . t v b et i i ts . f a i s ehpp t i s li s i l , , S a tidie J i: ;in the CliSittet'or . -Of' a' citizen and Made a . him and met! upimits.Puhlieher, arid the folipwitig proposition to • the old imprisonment stares hint in 00F.faet);. Commissioners, which was accepted then dbe:humanelyAispoiied have to ,Teat, the old Police Commissioners appointeite•potmervative Jiidge of the step f‘erwarkagarn, appeint itO'Grand - Treasurefr raiialhefries e j. ... by '_cerri thrietobe appointed , at each; of the - polle; that 'these Judg es receive th e mon . mon begglng,,andthus keop - the - L ocal, votes of those'wbo presenttliern selves ° , from "going under," and its editor on. and,who are found to be li:ipori tne 'of Orison:: To:indemnify theinin part seviial•ri3gisters; that two sets of bal hx one of e i whieb ar for this the li9C(4 . 2,Was u promiSed and tot- o es be l sent a speeifiedAinee. That i iiiin in- e o , be, deposited sed, t i he vte ancepttd, and in the other the votes. rejected: not yet uP, and nohody but Odell, .we Subseo en IT' h e the , q - vi: fr suppose, would iiiive t h e cheek to , • 22- t ower, i. ' • - -` -an party abantioned the whole, matter,, i • , boast of a Circulation of s 2 fiCiitiOlll3 a' , 1 - , • sad thu s lett the old Commissioners character. The difference . then be : i - complete. masters of the field. The tween the two papers is this: The e lection was held vesterdily, out •• . , circulation of the, Argus is petanent 1 -.- • - lth what result we - do not yet ki lo but '—that of the . .Leiipt spasmodie:l l The Argus lives npoh As rnerits--tliii-Loca/ it is highly probable that the entire Union ticket. will he clecod. lice ; upon the charities of its patty. The Swann arrayed himself. against the cirealatiOn of the Argui is inereasthg laws of 'the State, and debharately —that of the Loiyll'ileclining. t The undertoek to turn' the politicid power subscribers of the Argus take iti - ha- of the Commonwealth ove to the cause they. want, it-most of the sub. ,rebels of; ryland ; and that he has scribers !of 'the Local - take it lbecause been Ml foiled in the attempt gieuld be a they 'cangct nothing better for. money . , source. of ;grati fi cation LO loyalists advanced, i ts editor. . , • n: 1 throughout the 'en Otr • ' It; lbein, ii.ndor the: circumstances, All , 1 .. • a 3. • • Yu the Loca has a citcallition Of 9 "ll°' t° ' till) "mnese ci the ne bun. ; • ice Commissioners t of Ilaltimoie, and died, or , ' one Isundred;ruid hfty, more to the noble' Urn men who stood' by than. the `Argun (whichlts editaraVowe to be thoj case, but w.bich 'we do not. r ther e; while. this atteek upon, their beheve), Iva are not' a whit 'limit out" "''''''n''"se• was made by an intere.letl and unscrupulous Governor. about it , . 1 We do not deilre Our sub .. . , i . . • During Monthly an extensive s - eiz ecription book to be fi lled up in'that - ' • 1 - - I- uric of arms' was madeh ' h i • way, anal ive don't think there, are ma i Arms' was -3 t-c .1 (Alec. hOnO*Liblt• moo f h.. ...n..1.1, . .., The S.!VLI 3. 111,,0,9,1qUkpik i i. t o ?! t ir ..i... 0 C. te a 1.—._.. , ~...,.., . • rm, Eleotio co these infamous ~nrckiiTepon the hallet, box will_!more ban likely add two members;of!Con gross . to !the 'Union colunan'tecently elected—Archbald; of PconsYtrania. and Delano; of' Obio: An 4 rinre'stiga—C Con is now • :ak ing place iii Coshocton,. Ohie!,:iindr already hare .frauda ! beeri brought to. light in that courity,..by which Illorgan's-Delano's cOMP l etitor —maj3riik will beyeduced4s!):ilvetes: In other counties of the Disfriet• the : Isame system of rascality was pa f rsued; and as .Deitinowas reported: de f feated by only 300, it 'IS highlyprobable that the seat Will ! eventually be !awarded !! to him. The - ft*cts Were Porpe.trated . ! in !stronkDeniocratic tewnships,Where the election ofeers ! were-of -the cop pery stripe,and was s ihno by:"stiiffing the boxes." When n party zieserts -tO means of this character:to oblaiis or perpetuate its power, if "not dead,". it should be.: 'Don't you think ac, too, Odell? 1 .- 1 The , Local ,Editor Maketh a . . , Point-1. 4 . , . Thn editor of tho Local now' and then makes point that is a pofoot "sookdolaf , er" in its way. fere is ono of them: ' 1 ' I . "E.is (the Aryle oditor)capacity for putting down, rattier than keeping up the supplies of rations aril whiiiky, while in the army; it semis I,vas;alstl well under , taoci by his superior Offi. l errs: Hence the contrast - between his promotion and our own so far as- he speaks of it!' ' j. th c keenness ofkhis pOint, and ' the force with whieh it hits us. will. be ' seen,when it ls . known that during all thei time we ,were in the at my; tad since, we hare pot' drank, altogether, a quart of spiritoous liquors. Tl3Oed• 1, . itor of he' _timed; we presume, drihks more i one week, at the prosenttime, than we. hire drank for the last I fif. _ teen years: ' ' - • -We havo just learned that Benj..P. Thitler feels quil3 bad because of the local's attucki upon bird. Ben, 'cloudy does not know the Looallas well, as the people in this .vicinity cio, or-he would congratulate- himself ion being the reeipieq.of Its assaults, t rather than Morten: to/Meuse :they aeo • Made. TUE at (official) ii was 460,99, Olajortty in`Otilo is 42,696: The . total vote Tuz "Aartiereditor of . tho Argils says that:General Custur has turned !kO one else has the news:— Local: - • • If yourstopidity has prevented you • from finding it' out, ;you .shnuld not Snarl at us for, informing - you' of the Mee. Mere is the evidenee.frOm Gen: Cust.tr hiniself. 'lna later to Col.' A. T. .Siclleynold?of-Grand Rapids, ft.- der date of - Octoher - 22:, 1800, he says: :Miner e'ireumatarices. would I vote-for a man; tv.he; in-time of War, bad sympathized with. the enemies of his,„Govern,ment, and :Cep - iced at every . deAat_whieli you and I and other icy. lal Soldiers 6dffered, while every vietti f. _ ry we won, was a . source- of i regret., ' rather than a source for rejoicing. .1 am not', prepared.. to characterize the Conatitatienal Airiendthent as be. ing a-palpable and flagrant violation of the Constitution, and whose adoption would--ba corrsidered-ft.tal to the exist now Of the Union. We, the vicitors of the.lute..war,.. have a complete and' un-; deniable right to name the tdraml/1)0P which. Peace shall belestablished and the Union restored. .1 • , belieVe that every man who :vial en%age.d in the late rebellion against;the7Gover n meat jostly,l and in accordance With the 'expressedi terms of the Coastitiaion, forfeiteiF every piglit held under tbe Government, hi eluding the•right to live, hold. proper. - bean ty.'&c. . ! only!sympathize with-the Men who, when we were weakened.byi the losses Of battle . and disease,vo'ed Us men and money to fill our 4pleted and whose sympathies were in unison with ours trom -the beginning to the close of - the 'War: - WWI respect, yours, ko., r , GEORGE A. vUSTAR , . It will be seen &ob . ' this that th e editor of .the Local is about aaWelrin formed on General Custar'apolitlcs as ho was, on the pliticr of this ebunty 1 . ,o i previous to the election. THE-Local in speaking of "General" Coolbaugh calla him a uthief,' arid adds : !ilia was at us tor a pfiff, b t t five dollarswmild, not induce us to aid him in swindling our neighbors:".. As kis plaiUly evident that th'p edi tor of the 'Local- will never get any one else to betieve that he was offered. and - refused, fi7a dollars for a “pair. by "General" eqcol bang'', we wish Ito as. certain ; row. bather I.e believes it himself or not, And as proof in the case is out of the question,:we propotia to bUy . him a ',95 utile" it he will pear beforHary 'Justice in Beaver and make an affidavit to what he-avera. _ New - 31 1 1*Leen.- .P7-olloy. - The Gbyernra*Mtplittlier United Slates liki - ovnleattpiatitritt poti' tiii work •Ctelibttlitigthif -- M#xcatt "mud diP l". ViiVitilifitiltiigi*WY./ 41 : ,. been givers--the" -put - AM In ,iificifikio; Form, ] we Mutt ippteut ouraelvet yiithieving its rumored action bbilie subject; The correspondent - of the New . Yark Mks, -..„ ~ 1) r Ci- ) 4t.P§gr. 4o i. itlf. o- :: - -,;r..:, Colonel . tewis IY: -Cattiphelli Lite United States'Minititer to Meitiob.ba,a lOW 048)00. with -bre'clecitiiils addicts: ed to zlho - jefirei? GOveritivianfi- and with full imitractionar:oonforming,:ln every respect, with the tripartite sr:- rangemi3nt previously communicated to youletween the . United states, F,C i anee,'atiti . th t e Republic - of Mexico. Undei,thliarra - gement neve perfected Napoleon , is t . commence the with diawal of . th • 'French . army from Atexi*:• next nibittli c •and although he I hall' a fear fro -that tiMb to complete; the` ectieuatiotv.of• &title(); it ip tnore than irobablel that the' Whole army, will fr! , 4 l2 .qt'd . rfwn by or -, beforetlif. 1 1 first i f 'January . 'next: With the withdrawal ofAhe Prezio!' 'army Max itnilhal' takes Aida depaiturc, arid the , tercetf an Empire on ' the North Ameri i i n Continent ;is - ended.; The Adinin tratibn undertakes.tb extend to . tha arezgpvernment in Mexico a prote orate, which is td be• opera,- Live; iso everoinly in, ease 'of • met goney. n. 'p . on the O Grati lainer 'toms, our arn3y daand fleet .' ins the .. Gulf arel.o ba holdin readiness to as Juat,ez, should such . aisistance become tteessary to him an establish. ing his afthority as Presnient' of the Republieland in bringir.g to work ,in full vigothe' machinery of n republi ii can gove anent. The Administration has dete, ineitto send with Minii4ter Campbel \a military Officer of 1 high' rank, rank, etififent abilities and sound judg- , ment, Oohed 'with F nffieient power to' act in Ili' emergeney referre.l, to.- 1 Lieutenan, General W. T Sherman is now-spoke', olin this connection; and also. Majoi General W. S. Hancock The resportible mission, it is strongly indicated, W.I been tendered to Geri eral Shormin, and - third is reason to believo - thal he will accept it. But should he sedans, General Ilan:melt will undotifeclly he serit. It is no part of the Ilan to move United vitOd States fore e;ato Moxiconnti l an oeca-• sion shall all' to reader inch a' regort necessary, bu 't is hoped that tha at titude assum by tho United .Statea art' to publicly sendiiiip, lan oflieer to Mexico, cloth 'Avith lis pourer, will he suf fi cient overawe m the . vamps political -lead gof that untrY. and { I tli'e numerous ival factiona that beset th'e land, end n lead,to a unanimous' submission to ind sapport.of the only i goyernmefit but haa any pretension to, regularity-4nd eonstii ntionafity, or! any ahiiity t 'establish arid Maintain itself. , - In con- Mention of the, friendly offi-. ces thus assnueil by !the 'Government i of this count, towards, Mexieo„ the ) Goro o rnment that ebuntry, which is i Liiug r,,.., _ - •* -1 1-....-..t..J ME rule precise boa r.dark of the territory thus to 6e *lad it is riot pos sible at thi4 time to give,butJhe future south-western - boundary -Ittre! of the United StateS will probably leave the Rio GI nude 1e:or near the point where' it noerdoes,_ . btit i takifig a more south erly course, will run in i litrall.,7bt line to the .Gulf - of California; striking that. ; gulf at - a point south of Gitayainas, ,. so . as to include that important "Seaport Within the limits Of the United States: We then gain, the - Whole of too ppnin. sula of Lower ealiforriria, with ; the more valuable . port looa . tof thti States, of Sonora and • Ciiiliu.lhua; with all their immensely rich 'deposits, Of pre-1 clone metals, the undistut hed. tifiviga. lion of the 'Gulf of California,. end a intreli shorter • and pradtichble I route to the Pac;ificf coast. : • * * "We ni . int.t.he pews,.ned tell the `truth, which makes our.p4per intere.sting.".—Loc4/. • How •thodest:notc.i.sound better to bearsOm e one beside ::yonr,: self say.that your paper .wes ‘jnter. esting ?" suspect , that it, would •be regard . regarded with more entirest:by the inhabitants of the Fiye•Points- than' it is. by the well.to.do'people „Oftf~ial o. • .111.4xtmittAN.is announced.aShavi4 loft s.lexico--resigang•Verbally vor of General Bazaino. If ,this iri true, and we have uo reason to , dOtibt it, the '"Empire . ", 'has opine to 'grief, and thus ends: the att.en.:pt to . establish ,• a Government of that ; character • i on this continent. ALLUDING LO the threat.to indict him for exciting insurrection , in Iliarilatid. I Colonel Forney k eenly l says: . 'Our fate' is evidenti} , ' sealed. Nev. / er having counterfeited. monef,. : drunk in the .Sena'te ehamber, poitamed cities, RIM red trriSonersl, .asanssir.ated, a white man, or . ionrdered -a. senrfi, of blacks, we are removed from the • pate ofTPresidentiat pardon, and tnue,t• pre parefdr.the worst.' AP OL £.O N DyrNa—While the civil. ized world is puzzling its brains to dis cover the designs of the' Emperor of the French io regard to. Mikico, the subject of all this trouble is dying! A Berlin catrespnndent writing 'ur.dq; date of October llth,.giies us. the Hs lowing startling !intelligence :I line celebrated Dr Langenbeclr, the Chief , Surgeon, of our (Prussian) arini,. left two days ago for .Biarriti, to, nonsult with the pliysicians of; the French Emperor on thopossibility of an op.: eratior. Yesterday 'a dispatch . was received from . our enitaiiiAy at' Faris , that theta is no'bope of recovery for . Napoleon, and that; his d6atb may be hourly, expected; die fact being ',only stillkept.secret."- • - • - 11 11 1 Wvillb porreark „,..‘.. " .. 1' 1_!•:-r. 4 -4-... . l i i - rheii ' •m e6aeh IY dam t'a " theloetßrtsncl o , ' *Allan r ii6 have •roino•th ' real ' a - :est; aicl4_, know4f 6 ski, Alien of i `t..be i •.!•cointry . ..wliere - ,betr . tram site niorsdiiiticetly-s i een:; The Mie west's er; or the early fall :had left the:roads,' in; fine nondition - bat the ;weeping' skier,' of Atoms dayi of melancholy, :I • • - have reduced the roads toAhat wtetch; 'et]; state fitly desCritied 'am "Oil Creek roads." Thearhouut_of tearning.lias .been greatly hisieued, by the niultipli elis 4•11 raj - lit - Rya, and; 'thermal pipe-Itnee. 'The oil Ogion ia-ativtfairly,surrtmadi oict by , die won roads, ,ft od,„ the "Wows, of italving and quiirtertng rapidly go. ifig on. Tie adnipletion of the .Far mews' Railroad from Petroleum Centre to Oil City; will prove - Very .beneficial to the latter place. .Tbere would •seein tehe nothing but its utipleasaiit lord Lion for rnaidences th t can, previnit Oil City , froth being the Metropolis"ot Petrone. • The , 'comp etion of, tpe bridge across the . Allegheny to •Verml.) -, go ' City,. will remedy this defect in same degree. .It • will. be some time before the city ritovers from the dis itStrous fire of larn , BPtietc. ' I " c ° that tbe:ltfonitor has' f t remov e d to the .East aide,: and its editor,' Ca ,tain Dow,: em tahlished biraself iii . . ery desirable ' quarters. . I , • :., . • . ;The low price novCr ling for crude oil is .having a vets -. depress i ng effect oh Oil operation's.' ktetty• sinall wells are•ob'siga,d to stop inn tang, l and the prospect in notkincourlging to Orcs pectoris in new loCalities. The losier , part of the creek,. and Cherry Run, which was at obe-time so, full of life , atici , binstle, has greatly changed, and Riiseville, Which' once- boasted of its i "Corner lots," looks tnnch like the de-, se'rted village, leelebtlted in . Gold-' 1 wraith's verse. Tbe tar' e wells on the Tarr farnri fiats Lave m stly suspend } ed,,but operations are •oing on vigor otittly in the hill; andalready several good we lls have been strtiek: If many more are found, t this.fur famed locality will still hold itS own, as the "old !en..., able." The well' sunk near Flintier, under the dlrection of renowned oil=smell e, is down and r. Patterson,l;) the renowned being tubed. lii; drili•ng this ':well . a splendid "third Sand" as, found—the first found in.thet secti n, although ti; wen hed been stink writ in fifteen rolittl of this otte TticS testy g.. of this well will ha watched Wi•th g eat interest; for if oil is found, the reputation of the Doctor will; be firmly etablished. •.' The remit'. of ;the ele •tion I surprised roan} - , espe: - ..ialli as . o ,the vote I f ~i Venango county. Ti O , largely ib creased vote Dior'', th creek had not ; been gtieesed at (very aceurately, , for You untie° that Instead ot the vote h's ; jog "about even," or "going Geary i three or four huitdred," it counted up nearly to one tho sand. This was the first cuietion in t iis StOte for very ma ny of Alio voters, and it, will be noted 1 that the gre4. iis Tease in the vote":-of the county weal .r i n g tto creek.: ; its i A Itliough Capt• Ail-s it was thought' to he ~the most prope , pre s entat i ve -" of :thooll interest,' yiit t i ,,, _ r4o . od. __id ea. ..1 voters in your section - were tree • ea . • ' the same way,: . ' . 1 - ; • The faux pits, of year • b,elliger s ent neighbor, on the .hoastOf • the Ledg,er, is rich. 'll a ,man can't feel any titit, terafter a good beating, scientifically • 1 , au .m. inistered, hi sheuid he put outo nurse -,--•wet, or dry, ae l cording Ito ;the Severity of the..eomplaint. 1 ..k. . ' Inasmuch astve . all Sail in the'sime hoat, we might. as we! get over ti*se excitements election exciteents a soon es ifi.iy be, for We must 'live tr+ether. Canada ; on pne side, not ;Mexico ,on the .other. ' ' cipi• no , very deli ible pheitionjtist now: .so.atad as ivis-h re for,,clefeeted poli , -. ' I . iioitinst, they • l •l' • ' inibl It as [Well submit, • to that • , , ( Divinity that slyrpes out...ends rough ''',.‘• . II Hew them hoW we w ll.' ' '-. 1, 11 [New rereionl PAUL FEM. Thine, . _ . The ConstitutionallftmendOept j. — lts;rNeoes ity. •i • I A, writer in the Atkrigfc Month!' for November speaks as f . o lo vs of Abe nil cessity of 'the Conititil tonal siAmend ment: In regard to a peaty, the •• mendineril to the 1i Cons itutioti which tlon l orets has Passed . disqualifies no • . Rebels from votin,o, and, only dia'qUali: tics theni from holding office when they have happened todd perjury to treason. .In rep* f regard o suffrage,. it t makes it - lOr the politic I interests of the 'South to be just to I cr.' colored eit f4-13. by basing roprese Jiation on vo 1 ters; arid cot on populat on, add': thria l pl , Aces the indulgence of class preju-. dices andtiltreds undee the penalty of aicorresp6eding loss of political power; lri 'the Elecieral College and the ..NI. - 1 iana] Rouee 'of Repreaentativos.- It! Ithe Rebel States lehould he restored withentithiS amendnlent •becoining a 1 . part of theleonstitution then the re--; cent 'slate (• ,Staten • will .., lave- th irty ! ; Presidential Representatives in virtue; 'of' a populs.tion they - disfranchise, and; the vote of a rebel' white ir South Car, ;olica; will Carry -with i more than dduble the -Polirer of a loyal white, „ in Massachusetts: The only iground •on ;which this disparity can be defended is, ; that fas 'tile . Sout hernor i s more-than a ; . " match for two Yan'keeel d he haseri in.i -; lieren ll t cont inuous itional right ; 1 to have this superiority rlecognizedTat ' the ballot-Ilex. Indeed, the injustice 'of this is sonionsti l ous, Oat the John aon,orators find it more convenient to decry alt-cenditions of r presentation than to meet incont,roierible reasons for exacting thel i conditio ,which baseir 'representation on i iotier& Not to makei it a part of be, in Mr. Shellab rger's the Constitution' would: .vivid i illustration,;to allow 4. Th time's void; 'should havdddublejthe elective power ; of 'Grant's i ,Semines' • double' that of . ; Firregut's,,Booth'sj(did hle live) do :- _1 ble-tbat of Lincoln's, hi4.4ictim! • 17 . It is' alsd to be cOnsiaered,that %it.-- .1 tY, votes would; !;in j alms all future ' sessions of Conglisa, deci e the fate of 1 the most import:6g mown ea . In 1882 i the Republicans, as Congress is now constituted, 'only had a inajority of ~ i I , • 1 , twenty votes. In alliance with tfie k sirtherit:Democcatic party, the South ,icith those thirty 'votes, might repel.' • the qiu .ftbts bi 11,1.1103 principle of vribiod iiceodied in the proposed a. iiiindirient.tc It might even assume the i *bet debt,:ithich is repudiated in the 1 aniendirient •-' - It might even repudiate .1 the Fedor debt, which is affirmed in al i the ninon ent. WORCO yn so accueto- ed:lci loi.ik t the Rehel debt as dead beyond:4 pctirei sifmurrection atm? forget that it 1'141000,s; with the. Valu ation 'IA ..thii _emancipated slaves, ;.t Bonne •114,040,001)090.1, ir.tho south' and its NortherriDetiocratie allieg shoeld come into power, there, is a .stredg I probsbility that a measure Would "be brought in to assume et 1ea,9t11.11010t0013 of ibis debtlity s2;000,009,000: . :Thb Southenn memberii would be, , nearly a Unit tor assumption, and the Northern Democratic members would certinuly'be exposed to the most fright fullemptations that lcgislators over had to resist. • Suppose it were necess ary to fiuy'fifty members at a . Million dollars apteee--i-thaiSOm would only be two and a half:per Cent. of the whole. Suppose, it , wero heceisary to give them ten_ minions - apiece, even that five only be &deduction of twenty.. five per cent, from a. claim wortfilesi without their votes. The bribery might be conducted in such a way 'as Co ende dioovery, if not suspicion, and, themietisure w4uldcertainly be trumpeted all ,over khe 'North -as the graddest ofi all acts', of statesmanlike "conciliation," binding the South to the Upion iii indissoluble; bonds ofin terest. The•amendment renders the conversion Of the rebel debt into the most enoramus of all corruption 1 funds an impossibitity. But the char, aster: and r.eceeility of the emend ii.ent are . .too mei) understood •to deed ex pladation, ei,nforcement,or defense. ' If it, or Some More stringent one, be not adopted, the loyal people will be trick cd out of .the traits of .the war they have waged at the ; expense of such. 'unexampled ,sacrificeif of , treasure and blood. F'lt never will be adopted anleqm . it be practAlly made ' a -conditi,onn Of ,the restoration of the rebel Stated. 1148/100. '' l ReductiOn of t he State Debt . - ri i Vovernorl y eurtin has issued his'• 1 protamation announcing accordii,g,to , law; that the debt Of the State of Penn- i Sylvania has, been reduced one millionl' One! hundred and fifty-eight thousand • and nine dollars and Fixty.two cents , / doing the year ending Septeinber 31, 1866. - This fact, taken in connection With theroffer of the commissioners of the,Sinking FUnd, Soliciting proposals i for the sale of ono miltiOn tollars'ench 1 Of five and six per cent. loans, proves that the financial conditigin of the SAtte is' most flattering.' Thelndebt= edness of the Statc)tor. the Ist of De- Comb2r, '1865, $37,476 25S 04, the 0,4. Sots in the I Teenan being $143 623.668 14 leaving the lia '' hies of the ::ttyte t s, Over assets $23.852,5S 92. We , would not; be surprised tri learn when the Transirer's report tOt she current year appears thatlthe State debt'will really. not exceed twenty mllli3ns. became Presi-i lb%ll:7l,i'entitifticir ;Johnse n wa d ug ht that General ] Illtlßichmotii,,he as s igned , to command Virginia Legislature tilitt. of the Itlii i n instructing th,et Governor:V.' It -I §trito,to issue a pinclamation to . i t!! people to bury their - ..silver plate, &e.---' li,s said member h 4 just turned out defaulter to the Rim of: $50,000. . IST OF LETTERS uncalled i for remain ' ing in tie Post-Otpee, at'llochester, Pa., Noy. 1; 186 G; Alltlorffer Ursa Will IL, Bradley GoorgoW., Clarke Achs* P. Conch Stiles,Cook & Martin 'Messrs., Campb ell Thos., .Claiic Hellen,.Daris Mrs!. Jonathan- J., 2, l Estabrook Warren, 2, goster Thos. 4Pindlay Miss E. M., Glenn & Hall lfessrs. liarfison Samtiel, Mengel Isiac,Page ID., Pepin .(}., Ricks Mr., sßay i Mr's:. Mary esingh Mrs4lJulia, White Misi Mary, Warren Walsh Geo. W.. T. 31: TAYLOR, P. 31... II • ;! ~ , • . Sunktnns.in Partition io ;, • ~, , IN the N the cocite of 'Common. Pleas of Bearer County. .:INo. I,'Jurie Term 1866. . • • l• summons in Partition. - .- v . Jkin Barlorc!vs. Wm. Barlow, Ann Warhurst, IDavid Baililw, Thos.Rarlow, Esther Kenyon, .Raehel Jackson, Sarah Barnes, John Bar .. 'low, Thos; Smith, William, John; Sidney and ' Jones Smith, Sarah Rittfield, William Pu- ilea, JamesiPullen, Mary Whitehead, Esther - ,Woslley, Samuel Parkinson', Lavina Mor 111 Iginson, Jute Inghani,' Rac ' 1 Derbyshire,' IlVilliam Smith,. Jonathan -48 Jonas ith and Jo osdht. .. . 1 .. , p , And now, Sept, 10,11806, Inquisition I ap prived by.the Court, and the Court grant a R t , le en:the parties interested to appear on th first day. of next Teem, aceept or refuse theestate mentioned, at.', the appraised value. • :-Ileaven. COI7STI., as ; 1 I . • . ' '.! .. • 4 true Copy of Rule. ttest: , JOS. LEDLIE, Shlf.• - •• • , , .I*heis' County Institutes. , :FUR holding our :pUblic examinations and ha c v o e ns c u o l n ti e n t g udd t e eae t h o er d s iv a i o d d el sc h h e o c o o l nilt .offi ; ce into three districts, and , hold Institutes iin .4 we esaih, I continuing ire! days. By this • ar rangemeht,.a greater number of teachers will be' reaehed \and more good accomplished.— Teachers in the respective districts will at tend the mmit convenient Institute. They will be held at follows, Tin Southern Diatrict, at i Hookstown, Novem ber; 15,16 iind'l7; - , Eastern District, at ' Freedom, November 28, 29 and 30; ' . , Western 'District, at Darlingten,- December 6, 7 and 8.. . '. , • Vocal committees will be appointed tomato arrangement for the entertainment- of mem.' berti of tail tiatitute, mid to,prOciire itstru mental*usie. - Ra_, routs, sehtiml. officers and ministers are regikeate4 to attend '.. Byr-ordir.of Ex. Coni4: . . •' . .. 1 * i - ri -: - :: I . . J. I,: REED, Co. Sup't. Dail gtott, Pa., Oct. 29th, 1866. 90 A moNitu 1-AGENTS want ._ed for eix entirely_ n to' articles, just out. - Addrein 'O, T. 13),RY, City 1 Butlding, Biddeford, 'Ate. , - ' . • ' . • • Air R. JOHN . REEVES.has this daylietired ill from our firm, Lie interest baring been purchased•by the'reniaibing . partners. •'\lr. David Shields is admitted into part— nership from this date. 1: I ' l i WILDE, SHIELDS & CO. New Brighton, Nov. 1, 1866:2w •,. si .__, o i I : ,7 p 7 i. l io: r i E nt li erei 9S te: i 'l 4-j ti.Tf - I - tt i eti - :sE no „ . il i Adrninistratien and Guardroom% nit.' which - have been .. passed lend - . m ei - in . a —z,..l Registees Oillieco f -Ikeaver county,. pa -- ", e l take notice-Slat tL'eseiiii *la ee.."..,.'' It ulj - the Orphote Cousti t i e _l4 Zi ts "' 4 l to -. and for: the 'Mollify of Hearer,OC - Wi c ti: l l i t lll the 14th day of ' N c r renzber,'A;tl;r4 toss 47, 1' confirmation and:allow eat .' fors. First and final ,a :' 'en' - ai ane r tf _ I. I % gout or of the fait .0, 11 ary.80yd." 4 ".4 5 , 1- /''. First' and . final aciterftit'of Nary a nti g it',,, - I - *l 2 and Wildisma, Hood; easement of the last .el 7 ' of Robert illitia;dee'll." *- ",` , - 1 -4 ' Sirstand-final account of C,hiistephet,si. tin.-administrator of the sitate ei c , ,t' l Thirtin,- dec'd. ' -.•- ,-.-; ',walk Second and final account 'of Samuel Yo 1' , ' executor of .thtr la.st will of Wm: Calvia,4-41 The liccount 'of Abner . d eithi'l I imam r of the estate Alexandet M'Euee e .' " --. I deed. - - ' - '7I 1 The - accottnt - of William Patterson; ei eta ,„" of the last trill of. Elizabeth Mille}, d ec k Final acCount of William Doff, exietre'oe. the,-lastazill of Jobis Duff,. die'd. Tb - eaciount of Thomas,liieholson, extit.,„,l of the last *ill of John Ewing. deed. 7l. The account - of Margafrt -.slpody,eatti,is': tratrix of Joseph Idocidy. and Saumeillood,-,i *1 administrators of the estate:of John X' ""'. , 7 deed.; who was .one of the executors .of il last wilt or l Matthew Glass, dec'd. r. I The account of A. D. Gilliland, aditiale,lll - of the estate of IM. Gilliland, deed;, ri was appointed Trustee in Petition to :au; ' sale of the;real estate of D. Gilliland,K.- - The account of James White. ailminiitait, of the estate of Milo Cain - , decd. , , First, and final :moo - tins of Jamen Sterenei; administrator of the estate - of Thomts &tu t . . son, dec'd-.;-vehti•Seas guardian of 'ftiou la3L Abraham, minor eon of Thomas B, Ahrs* • dWd. - '- - - - • 1 • The 'a ceounta_of J. T. Etockdale, ge f i r j„, of Joseph, George and - Smith Calhoon, 4 ,• r ,„! ebEdien of James IL Calhoon. dec'd. I I The accounts of Andrew tiwaney,'`o l 4, t ; of Jarie Dawson -and ,Matilda - baitwe, e l,. children of-Henry Dawson, decii: ..: .. '-' First and final account of Hugh M artin; e l - ; e.cutor,of the.last will ef Maria A. W.I Erkii , I dec'd.. - • ' I ) First artd - final account of Andrew tiny,_ " adiainistrat or de bonie non of the estate ofJztoe lA. M"Gill, dec ' d. i '1 i i I First and final account of flue' ft. And e rs administrator min; tertaint rao-,e , mer9 of Rein* Campbell. d e e d. , A. It. . 1 0011 f, ', .1 Beaver. October 17; '__(.l_6 2 : ' Register, DRY GOOF,! •. p•-crizts eicy.iks & Shawls CIIEIP4 v eIiEAP !! (,cunt,;; NEE ATTE hsivik9t received one of the,Lorgen and utast tompletewock CDR:' (4 - 04)1S - Ever offered to the pt.4lic in th thy. ••• • Al:so. a spleadid r,uortmelit ri Ladies', Iti.isses and chnaives FURS & SHAWLS, All quilities, mylei find prieet, at gr!iii. reductek rates CARPETS, OIL ChOTItS,ItITUS'k-r, • - "me Larkest Block and dudiceit of Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths,. Ili:1111j- Bugs, Matta, Se.,. Sever offered, .11 - . and it s ett remely low prices. • • _:_.— • 1 Persons - in Irani of anytKing in re . 41 . .i1d do n ell to give us n eat]; an we nee 10.- rulto •tzied to sell our steele Flees w_ificir . ;- 1 • - •-••e,‘,••• Te T • -LUKER & 136 Federal st, 4 door , beluts m 3r k e t.hou,e, oct:31:1ja111., ' r- AL I R'GIIENY CITY: • NATIONAL PLOW (0• RO.CHESTER. • A RE 111 . A NITFApTURISG. the Varieties of -; • Steel :and Cast • Iron 110 r, and call t he - Attention of the'Faccctiot Beaver' county. wishing to Pardus' Plows or Flo%'v Points, to tho Superior-, Finish ; and .. . .- Qtrl i tt o y r o k f . our m.A.141 - J S4oIRK IV A URA N The Voints and Lamblides fit the Cam-. pending numbers of Pittsburg pleas. i der9ld ploic *flags bouea. rapt 18: f ' ' For ,ale. _ „ THE nndersigned Offers for sale a mir i P and COLT. The mare is perfectly saull and quiet; 7 years old: racks tinder the smitil l ; trots in harnesS. Colt 4 months old. • . , • 'J. C. LEVIS..3I. P., . oct3l . , r - Bridgewater, ti.. . • JPCO.ii. .i-t,LE. . 1 OE LOT onj the cornsr 'of Fifth Ina 0: , streets, in the Borough Of. Beaver. TlO lot fronts on" Fifth Street 116 feet-and On Elk 138 feet.. Will be -Pohl- low ;for cash. 111. furtherparticularsinquiro'ofS :B. Wilsoa,E4 0ct31;66. .. - AL9r a fr3M.W I TICP I ‘ II t IHAVE tonstantly on hand a Supply oohs Putna.a (Iron Frame) Clothes= Wringer, and would pall attention to the 3111111(sec - Pr's advertisement foratthe Universal Clo4f. Wringer, W. G. Weil*, Agent.. Alr. W. Wog remostd from the State and transferred ha machines to me, L - Will tebp art suPPITI AlsO, constantly., on band, . ude:inilby the barrel and crUde oil burners.—‘,-. ' oc2ll JGS. *CLIME, .Agt't. B eaver. I ' .__ ADMINISTE:ATOWS NOTIOgf• L BTTgRA of "aduilinstratioli on the eatafi avcf or ogoitem.Surrn, ,late of Sou th n t ° l -"shiP. - Beiver county. deo'd.; haring. keel granted to the undersigned, creditors: to • pres3nt all claims properly 'authitlicat o -_, t° Jelin Culbertson, of South Bearer tp., sgen`• for ,administratur, or to,-,•the administrapt hi ]f. ,- . X 451 . 0et17'66 . • . Washington, Ys. r, .PE IrEA lc° 1 5 50 `Want , Agents eret7whent .11k sell our Dirritorsq."s2o Sewing Machine. Three new kinds: ?ilnder knd upper feed.-SeS on trial, 'Warranted flee years: Aboressisj, jry :or large commissions ' The osi,T2nal: !chines s,old„in:United States for less thalk - ' ll. which are [ally licensed 'by Bore, Whethr • Wilson Grover 4. Baker, - SeVer 4. , Cc , a Yi Racket:kr. 'All other cheap maohiues are o ' fringements Att-s1 tire selter'or use are tiasle to a rr resijintansliniar iSonfent.. illteetrate4tkiVularr;, sent free.. can urn Skew ,kCiarki at Biddeford, Maiue, or elites4 o , lll .' may 16,2,0. „ I."`T`:" 11 I ..--........,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers