11 Tl-TOTA- 1 .• • yj(• be Published Evitty lA 4 lidneedi Ir • _' ' _ tE 'OI,D /IEG US BITILDISV, I , &t, $2.06 pe42linnuitpia4-4.*&6ore. • vli • =-_-_,--- 0 ** i' ' ' .... m ....0t0p - . ..y , trid ' , 4outrutu lons, .1a .414,4, . tn ., ...1. ,.. ~ ...t. u‹..f-. -.., 4 ,...:. ash 111.4e.pr?ilptlittentiort. I , 1 .J.lAlEYAtilrit' rorietrl piTTS. FT. u. . Cr R ilv fa d after ialy 29, 1866, 1 TTaina; will lea,e Stations daily, Sundays oxUettred; lova: (Tr4in leaving Cdlica.crufti 5,85 PAL leaves daily) , ; 1.! INS' GOING arr. ECEI - II y SXP Pittiburg.....,, 3 20 0 itrig lit°°- :3 4 13 ) . ...... .•••• - fo, l urn ........ (il5 -" Atante . ;•.• .. 705 6.1 ..... :7 8 '2 05 6 a rt wine. . ... a3s' it Wooter ...... 'Loudonville Ma P seill.. ..k" 4 :7lloo: l ! -0 4<tline I u„116 . 5 1125& z 107 1, 1 SOO " 330 "1 401? " Duc.yrus Sa,ndu.ilcy , Nett ....... . .......... .• PCI ...... t ori,,VaYac -, ,i Columbia Pierce( on ....AI: • 1 E lN'arflov• • ..... il 720 .• 14%nbc,1 ;I Plpnnio l -;•• !!:_Bl Wanitah:: .... I' a lparaisco'... obkrt ••• .... . : ft R.Cros •• ‘: 14.1: J'n.• 4,4. Chicago)lll3o. 6. 628 7 -7 . 1 . i ' TittAINS ' GO/NG. iA • 133% ,.. .: .- i, :. • -----77-, E :ft P. 8 - I-Ext.!B.if EIF .. - F AX:l''B. . Viicagrii . :l"... I;. 40. , 04 720.-u4 535p* 1020pst I'..i..ldiLl - ttlic - ....-;: "I •"1 -. .." 111C.It 00;k•Os -.:•••• "{ '"I l,. . 4 ( 1,16 4 : , 1 •. • ~! • ~. • it . ,ft 0 Übart - .. 1 ., • , •* i l' • 1• : MO ' H...." St Valparllol,.. , 038 ~ i-;005 •ii..,7i3."11.2.45 , 0! waimi.3ll - .4.•i• ~,, "; ' - , :rj •-.•* *.' : " 1 1 , 15i00ut1i...; 0 .83. "11033,- ', il 030 "i 235'" Ilottrbou, .. ...1, . `'l "1.•'.• - • .• `I •-:.L.."1 Viarsacy -.... ', 017 "11328 ,"I 1)28 "1 345" 'i'ierceton ' -' 1 )-....,.;.. "1 -,:.."L , ••• iluzgarillo.... j; • :"1 '• ` -'4, ' ' 4 ` ' " C01umbia.......;1.043 .• 142 rii s iCt 4POO •• • 040 " Fort Wayne--0150 "1 120 "10055 "1 - 1115 " V•Ati Wert -..: W 107 1 ,311 220 .1 - 1150 ."I 737 " 1ie1rh05...,...1! * ,;142 , 4 ,1 255 " k I226AN ; 811 " Lima • . .1 - - , 944 • - --r 325 "I 1252; ..,,_ _Bl9 " 1 oresi - , 1 ; ! : 34•3:•• -1 43.3 '..• 153 " 1.010 7 !" tt1 , ,vvv.p. , 15..•! • .•M ";" 459 .' '21 5 " 10 4 8 " Muc-rut '' 512 " i '538 , ." g 24 - ~ 1155. " r , ' „.- - .kr S . 5'45 "I "M - " (1310 " 123'Gru k•mks''''t , D e '. (• 3 0, 1 Aiti 030 "; 320 ~ 130 " -n nut tdia...,...': 8•45 . ••• 7-01 347 " 200 '" .I.dt:dot - Mlle - , 732 '• 745 " 425 245..• L Vioater.:'... - .. 1 8:;11 •.' 835 ":- 508 "1' 335 a ! 0mine.........' vik) ", , 003 '• i i 531 "1•400 •• 3fa5fri110n.......; '.• JP •• : f 937. •• J 558 •' 435." Caut0n....,.... ; 180:i .il. 057-" 615 .• ". 454.: ". 1 Aillance...... 0115 "3050, " .715 ••• 555 •••• Salem • 120 H 112 5 ," -747 "i - - 627 ' Columbiana..;l.23ll.ll : l 147 .• 810 —1 062 Enon ..... ..... . 1 .0.22 ` 1 1222 Am 845 ••\ • N. Brighfon_il: 2 - 17: "t ••1 022 .•• Rocheger ;... li - 235 - ••t 110." i. 935 ~ Pittsburgh .._.ll 350 ••1 220 "0040- " - - 1 Erie aria L'ittSberg Express Tilaifilemve . slieii - Cle4ls at 4i1)5".., p.m., .arrives I in littsburi...at 1 ., 1 . 6;5 p.m. lleturiiingleOis- 'it t.shurg at o:SD %Jo., arrivcs iu New Castle at Bis ain. Ne.,ws , Ca,tle "zina - riitslfurg : lebbnimociation Trr.iti lcarcg;;Pli• Ca'stie itt isDO aim., arrives, in Allegheny- at 9:-1;i a.m. , 4ttiriling leavesA lleglieat. ite 2:25 p.m:, aii:lie's inli r ew Castle tlt t'e.ll, p.m. ' - . .. ' , F.' n: Intlts, adil. fiftiethe v.: RV se,,Prirligi irtß• On and aft rt. July 30, 18.66, st a !lons daily, Auudityii except' 4, as GOIN INN! 't Street Akron .... ftrrril ..,L 3 ,IQoer twacc 0111r1r) !‘ tirt P 1& DM El - • '.• . 1 WAN „all; " Aliante ' 0113 :" ArrAtip. 3 • i nuc, Akron : .... Ilcißun I .....-...11243Pm sffeet I 47 " tleTeland 200 " MEd SIM .Iqa) ", 625'!' p39..41 115 s “L 907 • • -1,73 {4l 95 7 ' I - • I t ridgepart, Ateaver lloclte - strr ,• = i idxr litl- Thurghll . r.ll 551 koch'ester '3OO 545 SpaStoer . .... : . I itlNFerry 628 "j .120 •,, 715 tt eubeaville. ti 328 "1813, L igruge. .... 543. ~ g3O H 637. 1 917 • 8e 11aire.,.,... 0.6;0 H 030 i r ailidelplna 6.50 a in /3,43:1 lard, 1i.45 m, N. Phil' r myErts, Gaaeial • a; -...-14:1,-i-it; ATTORNEY AT , elECTkitth or lONS and - oth . er 131 ctie, prompt atteutiott: it t fdr the' T l L'peng o t rts g , e t , otmty and all coil, , v „bia^4ikee; 116.4 rict Attor4.o' httot., 13, , ercer, Pa: • [a =I Vok, 48-nNoi:o46l, . . ; • t.;! PENA ND Tirexavt, .Y0RK*01713138:."- . • 1 -.! The clieneralSULtkilairilaktre=dc The - jiKerkioitig • i4:4.° 4 4 44,,P;R0P99.• We copy fteili• Lite , •Tribune wbcimOiete report :•.:,;;" 1 ; ; - ••; —24 . 1 ;1$0:1.- 21111 LEI 11E3X1 1100ni 1210,Am '''TO those-+who ari Ibirdtrailiith thil 'Ne:4v Ybrit'm oh, , Whb: liti+e'iriiittid l the ffogneill'Gifllery,' and under - the',., 1 01;16 . : Itecttim..of 'dpoOerattli'iiiiiiitiiitbd tri'd gin shops of the Pfin POlinf.'itt niat . ;, the hiftidred heavy jaws ',ind'idllifin: l ciriSlY'' low tiro •s in ;eh is' croivd - i tidien i : ted Itrobble ..The policemen 'Wfui - ring-, ' ed the •etafiT.looked". grave, irireiVingl the eaten With' I.,doin .. .tdeihad to dial: , At` the COnetastnn 'of itio're.iiialtit .. to r tii, I Gen. Butler was seen walkiiiithrop t gli the Park ' ,towaril:tlie',stiiiid."ln't ap: pearnee. 'Was' the' tigniti 'Sr fl'enrtt clieer•i; wliief iiveeeasiia.lit' iiiltitO . ai 1 he iialkd'.'uptiti 'tfili lita.rittitV*as lei' I titan - Coil "i' pie ..tiiiiitAblY'. l .:Butl.llii Mice ri it,.iv .4S! i m nindifitelidiciwilail by groat:e'en& 'II i sites, land i ladgi3 yeti tuts lend= ttdl; l 'friiin' tis'',Villdillealit'ainfej men is. or en - Neiv . 7 torli -Ceti- fWrilsh„ who liad'aliemblet) ire large roirnbai 0 on' a nd''artintid" thet stiPeciFther City Oat!.:- kleriwere Common ConpdH' file n,'c let ki -' to r. 1.11( 31acidok"11'.iiflfce, t ° I loafers, . boo tl'aidis, 'end' - scitkititigers barrminionidy tner.Zed.'' G6cr' . ..Soynioni addressed a sit - rifler ceirgfegstliin of Its "friends" in'te sisiotiPlabli . three years • . ago. In fact:: many - of tfiese 'Were ri oterald 180; ar.d ‘..ere ready'to re peat*their' bloOdy.'4vOrk: I ,l`han . theyi were SeymoUn's friends; now they are 1-1914 1 .1aP;§ 1 .77 Alk - rive - roint44YT)o l . l 3 here i represo* . ed: l .-,BATter , ,:etreelrspii the steps, an at the ontrance,to L the quit alid in t oChamber of ike..Bqprd of ;conncilm ., . i, .. the .dw'elle.i . s i ,in the "Ring !" Ta;nirlany Itna . - Thieves . 'At 1 leY" Lll6 CoiriOn doeniii and 'lllicki crelvillel. lUW:t.s a bemoinptic &thril l and'tife)r" friends,: such - as, rib, city on - this ,continetit have ~New' York can ()Oast. "" . Pr'Oril:'Whatevs.tr , plane they conte'tvhetherfriiiri thePOuneil Phafe ber or . ,tho `Toniris,';Whed'obee On the steps 'of ilie\':kity t,llall, there 'was a 1 f r . '`" • a • Ylii perfect atm .pu .psa in emo sr : tioi,,Ytheir iiit4nse''hate of Gen, Biltier. As 'soon as he. begun "te . Speak there . Were • 't-ries ''of -I ..SPoona 1.",' hut' him out !" :' `4.; l ene'rat Butlet Can't make rib l Al l 4ch;'•'' kt!'tilive itts, a song; 'Butlekl." The latter 'cryi waitalren up, 'and - pro., lor.'ged„Pod flforn -Many bonfb`Ori 'ea, , Y.. .erns cab s 01'01:Words "GiNdWe'fi;.'ilinig,' .13iiiki= f , f ,,e , ...4-*tbi. g -. .- "- - , - Th„ 1..,;,,,.... 1ng,...r.. ..,--5....,,,,-1;•-•a -r'est worthy Miin said he know of their eing made in. the, Commori conii(4l G'immber-I-or,lone of which . . irere 'the names in the.: m a many canidates fer the 'higlker . offices, and on pnothrr the words ' .'Spoons, Rally l''an.d . tt repre 'see taiion of a mammoth Spoon. These .banners were Carried ,by dirty Pito Pointers, assiSted tiy softie" ambiti ous Yeting men,`CVldently from a 4iftcs,t i y a • •Jeca . .ity,l for 'itheyi wore- 'yey,,y, r l, 3 'ka Sl, l6 thes , 1 . 1 ' 1 , 5 , , P 6 1ie . °' gifi4he s'or "thO and "dcstreyild 'thees" .. '.. • -‘,... 11 )erno l t i .i'aq• ..'iberoughlioroniied, :The I.ll 9l.?iiiiiy`diStributed in verbatim • rt waclf'theleOwd, and many of the Alders, Collected on, the frost steps.of the e ri tram'eo . :!.l,te hall, ib'enpe direOt.- ed their co - rceti,. and told if)erni_ 7ilen 'to groan; who.: to ellaer; and what calls -to :mace. Beside'e;those who czere ac I tivo 'ili• - titeintiine-atidk i hiiiitine there I -were! ninny others; :well :dressed moo, who moved throngh: tiloverowd-ntin fanned the excitement. lAt least three nt for honcliedmr.n . were there, re solveCto prevent Butler frnm :speak•." I ng, ',and • traiiihoet the. disgracefnl forici, Mayor kloffonan .sat. calmly: in the 04y Hall without taking one step' to interfere. Nothing.. prevented , . a :riot., but the (10°1m/orgy of the.Potino, tbeforbearance of the•Unionmen; and . —not the • least :cause,--tbe cowardice of ' niary • of-. the '.'indlies.--: When :Gen. Butler denounced them as thieves.bul. lies .arid -.burglars; : a fierce rush, was Anade at: the stand, but promptly: betit ren.: back by the: police:: Several..ir. -t,efits Were:made and many_ of tbe-row:- . dies• only: yielded .to.sovere treatmen L . 13tItthe-policeiforee was greablyaided' 'by the steady , ,courige ofthe ;Union men before: 'the. stand,:.mr bo i .vi ithout • mid ng violence;,stood :shoulder to shoal dittit, and.ropelled: the -efforts-of m l: ore ittrat:tv'filtlVlN gang to % break: tbro' theft Lranks. :...-; The- tomtit t. .eubsided i when, , Gefr: -Batler-,•reurecl,.l. and., Kr. .GreetywaS heard, -.svit Ir but feirinter ruptionsi. -. beta-Governor,: :Curtin , Mos ; hooted, and•manY, patriot idisealimertts; Of ,thle...other. speakers: .receirod.:wich t groans sficl-hisies.•: -,.f: .. ~ ,IL . ;! 1 .,11 form ..!v1 Gen:-.Buffer stood:4°r. .hall.an.lovr (.5 'l.:before- btr , cieuld :be'. heard ,at .alh , and '' . durinilthi iti mett.edrtairi•Edsmard• Yet. . 4 '' ' boner.',rho:-.lea.i 'hi if -- & . . a.l rage a ..s reel preach eri-mas :induced-„lto!mOuntatbe .-..liateps'andnddresisAbo!mob.l , -): , .' ! •.:: -- . 1 .- Not ill tie.,ttowlings: of Abe , Fgrimt '1 Deniperanyv , not-. allAhe.macbtnatiOris of their klarling.leaders,:conld,prOtent -Geri. Bittlee from: -speak'ing4 .and:' he t•spoke. , :..ilel htrk•faoed.: mobs- -before, I and: he:world not retreaarom ,this.., - , I , H L o complacently ate the apple with which. some _coward struck him, he] :listened. la, the howliogo,witb merely indighatior,.be. besttated' not to Call the infuriates. before. him- by- thew right:nnniee. - kle...ivas often, hyl,gie infernal.dtp, compelled2to aabp,apeali• ing,.: , bat, •ho. as viten.• reanmed..his speech, add be finished it., Ito spoke as follows' v .; '_ . : : -..' :- • ..- : '..... . 1257 . 1 . 152," 280 " ,316 " 833 " 410 " 443 " pi4T, 645'• 720 1 736 " `BOO " 834-•‘ 901• 1005 ‘• 1036 •' 1,106 " 1135 rm I 13() . 159 .. 2U " 507 " .):35. g " 416-.111 600 ME CZ 4t 7618•• :,:~.. al CI 960'5' 1300 " 728 1 ' RIB) 820 030 - -,- 0 931:T:[.,1 MEM Mmt. 1193 rAr's: ..tori , 1 iY ,, I , 11 CM 00 I S6' '- 1130 '" 415 5(10 14 1 535 " (155 " 1322 NoRTIf . r Exes Exes. 1 415 z GIG "1 GSM 30.04 •13 " =Z El 8:30 "I ••••• 12(4 •• & r 4 " 35 " EMI ME 0 .X.es...Ao CO* 4.05PN 410." ...- 1 ... 448,, ! ••••, 1••• 7-10' O,lOAi 1 732 " C 45 !•1 12321 " 783'." 805 44 145 4, .95. •.190 44 1,• • • ' t. Apyxsi 010.tig . 351 '725 1 . 4- 733 " Etta 840 " .050." 010 , t 105 4, DEEM .4NPH• = 9.4 401.2.85 V, Id icltet Agent: MI sifiess will re • Also legally coon of back oldiers' claims s offmc,x Curt g22,'66-7/7. ': . . li_ : ! - • , . •• : ,-- - .! :.: .11:', ~,, ~- -7 , ' - .' - 'l,- 7 0` . , ; ::' , , ..- ''' , 7. 1 . ;/?'''''''-' 1• '' —:. ''.. -• 1 -: ' - I . . - I •i ,. . il i . ' i i. 1 . .. ; _ ; !,..r , ' '',.??lj:', ~- .1 Zi.,,.' . ...'-fr.,' ,. .... - *. - . ;,-; I ';' . -';' - •, • r ., -'. 1 .- 1 / V . - - - 'I - •' - ':' - ' 1,,,/".. ' . 1.. 1 :-....-4/ ,-;.- ......: - .I',;: r . : ,:;.,-.:.' . I [ '1 , ,',.. 1 i' ' 1 . • . ' .. . L i'' 1 !: " ;`;'`, \ ' . - ''''''''''` YYl.:' 'l-7 -. . - .'',. - ;,t- ,- -.:.:- . .- r;,- r- •-';... . ...' '. •. ' • ,i . ... ... 1, ~. •• . I , -,..._____ 7 _,..._„......,...„__ r _ , ... . _ ~. . _ . ... ... '-'. . : _,i - -- • • a ''' ' ' - 4s . --- -*l , ‘- , ;: - AT-' -. 4 '. • . .. - ',... ~ ; , - • ..,; •', ,I , 4 :ashaqrsl/ - f , - '. - • , taivili - eal.ffsziT 10 , ,7{9C.1; A -i • .:, 0 y,c; i t - ~.,..,., . ; , , 4; ~......,#. I 4 11,,;..,-;;,4,1,1-41‘1,,,/,1.• •':: , 0. , , ~ .,,,,•4.;, 1 • :4-.1 1; ~i,„.., I ' L 3 . :, ! 0 14 ' :.) -,,,,. ri ..,,-,-, „ „ t ,,, i } ,..., „r• tt,. ~,i,Lo y ' :%-.--• c ter..F ....,";,,,p, 1.,,, ~..,,,,, ~ ,• , 'fee : i / ;7it . • - I--1 . . --...,; "": -le ......f,' - 3..... -• i_ ~- I ~1 . • . - . . i:: ct-_,' -,trd I ' n "lit , !) , :rtri... ' - rf, zi ~ lid 11, • b ter.:l>R:vr* j 70 - c ",,ii• '-, . • „A -L.. - - t : . t , rj 1 , 4/ : ,c'l '34 • .f• . - 1•1.. i . 7`. '1 ...: .1 4! . :( , .. ~ ~. . , !. -.' • ~..ir ip, , ... •7`.3 ...,. -.'ll til: ,,- ' '.4,. --- : '!.. - - . 1 ,4,1 : .. •rP 4. 0 . . / . ii,,iei: I' ,-;:11:. • T. , . a ~, . VI: 4-1 .?,,` ~ ...:fif 110-... i; • 7 . , . ~. , 'l'. ." .114't •• ' , • ' t ,.. t lg oi o ,. - ,i....„:-,_, • . ~,..- „ ,i,.0 ~ ~,, i..). ,;;;;; . 1 ti.1:17::: . .L‘) i...:i .- •.....) e . .- ..5 .. ...k :'. , 1.0 i: :, ii; ..., , l'i - ''... -;''', . ' ~. . cisi. ; ..,,,.. f,. .. , - flO - ..4:,..• '-..-. .'"*- -. •- . .-, -......- .nAu . ., 4.4 -'; • , ..'- cy :;..-.,.'.,.. '- ' 4 ~., ~., . .. . 1 ,-, -71 : i-y 4 .4l , :trz; ~ -.4:i r•,'i ._. ~-, f ' :::' '..-:. .11. : .'.. i Z t ..'), ••••••••, 1 . 1.5 . 3FV:7 , its ~.: _ , , ello.li ii... .1. ! !. ,e.L., , 1:1-5 ~ f.: ', •,, ..... .. , a ....,, . .... ....,,,, , I . , . , • . ~ . I!. I •:4171 . ,1"t e 4.. r .tt'i i':' f.i; ;.......,. :rp• ::::.• t.st , _.?; ", ‘'.„, ; ~,..T,F! trivo. lug . I .i• oitt) . -• 1: ;* ~.-...:;,ittui. 6 1- . ,:..::,,, t ~..iiy, . ct ,, i ; 1 .r ., ,.._1 .:,., ...... ~ , ~ ; ---7--•- i 'IQ ' pr...1 7 1.Ti 7 urT -Y ~;-•:, , -1' . .. 4 -- • ,,,, t` , - - . 7-t- 1 .".'" 1 " '' 4.4 ' ''' . 4r f j " ,.4 i 4 .' : '......: . 1..1 •-, ..,,; , r1 11 ..., "1 1 4 : :::1 ..: -, A . ;"! ~,.• i'.. , 2 1 . ' 7r.:, ': . i . .': 41 :%* i•:: !.. ... • 'I . - ?Tn. '' • Ti '&,-. .17 : . .t , "l*. 1.“4,1, gia nt-s o .41,-. 4 01 Iry 1 , -,:. . f .; ~.;;;:#1i1:1 'TO ila irt. lair' it • ~....‘ .4 :.4 8 r ia ~:,..... i im.:e,a,"Srpr -eant-soay,,l . ': • . ...t bF. MligkelP IIZSLIV •ii: k.,P• • . -;',•:.:::` -.1 ; - - ';',•-e-ft ~...,,, '.. ' '''• - (----,...1 -2 '-' - ..'; , .7'. - Z - i - .",: - ...:i1; .:::- -• vi _t7:71.......c_ : . • ~- „IV Pa- 'i - - I :i . f -1 6 i t ,4 '- ie Oe e ~,,,,..., T lt . : - - . ti . 114 , •'!C' r. , I pj ic !::'..-, Y 4 ~.;,.): , 1 iii . t 7.1 e el , 411 :Mt ' - , :1, - :`'f'• -- ', ~ nBii , ;i , psi tin ' • . 5,..v,a? !). • ' ~.1.4, ' ?oft -, c ; 1 . C re , r , k t tal .' a 4 3k; - iitil id i 1 l'etif • . .- , n ; :: ' 1 ! 1 ! y 7 . • ., 4 . ,. ''; l!ti.. ' f Et t if y.: .. :1 7 i ~r. ::Gei-,.acia -il,.alc - 4 ME i M I E =ES , i` EMI= ELM 7 ' '?„ i 1.-).f.:;;1:.:i..1p.)e 11J !'"..; Malilliell;'Ortall* OrtLE111:1„11 - % , 17' I Cite i , -; I.;q*: ..1 - :.: , ..r - - , ' e• '..l4ftt l fT k i . 4 ),W# ti g 1 Ptr' bifOti li . ii` iviotticiO4' rktp'n i 44 ' VI. force,:tirldjratill '4Sniiiie ti t4 ilrer.llpOw tiiii ' cog qrtsfililllihrein. it; or ;RR Vie dinitritrz: n 'tfh'e' . g4iiiio ) .4-sili , 6nin:-: titiGl-toibaiti;',lfd -I,iiiii,itpl-; t 0 1 tip oraiid.*iiklit it s ii4aiestiiie Oillpra, i Ito be heard,. evon,hx.4b , 6 4 1 .bilt. #ll - 4 A 1 „' irgi , " g• fl iiiii i ,i v iT 4 3'o 6 tOle f iti' if , iittqii.ififft talili'..litl lio r istil r nii 'iglithigoptiar a ,fp ' ,or,i:tiel.,4o ititit;o,6t )4 , 1 , la Tike. 'ori&--_,: ttif*licir, liiiaiied giC c ia•firkloe, sr _Aiiik elieeili,4 l ,'ne'll?%nalati , a, itpitt - mesa, 61! ' the, •tertiiict 'bittovir*.Ni'ipic,'l• 6 'ite• fr:dinj Viin?.l' ' Gen:, 60;444 . ft.fq - :UV:. ‘o o e - tiCilV;therf:lo/haii-, 1 1,4 I by 1 6 1*A kilil .and arepilro it , tq.,o-. throos - ifiti eciiintri, sliall",'9'real).4, cor.cluet f itriotheiwise,glorioils4pitiny. l [A''' isl,bd-Lilli r ree elinersifor Tofin":: i tt4ffmtiP ' ,7 which.., ne.re„loo4 l )':4 l con: tinlete'AderslSF..tenberi i,E. Toriecon followed,hut wpre , _lest... r ikilialondor et edre' t , d, 'tlicli'we re gire la" for tielPrian, hx• {{ the ruffian W• h qrPi c 4;l l , 4 o' -it- '1 4 f 11..t6 ' ''bildi' 4 Ilie meeting.] , ) - 1 2 ).1 "- WAV-.23,': •1.3 . .. 1 J ) •. . r.' ...1 . ).1.1. 1 ., " , :.• Gen Butier—i. lied y.on, r z pardon.; yofy,have.takenyour ticrio• T i l .tiew 'L l yrilf 14Ll iO! , 11143• l [cries a. , g.ffuodf l sand cheers, follow ed I by : groexis o hisoes.aod: pro' 19w-lgd•uctisolln4 • Pilv-iPino , luteryo W -harp , got, ali,the ...aTterrioon ,beforn., • 41,4na.t4PAbilig,• else,- ti;i 1 4 9; .. , Whoa this war was closed—[reneweelittere;. itlg•tjatigh Wl:if. gTolons.: allil:rir•Pines.} - 7 - w ben, thoLlaskrobet, iri., ! Eliii South. ,had surytieder,e4-1 - cat.calle,cheors t groitng: 44c..1,,Airien,i heir citi e sens ;1/ecafno sub-- stantiallY 'parol ! ;,.l.prisonerik.„pf • 'Ac: [AI large tipple was ' t here . i brown' at the ...fiepPraj,,yihieli.struck,hitn, on - the breast; it was pLekt.tl upland handed to: hinlpiOdritlitt .titntbriverrn:stal (miff' goodib Ord; ii h i chi he , distilayfeidi.talt ing;his..kiiire-onvot hispoCket,culting sod eutik,tlionpple,-called torthAhe adirqration-e,coryqof thriiin iy lin were int,erytipting-bim„.and for• a., epoch it seemed l ) - -thotigh,ta would be-allowed tp pfoceed.,bilt the .erowdi 01 respect" ably•dressed ro.tigli4roin their station au• the. City Ilall yteili,gav'ti the sigrial. and, disoker. arid :confu,ion again re armed its sway. Gen. Butler put , on hie; hat as iflie had, come, to stay, and ki,,! ; friend, adyised. : him t 9 put on Ads ov,Orpoat„ Atilt ha,; replied 4 !'.t .am • ail vigil, } ;'_„nod, • add ed, ',tide i 8 •arprettY goliA-PPP4 , •"J 7. Again- -4saas,lng. ; , r$ gparkk' t . he - said.:.,.,Sinee I have hoen statitljpg, ; lscre, foiiew citizens, L could not.,-belp:, hut, .remetaberibow input+ quieter all thesik . follows w*ra.: in ..1.8C4 [cheers an d• groans] ..wher4 instead sof' Ani . .ykug.,q trakt .w or o at , the ,head Al -this 4g,..tly4ament...briN i ttgiatittrlW-, patrio_L_ arid, when t f i ti e Pity was under the yulo-of -! ;; chief . officer. , er6iirriAtin c°ntr.9: i' , . ' Olio "isi - sliidi;ieriliable. Which ,here took p . , , ,- - t „'„,i, roc t further .and ~.:64. 1 q0.1 Ou . _,. l3 : 3 pr l t i; - ': a , 4 4,,,crinsulteel back' nu ..tbe!,,!;''' A , ...an on, the City ,with..bis,f-- -tilvioleetly geatiqa^ Ult”' 4 e l'.., ‘ ",tt l idressing. -tbo - crowd . .] Itit„i n g ' .'t*Zegaini General Witter said: gIuFSP• 01low, citizens, I,hp.re is • no use. 44,11er,e• .ie tip, reason • why.L sbciuld play Ale ..hkekguarq. II am riot a I'reeidrnt,...,nor, 4., Vice. Prlosijteat., I I wit', nok4o, into any, controversy with lan. angry' erowd. • [OnntaSiou ..nrorsei I•confounded. again; reigneel,:a_nd plack ' guard,. epit t liiets. pain° op r ! frpm iihe crowd; which are not,fit Air publien i ion • .Cries of ,Put, hiin ottt,"-",Go'oe, Oprieral s ?' altero*ed, and a ;gentleman near the Stand tamarked "Free speech {{,is hardly,,in order, here; ..we..ano - too I near; thU.„ City piiall!.'. Three ehe.ece for General Butler werusciecendedV groans and yells..]_ The proceedings , thut , brieftyi noticed rkpoenTpied"Ditiout ~,7.i , ; - • GENT:RAL WAGBIUDOB ir-- nnuitr CrtsricNsH-iCheors. - groantr- and. 'ertes of ,‘ , Butier.!'s "Butler il.' The city of New t'="lterk •will'anrely nphold_a friie treas.:rind free speech. Will you allow this.meeting tobe interrupted?- feries of "No," ilndgroarfs;]' Those Who 'are Tin-fitior of free speech and of listeping to Generlal sander wilt row:aye.: [Loud cries'inf ‘,.ayti." amid the shouting -ot . . • the .• ir.oh:] - Those . dppose i d - will say ~n o.'!' It.. is unanimous., ..,, General Butler will proceed; [Laughter. and eheers'i.] i ,:... --:' • -- . .; • 'tisivir:a'Ar'. Buynritl'Sayithe• nation uklitT. t welV have hoped:. [GtOnns and , y el hr.] •2 Blit slit) 0 ugh thil''rebt-Ilien warrievereo-rno :the rebelliono spirit irkne Mit subilued.:' The Men of. , the;South... thcitighr-,torkineeed, had fled; Many, of tireinilollitilcirrth, rird•therejo alli ance ' , With those 'Who throughout; itit9 ciAil - wqre ih lengue 'With !them,ntider; ' tiffoklto 'putrup_rebellinn 1 : here -Land-to ateornplish by other'meani w!tiat they ' bid failed to escure.hy operverat The •;entisegiietteli! was . , that when "the rebel army ' surrendered' "....tliii.illePirbliCan party hri . d - t co . .lr s tißrd t t z Ica tom ap 3n the . ' [T6 lir Generai:firoceSaed k _it ill his remark, tiiii , i , fart iniot, heeding the tut mutt ortlii,,eoio, l l:fis2,trigkie at times scarcely reaeliingftlinse. around him on the star.d i gni 'Tinian' was "SO great.— Those itt! 1 -the .'nioh i -v . iiiiii were near enough to - t4taf4an t`intir 'of lite re:- marks bocaineriliriiirkg,,an4 every few minutes; tin; •iiiiiid'e_iwiiioy i obliged to collar and 11 : (+itirelsCii.tfr demonstrative rowdy . who 'Wail:trying to incite the rioters to violiint measures. At this . time tI a I fight searraikl inevitable, but , the Police behaved nobly, and by their determined ' , and . prompt -interference, preservied tbe-perieeot. they did ns, ' _: ...'. , • - General Butler continued amidst ter,nate cheers and And per., :tisitia*6lbetter- , exerntillficalinann, a spirit could,-,l;okftimAhAd than in the INE CM =I ,aleabeiqr,e ik ' itiOrely bk. t isk tig - (6"iitllle . ree,,, of their leiait, pent, tbpfhleifp aka : wfiktU' lid* 44,t - litiier l 4 - oii c t 04,y-02;.;./4,Vtit eitizenti'.. /aver.,! i tglitttlilfrtfitlAliel it g liikilifita l. i ,W4 1 101 4 451.W . : it m wno ,7 the ~, r rom 1 eittare'etisiii *ti' 04,0fiar,i ' i killeriii., - '' .qtyietit(Vtitte'D oln - I,hii"fitt#l. Of eliiiirilielti 3 *tilt' 'forever 'doomed hi which nwbocrael3 thA#,P o Autrgi- ,E 44 .zens.] Another . .',the - ,BlaYor, in the , eus ,of his oWliiiill tsiners at; , 40.-*-ti , . dawn free TWA [flotiCuPPlause'fr three grohne- for . '; been said ~ .thsit . tail turbance is personit, no highoriboutPlitnoc my fellewleiiizensi#l compatink)tihislrOct -day bo4ire ttionteciloi of things wbiakeAista 'third day. •befire ,the' voin l bet, Iti.44 r wli - en;,l 4 : of, itio rity . 'of New'r..ol appliinse`frbra the; 6 lift.) and ; :hb'ottli&finm,j.tiei dared - yelp,'.(l 4 'inglitnr:l 4 . itif ' libAted,; firetith h,tirribt,srmw, ithoy lob as. I Easied'..:,(dtiVers t i,`r'o, if t listio•:is: - any'ar'g, till d'esiiitin'inin ' aro:, tigAli tho . trraforitylin 'lt refill j i it' is itlvii scene ltS" Or all theiie - icip.,..tt4t it 1. • prii . ' inch' 'stenos: ! greit' l tiatienai lie the linlon,ftt;see to, petteitn - ,NeW York as there was - in' Al Imre captured and m t inter.) 'The . quelt.ibl once bee- - city ot by the', rn *ill (hp( lot eitizel ring if their trill bettor er not - be - ct , the good York W". not slit leork - I sake o - f ho t nA____..pt. ..y tra...,1 1. 1) 3. ; set law ancf . nrcier at defierico• . 9,lld di's strive' that ..they .e,40 1 tiffelY, t l 9 l ";4ere with the rights . af,.the Aalerleftp eit,i.: zen, will tind ,th at. t 4e.f: 4 0 570- ,Takilt f'' [mistake, , at; - ill such 'sliorfi3iglitecirrien do. Reason will coin e btik to all the IFire' mekof Alio- con n try,intid sillito iii, a given:space the voice of4reason' may ~ ,I),e stified,lyet the great heart of ! :the country will • provo,,trool to. liberty t , and not *iniy itberty,..butlibetty go 'V-,- . erned by, lav{. [pheon.anna the'bitii 'zene,], -.':-.. .‘: .' - -' 1 '" [. .-' :fll . , • ' ,i 1 • It was tlit;a'Spirir ot . 'Plrrea 4 P o ' ll or} misruiff. tha'Whiel'hai4lieen Irittif_..Laub . . e.d'intb tbd ebmrrignifr.lit flii*W . York trotry'thtf"South, tinalt hiiii;Producbd all - these outrageFLupon ihl, liberty cf the .41ii;z4'n'Inna'apcn treedn'in+of•glicech.f:. Vliere are, 'clintbf nbt, ‘Vithlii th l e'vouTt of my voice, many, mr,nynt those roe; who fled here from' theSouthl during aid war flit protootion,:land"Who ale :attempting to introtiticenanarelly.4tid contosionnow that they 'ate inesittli y anti the wait 'ld. over. := 'rho men' Win ceserted- - their section; who' fled from the-war they had pre:milked, tirti . how endeavoring-to incite the'bad passions of the Men of the city *who ,gava tbein rolitge.: ;The henestilionorablemen ,il New York would, eert,itinly never in terfere with'ihO freedom of speech +, It it Vnly. those who, under'the cover a brute force,- though.. in a meager minority, oodertako to. interfe ' re with the right bof ,otbers. Tbere , ean ben? etter_,Argr.mentiip tiAliio,f of .the!:RO puhlican.parti• 'lib grl evel.W.berb Whete At ;beerSt:BSTo744-, l 4 lo ;e:reltr, fiellt iNfaine even onb,(..=,corgia, aye, fro in 'itlai ne to .b . re,NTOrldans t there., i. the' right,of ftee'Atieeel;Ltifeli . ..o ll , l3 . ol o' ,. wii'orti tiro D'e in odraOc' fnily has[ al triu in ph ant majcirityl - ' Leh eetli ' tropi - the eitlichil 'it ',lima' ire 04: `.teach ,i n n % cif,th'eVoibicrilejr4[ If f ontin4s.frarn ' 'slid' ttfeb].. l. l' tli is 'is 'tlie*DemiCraby ijt ;Nero York, theiebbrier - it is cleared out ' the bet tei:-. , [Cheers landigirniimb] raf t I 0 eririv afehitrely tin Alailt. , '. city...)vibich., '.teaches its•corfireanictantn suehtidrid Mit, .the sobnerillrat -salwtakt 41'4inch/ted ' ',ft &mita sblikl try Alit,bstairdielidbfiLl t , , , It there is any . ,,tet, pc leen attemporg, to govecn the cfrbo porql it to.be., thus broVklielit dissilPaie; tlitigsWni4 . er they are mitickta4l,lay t he, Hpenalty. of thoir , .9.sioleti i lipr a ggv% -ILOI I 4. cheers from the eitme s ,aid yells of indignation ii.elifilie'' ' n h ,..0. on tbe CitY . , Hull ite`piviectibeAl ro4.o , .'rifieehbeet_AY:. tboit.tretati'nera ;a diffqrint/Tpertiopi \ .-th o 03*.AWI'irr Ilrltaaog l. .! A ley, es .[cheers], e syatematikpl nnagter4.l With their arms. up-to.tbe elbow inr l tht,p4Aie l oi reppury wbile they -: OA the ,Ineans 01 • lf:4 1 ,1 ,subsiseenep,,thg . simpli 4,i ro ruflifir& te*tittek:thase tbiy , I,arc Ina n . i . 9e . X . P.l any othe rway (three abeeirifroof; the., oltiAentil;:and,whilenrie`eikPii(loll'.4 lo* :Ekior e cialtiai?d rtMli . ,W l :lit:Cic . llt,h`eir • Mit'S . ;r: terl„biddirg,, yel, an , Eidigna,9 t", 040: i r will - 131.1t.)ilard'cidhirrt, lip i epte {Ammon. EA'rQ,lcorlro,Ntillp c.449 - gr t riTion, iti: , i f I • iiiir, iii 'VIII(' =hitit riSikaiit. I _slid ike qtßi.elkli#, ,91.PPYIr;' ad purli- i hired rai. il' (iceputj iiiieuasiori. l izeus: atid ]Tttt a ' 5 i thia)llli J'plEl 'I. 7 / 8 14 o:ll4:* . ti ids' @l#t; sitar., on.t,tio , -tbi4 xti 1418' 1 .014V hetai on ten 'ePP ,ill 1 1 5,„ o , Kq° 6 l." l tqlt , ittitipienit ro, / ealitioOn .156.'en1 , tir•Oie,r , l'bi.k w Ler : itfa'per4l 01.1Aitr:Ii - it . cti!*ei,E,fr.A l .:.!, ' i gat* fi,i`ati' et - 04 it,iip reliiii'64adtry'; itilit,lr.-witYp' f 4 16 kill' fu ' A r, !: 3 ‘ etKrliee‘the 1b,.; party; If :trlet r , th4rd' A fl' e- g esd' T e le, gAatihtu d d,i 1 IghordB offwrt boea a4 ?it IttAt roem, :tit 0 kiwi'"? ME • - ,t,31 r , t •o- ,, ~....,...,; ' ; I. • Odloo. l l ' tc or bete rind now t char Fe---; ribitirgiP:this - 'Mob' -tipOn Ilotrris • rt...-- - 1 febeenr . Yeii.l.al ;bore : and n %I i tdattgo t, 0 irs.arder•of,thaheo and ikd s ren.to.ficiratio af , y =mar ~[tirroat. en oations,,groans in 9 oors. Bot ,a re sktiatly* .roOpUnoi bile, isise•both' - ' . - ill - IsoOPer tai-lister'snciet tfiereprobati si af it . an -.indignant !ha danitzr,J One '.h as gone out and . the , ther,-.13-4pilo ing bid., [Cheers" and.,.groins.) .. i hy, what! R 0111 0 ,60 otikect - T , sla 1801:the 1 nwn syho. - .ars),now ; ..balloinfr,lllld,bootir.g I Caere t 6 1 3 .1 1 n whowere oie . 1 .4100,1, 1 1agr4 - 1 oh ildrop7 4 l i heY,hro 'th,ii flan %Atka were •i ", .4lat.dering ;babes,- hen they 'dare :not' lobli.it Snot( iri,'tbe•.`fte . oi- r febeerit:ii shi' OttiinfiiithosO - Of Ab Anoli- aearpst ; the.: state Ar,..,ba., pahld , i ii ear.. tho ,apc,, , er i.t ihouting and daricani . 7iiih r age, : nil thiqhficolpniijrl tie Pine t,bh'en b' h]; and' *heir tile 'pelf rle .th a tii min t of the TJ rated 'Shaba sad hetet h e y... ere the firsirth .a bow-th Irfteisils. ;[Ch 'ors end grotits3 ' 'Wh the' 'phut . -fc:ool - !:- 11,. [Lattg,hter,i.._choora , ' and -groans. , . • 'Java -f iced [your e(l oriorsAnlitlti 01 ai s iti Slew.; Or,lean . Vi toat ,A dioo (Is .2 . cid eic.oiterhprit; tti oe cheers Tor' is F eral Efutleri) ,'I be e iiiing . your : ;id ;tore[obeefal, and .1 you dp r.tstbe av ~ I isho,lt ketr.the ati,a co to .140 the B M l coon : ~CriErOO -ch'pet.o. for patlier. ;, havo seen inani.; inoro 'thin -. ,you.i s- it liime thiat.' bank. ;q'tti ininieli fle and muskets and bhyoifete,' - isnif I di , _not flinch-from thons, _Po you sup iOr ,kshili,;flir.oli..c ;front :ahion•st,o l'i 3 • , hrhat,las ? LLaughtor, .gspan ~,_ .'s chafe:l. A..tiaars So `So ho has - smel 'e s t palidei"thidistarid'kariih.' ' [tit gli AI gi . oahtt Pn&eheeire? ' roust/se,. 100 or Iteke thiek ypa are the, oqqals,df iti risgro,,,,,ph 1 , A,ul [Troplecdous ,Ph `or and groans.],Tho i nogro is 'as:iin 1 3 1; ,a 9 finineasurably'Yhtir isuporior a •or 'von is ab6vo the hdll where. y#o , •i . • (ro 6 in.... [Olieers'ekr groans.) , I - ) 4:t o . 1 J • - r ; • noe.rcispect yoli anlTeorthinlydek o want Yotir respoir..r.i. , You mity bii q' it sure I_,da ant tear yil t m.. You_ 44 , to Ororypwer, . fro - el oppech and 044 ';0 1 0, and insariU howling . s, ss.' !I take thd place of 'fiztinients. i then, riser of the Fi d e Peints [la g ' and cheert]; bullies of ~t he • a hones). I th ieves - of , t4e lobby: an b. lora of ..t. Ito -.To rribe Clough ter, . fire; cheeroarid,friwbi, reiembling a ho of pals ddinotiura],. 11 simply"deel here; as the voite•a 'the - tuition , t t you. arp nut •fit -for i e-ezerciee of elective:trAnchiso 1' 'real,. °irate c". said-itt no ;beater wit thia• dila. 'col yew deponstrate .. .t e hiot..2 4 , 0 :1 ',vials, tebancly word -with ani ors foolieh,'Altnited cro d' o aridt.l Isaias) used: these few' aCec ibirigyEpithpts . ... ...... is;.•sr. a o a d r. , 1 ,, 1:.,‘1e7il i'.l si ir k FiV • . X 1 R f , ~. ~ • _o.. de. 464 .1 . If -'1)1' ``4l~ ~. C Cah'-. tiia(~ cd,fb Nov QC 4 - 4,4 r..4t.4 1 .-__ bore, saCh. as Toola coyeinca rpism e n . . men, I.savy itt'aist wsi notiobo ho ( arid I only W aitudruntil , the 'men w 4 °therm , ise,it, ,inigjit_ he satO,„ water; u ifie'liiiideritii e;r.:L4ale . . - 1. - 0\44, ,, budi-t r i b reason men, Whim i Fia ' w ihat ordo. co I( not be iestored,, from thlt't nitnnen determined P i nt ontd , apeak to thoSe' ei -as. they doeiervoci and .in larign gs .whieb Alowl,y 4 :,iiould u;deratsnii; Lib t fin.iliar. to: their,.' . e rs: [Tile :tem 1 .haro's'arayed to and, fro, ::violoati'mtei -endesivoring to CoreTheirwraY theoug 'the, libeCfpoliceiwki ch sarroonded .b stand. Ai numbei fif' largo ,pisbatd . viero. hot& up in,various parts-of erowd,imaring the it 4oription;')Voi l i inginen's nocninstio *---b'.or Governoi John T.: Hoffman— r Supervisbr, • ;lc . Gen. Bu ler—Tho pelico no at..v. 14 *One e alitatre, they know; that .occry h ' Id' -` rit .0 . .: "( 1• • nyan 0 ing.one..o -, io.. (.4.r, i la ,a ileter.' ,f . we 'aicoafd . ".'rulfre' tiY. the nninber of CaritaAhare Whaid 6ci abaht qne 1.6 a thoasancl--Echects377not glm o arci pre,hahl.' je k ia . . : - ' -"' r . ;Throe cheers wore...given for- Joitn T.. 11.effnutn, and an soiled mari•Ja. Ur crowd near stun ; pointing 1.:1' n 1 of the cords which boy, wawihol,d ni (finest him; ahouted to Gen.-8.41er, V Will cheer tor,' off . Davis.; too,' .Th e olieeriiimmediatelyfellowed.froakth a whp fiorroundiak, him .(,and heard, i bi oxelatuntioe; and a fil,i4ht ensued; WII)C' ail w quickly quelteal by the police.'. ' ( ME . .. . . " ' ' An lncident.' •' f'' ..... ' - ..iiiw ii. trqui of cars was si - ppropeil P, 44,aUspeesion..hridge, young "liar; re th i c,,cond,ucier foupd a young ilia!) . i be f‘oigil ; not. pay his fak.o. :The poor' 1.. io,s , wps . evidanily in the last Ate, ~ i e. of t' ' ti. , ' '' i' d - t - t I consump len t pa Lappeta e ci s leh ton proppytiokim. 'lto. eat .hY Minis 1. and bia ey . e,ereic red, as tho Ugh. bi -. 1 4 1 .0 0 0i PArii.r. i , But sth' 2.l kaw4 01 1 Ilk e',7.O.ouppliy,pephiiioti be - I..ang(e 's'i edoni4. he tnuctleii: e - ibe train.. I ' - o aperson.rrioied o'r poke as the c n. duotditlizThitn' treinliial seat:- all 'ab v. 'itiihg' Witli c .oo col ;• 1 1iu.t 'lust' tie hi Ch'idAli . e , d9er,:it'betnitifu I git'l fir :. figinfh4Filielit;• and vii lb 'bright i .spa k Iftieltiw; ' diraiaded' the' famo n r eliat•ged for . ' tb cr . poor 1 itß;Oid... J . h, k.eittiiiieeir t3tti Mglft dolfarkr!tinci- ' hi Yoliiieit4l noble wit . - took `.tlikt 'a 'n fhtiinqat -p6CWet-hook; :Ind 'kiitilir ei i4tilek'ylfutfi'hattet. - o•iiiii i Beni. - h. - fiction at to shiunif 1 eveialinen • hi 41 0 w,itiletnted t, .and ithey offere d- ti 4 ,gpay'linif,'#• - bat"thci: :whole•Pouted spin indigaaittly'icfcried the dasiatittfei 1 , ' -• WWII . ; tbiaArititijaVriVed In this "'Cit., 'ilia' yoafieliVcitsictiessliivelbott in ii. ii 'money•tionglilt#4ceeri him over IC h .an'd sendbim to'bi r r . ieeds next, In . •ipg'.l--AllianY'lfriss. ,': ' .' i--- ;Tiff. Bg,t2 , :otg Of ho • I o,olVirttiY, tit St; ni litintiosotti; b; abitpocf. 16,4,06, I#le tirkooffllO•robof `the, Eli e.uv,7 BM EVES r ;•[ • , .I=s • 0 " . f i 11 HE • ts•,. • Tiitt'..tiitii, '.. - i' iii; ' iiiiitae - iittia ~.'.'„,:;. :;':,‘:'i , ii'i':icr' . PPsAiii;':i .:':-.--;'.-.;:. The .talk of :the totpeacittnent of the Victi•Ppesifient;!aoting,lis ~ . Presitterk oft the • 13ciiteel BkatereAtis rte the-question: Who_ would; Jbhneonf. if he rein icd: by death. or; im— temetioteatl 1 • : tx• --; i•IVe -,ellewAt lin torts:, lettere iaquity..o4 -the iaahject:,-; 3,l l l4.it.' , Ctmetitutioa .of . the UCited 4tatei says thatiCAngreee mity,..by provitierrfor !he ;rentetvel - by death;les ignatiou or Anal:4l4,y • of the President and - -A r icw-Pres l 4 l : o 4- deciaring- - rwliOt officer shall then, Act :ac . pordiA ( glyuntil `renicived or. a ,t'x,e, o dent'vr4 ett ' • t : Mitich,ll, , '1702, 'Co agreil . Paosedit n ant , to. provAdie.krlevery cote of a•vit,t* L. c ui tt e nc p y tii .b s o i t b b le . ort , booift c o r Oct. bit , there seems to:be‘little doubt re that.4lwill.otand i the lest. - , r , idant find - President. ,117 Siory's Cdininviittiries t h er e ' is a suiteitiorof' li. unconstitutionality f 0 7- :::111 4 Dr ' 14 '4 .generafy known, the law: prnt I r i. vides ,hat 'ibe t Vreside,nt irolvnpor'r t , be the ; ; Senate shall succeed ttfe Vic& p• :Preeidint l : and if the re , id' no , President i e of thill'Senate l rthe Speaker ' of, the I Honsdlshall•actitts President. • 1 - - i ih r , iln 11in present ease; the '1145n - , tit i„ fayettre - S Foster, of Connecticut, i is' id- PresilOanttpro cmpore I;4' the -Senatet' ce , 0 d. an. sitould en ed 'Andrew Johnson • in.'iaasia CV his (i lath. • 'lt Johnson•aria (Foatelt :were boil] dead or disabled, the ,_:.,. Schuylerflon. ( L Col,fax woad :act is: r'Prositot:+:. - - I t ..• :, -.' - • 1 2, r ,,, , 13uV.it happens that: on - ihe'4thlof l ke Karel next The term of-the lion:. Ilt , I r e. tayette.:S.,Fater; in: the- : Sanate, wx.: li,. pmes, so ibitt-i t will .he necessary' for a . -tho :Sene.te, . this swinter.• to vied'. a' .6 - President pro -tempore., ..The term for . 'ii which- ..11,r. f - Colfax is ()leafed Spealler ot , shin expires with. , the Thirtyintatix e Cinifrress,. on. 04 4th of:March. ' . i et • .It t "bas been .-,ctistomimy • When' the ' 4 O , Senate re argaufzes,,for Abe , Viae .Pret. ,et, Went -.to „absent himself, temporaribi, ii,,,, thatltherc rr.ayi be, an. election .for, a tar President .pro. efuspore of that bodyH-- dyOn the 7th Of M arch , i 865.. the 90rk r b.of 'tbe , Senate, Col. 'Juba W. Forney , a called the Senate to-order, annonueed `e4 by authority the absence-of Andiew re Johnson' the Vice'President; and the 'at Hon. Lafayette' S. Foster. WWI elected be P,resident pa* iimpori. :, . :. 1 -,i ']; '; • 11 , : it should bappen , thitt. the Senate neglected.f to ,el act -.a President Oro iOotte;ppore,' until t4e , '401 of naretr, l- vitien , n t, ',4!.. Foster's tainrt <-.eipiros,, that _ bOdy fly ,`would withnut, a,prosiding.offider, It, andll'r;Colfax'O'faim tfaiing also ex -1 3 . prod, the. process of 'seen!' xo itsfiz ~' - .But we premitne the Senate will Fi!ro ),,. vide' aininst t-he possibility of such a kte lor rcsignittion. of Mr. Foster ;some i:lays • before the, d expiration -liig-lerm, en some "1 I :Schafer elected j rb Minion .whose present' term of herree , ? . i whether Ve--elee:ted-o . - kir; iv ill . uot • pito 'on`the 4th 1 , of . Larth. r This will secure the eotitinulty. ri,' ' The qtiostionikhowerer, bo, ~.E; b would, th'o PreSid out pro tenipore setae le President if the Vice President, hoti acting, as President, should 'die or! be te re hotted.,. The' law is ASeetiort 10 of, t*- the 4et of ..tiaroh4.l,i 1702.. vol 1, V. S. .e Statues. atiargo,lptip..e244ol: ' • i'- . 1- . ~ d '1 - • "Ahd 'be- iil , ; further •eimoted, .that , wheOver the office l of 'President „iintf, t -Vice iresident ishall both bacomelva. , r pant, i the • Secretary of .Sta,to shall ,forthvOth eausd,,a, .netification -th44,,0f ' to he [mode to the Executive Af every State/ . and shill' alSo cause the 'fiatrie tO i 'fie"ptihlished . inikiliait ono 6f thetw'u l l pi per l s publiiihel in. each State, ropeai.-, 1 ail;Ilt that tne,,ele c etors of ,the P.,re.li- E , deott i ol, the Unfted States shall,be t ips' ie i'pointad or Chosen i if kliniot;eral Stntb's, ; I toitki4 thirt9 folti• dipprideding . the!fltit 0 11 7 ..fagthy..uvIlecember,then.next ensu q) : i„gg,;llfritled there! shall bo,the.sitace ni lof ,two mon thpi t , .between 'the date:,of I • d sue 4 notificatio. and' Cho- lealil (first ,t, Wednesday in pecomberi . hatif, there shall not bo'the space of two naphtha ' bet Ween 'the",da:o. of .such, 'notification. and the fret IltilednesdaY in Dt3eember,' and i 1 the. term for Which the Presi: 1 ,g- deldand-Vie&Prosident last in offite. l 1, wore elected, shall. not. ' i llipire on_the • third day of ,tlClarOl.), 'net. .ens"ing , -then, the §corotVry, of Statn shall spe:i 'cify to tire notifications; that the °lea ,. 1 tors stial I ho appointed br ehOsen• with ,f, in-thiry•four days p'reoding, the first c, ,weline?ily in-Debe!ll*, in; the yearl d' next encuing;:!oiihin ,n'hi,ch time , the .J eteetorsabafl aceoidiAity be' appoint. , it ed ,, or ellesfin; , land 'the eletetors shall 1, meet acrd tiro ,their:rotes a& the; tAaid . '--. firt#4:NVi4ictoiday -in Weernhoe. ; ~. 1 'Q, -_,* - 4Vter. 11p:0 - Denting pt.qongtoLthere ;13 ,eannot . - . be thS thirty•four depti,that c- tho jaw—proiidas - .:befora - the -'finch lt, Wednesday. in 141;ttiom*r, And tbp.int , i. tc ptittebrnent.unol dopositii:m of 69.,P_res.' to, "ldeiV!'W'huld , rOhnirg ie g-OOd deal;of 31 ' titnOr. - -Tho'refore,'Ff "the 'President 'ls' d impeached iii - .11 Trelmored"' froin office ' .thistiwiater.,, Ilia anoreosOr for Ithe..,nn to . 4 .;pir e d l , (Om :',:yOulck,i?ot..hc eioc,ted di earlier than Decomlßer,l,Bo And"' if s o iiiii,4 Wiati,iloiiiii'l4"tNici*kbiiiii'of 1 - 'his - prosent term ,tilAsenta - aftspihe V , 40 of Mara next, should be ,sleeted , 011 to' i,40 - 4Cd "r:tltor. ,ie'Primilliint pro tr . tevptc, :and tbe, PziOldent 4bdtild 1361 14 iiiipaiolikicf"liad rothored, Or 'die: Wide wouht,EiCion as Prm3nitint niitit thd - fhlat , ' ;•'. Wedt4asdaYt iribeeem bele.; 1867., - - • ' y ~ I PCollgress-is, however, competent, to re / Abano the, of ala or 4792, and provide e, , f ! tr,a, ore, speedy means' filhng g ir vi§aii; y in ttie:Presidential - siffiee, but :t il GO I MI HIED .---- illt - rl, - 43 ' • • IttitlErr ,, . , ~,..., ~........ . . _ .._ , .• , . , Aavert4lPP 2 o. 3 *ext 4 4.4o-- i ll 6 -1 44., .19. 1 $ l. ter 'N U M - 44 Cir -iniaamiient inseitiii*' - A i i etil l- df 7 ;t4t t . ,p cen ts.`. ter aeoun In e o yearly idvertieiA; r tittilliiilitliis4iriieelziettis A apses egret - p-iwgiiirlin7 - ettilikplok: Aeil!'u re d i!ts AgAlqPoo% , 42: . ,-, y t l / 4 11 A5u1gaje1i554 . 421 . „5.,..94 . q , 4414,94j,5u*• ulir rates: ' '.'. i. - '-' . -- - : - -TT ! _ .IQpiiiiii.4stiliP/4 eißtilliiii*if PAW . *arrittgel anti / Ditiotreilistylutb, Politiest 4. 4,o ker'*-eqer.'-.4 r .A..pomvpo u :n r, f r *.. ' Mat GIME ;, • riza Mff it_is nO, pkobahle any blia ge.l'il e l mailc,fer It hi iinfllrely Benatoikiittlitil, object to having ciao cif" tirelt"tiBrdlieli--1 selected_ by theinselves,:fdrildint:Presici . dent's] office for nearly- t a ;reptile . „arilOar ' • he the ease if the last.erilre-nnWilligare 3 6 - and' Sir. .rehriciii ihiiinrailia (repos 1 early'iri th'e ciariing iifssibil. Y' I r '' 6 Z • A I _. Some 'or :IN, ' Rerntii , kabla: T ' o n '. '' ' uraptis I Fir liteilitiiiliarit:7 3 fint ' . lliiii,"week,ln:NeiV 'Y'o'rk, i wail'Tibia'' - the . .Centenary ? of illteehedisit fir {lilt/ -, country! A hundred Mirillaapp}ted t ' away since its! feeble begjoutrig k itifitK l York City. and,i4. was . !iaapi,, , itl4g,t!t• r i f apiiropriate t' signaltie its ,Caatijit t -, of- , grow t a liy !aid table t reiikintik 416. 4 ces as well is renewed efrottitja beo4 - half of.' .3f,stlit:4,ti t inz, Viii.,'etatir-Oiel progress.of _edtkcatio,9 ig:po_4lin. iris, terestingrio it ifdherotith s - illit rartifsb= . , es a iiirbjectlcti refrectierlfnitiedtkiel‘- a ndl schola,r;Y49ogariezaki2Abeat' tifws half or the. 4ethe.'o B s 4 . 4s Cih 3 :P ni t' 446. Statiis - is ,mail t e pp 9fthe 4Liithriditt . ., / Episedpril Church; th'h:'other , Ult bk , several bOdi d es, all of 'whiChlliffili, riche theparfmt-holly: in adinittingBrit.l4l.4 resouttitiop toe ttle,sttp,r9 ' „,. oartpl% Their combined , 40,km-eats infla 19g, t , 7 cOmmunicants , anif t r.iingi"KatitinA t itU • . ' heients; is state& by ii-writerlii-Alifierk , 4 td he' froth- one-filth ,to .oriefortsthibt the wboleinational,popillati t iin; ba4,4,14, we think is an, csaggeratio ~ i i .F,lle fsil f , 3 lowing statistic” : are given ••• , . Commuhicants in 'this ,conntrir;2,-,, 000,000; 15,000 local ancll4ooo Bla i r-- Sling - -Rreachirsi; '2OO, rolleges', , :and i ag 4 dern i e s "il L4 3 : ) ,'..Q°°l'l l4l( ieett<Pl.% b 7, 1 thia l tr, ir ! atitittigas with an, aggregate Ilipit I :1 of'ttooo,oo—:ihe ‘,..,i`ne irt l•rew Ydrk -having -on its entatigne MOTE than-300 hooks-mild 900' tracts,lbasides 2,300 Stinday - St•tool vigninea,` and, scattering more-than, I,OOQ 000 capies of the latter_rinnitallY, a► 4 300.000 cipies- of Sunday- Sehool 'petiottisahi monthly. The ,Missior ary I SoCieti of the Methodist Epis copalC49 rub .ilyinii.k _ has, more then 1,000. i'cirenits' f ivikil " stations '', torcig`n haul tl'&ineAtiel;~ , nearly 1,200 laborers;•more 110-106. 3 ' - 600 commcomcommunicants,' L • :ncluding ',mitt; •G than 20,00ernians i mi ~,,:aniiiilati ans, with,. l so preacher 3 osmg,„ll . ltnitt own lanfinage. Ti]isi ope Church' bai 1,500,000 ,Sunda'y SchoGi s6ho'ars“iiiiii 200,000 Sanday Sehoill tnittilietii. -- - ;fi is the intention this year. td t'atiie.atiii .a. eral millions of-,dollais tor elu4titiiii/e,I purposes, and will be diiiir.'r Duria# the ref-ent war they chi Vii ro hay.ir sent 100000' white 'troops 'llifa . "ll3 000 blacks into ithe Union armYy'ilkligia Illy - , addle ot these statistic*Aire r 'eTirie I'( t 7 e kT, ldeo 97 1 b e ii ,inu ls n ll qn ' l 49 ertv' p p oor er 4 :.Xflhisifi flel•rii,g ions ea oly r :Orcell i thlconsrt - - cation Gt the people. , ,1., E .. ~.,A4,,,ii BM 12=1 ' - _ - 'r --- Th -- .7 • V'""': -, , ~: c. , : . ' • ' r:•LT odezn Battle- ' a" • - :niphlet am the ...ace , lergikts'43 ~ t cueral de Gondreeottrt et nhotri 44•• • idea that batt,les,.ot the ziese9t,l arm 1 more are iiangninary, tha '''fiiiii bi•di' former periods '--• ,'.l 1)6 - to rite . .104: .-0 44% ( '' •.,', BoroditxtheicOrnbfitantii 10t41,4 (Itliti: r . w 1 okaeirr , .o l :cf;tiYe i 4 '4 4 Ig.F.M. l : At 1 . - . Solterino an eighth; "at the bat,. t .: f Senet,-Ifin i ght: between the I.?rin 6 • ciii .. Conti° tin t ! the Prince of - 4,:)rittiitiilthei ~ t wti-li PM ies foot a! Ihi rd of tyeit - ruiA4 - berg; and °undo hadtth7* lii?tAa.ll#t 0..9 1 . trader him by..41)(1 r alio) riviy.et,i,...,,nAl '.• - ,hall)et ds, and, 010in. , •,,y ,V1.4t011 . z.c,r ~).v , time:solarbellinl th'in:Oon't glibt!ft . • of hie needle 4 , linl , ;`'llattlfirltifiblitt. • thi.of Sadocra, the Vfalist.rafe. , agi thibiti. trmaa loA;., at. ph6hth:,lo-theittrnrigtni - 7 _ ; 'gaged, and y.t fought ivith 61);yz,i1fp,T.... - ‘. 1 The infere cowhich . tlio'' rre 0 , 0%1 ' draw's' is, that, the'isev - itiniS" - Itill'ittora q,tnekly; tidt the , lial,!fe Is !sfiattgt;*. The met iresul kiS , that. Abort?' artillelig f I,vietiids. Besides, althßughl t..,,d,d)-: / jii i e itdpr.udgd i t ! . not to pgfi,sess oe, ndaLien. , trines tb assure the vierad..' Ittifritti - :itaffids 'afoct - fe ad arOhei - gt 4 nors Of 414-Gefi'hral and firnintsavf the - soltlioi. ..,L,;, :,:i. - . ' -- • - . - 1 1 1 4n.;:f011nwing • was publeklietiztil 1 .11Arper'z Aiagazirie' tart yeadzagen— - long • before l ibt,ipresenti. ."dead , era: • ' A Me mphi4• enrrespondentiglieil , t e lollcs parag#on.a debate letitskim Andy Johnson, a candidatell`form4y nato!inl honors, and Oastpis Hoilary , generally' 'fiinnivli "eagle 'thir'ilibite' was' leveret'', Arid I lexelifed' mireh -Interest..‘ ' his spebeh, with tb.l9,,,annibgika6gziatt, elamation : , • -,'Are met this • hagle,,iind-1 1 cm,,,e,y, w,ith . an , bnnest nbae of flesh J?1)9/ 1 -fau,4 1 4 1 i 9 7 - iione_ot.-.my, blood on.bukbeak.'f; this. was. good;_ and ,IT L fin . ll4:„l,4oe ; seen a' . aturnper,•ptit . ..the, codiflisaxild Gus immediatef,i rpse.io-111.10! end trop. the h,o,notatigi.gonti,emn .rnatjAkO Eititteu-A 1 4. - d-PlAru.. l ,D9.•t' c!s,'Qt 1 4g-vln left flufrh4ui:•nit l 4 l A l ll l6 '9-r.bicif'd9PP4o&•..4is 'bea Ic• Au(k,ct 4 306- strange, my friendos,!or Aboto 01,,t0R Who know the_tiatiits ,of oar rional - knowbird tun well that,lie new rieeds • Ts Stieh 'a abbot arid snob a:ld'*oirstit-- ore triad° Andyviurle; hot, Atittig4-14: fait biro for doverrion. • i • ••• _THE LOrillan4e; tobacegg*On age . w York, !alive ,ii5id.57q.5 . ,91.6. itt i :j4terpst revenue - on thctit'zi*nuf(clitrp,,t bie"o— i •OICIVCV 11101iikEIV -"t-. 4 : tv" 11 ,i I OEM lAMB:ti 1. 4t. ! . L ERSE IMMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers