IBM NEM i i f NEW-IpHQp - I)51 hatojnit received one of the Laitteot Nran h raliist C4mpps bOok of • -s-lADIEF.DRESS-:GOODS, tiassimeres, _ , Tweeds, Muslims, Ginghants, Checks, ar.o., leer offered •to the public in this city. Also. a a - plondld assortment of Misies and -Cliildren's SHAWLS, Al4ipialities, styles and prices, at. , great . 17 reduced. rates. • 'CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS,-RUGS,&c I,4srgeet Stock and beet Aieortmeqt it Carpets, Flctor 011101 . 1)01e, Hejtrih Bur, Idatts, ever offend, sad at extremely low prices Persons in -want of anything in our line, would dO well' to give ms a mill, as we are de termined ho sell onr dock atprices which will astonish all. Remember the plate: DITHLAP, LUKER & C 9., 186 Federal et,. 4 doors - below Market-hone, 11:6m] AI I LEGIFENY CITY. - • R. nlif. •?SHAH? WILSON & STEWART'S ROCHESTER. c)c td, c• e =MI MMM'OR/I" I ZnVE. MI WE W017L1? REBPECAYLLY INFORM 4e . publie that we have opened a 11 WHOLESALE & RETAIL BOOT '•ANi r b SHOE STOREi . ROCRESTEI?, PA. • • ' • • I . gavin purchased a large and wells selected Stock of ' Ladies!, Genrs,, Boy's and tThildren's Shoes, Gaiters Slippers, &0., direct from the mannfactiver's, we are lire pared to sell as chen:p, if not cheaper, than any any establishment in kittsbnrg or this county, ,As we intend to remain permanently in the business,' we will mdeavot .to always sell "cheap; keep as great a varijty arid' its good= . article as the eastern market affords. • .."• c t jtot — a7,lll44^s vtlide itecOm where. AuGoods Warranled. .171,8014 & STEWART, wayBo:Gm CHAS - 11 HII,RST :Banker and Broker, 4,ReallEstate,;Stocks, Government BoiLds, and. uthir Securities IN§ITRANCEBG CLAIM AGENT, • _ Conveyancer & 9encrat Agent. .THE suliseriber having opened an office at 1 Rochester, (in the room lately occupied by F. A. Fortuni3) respectfully solicits the pa tronage of his friends andi the public in gen:. eral. • Particular attention given to the adjustment of Officers' nocounts, and /Lit. claims arising out of the .ptesent war, such as PCll4ofit, Pa:tents, Bowitira, Arrears of .Pay, • Priie Money, 4-e. ; ttc. - Being agent for the Atna,lnsurince Co. o! Dartford Ctt the North America -of Phi 4, • delphia, and the Manufacturers' &Merchants' of Pittsburg, I will issue policies in either of the companieanamed., Farms. houso and lots for sale. . • Shares in the oil lands of the - celebrated Isl and Run region 'tor sale, where :every well has , '• proved a success. Also shares in wells pro-, . • diming or under way, and leases. • .I will also sell-my residence in Rochester, • , beautifully' situated, and within .s few minutes walk of the Ohio river and Railwdy stations. Terms liberal. - Deeds drawn up and iteknoWledged. I ,Fire risks taken in first- 3 1 ass Insurance Cbmpanies. , "ROTOIIIIO, stamps always on hand. Refers to John A. Craghey, Joe. Pltutmer, . * Wm. W. Smith .1 - 00., Pittsburg. . • ... CEEAS.R. HURST Rooheßheri NoQi 29,!65 BIM & Ell • _ pianuiaotureis of _ tEvoLVERs,... 'RIFLE'S .311:441.ETS & For the 11. States Service. Also " ,Pocket and Belt Revolvers, - -MtPELTING 'I42IPLE CANES, REVOLVING RIFLER Bide and. Shot Guns, and Gun MOLorisLs, sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. 1 1 .-- /nAkus days of Hamada:taking and &gem, i : eaery House, Store; Bank, and 4E4 should liars one - 0 , - REINEENGTON'S REVOLVERS Parties desiring to avail themselves of tht ,late improvements in Pistols, ; and 'superior 4forkmansinp, and form, will find all combined In the New El IaMINGTDN,REVOLVERS: bireulars contaning one and description et our Arms will bellyached upon, applicaiion: L LEMINGTON & SONS, Rion, N. Y. Moons & Manna, Agents, 1 - • NO. 40 Courtiands4 N. T. • - COALi - Lig vreiarad to denier Coal of the .b y. AM on shtirtest potice. Orders lef at 1. ,N Atkins' Clothing Store, Beaver, Stiles &Shallentiergrres Grocery, Bridgewater, S. J: ! rose. & Co.'s , Dry Gocid' Stoie. 2 . Rochester, will Votive proakpt attention.; redec2o'6s-81n. - i *M. PORTER. Elia Cl. K. C C 9 ,1.11111134#110 NEW. BRIGHTON. PA., 11.ARDWAR .1 6 IRON, NAILS, GLASS AGRICI7I.4ITRAL I*PLENE CARPENTERS' TOOLS, BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, - 'MASONS' TOOLS, - • SADDLERY ILLRDVb ARE, BENT; FELLOWS & SHAFT -1 A 4 .WllllO/1 COUNTER &PLATZORM. SCAL TABLE k POCKET CUTLER HORSE gams & NAILS, 8 CARRLiGE BOLTS & NUTS , i { CORN BICELLERS, STRAW cUTTE;ii ALSO, !PAINTS, OILS; . 1 I I AGENTS FOR 1 EXCELSIOR !SOWER AND REAPER, NEW BRIGHTON FIRE-BRICK WOR : • Dec6;)6§i,l--- ORPHANS' CO URT SA.LE. • LN puirsusince of itn order of the Orph Court of Benner county, the undersi sell at public •endue or outcry, on premises, on . r biON_DA.Y. August 27th i 1886, at ohe o'cloek P. AI., the following aesonl ed 1"1 ,, 'property, situate in Chippewa township, a ver County ; foresaid, being the real estat of lliT a c z e N. Kehriedy, late of •Ileaver ocun y, de ed : Beginning at a white oak, the ce by ands of• John , and James Mitchell ,, no h ,1 i degrees, east ;197 perches. five-tenths t al heap of stones , thence by land of Ethan i l'ho - thence by 1440 f the Farmer's - 1410h= 'a Bank, south filegrees, west 198 plrehes t a post; thenceltland of Jaines,Kennedi,no th 88 degrees, , 48. perches .I to a white - 1 place of beginning; containing 08 acres d 98 . perolts, strict measure; on „Which is ' erected a excellent new frame barn, 52 by 80 feet, with threshing floor 80 by 20 feet, mo s, &c., andthree stables underneath ; also a.leg 1 'and frame house-with a`frame kitchen, an a - cellar under part of the house ; also a cert in other piece of land adj oining the foregoing a scribed tract of Awl, -situate asTaforesad : Beginning i at' ahite oak, thence'liy lan of RichardWaltott, 'south 202 perches to a sn ake; thence by land of :James , Kennedr, south filf 1 degrees, west : 241 perches to a 'white • 1 1:1 'k ; thence by ! bind- of John Alexander, net i degree, east 202„perches to a stone,and the ce by land Of Jamesicott, north 87i . degrr, ,east 22iperclieetb Once of beginning; c nl. tabling 29 : acres lb 'perches,. strict mum w ; on which ie created. frame bank '4B by 18 f 1 t, .- 1 The above described lands are well fen e( except about two acres. Sixty aores are fine state of cultivation , and the ' balance ; wood land:. There is-an excellent young chard bearing fruit oatige premises,consisti of about 100 apple tiee4,.,100 peach trees,a some cherrystrees. , 1 i • There oreelso three good springs of tier failisig_water, and a coal bank opened and working . ..condition.. - Back Rim passes th rough'a phrtion of Bei. landS,i th&north branch of Brady's Run, and , there are about twenty aeies along said , run which is Considered excellent oil territory.\-- There are two oil wells now being put down . within half n mile of said prernises,and prep arations are being made to put:down four nitre in the immediate vicinity. . ' motley inTeirts.. l 7 -One4talf of the purchase mOhey in hand on the confirmation of the sale by flu court, balance in two equal, annual payme ta from' that date, with interest thereon fr n same time, to be secured by bond and m -gage., ' 1 - SAMUEL MAttAW, A4m'r of the estate Of 11. N. Kennedy, dee d 'augl,'6o._ , In. tile Diamond, Banana Pa. •1•:N•.•w. wars. , 1 J I fig AND i SELOENAKEitS TOOLS, 111.DDLERS: TOOLS, PLASTERERS' TOO MINERS' TOOLS. LOCKS, BOLTS ac SINGES,I , . PICKS MATTOCKS it HO B` VARNISHES, =I M RIDGE WATER. Marble Work VOODR u loth i strtAUrossu Jam DIAL= El ItOisui and American ?Leib e NfONIIMENTS, HEAD STONES, •e. i made to order. ease ; give • rue a call before porch elsewhere; . _ Shop opposite Dr. Smith's DI, Store,Brif street, Bridgewater. July 25, '66:ly D. *OOI9IIIIP. I,‘ •COAL ! MIL deliver to the citizens of Rochester, I Bridgewater, BeaTer and vicinity. .a gpod quality of Coal, at the shortest notice. W g one can. at any time, be supplied at the B on Dillinley's run, adjoining the bank of Wm. I Porter, Esq. Orders left with John A Frazie, Beaver, Stiles & Bhallenberger,B r )t Camp, jr., Rochester, will fe prompt attention. J. C. MOLTER, novB I, • • Bridge . `W3I.. D. 01...40EL1C. ATTORNEY AT LAW, . No. 8b FIRTH Sr., Prerestrao, P. WILL GIVE PROMPT ATTENTION T Collections, and the purchase and of Real Estate. And will, also -attend to till huainees of his profession irt Bonier Co. r 2 • - . • ORPHANS' -: VORRT; ' SALE , OF ' VALUABIk-REAL ESTATE. piirtne of an order of the Orphans' Court of Beaver county , the undersigned; .., neuter 'of the last'' will and testament of Matthew Elder. late of Elder's Mills, in saidl Lcounty..deto'd., will expose to sale by public - vendue oi l cut Lory, on the premises; on , ! liViday, 4 vat 2filt, , 1866, • it I o'clock, p. m.; alt the following described real estate of said Matthew Elder, dee',ll4 • • Ist. 411 that tract of land situated in Dai- 1 i bngton 'a4 South Beiverltownships, in the county aforesaid, bounded op the west by land o l yWni. "H. Knight,, on the north • by other I ils of-said testator,, recently sold to Elder ' I d M'lleehan, on the east,by land of James - lindillin and other lands oftestator. and on the south by land of Thomas F. Elder con taining about 86 Acres, about 60 clear ed; on which are erected a larga 1 TiOD Story Brick Store Houle . with Dwelling .H:ouee attached, Cel— lar underne;th, 'Doubts Fortwo to Dwelling; a s Large Two Story Brick Woo*. Factory, with a 1 basement stony of stone, and with all necessary , machinery therein for Carding; Spinning, Weav • ing, Fulling, ,te.; the building and machinery being fn good order, and of capacity sufficient ' for a large manufacturing! business. The whole water power of the Little Beaver Creek • Is available for manufacturing purposes at this point, and the Dam, Race, &a., are substantial . and in good order. Also, a 1 good Two Story Fraine Dwelling House, with Kitchen attach ed, double Porch, &o. Also, a good double Frame Barn, with good stone foundation, and a large Wagon o Shed and Cord Crib: A lso, a Twolittory Frame Warehonse and two hewed log fenant Houses on the ;remises:, - • . 2d. AU that trait of land situate i Darling. ton tp., in said: county, bounded on the west by other lands' ofthe said testator, recently l i sold to Elder and McGeehan, on the north by v Wide of S. C. Chamberlain, on the east by kite of George Hoffman an Reuben Watt, and'on the ',south bylands Of James M'llillin, • containing I about 150 acres, I about la) acres v cleared and under cultivation; (resersing, however, at; aprtenant to the premises first above describe d the right s privilege of I, backing the water up the creek on this tract, by:the damlnoce ereetvl upon said first men- Honed premises, or any. dani ef same heighth 3 that may hereafter be erected thereon); on f ar • which is erected a large T' o Story Stone , Dwelling Houle, with good o underneath, i and a log 'kitchen attached . Also, a large hewed log barn, with good a one foundation, A t and other -opt-buildings. lso, two . email frame tenant houses with ston basemente,and one hewed'log tenant house, with basement story of stone, etc:, etc. - The aboVe are valuable farms; are located about 4 miles from Darlington, end about 1} allies from' the present terminus of the Dar 'EnitowCannel. Coal Iteulroadi and are imme diate* upon the projected Ralroad from New Gallilei, on the Pittsburg, Ft, W. &C. Rail. way datvw.the valley of the Litt e Beaver, through the coal and oil region t Glasgow, - on the C. it,JF. It. R., at the Ohio ri er. The impitvements onthi t traciab ve descri bed are ver) valuable. The! water power is excelleit andell improved. v The Factory and other buildingsare well and substantially con structed, and thelocation a good one for man. ufacturing !purpose,. 1 Attention is also edrd to &hefa' tire on the Little Beam but ohm the Celebr.ated Island Rka Oil HI and the tendency of t'l o oil 4 present tieing up said citel", it in addition to their 'rape f manufacturing purposes, they come'Valuable Oil Lands. \ 'TERMS. -. One-third of the on the confirmation of the ea the balance iii twoequal, at from the difte-of the confirmatt the court, with interest; back securedby bond and mortgage, - ..._ For further information apply to the;under:, signed at his residence, near t e premises, , or address him at Darlington, IP. 0.. Beaver , County Pa. REIM N WATT, , - - ... .• ag :cia,,..• .1,...,A AND PIIT BEAVER -. COtritiv -- 7 - -- Or 1 4 , SS: ' N the phans' Court_ of Beaveie,. i. In the matter of the Repotlt of 8. B. Wn- son, Esq., i, Auditor reporting Itho facts, and stating,. an, account against fames D. FOCl beli, autainistrator of Lucien Bombe% dec'd.,. who was gtiardian of Wm. Macaw and Eunice Magaw, minor children of Wm. agave, deed., which report was confirdied, by iittid - Court, on the 27th (14 of June, 1865, finding h balance, in the hands of said administrator, due said minors, 'Of $756,46, with" interest from June 11th, 1864.' + ' And now, to wit:, July 12, 1\366, en motion -. of 11. RIO, attorney for S. Magaw, 'legatee of said Eunice Magaw (now deed.), the Court , appoint Win 8. Morlan, an nditot to dis tribute the balance in the han leof „Teases D. _'•Forebell i . administrator — of Lien - Poiabell, l i . deed., who was guardian , &c. as above 41 7 ~'. ted, among the parties legally t oreto entitled. a 4 . • VIVIXI' the Record.] si .. Attest:, I , JNO.-& - Fl3. ZLER Crk. a t, is . • —.. The Atiditor above named will meet the •r -,,, parties interested for the purp, se of his sp a pointment; at his 'o ffi ce in Nev Brighton, on the 24th tif . August, 1866, at 164:o'clock, a. 111., ~.. when and Where all parties interested may i n attend if they think proper. 1 jy25'66:3t - W. 8., MORLAN; Auditor. id COMMON PLEAS COp'ET. SALE B 1• Y virtue of an order issued Cut of the Court', of COmmon Pleas of the county of Beaver, COmmittee of the estate of Hannah Bush, a lunatic, will eapose to sale by public veridue or out-cry, at tho office of the subscriber, in Now Brighton, said county, on 7V.EthVES.7.S4 Y t Au g ht 22d,1866, 1 at two o'clock p. m., the following' decried real estate: All the undivided half of that piece,' parcel or tract of land, 'hunted in the township, of North Bewiekly, , eaver county, Pa., bounded as' follows, viz : I. Beginning at a beech and sugar on the north-west corner of said tract, thence south 84 degrees, east 62 perches to nt sugar tree ; thence nenth 55} degrees, .e ant 20 64-100th perchee,t6 a stake; :thence isoith 60 degrees, west 188 Porches; thence north 884 degrees, east 58 porches; thence north 14 degrees,west 98 perches; thence , north 884 degrees, east 24 perches'; , thence north' 14, 4grees, west 60 .. , perches; thence smith 804 le[ves, west 165 perches,.(crthe place of.begum g; containing 60 acres and 128 perches; strict measure • on which is erected a log hogs?, tiro stories high, with, spring house and , ontl,buildinp. A vein of coal three feet in' thickness underlies ± *Vont onthalf of the' treat. One half thk, 'tract. is i eared, balsams wo d, and about * one half enclosed. 1 -7- TERUEL—One-half of the archon money in band on the confirmation oil the sale by the court; balance in one year, with interest fro in. g the day of confirmation, to be eecnred by bon d and mortgage. • WM:- it UGRIAN, e' jnly2s„'66.Committee. .. . 1 - Hice . & Ru - tan, . , ATTOMINfiI AT - LAW, , 1 - 4/ ILIA attend to tegai .. 'usiiiess -of all V T kinds, Prompt attention given to col lectionii generally. Licensed yenta for col lection of Pensions,-Bounty. #rrevirs or Tay, Prise money, Pay, etc., of Prisoners of :War, and all, kinds of military , claims against the ;- Governrlient. Office—, • e ,„Corier jot Market Street4A4l Diastoack m . (immeately in the rear of ourt House,) I BEAVER, PEN 'A. I [jan/ of 7 I, i, Will ihtt dice Surgery , OFFICE adjoining the ne Levis & Proudley, D . , gew ' er, Pa. • • t that these farm ten miles above o said creek, evldeptheats at s be;ieved that :r fp7ming and mat soon be. I I r,rchttiO money l e by the court, ual payments n of the Data hs isymeate to be DOCTOR gNICO. C:J.; .ARIITOR SALE, LAID - ~11T- 1 31.1% IN Alp, Polio Coomiti, Pe., Smith's Station, on the bin 'Railroad, and within ilium, dm celebrated 011 Ile underbid with a four Superior quality, end eon . Ihneetosuu it is well 't.scrier-fglint *bilge of v. e improTabents are a hmaggir s Itrir t t is about 120. sores of said a good state of =biro -11 timbered and enclosed,' • on.of the lind,is ,eaid . to This farm will be sold offers-soon. , ~and possession glien in or information call on the said bib. . AIMED LYON. • ,' eekly "Commercial publish bill to this office. , CEO_ VALUAII 162° 2 Cleveland and one .mile of Reitiaa. This foot vein of inizli Ng an ab Watered I excellent .ws comfortable d ' outebnildinga; stable. There of all-kin& farm imprOved lion, the bilan under fence. • be good Oil Te cheap if a . , I Terms the aU. For anbacriber,l liv july4:Bmt 8 months. nd MI • • . 211E31311.1 CY.,E1.1%7 Aril) SV WATCHES, ID I _A_ Arito SILVER BP FINE f r • J . saFEB FRENCH C AM Vane ' lag of all kinAa IPTH. STREET, • Pittsburg, Pa. No. 22, marl4'66-1 I ND SUMMER SPRING IRAVE jos G oods,'of th 1115 Fos SPRIN i , 1 k 1 Gent,emen' 11:0 GE In all the lati. etyles and at ithorteat notice n Stewail Bow, Bridge Street, puTDGEWATER apr2s'66 1 - lalrt o 31, `DENTIST: • ' ) NERVICES 'TO THE CYI - DEAVEB MD VICINITY. fill OFFERS ZENS 1 - AL TEETH PERFECTLY FIT ' TiCULATED, SHAPED, SIZED ED, to suit eiery , individual, fTe 'Gold, §ilver, English and lixtnite.- All the new styles of n'iti warranted to give, perfect rO charge for extracting, when 'nserted. , e. ' without pain by an entire ti Chloroform, Nitrous er unaesthetic used; in connec nparatus. - Doe!' not .produce pleasant -feelings ti the pee thinking. the Laughing RI& in the .extraction'- of teeth, o#ll and see for themselves our extracting, 'as this is the only ietkind in Western l'enies.,;• n !Third street, 2d docir 'Gist of i'o store. .I,july4'6ll-433n. I T ED AN COI mounted American combinatii satisfactioi teeth, are ti Teeth e 3 ly new Frye) Oxide, or at tion with the aninstnesist tient. Pert an unsafe.s may do well new mailed apparatus ti ges„.0110 11.13. Andl H AI-- MASS hia of Lied I. and-opene joining W the most friends w carried '-t for alm teraburg, I share , of Ile li , 3 -r Medipin Drug 8 of • VI sr ' Da 28 , 1 / / - , J 251& . L. ",_ SAVE 71004:HELLTH Y. BITIE*0: - Pure Itie - det in es'. ' • - " 1.4 AT • . ZABiES P EOM'S, • las - • • w , ROCHIPIript, (coned"! frati Fazi*ne's GirsisfitOr44 I. Can be found alull , rttnati of. T:',712,333 3:) 170.8, O N .- DO lEWELY, S AND PONIES, E: KNIVES; ATED WARE, CKS'& BRONZES, AN. CLOCKS,, . OQIIB/ .ntion given to the repair Watches. Co 3Z) IS; I received a now stock o 'ST 131 4 1 LES, & 81/31111Elt Fornistilng Goods ntli on hand. E==l ADE TO iMiliEtt REICH, OESSER,-&-t.' b o ps to announce to his tonteis,'that hb has beien dl. he Service of the United States, heran the p 'frame building ad 'S Store. :Ladles' hair cut ip °Via 'style. He trusts his old nelei their patronage.' Having g -the 41500teg. U. 8 . 0. T. eae, tin the Aattlee around Pe r hinks lama( entitled to slab .üblio patronage. ' 0 opened a branch shop in a 'nth of Market. House, =3 I I \ ,- CHEMICA FO • Alan, a fiM WINDOW GLASS, Lff , SEED 01 NEAT'S I rOT OIL, SPEB ANP PURE AND SECO "VVII.T.TE Azso, FINE :TOILE ALL VARIETII THE BEST .FANCY &TOILET AND POD:Wirt P FOR THE All hinds of `Otent ifledio ALso, CIGARS & entirestock has b - 1 omoi and is off - Low's? P iffi.As my sedate*, 'a thoroughly educated A phiacians and othe can rely up 4 hit! ing.their pnwiptionii ailed ßig ifedicisua cooly:.• I ' Roeshestei, Mardi 14, 1866-17, SMITH'S F RRY AN • : LITTLE , EAVgR PETII.OI,CUM ,CONEDi CAPITAL 5T0CK...... .. • 80,000 Shares of Par Val WORKING CAPITAL... I T a meeting of the stockholders of above company, held •st their o ce t e orough of Icochesteir, April 29th 1: the following persons were Clected its bffic for the ensuing year: `. 1.1 i PRZSIDEN': ',- 3LiTTILBO.N. , .OA.HRAGH .. TREASUnEn a l l Melt Jay:. CHARLES B 11. RST. , . DIAZdt'ORB: Mattison Darragh, Milo It. Adam., Charles Stone, Alfred C. A. t,. James Darragh; • • John Bigger, Levi Bienzitimai, A. Coo . . ' Charles tiltendall. • 'j • ' ' I; • A 11,ErA limited numberi jot snares of Stock of the above Company!may be bad by 'appli cation at the office of theLcompany. .Office in the Disilond, Rochester, •m a y3:6m CHAS. B. 111 J R§T _ . ORPEGIN ST - COURT SALE I .. I , Ifvirtue Of an order of Orphans' 'Court, of .the' county of Beaver, the undekeigW 'guardian of llehecca Shires; mizior'.ohiki of Chas. P. Shires, deo'd. will. eapose to sale by Public Vendue or onto, on the remi r see, oil 1. Batueday;Augtist 18111,1866,1 at 2 o'clock, Ts. In., the. folloWing dea6ribesl real fatale, situate in the borough of burg, Beater county, Pa:, bounded as followiO On' the south by Ohip street; fronting on said street forty-two feet or ‘.thereabouta, and 4endlng north to the Ohio river; on east; by (property pow.ownod by C., P. Keep:het, and on, the west by property. of Mrs. Mary. S. 'Booking; on. which is erected oho • good tyre) story frame dwelling house, with cellar tinder neath, and all rmder'good fence. TERMS—One-third of -the purchase moue on confirmation of sale by the Court, balance in two aqtal annual payments from' that &ate, with interest from sbme time, to be secured by 'bond and mortgage. :I . JANE Amnia, Ouardian of said Minor. 3y1866 BEAVER COUNTY, - as:: TN the Orphanat , Court: In and for the corm. 1. ty of Beam, i t t e d.' State of ter olp:L 10e petitioh - 1 0 . fo il ; partition of the real estate of Adam Graham,i late of the borough of Freedom. Bearer county, And now, to wit : June 14th, 1866, the Court grant a Rule on the heirs and legal rep. resentatires of said deed., ,tot Wit: Emily, in.. tirmarried with Jamesl, Hooper; residing in . 'Ouernsey county,.llo.;Adam Graham, ieitid iing in Paducah, Hy:; and all others interested, "to show cause,. if any. they , harp, why an Viest to make partition of the real , estata of 'said dosed., should not be awarded Or. phans'. 'Court, to be held , at Beaver, in and , for the county Of Bearer s , on the firstllfonday !l I I' September nat. -IBS-LEDUC Ter, Ju1y.18.16:4, , - shernr, S-67 Egi LACI, Bridge, or other ti Jr, tileederoneliort notice, et . .w, . eiytly Jik. H. Bosecur's, Bharat. A ' MIGI t g lot of I t ir t y iDosrds i ;mlut 'an a I tir you want'to buy rare Drugs, Medicine ljr"ti hand tor sal e , at l -• j g constan t.l7. • , \ Likud Obesuloals, go to;Moore's Dru Store. , julytly ) , ,I. dc. A• DAuziou'sii Sharon ‘..• ; .' r .. Y.' - . I i. \' A=r;•t-` '-' '''. l i i- I ' ty, Ntr. ' lEig II ME - 'l•r -• -!: . . • PORTLINiIiFT r. t i e, IL I' .i • r liimursuakte pOmßanY, • 1 isiTroal) eon. ' • ASSIeTajiILY 1,1816., Cash on hand in b'kand Agt4:257,821% 09 United States Stook , I ;812,277 26 &misstate, uninotanberd. 90,869 97,690 05 State Stooks - 4 09 New Tork Bank, Stooksj4 784,170 00, Usiffbrd Bank Stooks . I ' ' 270,810 00 Slisoslianeons lianhStOoks. ,129,000 00 Itailroad Stocks, etc ' 278,067 . Mortgsgeb'ds, oity,comity 8 BR. 1,011,186 815 S, and LIQIJO. Total • • • • •Usbllipes. uria4kusted lad tot. dite:...t. . • • f. ' t • $8,854,69.1 20. Income for last year (net) ' •!$2, 1 Ora daily izusoiria' of sty . '59,7 41. rtment • Tames a Elie:napsfoc anti $ • 11 Total - Loma paid in 47iyears...$19 Yis: Fire, $17,243,000 Inland,; Goverment and State 'axes paid . . . • • OIL,‘ RD OIL, CABBUN .0 , • . _r• : • - • By Portland Fire, 4th. - The total amount colt red by na Policies on pr - Operty destroyed ordsmaged is $206,854, lOn Which salvage w l lbe about '5 per cent. Cohr total loss will not Vary much froml2o),- , 000, and i 6 being prompy adjusttid aid paid. Trim sum is 5 per cent.l pon the assets, a fig -1 arc but .slightly exceeding, our igovernMent and State Mies paid het year, or u proportion equal to a 0000 loss foi a compaey , 100,. 000 assets. li • I The necessity for insurance and the value of 1 ' wealthy, stro ng corporations ; is forcibly fins trated hr i th is fire. Several weak Insiktance Companies are destrOyed. Portland has s population of 85,000;--iwas handsomely built, mostly fine brick or stone iitructuies—protect ed and screened with upwards oflBo3ol shade trees—liouaded on thrir sides by , water-4-M -deed,.llterally, almost rising fromitlie ocean— _.and with!a good steam fire departinent---yet it has $10,000,000 of 'property consumed in ! few hoois—upon: a holiday when its' people 1 •' are least occupied — from the very insignificant 1 cause of a doatemptible fire cracker. ; Remember the trifling origin Of ; fires 'that , 3 sweep away in a fewc hours thel earnings of 8 years. Consider . youC best interests and give 1 the /Etna agent a call 4.yoa imed 'proper In surance security: Policies issuedatfair terms. CBAB GOAD], I ' jnly2s,'66r-Bt. - 1 - ; I Augur: •AT .1 MOORE'S 'DRUG STORE, D QUAL SOAPS, ,S BRUSH 'PERFU ~i 1 I RTICLES, I• • • I EPARATI ~~~ es away* on TOBACCO, eu purchased s,t\ the, very cis. . Lovis Bum. l othecary and Chem !milcm/ of.X. . 41,0 *um. EZZ IN BEAVER '1 bias be found thAobest asso!tment of • DRUGS. • 11 •=_• 4 lem 1111 L • • p TIM E' , . Aid 44, IT: olt And..D candies, Paints', il,gc t, I t D El' SIT FF S: • TOILET ARTXCLEI, SOAPS, 3E104 • f- I ' ' • PATENT 31lE'DICINIES • : . in great variety, all of the beat quality, and sold chesper - •!`lii be boultht at any -• ' •other , Dria: 4617 , ;,011 . the ccanty. ‘ts ' ! • • Diiponco's Pied , ch , "!tv' ceaasper• hot; Cheeseman's, a builtlin • so Modreis • . Theto-4 h _ i t o f Lamps and Lanip- *mmingl3: Li;mtetni, . Stationiry, ffindoto QlaB.l • and. Partly. ever offered outside of the pity; at idooie's Etrug Store, and eold cheaper .Ihan I can be bought :anywhere ell e. Let those who doubt this call and see, and they will doubt no more ' LteOlB,'6s: j , . MOOBE. BEAVER_ACADEMY. ail oner t Institution will comme n ce Monday, the lOth of Septembei , 1866, =dim the charge of PROFESSOR R. T. TAYLOR,,,,, 1_ c , AS rtINCIPAL. !. • N In electing Prof. ;Tailor Principal, ender an arrangement by which beWill herea ft er con tinni his connection fora terniot years with this institution, the ;,Board of Trinteei feel that it is placed upon; a letter and more per manent basis than heetofore; ,whitelis ober. setter, long practioal experiorkee, an d reputa tion as a successful educator, give assurance that Ander his: management the school must prosper ' and be, what the Board aim to make it, a fi rst-cless Academy;, where young men nuttobtainathrough English, Classical and Commercial edu &don, at modenrte.eniense. He will beald by able and efficient, assist -4,4) ants. Everything reasonable wilt be done to make the school both pleasant 'and profitable to the student. ! For, particularldend . terms, address the Principal it Beaver, Basvertso.,Pa. , I BURY TICE. ' - Se- ' Board of Trustees. lit accepting the Principalship of the deed emy, I desire to *mums the public that 'I no ex:: pease or labor wM b awed to render this a drat-ohms institution - in Al reepaits. i Young men will be fitted for any., (dentin College, and a scientiikr.couree marked Mit foi' those Who do not desire to. tikethe languages. For this purpose the tine aPparatus will be brought into, requisition.- Ample arrangernents Will be made for board in ehMinstitution and in town. Let those who wish to obtain en -education, or have sons to "edueate,lgivi tut e triiil.._4: JAY 24'66:20t, ,1 B. T. TAYLOR. WHEELER' .."prot t ed. Watt,it- Drawer, VT -tortalesL Li. : ! jx,Orkly : J. RlL,D.t,i9ufnit's;;Ehir.oa. IAXES T. BRADY & O :; Seeeessore bS. Joit - & c o ' el Cori of - Wood & Foarth 114, 14 pA, 336.nice,rs &I EtrokeN- 1•1111111 RE, toutus ne ALL luaus of 'T SE FOREIGN' EXCHANGE, Gold & 8110er Coupons, Falll /EOM s'td p ai ` l ;f°i eciii * 4-1 4 kens! Ifo te , ... C();ECTION8 'made 'on ill t ee , may . ,rointe in the 'United States mid Cs4LT intans*lloweil on time deposits. ibil.-64 A CARD. TO THE LADIES. Dr. rhiponeo's '75,889 55 Golden Periodical *pillsi FOR FENA.LEEL • NM . . . • 4ifallible.inCorreeking Irregularties, R• etm. lug Obstractioris.of llie Mordl2.l i t ann :rratWtaerelugellii.vAlesccisTrLAseritvyin:L ' - 1,236 36 Nl= , It is now over thirty years since lite there celebrated Pills were -first discovered by D r. DIIPONCO, of Paris, during which time tile r haie,been extensively and succes s f u l ly , in most Of the public institutions, a s 1 , 0 7. in private practice, of both herniaphene4 unparalleled success 'in every case, erd only, et the "tirgent-request" of the thoassm i , of Ladies who.have used 'them; that hcla duced, to make the Pills Public foithe *414, tiou of those suffenng from any li regi u iri. . ties • Whatever, as Well as to prevent an in ; crease dr-family, wberehealth will not p ent i it.. - females peculiarly situated, or u tu „ suPposing themselVes se,.are cautioned spi ll using these Pills yiitile in' that condition, st the proprietor assumes no responsibilitin st. ter the shave admonition, although ti e ., mildness would prevent any Mischief totally. otherwise the - Pills are recommdee . Price 41,00 perdlox. Six Boxes $5OO . : Sold by 8. 4 8011, Itridgovater;Vilf Hamilton, Beivir, 8. Hanna, Rochester.. Ay sending $l,OO to either of the above agents, mien have the pine sent (eoel dentially) by mat ! o any part of the so u : riddress roprietor, -. • 8. D.-1101fE, 541,294 80 127,410 06 8%409 07 170,17884 oct 2&'65:1y - Fr WE* , dr; :WELL SELECTED StOck of G-oods AT B 7 BRIDGE Si., BR DGEWXIII,Vi.. , - • T ing subscriber takes pleasure in info the public that he now' has, a., keeps constantly on land,- the Moist Fitenoive and Completei M. sortment of BOOKS, WRITING AND WAU PAPER, OIL 'CLOT HS, CAR. rwrs,WlN% - DOW SHADES, AL. ff WILLOW. • WARE MANTLE ORNAVENTS, TOYS,&e, I• • I that have ever been brought to Rai fouaty. In fact he keeps everything that is kept. ,in a well-regulited and well mpg; variet y store. As • purchase newly all my Goods at Sri; YORK, and pay cash for Item ; I matinees-1 shied Ito sell, and do dispose or my pito cheaper, than .they can be bought it. retain; Pittsburg. • Give me a call. . 1 . - - B.ItIJLHEiIf :Bridgewater, July,2s, 1866-Iy. Farm fOr ' 1 11E asst end of the_ Farm known atit And'ew Glass property, situate in Otit townehip, . Beaver ' county ;" containing 611 Hundred and Forty Acres, about one haireti acres cleared and under a good stated - Ohio:I tion; is offered for sale. Algood orchid tr the premises. It lays on the head watered Beahler's ItUn, within miles of thi tif.l hrate d . Island. Run oil regions, and is 041 be gocid oil territory. For portfolio:Os I. quire of 701111 Johnston near the plessMti a! of - Joseph Lawrence, South Beaver tp.. . ."„,,....-_, A if ,,, L LAutiHiNii.lsANl AI.DMINISTERED -. BY DR. iDIRRIT. BILIDOVIIIATZR, PA„ in, extrfieting tett/. 1 time added to my.many other iseilitirdi the, • successful prosecution of my prdesist this it6raluable pain-killing sgent. ..AllbTill a * es of Denistry performed in the best sadist modern style. All work done es ebeapl e o fifty percent, better , than at any . tithe ` t Dental Establishment in the State.. [Pl 9.*l-1 k • • i•PITTIE4I 3I3I W •, • - • NATIONAL PLOW - CO.J, • • I • ROCHESTER, _ AL . r6,314411,11FA-- 6 Y ug " G, STSOI Iron p 101 "' and would call the attention.of the Wool % Beater •eointy Plow to ilurtilso • • ' Plows or Points, totho .I 4 • Superior Finish and . • H^- !bailey of our • C - Work: MLA raL• WORK . • WARRANTE DIIII The Points and Lsoiblides ftt eon pondinginumberre of Pittsburg plowv Old plow-totstiopiiought. falici"'"! Produits and Commission . Metalli IFIIOLIZALS DKALSB IS Butter; Bacon,PoneSou , Ckeese, Boons, Honing., Lard.:; • Taw, Drie d frusa. r.. 7 14 et. Eggs, ": Pinetkon, Green do 1 17' is. Pork, ; Broom, Onions, 1445 ;' And Game and Peat'Y !o bit sonsillaw.garaPliztenits.aukr sttten tion. 0 -----it q Y ttartrti ri4 og to g. l i t it:P W urtit tb lis er e rsb,"l4ll°"3l -! er." 3aY 4: I Y ,J J. Sr. H. DIsRAGIO , Sh°l in l`;IX -A-XtrtivAL OF CHAS. S._ BALSLEY, Wargioutel No. 201 . Lib er4 Keel, POTBBIIII.O. PA. El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers