:. 4 tritli* .4t** -- - ii l 4 4 1 ,0 kf' ri DR: - MOCK'S - 3.... lIIXOPOSOLIMB RE r, ;ht sit ever. ..ofered.to-the,peblie aril rho orgy Al 4, .oAl4:osi;essiisi all.the tatiritickiiriedfor /Weston% prdisilairta its oriel: di .esior,'stakti , t.at, haii-g. ckts, on bold7headi when, failng.bff rein' disensecjientsiezruffi'l.tandruff, eten a ' to , its kilo or-- t anotpgranottrist sift h d ache -and wit disegrikn.of the.actipl Atatutes.li a ' i 4 .witYlutir.to.ticcome :soft. pliable - 81141-Iti uri , antl3i tlessy,:c , qtls-ekienstly perldnut4,4u all • ths.t ;can 1W ;tleati'cd . ..far .-a dressing., .+' : n.. t ainis . reo-serpai. , rf, kud or taker sunteraizso:.iejqii.; , oilier-tAs.head,and..iair,- and. of which. Most preparations now in use araiomposed,btit is a purely. *petablecoinund.„glt byIiLLSINIE flit WiiltLll ti producean instance cohere "Re storer hew failed when uiell'it'nedrilirig't 'di rettbiniAtti - Ong the thansands;Who have sed it Ve hn.ie yci to learn of aiie who is not per 1 • feelly'aitisffed - with itiresulii. Hair wit as an,iitoss with marrqoarrapidify restored t, ' all !tn.pristine beauty - by its - ttse. _lt is not dye, but by supplying the secretions - of the ce Rig riglattets uctit as a Teitorer. - Mothers, hose I s children'w hair is harsh,' wiry, Or thin and ' cant, *RI fin 4 by using the Restorer it will im edi eta§ 4inprove•tind May be dressed - it any esir: ed:fainr,” thus laying thalOundation fee mood . held of hair, so dtvirtible'.in attar life.' The prt . prieior is ilviire -451-tlie emny. who have beekt-dififippOintedl7 - :;the !high Sounding pre- . tense. of Abel' numerous I preparations with ;which the market %has been I filled for a feTr yestrit est,' but such _entire confidence .. does he plifed'in the -merits:Of his 'Restorer that he.of fe'tt,- in sir eas'es, to refund the r 'neerney if, after a th'prangiCtiial 'illtoti bottles . it Nile to p Pee per ~s atisfrictitra. -A sin;ie trial - ivill•convince the most akeptiCal of its merits_. - Put up in large battletismd'sold.by all druigi its at $1 pr bottle. -DR'; F. CLOCK, Proprietor, ; ' `:- 1 - = r'' -..- , ilanehester; N. ff.' , - • IL . 11001t£,;ITiruggist, -Beaver Agent fox ' Rrasheiter; Bridgewater and Beaver.. Meek?. rein , * IlicKitnnap; .Wholeisale Agents, Pitts- Vure-Pa. -T- - - ' ~ UanBl'6B-6m. 1(;CARD::TO T'ilt..-f..ADIkS. RIM i3DupoilLeco's 1: 41deit Periodical • Pills, r I—', - ; F9 ll lE-444t s. • :.. inCor'repting irregntaittei, Remo ' linipbstructtons:of the Monihly Turks, from WtititeverVenst;.end-- • - ItilfATll IiCCESSFUL AS'A ' .Xtds''norr over thirty yeatLs since the - abnie, ; eelitTratectPills'ivere- first discovdred- by Dr. DUP t ONCO, bf 'Paris, dfiritigiwhich time they' hairel'heen, exteusliely and succeisfully , used tn'triostj' of the public institutions,, as as In'priv4tepraciiee, of both hemispheres; with onp4..tileled success in every case, - and'it is "urgent request" of the thousands . of:r..lib;i who h,ave used them', thatle is in . diteett 111 make the Pills public for the allevia ' aito s titVflu.ie 'suffering from any Irregulari , ties 'w.htteirdir, ai well as to prevent an . in ereasn'of fami4. where health will not permit Voffiales peculiarly situated, or those saop,osi..3gthernseives 54, are cautioned agains usioq , these Pills 'while in that condition, as the`ii:•eprietoriassames no responsibilities stt ter, tho &bor., s' i dnaonition, although ;voila prevent aitiy mischief to b l eaithr. etiLeralse the Pills are ream:eluded.. Pricd4;l,o) per Sir: Boxes $5,00.. So; S. Smith, Dridiew,ifer, Noble Beaver, S. llannee, Rochester. - 1•41 , fie,,V! , sending $.1,09, to eithir of. the above .tigents, - tax sea' "(confi dentiallyj by ail, to any part Of the coun ry, or at.idreis the Proprietor, 1 11'039E;',, 'New:York. oot.'2.s'6J:lyr - f ' . a I I. R.. T tCH I i.S b . ti S ~t , - 1 'l3oiTiker. . and - 13.t.0.1.cex , ti, , . .AND...)ZAT.F.II Real'Estate, Stocks r Govermneut • - Ar- • . i •• - •.', - .• '.r.o; 11 1 , e, , and . other Securities:, , - i• • • INS' A,ITOE& C LAIM AGENT, " ,•,5,4 . 4inveyancer ,& ( ienerau Agent. ' ' . 1 . . .i , r 1141'i subscriber having s ppencd.an - oflice at l' icOchester, tin the rpont lately occupied by, F.r, Fortune) respectfoily solidits tbe pa trons, - il,, of his friends and the public in gen. ara11,,.t,; - . Particular attention give to the adjustment of, Ofllaers' accounts; and LL claims arising .ouL oibihb present war, su has t • , - Pinsiinfi Patents, Bounties Arrears of fly, Prize Money,' n i ~ tc.' . • 13 girt agent for the -Et Insurance Co.. of Hal tford, Ct , the. North, America of Phila: delphia, and the Manufacturers' k -tercliants' oftrigt i targ, I will issue policies in either of .t t the cp yanies named. F l y*, houses and lots for sale. ' itimirei in the oil lands of the celebrated Isl and Itnaregton for sale, where every w_ell has pi:ovist4li II success. Also shares in wells pro citicirk I pr under way, and leases. ,Ilvill also sell my residenee-in7Hochester, biatttifttlly situated, and within a few minutes walk;or the Ohio river and Railway stations. Tartris,Rieral._ . . petp4st drawn .up and acknowledged. „ -+ I Fire . k.isks taken in Prat llassr Insurance Compatilee... ' • • . 1/I.ettnitue stampti . alorays on hand.: .. ' Beef to Jahn A. 61.4ghey, Jos. Plummer, ii*., mith & CD.,:Pittshurg. t .._ • Beef • CHAS. B. HURST -4 HoPhister, Nov. 2:11,'65 , i tu HING tAs 11.7I8TERED 13T DR. MURRAY; llanosiekraa, PA., in, extracting teeth. Ay r ode,' to my many otter facilities for • the Oil cessful prosecution, of my krofession,. ~.tilitanituable pain-killing agent! AU branch., eq nistry performed in tl,lO best and Most: mode . inistyle. AU wor s t done aiichetiplY;'and fittzipieeent. better, than at any other /Ream.' De . ISt 4 Est ablishment in the State. Liny,9l66: . . ;EXECUTOR'S NOTICE: ..TtirlEatAs letters :testamentary hating )0.1...hem graatedto the undersigned, On the ~estatQ I ' C basist. DERAINGER, late otOhiotp., .T.tiartrjl county, Pa, ;deceased,. allpersons I •themselves , indebted 'laid efifiste are r filtested to make payment immediately and:Aimee haTingelaintsagainat the same will '''Pensentlt t hein to the subscriber duly'authenti. ~.coked teri'settlement.- • • • •- •!,,," ' JOHN-SLENTk_Exeetttor, • 1111 3 6 4 ; 1 6 y : • Ohio tp. , ECUTOR'S NOTICE. L ritT ER§ 'test amentary on the es kJ -LA. of , ,lorts-Ewtse, 0,911 I vril4'nfaYet - oti. bwring ben "'grant eete urft^.-:sizited, all persons indebte4 to said estate are requested to Make immediate -.pviloilf,and those having claims against the , estatitielwill present them to the subscriber - ptoptrli authenticated for settlement. MAYID EWING, 1 •Executore, .A.LELVIVING, f 01 44410.`• ' RacCoOti t T ' EIAAEL lESE.EZ., • ft A T-RI-DI - ES. Slit: L a' C. • • - .•• ptils'pr.uor.i.sltappy to.anhoungeta hie Li "eiisfiniors, that ha : Lae. b.aon 'eurirgettfroll service of the :United States, iiiikopeqeda akOp;,itt the frame bui/dingad ! . joihingliroa.,o*'s •.I,adiele, 44! vut.4a cLe ;I'4* . appsoved, Tie; ; jig; (NSA, his <id ,their patronage. liavittg eii;rl44lAie s . i44 - q, - .15t1i A' S *: ni Vk i l"' - yeAl'; 4 K-WtAwk qT9uPAL.Per. tit.s l lo:;.,y!frilnl4,Ainlttlf entitled to a fai,r. stiiro ~pe4o4t 12.2.);r0naga.... c. xicso l, pwar., . e .. , .... a. wnLygt" . i eu.,..t ? 11,11411figitinit 6 :. gillgi - 1 ...,,, k e-l-bik:la 11 , -.bnefj * . 1 1 • , ; . 1 k - ,t'',7.,":A . ri*': -,., ` •-••!: 1';:l ;CA: ‘ .!. 1 NEV ' I . 1 ' 7 R1XT941.-PA., ; 1 c I - 7 1 0 " A -nittsw• .rt t. IRuN t BAIL% . . . AND A6MULTIJRAL IX CARPRftERS: TOOL f BLAICIONItHS' TO MASONS' TOOLS Sn9AMAKE.RS §itiDDLERS' TU01.S ; "• - ° • . PLASITEERS' TOOLS,` • - r : • MINERS SADDLERY , ' ••• • - . " MOM BENT FELLOWS &,SHAFTS, LOCKS, BOLTS& HINGES, • , • PICKS ANtATTuIiB & COUNTER &PLATFOIt3I SCALES, TABLE &POCKET CUTLERt -; HORSE SHOES SzliA/LR, 1 ,1 1, • • TIRE & . 9 , ARRINGE BOLTIira,NI7TII, CORN -11111;LERS," 0117 4 1Bits • _ ALso, TAINTS; #~ OIL, VARNISHES, AGENTS FOS ,: • EXCELSIOR MOWER AND , IIEAPER. AND NEW BI FIRE-BRIC . K.WORKS, . Dec6,'6s: j ".:, • 1118'7 . .A.l=t R IV A.I, I xool' AT •. , • . T.T • 1 Diiitlq.E ST., jiItIDGi•IYATER... • :Se;ikerrespectfull : 3 .4 in . ..fornts the ttiat he ii now ivinit NEW 3sisting of. - I public: GO I °DS 'co 3, WALL P 4 PVI2.. W ,IN D,0117 BLINDS, VAR! Wry - 600Dst - WlLLovir• i'V A ItE, BOOKS. PEIZIODI.• CALS, stvrloN E . icn, &e.. • . 1 - . ~ , Having thoroughly refitted my Store Rooni, and inclaily'rebeipt of Geed! from Ne*Terk ' r eity. I ofrerito the public cheaper than can be 'bought in Pittsbnrg, or 'any : neighboring vil lage ' An, ekatnination of my large and varied 1 stock will 4Ohvince all that what I publish i ' 1 Stritnly true. - , - 1 , i xtei.;.lteteciTnbtr the place. l _ , apr3'6G_ , -1 . ' , . 1 —IV „ _,Q IC V;P,Otcol'y IN NEW BRIGHTON, . . lirsubecribtar having:thornughly refitted : ' and prepared the property known es the 'tub'J Factor*, directly opposite the Post:Office, 1 3in New Brighton, Pa.. is now rprepared-to de all the .woik ,generally done in a first-class I Factory, sucb . 1 1.4NUF_•lcrui4ING-BLANK . , ETS, FL-4.2rNE4S; f.Y, 0 TI/B.C-4SSIMER ES . SATINETS...4;a, SPLAW/WG -Y-4R. N; CA 11 , -.1). I I. ... .RoLts, FULLING 4-- CLOTH Fix.; 1 ! .5.111.YG. I - - . --. . • I Employin g none but the best workmen, and I using first-lass ,machinery, the Public may rests 813*(11,1 that their work-will be well doge and promPtly delivered.'_ • ~ .4 ' . Give us ip s eall and examine ; An!toods end prices before going else - Where: 'Alt work war- I ranted.*, ~, ' •! ; ',JOS. PONTEFRACT: t.: New Brighton; Apr.: 3._ :fi6:3m. .• * .. ... L. •• 1 - 11 - " -, titan -. . kr: -if: -. ice:- . -. - I '.• ATTORNEY's AT .' LAW ILL attend to tegui• bininers of all •V V kinds. Prompt attention given to col locating geaerally:i Licensed Agents for - ctilt• lection of P t :mien/4 Bounty.' arrears of Pay, Prize money, Pay, etc .,. of . Prlioneris of. War, and all kinds of Military. eilitimangaith the G odernm - ent:. • • Office;— Goner of Xarkej -*reel and the = Dianibmf; (immeelafely in'the rear of_ottrt flonse,) ' • 'BTU V ER; MN: A. t j.rid4 Penn [ =Fl an#ng ; 111 . , SANILACMODEL ' IVA.CTORYS: . ' JAB. i:J;140L161 . . -.. Atrizn !LACE. • , S LAP ii -- &SROLES,, Cdr. Penn & litaibqrg. Sir - a - its, tl' •- .-PIT.TS BURG, ;PA. . Flooring, ~ Wootheibpariling, ~ .Soott, -- Tioors,l 7 kinies,l3rhcki4 s & Moulding, j . ~,- sways on-l+d Ot:mssio to o l rdev. , • rukvl7:ly - - - r r 1 4 : X I AS_ . : : 1111S.1 1 -.;.:: - - Fi 0 R J'IU•N •.. 1' El 1 3 , .t- i''''4'l3 Cill . • ,'' ••• ‘ 1 SECOND WEEK. • . •'. Y , ,. . ' w ife ivim Takitt's.Ex'r 1,. fiti , H ,Jordisn* R Azliburit.len. t, ' vs 0' t!'.' raciAtitt; JungsL'olliiiii* al ~;B, gr _ ikirtniptAfr, - l i Pattsrson i Dnvidifinyn DI lin.. Sondem: ,:,:j ez Z Charles Thain .-; va _Ai +set. Rig Ly. .„ -7, t LitasNen's 4eirs ::- vs, lo bo .T Liottpert. ,. ,;.;.. . John TiLtanks4,,„:,--.3bati Bond"',. . 1 Ntishoei Main i :, ~ -; vs' 4i..n. ia ziaiiit,,, -,.., N., il, §..; D,,,' an,,,- Co. -.,, vs, rm obit; ;,..,, ; ., g i, .1 bai l ie .r.d - vs - ,loLn i llestly ; :i A Cr,i; itavid 41eatt,tp :,.%;,..orniAlcat , Robinson. I !nY 9 ' 66 :::: w: M. it Y AN-P. r'xhiv k E r i t • I'l l ;' Hi - , 4, , 1 .14 4 - „ , 1 Jj . •. - • . __ ~:. :-- ITIHE Count J y- -i ... ii attend id tni v4veral Townships and Boroughs, for the lunar geeeliring li t founty. pnde si r Tax 184,*$ Ilia, ent.p . os - *at ...., wifiitj.ii 1,1 , - ,•`',.-1 !_,.'!'.l_ Phillipsburg; ally 14, ~Dimber'sbotel.; • Freedopt,l ;1 - 15. M'Caskity's; Harmony; LI - • f 16,_ Storm' . ; • Wwilitals. ii SW! Ti n pootokolionfcr. tomato? ti,:, r ~) 75, -- acrj! `, ' ' 4lo I Beaver; , 1 , 1. 19, Office;. r r I ''' Bridgewater, • 1 21, Prondley's hotel; Fallston, 1 • ' 22, Toll housi; ''' New Bri.SP44 ,28._a""94, HIPP; brrild r, : Patterio*-- - ,:_,..-.-:- .--25, Utiret - - , - .4: i ; • , Beaver; -' .. 26,. OffiCE ' . 'Georgetown, Glasgow and O h i o tp, 29; Jess, Smith's hotel; Island - Bun, • 1 11.06. Darragb's store; Industry, .81; Aber's store; ' - Pulaski, June 1, B. Wallace's; - Ectiomy,, . 16,, G. Neely's; h r , , Franklin, . 18, Autenreith's s tore ; clarion, -27: , `"-"7 .;" G M 19, . frarisili'n; North -13 e iekly; - ' 20, N: Ilnien's; j:_ New Sewiekly,d • 21, G. Itauscher's‘ • Darllngt6d-borti, . ; • 25, A. J. Cook's;,l DarliStin tp;.-..4. 1 "I A, J.': P. Dilwimtlitz B. Bea ;Galilee, , 27, Griebing'ilhot ;" ... B. Beaver,Hoinewood,2B, Jobnstou'i ha el; Chippewa, j• I ' 29, Mrs Cunitinghani'm B e aver, _i 1 ' " 80, Office; .1 .." Brighton.. ;-, ~ '1 - iinir2,7,_?: Eakin's: — 4 - 8. Beaver; ' ' r - . To; - Joii. - "Laiireticii'se do and 0bi0,6, Kerr's store;' 4 . Ohio, -- [ ~-, r 7,M. B . Deringeri; 'Hookstown, . I ' 9 Swearingen's hetet. • do ;-..., -iimd, Orennp, 30, .sto -; 1 i . do - HadoVeeend Greene; 11, H. Ildtcliliisin'i; , Frankfort 1 , ; . 12, H.M.M'Ciatcheon!s; e , I MEM RE I Mil LASS,. .T./E3l!BlikTB, HES Hanover, 18, Adams' store; Beaver, l4, :Office; • Raccoon,• • 7 . -,.16 ) :IX:grwistlea; Inlndependence,.. 17; JOhnlitilines';' • Hopewell&lndePereeelB, Johnston's\ store, Ilopy.velll '1 19, R. Scott's;‘ , Dl~oyiitze .1 49„' Caiv.l34 made *Oil adjoin-. ing distriets. liiensei Must be paid kir fore the Ist of,July. 31. R. ADAllid,...; ' April9'.96:2m: - ; • . firer. 4 " t pr. Ilt,tritornr B 4 1 1.1(4! 0 R-S AVI The!• . . The! Di m e :. Savings institatinfle . . . ~_ .67 • ROVRT.EI ,Sr.REE ' WeirlY r opposite the .Bank of . Tit. burg h.— t ....-_, -7-. :.Chartered in 1862. ,„ . ' Open daily from 9 to 4 o'clock, and . on Wed nesday,and t urday evenings. from May Ist to Nov. - -list, Ir-to-9 'Velockrand-frmilfov. Ist to May Ist, 6tb 8 ololoek. ' • BOOK.. Pr ; -Lads,:Bl &r., furnishid at tht , . , .... officegratis. ~This- l iastlitil l ion esgatially,-offeni, .to those whOse earnings are limited, the opp ortunity to accumuhite, by smell deposits, easily saved, a sum wbitih . Will be a .resou..-ce• when: riieded, and. blaring ihlisrest instead.of remisining un productive. Li i• • - _" 1 • iNb PUTTY - 1 ' ' Board of Managers: , . . GE O. I. -President,.4 GEO. A. BERRY. - --- • • 1 .. .- Vi,,:i.t I'a est' I —S. 11, Ilmtrzias.dsg.dtr4K,jr ceretity arld Tresuiret.l) 2 —.-hf: *KINI.r,r. I S. i . Bradley,;, . -- . --.. I-- .- .Itim . K., 1174111dt, , • fA: S. Boll;1 -: -- ' - I . - F. - Rafini; 1 1 , 'John 8. Dilworth , Joshua Rhiidzi, • G. Follanzbee, John Scott.,; H. f p, Graliln, - . Robert . C. Schmertz, - I. Chrlstopher*,Zig. ' 1;1 Solicitors—D. W..and A S. Bell. Daylll:lta .- FA CT O RY - : -- - -- _:=7---- BRUSH; CR R EMOVED.- . rrilili. • SlillgCßlßtß "WOVLD ''INFORM I all ho deitl in or use: BRUSHES that he has rent Ted 'hit..BRUSH -3IANUFAOTORY l!from N 9. ti Fifth street to No. 140 Wiitid street, tiro deers ntiov l e I Fi ft h. where he willllke able to ,' o ff er the Inicilit, 'eottiplete 'stock of firnabes. ever ! offered in•Piirihnrg. and at prices thist will de -1 fy competition..and of la . nuality tiniurpftssed In 'poinfltif stile: and Atrability. IWholesale I ldealcra . will find' it greatlY to theinlidtrantage I. N to,cad.itt our , new establishment ad examine our stp'clt, and prices before going - E ' a'st:to pur- I t chase; We will,yery willingly duilleste any "eastern 1411 ot !goods. z: , - . I D. STEWART, • ' 1 1 1 120 WOOD STREET, I -inyldN,G...- m. Two Doors abot l , Fifth. LIBEL IN DIVORCE. • N theiCoUrt of Common Pie:oil:l4 ,Leaver llCouicity. i .No. 149, March- Ter, ,:- —'- .1b66. Ali / as Sttl, ?omit in Diiorce. - 31 int.u. NearoN,-by her next triertil, A. T. M. B9Cll.4kkg, vs. OLIVE:It. T. Nonrox. ; - o Otiveti l T. Norton.--the above named re. sponde4: you ,are hereby notified to be and appear at the `ext term of said C 'urt, to be held at Deaver, on the first Monda of June„ 181;6, thn :tad there to.anverer ths complaint 'of the ithellatit, and to show cause{if antyou have, wi7 - liei• prayer-foi:Aivordl!., a: vinolo mattimonii, sbduld not be granted. I I i . _ JOS. LEDL ', , Sh'ffl. „ ' 011F.IIII'F'S, DFFICE, 1 ' ' Beave l t r,mitiTfiG. . - • : -', . MEE N THE C ; OGE.T OF COMMON1 ) LE:18 1;1' ' BE#E-It torryry;NO. 139 I !Siptember 4fin, - IFI i . . 1,: . In thi matter of the Trust Assignment of Willism lt. Rhodes; in behalf of the late firm . 0:3 18 'of Kirk 0. Rhodes, of the firm arse I '. .'Wetiest ii•lM`reby gireit' that Shit third in& final Account tt; Thos. J. Power, eo. F. Oil- , more mid Bro üB. h as, Aissignees oTI the Tru t aforesaid, has been fitted in this or fice and thatlthe same will be confirmed on the ' first - Ilaylof ne;t Term, unless cauisto the con. trsry Ike then.phown. I , - may9S i i - , M. Wp6TAIND, Pro. I E . X140 MO R'S . NOT ICYE. • 1.. f ixTHERI : IB , letters_ testamenz r ary °nib* V V e l titat •of Jim:: Warrox, late of Brigh ton ,tp, 1• Denier county, ticceas! l d, having been granted to the undersigned, l all persona ktrwiy[g c a . he sleeves ;indebte4 ..to.aaid estate, ; are iett+sted lid ma'de'ittini4diate, Paymeu t r . andftOse littYing claims spinet:th i s same will present iVettiirinWalltanthenticated for set tlement. 1 - ,- hacDREW WATTERSONI Bei.: 1446 613: -- • - ' '• ' Ellig ßG htoktp.. $ STILES 4,-.4—__2_______ SHALLEPABE4-_ERv.- -_ • ;- • DIALIMS IN 04.39Jccc 111 k • qrAt° A: - br D, • QuEkitstirl 13 4 11 0.4glEtWeit Rorequilt y procixic!wanteo;.• • AIY3IIIIISTRit'!"OR:S YOVICE. • I - .I.;4.VletPf' i NjulstFiPt i ;•olt uf thet, **ate le is Ittrfn tlsie tot Or 1 - ship ilfisfer •ed to , tlie nildersigned. ill' - tindebtief: tii•Wiake intefiliste 7 f ero' A land' those haring eleizns will present them , -Trop . erly intlientleitteJTO'rewttlenieas. i ‘" NATgApi. EA.KlN i Adm;nis rater. )..• Part' gton . -...4.lN,Adin;nisii . 1;. li..i . , --., :. P izil Ailm't• A DAIIIIIi3IT ATO.le&Nintl.R. i t 1 , ATTE4s.",of 4400nistrat4,on on be estate ~...i.j._ or_ 3oconi*AntrErt, late-of In itistry .tp., Bea I:leaser- .co. Pa., des ' ~- haring been fgriinrcilliti the u ' ndersigned o . ..:pc.-sons 41 indebted to safd catate are reoliest to make immediate Payroffitiitidli • * claims Lapainst; the sate will present the properly anthentlinitedifbr settlement.' ' hair I:3r's 'lt" =:J' 0: WILSON; ', • mnsIV4I4V.II Ile/ i • 4 41Wittlbit • riarr hsvgjesitylietted ea. at the Largest TaWi t o". 4l , 4 : l ltile r Plebtock•Z REI , . Ith MI GOON, , -; :t t . ; .1 1 1 i 4 ;i 4 edi;;IEWAtiiii "' • Prinb ' Ginghams Ch °kg, &o_ „ Eier . *aid to tie puhlia this city. • ''Aao: clii i rortniegf re", Ladies'`: - suid" Ch ildren '$ •; n , . Ig4f4*Ax; • .; . All es,' siiine and P , at' grest,L, rates: ' ' • . • CAILPETEVOITiCCLO'hIis RUGS ~3 • • Tho Largest Boek sa l t 'best-Assiortment .of Carpete;'Flooti 0111 Paths,' Heezth . t Rues,. Atatiti,:act., e'er, cifered,, 4 "to, t - A L .. Peteoni in want of •'snYthing.in oni lite; would do ,W. 411 to gh tur a Call; ail we •arii da tertnineil imaistook prices which will astonish all ' ! • : -I - . • :• • the place: ••• • . DUNLA , -LUKER k CO:, 186 Federal at % 4 deora.:helew aprB:2m] ALtiatrENAl-,C.Fir. C AL I GE 0/2 .!' ; • .DXICLICE, GS: Xl. l, AND SWISS "W 1 1 .... n't , ..A. ler ci r N - 3:1 a • 1 • Agp FINE J'F? . . E.LY, - ' 111WD SILVILit SP OO NS - F OR K S, FINiTABLE •NIVES' ;SILVEIZ 17 1 , .1 • . 1 FRENCICO CRS Tilr, ' AMERICAN • I Fancy,, Goo ittlLSpecial attiisi/pri ing of all klids•oi4Viitatea. ..;, No. 22, FIFTII.I mar14.6671yi SPRING. AP' SIII4ME.R. . - C'# p .;~ n ~~ ~;. lII4VE jtist l " , ricil*ed Goode, of the Fon SPRING' 41:1SU. Gentlemeit's Furnishijig Goods CLOTHING MIDE - ira ORDER In all the latest styles land at shortest notice , Stewart's', Roth,' Biadge Street, .BRIDGEWATEU. apr2s'66 ...._-._......- .4 . „ BE A VEPti .. SEiII.IIs.A. , RY II , Boots and ;hoes made to Order on, sfieo I AND " . L •'. I' ticeland most reasonable.termr - . 1 . - • ReV.R. T. TAYOR,-A. M President Trlß.Eneit Term pens - April 5; 1866.. ' A , . Every opportnni y-flii Instruction in any bran'ch. of science pr . ,on spy musical imam, tl e ment; eleo v oca l- sif,.private of clasSes, is afforded here 'at- asonable rates..': •,- ..: 'Lads received ini th A •kirimsry Department; . also small giiis of any degrecoi _proficiency: 1 Drawinglid pa pang of every style , will . receive the special attention of a first-class 'knit. ..'1 -, ... • .1 i-. . . . , • ; -.. tion: i .sl,s6.] accord ingB,s%*4-sl2iffig to depaitnuint ~.. . . , , -•-, ' None but 1 thd ' ' y cFmilied „and epeil l . eitied Teachers' *r employed in any depari i i, ment. For.ftwthe information ,address- _ mares'. - .65. •1. . tIAYLon, . . . 1 1 7 .. E . e. E ; 1 1 Or. ;•• ,:.•, Danlo:tm :.., - ox,Pr'sOvii.,: !ATIDNAt,':,•••' P4QW,i,,:c9, - `ROCIIESTER; , PA.: '' • ) -• • I ARt r E.‘4_CJITRISG, /Abe, at '041' 4 . ; •'; • ' • •••• e •C e244*l • l :el 'l O ' .P9A Atfini" and 'would call the' aitention of tbiTainteri Bearer count ,L wishing to ituiishialte - - Plows Or low Poicts,,, to tho, •• • iz...7475,\; 4 0 , t 1 4 - 1!"5 as...*L.LlwoE.K4ltaibiliarfiThim :See Points anctiandslidete•iit pondingnambEws ' $lllP.'Ol4 plow csatinga boggitk. [spelittl; • _ I a Si Immo • BEEN NM Zia =EI TURES, • I . WARE, BRONZES; LOCKS, 1Z1E5323 ! yen to the repair- ittsburg,. ME ME I a new .atock o t.ATESt ST OM MER WEA P. iiii Conl6l'4, tirt band ........ 1.-: gift,HEALTE 4 , gdeld.i.: 0 . .* - uok' • • BIM .1 I jA t istES it:PA1111111.11 8 -8 I- . nal .numesto o r..• .; •••• s•-.:**•• .'ROCH la TRg PA. , . , (Oie datti L from Eory" . e'ii D r 3 I•I - • van faunal Iva aasartment 'I) MITT CIN 1 2 1:T ..31ED CHEM CALs ; and a fa Assortmen IND w eLAss, Mill LINSEED OIL' ' NE.A.T I 4 FOOT 01 SPERir OIL,. PURE.:-AND SECOND .* 1. lAEA I - • Eil VARIETIES BRUSRI „. ' .. . :TIE RES I .': PERITMT , 1 1 . &TOIL .T ARTICLES, I, , pPULA PREP ATI I FOR T E lIAIR, 1 'of Patent Midioines always on so,•tIGAA &,-TOBACCO, .-, FAxp , i 1 ANblp All kihds My. entare Mock has been purcbase g4sis and Is elibred,at the 1" Lows'? 'I'I3.IOES.. my aisiitenti: Mr. icon BR: CM hly eth - icate4l:ApotlieCari ind thsuron clans acid others can 'rely upon t st. phys 'ins the preseripti9ni aed-arsltely cA 4 ! =ZZiI ICE ter, Diareh 14, 1866-1 y 1 'Bu _I OTS AND SHOF,S! THE I PLACE TO GET FM' 111 I Cheap and • Eiurst.! I 1/4. 'DOII7 FAIL TO .CA 4 ' t , , c •- • • I - . - •. LOUIS F..WEINit . . i~AMIIFACTURER of and Retail It Foote and Shoes, Bridge street, I •RRIDGE WATER. Ito keep!' anii*pallent supply of -rea I' - woFic=stoutly:4.)n hand. lie,has;:good workmen, taad , can't be excelled , by,.aky.cither. extablishmeni in WesE,. ; Men, women and' ebildrlen' will find It tie their 6' . Isafintage to give him a ealt II • * 6 ' il. '• - ---- . ' I , For ,the • beit , and. cheapest article 'go to i l li • ' L F -;WEINIAN'S t i_ . 1 ' ,-, . . octlllti LOUIS 5 .. 1 Bridge - st:,; Britigevrater. 1 ' ' ADMINISTRAtO 'S NOT CE.. - . .1 __ i r ETTEItH•of *dm Ede rat;on outhe erte of", L a JOIN' B. Ilam.;:late of Rococo° itwp., el l Benver io., dec'd, haring . Seen grant CO , the . un /ersigned, all persona indebted Lanai *stale, l arisrequ i rted to utake'lmntedfrate payme t; and those b Ting 'claims against said • . est e 'will Isi4sentl: i thenilb ttie''siitrribor'proil I/ sit-. • entioated forsettletnent..., • 1 ~ r. • ____, li.ollEitf S. 11A1 1 1., Induitry t .., !" • 1 . • ..11AN1V8 ORR, Raccoon In. . .. ;n mar2B' ,td. : ' ;.. , :!: ; 'Adults: _ tiara ore.'.:- -ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTI K. ' . M I n.e. - 1 ItTIS of Acisalluitration- osi. th e.., sytto • br , 41A - lair3 JAwasos, late, of Georg -t ostn • , rongla4earer county, deo'd.; Ikarine_been '!ranted io the,widelosigned, all perSo*e In. lqed,toi said estate are requested to , lntake e Imediate! payment, and these baring elleime• iSgabust said 'ostatik. will pcesonS ~them to ike isPecribet Ptonerly i ieutlienfiested . fog set. `clement: • • *, , ! 'l, , i,__ - ;:,-,, 3 1%7 EL ZaIgTEI.IA - 3.1E , 80N,..414m! r:piar44' I 6.. ~ , . :: 0 eatget ownr .ro ; Tr a r . 1 ".43'.' • 0te14.1116. 1 • , • : A, k poitifEitAT.L*Si,: 4 410: 'Firm Ilr..Pirrnstrati.-P wi 0 em ns Pß a olt i r s Az i Ertrz i ° N e d Ltsti.c , , An:will. ars* Wend • , , , *Awe= istAiiirse Cie.: c = Et FINB I;lgt7 OVA limited number of Si/area of 13toit . or the above Company may lie had by , aPpli- Cation at the . office of the company. • • I lea r .Oiftce in the Diamond, Rochester, Pa. 'CHAS. B. HURST See'y L, LARD IN CARBON I ° AND MEI i ~` I IMI 'r is 1 1 , adel , 1 1 1 no :1 • I il TO sale SMITH'S FERR AND ttr PitTROLEITM''COMP.ANY I ~ . . 0ry4.4=1. stow; . , $ 8 9 ,000 . #O,OOO kakis Silhai Vshisaf '• • $l,OO excl. • 1!••• , • •;' •.; ; !'. I' : :' • f • '•• : • iVORICIIN CAP1TAL,.......; ' $lO,OOO. -,. .. • ;: . • • ::e • • ... 1 I . . "I' 4 e }.. , s meeting or the ittockholders or:the. ' above company, held at :heir office in t ' ofough of -Rochester, Ap il 2 4 3 th, 1865, the followhntpersons were elected its officers for tbeansuing year :.;, : , i. , . • . . PREBIDENTi MATTISON DA RRAGH TREASURER & SECRETARY: • CHARLES B. HURST. I - DI lECTQRS: Clinton Danegh, Milo It,iAdams,, min Stone," : Alfred C. Hunt, . " es Darragh, John Bi gger, l ii Brenneman, Bahl. Cochran, „ ' Charles F.'Ketidall.' • AT _ I;tit!Ofies: DRUG -: STORE, IN BEAVER • . ' ' Me): be foend,tlie,besi,sesortnent-Of 33 . 11,T_TG-S, ecilairLess, CHUM=GA. PURE LIQUORS, WINES 'And 113erandies, •P,4aints, Oils, AND DY•E SPITFFS: r TOILET ARTICLE SOAPS •• - r . I R O II PATENT &TED' c_fyg - s :1 • in- g reat variety, all of tho beet quality, and told cheaper than can be bought at atty • lother Drug Store in the county. Duponco'S Femile Pills 75 cents per box; Pheesetuatia, s4:Clark's. $l. - . • . • The Largest , stoclt of •: talizpsandrtet - • •Statioqiry, Trz,ndow Glais , - t f an iad Patty. O• t - • fever ofered outside the eity. at Moore's prugStore, and sold cheaper. thin can be baught "anysthere clic. Let those who doubt ,this call and ;see, and ult.; will doubt no mote, DeolB;'6s; • . J. MOORE. ROHESTER' (Marti'e Works; • .1 • I, , r• - i•• Z 3.. Marshall \ .ExtopTES ILL KINDS OF Plain an 'Ornamental' Work. . • t . i [F - Aill3NUMlNTS,'Ffead'and Foo l,; itones, cf ii, the bet Italian•and American Marble, .at the shorteSt notice, and the•lovrest prices. i ; I have on hands oyez. One liundyed set,. of Plain, arid Ornamentnl Mead \ 011.9, whicli -I 'am offering 410 per cent less haii ity pr;ces. - All th ; ose Irishing asiything l in my ine,. c call 'early and e x amine my stock. i Altio,the best quality, of Grind Stones oil ktands. Rocilisteri' Mar. 2.lst, '66-3m. :. J. , 1 J . -A l 4 - .. arton, ... . ill ENTIST: : OFFERS BLS SERVICES TO TEE CV!' 'LENS OF ! B A VER LAD VICINITY. - i , . . . . . . . • . : • ...•. • • : ItTIFICIAIo TEETEf.,PgItFEGT,LY FIT,' A I 'TF.D,.AATICIILATP,:ei . HAVEIi, SIZED ,! AN COLOiltti., :to suit every • isidivithial,• mounted' opl fine Gold, Silver, ..Engliski !tad- American :rtlcanite.. - All the • new' style of , combination work warranted to give ; perfect t4tiefectiou. No charge for extracting, when. teeth are to be inserted: - ~ .VAlki, *. fine asecirtment.Of footli Washe s' poWdeta,! Brushes, ito-.; kept-oonetantly_ on: j i illkorißee .en Third street; 2d. door etteLef _ . B. Anderson's store., ' . IvaltlB'6B.—tra.. ; • ; TNiTHE COUATOF.tOMMON •PLEAB OF • I,..II.BAVER.COUNTY, No.; id,: hiar, T, 1858. I In ; the matter of : the voluntary - ARignmenr. i , of Tlios. XVlCinley to it. P. Itobertd. , IL 1 ~. t Notice is hereby - Oren . - that et Supplimel - kal la d'Flnal - Seconnt - hati Veen filed In the office, ibri -WiUbutt ifehrr, - Etebitcre - otthe last -ivill4 1 and testament , of „II: - ,P,.. Ttoberte::dated.: 1 ad"1 it 'ra t the same .will .bejeoPtirmsd, on t:ho-firiti dip'of .inne tern!. indesiroomete'the contrary. b 4 then, shown: • '-• - • ' . • _ nay2;'BB:Bre'z . ' ' il. 'OIITAIrD, Pro: .4.,.. . ' • • .. '1 kOigiiim;PliiiiCiiike,t'Pen'i.ijiii:ht • . .1 .. . -..NEW BRIGHTON, ;PA::' !. !•-‘ • - ; i c i„,...-::,.....„idi,„,. at loeisir l on Of i Xtioadway.‘ '.• .': .. '10111114114 4 1611,..;.,:'- .- ... , MI 111 I •• • I ME - -- - - . tP 4III IS - arrt i , i 4 ,!,1. per.mrs Intenio4ed in the tm .! I Atinunlittliouar,b4„---int tbctozphsuie_c.i....t.u,,b.6.l,l . t it... edti+ a tT ti ri 7 ° d i il ri f l 0 1 17 1 4 1 45 :7 e t to been I' t °l 3 7f o !".1 i f a i Bea, s ec :Ted : ° , l l l I Id a b o t .f-t l -1. -P ri ; 3 l :7 % o 7Pi f te 1 1 tv i i 7 1 1 r: 1 4 .4 1 4 : h i al thss - ilth day of June, A: D' 28 ;,.olittes . firinitiiin and allowan it *-- -' '''''' f °.rtoa, - Firsi and final ticcdttlitor r,a, f and Dr l P. M. Keir, adMi . , tauete. ° etc tate I ofl John Goinaly, ,'Ffivt and final account of David' Teti , adthiniatrator'of the vitae Of !Ca Al la "? deck 4. I zle Y er hltie, • _ the, coon:tits (Real and Person l) or 1. '' nab l'owell and ItlamuiLl,Cro ss:attni z ,: ll ;,.. - • llll 'li of the estate of Silas Powell, deeti -- z -17 4 s titi account (Real estiste j of John Ij4 rell,lidinkistrator of the estat e if ti 1 '"'" M Tfiireil, deed. . Trey AIRL . A Ths accohnt (Real ,estate) or Jrt, - ! administrator of fits estate r t A 61,11 4,. o rl4 Jerts!. l , : , • deed. II • to; . • ladrTutisfitnriallt ol;coefotubneti:tfateloafiletlepieenpi.!b"..'l' ••• dec'd. I' - 1 ""übete, Final account of Samuel Neely. uni,„;,. . dames' Buckley, minor son of Jai n ---. It 1 . ~ es o ur _ kith Final account of James Rams e y ,„; „,,. Debdrairffane- Stevenion. t 1 ' ''' - ' - ' 144 - - ' uP' d aughter Jonathan Stevenson,; deed. •• , Final account of Win.: buni el r ; 1 ,,,, hr John M. Dunlap, minor son • of itel je ',,; D al l of dee'4. , '' .Ii . 019, - Final account pt Wm. Dunlap, ,„...,• - ',lisnies'A'. Lickhart; Minor owl . f Dunlap ' ,„ of hfi F tt i -d a e l c s ' o d c . o . untllif li j ui l . A. Pr l a o ter, tt1 °11 .3,1 11 L i C4 n : /PIZ ' tJ . Fortier, Minor heir of Eli 1- Lee a e l ;iti de rfiti acclitit l ts of Edward .tsThj:ll'' genii:llan of Edward W. and Pereivil R.ll ';. l , ' l i n minor children of JaMes 'M'Gill, deed -'' Bi The accounts (Real land Personal) of fie g i c ettalte4, admintstrator of the estate of h e. ' oliert Cunningham; deed. • - Plant account of James Smith and lieu Aitti Marten, (fonnerli Mary Ann Tocker) e j. . ecutors of the estate of , ( Samuel Tucker. d er ;.,l L Deaver, ~I A. R. :lOORE, Mo.y g, ':.6.11 Register. 1 ---------•-,_ liqlutible Ihirmv for sale , UTILL be offered at - Public Sale, on tit- Iry btu DAT . 07 e.F.NE,_486 . ,C, . 1 . • —.=- 1 About 283 acres of la d, lyirik on either sid e of 1 the, road leading I from Morrow's )lii) ji j IfoOkstown, being in the township of !Bo • pendenee, Beaver county, l'ennkylvanis. Tej i 11l conprises Two Aqjoining Farris, crtau.' tag respectively, abodt. ititS and l'.li act The '•first ha's good Sprin g et., Water, alioutli acres, anti' of cleared 'land, with Dwelling tiotecE it. ;Horse Barn,and also some fruit treesupie i The balance of thil'. tract is well tiatostri ' It is in pretty good repair. The other farm (or It.l acres) has abcuiD4 acres cleared, with -ti+o %Veiling Bonsa i / Barn and other out buildings; has an Grehrl' of about 80 or more apple„trees of lirge site, and good bearers; , rityci re.numbtr of pear tat, cherry trees. It has itkewise excellelntSprkg Water., I - r The aboie land was i the property of t ie. j er il. AilliarnlObney, deceased, who res;ded stoi' I tthe same. It will•he aold on the preumes, ty 1 I the agent of the heirs. to the Ilighesrsol ben ILbidder; one-third of the Purchase money to j Iremain charged on the preni,,r.,..:,:rlsrtl:e life 'of 'the widdw 'of, the deceased, tla , L7r erescar I the said third to he pto aid. herosautztr sir I 1 at her death the principal t il 'sal to the ' ' heii s aforesaid or to i t heir legal reprewasat7,se.„f I The other two thirds ... r the pocLaze mut, to , , 1 4 be paid a.l Nlioes: i'he third ~Cf ti." amoeba' 4, cash in hand; add 4n , third in one, ard•onei Ithird in t pro years. /Ail deterred paj meats td be secured by moat -age on. the premises. and 1 first.ti l l v p. t t o y b ui d e m at a . de l t i o tell i a ti a r a c.sz r .4 %11 ora.77telt • tolf. tbdogh adjoining, in t'vo separate tracts,. ss. above , lescfill.c.i. I - pr!M rrLr:' l jlf'r T 4l :7 ludt°Clluin": . 4 ives,C:l uptl helg;nt. DIL THO:XSON. • Seventy-SiZ. P. 0., I t;epemience Tp rer Co:, - Pa. [May 1, Isce. SHERIFF'S SALES. , . ~ Dr, virtue Of sundry rite cf Fieri Es.:lio ..1., add Vetirlitioui liipahas, isiued out, of tlt e.CoUrt of Counnori' Fl - en'a of the'.C.:.unty of Brater, and, to - ute directej, i will ex,- ,, iso ia public sttle..i.t:the . S.heriltiS - .diee, in C...e hoot' (if Beater. in . - the county .nftresail, .'...1 ~ •i. - . , Saturda - r8 June 23 1 166, 1. ••• ) • at lb o'clot•k in' the fur &noon. the f.hotot pror)eriY-, to wit.: ...,...... All theright • title ifiteresrantfetaimnfde• I - • ! ' J endant. of, in and to the fpilipl - ing ilttoribtil. 1 houie and lot bfgroutO,situateluthetoieco t of Frankfort Springs, Beater' cl. Pa.,r ,, uriel ['on- the . north by - the 13earer and FivorKt read, on the-cast antlfoulh . hy ian'd of J01i,.1., 1 - La . lify.ainstreeror. i taining one-fourth' of.au..acre, more or.lte. 1 on tyllichis erected a friune house, one ell half, stories high;- a nura.ber of fruit trent! ,the lot. • ' ' . 1 IRSeized and taken in execution:is the proP erty :of ,I..ewis Saxtorr; at the sat; * 141. 1 razier - St Co. . ' ', ,-, ALSO. No. 2. ', AB .;the right, tqle. interest and ems,' Of defendants, of in anttto that certain fel Or ' . pnreel of land; situate in Ohio tatua4 , Beaver co.;Pa. ' boundmi,anddiecribed as follbwa, to wit: Beginnirg - -1-tekory,caln bank of the Ohio river, thence by land oflin-, iel Chond, north 2 degree;,; ;vest 45 pereheito a ; atone ;' thence south S'S degrees, not 31 Perches to A stone; thence •by land ofßene, Smith's heirs south one 'and onc-fourtb degree east 45 pierchea to, a stone on the-book of the Ohiocrivir; thence north ES degrees, east ° A 'Pcithes to place of beginning). contitinnig 71' acres, more or less, being the same tren 4 1 . tand conveyed-by Conrad - Selvid and w.ife n., Robert NeWnisin, Henry.-eappell and lia, 11111, t hy indenture, dated the I lih doe oflte nary, 1864,.and recorded in Deed Book No. 0; PaLe 547 . &c. There are erected on theaktot described premises two frame buildings—one s ware.ronin;the;•otbet used - for a pooery : also' a steam- engine and boiler. suitable for 10 1 4 an oil,well, with derrick and firuunk, Tiler' are oil wells on ilia premises, in. one of orldell ollAtta been obtained.. , „.,, • - ; S izett and taken iti execution, 10 the f-r; erty.Robert 'tlewinlin; -Henry Cappellazi. e.t siis Henry. ill, at ttioksetit' of Cl:Trail Sella I ` ', Sir 'Te x Aigreaidi. ' ' - . .' ' , .. • \ „11t',1.. LEDLIE, Shen!' •: Ileaver,'May 18, 180. ' - -:. ! • _ . lja,ug4 11J0e . Gas ! fIOME ALL }YE. THAT HAVE , '_ Dkil ``" ' X.l aufferiug till, unt4d :miseries of WI ache, and Dretitof Ext ction, andyeeCw, find tbat, Dr. Chandler,• Son arc reed! L ° r l \ Relitrie you by-ths use of Lb Grest Atie,De' etroyer, tiMs Laughingr Gas: and. ' it's Oxre t . of A P ll ler e t n ir t ei op atl o e ra r t t i h e a n t . P p i e t r in t : ini \ za, . ii the Dr_ polaihic. manner, and alas rcasonsbi taco" any good Mantles in Abe county. , • ' . , itercHtitte in RoCheiterHetvier Ststie , • 'my! 66 ' . : 'T' J.CfiANDLER'It SOS -. ' , , 'OAL ! •• T AM prepared to delj.4e s ,r ,Goal of - Oil 1 quality on shortest- notteC. • Orciero at Atkins' ClOthin Storeillesver , fitl Sballenbergar's Groc ery, Bridgewater , 'a foie Co.'S Dry Good Store, Radiator, C,eeire prompt' itsionties. - -la'- '004•020'16-41m: *Ve"' ' 3 4lC )l ). 3. EE otelt BEAVER- PA. 4 4 ' - • . DARK," Propr i etor: GOOI; 1 STABLlNiii&sled WO' Remoi. aaid:4loo.l4 \ I . i . Ilii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers