111 II Imo '7 -lift igt,kif-,E-ITAfiGtiS. , MAY 50i11,1806. r r 'and itcSOELLANEOTI& 4494 m litNaoA3!, JR., '54 Fifth 01.; pia*_ wg ,is the iuthorli4 .- agent. for the istaue • ip that c:ty Tke school' house m Chippeas "township, 10 0 ". ,' i s kte " Flying School j House," .was • Muck by lighting on Sunday the 20th. instant, '' d coutitlcrably damaged. . . , ip , . • . . : iir Tbe Canton Reputdier stye that the :4parheads of that .plaeelst week made up ,„." it, • •;:(,f $lOO and forward s it, by-express, 4d,fliory A. Wisp; of Itlehmox , Va. • ----..-------.._ • " L prA fire at St. elairsville; Belmont coon -7 Ohio on the 22d, destroyed a square 'of .! ' • 0 moat valyable property in the town,involv iial loss of $260,000. !JrThe fair of ' the Coluinbiane County iiricalturel..society will be held . at New Lis orb,' on Tocklay, Wednesday And Thursday, ieptember2lith, 2Gih and 27th. , . Atictsrsu.—The Lelgislature, at its last ses tiolii, appointed a joint committee to. Contract l a . E t 'e paintiir of the Battle of 'Gettysburg: l Th l it committee met on Friday, 'and 'awarded 11) contract to Peter C,. - ltothenctel, of the ei- V f philifleirbia. The painting is to be a i odd grair, representing It . liatile twit miles l '32L. , 4 ' - ' , ig,Sisteen that sand barieli,of sour are . lyip. 6 in the warehouie of one mill at Minna- Minumta,. awaiting the opening o wignti6n,to to shipped east. Nearly three nill:ons of bushels of wheat are in store 1.61:1s baCiOn on rail and river await irg 2itlEinent, wh:eh (1013 not .include the. istge eniounti still held by farmers. Durarctios or riA11:1119111111# BILIDOE.••••• E s taer...y morning, one, .o'cloCk, the Ilitteria odd the If ar i riebut g bridge or that yorikt which connect the city with Forster had, Ira! destroyed by ':ftre,inrolving a foss of bey; ion sixty thouttaud and ninety. thous- Ilits• life was the,work of an incendi-. • georiOnah 'Wood, Edward Granden and Wright,lhtliel living. in the upper cad of i;rene Ounty,_Peunsylvania, had each a child ()13 nu. iong !HUGO. Wood gave to hie. the I ' • - 4,sr.c. •T pbert E. Lee W God,. Crandon that 'if C. L. V.allar prandon, and Wright N hid Ill'epring that' of. Jefferson • bayis rrigiu. • .• jam," Tile Mercer Dispatch. says: Robert Nap, IVe;lf creek tp., met with ati i accident nut TtisS`day ,vening which caused hie death i;L iqatLazi two bourn. lie had been hauling ith a team of yotlng horses, and When re turning.f veil the neld with the empty- wagon; !titles:it I.e.:3rue frightened and • ran away.- 2 - lietiome boa: de on the wagon being thrOwn ef,lle pitched forward on the double trees .ar:•1 becitme entangled in the traces, and vas Itutsv . .gel &MI his head badly- crushed lie only lived two hours after; be:4 reecut,l , sad vre 'not conscious front the tilue,of; tke injury.%. 6 _ • .., 1 IS.* : the ' it ; II _inst., A. J. Pettit, Esq., 1 vas 'rated on to isOld - in inquest on the body of 1 an uriCauera Lltau:dicaind floating in the Ohio i ricer; 51,s bodri•hr.d be - sa in the water so 1 :lock. and was lisuch decomposed that it was tiaeult 'for the jurY to determine whether the * punning was a.icitiontal or the result of vio ' lence. -• . The efonf4 was 01 foreign birth, sup poseti.to be,a Gesjirturt; ,about five feet thiee inches in height, and about CO years of age. i Ilia feet were' wiaPped in linen clothes, and had boots on. [ lA:sitiAll galvanized watch with • -: ' I •. 1 't I • 1 i I hoe chain, and a composition ring; were found on the body. the ring encircling the lit-, dein,* of th' rig ht, hand, With 'the letters' ?•+l.l. 11: - eagra ed on it. e The body was prop e 1 aly interred ; ad thsjury rendered a verdict w 1 , r - -inaccordauee ith tho above. fedi. . 1 i • • , ... i , ', • Iccirvrti.-L-Ota Wednesday evening, a din ; tressing and ' 4 Fttal Accident occurred on the Pittsburg. k"ert Wayne and Chicago Railway, near Rucheater:i The five o'clock eastern bounil/miliirilli had just left the 'station et 1 Rocbeitor, L -wheti the engineer, named John , Fitzsimons, had occasion to leek out at the 1 side 'of his engini. Which, was rapidly . incises- ing - her speed, but glancing back at the train, tld,:; which he stretched himself forward, kis ltesd teas Saddenly-tirought into contact, with G telegrf.ph pole, wiirch leaned over the track. kooeking blitz off the engine, killing ltbn in. neatly. Fitzsimoes brother, who was act_ . ins as fireman, immediately stopped the train srulbacked up - to re over the body, was fatuidlying alongside of the.track'quite dead: The hack or 'Fitzsimon's bead. 'was badly thattrisd, and blood weaooring - from Mei ears , szd month. The body was placed-on board of. et train and conveyed to Sewickley . . '; I Miss I.lary Gilmore, daughter of Captain liG.i l nore.o4 BritigeWater, bid one of Jicr Fins i;oketblast batuisiaY, by. being thrown from a lose. as it broke through and fell while cros sing& ',Adze vier Sie r 'Xiile - run.—Locel. r_k! INIITRIIMENTII KIND TO '.llry.--We have tried for some months Mason Cabinet Organ in our congregation' . tad see satisfied that it is all that was reproitited. It posseises both. •sweetness and pelf, and weibeilove, from its '''inbstintial' , raitli;that it will not be wanting durability; fleV.] Siselnaroa; East Liberty." "The Mason ft Hamlin Cabinet Organ rew e4led more than a 'year ago for my chureb.• hes glses entire s a tisfaction. It is doubtless o.ne thz bekt investments es.er , made by my cagregatiQn. • [Rev.] J. N. Palms, Wellsburg, 176.'t - 9:he 'Sisson Slliamlin llabinet Organ lies beta in use since ulc received it, and gives en tire t..tisfsr Lion. We wotdd. not Os without it trthrse times thelcost. . • ' w i P. 1 4 11. linorga; Indiana-, Ps." Pencns intending Id purchase atf ., ustzl l . -. ".seat fo r t i'Churchtshotild not . to,csonninif. 4 e 3lJson grin:din:Cobh* .Orgiusiet the:, I gq!C7 in. this 'City —,waierooms, Wead: stvon; or, if residing out, ocrtowp, to !tend rfk,,-1 ss eh4rtitti; inarinitioi in the iiibeci, and will I b• isit free to, anioni 6...m.lictr . co', 81 Void ...kketsfr.l !419 • ; -I "Nlisistaiktis snotlisr'ool um • • , %$ El OE EM 7 /2/IC 7 C . r.l'l. Fi rr g; r i a;rSIID I T ( I3 - ‘ k e.,, passe a •1, , as . , . iher . k, , entipylyaniA - - . I.lgiriplire, l air. uires[thitt )Hall dPedaYiAlli-bobArYanNi atia .fc#: la , Aqlfiz-Arll , he\Pl . l ll/401)fifilt - ,tl ' f_. 811a11 be t reetiiitcid ireith'elifflcllibirii+ `norditig of deeds it; the Count-y where 'the labda lie, within is nioniha t ifa,r I • the exciution or -sue dPedir 'acid Ciiil: veyani'pl; .apd -rvery.lrtrieli ;deed ! , .And conveyance tot, recorded as aforesaid, shall isi judged fratArilene anifrirOirf againit any subNequp_t purehaPer for a val able corieideraion, unless such ti dadsbe •rect.deui • ti , fore :the record; ingi4i tiiideltd Of • conveyance 'uncial whieb: such itubseqAPot -purnhas6r:or mortgagee shall claim." This"' is a veryi4nportant notice : and those' hold ing uilireeorded deed will aqurithe im portance ofi l haiing them : recorded withott dela r Y: 'I i_., •'. - _ , NO i BOUNTY OR rh.Y TO 11EIRi ; OF DEsEarzes.—lt.hae s' en ruled by the dA " t Seconudyt ToCat e Treasery,.WhOile deeisilm , •hus,.been Sustained , by, the Second Corriiitrollerl thi.t no Bounty • . of - arrearriOti of pay will be allowed to,„the widow or hei r rs t of any(individ tial,iwho,, at luT woe, deserteci frbm the service of the' llnittd States; no , emuiteir hoW,short th desertion,- not. 1 , . . withstkiudi'Ug he play itive subsequent ly served out thu teem of his 'enlist inent,l In the prt.pated bill.e Rowbe fore' c'ongre4s, this iotir:ris adopted, 1 and all:deseriters ar exeltidesl from the benefits tbiireof , , 1 , .... 4......L.... :___ i lirteresting to .. ~ The new Woolen Pactot of Mr. Jos. Ponte fract ii i. nowready to don?l kinds of custom 1 .. wqrk, as•will be seen by his attiertisenietit is apoitte_colutan,to which!attention is directed: Those of our readers in :4e coitittiy ititq have IL wool icj . work up, would do! well to give him a call. l'4lr. P. is a ivootta nnfoicturer of long experience in the bnsinesi, nd is determined• that. th,e work turned out:at his Factory 'hal be second to none in the -country, aid further that it; shall be done on:jhort notice and yea eieue.ble Aerms... Remem er the place. nearly opposite Oilliland's Store New"Brighion, Pa. i — . , • , I . lb i Soldiers' Aiterrtion. . . I i 1 4 Thcre will be a meeting of the Sol-i dierslof Beay . er county,, at thr - Court: linus, in Beavii,.oal Thursday even.,4, .intk,"3ll.st, Tor. the pUrpose of -electing deleiates to the ,Convention that , • 1 • ri meets in:Pittsburg on the sth day of. June 4 ' A. ftill Attend*nce ib deaireu. 1 : _--4 . _:___:__. sfulTWe teal l attea,tion to the gairer 'tisement,.of Alex. Cli i 1 krk, n anntirr .- collunln i ,, - "Alec." ha* o pened. an eat— ing hbuse on the - bi ncEiit tile. mouth of IslfirtdrltittOind NVO are 'informed keeps a first (leas eiting hbinte. .:Giive_ him 0. eall,-and our word for it, yOu will chine away satisfied. 1 , t_ ' SOrCol. Charles t. Shriner • Willsd• dressithe p'eople of eaves eounty at the Cimrtliouse on Tuesday. eveni rg. June isth: ' - • 13,dit4r$ Argus: In the-history of the Ilett4r! Seminary. as -given in the last. Atgut,,ithere is this, - Mistake - i• . "The practral idea Was first Augee ' sted by Rev. I Bishop, Sirnp4on. of the `At E. Giturr!lr." It did Inkt originate with Simp6onl lie neither icriew,. or thnUght of' it lunitil it waronggerit— ei:Vtolhim' This is the true origin, of the . Slinitiary :• I was hereon, a visit, and while taking: with Mrs Judge Agnew about a Seminary we had cern meriCivf in.Oreensharg, Westnioreland cotr.tir, it- Occurred to me .that Beaver .would ;Lid it - good place forieSeminarY., arid sliggested it to her. After talk ingtci her. I went tio see M.r Shiveley. to 'see; Itcliat his house (W i ttere B. A erson hots , fiVes)cou Id be bought for.. On my. way.lhorne . I called on Bishiv 4 Simpson, eptiversed t'ith him 'on at silbjeet,•itild arranged to come 'with' ". and.-look after the matter. It is d small matter, I know, but it is 'better to have the facts. i • ver, May M 1 24; 1866. I k' BAN K NorEs .— C~,te~ideraGle taz ,ness is expressed by ;business' men !and 'others, saps the Harrisharg Teiegi!•apii; 'stoma the • totes issued by Stsitel barks. particularly since ,2t.be failuro Of. 'several bunks in the oil re gion.' Afterlooking over several laws on the subject, - we believe that after the.firet day of July the banks will be required to pay a iertain tax uptin all Stateibank notes they may pay fat in the course of- business There is-no tax upon reeeiVing lho The banks will, t bereft:ire,. eßittinue to__take them[ -on deposit, or in payment of debt4 as heretofore, but instead-of putting them-in circulation l again sill send them for redemption. Upon this process. no ,tax will be - ' levied , , and as,, the . exist i ing banks - in- Pentisylvane'l are 4fhliged to redeem their old issues nobody ill rose- anything. - `The ef— fect of this regulation will be to with., Ott* 'the 'old bank notes' grsdnally frimij,eiretilation! Persons who hold these notes neea be in no hunk to get rid. of them, as there no danger .ot I loss - 1 by- not sending them home at once. A eudden rush of such 43zirebilp. cy to: the banks will only ptoduce in convenience,- Without being, 'Of the . leastladvantage to the holders or anyd body; else. I l• Eorm; . • , .... . .. ...- . 0, 4 ' cßP,tain liu4oq. Ann9tineOti, thatihe. intends to7:cross the Atlantic! mean in '-a , meiotic' ilifti-boa‘ tiventk- . :• feet Icing aid six feet'bibad; 'The iittlei*estel 3ft - t0 be shii, rigged, init . beside the poptaio-is to thke..oue man. ti.adsori, it- 48 ,sajd,, intehds' going to Lope on first, titter-which he wilirTiki . t tliii -* ringiiii.l reettonri.,.6l:kies.. of_ tho Old' oif.d'lliitliltie LillitoutiSC' instil, er and . tillilton.:oliiiiihiii , th litiVParis .sv ?chil4tiftt)k - for: bio44 3l l, l nit . been exPekosifii depiriitl: - . .. . 1 ' I P.9.riimppoq - - Ile g :t iLtitIVTI . - '. iWiiiin ' d . The it . , i saHe ~. .• , ittrialiffpgamed the bill equalietng%binntlep;of, ealdirt Sailer‘iffd 4pitifid# itlfitr!wefts %fag ed in the late war: !- There . were only two votes: gainstly pa the call ol - the yeas and aye, Messrs. Nicholson, of De I a werfr oct ( 4 1letnibtoratitentileky. Thereiwas little or no debate on ttbe bill) • ft provides , in l liriefilthat to ev eryisuldierleailor o x taar.ine_ who has been eir - tay 64 iiiitiiirfitily ifigieburged from tlie,seryfee there..shall be fillofv.„ ed eigh tl and - one-third' defiers per month; or. the ,rtitcr . of. ;one hundred dollare_periyeac for all the time which 04 serred - betty/ice:el ~ ATTril 11 - 110861; and April 19th 1865 ar.d i tn case: they have been ' i dischargeti - - from the ser vice on acc,onet lot wounds received in battle lot:While- eriga.'red,in. the line of duty„the i , laid allowance of bounty shiW ll' . eora'plited' and paid cip'to the (30(l of t the term - of, nervier) for which tit" enliattrAiiiVitei ienade , f lii:'• cam'''. -Cif'- death :cif any .while ,in the eerviee;tir , in Case of death af)er cliieeharge t and beforeqbe :end of the ieria of enlist merit or discharge, on sitioeat of be ing wounded, the allowance of pay ment alien ibe made .. to his i ridovi if I elle ham nofibeen reniarried; 'or if there I be Mo IwidOst . then to the -minor chit; 'dren of tai ik deceased who may bean der sixteelr years;of aye., In COM 4 pitting and !ascertaining the-bounty to be Inaiii thermshall be deducted there from all bonniies already paid or, pay-; able tinder existing laws by tbi3 Uni-* tell Stateetj or by any , State, county, i city, town.lbr oche) mumeipal organi- I.Tation, or by any yoltntary assoma ' t!Oti;ao tbat is 110' ease' ;slialbtlie-ag g rf ' ? gate amount of bounty= allowed and pod.fromiall rioureeici'eice‘ed eight and one-!bird ' ~ dollars lot each month of ,actual s; - rvice, cir at the rate of one I hundred dollars per year. N a boon 'ti it to be paid, fo any substitute or to any ;sibldier dire hanged du the ground of 'being a Minor or to a- rebel deser ter Vltio ec4isted in the tnitect, States &rink., NO, assignments or tratiefers .1011bountiee are to be permitted. The .Ipassale of ithig bill by !,he'lteilate is i 1 , regar ed ae extremely dOuhttal. The The °illy elle:lion to ir , is a financial Done. IA eSrefuV; eitimate snows that it 'Woiild not take less than two bun. dre' mi m d lliens fro the Treisury. • ~ ME Firmera. Fin Or Tu WORLD.4 7 ProOteeies.are again inirent respecting'tho end of the world. Ilts reverend gentleman, of the Millerite persus sioln;pr'otliets universal dissolution in 1888. • { 4 , lnother one times the lit of. August, 18e6, is theelosit4g up of time. ; MARROID: • • On tp• lit h instant, by . Bey. I_ Murray, W-fr,arn F. 2'01:4[ -and KATIC pAMPIIIELL, both of llndustry,'Bealrer county. ; • On the 24th instant, by Rey. E. M: Wood, Mr". Anrinsoi l t MAautas, of Darlington , to Miss MAST B ; GILAILOI, of Freedom. I May ;28, at the National Hotel , rl:iptver, by* Bey. 3 S., Bracken,Mr. Jowl Waive. of •J- • Bayard's Station, Columbiana' county, Ohio, to MiseiJamsts Itincasth, of !MUTTS, .Stark r county, l Obto. , . BEAVER.• MARKETS. I. nottancrry BY WM. ' Una. '- Flour. iier tibl '' • ' , - , -, Talf 75 Dried- 4pplc4i per litiat -1 250 do Ileaclies" - 3OW _ . , Wheat! 2.00 I Coin - - 1 . 3 p. 1 f 011iei " - 45 nix Seed, j 2 2S Bens, - " ' I . . ' •4: 1.75 Po stogs, ~"' ...., 1 - . - , 125 Orrionei I 1 . - f• 150 Coen pleal.. •. "- 80 Eggs, f per dui Butter 1 per lb. I " shOulders, Sides, •6 Tallow, ; Lard. f r .4 CaOdleN, 1 per g 111.... CaidrolrdiLl paaix., l --Corn--Sules of 500 bush on traCk qfse• 303 bosh`Rio; Name .t. g. 41 1 , ~;!.. • , .., . ... urea i vats.:--atee 2 ears vt ester!" at elevator lat 55c. Rye—Sales of: four cars ,itrack: at. 81 por bushel.--'; 8450 R of 13 100 buahels clubs from ela• vatcr, l B2 7 l 1002 H.' . , • - . ROTA 068 = Sales of: -100 bushel peach lilow, at $1 40. ' Bacoxf-Sboulders;•- 10,000 lba ii to a, 141R21-4ie; sides; ribbed. 8,000 UT. 17®17ic; hams, platicstigde cur ep, 5 000 i lbs, 2.1.1®22c; canvassed do, 231323/c. :, - - - ', . ~ • I.l,Atan-!- Sales of 15 I.lds at 21.4®220: COuntryiseils at 2001t1.' ' il.ods-t•Sales' of 12 bblti at'2l®22e IBUIITEp.--StlloB of 20 packages 111 lots at :R ®2sc per quality, 1 - ettExak,--Gilits.hen is quoted, at 21® 220; Weatern'Reaerve at 16®18e. • I .lioo - Ott; =Balm of 85 -bbls No. 1 MIS / . 83 ®! ' B5 Per gallon. ' , SOadium MOLASSES—SaIes ii a small. y at, 55®60c, • , IHAF4SaIes • at the ware , reported at $22 00®26 00 per ton,. • *Leda -4Extra'faniily,winter wheat, 260 hbleit 111215®12 -50, 100 bbl* do lti ItiOettfigures '' Spring wheat, Paler Oven 'that 'there" Will be mint ing of.the "B OPuPtY. Oil Co." at the tr. 8: Revert - no offtee: .tbe 16th day-of June.' it 2 o'clock is the' afternoon; for di „parpoae of orgatdzinfunder, the General Law .- - 1 D. L....ndsun3;P l eget. 13et`y. '. nty2B: CO II ! IWILL deliver to . the citizens of Itoshesi.er, Bridgewater, Beater and `vieinitY,.,a good quality of Coal; thiiehortest"notice. War_ ons,can. gni timi„be supplied at the Bank - , on .111'Binley's -sun, .adjOintng -the- blink - of Wm. Porter, Esq: -- Orders ten midi John A. Frazie, Biivif,lstritie di Bhillc:ntergir,Bridg. Stele!, i!I camp, jr;," Rooliestsr,,will resolve prompt attention. 11 C.,01.TE/t._ • ;/: • ' i!tid6eirat ers IBM ' 20 I , 25 • 25 16 18 16 18 20 90 70 SBURG IVLOLKETS. MONDAY, May 21, 1866. EEG 'bay Crileshods,Va 'hires Ihmlqpilimilie -, t I _ CW; • Gem sissca i nalsw f10w047. • I—-...- . 1 _ .. , . Industry ••,,snuaolo ~ t ; 7 f'rCif 'Trill -11:111iyii (Fo man,) GeOrge Siodart. - ' - - - litilOteir: 3 *OO4 fichtniii (W. Keoo6 •BPAkOi I n hT rgt o r, a.ni.sei„ 1 M. eire i. .:st ' Ptlge ter;*liaßrti?. , iiiii'ttiehriii; -'):: • =- - Big *Oar: jmnell H.ccalhogia l l .., Falliton:• - R: { ,1".1 cliiiteit - 1 - -.1. , Now - BrightOn: b:.iE to'bounb"rii . ll;., Soutiii%eaveri ,itobe gaistr4 Andrew . Johnsion,Satuuol 41wrourai,. 13aMued Mitchell;',, 1, i . :,,.,, .I '.:,- 1 , Ikon - :DenitUPSIOYt- il r i ul !'4 4 '!a s i Reed - i--- ' —;. -'` --- --, • ''' - I” - ' Ohio: Janiek.LNlalt;;;-'-• ,-_ Roches - ter ITo: ,paftla.Hiteholt; . Hopewoll:., wjp.1491- moDpwil„4;. ; r . Pulaski: Jiunas P__lrlin) i I . Freedom ßoro 1: like. Pikrkinson; . ..North ,Senii:efflY ,`. John . Awlek; c i Rochester Borough: Lewis - Bay a Greene..Waihm'eton Reed; , 1 , -'• i rsirrra-,-/lILIT MlONzyy• .... i Green . ,obn-I' 'Andrews, Thorn .. = , Brunton, JOS, CamPbell,John Swan Isaac, Eakin; Joins,* Latham; ' . J Moon: Allen Brdok4lohn Stew, Cornelius Vreygeridt; = • Hanover : , josteph Buchanan, 'V CaiO, Henry I latnee ' li r m Miller,. i , Now.Sew . ipklyi: G 80. - Bunt,o,S Enierick, Josephlllajors... ' Economy:11100y 4.. 'Bryan ,' Dit Ehrmnn,Wn& •Larkins,Alex. Foray Bridge water: Thomistampbeil, Jolla 8; Dickey, Chas. Stone; i Raeco‘in: Antliony , Chriatler, R Barnes, Jankes 017; •.• -• . .1 IDarlitigtoli: 'Stip. Mi Crawford, J Young; ' .° '• ,; 4 ''' . I South Beaver: giintlet G. Cough Failston :,-. Georg? Douglas, Ili Henderson; .- -I - ••••• -. i • Ohio: Npblo d ruhann New Brighton; R R. Hoops, El Militiele, .Joieph - r. , Pugh; - • ~, I Rochester Boro • J .' R. HuClells John Stiles; Josep h Vandevor, 4, McGoun, L. H. Oittrfian; • . Indepentl4nCe:l- Wm Kennedy; . 1 Freedom i:ll3e l ircon'gt 4 : David - Love , Brighton TOwnship:4 - no. 31.'lliat jr..n.lio SOrnera. . ''.. ' ._ I I _Big Beayer:l Jas. Patterson, Rot Crawford,,lfugh J. Marshall; , I Roehente.r - Tpt-, 'Robert ;Ramsey; Phillipsimig: John hi: Shrodes; Beiver Boro: Moses Scott, John ' 1 Purvis; - I Mat ion:1 Austin _Thomis; 1 . indostry:,•Samuil. Todd; • Harriny: Dania Carothers; - - Glasgow:, Smug! Cunningham; , North Sewickly: Nathan Hazes .1-fookii4oi.i.; lit. JohnALitteli; Frank n: He nr y J Pulaski; i Elwoi)d.libornee;_, Borough : Tp: John Weaver. . I !SECOND - Roche ter :3., 'Andel Monroe tiler;, , • Reou.lmy; Jonathan Biddle , :11. Berry, - . Benj.' X. Beigbley; • • liookcavni TboV,Biliettamore. 11 Witherspoon; • BirubeTJ A. B. Jolly; ID)pevitellii•WilltsA-Cifveri; • Raceoon no. Chrb4t., Th o Gore Darlinktaii: thigh Dilworth, 1.4 Edger, jilh'4 • :Dav i t;'• • , M.arion:4lto'sTreneh; Indepengence: i Leander Holmes; I• . • Greene: John Kerr, Tho Withdt - lnciustr):•: Rich'd ;Knight; ~• Brighton: William Lester; - Roehee;ter tp: A 'f".•Laenek; • BridgewAter:., john Dutton; -Harmnny-: DaVid Lens; H . S. Beaper:../341 M'Elrny. John I VrAnklin: - Sarripson MeQuietoti; Freed Ont,: RObert M'Cuskey; liorib Marshall, William PUr(ei.; - • Fraplabrf bOro: Thu.- Nichol Hugh . 34.''euteheon; , • MoOn: I S•k;ePli ( Nevin t , • • . New - Sewiekly: Robert Perter; . Need tan: C. W..T41.1r:' 1211 E Notice. lIST of ipplieantrforLicenle it June sions,! 1866: I 1 1 . HOTELS, 40. 1 James P. Parrish • Brighton to; :, • John Alleband ... ... , .... Darlington boro; . I Aden . / Johnston Rochester boicc Richard i.Doncaster do do' ,1 David. gaw - New Brightbn li,, John D itt '- ' .Darbngton‘borol la R. L. B aker (Trustee):..Harmony,tp; • 1 Michielstimp, jr • ' ROchester boro; Samuel. Wallace New Sewickly tp; John 11. Canip - • • Rochester bore; Andrew Swaney,... • Greene tp; .Nicliolasiltufer boro: - ' Phillipsburg bot • Da,vid - Johniton ' ' - Big Beaver tp;_, _ . . To s'e)l liquor iti quantitiee not less than on quart, laid:l4.66de; wires and therchandisei • • Wm:.Bee L teitstein' :'..A...'.Edenotnitp; ' •• C. :F: Resicher:. . ... ... ....Phillipsburg bore; Peter Angel • ....Bridgewater boro; : .8...1... Baker (Trnete)...litinnony , tp,- . 1 . . i i. G. c.. Speierer .... ... ....Rochester boro. I- Jno. B. Dickey.. .:. '. ..I.....B.ridgeWater. r '.. I • . ~ , d i sawn) ionsits. ~. I - I • : Friel:toils Blount ..-..'.. 4.... New, Brighton bore; .W.& J. Ili'rtiltenitein.!:....Roononty tp; f= : Henry iltAgner..:.: ... , I .:..:Ne* Brightetber; John Aber .. , .:.i , • l ' ' Ind stry tp; Elizabeth RlpFier...l .... :Freedom District. 'mayl6'66 ' JOHN A: FRAZIER, Cl'k. , , $1 AAA . PE 11 YEAR'' . 1 w e Cell jl otisYntYr:D re il) stern;ltarbheiren. to 1 Three neWkinds. , Lind' and Oyer fee4..4ent on Wel. l'i‘Tarranted swyeitrit.' Above la ry 'or large cepunissio . paid: The orzx vi ii chines iold , in United tates for lesstiiiii $4O, which are I:Adiy hunts d by Hove, _ Mean' it I Wilson, °relies •43 , Stmjer .64 . ,1 and Baedelder. tAU othir cheap machines i re ig fringeValliS .r. 4 they' a orb ere pabrfe fe as. rettfaseend,' '' . . Illustistedirirculdis sentfree. I lit dress*. Op upon ;Shaw &Clark, atiddeforkiiiiiiii i t,' Or Cheitito; lIL .• I • may 16 , 166. (isl ly. , 2nawly. azal/ 41 0 6 ` `- „DOCTOR l' • 37 . 1 V. . G.LTYBI Wilt 1!;;Ielloe Surgerilk . Medioin6:? • oi4oisiog4ha..new , •Dnat Storo of k Loris 4i. ;, °atm', Bridteontir, Pik r;n: r (04211: !ERIE EM i 4 , : ;. I :=, V: t. S I i• . ' A r. 'f' lIIM `CRABD: ilig C SPRING.M 1 =IN 1, GE NEW N lia2 E EMPORIfif 1J ND SRO ,cob .• „.. . •=; BRIDGEWATES. 1-- -••-- - 1 . ";, • • , • 1 • 1 s3' C) MO 3EI Mk; Bilk,. Mourning and - 13traw,all the latest,lty X.Cacties 9 ,l_3lissess n d Chilc.preires "late . • Large,stook, &Os, au Oliesp.i Trish:tri.l.34.lo4 • All kinds, very .eheap. It*.bbons;i 'Flow er*, Hitches, Ortuttnents, Silver Fancy and Mixed Cords and Tassels,. Hair Bolls, l air Netts,, FancY Combs, Fancy and Mour.ng Collars, Embroideries, all kiwis, 811111: - .Fro a ts, I..inen.Handkercliiefs, Corsets, Dress Hiltons; Braids, Cords and Bolles, old LadiSs' aps,llte. 113 NAT . • I Very Cheap.' LADIES FINE BASK: Ts; • • I ' I •• ' Hosiery yia • • 1 ----.; -BL - ACK .&. IWR.IT.E BALMORAL ;SKIRTS. MEN & BOYS' HATS, " HOOP, LA- I r' "• DIES' CLOTHS. • .r • . Men's white and colmd. .• L k a; XI COM iti; • Luting and Sid Gaiters, cheaper) - :gp‘Thitgoluis will be sold tiny TROZII4 to IS:110 If,' r he; er., ayi ' gh, nd, oho TY; on, UM 1121 WLllll3a4:e , straw Boniettiar.d Hate altered, • : 1, . Camp. ,i ' mph ig, E ,Pinking anti funk and makißg en short not ;. _tett shirts made tci order. Mac hi ne • Rememlie,r the place op re of A. C. Mullst,:corner Briar t streets, Bridgewater. L Ray. f. W; IV HO 1 EM ow; 'EAVEII, BOOT 1 • 4?-itII • ' 41s1 Mil lib j, INAY ,RE IiCTIv ( Eld TRAO.RD 110 TO P ui • ev . ING jut, LA lES', GEN T'S'EOYS' 1 1 DIEN'S SHOES 80,1 I • ..;'. , GAITERS, SLIP; 1 • , 1 '1 ) .R.8, &c., - - For Spring and Sunnn . . 3 1 i FRGS! PIIILADtIRHI ~;' lep prepared to a ccenimodate m old cu t i mers and the public generally. Vhave Itn lit selected stock ever offered in 'over. pm hased at reduced prices, and will be 1614 a reties iso low that4purchasera will hi.reitinde of old hum's. If any of the stock sell shot& rip r 1., will 'repa-it free of charge. ,:Thankful; for past faiors, I still claim a liberal V' public patronage. , ROBT ,TAtiAllt, . 1 'L' • 1 , •,_ i ~ ,- • . .(4t, Old Stand, ) 1 aPrigt- ' . • -. Illtatsa, P,..4. Ji 1 .L i rbl, ' . REMINGTON '''' B la- EO2l I-. ... 0 ! MallUilietll_jefs of • , , -4 ' • RpITOLITERS,- i MIAS, 4. 1 .. MUSKETS , k, CAR t i , NRS , 1 For iho IL I StatesFerviee. • IA: a: .1 1 f. Pocket ani . 1 Belt Be*olv4it, • EPNTING, PISTEplit3, sti 11 :FL' CANES, RE VOLVINip *IFiILI, Ride I ittotiltuil, Ind Otur IklitVls,,WA IL bidelii Deelers and the Trade gine ITy. eetit it ifais tit ifoutebreekin; endrl,Noetryy. ry - .Mouse, , Becre , Bonk , and Vrflitt tt 'lad 'gee one 'of 1 2 • + LAVERS OtligiGTrogr S . ItElr, tt •' ( i t *Parties de4rii4 . 4'..k a4iil. ilieM ligi of Itho laie iinprovemeas it. Pistola ud i superior wOrkmansbap and forM, will Sad altieombinei 1 lithe New ~ I . ' ' • t, d ,l. . IRE'llf/:NOTO/f AE r vb , rE.00 . ,.. - ,Cireolerk'con4inlog Ms an d de4ripties of mir Arms Will be, furnished upon ] applie s iiiii. I IL I ' BEMINOTON*. N. r SONS, lirl i i ; i 1 1 ' , Atootia&NicaoLis;Ala ,u, lii- 1 i , ••• .1-ko. 40 CO 4 '61 11 ( 1 4 NI ,r. ' ~____ itieir,D , Hi. ,AG ' dONVEYANCtiI;: . pGEEriS and 1 other iisimunen Dirns with Cloth ot Wirt o , owst-liouvot =71211: ~~ .. - r B= GOodS. . • '9 ; :;i- ' AT 1 1 ~• 1 , - • 4•Y . b ~,:i :1. , ;-. ILLIN E" Y, II I. , • , h EMI • •I hiAL Ida OTC% v l . l ' 00.6 S . 11 II • IL clasped, Cuithig CO- i . itclOg t 1 Its 1t t he I sad Mar I 4 1 Y I.' TT GEA EVERYBr 111 SHOE 0 \ 1 ItCHASE 1, recolirSd s .1. stook:• ke1 . 711.4 OTS.. Wear =SONS, "r t. O. • irsit *Ws , :Handel Sed Hiyde Haiti . Eighth I. I and Spring Ogden streets, . - DELPUTAI TROIdAS MAY PEIRCE, A.M., , Pinatas/ and connaa, Amuntost,t. • It - tniardinry = Inducements , ' ! Novel and Pionanent i At'ravonentof ' - 0. 6 0 ‘ g l e r n lB l oin April Ito Ootoberl MU, Alp oruccrianuta 11141114 0 • , /an Scuoiraimis, including , Bookkeeping, Business Correspondence, Forms and Cps toms, - Commercidl Arithmetic, Business .Peninantibii.; Detesting G•iwitattill.l4o,7l aid Ciininiefetil'lnw, ..- ' 1 ", TWENTY-FIVE DOLL : A.I2B.i flatt nansiurs, including the same Bubjects,l ;is above:- Fat tinted to *vs mitit#l, I: . - TWENTY DOXILANS. Penmanship, Three month I . 4.i...b..157 Penminship and Arithmetic, three mod ' lO The saving of coal and gas in tlut sum Mer months is in adiiuitage of cinch linporiancit as enables the management of this collegeto make a considerable reduction4n thisumner rites • Prom October l, 1866,/to_ Apra 1, 1887, I. ; And succeeding jars, sit -before, " Life Stiliolarships . I $35 ficholarshipss 3 m0nt1i5.....,:-.. • ' .15 Pe e t z i:4lp, 4: months ''- ' " :Ile P ip _mid Mitlunetic, 8 months - . - ....112 Special terms jor Clubs, Soldier:, and for the ions _.: • . %. - Minis:ters wed Teachers.:, r . Day malty:rung infraction far both iezes,alt age:, In 'banking, st*ekeeping,. bookkieping,' pen. Manship,l ink 'aliening, ,phonography,- !with , untie, mensuteltion, algebinLgeometry, the I calcula,navigition • surveying, engineering, ganging, mining, mechanical drawing, • oinLl mercial few, German, telegrap4ing, and: the English - branches; at moderate peicet." , ' Endorsed by thet public as the most succes sful . .11 ' ess.College of the country, as is . evidenced n by the fact, that Fotl %Hundred and . Two - have entered in the ' _ iFiat' Six Bilesmns or us Erairgrar, ~, frincipels of Departments. 1 Tawas Zvi Psiaca, A. M. George 8. - Enycler, R. S. Barnes; C.IN. Farr, •' J. T. Reynolds, Beaty Reim, A.E.Bogerson A 51.,(1.E. ' Bupported able Corps . of Assistants. giay-Cill orzed for a, catalogue, College Currency. and Pi ice's Practical Educitor. i . Nor: 'i OFFICE--531 I Eighth Street. I aplB:2m ' THOS. M. PEIRCE, Notice •in • the Orphans' Court: . Thelollowing appraisements under the' Ati \ of Assembly, of..the 14th of April, 'lB5l, 40-J, property allowed to be retained by a widow i or children* a decedent, to the mine , . of $BOO, haveleen filed in the. Office of the Clerkl of the Orphans' • Court, lot BeaTer • county, ; and apprornisi, to wit : • I Personal,l operty to amount. of $BOO, re-,:, ; tamed by *lidos! of t James Lyon, dea'd. 'Ann' :G. Lyon, idol's . . ' , : - i I I ' •Per•ottal propertY to amount of take, re- ! tained . by widow of' Jamas Jameson, deced.- !Elisabeth Jameson, adisex.. . • „Personal- property to amount of $BOO, re tained bytaridew of Jacob Leedom, dec'd. '' Al- I atander. Temple,' ad.m'r. 1.- • - ' 'Persoltal' property to amount of $`239.95, t - retaiaed by widow of ,James Murray, klec'd. \ Nathan Eel:Wig:doer. • • • .-Personal property with claim of ;$278 2i on • Henry-Briggs, amounting in all. to. V3OO, re I talsted•bj widow of Jacob i Warner, dio'cl, .1: CJ • Wilson, miner. t . ~ - I 4Personal property to amount' of $166 '95, re pained by widow of John Walton, * deo‘d.— ! Andrew Watterson, adm'r. • ! - • 1 Personal property to amount of $282 60; rs taineA by widow 'of Jacob Umstead, dec'd.— •Ann Umstead; adat'rx. • : . • , • Notice iS4iereby given to creditors, heirs, legatees, Aistributees, indjallothers interest ed, to appe r at the next ; term of said Court and not late than the third _day, being the 6th day of Jn e, to slim • cause, If' any , they have, against the final confirmation of the, above - appraisements. ' - , r - mayl6 i iJOEIN A. FRAZIER; Cleik. ' HE A:l4 . Y 5 ; PATENT SELF-ACTING Waggrt Brake. 111 Beaver " TBE subscriber will . canvaii Beaver cons -! ty,', in the; order of Townships, to well right twuse, make and vend,.. . . : Healy's 14.- Selt-aoting . Wagon-Brake, f an invention perfect in every respect, for the : use of all kinds of Wagqns, Carriages and!Bng- 4 gies. It is a perfcet regulation to every ,vehi- 1 cle to which it is nttached, acting alike proMfit and certain Undei - all circumstances, : on ell kinds of roads, by night a r s well _ as by da i y,l ''with the greatest insfety; l ' ease -and comfort tq horse and passenger, without any attention; whatever from the driver. .I w f ill sell intlivi& -nal rights' to use this patentbrake, or, Toivn ship and Borough t) Machanica. ' -Beaver, N0v.22'65 d, - . THk GREAT liE7tET!".' rpo ANGLERS' AND, OTH . IS—Upon the{ receipt-of 80 cents I.grill eend,the cret art of cinching fish with the hook and, line," giwing full and ample directions how to succeed - Well is catching all the different ape= cies of fish that inhabit MR irtititillf*theligni ted Stiles. Also, "The 'celebrated Indisdl fish charm, or Chinese art of ching fish." -L , This means of. taking fish *an -the manner; of doing jr, has heretofore been ' own to but few. The value of s . uchi knowled admits Fir °no, question, and .1s- really wort . more tha f is thousand times the priee - take Send 30 ets enclosed Inns letter Ind 3r0% ill rec e ive the' secrets by return mail.. Addr ss . ..13 ERNEST, may 28 : 11 To!k ./Orim, Adams eo., Pa 1.3M-4,74Piale••_ . AL G -4 -a: 1711311411C,,T An English. plasSiciilnrd 6761717ne1t ' 4 21 8 0k!el, 1 0 r ;;Riln9 Nen and Rom I ITIPEAVEZ; HE Sprini . ;eiiiion 'of this inst,' it Utiln t frill ; open on' 2, ,• -•• Wedriesday,. April 4th, 1866, • and ,close .on .Wednesda,y, ,2714. June,- 1664. IffarPor arentir•ind tidier pulled& , ad dress thaPrinuipal; „BrWlton; Ps., or H. Bios, See'y. Bard Truskees, Beaver, Pa.l . mar2l,'67:2m ' . • .1 Fattrutosvg jirpTEßs.A.istiukentsr, .on the , )titiite i ' sf 81t30111,' MOOR*, - liahtveil township,- Beav:er 'County, Pa.olieds: been grant.edlolthe undiersitned, air perenn indebtedtolsaia eitste are requestedko }Mika immediate papient; anirthoae ajaingt the elute' *lll pAsent the* properly' sitheatiiitted tar fiettlenient. I W. E.' f RAMIS, Executor, y. • Ifsisumor to. i - El 1 . - • _ , 1 -•- --ip.i.: -,,,, r , rr'.." . - ••vv"r". , '•"" ' ••'4 " Ir° lt'? . " , . - ..:•,.;:. .., • - -1, 4 ,.....ii.-1 ,, _r''." -. .r . ' -,•40a..*: , .. - . rill CAISIFYikIPIO444II.I4 1 " 4 . 'I .-A•r3 . .. 4 1 , .. j , 1 , ' '•-i . piribOlLlßlM'iikrilL Tkit !Pad old (organ .that he totsostwrigt- - Nod Clout* Pau*, sad I Cabla-dral with illt', t. , ' 11 hasirsonles, is beams* ip. daily mem ; t anit,,Not r eato4 by al Om suer - b • ind - ltaalmeet musvemak hattelneties la. . t ., ~, .elturshoo.ot *dere olatey hasbeon .1 Vented enlY hyltogreat ems.. utii iv -1 now removed by tlt!rrecewsof , inverstiestOptd: 1 1 pmoltent and perfection,l, no applied Se' aka 1 MelodeOwand Hamminen. and we have,ldat t !resell in an inotiument. which, oesaiderloap ke !Ili* **di cosi , is ' -t" 41 . .. us Cat N I VO - rj , d r• • i c l .. 1 , l'Antaar Gam's . , pelfoaild,„Ms d patent._ ed ' y Mason &tamale, of 110544 hoenow, ~a i be before tide e publis but two jeilli,-all- i elt yst inch ere • its } unequaled quislitiettAltat 12, has found into church, school and family le .. all parts of our country: 1 The Art Crius 4 . titet t New. York Tastes says 'of: it in Litt,4s- „,, }germane. It has been blawn bY the wind'oc , - geeltine success from Bmt m l to San hanot 'Mr' -- I , . A .. Visit M . dr. 11: have succeeded : . in • ' a better . s - instrument, thus-, any other—from little bandbox like thing to , :alung, leeHl , witich, though porteble end not lams! titan a pnano, ems • make themselves felt ino, , Hit:trek—ls the universal °Pinion of ,tlintrund? a proration. , They agree thatnoiseek mar_ - eke:deal worke,tif the kind can ,be found - 24 1. 1 %old perfectionLinpurope. The tone is pure.l-_ and :full, and w i dth an immense body, pie se ~ ' em a provocative mechanical force, They • staid rough trirelling, - bod 'insege, sail. lila - livln elimateerwhich killi , A.Metutan Misskits..!' • T e Her. Dr., PRIME, Has well-known cell - , tor f the New York 06. r, hi his editorial. clsl C pondence,lspersking ,o the insufloieney 1- 'Of t he Melodeonto take the place *t i the Pipe - Organ, says: t-Hut- , the Atantla is, \ fully- meal - by the'Onbittet Organ. With your Isyss dint , ion) Cannot distinguish its sound frOnttbatitr, the LPipe _ihian itself. It qis admirably . s . d4led - to the perfirininge ofsacketK milk • PHiltret t ltinets t a.ittlietea.:aleinti, &c., tint, it; k e it - it land eccomPan'iment wSeti.the conitiega r tio engs,.andj is just the instguntent. that ou hti to - lte - used : Itt: all 'ehniches where the , peo l e ell wish to have the privilege of hear- i ing a part in the . prase. ) : - "....' 200 Organists and Pianists i I the out eminent of their profession in the coup t..y, have given written testimony to• the 6ngeriorit4r of tkestirotritmenta tiler all)ttli- , ' ere o f their Hine. The Cabinet Organm, it bri 1, commending Itself le nil:11116Am kid io' li4 v people everywhere. - utity . and sweetness ef.tbrie,',and ita stoops of,, expression, added to {tor 'durability ;and ;dm- ' I t ilte construction, cantht lidl to r t } ke it ii) universal firma' o. Such . filthy• degree of . perfection-to which these intitroleikte hove -1 bein brought,• that ,it is 'alike iuitlid Iti Alto, purposes of ,clirehes, halls, schools; tied pra; • , vale parlors; and is admirably adapted to both. - sacred and seenlar music, and it hr belittled ) thet - it will bear no unimportant part ,in edu cation and establishing a popular musical taste wherever it goet. „The Subscribers are the exclusive wholettalf Agents for the Masen & Hamlin Cabinet Urged for Western Pennsylvania, and failtish them . seexactly the same price as charged et ths , rectory.,. , 1 The subscribers are mittens' to 'send t• 1 ' vvery person, Whether intending to - an instrument or not, a copy of the Caltine Co r Co l gan Circular.' which conteins a greattutioktt . of eery interesting. information. Sent 'peat p a id to spy address. , CHAS. C. MELLOR & CO.. ' ' , 81. Wood Street, . . ) Between 45; SL and Diamond 'Alley, ' . - 1 may16,66-I,m -- . --- ' Pitts b urg,Pa. 1 s OUP .T COUHT dLLri S N pteisuart e i Of an order of the Orphans'. I. Court, of 011iercoutiy, bile 4ettdue er 'Outcry on tin premises, o j - SAT RDA I', June 9th ;1'866 at tone.o'clock. P. 31 , the following; asset's/114V Property, situate in Chippewa Tee county aferesaid, being the real estate of Borace-N. Kennedy !, lute - of Beaver octant*: deceased : Beginning-at a white oak, theneir landa of,Jedttl .and James Mitchell, north :1 degrees. ehlst 10.7: , perches five-teuthe'lci a 'heap of Stones,' t h :mace by land et Ethan Thcirel , as.north 'B9a clegrees,vrest 43 perchts to a pot thence by land' of -the Farmer's &•Mcchanid's Bank, south [degrees, west- 193 perches to " ,I Post; thence by laed of Jameet.llennedy,north §8 degrees, east:4Aperelies to a whits, oak r plaCe of beginning; containing 53 &Cie! aid 9£/ - Ter4hes,-- stiict measure'; which is erectecitan excellent newleauie barn, 62 by 80: . feet, with threshing - floor 30 - by 2Q feet, mows, - &e.. and three Stables . underneath ; also a led Slid frame honie with a frame kitchenovall a , ' cellar under pa4.t of the house;', also scertii* 'other piece of land,adjoining the foregoing4i . ' scribed tract of land, Situates aforevahr n •i . Beginning at i s white oak, thence by land of Richard Walton, south' 202 perches' to.s. stalri;• Ilielicb by land ipt James, Rennedy,..iouth.ii3T} degreesc west: 241 Perches to -st white oak thence by land of Join Alesareei, toi7h degree, east 202 pLrohes to a stone;itatiifiente by land of James - Scott , itorth'B7/'dd..gritat„_ 'east 22} perehs tq place of beginning, ems. • taming 29 acres 123 porches, strict me sore t . ,on ' which therelis erected a frame horn' 48 by .18 feet. ;1" *ka • • j The above de?tiribedlands are well -fenced *, isxcept about.'two acres. iSixty acres ate in a fine state of \otiltiyaticoi;: end the - .biththeit is iwood land. .There is anexeielterit'-14ithei oi.. - ichard bearing fruit onthe,Priteises ttonsisting lot. about 160 ipple - trees,LlA peach ' trees and 'some cherry trees. - . k There are als'o three good springs of never- f 4 ling , witeis'indik obit : beak Opened std iwerking- r - ;Hank Bautpi l ssed..throtigh a pii r etioe4t_'eoldl. 4 . Ithhintdcs-i the'nb or u t t h l. f b e a n n t c y O a f c `A re rad t r e 449 id ri end which es considered excellent sill tetritory.L l r i . , There are two-ioil wellsi t iow being put (Nem ', within halfi m le of.vaid4rentiees, end FOY: araticins"* , are being madeto s put down four More in the imniediatefriidnity;': '* TIERMS.;—One-hatt ofthikbrchiSeAnottey in hand On the iiiifirnutti4c.orthej(ile 'the • ;6&4:t and the -retbafrider ennui.. IrOm that date, with Mond fom the same time, to be Secured by bond aid mortgagee, 'l. aibittgl; If ACl.Ttiti ,lAdmTyl6, th em e est ate of H. N. Kennedi,lee'4l. 1 ! ma. - - • 010 - n. NV.A.14\1:).• ... • 7i , E atvoicreward will be paid foi any -hit: • . for that will lead.to th arrest int : onietion of any person_ who .shall hark iirty,;) trees, or shall, commit_depredationi_in 'either of the Water - lota, or 'shall injure soy Mai* • ‘ Qrnimental or Forest Trees,., growing within - the, borough. 1 -, By order , ll Council. 7- . ‘ I my23;St W.M q,. PARCLAt_CI'Ii.. - —I- ....:_l_'..J.-_•.,_ ALTIEWX9:23VICIP . " -I AYE :e oistaiiilY on kited a supply, of Put.na.al , clothe • and w ould, et4f. ateention).o.,tkeleirinfam,k 7 . - er's e'dvertisement for fhe I.lniverszil CleOes.,; Wringer, W. orKWokr; Agent.. keTl l / 4 0.7 . removed from ghe . State, end tiensferred - Ofis machines-to met I ; w141 keep keornstarg..isupflll °Alvo, _constantly on kind, Crude oil by -41kir barrel arid crude oil burners:. • 0025 - JO9: Deliver: • 1- - • X 1 , 1 4 / . :*.P V. c k t Wi rPic, ll ot, ' ; i,. r 1 1 11 E enst enTo f . the: s die . , know 'e4. I,l l g. II AttiPew qinse. iirt,tet4l, situnteln it), 'township . Besvei• p . minty ; enntnintbd ' QM ? Inharnot:ted r/A - fini As 're% n.bont' One 'hundVoil ice% eleiwed 424 tihtlei i goOstitte of aultfri:- '; tie"; to - offered, If its's.' ' A I cod "orohardldiA , - Wits:l6lmi: 4t lays on the heid waste of Hewer', xtuit,,l, thin- two - mile" of the stele hinted inlaid ' bil Ifi r pik% 11 - is 11 4 1 4 *- 10 ; be 'l;nod''oil_boititeer . fr t rgoAdietil. I's' quire of John lbliniton neer • ti tt ci l Jeterp Lirerrea, ent? IViesipv .* Fa ........... b. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers