1 - 1 1- 01 - 3) 11 AVM :1 I WOJWPilbliabed - E VO THWO d I 6tdi t * Atik 411.414thi* - 7* *: . 1111P.' : Vic:. 188 BT., BEAV ER , . • • 0 0,06 er annum in Advance 1 .- ii rpipeel6 , : and ,contribgtisrlt,:,fif .1011; di wtheoi_frowlit fitte4:16116,,-. • ' '.4 s• RuTAN g..0p;.4410:'& Bog. G.- V ,Lawronoe. . Wtpuhlish below 'the remarke'd - 11 0 ..Georgo Lawrence,-our_mem+, tier of, Congress. Mr:. Lawrence had. the Per:todeliver '.a stmeoh: on the. . Tariff:When 'soini3 remark. from. Ran. coryorholtd ps7 , l3,7ramen,-,- from rcenningiiiinite ; 09 other imaters:q _The-rlmarks - ,were p o mptuyeed• Verti'regarded tin all i f kle - siti - V(try.ible., We. will in a fu,. l u re number endeavor to". lay *: his Apeech , on , the 1 Tariff before our rencierg,, • .; e tr. Lawrence. like that . . Christ• i s virtue called Patience, awl, httve, tried to.exereise sv toard my.,friead ever the way. • Mr.- Randall., I am ., tntich obliged to the gentleman foriMa. kindnees. knew his patience awl his kindness Of. Old, but perhaps. Uhave encroached upon them too much Hr. Lawrence. Not at all; I yield• ed me* reftdily ;to the gentleman be aus° ti i ei,imod,to represent the Dem eerlitie party,' and I:wanted him to have the privilege of defending hie t r i en d4, as be has Mr.:S li naker, with the gentle. p L n's peltniesion, before I enter upon tbe gljett which l intend to diseusi4; 1 propoc• t) ask Mitt questiln in . reference to the -.-cry: snideea. be has A d ve rted to. The gentleman says, and jdo not Z;;Adrovertit, ;dila he eorr, , , from a loyal' dstriet, in Pennsylraniti, iadthat b.iM Collatitlleacy• Are zig loyal. t o that LI 'ilae gentioulan.from Illinois, [Mr. Ingersoll.] -I. want him to tell tbis,lforto -,wliether he suppo'rts day the•iietriaeratie candidate in Yen ri iylvania fu r Q-Overnor,lleister Clymer. Mr. Fanaall. lideL and I expect to do so with all my-heart; beeauie 1, be 4.ve his tleetion will aikin the restil raticit: of the Union: - .111, Lawrence. •1 only wanted a eitegorical answer. ,-- , 31r. Randall. i Yon Mice got it. Itly.taWrencei 1 will now refer td a scene *t;liich..i.as come np vividly be-. fore icy mind since my friend from Il !Theis [llr, Ingerst;ll] conlocrited his ..sect•h--a:se,me which ocourrei three rears ago- or more in, the _Senate of l'elmsyiclifiiii—when I heard Andrew Johnson slandered and vilified more `tban - 1 over heard any- man abused tnH ti leih'ile body .'by that same Heisler - 1 Illyme7 Gild i miDeinocratic associates. ',hive nut , tbe speech here. I was fold .tint.. the Senator , was cal efnl to I suppress eorr t o parts- o it; but in that' Fik"-' 6130 iighaikci Andrew Johnson in die stfongest 'terms, doclaring him ut : 1 terly .iinA44l.ll.y . of •the confidence 1ir... , the • Democratic party. - 7 - And whiff , ivas it that he made that astianit• on Andrew Johnson ? Because we 'Were _disposed to honor hint . hy . 'giving bitn -the use of the ball of ihe S-nate of our State in which he ec.tud, be beard in defense of the war. The Deni , ..l6iat:ic. members refused, to Vetl lei .it; ihey would not even per-1 Mil his voice to be hearri in that hall In favor of 'the cause of Lis country — 1 A motion , w a y first laud° in the ifouse olut“Ar:Lti,e,* Johnson, .and . Governor I i.,;:.:he.. of Indiana. should have the if 'l s& of thediall: of 'the p.ouse in that dark limp- of the . country, ar i .d ho.v - t•tis 0;a - motion met by the represen ta.dt:ee.cf the great Den6crati6 party, who are now, or Clain. to be, the spe sial friends of the President ? , It was 1 defeated by their Votes, and then pre- sented in . the Senate. 1 lieve:no dis- iosition to join in any vituperation against the President. ram far froth indorsing some of the utterancea of my friend keel Illinois [4l. Ingersoll] in his speech to (14' in regard to Andrew Johnson. I shall never engagelin any liersonal abizse of any man who' may . 11 6 ppposed to the poliey.of the', party with W.tich I et. But, Fir, I.sity that this same De ouratie party, led on by , this same licit ter Clymer in PennsylT ‘'snia, were lot:posed, to allowing .A.n•- ,*7.lonnson un opporttitnty to be h earcLita l tbb hall of the Senate of Penn sylviiine, and that the verysamis teal 4§,h4e h4g here in this capital, and kaettlittpl e - . ._in in the preSentse of the ?resident oltitilaniiio Statei; asking, a.l sußpose, for his initerfereticein the Stire iii-'firtior'ef their party. IThese re 7 men abused him two yeartiAo -irjavoi heard' a •fidbille - oife ign — t t el iti a public assembly, as ~ I gad oeca -lon tu,know, for I was . in the chair at t l . /6 tittle: and 'Wei. Compelled' Several lOU iirtaif thein to lorduton ticeoutt /4 their loW:' abuse tlf .a man; that I 14 .,l ) peeed ~t hen •to be, Arid still. hope that ,1 ay k.ie permitted to call, a patriot..., , _ . ' 1 I {Here Air. Waruer . handed . lif.eLaW ttoce ,fig speech referred 'to.] .! „Yr. Randall . I Suggest thst the T ilad aithtere-Tlea - vo print ;it, so that it- ,ay go to the Con ntrylalong 'with the Speech of the gentleman tom Illinois, (Mr. Ifrgersoll,) to see . chicti the worst. fir. Lawrence: lintre not said any 'thing figau - st the President, and shall riot, : '• - j . " ila,n(iall: I am not alruding to : Four ternarks,_ M rAwreinee. I say that the men. ..!0/0 wer e.the,enctuips and traducers r A.lvi JAl:ton in: ii3r,.-P-irn-gtat4,i ivto h —J, becret cabals ds,y and night; : who .-413 ,coosptred ?guinea the GOIVe,,,k -.11, _nit, are-now swarming aronud t h e : .uktdent, getting ,dawn on I+lloo tlees like sycopha,ta, and asking - ,foiri ', 1 7 1 2 4 /1 ) 9.., I have seen them .mitioltH 000 tie,eold gaoil no:itio, • . _... , • .~ r .- r .~. _ t ,- ~~,..r MISH - .11 ~ i ~'Y~ ' MU ~. ;1i ".121.4 VoL 4 . , ity, and I believe it, that soine of those; who; few - weeka, ago, nominated Mr. i Clymer, eame - -ilere to sec if tlik influ-1 ()rifle of 'Andrew Johiron could not be! had-to - VarrY -thet--Staterfortite-Demtr -I cracy iii the comittjrciPtel I ~• Now, Chili Ettnot,..itaylig , rin r ythieg! again Andre jiyhtrion.'-1 :tilt telling' who they were wliio, abused,•bitu,4o , i That ,time,"Aridlwlto 'were hie et l ereleli.l l'bos a Men • to4lay. re ptid in ie., as , 1 • 414 - ! Ptißil my - colleague [Mr: Randall] does, O the Baltimor6.platform; although', My; friend commends Andrew Johnson he... 1 tiriuse ho says.tie stands:-on'that prat. I form. And yedid ally fliend'utidicol- i 1 league support nrid'approvethat 13af.: • timore . plitifornr . i . - 1. 'liven° &or bi he' clennUnCed it in every Dernocrati_C club. Togas in, the city of ylidadelphia, the! very platform on- which he s ays An drew JObitson doer st n'il.ir ' ' I Mr. Randall. II .. The penmeratic par, ik - (4 Pennsylvania are not resper.rible! for everything that Mr. ,Reinterthy- I trier may say. in big itidividial •cepaci- 1 tlr , [Laughter] Moreover, In. me: say Oaf the Dernocratte7party of Penn• 1 sylVania indorsed , Atidi en , • Johirson in their resolutionti, hedause they . believe,' his ;policy of restoration Will give lis.i onee more a United elmi.ntry, and only; on That ground! i.- i 'MT. Lawreace A r d the same party i m in.y State scistaint:d firallandighanv andliedorsed Into. l e ' - .. Mr.Randall:.' J When n r Mr. LaWrenee. ln their State On: '''venklse,,in 1861. And I doubt Wheth -cr We could have carried thceState for l lGoVeraor. Curtin hut for that full in.. , idorsement of::Vitilandighaml. : Mr.'-Itandall. 1 :demand my col-l i l'eague's authority fnr that itesertion.l i , . Mr. Lawrencel will give my pledge, lif the gentleman.with accept that. 1 . Mr. - Randall. I vvill 'accept the gen..l thlinan's pledg i for forty-eight hours..)l ',iir. Lawrence. Iri the convention ! 't'i'nt inominatedl Woodward for Gover-i nor, ae n mii.st Curtin, a resolution was ! pasSed enegratialittin the Democratic Tarty of Ohio on - their nomination of Vallandigham. And if that is not NO I *ill agree to give the gentleman— Mr. Smith.. Twentir ets. [Laughter.] Mr. Lawrence.-, More than that; I wilt give a basket! ofehampagne. Mr. Randall. The , tintleman is mis. taken, ' The convention denounced the! I arrest and manner of incarceration of! 'Mr: Vahandigfram! • ' _ 1 , ---sr. Lawrence.' am astonished. that my colleague 'Dlr. Randall] has 1 !such a short. memory. I have had 0e,..1 L ca - eicn CA. read, that resolution befoiel • tens of thousandii of. the ..people of! PennsylvAnia;J have l had occasion 40 1 refer to, it mote than fifty. times. I Ido not misrepresent the Dernogratic ; party, nor tiO t l misrepresent Nfr. l ,ol„V• 1 mer, who is a! personal friend and an Ilionest man. Ile has 'voted consistent; , ilv and at all times against the war•poi- ' I - r icy of the Gaverement,ited twainst 1 making appiopriatioas to- feed i and I . clothe the soldiers V7llO were fighting . ' '-for the • Gov,ernment; he has , alway s 1 sustained the copperhead party and i its Jriends in the State of Pennsylvit-,1 Inia. Ile is and has been a consistent I leader of 'that party and .rititnd to-1 ii iday as the candidate thatltparty in i lour State forlGovernor;,_ a party; the Members of Which!did all ttley dared I to do, and keep oat„ of proiod, to hand . 1 -ns over to the rebels in the South. Mr. Smith. Will th'e gentleman al- , 1 low me, to ask him - a question, Mr. Lawrence. :Certainly,-. Mr. Smith. - I would like toesk the gentleman from Pennsylvania ifrit is ! not' his wish as *ell as the wish' Of ev ery' Royal man in th.e country, Ilpre. ' lame, that lall - men should be loyal and , . , ~. obey the laws and slattern the uonsti .tution lied the union ;of the , States.— Is not that his wish ?I _1 • Mr. Lawrence. ; That' is my Wish, certainly. And rshnuld be very glad to see those punished who did not do so. ' And I would lik'e to see tiome of them hung, and could name about . . twenty of them myself 'for that pur pose. I ' ol -., • , Mr. Smith. ind.t numbet... 1 Mr. Lawrence. And do not ktioW r I but I could name idme in lit - intulcky. 3.0. Smith. And I would- double that. • Op. But, I -*Oita ask the,gen.. tlenm, if he finds' men "dispo'ited and. willing anci'anaions to.ohey the !Ilia, end do obey,ihem to all, inteetirand purposes, Would,be Have any. Cause of complaint ageing' alexia r . • " • i % Mr- Lawrence: Dbes- the gentle matiexpect.me r to lut've any faith in tbej Democratic party repenting, of their ii;inii? "[Laughter.) . I ' _ 'Mr': Sinith:' 'Alto* tite,if you plettlia. •31r. Lavyretine I thought the gen . - tleman referredln tlibm. '' ' -.' ' ' . Mr.lSmith.- Oh, no; 1 am nut in the Clymer.controversy at all. Ido not know anything About 42. I speak! of those who are willing to . o . hey the laWs, And I do not !come Within' Oie . purview or the gentleman's rule of, punishment.. Aisito hingin4 the lead-1 ing 'traitors, Pam in as'uch in favor of i that as' the gentletrien - froixt-Pennsyla I voila can be. ! ' • -". .', `• ! • Mr.:LaWrenne: - Welt Mr... Speaker ., I did not mean - toc:take np so bleb time. 1. I•svais drawn.krito thia discus.- sion, as the gentleman :front-! .ICen.;.. tuck y is aware,•,by the remarks Otimy colleague. ~. -I_:'. -' ' '!-'-',,, 31r. (Smith. I', - 4iiielaim any intentiOrt ; to-interfere in the Controversy betWeari ' -the gentleman and hie colleageo. •' I -was,-only askint a question' with ref eine, to ibis , Teta ,of repentance and 'nfeastian"; whetherl7the :gentleman A lil Would' forgireac ,i.op..itiakg!lQUnii• .31:4cieivrreiketr,• ....Certainly I ; would, :hilt: '' -"' '') -.' ''' '' ','" l . _ , ' r ' i ' 11. i, .1 i .1 '' ' '''' --- •: • . ' I ' , ; , . . ~ , .... , • I • ,!: .1 7 7 .': '.. • I -'' . -•- ' i': -.._ -,.'." ,i_ .- '''' •. , . 1 1 ,, ---!. , . _ t: 1 . 1 ' ' ',. 2• : :7- ' :- .2,! . :t:' ..--::' 1. -. ...., - . _ "1 '' 1."-4 : 1 , 1." -' 1 r - . ! • . 1 .1 , -, -:cli - - - -i- 10 oc• 1 - .o,taket -, a. - r. 1 3 r..... 4'3_ .•. 4 ,, :a t Ap..frt.r..,-.7E 4411, `..ik - i., ,Yfiefi1e,!..)) 1 3 . 44 .1 4T f ;iill* , ~--, . ., 1 ,. r. 4- 1 .: ',“,,,,, =. •. 1 ,i., -. 1,, -- - I : - ,L,',',-, 1 -- :'- - '-.'-- - -"H , - - -Y.,. ' , -r,,,i,: i tfli '-,•t--1- ~..„..s' '-• -.• ..:-!..i--,14.,-.:). ~ . 1 , . , 1:- • , d , ~.,,..: . :1,„: ~, :,. I ~, ~.„. ~,,,,A -,_ „,e, I . . 0 4,1 de. .(12.3 , . 1 • 1.. • I''7'(' cis • f '(- :lir. - , , t •.3 A ~ t 1 ~.t.i.7 . ~‘ ra......e - 4 ,- T ,. . : „ ., . ',.. :. :7 :,.. . :,..1 1 , 4 1: . 7 1 1 , ;1 , 1 1 .. l it / .. 12 , +'!.. :: i:I ., . 71 4,...,,...„. ) ,,, :?: _.,.,•,.; , ... 4 -;;•}J,..1'.. ~ . 1 ;Ijp r- 1 r” , .t; 7i '' '1 . ' ..," -.: ":.. , 1 r . .: . 1 .•.' '. '.... t I• . - I .: :- , - •14:: ' , ,"„: ~-.,. „'„- ... ,!;..... 1 . ~, „-... .i ' ; ''•1 1 , • ' _,.:-.. --_ 11 4r 11 .2 , • ' " -- .l' - - 4 .---. 'F - .. 1 -...--.''',:-. 0 tiki..l -t' . 1 . 0.i'• 1 ::.. ' .: 41- .c- i1....;4 . 1.; ;.. .IcF( . .. . ~ . ~ •--..,- .1- :• , .. • .. -,- , ilis&,--;. - -''. -• .1 -• • - • ''.: :.: • ; : ..:: •:'I ',..: i..`!.;:: .. •. .: ..i i .:: --:: 1 - - `11:: r;.•'' '''':::''' ,. i . - v gri. 4 4',. u .. -,...... -.1 1:: ' l '''' • 4 . ...V. , 11 LAP ".. '.1 . - L .1 W ' :•.! 1 : . .. 11 : 1 ! ,1 L.1.i.. , It; i 1114: 11 : 2-7; I •...,,^ 4. : i. 3 , .- ~., .._ „ ..,. L , -1. : ': 11, , _ ...,:„.,, 1! ' , T. - ~ ,1. i ..„ ::-i ~. , .ki_f , :i , Jf.li . -:-•:. :,-, • „,,, • ~ ....1.- . 1 1 :74 1 'f41)f.% ',i k :i, C.,.' ~' ...,', ...cH '. I-. ....' ::-. ,••• ~ ..,:::', .., ~;:. I . ',. 'l' .. I' I . ~ • so fur asl l lam pet son: ,but I - wo - al4 • tint, fOr'tl lentptiall tifertraitors ft-c 'ally of. t h e eri mew. ' - , . . Norple; lif. Speakei,,te doien',gen - tl.'' men ertin ad ite aro talliiig:Fir the read.' i lig of . the , Speeeb , ofafeiet et% Cfvmezt;' to' whiehrl ilf i ti l ie - " - Yeterrod, ' ' and '..`vbielt is. jeSt' b ind qf to 'the •Ityl l .the gentleman fronti•Coorekitieof;: [hlr.. 1 Warner.]— II o ivi , • hti- 'ha ripe ried "to have - Ir, F - lk now not. j In etotntillatiee With theiitVlabeit,'' 1 send to Ole Clerk's desk to be . read an extract. Irom the L4iSbttire,Record, t , t lie official repast of the debates in the , • i Pen osylvania: - The Clerk read' as 'follows: 1 - ..51.r. C'Llice . .31r. Si:mor , on •t i;' t he, t,at .this hour, ink a]' • tt tt ' aday 's place, great issue is on ; trial, !fraught • w the interests , not-Only "e l the present , but o 'the future; ,and it'll inthe decision;of this issue, have anted a pail, how- ever unimportant, I ightill hereafter look back to•thia day, tb 'this` hour, aria to thiS I 'place,: ,with feelingal of, nti little gratifickiten.'' • ' .. - *;. • * 1 * * -*,, , olit .: . * •,. 'J . . ili,hat is the . qUestion .presented? '.lt. is a proposition tO invite Andrew Johnson. the iie- called; dovernor of Tennessee. to address . the 1 people of • Termsylvania from the Senate chamber o ')thisl.State. I have Various-rea sons, for opposing_ this- 'proposition. In the first plato,l hereboldly proClaiin that he ifittot at this how and never has' been, by the Con.' stittition orlundcr the lttit the Governor of the State of Tennessee:except:When fears ago liei. was cilected_to that, Offich by-the people. I say-, sir, dist his appointinent bk . the l Presi dent of the UnitediStk.es to thatposition: w i ns a usUrpatioM of powerbn the part of the Pres iderit arid that there is no warrapt under , the Constitution) no authority In the laws for his 1 appoinimenti and that every act which ;he has assumed 'to perform'by virtue of his unconsti tutio.al 'and lillegal app3ititmerit - hail been-in ' U t aerogation - oil the rights of;'a sovertrigm _S a e, and in at violation , a the'Coistitution :of the United Statel3. -. • . ' r - • 1 ' ;• "LI say , shf, furthermore,rthat. no such.posi that as tnilitftty grrcernor of ,a, State is known [ to thle-COnstitution of the United States; that 1 thersi is nothing-in'that instrument which On.' l'thonzes the' President Of the United. Stites to I appoint a military overnor tif any State;'' and that to makwsuch an appotzt.ment was to ere ; ate the Statelof Tennessee a military...provinte; and . I that his appelnlinent 'was made to cart. . but and subs4rveshe ptirposes of the preset' [ 1 ,I;dministration, Avhich is to reduce all th States of this Union to the condition of mere 1 dependencies; of a consolidated • oligarchy or 1 despotism. thaq . ..-is my -.position, so' far ail [ concerns thit, pretended Governor of Tennes- 1 aee2l AtuirevrJotinson has hot been for years, 1 I and is not now, the Governor of. that State; and l will ne k ersecoguize him as such by vol.- ; ing -for thiscrsolittiob. - : , , "Oa, sir, ithout . regartiao any questian of Lie o ffi cial position. take Andrew J.ohnso n . as tin` individnai, assuming_t }lat. he is rightftilly, f , 'clothed With the robes of office and may con stitutionally exercise the ditties ,of that high position; . even then, I say to you, Mr. Speak er, that I never by my vote *Mallow a man to come into these halls and, from: A . ceJ sp . estk to: th e.peoplo of -this 'l).[ ; port: hi What,l kith's, to be illegal, unconstitn- aerial, and tYrannibal tots of the Federal I G6 - .'ernnient. I -I know, sir. that Audre*Jbbn- . soti, has. gon'e as far as the farthest; and is ready to go 8411 farther, to destroy, to uprootri toi l; upturn every principle. Upon. which this,. great, and. god Government of ours was I founded.. I know that ho has bent.with sup-' pliant knee before the throne of. power ; I knowi that for] pelf or `some other consideration, he has sitocumbed to every Meaante,presehted 1 to hitafile approval or disapp!oval; and•lkhow that in speeches delivered in tho capitals of other States 14 Las enunciated doctrines which / if adopted byl the people of 1 the Erect North, would be subversive _of individual freedom and Personal Hight. . Sir, 14'no vote of mine can any Ipersen holding such views address the people of Pennsylvania in this Chamber.— Never, sir, never, so lung as I have a right to firbilthim." I , . 1 *. Lawrence. As the language to whi4h I have, referred does:not appoar. I appear, in Ithat speech, it is proper that I should say that Mr.: - Clymor and othersisuppressed eportion of the most •objeetionahle part .of - their . epeoChes. -IBut from the whole tenor of -that speech, thellotise will observe that it .wasla repudiation of Andrew Johl stir, not only,perionally a- i d po laically, brit offici ally. - ' . Mr. !Itandall. Will ~. - m y; colleague yield to me u Moinent T- . • Mi...l;awriance.- For' what "purpose? Mr. Raildall. -That I - - tnay have read -a'. dOciument, which I wish to ;go to the Public along with the speech-oft the - gentleman -from' Illinois, LMr. In-' gersollg 1 • . : Mr purpose. I cannot - yield for' that; i ' l ' 1 1 1 - - . ltr. Raktlall. It *ill - take Only titillate. i . . ..-1 .. f .. " . %Mi, .LaWience. The gen tlemante i llnokva 'l- very w e ll thatditive I not much trnie l - i .(1 ' • . '' • ,", • " ,-, , - . Mr. Randttil...The`tineuinent which k'dbOire• t i o l, have read:ll9Se platform ape , Which . lteister Ciyiner was note.., ma cd:as Ei.eandicitite for,'Governor. ... r. I LaWience. - I haVe. sec,n that; pia f‘ orm 'Over - and ,over again. -IC is an - uttel‘ - abandonment of all the. Old: , I,posttions of the Democratic party. • Mr. l Randall. • -Its is ! a good Union platforim . ! ' . • -Mr.= ( ' Lawrence. ' Brif., , ,- sir; 0f ., : What nse '1 . 41 a platfor m ' w,hich'cvery , One ltino.ws to consist simply of hypocriti 7 1 ca' jprofeeSiontl.' Sir, the' • platform which . thrit - . party htZs - .adopted in. 1 PennsylVanial ,for campattin.pirrposes is .a card'i representing Clymer sap= porting a 10.bite 1 Man; white General Geary, - thap-biroio•mati, wit° traveled with Shrirman'through' the Rtuith,tind ++ returned victoribusly,is represented les holding up, or, perhaps embracing. a;negro. : -,' , ... ..-,- .-: ;,; . 1. • ..' Itiir,- - the.Cnly•ctipital ref IDemo.- eratic'iparty to-day inTenneylvanis is the negro question. .1; Tbey.attempt to- . iippeal Itoithe lowest passiors and .prejudices orthaignorent and debased writtl'regarii -to the negtor— Because .some "dtlieritfiresienting , bere the State .of.iieatutylVania. voted tor negrosuf -frageini an caperinientAind . .to enable :them io boinpete , with.peturneurrebelh in this I)istrict,'our nametiare paraded as , frienda4f --the-negrivin preference totrt6ti : wliiie limn. , Am khis, with the Vial's, of diritigovidi, t hat -117t\i,ip-, :--:51.1•:1 1 -.: I=o 6. t...4.1,:4th: v.., .:... 1.; , -. i.,.5 i .r----, , .- could dOdble,that ' ' l l - ` 1: 1 -• , , , I ; -" -rseavor. , • • , -' - I.orei , ii-31:it •-•i. , .. PIA ' it ' - .. f. 414 , t. -- lid qo' - JO tiot - •' - 13 ,Pft1 81 ' 4, .. -c., A: , . 4- • ~ -, ;i to judgintiot:- . #41,41vi , .•,.! ..-'..: • - J;-.L., :i l ' '',*i ow, 1 /s l it kl'Ail i P . ',; , R 4 4 . r r 'ut. li oij,,i - vhok -. l . 4s.m.sp t .. ; ~ -i f t,,,i,,pyi ,-, Itihidl In - e4el - PP,' ti e'2 o) . ° l ° lo-,1 the I, State; •,, , 1 . 1 , . • ~,- 117 Kr.90k644 ,T O! ) P R PFi - i;. t l Y*l l l, -- fiquPe!v Atunl, - : , lik . . .4%,kini.*44 , 44, ( 4, 6 " ,: l 9 ,-*0 1 .40 kir ' 4 ! :44*-.Aid e .. oue,ok - ttiojap§t,, : av, i R- . rgarnoo o l . o4't: l' l iiiiiJ;fliat'ir f 4 Ati.riP -..• I PA' thC9 l r 4 4: - ... ! t_t r tfea.aad L ike ,rig. 4 .,„ • ~..471;- ; ,4oiartl-!,, mint ;la , TptA x1ik.v.0 , ,, , ~. c.crebillio ,i, .i... follOW,,edl4iFtiio,* - a, ~ 7 , l k i i*t)o :; 4 . 1 , 'p, TO atiee s se 6,, ,* e',#tblVf....,.s 4, 4f3A - oak' stricken iti. ; he.llo ~:, • ,- trliekhe _pap. 40 4 E00. from • ;1 3 101.1, ' li'' , fili - :•31.tt4,1*:, .. lita vvi . .kieeftrltiri , riX.' , l o l4 l - 1.6 144 0 1,e9,• and . ll'atood .11ii 4, ,_,.. e t..h ? .4,thdoati). of . the Reptibticaalj..% ,t • ' I .n . ..thel',4 l AArrl eithooin. , tiel . iiel,':- „,"pr4 birk-1,! would k.O ~ 0 ci, sit p ., ,itafithatji 2.113:- . dorit,cid'every , etOf h - ilmtntettittiots., 1: - ,do riot, ailc:II cane • I.ioaniel here, I I is; a. - .l.ticiitti :sk i s *Tai ,_ O. from ,Illiti 3 OlS F that - 4'.ee.•..49u1d .! I'he-403ited; 'that the Presi en' and . Oit'agrale ihotild,retteadl 11 •togetber.iii - t' iii l greakpeette: I :Iteeyi. - thei.-assaults tie•littcytmeet fro . ,the F li :Democratic afty.,. - Li stew : they Iwera , , thlr4lng . for theloWand - Aihes: 111 knew they irodici,lill ut , ery. OffOO.. ;€5. 1 Secure possession Of it.e' Govern, lain,L l• was anxious: that Arit l :sliQulo - stod tip9n . t,hO'pt,itfOrm,or3be, putty, *hinibl.. would sayellds , frOtryhier , huirilliatien, and- disgradeJ - ll: . iiitf •All andap.Ould! do;' tOstatickku , , the :47r:etildent,'ilud, asp some lot my I l lieoda, ksott?;"l.'sdbjeCted,i myself to suspicion aall,,lreprotiehfrOai icme 'of myradical Mends, beca use II did not. iri l aiorso.:ilC,l,beir, .p9lidy:.-- 1 1 I regretted to' .hear the greitide.nt . abuSed 'early in the Session: ;.,X. ,I* as anxious we Should be! , kept istirether;- bit after , his speetih .O r . the, :Wid - !.of - FehrtarY,, arid a - 'ter his veto 47' the' ; I ei P I ;t t gh Pa bill, I :foand! I could4notri , go - Ter . his . 1 el . whop • }foli c withouylegfadrog ray - . self a 4 lost g my Owlit-itelf•reisp ct, ..' I :And I say here, .irt. - I . tb,. ei.. : lat. eseitce . ... of ! 'the nation, tlltat, oly„dltrnn.that'v.o-444 for hidi . wasi favor,aT r adstataing the Administration uutiklyi.iMaie,cif--hts oivn acts, .13E4 by ruelkitof the Coppsl' 4 H he3id party a 1 over t4...laitd; be sue- - cended in ; . d- stroyiiti l ithat,coulidentie winc:i I desi ,ed t9'egii.iatl.;:. l 9.6o to day I hare : the gratigptitidit,to know, although - I 'reprieentalb*btfull dte trict,,•that•the-Pre,Sitlvtii,l4 0 . 1 re.. , , move! Icif„, -, p4re : , ,oiliookipi.:pio lo;:ic men, and b ✓ •; . Meg co ered t a - ,Lt• Wi th '-. ,b 4 have been 4 111 : - . - of ir attn.' . -i3- - -04141' . , and 1 , .ffevii , 64-f 'itiinAl ..• ; I tray' by, on cippobenis,. • -- 1. made it , cues sary l ot i the. I ttnicia,,men.-to stand to gether in 'support, of the general pol, cy we sustainr.here, and they ! a e as' earneit and as powerful as when they] kusl,ained Audrew Johnsii O . the-, lyiee Presidericy.of the Milted 3 ittoS,,. ithey I stand in opposition ..t13 . ,t1 - 3c gea r - Oral policy of the Presidetit,...a id in. l iitvor of the generalpolicyp p sued illy th4.partylm Congress,.'and I ,tand there Iwith them : , I am . not geiogto abandOnlmy r principles to. folio the load or : any man. I was willing to yield someth i ng for lieaceland 13 rune. , i "Y. r 1 en rat , is ..tatde'.upo de, when . iii o m en upon the-wings f• the :wind ;every 'MorniegancLevery reb-I ing, Whdn we are '.attackeir . up n all sides, I wilco attacks are made .- ripen:, our peop le becadeathey arc no tl wil- ' ling to bear the Iyoke,l cannot su p port the policy. -. , .. i, - , . 11 . I - Tlli r.. - 3peak r,. t r will • h0t.,..a4ne l , Presithidt•perionally. I.l.nover de thing.[ 'I ptedia, with tkie,:hOnO gentleman fri . l-33 Illitims_,_._that wel uot fear , the - Ontest4 We -liVe ago ef .aavanbement, whei3-..bibles 'churches and 1. school hodkes are !ty codeerned alt' teasoin ; titiJ m the it,ift.l3ti-: tered i 11Juverl. the laud, when met expec eu to respoet a man began. is a , " Ap t 3 1 ,1. On men ,arc expecti .and justice to 4wh 1 men.-itc or 1:0 ) ~.1 say . 04 - day-is. not fari'd 1 when !his okieetahlecopparhead that !has u 9 !dye of - principle _____ does not standi i by..ta Professed iin-- cip4s-iiittlingl more ,tbs o one CAT aign, -that has .changed•,`tb9m in •my own State itwetit l - tiois ,within m ci*A. kni,wledge, 'yaw. this, ;Devi raiie .,,, party 'that' d idea Johnson; thati t ilim- i dared ILinecfp•-yes,- sik. for •the - did deridd p . vitifyJ'and alander.lliniAl .over' theland, tiallng it him . , low bu oon, i while lt,o-day they:borne' up ' wad , kir.. poetit eally I S ing praise s to hitp i em. I ory-- ; 'sr y !Abut the day . -is a A.. far distan wbeh this pensocra;ie, arty will- sink. into oblivihn, covered with theenrses.:otigie people it haa dee - 'ved. Thiis,..sikma party, ralliesl 'a ourid, Presicfent• J hnson by nigikt 4 4. bf, day. I,GO to ttie Whit? ",apha any ' liine Toafil o ard you wiit,.be Anrfb to see sonic of theta, and allay . the shadovtrof shine orthe Blain. -[.L nib. ter.] . , I i have V] scarcely. ei•cir - gotre• her.: Wittiontheetinglaome orie of • Witt ily. =:L ave seed' the Of Man, r ho la almost r,adi . tolftiTtjatio' the • rove; there. It wait; the same 'dm lag Lin-1 leole'B.omintat-ratiert; he was a ways 'there tryini I.& lead , the Pre dent aivaylfrbin-the people, inordertO give office o the Family .. . 1 :• • ''' ' I fe el ' i • ' ' -' - tic°. he man in. my oOrn at the time -- President Jackson rel ei the l ap° its. ' lie 'Said; "I : wish Geleraliankson an'Y traim I 1 should 'ttareif:thiAlrnigitY a fancy. for 'hii.q.'7lLiiii4hter.] No, fantily in tbill'litad . licr number Ihiusidone to Iriii9h.to" . llll the'Piesident: tfoni 'those- 'who hiiliiends ita Itiii family' Of Tilli I bav i e been drawn, °fr.: in personality I . flovi- eonid r bet Tha Uttil lorkiiisization,bY W tem, a tt .' 'ernes the 'firet' to? 1 , ..i..1.4.:.1:,.. , ...1 :: i':,oc.l. oz,-14.... 11- I I 1 1 1 ° 4.. pp kik gec :: 1 1 1:f1 rk‘bV,-.' 4 ging the gable ftble need 1 n an and, Bat. sla are ha d to stant arty, that tato ; ov"_ idn'i int Moak vo .10 -ntge weo tbiß pit{? ieb . I loot aniti'iiiii'golitideid - Iti'llel'.iiktaelF l ,ohl O filiii rJ ,ll , ' o o .' , f 6 ilim i esi;',;:iS i v.°!'et'or -1 E 44 .y.f - Inquir:e,Wliethei!4 re l io.;iii. 1 allbeitillfu'if agis" '4 Pinieclit ,0..4! Be -. olilloilit, and i t, ;wit's' this gnizittiiiii, lilitritt(ii r otof p i tti*iiewt e country It hiiie - met; these 'Oefi*O.Cail them. Silfeilleirmbi.titlietery'Wheeik ' rkrin'er i. Where they iftiiiid4iid No* 'they lon fbi'llie - ffiSli:lioVil'itf ' have ihiviiionna:M.tifek.tliOt.when II have suill'ainedtbe;Union irganization 1 lilt", inY l'`coizir - State:_.: Iliinntlis - aka I' trembled for' the iPi ei den ti fleeted, by' Union' votes,,` when - . l' sawrthOse, men. AO:tit - the white 116thie tiling to'steer ,hini . away, flittering liiiii,l; eulogizing, IhiM, and didtatifigl;f6 policY fOr'him, Wh . so 11 sit* lock einCe in's:title State, „ipartment, a pile of 'pardons is`,higte ini - twetty family I Bibles,][lairghter,) , and a , man darrYing a lot of them out, di saw it. Wits a'wholesale bltisideisiAnd was informed by aientletn'ai there he had carried oat thOusands of such.,! - ' ' i' . Well may we'tremblelor the Prcisi ' e. sfent; .. .fvfien we rellectohOW flinch" 'de *niciwou his, fealty .to hie true friends. , • 1 But as my friend: frein Illinois [Kr. •Xiigersoll] has well said, I the' 'Union Party will surtlirekitod,saire this .cOuri., 4.y. I glory, sir, fo day ; ' n` the, rec.' urd of that party. There never has been a party in aay country . that has' done so nitic - h,for iibeity.:l It 1;" as sav ed this goiernmeric, from lest [Milt .. .in. While the soldiers , nietythe • rebels lin • the field of battle and created them, - the toyal, ir en of 'the Ncirth Met their allies in the' political, Old, .at the jolls,.and defeated tlietn.i I repeat, this Union party has saved tbcoan .. - try in its hour of trial and it itill tri iitnph I . I : the end, not so much on ac—. nouni of its numbers isbeeatise it is I right. ,As my friend,: film& (.Ihiengo [Hr. ,Wen twortli]•'remarked theother day,,"God will -sustain 'ini if . ' We sue-.' tern the ri4.ht.''', :„ . 1 . - , ''' 1 . ~ 1' I tepeat, then, the trni n • party is borind' to "friuir.pli. I - May not in:- .• dorse, ,sll that is done here by it'..— I am . not quite satisfied with .; the 're. Port 'of' the . comiilittee en,ir,ecoOstrue tlion and shall vote to mend , ithis Proposition. But 1 the IniOn patty . *ill live in spite of adv ersity: , Al. teadY the political 'axe is fallieg Soon the necks of our friends. ,I.lleads: are fallingin my own State. l, ' - ' I A Member. Who are they?, ' 1 Mr, Lawrence.: Ae- good 'mien as ever lived are beingdisfileleed for, bad, then The President, _,basli L turcieci,orit l!ie . !lutist. al of western: Pe ti nsi Irani a, ells pnreind-eirght-a.rti -.0, .•1 path as ever,hold ' office ,inywhee, and'appoi,nt(ld a man iu h s place who: I...aDjUkli 11, was ditiiiiiiised.' 6Prn setviee on' ' a , , ehnitie iinplicating his iitegrity.-1 Th . aek God, lie is !not eorlfirmed,,, and iciti not be, , [Laughter] 1.:I have met ' him very often. 1 do not know ho w diueh money he' has. made, out of the Position that he lost. Thpl`report yet. ties. •' : 1 - - 1 1, ' L hMr. ' Smith.' , Who ,recornmended im? - • . 1 , 1 - 1 : if ~ . Mr, Lawrence. It is . net for me to Say. Certainly the gentleman :from Ren,tucky r H.r. Smith] (lid n)t, 1 1 1: Mr. Smith. , I suppose somebody i. ~ prom Pennsylvania did it; and would iire to know. H_ ', i i . 1 ri 1 1 . Mr. , Lawrence. I When: I spoke to the ihesident about the late merafial, and told hint what 1 kn w of him— iuld him that there was n more eem ilhtent or worthy 6flieer o ,1.4 -found =_-,the President. intimated Ilit 'he 1 bonld not be removed; I but betire I ,two days elapsed he was ri3mbvedland another name sedt into the. Sedate; hci' one to whom: 'I have referred as having, d is m is se d from been - the Ser. ..,,. vice of. the Government charged with va rixis erimes. - I , , 3ir.'Smitb. 1-would liki to ask the Ofentleman from Pentisylkiania„ [Mr. Lawrence],.if this person who Was 4ppointed marshal by, the President did, net carry ,with hien s'ome siniilar O d e co rrim en datio n s , in a' pcilitical point 6f ' view, -to °those upon : which 1 the Preiidedt released Clement C. Clay Sped parole. ' ' ' ' 1 : 1 i 1 'Mr Lawrence. I amglad the gen. tleinen heti:Lek : l3d me tbatlquestioh.- .s6w, I .ventgre te .say;--sind 1, ,haye if ot; seen the record,' an d il '6 'n Ot kifow. W;hetber there is anyor • not---,[fiat there is not'an, kenest • Ugion man in, western Penns ylvania wbeisigielLadY ' I re, monptratice against , thei late .char-- ! Alial. to charges were dir 'could be preferred agaidat l a6 pure.and cipright 4 man, respected' ',and loVed; by all 1 L ilo knew iiiin. , l3ut Untie i s a little abal or eliTte.Of , three or:fear niei in • ifi.sbnik, in ,tibe , district I:if mY-'l4ol - r. r' Mooili esti ,] If bp' cad not bontrol twedty votes in , . any - Ward or orough in the State, breagift this in 4uenee, With,'the aid of ledding:Dern, cratB; t i o beim on the Presidenf; land know make `the: predictioh that bot::: withstanding that : attentt to r break I:1 own :vas:colleague in hid,, i wu :district y removing Some of his pineal And est, ,friends, he, will come baek .here to the next Congress with , bli 1 large tt slit' sjority ,ner he.eser bad before.: '-Those faw meni,„"Morebeiids" we pall - theca there,.are men Wlrei_all wiat office trent y par.ty, ,, that has,there. lei -ktvo:, 1 . s n hope tbe President. will deem it proper d right to ` tiithdraw We' name 'he proposed tor marshal, froiri thelSegste. ;,am certain the /Presidebt ti ll ui been aeCeived in , regarci:.to - tirFt an:for 0, would. ; not ,iiifligt., tisch, . iiijuatioe On his 100,frionde , in weeterg, Pee a- SylYaniii—ineri Who - incegliiedhim i :: n Vordralyfhdso' bffestltely' -1 .. : 1 I J:biri alsitpceen • -te l i ?dttlly by, the Presideti: Personally idl SI - wayi ektieet to bet' ;. When! be - Ofakei a; „ Established;L • ..•;”- ME MBE 62112 .. J. . . I' lb Ptaket litrallows me to , referto it ..-- '}And.if: kmake a .niiiitik4,.E am milling. tiutt:hei lilmld, teforito Up 4" h!' 4 'dql ) ti IROt tte c i# in, a„npeech ~ On ,the 22ii day cif "someJitenth:' ,[tincigliter.] . '6*,' 11 ' lit.- Siic.akei,l" . liiiii -- Anot'ilie slighiestintention vr i bert. - I , Pitme -Mire' to:di l y,of. saymg • Otte I' ward,of ,what I ltaya,enici.. ) -J bnye. n.ppeech here. t m t4f, tariff, and on - the spbjeCt, of pro. itectio 4 o:to wool . Ycietold' me , that 'I- I ' Id 'not get the Boor next'Sittirdir eon, but:thitt I Alight. get in -,: a. niteeeb to - . day,, if LI, wpuld ,horry..up : ittird get, it. ready, ~, § c:i. 1 ,yreut ibome yesterdaT, tind%being :Li lilird-working Min 16at up lite !nit night _end 'got Pp init.. thin 'about concluded my I preparistionklottAil.apedeti,4 , 4M e' 111 1" - tscht-' ,.- ~ .', - 1 - ,-/ • ,-, Ilfirit, I represent a diiitrint 4", thnt,,ift More interested in 'wnol:grOwln,g Ihnii . any other district in tbei-countri, not" °yen. excepting _4l.iiti -represented .by. wy friend: &era 'owe, [Mr., tkritinell,] , whoihnii shown o much . interest. ,in weol, this session:'; ALA I ^ believe my own ; 'Counii has' more' and ,better sheep than' any other.county In the country, [Laughter.] . • • • : . 'Mt. Grinutll. I have been; charged by the, -people ,in my district With havitg,had so - flitleh to d o :with an other - kind of woot that was not 'so popular, that 1 thought I would go for • another kind that the people are, more willing to have,- ' ' , . 1 -Mi., %Lawrence.. Representing a district •which has such a deep inter est:4m the subject r l .though,t I would be jest!fi'ed in sayingfa few ,words ii, favor of protecting wool. , i _ •, When this political subject came up I was led into specking . upon it,:and - I I have said , more ' thin I- bud ‘iiitendnd • to do. ' I 'have this speech _here on wool and and tariff, but I feel some hesitation in boring Alie Rouse with it, for it is .a dry sp6ecti, full qf . 6 atri: tics r and figures.. ' ; 11‘ ' ' Mt, , Smith. I move that th gen tictmen have leave qt.:print hi wool speech instead of Life one he has made. [Laughter ] object'r - Mr, Randall.' I eto that.- o,r -1 angenient. 1 ; I Mr. Lawrence. Ido not know that .the speech I have made Aipw will ap.- pear very Veil ,in Oridt; - ' But .I am sari the - epee - a of to:Viilliiit g e to day [Mr: - Randall] will not , edir.pa're vpry well , vvith his. former" record. - , . lir— Wilson. If, the gentleman' from Pennsylvania -tMr. !Lau'rence] et otlld ; riot .publish his, speech' of tls ;w Jiholild lose .Cltrner'a • sp.eeph; an tritt - Wderitti, - to-rotailuit . ,_ - . - .: The; Speaker. he 'Cher 'would say to the gentleman from Peringylva via that 110 reporters of the Globe lfave already taken down. his speech of toAtiy. Mr Lawrrce. • Yhave been led off on this-poliri t calrpostion. Batt want it distinctly understood that 1 intend ed drily to get, in this wool speech to.. dayi [Laughter.] _ • Mr. Gricuell. I move that the . om-, tleroan 'have leave td print his =wool speech. Mr. Smith. ragb . No• objectup ,was made , and leave ciaslaceordipgly 10111114 d. Kt% Lawrence. I have kept very quiet _this session, as members very , '4611 1 1 know. I . thOught it most pru. dentin a new member not to mix tin in these political discussions„ But I felt it to be a duty that I awed to the peonlelL I *present to speak on this question of protection icir wool. I have 'presented petitions with more ' thanl ten thousand names 'asking Con, grecs to 'give them' increased protec , * doh on wool. I have been, with otb. ere, 'bet - W.13,41* Committee Of Ways and keens on this subject, and I will say to the country that we . believe the committee have agreed to report jest what the •vook.growers desire on that subject. Mr, Banka: I hope the gentleman rum Pennsylvania will go -on - With this spegch.and let us thus'have the . the other. in prio. . . lb , : Lawrence. I. ha t tre little more to say, as my tithe 18 -nearly out:. :1 Wish:now to say;lin addition to what I have , said, that 1 'am to trust. the future of this .great - natioti to ttie Union part .which haR done so muchlfor, the ; cou ntry:. When* par. ty.ie, together and . actuated h aI . oifinie'desire! to perpetdto '. the greatest' goodj for the, greatest pump , youl cannot , hytb,ese side issues aud by executive patronage corrupt it: - and Dead it away -from ~ the path. of ciiity4 j . -j• • Sir, the 'People de not forget the a-- mount. 'or, wood , A tia treasure .that was spent iluringl the last four or five YenrB. ''TbeY do not eipect this Con. gresii;49-proceedi in the work of . ie-: consirdcticu upon a . policy `which would lose to Ithe.loyal peopleof -the, cithntry .all that they, have gitinod in ,the lateicontest. And, this,!Cius gtesXjjwill be sust'ained:asfar tas they sire nght. . The riernbere 'Of the tnion have , been siuUdered; and iilified and dengianbed all over_ the coUntry; but, air ; I, venture toijeay that. comprises , a body of, men 'as hthest and; ailifititU . rtti the Ititeieiit* of the 'country a any`rdeit'Wlin 'ever sat in tbitl.Hall ' we 'are aniiietled, tint beonuse we. are, partisane v !Jut; be... °pule t we stand.teggOer. scoter. 1?...tr,. Ing jutitiey„itakili,fiK . pp for. the right: `l'. 1n the coming .lciintyl4 ra,tiiit' the - Union!' paitytliril I lie 'sus. tidned'; .4y 'olledgtie .way rflti4,`Raildalf . l kilOws - that the contest . apy that rt hrtn' 11711..; 0 :& , t 1 :: , ; ;,,qa , ,.: t .:::;,? . :t 1 El ; ' 1 S ...•;!') — . 7,..! .?' . ;iii.: , ' 1 "'-', 1.•,i,01,,t;:-.:...,;. Certainly.; • Oki is IME '1 f • e...• L • I AbvER 4470.1 nsz.6"-- 4100ovetik fainted. at. the i tit sle $1 , p e !„I - eack' sublilitu* filterPlt. mree3 4 . inibinedir made ta.,iooky 'r, el m advertiaortrffionjOiNfik id* ' . ;Wit*: - A apseeliptil to titeites l iar "itstbla imp, 4.! nes:wired se aristiVate.- - •,), -- - I - • -Special Fatten 26 per gent: tlagi, to riff. 4 %liar sateiii I , ~!. - 3 - , --,i = ~ :-. :• , I ; . Bushiest 'lade, 7A-eenta till line, pea visit' r Nl,4;ipat - aita IDeatlts, Relying reattiiii 1 and otliet 'it i a4iee' of a` inilto - tiiiurii.cfroa. ' "), MEM MI we batrerec.la ,14,Hia i State) Be ;- ; - iv , t t „ knoWa , lnTlL l 4l'4l Ah!,_pepple,of;that '' Caninnit.Wcalth - it .21'' He knows that 1 P6'll - 4yiriiiiii, - gfiie' ell "it4:l4triir i ila m i GoVeitn i rrieni ; (a4 - -rninyl iloldiers;'---shemil ifiory« perhapi, - ,in 2pruportion -io; hew; pipniation, 4 thav any s nother-S4talp a ,' tile i.i,pfou.,,iii'3,kno,6:B twit•itle c jcp?atl henrt of' that: glint State-4ikliapsorae- ; tinies' been ailled the blind alw ay 4 ~ b eaten". itilufiitkotvukwitg:i-thsr4, highest_ ar.,1,,' be,-t itteraits.,9f.t. the' country.: kndi,E.J.ell hlin.4l4t-ctlk A t tif tight of.the.Secnnif ' T uesday of 00t0,,1 bar ' next , a-a:Will - 4:14 *op from 'itegt,. I eiri - Panniiy”inia r i-SoiCellftriett. - -willF convince Inni,:thaethe'peoplu . :baseA* l forgotten th,Ac ' or d of.aelster,Ch4 1 mar , Tl4 4 3 'i•b4°9-VI i t+o2t!elOht t ' fae'tp. t whia ' ibe legitilattse aoliiala l pinyn,. that lie' ibitCralY",l4fiktl gallica savoring to the' Soldierainitlial field.the ileetiver franebise;- and • ip.sr9 !, ppktic - speechl l ,l,: - boirted, of . havfn , i done; so.' In my presene i e',be s , vote ...1 over 1 and 'crier again' ii .. gitillet":•e(Voi. _,"; pi Opealtioir calculated 'lei: - aisist:ti,sidr 1 vustain 'ttiet 4 State ..and the - :nritiotkili.; the,, late struggle. : He .iim - . bequ,:s r , , most' ' consistent , friend.of , Vallandb k ., gbaia ar.d William g; Itepil l ,,itild piat;' class' of, men all over the country; arid' • he',ilir a fit representative CO-day:el the-', Democratic 'party. He is. a friead .of. Woodward, who as judgp_pf 4s-an. : promo-court, madt; a deetilika againel ! , the constitutionality of• the' cObtiriff., 'tioti ihmr, and iihn; because oftbl,6 - dno cision_and one against enfratehisintr the soldiers ,of the State, Was nomippe ted by the Democratic party for thY., ernor. - i . ° Mr. Speaker, I say • that: *bed:010 1- people of Pennaylvaniii comer to took , at the record of the Detnecratic can didats tor t.id'vernor, in my State,•not;- onlylon theee questions relating th the war, lbot orirother questions, they wil'. . repudiate 'bun. - The 'Uninuparty in . that - 61146, l as members-of ;this 'Midis: aro aware; lia*e nontinsted'a eandi.e, date ,witholit i referer.ce to his politiod, opiniong a I lman who' did 'once 'act with, the Democratic •parts. - We E 4 E4 ' ;: Mect lto elect ', him. and we will elect' • ons 1 i": ad lassure•yot‘, tote peoplo.are. honest dod weil-informed and W;11:- . ,stand by the cotintry,.and thotrucat,', best friends of this' c4unfry, inCall will be well: Now,l •Will . not detain the House flonger • Noti a word; on - this .question-Whieh -I hai rs said Aid I. intend to y whew I - elte - into 1147, Souse. I ow yield th e m floor • - ;:r .-:‘= ... , s• • - I [The foil wing . is the - fesblution - re-lf ferred to;)) . Kr. 4wteßee, passeo by. ili s e' , lllferkr, Ot• 4 9titfis . is,GprivAiitiili:l4, ~ i , ... _ rer i nsylva ia, in 1 1863. 7 -Fans„ - :Aridue.). - 4 , #rrolveci, plat we heartily thank the - lfoit=. hearted_Dem racy of ; Ohio for the manly Vito.; dicatioulth tyave given to the Constitution' against the.:igreat • crime conit-itted upon it.; la in the arrest and deperfation df C. C. Yallati digham. and! we assure them of our cordial' sympathy in, the great struggle they are mak-1 ing for their - undoubted iightsJ" - 1 ' - - - - - Notice In, 'the: Orphans' Court .. , - 0 • 1 : • The; folloirtag appraisements under the. Act. of Assetably4tl the.,l4tif of !April, 1851,1 of, property allow.ed to'' be retained-by a widow. or- children of Ii • decedent, • ter*the value of' - $BOO, ll:Ave - been filed in the Office of the'Clirk' of tho Orphan nisi, coUrt, :of Beaver county, . . and approved to wit ': , • •., - . . .Personal property l i d amouni of. $llOO, rio ril, tained by widow of Jamie Lyon, 460 , 4 Ana G. Lyon,. adlit',:. l ' ~, , ' Personal property ' to'aniount of.' i 1 14 .‘ 1; e: 4 tained by wideviv of James Jameson;:dic:st.:... , ' 'F.lisabeth Jameson,''adin'x.• 1 ..,' ; Personal pmperty to amount of $3OO, re- . 1 . tained by itidow•of Jacob LoPdallt, 4 10 1. 4- ,- 4/ - ' • eiander Temple, adnfr. .- , 1e..,t,. ._.., - -: • Periona property'tb . amont! de-r296 95 , - retatitA•by widow of Jamealiftirriy; desede'l, llftban Eakin, adta!r. --' 7 .\, . :•- - ‘, • ' .: PerSonal property With !claim of $278 - 24* 1 ; 'Henry, Briggs; tunounting,in all 1, 048 1 )0.,•roc . tamed by: widow or - J,acitT) Warner, , d,ec•di , t r, - .; C. Wilson' adni'r. ,• ' . ;- .•" - ; I PetiOna ' l 'prOpertY': to: nuicnini: bf , $l6l, 95; I retained by ssidow of John 'Wilton, deo'd.-.: Andrew Wattorsan, adin'i.. .. • i .. ".- -.-', , Personal proporty to amou n t 0f.5212 50,.rit-1,1 tamed by widow of Jacob lintate.adoi . eied.-.VI, Ann Umstead,; adm'rs. - ' ' .. • i Notice is hereby given to, creditors,. legatees, ,distributees; and all others interest... ed, to appear at the neit term 'of said Coint„, a - n(l'6;4 later than third day, beinethEVlOP,' day of June;! , to she* 'canse, if any 'flier against; the filial .conflrmailan of Abe*, above appraisements.i' ' 1, g=. t-1 ..maYl6. . FAAB% Olerk, ' ,:l • - i4c nse Notice.. - • T IST of applicants-for Lieenso'it - - "mit nen& AA slow 1866;', • . • • tsiiTudi, • act.' James P. Parrish.. . . ~.Brighton-tp; John Allebind bore; _AdatnJohnitoir 'ltoeheiter bolo; . Riel!ard Doncaster do ; .. • do - ' David ' - Nerriftrighton bore; , John burls!. ••` • Darlington born;' Bakei (Trustie)...HannonY tp; • : • 4.lichael caurp,lr ' Rotrhester berg; . Samuel Wallace . "New . ,Siorickly tp; Sohn Camp .. Rochester boro;„ . Andrew Striney -OrcOnsi tp; • '• • Nieltolas Rufer; - ' Phillipsburg torn: ' Daridjohluston *Big tearer To tell liquor in.quantitiesnia less them on, - quart,' with goods, warenand iterohandise: tp; . C. F.. Kearcher.."...Phillipsburg -bOroi , :Peter ' Bridgewater Bore; • • It. k Baker(Truatne)...Hurnitelay .tp, ,••*- •:' 0. C. Speyerer ' Beehesterboro l l '. • ' ' • • . • i iltATUtee, 1100.18. . , FrencisßlivuutAl , en , Brighton hornl. W. &J. Breitenstein Eeonoin,y-tp: ' Henry Wagner NeW•Bnghton bore 4olin` Aber .2 Industry tp; Bliznbeth • Ripper . •- Freedom PistrioL, zu5,Y16•436 i JOHN A. FRAZIRE, Tzrk l alk H o.t ea, BEAVit, TA. dLA.Luc, GOOD atiaohed, 1 "•••• • 4, 01 1 4 11 4 4 .!: - '1 • MIS ME 11 IM 51 It ,f ism I /. I ' 1 Mil , /_--6._
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