. ____ - .......... THE iBEAVER ARGUS ' r Every Wednesday ; 01 - 1). Pub l !Meat: il k's? ntrlLDniGS, ' ' •IN P - C „ ' • 'I RI) ST BEAU% PA.; Tlll 4 " L m 52,0 0 P l er an in Advance - ttll , 13;1 orLatteti and conttlbitlinne, by mail, jail have progtsttention. 4r.,.. ,_ i S.nUTAN &to, EderrPro're. 4 1q,A.1.ER0.4 6 1-DS ...-- , t nirTS e FT. W. & 0: R.H. .- -, ft:, N 19, 1865, Trains will leave 134 5 - i b l i t l e s a Tdall o y r ; St . indays . excepte s d, so a; f u el. { to& (Train leaving dhicago at , . . leaves dailY.) __ __ t--- - ..,rsaiss Goma Win% • ----- -1.1 • ..10P3fi 2P u ... 8050 6 1 " 843' 66- 315 1 4 _ ........ 1 :• ,. 6i 42 98a teasrblana..sl7 I: 1017 7 " 0 ~ 1 I it 630 , r otteh o t. ..... t i oloa- . ',. .. •• I Mobilloß ft lelltßJunc Id C T.B . Croa Clarke ....... 6 • Hobart ..' idparaso ... 1 650 " 805 • i , IStuat.ta.. . *al l'lvraollth .... ' 844 "I 940 6 61 940 ' .6'1038 '11035 " 337 • ' 1 F., VIO /el I IT it ly et m [ Ix, s t i Yu, Iris [., t , •,t, , a 111 6 C • ,i • 41 01/A/Db/ 4. .nvn Ear Is i .4 -- - --- 7 - For Nltw Cas:le and Erie .40 a. tn. Ac • coura.dationi trains leave :A 6 llegheny for New 13r141,t0n--9 00 a m; 11:50 a m; 2.05 p. m; 4..!t6 p. m: 5 :41 r . m For 'Economy, 10,30 p. et. For New Castle., Greenville and I .teme,... toTh Pa , 3 i'rp In) . \ - 1 F R. MYEAIFI Genl 'Ticket Ag't. _ 1 .:. ---- - cLE I'E. Wz , PITTS' R.R• I Oa tall 9 ilex Dec. 11,1865, trains ail' leave sta. liana daily, (Sundays excepted, as - follows. - , (torso sorra. ' - : It ''M ' 3 N 1.4.11.. EXY's AIL. !Accost ` Cltand :... r IV 800 AM '22SPM 34 0 rm Eric tl qieet , 1 811 " 236 " 1 353 " . Hadtor, I; 915 .• 333 661 1500 " Akron . orrulle..._ I .. l' 1 .. 1 1.11ershurg.. ; • I 1 . ........ ' " tai1Ta3...... II 050 .." 405 "1 536 " &thanes ..... 1 1 1040 "1 450 " 685 ‘- 11) , Isrdl;1 1 125 .' I:.520•"I 1 44 " We113vi11e.,.11255PM1 655 "1 _ fGOING NORTH. — 1 - 4 MAIL. ENes. jAccom ERR 3. -..._ 1 --.. li 1. . 11 40 :5 17-1 t.itri e.. 8_ AV ',PM .•••,.... •- l qud ...... lOl 2l 653 Alliance ... ,11001•" 728 66 6 Oaat hrtnas...... 1150' 6 6 81.7 " 723 " , 11, 1'triburg .'. .... 1 .. 4.. 1 ' Orrnlie .... •• I kkrta ~.,4 44. - , i l 4 dßal ... 11227rx 851 " 800 " Rulid stree t r ' 132 " -949 " 916 " tl "elaral ....11 145 " 1000 " 030 " I ------- coma VAT. • -- , 1 Si NIL, Exp's. Ekes. I Accost it:0ire......, 11040ot 600 AM 405rx— rdieport.„. , 1050 " 615 66 415 " atrange..... 1,1139 -"1 111 " 510 t62 Denville. l ,llsBrxl 733 6, 528 ' .., t 41 qine•• -l' 115 6 4 1 840 " 715 " 710sx IsalfeFerry i l 137 "I 905 " 755' .4 Litt'" .4 i 2u7 u: 940 " 835, " , 'I. tisiT - 1 1 215 11000 66 815,va 8501.6 ''"'burill .111 330 " 1115 .q Ciao .. low g. . 00ING HUT. t--_ T t• rise. •Ekr's. flan. Accox -.-.-..___ i .l - I , a ..............- ...--.... - Z, b rgh ~I 11--- 230rx 505rst GOOsx 850rx , !olttrt..] I 340 " 620 6 . 715 " . 510 " titer ... iV. ' i 723.•'1 626 46 tmab'sFerri II 426 " 755... MI .. 1 : . :!llstilie .1 1 520 14 720 .. 830 d. 640 q ; I .!beaville 11 1 626 "I 819 " 940 " •••• ..... 1 R ep o r t . 643 I I'ooo ‘! I tertr tt.. I! 78 "I 9 30 " 1105 " - ••• II 750 n "I 040 64 1120 " ----_____- _.-- , ,Ltav es , Armes TUS C RA - 4, WAS BRANCH. LPlnlai delptia 7:10a in Bayard, '9.50 p 'm. „ 141 %., 11 4 a in, N. Phladel .2 '2(IP.M .... -- ..----.!.___ . ri UTBltil i (leneral Ticket Agent. ill .....,,,. ...ma t• ti TERB' 'noes le t the hot ainkte I,GI and , on If Al - /. : M. Mew M od ... I, 1862 , " e 6"4 110 : 6, 1 tap rboatarea I - - 80. Pil . , '___ 11l Est.'s. 1 . 14 . '0: EXP'i EiP l s. • - r ...: ........-, ~;:.....-; ...................-,.......... --....-.,. iiir j baig ',.:•.-,-, 250.144 700im ~ .146Pai .2464 1 41 Pekester.....:,4oo , "1-4180 -. - 4 1 : 805" 425, 4 ' s;.Brig4tias..il ' ...., ." '843;" =316 1' '486 '',.. 1 , ..... •.- - `ii 442 it - . 886 "" 408;" •-621" JD,01.12:1:5 ...... .. , .. .. . .. *CtibtaMailLat.•- 517 11 1017..." AT . '" 600 -,, tokrt.:;.::, . - ...!ii 640 ".1048 ." :516 -41 :680 ii , asi me, .... 1t1450 --" 615_ ' • r i"tolon . ;•^•••.7 .i 7 0 '" i2420r 108 e. "820: .. 12 gimillou ..,:4- 730 " 102 " 730 " ' 850 si '. priii il e ..,4., :1 802 1 4 , 146 926 - .4 -lo os ter . , ... 'I 830 1 " 222 " 845 " 957 . " LoildOttNiTt 4.'..i 922 . " • 828 4 ,' 145 . ...1005 li, 0 gi te 14;.... :i7.010 " 425 '. 1035,4! 1146 84 . i I Ar 1045 " 500 1110 it 1216Ast Cre 511111e .:10e .1115 " 1 6401.4 -700Aiir 1256 " _ . ra l s i. : 1 45 "1 710 " - 788 '" , 125 ". Bin •-• • .. . . u. Sauilaski - 1244vit. /750' '" 828 It 207 " Forest ... 1 . 255` "1 325 •' 857 la . 240 ~ 1*„......... 213 " 943 "4020 " 402 ". De1ph06.......'' 253 "1025 o 'lllo2 1' 486.'• VaialVert. l .- :._ 834 "11100 '9139 -..- 595 64 . .For 'W.syne..l l 500 . 4 1123544 1 I'4srid '645 ", Columbia....::. 545 t‘ 122 -I 286 " ./23 ‘‘. ~ - • .g 11imisvillei,.....1 ..... ~...., 1 • ~,1 hereet.0n.,....1 ~.... 44 , .1 ...... ?.. i Weessw. ...... 531 -" I ',..1.5 't 333 t' 820 " . Dpurlon.-`.....1ii ....4"1.;„ ... 1 , - U ..... . :P1ym0t......1.,' 741 "i i , 322 tt * 440 .. 920- 4t Aanalan! .... .;.... 44 • , ~i,. ~ ..... 01 1 Vilparlia-0.,1-922 "1 4581 630." 1052 .. ' flobut.. ... •. ... ,!! al ....... „ , .. II 451 .44 • 4 - 4 .8 161.811J.'n 'u "I- • ,[ l l ~, ~ ~ Chicsgu...;..: ,11120 "1 700 '4 840 t' 1250 km --- , . ja...uss owl") r4s9. • • • . 1 --- I.l' an.._. , 1 ExP l .e.i ' EsCp's • Exes. .... 7 ....;.... 7 ._- , ...............--....i 14 . 7 ...._..... ......._ Cliitap ,: , ' I:, 440 AN .620A tt 501% 10201. x. R.511111.7une '.: 4,1 .. t , •44 . .i 1 111C.118 . Cros " ' -4 ' '• 44 Clarke ... . -.`:... ' - .'' . '' . " '44 ; wHobart , .. -: , •.I .. 4 i 4 •54 .. , • 1. , r • .... Valparaso:... • : b5O ", 805 ", 741 " 1243 ' 1 {c4llatrtill .' : ::1 • ... , aal. ! .a: . 4 . ; . 44, .Plymouth ....,r 844 "I 940 . ''j • 940 " 25. ‘' ~..,,,,... . ...4 44 Tourboli . • • •" 1 i "` ii'srsaik ....... '• 1002 " 1 1038 "1035 •' 337 " - 1 • Nivea. n..... . " . - i , Hawslle ~„;'.. " '' -" -•••• U v i Fultb a-....:- 1 1101, ~ 1 11‘41 . .:, .1123 ''. 432 .4 l. Wayne.;;.l23s,rmll23ol'n 1 . 2'25Am :555 " Ai Wert....:9,. 211 "I 143 " 1 146 " '"l. - "" ,1.. .- t. 2 gplicie - 1 ..iilia - l' 333 ", 247 'II 245 ." . 830 " qi- - est -1,, 445. "/ 357,4. 4 i 407 _" 950 •• teau , iusky..: 525 • " 425' ".: 440 "i 1023 •• Itile1•11. ' . l 609 ", 503 ' "" I 526 "11-112 " ~ '1„„ 1.1. t. CIO "; 530 '''i 600. "11145 .'.. ` l.l i'" l ' e tibe '730 oil 600 ‘i, 640 "1 1.245rai i \l4Tigiela.--- • % 10 "; 1. 0 " 715 "I' 118 " iz.looilvillel.. (j 22 ~: 718 ' " - MT . "; 204 , . '0p5w........• 1.025 ‘: 011, " - 850 1 , 1 255 .4 '-rille' . 1 ' 1100 ~! 838, " 920 ~1. . 323 't , ssillon:.... ' 1145 .•! 914. " 956 .., : 359 - " 1tTa.......„ 1205r3t 932 " 101 7 ',,, 420 '; , ance...... ;,.12 1 ) '•;10 . 20'" 1 .1130 -I ',l. 525 ..• 1 ,...,...ia t iii5 . 4 1205 ii i i_Lc,oo . _ ± An•itta ..1.1, 2 11 30 "Vl7 -",, t 1231 •,t b2O '.. in -1 6 320 ":1152 '1 112 i - 655- 'c :ftrioton4 410 "!1225/.11. i 148 " 7f.:5 '', , ettegter .. Y,' 480 "1240 4 ,1 200 "1 Wio ‘• • • , ' • •1. • - 6 ~ , , ittsburgh ... , ..1 000 - 10 ' 4 . 1 3 10 1 000 ~ Lost :I- • REOBIPt tot Unseat. 14. t 4 Linda in the borough' of Bridgewate r, :1 Yiiai 1841 and 1862, ,nIION-06. °inlet.; ..eith J. - •M. Barbour. 0084°"“' 1862, 4 A . _tor 182,28:-.. Its " 414 4 'ill,:AttOcyrill plena, ratuguiA . LLII)B, Treaaater tf.§c.3loo/ UnnasY lit i el 'ittr. • - tarn .. . . -. 1 "`" 11 ' • t,,;; • ... , ..4., 1 , i t ' . ' - ''''"l". .; -' . '; --- ..;r:" ' ---,-,--- -' -, >---- --...--""'''"•'" "" -•"'"""."`•••• '"" .. ,4- ••••• "s% 1 " 21 M 1111 0 1011. 1 11 W * '- - 7 • -' L• •-: ' 1....:.• "::::-.1".. - :"=" 1 . 4 ''`.., --;',';`l, .11 t ; .•. , .-,:.t . . -_, ,ll',/,:' ' * '' , ;•', ll , - 1.... • ' •••••••••.• - - 5............t4... . , m .; "'1 ; -• • 1 - ' . 1 - ^ •''C ', '' !,, ' . ll' , ..' ~' t , :-. t • I - AT - - I st :" ..... . - ..: :, - 1 . 1 4t . , .. , i l l , ~, , , I PA) ~.,./. -: . 1, . 1 1. ~.,,,. . 1 , . mattlettz, '. . +i ' l ' i•- 1 4 '1"; ''' '' .• • . • -'` - ' I l i , -' .. fitl . l l • I ' .: 1 -. '•' - f t't, _x i ,1' . " • . I t . f ' . • : • . , ''' .!... : '''',`l'', -. ' ) ' .-• ..11-1-'4otol - ,..e ... 1 . • - .'' • • , 1, ..i. - L • - r . ' • . , - ..likb., „-_ - ' 3 ; . - ..I s -- - 44," 1 tt l i ' f manse Latt pw- v .-; -.--,r 4 r- ,-.• ~ I " , 1-' '• . •'• '' , \':-..', .•I1 ' _ - 16.77 -' 1 : - ' 1 1 •<'t -- ' '' ~ • . J., . 1 . 116 1866 , , -I-, i 'Esta 1. - Nc y. ~. , . • .1., - ~.,,.. )3 • _ . , - 1 , -t • 1-- j. 71.1, --,.-,,, --,„- • ,_•,- ,- e veri, ed. ed.ayl, : - .4., . 1 -1~ ME= ft NS 1 NI Lgf =I \l.i 4'2 C'WES PO~TjICAI~,,~:. • t TRIP LIGHTLY. , , • Tirip lightly,o;eritr - ouble, ' • •Tritillghtl .) over wrong; I ' We only make grief 4oubter By dwelling on•it long I . Why' ' woo's handsso tightle ! Why u gb our bosaome dead? ! Why clings to forma unslfihtl4. 1, ,, jP ""IYblMbtaeek . ijiiy.inhteid?' Trip lightly over erit:rgw, Though all the dayi be dark. I , •Theaun may shine. to n -morrow. , : .ind,gaily sing the lark; ' • , Fair lopes have jot departed. • Though roses 44y have fled, !Then never be down-hearted, . !ook for joy instead: Trip lightly over sadness, . • statid' not to rail at doom, ! •• We've Reiuis'to string, of gladness, • - this side-of the tomb. Whilst stars are.pightly shining, And heaven is o v er head, - - Enci;urage'not repiaing, But holt, for joyi,inspaid; !'dc: INFLVENOE. -,. , • , _ L. _ . Drop l follows drop, and swells W_ , W 1 rain - fhe sweeping.river; WordifolloWs ,wOrd, 4nd tells • .4 0 1: truith thrit lives forever. • Flake followso -Alike Like Orites, Whose . wings the.vrtuds diasever , j• • Thought follows thooght e and lighti The realm of/Mind forever. • Beate toile we beam to cheer The eland ain't vrould shiver, - T lobs followS throh, and leaf • ‘ l , • .-liPied*placelto joy forever., The drop,—the flake, the beam 1, ) Teach us a lesson fiver.. ' , t The 11 ord,-,the thought, the dream' 1 w 1. Impress the soul Pireier. • 'I II I I SliscTil i aneorLs • . 17: Sito:dal'Evil's' . ~: We extract fro' th e Atlantic Mon th 1 ly, the following lparagraphs.l ' The strictures okatie writer are mine too i ; severe: . 1 ; 1 , [ . 1 1 -, II % • Wliat a : , glitringc.-jr.e,onsistenyy ,- , is therelyirini?ested irk. .the,icolerappnat one tittle of a posture which under, any other :circuinstanta l :s, would ,blest a ir eputatio n 1....,,ti 0 I re 4t iamatOcoild _II ff. J-.,21n Irt - 1.1 1 . ...14,i. Mo. - muAest toenciiicl_- her,wih his arm, l u iiio ordinary reiltioasof social life; anal -yet, at thebi4ding id fashio_n, and because the ettilitio arstimulustif Mu ir ,i,„ is toiperadded, she will not 'poly permit theseliberties, tit will' remain willingly strained to his breast 'for a' quarter of an' hourt'at. a tiline, iliiblicl ly exhibiting hers i. lf. in a position which in itself sh vt e rtually condemnsi . 1 ' Favors *tacit ,would pfoperly be'-deni: ,ed to the n.ost'fa t l voreble of her ae qtiainta"nces off the dancing floor are there itdeiSrded !redly even to notor oils libertines, for no guafanteelie re i : .1 iquired from- i those to woom fashion in. :mists Abepersons of ',her ftmalel dere -1 teeii. further than prnficientk In an art chiefly acquired by "Young men .thro' association with this most degreded oft the other sex—all mental or moral die-, qualifications berng Condonee,by the stni., , le merit of• ders',cing well. Many It yo'ung girl cwho intuitively - shrinks from ,the endearments' inno- (TOY proffered by her affianced boy: er, unthinkingly , iiihtete herself to the contaminatin g , m race and lirrei ersite Comment• of . I ' debauching wit 1 tinge, Whose every thought isia cbn cealed insult. :Not that we WiLitild im:- ply a sweeping eeniurti upon the male of the community; for ',many =-perhreps most--are gentlemen; and, as such . , incapable o f , harbor,ing an idea itpugnaot to female purity. • But in Be eon poaitti a society, as ours some evil characters are inevitably introduced, ati'd even of 01088. w . bose antecedents and\po l situin should, voueb for. their refinement, there are many whose coarse testes ,•and difisipated courses render their contaat 'with vit.• tuous women 'almost a sacrilege, I Ii 1 CLosa t'azacitirto.;--The fbilodring illustration of somel revivals of religion and the - piety of some, people, stil giVon several years ag6b a Ely colored preach er 'in I .,Montgomery, Ala., is ibrcible and irietractive. .Alas 1 it be so -"llyineby ivival's gone—an dare dey lie till 'nother ° ViViti. I "Itlylbredren," wiial he, bless your - gouls, tigion ls like de Alabama river spring Come fceeli, an' bring in all de che logi,siabs an' sticks, dat bab-been lyinl on be -bank,an'ear. ry dem do 4 vO in de current. • Bymeby de water go -dowti--den a log eitltch here on "die island, den l a slab gets otitchect on de shore, de sticks on de bushes —and de re dey lie, ;wiitlirin' an' dryin' till comel'.r.other fresh. Jos' so doh - Con - 4 'Filial ole sinner brought in,l dal, ole backslider brou . ght back, an' del old folks seem corona', an' might good Clime. 'But,. I bredren,god bless onr bymeby die ole sinner is tuck on his oivii'sin,den doable back— slider ta.cotched where, he was slore, on jusLsuch a noCk;', den. one after 'wither dat--h ad -Igot- ligiqn ltee siting de shore, an' dens, dekilte r- 1111 ti l dor - 13e0ibedliredtep,,1God bless . sent isouls,.krep in de etirtenf." • • _ I_ - ',courthip . " ae It , Should HIE • I • Choosing a.w4l) is / nOsticlipuzzling enigma as it (tied tollbe. before the lights of Modern! scionC i e aboaeacross • the ninoteetith angel, of , oars If yon marry, an angel; and discover af. :ter rd -that shwris something very fat' iemoved - , from- the 11 supernal, you• have only yourself to Wards for n Yon may.have read thi ,dtormant . ex 4 istettre of illesc very :repellant , traits 'bbaraeter that upon you-like thunderbolts in eonfoi h mation .of the pretty„head i the okapi) Of the polished foreheaß-, thel•curie of . the- Stately neck: You mighoavalseen the flash of teinper in her ers, the acerbity of her close lipe t tbe irOn will of her square Olin. Nature ir.giribe i # .her „nature plainly, enough in hew and brair., and it' you do not tak e .the trouble to read the signs and tokens; why you have only to makelhe'be . st the bargain. Nor * do 3 believe in long noun— ships. Jaenb 'mtist h+ been a very teinurkableibdividnal nct to have got heartily • itiredi of Mieil .Richel long before Oleic fourteen years ordeal back Ansptred i, ;and we,. have no iproofa that Rachel, was not wanittg;:into a 't.firmed old maid ;bile Jr-113 zs MI confirmed old maid while , .aool was earning, her. ;,. i. Pon't r.it to mike your fortune c ypittig lover! .1f you are not,rich in money, you ha z e stores of strength and' j'cintb, an Ivarm, fresh love; and, .with these gone, you would be poor, indeed,Ahougb! you revelled in the wealth of-John jacob-Astor.-7 A man never falls in- into but.ones.— He has fancies, — likings, ;friendships bared' Upoti, sequin° esteem, only the celesttal flame comes ',,{{ Free only in a lifetime. Therefore, if'' you love -a woman, and; shp is •ivirthy of run affection, in3nry htt, and trust . to God, and your own , ettOng tight , arm to bring_the world _to iecognife the wiss dom of yourl choice. ...; ;-, AS for all, 016 currcii l t l nonsense on b - .nb: 1' ':gel ''-- - ' 1 To" ,i 1 1 1 ' ,1 the snbject pi -.selecting a wife, our fiintl any ntora4enseTthail . • •lto , fall 'ini shrewd opinion 'is that it -is only non , - here. .Whoa; Bill!" T, .1 sense Taney a youlg gentleman r. ' But 0)4 continued aptbroacb o la' prying . into bitvinamprt Jte' 8 boost) be. ling a-ling" 'said just7.lo -Plainly as: fore breakfaSt to asc ,, t q Lin whether or; words that Bill would'nr When.- , e'-1. not her iioll:ur was pinned correctly. ! b dde, Jake was at the bottom. resting. or. her •• hair blushed ilgeomett icrill,y ; b .fore trying to shin it up,the ropeil . , stratliii t. Picture liii,h deseer ding ! "Groat I JernSalem!'" fistd..ilhe,• 4 4, e,i upon her-' , at all sorts .1.. f. certain and o dlcuss'w l ill bel..a top Of.:me bdor:li uncertain ' hours toftnd out whether ic n' say,Jack RObin,son. t •iiV, oa, da g she thatle'bread or pia the 'piano,'! i. 1 , Whoa! ' I ''- . %'• IF and if thore was an =• ;dust on her 1 - I Jest then ned drew up t o 1 tho edge. I - dhnter-table. j If he•hu,sj' i not judgment ir;l ,hell, aid w4h his 'foot ,kiekedl a: enough to make his selection without atie dirt'ttito i . :' '!!,.--' I • f . I . any sucn eytraneous aids, we. opine "Oh, Lott. dr e claimestJaite;fallina' that his intellect can ,scrtreely b oot the o' his knees a tbi itiottdria7Y“llt; 1,..i. 1 lg ne now- --:. whoill 16,10..Iitiy } iMe__dtkirn very highest order. Yet there are , some kee` r( disappoint- l'i e i feepz.:.-40 2 4. ..:1[...0 ' ' -th'i Lod'. mente: in tbie,.lmines44...n!airifiltthial I . '' . 2rLs9 - - :1 -''' ' ' OWAjp4d l • _. , , g i gs ardor a sWit 'of transitory on-- 1 ed .llS could hhl tri- no hinger, 141 , chanttnnt. is very a.pt. ‘'hett the ho- I 1 tiring Jake ight. Siiffer ' lfroni blsJI ney-moon'is over, to disroVer.tlett shell ight, ho rave led himself Ptoba.l is only trnirtal after all,l;and couSider Ib y iNed did'lit eke. tracks from t atil himself rather in tllle'light , e.d a wrong-1 ell, Maybe Jake wasn't 'up to ,11 ed individual: The pretty girli too,l t p of it in short ;order, and you ,begins to se` .that her lever is neither i ight think he didn't try ever nighti, 1 more nor less than a gain; it is posgi- for two weeks tO get a sbe, with klie ble that Abe has moments of , grave re- 'rifle at Ned. !laybe ' no) 1 do 't Ilectiou On the subject. Thus it re : - i know. Brat I' o, know that if Jaki 1 quires a considerable amount of phi- 1 Oids out who sent this, it `will ,be i losophy to surv:ve the Arst months of thst squib, you'lllget. matrimony 'without what are called "lover's quarrels." Yet there is love strong .enough and broad. enough and deep enough to hear up( all imperfee - Lions and -shortcomings lon its ii,sist.- less current.! NoW and then we chant e on a marriage- based onl, just such love ae this, a union : whose pnks brighwn as' the years go on, and are cemented eten more , strongly tu. , the i wort& - "where there is neitheri marriage nor given in marriage." ' 1 While there are summerand winter, seedtitne and harvest, there will be a perpetual repetition of ;pie • Sweet old Story of love and courtship.. It is as it should be. Let there - be no false modesty, no : misplazedl hesiltation on the subject. L God meant :his children to be happy in tblepriiig time Of their lives; shall I we hide ~ away the good gifts of love and appreciation, which He has given us?—.Phrenologieal Jour— nal: • i • The body i*. L to die.l_ . No oiie who passes the charmed bounda ryr comes back to tell. The imagination visits the, realms - of shadows set out from some windoW -in be soul over life's restless waters, but biings its way wearily .back without li live leaf in its beak,'as a token of emerging -life, be., yond the closely pending. borizo . a. The great sun comes and goes in the heaven, yet breathes no secret ut the ethereal wilderness. 1 The creapent moon` cleaves her. nightly .passage a cross the upper deep, but toases'over baudsignals. The , tientinel stars ' II. 1 eballel 'each other las they walk their nig ply rounds, but we catch no syllable` . of their countersign, which gives passage to the.hea=venly camp. littereencthis and thel life there is a great gulf fixed, across which 'neither feet nor eye can travel. The gentle friend Whose eyes we !closed in their, last sleep long years 'ago, died tirith rapture in tier wonder! stricken eyes, a siltile of iuefrable joy, upon her lips, and bands folded over a. triumphant .heart, but her lips were past. speech and intimated nothink of ,the vision that enthralled lier.- . --th G.:.Rolland. Bald a wino and witty old lady, the other day,l to her grand daughter, "What do you ugly budch that bangs doein "behind your bead"?" "Why, grandrnotber,:everfr body .kaosve it la Witterrall.", "A terfall,iodeedrttepti-d tberotaiady i it Woke:tor:tat the w. Id ltke . :ir fan =I The Great Mystery•' A ido en i-or Poi tia4ent • •tbree • y .- ,eld„ a ._,, illiard hse . eqltivatedifiba, koli t ' . r Baldwin i noupty,l and .. , n i i.ther film sapport or. Main init,,wife,- f i le is cLiklless Not le . ..,atece.lali west in - iiiareh oft a cniv4., WI wan , as through an ,Old wog% out :vital $.34.1 of clay land, °Pa:lout sipaaree in ex . t itnt, in. the . centre or sihich w a ell' twenty-fllve,.oF thiray rflieted p, t at at Somel 4Jme, mbably,, od serVed the .irifates of' *:dilapida ed, bowie near by . with .wart In '' ..; .4ng by thisospot, an illOyf i nd . dr4 , Yeke's "tile" f m his healliair:d ma i, mously wafted it to- thelfialclge of , 'be Well, and fin it unibled. 4...; , t, i ,- . I _-! INow, the d gentleman itad, I.' bpi praCticedrthe Yirtlie:of eeonol yi ;, a id he imm_ediatelY set-Oont,rece of tilgthe knit bat,-, He_rialci 1104 11. and" flridink it - Sias dryat tbehottorh, : I ) nFic,oiled:the rope witielslke : bad br fnr captunng the truan4oer, and 1 I t:r., - 'severa!,attOnina ttilkstch4be b ititb a ose, he concladed ;,o sa titild by g ting: down, iatof ,the 4 himself., To aCce r ninlishlbiabe ma f st and cliff. of Ithetroperitoi a , slur by. - --- - biird by; and was . aooil;:oni - ,,bis , *iy, diiwn the twel4 ' ,It 4,TM .a. fact; 1 of wibuch Jake was , no lesa4bitintis than the reader berof, ibid.'. Ned Wilt jai ar,as in the dilapidateA. old ' ,build aforesaid, iiiig tilant,an 014,blind hottee,l with a bell oic'h4 neck, w,114 had been,i turned out to d;ie f , was 144 grao4 .within a Short distance of the well 4 n be devil .hi self; or ': : gioine ot*or i joked sprit, nt it intcNed's craai: ‘ 'to bal, , e a ittla fun; so he qn!etly' s l ipped up to e' o:d bora!, and Oa. huekleinfe the-, trap ipp!pacbed w4h, i blow ai d stea y "tiOteit-ling" tc. he' ege of the we 1. i,... , 1 '.'Dabg the old bliad , ;:,horsel" r id' t e; man it ihS 44oniiirl the w 11; '! t hqs coming, this' way' Wei and lout, c;_otr I I, 1 - _r.The Aristocrat3y , of Cr ime 1 A Boston corrlespondent ritys sho 1 yland petroleum rlow;hide ,their ilea I sefore the surpassing luxuri„ es ' 1 lie bogus grm+ 13 of .wealth obtain rom burglary .hurglary noidess 16ried in unp Dished, and lavishil; ewarded. •We limy° in our . vieinit, we members of this class of wait y` non. Orie is- ptiarley Marna, t e robber of Gencord , Baok, who- f ei-all the huh ub made ober his ,de— tection, has sett ed 'down for life with ti arl independent fortune, oni'the sniis farm which he , made the base of his operations against the bank, and drives s i splendid span;, with' the brde vbom his successful speculation as i ' anabled him to marry within a montbi; gait, envied byl her poor and bon—i est neighbors.. the -other Is Iler4e Annie, „the hero of the still bolder oP eratisr.47hich ertrried a million and s half of - money in broad dayfight.fram the counting room 0 - a purblind NA 1 Tor 4 ,hroker, and who has been he I ;Atkin the -veek e •brazen in! the fe e ity from arrest; which waslAme of 1,,'1 ,erms of his batgaie, and,hoatiting. r he - admirir.g.detectives arid sporti s ni nen who are his familiars, 'ot Al :ool' hundred thnueand which he ea, dies in his pocket -as the mina' of ipeculatiOn. 1 - - '. 1 i - 4 Leah 1 _ ~., _.. ~ How A .I.4ADT ZEICAMD DIT Oig A J 3.01 A lady's horse, to beperfect, shed , e all over handsome,,aha twell up , te. haunches. If slightly , 1 hollow he back, so innch the better, for i enerelly tends Ito ease in action, a c o less motion tel the saddle. A: la y .bnuld never b ' heard upon the e.t . le--that is there should beano burn ng noise, not even in a ,trot. She 1 . hentd sit' so Closely, and, when Ash)* o the trot prisset such elastic imotion tom the foot to; he knee and weils het her zeturn to the saddletaboul elm as light is feather:, She shoul il olsiti "square to the front'," and her orae's earl (to ;speak es I a .soldier) ugbt to dress Well With; the buttons fat the bosom 'oft het 'habit. Nothing" , fide, so bad as to tat with a lain: to Imp and; wizen' edriiirete ire followir, mg:after, to let tem far theta •vety .littler would cast eoff, from the eat,: 1 1 rupiside of n bei addle; .her halid e should be dowiibotligh‘and her aprz imi ,well imi .eve 1:m1414'40n of .be fig!are", - Shenld_lia mor.ize with the me., tizlei of her ste , u ~if betti **seised , the same* volition --Gemini/ay Berke' , , I ~1 • . 1 '. , tst3f Ri , nnaskallilli4nrof Tor, pido • ' Boa.t • : 1 ten. , :id.aury's report.of t e 'defence 'of Mobile narrates the eve dal I bietei ry !if a torpedo boat as 101 l we I, . 1 It ,was built of:iron, rem ;about 1 tbirty-Ave feet long,, and was manned by a crew of nine', men, eigh tor *hem worked, tbe propellor by band. Iriel ninth Atiliered thejbeat and , regulated het inOrements below the eurface - of 'the water.;' She ,Icould be submerged at itileasura to , any desired depth, or could be, propelled upon th ettrflice.' In i smooth, Atilt water her . ' Ove,iiietite Tore exactly- cor.trolled,and bar epeed It.viie,about four l oi ots. It liiterl.l ed 1 tlytt She . 'thou approac , 14eseel; 11.8 lying iii,anchor, pass under her keel, and 'drag a floating tore o; twhieh , would expliftle on i i.srikirig t aside OF, bOttom'of the ship attacked. !1 '1 :She eoildlremain submer ed ,more', than half a ii hour - withou t ineenva ell Anetice to her crew. . , . •, 1' , • , , 1 1 I Soon' after her arrival in ,C arleston, Lieut. Payne,of the Cor.fede tii, ilii!.?, with eight othersJ volunteer ;to at:- tack the Federal fleet with h r. While preparing, for their ',, wiped tiiiii, tber swell of a passing stearnet c used the boat, to sink suddenly, and ll bitod i 1 except Lient . PapMe,,who at the wis 'anent was standing at the op n hatch. I way, perished. 'She i was niraitied arid again made , ready for ervice;L- Liciut. ;Payne again volunteered to coMmandther.• While lying earl Fort Sumter abe capSised and aain;sunk in deep water, drowning all , ands eir- Opt , her commander and t o others: Being again rahled, , and pr pared fOr I action, Mr. Annley, one of the l l con- structors;rnadt an - experime ntal cruise in her in Cooper ;river. %bile 'sub merged at great_ depth; fr i oni $OllO uakhown` cause,tl& • beeam uninan4 ageabte and rem ined , forany I days `on the bottom of Idle river itti! her crew of nine dead mer. ' l ii; v. ' ' The foUrth time:was the b t raised , and tieui. .._Dixon, of , Mob s e, of. the , twenty.firet volunteers, ,wi it; eight others, went, out of Chariestn barber in i i her' and attacked and sunk the Federal steamer, Housatonic Her mission . . at . ltestace° p l as hed; ' she!disappeared forever with her crew. n Nothing is knowit of their f te, but it ii believed they went down with the r . ! WTI. • ~8 ---.-- .Aboye Bis Business. 1_ 1 __I!; is a serious! evil, - that Many '`a young man has fallen into to be above Ns business. 'A person learns'a t'iiidni Al qiti-the ii-be 'must Igo l i o ,fistiop—ke? pi oi l i iTniit:rn -irtlyttlUit_ or tdrn jiol tictaritl- 7 - . h is. f trade , Ave are sure he .c —nt4-...,, , i 1 ot h er way.l and then yo ng : men 4 bronght'up ti;) shop-keeping 'ust buy farina, or ' , houses t 'br some other fool isb,'things'they know riothi, g abotqi li and what' is..the, l result? ead'OVer i heels in debt Ana ceriainl ailnre.-rz. l 1 Multitudes have been ruined !by tieing aboVe " l iiteir busi ess and brandlimg outi into what''t ey know notlhing 1 about. - . 'i 11 There is no t m ouble, aim_ t , yi:•ung t_ .. men who don't f e ll theirl 'ortancb, , and are will;ng to work t their 1 f trades - or profession'till .they 'et a lit.• ~"t1t.1.-bOforeband. With ti sma I; capital : to fall back :upon, they can feel like ' venturing into other business and by , tbie time,they will have - forined ',hub , ' its that are likely to keep: them straight. Thc t se, w,ho succeed best, in life, are men who stick to business . a 'dltnike money, befai.e they buy la boasei and commence- ape - eu LoOk at our stiecesefal men, wilt: eab *here lies. the _seer*? •demki. - -You-Vill find that they ne .er ahoy°•, their businesed and n • ver b for I the , cloiug of a job' wli eh could just as well do themse this' wb `are sure: ail meni t wi proinpt and punctual. &tick Ito business, and no; bel toe proud, will' eventually auceeed,'andl be independent. lA , Pact . Worth Print ogi 1 , [ 1 • ' At a Second-class hotel ,i f*ink' fort, Hy.,. a 1 Yew ' days since, ; a', Attie girll tones lentered told the ba r• the bar-ro kee om, i herer, than it Ipiti; ; pt '. mother had sent her there to get ei , fught cents..' ' , ,• "Right center" said the barrkeeper:, !"Yes sir." .- 4: , 'What dens your . mother 'Want of eight centsr ;I don't , owe • her any. 4 • thing."' ' ; , , .. I ' ~, ' "Well" •. Said the' • child, [ "father spend's all his , money here for riini,au4 we-have nothing to eat to.-day: Moth; er Wants to buy a loaf of bread?'" . I ' Ailoafer suggssted to the bar keep, ,• • i er to kick the brat out '!No,"s.aid -the barpkeeper,"l her mothei - the , money;. and father comes back again, I'll b out.", Such a - eircunaktatict bspri,ened• before, an d_mail• net 'en again. Humanity owes ti keeper tt'vote of thanks , Two ot the greatest ps• . England hare , tallen the namely: Charles, Spargebn a Oita Noel. This fact Sontidsk tetninwate Ameiirea:. • - IT lie prqrciged id datablisbl. 1014 cemeteries in ficicfri proper interment,. of v 30;4Q0' soldiers irrthat, State. A itattascntalwris 1011001,1* fro. eared a patentlor paper shit which' be can sell at ttvontyfire sent MEC EMI ME r z.t ! ~' •- ' dished 181 Oii1) of Buohanan's Seoretaries. _':'Jaceb Thoinpsen; of ' • Mississippi ; latelY a rebel agent in Canada;ond ast. snektOncereed in the plot for •the as- . sassinatton ,di. Mr .'Lincoln; was in Palestine lait 'winter.. It. , ia ssi4:.:-that he bad i a ' latter . of .receminendation frolic the Pope, - and an:English 11144 port. =- On thevoycige froni Nliples to Alexandria,. he found , :severall'Aineri cans: on ixoard I thie - steamer, who : tool. delight 'in einging,•...ADOwn with - ' the Aiiiitor; ' up, .wit ti 'the I :star," "Joh.a• Brown's body •is ' , mouldering:lU the groarid," - end Bode .p( that'-sort He errited:.at:,./ertisaletn,: and met with ''is': favorable rapePtion from. .the Latin; Patriareb; 'bid it' his hotel he fotind'bitnself in: di.ffieu l l'ifis.' 'f - He 'wag. told that= the - landlord' did 'not care t'o I .'rislt;: the loss 'of : all loyal • :American company by harboring hitia,and :in, be • had nothing to do bat to - pack up and I . leskiFe.l - 14Tetenly Americans, but:Eng• I lieb andlFreneh,,resiecifully declined the honor of :his coMpany. He turnr.i ed• with disgti li tlte the Dead Sea;' but. no traveller an .visit .the Dee Sea • 'Without an I e tort obtained from the'' Pasha, throe 'll anme Consul. : The Anilifleau do gut it a brareqolio*,, whoinist his i 'g at Cold IHarbor; but J..:ThoinpsOni did not, .Ventura, into' 'his offk:e. So' :,he sought in: vain for iiieseort, and Was obliged to :content ,biinself with 'il, view of the Dead . Sea from the Moun t OliVes.' .. The Mos.' que of: Omar, too,, closed' its gates a gainst frith •for :a - simile' reason, and he conk!' only fore for consolation- td his friend, the Latin -Patriarch. - It is to bot Oped. that ho received from aim Stich kilutary moral: lessons as' would be adapted to his case . .. ,Howevergiiti May'rbe, be I fOund it convenient': to learec : iteritsalent at once for a . more dongeotal climate. : : .. . . - , ....... 'A geauiiiiill Idea. -In the mountains-of Tyrol it is the caitom of the women and children , to comp out when ii , is bedtime and 'sing ; t h eir national 'songs until :they .bear iteir husbands, fathers, and brotherj iansw j er them from tbo hill's - on'their Iretudi hOme. On the shores of, the jAdritie siibh a custom , tireVaila.-- ;Tiler the wives of the fishermen come Idowt'about a sunset and sing Melody. lAfteireinging the first stanza they Ha tton awhile . .for an- answering - melody frem 4:lff the water, and continue ; to song and Anion till the well knoWn loom comes, borne on the waters tell— ing that the loved dials almost home. IHow sweetjte the weary fishermkd, ins the shadows gather around 'him, imust.bathe scings,X the loved ones at home:tho, sing to °beer him; had how ti , - muat strengthen and tighten the !dwellings by tilt" 4 .••••khzugik,humble laming:the lowly in this life that - find some of thef-mo i st beautiful cus— toms in practied 1 ~ . i, ----...--, . Cheer Y our Pastor. Has Go d 'give you as one of . his , floek,an Undershepherd who is faithful 'to his; Charge,: cheerful in . _poverty while You ;are growing . tech, weeping in your sorrows ,and,rejoicing.in your, joys? -Doe s he shfare his morsel with the poor of his fold, carry the lambs in his •arms, and lead 'all,loving and Niro:4oy,, through the desert, under the guidance of the • Chief Shephefill? floes:fie give up , all earth tor you and yours,rmaking your good' the aim;of Ibis lite? - , Then , leave ; him not coin. Iferthis l s; but. by the word H of sympatky land kind [appreciation uphold,his heart `kind Strengthen his! hands. Let him know that Ihe is loved and honored for his own' is well as for Jesus' sake, His position, to the careless - observer, may seem a sinecare--liglitfwork apd ,good wages; brit to hi+ who realizes I his awful; responsibility,, Standing as he does between the rejected Saviour and the imperilledlsinner, he will sip. pear as of all , men the most in need , of prayer awl support. ; , . ms Atl an' of - Election g tics, " Ta o A- distinguished ,h candidate, whclkis "up to a thing or two," and has ,a keen appreciation of live beauty when, about to set off on; an electioneering tout. recently, said to his wile, who was to accompany him for.-prudential reasens: ' ° ."Ity dear;inasmrich as this election is complicated, and, the , canvass:- will be epee, I am anxious to leave uoth. ing, undone that Would ' prompt, my popularity and. so:I have thought it would' be a good plan for me to ;kiss number of , the hamisoinest gins in every place - where I may be-honored with ieceptidd...Dern4oh think It would , be a capital idesi.".,, "Capital."letelaiined the, foiid wife. and to make - your 'election a ~sere 'thing, while you are khaki; the hand someste Willlkiss SW equal num bet of the handsomeist young' meri." , The • distinguished candidate we. believe, hits nottsinee referred ,t 0" Pleasidg meant, a 00110 kt.. 07,, if her ioli bin G never haPl it bar-7 bore 14; , ledge, 1, Ba j. p eleittja . , A start recently , the off/tin en. gagement. because the lady did not i pcisseits good conversationil powers. .; 1 , - Armen-peckededito' coptmentieglup. lo ' tre fact a ye "He should bar and,,Married 'het , an, en kefuttedlier, n` 1 - tiiitew bcinnet in,..hi've develoPed he . .. , iiiiiii:df ►ialk, . , 1 .,, P Smut / :„1' ilki i ' ' t'' 1 ' will 11,Z 0 ON El amt y ;fend the stinitner 1 at Long, Branch, N. 3. / TbelProsidelit "will, join them on tite adjournment of Congrosm. , ,/ . i ' • !. ' 1 Feb'• marl foi 1116 (Tilton RIM •i I [Teriliel436 inserted ; It ibirret• - si square -- , `eaak , tillSlpqttsett •-isseerit - imiTl iiiits. Lll liberal d :istiansiti. sodseteipengli iitliere, autitulAotig ifeArtrilllem„. ea& , 3 space equal tOlsiriretra fines of 4 .tikisi Up* ilit•Ortl 1 0., :a iOlvforre•g'' 1. . ., 'f ';'' f li- 4 ' BtP4liel noticks 26 per. cant. eAdltiost to.reg air rates, : ., j<<- _ .....,.. -.-4, . , ~.. , --4... , ,-- " its )3 inesii.cirds, 75. Cents a liuovpskr,"peas' arriagee iitt4'Deitit. Religious, Pelletal' aiitt i other Notices of a public nature, tree. i :-: , Ei 111 El! 11l II _ .; ;1..: • ",•At•••••• 9ncEe? ADvonissuor, Int:eiligemob: .During the ribeut, revival at Nevrirk, N. J,./it man Who bud been attending Court as juror, W'is'it wake:NA bitty, Spirit God fta &leg 'l4 . .pan tides- his ' lb... Stated that, whda in . t le jary box hour after bonr,trying tboaft charged with crime, weighing tbh evidence, listening tp, .the &t - of la w yers, iding , oll'a Verdict, and bearing the , sentence Fel:Oinked bk, the judge, ibis , solemn scenei of fiff judgnient , can* flusbing upon bib `„, lie thbuglit of when be wo stand before the, bar of Gott. diately after the imijourofnant ottliff Court be ritirned' home in gieat-di# • tress of mind, sought forgiveneat Jug was: merelfu4.pardoned • of aii Auf Ono •1--• . , - i An association haa.been founded (.1 j Paris Witli . the object of undertaki } 4: a new trtitislitton of the 'HolY_Borip- { - . ' tures. 'lt ia to. be the -Work of etompe- , tent persons { i takewfrom Ike three , ' great religions comindnities-I-Cathoft: lie, Protestant:, and JeWish. -6f, lime ? . dee ThiorrY, Senator, and member of; the Freneh Aeademy;lit the Prestdfir+ At, the first misting held { last-month,. the President remarked _that it was is , I,Ource of, satiSfaction to behold the, three gret forma of worship; assent.;;. Wed to prOmote the object ibex's!! had' at at heart, and that -there wai ii-,pe,dtral ' , ground on which they could: aioet;t namely, that 'of phileldgy:tind. liters... Lure. , - • k -',.: ; , 4 - A ciergyfliiiii writer ;to t elsdetiend. 1 - ent eorhplainibg that there i're over - seventy vacant pulpits.in COfieecti.9l4 alono,the reas n being that there is fp great -a decli e of roligtomi iptere4A,' t it that rongregations caroot, ko tnifuriad to • contribut e fob th • e support - - of pastors. , {: „.. ~ •' • ' , , The c :National Council 'A the. • _second Roman -Cathofic Btshope of the Unt- .: ted-States Will be opened'in Biatititore ,on the firet Su nday of .October. 'There are at . present seven ecelestatitidaf .' provinces,. emhracing forty-eight. die. -. wises.. • , Rev. R. Si.„Ra i tfield, one of the Ppe, • vial contributora ,t,o -the Independent,,, takes ' the' ground this the Fenian miivemer.t is-directed against Protii:sf ' antism and Ili the 111WrQ8tA 'of thei„ Papal cliurch. , , •. . .- • --g. ( . ' From the tone of the Baptist palietrii the ilitior: l proposed•b,etween the Bap-, •• Lists and s pisciples is opposed -by ;the great majority { of the Baptiste. • - . . .- - .. • - • , _, n • The Mieenonary, ship: Joh ,I•Vesleot has 'hatiomei a total; wreck in the —Belt ; 'Several`' missionaries and their wives were 'on boareat tba'titia. , •-• •1 The Swiss government has decided Whole feditlatton ' be 'granted . to ad Unrisuan - r---------4•.014_ r. • • • • I . .7-7,•••• -- i f Farm ; &o• Rkskl - liarka C.4,.i.N - E5. , — . 1.11 ordinary .. stock . gro . winz; what his been more profitabbi . regently than raising cows; -if •not for , use on the. farm, then for sale,to the dairynten ? And, compar ed with, other. parts of stock -growing, - this relative profit ,is likely to continue' for some , years to cbrite. The first= year the cost of keeping the calf- hi. • small, and alter the 4econd; the cow will pay, her ,own way, and "giie p i rofit besides, if not sold. F4merit tri fruit and' graiti-growing seetiorts, de sirc.us of t raising a few cattle yearly fOr sale, WillTfir.d the heifer calves - ,'the most 'profitable. §iRAViBTRAIES.—Tbroukb . ."; oAt Sicily it; is the custom to pat strawberries 'along with sugar and the : juice of an; .orange or - two. - - The strawberries t i a small kirirl, come tothe table without their.stalks, are crnibed. With white ii , owde;r ed. : Sugar; and 'the, juice of an orange is 'aqietaed: Over them: The result . is, a fragrant tnd .. agreeable, cOmpound, much superior, ;in my 'opinion, to strawberries and cream. .Indeed, hthink it, is almoit worth while' to make 'jciarncy td Sicily to he, initiated into. this mode of eating . strawberries. --- Ga'rdener's Chronicle. - • - ,1 ~ - FATTENING, CATTL:-.. 7 lt,is , the,coma . mon praeee at the west, and prOba.: lily elsqvirbere,A4 feed Thole corti - ...td cattle whori ,Cip , for fatteniug„: Where there is a superabandariiblif edrn,tbia' method of teeding.mey,not be of much cor.aequence; t oogh theTraotice ii alh ;wasteful f' 4:me.J . Corn. meat la preferable,Miteht ' it saves the labor of ther aninial in "rincling it* own - food. An= o.Will fatt en a quarter taster on meal than on'coiG,svhile a lesa.amonnt ititi - be died in the, procai• ( . • Itkißs4xi L .ticris —Failing in ric h conipost; qt%tiloroagbly decayed (lung; -sow PertOtin guano-onm tbi :during shCivery.weatlier in the spring, st the rate of two. t: per acre, and • give,acdtherdressing.iu. the first vet weather in ane applying it jot be= • fore rain., tel. , the, guano siftetri through 4 fnoderately fine store, f'etiV . racism pinto best, bat the - amrrioilZ' ated gnanci;is eiceilent. • , r o•CouitNol ix.: SHEik.—TO preient sh'eep from seOiriogwlien firsittirned to grass in t.fo. Shriag, : sive them-no` `laic froftl_the , tiMe they ore tutikeirout; data after elitiaring;or,what Vre-think is much hotter, lot them dart; tiecietit Lo snit at all times; simmer aild*wie- 7 ter. Either plan will produce the de: sired, effort'. L' -, ...,•Iti.t 7:':.-! 1 MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers