i ..:, . . ~.. . • r , , . . . .- '-I . I • . . . . . . • • . Tift : ':''BOV.Ett:'Aittlit. ,a.,{6.srt.us ASsamex. iirai r r.A./%T: at. 'CO., • "Imam! AMP PILONLI/TOILS. iVIAY sin, moo. )roa OOVERN.OII, • " • GEL, JOHN - W.- . GEARY, 9ir • ausiiiirsuotp., 1 Wm &Orion/Iced last - :week the name of lion. George V. Law On cc. of Wash ington county, as a candidate for Con gress. It has been usual in'this State for each county to make a nomination, and ;bin sppoint conferees to select a c.andidite from thosaprasented for the Dis gict. We , recommend that in this instance the custom be departed from and the nomination be conceded to our present worthy repteseni,ative. There is no necessity for the ti,imality of a District Conference. In ',this county there is no ?posit, to Mr. Law rence, and.our citizens all expect and desire that he should bathe nominee. Me bee represented Abe \District well,. stuns entitled to a- re nomination, and to a fulf t expratision of confidence. In view of the fact that' he to now in ,Washington II attending closely to, his official dutieei, and cannot leave to look after his political interests, we believe it the di.ty.Of the Union men of the Pistrtct to generously relieve him of all.anxiety about this matter. In be half of Beaver county, we say to him and to our'sistsr counties that, we pre fer tie should - remain where he is, in tbe discnaro of his duties, and that the, Union:inen of this CountY will nee to it,' tnat;-.sn far as they are concern.. . ed, he 'shall not,suffer, in consequenee. If dominated he is certain of rnalec tino, and Ibis is np time.to run risks. W.n are satisfied no man in the Die- trict •can poll a Itlger vote than Mr. ' Lawrence, and wet are equally as well . aatiified that we have no man who Could and world represent us more ti ll ably- fait fully:, We bare only or to. • say to-our orthy, representative that he "need give himself uo uneasiness - about this county, we think. He will receive the nomination atuur Conven , lion; and We; will place his name on the ticket and contribute so far- as we can to secure his election. We are ati• cured the miler counties composing the District _ -will do the Same. Hon. George V. Lawrence is , the choice of the cniOn voters 'for Congress, and be will be triumphantly ele6teA .4i AT the instanno off Ron.- Roscoe Conkling,of i New York State,Congreas • last • week appointed a coprnittei to n roatistatok ands in the Prom4st Dian, tilitn. Fry was called to account, or gt least required to:satisfy the people of the United states'thal there was not great incOmpotecey and corruption in the manageMentin the office of which he has control. Gen. Fry rendifred bimself ridtC,ulotta and odious to the • cinintiy,by, his mathematical compu tation and his innumerable orders of and concerning`the draft and the quo- tas of the States and districts. We certainty think , the hundreds of mil -lions of dollars expended in his de , liartment on deserters, bounty jump ere, might have - been saved by honest arid judicious management.— No department of thecGovernment, or `.all combined, evinced so much= appal.. ent in.cfftciency, 'or brought so much = disgracer' upon the country. We st e glad an intiostigation has been order-1 ed. Fry's- effort to prevent it only arouses our saspicious. Cottons& has passed the , bill foti`the admiesicya of COlot'ado as a ,an al it is 11,04 in the heads of the dent for his signature. It is thought he will veto it, on the ground that Colorado has'not the number of inhab itentairequired. An effort wait made hy the radicals in Congress to have the word white stricken out of the ConlOttitien, which" failed, only re— ceiving thirty-six votes the Rouse, Coz. JOREtatN, Cimino n.of the 'Un ion State. Central Co mittee, has is - sued a call for,attkeetitig of said Coral mane t be held at tbe , National Un ion Clue, No. 1105 'Chestnut .street, '.Pliils.delphia, on Itledesda), May lath, at 3 1 4) clock, p. The atieudar.ce of ' every member of the. Committee is earnestly solicited. • ' 1, G RN. HAWLEY j was inaugurated 14ov ernor of Connecticut, on the 2d inst., at New Raven.', In his message to tt'a Solute and House, he 'troposea that thegneetiou of universal suffrage in the State be again submitted tor the °lee— tore. IN _Tam Washingibn County Union Convention -will be held an the 29th of May. ' In Indiana county tbo ion men hold their Convention on the 4th of June, and in Butler-OCAllpty the Union Cunvention , wilqbe belch:in the ilth of June. Gov. Limit:MX t of Texas, nue '• eel K pwelatniitiOn for a State election • outlet" the new constitution,on' stb 'June. , . , COLIntY We inserted last week t tbe call , of , , the Connty Committee ,to the Uniou voters; of Beaver County , fixinKitke tinio of holding the d i mity Conion- - - tion. The time fixed [le earlier than we iintieipeted, but so, far as we Itite concerned, one .tip e: is es gooif* other. _Last year Convention, wad !"moutli later. (When le s take i intofteepant,_howeverl, the number ot .andidaLein the field,irid their known anxiety for en early Convention; we do not sionder the CoMmittee - waS in (Weed 'to sborten'the both out of f I respect to the candtdat l es and the peo• ple. We did not start out, however. to dismiss the time fixed..but to call 1 , attention i ,to one mportant feature of the call. - Last year tl i r County 9on-- vention,by a vote of fifty•four to tnen.- ty•Seveti; adopted a resolution subinit" todto tie, people in the Call for hut Coriventiec,(diclaring that., hereafter the l voting for candidates , in the dlifer ent eleetion districts stioutd, be by kiet- i lot! In Obedience toi that reecolron, the Chairnan of the Committee to his calf directs that the pivvisions of the , resolution referred to Shall be adhered to'. We believe the ch n imge a good one, and;since the' people ade it,we think Vb departure from the rule adOpted should, be perrckitted. If ..1, there' are objections now; it is.too' !li e. - Itieir only courielpft is to subinittbe Inlet. ter agaipio Lim people, and let Ahem A, m . . ake the hattge if they;desireiene. i e. Capdidat so and others, had better - take notice th at a departure from • the rue will give ;trouble. • We are only, ';sta-- ling, this matter clearly, that' all pay ,fairly :understand, Poirsonally,it mat t , tail little 'to ns wbalt mode dietfiets Pa n y adopt,but iwe knot full welfit:,here rePtUose whii , vorill ar il be satisflect so ettiify; ,In Airs coniiti, where a Uorn inatiou Is' eqtivalent 'to an electi on, voting bp -ball 't is the f pioper method thepeo` l 0 have thought;and now we , P .must abide .by the decision. To' pre 7 vent any, Misunderstanding, we Irnigh t say that any candtdat/ having. no op -3 poiition, sboald not, be reqPired to dietribUte tickets, orlie, nominated by bnlink. •la that case, no ballot would berequired. The vete should be by declamation. We say this mach: to relieve ' such caildidates and ' .:,heir friends from unuecessary trouble. I From Washington. l - 1 1 31 trASHINGTON, may, u. A committee of co4ference ag t eed on the'Sinendatory Weds cor, p act, it has passed both liouses,and only awaits the signature of the President to become la law. toots every'officer of the FeduratiGov ernment, who acting' Under :_orders; uaring toe war: It alSo removes all suits brought by, aggrieved parties against suetl officer, from the I State courts„ to the Federal courts As has beer betore stated, it transfers over twO r thousands of that kind of 'cases &Om thelienteky local courts to the United States courts... The bill pro— vides 'that the production of a tele— grain order hy an officer for such en arrest is slifficierit for his defense in iathe suit. The Senate in Executive seision dnY,finally con firmed Lowts D. Camp bell, ae Minister to Mexico. - was claimed that he was - a wrong 4uppor teir of the President'spAey, 'but Sen. atCr ,IVade made a • speech in; Mr. I Campbell's favos, and that settlild the• questi4n. - WABRIJOTON ; May 7, 1866, The Jlouse passed, without-any bate'tolday,; a bill perfected by the Judiciary Committee, which, l in effect paves (the somewhat for ' the trial of! Jefferson Davis . It provides for ; , th, time and ‘place for holdirig the circuiticurt for the 'Eastern district of. Virginia . , and allows the judge to hold the cOart at NOrfolk or:Rich mond. , The bill was received ,by the Senate and duly referred. - There seems to b,s a very strong impression to-day that the President has decided to yeto the , bill" admitting Colorsdo r i nto the, Union. Its friends in, the louse at least are very confi— dent oran-iMpeudingzeto. General Siclairto-day notified bOth the President and - Secretary of War that: he did not desire the mission to thii Hague, and should decline , Re fireferred to remain-in tho : military t , service •and retain his presort, corn — ( Mend Charleston;-South Carolina. THERZ,iB considerable - 'stir in Now Fork over gtate , politicti at this time. Gov. Fentor. and Lb:tut-Gov. Atwood' are about the only strong candidates tnohtioqed among the Union men for the peeitiot. -these, two public, men now occupy, and i State Senator Hen ry C..: hiurphy, - of Brooklyn, is very likely Ito be the Deincoratio ear.didate against Mr. Fenton. - li.triaoa, Me., Slay, 4.— WM. Hutch • ing, the last surviving revllutionary soldier is this State, ar.d the last but two or three in thi.Union, died on Thursday, in the toWn'' of I!iniobscot. Hancock county, af the age of 102 yeaBs. Special boners will be accord— ed to the memory ; of , the deceased vet eranoit his fur.eral On )donciay JAMES, rARTON, the book-writer, says of James, GordOn'Bennett, of the NeW York Herald: "He had no friends st ,rie 'start, helms - bad none since.and he:, has Mine 'now The whole of his power .as a , writer consists in his dot potion of the evil in things that are ., mi . Ind the falsehOod in things, that are true, and of the ridiculous in thir.gm that are important," r, . . . . .. ' • ./ 1 I, . • . . ;. ~.1 . . • i} • i . . -...-• .. - - . Clymer on . 1 Arming the State. [ ~ , in thoSunate, - on thelZ 2 th of!Apyll, 4801, on' motion of Mr. M i Clute, i -the amend reading arid 'beas:Aeration' pf the bill ,providing for artnlng the Stale ;was entered upon ::; •• - :1 I : - `-• 1 • % . It so: hnppened that ju. - ,before the assembling of the Senate ;that sto ring, intelligsnce bad beeniviceiveif by telegraph that the-forces of the Gov— ernment were engaged In actual Con flict with the' icaurgents fat Chairlea. ton. All thc members •were in pos. seision Of th e nevie, midi:each - acted under-it as his ptihciptes and feelings dictated. . • •, _ II :! 1 Upon the passage of e ch section of the bill - the yeas and nays were requir .ed,, .Eich ditiaion prods ed,a strictly party iesult. I Etery Repnblican t oted to puttthe State in .a oonclition cf de. cense., every Democrat voted : the other way.. On every division Mr. Clymer vetted ors the rebel side :His principleS, his sympathies l , and his am bition, all took •him that way. i On tho'final passage the vote stood: IzAs---Moisrs. .Bensonl, Boughter, Bound, Connell, Finney, Fuller.Grogg, Hall, Hamilton, : Hiestand, lmbrie, I ,l i ri:•hl, Ketehum, tendon, LaWrence, M.'Clure, , Mereditb, No.shols, 'arker, Penney, • Robinson, Sevin', 1 8mith, Thompson, Wharton, Yardley and Palmer. Speaker-27. 1 NAYS÷-111011811 1 . 4 . 8100 , Clymer, Crawford, Mott , Schindel . encl.!: Welsh ---6. ', .: • - • This record, whieh Mr. - Clymer :, I made'it the commenceme nt of the war, he maintained, with .a most disloyal and infamous consisteney,:till tho close. , : , • epicusisen 4 The•••onve tion called t 6 consider the propriety bf organizing a separate State Govern-, meat for east Tennessee, met at Knoxville, yesterday. Jedge ;Samuel Rogers presided., Judas ijliogers said he hoped thd caortitpers could ,act liberately and with caution this was but an adjourned i7e,tin of the Conventien held et Grenville during , the dark hodre of the telzellion.! W e prop\me to &insider the Moyernent.-- If We see,ede, it. will be ftona•the rebel people. East. Tetinesseelhae loop, sired a separate State IGovernment, and the new. State can be_made um) of the riChest in the •UnionJ I • - ! • • At the conclusion of tile President's remarks, Colonel Templqfrom the Committee' On resOlutions' and ~ b usi7 ne•Sti. reportect , an 'address unanimously adopted, stating - 66 scheme Iliad long 'Jean ed by• East Tenitessee.— The people of the State differ in. soil, habit and custom- The difference be t Ween the ;people are irradicable.— . West of -the mountain thS- peopte are all rebels; Nast, they are, all V010n . .. lists. To protect oursolVes, we must disenfranchise them: Wewill not no drag,ged into false positions as to the Union, by the other Southern Statesti We believe . a is,epaiate gOv erninatit best, that welnlay live in - peace.: and develop our-1 I resources The addioss• coneludes with s,tutisties i as to the population, nuoriber ot squaie resources,ldtc.. ,cruti - etr ir resbintioliii — c - trieSzTuglliired - dress of `the Conimittee, and advising a postponement of the question Until Congress-decided whether Tenttessed is a State. ,His resplutif - fins were al most unanimously voted down. , t After an eloquent address by Cole. nel Nelson, supporting the movement, the President of the COnveittion,' was iestructed 'd appoint a Committee of _three to bring.the question befure the Legielature. , A Committ ee was also appointed - to prepare an 'address to the people to I-Bast Teonessee. Another Homicide in Fayette -City.'l ' Special Dispatch to Canvnercial., „•1- ; r AYETTE IATY,_ M ay o; iBti6i. - Kr. Martin 'Lutz, a farmer living in the suburbs of this place, was acci dentally shot - last evening; about elev.. en o'clock, under the. following •cir— cumstances, Mr. Lutz had left home in the mining, with 1.4 , intention of being away, until the next day. A. A young Man by the name of Todd, and Mrs. Letz, in the evening locked the house and went to spend:the eve.. ning with a neighbor. '!On ;their re.. turn they found =thedoor I - Jroken open, and heard acme one tip stairs,' They . culled frequently for Lutz, but re• ceived no answer,' T 4 37 then went for assistance and premed while one of the party; went for an officer. Lutz fired °mt. of :the window up stairs. The other party thMsen— tered the house, andl as Lutz came down stairs Todd called upon him to speak or he would eboot, which he re. :fused to do.! Todd tben fired.'`Lutz ran several:rods, and Todd was :about to fire' again, when hei(tutz) spoke and said: "My GOd, Sam, you. base 'killed me, 'lint it was ray own fault," and in. r a few momenta died. - Mr. -Lutz was' i a worthy :Citizen. NO blame is attached to Mr. Todd: Cleveland •and Mahoning R R. Mr: Garfield, of Obic6ntiroduced a bill in the [ House of Representativee of the. United States, last week, an, tborizing the Cleleland and Mahoning Railroad Cinn,pany to construct a road from Pittsburg to Clev,elandV and to declare the same a postul 8,0 ry . route. It alludes to the charter granted said road by they State, of OLio, bnt enlarges . .fts corpdrate powers.— The bill "was telerrqg to. the special Railroad CoMmittee. I DEATHS 171,051 'STAIIViTION AT. THE SOUTEL-LBttOrB from influeritiaiL per sons in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina speak of sad cases of suffer in those States, where; deaths . : from tictuul sterratton are-reportedt to' hare i recently, oceurred: , The .? distress is not, confined l • o the' freedmen, but in hundreds ot,c sea the white residents arc equal itu prert, not even a lost of al breatl-beiso. o btainable; '..-. East Tennessee. .W. w. W. INI MMMI The'pfseuFfiflolo3.lr —r a i ali..' :-I i " . , Probst Alen '6 , u ' —Re 'Confesses the Deed -+A ' 1 Recital: ! 1. 11 Plum . * R au iii : ) , 7..t.-alitt - Et* lung Telegraph °Wishes the:4lo°4 084 sion of Probst..`After deecrftting be rrturdeeittf - the oy„CureY, he sateli The - sight Of! tie : iblood of - the boy produced - in Me la devilish and bleo4- thirsty - feeliag,and I determines' 'at once to •zattrdur the whole f aruily --,, Ile disposed of' he body ‘of-!-the boy i , as described4ml ,to, and then:!deliber ately walked .C. er to ihe hones' He entered aed:told Charlie, the little ; buy ! next"in Years to! Wilke, who-' ' wits; alb: sent, that - he w!nted him - h to help i d do some work i . .the barn.Thelit !tie' boy follows , and as Boob as 'co gethini inside he barn ,door, he d . s'.. patched him wilth-ti small !eagle hadd secured. Re t en went: back to tlbS house ar.d told Mrs. Deering -.114re was something the matter with dne of. the cows, ald he wanted ! her to c•3tim to the ba n. ,i She went,;!`and he i full'uwed.ling a soon as shelente ed inside he struck her on the head OA killed her. lieflea went back to the house and bron4lit the thiktri3ll out, one at a time, and taking, them insi i de tie barn,liespatched them one by one, with the same eke; Iu eueh instatice. he cut, their !throats and Iplac'ed thtir bodies bloc corn, crib himself jiist tU. the position- they, ware fouad., .fie then eoVereti the bodies 'up and pro ceeded tcrwiPe uut all - evidence ' of hii guilt. He then went' back; to Abe honFe and awaited the.arrival of, Mn Deering,: not ,! expecting that Miss Do: lan would ttecoMpany !him. !As tioOrl as Mr. D.eeringl arrived In the car riage he of 0u..4 and Probst told him somethiuk - wee wrong with 'one of the cows. at.d asked him to go overlo the barn' with him Itlr._ Deeritii - went 1 eking with him, into the konie at and furs.. Mr. .1 take off lirs barn, but , proeee lowed by, Probe cealed,-iiudy for Deering. , entere states that he et, and l'ellr;#_him chopped t his ui bxe. • ;Dolan w last victim. She xfter coping; dow ink; any rif the fkk and Probst, who her, treated her I rest, of the famit the bodieis and c' hay, the' Murder arid comibericed Woe. lie states' ey, but expected able amount.' poeketbi it. He s aw t fifty not two fifty, notes, ,ap4 twisn lame Character remained, about pitice4 up the black.valise hie further mu muclfas firough,t ed that it b.fil - di to piede's by tbe . . _ _ i J.., LAST DAYS 0 tir EN . . Lass --:,..une • dpi.l itor of the La irosse Dentocreit, inl a.' letter WriLtedo the; 13th, makes trho following mention' of ' the departMg Statesman, Gen.! Lewis Chas,t . : Ilei ht.. still alive, thotgh 'his filially hare gathered bete 'in daily eXpectatio r.of his de' ease: • T o Goneral is .naw .in , his 87th . year.epasses meat 4-1 .of !his', I :i. time in sleep, ndistuf bed 't,',Oiro. intervalahe waens,up sufficiently to' ; ask for some of his „old- friends, whol l are, sent for, be t• - on ',arriving, within the hour; lie is. enerally asleep . again.!: 'His disease 'is a. ftc ping of - the brain,l • IN. the Ilous l e - of li;pres .'" entives 'Or; 'i l l the pasriage' of tli*.bill creating hol new grade of G neral,j Thaddii,us.Ste•l tons folloWed M .Riymond,.Jund said:ll I.' agree wi h the Sir, gentle Man faint it New York cia Ring Nvilling .to, pfe,i' Mote Gen. tirauL not- only to tile of-1 flee of ftiliGenekil, btit also;i l as i : I, .Un' —1 derstane., and h i ppo Ildid net Misnri-r derstaud him, 'to a higher office' when-1 I evet tho:happy-moment shalliarrivel' "0 This significant sentence caused iimtei l . a sensation on Ithefloor' . and iu then galleries;. Mr. Raymondtirade no'd'ts-i elaimer.- '1 . I 1 • • '' 1 .1 =I ~ . — l ---- " 18 ,_, , b CAQI.ALIZINCI TOE L , URRENCT—A . a 1 committee bas tteen• appointed for tlie j purpose of frantirg. it bill loOking tii* more eqUal (Witt ibution 61 the Nati( di al, currency amg the Sates. Thiire! has recently be en an attempt to istayc, off this result b getting a further lu.l crease - of $100,00,000,i but it was, un ' suceessfel. 111 currency ''now du will, therefoie, avd to suffice,and'thei banks which t Ok possession of [the! lion's stare ma , us well i prepure to disgoige I , ... ~. i ~,„ I j i-- ---- T - '•' --- 7r -- _ - i 1 Sourly , Jubt Elte.— It report lately made to . the War Department stiovii that the cirimeipf "bounty jumpiri'g I was extensively committedl.near thr,i close of the late i l war Of-6,oo,ooo`*eU enlistedi by thel br'Overnment during the last year of,i the war, brit` 168;69q leached the army. The fraucla r corn--1 mitred were Universal' and pot conflin 4, ed to soy i particlular leoality. Mas. JEFF. Dips, aceoMpanied two servapts and her. youngest child; arrived at Fortriss Monroe on. the 3d.! She was 686i:in:ad by Lieutenant Fets aer.den.into ,thei Fortress. The ditiona of tier visit. are - unknown;Hi She, brought, & (identity baggage' With her, as if eidelitly designing AV, remain some len th of time. 1 , . - ON Virginia River; Arizona, tw i e&l . ty miles above the tioint narigattn,l is a ledge'nf , pnre- rock sait,,nne h 11-1 dred feet high iiiiarying anci olear er,yetal, - L • 'Lam - ekrassee in Abe Miainesip,pi, below Nerr.Orie 'tie are widening, and, the floods above are itibrmlaing.-. II 1 ' ' nd Mi 36 Dolan wont d took off Ke'r'bonnet Deering did titit -even ,i s bc.tore, going ,to the ed there at once,'fol ,who had axe, Con.: tiuse.: As, soon as Ali': the door ''rohst, rack hiinl on the head the earth, and then, lack With the edge of 1 11,i _the neitland. last proceeded to the barn p: n stairs, and not find" rainily iu the houSe, ,) was in . waiting for las he had 'done the iv.. After lityingJint 1- Pverin,g 'there, lip with r wentinto the Donee 1 searching Or i'allia• that: he; go4;no Mit— to secure a consider -70 states that Miss . .. Dols bud_'rveryi . little in ling whatever ot, the compound rinterest Ay dollar bill of the' tbat-ate missing.' He the hou4e for some, t•lte articles found in rand left abou t _were prettyl out on - triatl Probst Fitzifb l 4"Burre r rtid so, he wou4,te, turd Mob. ' 111111 S • lIIMINIMI ~ • 1 , [- • tr iv . II CO . - - •cr,4 . )-anity= :- COI:Oen ion. I !. • . . . 4.... 4 1 „-; - 7 . - I•• • .., . ''i i T 1 HE - Wilco, voters . of Beaver, ( • • • ty . ire, "requested'to meet ist the us , ' places for ho dihg eleetßms, in thCseveral : . ougha and Towaships; okSaturday; the 26th'of Nsy,and appoint • delegateSto i County Caseation; to be held on ' 'i' - i .51o4day, the 28th of r..llay iot 11, A. M. for?e. purpose of nominating i Cointy ticket,' and. to nominate one, candidate for Congresi,l eneleandidate for President Jua • ono can-1 didste for State Senate, lira one c diasta for, Assembly , . "',', ' --' " I ' 7 j The To- - meeting 41 the tc--•shir - 1111 primary L. -.ling AO townships Wik be held between - the hors of 4 and 7 o'clock, , , P. *!:rand in the bereughs between the„hOtirs, of 71 and '• • 1 , 1. • Obedience to a :leaded on of Oeenty Con ventiin, the Toting for. Candidattii in the dif-: ferent election districts i shall be by ballot. • .• • ' order of Ceinntittee. ' 1 D. L. tiatr i ts, Ch'n. seeetal electiiin 1 districts ars entitled to delegates as folbwis, to wit : ''l • . : , Baronet .. 4 ' 1 Industry . • ' •-3 Bridgewater .., t ... ..... 2 ' Independence ' '' .Itifißeaver ' • 4 Marion..;'. ;..: .... . . ~.2 1 'Brighton : , 3 Moon ...:. .. ..... . .... 4 Chitirwa.., ' 4 ; Nev a Brighon.... 4 pat ington —' . • 4 Net% Beni ly 4 Economy ' ...4 1 North Bei iekly . 8 Fallston ' 8 Ohio, . .....4 .Frinklin ' ‘2.' Patterson I, , 2 Freedom bor • • • 3 Ithillipsbutg . Freedom dist ' • , t 2 . Pulaski .4.......J....2 Greene ' ' y 4 Rochester hor ~ 4 Frinkfort, ' ' 4 -Rochester itp . 2 .Id'autie . • ' 4- nactioon 4 Ilopowell 4 ,South Bea;fer..l : :22 :4 1 A NNOUNCEIVIgN TS•. •' • VFO are &bib oized to announee'the names or the following geemcd, ce candidates for ti e offices named, ettb jeftl,to the dPeibion of the Upon Coun ty Convention:. , - ' ' : ~ .- I • ~ 1 . l i. Congress. 1 •,• • dF,IO . V. •L WRENCE, Waihington; I' . • I': - :Preside i t Judge -. :I:.i. 8.8. CHA/SIBERL N, Now righton; 1 . . '' I N Assocint : Judge. IBE:JAMIN TO D, Indueiry; AGNEW DUFF, 'evf Brigtiton; TH S. G. KERR, Freedom;( l: State. mate. - I 1 CoLr. ALEX. W . . ; TIAYLOR, °- BENJ. R BRADFORD, N. i WO.HENRY, Falcon; I.' ~ , I As;rnb/d.', TililliS. NICHOL ON, 'Fran. M. t." QUAY, Beaver; - I JOHN Y. 3IARK.S, EcOnorni I I'' . •84 7 -iir. SPENCER , B. BRIGGS Ind' JOHN S. LITTELL, Ho•)ke A HNER SIORTON, Bright(' !JAMES, A. ANDERS:)N, Bi h I DAYID JOHNSTON, Failetl 11-- Register'( Recorder. I)ARIUS SINGLETON. RR( SAMUEL B.A3IIIi t TON, Oh, LT.LDAVID D. JO NSOIst, I SHARP HE'MPIILL, ;Brill ' .l —' . Clerk . , _ o .Courts. 1 JOHIC I . A. FRAZIER, BenVee I ._ - 1 - ' J. S. BLAZER. E onomy; i . I 1 JAS : WAE.N !JON, North . 4 frwil i ckly; JOAN GARRARP. New Se tekly; . ROB'T.-.F. APILYAIN, 8o hosier; • , . 'Poor 110i 1 qe - Director i J16WK174`,.D. COOPER. Motim - . ' •PA,VID - TEWIN(I,IRaeboOn;I ' '' . ' • .i..'.- . . Auttitor. - t . 7 •. , . t , •. 1 J . A. LAWRENCE, South . BoLi7e l ; WILLIAM.:O44NEY, Ohio; ! , . •-' 7•,-• Truste of Aci:ide-nty 1 , DR! JOHN ".3i, IRAY. 'BriOg r ewatrr i DRI'DAVII..) Sai t ANTON,N. pa,-Inttin; Elul:ions Auttra;t„l•liave:bc -.ad vrzth• pleasure; th4 ; our esteemed:and worthy friend,. Lieu, . ;.1"" i • l , , • 1 1-/: 1 , 2 - ,lohnston,n. the : Borough 1 ;.6 . 1 Beaver, , ... liaseonsented to .be a candidate fur this office r of Register and Recorder of this count'. To many, of the older. citizens °lithe county t l , it will-not. be necessary ;to pay much , in rea -1 tionito the merits and standing of the family of 4hich Mr. Johnston; is a me er, but to .. t.hotio wlict are y min+ r and to man who have 1 • 'not resided here, it *dulci, be ' pro er and nit cei4ry,briotly,to state! the.grounds Incica which 1 the friends of Lieut. johrston testi his i ' claim - s,l to liublis favor. I i 1 1 D'titing the Revcluttonary war for onr Imre.; pendmace, David Johnston, (the randfathe of Lieut Johnston)t who wee long known ij lire'stern• Pennsylwania",..Wasi a mem3er i o4 what was; k zkiwn as 'the 4 'Flying Camp," a . iaralry orgetiization, which rendered the. ost value: . • - ble service to the armyunder, pen. • Wishing 1 ton,iiind which, by its patriotic ' evotion to, the . .ause of d Liberty,.' its daring nil I heroic ' , feati won fRr itself imperishable ors: 1 1 • ' i - served his country faithfully and ga lantly,; , iolafter our final separation fom Great; .Brittain„ . * settled ; Clo*tt in the peace 1 pursuita 1.; of civil life' sn4 by' learning, antkeztraordt-, nary capacity at an instructor of gouth, and , by his itetaPlary conduct as a•chn tiaa arid a:• Vcitizen,won the respect and esteem '1 all mem! 1 Daring, the late war with Great rittain tw,o, Uncles uf ; Lieut. Johnston, (John. nd; Jame Johnston)' young men Of great pro ise; joined the army of their_ country to nphol its honor and its rights, and nobly; sacrificed their lives, in the discharge of their'duty, under the ira-; 1 mortal Gen.- Brady; Wild *hen the iwar i for , the , •life ef the .Repupic, w hich had be n founded by such patriots as the' progenitor of Lieut.; Johnston, he With a yciangsr brotbe (gatahall Johaston) promptly and patriot' ally joined with the hosts of Freedom to.crus out Tres: son-1 and Rebellion', Lieut.' Johnse:3n I fought • under our lamented - friend, Col, J.'111.; Wilson; , of the 10,1 st P. 1. at the; battle of Williams; I•burg, and by the taidtthip.s he ends rod; in an. unhealthy country, his phypicalliciwers gave ' way, and he ; Was ..coMpolled, reluctantly. to, ' leave the abryi* for al short time,.eying re ceived an honorable .discharge. i 1 1, i i Bat again, when hiitative Stet was larva l ded,'although Itc!t recovered,he felt 't his duty,l: ,in; ohedience to the conatitnted aut orities of the State, to give all the strength it Isid,and,l if needed, his life to drive back th4lherdes, oC savage triiitors., He thus aservid tweleriati,l and ;gained the entire confidence nd'respeeti of h s bitave companione.l ; ; ; • I,H s br'lther Marshall was at tli battle o At sbury Gettysburg, under .the late gallant! Chi. Bob, iris,' and faithfully doing hid linty as a Soldier 'of the Union, was.wounaed'.l . taken prisoner and confined , in the. prisc'n it Bella Island, where he endured all the herrers of lhat;infamoaplace,until exhausted and worn! out lithe starvatichi and bnital cruelty, h Yielded up his life fOr his country. . •Tbus We havis'given as briefl y as possible a histaribt the military 'services of L,ent: ston !and ,- of his relatives, to showclaims he has upon a patriotic people:, wh? can fully appreciate the ; but we do - lilt rest his elaima'alene upon his military our; or of tbou °unmated with . hins: who hasc,the, pleatisne of a pereenai r, • 1 • ; - • Ell MEE - - ^_9 quaintince with himrespect film for his many •• • y virt,ues,for his irreproachable conduct, aid for hts strict integrity ;.besides,' he pos **see high degree the necessary quail-, mainne 'for the office.named, as. an active, at. '*entire end courteousbusiness man. . . . I :We feel iconfident that* : generous and in teßigent People will not Overlook the , claims lire have presented. A SOLDIneI Fenian.. NISQ Brighton, April 21, 1866. • 1 EDS.. Azousi While the friends - of . thei ilif ferent candidates are ;presnting their claims to public-favor, we deitire to presenoihe ileitis! Of our fellow-townsmari,iThos. G Kerr, Esq., for Associate Jaudge, Mr: JEMT has been a cesident of the county, nearly ; ill.ttis life. (66 years), is well qualified in every particular, eying .been a Justice'of the Peace for near"- r.twenty-five years, being commiesionad first .y Guy. Fortes. He is a man of irreproseha "le character, and would fill the - office with leredit to the county and honor to himself. in. additionto the above, Freedom borough has ilone intich for the pirty, and hits never bad but one office 111 the gift of the county Since its organisation. - In' view of the above, faits we would respectfully urge his chime, subjebt-to the decisiOn t)f the Convention., May 6th, 1860 lOUNO—Ou , 'iirednesday, the 1 Bih day of J' , April, ft roll-of money, containing One Hundred ;ani t Ten Dollare. Tbe l twner can haie the sam by calling on the su scriber, in',l New Sheffieldi and ewearing to the kind of money lost. . ' ' W. Al. CAtiVEKT. LAUGHING • 1 ~.... ADMIBISTERED IBY DR. MURRAY, BasnoswsTan, ri.i, in extr a ctin g teeth. ave added to my many. other facilities for the suCCessful prosecution of my profession, this in val nahle•paiu-killi rig agent... All branch es of Denistry performed in the best and most midern stylo. AU work done as cheaply, and ftfty per,ccid. better. than at; any other Stimuli Dental' Estahlishment in the State. [my9'6fs: ly , i C TO ,', ..A.I.ISEIZS' OF C OICE STOOK! ‘. T . OFFER ,!. private sale, fortvyo‘ieeiFs * ficao J_ the 10th inst., , . • • A Tliti ear Old. Duiliam *Bull. Must be seen to be Opreeinted:, Apply to / • • JAMES. MOORE, MIMI orotiah; riola Pton• my9 . 65:1t •• ' Near Baled Station. TN* THE COURT OF COINION .F!LEAS OF •j';BEAVEIt. COUNTY, No. 130, September fort; . In the matter of the Trust AssignMent of William R. Rhodes, in behalf of the late first of Kirk' & Rhodes, of the firm assets. • ' Notice ist.hereby given that the third , and s final AcConnt of Thoe..l. Power, Geo. IF. Gil more • and BroWn B. Citaniberlin, Assignees of the. Trust aforesaid, has beep filled in this of fice aud that the same will be confirmed en the first day,of next Term, unless canse to the 4on tray,lb`e then shown. • . • ma}9:titi. - WRY AND, Pro. I -I t ; .ONv Beaver; • coon . I o;, z :envier; ,- .Igewater; •e EXECUTOR'S NOTICE'. WHEREAS'letters testamentary -hiving Vl' been granted to the tindersigned.on the estate et DANIEL PERRIN/3M rate of - Mitt tp., Beaver county, Pa, deceased, • all persons inawing themselves indebted to. said estate are requested to Make payment immediately and those laving claims against the same will present them to the subscribeeduly autlienti. cated for. settlement. •' • . JOHN SLENTZ, Executor.. i. may9'66. I Ohio tp. . . _ _ ME f 7P - 1-,ZIA:LA . LIST. FOR JUN-E TERM i . 186 • • Wm Eakiu's Ex'r •Ts - .Henry .roldart &wife Aeliliurst 8:. Co ) . 4 G "C Bradshaw. , littines Collins, et' al. vs •tY . K Shirts; of a 1: Patterson It Davidson es Martha: Soirders; Charles Thorni vs Margaret L Hamlin's heirs vs John T Holmes;' : ' John Tintaman vs Amos Band. , Michael Main vs Abraham Hunter. II VRR Co. vs Wm JOnes; - smite, .vs John Iteatty's Beatty' -.vs Alex. alainsom my t 9{66 lil WEYAND, I Pro. 4-• N. the Orphans' .Court of Beaver, comity. I In the matter of the estate of James Al., rcirrn, dec'd. , And now, to wit: April 27, lf,66,llteCourt, on motion of.S. B. Wilson,.Esg., appoint Hen ryEN.; an Auditor, to distribute-the balance'in the hands of .JamesJohxistoi, Ex'r. of the last will , and test ament' - of said James Akorn, deed., as shown by his.account, con : firmed, among the • legatees and parties intet , esteci. t. [FromrThe Record.] Attest; JNO. A. FRAZIER, Cl'k. Notice is hereby given tha 1 I. wiltuteet the legatees, •and alli parties interested in the diS. trib r iii ion of 'tbe ;above 'nentionetl•_ balance of assets in hands ct, acid Exectitor.- at' my office, iu!the,- boroughlieaver, on Thursday, May 31st, •l tit'i, at 1o 4°4 ra ,p. , for ,t lie purpose of! discharging II duties of ! his apPointment. o e run° ' , f • AENRY HiCE, Auditor. i, • , Valuable , Farm§ for .sale. WILL .- offeYed, at, Public Sale, on the • ' s.rit DAT or Ji - or., 1866, j• • About 283 acres ,of land, lying, on either ii s de or thee road i leading from Morrow's Mill to HOokstcwriz, being in the township cif Inde pendence, Beaver county, Pennsylvania. This land conprises no Adjoining 'Farths, contain ing, respectively, abont 156 and 127 acres.— 'The first Ibis good .Sp ing _Water, about 76 acres of cleared . land. ith Dwelling House and Horse Barri,and also some fpit trees upon it.: The balapee of tiiis ttactis waltimbered. Itjis in'pretty goof repair. : ' ... , ••;The otherfirm for 127 acres) has about 100 acres' cleared, with two Dwelling' Housed,. a Ditru and other outbuildings; has an orchard of shout 80 or more apple trees of large size, and good bearers; also a number of pear and cherry trees. It has likeirise picelleut Spring Woter, . The'abore land was the property of the late Williant•Ohney, deceased, who !resided upon the same. It will be sold on the prethises, by the agent of the heirs, to the highest and best bidders one-third of the; purchase , money to remain charge) on the preinises during the life of the, widow of the deceased, the interest on thersaltrthird to he paid to her nanually, and at: her.death the principal to be. paid, to the hektsaforesaid•or to their legairepresensatives... Tbe other two thirds of the purchase money to be paid as folloWs: One-third Of the , amount cash in hand, and one-third.in 'one, and; one thiid in two years. All dal:erred payinents to be secured by mortgage'ohthe premises, and title to be made to Purchaser oc, receipt of Brat payment. The land Will — bit offered, ii though aiiijoining,'in two separate tracts, as shore 'described. For fuither information - and to ' examine the premises, ) call upon the Agent, - L. DR. A. R. THOMSON. . Seventy(Six Independence Tp., Bee ter Co., Pa..: ;' .[May EALE i PROPOSALS are solicited till WED SDAY,, May 9th, firr the erection . o L a build ng for the,National Bank of Beaver County,r t New 'Brighton. Pa., according to plasm and, specifications now ready' for exam— inatiokati the office' of BARR ki MOSER, Ar chitects, 'Dispatch Building, Pittsburgh, and may be examined at the Banking house in i New Brighton. oa and after Saturday the 6th of May. i : . . -me,y2,'66.i` Kam.--e. FREEDOM n • 4 er MMk.;_ REGISTER'S NO' LT; eie.ge.ns f,terested ' joknzetration and Guarw9Ch have been .passed. dia an $l6, .Regillteell,th rteei'Of Beaver cou d nty, - p, take notice that tLe same will h e ilia:Orphans'. Court. to .be held, at el-, Eti; e 7- and for the county of Beaver, ou Welbo, the 6th day of -June, A.D.,- lggg . fc : l Ilfirmation and .allowance. First and .final account of Samnefe. and Dr. P. M. *re, ad m p n i itrators of i tate Of, John Gorinly, dee'd. .„ First and final account of Davii;gp, 111 administrator of the estate of lin k decsd. ; The accounts (Real aid Personit Inah Powell andtiagnuel.V.Cosa,dnil I of the estate Of Silas Powell, deed . The ace:must (Real chute) of Joiargl bl• rel Carrell,.dec'd.l, administrator of the estate of ifei. ;,. '• , . • ill Ths acconnt. '(Real I estate) of Jobs C, administrator of the estate of Rob ert ; I •• dec'd. The final .account of Jaines De u c i e p Folei,e, administrator of the estate of L . 4 5 , orom e decd.g ik • ; ' • • • rFinal acCount of Samuel NeslY, luardiaa James Buckley„ tallier son of James Buckle dec'd ; - ! ' • . 3 Finel account, of Janice Ramsey midi, Deborah Jane. Stevenson. minir . eau titer Jonathan Stevenson; dec'd. Jain 11 acCoutitl Of Wm. Dunlap,' guardia l , deed: . Dunispe minor Sou of Robert Dunlap, . • Final account of; W,m. Dualq, se„,,r iaz 4 James A; Lookhert,'nunor son of John 1 4 4 • hitt, dec'd • , • account Wm. fl. Frazer, nrite, 3liargaret J. Fortier, minor heii I . Leeper; deed. t a r ui JJ The partial accounts of -rd war guardian of Edward W. and Perciyil R. Xt. minor children. of James 31;13111, deed. - I iThwaccountal(Real and Personal) of li s p Bennett, administrate ! , , of • the estate - o p Robert Cunningham, deed. Final recount .of James Smith Ann batten, (formerly Mary Ann ticket cc utora of the, estate of S • amuel Tucker. ti e , • A. R. MOORE, Regiiti Beaver. May. 9, '66 Notice iri Parttion. BEAVER :COpl!iTY, 68 : N the Orphans' Court in and for !tit 1 l: ty, before,the Iron. Judges of said 1 In the, [hatter ; of the _petition for partitid II the real estate of -Rebecca Mulvanoo.l iAnd now, to- wit: March 26th, 1866, tht 'grant a Rule On the 'heirs and legalri ativea of said intestate, via: - Esther, formerly Esther Glass, intermarried will Goirell, and siter of said . deeeasedfll maiden, name_iwas Glass,) residing in cotinty;•lndiana; I John T. Glass, a brow siding in. - Wells, county, Indiana: Glassoa briather,' residing in De Witt m State of TeNatr, . Ann ltloGaffick, a wao said intestate. (widow - of' Andrew M c ( s ; dec'd,) residing in:lleaier. county o re , Lncinda - Barclay' a sister of intestate termarried -with James Barclay. residing -Buchanan, county, Iowa; Farah _lassos a a Lter of iutestateiiratertosarrird whit IstaJohl Stow, and [who are_ two of the ;enabling, r siding in DeaVes court/ aforesaid: AR -Lawrence, ,siSter of 'said intestate, illteMAlli-- ed with Joseph • Lawrence, tw o are aja o pit , Goners, residing in'. Ileaver'coniy atom: , James Glass, a brother . of said low who died; before the death it +mai haul but, leavinta widow, *Nancy. and issue, l John. H. Gisiss,i Wilson Glass; Terry.iip 0 I ried wits Daniel Es: 6e:Ll; 3lary AMP . ( intermarried With James .Tohasto rc W' Glass; Andreirillasstlibt:say Was, int I tied with John Todd; said Al2.l+e] being elk Fri:a. to the &each of sai.l Rebecca , Tailor': tutitkistselate,, and ilitringi one iti: ter,! minor, WillioOt gwardian; Marital.; 1- intermarrieak with Geor-e Miner; ttaiir Glass:a son rilf said James, all:saal coil.' [ James GlasS, deo'd.:, residing*in Wells Indianklenoes John H. Glass, whoa t . ..,...,-a-.4..ii,,,i.-.,,.. clitzoty afore-Jed; others interested,. to spew cause if at • have,. Why an inquest to make pailitior 'real estate of 'said- deceased should, a awarded; at an Orphaus . .Court, io be iat, Braver, Beaver county, Ilij, on tie flat' daY of lune next. • i' ' A true copy of kale. • JOS. LEDLIE, Sumutes Orrics, iteamet; yrd - y,2, !Ge) ; a 4,4 Manuticturers of REVOLVERS, R. 311 J S TS T *-C ARBI For . tho U. StaiesSerrice. Ala .1 Pocket and Belt Bev° . . . . ' . REPEATING PISTOLS, . RIFLE CA NES,' . REITO T.' VI NO EiJ Rilla and Shpt 4nns, and Gun Mater; by Gllll Det&is I 1 and:the-Trade ginero: • , • - In these; darts 4f:Housebrsakii,lp-ard .r. 4 every : Louse,'' Store; .84*, - a nd ea., have one of •l f. REMIN6T.OI4 I g REIT9L Parties deairitit -to avail theinlelto late improVeinciata it. Pistols,', sod IV ~workmatthip and form, will tlidslicca l in tho Xire , •- _ li'Elit,lN ,4 GP0...17 RETQLVER S • Circulars containing cuts and devi,,, our Arms . will be furnished . upon spill' E. BENI iNG,TON & SONS; [ liirt.P... . „ - i Mooaa & Ntcuota. Abell , cr '-!, 1 NO: 40 Courtisr.i . :..--- LIBELFIY DIVORC E ' - I t I N the Court of Common Pleas O -County. lici 19,`• March Tem /7 Alias , f uhrenta idDivorce. ' , MATI ' .11:1C0Ii.TON,1:1 1 )" her neat frieadl 1 P . CCUA)II , AN, I t VtI,IOLIVE II T.-Soros. To Oliver 1 T::- Noitou,, the shots swat epontihereby notifieir° appear at the next terin of said Coutl,lhi ! held'ai Beaver, On the first Moadsi of J r .1866, then and t c heref to answer ilie tali of the libellint,tand to show cause, if ao/ io l:, t have, virhl her iptayor for div ) " .e ' Inf4rimont4 should - not be:granted- so •. • ~,r JOS. LEDLIt. Sararrea ; Otricx t 1 i • _ Beaver, mayT4a6. - Laughinp• Gas accol.llE !ALL 'YE I THAT HAVE BI suffering the untold _ miseries of ant.l,Dread• of ratraotion, sod Ptl -- that Dr. Chandler • Son aro Relieve-yen by use of the the Great Psio, groper, L aughing Gaa! mid make it a of Pleasure rattier - than Pain! th All - Dent si Orations,performed t. possible uutiatter,l po and at ea rewash's to,' any good Dentist in the county. •,_ Vie Office in Hocbeater Beiter Stint? . I. °5 myl'66 T. J. eff.AtilD LER Fai.in, for. Isle , 1 11,E1 east. ndass Of the Fenn known And.ew eglpropisity, situate s township, Beater -countrt ..cohtsi!sr Hundred ForiyAeres, abhut cite sores olearleci and tinders good State ot Sion; is offered .for isle; !g°" 4 the . preinisec It lay 3 on the hesd u yrs Beahloir's Run; within two utiles of Sl brated Run oil regions, and is be good' territory. partical! quire of Jahn Johnston near the pres' i of .rusepb Lavin:toe, South Pease tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers