TBEAV.M . -41.414115 1 _ ie Pu. 01804 6 04 '4900; ~ .pv. A r4Priffra oss,ooPe.ra,runt_,ln.,.,-.444m0b0 etters - *at ontiibMteatii 'by. 'milli , 1.11 bits prompt otteution.:: • i• 4• 01. ....1 I,S; RI" AffiU°'' tdeelatv'es. Orr -1 AL* IMMO „ . t TrOtb ; _ t,. t he graiide9y, :het tbritt:ead, . 3 ish'and . title; : Willy body, a ~ 'im p lo.pleasorett that always pleabei : o srt that one feel for anotheen nroe, , thitra-his:joye-ivith geii4ilOwe ttbsympatHieallarge ertonitt-0.-e:04,4 to mill brpth eta, is bettev,,flan-goid, Oart VP; is a.coltscienceolear,. D'oogh toilinifor bread in nn humbler aphere;, p c . a bly blest with content ' oi r iid,ys the lds lust . of ctilit4 Or . we4th;••'', • :t, Loieli, living and lofty thought • At i o isTend ennolilt n poorlrtein'a — cet; For mind and morals In natures plan Are iv; gennine.34,Cof gentleman. • • • . , Better than gold, is _the sweet Of the sens4,:to,..ket.efiitileit:ll,apors close; letter than gold ts the poor inen''a Bleep And the baba that drepi'orihiiSlionlieriS•cfeep' haisleeping,dranghts to, the downy ,bed •,! Where lurott pine hia•sehirti heed; ' iate Taber elceur¢ '' Ithorter road. to the awasi ! qf g e tter thin gc;l4 : • • That in the rzibn of books oan.fse,4, trpture surpassing Anslralitin 614. 11)ive with the sreite i ft : lAooel,,f t isege'l lore yid the P0et'5.443,4 ie glories of empire Passed awn #;- . . trorlfs gins' Unfold qllll.l.l s'preligire be:l:Let:dr I'l • rnr'thr:ti r /L i•t• c. 1. 4 4, enleß,o . ;q,„ , ,fl wed 'by innther; or eieter, oiveife; 'week' InuTAble the tonie tic: witli'io'rior; !).y . lle4ve4i:ti'dere tiast nerer ;were bought or ,54.1 enti ethere, • e; Races' Raoily -' Considered 4 FAre 41: * T 911," leaditig races are, the =race ann 4 Naged2thel-human race: and the Ise" rnct,sxlpieh:ietne•iefisider 'ltib4dl.oll . 4l . .tsee i:/t . rientty run. tg pr'iz t e• 6 fri; t t Fa unnonnned. d• ell the :races Ciat-have,-been upon tuple recently, ch6 , :.hlttek - rice • att.- tty the nrosivf e)1 , • !ha It e di):BA rej - raca preach epoil Wen rnene.% on it. myßelf that:J.4r' .orati ritt•i lig_ when _a lad. I 0 . 37 " - tirtu ti ned; tioskiing ~11(t . to run 11ov:es :with 4' Heigh.' entangled among ebltivetors,'. t • buy -iv , ~ T(trui'loPf .', 4 . 4 e. tili w : v , I bee hives, eretnpked patent fences! 1 4Ik do. 0 re[ l3 145' 141u ; ):1 14 4 1 ,-0.154, 'in ,getting. over Otn, dt4 feet the. , I,zovpri tor fr , - gra4siett triare, , ni rt ;', l 4,s t h e f i ni . :t i d epartiff , :ric z is, Imo roan if .1 I.4 , rnJulher correctly, , t * ... slTrieks reale ivomen, ns fl r. CI two white fei-t, iii the forehead. 1 0 w 2, a ii , ,,ie foundered in one eye; 1 fi p( t t a s ii i •ereltripplin4 to the ground I 114, in my blip il frenzy. grtu l ribled km it t li the tix_ept:ou : of' i,omitthing !he.idlotig into a vat of erotic;*ra/ole. iiie , i wat; , ripolim Oil cacti lielie her 1 um. A. huge dredging tituchine, tor '''''''' '' Iset '''' u''inwaire'l' the w4 ''' nrii int our harbors, being, on[ the .1d I v 'itilal firms:, and d—d by 1 ground's, was brought into•riquisition mtv one nho drove her. Neighbots r ,ri !ariu•ii was_scoopett;upl.and let-. in the to N' I'r,,,',' a to eann-Lo',ol cc; (Le Aunt. i •air tot dream. If I had had any Itch . - will) a rpi ieg halt to ham( se On the till , - td be "in nil" berme, Oat, experia " n ''''''' etch I «:+a a rievk and hat ' a ' en b ee - satisfied me. Thus ended roy tnettftler lija•le lishindi getly• eneour , i , first and last toot s raeo. ~ e ., t iL t thy r oid if•ire lo•dd berlevel bestl • 1 4 • "Yotirs racily, ilsiliL a.nplicatien of a eGrn-cii tier to i 1 . ,"PAT CoNTRITItToR." L.6'; ^ ,, Lsl r ipz. ,Ik Wilt, wiiipli silo• ''' ' ' taking4 'lid il ho• eye preterite(' tier 1 ti item ' ‘,ie"w of a, heap of cobble! •Irc- in tl i• ,:toc,ai d when she E t ruclill Curia there was a stutnble, a Mattel of s'nres, hot e-shoes and old hones, and tht• r,,, 1 mare ,was wrecitei. and no in ,,,ivi e. I '.v.s4 . iii , •lred up bleeding and It - teen• 0; , J10,i,i;.1...1, mzitle the remainder of the hpulc.:' , ,treicli. on a streteber, eoming is tiz.der one blanket. • The race WWI (le;:i34 - il in my t'itver% •The, judges , al. Inv. - el, alih ,ngh ,I was a neck behind •Aißn the old niare.eturnblerl, Tot, as , t ueaped, without my'heek being bro. kto, i came out n , Jieek chew,. ''‘ • Altilobgli exceedingly' fond of the rde. - s. I rlea't attend them very (Alen I, ow.,`a•trays-. ' 3ty - corpulency ✓ is too r ing, , Tlry charge 'pc .double ''r lay tieitet, and I can ' 0r.1 . y getiti through the , _liorse , g►ate._ Then Abe boYs_yell. * . ilerc'ehmes the Prize ox r! int' inapt on me being trotted over the .544 e to sl , ow . iny pcints.' . . Lie drat thing that struck me at a nctl cfirst.,—no, nt)t . th - e - first-thing.for lira \r t 4 shaft to, .a,suil,ry, bikt the text thitig. --NV3S the operfdiAregard of Lb,i. , rules of . the c0u1'4.6. Although 17 ,41 iii.,=`;.a'ad"was p'aint ' ed urion' hefted in letter; solati , -e that.the horse that Inns iniiv read„,theth Were . the *- i - We doubt? titt, I:, : Public •:. BEGCrxrter.t AS, •5‘ , ..D.,E813.--,, ' g '7' ' 7ll . • Bilt f the public .have to' w h a tt i d r .i t Ifs ' t wee necessary fora Un 7 - darql a. great deal at the raedeOnrse. I. . i .. on 'soldier to - beg frdin door -t doord N l 2i, , titifiLil,er. shed labelled• "reportees We - tinow teir ;thai it be . pe,i ` ' 2 4 , ".. " ' . l- 1 asked a reporter what it' xessa ry, -t, Always 1 strikes' 4_ , , wit Ai l. Fital 1 : 1 1111 he whiwerod,"staerl treeA.", feeling,o4 ortification, as unbe ?Ming istued it.' ' . ' ' ' • , ' . and.iiripr, ner. Welt have such. spec' .."E=,ll: - 44111' off poels; for the horses,'' o r . :, the Uinon soldie?s chariot r.,nthat t _ w a.s . " . the reply : I received when lin hinsh'to'sec - hitttrin this l'i sit ton. .euuca theme adini of an auction scene '{ Vie' eaima' are rare - lin: ;which !hen who' , P t i tke course. • , .f' • 1 - hiasie; been soldiers',,t4take 'therneelved n in ' I • • if d :, eeent y inquired those po Is , t i n•=beg' ging' for a Ilivclihooth r i Those ire-herse ponds,but he only-govern:o who I,cg on the sOre of•htiv.ig been , dry" 4 of silent -contempt. , I finaltp t gOlifi6ii . , drei Mati.filttl„Moilfa:vo,:beptil l ~ th PV- 4 a fifty,dollar note in ono • otAmiferit ati , iltelp,erh woo l tieY,''r.. wtl l 4',ld , ''g 44 ,.. In'9ls. Noliioe,4 7 f4poor.toe l me.: tho.:_ipar .at .all.. ; Mir Of ,metips ::ilie.i ot a‘ e 9°t races are' OD lin tioptile.rstitther -iiitiedy -soldiei should, be relieved,- ,Ito I -, 4 :‘"vere• People are too lakyltd run (ion bt there -=" are. such.' , Bat . rants, , l t tiii„'k u ll'e thy inn for - officm, lion' litrif-drtirill'"Norhen (they - POr it' aid ;-! I to ,- A: =ann`e. , ,' e i n a i s i , o l, i.a- e i s - . :.'i . i c ,aa ti pp;n k id , , nncii,e'pe - i l trip.fed :16_,.b i iiie ie.; . li.X t , ° , lo-4 it 9:B' V • itii ',Tiotc. - I onlyllircilieh -60,01;3:?t0141eF's name 1 1 . ? Y, "C. 3111 . 1 1 - d e o "./Oa r, r ; hundred : rind forty' •,sevettl'en Sale ,askir if:money on,thlit &rOund.-ii , a i r ,di,s : I qa.ppened thtis : I.' yyis at=r*Thei' eharatier . of , tho . - Tinion - Thisoldier s , , , -*' . 7i4 r v t i / 'C'Vilil•colin‘y.iaii• itirrtit'llknd - thy4uPticA'and l rOlie"altY • c r'r l e oi r ;4 6 Y i,40.1, 1 4.4" prize tor the faitest i1.'4101 volitk, as': lAA .filAcrsl4,iti4;by --,01:44•4,84ayg (thlawmibefori' ,his ppde a soliciting----T O 4. eibm• IL .„ 1 1 • . , . ~. , ',. ' I . I , , -. 1 '' f I , •1 . " "Z•IR v T, 44/ It q, •• • • • 4 s'.• • ' tk, tt , yr 5 7'. l ft Nt . t.Tl ' , .t{t 14: flit -LI MEI IS - - i lj J. , I. . BE r (r w-.) ; i f 4 !ME El the'2oieviieihi ltik''otioiti*:4llli;,Wilei' T - - Egiswil L iivoitr:-. 1. 1 , - = -•,...... r • ~,...,::.. 1 ~ itidulrketOe'easiO4illk'ithitt chit. "*.hitili; , - - 1 11 ..4., ,d .. .1 .. .. .i. - ... ..y.4 -.:Z ti,.. n. 1-1";,,C 5. ~ r . makes us: cheirsind,betrin laebriatebat, - That tiotradtwor of thee ,ollOirring is cowpet Ims it, - .49-Iqlityful motiferitil: al , Philadelphia. iittickcits,, kia„..ttic4rf,,, asked the boy . a Inge t Me !Set a'nd have i to,,"pre",,Mile,iiiikci , Aft..er! s ; atolomf4tirt-' foil - ikrili' lite' 'rind theyltookinelftrny [night:And fil.‘ gayeties - J-1 aliiiiih.iii i - i; ivort - 410.het ' iiiiirtliecyper atto,llso4,thoin ; tor. rielistin,. hada himself -(throitiorlthe by p, tt i ing,liqytor into my gkp- cocktail; tif•litAchtint) atilaltiiiitife,' while inty biceft, was .ttirmid s iaddi ng! i nt-, I or. his Way home, without;la ,fiearif 'fii• - eobolio stimulant to- - ril l y. whiskyvand 1 his Orli% - • .Ele'-itops 4 aCir:•firsiii' liable pourialg -decoctions- of !malt into, my I hotel; - neveribeleiiat. -where,!•••ifte -1 -iitri , ' bcer.l. 1 have since suspected tbitt, , tl- 1 rying*diiy dr' ttiiiit ht•J'Anitly,, .t 'lth'!:?, same as mingled 'With nir eg re, i beer ti:f ii,gran,tl.:Ainrier,„`triiie_, sA4, - . L iyi, hut. Orithirt- poin t ritni i t qtkitelciOar'; the of ;apartment; flanked ' with '..-' Although it, ezhanated•thrO 'Ciiiii* J riti . i abundance. of...',Chnnapiqno , 3m4--- Bur of:bear yeverY. 4 biiiyOpit/r!ilrOiXtid ! tn . windy,' resolceli•toqiirsclese , itllUilthej, do.it; • , 'et,-:4 got ;f1.1111,',' .and ` t he fuettes lundlcid. ' Santmenitigi li . ,`-:!raftivaritpr - ft , of:the r.:. liquor arose from my stOmneb sgid:: - . ~.I• • _ - to . . , my 1 rsiu;as from-ittipinmemie•cul• .--,:..ii , jr,tho!landlord • to-atep rip dro'n', caus i ng Me *to . behave -- in the roam,-and , bring big-bill." I. ••" - most ridiculous and• insane mailnet.: He 'clattered •dow.n.Stairs tau -I.felt as etherial as a! sylph, and jee r antrshortly Itifter-,hia master ap timilly' pon,t•ithrough ,Witl'i, a, fliP•fljaP. Ile eriteredrPßll . ii7 - getieViiie faiidin,ri on my back., I attempted to that made yeci - ,liape for the "lie throw re: biiek sainineekult. through if House afforded,' and - that:jai) ' - - , r boloon,-rdßuitinon the total i iA- , wns % .; . . .. .. • littion ;Of 'ti,!tionteetion'ary'-'stand, into - .?..ii110w. much ip . I awa.you.r. which i dOye heard : first; I,intlilesaly ! lie- handei.l me. tl*billwith seized Il:he:,r - Rat ,Ni omen". in her, ten t, 1 g race ,cif - a' private eitfieptiiticy:' and spun her round in a waltz ; irktil i • vr "Let me" see-7-.-eevenii'6 :49 1 she•shiieked. - ' I offeied' to' permit the 1 , go, very • reasonable. . 1 . but, re'r ~ .ulirii.;•' Sitoeto97 , l:e .hero ',Mo Tit, at 'sir, then:mot disagreeable. part arms kingth;, - iiitting 'oil liiiipalni.- - .hfy rinatter •is iricw to -be disclo absnrilities . ,drew .a crowd. of delighted I, grieve ' to . inform you that 'at 4pectft ; t r orti, and' when it was sugg st.,:-.1. am out;' Of mimey; an4 - I lc r ed to tike'; thail' elititrld co mpete . for your . philanthropic -.looks ..th 1 ~ ; the prize at the-foot race, fool thatii. i will be,;satisfied when I - tell ' .wti ~i! I etigorly jumped-at the Offer' .1 I if. I *hid •-it',- I. woild - pire• i No Athenian - athlete eVei• entered with ~unqualified pleasure., the ; iiii-'ea • - :such :.ttirfilitt.phe - 40- 66e, my, not having the _oiling please las greeted my ;appearance up. is•theyeasoit I can't do .itd an ohlthe'course, - Veiled, for,the. ra4.- , - I sure you, will 60 the mattdr st L 'l'alk about- the • Grecian- genies; they 1 sa:y. no More about it. - .l.r . ant i. affoi died' on sncli , game as. J did that .i ger to you,' that's a, 14et.,htit' day', 1 There r stood 'ainciiig Ilie:o her I place where I clime front' all !e'en tiiSta , itS, Pafits secured arour;d. the ;rpraintances, know:ine ata.i'vitill , , 1 I, waisti with beyeal. pairs of borrowed !he.''' ' -:, ,_, , , a i rveidek•s‘ oily o i wn Were insuffi .ientl i ! ..,l'he landlord turned aril cilloi Lto g;o round), shirt - coliar unbuttoned ' "Where do you li‘ie. and how- . . land bahlhead shining in the rt Sun like ; "In %Vashino•-;-----lisbOuld s.y Phil_ l. !a polished, snuff bladder, or a,ten ce. , auel phut. • ! - I 1 , • -i -, witterraclon. ' :. . • ! ' ! . ',I fits eyes flashed with' Zingr- distill . I The tir,,,owd Jeered- and yelled: i -One 1 paintrnent. ~ • -.1 - 1 • ; ladViFied MO to: Ile down • and roll a- ! "I see hoW it is, , Mister; - ,m3-1 opinion roan& the courie. : . ;Another fiaii , .. 3 if I ' is that you nre.a blackleg.' • - You donl,,t I eOuldn't - " run - armind ! I 'had',,t, i ',tier,j kno* where your hotheris• yew begin bLiek: -my .iiiiien ! and ! t ry . ti..! ,l witlik g•vi.with Wasbing,tOn., and." then drop it, i roan .',' , -J. think he wi!it a, minstrel : t for Philadelphia. . You must ay;youi y it . ,',-. on . run a toot race!" said a butch-'r bill." - , ( - ''• --I - 1 1 l er, • drisi vely;- taking la my . sir and !, -But I can't.'' _-- • 1 1, - l 'and rit,nesA -, with':, a professional `eye,- ; "'nen I'll take year '6l;Alies';; if I oil.l6ne l is only ono th i ng-you are, Tit! dor. ' t , then 'blow mo - thcht." - , . ~ -, . - 1 Ito runf.e. ~ _ ; . ! . , . . I. 'Sehttricirel , ! l ? ' Said 'l, *- tiding bolt uo- i , " ,' What is- iirat?-"said-T., - - ' i•ir , .bt, , ."do it if von dare,' and lace . tire 1 I 4. ph, candiel. . ~ , I rust to me. 7 • - - -'' 1 , 1 I .*r Of zi'e' ti liy th'e - _in'snl", and` thei'yell f!l'' There • • *ei.,e' r,',o- inftre'-- !Ayala): Ile I ,of Ir 'l.t,c,r ! wt.-1,4 . 0 ~ , Feni...,,tip iror4lhe I arosearo dims , ' '•'4oler:dint' lirtit ifihir tiqrcr \k• *-Irinf . ‘lw bo ! i:M rig& ' NM MI EIS Be:' ‘, ris.9 1 w . FAVSP• A' PER • -The cel. : ;, e.brated! astronomer, ',Sir John licti- , 1 scliell; says . :i.i . ', ~ ' •ir * i l"Ofl all . .t,tie. amuseme nts thitt can i possilily .beimagine,d for a,hard-.work.- i • in'ir man- after a.day's•t • oil; or inlinter,l r.l , • vals, there _is, nothing , like reading - a I newstiaptir2.- A. I.,iieves, his hOme • of its ;dull tress -Or' 8 alitOposs; - Whieh, in, nine cases of 'ten . ; is .What, .drive Win 1 to the ale—house, to 'his Oivti ruin and I' -his .tarnily'o. ..',..1.t; 4raiiiptirtt4 ; hi' diver,-' into' a gayer andlltveliet:, and more' sitied tind i interesting; Scene; and While i he.enjOye. himself there, - he may for. i ,gpt the evils. of.'the liresent mome nt Wily :as much as - sf. :he was ever go i, dinnk; with •the groat-advantage oil fi i nding himself` thene.Ft:day With his 'n f ianey-'4l - his pocket,- or;' at ' least, in 1 i. -; real necessaries,. and comforts' for ' himself, and family;, Without a Ihead— sehe - Nay it• amo t iapaniess han ii in his I . 1 .,- .. :, • i ., . 1, . il .ne . x.t - ddy's . :.wori.c,;and if tie paper hel d i niT - been.ireading'' be . i ttny hingjahocen Lthe..v:eryldiest4t.nd, i tghtef , , ki'7 l o!liirn I sorr.4lring_toi.4ink..of besides the i rae thanitta V.- d rudgery .Ot'..llill..ei , y C ,day 1 i . Oecu 6 i n t inn i --so nit flan, g •h e - °an t i enjoy .1 WliileFabEient, a'nd-i,look: i forwar - Wahl 010`Ottre tb_ retntaitO,i ,- . • --" .! 1 7 . ,` . , 1 .I I oldie , h7N;ii ,Witi..2 ,ilat , f.-.:it, . t r. t • •14' t:••-.:,.,:, .' :. ;11 3 ir Jr; 411 W x-. I.ojj 11: 4 ' f " 4 . .• jot u.Si:f _ 511 - 11,7 ;TT Ter: I 'll 1- - 5.,i1;r4.1 Ell • t can-"t, oxsstihtt- tii,o Ptimej Ectorrial eirentivqatic -11 ' I•away, ofinicot.,lmmv.d' t y, to sion'pt 'my iirt) . se and looked out of the gnt Lpsot -like IRE snow Waiideseending as _ on't.hO:pane' :What was . An unhappy "san's ettlqttil" in ti c4.y no. money ; andrsiii4htly i!, ea A. thought struck I had a large, ifull - with ail my other appointme itS; save thoso'he took, the land4rd lvi.4 l spars ed. dressedimmediately,/drew on my bobt:s Over'. my fairl.. ra.ters, not iunlike small clothes; put, on. my. era , trat, rest and coat. laid n. travelling . ea 'from ,tny trunkjai4ltily °vim' Joy forehead, and flinging Imy fine lon , ' mantle gracefully about Ime, made my 'way them/ I ;l'6e hall into the Street. • Attracted by tbo .01ibing the portico of new! hotel, few squares from my first lodgings, I en• tered, recorded sonie L'name on - . the books; and:_bespike a 40d..L gVeryi. ," thi n was treSh .and neit .e7erV'sers' rant attentive, all augere',d well. 1 k - ept myself elbsoiy el4aked, pittfed liter, and :retired to - bed; to. Mature my plot. ' ! * "Waitel.,• just brush my well, my fine fine fellow," said morc.ir.g, as he entered In' "mind the pantaloons; don't I: thing from! the pockets; that.; .cy in both f' ! I I "I don'tisee the pantaloom ! . The devil you. don't! IV they?:' I . . - 'f.' 1 "Can't tell„l'm sure;; I doh is'elp me .God." :t. • . fi .! I "Go down, sir, Red tell, yet. to come-up here trritnedately The publican was with me me i it, 'I. had • ritten,.aed we face before the' mirror' into '' look.kil patisien.. d ~ "LandlOrd." e.tielaitnell 1 fiendish` it..pturp, "I have be in year hduse-robbed, sir, 3fy_paptaloons and ` a parse I the& fiftfdellar notes aro m is it prettfhotei.- ' hthifi th' NMI - the injiitictionn'idi Serif am"a'stranger; and •I , ljaye hii , in with: a liedgettne2 .1 •I wt you at 'once, if I tim • d tit. 1 . • 'pease ~ ' „ . i, . • I ' i' ' "Pray. keep 'vnitr . ininper," iiipliod the" publican; • "I bitru 'plat :opened, 'tiihr'b r ontiO, r.r.d' it iii!:getting ja geed •t•titi. 1- -Would •yeu .rittnits reputation. , 4cif-an arcider.tr' :I.- w Uld fincr i tint• the . Iz, the vilitan'who'rObb dl - yon•;aritrluivill i'send a tailor= to-Measure yoUltnr yfiur 'iniaairiggarinents. . Y9uryzi6ney. shall :be • refunded. I Do•! you fl e e- tt42yeitr. , nariger , is iiscless?".. 'I t• \•• ..' t - i .:-,,inllyivattat. , Pir,' l 4- Iplitll "1-thanki you for your kindness ' Idi ilia:mei:4l . i •r4iroach 'you:- If Alio l l;'roostsrel cii,n .be dcine:to•day4.• hall be, sattafi' ell;•-tinle ii 3. more Pf4i .45 i All: , rflo'n•! I 1,,, You .trisy, keep the othls lif ,you find their, and ,in, ex h4n o.:for the ~~ El 4 S ~. t r.,0C1 '‘, ME .1:1\ .1 L 3 le.S It tf. 0, $7,J+ es . 4. 7..... REIS * i Oil , ~- .:1 I ME NM a • e nesillay BE QDO himdrp4-11141 fifo,' , m4-,if _.. , .., 3'94 , i;gise : pa-:e theft , ecimo i s,,,,4 4 i, yrAra.!,-, i, •• ...,:- •,? I . i. , ;,!. ~i ti Ls. =I , ~ i , • -I r aq Pez4 °FA IP_giViAll 1,104V -I:‘ p.tcliaiW oo ,odl r P.* - 4119 1 Xt;it PIT Y 1 dPllArCin,rig•ii...keAll: _ 1, %-6? - Y.: . gginrdigick: in:RA 409 1 01.11-#l l, si yii ;r ' I -ft &liars. •He ga ei,ti,vg t .1 . e4it eAllegiatedissip t,ion7„ ~,,t -1:', f , s not sotin -forget. . I : 0 1 3 0 08 °0- 1 .,' ;• OPPlitY . ..i bi4i.z , c , ctimlaill ' aVritPli.APdia ':'' 1- ibe, first post. settled my at. 1 .4.:-; 10i:',...ika . : Crusty'S the .13144 P9 ll/lello o9 /42 g-i ) ; my trunk by, milt: ", ."-..1".,. •.1 _. i • • - -1 , -1. ' 4 I , ' , .' ' . -- ‘l - 11" '- ..11 f . ... : Seelifiel j dlnait ; to A . 's.. ,I - ' ; ‘WP6II , --. e iii in . 14144 7.(101i.(Q quest •of - the ' - ,Aiiiiiifeati '' - s tir r li ti consented, tti,ols4l l ?pa of'd6.glishtaa l l 06i1"to'oui..doillltryi - , to aale i onkbc 1 Kink of - 13eNiti . tie‘",ft• -*tin .....isot - "dtk i tci'gp withorit.' 2 b 'ls ‘ i•effa - n? ;A ir I id botib qt . ng ,a` dao -41 ? h.', T — 'nfl!..iii4 1301 did'eonsdt Vtli tit a' - to 4 ,iei.t; and I''aofeci 66 0 .i-10 wet , 0 *Viol gloves; and) rl"clitrcOnSiiii , , r kat. al l stiff taLt'.'• - )!!!'he'n .I,'hiiO gpygyeelfit .70' IL ranged for gOing-Vil,cOni.t, irlYt Mitn-1 1 tier:unlike: to. Oat in wfic tire hfidi etbeettractmstonie ;I'o'i:tour ; -.4 spill c l . t d b ia r6 'e ti a g r ii riti t g h e e i t i t 3t h r ;: , s ts ta i r i d t i k l ii ' itie, I. rode. ed at me, and i f eft'very, - nitiC. iikel ii fool going to c, urt. And litf, l 'l 'came' to'the ki n gt,s residotic?;:l . '1 tilght/-tto soldiers kneWl lw as Dress itplor-t le first tint() in my. life in (;.thins, 1 which' 'was. the fact': I' dt ,iiiit knoW o i so whaCto say to rthe-'.. seri - tt'ai''the _foot of the stairs,..on to the •Fervitiliqt at the top ,of . . the stilf-mii,, kat -I made my way on,' itbin' bW,!ati'd'ciiie - y con ducted me' , air r ug.l4 , t: fivefridl,. ttnd , i whisked me at once'betire t lim• Kin g: He is a ,ve*itibltl' - p0h444.e. _lre 6peaks. the Englisli' ladgud beaati. Wkly. :iHo iS4fiel.ntehtor,..lkrikt the 1 1 1: visor of ,Eurhpen.3lol;tireba. i_, _ , f If you were tcp: see bin:l:dressed: in ordiary cidthes I yea wonlsl . think him, aJ plain Anierican eitizetri rut he m was dressed fro .the -crOw of ,:1 21 ' 18 1 head to sol e s of ..hislieet. in 411 [sorts of" beautiful-_thingti , 'atill- mita, men ts• He walked , towaitli:tho ihta very , stately manner wit.bilis isword rattling, on the-floor by tilivsido, rir.ii I walked to ward• him in. '''ra,YiT coals: • 'Re Ap.vied and. ' - , % r ki . wvliii - ed :logother,?-and .him ''Sir"' all through; ant mazy things ilirshould said. I' could.f:not gr head =th at, I' .wai,afrai and that) I t yrassnfrr" thing.disroprit live court WI nay thing, ti anWe, ithi! theit, Bala 1: alt did • ~ dear of t .tbd. Iyou uilme to you at, you by me,. • am Fo b and swan.. the .y as can S. i iri have a . fat ! , tonsiderith Finally,. in•-leL .ng tile ruota i :l• ou t .!. to have.' backed out. I . dill ,g e o.ba, ..1 .1: . • gem. f o•t- . . , ~•. •: he editor of the Cleveland Arertitl i , word forone or, two steno; but the I har : .tngl:ipen tolerably prOftisa . in,,his turned and went. through, the: 0 or . : Complimenta to ithe;.pret e ityl girls ...Of; lace fore'mOst. 4 / a depadcat.:,'.: ,!:, - • ______,___. 1 cleveltind,.bas ibeen :roan ,st d - 0 . -half' 'j -, WonderfulA :Bullet - . :. •ii food thing 'iti.:botialt of' the- homely i 1- • . .1 • • I bad just'. been ordiring .aur l, e h liones; and be deco it thus: : ; [ : •,. ' . . not to waste tillrammunition, and to .•_:ist-.-.. he homely girls. arain a hope ' fire only when:they saw . the Pers'en of! lesit minority, ' biii they Mean well. ' al Yankee completely espesed,'.when 11: 2d—They go toehurchl every SandaY,,, close at, hand Ilbeard tleadukt i tlicif of i 'i'itrid are;-food 9f :their Meals. :They ' a builet.striking- home; and larting•llbad rather .bava tbeli Mealsliegalarly round ; saw one 101 our soldier, a gal- than a:new-Owlet., ' i 1' I .• ~.• , lant.yott no fell:6T wheat. I' knew : well, I,i ad.--They Understand their business, throw up-his ame ar.d full heard td and wear 'NO. gaitersJ,:•• . .1 , '..,' , 3 the ground; ismouriting at one : , I .• 4th —They are . bright,Lintelligent, taistened to his aide, hat finding , hati ',deVold of low jealousy, fond of4rtusie, thd ball had s rack:hirn right' .rri.. It' 11 . bldance at -Garret's llul, as 4(410 it..• middle of the t rehead I regiteded. iris i ;wits the _ehiel. aim of 166;! and alwayks _as a. corpse, ar d• deemed . ail fort ter go in -w i fien.it rains.. .,/. I •_. ; assistance - - ivti• I lly rnneees'sary. ' ..; of l'.. • •6tli'L- They always Want:lite gentle. , •i I . . ... • • , q. 1. - • .•- many inmates - ,tito elaftsekhciWerr, 0n,0,,n foroing them 'seatatn he:street ' before . the apparently dead , trianibe- i cars; never %flirt ..with dila. .eya --be',.. gan to Move, and 'When ata surgeon, i cause i i's 'out of ,their lineH,and:keep who had already arrtved;-poured eon - lel:out' of the : fire. - . - i '.. _ i: 4 brandy down Ai S throat, to my infinite 1',.. 6th=-They never have 4 half a dos j , aazement he opened his :eves. I Alen , yourg,..sprigg. keeping'' coMpany i • ' i •1 tew.houra. late - ,; mirettlous •i 9 relate, i with them, - . I.' 1. " .when the - .bleeding frein. the wound 1 i - 7th—They own,lhancliter: 'had ceased, - h had.: recovered bran ilel!iefs . , iron • their wn eollare; rind' arn 3 l i. . eiently- from th 'sever© ;Shdele: .to i re., ! ' their own .steeki rigs. : -;. 1i ',.. 11 1 .turn to his pot.of duty. '•Accorditig II . Bth T LThey never',' wear waterfalls to - the surgeons statement ;:the' balt,'thal weigb..ever one bundraok and fifty striking', oblicirtely, rind glanced, . lififf , . 1 pontidi,4 • -and have , tettter I"ra t ts". or . - sing between the cuticle .and. skull' all !other tinitnals - their hair.' ronn.d . tit- Tging at ;last , 1-- - 9th— . They li kdOn't call youngtilootia: from the• td &it .ebter- rid ether traßt . I"perfeetly !splendid:" ed.4 ,- 4/ae) ie..' ...' r.l . i 10th-Theriteyer eat betweritrieala. in one (trove zsom }vid:dow. drut*- tI to do? trange !nalriat. I L * vlbthes In tt;e ty I room: mpvll any ' mon. be , nro • GB!(. ,'p.. GoV,erner at the pc hero - .of,- Lor.donl acribin'g "I baN'-e, in L. r .,se ye,- ihemy „tffnes recalled that' icitlent, and w t ‘shccl to knoNV whd . .he US., - ..vtio. -- cOrif4 iip 'E,.(i.' sesi 'his, i sail' i, - all::that' l jearft i l r o ut; c could have an inspire hisi:inen With so- serene a •ouruge: ':,litany, titneeo , these - Words. a've rung_ 14 'my I ears,l 'Steady; men,steaoy;', words spOceni in' dark neis; tbez o - amid - ihe.:cbitos o a lost bittle-q4ld; but whrciii - cif ligb rr. to e, still in ••he, heat anal, coni› o tbe-gr,ent,life attic " - ' , __ ,-......1 'know, r "master » I inu mo ried ray fiendish riith a • n robbed, robbedl—. , oniainirg one. This 11 tY pox 3triro ' I Innitaktn ill .;e - if)ose t Teem. .16{1N.L.Rot N80:4, Es4';l.< ~ of.FitoJ iiigton, has se t to -the., editOr oi'i ths 1.4.3 - nik liepbrter a . intie;, tili.ph the r,litt, a -1 ter safe was a short tium age lvor,th laillionier. deli_ r5,,. - ,.it is: a, "clinker' from, the fhin eit'."iii whiehl:idi ,th4_o - licii:es ' 'bit cds, , &e. 4 ti.e ,60rEqq! and. weighs iipwarde of a, pottad . . 7 7 - [ .T.bie cli.n4Pr•;is ~ e clogTc!aild ifl'f' gitY.me, - ~tplic cabstauel 'eontAned an . ttipi, init. yitlr4 whjohitonotpa are' 90144, *nd trhieja run te#,Sthor aftos:thct,..pacior ps aciOsurofd: l ,-U]-: i ing,, if,' le ! ',pri?poagil 40 rO4uee.all this (,class ol,p,acerfloeable -,pap*Or to:. • tili);,. that it may h; agaia mad*, B ipt9 ak. / kit) note paper,,,, ~ •... ~.- I, 1_ I ir i .; I 542 1 9F . .Z • „In t • r • 4 % , • •1e.% .4t Tip; 'tt • a •fi y• - lay," r(.• • Ell esv . ly. 7 elect and'-. s wa4 .parakrapti )onJenoe . ; GM am the de. NE MEN , , h i:e3o lit • ' •"! 1.:.11011* •„:.tl-1"4:r , •:. ' • ' i'lz 0 iiittrintilan . 4 . txtivw , ,;al ,, ~ ,:f ..., r .... It26ol..letivill* : fr.qtbi., Ipap init i oDitvls Wad Ilikassessititi i • sA4 --- 1-11. • - l rattirii have .9etill r altivd :lows„.'bit ilia - cOni4riiii?n / 10i . .!f +11'.+1'11: • 4 :•tri„ i i F tgt ßro n 4arge, l sabje4,,,te -p l iet!,alitif ,, Conite4ll3:. ,1 , . 1 ' 4 ..i!'it.,.: .., . Far -th et , captitre .of ': - .iff.. , p visii the, iy.tviaittis toliientenant; 'Mon I. P.ri,tchi aid,1140,000, Capts. :Jo p Ilahn . : th. €, tway i and Charles - T:' ,. ..llndsOn i 8729.60 liaehriFikst i...bientenantsl.Rip dy, Pal., j aket4. , !-Beritelli.': 'Beetles, -Stiiiber,,.f.isk .1 ;a4r.ll=lisseltencr,Seecitilli :Ilie tinny*. 'Treat., Bennettillick fel d; Sou h worth,l Rcrinton; RiSiernin#ttni and urphy,i -$_,...55-6.58 eitehbAnine "otheri .;)reeeinek 1 1 / 31 / 6 ! SOW one-$27 , 1; 10x:4,428911 :one' 22.);1tea.52511 - eaeh,,Afty.4vite. call Om reeeivers2sllleach : and- ataidefour; liineared 866 tb 81-87 , eiteirid : i , ; .'.;-: u 11, -.24:1 Hie. -parties :effecting+ 1 tlie.iirrestc o Rooth.'it.bei-sara of: 050,009; to . the parOes. , effecting l thei'arrest;:tiof c:Rar.;„ old. 825,000; or to the. phirtiot-41ix; they', wail" the seine , --who arrest +. Booth; ithdiniliold;-$7.5;000;to the i'.4,irties of feinting the npprehiatigion of A.tserott, $26,%19 -6-the , re in alp der of ,ittiel. re« ward Namely, "$25,00,0; is diOributed' a.' 4 olg 1 etrien t een; fp_rlva tee' Of : th Cm tit e':. regiinott f s2;B69 !iiiih, h;. fr io :1,110 parties effeeting:ther arrest, Of ...[Nifilet, .510,990; 11 t?:tiie , party or `: parties l facifiebing, on or•sahsequeri,t; to •APril 'lO,l sod prlor, s tlt s ny in f ormation e.:lirretofthel whichprisonir t .40 in'-swell nduc e4;l ' : the-'arrest' Of 'either: - Bc n t,..flar•ii , , old, lAtzerott or their :accO plioes .41 ti eral!row aid. ' . . iio Commission: in - the of thil r vpird ear the. - arrest ot: Rooth and; t l, 1 Ilarordi sward as .follows. Brigoaier Gleneral .L. 0. Baker, 83,750; gaptaitt II 11. Dobeity, Sixteenth ( Ner York Cavalry; 87,500::..E. 4.; Coci;fzei, deteei tre; 61,04,0';' , Lather .11. . 13akei, der inctlre 84.000;'Se1.gesr: ts Bostot, Cor4 I hetti Sixteenth Now; York - :bavair,yl ,6 1 :,,545;;</tridrew Wenda11,.52,1445,•Ct0 i p;orals :C.' 'lei miner. Miehadl :Urine; 1 i Jb i ti i? Winter . - 11 e rinan li'VW.gar fen:, 1 John: War; Oliver - kerne.* and, Ali. 1 ehn_al .- Rol raily.Sixteentli, i lNew-Yo4 i davilrY, 82491 cash. ..,....' i : • ‘ . i .., i; r the : case tot l'Atterott 'the reL lb .11. , . . , twos .were to itii;or Artinan 213th 0,4.1V015., 81 : ;250,1 and- to iSegt. ,(rein illi, Ist .i./eltiWarefeeralo, . lil retheilider (4 f i lie, 825;006 1,3 dia,.-e ,ted ainorig..7l9Phirm*. '. . , 'in -case, ol lie, arree Payne .Or ' Jtrigi 1 1. tlil aro all goi lath-The ;y prig . • 12th—Theriwill all marry 1.31,1 t-their children W!Ill and "shining lights'in the iwni ston't k' pail till their htistincdi) ean'aifor ' )stll 7 -L-They *sleep- 'lndef. bats when eonvenient:c 10th—They "cane make ntit.cinkn,,and can do ehnin ' .17tb—TheY'aro 0. IC ' ' tNEititt : Sisa KCa lr - 1 r a - iSaten't can be . assured l3 tht . 'he n ver.gains -anything by .a' rift. wprd. What if : your. boy !,brealcir a pitefie , oc.glaaa, do t you mend ;isither by,Aippl ing harsh epithets to bibt ?j . DOCIS itts aka , him more careful in fature, I, ea be love pia better ? J3firk i l bp i,e unituring. What snyethe.bpyl—"l a glad orit; I ton't care c l w i mach I b eak."' ... He: .talys,thus't . p„ etren with isJuaster: It ia ,reTy iv!. On hirri:w Iziititii.tout / ii, iti.,iti" human. tura; _and ,t, e example. has 'bee'r. set f . orc hint' by, ,31.0tt.. ~ ~..181 1 y,r,ci. ) . T 'Ll,e, - Cill* . ! ipi.ligyp i ll piaear qr. yop Pnt, bt 1110;ei .' earikti),, };.in the: futurp,';[„sact...* ft)..wiji_Pe , lhiAripy ?- , ".Ik-iwaB 3.csia44:i/cid - i 'ilit l Pe Alerei careful." ~ Ho, w%ll.,neor.h.,ciiiii4,#hpf t. lf., . L er pitcher orlgilis, if he can .`frip . 44, and La Will,'..respect; and love yop 'a tficitisand I titnea inure than' when • You. ~ . ...,,- . . . . flewinto:a rage and - pirorei Tengeence :,•14; Giyai74, la., - the citizens- hold On' his head. Remem b er ; this, . ye, 'ills) wh4t4ilay Oaf in "PoGterY..Soci'lls;' ' "' - : 1 . get angry and nip at a trfle.., '. They mint-tie gritre affairs:" ~ - IN ifil r =o 4 4llof:Z3atill°os ' ')) .144qE1 it s il;2 , I..4.titb ,) ; - 3 }l. .; t - , 0 71 ,1, 4 d'•l4 '`.,.1"ff,1if.1),. - 11:1)•••t 1!,1! , { . IC. ,71 rt_ - Sq . tcl tt .11 UM I D 741 64.14' ' Ol 1 plc ; ;/ ' BEM r IQI 1. 3 ' tano.:<l4 1. 1114orids 401: **#.--thg 1016 iget mar- 1 l ' ' Niel!. be bright rid.: ' • 1 ire& girls them: I , nioscitlito offoo and er!-Work. MEM era vi I . I ,, t', 'r . -, • 1 „,„,,. -: ,'.. Ifiabib. e d:,:8; 461 — teri l =-' tti ut a hie ( ksho 4 o'iliertAfni Wig c du:atty . , te. yet' ifelfglifedi Ibtit ' 'ft siti 'bah' snubbed %fie her Maxmail-ativen "lT bt trtre';'• says re mtn era e 'Plec 6 of' insoleint 'Ple,e44steloh , cannot 6i:imagined . hat te . called; he 4904 i'lP o6 4lP:e 6 T4O; - nest-; dP9ifelg.Stli4r,tll4444--,' live; c? 3 '. 11 !11. 8 1 , 31A-1°0! , the, 80 !',7 1 0 1 s:1 1 " MYJ 1 30i0 a`lD944l9,ermli.f?olB;ll;tP4o. too . oes;pit'„a,ti” *Muir()) 444 tWi.M!!KrYni. whatever.ltTe,e,CFlYY . i(ite ray 4?.." 1 .1 1 ): -4!'°lo a 4 O,Pte"Y.9. I IFY OOP.: 's' ll 9-ro, l l4es, t h . , M.R.Fie;Akr*.ttvis. clo,miti . v,i* 990)404; An4,kii ti ,vmtfi. AlLttint, /.101A, f9f:th,. 11CinVoq '1‘4113,:1ite1ti0Fi!,..50,;i14;14 notthe justice .or 114 cat© s ` qunt, to think : 7 9E. is not Whether'Fvtme b0x...A.414 .on her, ,044,. amt. *.hetber this demand ti 3 t.TPT° OR - . 'jne 9f , 0 1 0 0 ,4 ' Mindates, .111gh:Sperfte:d' : 41,ici can rot.attbn;lt.te; my who / le cons,i'de.raticiti is liniitetlit!'s the faet-ItheAe.aCkUit:"the great bulty_.efli;Eur,ipe. has met .41s . match." Rep yoing, daring fellOw.6ad3 to, go into,the•ring With, that finished I. pugilist. 'that neit of us havtif"ooirig6',l.o fight . ; : and who ! e ' veii With the glo ves On,. doubles ue up in • fashion far ,from iimerica.dares to:held Jangu4ge-to Frauhe that :tklEuropacerablne4 coith ,t rot Utter:. Ther6'B 1)9 4 :1011ng the,te'i,uolualifyicg it. ,we h4'd Continental, p coalition .tommorrow.,' e ve Could not'ventu.re to say. what Ainer- 1 ica has just said Neat ' kintiter of Ra i ssta ;er : England,. or. Austria, any . c ,ife.,, - .french .greper,nr, "We Were. thinking ;or epinethi chip Whee , ) yoti stiripad Mt° Savoy 461 Rice 010' 1 other. new that c , nr.lt#ild'fi arc feee,.you'll have to - go back, '4lg4in."-', We, are. fantods for., brave. words our'ForeigO'Oftee, hht lAes any one expect ,t hat„ Such, a, tnessige friim „Whitehall?' We no-more ,provoke. the. Tuillerfes hY.an ineOlent,dispateli thitik we iibuid , go . iti to 'Otte of - i4ges and:kiclt has liecothe a sort ob E . uropea . I superstition - that France' an beat.every, onei dpwnright gtateful . to the Americans . Mutt they don't believe. - it.i = I 'never liked America sb Weir till . I begen.ll3 speculate on ibis:war; I never snej pected that ,there realty Was that-Itio f-kingrer f - ThiAit'iottrualists - dispatok.m? l' Adukation they. l cieal it r • -tr!Drrow; 1223 , . that makes right, : trnstyi friends..ao4 vcry_teyrible enemies. .14gard them in .this light, and•say, if 4 wer should e l IMO. bre,,akl - on he wean them and rt.ance what aid ' ro d you ° back... „I say, Arne ca. I'd lay my 'bead on the Rene; and if any gentleman la wil ling- to bet an equivalcot—iny another crown piece 74. cry "dotte' -and wait the event. . , STRoNo CormmierniN.—The latest instance of -Spiritual Manilestations" that *e have seen is that record'ear of a young man Kdowti _east,' Wh-o . s.e father hud promised, before his clOtb, to hold invisible communicatien with him: 1 "The spirit of , the gentleman Oho, .by the way, had been Pome wh at se-, were. In matters of discipline) was call ed• held some conversation'. with the bqy. But the meseages were not pit Pall.eniiv.inelpg, and the youth would tiot believe that his father .had any :Winn' to do with: theta. ; s'aid the medium, Imhat, can your father 'do to remolve ••your doubts ?" , - •• . "If, ho will perform some et which is characteristic of him, an without any direptions s to what it fthall be, I shall .believe in it!' . "Very . well," aahl the mediain, "we wait some inandestationg t frim the apir it; laud." This wag no seener, said tbare(aa t,he, story goeE , )a... table, walked . , up ,to the •youth; :and. without ceremony, kicked him .olf . t of, the -room ! "Itold pn atop him• !", eried the ter rified :.young convert; ! 'that's -the old man;--4. believe, in the raivings-I"._ Qat , hero has nevet'sinee bad .a dem ftire to 'astir-.up the old, gentle n u l s „. A' i',1010; EAST ditor was 'in allaat when tile wic.d, blew bard but be vas uot . at all alarmed; because he had his life - in'siiricy; never had anything to barlieb:t2'hini by which be colibi,malte ,mone." • • . ppt9n . ..4 . .wainonistink that be was iipr46 l g - frprn Iraland: "Yeit, hyatan "I. , hate.B@n oorneliaf the,sarpf.fa • ily•idhikh `th at AkeirfeetM ) 4k l l 3o " . 4 ll3 tbP.PouPdr "IS • -anybody ni:o waiting upon. qou-ri. said 'a ite.-Ary- , igood,s clerk ma - giti front the totintiy.4 "Yea r eir," (eittd:'t the - .blushing f - ,danitt'el, "ithat's *:ltites 4. oat.eideki h coma i, ~+!~ ISEE 1 . • .aiOn esWc'iiaeer4e& t:. ..0149 tir "It itiM edisb lihc‘;s = lI TZE . ti to advertise:OM WIWI 'A3'6OIIE4B. A spactraktiario — rritmi typo named as a kret) -7 • yea , , piser4riar/ManWfß 11.::: . i . ial6ii war rites..' lkiWel; F acktrleashs,•lodligroirp &2- H e i n= and otheiY cdvii , ft third %Myr* free: - t~i:a i~ - . ifeetre to oyrm lar4e, natural; btietat4ii - litio4Cs:ttYwitte it tieults.: - YoArPferi' .a ari : 4lB 4 l/43 1 * limit:fee , it milted littiebaiiiirf;:antLlthii prkacpt:licy4l 0 1 4: ItOP 4d,.lkfiauipl libteiltsil 400)008o; 15j 1 5 ,t 0 .43 3 P4. 1 1 1 f1 blwldnirr • opkt ,!Ztoc,ali =lticanda a= .email; 4401 bdr ~' c tf. iot "l4-I ,6o ,fi r ctAlO i g_li r s.l o l l -0 1 0*P; VII9O- 1 4! Atopd, returns 1414141 16 1 fire • of ?tiOlinti . blitilitiod deb il~t~gr , Bus iseeomplibil;edi!rlel:~~tht~m op; Off 00 - ;linkrdu.ktofb4y.ittcro,Aim hg !IFP u A I tY-Pc'e l iP. , to r !Pc ci Ojifft ripe?. OtiY ; - 1 114 'Clay ified , eltpeniteal laid oatt nitc!l At; any Yitte, Will a'dd; . gßdy.Per4,4Pf.. Ai in p, o .4dAituoik t return. ivfl know a;.iarper who, 433 tril;;:eiitf tied 'one fi inckred ,g ty acrek wed , wati,dil'ink : 'now towns - five Su nat. and:is:mein off:tha.n,befcre.l,. And *hy-y •• pccitiatil great till of , ex=_ petie' et) hi'in; he n ittOrd to keep it up in hood: conchtion',..and` it bite a . millstone - flia",wifeiatid children, both _gone:amt. _ claughteo;,arc eb11404,,tc-.w,ptit..harit , keep the great giarkine a rtihnifig, vrelpreat t irie aye I:lCelarelito.Y:*ilf lisay,o home :ad itsr-theY Attie old - enontsh.Vandtl'ae girl* - they:NOß - 199.4 ; da• ttglitetl i 'aro educated att.flasy, Aepi N e ' to be; ',they cau dol. be ipared let *thul, from...work 041,41 - ,e 1 1 14 . Isi'nit; - WC'ZtchrtielAi'aii6l:l' ; 6tija tti - it Curie to peaseasor'mutlawfataily, - 4114 - ,in s l ry the. w ho,lo;agtioultrti ., • inter e s t. If that man t,Rntii 8:1C71) 1 hiraseli and his . lioaselic,ilit'hiv "Mould' sell at least • I me - alt o>+ 'his land; improve-the remainder: tci • mak4 it More - prOditetit , e,reletitie his child reel 'from bottdage,, and: i t n tnltke It pin; a Littee -- Pfcetellart.,, lon4pr, 1:y !re* goo4l# 'iiropf?rty;a'nd wilt tr'ainitla iriord aptoter I:4oleutturiar Tees A gr . e.ut•• rorolutiou los octur od.„•til seleCting Lfritit treeti- frit 'tilimititig`.zz: Bushy p!ants utor now sought for. 'FHA shacie • ‘57,4...6 - tbalside 'Prapoi?us..nplikt., is c.insidereck ;bet iSI4II _Au truSS: 4%.5s to thUlbensfio4 effeolii Of` 'Usiotin tiar:digg!tie sitiout: trees;:litlch -4,tt, p!pw sP4 -yery 4,1). however,LessentialAn getvl - aovith'iL good' eriiPs. - .j'rhis is it:ye 6'00114' cdf , good cultivation . ,In ,prepai ingl,ktt planting trees Abe HOW 8 r_tie_, iito r . • red_ at i•ileast 4,w9 .fe9l; ,in depth: ,of cuurseiitbe trees - shouldd be set, i 9 ttiti , boles Only so, deep a's - they: 1116 ground lefime, eltber bigber-if anything, s's the soil w,ill'settle. Giied commoulsoil.r ay , berfiiled..in,the holes '\ if the patura „is N'''et•yr tick;', but J l / 4 aria tliiri dpplied aA manure may 'Stirred in the. s • itrfaufal after j ,ttio trees' aiee planted. siobjedie:td matring!ideep, holes.for plantbdg_trees t .,' ,for; if jibe soil; is. ,wat. -they .I*gorna col),ecting wateritroin surroyinct. log 'and 'rotting 'the best to underdrain Bach' obits' befrnii planting. It this ioanT;9t\ be•ilone,ft .best plant,. in :such spring. I. The ohjeetiop is a fatal) one for Sll,pl9,p4ng ,g,roun, . , "Tailing" Skins .1 i • , t ~ 4 co7eslporidon ,, •of i the Rural - .l" , evr . Yorker . gives ..tbtk lollowir.g. , twits method . ;: •.. :. i :'.:I ‘• " , ,:.t. ~ i i “Whie -find. talteu from the animal stretch theM. oa. a':emo l oth board ; re— move till the,flish, that 'still *Jitter s, to i the skin,b's': scraping with a dial' 'rte. - Then • ebver..'t he itesh ;sideviiitr ' ' tikt parts of :salt, alam.and araealo,' , et the skin slightly before, iippl,ying•A s tan. When , it- becomes ~dry, Work it to ii4tNidust made. roir,WO'citi contain' ing 'an essential: oil--linahOciariy, iotiti; or satin wood ,ire the` litiit= : -',cher ‘ iy and probably some other iib ods Will answer . :` The arsenic - 'pri'ventit - *tie; i 1 mckh. , filim ever •tonehirlz' ttie`, - 61rin 1 'under ~'a n 'c i rcumstances •:i::l l titievier. Th s wdestfernimeithe si imill'oddr” .. - ----- Making. a Ewe 'Adopt - a Lambe' We 6134 tilefolloWing in'orio'orPiti exch. -.. ' .; i th ptat- I - 11a nge.. lt iswos a - ~, , ily . hcirk Yon AO lki'Plivet with a , !tad t iriph bleating. pite ol l ll lY-apfl , ,mour inN ()vet it; it:, you wish ,tol,:xasko' her adopt another,enteh the ewe,',roilk her civn.milk Upon ,the ittrnb,itteo remove tbe , deatorte. out of her ,stght,.etep hitek oot . of, the way ar.d wttne+Of the } [joy" t Af, , ,,tlixi impther'st •the„supposedi reiteration of :Ixeroil O, sprieg," , 4 , ,I , 1 TA'S-13ARK•1-r-When, in toag tittleiirdo t y 414 Are haul •tad=birk ,and_dOgstc, id dry,; ilextiicaor.:, Dry,tan iiArk t ,m, ceitodt, absorbent of liquid - phdgre,and bawl_ or_ two ,M 1 itv.su,nkmef can ~tsuA7lr. );-clb't.4fle e tk autumn it: aciAttime.i7: Cothdrg. , ,Geittindax, Mil el I v To~~Q~~=~~'~. MEM L--_, , , . 111 \' Mil lirl , - `,- EMISI El ' r ; :'w~;: t~_M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers