0420.ketilt Pbl'shed Every' W i eo d a ' - T r ' 111XXS','"PPT4PMGC4 I je VIIIRDST'i "AT a 'minim- in. it tvb P • Artett!r! slid ; contribiitiiiie; :by, zikt,* 7 lyry.rompt attention: - 4 I.9,IIUTAN 4i-Cb.''ds. di Pi.otri. ;~(')` ICA4:I4' I 241 . . MCI 12116 a RIM BE CO 'id growsold 'and ta n 14, "to.n , e otr„co . tcesoli .while lurf i a d 'What with want, and eare' l 'and, telt: ''- sci,scirce.lloe time foriplensitre. • ''' l " - ii ff !,„,,telyer ieit loaf . 34 i r m'elt:to belamentedii Verolts mi gaily if we tmll • _ ,•44 sidle 'and bC? dentented. - if we are poor. and - would -I kea - rich, t 'i t ,44ll pot belly ;0.1 f Arely' heart mnd• hop , r es bright silver kUtinjr,f. ItMe's neer a man that dared' to 'kips „ - • - Rath of his choice repented . po lisppiest souls on earth are those who smile and are 'contented. , ' non grief Both come to rack' he heart, -And fortune bids 'us hom hOpe we may a blessing reap And consolation borrowJ • ; .-• ti? orn s will rise when 'rein?. ' It cannot be prevented : - 8o pate the best of life yon And smile and be :con , . '• '1•••1 . t ... ,„ , 4liscpllax)2eous , , If • , Chitzaoer 1 rasa It Ir'ould-Reein indeed :4;11 — en'tt vare fix , Nl beyond. ak m -6f Vpistoint to .oh4f t t . tpter; - ,hp!, :nit •or refossing nil u.i,noityl:B Li. liit,der ,m4n'o sitomii • garrnent.i.. • .Still,l .riherever re ti itr.)tig.y ;04, a character of 'such originality; oendence, or :eiotelletipii , 4s*. , to ;u JoneC front 'the : Ihought' , . of the age, t• be . :points merely. - 4bstrttet,, , ;with ;no tcci cablo. relation - to ' pr lio, or arrangpalop c:'hair; e clie.raals n d ayiit ileelay6 .ttlOTitr , :a. die=; i iiintfroin,pv a- loader-oyitio tiii.)% I iiis age.. - 66,tneLliiiik,,pt , 6u'theint.:1 :color, tbe' l forth of pAtiro;AVili. himnir re markable,,? of course - , 111c,i3s) spe,c uiptors:a.pd !ter, of • acti s oli . ,-.p r rat::&,al ins-all ii;liox.at'ry ; op Ithp. W 0 (VA iimiss,..whose ; col:corn.. i s with •tilep thiTi ate : a - !i0 icitie -ticoupati on: de ,rid3 on t h e t mitliTilitader o I.he . , f th ings—di i. - 4' • " hr • ' .. Ing, state - •,•O - •, y ,••"•-• its - t, ••!./ 1 his oestonnary • nap , ,ri g ht, 4,e:Atn?'4.-a_e ! ailVitneetl',' .ia14i.:43 e 1 , 1 41. 0 . 1 , 0:0 , 1iie1v . 0.,. i f., bra; i. k : and . act,. with• the w0r141;.,but. , 1 ava i l 4.,tbtrote. ~tb rough, j..ivbieft . ...-a , 7,ry.,,liiiiire: a iT eB e..tfi t i.`" r ' s . ;iii' l a 1 01 , ;,/ , '4 - v.i . iliki: 8 ' iry . deviation !of • thotight.,.• everfl refres.bini , breeie winclilowiti,g,. Aia l j• --,',' •• -• ,% , ...6.g" , -.,' .!k 0_0y,,. Vl,-,x.,fr ...,., Proper' .1 • •. i t"..• • 4.. 1.: .. . . ~....: . powers ,m ; me, ,iv tr. inticuip o . • o ld• 41-istent 'resijliition* in ,:a . t..iman .to i other eause . l4 dribaing largely, or coid ----, , ..• :: -.l f ' hp . ~ .0 • ~ ~. 4, ,ival , , when a cesehas become h,op les ' At -- . • • Wt. awl act fqr hirnsell'inanY ma 't!‘li , :itei'; .ivlien' • hot and thiiiity.:"l rent;!" --- , ' ---•-. .J.: ,--- : -, • ~,, 9.., .p,,.,,....A0) w 1 4 1.0 4 .1 tone:, • • - . , . . • • , a crtain point the body or Lb° nartent 1 I ••,.,,k vt,'lnt-, 4ochti. porp r ici 'Pr' re-ig7l4..fitti - guo, gteat anxiety ! fright,,' feu - , - iill 1 b'' • • - oink li , - • , ~-, •- -1 t hease, i -4 egma to oink pecUltar. odor; ~ cectOly epres•stl itself 1 2i„,,irtigure among , ineiting.i.eatis,-ek:1...!1.9ne t I ca ll - the death °lot% foil' ivhen . that way o f ptik:yital • peculiarity. , It '• l4 ' : 4 can •af Ohl i all 1 heSe . he is As Sa_fil rotn ; I haalbajiaiaa',oa- ide'd_andiunnthititkable. , LI whraterful ili - ,v: thisinonnection i the chelt•itt fiS from . bein 'Wel , , - i. , g swcPt town !I - htlie . rrelliti. - knoWO:il'e atieut to ...h.r.14 In the- rimer .. pr'aciple -, anittthe4.bc - a cornet'. ' :,-.' •.• l',• ---. -I: l. .. _,;l - ,„- '.;•,-, • •'. -• 3 •'''.;.:... . "*. -?.-r...:. 1 ,;t••--• ..=.• - - • ,ar - -- , fw:**itrairrifrar-t-Ivitfille.`r I, . ' lfF.,"'ir-:, . -„Ak:-APPF:g.v" .., , ,I:Nrenty-- L. , ~.,,,-„. -,,, , 7 ,,,,,.. 77 -,- -,1 . . .. i . v ..•..,.:-..i, -,':: - .j:,"..', ...'.. ~ . 1411brrt Pa'prer c alent In u, place ; almost 1 permanent result. ~13uL the blue ewer, ,- .. ofe : - , pm4 ll l4 . "willi, every, ;One Orl 3 rienee B l , more ~i c',rl IF" I:the cold eat -'einitie,th deeply sunken , 1 ' 11134 ,jegifff Witiitii .',,r '- eve ry . bin- : dieturba l r.'co of ditzestid.r.. it is °aunt. eye - , to 'do , the ilinishing :pulse are ,i.o,,bigns 1 :th e e l lee t!,at cust.orti r and we might at- t w i g . 4a, patt im - aginarY. Every one 1 that the kiise is. hopeles's.•... r Bcf . tres' of a d int•iilfty', 'shrieks d:-the luig.fierc.e,- 11 4 m.v intention. inipos r es. - , i . notices the slightest ia •iation of • eel •-; f 1 '•'. •• • , • • '' • .: - , • 1 ,• sa .. e; c a s e s • in the recent lepidemic .1 tnal.i cAnno - t. tie a prig, i 9, his no••• in , r, and. it)* vit' - err , us 31 co impel to.nco. to ! ' . . ly..linfe•Yitu shall ani4tvt - nly ~ e inestiotill i i 14 wiihout. tile tic ot hid cram[, or 1 a • -fl ~ h t • f • L' 1 . 1 •0•0 re&A•clod.• T6..adOitknjt-Q, the I•before: era tri cs.• e - ear . o ten a . - shght ... --- • - I ‘i( i•douti; i• : op got arioi, h ertsinge i. -.. . „ ' , •ansient;pai . s. nc• ' • . 0 ta ,I to !irips t•our ., .•whore, r•lrowing p i:antV)t be a. 'sliotit, eon-- .•• • • .)versall..) . • intentmalrin,l or:!3• hft..#atures, s hair, his gztil, his hAiilbovy 'it, bill:sotr.o lsecer,tHe . arii3r tr„ eollar, shoes, eolltl,thing about n. .A . •rciao tarrlot ..tbout, inclits ngy'sribyrtirig the, COltittiLion of oolm , :try . :.vitittrut everytbing, from thtt th bi, boots % l ev ; et'y loose .wg ili‘..i.rening garment, telling a map cat Mot be. rt • li.borator answering to ralta;tll's :shirt; the InalitJe of ;the Grne.twa4 peeerisA.ry the propl;eti.•sttOh intima.to .nct:tiOn is ttiere bet...t.eOn Man alai rtutor,self thtit imMedlatoly sur 7 • tr. i, I:rritos•; -are but an e,xtmision anti ollV;lnatimi of t. 11,43 tari - to subtlo !cc%ce . witie4 features] a rellootiOn of the hablittlal 'work 'l,l* the Until,rilman's gar iur.rb . turmoil intithato re— . it:;1 hint; ituage,a Ti!fty oi the scene, 31Ylay figure -- c , hn prdicate nothingjeouterning: 11. Who can tell whaf,U'king is in 11 torffilativn re4es': - ii herald in this Gatti'.' or a whiter on putatlet?..-IWho t , teil.whai a beggar about ILrnrefts that. dare received every e and - fold from . nt.her tnen's •=l...yet t the iit'?gFt..bark at, liitn zwnethin.g inCotifprelleinsible. and t. ... - dlinise - ' 1- • :7 I • ..• - • - ~...... t Stria - - F s c, - 04.:K U,Noxft.'H.NO, r:6,v . ;, • Aiway •,, ; ---- 4 ; :ttly . .3okkr . florepti fur any A Tiesperate a Kault.upOti - adversi. ir ii ealutily - sails; yqu.„. arid - the : i I ' I •-•-a;: it i apjf. to (19 Ii .n , imith"eas, - `'k9 r.ial ti T.tli yOurl 'Vradueera, I t tats moo( Y and . iittaantliropie, i: zctsc still, Koick to ycki . n . ylur un-I liae.s-iti '4l4Kipati o. I Bide four . _ • iiiPprove the..4lanCier .. it .ypt if ilt:ts bre it dovin'.. I If •Tkoverer , .• . . .! A • '•' . .tli•r_on you like a t4ptt.in the ntght lial. - ; 3 15et1? liet it `!rouse .. khtt, aei Prulonve of -a reartbief tironl(l:d9., e 'lurictic action. No - niatter b;:k r y ?TT ye, mar Lnr,e got ir.to.lkot wk:k• it--..al ways•roridei that von' did ll.ileip.the lathe:: of lies to heat/ . it "our ease, it you .are made .of the II kiwi of stuff, it:lf:et ciespeillto:: 't "lain l itec•ortl with - , dfiltro order "Wel3l) 01 things r tbfitirlit? i1.b01214, e n ( fiicultiee . - .vlioh ark. honest dvo..e.rmllined Rah, with, Heaven', ~;),(..1011,0t. Hirmo.int: I •1 -.- ' 'xo, ... . nirt be unanimo l tte;" b 0 ved .ri . 5. t• , 91t,(a t the o‘zeas'iin of' sigPiOg ..:Dairzlaration of. the:A.inerietin .Itt".. 'oll,,,N•cric.:; "-thern•tpu4 benp,-ptlitieg• u‘-r,elt. xrayB.", ~ " y4ei r : .ohaetvod `litlin.,"we 'must airtutli".togetheri tc. .• ix , refily we thail' ; all tang sitly.” ' - - - • " ' Il' • .-: • • , : e. 14: :4 'tt:l) ME ,!3 ti;;;;., ii - , THEIVROLEB.A../, I. ' . 4.. , .1, ... ;.. . "Illiqiiiiii W041'011431 1 - sciks itrittt, Di.'"ErhOiii;•Tainiticy3;etirtes'otijliii ary ai *,t,lcinitifitiriOPlie;Liiliiii *lihell Iperiiiiddliilti4itting CholerS'e*tiiY throligii threejiiitielSins..of that tieitSkinri + ,hilt y.,.,-.... ~1 , ~ i ;,. , , I 2:, - .DEstt..Siii: Tifti ciiiiiera.,Etyliit) . .tia, ior i eff:!!l.3 fi.i . :FOi.)?,T,Aitfillg':.rOc,l4.l' rard a ' g w e illli4 a b ß a - 4 ' l7:: Y i ' a, ?- tilllTtt i IbefOre'Snotbli'ltinitiVer'hui Voii4red:'.. - 1 4 1 liiiiiPg(- . seoi-'firitikiiierltiatfr i l l 'pened to' hit'Vtit aLgomVaii:gi'rieftit fo v ea, "c l 4 /) 1 tietti aC, udintsuce iiii tit .1 t ; lintr''-io See lic in i I ' its. , forms shit stageS-tihilig i each ntr, Ist nvasions of - Oolistatitintiple,, 1 7 wish t in&ke.to iiity friehdi-ii,i Memel 1 somix El, ggestionfi ...which , Map N'ilieVe '. anxiety or,lie of praiitical.useii ...,. ~ 1 4 . 0 ll* tiPpshiteh C.f.oliaLerit er familyishonitl be prepar_ed:l9:.,tret Vvithal, s t. 'iv:ttitingAhr,fa .physiciitPil does its ,Frdrix B'3 ,exp,editicusiy,:4 l 4 .1 While 1,37,0 ;are ,waitivg,Kor , 0,01,4' - • itf T i“on l3 . ' • ~, , - -1 ! + , :.,-... _t 2 i ji I S9q!PrePare lor.ii;,it. Wili not, 1\ 43 zorrie. 1 '. thip • t hpsp AS 110 Irli AMY 1441 i le b • jlike.Y., :be a ejtl .o . ll - „Wko l , a ,Much c'ertnin'ey as " the oleih. 'tilt provi: dentialeireurnstances, or the, thou. , ht 1141 . iti' iseretions of some member of , l a'hOtisiikrOif'lniy iPvitelthotreFicli :a: . . ~ 1-rwrE , ii aiici thi, / cOalienge will tietirei 4 be it 'ins. cif.'i I wit' pr ob ably be; 'made - in the night; totti.' .iihysieitin line been" e Wed in' ..anether '1 tii tieetion , "aitd ',en- mist' tretitt the oahit yOureelf rtii - - . .-it' i will: . be' - , . • -,.- I . ~c; ' .- ..- i i . •-: - ...t - . PAltilllt 'AND SYMPTOMS: ; • , : 3 -e4usi , 4';.ilttack.-- have on• . 2, ~ allyttne.tottagated-al..iftket . -a hunpred eases;ll;nd"not its,' hand - .threti forrtha cool4 -. ...-bei Way.e. 4 l4:!, oily. to:ingots:pet. diet, o'r - to, int. .iow - drynkti. 4 Sr - te both : unite* :.01 the'reniainder; sup - ! :„ pre - eseil l - perspiration -would coi - *rise i a lariet...ninnber. - . 1/Via-rang he a thy; i i i.einperate:laboring man - bad:a-severe i • - l iatack Of.'ehalera..and 4tfter; tile dangeT I pd Vliii I had ed • el curious' •te• aacitaiio, he t cease - . ' lie: k bud been oaum and, p . A • ruuept . in this diet., ( 11 - a-nsed . Motilling ; intozientig.. ,liiiri.4idenee,:w a ael.in:aj g« - id ik`u‘ntlity.., , ,llut- aiter:sunO:bnurel of . : balid , libur . ..ii-4 , very. prolaee'lp e an - 7 spiration;he litd laid _down} to Mika! - ---- - , . • , . : ,-.---r„, ..,+ second mixture, braaci.),,(;tablespbon npusea,oe transient par s, or rtinibling: , f i d.every. bait, liour,) nettles of hot tionnile, w.lien no atta k fellows'. cii ['l C ° f l WatPr surroanding , the :Patien ,' cope:: oho, is; entirely tree. train -these.. But ! c i,de y L i lo f i...i ire , n i t i e k: ,s i i ,„o,* , • ant i 'EI I . When idiarilicea °eminences A ' hri t.. . • [ ngh - f • A a -w'll often in' an hour Or' ,twd . 1 . c , •• ~.. 1 rtt. le ; is • plumess and slight-, it.,l. in refility the i . • ; wet): weeders • I . I ' • ' . j - p • ! ! . • . 4irmishing party ofttlie advancing i - . ft'A • at.—ln the'so iiid in all aivanc cO•lifinri, 1 .1t will bare at tiist lib Mille I • 5 • • . , . , , ed teas s, thirst creates insense . stiffer. character of Asial.ie cholera,: :IBA do . . • •,,, .. , , . „ ~. , r, . . , . nig. • rho saucier craves water, :ano not be- deceiVedl; Itris the'ehmera, i • • ~ , , -as sure - as he gratifies the••eravinii the nkvei4Cheless.„Witit ‘ a little,give i. unto - - • - te get held, sayk -to ypurself,i i• 1 i re p l i worst SyMptems rethrn; and he jails . / perteetly well,,it will ~'eoon• Tra . p i 1 . , ,-, victim to the trauma nt gratification. . of ,The only safe way' ra...to Crave a:faithful and. in ;:t shot t: timesyeit *will repend ! friend or attendant who will. net, heed your Jolly in . vain: I !jays seen any ~ . .•.• Ti -. ,nis-entreaties.-• le suffering be, a l ene-comm)t Suicide, in this , gas..., however, Safely alleviated and ,ren4 Sametimes, though rarefy; the at-l . • . ' :.. ces with, v.pmionk. , IBut, i dered endurable, `Frequent', gargling tusk coin men • . 6 1 . ' the throat ; and washing out the month :n I wittever.. way it coolly:kept; it, is : f. 1 sure to . /te/41 oft. Ln a very Jev.lieuirs r l will bringsßerne relief.• A spoonful of L gum Arabic water or of camomile tea the l ,Tatien t r may. sink into tile oellapSe.l Vie bands' nd feet. betome - cold. and , may frequently be giver. to. wet the • - = • , ' • • first': throat. • Lynclenham s vb , hiteiDecoe. pu,fjplislit the - countefierfee, it- lso'be:iiven beth as' a bev nerveds and anxibus,•becernes gloomy i ll " ma y a • - '-. - ' • 1 d:.•nourishment, '• •I ri small and pathetic, although a meirte"l rest. i °rag° an d• Idantattea, frequently. In a•• lday or .leskesS and raging thirst torment the i`l i • , , suff . eriag , .feci rit.., Ahirst., will guft'erer w-bile the powers of ; life: are j 1'721 . , - the . _ ebbing, The • intellect ritmine clear, but all the .social 'and. Moral feelings resin woncieilully to cclll4se with' the ph3.sical powers The'patient knows he is 416,•1M ceares; omit, 3n up a'ont tn..l som; - cases_ thriligh rately t ,,ltbo i dia‘rhaia, 'continues fora day or .wo, an(.l the foolish pers,Oir keepi abbot, then stid . denlridn tie; sends, Jot. 111 y - sician, and beflYro'lle iirtiv"63 t'lles as tho Toot COURSE elk:. TREATMENT. 1. Far, Stopping the hicipient Df.ar rha.--HTLio mixture which .f/ased in 1848 , witL great success; and:l:gait) 1855, has during the epidemic been useA•bY tliemeanda,, and although Ithe attacks haVe 'been. mo,43.sudden and violer.t, it bap fully established I its re4iutation' for r efFicieticy , and perfect sa4ty It consists of. equal parts, bb' meitsure, 41“orklAnd HUM and soirtts of 'Camphor, two tinette of t rhubarb. Thrlty drops for adult,-on a lump of I suijar,,will 'often checki•the diarrlicea. l i 13ut to, prevent iticfeturn care.:shcinidi sh4a3 taken to continue the' Med-i iciio every four- hours in diminishing doles;. tWet . ty . , fif fie n „te tr, ni ti ne, wit .e•it'reflif 'die re air thiitAvill bo Ineeded. l o l .-. _ J ; ; In casstl.lelrit'do3s not stay this] diarrhoea, pontinue to give increasing' do,l;(os—thir,ty:five, forty, forty five, sixtts-•-at every movement of the bow; elfq Latge,' doses will Produce no cn ju while hho diarrhcea lasts. When tbrl,t is ebeeked l then is the time for caution btArlk 410Sret OOP. diarrheas 'TCiketi: in season which was toMiYs3hies of eapepall37 a it'intci`htedC4d fbateoer. As mint as this' beconies apparent I I have al cays-reti6reed fp -thia - course. `PrepitriOrtssettp of starch belled ; as I , : i ', . : : I . i ~,. tf' . •." -. _l , : . ' , lli . • - •, . 3 :''',.- --: -. " " -. ..1 .- - .. 4V.:EV.:-',:. 11 . 7,: '.;.!: ' , T.]: - • ... •• ~, . ---- ' ....— ••... --,-- "'"-7"...-."...••••"•"•'''''.•'1 ''. •' ' ej l . .. .• s ' -; - •., iJ-:• ,", 1 -!!1!(. ' rj r 4fi / !, i1 !•PIILA .i i;*,l l "ail . ' . .'t ; ' •-•-• • f 4 ~;'..7.:--::..,. sCp:' • 7i l J ~ i---`E. ,3 1.1- ; 1c.,, , a ~.r., 7 , - . ,_ L s , ...1 ...1(1 ,-;., I* .-• • , vi .4! '.. e. e.,t.r.:1, - . f; la- - --- • ... •- - •-• - ,1 -,.. .,' ., .: 144, IL I • til l'i -. 315!.... , 1•*,.! `:,, .1, 0 1.1. - . 1 /. 0 ' ( - "- - .4, . 4, 1 / ...../ i'' ~_.:, . ... ,i , , , ' L ' 2. iA " . ~tt 13 1 6qi [l4 WIE ) 1-.11 1 , 0%,„ I F, P,L • ••:, ,:l l ' i 7 . ‘ ::,, ' t 1..4 '. l - - " ' , 1 7• ) S.l .' t.'7l !I- I; IA '40.'..V4 'lr -.3.. , -- •,,:- - -,. qab ,t , ' I j• .41/ . .",....o. •.%)...:" '1 ._, ~, 1 1_ lr•V:!. • C. 14 . ; '5 ', L:i .3 :'':• !•.4 l i- :';, 7 1 , • •' •I' ''~ V .`. . 4 -.'. . ' •. . . • -.* , r.:, ,s , ts '' 1 . 1:47.-4..'1 , rt , ,ri ~..:i.. c? ~;i i.- , lii uil • - - . • •= , ria-- , iv".4i: t „, -, o i. :- ': 'l t l °. , , :i::: :: .r. -..,..•:..:, ,-*I. : . -..,1 ,-„, , ~, - ' .7'. : • - --.if --..! . .4.i,,, ; ',di ' ' • s'i .. ~• - c,---m: . *,q• sw . --- - ;".: - !V , ; ...ai f i - 77- , -.l'. "r 4 • .!.•- - 1,1-1'.4... -t,: 1,-• -•-• - ---''' "t .1 , -' , ,1!-Lt • •!', •'-.:'l.ti ~4,, , ,itttt' )• ,- .... l'an, .. -_._ ~, ~ ~ _:- t „., • tv.l 4 . . , -4-1 , •:•••-•,' t.J.,• -;., •,,. ' L. t,11“.,..' ~ :c•lif,, :I •.::.; il; ,• ' • ') . •J •"A - . c-- ' 3 -L ' . - Triitil 1. 1 .7.2 ...-.* - '' :' •, • ,•...• .' -t-• ••• 1-.--1.- r -...... — ..--.--... .1. ~..--.'.4.1.:.. .: T':.!;•14 . 11 •• • • '' ," • '•' r' I • ,Arl ..) - ••,.,-..-. • -1.. '-' " . '" - I ''. '' '-'.''' 41 ' 1 '''' ' • -., - k .1` ' •., 1 . r 1 ;* 1- ti .0•1 , 4 1 s, , T.t ... P, , ~ 1. ) ,11. 4;/.. „.- , fit!..'44 ... l , .. A. ~.ie; . Li : ~ „t... . I ••••h - Irt.•;• , 1. 1:0 -.l': g t-T• 4 ' ~ " 't: - I .'-` ..i' ) , i''''"l -1 !' - ! , ' :9' It_ ttE 5 - tl:r9 . l;:it, ..r111 9 '• e 1 Eild.a, n y'Y' Caßi r :',.., z: ; •: 6 1 0 1 • • , 1 • •., •,' ..; ;:- - i,;•..11--.-1,1 a. - ,_.; ~f'... i-: ,:i --, ;, ' i-. 1 - ,- .11.: I') ,:'!r•ig.1.11,` , q , 44--.4- i'• , i .;.,_' , tt - >.:. :i,Pt• .' ME lIINEVE HUE -- 7 - '"" I'l.i 1 - -•. , r :4, .' foi.,i6ie' Thittithinkliffitpand - surinto it iiinitliiaiiiiititiNl - 0-litiditfitiiii , fot an injeetto6. I Give one : third ; at eaiti movement lofj the:bowel*. In'ont; des perate Loafterlabsadtified; l lla-kOpeiesa by 'a-titiYalOPll,• l maid catatlp the dia . rilifealnntit the Seventh iiijectiaa,whieh Co 'ntainedlneaSy A tettispecanCall C land" land] itpurg t .. - , t ),:rlie l pitteo V.-rev/net ~ . ),: d ial :# in perfect hosith..: 'AtAbe.. Airbil 1 used prepared ,chalit in to -grain I doges; with 'a few'dritilis o f laudanum a '.eiunphotitor file /V.:7 - = ; i3tit; alfatev'er ,'wise is parine4ithuust-baldlio'wed wise 'n . `rthe:patientailoat'i- ...,i, •,' .-: • ',...• .21'.1iftalta‘k4 , .Piiititices.-2heaii should. ber.appliedttyllieliit 'oil' the.. etomich 'and -kip .loh 7-iiii the' Ein . rfoe;iie, - well ,reddened: , 1.- , 1 - , rl. -.,t,i ,11 - , i :, i. .-: 8:-The! toilient;:thhwever •weible may feel: shtmlCrigidirObset4O Vere I feet , teßtd 7 To lie *Hair, broths back is , o no) half,: of , tha'hattlio -Di that-p v:1 sitifm; tha , tiinlecnyv fires Oveit7youit at 1 !tliesipc.thent you file rytiglate hit. ,- 4: , -1 '1 .4Whon:ftt tack •eo tri Oa in the Form; of al idierrhees these. - direetifsati:Wil(enible every .one-Ad fliget it sueeesiilnily i 'f , 1:E•' .4;.. ant whon•the,attaok talmataiti..9 Monti' find: there: ti, , vomiting, of .....+041.: - . iting and purging;perhatifialso,eramps: and .offeliitihs•,<tlie-foilowing , mi lett' re is , far; mono effeetivei.afid:abonlit,ai wayb be rem rted ;to:: T.& --"rasidnr b ilexl !die- erY trait . it• tor. art Iriinaiigna-. riers—Meigere=. Long, Trowbri4ei:aqd. Waßh burnate need44liii - very,inany eases and 'Fllth: wobteifkil7.;iicceas . It cono B t4 Pf!9 • 4 11 4 P* l l4 . 11 :1 1 4°4 11 2 . 11 3 11 n, I tincture Of .. cap.icurri..!l ll. !. 4 9° , °J. Etp Or; and tinciture ofoittp,.oc*e .sel fo , ti!*!ll.Y -I tp:tl:34q a r innaptidittnl ill it' little 'vi , :ater; j and . ,tn, be . iiicreaandTacccrOing prk,t,i.n o.y, nf ' the case.. - In case the ilrat.d . %?act should, ; be ejected, the accorid,".l,tvbinh' - 1 1 0001 1t1,..- aiatia' ready;aatiouttl . :be . gi!en inirqearatelyl.blter the . epa . 4pi s of . ifig hay ciemed. eh (.0 eca 150 on a' • o).' or. enictroikift g • the,vernitiirg,,and 'Ostt•ttie, purging moat , the •:thirst , s cioice. We hare; I;:eirerei••,,in‘faiial:4 i ifslebtiarlieninstai'd pouliie6e.e) reit pure ntuatarkl, applitd to the,litoinae:h, ttft;iFF,,,ieet, r- zde, ; as 0 0 Ole .. 1 1Pflr'0 . • • t i , i; ;C• 1 •? t i 1 1 4:1 N . `, I , Orop.m•4-Tli rfini ni cease. In--a'large - majci i ity of cases it has not been intense for more than twenty.-fone boors. - - • - 1. Diet.—ftice water, artossroot, Lyn-. denham's White .I)eaootion, - crust water, camomile tea, are the best ar. tidies fin a day or . :twOafter the attack is controlled.' 1 Camomile is very-valu able in restoring tho toile of the atom- I a(i . h ; I The Ti i pitoid ::Fever.—A:. typhoid stfite fot a fese days all se. vere eases. there is nbthing this; It has very . rarely proved fatal •Pationee' and' 'careful parsing will bring it ...ow greatest danger is - from( dri n king 'toe freelyt-t-t , When the patient seemed to be sinkl Kling, a little brandy.and .Water or .nr ,lownint and brandy have revived In_this terrible visitatioriof thereliole ra, we bave considered mirsolverf.per‘ featly-. armed • and .equipped, 'with, is he 41- bag .centainir.g- miztature 'No, I, roliture 'No.:3, (for , vomit l irig, few - 7pounda Of :pounded a muttard,., a bottle of brandy, a:paper biieamomile Aliens, and tt'papee•af• gun arable: • - =II •,, , • A '.Rfeti ',Yrintafi**:'L-J Franklin Siearns; i the'richeat-thien ' its the Old Domanann under the:OW:060o, -1# VeFraonteri ' Who " has 'has -tiat;iebd ;thirty .years in.ltiebtnand, bebnAwiee•-infirrit ed, and - who is ti - Arvinrth, in real es tate and eashglsl;slio,oo9: wile a ilotent , Unionistf.fEltitfered• in • Castle Thaider; ate rtever 11144 Cot federate -week' iri hie o.43itet; !Wt.:loaned it for, mortgliges on alk.the t tartii lap& argup4. pvet7dArtipilt es him; And" ireedem fpur evilleiteif,. It piondbly be Akio' preprietcif, the , enhanced Vaitt e of 'his lands of $12;000 000 'CI' $l5, ,000, ' " ' L -I 8119 .40. I^ ne etrfit Ai. ' ' ' 77 _ , 7 • &en, dripsfi44,-iniimile4! rebal9u - ~ me,- eachi 1101 ig-irsolliel habfitili s4 o o,Ausl triad. 5 , tap .01114,1*: -(1, .of .'a _emelt e tinifdin near typ i i, i • , I roadin gnat. '''. ' . 1 ".,-%:" - OW ri' q vi , ig" iioilict- 0 ?Y''‘ici: t i le,. woman,4 OrielaeirAsA Vit :ii_eAtil ; :j ed' liy ,t a . .anglekt . -nnulgee , ~i i t,,,,,i ... Jiii'cr 014 1 ,v'0 6 AO. j :.;k" 4 - PAnd w Attiio`so wane II:r:E116 3 1 o.Telatße4 •Aiii her. cop ,neti - ely . 'lloii% i ed 'on' "ye.,..t.i-i)* ; risen . '-'7t hit AN.'.th'il : efnett;i4 ' tat"' of " joh wiy - :iititiirtie, 'die' I botiVe - t, .11tieye for tit #.as Kitaarl-:': ...1 I ` - `l4ll . ;ii4' liitei-,;niitid ' end' flife i 461 2 1 ditilli?' - ` 4 3 1Vb't.',ieLki4'0, 11 .i ~ .friat, but we wei4sonA.O . telt, h`e': : n d' that ir pl i es '''..iiiiyl§; t04;,.,7 11 :90idy !il l 1 , liest' yo ve'pkep Ili:li t lht 'llo;,',ll,tr: k' 166 k; ifig Ai p iir ,- trik.,..oi : tcy 7 `ll•Aelmr later ''- Treffiiir hi 14*. itn4,llit'friing 'ti double b arreled rifle:_addroftlie'cithe c i. uo i r ' lieyl I ,)ey hey!!, -,ried'ithit,a r ` , li ft ing her hands art. 4 lopsSakitiptf * *, Itivikiy voice, F/if rwilci -it.' '. ,P 11564 me,', Fronk* eiu 4#l.nitigi, lititellfieitk. n' . 2 -:..,•‘,r....3 --'-'' t' lin - r . A , A': .1 " , 't\ of•birif' ' flat'holk, ..- 2 ~- lie i , e'ry , I L . marl * io bo . rielle,_, :lin •- le iiglit; 'aill nifiii ' elk. ." - .lt , iva;' itti6. vp+o -- hoUill aitc oi. . 4 .,,1,Ai. "tr :)1•,-11 . ; , . .: 7 , 111;•: , i, i 7'Whi ' phi-Weiy - ditil iie- , „ige! - ,ei 6 . 44 your.; kniuieed Eicihl, it9it iittertil , - ; 0 Beflit al I answer Ib:WA l li6*,- - Soit; 1 ninst tell hibArho ' fio • 480141j1 Fr die 'ol ] 1 woman{ . ittirith 4 4ho Oribsittlisiiitirliti . treit.7,"sei....! -.-: ;---,...-.. ~ ,:n. .. • ; • ryluit.‘(:(ll.% •.,.. ''''.l:iiii - ii Cdtigtkitbii Thijoititoitiiiiiii We , ri - il (-t eillitii6ler. -Ma fittetio , 1 ,- .! , . , OMI -tliie • Aerie, ,___.. 1 ..._,....ri ~ eatee I,e,ititinfa'W,is 51n,iffnir i solOfieni, In Someti' 'esit laiiiialeiCiilieAtialei greys and lie 14i - 41viibeeri-• iiinakint Irn I he. di ,glieel* of -a 1 Idia.'' en,,', He bit iliti,ot 'intite , tsf,'One' iil ?i than' IS pieitbilftlawfdee' Iik•O IV: ltig.ebin mission fyom ouil Coloi - .4-&-igaalil.j hunt, aft et him, if we , ,: dari t ?littier dead 1 or,:alii :,1 And .n 31 4, , xvo:likerwi _ repaed tka yon, ' nontinaeilltha spOiceifisCilttla impati ntily, •wa diemarictlitahyou-an. sw 4r or lip - 4 . 'Pr . , - - of nie.'.l: Niyw, then,, new iftte is yeurl tamp 4oin here, and, iviw many rho ki have y, u in and iiretind it Y. tI. intenad to cart.' -ti - our fellow_a some corn-cakes,ll d'ye s'e,l and I' •Wa, nt to know , thell du in bei of tnouthq-.1., hae,g to cook for, ' 'Oh, tnlthat ease,' said ; the 'Jebel. 'I, do not see any reason why :I should; not satisfy yon. Our camps,then, are'l about-Ay*? miles from here, .near thell , • cross rea d s, and :iiiii:" number may bell iabouti,fiive thousand•'- .-' - , •' ! !That Will ao,'-eried the old 'woman, ~with a i kon of sattsfactionyai, flint will do.] tAiid novr ycu,are sure 'thatil the may. r who 'Came. here to buy high sOper is Ithe one you aro ,after 7,'' - 1 1 1 'We are stub ot, it,[for although- we 1 1 have nevi Seen OM man's face, we'd know h, ri! by the dhtible-barreled tifie,, as neibo'dy else in Ithe Yankee hilny . E. carries ft tveitpdtflinhat kind."' !Ay, a , it's, We ri - glit .ohe. then!' Said the ag. _ 'Afiel• he bad finicheill and paid free fel. liii ttieill. 'tie , says to'l mo: 'Fr l ied, 'T bh l ould , like :to pat rip I .11 - - • • -- Lc • • • no 2e L. 1 , [het e fpr , fe night if, 31211' i - have ni, ohlt .4 . ctions,.. 'tut an :11. did riot like th'e l ;.idea of ',it eimimodating a Taniieti "any', imbro; tj • n I• eoUld . help: 'I .told' him } morn . l ar no room for him; a& E ea' Betted Iv' sitars bifore iiiiirtY . ltours ••••- • Wrell;_then,' say's; 'o can't you iell_mbi of a pla• - _,•4 wherel: can , pans the nightii a, little 'ec t inifortably? • You see, •hp ad• 1 ded, I • Oking fathria. his dbuble•- bar-1, reled rt' , '1 do `t like tn.eairt•P out,.i as IC 100 a likeraitr,"itnit i tbis .piece i flf• might ge hurt by rit,'' I know of -nu ;I place; 1 jansWered,'lshart of four Mlles! from: here, in nn - old barn. tv!,feh in'. I flail! ! po,b i tgh, 1. think, :to keep ott,.thei rait.l;, ,l'nur mile is' a Pretty labg dan- 1 tinee;'dal - :.he, 'and ', as r have. been: tramirk• libaut e'rlitiderable.' td.-tlay;; I'doret' OVin,iteh *like; currying thisi, heavy ad 'so far,' pnititing at 11 161'. t. if knapsae an he't spoke. 'Will you bey kind :e114 5, t glii to 2 let; it.fernaiw tilllaorud ingn ;elk yes ; aaid. I ; hesitating . a l 'lit.tle,. and -,tbrosvituZ-5,-;giancSA4! tine; WeWillgretmtilaookin.hisimtd.H lie un toad tbp look and.gave Me i it greenbitok.dol,lai: :All right,i, said I aria be thPu - clepar4e4l;,:nitying he . Would, e.all- fox I is laggake in,thrtrlaornlnit atter'bel botild.nake trum.thiplecp it 1 tfuvbira. IL: -- .. -..., l'• it , ~2- . 1 • 2 2 . .., . -"Nom1 theni"..oontipue4 the woman„ twhielx-f ill yoltdaLrgo gp sifteuttim at onekt3 aitb;tn2antbunkl,fpr .. him ,till tnornmg r, - .., si..J. : 4 ..5 ... . - .! - They. reW , *k e it few % paces and. bald' as Cott constiltation, el44,*bleti they.ad4 cod:te ,the.w.Ornesk. - 11. , 'We' et)11-go ski,*,'..enid7cfoe of them; 'that is if you eao. - deacribe to us Ile .ppaot poitiob bf' the'barn.." [ • - 't den think itilet• t-could lieseribel c it it 86"). • a 'could find it la the dark ,l bn t' as I latrt 'Willing . t.o I di) everithing In my " -or fur•itba COnfederaey, li MEI , -: ','.- ' .• ----sslsss•-•-•04 , -.. 1 1, LT 1, 2 E 14 , 11- 'l,:. ,ii:Jitsv.ialt;ii ,f;,lTr in , ii - p.fe.:,i ii o' , Xl;', 3.1-:, , ,3": eit: eil•rtuin . r. 4 iF; ovil,c,jii ?;,,,,, .tl,‘ ~. iv:ir, ril ,ii'll ..4t .-. t .. ' .4,1 , , i . 4 , - ; ••:311 t) tt't ' 0 041 i1 . ^1 . ; , 1 ..1 I •-.r- - I,- •P t - 44 zr31 , bi' " !.....;11.1-11 , ", 4 t - .".0- , , , ,.1.1, 3 ! .r.q,v`,,-,. -.4 .....--,-...........- - ~....--.--.- --._ . ; 1 ..r4 4 l i !ft ' '' t :.1.. : ,. .-' •',;* : iaiit, j 3 :::: 1 :1 ' l'. r ' ci 115.7 L. 3,41 410 . 11' . 4 : i .1f..! 1,-;:",./ .qp..t.,t'l' ---.• With yQUand b h • 8 o.liy• frr V --- i t•t• .1--..,‘ .--;1 ) , Aff-Piklitt it.wrPrali 1 3 34 r . 71 wl 'Ain Ree.;o4:Your , ar, X. 4 Jr yoirroatill..;7:, i ... ~- * • 4 a.b)ii!‘ *an t -419/40 watill fOr; , 4 raV l = ooo 4tY,tftenj . r itaPcs4e ag.: , lA•ara laways ready La. 4` on tli'mostalo•- .1. ,: ,1 3- ' WithA* 4} lNlOCOL•iitki. 3 4 1811 PP lint0:101 1 0thOrrIOP. b4t ! came to fi' fewrotnente, with: it gray ,bi Lthro Wa, ,, 'Wet ih et, B btll'f b ere- !1 4 ltook thisoato ,te,Xan . t etiiiak, f , laaici,isbo , I trith a ,, ellOr: l , f 7 4 ' 1 ' 14 4 4 ; 'l l *O't ,yottiltbink _it , b [I, ..Ay dtirronly, ooci .vc_imom ;4141.0; bat' leFd, o 'if yogaiej r ''we ba ,o no time t Otte.' L . , iFerilwart4f. !mitt* Zisifit stsid Titamps, „ „hhe, vol e of 'a vra Fi t ' k stroii 1 leylAS: •.` aw'fti!,( l l . - ii‘ :Close • , pi; 'elfee'PliTl:,A - nA'; % . B , I W al0"g: pe retidst.tlit ls .,;k 3 r l lT P' i 6 Pq'q4i.i"o(hPr 3At',lt: :--, " ,!'' i Tilt,ritti,V4t,ti"l,‘Yos takd .13 elane'l `.kr i y Aar_ :::T he AY was 0 gdul'oi I ';v.4Iv4hVOIC oliivin 1 et4m llB , an tii .6 .scipirlpf l t'aiqedrr tit' `i T l •oar'ed sine g the iiig' - 11,,. 1 3E,.`tiiiit - ,;voi,ekt .tiliotil lAA, I aide, iif, ',02`0 4 roa, . 4 ., 'oe t easionsilly I 4,1 briipeill '.:7,7,re'n'olle 4 tidal l'te:batirej 1 tret 1 1% , v 01114:` , (oil tlO ',he "i' 4 : 1 / 4 ` lllll `. al i til :11 0 40 11 1 A 1 />. 4 4 ' Inf# o-3 ‘,thl'lti' pace the , " t riib,o(C 4 l l4rte 1 hint( iVi: cleked i i their - lierieVai4ei f tliiit: ho l d n' was 0 _ 1614 .. ,.. s, v. 0,1 ,. barge , pfi soilf y ri. 4:11 IL I):: f i:.' 7; f 1 il r.rfa r l o t. ,i!'i!' I illcid ,tbe Of tiitg: ii on, (>1 ,tfes ,ogeasions, 'it' eema =t me )7 011 are: , e'4 iIY 141artle'S.,' Del t' you clillk s yOurd ammander, alig t liFie . . • .I fietted: a, Oair of ,bolder tie'arts : t tio Ouri-fOr thisrexpe'ditioar ' ' = 'ls:4 - be, tt.er,l7. sp a silent torsi L our, head, ely. ood =woman,/ P 3 4.k 11 ,7e an eP Rrturi!tY of wl sing air many 'bat .tes as we' hay e l piered taut , of tle men, 'a goc dial , 49 1 alv asp - 4tts gyard! ~.., " ' U e ..... 'Aye, tkile. : ;esili d: i li a,: IL , at, sbonld, be able io distingaii titreardthe erteitiini of Abranei tlib ring Of - i'rilletirmuskpi? "I iii itid'd " t ' 1b th i- e lil re el,)no re 18 # '-‘adel li r• ibeloud slirit. l - tone i ( 1 • '-twiferiopn't 'III saiW, 'P A I; k II bialy 1 bi'olt ' les hack a, landl riled ii led her! Ao: wordl, a,ed their lips. 'that wpre Intrtil by a [dozen' F,etieral.stildtti , s, p 'w hO '.e ri• la lantern. . "• • • •As t he rayl of! . the light f III! uPO n the h4t. the iebli, Paw thtt.gray, hair, title 'blanket. Old female apparel Srep Ito' the ground, -I:evealin i g, Oil lizhtllhut Iron likg traMbl'of tt lailibh lioldiei. in the, prime of , life: . I`, - . , f 1. •Ii iiii. he,' exclaimed thP prtsoners Aimillf r an,f3ousty, as their glance fi win-i• ileredl•to the double barrelled rifler whito he, nri now held'tn his band; 'AI ts' he- 2 =the scoutthe Federal Chaele— n 1' 4 .11 ' le- •, I P-44.ip, aye l', itnswrecl the la terra ge. leaned 'upon' -his- weapon, with a uiet:cf.:tide:. 'you. are trapped ~s l ur© g• enou , thanks to my disgutse,iwhieh iS' oilti , 'tit% of theLmany-which carry in rnylkiiaps4ek. Allow mi . ) toeispress My . thanks tp-3-on -for the infosTation ';YOtt gpv4- me in' regard to thtr p sition oryotir camp and the number. pf 'rine men;l have , alroittdy sent 's Ines'age,to my CtoneL in relation to ,the .' atter, - idyll :ereeive lie ,has commen ad to a4t, uron it.' ' 1 • I-- ; • And-:as he - spoke he pointedl the. r:al Where 'the dark outl - 1 - , troop i , ' firming into line mii fa ntl3,i dlstingnistied, .1 c i thef ; are soon in moti6n; andliklhe, c ,urpU of hhif antiour - the booming_ calnnou, the rattle of musketr i t, and. te cheering of ' Federal, - trobPs pro elltiticelo that the coMbat had co men°. e . ' Thizi'lliii ticititinued for ab fit i nn' h4ur t i,iillati the.pigsaiters 2 bear from thhera,,,who were brpught•lto 'share eir- Irquarteti, thitt',..thel ; So - Vier!) troop* had been harpiised and;iptally ronved. l • • ' '-'. ••• '• ••' - .1- II , ' Ai Frank an Noble' lio; ' As ; i 'Arial taking it ride in our al l t vAlage, bribwhiiiii we,lhave ta gus -spots;:left;. I; tonk 'in - a la , me ten years. Aa .1: bad occa . 8* 'p i close in Arrnm.ibopi-I.uoti a il y 1440 scirpxi . 23 dr, ,and: I s h m: !Mnall we go 1_ and3take 'svbiskey, as we maybe cold be rig 't tqii&k . r . I . stiall not -soon. t e fr ankness with •) whic h' he , iritiOn face and iaid:."*.v. d 'n'talloir - trie to drink rur0,"..1 I..said 4 :W00% you iid .1u mbar nu! youlß‘ and bi.dEilhonse4P, "I do' t thtiik My mOth sr vr,outd, iiret 'tot gd into . andli.a:place." , ..:'. ~.. ....No* - 1 1 , arsittct 0 slit to itt.thel.',W3is . , miierif.ba'ai-hamed to ibllood .theliel3UO• B=4itrid; - gimid adviCe oUri,pinus moth.. el., lo'' it ifritt ,ba a .safegaird Si; you t 1 roulgh lite.- . ,-{ i 1 AndctiOraothers; II; would' say::: be a+eritiOre *igiiit , t, to cast-a goodly , m. find Oe . 7/1 .11 arrinnd the' yoang,i. ou ~! it to!i11 eeo them in fierce teMpt tion's dark ' t boars, and says lo,r, tintry aiid , the World-tnuolt , 'sorfow - . l7 ;iint's Re 6 7 1,4 ' ' :' " - l ii :{. 3 ~: _ k 6 ; J! 11 Meamtnit 11:11Amep 1 i 1 BThatnmealitt trierieiLwilKnol. tilr ,. i P OOl 4 A i 8k.141;718499.41318i1k0t#4%-41/ f,ici!gi of bfo,4buill b4,l,come„moiti, widelY liiiiplagithd' .' l Thi' *bra ' lit thC ittiti tii , 'irtraii''thcire l io i, 'dee' • e 'Ainiertckef i . lienteto4bitrt snyth . frig--" LI am all things , th . se:: , :i ho.chicLbodi Or li f e i%ifn gikth:, FiNlA,t4tn.d ,i4t. 'O4 Lia:lhat .w-liicli., ,haoge et,picturp.upbn tl4 'will, Which k piiii4Ofia'fldweri to' the yai ; • wli iiili• buyir a- ixisy--' , .itir 'it' b tilc , 'hif 44 . l?,agei. i band of. cb ildhood..: i la this the , w hole. cit..haip§a,life7 , .Thnn ik ; ,101 is Aln: g.d a'elrable . mean, ea hi n d i4 wil i g r o t- fOit d 'froir ta i :al. dad ili%Otl.'fido 'slit lind ' ii- 44dir'pzia re ' , The infldencif'bf _Ruck , a- tome , 1 :09 kehAlistevii fo;• wtW- , lie jus IlnFlle AP Ail k Ol444jog, ghodt., Phil Ind to i % uMiii. frcm homes like tinesi'k ers`yiir'ttie3;VioWd"inti cities' 'frrhii,r'bioki iiitot;villagc.s.-: , ; l'rtiOr liisvaili Alit& ', all , :plaies .where life. - isi t lottbd with ta Ltigher, &gni& eo - nne;, n.vi,.tio ..oki, Olin, of ..:, - korne if*. li deiserte . b' . l 'every' ' bird .as 'soon' 0;4;4' lean' ''llyo'• 'iiiestiiilirhonieSteids land. I patri monla I -lierekliaii3 lola *toff. d weak Viand tw.h . li tctbe-lathei , ,sibd ,mother-dd le, th9.giVrlM° l !li PrOse.nge-9bl4adrAte- as, ; , necialtiOcis that, should ,le lancing ;the ' niost.sabied ni• atl"thifiki. ." ' ' ," ' :''-'''' I ; WOaiii''''hiiiiir.'yoti !I - 61nd - - Atli - for , yont.sehiesi ,itn , for. Your = obi] drip,: i hoot 114tAINJ . eFdr...Lbc:palt434._ 'With c l i --sl ; _hdiiko iwki _will I be. It? of). wliose lives bave' been , associated , with )v; l i the , inO4" - intersting, pieCiOtia - tipot, I on earth! ,:I' W0:0WL:4 , 6/w- that 'home the abode of dignityo'beinty f grace, love,. gunial.Vhilh.s.v.ahiß.and Kap p -,, aslicia* t4ons: , _Qat. ,front ,. such _ a home • I would have 'ibbd :inlikenee's flow' into ''' ' htnt bbd • , In '''titieh' -... I . o a' - 1•• neig a. a 1 in • Would 'isee: icmt,itioil taking rot:Ai and' receiving_ alt.,. genernim culture,. ,Anii_ tbeo,l ;would seayou, young I , usband,c' Mid' young wives, happy. Do not' dbililC'youreelves . of such= fnilhences • as will esime - tlfroOgh sift' inethation like this. ;.I',No. money can pay y?ttofer such' a' ,deprivation . Nc . o,circumaton.t ces , but ~,tbose Ci utter, poverty eat .jbatifY . ;yoit'in dons - nig the influences to your 'cl] ild re n.— TonerthyjTitedint. .4; very, t+i for imed, i wto3 '4g,a u ki I tne,s l Vie. $T+.• Eci Got, • man, h bp i Old t 11 pt 'pi the' = !lend] The Irs33 7 . } iP 133 robN, I~ • . A =tam Joiney-lawyerwho. loved; "lager," coos pweltorins daylot•prOtr ty, , thointuned. hin 'throax.:tod mnc6 with th,?:Ciprraan etage; And pi;t3ueeded't&hairitat'e - to hlB , .1 oifide: lie took ,up nubntainial.' looking white yat., arid with a-rathel. puzz ! led• lookAriad to,put it ma .sidetodya.- egurßq W . , , t!ida't fit. Ho looked toward the.li ht, and i biid albhdr" "lonatilN(Mter, Eaq Attornny at Law, JerseY Oitk." (Sol; Ioq) --- - "That's my hat.-4f courne it in.' r. ' xe?', • o old ..,at 'enlp y ore ,. I 1 . com l kt P 46-, iutided t ;no I,ot Ahother attempt to- put it on, side: way; 'no use. Again taking it off, iiiid again read "Jonas Shooter, Esq., AttOrney," ie. After 'ratibther triiil, said inding it didn't fit,• thb gentleman tommeneed feeling all over his head, btidhntly as to assure himself 'that no piitulier. once had suddenly = declared itself.— Having satisfied hlmself op that point, ho once More read! the -address, - had another trial,and still sideways. 'There ho stood, perfectly mystified; butlan idea lightened up hiS face„and he call. ell the waiter•whoni be apostrophio— ed thus' "Can you read writing?" "Yes, sir." • ' Well, Will you be good' enough tti tell me whose hat'• this is ?" • -Herman took the head ease and hay. ing read, said 7- behings to` Jonas Shooter, Esq - . i Jeraty City." I • • "Does it:?" and. looking all around with the Most comical'air in the World he 'exelaiMed—r"does it ? - -then who in thelhie) ar : l•F" . down in© of bk. be 13 . 0d , 409 you Re into a neighbor's premises, be sure to leaVe_tlie doors as you - ,find them. if you find a deer shnt; You may yeason ably, suppose, that your friend, wanted it shitt,und therefore 'you have ne.right to:leave it,often; if you find ~it open, 130 , ,rrtter how cold the Vgbiithei is.'do you leave .it, open, foti,t is fen— sonable ,tt.t 'suppose that_ it - '*us left. open for some gddd purpose. cAnd'the same - is.'o9d for, all, laces, vihetber tliey be houses, .stpres, ketories, offi ces, of *wliate - vbr : they nisty be., Re-- `lnernber the rule--ii,has r.beieeptioni leave the dneri - as'Yott find theft '''lt' the owner " of a. dOor does not: blow' hoiv ,he viantk lijhow do you - know,' lion' he waits itifl•;-:' • plea• feW. lad c f r tta, the le we fctiget. "Kea othti rThen : I and I ua FO , It .despyjbe,s„in,, f4u, !En_ glish . paper, !".„ cure.; for ranken,noss, ..I:_te,Aus, that the patient is,o4'llt rsom,ind. debarrea trim) alleenmilinnicatiOn, ex. with often as he . Rleases,,sphita are given 'lira, mix: ect - m,Fitt; t43-I,,hWdit wlatei. So; also, are ail oft4ti;drinke; Well as beer; Coffee.;iteiiiiii,'ltitifect With one'jthitd - r ,of TheViri*Ons kind d Of - 116,11 ct Mod 'Aro piqoaied with brandsl . ( adept!, the batien't is in' a . coatinued gut:o' fiAlosication: Thialaatiialiodt the end 'of ihtit - ,tiniq the ':_patient lrnnlcires evbraft . erytaid , the 'emelt of alcohol iiets .461 aid allow • , Tits Cleveland ..kecukr ears that, it Corry,,. -Ohio, the !sante gentleman, le owtterend editor of the tAyo looal%eal fIiSTMIC.e4 whinh iktboreeglilti.lnten and the other illtron - kly Dettioeratic El OEM MEM •• 5 ic 1/$4::. , ;.111 -ale; I ;`,. #1:10 i ca-urAtltljov / VOT, *41,1 qzff 'drl 'JI4: 'Of 7 1,17 :111*. 1 1,7 tLf-, iate.! ktzn - ip .t mitce;i'frz: * :1.1 O=M - d= WM Ititttivf • ' `Z - ;.' 41 . 744.0 r .. Wibi ti ; s ,i4L ,Vdtts_ , q11'1.• ::.The; Wrong,Hat, h 1 - N.N.'• • 170:011WW.RILIXT adr_, -1.! rzr , Z 414 V 4.27 ,I Z kib to idverthersosidmalaigi l ithiatkomints.• • F'Apt , m3• 4 .141i0:08e ; -; 1; . • r1.. , , • 461 . 1.1. 4 1 :e 4 ! • . Bt* 0. 7CMlltill.. telt • 641 . .1;1-- • vic-au t t ' T 7 43tOitiltii'lloiiiii kit` .iiiiifflatit. - '' hle = -i-111n_; , 1z.i,..a...,.41.ta•Lkfri:-,f l . : r.ti..11 . •=r.rtietuto a ibohel,ocorriMiligmitk i'-o,4"v"k. l'igen°tally'efultid9S4l4;) a .lu l 4lP*Wtiell"°ltT, dieTr:'ciPfitY 49: - thin.- '43tAt - I oWaiit iii ,Ibis 'wink Mil ItiOdiV o P ilist4sitlf.iir iinpsktifiato")*J valuable anitnisisl fsritheartith itionti:•-: ny tire' killed that; nlighttba 4 ame4l: - .4 : -T ,T4tnci . ,..., 0 ,r 1ipt : 11°,8). 1 1g r f‘,..421,441{1, expense, Of.itOWng Willett o f :f oflonlatoi hnsbun s d r in'earrici iierilffniV. 4 trig.itti••4ltitY ineuintienrionstlietttl,4l-V%t , ie . of frotectinl!their*prptiertis*A7ne :14 ing •tha putt .of .thp.‘tgooMantaricits;::;, bat ~the •• fni,:t iS,,t-be - !4 : 1 vhe t .tatf yfr...fXT penia areuer°trjg - - vtPr oi ie tllings a hiciiaflitsl . gw , - 1110iira i dY-ine z l:if44 iiiie% Lucia °ofi; nes;t , aiadiitc'this mobp IlYkleirt-ill',F 4 eitni, L iiiiPo9.oitlia4 . 4, ) 4o , o • not - ..axpqmi§. - 11”,),..thitiekoite vr_3l-, iiititilyi;t:irkepi - 'l6;tohtikt - viiv i t.til i- q ; unity, fa Wedtired liy tnettini - Offfil'i.' 1 banthtges.l;iti r thereutheib is iiri'y lliaavig . atom:of! th'e,:sott illy ktffi ~F,91) I :49l:tgos 0-1 11.131 °ken'• i tf ) .-Ye r Ell?,P i v!Plal4 l 9 l. - 4 eilf tar-waY i4.to put an enti.to the sflire'i r , ink; of they creiiiiii4; l ra- ,i l 4dOeiff 40 - ' impoigriblei" 7l : '' 1 •'' = '' 74-T 4 .-"" ' ,3 4 , -Ai! anithaunder. i tyleattnaOt Cot fraint-- tOfs.' o4 Ay fie , 4 PhIP.Pd. ilf 4 o 3 e .VarsiiC.,tifi iieepflear.y o nt 1, • , ,pfeipt in, let tbu Al i a tient have -. A.Ofbetifkfri a hod' Eletilf— Th'e irriiii blip oisi fe 'to the f rue; bind tills'!.' wfli,tiavt; to austailianoiamefgh.44tfins usual; thi3fecore,l tly - ;.a , prevenir 'lei hug and stiffnesii hy q uoaasionaliy and rubbing ; , or Iby be th to g i IP onostortsvgo-. 44:With a. ~ -- : •,,z ", P ;.. 9 111 0. o f:/ho C. 9110100 ( ALPF4*Rvif9pi;An-R ,4 41 Trei zlq* 1, 4 , two ounces; • tet - Anttts nt T ~, , -id ~,. •., 5:1 tl:Orftte . -1 :Pt•ittioesti. 4-1 . ' - The pra c tice •. of zuttinw.locilattketi . 14,-;,asigted, ,l ,byl. ins . sl• :RS, & yeAttpr , ....:(4 eboutiPlY.6 l ...oxP!M'egle; ';' li PY'.l 7 i r ti; seems .'ci . hasig estii,§ llB hia,_lbia . . t ? 1 , I ) , piat.tiee'hahn ifijsrious''' fniliter.e,e 'llk on' —the =strop; ' espeetalb- ;- Wi.iwt pit! plantingig e,.t.ly and:c.theh-ioll'-ansia,, weather -e0,1 . d. ;''Lis 42: st iltaiWP , An: 0 FlAittr i ,to ; test Abe thii.g ? ...riexl sev,ecal_mpe rt irirtentS"; :the resuits;pf `Nitiich - SiOie - 'ln". iy :caseiTifarisr if 7 titid iineitt'tieutl'y ere . . Tho tiiethed 4(161)4,41 was ':as'fotroci9ti: Two rows of 'cat potaVses-were:iihinl-1 ed in.-.tha centre oi a, ." pieee--A4O , tti:'' ,6t : ri beiiii: divided' 'us , nearly: in lie eititr6 as. piatticsble'—' alai tvfp pieehs al loited tt) l i eheti ' hit,li; ," _CI n: fligiitig thli: roots it was tuuiid ~tliat, : the :slefti li)f..f the eO, rows. was - ilea 4 by oc,e-teill.li;..? b,Y.,- WPi4 ll 4 l e.thP 4:4=q•Qf t$ 0, ungkl ; otiei,,,and in, Poipi of eii'e, a s ill nitii.e niiiikedWifferisecie*- , talet l eP'lot . t4l4 -1,- , the 14 inallesi Or the'tallest , p6:41.444? but aeleet thcp,se of medium gate; i altd allow two potatOs Pio this , ifill.- 2 1.- ; Gerthantawo 7elegr.ezpik • 7 • W Temper . in Treating Stock. The farmer'''. stot•lt kironnithim takes morJ ' loss of the-AgalitScor the owner mot- those who attend. u - p. on it A man :4 inffUebee ti iMpar4.4 . 3l : . to his beas!.:,'partittilarly ,the hftrecs,: the workink tattle. sod A man of triseibl9 terilper gets tip nervousness. in a fhcitse or a cow The !irate becomes titrtild• of .ktilni if of a vicious mittire, is, apt to, bb, burtfbl, spitefully iuflosineed., perhaps irreetaimhbly spoiled—whereas a child- tempered, diseriminkvo ~.inan gradnal:3;,.smooth down the sipetitles of harsh ;disposition. We. ,hs.vit known milk.eows, wild 'as deer, torg'l. rl to a plibid inioti,blity. 'The' man sdpertOr---and ti is; Snperiet%, I n Aifericg,!- wil l be commonietited. raisers keeiy-fo'ols - irrit*titii:oluttA thfir stockyards.-!:-Bathcpge. I Sounct.llorbee• • 7 , 1 - First end lorinettft, if yde - wish, td;. 'Liebe. sound .hofstO =get :clean linibed'_ and abund.breeders ; be sure to;brettii from .:- ne ether • ither;:lierfeetly,liOnnit animals on both, sides. : The se - inlet* you breed I limn Shonlork not-iiitly be etitind'thenirelt4g,'...ibut be front- emitid . 'incest:Ora; [ RingbOnes',•Sper, ine,piiieht ed '' feet, 'end many' -=other ` ~ troitbieti ab6Mt horses, ire quite its trinatniseij bre, to the Offspring SS the eolor•ofttilie . hair; or, i Othertrei ;, eitliti , ,:i964 ' o'r bad. ' , :.,' - , -;,.. ji - ..v t-1 , - . ••' .==When farmers fully comprehend: 'end realize the in - 111400160e Orefeledtinglhe best animals for. breedbi s Of' 'llV:hind" of -faiM-.Stbek;' 'fariatig• interestuWirl _. then. 'havei'Lialisinto .a' , 'l6iigl)thride. ahead of *hex w - e' have seen..lfiliet Farmer.. : - ..* - 2 .-•! -- • .-.,-L' - -!-• - • •--- '- •' - ' „ • , : .1 ~.., ,-- • .•.- -_ - : 7----- .:` , ':. :.. , ,r ..84PS la• CCI , CII - a , .lovel .as wool as e 5,,,,, At some aslieries, the leaches ere slthiiZ' Bled iniq - a liiyer, ,It will pay. to= colr . loot themin ,beeps; and cover,the*ek l it ashes ,with boards...so that thef T wllj dry, oat bY.Me,it winter,. *Len to hi? May ,hatil,ithant : .1.14 the fi elds w erti, they, aro, te, ,bb - ',Opreed.' 'lbii - aret fri gFe!atlY,:lialutid':fn . tho' , ;)ldel,i)a :OT tLifi•, , pnntrY and Shoillefie. ,- •..;i:....,, '..,,,,•=••-ee„ -41,7 i t.. AiAtit;Sina,mt ie richer in , eir, anti '11..1. littminotm leti gosh toimi4g . ineitiks Wu:, tbe.strew.- ofi triel eerealii,",- Wbe woody :fibre Tie; also , we* aig0g00...:...,.. Mitt fully I. necounti for tile telt i 'Which it - is heldras fodder,lor sheep_end cattle, ' ISM Swzrr ()IL !is -a 'e tin etib fo c i aikare lAppty - intaraelly. externally:: 7.• El r"'E'..~l.i'i Sal IMO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers