MEM :-:4OIIEAVE/ AfiG tublishodive*ltedi tglib 13T,0 BEAV.ER;Eitd; 'MOO per annum in Ad s iriatters and iontribution, on prompt stteittioi. L.S.'RUTAN P; TFLE WORKERS. sound thelaminere now';: „it u rdiinvileVing ; • • f . yalows reti,,and the hot - fhtmee.Poisr it uoidy light fir over, the flimik: :• 1 ' itithe brawny smiths, they. etas. e i n foritirr, go the buy looms . r_ Is the factories ilurlt and high, . •i timed sunbeam softly . = falls, ate craited paite,oli the blackened walls,. Trosi the Ore and Beautiful - og e b, go the needles bright : d 4o silver gleaming thread early and late. Is tbeMelids droop wl th aM7 weight, o sari their daily - bread. ~eifek, pa the slender types, they fail from tile printer's land; - ti e ring wile each burning thought, it Allied itself in the mind that wroafght, h vg yqr the waiting lead. blirr, go the busy planes Is die h:vely work-stroph, shore gam joiners ell day ply , 4 say craft ; and the phasing. fly, /albeit . fragrance fills the air. ring, crime the virtiii coin, t; lt aillty Ir/4 falls' swia tars of silver and gstd, to sward! evinens fashioned and rolled pre mitit's vaulted Balls. dthi—bear the miners do'ra Li !be hiddip, day and 4 , :ling by night Sor;ot,s glf,oms, where no ray of light the tTiac a sun erer shines. , ep:cdthe sltarpened plows they turn the heavy soil. tie sturdy t.irtner auidesllte share ..:Iteiostyear's furrows,gleaminibare; LA the homy head . of - tail., 1 ire . the nOrlzet,, by lantif, th laticts that are brave and true, :awn %lark thiolite whole day's length cives -with an earn st 1213 strong)), the vror,ll&6 - fingsTin do., . • grainier task I'dr:hit / I:tonna tip will only awl with Titni; : • gyend tssk is . tint *atalersa din the 611Ei ant struiglJthat bents us in -- ' Isle Tat :tires suhlnno.. liscellanedus. . - Fs, fiiarsn's ITNIKLY. '' . . I Tho, ...P4ir,1if...1 7ei....'.1,:..1„1-i :lc ii 9- un f rintilidto•th4t,lhe . Pro i-1 . 61,onid-i.:;.ve lately said top dole xi ILliat. New jer.fieyjtiat be is too nlrZlitinge, for the greatest: eliang •f iii..!lii'elltive r_seCurrtd within : the live veers, and no reasonable men . Jr too old . to be convinced, •Aspe 'T at a 14114 . e like this, wheolthe ,i,mt of public policy and the na ,ul.wilfare deptod not' upon thhti., butupo ,the)acthal condition of irli,.i t IS! 5, . ~.}t, the Tar t of wi4dOm cultivate 'iiiittence and • toleration 'air open mind. During :the dark ~6f- t he war:a Union SeLatoreetne r hy frota - dM interview- with Zres :lt Lineoln and, exclaimed. irapit rtiy.. "Tfiere's no - bracing , atitiros. le tit'the white douse! . The Pres mind is neve,r, made - 0p.... .:No ,ea- `,mats . - is stronger' for 'Seeing. Triienlit was-a very dull Union. 4r. I,,ineoln was surong \ becauSe istre4. ', 11144iatience wigged o • - aoW-qati to weigh eitielly the c , f Pinions. 'lf he had constant. ;aid itinea , tbe: vital' Points 'of the ',lly: Mind itt - made.aP. • I aril hot. rnoveq," . he . won Id have 'lacked i . tel.the disti4ictive Quality of his 1 1 . neFs-ns -a man and z 'dy his fitness 'resident. -' L • '. •, . resident Jolp;on's temperament !rts frCiii .President iiincOlti'd: aii '.Jd'cli.Onis. did from ;lien. -Wasli :on 3, ' Mr. Johnson ; likes a fight, : ,iis lifelm . has!beeil a sturdy pn iehampion. lie ha's, been trained" `IF nwst 7 orthodox, discipline of the. despetie,of parttes, - and -he gives m weh as takes thein. -At the of a fierce...War' he stepped into Preip.lesey over the, bbdy of 'lll ,:,,:jsor murdered by !t)ioFe : who', 1 itcadly) . limy° killed hirti• ' and his , r . estion to Maintain the Co'- ti3l : , sed.iinion, as he underato ; *el rnmr , ed to be inflexiblo.against "3e vieWsdifferec: I . :vont his own. ''getting , , as it scents to us,lhat ,st pstilo' le men 'may honestly. iti a crisis . lik i e. the present. be . . i*pradently recognizes as - the _II - kind s of the 'Union those who u C . 5 7. , ' his lioliey every point. w c l shing.the:probabliati icqs 'motives .off- such - SuPpo t p In :7 , titiarte:f. Thus 'While •be ,cle ''lilnisslf with Ipseulitie eMpbasia ..cLudet of the Union and Con. it is remarkable that those ' . t l , l l'", -not sko l. during the ,war' ,InP rwrreTits!enemiee doubt the !`" 141 ':if some of his Measities, while s r • r • 11 0 • 14vo: been the open-sr.d ' 4 ''''' , teeret and tteacherous fees UI :or,,:mw vehe ' . mently-applaud w.ord h-: utters - and act be' t Aisiiitktbstit.thosc.'". whO.,Wit.liAn trti4win-. aveilithericriNft;aded 4,m.i.reh"t every niitiaipt - did er!1:1 what they. weft dos . 7. ob i _Oat thou,' who i ft ai !Ong' i a tt. i. a 'P r n_ net.ggled fiercely to do , ati t .„,, ° ,.. L heart -its -most. inolii: 11, 1 4 4 .7 40 ", its truest friends; 4nd 41? .. lo!nseloriiiiit* ceor—gsniti 8144'lli,ear.. ' . , 470 4 Pee'.;lippfiliti of , ! • 1 - • 1• . , 1 - , I' ' I 1 •1" \,() .- , 4 • .-' ~1, - -, : , N, • ', • 1 • II I • ."- -1 • 1 , - 1..4 ' !- - 1: •*•• -... . '"' - 1:r .i• !!!' .. ' '' 3. ;• -' ' ....7.-!; ' 1.--1, 12 4; 14 .. ' l. l l 1 - ' . , i •,- ................. . 1. ..... , . •••••• ....OW.. •07.. c • -, -.044 - .. ,, , - , ,,...-4 1 611 1 W ~,., -,,,,. ".i.." • • •••5?...........-1—...^,....L._?` ',r , •-,._,:= 4734:3:ar J3 t 1 4 1 ", • -- ) 1 ' l' ' ‘1 ' I - , . . 1 .. - , .oot `• ~ , ‘ ,.. 4 • -' 4l l ''. ' ! 1 ' .4•7.',.. ' , 711..'..1, .., 1 st.l r ~.;r, ) ; • i 47.1.1•, - ,4....‹_ t•tryirravo--..; ----- 7 - 7 .- 7 .- - - . .-...- -- - - iii 1 i ~ - - -ir T . --,.' l'-'',l,;..ry • t.,.. ~ ,• ' 1 : • 1 1 , ,: • - 4, • ,-, s t , ' Inesday, i *1 • --,- • JFV. t , ••• -1 • 1..., I. '2i'.. k: ^ , F;plro,l;•-•• - ;- , -:‘ :-. ,' A :"),.."y..? ",e.:* t • ' "'"' '"--------:.=--...- - ' a , Th, ~(1 ,-.: _ i , . .-, 1. i : : .. 1,1 ~ 1,, k 1 . , i • „,,,t.y.,,,- _ --r--- '1,2 • I. ~ _-. 4, r• 444 _ . ' I ,' ,:, .• : . ~,,. I • -..,, J .- ' 1• ;;'. ' • ': 'r: : 2 .' 1 -' 1 - 44 ' "'JL 1 • ._ * .liili . - •.=, J 1 :-, 1 1 • , -1 W , ;... !I -, ,- ~,,, -. • ): ;, • , ~, , .:. _,,, .• ; , , - .......4.; - ,1„ •- 4. 101104016 '= , b; .. 1 •;. ' .1 '- 1 1 ~ , ". r ••, - • .-1 I . .-.,- . . ~ ..,- ii.,. ,' .44. 4 mi t t, I I . _ : .. -.- . li . ,-: '. - • • 1 ! •` ' _ . • ' - Nirr.- ••• , - : ...• - . 1 - • ~ !, ..., ..,,.-,., . • • • - ~ 'imtg . , _ 'M' 1 . ..,,, . by il ' • 1: 4 1 ! ' ' !l 1 11 !"i -1 !' 1 1 7 .!- 4 _ . •• ; . - 1 ,1 ! 4 ' , 1 , - .1 ,4 v:, 'tt- . ; '.l`-• ' , i", i , 1 1' 1 • ' • '';' • 1 4, ' • -!• 4 • 4 , - • I— , . 1 1, ,• ~ _ , , -1 • • - V . 0.i.i.!1N. ( '1 . 6 -1 ; , i ..17Aeairer , -edl3 l . - • , , . __,. __ __ ....._. ____,_,...._. __. i., .1 ~ 1, . , , , ~,• , ~ „,- „. ..-.. ~ ti . 4: ' ' ~ .•,, ' , '.- -•• , . • s. C ',f ~' • . - ,•1 • ..• / S ' 'el -'- ....., 8 ptil- ' 1866 . ' 'I . . '' . ..E - tabli 13 - ' 101 , _ . • ---- .in , President by h L or -politit 'riot, a. new ,pheCorrienon4 which advised sCirender_ lion ; arid, eibansted . . the ,contemptuous i Nfitupe,rati Johnson while( he stood against their treasonable' , - t ourse left but, to excite i aft: ilivition ; etween hi fritinds..- -They .' .applaud I cause be de ands that it be made °Opus. not beau tambd military' rule and ~the ] luzbealirp,us in t States ! not. because be im to r -eimancipation 'Coon thc: eiceptectllarge crosses fr not beeituse 'he - deman jpublie enemy *l* i* show Netted toil' severe - ordeal t restored tb •eitiienship,P his measures dd note . co: unqualified support of all 1 Ind because they hope I iffeienue into t u fatal brea r. S$ pox;,_who said at, 1864 thailausoqi‘and Dav y be broiiir,ht to the same bt er now's:Lys at,Ne‘V Have Johnson', the 'faithful fri Linc,9l6 and - cleC 'id with i bost of: Premidentii, it,,ris , hove that a poliiicifin so :lit Mr.'. Johnsonl . - - dOes - n such support at fits true ,: must know that the brew him- Anti ,the,Co6orlieadei i hie,' He must knew. that.i willing;ly use hini •AS a , e the trilion part} its alsta to thVir oiyn parpoßem, a . , board to _leap into poWe'r would use him to the .la. conteniptuously discard ' ought surely to-know the which must! rely for succo old alliance mall the old sp very in ) 1,14 South. and . ' no new spirit ',of Union :ang there, would luoiOon vote f Sumner as.fur Audrevr Job Co ppu rh e igi policy: of to -d reaction, against the ft,pirit 1 of tile war an in favor - ,- Southm n policy 4 . In such does' tide_ - militark tioverm :lessee' s :llm -Senator whp his se talon defied to the leadCrs of thatlold Soell think that he has acy p the PieSbyterinn ctiiefs—l confidenbe in the Court of toration ':?'', '.---- - ' 111 Cl= II . , The Pi c l odept can not hope to ere. ate 'a ne - W . party:however iinnbtful States may waver.' The Alilion party Fompriaing- that , roverwhciming nria.., War Zali r iltit - 5 t*ix - nd 'merely 'eccisMni W the war is Over.; ;It will lof necessity cohere until thei fair results of the war are j se' l lirerfl.l With, , whom, then, will thePr,esideat trust hiself, with his frieniisier !iqg foes? 11. Weyer he 'may differ, with those fri I nds, 'can the ‘ difference beketilly so r dical _iiii_it il is with hist cipponerits? ' VI have lio wish tb edheehl thaw diffsr4,ce. !This 'tarious views ; str) rieasur l es . .Which 4impose what ldc ailed 1..1ia l Presi -1 dert's pulley" are utdoubt edly . held and proposed bylhim in Tie feet good faith. ~ThY are; ins . pired b ' the eon viction that th Pgrisat obj ct novii to be'qifta'ined is is curity wit i et-Mein:i -t ir tior., and the pr , ervation of our cen-' stitutional 'system. In • t is convie: lion all pa riotielmen will alfree. Pitt upon :the qneftieri what ir4 4 maturity. and what is or - i i' MIL Chit titutional. (herei are wide differehtie 1 Whet. the Piesident 'assarnes ilia% , by a , 101.- mal acceptiar.ce Of I the ter s he has impos'a the IT l nqin is rail ,reAtered, when e ' refusei to hear of I rther de.. lays o conditiOnsi when he opposei I I any co stiiii i tiOnal amendmnt, or any serious liaer,al .Itagislittion whatever until the 1 to rebel States re repre = iiented in lOongliess; wheh to thinks i l l that the . presentlramedies' f law 'ire ffi sucient fel.' 'whatever. f iction or wrong there intiylbe id Stu es so long distempered,' ,o,r,' if' they 1 . truide qiitilc,tbdt they Should not be strength. sped until thps6 States have a voice 13 In Congress, he idiffers front the vast i body of ' the Union partyl, and fiti- 1, fiareqlybogs , the very que i;ion at is -1 sue, which' is; upon what Conditions those States shall have a F. me? - , i s . i l r 1 that h e n ht enough e dee area hi ~.. self the defender of the i fistituti n againat these whom he ci 1: its • new, assailithts.l It is not anon li \ ,,t,hat ' h dec l ares his abhorrence a entralizti-- tion. It-Ili' not enough ,t at he 'de -11 elares that lie -stands- , by t e Uril n,l /, and that those 'who do no ..i.igree ' every' point of hia-policy are tine-, miss of. the ,U,niori. Thai qlesiinn: still rernains. The President is 'un queliticinably• 'pima of pu r pose, and very 'determined. He ma in bo clear, 'in comer4hending and skillful in, ins'l terpreling the. C onsi t iia ii ari . 711 e 'has 'tertainty 1 -proved his fidel i ty: to ;`tfie..- lUnion. put tbis equal int grity, and ability, and devotion, and rnineis of Congrees t i pan, floti be. qu stioned.— Presiden Johr.son must s a - thatrthe -1:(nion 1)01y min net aces t thelin.' dlsolitnftfate sarport of all his views and Measures as the test. of Onsti u ttenal fidelityj' end be makes a pr i l a... fsiiic.d. mistake, if he - regard i the - sit a• tiOa• as it strUggi bet*eim 'Artisan] and kr.l Tbadded Stevens. Wheal lid lees thoga- , :scliii li Ve 14_ littfl to • , Apol -- f i cri Mr. StaFee'S . riedete as Ike' tillSl himself gravely- questioning 1110 eatifisfiltritfa fittal.delasioa if be late& only Mr. E4leveps. .. ' . . - The,qlLestienla'simple._,-.414 \ t pcmi... ' sibt e for the Pritside.tit, to: belie ithaid the f-pircy *Os, .lao: . giiiieral. s ett. °tear iumnifeit6 *as "tht) Chicaiti , 4 •,, latfor : . of 1.8014 8 soneere,lll l y,t e ob. l ion pi ty - of I thilo : tio . ll4t ' i . y . f. Wo uld , be trap to tint, tilLfopver4toli - ;to - rettln the que 'tiool of toklay inctre than of Itatort Tp:ato'f . If the olternative.le! lry,serat 4 toy h im 'of surienderiag to that paqty, or, of Attempting to them* party IPtampeoled or thplCopperittlada, i the Iltit rebels, and a flown rearms fromlito'Union line or p continuing in ta G A° id:ll:those .Wit a t ' have 'lough t with lei the good fight] but who tow, in some impartat4 poir. ; differ with bia inept , we I shal l Velteve, until i s belief liMpossible,•thatrhe still heilds. to his; ordarof th l o .Bthltof Ilebrotary4 "that, - h 'Might . ..differ' With '''oloina ,' of his alai da, - and Lolahoulii feel wholly at liber y •tio to 1 diffeti. and to`Piato the gro nds of hi l t .contiery:btsliet-Pr ' opiniot. but he Icon/tittered hin?ielft iden Oh V with thei greattitiori pirty. ' and ha 'no d esire Pr in,ientiod.o,Obeol ing foU onteicle.l.. - 'Hell ititeindoCk to; exercibethis down .tudgme4; but (wan I ready t yield it .Iwhenllib - ii2fotond ' iti l io was n 4 sustained : 1;7 the l yidg_ment of the pee Ilk!' I I'' - 1 ''; ' -- [ .. 6 1 'Pee and His Slaves. 1 I d tr i o n q j it w e r h . t o Ty b v e e e been i represented it l heTiu m ~ t i i ii m n e! d , s ,l. a o n o d d b a y il . n a n t!i r d eraofß 013- te, late-an o&cetiof the rebel • t;_altbou` gll'a sitiveholdcr; to ftoti,his elyattelsll was invari.- .'..ita fit huoihne. IT her subjoin . ne . i . kitaili:a' fro the lops of t f l a former i 3 lay e s I explains it - ' .I , 1 publicatton.l wll doubtless 1 ! I -. , . i i atinnce 'the Icon ation of tbts net" 400 man" I among the of tha.'outh a,d the Cop. of the ' North : 1 1 ---; ; moil Vil l esley t. orris; I was' •lave oftf the p antattan of W. Parke , Co st s ;- after the Mr. Cubitis, Gen4ral Lee;lwbos! Made eiecatot cif the estate, I control ot the s l 4ves; ip tintin- ; t seventy;:it watt the gener-.1 sion among the Slaves of Mr. I at on his dept h should tr fi4,p; in fact t h is statement ; t pied° to theni - by , , Mr: C., I 'foie; at his death' we ATere by Gen:. Leo, that by, thenoo- I-the will Must remain Ir.l6vti yein•sk I remained: with for,abont seventen montlis, l sinter Mary, a ceirsin of ou CS I .erufieed to run alway, w_hiel; I -the veer 1859; Iwo hadlal-1 ched Westminist 'r, in Mary-1 7 1 , our wav to tha Ar : t h rid Generat - re'3 l 'mnitio l 4.ll l -1 t; we remained ii prison if. 4 . wh l en, we wer 1 'sent batiki ton ;, we were iinmedietelyi -fore General Leo, who • de., he reason why we' ran- away.; ky told him that Ilwe consiii-1 elveti free; he then told' us: he I a,ch Ins - a lessonii which -W e l . fild forget; he then oritcred i 1. barn. where, iii_bis presence, I. tied ]firmly to poiiit by a liir.l 1, our overseer , w l to wits., or- , ' General Lee to strip .us to; 1 t and give us fift?ii asbeseeh, 1 r MY stater, wht re'eeivedibbt we are 'aceordiiigly' 4firs o 'ak n 'hy -tbe o4orscer, , jr" too , t. had l sufficient binanitV, to whipping us ; ticordinklY, illiams, a pountji s , constgble, asbei 'ordered; Gen: Lee,' in frequent redWlilll'ama to 'la it on well; t. tiPn which be - did not fai4O . t sat sfied with 13ifripty lacer.- il' nalsr4l flesh', General Lee eiredibe overseer tIo thorough. ~i, r , backst 'with brine, whihh i e; after this ri ty'leotisin and iA.kt n iient to llunOver Cont-t.t i 11, y Sister beqig sent Ito, f agent, n t -;b t rrut b a e. -1 'l4ereadkj, ea . d lwli , t ee o dr, l e a i n n sent to Nelson county, ewere hired out by General eat Ito work on l ith Oraqge xatodria railroad;lw' . remain. ernPloyed icr . atm t seven i and were then aenc to Ala nd] pot td work (iii i 01-vhati ' a the Northeastern. ,ary, 11863, we Were) ad; froori Which . pl'ace Ity eslcape through' . ' lefteettoirt-II have t• i tot il. I say; whit I--have-c t vPry particular, ot;n1 1 . I can at e brirg at least aid zen wit , . both hito,c .to sub o m ottsteonentaj;.4 nra 'at y i emPlPyed by the G j taaernmoint i . at work in the Natiimal Cam , i Arlington Height's _where I onndjby those wh h , aire far.: . ticalra; - ray sittth - r ferret!' to oft employed by t e'.Freneh A %ya mtsn s hin t g toT iew - nd l ;. 111V r tt i :. \ i i• 'titl lL--- 7 - 14r . 0iv,14 1 t '.., • / 'Orient Legitt i , ry, man," 'an,..Fiiaateu lekOnd as two angels; bps - polo. his i a - milder anclthe other upon !hie When -he'dcesanfthing geed ) ,e 1 on Itho right shdulder writes i and peals it, beefthee: what: is ell.dotte is done forever, When ; I s : evil,'. the imp?' Upon his `left s 4' writes it dowr. bin ' does not , z -Be aits until Midnight. z.;f that time the marl bows down , and - exelaims,"Gracious Apishi l i linned!—forgivemtil't'tbe-aviol out; tout if not, atitnidnist4 he , and the angel Upleti 'the :iitilit ' 1 1 , eaeiniee is The party p the 1.00. anguage in Mr. like: s rock ury, oak no I nd extoper. In and hie ,— re!niolt %Ind! ae • stiepended . ; o dietnrbed nsed - lassent e States end m amnesty, eii.:.lllo "a ILI be sub— s lore be is lint incense Mind ' the I - mpn men, o widen a , eh. W!len 1 Oh icegOin • is ought . to' rltogk th.. .001 Mr: brat : of 11,r".- !Hai,. is t he , and to be; 1 nerieneed L estimate • elite.- ' lie. • -- [ i h between is fri.epaea. they woOld' 0 tn• eriat I , 4infr-horliie r . t i. i• . ci, s pr ing. that-• they 4 anti then I him, lie • It has . by tliBlf er,L iE. L arTy l tib treat* ably kir, ecl state ,obb of th I self. t chi vairY , perlie4- , "MY _born qporg6 deatb•sif had tee asume'd. i 1 §pr abod ea implY t t I Iliad . oee , years bl tnibrfne I ditional Alyea - fo Gen. Le's when in and I de! w e did Ii the party upon its rat of Sia 1, upon lie Liberty r Charles 'so T i Kamm nd results of I the bid at reeetfon r 'of • TO) alo'oe -from death tho era. policy, 'ace? MO loner the R. ready re. land. (DI( prison, our arre.- teen (14 to ,Arli,n Lakin b manded we Ira Bred ou would. never w its In th -we - were 4\}cGw 1i deiced excepti twenty; ped .hpw i ete Dick ' was ea berjeg t,he ! nea lyenj . okr anlinu i heed; • nk title g then orl ly wadij wag cin rayseit housS Rich kno we re! when where Lee's and A et] 'di barna, ' knowst in Jai , Riehm made linos to ither tc true in any tin times, stantiai present an4 . ain uteri* to win el tiler p; is ?it pr minist grin in bune: giE v li ssys, rigbt s left." the an it.dosir ones sr; he do: should: seal before, his be. Tabs seals I shoal, - I Ini in ' "b ovatio He ha the N Pacifi endea Go!de made see th -At c _ popu lace tore h s eelebratecilliebite coat to pieces, an ;earried-Ote pieces home to remeieber him by. Il 7.1,", fw i n The Olt! ens of Pace . •' prepared to fete t 49great joireralist, and -an :extra rola ~of borseit w - chartefed of the Cali& ma Stago : ' .y,,folitery him from I •Folisoutijii•:: fieerville, a distance • f forty - Itrif.., ;-- The - otra was in so e way delay - t find did 'riot 'Nue() Fol c m till late itil, afternoon. Mr.-ante ' iwas try be -1ii.,7 o'clock that, eve n by thelcit* - ti e' of Placer i 1 4 vile, and ;:` was altogellier necessar y that ke"-sh WA be thisreliy that 'our. SQ the? , Sta ie Company - #!d to Henry Mimic, the driver of tkeeifra---"Heri ry, this g' it man inuetTbe, there by 7 to-night:'l And Iteniferisiveired--- "The (ire ltnan sball - bel,there. ire l '•,. i•• 1 •` . ..• The rou A were to en,awful hate of. - • , repair, ar. 'during the 'first few'miles out of Fol - em - , but: low - prog ress Was - made. 1, • .• • ;•;• 42., • , 1 _ . "Sir," •;13 * id 'Greely, "are you aware that Imu t-be t at - Piacertille at 7. o' . 1 . 1 R: ' 1 . ' CIOCk to - n ght .I" • • i "I've .go ,My orders L' i '' • laconically replied 11._ ury Monk. 1 •• - -. • 'Still lt: foaell dragged slowly and sleepily lb ward.' I- •'1 ,: •, ; "Sir," s iel .11r. Greely,:-)“,this is not a trifling. :Atter,. ! meet be there at, 7." ; I ' ' I :-, : ••"'''' Again c one the enstver4-"l've got my orders 'r I I'' • i ' ' - But the Speed' was nit increased, and Mr. r ep ly 'ebafed,a l ay another hour; whe a' as he was about to re monstrate- ace more vritli the •drive;, the horses eddenlistarted into a fu.• rious run, u d •all sorts of letteouraging yells filled 'be 'air Item the throat, of o l i flenty_Moao "That ; i ?right, mv geiod fellow !" cried,,,liir. • reely;' , .".it'll ;give you ten dollars: A w en ;we get to Itleterville.—. Now tire a .i goatle;;',.. ' I ' - They w e, irdee , going at a terri bli3 speed. 1 • I , - I i t Oracle- t ck! want "the whip, end again tha voice "fpiitc the air'. with c li "Git up.' I yi! . ; grl . augl yip--ip! g " And on hey torf4,oviereionsi.a.-,, t , t -t ikiln.pAl T ittAilsigs,toite r mi'l e fr n o , m i i k n e ll a d n e . tri d ol s- t r il u e t le b o e tr b h ;l 7 l, 2: n i iti g t . h .eii to get hie r ead out ef the.wioduwad said Le .if . -: - I , I y l , ,ii . . •'. "Do--,-on t, IV--on' ' ,oti--tii-di thttik We shall git them,' by 7 if •:ii• d 0... -. on't go 841 fast , ' , - I t 1 - -I've wit all• Henry] ou t: tore tlly I It was I* i 4 the journal -the. terrib a head mig I t window.. I "Sit, " h —sir. ' if w "I have Fresh nor er than • e, stumps, re4l everything.:l "Seo beliel!" shri eked don't care if we 'ilbhit • gt. "I've got'my imdersl Henry Monk said. I "I California Stage • Co m That's- w . c i it', II work f Ot this ma# thfough Li / this tian'i. going 0 o 'ler—long- 1 -, hi—wh Anoshei it frigh el 6.; ( Greely'sqa 4 ,td bia a dimdj way throt c httbe roof amidst th ' rash of a / ' 1 the rippi i Of u strong "Sto , 3,rou manigto!' A in ainawered He ~ 're got nay ord I s . at , liorccel"l • At Mud, mile's from liseervilla, ~delegatiori'f tha:eitltze who bad! °me' lout t orated edttor, and earl There Nrakia military band, antic - la six-itorgi - beautiful darnitels, i es; reproaeeting elf .t Union. It was near the - delegation I were with ttirrebes, and tio along the ipagi to Fl The pit, > ens i nlet .' I Outskirts lefr.Stud Sp ;.11cMk reined lin h steeds, 111 -i 1 r `''Zit Mr, Greety. on ithe chairnian-cif the '"Be toas a ,Sw i i n' 111 el Monk. - ',Tee," be ad down tit One' the Alegre . ' jo t ng:iistd , roof.p - Ai i y -I' car t c 4 there !:., I j i 1 , . miai. ,, 'e l said said the corn i tee, - Prese ttie wind '4 , ` ot. tag atr,.,we ' ' l e, soothe .t li we! T - Citli sit= i Jne,- air, ott are blear i l . "V i vo dip titOlii Mot* ' , y drclEcti him . tber . bk„isovi quartec i lor stiving 1 way_ I"- I !I . : . ~1 ,".Brat. air," exotaiu i tee - ,lieizini tits og, 11 , } 1 1 =I ms ordera !" r a rbat was r ttionicistiiii.' I;nd .ODi : ever ;c3oett.d . ; E coming aerie . Aiready.' t Was ex trem soietrnm' joltini, an aglin his haTe been litictn at the ~ . , said, "1 don caracole don't get the 7:". fa my ot-derg . l- Forwari rigain, fast- ,fore. 10yei peke . And ardless jot Othin , i and. Elr. Timely; "I' . there at ' .this is .ivbat • 17ki ny, - - j cy . said sTig. °And Ton bet tand *foun,its tie ;coach, berg and oared: on Ic s , v,' eep, your 'Maga a -few y,irtiet a large •of laeprville, lee the cel e.. .. hi to town: I rmp ay, brass' -ag 6 toad of w ite (Item- Ste es in . the ark now, but, plyprovided M:. lazed all vino co* At ; in the bere (-covered 2121 " asloid , mit ee rig • replied after' 14oklng thieh, - the eoxich H. f 1 II irmst 9 of . mutt at r Gies!;,.' etlielly ble#i e ii0e1"1, 9 ir,c,ifr :eze:; fit qt' a let , the 443 f On at t: )t.o . tall. It n 4 .y 3 • " 1/11/ . 14 he rams,- r I I .10. - *obit, We; are come', bins lett! town. ' •LOok: at tiiiiiin ~, sibi",.sie, and 'the brasi band, .a 6 peoiele : the; young; l' P I'll 4 qtr . - my - - orders - 1" so a :Hett.iilifoli. ••"Ity 'order* do ' t - nothin i ! ' about no, ;band:. tied .: O\ r whit:Men. , I .My • orders' leail 'G i ' I , th4m:liZeeving.' let RC tlielit . ini ! Cle r the waY tbeol IKeepyou kit '44: c I": And ' :the coach ' .d chi wil..lylithrough; the: procession, l ice. Ling aiportion - of the brass ban „ant :itiotentiy- grazing ;the wagon_lvhiet e4litaineci the Womenin - white. .. mane hence; greiy haired! me :Who We . little boys in2thiii proc'eafie 'Will' Aillttbiiiir grandchildren how the tags t it tor through : Mud ;Springs ,and ; .lOng theLrOid, and hOW - gorseel Gr e4!'s ihal " bilitifevar and anon. show d it ., -- 'salt, like a wild apparition, - *bov , t e, i , f voli ..pof. . ,• ~ • . . -, , r_-Monk was On. time. - Ther , is a trachtiOa that, Ri . ,::Urreelv was vets indignant fOr aWhile;-then.,bii Jan hod, ' - 11' and I finally.. presented Mr. Monk With ,* brawk. , new Suit of. clothes: - 1; •.- • the' is still in the eimpl y :of the' alifornia Stage:Company sect Is . `rather fond of relating.lbe'storji that ,bsis'inCiti him faineus . all oierv i tie . Pa. :eifie cOiSt... But lie - say.a be yid 8 to , laitn,atiiinidpiirfttion of brace G ' 'ely A. eddftig L. ..,, 1,. ii . • .. 1.....--- Fee.., ,--- 7 -- , 1 . . •; ; i 1 - •.. - -4 .... ~ -l , i 1 1 2 * Piratii•An4.; Many a year .ago ,, -r-- }row :.Iconny , deponont? saith ipt-;-** 3 - outhfiil-. couple appeared at the,' *te. , ; wag, off_ the . parsdnage iii.:, a OW ' *not 1 1 ittriqrqd miles • iroin -.llarva, d-- 31otinted'lon a, ; Bober; nag, the y shoo= 'cliiii i ncd- Comptiniatship with * [bag, eVidenily, filled) with, to them,. ;come, •viilu;b,f,O...oinmodity. 1- Dismontiting, 'the! alfint: youth lett - his led,ir . and , ...the lbags, ar.d proceeded pp t he ave3nue of. oltra4 leading; to the) pastri'soor; Itinitentered the Mansion. . Son eapi i.pearing; be waved bis' hand i 'the • Wa4ing, damsel;. at the same • tiin ciii -, 1 liiig . ;,lrii i ' i stentei ;an tones , "Come' long -A 7 ll'el . says hell ;take . the ; beanp!!";-- , 11 1 Gu; l 4ln#, the steed to the dooms , Die la.. b i.dy as received by her,'Fwou d-be ! I lord, and sour. '"tho twain were nide , one! flesh," ;1%64 the minister to I in posesdon sof goodly supply ci t b itns.i 1, 4 .-.-------__. • • ~..• oration of the wife- : , , - 1 1 .---- i 'N . ninn ever Pioapered in the With et the 'eo,operatiun of hie yflfe.-- If a!la ficiteti in. mutual . ondestvolis,'orp retv* d*liis labors with . an endeirthgl 1 sm.ij, t ) • Jit.:_eaufLtittnre.,eritt '' 'i• -- ' - • iflltS danglir, I be t i kia s IlLiiiir , it ,t 2 .s hot: . Spbtlaill I I4iii, li.repgtfa: l'aivirain; but. that 14s aber . will; 441 rewarded by •the :swee a pf , Nome': l!SniicitudOiried . isilptiOlnt, ''ent. ''intg.r; the'history of every man's life, 'Lind! life li:, bet -calf provided for . t4iiii,' VnYagelliii s tiolnds but an assodia t fo r ! h'itpTrit.lWhile for .his - ryt . , s or il r ke. , !Ana • distress .ho ey pit biz,. 4,••... , . _.. ~ r is prtpared. ~/ Air atniettt of Aga : tue, . i /-• i, !vii --l i - , - • . . ittle thoughgui latentiOn, he iy it makes th old? j 1 - 14.: ;ved i rmost , of / fhe •friends; , of - i - i; - ,I ow lonelTtheiri.hbi A hap, outl earl' • n th eir , ha Oftel oartners'in life have 'filleg graves; often theii - nhil, they c 11;gwedIlo the total? : II Stang. nlita.ry'bencling on their ; Wii i`n i gl; ta i l th'e same qall•slia . ll r; 1 01, •tr i ;:.l lI.Ow / Oftca they must thin ..Pe i r t. sirnented faces ; o'l the I iybi hAcherishcti them, acid the. I; of arniiiithy that fell with theirs, all got,4 Why ihoul4 not ty 1 cling/00nd at: comfort the m i; ing4iiiii,glonm with songS amthai waffles i . 11 ' ' ' 1 / 4 ' ! I IA Ne - Nmg 840, fine engrar!zik. Wash i ngton,and AudrevyyJ ths ackeetiseti in .the Eas . , Not George eon 1w 8 wipe thee, post tiger r _sai cor to the dhil ceiVeid stamps, two ea give t for his what ht J 1p be sent . free by mail Opt . of i twenly-,fiveleiintf i burrency frbo.Detroit Adt , x 4 ki .. gent emad in' that it,e 1 :1 si d r, , in , everything pertii kne arta, .a.O once dispMll plaster, and l in due limo l y by mail a .co pie 41 0f—postq Of the denem nation three i nO respeetivel , r We c a p ii ej perpetrator,. Of, the e*i truthful honcisth he dict s iipromised,.to the veiir (et! TalE. OA hare always. AOOll 0. for the I.'l Original and eharacteri way 'of . 'say things. 'Thaekori, us oftaill i Irish' woman begging o1;1 who, she itaW him pu-t his lb ppket, cried out, "May tbd b sis4o_of follow you all yoiti I .-- 7 betL-iv i hen be only pulled 'oat anuff 7 b4i, mersedtately added-4... , neve ovleitaki }on .1, •2 . 1 ,,• . , • ,7_,T AITOTN.TED PIC . K.POO 4 Nr..7--• ' if_ this ii'it't mean !,., lipifi l p thie e ageip about, . with :t . liis here vs ehnip, - id when'', pulls it out the i on the. arid o f -it.' The le; duet I .of tbetto fiesl?y elerkele 'tut , to' bite ,I=l.llO Boort Of , a t poor like me. .1 ji has to dep end on his; •r. for p livt,.." .. : . . I who aria Always id tressed *money, wasorie day h icq'hia face with a 4911 ilizor,wht turned to' Ms eldest sori, , and "Tom, -- iil l .yon oven any inore ego with tnylratar cut. fop off wv, ehilli4 ; l4,; well; ad Toni IPbut 4 teltate wilt 3,:au l alulliag . •,• •' • , the Record ' . The oonneeticntStale ceintral Com • mittee, previeus to:theeleetion, land a stirriiir 'address to.. the people of that &stn. -F We copy the address in fall, as it' - contains certain - truths which' may be,rea . cl • *a. profitably in this quarter as . in Connecticut. It; makes out the following' very nad Fe. ,- '' , .„ 1r eord of the. Deniocratie i party daring j the last five years; It contair,s`not one word but what is true.;, .' • . I , •'. • ar o'Ppcinehts were firayears ago the, allies and Etna friends of,Sbe*entiro band of . conspiratori. s „Not p . pe,jr pred traitor that plotted treason for thirty years lint ealle&liirriself a 'beynobrat at last, misusing and abaSing- : that I noble word. ..Every 'Senator and, . licH presentatii-elin Congress.' that led in I the geheinn; the.Presideat add Cabinet' jthat- r dennuneed coercion, lei - treciiidn ,have its way, and well nigh wrecked theshiP orStaol---allwere.ll3einocrais [Thai I:m4 - denounced all.wbo would party`- denounced j arAis force to maintain the Union ; it declared coercion • oncon:stitetional, and 'in its. State Convention of 1861 ' enthuaiasticalty'appleuded the 'threat to use fOrce, ageing,, the departure of our citizen, soldiers,l I . Through s its recognized speakers and presses. it ' Veheinerit'N - Sfilriried the rtglit of se cessien and' ridiculed the prori3isej,Of President Ibineoln'to retake the esip trtred lot - 1A. 1 .h denounced all calls for troopin 'whether by volanteering , :or draft, and went tc the verge or open Insurrection, in obstructing them. To that patty the just war *as a ibuchery_ of our, felloce 'citizens:l. It cried down 'mit. national arid magnified the bardery we werd.cheerfully assuming. • 1 ;;It,/nalignantlyopposed permittipg soldiers in the field to vote - and 'bat skandered Weir votes for the Union as, gri.en;d compaision. .In pte National Conventidn I:Trent:ll:need the war ' a failure, aed7talled fdr a peaeo which could obey- haveibeen ob. Weed - at, the pries ot. dishonor and a dissevered •Union. It wss',fierce' in itii jealous guardianship of elavery,and when' the struggling nation, sorely pressed by,• traitors whose strength was in human bondage, jproeliiimed freedom to the slave, and I •upOn .this step, warranted 'by the Constitiftinn and demanded by =Mary nelessity, , inieked the_considerate. iiidgment of tmankind' and the blessingslrif Alibigli ty GeV- -the Democratic) allies 'cif - I r l upon - fur - t tithin'Of Aeueen - r - Ati t t-1,4 15 1 by the unquestionably just m.sikna .1,%f i Connitutiopal Amendment it: wne :'sought to destrry Slavery Completely; 'these unreasoning.enemies of all _pros gross only gained fresh' fury and as- I sailpid , the Amendment as a wanton . 1 trampling upon the rig hts i of the States ,).and an eternal barrier to the . Union. "1n •. the- aolainns of Derrocratie journals' only have, the murderous jailors of Andersonville an'd - Sallsbury, "or-the foul assassins l ot Abraham Lin , . ,coin, found palliation 'and , apologies. 'Wherever, in- all villages or pities, a timid* was' wantonly fr.sulted, or 'a fwhite flag.huniiotit, or the , sure "and stripes secretlyAN-A down, orr . Rebel victory - exoltad4rer, there: s not a school boy l eo ignorant as to think any' -I but a Democrat could have done it.,. I "In tkvery closing scenes - bf - thili' [most heroic war, waged by the spon4 Iteneonsoinited efforts of the 'people. .theme*.lveci for ' the good of Common. 1 humanity; this party holds its conven 4ion. and; has not, one poor 'word of • thanks to Almighty God, orgratitiide ko our noble armies and eavies-? Not' 1 a kind word-could it "spare . for a living soldier; not 'a word for the fiimii ping I LuitAProitfathers, and mothers, and Wives and sisters whose beloved dead !be stattere upon•a thousand hillsides. I'. "By the ' -fortunes of war and the ill of the nation most solemnly ei4 reseed,. the system of 'slavery,so long sin, ft 'reproach and a stumbling j block!, iiiii',,been altogether destroyed. i f Not a word have . they ; of %even .roild 'I Congratulation, for did they • riot but j jest year regard the grand amend inent I as• an outrage itd art 'eternal barrier Ito • Union ? i-Never has. that - party given a iviarcl,of elympathy to.the per -1 ii.ecuted• ,but ' indomitable loyalists_ of I therSooth. Never a pledge of faith to the sacred national debt. Never hen lit• asks& lOi a thread of security r • i ingamet future secession or rebellion. I Yet i Relief would it ,ever punish in 1 finds, Chattels or . person I TbOr whole declaration of principles ier bat adeisperate chiteh- -at office and , the speedy. andindlacrimateti3tnen tolfull ,power ant bonbi ol all. Rebels w hal erer.. on °cos- Ss of t,ern Pon er-; ing'l hed re— Tge-1 bud 1 or- I dler, er. "Speh, fenow-eitizenOtre the men who inault *veil' . soldier's gran by niaimikgtb fie the trite friends of tbe Unitokrt I, 4 ' l 'C:to/you see anything fe•ile very sore?" caked a 1 foi-nothing studeiit of Oli ver . r Eilolmes. 4 ‘.1. eau eee a Very Zia Was:the reply of the Profits. neier fates to be`funny whe bre profisiimial garment& on. • 'l:Trts.m'apor Of a Vi i Oetern .1 pOlavi to kill half ,tbeditqa in' t. and tan theit: bides ~, a th the the other bait. . 1 Px.:nreterata,,b . ob,lor rotleon for., not inarri64/, he - viisholt 10 prosokve him itiiol'ciPin" ton of the; gentler ' iL f !erica st •Om rats or ay. Atabaogatist tammoit Fk *tat -.ltatitle to riorly as„ aAkertiosomits ; •s• • A !Pro Ml* 470. -Special soticat 46,pig j t, rig alir rates.; j "" OirlivAS 41*i_ fiao, Alarrtiiimlakd Priktbs, ROPiiiKkei palates' and• other Notices of TWIG itattir...4 fr". oUgiOns Intelpgen • ustrark Baptist irbnrih, , Bagrinnali, bus !or ita.p,astor -fopror tiongtit his 'lreedotn,. now Operi-ior",n 2811,•- tor says, ' 6 l paici old ", kneiess. month my'freedoM, .piy assa Jeans 1112ito-build him a house! the•iitank will .bo'built: iibrAtik etiurOei in Savannap, ter thrie thOusand InanO3ra,with fine ei fools!' r • . • ' The Pdstoitir liesOciatiqn !.f . ,;lie - Re. ' formed Du l uth' Church; '.cciniposert,k .. the ministers of that _derifominktroti , I Th , ITeis , York, city and< thereabouti.: afill; discussing, the question: ',,'llow can4)* influence of woman - he properly utli.- zed by the ohnreb :" .. !. "A. Sunday-school friend, give, the rfollowing hints to teachers: 1. Itiain:. Item order. , .2.. Attend teaeberernitietino. 8: Study the leSson.'“: Prity i mitifr it your ; work: , .' Belief brings saltr.t; tton. - 6.' Er:courage ypur..snpulars to binevelenee;. 7. Se prompt.,.., • . --.- . Rev.,,Tames C,. laylcir, ti. mem er -Qtr.- the Pittsburgh lil.E...Conferenckyvho l < took sick "during ,the recent eiesaion•tit that' body at IWiishi6gtor..PA.,-ifilAF'-' ihere tvflo days, b repouted ' after its adjournment, IHe wae < lan !old and hiaLly s, ' 1 - ,--, .... ~ minister`.; It is state'd-byflit) Congregatilngtist ,that many Minksters in Nut); England . , are resignlng..their pastorates, iia" - goirtg l into secular ' ptirsuitti- tiixiiiiiee of Itn,l inability- to . live oil the 'intim - paid them i. . -`--• ..,.-, 1 .. ..., -The l ,!' Na tion al B p tist, m , st 4 a u t s 'entitled "8441148 1 .10 TernnytrniO4," . while 14t speaks of the sur.cessi of- chi? ' Church in the . past, refers' tcrthe bu- _ - •. < ralliating fact_ that in cleveri'countie,i. in this <State, with anagaregate pop ulation. of-287,090, there ia' not one tla - ptialt. churth. 1 t • ,' :, -•t SecaP • I • • . nt to elligenco -2roni Setitlestd slates the, U4iited Presbytertan't.ibureb is carrying forwardvery•ptOmising , OtitisioarY operatiAns in;,.:).1:11,0 - „ok.ifisi • thincit,al towns.- The results -an! quite encouraging; 1 - i ' . , i-..;. --; At a-heathen temphi has. been emptied- of its idolS, 'and turnedinto, a missionary hospital. • A- Catluilie Seminary is abn(n- to bb erected in Philadelphia, tor the edtt9,* tion of Catholjc priests... ,The Baptist:Home:Ms:don Society, it' ia, stitfed,_ has" prganized t imam ! 1134114 ' Welt siniie it,tits• , • morid; ' church of the Southern ,typ e' York City. 1. 4 -- , • , .raoroclAytox or F;SEI.r-.1101.a . 1 % ,ypq a living. spring upon 3 - Our:Atria' or hriye you alpond that does not dry in Summer! I If you - have,, easily raise , fiah---miteh more-easify. raise it for food thin "you can, beef or In ,Enrope ;the -raising of for market IS carped Hy; private Peisnits. It is atterided •witti great profit. ! The principal outlay - is in preparkg !the winds, and . stoeking thesis with the ..chofc:or kind!i' of fisb:' They need but. little 4ate or attention: , They rcquirel but lit - fel food, though it is found feed them sonie, as they- will I mature wicker, are- easily; caught nets, 'and the - smaller,ones! are thrOwn - ` back,- and I the faigeriones sold : l l 4 resh always been I coltside4d: on'e at - the luxuries of the table:- Ou'esiesternr, farmers ,could -raiso :Ahern ie. well sa they can. stock. , them, raak4 their ponds and -mit:, hilt:heir fish, and they will multiply The spawn of the `choicer , •Itinde Our be obtained and transp Min orted thtMistirrds; , of 41.64,1-safely. We coend thte this sub ject cedliderition'ot (fur :readers and hoPp they: set; Upon our suggestiontr.4-Rural, Worl4. FEED FOR MILK • Po4ll.—The 80 1 1 r ,t ces - of feed for Mile. ,C6ws' :in` , t h e: ' summer.abd aitturna hre, - as • lid' have, seen• the past setwou, rather ''finctuta ting, and- ascertain . A milk • quires full feed djiiing-tbe-,eutiritsgeL., son, and if she i's" stinted 'ale wilt fart' Off in 'yield.- But,, , We are rfar46, dione.hts - every _year,- anit 11'0, lane - pastures! are 'Often • tbn flat •to suffer. We should Xl,co' better tto out beforehand for an , extra suprey at food tcPmeet ibese•emergencies: want of citralsourtes to draw , aponi/' many of• us bid to ; pia the hereveo early upon the •fall.,,feed, and to .tojdry, nodonbf, In Marry cases!, of ate . • next- years bar crop; - ,If - we 'ha& looked out in season tor an extra stip: pty of feed in , the-the shape of Ar_een, corn cabbages, ands other et'op4! -- it would hnve been- better econolny t 4 Ithve resorted to stall feeding, -dui-lift the drought, and saved- oar,mowine lota.. We can !do` . Mass.Plowmaiti. DISEAsa AmoNa giqxr.--Xite in telj ligence fierrf.,Efienbririlei to' the effeq that a diseaseas broken tint ardent the sheep in *tienin stiveral-pcirtionstog:s.deti.-. land.. 'Ext' have been me** and ail the .airideoect_alfeited prove thatttla l iblagne t which ; leti att.: sunneil nature, lerriotlii peat.' -Herotofoi:ti been' ed.that sheep wetle,,thieiript' from.: stt.. tticks, ;of this ' F feerftil I rnaWd l y . ,,lput r jt, ; i: . appeartince among the .Scot frf,lcktk; does Rotj Nistr#Os the tetaumptfOn'a tbdße "quo advoctOted-th'e =I y eye— 1 • gp'Od. iWePdalf pupil:' or, itha ' he hit ' wn pro: Place ark of`, IMMI I M "." OM= Perin, House; ME 'i_ la,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers