II li ~•-v.. ', '''.- '.: ' . 11111 - 111iltER ' 'VI S Imo AT..111. -, IPATIL I AINTL ag. o'Cuiii. . 1 i -iiiimititrimnikriniti.f 1 8112 .o.olli*.lem'OlifsC . :': ES ,ro • • • - t atiiz atroz, EIL JOHN GEARY , Ott 901211. Y.. tlite_d;Suites. by a'pro - oli*ation qceatlk isined,bas fiosially*tileit known to - the people Allis' country, add - the world; that 'the 'WarirWhich' for - years devastated Atiiin'tici loOger extstr,,thosel . who . . 41!eye Oisaged in the ';groutiebeition Aci;overtfirow the Government havlng intintitteit to the legal authorities„-- Thie efftleial, proclamation of the (?hicf Executl!eiseeina' to bave been olirr looked, by f our eitizena;so ' interit are, upof the, peaCeful puiaatia to phich. all Lave'betahen 'tbimseN4.— On the fifteenth day of Aptd, 4861, "President' Lindoln issued his firit rcrelam . s i tio'n; announcing, the Ocist— ecce ofl Armed ic.surr ection,and calling 'fiteventy-five thousand volunteers Joiuppress it . Thus ,five years elaps • ad' between -the official announcement -of the kiistence ofieheilion and of its ' close. in , that time' the greatest re biilli n. ever waged against any GoV r .: 'ern eitt A - as conquered.' ' During tout n i ':elior period larger armies Were raised, .greater battles fGulckt, more noble martyrs , to. Country 'And principle . 4Ound, more p4triotiern,iinore.. courage, more enduterice manifested, and , more 'relfishness, ' ioitterness - , treason -and rriadness exiAbited, tban ever -- befoie witnessed in the world. .The , -emit superhuman efforts made to overthrow the. Govei amen', having fella, the r bell have laid down their arms, subatitted to 'the legal authorities,and !to longer evince a disposition to con tinuo the strife. At loast, soliays' President Johnson. Those whO,"te mainber haw the first proclamation of . - President Lincoln wis received,cannot but wander at the indifference and unconcern with which fhb great peace proclartiation of President= Johnson 'is regk'rded., We ,are aware there are eau:des tor this intlifferenco. The war hai,, been virtually, Ist -an end for ',mouths, and besides there pre many who even now think ibe'proelamation of the President. !premature. While the Smith has no arrnses in the field _ is true, yet it is contended the re- bellion is not subdued , and rebels re , quire military rule for some ` -time, to . ratoA ,:wl. l B/4 4 44 13 1.Nateilti; atandir t g these objections, tie Presi dent's proclamation marks a new epoch:l n the history of this , conbtry,, and after , the furnace through whicirl this'Lutian has passeLl,4this transition troin a State of war to a state of peace i• no trivial matter, we shnbld noel stiffer our' . individt4l or party views to ppt egs .aproperland rightful ex• pression of i fhankfulness. It some thing to be thankful for that the President' of the United States can , declare the rebellion ,at an end, and that, law and crder is l i restored through, • out lite there in this_ no_ cause, to be grateful to the Great Ras let of Nations ? Is there _no dariger of the nation forget ingliim who iled i us to victory in the ghat stru'ggle for existence ? We fear, there is when , we see the people everyWhereiso in= tent upioetheir business,'so wirapt up in, their own pecaliar• opinion that; q4,y take notice -whatever oil so • im .:.,,pnrtant Official - pro' elamation. Ihe 4 wet', is over, peace restored,the roition-1 undivided, so the president has- dei slat! d. . Surely there is cause for re-4 joiciog. we. may differ with: thO President is to the status of the, rehel States, or as to the spirit netth ' qtirig those •lately t in rebellion, we cannot but It thankful that. the ivaNt which Pre tient Lincoln declared I April, 1861',President John 'ion haadeclared u no longer oxistingi April; 1866: IT.: close the t closing words of President • Lineoln'i inaugural address 4 March 4th,11861', equally beautiful, truthful and qppro= priate; tqlhe mystie , chords of memo= NT, stretching &dm every battle field and patriot gravS , to. every living heart 'teed hearthstone all over this. Scald land, will! y i et swell the chorus of the Onion, when again touched, as surely they will be,by the better angels Of: tor imbue." % • ill S, EZLLY 'reams to have made a very; popular presiding officer. Ay Will b e seen ibi,b e entice of the clod. (ing hours ofttre islature elsewhere, he was, the recipiititOf many van:table testimonials, froml.- the officers and members of the HOUtte C : and that the , Demoeratiefinembers were as liberal f r. in their expression of regard as Union members. Speaber Kelly was the 4 youngest man ttit4 ever presided over - the House of fleiresentittives, and is generally conceded to bare been tbe most-popular. We congratulate our liming and talented Reprbiertitative en t i ,nette . l l 4 4 l ( o l "i3*4: l ". tryirg IE nr:ziogii t .-41 6 .74 - - - t4 4 -.: -T17 4 --- ii. - -T.:: - T - , - ; 1- I •,. .• The folliiwialremnplitnaotary reso- Inticins on teretnor Curtin were,Unan• To , d je11:0.131,T ease by the Legislatote bfii fore'-'-the final • adjournment. In•iie - -•-, House the resolutions were offefid 14 Idr.ißaddiman, of Philadels4,' Re 1 4 publican, andvoted for by every mum .; Democraticber se well as Republietin-! In the - Senliter Wallace of Clearfield 1- field ' - 1 1 1. Mali mg* - nil . .iiik 4 ParaPkraiie 1 - 13p44 . 1 Central Com4ittee, offered the resolu tion's, and 'every, Senator' voted yea No Goveriiiiiirt i tio Ifnlim, so 'far as, oor-''bhirnati u' goes. received snob iftrlndcirsetnet ind Gov!' Curtin; his • , • • Wi 'in thia - irredord to'_,Whieh r he m ay ever 9f point with rju S t :pride'.`: perinsylianie .eai never had,:aati never will litive i i more. Pe faith`fur and' Popular Chidf Nagiistrate: .t-hl _.• I • t ' I .; Tk Hells to gay ,the :matt 1 popnlor man sic in thelStiA(e, land can command; at the bands of the people anyoffice tolwhieh he • may aspire: ln' looking over, the se years oft his adininieltration we 'ire 11 , compelled to say we . don't see how ni l Perifsylitinia could have sustained tl herielf so well du i ring . these . .year's 'without Goy Curtin. ' tHe iii to Peeii sylvanial whlit Lincoln:Was tothe,lia tioii. T r im remark orati Old gel tletnan at a township meeting; in - thisfcounty, , . , to elect delegates to the County Con . ~, vention, to express the choielecof tl.e . t cognky. for . GovernOT,S.few weeks- g o, expresses the sentiment of our people. On being asked who be was ' goiri r c , to . support;' he replied, ' , Gov. ;Curtin. Ho is the' best Governor we-'ever had, and lam not going to make a change." In voting- fOr the 'following 'resole, tions the l)emberritin members; did themselves great credit:, •- , I• ' 'Resolved, That' in. the namo of the. ComnionWeitlt we tender to. Governor Cilitin our i thanks for the fidelity. With which, diiring four years ' of war, by which our country was ravaged,l and its free fmi l l titiitions . thieatened; . he steed by. the National Governntent, arid cast into the scale lof ;oyalty ! and the Union ilehonor, the.wealth and the strongtlr of the §tate., 1 'Resolved, That bir his devotion to his .eountr fromj the-dark;hota. in whichl he- p edged to the late, latent ed'Presiderit of the- United State , the faith and st l eadfast support of our peo ple, he has gained for his-name ii,bis to, rical place ar.d character; and while rendering lfiniself deserving of the na tion's gratitude, hi 9 'added •i to the fame laud gr4y to the panic* Of the' Commenwealth ever whiell6 he has Presidqd j for two terms of office with so much ability, ;and in which he has temperedVdignity with kindness, and Won the -high respect and confidence of the - A:teen - le. I ; • ' I'lla libel ea Organ uPstreetnot %UV fled with i tertering‘ with tki...o4Mjs ...-A-----, - . ~-' s papers, churches and' ministers, down to oc:humblest private citizen - As,nc w atteMptiag to take charge of-ann. run (he ' Union panty of'tilis county. 1 ln tbe, last nn'rnber two of the cand"dates' for notni 4 tion in the fUnioniartyare attacked i a way calculated toinjure theM, for; o Other !ellen, as they can conceive ler imagine,. except it be an elfort_to in our norninattobs. Not only doer the - aforesaid or* ee l k to 'control our nominations, but ,also; the time of bolding our conventions, the announcements of candidates, h and in % fact all it e details . of ,partyl 3rganiza , tion, ,No, one has asked to haetheir. nail e Announced until the t'or.vention is r i egut+ly called, the _natn4heing handed to us only in View of thaticall. ~ 1 . Such let , te custom of our ,a rt y; and oo 'Uwe • man asks anything -else.- 1 1 Whit right bas outsiders to interfere, . ' 1 :_and etipeeially those Nyir., arc a odious ~ to every man in ;the party, a d right thinicing men out et it? The Dern°- , ctstic party of this county don't an nounce' he names of their! carclulates all,-don't give the People a I , anee to , say who; shall 'be the! candi d tea. A few entlenien about; Beaver in the -capacity- df a fur ;settle this !natter , fur the Democrat' (?) par 1 ty of IBeaer county. ' Wed , n't now address the organ, but. Beaver County pemocrats, and We ask' the,m- how therlike'thete mode of nomination in conipariSon with our. If the _person . 1 Naha hascharge of the afores ' organ' would only attend to hivii on business as at4,entivety as be does do Co bei• peo -7 pie,s, wi)think . he would havig , less to NOM of hereafter, , r iFtl f t • Butler on - Geary. , ii General Butler, in:his recent speech at Ha rrisburg, ~expressed his opinior: 'of General Geary ,as folloWs: "You. I gentleinan constituting the UniOnanaL jority !of Pennsylvania, are standing by those who stood , by you, or, I re -1 cognize, in your candidate fOr Glover-- 1 . nor 'one of. the besitieldiors of the wA.,' and lone of tbe foilimost and truest inalmost reliable statesmen 'of your Coltnionwealth,ofi•whoin,l can say from Peisenal knowledge, net ,paying a co m pliment, where none is needed, that; no man will find in. On,' when electid, even a shadow 'of reaohery to the ;principles to wbichb ,shall de. Ware himself conirnitted." . * . 1 1! , Skir lIDAY,‘, A pril . l.4th; bei . "f";,.. _,,', 1 ,.. -.4 ,- • - "71- ~, ntveresq oi tee assasinnatto ~ Ot z-r -idetilti pincoln, R!reOcient . Jo i ti,i4oo ), - r.ii deiod tilt die public Offices tO be 'elcis-,t pil in omplertumation ther! ! :t.,; : • : . 1 ; 1 i I I 1 i - MEE =I IN )IC GatiOliil -7: ,- . .: MILTS. , i . 1 .- • .• - •,. , .., • . 4 1e -1,.i .. ...:-A - rriittOlo!l ' wa* . s. a* I'39p.m:t 43ke 1 cr,our.V . of ' .:98 it .tofr he: SgOi". .- tit. yti - hiloll4ll o , "le a ,-, o . , .1 CAtAlf' iied a 'la4l- alto ) de tiltri lii to,. The .., mum .4 pt. , . „ lilt's jr t el:b e lie ands in' aid 'of.- i "AAP Ma from...La' La Bent to - Lake Su-, it r, and! to aid the constrnetion ofj , - .1 - "Te . grant illoo,oo6:4acies le, - outhern plinnest .RailiOad,-- 4 4 4 - he` enatel went into xecuttve. Sus-. on; - Filcrtly. lifter; iv hich it ad oiirncill I • r i ' '- L 1 •.- • • 1 norosz. !. : . ' '1 • 1 f It Solutions adoptedf directing; the ter taiy , of War to? Inrrit,iti the on - e with the findingft of. the Com:- iiis on . in die case' of clie; awards,' for AM apture of Booth aftd Ilaroldi re. ques ing -th' CorniPitltee to con ids fhb expediency , of 'anthem.. 1 e Military' ing his ' payment of lOyal . .claiins an der be Morgan raid inso;ifiniliiiniiin 186 •Abanking Gen. Ifincock for his sha e inthe victory 0f... Gettysburg., A bill_waft passed to irlieve soldiers' metnurials _from po:stage'. Mi. Ray incind made ii.-zepor t tlfrxr.' the Corn mitten' an ,F'oreign 'Affairs cohcerning the protection of the Ifiiheriti, iind..a re4olutiOn With ' adopted ,requesting 04 President to infOrm the, illouse what stens have be e n taken' to ,pro teet,Allii-glits:or Aninriesin I etizens, and whether any • leg4lationl fOr that purpose ift r.ecessl.ry-h A bill to re vive thegrade of G neral 'wits re ported and postponed ill next Friday .A Iyoint resolution ito, appoint mune- ,gers for the Natiorol'Asylum for dis.l Wed soldiera was pasBed.A. ' bill was reported directingdie Secretary' of . -War to report conceraing the supply of artificial !flubs to SOldiers.,. A bill for the relief of Army Paymasters' I , was repoken, read t w ice,' and 'went' ‘ 4 over. The vote rftieeing the Bank- rapt bill was reconsidered; 83- tot 45; the main question waft ordered by . . 68 too . and ;the bill was then rejected 7. . th 70.1 Mr. ()tinkling then again' introduced the bill wi th modifications,. arld'it was referredx tbe Select Coint-1 matte .on that subject.; A bat was , • • ,pftssed to anthorizel,t'tie l coinage of a I new five cent piece. ;After some Co in! tine business the - house at i - , 44.4., Ad, I I I i journed. t [- 1 : I I BENATP. I , I 1 , p. .' 1 , . 'APRIL .—Re8010,tiO!I adopted Oi -1 reeting anl inquiry into the expedien-1 icy of eduesting soldiers in Chii:.-army; l and to prehib3t, the Cale of ',Ours in the Capitol" linilding. - The litter Was debated and finally assed by ;33 to 2. The bill to roimburs Kansas Igor War' 1 . 4 expenses I_ was_ noels d. 41,713.1., Jipedal 'a - ay. 'The bill I - elm:ink to qualifica- I ItiOns of jurors was. called; up, !Ind pOstponecl till the gate time. The bill for relief of nut-al; contractors was 'debated and postponed - Mr. Wilson inltreduced ft ibia to Osialqish a uniformmilitia system.. Adjourned. • Oureed. I . ,1 ' I • ao u sc. ' I- ! L - .Bills were passed to' ant orize the issue of American Ogisters Ito 'certain lake steamers; to establish a I land of free in Idaho; andtin Co rnittee 00, tim Whole) to -- apprUpriate $6,775 6T?01 1 r to reimburse Miesonil be i ar expeu- ' , ses—the Vole on Desolations italpassag beinc , 681 to 25. we're ß acloptecr.di-1 1 resting.i rectiniquirtes as to Ipaylnt , a pen. Shia to 7rn. Merea;• as to maize Na.' lional Bank share 4" liable' for debtir under Stftte laws; finites to ;allowing three months pay tip l'eturited prison iirs on th i n Sultana. -A bill 'tot the re.- lief -of paymasters was :debated, a 7 mended, land went iiveri4ti'l to.clay.-- 7 1 1 he House went Into Committee of, be Whble, and after passing the, lissduri Reimbni'ssMent bill, ad-J pained. la ,' SENATZ. r 1- 1 APRIL 12.—Bills ;were passed pro.t tiding t at soldiers: mern4rials shall , go through tho ma l ls- free of postage; and authorizir.g the iernisliion of doi ties on produce initransitunder the Reeiliroeity, Treaty. Arr. tew:irt in. troduced a joint rimlutio to amend the Con k tit by proh ib iting dist, Unction in civil rights or rffrage on account of color A resolution was offered that the So, ate adjourn out of respect to the latelStMator Foot. Eu r l b o.ies- w' re delivered ty Senators Po land, Johnson, FesSoridelf, sßrown ; Sumner, Pomeroy, Ciagin. e.nd Ed:- monde, and the'Senate adjoufted.. .. injosa. 1 I -Resolutions were 'adopted &int:Grill ing thesupply of 'fire armirtojcitizens Of Montana, said iequesting the Payk master.Generat to famish I stii of imp- Masterslagalnst beim storpagek art standing. m The bi I for relief ,of Fai t mistersleae up; substitute was of: fared, and the bilqand pendini amend - - liniata .Were recommittedli The Sergi ate' bill - Ito transfek a igunbOat ,to Sibe ria was passed, and .alisotbe . Senate Ijoint resolution- against the . importa. !Mon oil criminal:. IA raSolrition to e !grant a full' sec ion of !'the public !lands la wboev shall, establish an artesian well onl any Mali l orate in 1 certain 1 territories, was dObated, and finally recommitted. MeMorials front' Arizona-and _Utah:were_ ,reperted on adverssily and tlie . regitortii agreed'te. The Senate resolation to prohibit 'the sale 9fliquors in the:Capitol was amended. - so as, td °include 'all: ptiblic buildings and g rim ads ' in I Washingti:M, and- alate& Varioni' bilk wer4,'read and reterred.. - I,TheiSenata 1414.0...aPP propriate s moqo for relief 1,6 t the pour in "the sDistricti of calttinbia was i passedl-100 1 . to S CI A message :wail received fram the Fienataiannonneing ',its adjournment-as a mark of rrespect .. i I lei Jg the an Ma' , -Foot,: . alogies on litdboumsed by , ' I, cocitib;s4l4li P•apks, W i ,, wimn,42410411; and No 10; . 91 1 f i ld i-, ~....* r ned. ... '-:...,....! -,,,?'.,, 5 : c!?:',,:.,' , ."; • c l'i r i Il4.lLrtiplaiOrisimule fro re lift op: tiii liiivill-4 piitfii ill And igreed.,to...2.it i bill •to ,Pfediii. ibution :atm.. Globe dt Judge wis billed up and Li, - A/i LiVrosPP!' f4e-$ 6 7: :arritoifinct cork? from their itHiebatfOind 4ientriYver.t _r. al npnote f it,:te,...tbis:re..l.. llibiting,. thi sale of liquorb - in tOhoissl,diSagreed to.. Air. unaucbed Obit be- would•in be District 'Suffrage bill At Al4'.• ! *- - Popterinte Ye poit . le of marine' lkospltils, imi., - 1 , ed ~.. to. A - resolution - -asking m ratioU sui. to •the•rinderpeit opted, , r d - ,a -resolution .1.9 1,000 boPi r es of the eulogies ott . F4iit.,..;was refirrel . :Ado .., , - . , to the la ilia de burne r ► and the .~ =I the Cell prisqee authori 'ti D3str~ peeApon: .etteit I The g: tion p ".thf+..P4 Morrill, trodnen i an .oar on,tnn w i i fdr , inft wag. print Senato. journed. Reslititions w,ere adopted directing, an inquiry :as to what , legislation f isJ l l needei 1 to keep 'lout - the cholera; : andi direct k the payment of .050 anon- , ally 'to Uri., McCook. A report .viatil pre.iicii ri idd'' froin the Committee ;.ofi Conte once oc ; tilt!? Naval Apipropria don', bill ' and la:greed t 0.,., Various', eomminieationtirriiere redeived' trona the *rotary Of* War.' 'The' Arinyl i ; , bill ..vi s taken np, 'debated, and cop— sitter() 1 section'? by section:, It went over t It littondaY wiihout a vote. !, A mesa i was reclerve l d from the PreeV, ident tihe fieihery question, and the Hops adjourned. I I • 1 AP , il.4.—The Berato mi., not) in seindo c itoday, bin the anniversary, of thedeath of i Prost:lent Li neol n. Thal liouse iionvoned at .noon, but immediately 'adjourned out of resPciet Ito thtil4ay. .. I i •All ,1613 Depertinents..were - closed, land litieitiess in the city quite gcrietat ly susiiended., i - izikr g. _ li, I Wilson . r W. —UO ff ered a i.es - . appointing . managers, for Na- Asylum,l for disabled:soldiers; bill to - provide for the national e; r esolution of thanks to Geu. l 4k; a bill; by lir. Grimes in i re' to paci fi c' R. I R.; Mr. Zobasion uced a bill 'authorizing the eit- i hh . ent °fie Navy Yard; ite. ' at , olis. The habeas I Corpus bill 1 ken - up: but WithoUt action the' adjourned.- . .. . • . - { Bobs& ill introdtiek.d a joint resolu-1 posing anteUilment to' the don nin shed apportionment - et rep- i tared according to the number; sin, the severai Staten, which 1 ferred to Coin-' ReConstruction ' Co- 1 J Mr. euckes introduCed. a oviding eor election of members I .: 1613 Which wa . s referred to , same 1 - ittee. 'rho ,iirtay bill was th 011 ,! , nts Pali 6r --, a ---- '---- AP: ! ointio kional also a iletent Hanc. lotion intro ' iatlie !Anna t enat Ur mu 1 stitat reseal of yo was r' mate; billp Cot:lg Com -_-..,- ,T7L ...Al composed of color.. 4 11, • Mr. ' °RS ;loved to recOnn 'e-'. bill to- he Military Committee, Instructions to reduce *tbp Alitny • (10/ • - ,' 1 741--- . - 1) r ••••••••••• ---- -- • , L . SICKINP,O • .1, • wbo Nivr York' City on Friday, 6 years,' had been an ardent and •, ... 1 . • • . I , 0 . pplipetan turoughout! iti&adult 1 If 1 __ Ilie 'lid probably made as ma, irtiFsti spr cell es ns an) i man trho 'es bin; i bad 'held by eleetionthe rasp naibltliposts of State, }Senator' Lieu .-Govitncir, and U. S.l' Senator, of and ied htldiog bye appointment that T.. ) . 1 , 'S. JisCriet AttorneY for ibis .. Dist et. 'Pei Anglo-Americans Tare sup se . tote acridin our pelt tics,rind to d al,in maenad tapas:), and tlefurna. ticm yet, ml cAnnot reeollent tbst4 we ev.eiiheird it react, a sentetile which imp9gotci Ito peronal• integrity . of Mrpicktnip . .l. Though he :,had , been zetouS Dellocrati till 60 yeara old, and'zebus sing !Acted with the Union ,3 part , -,,n0b0 3,i,r,f , rlsUggnsted that ' t he was bribed bought to•do atty actor giv leans: v `of his life.. ~In sink, tho gh. - nea :lull ,. of us have differed wit. ' him, le Lane or •!cnotber,ii.nd tieet •pitted annst him' in ardent par t'y s rife; w 'd i not;bplieve it•was„over said iby any le that .Daniet , S, hick.. • ipso!' was a te, bad .ma r n I 'q. 1 , 1 . These ar. I•ts worth pondering. - OuriState h ad greater, Mon Dan. Fel S. .Dielci —more learned, than leartied..mo . rilliant, more eloqtient —b , t no s Of hers . ever"; won and kep , throw ut thirty - yeanr, "niorti 12,1(_t ral reg• l i ar,d good w i iil.---='N.ii Y. Tr unq.' vi ITpine"d bVol:lllLANllClh'eroNf oTifing that 'all veleran i Silite, who have been reg-;, ( d re:musterodlunder gen 1, from . the War ,Depart, 'th, 1 :1868,' Inct extending , • d- who ha, net received r Oren theirs credit it to Ithlii 'State, shall be paid a • e hundred dollars, which he' ,proper, authorities of es, ward_ ,, . boroughs and' ed the credit therfor. 1 1 the Iricords' in the Adiu cif thii, State,' certified to eril, as well as General ' Department, will be, re -.1 o nd file place of residence ' ealistinent and , muster-hi red-thcplice Of 'credit; in er••• evidence'. The 'School P, ward or bortitigh in • fat viterik volunteers ceunted in filling the quotas ball;of the-, President 1-lor 'Sadand' required tii.levy lent tax-to pay the veteran 'hairs or legalfrepressnia lidos that, au, officers ;end mesa and . are now in' the ! II hams or widoWed mothers the Payreeit of taxes for --i---•:' • '-:- - : ' -''. r••-•----• ..... 1 ' that all the 1 u nNed vipfar:ltill bedischaig, , lawn: inctrithsi ' l` I r' ' I . . edm mit t with to 40 Ho' died - Aged) ileliV , life. nypi sury I P -xesi or ! Ti • ,-4:13i11 . 1 , the t i tOgiilat ' ! i.olu I nteers'fro•• • t Adam re-enlist kirs4Orders N .1 - 1 neat, dated J ~ .. - 1 to .141. *list, 1: 1 1 1 !. 2 .Y 1 ' a- bo un local ties Guild. !mil bounty o • shall be .. paid • such counties, iowS- .. hips. as .. ' T . . - OriPta isn't Genexars by' • e Adju . 1 Or •rs from • I Oei . -d in avid .1 ns d' in th ro - Will be . 4 iti-- bience • I El con of -aucl . o Ir re th ir s o u o, &re at •ollect a • teen or The b who P iet' or t • • i be exe - purpoilie. eftol S o [within 1101313 Z. Et 1M 91 inr PArrAos a AMP.- ' t,er la; c n r : t ri ne d, Deun 'son t ut *min _ ighl ' • stiunp-ef f the de lit-fift,On `eon* irliiell* be ektt Or iseuei! A et in', ei l ~4 ig, i, * fouildj-V4s grim' . I '''. If r t'tiii pannbut 'at - . .0.• Q 6 C rri, ' r-Uittiee lettirs for Fran We fou.o - Oribe stamp j isa," - fi , cut 1-por!rait of Abritham L 1 2 prglpiJit i •• 7 L ttocHESTlr t lii,: PA . • • " 7. • - •- I 'VIRE '•III . •AItr , TIVACiIc .aillairthe.Nar;iettla of 3 and: -Cast. ;Iron ana4;itionbi'inallthe attention of the) (-. l 3eaver_ tiounty; wisbingto pdr 1 , , I , Plows Or Pio* Pointa t to kb finish •[ J •- Quality:of_ our ' ' Work . * I A: LI NY ORS.. WARRA..X' Tie Points. and, Landslides. fit pnictingnkimberi of 'Pittsburg plOw .• *or pia 'plOw'eastings boughti _ . HO, 1 EVERYBO Mill ME • BOOT' AIM 34% , ,EPCI3ELIT_T RAOIiDINARY. RED 1, t , • f ' ; I.vo PURCHASE t S • , 1 IITTFAVING just recoived L a .1 LA GENT'S i f i ,DIES', BO S! , 11[ ' DEEN'S.SHOES BO ,-,:. ii , --GAITERS, .S L IP ? I I -t . ' -', 1 PERS d;cl- ' i ~.- . ' : .. , i P j bz- Spring and. Sipe t: Facisk IPEULADE,*Li, 1 In prepared:to - accommodate:.m rile.i.s and the public generally . . bb :it tles teed selecte d tletitZ e p ve rf T eL ff , er i e n d d i tr kiii;ies ao low that Purchasers. will ,str x td =ea. If , any' of the itoc ;i ' I will repair it free.of cliarg fo4lifst faccira ; I still claim a lib. Publie patronage. • ROBT. TA I 11 • ' ' — (At QI 1 . - aprlB ' 1 . 1 -#. $25, Ilion Business: C P I' Handel an4illaydnil ' .4)1 Eighth .1 1ncl S p r in g Gar ,e 1 : 1 .: i ITILAVELPIILI, . i l A ivi I -, 1 • , , THOMAS MIAY PEI RC , A'.lif.' , , Pryident anal Cott sulting Aectiuntent. ; I , I . i talailaillifft XRdUeeni t t r Business College T s, : , Eiota April I,to October 1, 1866, 1.1 .' AND'iucc : ERbING lymAn . ' ' LI .p , • ScifoLAnsitirs, l includilsg . Bookkeeping. llitsinas , Correspondinee, o'ms add Cue- Aollis. • - Vommerciiit Arithmrie, •Busi6esa clPeumanshil, betectiug Counterteit. anti Co,itimiroial , Law, ' llr 'MEN VE I)OL' i LAR;". • .I§9stosansuiss, includin g t i he aline SubjeC!s,, as above: . .Tuns fun ted,to • , TWENTY DOLIJALR:S. ; • ; Perimanshiri, Three . $7 . Irennpship, andAritinuetic,.thre mos 10- iThe'saving of cant• and . gasi in the summ er ' months is an advantage' of suchimporinnee enables the management ofthislce ege yo Make: Ih . onsiderable reduction in ithe slimmer • rates !From Octo4er 1, 1866, to' A t i'. And succeeding years, a . llcfore, I :Life Sehofa i rships ; • ...... ,!•„.4535 I Sciltriarshirtsev3 taptalis • •' 23 l'62ipaanehip, 4 months • • .-•.- 10; 'iNoaa" ,'Sinnatiship and Arithmetic_ b 4 .. ..pecl'al tenssfse c r isba,_Soldiera,-lat for the. ion: . j . ; •of itirsisterr and Tea'ph k 11)41 and esentiag instnMtion jor 140 eye; cit/ Oes, • ' 4..._. ' , Vtint s ziking,•stsre keeping, boo Teping; •Peti r .I r!ship, prim • drawing, phon it tiphy; Sylth: lie, mensnratiou ,, algebra , gepmetry4 .. .the i t,a emus, navigation, stirveyin .. : 4 bngineering, leo ging, mining*, ineChinical Idr 'wing, A ittA. lilialn . cial law, German, .telegrap;tj g. and the i t tiglish branches, it moderatelpe ces: 1 ~., lndo .i tsed by the public _ a'S the not - succesSful 'rl i hi usiness College !of the coot y,.asiis I li ll, - _ evidenFed — by the faet,:t., "air _Hundred rind Tin° , ba4 entered in . the il r ~, MST Sur. MoNips or yrs Exi ___[ • 1 .11 Principals of, DepaOtiss f 11 THOMAS MA* PEIPATE, [A.. i eerge B. Snyder, • It. S. Barites, - • Farr, . •J. T. Iteynolc henry Heir, lA.E.llogireot Sdpported by.'an able Cogs . 4f A Ofirliall or send for a estarogil cn7eney, and Pierce's PracticalE OFFICE--531 NEorth Eight, I fi'p 1 8:2 [a ' ' 'MOS. AL,I,PI 1 . , 1I I i NS' CQU.R7I S c LE,. I . I t, virtueof an order of the Or nits' ( oUrt ~ of Beaver county, the!' undersigned, utudian of Mary Mitchell; 4inef Slitchll, )3 4 m ito t u,.iza r thlit : h el i: laiet iet , koriidrnorihlniiltel. Mitch. - 11. of:oouhttwlihix, ecl4llle:.4_ 2 l tosai 4ic b ii enue i oru7,n , e premises, on , , , c 1-. :. .- ,F.RIDA Y, May 18th, 18136, 1 , . F l ak t i ,o'c!ock, p. za.,. the following deicribed I teal:estate, situate r u t Borough itow tiship, Beat , l er county, Pa., about ilmile *est of the be rough;rough of Beaver , on the „road' leading train of to-wit: •`1 • Is . All that cettain lot , boutded north y lankof James Waters, west by l and of _ 3a es' MrsArs and' other' land, south . ly piddle rod, Il i , nn4 least by alley.laparating a • frdni Dewier iGemetery groundst. containin fug. • Scris, , i orb! or ' le e sl i : e ll u t i t g al li otti ou d e i. e o a n na I:uitclieuil sere,', - [ a All that certain : other tut dr' gtotind, itipart of Acsdenty lotf i numbe eferty sev in th e . general plan4f A . em,y . lots, nese) the Borough of Beaveil nont j- et sags, more orless.all cleared and closed. ' Titaxs.—One-thia: of tie inirchseetnouey I F e lon the confirmation - of: the • salti, by tlii`court, i bals,nce in'tvio.equal, ,luintint paelite from AO date,..itrith interests thereOn . . • sentij 1 1 line, to be secured by bond anti as ?tinge,' . • 1 For furthet information , inquire' of thqui.. 1 intigued. -.- ` ' '''-' . `'D.'L.ll RIX, - . l' ' yit ro su , .5tir18 . 443. . , Guardian Of Ifsl iniiiireJ I . - , : I I . : : .: • MiMiMMMIMI=MI=I U. soon of rtMsl nnei)- lore on e. 7 On ly 'exe l coln.! I CO 4.11 a RINO anneils'at •• • EDTix bee cones- [apelB:ly SHOE al VOTIO'N. 11 E 4 le TS. r Wear, ;old ensto.. I here the eaver. , par 11,bep sold at e reminded Bold shoidd Thankful 'rat shaiel of : j iStand, .s; MAL, I'l l ? • $ 1 254. llege THE all, 1 WM EDI ...1 12 1 &tidcnti ryas. 11 nt „? kr. A .14.1,0;E ei3t int s. coN ge ducator.. Street. I RCEI ' p*itatioßpra 8c sows . _ • 1 .-• _ PAiN 0, F.. 0 T S _ ..i , .., ,• ;p . . ifi'E'instruments nowmanufactured by -'. thirriret - knoir, leng:establishea ~ Arm; ere the relate of nail/ half ; e, century of etudyi experiment end improvemente. -- ( Posseesing greater adiwititieethen la oth-, er ,makera - througkithis Jerig period 'et - in crieseint experience, twe,getutratjgas ,of:inc ' tire energe.tlo mind have been ' iesiagowily - I . eq4Plo9l4Lin Pafe4intrAligrliteduntieD**-: THRi Oil tykkAlls 7 q PIS 70),5 , . . • Ara now at.thalieati if 'all'the "instruments Manufactured in".this• - oltintry. - For . parity and 'sonority of tone, elegance - of thoroughtuise andw_durabitity of .stradtura, the rankloremilst of all., , . „': 1 1; .. • ' With. 4ite merely Mechanical. excellence which restilta largely froth the ingenious;' in-' irentions.Of. Meagre.. Chiekering themaelies they oombine'a beauty, delicacy; and Poetry_ tit tone which is a. ,rare charm, and semna to r depend a Ulliejl on the intelligence pat on Pm handiwork of the maker. i J . , . _ Anion - Oho leading artist s who • hail' vial ietthis country and well-khown Pianists - of Ilostei and New ork wh6. use the"."Chicker - - ing piano" p reference to ,those of other makerilia the country, may be mentioned, Thalbere, Gottschalk,; WO% Da iii lleYer; • Jaen; • • Minify, I Sa deraon, - Hoffman, Pychtiwski, • Firesid, • • 'Leonhard, • Rakeman, thirferitiei . g, , Lang, Benedict, BaSsini,• . Warren, 1 Strakosch, Pa 'km', Bristow, Gilder. . ;Pt burgh Atie6,o),J-or CHICKERING & SONSPL&NOS. El 4 (EitibliA . cd in 1831, by H: IN IMPORTANT To , The 'subscribers are the :exclusive whole- cite Agents for. the Chickerink Pianos, for I Western PennsYlvanis, Eastern Ohio add I West .V,irginia. Special , arrangements .enable . I them to sell at exactly. the !same_ price as charged at the 'F'actory in Bost ii, thus saving freight. insurance and risk; of transportation - to pureiiasers residing in or; west of this city. • Tit e Sdbicribers ,give , , particular attention to the *lection , of p their stock, visiting ithe Factory nearly every 'month for this purpose: 1 their ePerience - in j the business,• musical skill, and practical knoWledge of the menu-' 1 facture,cd Pianos, enable , them is select the very best instruments that Messrs. Chickering prdducs.• . I i ' , - • r ... ' ' Every inatrumedt warranted fer 5 years. `133 , Itke man - ufac.turerland the subsciibers. Per sons, ii a distance -desiring further informa -1 tion should address the subscribers, who will !be hippy to send them rpost paid.) drawings iof the various styles Of Pianos, prices, ac.— ' oi a Pianos taken in exchange. . CHAS. a MELLOR Sr. CO.. • , Si. Wood Street;, I Between 4th St. awl Diamond Alley_. • Pittsburg,! Pat ortp)JANs' couliT SA LE - 'OF - .1.3.A.1-14111-= BYvirtue of an prder issued out of the Or phone Court 'peaver.county, the under signed Executor of thelast will and testament of MatthewiElder, late of - Eider's kills, in said County, dec'di will expose to wale by public'vendue ,or out:cry, on the premises on Fftll).:4,Y, MAT 18th, :1566, . . . . at,l O'clock, p. m., all the following describ -led real estate of laid Matthew Elder, dec'd.: . .Ist. ;AU that tract. <Aland situated - 1u • Dar ; lingt on and South Beaver townships, in the County. aforesaid,'bounded on the west by land of Wm. IL Knight. ototshe north by other lands I of sag testator, recentl y sold' to Elder and ,Mc f Geehan, on the east by land of :Taxies hi'Mili-' lin and other lands 4f testator, and .on the -south by land of Thomas F. Elder, containing about 86 acres, ahougatkcleareil: on which are erected a large lice.: to ; brick Store Ifouse, with t - Bwelling Horse- aitafiht4 cellar underneath, double portico to dwellmg;' a 'irezroe two story Brick Woolen Factory, with a 'basement 'story of stone, and with•all necessary machinery, titers=. infcr Carding, Spintu;ng, Ireaaang, Fulling„4c.; 'thet building and machinery being in good or-' . - der, and of capacity. sufficient fora large mane= 1 fecturing basmess. The whole Water power of the Little Beaver creek is available far,menit -1 ficturing purposes at this point,, and the . Dam, Race, &c., are .tubstantial and in good order. 7 Aldo, ; 's. good . two story._ frame j dwelling '1 house, with kitchen attached , double porch,&a. 1 Al o, a good double frame barn, with good !stone foundation, and a large' wigon shied and 1 corn-crib.- f Also, • / two story frame ware .houSe,'end two hewed log tenant Louses en the j premises: ; . - '-• ! •. 2d. l All'that tract of land situate In 'bar lington tp., to said county,-bounded 'on the West by other lands of the said testator, re- 1 cently sold to Elder & hi'lleehan, on the north by lands of S. C. dhambeilaiu, en the east by , landi ~df George lioffmen aid - Reuben Watt, 1 I and en the south _by lands of James M'lttillini; 1 eontaining \ about 150 ' &ores,' eboist, 120 acres °cleared * Ind under cultivation; ' (r eserving, however,. as appurtenant . to ,the preuthses first above desori ed, the right and privilege ,of 1 \ t, bakitig the ater up the creek on this tract; by the' dam nw erected upon said first:men- II tioned•Premis , or any dant of same .heighth 1 that May,,her alter be eected• thereon); on IL which }s erected a • large two -story Stone, Dice: ling - 1101434 witgood cellar underaiath,:and \ slog kitchen att ched. 'Also,.. large he - wed • log-' baXii, . with ood stoiM foundation, and li \l other out -baildin s. ' Also, its:o em all -frame Itenent houses . Wit stone basso:tents, end • ono ' 'hewed! log tenantouse, with beipment story of stone, &a., &c. l . . I .- ' IJ ,D • 'The' above aro , v lual:Ae farm"a; 'are located' i I about 4; .milee from arlingtonoind ebetit If 1 milea ut fro the 'prese t- terminus of the, Dar- lingtonleannel Coal silread, and are imme diately i\ , upon the proje led Railroad from New j Galilee; on the Pittsbuir:Ft.---WISt C. Railway I down the Valleyef the ittle Beaver, - throngh . the coed and oil \ region to blasgoir, on the ' C, &P, R. R., at the Ohio river. - - 'l ll .The , imprev - ements on rte tract above-de- Scribed are 'very' valuable.', l l Ths,water - Power, is excellent and well impro'ke'd The Faotolyi and Other buildings are welt and subitantially constrnete4 and the ° looatien lt good one for I \tnanufeaturing purposes. : ',- 1 •,. ? detention 4 also ,called, to tikfact- th at' these farms die 'fon the Little Beaw,lui abets: 10, \ alike , above the eadiraf,ed Maid Ann' oa Willi: cl said i ere* tind the tendency of the; oil develcipmente I at 'pre:lent being..up said creek, it is believed that in addition to their I selin for, farming and• menufaiturtig.purposes, they must coon be,: come Valuable Oil Laid& .. . . . . 1 : Tanits.--lne-third of the', puichase Memel, • • • on the' confirmation'of the sale 'by the court, balanee;in two equal, -mintal payroente, . trait , the date of the confirmation of., the sate by the i CA4rt, vilth. intern* beck payliate to be se-, cured by bond and mortgage;' ' t - -- • - •:, • For furthet information apply to the iihis:residenee;,nearlhe lireinlies.t or addriemihith is DarlingtiiiiP;,'o.. - -, Beaver Co.:. Ps.- ; ' i • I ,- , - • ' BbIiIBEIki•FIATT, r. Ear oe,ibc. I a it — will a ferattheirßlier.l" . deelti. 111, 'epr'66, • • • .' • ''' •' • • - cultitAND, AlpAt WAN:7Mb rfOSAIA . Put of 2 5,00015 et of poi% N at sit cites Viet« two ( 2 )‘' . foot loth; toy thousand,(so.ooo) oiluare Yards Of, p O 4, pasi t i 'to g xic - Addreoi MONAGH 1i.5.W.13; Box 297 Alleiheol city, . - t4 - 41.18:6t 1 i . E—xuTOtrs zioig,2, mr.i!ettltE.Aosf jiottalt,..ttiv: ritp,: - ,._Bastrar--vouaty r, Uen gran ted !to the undersiliattii knowing thimselves'lMltyml- to 1 are requested tozr made unandiate eind those l oving claims vi,ifiit k i;; 443. present theta properly" autheen'eiteti for tlement» , _i' ""—: 4 :.- . , ... NDBEW W A.TTERSON; It aprlB'6o: ' :' .1/hloto,„1; ME . . OR:PE A WO, 0 OTT T BY virtue of anlorder of the 046 of Beaver. county, lht.„„uildezick. ecOtor.ofi t he last yill arid l catitieat - fo .1 4 'Wright, j , e of thiboroigh of Eloolcitowl said comity, .dated:, ar,lll expels to sil, pulelicaendue. or Ttt.- - ety'; ek .a.. phi FilfDA4 7 ifeti:lB 186II' st r l o'clock„. p. r ll- 4. 811 . the rO/ owil l 'id„ real estate of said Rob‘rt lY I: • 1 g I d situate in Green tornallip. lathe oil:ll'.Fri' i said :' 1.! An the Coal anleq-4 priTile • ,! I ridge-of land bouided 55f01d,,,. 4 „,Z ginning at a Post-On 11. Lau44,14 . ,,t,,., ISI 331 degrees, W Di" p:i r , l l 3 " . th ;T: degrees; E 8, perches, thenci by larir . 1, of ; James Jeffrey,l'S ,11l de,treen, t 1,, perches; Atence S' 61t * deg riles. E;:',31 1 .1,,,., ches to 4„ peat. ihettee Si '571 tleg4V„... '' perchers, thenCe 14 28k :degrees, E. t , 7, perches, thence ili 135 dekree.+, E ; Itw "thence, eence by land of, Jh.m.es Camera,"; 47 1 g'rees, W 29 2:iqiiierChe3 to place el 't bag, containingi: 11 acres and 51 . 7. r. hit the right of !road te and from !I;:. t: 's =any ilifferenti 'place! an i neCe3.5l7,A, ii .“c . i. 2 ilo .rt ou l s o t t ol o v f n g i t o litt u n n i c l ie s ( itl s t_at t e u ..l o n lii tl e t: • i said deed., Eby . land of • Jackson Ewe. S by lauds of l'en'ny sari Wallace, tad i Public road: - conl T ainingaboitf 2i aer t . 4 ,; les the old ••Mill §.git;' - and on w'uich if ;Cd a franie stable.] '— ' - Ell gn SEIM . 8. 4._ bat of land situate partly:in ti Of Hookipi t own, and partly in Greer nil N by laud of ;Thomas lauglllia, town llots of : _said borouzh; S E I road. and; W by f i nales Patterson's Ist titining about 14 acres; on which is'en „ . frainebarn' : 'l , -1, .1 , • _ I .4' A lot of . ground. situate-in tb - e. aforeAald•l bounded N by thej publie, i • .'1 hy lands-of Thonnia ,Laugbliii aud .1 oil Sl.)y lot of Xfavid',Eamsej. and. W bp' D. M. , Donaboi);, nontaining 7 acrei perches: all deared and fenced. 5: . A 14 of gruntl situate to tke, aforessid bounded ' •by public rood to GenrgetoWn. I:illy-land of J. ha lt by public, road and W by tand o ft (t, - y(, ehoo;, containingitO acres and 182 peici . 43. A iot - of- ground situate Mille ' of licloksiown aforesaid, bottade..fN.by ' road, E by lot ofl Thomaa w r i. it - i„ t t. 4 to • John. S. Littell and W by lot )1 .1; Po containing alto:Alone acre, on wEci hi eel a frame dwelling bouse.o•49,4rbui,Vi Schne Of tbealitivt descriledioLi - ° Nos. 2,8; 4, and Z, in ad .. .;.3 to ihe , for farming put loses, art contyleZt;i' 1 O il -Iterri/ory• The5e .. .10.9 art , Mil. , "Titian 2, to 8 miles of the rivzr. Sore ins, StilOs httvel ju2: been wade onus 'Ellett distance 1,p10w,,..ind a portion [dots Are !very faToral,ly located. TEP,:its-:-Orithird or thepurchaa4 en confirmation of sale by-thal!ourt, in two eluai annual payments_from ti, with interest frOm same tinie v ta bane:- bolik6n zoortga.B o . . _.. ail.- ....e. 41;i...wawa). aptcr undersigned atj Hookstoon, Bearer I Pa. - ' 1, ' . .'.I ... THOMAS WhiGi aplB3 Ex'r of t4it frill of RAI.” -Wri;it, SPRING 111.LitINitaY ii; . • , r 2 :AV : - 00(.` 4 - • • ..1 fft,$ . I.V: I 3,i,ILIANEIti = AND iupE EMPOfIIUS _ - ' . 3E3 G. X2 - `IIT Silk and Siraw all clia,litesc'ity:o • b LAadies' 1 -1" ' -c'e a. 1 1 ' . Cliildrenel.S• Hat*, ; . ~ , • • LargFs oak, 1, Latest Styles; ill she p lia.xxii.riligi • Ni_,l, " Ruches ? a amia', veil) c h eap .. R.bbons, 114 ' i'lausee, Ornament&• Fang and 31tied . Cordi and 'l;assels, hair Roi's Neils, FaiLoy COmbs, Fancy sad go Collars, tinbroideries, all kia.a. Shia i Liilen liaridkeighiefs, Corsits. press 13 ' Biside.t;crds ai' Rah's, old Lidies' Csl , . LA tE FIN.E 13ASKEr S, licosi t er;• bisE7 BI • LAG I 'WHITE B ALllO.t. ATa SKIIt I rS.,IkiEN lc BOYS' .101DP(.' SKIRTS: CLOTHS.. gig*ECO3Xg 4 ' Tastini IF 'id Gaiter!, 0-aPir it • I kap. 11,111.Theee g#,de will be Bold to'sllor GOOI NEM "lurirtrirk ers". Bonnet; Rau altered od psai C . ZIAT. ; Stain' ", Pinking an Cltak ti t and milking on short Dello )4491'114C:4 midi to order; meabies rir Remember it, platit-r °PI AIM if . Hirst. eerier Bride ket 'streets, Bridgewater. ij •• • ' - 6t- • t• f:1-111?)tsiGrAt Mr MAR', EIM MEE GkitYls ti~~l v Ml} , G MEI i I , BRIDGE WATER • '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers