la II ~:'::Tifg: ' , , .BEAVEßtklifii/S''A April ;OPI oCaiL Mfp).!::giMPlM, it:. Pitts ., birvis authcrisea..sgeint r foi shit' Attairs i n .) ilkit city. • liiritev• J..K a ti11 it.0 4614 V4.4 t., the 44. Church in Bearer,* weekOs' splendid B oa and llymn book. J . wit tinyenrs writs made s like presentation r the esme church. is,The editor of the Erie - Li/afinge*- h i * commenced snits spinet several Parties' for aci gag the 1/sper froth he doors of , seri- „ifirr;h2 w a in e 2¢ chine itailwaieomparty haii appointed a carps of eargeons along the line, of theiiroad, who are to be-called is all cases} cif injury to passes.. jer n i..of employees of the Toad. • - , sr' 31'Oture,tha young man who rob bed the safe °t i the „PitCsburg, ,Pt. - Wayne & Chicago R. R., some Months ago, Was last sent lo the realtexiqary for three years. . , I or, We are authortzd to announce the name of James I. Iteed, ref Darlington, 'as a 'candidate for the 'MECO .o i f Superintendent. • a Common Schools of BOILTOr County. !Instate, Parntear..4he First National Bank of Titusrille,whiciiemporarily suspend ad,i in consequence of Celer, Penn & Co's fail ure, has resumed Payment. Theistoekholders of the Sauk came forwerd end stipplied funda.: : , ...........: .1 . Or Col:11M cintlollll6l.—A meet ing of the Union County Committee Will be held at the Sheriff's l i#Bee in: Beaver, on Tuesday, the Ist day of May next, at 1 'o'lOck, P. M. A full attention is desired. , - • ' .D. L. IBIBRIE, Ch'n. . . AVIBIE SPRIXI.-4iiines Little and F. P. 1 .. G. Tiller gni& oil on t - tilLittlo Besier, be men 014gotv and the ittle Beaver bridge: It isprosouneed to be O a of t the best strikes . Jet made is the leland - liun and Little Beaver Oil 8.04. 'G. - Gordon, 1t5.,.0f - bus appointed by Goi.' uttin, ;Judges of the sew Judicial' District, termed by I.the itig ialsture during the session list closed. It comprises the ecunties o f Mercer ar i d ir,enan go, leasing Judge - Camplaell th e-counties of Marian', Jefferson and V. rest. I -TACING On HEADS. - sent to the Senate the Zobiesott to be Poston! tree 8. Riddle rem:ied; to be Collector of-Inter itilegheny City Distri c t BT.iOrRHENT - tl. —By the. Common achitell.itiv of- the State it is made the duty • .af:Bireeters "tit publish an annual statement of the amount of gooneys received arid expend ! ad, and the amount du& from colieetors, and• sottlig forth :11l the Ansaeial operations of the . t.iniriet;in not less thatitc& w ritterror' printed, • Xi - n*ll4g, to be put nP in , the mestlpublie . piseesin teas tlietrict."- • •. dispstrh to t7Pittsturg commercial itilliThit:the steamer l;Saint Claud sunk en • Sunday., lost at - .Brown's/slantl. near „Steuben:. l She i 4 now lyingl ttn the bar, with the .etster just over be iita desk. It ia ,thought. sin be raised. No lives: wee loot. ==:= 131ATZ Ctiminittee or, location of the State Fair hare not concluded where it shall beheld, but in all probability it will be loons; of tho eastern counties. It is intirna- . . 4:l' that Erie will he- selected as the pleco•for the , eshibitiott of 1887. EinIIITION At FstrEPost.—An exhibition willbe,given in the M. E. ettnrch ~ Freedom, ea • to = morrow • ,(Thursday) eveniag, coin mincing at 7 o'clock, P.. M., for' the bene fi t 4.f the Freedom M. E. S. school. The exhibition will Consist of lit erary' performanees.tablemix, te., and wilt be _interspersed with both voeal and instrumental music. Admieeion, LO cenfe. • , - Mr The Monongahela R•puLlican of the 19th Payer On Friday last some farmers engaged in plciWing on the farm of 'Squire Shannon,in Fallowteid township, this county, witnessed scene somewhat- strange to this neck of wood!. luau adjpiniug field somesome-ewes and lambs were} uietly grazing, and while The at tention of the plowman was directed to them, by remarks of some one in the crowd, a large , American eagle was seen to' sweep•down, and veiling a :week-old• lamb. with a loud scream flew off far. above the , tree-tops, bearing the bleating in its talons. This sudden rise in mutton so astonished the farmere that for a - while they maintained a silence not unmixed 'with admiration; but,' recovering - themselies, eet,op a sbqut and • halloa - -Which-seemingly frightened the proud bird,for it let go its hold, ltd the lamb fell to the grOund with a force illicit reduced it to a state of tUutton chops _and sheepskin -in a-very short itPace of time. The bird sillilingers around the neighborhood 4 "ij good mark ,for sportszien, , who have tins far been unable, however, to bring him lotto earth. . • - • The Italian Artistes, Rho"have boon delighting our- public- this -leek, says the Pittsburg Gazcitte, with their ',leach! ,renditions of some of the finest and • most favOrite eperas, have just written the fellowleg letter; whit& 'we copy e+„ : "After much experience in using the Piano Portes of Messrs. Chickering dr. , Sors' fseture; arc fully convinced of their. most - ,oteelleht and unsurpiussahle'qualities. • They imam 'Lot depth,power and evenness of tone, Puled with, sympathetic and singing quality, which supports perfectly ; and blinds most „ it ratonious: ery y with the hemp voice makin 11 tos v -desirable instruments for aceogut tie the voice for Singing. For our ope-, % performances . re find - them perfectly . &lotted, Ind recommend them ,most heartily to the Public." ' • - (Signed) AngielHaa Amalie Paul Strakelloh,_ • - Pauline Canis's, M. Francisco Rosa, - Angotino ling* - —A. Macie,ferri. - • • : t , t _ii...tosplen t lid M. Strakosch. ned tiPright Piano' used et , i r t-I Poto., is one of “Cbjekering's, " as is also th'eoasisentitu Mononhahela Muse, for g.irr. menO t" foling their stay; both furnished, 10 • 11,,,,,,,:r. the i Piano dealer, on street, and the exteLe sole ve tegeit.- foi the re _ I!'llortiocesset in -another eoNtrun. - ;‘, • A • --- 141 1 1 r 4 .arliOt. For some time past it haimen r e . porte4iiitatAoFilritql / Mi k iitsike 1 4 ,on the Slipperyrock creek, a Aiken's fcirdidg, 4 iiL kispikpit tityi ioectithiciknisi iitiantitieb Of oil was . itiniirq - lito tfie ereek,for want of tankage. 1 Weeknew that therdivaa 'Alin that - TieinitY, wi th° V0i1in5. 1 . , .. / ,Smith;vrialibeit beeirpt,s clueing from twenty to thirty ;barrel, per day .when"pumps pv tor soma timer patit;_ however, we. douhted the re:. vire tbSit "tbe- well-Ot . 'di' iriaiWiedee, Petr,oleum Conipan3i' was pr oducing the arnotint stated . .. , , L ,On ,Ttiesdaw _last we went out with Mr! It, f ,thiPsup4ilatendeei r end manager 'of the',; works land It' couple. ot- other :- gentlemen, , fon Ind i !. hb engine in .motion' and. , the;Well yield. • ing a large amount of oil. Th news 'of the big strike bad brought , i uita a number or Ipersoris I promo) .frbrn dif forent sectioni.. 4entlenno who had that Ithe well wee prodnein -Oil at the Ba relent' 200 barrelis every .tir enty-fdqr• bcinfe;,,Others estimated ritlat•rnore - --71 -We retrained on the gronnil for -fltie or iiix . . hours', and then with Others; tested bv actual , time ,ands ineasned iriont , 'tie anoint .prociaoid. A' pail I fufl of pare oil would paps I breg. i the tube connecting the!' titokS ;in twelve seconds -.14 pail full of '.:oil and water AR it came from the %tell ,pasaedi into the.bucket in len seconds —the Icif and water'; wall. then lett ! standing's few , minutes. when the wit ! ter was drawn off and Me r l oilkin the, Irbacket was the prodizot et the Well in ten seCorlds..Whieti was a !;trifle, over ( onegallon. iTbis experimant was tri ed several' times.: so !!> tt+t all present were satisfied tlia.t ii yield was one gallon in , that time. At this • rate the 'predict of tho wolf w aid be 360 gallons per :hour, makin 18640 li gallons in twent y -font beers, a,little over '2OO barrels. We nOtie d the worklngi of the well for Paid, time and Were inclined to thcjoiiinpn that the amount of bilproducedae on the 6icre,ase.l -Mr. Lawrence h ad tankage np to bold tiwo thousand - harrels, and tin a few days will have tAnkage for 1 fourtet l in.hestdred barrels ie addition. I.f fluent of oil bovir . produced P.: ,- ' the pi.,fits of r c r this well. , wt ' tare with r an.) , other 'well, as 1 , the.oiVis of szperfor quality for W- I brieriting .purposes.; Thejr eng ine is -- 1 kept in, motion (day and niKb ! and at. ' fist reports the well was yielding oil lin ahoet the same , proportiOn TO l above stated.-Lawrence Journal.!l 1866. The J;resident Ives nine of Andrew - L'. .1. et Allegheny, Ps. nd W. F. Johnson Revenue for the. 1 1 vice D. - White re- , 11§r,The body* a woman, Isuppos. ed to .!!!c r about fifty-fire Ye t t rs IcHf age, was found floating in the 'Obin. ' river, near Freedom, on Saturda 1- .- She had , on a ; black ',dress, i snilte i l hoed, blue (. Eitockiligs and low eboeS. Coroner 1 M"Coy held an Politest, when the jury , came to the tr3nclusiou she txtts l 'drown... , ed, us there was no mar ks'li3f violence - on her person.. A one ;dollar bill; twenty fire 660 in ,Periii, slid three copp_ors.werefoand on he ferson. She was buried. in the pub l i c butying gryund at that_ place. Any. tafe,rtna..l Hun *fluted thliy be had by ,caihng en; T. GI item ht IFrJettorli. • 1 i - - 1 1 _______—..., ---- --- 1 iliCke' t . Pardee's Drug StOre, in Ito-, - I chate , ma f y be fotina the'largest and befit selected lot of, pitints loilsr &c., ir. 1 1 7i r the county, siltich h o prop,n3es toliell 1 , 1 ~. at about cost prices. We !visited the i . 1 DruA§tort. a few'days sinee.and found evelytr i hing as reprer!ented.l Mr. Par dee'll, a gentleman, and not, only trcatsr custorders well, bill; sells- to diem at low rate -- • 1 1 "---;----*:.-..--- 1 -!--, • ffirrfhe _Etna Oit,Company struck , , ..cil au ..k.,.... ......,_ 1 a fine iihow 'of oil on Saturday last.— . f , , Frem what 7o team we haVe no doubt 1. , they,l ) tave'a fine well. This well is on the ioperty: owned britliel•euVer Ctitint l y Oil' Company :,and Ali -first l: Well; ..lowp. ;'Wo , expect. to hear: of other strilces ,on this propei l tYOon. x . A Strty. Bnica.—On the wrist: o Iltirch last, 'Air! William-McClusky shot and crippled a large bird, on the farm of the ‘rido l w Satter field, in Piilaski township. It measures fire , feet dine ofinches from , tip to tofthe r *ings.- We saw it a few days 'since—it is pr l onounced ,by some to be a Turk. 'Vulture, a native of Java.' It ma' e ` be—we do not iknow.Latc 'rence .TournaL . i i .1 1 CON'InEFS has decided that none of the Riker, arsenals, militaVy posts of .naval stations- belonging ko the Uni. 1 fed', States shall bear t-t‘leinain l e, Of a. disloyal personage, lisr. le ahoy way be Used to perpetuate the memory of a traitor._ Of course the spiel heads will object to, this is a wrcing.i Tilos. SUIFI.DS, Convicted of the de— liberate tnarder °tamer. named Robert Tailor, was hung at , LibliY, prison, in Richmond, on ,Friday. He f.vas im— penitent to the last. i;lcuser and %user, the Paul—M - andYt'i murderers, were hung at °Ebensburg,. Cambria county, 'on the 4me day. ; 1 Elficott, a youth of has I executed' in plaster, i 1 statfuo of the late Prestdent which has been placed in4th at Viashingtot., ,where it at:lra attefiti3h. • ' 'r title of P2ter Seriatie be divided equally between ~! and,3l.r. Sumner, both oe l l w. tared, the Senate at the same t now count sixteen years of co seivice. `-' foundation th ment to - ihe memory of the Roldiers of Venango county, tieing laid in 'the putiliel a. Franklin.......:f I , MARRIED On tbi l 7tli hut.; bylth J o'ney J . -. illOl4ll 13.' Omni - Ivy; of • PiUsnrir i „ to Miss `cif. DeOior county, Pa., Os the 16th ofhlerlibe is* Oft sire, :gm°, eon of Ittiert stecittsith eieri'ef iee,doto iei - coonti • =►g ►teen, life-size I Lincoln ? Capitol •ts much ust:now r. Wade , om en tine, and ntinnone e monn •o^eaeed ia now :care at WE'D: otitis S. Jeer - . 4 ;_~ ; The stosdr Las sensibly M6,tc,ded, intim to the Bliallenberg their auto heavy - 1441'A1: - They eye: most daily ithanglig, and I with o'r downward tendency.... This .rnsuckt;•Jiowever i they will say.:. With . 1 Dili '-kniile4ge of chi Grocery batineeePthef bail; the' bet;4 'tiaitlß*l of Goode to,be found pi . the best-niiiirots, a te the lowest cash rates,.ind hive resoled to eell'them at an unusually smali-preliti --- • 7 ' "' —'' ----''' 1 . Viii ' ...-." Goods for '' disiiiit . -- Tiaintie,' are I .carifullY, packed,. plainly marked, aid delivered , free of Charge, at either e tif the railroad nations, or on board the traine,..Whei f reight ! is!, prepaid. .. , _ Uric, . i. Rrtass al. qa/11 1 4.11.111 . • ; iia - Dealers in Groceries and, Ceaswartu '.l .. i , ...1 • ,B 'a water. Pa. ~., ..,.. To. Cast:arta:ea.—A nit b e of 1 - l#nditatee 1 hive a lread y handed it&th it amen forlintili 7 ention. • As !the -County Cony ntioiy(ill not likely be ;celled for some' weeks yati_. ire will I not publish the names at Preseat.J ; CUr charge 1 fo :inserting names. will belie folleWei, • ; _ Senate,' Assembly, and Judge.....'....44;06 Sheriff WO Register a Recorder ' ,i , 4,00 ' ' Commiesioner and,plerk'of potirto:J.4,oo ' Poor House Director and Auditer . ... 1, - 90 ••• I t.t , t) name , will be published, unless aeeompa, nied witl4.the money— gandidatesi: or their their friendO, who desire to accompany the an- iuMneetoept.with a; card .will be ehirked firel cents per line, which ts hilt our usual *dyer- tieing ratia! , ' , 1 1 ' 1 , To the School Direeteieof #eaver Co; Ger:ulnas :—ln pursuance of the forty tbird Beet on of the set of May; t 854, amend ed .during the, present year, yot are hereby notified to meet in' Convention it the Court House, ikEeiver, on the first Tnaiday in May, A. D. 1866,itieing the first; day 4f the month, at 1 riclockin the afternoon, and select viva rorr, by a nrajority of the wholeilinmber of Directors present, one ferion nfilliterary and scientific aciluirements,'and'of Skill end expe rience in,the art of teaching, sa County Su iserluitendent for the three eucctding years. determine the amount of cbmpin, tiOn for the same, and.certify the reeilt to te - Htate' Su perintendent, it • liarriabnrg,- reciuired by the thirty-ninth and fortieth 4 , e i tions of said act. • J. I. REED, Co: fictrrintendent.. •Darlingten, Pa., April fitb," ' EVAITER -MAR_ ~.•• • . B - 1 i 1 ; -I,9OGBLOTED YW. 088. Flour per bbl - _ ried Apples per bus • I ' l. '1 ;1 2 05 50 7 D 1 , , do Peaches. , •• • : I ' '! _' 500 Wheat:. - I ' .. - -....; L........ . . ..... 1. 00 I J 75 Oats . . -• ! " I ' -,1..... ..... . .4o i Flax Seed, 44 ' 1 .: . 225 Deans, - ' - ' i • 175 Potatoes, " . ' , i' 1 :, 100 1 Onions 1., - " ..., ... :.. ....i.L ! -1 , 60: Corn Meal,i - " ' 1 .. .... , 1. :/..4.,... . 80 dos.:.; Eggs, - t . per dos.. ' ' . 1. f . . - 20 flutter, i: ; per Ib r ' 1 -.' 'I. 1 ,,... ;50 Hams, t .. - ' 1 is 25 Bhoulderic •• - • - - ' • il'• 'lB Sides. % .. ll ". ' 11 ' , • - • • . 20- Tallow, - -1, .." ' , • 15 bard, •- " . _ •.' ' t Candles. H • " ' * - - i 'll -1 ...•. 20, - 1 Molasses, - P e r e n - - J , • 90 Carbon oil,r - :: ; :l 1 # ' ' 70 ? • L::1 - , - 1 ILI ' i • • • . , um i a k. PITTS BUR G S.: , z!A • ' . 11( , ; , :nA.Y: A pril '1%186 Seans--Clover is dull at. $5 596,6 • 00; tim otby is scarce; flax. seed is noniinal: ats2 50 per buihel. . i •• POTATOES Sales of 101 • bits'aels peach blovis;sl! 20from store—sales 00 barrels do 143 60; 100,-lio $3 59; 25 do $3 .75. ' Inferior t parcelisold•at lower 'tires. .1 1 HAT—Sales 181 .ds at t he scales; at s22® itil per tun: a - aterial advance, • j , Sales -40 bales'on*harf $2O. - 1 . 1 notrit—S ' 110 bbls S10;'50;i 86 bbls $lO t.O; 90 Is do choice. •$l . l 00. Swing ' , Wheat, 'sales i bbls store, $9 '00; 1 130 do in lots $9 00, 1.. Cusrms----Sales, 100 b?ses Goshen from I - store, 24 ®2sc. Hamburg; 28c.11 - ' I DRIED 1 Arrits—Sales a, _l5 bbls 'Eastern i 16c.. •' •'. I .. f Brirsi—Sales 10 . pkgs, rail, 42c; 7 'do 40c,, l and 4 do:choise, 45.. ~, ; 1 I - I. • EGGS—Sales of 16 bbls iit201,,21c. Pricei appearcd weak. ._ il ! . ! ! : . GhoCratiss—Sugar—Sales of, .liilei. at 12® 131 c; Porta Rico, 12.1®14ei Al _ ,16C; 11; 15/c; I crushed,• 17c. Coffee—Ssiles Iweri made at 26.30 235 c: „Molasses—Sales. of tPorto Rico at I 75e,871c; sorghum, 4.10®75c; - qhoice,-80q,/ , 85c per ge:iimi. ! ; , 11 ' - I Gastir,-•--Whelit firm; sales of 2 cars club at Fsl.'99; salee;of. 1,000 built rad at 12 15. Barley firm, with salrs Of Lspri g at to; fall. l9oe. Rie=Sales of Pennaylva is on delivery 'at 75c.. Oats wgie firm :,sales iiif 900 bush at 50c; Corn. 7 -70® 5.0 . 1: I.lscus—Sh ers,l 114 c; et cured hams, 20i ( - 1121 c, li. „LARD epIL--Sales of 20 b bls (x 167. I . • 1 t! • 1 I ! . ' -! i • HO I -EVERY lIMMB, BOOT EMEDC)FE,I ItOrDIICTION - A I :.i f: • PURCHAS . . AVIA& just reeeived a , large..iteck or 'A lES', GENT'S 3O' ' & CHI.: • DREN'S SII.OES'SCOTS. .1.. ... • • GAITERS SLI -' - • PERS, 1 &p.,'.1 • • '. ' For Spring and EiturTer Wean .9 r .:_. FROM PHfh.t.ORLP lA;< ' ,I-am prepared to acoomModate yl:old milts mere and the public -genetigly I base the best selected stock ever offei,ediw Beaver , par ebeeed at reduced prieee, andiwill be sold et low that purehasertiwill be reminded :of olii times. If any: of the ist opk sold should 'rip, II will repair it'free of chirge.-I Thankful for pest:favors, I stillclaim* li nil share of public patronage..: , ',.ILOBT T LLON, ', - lit:0 di/4nd') . 4 1 ilitAliTft, YA. aprlB A.DRINMTRATOWS NOTICE. -1 1; 1 ,ETTERS'ot administration on the estate I . 1. 4 of Janis ditraaavistsi Of.D lington town ship., Bearer Co. dco'd,'havi I been issu ed to • the' underined. • alt. pa - indebted are required - to make inlindistelpaYmert, and Ads. having alaime,will prima. them, yrop orly euthenticatelfor settlement. 1 ,• , ~ NATHAN RAM:" duttnistrator- •-• spr4'66: - , ' Darliotton tp. • ' • i j ?* ~ F IMI 15c: 81gar t o. 1 at $1 65 =MIZE ODY • _ SHOE I Efflli 1 1 Its.: Elll =S AT,, f ME r:'u rti, r _ - - - IJINFaItY t•o -• • _Nv. %T),sr ns.trumN'o. f •z. A DS ifON EMPOItICIt. 1101 ' .RIOGILWATER ' I 7._. - • - - ,-, -,,, . .'i: ... ; • .1. . CO: INT' M! ' • • ..'_' ; k l-- '..! *r E 1 • 'l,l i' N 3 - i i Silt and 8 I w 'ill tliW Utiles. stylSi. 'i : - ''-' ,'' -: 'T : . ' •ji lAgidieS? 9' . NEISSeII a a . . } - • Chi l dren'sl, Eta. v ! ! I ! , '''' iar i fe stook. Tgaocsork: alt di es • • - 4 1 ' w i ll i4 - '..' .. 1 • 1 All kinci,;', 4, ihtep. Kbbons; ,' iiwersll Hushes, Milkmen. Ornaments, , Tane,7 Bihar: and-blazed cerde and Missile, Hair Bolls, Haiei Netts, Wane 4. Clink, ' Fancy aid itotbsiat Collars, Embrojeliwies,sli Ems's,' BM,A. rrefasti,,i Linen Handitereideta, Corsets . Dress !Buetselli.l Braids, C9rdiandilelesoold LadSies'aps.ite.l . - LADI22P.,!INE BABKWFS, Hosiery, ! ;, az, • 1:31-1Ovelu! I' - • • l " I 1 I ' - I BLACK *A *ELITE BALIiORALi SKIBT%Mas,r & BOYS' RATS, I ' go P ''AIRTS. ' LA-1. , ' i 1 MKS' CLOTIIB. .'l,-. . 1 • - • ' -I :., • ;!! ! ''.. _} . ''' ~ SESTaCCoMEiI. ...-. ? . , billing and . Hid GilterS, cheaper tbad ever. *These goods will be -sold. veryidi;ap: l NO -TROL*B.L't to 8801 V .doOlia _„ • - _ ~. t- ,-• ... , 311E/13.1.32,03r3rii. . -I Stria. Bonnsrd Hats altered snd lelesned,s , lissr Citssr, In alllitidg,' i i nking and flask cattlag i , acid anklagite'short notate. • i Men's 'Mks I:lade i,o Order; miscible stitchfig. • . We BS:nether' tbli_ . - plact 4 *Setts tb i e store of A.C. thirst, oernetl-Bridge slid, U - ket streets, Bridgeirsisr, . I . I , .1 - , 1 i: !' WATT GEA:LY.L .. . T H E . 625,. : , 1 - Union B l iusigess -, Colleg !. i . „ . . . ',.. . . . Handel eatidti ' Hall, . I"' Eighth (ma Spring Garden strefts, - 'i 1 I. 2 I3ILAI;ELPPIA / PA. • - ' . 4 . I ' l'. 1 . . TilomAs MAY .PEIRQ.E., A M, t, - PrisiderifiandilCon'sultineiouniant. 1 • •• '-1 • ! —.--' . '., -'I , , ; Fattraordilary Imiacerieutttl . - .:1 .I- .1 -, • i - 4el and hirinanent A; rangenient ofl,l ' r 13 . 486ie'se 'College Tirinc - .. f 1 Fro .Apr i l 1r t o Ootober 1 4 .11866; I - .17M L st''CE.Zl)l3l2 I:gititil. ' '— . i I;trn Scnotansnirs, inciringßook*eeTiint, Busineais Co r rresPoinlen e, Fortin and Cos ', toms, - Comilercidi Arnlinietic, 11usinfqts Peakiwanshil4 Datecting.Counterfeit Money, and CommerCial l Law,. ' . 4 . ~ '' _Tvilis `I%,FIVE DOLLARS . ," SCHOLAII.SHIPII, incitutini ,the same Sn i bject , ~ as,abore: "c2C'llyn ad . :o three mach:, i .' ' • TWENTY TIOLL4I..EtS..;. ~ Penmanship, Thre Lonths -4• •$7 Penmanship and Arithmetic, three mod, 10 i 1. The savingi f coal and.. gas in the sunimtr a mouthy is an ailvaniage of such itriportance _enables the in akiagement °aids college 'to make a considerablti'rethictiOn suostnOr 'rt4es From October I,' 140, .4pri/ '1867,„1 And aucteeding Loears, as before,. • Life Scholarships ' ; $B5 Scholarshipss months , 25 Penmanship, 4; months ' ' 10 Penmanship-arid Arithmetic, 3 months ..... 12 . . , Special terms forrlabs, Soldiers, and for the sou of Minisirrs and Teachers., .1 Day and evening initracnon for both ems,allagee, Id banking, storekeeping, bookkeeping, pen manship, ' pen !drawing, phonography, arith metic, menturatiou, algebra,* geometry, the calculus, navigation,jurveying; engineering, gauging, mining.. mechanical drawing, t em mercial law, ,Merman, telegrap:iing, and the English branch'es, at moderate peices. 1 Endorsed bith6 public as the most successful Business College of the country,' as is evidenced by the fact, 'that. I ' , .Four Hundred .and ;Two Students have entered in the • - .1 ' FIRST FIX MONTHS or Ire EXISTENCII. Principe,* Of DePartments. - TlionAll MAY Patacx,:, A. M. I George B. Snyder, R. S. Barnes, ! C. N. Farr; • ,J. T. Reynolds, Henry Reim, A.E.Rogereon A• • M.,C.E. Supported by an able Corps, of Aatiotanta.l . or - eend for a catalogue; . College, Currency, and pierce's Practical Educator. I OFFICE.-531 North Eighth Street. aplB:2m • THOS. 3L, kEIRCE. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.' ETTERB testamentary on . the es .I_4' tate of Jon Ewmo, late of Recooen twp., Beaver e4..deo'd, having been ',grant ed to the nude lewd, all persons indebted :to said estate are requested to make immediSt, payment,and those having oliims agaiest tito estate will 'present' them to the subeeribel , prOporly"autbe4tioited for-settlement: DAVIL EWINCI,I - assentors ' ALEX. EWING, aprd'6B. • • I Raeeoal : - k i LECTION. IHE EITOCS.HOLDERE of t ! "the C, mpaitJ for erecting a Bridge' over Bearer reek, at or npai Wolf. I.ane, in the poinity Of Beater,7' are hereby notified that an Elec tion 'for: one lireaident,.eir. Idanageral;andi a trecaurer, held. in - the Toll /ionise, of Add Conipany, i in the leatidonday, (the 811th day) of April' nest,"eormeiicing at 10 O'clock, • 4.k ME& ALLISO.N; Ilreaat • MIIIIII .laiaitO/rl4. .7 ai,.... - r ff. i)1, . • -- , i,' , .:.! - •c 'F.:J. ' ;: tr ,- , 2 :7:1: ;' l, zii• -f:'d '•; - ;i:- - ; 1,4 •• .-1_ P1*1 4 1 , 9 -- FfYR`E-0:.- .- - -.. , i..-3...:•.;,, '` - rl , • ''' .., .i. 1 . : --, • non° instiamenta Row"' , .. - ::!:ii, ji. thisiOnlino T s; to!ii:- . ' • I) . iiii.b4 , 4l*_ ,, lire thokresnUi of - newly: ,_ .. isr l a'L,a.r studyi-e*riainiCind imp *: - liii„ -- 4'f_'- 'I: . 1 PftilessinAMiiteictftV ' ,thik - idt 064 er inakers touglil this „le ' . ;patifid _ fir iii. h i e cleaning ezierience, tire! tinstfoin(ibf . Wiot tf.Te. energ4ic mind liolte iboolfaisildiionstt employed hrim•feadikaliihkplo,oidbaiiaq'T4 -' 4 . -. •• • :7 -•-•••••- -* • 1 • 'f•'-' •-n '•l'.' •::-' THE 4itz.c74:470.10x 0.10x..7,400,1'' Are , lit : ,-, -....,, „ . . now i the head_ or all 4 thm..instra. na . ants, 1 nairinfaitureit' in this e..ocuaft,„k.:Por, - purity; I and - scriMityrZor' time,. elsiiitnce 1 ", fit: _l.finfA;, tb:oronghiesk:•lsind . AulabilitY" .4: -,aCliAitii e, they . rank Diramsiot 'X, s 11 - ''elt: • i , _ ,r,:, 1 With :',the „merely , mesh led eicellmich* whibh . resnlial` l oargely from . e* ingszo Ws #2 . 1. i , ventions : hiesirs. Chick. lug thsniselition - they, coat ' 11l betat.T. dell 5a7, 11 n4 poetry I of tone :Iv blin s 'rare °beim, sominesninio depend-miiinch'on the-Intel]puce as bn the handiwork Ofj 'lke. minket. , .*: : I • Among 4lAmongther aeadint artist *who * lass shil . 2 1 1 ted th is counlry. and *well-lpioirizfPlattinti of Bbstosind;New• York who- is the. ".Chicker ing Piano" ii.l preference tthose, ofi . othar makes In the; FounirYo m&Y•-kli lu r ent l 44 , 4 ' -- liaTheig, I ' Gottecitalli,[ irebll,l :De *yer, 1 Jaell,*, .: 4 ;• • Musio, i• . ...Siiiolosrson, , •,. Hnffman, I • Pychortnki, - Dreier, '-, .• Leonhard,i -, ltskemin, 134gIginbem.. Lang. : • ' Iteiedibt, • Dassini • Warren, - -•-• . StrakOW:li, o Pwrker, • Br w, I Gilder.; •-. I' -i I • '.- '--1 t .'; Pittsburgh Agen . , •!I.' ••-• I CHltammair G & fiV (Zaksbiisheci in Ica', by .7.1 I j ~ ~ lAIPOBTOT TO PI; *. ill • The subscribers . Are the clualve ..whole sale' Agents, for the Chicke lug Pianos, for WesternPennsylvanie Eastern I Olfie end West Virginia. - Special - errsgementerepable". them- to sell at -exactly th ; pane pr,lee as Charged- at the Factory in Bo ton, thus saving i t freight, inarnancir and risk 0 transportation ; to Purchasers residing in-or, iteit, Of. t hia city: ' The Subscrillets give, partieular attention to the I selection 'of :their stciek, visiting the i Factory nearly every monthl'or this Purpose; ..their experience. in - the ,b sineSe, , rainiest skill, - and prActiCall•knowledg 'of the ming . factureefl Pianeg, unable ,nthmis:. selebt l the very'best instruments that N SSrs.-phickering produce. • • ~I, I a. i ..., ! I 4 :, Every instrument warranted foisYears, by. 1 the niannfacturer• and the subscribers. I Per!- , eons at a ( , distancVesiring Anther inlet-11s tion should addree the sub . gibers. 'who will be happy to send-there (post paid,:)-drawings of the various stylee of , Pian IN p rices, I &a.-- 10l Pianos taken in exchange I i ''• I • ,CRAS.• C. him/jolt& C 0.,. ..., 1 . ..• it ', - 1 .SA Woad Steesti , I .Bet . Weeti 4th , .Bt.l and Dishiond,..All4." • :, 1 . aPrlB'66ru.l r ' I- , I ittsbuig,4Pa. .:". •.,' PIT *O3• 1 . . . . , .• NATIO 14 AL -, - - - . P ' Vi,...i'tij.-, • \ • ' - „.,.., ,• ,-' ROCHESTER .ipA i ,:',. -•- ?-,• • • i t,,. WE I MA'N.O A - Qt.U'EtING . ..,..... all the.. Varieties of - , : 1.. •- i• ~' • Steel and Oast. Irtin - Plows, . • iiiiid would Call.the Attention o theTerniers . of Beaver enunty, . wishing to purchase • - "PlOws Or Ploli t'nints io tho I I ..'. Siiiierior - ;quiet'latt - ;, . • , Quality . .of Our . - - i . . . - Work• •I. ~- i t '- , 1 .1 !I , • 55 . „.4 ILL \ORE IV irIANTED-Gia ! 1 . 1.. Tho Points ' and , Landsli4ei :fit the-corris liondingnunibers of Tit tsbarg plows. 1 1 'I. Stir Old - plow- astings bon:Alt. t lap 18:ly Co-Partnership ' lotice, t , rjr4 undersigned have entre i ed in Co l •Partu 1 ' 9,ership,' under tile falai o W ilde, Shields Co., for the purpose o . anufactUrning - Woolen , Gilods. •.., , 1 BENJ. WILDE, 4. JO ';`.l REEVES, TIIOE. 14 SHIELDS ; - 4 "; W LLIAM FISH W. F. FUNDENI3IIRG,' iS. • . ItIcELEOIt; • lICIEATIO W. IILDE. • ' , Sew Brighton, April 2d, 1 69.1 t.. 1 • 4 ' •.. Notice',to Stockholders Bmith , s Perry and Little Beaver Petrifleum CO. .4 • , , . T H w E i tit m oe ee k t ho a l t d t e l r l .gf ,;ffi . the! i ab ove toehe C sl l g an o y n I i„ • i r iAlondaye April , 6 0t h , 1866, re w eer the hours l'of 2 and 4 o'clock P. 1., Ito the purpose, of el4qting President, ":1 - irectors, lerk and Tress urer for the ensuing year, and 4te transaction' lof other business.. By order f , I M ' . DARRAOH, resident., apll-4t, ,CHAS.4B. HUR T,Eec'y.i . • ', ; N THE COURT 1 OF. COMMON PLEAS !.. of Beaver county. - N 0,43 ,, June T 41865. oreign AttaChment. I ~ 4: , ' ' i • ,• , I 1 1. • Gassr, ‘ Basstirr & Co.' vs' Jso. ll THOMPSON. - • ' 1 ! • • Jan.. 9, • 1866, Narr being pled.; t e Court l give judgment against defendant; in faior of plaintiff. Aff: of claim .tiled. for 52078 77, with interest. from 14th Dec:, 1858, Stith $37, 90 cots. ; Rule On Prothonotary,t6 liquidate I the da ages, at his o ffi ce on the 17th of May' • t 1866, at 10 A. 11... - —••, Itl. trErANT, I apr11,:66-6w. I 1 Protinnotary. i I[N TIIE..COURT OF'" cOMON i PLIAS 1 of Beaver countY; No. 83 o_ I JOtta T. 11845. ! fir -I[N Attachment. 1 - •i 'I. ..1 .. 1-1 , Ls HCHAY n Co:, f, now for O se of ff. HOMMS a i _, ~ MONsf vs. JOHN THONI.SOIL , 1 . I . Jitni 9, 1E:66, Narr filed, land the C tirt give judgment against defendant, in faior Of plain ti7. - Aff. of claim filed"fori $4 • 4-82 50, r with 'in terest from Dec. 14, 1858, together with $39, 45 cesis. , Rule ,on Prothonotary to liquidate the damages, at his office,dn tlie 17th of , hlay, 1866; at 10 A. M 4. w-ETANI), aprli,'66-6w. ' . ! Prothonotary. ! • _ j _ ,I,ilvtrt,.. - - , ecelve,d• y the. their o ffi ce in , [dice to tie Bth ng bythe;perch 11 Fours'f Run t ► be 12 ft..ispan, attaAed,i the fight of institpets 11 of ]etti . og, all emittistuotiers. IGHIET, I IRONS; - q 1 d 8 ON• minimums.. cotice-Stone EALEb propOsale will be ;County Comndstaioners, a Beaver, from the date of Ms n l i day of May next,foi the bttildi' of a stone arch 'culvert over". r tt Baden.heortiony township,. 10 ft. high, ;with wing we'll length of the ring walls and belt ;to be made krowli' at the .1,1 t inibjeet to the direetory of the J. H B JOSEP Co MI Beaver. aP rsX ; ,()VETi SEEO—liri!te; .1- . . _1 • LOUISVILLE LIME; WHITEWASH BRUSH . • • -.• SEI,4I II =RISI NG. FLOUR; , 1 7 A. ,381 For sale, at • _ • • . !* • STILESALT.EIBEIMr'S. y For PIANOS. 1 • - NELL9R.) 1141381111 I ME 1111 TB_ihlk trtZliti It A is:E. IMO filisiiilt gireietbilititokrafiaiet - - V i t Or Affkalli. attlihk9MitMaii. 4( thirlath 4 dOLOrlitiiiett; 4816, anti mild to Mad an got IdireeOrg lb. 11104 or - selliag ansiatial.litiid , fbr tates, ft.a., sad the' iieraa ildatiptest sets, supplement Baer#o..nnd . the Mend Bei la ianforsaity i t=ll l l l4""lrE ftr 111°1616 of L.--.--• iiii or', - Coonti't te, Borough, rellaellellll4l Road' taxes, and the filstleation of .. thit . ..ilitt,' ot April 26th; 1844. authorising snd diresibagrhe return and sale of all Real Es tate; as ;untested lands are. ow sold in Wit ;hallos of the tamisldiesiiiui 4paid by the °wawa thereof. 'also the'sits authorising the , tale ofj Unseated lotshl thshoiciaghs of - Bea.- 'er r . - Bridgewater.-- ReoheidAst 't- sad Nalkien beroiighttaxem_ the follow*, Icits midi trioli of, unseated land o te., in the county of Bower; or as muoh thereof as will psi the arreareges of taxes aeorasd thereon for the yearlB63;am 4 21864, Mid so much tamit iff•proPiiiiith iiiliis •as remain unpaid, will be exposed. to . publie sale at the . Court House, in the Borough:of Deaver, t if , ~- ~. ing i 4 34 the dl of Awe seif, ,• . contiitning the same by adjournmeni. if a . sa4.. •. • — . i: • • ': ", . M. R. ADAMS, - • - Treaeurer of. Beaver CO, I Persons desirous of paying the taxes do upon! any lot or tract in the folliwing list, sr? notified to do so before day of sale, as no property; will be .witbhrld from Silo on 1 , proms* of payment. - . . - spr4,'66 Big Reeve r. Township. Bisekbura's helm No* Galilee* Carson James, adjohtin' brie on tire kat., land* Csrann JitiziesAdjoinhig Me"lut •• #nok, on the east, lane. Hall Co.;land adj B Wallas' a* hrs,adj R. ffudson* Wiladn John, ad,/ M. Sharp* Bill . thompson & Co* ' , . Beaver Borough • Craig Neville R• skit Alezander* • • - 51,41 Es Isaac* • :‘ Thompson Vfm: A•„„ ado - *4 Bairinger Geo, part . of lot• •do • do'.l •do • Marks Isaac, Itit* ' • • • Rorengla r ibionship t CriekmorePraneis A eidsmy lot* Leonard biargaret,part out lot* Reisinger Wm,bsirs of pr. out -do , : ..1 do do * Wray Ruel, HoldOhip's Faun* . Whitmore JEM,bouse and 2 lots* Ilennen Jane, pat out lot• do do do * Boles David, heirs of, north by . land of J. Barclay* • Henry Wm, oil Carlton; house El and lot, , Shaion* . • ' Baker Benjamin,house_and lot, Noss plan*. Itiort tori Jacob C, house and lot, . Noss plan:* . Withrow Wni,h and lot,Sharonl i i Gordon Jas, lot,Noss plea*. • Brighton Towtahio., 31cEliluff Jai, Academy lot* do do 'do E* • i Purvis Samuel, out lot* Bridgewater Borough. Rawdon Freeman, Davidson pl* do. • do - do , * do , do di • do • do do .* do do do * Mendel:than 11,' Meadshall's - pl* Riker Andrew, Ray's Plan* Dundap Jai a others,Aenden- J halls plan* ,de do 41 lot* Porter IWm, stable and 2 lots* Smallin°, Ilemphill's :plaa* Kemp artin or Jne,Porter's pi* do 1 t do . do do do ;do ItaWdon Freeman, do . • do do I do do do do do do ' do do do 'do • :1 do• do do- .do -- do . = do do do. sio do -461 pt lot,Vera's pl Shield's David heirs, house&lot Darker Wm, lot • • I_Hahnen line, 2 shops 1 lot " I do do brick h sad lot - :do - do 'Muse and lot* Sisso - rs's H.brs, Hamilton's pl* •do ; do do - * •. Chippewa .Totonehip. • Beaver Manufacturing Co,* ' Darlington Toon:hip.. " _Hardy A A* • MT.askey Elizabetb,adj Joseph Murray on west.* • Witbers - poon W 6. grist a s mill* Hardy A A. bounded oa west by J. P. Martin •1 .• .• Darlington. Berough. Hartshorn h & 2 lots* .Econ'omy TOunihip.: . Pitts. Ft, W.,41-C. Hlt* do r- do' lot in Baden* d'o do, do , Phillips' Wm heirs, . do ' FalLuon Borough. Owner unknown,.' . • , Welch linney, •Ramsey's - lilton heirs • , Ideanor Wi ow, Georgetown Boro ugh: Heirs John, lot* Gillniore Heirs, lot* • ' Gkugets, Borough: Lippen'cott, lot* Phillips' Wm heirs . ; houssi.lot* • . Hanover TotensAip.' Sanders Wm. house and tote ' ' Industry Toumship. ' • Huff Adam, lot in Industry! Peterson& Cuddy, Lind* C. & P. go.* Poor.ti'se Directors i3eaver co! Wells. James -S,'at Biro' Lot* Edo • `do do • • f New Sewiekly Township.' Mese Lydia* • - ; - New Brighton Borouy4:. Chambers, .31600- 2 • do . do * • ' •Forribelle,J—shops and 2 lots* i do' do land* Oitipatrick, Edward* Leslie, Eliza—School plan • Pander, James—part lot do dO, do Harris,,Olive.r—} lot do of McGowan, Jr.; — } Ta d '3.—lotMarquis, .—lot LL • ;- North Sewickly To — was-hip. Hudson, Richard* Mitnnell'sJheins; atomicities:sr' Ramsey David* • Mstheny ,E,honse and lot*.' Ohio' Towouplip. . - Ross S P i adjoinintGlasgew* B.aly Wns;...h and I,Rockport* Pulaak TowAahip. • Phillips Wm P,lane do do do Robinson A i land adjoining telly and David Hoops* .do • land adjoiningde and McGuire* Farrow Oscar. land* ; ••Reeices lowsiship; Nevile Thomas,* Sterling William,* • • Roasitir Township. . Linton John, laisd* - do ' dO • _ f le.Elyainß IP, b and Befitlo,Arbuekle a Co,f I Haydn 9.1 eoal loit.bOundedby Mercy:is*: 11 111 J 45 11 20 42 107. 88 1 , 26 1 62 78 72 84 ,18 1 16 84 31 65 4 05 5 00 , 6 49 iO6 S 60 2 05 1 40 36 2 35 1 1O 66 1 97 . 2 02 2 91 . 2 99 1 1.02 21 I'l6 I as I 3fi i 10 1 401 do 52 4 40 1133 "IS 10'80 2 ,06 18 20 84536 1 92 96 96 06 36 1 20 42 22 1 35 1.55 2 00 86 '52 a. I- 04 26 ; 62 1 46 1 47 11 12, 1415. 2, 40 7 85 iB2' 46 N 4 76 1<.75 1 75 • 75 75 2 62 28 161, 162- 376; 878 6 40 3 44 1 01 58 8 40 815 2 88 3 80 6 IO 2.16 4 79 82 ' 18 1 . 50 4.55 9, 80 5 70 IT3 MI . . 'tgke:slo,*cry r Parrish E;ilouil and ;et lair, • Yes* Robert, heirs' Porter William, 131 - cadditilitids'aengß WiessOlt . Cary Jane,, : ' ' Piersol Sampion, do lianien Jame's. do - Rdehesier Borough. ' • Bidder J,Gonld's piano , - P&C jw. co, lane lirantiek J, Pinners 14od R,..0,* • `do - . o'l. ' ` StPi4ep!s e'en!. Hurst. H, Meddenhidris plan • lots* r • . Nicholson It Gould's:piano do j-do • di* dhi . • do, d o • • do• , do do * Porter J. ftenci's plan,Undir : Diehson Joseph Dr, Erie Canal Co- il t o 'Samuel • • lianon Pairick. ' t • Neil - Witsien John, - • • Slendenhall H Mendenhall, pi jots Seibert Adam, MOE do' , do • - &air°C,Gould's plals AO -. do ;. do- ' Dorsey. i ET; Ichil: -` _lfornei's iv,lieire,6teirarfspist llaalhan Mic6set 1 firiar. F. aduld's titan -di? do H do do . • Pieetion s Borough. i ditmobel, Zeno bounded by Dintlet.Cifiolland* - ! '.Noon Township. - Township.- - Rambo Did bciusir sy. land I Vetifirisson A, - .1 de'l Aß 7; ; . . . , *way nrarlfxd- with sn. returned hadn't. thirAist ;'seeti of. April 29,.1844; - • - sTag...4 - .oltYfri - TWH FIVE County Trusty:sr will.A4tud Via; ; tavern,' Townshitzs.iiid Beim:4ol l .W th 4 purpose of riceivitig the:Pointy. od data Taxes for 1866, st the noted below, viz: • . , Phillipsburg, • 1 )l4y: 1 . 4; 111Mber'srbistol: Freedom, I - 111:131'Caskoem Harmony, ' 16.113torsx !I: Rochester boy; :17. Donosudee,ltoi;l4u. • IRocliester tp.. 18..1:46 do- Beaver, 19,. Office: flridgewator; • 21, - Proudloyti hrojz.- Fall ton , I 22, •houssiz : •:- Now Illrightsmi, .e 2 41 Huron boon. • Patter.- 4atterson, ; . B ' • • - 26,. Of cin ; Georgetown... 28, Glasgow and Ohio tp, 22, Jesse Sinititilisl4liz haunt Bun, .. • '3O; Barragh'satoie;. •Y - Industry, - El, / Aber' .' 9 •Pulaiiki, I • .Jane . 1 • .Econiomy; - . : 15, o . ...Neelfig Franklin, ' Antenteitli's - Marion, - r 19; GI HartselPlr:./- , .: lroetb &wieldy,' Hagen* New ifiewiekl,y, ' 21, 11.1Ratuiehar!.5-• 4 Darlington Voris, 26, :A.;.J. Cook'in.l - Darlington AP, - .26; J. 'P. Dilworth. - B. Beaver,Gelilse, ....27. Grabing's hotel; B. Beaver,Elomeweed,2B, lohnstou'n CElPPewsi•• • . .29, :sfrs Cittininittanew.*: Beaver,. " • lull 2, 11rightoa, lull 2, .11 Ealtin's 8. Beaver, • ~ 4, !Jos. do 'arid Olde, - _ :X 6 7 eres store; Ohio, Hookstownei, 9, ,Swearitikenle hotel. ; do • and ! Greene..lo, do • de Hanciver and </resift, 11;,,11. • FrankfOrt, =:" 12, :B.M.9l'entotiliimilli Hanover, 1.. f IE, Adanur'.. Mor4:;'• Beaver, • 14, Offloev • E. Itaencion,, 14, D. Ewi nfs: Independnce, -17; 'John ilobstes';. *: • petrall&lidepetieela, Johnston'. atom tHOPeivell, r 19, ;B. Scott ' s;;," • f . Moon, . 20,! Win I gsg..Payrnents cars 54'1:lade in the it4joln-.: J ing districts: All licenses must . be valid ke- 7 ,. 0 ; fore the let otJuly: M. B. ADAMN; • ' Treleurer. 60 - 60 E. • itErdINVION 8t SONS, ula 61 u refl of •R VOTAT.E,RS,I RIFLES, Si i~TS ik .0 . A. 13. - B ,ES', For th l e U: StstesSlivi - Oe, Also, EU Pocket 'and• Belt - Revolye* REPEATING PISTOLF,' RIFI:E . CANE'S, ,RE ; VOI:VI.2IrG 111,17Lifk . Rifle and Shot Guns,. and gun Materials. sold. by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. - • Itithese ditys of Houiebreakinit and ,Robtery. every I House, Store, Bank, • and 'effiei, have one of .• - • • 1. • . • liEIiTING TOWS -REVOLVERS. — 7 7 7-- - - Parties deiiring to avail theniselves of the late improvements is Pist.o!si and superior ,viorkibauship and form, vrilrfind combined ljn the Ziew , - le;I .REMI.N4 T Oir REIrOL r Eta . - , . .u c r i A re nn' ul t a i r :i e irii til e f in ur ili n g isli n e t d b upon ti de rppl i tcs thnl thi: I' rI.RENIINGTON k SONS, ,//ion,' N.Y. —-- ' 1 • Moosat & Nrokott, 'Agin* No. 40 court/04,st, N. Ir. OEPIIANS',COUFiT SALE. -,;.. , • , . • , Yy l irtue Of an order of the Orphans' 'Ctitait Of 'Beaver, cottnty,:l the - undersigne d: rdian of-Mery Mitchell, Jane Mitchell.. pua James', Mitchell, Elisabeth Mitchell, Margaret...- Mitchell, minor children of Nathaniel - Mitch- - ell; late of BOrough township, dee'd.„ will ea: pose to sale* Publie,VOidui or out -'criets: the premises ; on . •,. , - .• - . FRIDA Y, Jtay'i-- IBth, 1866.. :. , at 1 o'Clock,p. in., the following -described real estate, situate in Borough toentship,Bes- :'• ter, coanty, Pa., about . 61 mile west of the `bo- rough 1 a Beaver, on ths.reaMbiading Irons! said bOrough to...Viinport, Ito-wit; . a.. <. . . ht. 1 All that certain . lot-bounded • north by., land of JameS Waters, west , by lend of - James , Waters and .other land; south iy pubfiCrektl, - and east by alley. separating..,ll 'from' llewer Cemetery grounds; containing .roul acres... more or lees, ill enclosed; on -which ie st tw o story frame dwelling house and out-bniiaM,gs. 2d. All that certain other lot of ground. being' art of-Academy lot,' numbering fottxt 'seven. in " the general plan •of • itademy lots, neailthe Borough of Mealier; containing eight "acres:l more or less,all cleared and enelosed.' , TSl6lB.—One-third of the puschise money • on the confirmation of the Oats - by the court, - balance in tiro equal,- satinet payments ;from . that.-date, With interest thereon frOm semi . time, to beeeeured by ,bond and mortgage; .. ' For further inforMation, inquire .of ttle;t*, - , deraigned. 1 ; '-, *.. D. L. IMBItIE, ‘ . .:, tipr,lB'66. r . 1 . Oaardian- of !aid miners.: 11733. 1 C0X1,3 Cbt Ala BEAVER; PA. B. CLAidt., ,Propriet•r. ooti . STABLING : stisielisct !1 to Heusi; • , April 41M4:='-17 . Sneen.sware. TEA ETIE COMATE-4y4• 01.441 &one I Chime; . DISHES or Azl,,Rvez% Z.4.XPS 4 ZAlfr;c7l/MXii*: flold • .; • • . .§3TILES t IR4LLEI7O9IW.:- II E 1 II El • e 10 • 1 40 NI • AO - 40 00' 110 BM gam i 1 'P. eri►k of=t IfJ I"- he set—
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