111 B El li Z • . • 'Ap I iftte; WILL' and US. • •' wit. litsotral,Ja... 64 fifth fit..„ Pitts' jog, le the authorized: agent for the:Attolis la that, tity. • lorthe l'ititole Record etyg . that theypost_ goiter at Chit pie e has beeimeeo bevyildiied by the ii•reit*rltr of the mails fiat. h can't istl the diget•en;e between the oaste .n` snit. • . western. , . • p,skotiss Hea.. • tr.... 4 Mn Georg. sruft.2,tfira' reside! at Vuitis & Buyer' coal morirs.onesr Sharon; • Merier county , t i tier feitietether and jumpedinto a cistern and drains,' herself...ll4o maws is &sail:, yd _ for Ws lash act. 1..:.-Rportemen-Kill "ti c o at, it is against the law, to allovre t robins, or, any otkar it, any season.' ',Vie pen his law is 601 . ' dolliiii for 1 .;;Asin LAIv to bear in mind kill blue-birds, Inseetif croup bird- i ally foi•.violating evcryogrentio. = • .o.:George Ettligner, Eaq., PostMatiter ftt Harrisburg, Ind editor of the Telegraii i 4, has been removed. Gcn • Jesepti Fziipe ban s been s r -P" • fed in big place." g•t, , ite-lohn Ilarit6,] Esq., - rwho entered the Bek':of l'ittsbur, so an employee,- thirty. ytars ago. and soon became Cqsbier, lips re cently been elected President, rice .1 , 0 Gra resigne . • , ...- ' The bill increasing - thiti..•pay of - 41[1mM' horn si..lu. to s2;§t) ,per day; in ...illegbeny cor ,ety„ and incrensing the fees of the Sherif for sin•ringsumninnti s,,bsts passed.fitially, and Icagist Ihe reportof`jibe,State Superintendent . of C,uantAl Schools g and School laws allotted. for Jiiiributioij inhtblecotinti, Love been re-' erliegi by Junk' A. 'Frazier; Esq., Clerk of 4!eurge. T.. Reed; County SuPerin-• ♦esglergt, requests us-to -call the attention of "ago! :I)irect ors to thCif.tict, and request theng to call st the I'lerk'a, office and get co 1- byt,, to they , arc'eniiilad. ' '••••••"!•••--- • • Arruckni.n.—the knowing, from the Tlrif ant thlatcrat. C'Aletlins mere, fruth than I "poet'_ a7.d. Would do well 'to' heed: par: . fete etphot matte it eenyenient to eend an their chi:Sit - 1h not 'etc' time to the Poet Qffie., Ave geot:ld adelse ,the:lt 1,6 eer.,l pho s tOgriiiklut of live retai ned ett-home. • grips. of paper lainitqt-the - ntituits of juveniles enable t lniyytnswer in . iibecano of photog Ei.ther , woul3 'dot:I:043B affci;l Batista° tusiticis men ieirertilly.,l 2 -.• Ot r;nie: sttitt 221,000 . 1 of crailsioil were ioceii:e4l in New .Y4II tween the first prJanuars and - the Yebru:rs lehih,. during the /5a1:10 perio i 3 .- eir M . 4431,000 harrela arrived. The a 4 •t oil t.hippel in thoie,two months on. go ios 1,500.000' 5 liarrr s. while duri: *.itstat length of time, hie yehr it &menu; barrel9.,' The.preselit stork,i 00ba . m.els tigalnat .10,000 at the w►ms lasi year. Pithole,f;crcrtf eayF: 'A he er has been butly engaged for nearly two weeks awl ham not collecie,l One-fifth of the tames . assessed; anti there is' a fair prospect that a Large amoutt of the sum will be lost, •ftltogether, 'hy partieS leaving town ani t t so 'rlisposing-of thei, effects as to leave nothing far tliti collector to Lay his hands upon. There is ne.l disgulsing the fact that trines aro hard "here now owing to the extreme dullness in the istarket. 'and the fee,ing of insecurity in .4ont; catters caused by the recent, heavy karat failures. I • lltsinenzat C'ovic•rep.-IThe_Grand Rapids t-he c .nfession of * toss:: N. Durfee, eonficted of the murder of a woman. named "'Harriet. These Tat:tie? first met.at'llaver. , Prv.. The woman . 'Wes i. prostitute,: had a child. a man named Hiram I. ? . Belden, though 1h fee was criminally intimate "With• her.- , -- Thedny after, the mirriage Belden was taken ..t - oenly ill and die - d. Buries • and the wit man - Tut off together._>nd brought up in stiel4an. If ere--Dur r fee: strangled her to :deisth with a cord, an'! left exposed is the highway. -He itais - .;he lker to 1 I,•rt rid of. her. The presumption ; is that he poisoned Belden in - order to continue his intl. Raley with her, nnd Wax-, afraid she would ..x - lam him if.he - - To the SehoOLDiteettire:of Beaver Co. GINTLEIiti '''. 7 .4111 - pursuance of the forty - tbisd section of The act of May, 1854, amend ed during the present year, yon are hereby tvtifsed to' meet in Convention it • the Court .1 idouse, Beaver i on the first niesday in flay, ''si zs D.. 186 P, hieing the first lay of the month; at I..o'cl9rk in the afternoon, and select viva some, by ii:triajorliy of the ';whole number Of Directors prevent, One person of literary and seientific ac4airements. and of skillond,espe ri;co. in tin art of teaching, as County` rSu efintealcat for the , three . succesdingiyears. defrrmine.titc amount of componsatiOn for the Pune., and certify the result Lathe State iu lerintenlent,' at . Iloriisburg, as reqnired by 'the thirty-ninth an' fortieth section's of said let. 3 • I: I.EED, — Co. Sniorlntsztdont. Darlington, Ps., April 6111.1311 • . ttirlortf !last:v:3 or A FILIOIiT.---Th• MOl3O/1- gAtleN Repubhcaw states that Mrs. lYni• Henry, residthig in Nottingliati township. Washington ia:mty, 1903 F4 s badly . .rrighteried, about one tomb einee • that her life . is still In danger Irina the effnets of the shook. It appears that btr hushandhad been called from home t ulY•ilt the moraiig ? , and itifeiraied Ilia wife 4• he would return about: noon. Shortly lifare that tittle jars. Henri was aleo leaned oiv,s.t a neighbor. • On her . i yturn home . she f ou4ti !Auks of blood on the steps leading to the door, ~~Mitts led he to eu4ect that her le shapd had Been inurcle ' r'ed: -Shp fell to th Vent.d ihat nsible and did not sonseloussees for'snare add is, still Intleritz liom the fright oho receiveci: It ..rtrare ttat Mr. Henry owned a largts-7Sali-. ittadnd dog, and that during t/te absence 6r.tke.faatily -a. neighbor, who ehaTged the 4ag with " iciliingpeen •ik visited .lie house dined. • . th marks of blood being boort lulle ti er toy. —...-... .......... dr. G." 31. ,;., • : airier Count ...cr- ..- -.7 , ~.,- .r. Lac 13selvoe..so I, - GiOrt *,9 ,1 ), cif. ki ,iiclet.f:lidA4lithe iii doe 1:1(:!P. Churtl day eiening APrij prayer by the Re the . Rey,,lJoht. R. qi;ll,irmin,iiii tern. .1:0114notion of S. ing proceeded to r 1 rer 1 County Bib! IR' 1 7- or- !he . PePPs. " - 06 .- elpetion ijlh 111:T . -olio yi , ari, President: Reii.' ainea M:• Smith rce • President: Mi. C. %V ikon, Ehq; ; , secteta . ry i ...Tolle R, "5l tn tz; .1 Treasurer::Rob rt lin i rio. ' The following persons were ehosen ~ _ toe Executive C: l llmittoe; •. , ~. . .. Rev. D. P. Low ry and Henry Hice, Eq., of the O. S. Prestkvfnrinn church; l'AJosepli Anderson and .rohn'R. Blentz, of tholU. P. church;Reie. R. T: Tay— lor arid -Rev. Jay+ IBre' (diem, of tlie 'A ! E. church; .Rer.L .T . . 1 T. Prethr'pu and Mr. Thos Prankiiii,rof the: Epia copal church; ~,Tam,ea, Porter and John Wearer, of the Bafitist.lehineh; Rev. -Win. Reeves and .!tieor l re Alexaniler, - of the Proteatant ilifeth._hisreh; Semi: CObsnu arid INaactlShnpq. of the Ref. Pre.". church,:-(N.. 1 3 )"; fi rer.' !Tear"; fleck 'acid a friend; of the Lutheran A cilium li lAitriir this election of oflicemit was moved to ° i nv i te the Rev W • W Belle , ~ o to atirc AA the Society a its next meet. ins. - The business of 'fiti meeting be• ing flashed in the re organization of the Beuver Crunt . 3 'Bible SociutN , the 1 $ &ust) .siijourned to meet on the third 'l'nesdat (the 17111) of April, instant ,I it I. 'o'clot k r. - at., in the itieViodtst 1 Church; Beaver, where Iwe et - nth:Illy! invite all tho friends of.the caluse to ... 1 melt . ' with us J R SIAN i Z I C Acc ' y. ; 1 Constitution of the obiety t The follow in, is the et nstttutio of Lim Beavet Conn 'y Bible Society, stns. I that.) to the Bt nit 'a. lith l i le Societ3 , , "LIITICLI 1 Tillw , boll( l't • Pa nine cal ) lt,l the 4 Bibte Sotiet3 of Be tvcr coun ty inxiltury to the Poos) Ivilnia 131•1 • hit tztot ic t) r i tii 2• The .obj set if this society sball t il 'e O l i‘ ° )l tit ( i 4 p lnt° t ° ue, t without .. ( ll 11 t l i t u c t lila i„ t t l e t)ll ijf 4 I ret the 1 ' mem. unit in Eiothsli tha ot the tom int oily 'Let iced tel P 1 111 i i .3 All per.onscontrlbittit g irr suin ito its tends shall be members fiat ono 3 osr, 'those contributing one dollar t•r nioie abull it cattail lot tilt kin t tt4lvt months receive a e l l:ninon 13/ble in ie. tarn; those (unit 1 uti . iig fit ctii dol lars at' onc t mit r i in ziwo p.311 , 1.4'1, shell he incilib is for hie 1 4 .A.ll funds :Int l wanted for emit laiing the ‘t,r ptiires W i ithili the ; socte t 3 't cm ii littritQ Owl( be pull oct•i• an ni ilT)• to the pa r rotAolit t i3 to , til I ts , 'l t, l i im . int•), 4 tik o,s,itint t i t, Lth- .. t r Nit, 1 • f the c !mut/ clad In flit •= i S 1 I Lig 1 lands.lmportant I I Lott Housekeepers. ed ___ _ lne Ofilt.Ll -4 fit I t i 1 , m. le y shall 1 I i _ 1, ~v4„t fs ~ P, ~ ~„1 . 1, , 0 p r ,,,d e ,,, , i The ste id 3 re itictin i n of the r-endoni on gold I t., it art, an I Urea tut' i tsiiti•te du- 1 " sensibly nffccled i` , ei v lir inch of basins" I tit's ,h ail b e but i i ii their I ,, iteu ,"„ 1 The cost of 4terehan4ise in general, /3 'g. oiv -1 t.i til 4 import ' ing he to the eonsuMet every di}t. Wes di. 6 Tho mlnagenient of the. , society . ; qhai'enber t „ t r annou ee to the mildic %%hat sh il hn cit riNti cl to att Lvttutis t. their mist , ers bar already- discovered, a Commit tee of i ixtt en tt lift it in ion.' heavy re luchon in t e 1 nee of Groceries. l i Intl iiiti with the'St crtt in•iiiil Ti eas Thep give no quota ions a. prices are al. ii or, shall appoint its , oA is chair man 1 nicsvdaily changing,and with a downward and make its q%Cli bi-Li‘ss ! tendency This mu h, howeter, 'they will a tall knolirled g e of the Gfocery 1 7 It shill be the duty or this I mitte to me' ( trttclutntil inn adjourn i business the buy th bet quality of goods utter t of en the cal of tile chairman : l to Ibe . found S the bea. markets, at tI e lowest r to kw p a go od suppl 3 oft Bildt" On leash rates, Arid have resolved to sell them at !taint, to appoint, a l l aub c nit nittec Ior4 an unusually 's fitmall pro' ' on e in evert towns iip an borough in 1 Goods for distan points, Ire viretully IDi .! t 'lint% w hole i to 3 it shall be to packed, plai ii, And delivered free of appoint in efficient eornrnittee in each lymark of , school disti Icts in illitat tl% c charge, at ember of the railroad stations, or townsiiiii 1 lon board the ti mini i lhen freight is prepaid .. 8 The Central Exer tit's l ° C'ornmit.t. , nits SSiii , \LLENIIETtI KU, teey hall tar n ish the Towi whip C ire.: , Dealers liFt Groce Les, and Queectsware, in itt4cs vi WI all the liihlt s net watery i ~ ridgttwater. Pa t., BUpl5 the demand in their rootlet .1 —1 --- 7 -- - tive /townships an i gli b•irou s :and. lte'llt(dilligler son of ex-Goren-id:. these in turn shall furnish til t ,in to the l3l 'lei , (011311 itted r; It( lito b . ) shoot in , sa l e ot hiniself a ier. , di3l a, o Schooi.disti ii 1 Cornrow()) for t distribution in their t•cope% Lll.O ,11 . 9.• I--- trict4• 4 9 It shall be , the rlit j of the School-district Committees to visit (v -ery family in their rest:let:late dis tricts to supply all toe districts with Bibles to solicit doviationsl, and to l-Hro iirt back to their Township Corn. initttc the number of Bibles and 'Testaments sold, the nuiber given 1 1 1 t aw ay andi die amount of moneyrais ed by contributis 1./ It shall be_t e duty of Town ship Committeesttopoll. all this iris. formation to the, xcc ittlye Comma. .. re lee and to pay over all money to the Treasurer, and the Executive Com mittee shall repoi:ll to thisisociety , 11. The society lit ill 0111 canvass the count) once - iivety j ear, corn. mencang at anon fter the annual meeting on the se ond Tuesday of April as practical, Endp-stiall be the duty, of the respectirnt coinittees to act mill proniptita . 6 anti energy to accomplish the wcick speedll3 and effi t terrify. It 12 There shall ing of the society o day of April of eat Executive -Commie full repoit of all Ott of which shall be ft rent soccety, ardlur of Officers and .for place. Should the annual ineeting, tilt committee shall con election takes place 1.3 i No alteration this Constitution, ci meeting a • nd by con of the membe rs pro , Al! the friends of county are -6ourtecti come atittnbei4 of 4 en-operate with usi 1. faith ar,d labor of love By order 4 ihe Society JOHN it LENTZ, Sec y GEE • walk aphs. ton to .trrelq k be ast of d lut, ~ ount ig the cd to 'BO,- time IMM =====l Bible Poiety. oall,malle by S. A i l te , 4inetrnitf- 1 44,P' Eli ite t .lb6Aviineo 'met 'b, Beaver, on Mon -20, 18bo; ano after Jannis It.`Stnah,. •,Slon**,,,was ,A;b9sca A-. Goi or e l • Sow y I van foil L . for, tlinineei.. r . sizt) the 'Bea— -1• • • mall:. a Society, iwing, le. u •kenerni meet— • .1 n the seeontnies-- - your, when the :U•shall.'prelent '4l ir. doings, a copy rniilied to the pa len a new election imittee ahall take • :ocietyi fail in this sane 1 nitiners and . . 'tingle to . act till. at P. hap be made "in crept at an annual ,anti of two-tb:rds • the Bible . In the [sly ini . ted - to be- At, Society and to 1 it: ibis , work of Ovr' ----- ' 15. •-• , . . . , . --,-- ' ,P --- ia:-. 7 1, 1 40 Coogre• gat kin i 5 ihe : lletiliii:Wiitiiiiii4e.bytei i.', an Churi.44 idatit 3 ta3Kiiiiiiinintef-their I P i-uicli 11 7.- ; ,1- PP.1 8-1 4: sliPit',74ll - ict;edititter,Ot :.4 , f1 4 ,1kii 1 , ; nii 4lo- taiis• ShicOit ifIlile.:11 Atititi4;.,hedilipg,. : &e: - 1!lie Au1t:4742 . 'i: S. 411141 sill's) ". bdim FalseC !•wo ear. red , 4011a:63' foi -Oa, .pressiii. rear. •!, a ;:expresses , himself . 118. "more thak ii easeirtiy,lli_ibesa jam valuable Ipresen i „and desires us to re tpra his i siripero ni;xl hiiiirtifelt thanks to the eiongre - Lion, and; otherN for this and i inanr OtliOr acts .of kindness shown him sines hiscor.neo, tioittwith the Brid4ewater t ehareh. May he eon. time to I merit, i,he approbtioxi,oriiiis peopk. 1 [ . .-• -1 T, • - I A :meeting of t iell, erd of . Managers Of' - the , Beaver ,COunty Agrieultural ciciety . Iw.ill li . , .' l li,eld . at' the ,Court. 'Hoehn, . op Satur so.%_April jttlii 1866. at tine o't}dOcks.P.l - M :The- tolloWing I are. the ofrfrers ci: . Allo: tiew :faxed :. .. 1.. Presidpti—W il 1 ilim.Shrodes: .--.- . - Vice Ptfsiden! B,' Wm.' A 'll . Jai ril , „ Jeri. ..1": 'Hazen and Join, K. Potier, * 1 Rec. rftary ,' Wm. S .11ait:1 ay:. Cor • Serelary4ll.• L. intim ie., • L. ~ Treasuiter=-..1 . :9-W ilanp. 'l, ' ' ... . Alandg rs-Sarttu'el .9ib - aon.Niiitelas .1 . Todd, J. 3. Nedi,, .k.' B. . Wolf; ft if: Barclay,' ;Hugh . It'Cir . u ire Thos . . Irwin, IV rn. ~Bailou. ".Tr,Job n ' Bezier. Jan 11. Beighley,D. B IShqrt. jnO. S. Little,' Robert - Pinter ; JO eitti - Buelianati,: - Jos. Irons: • . 1 , -- - •' 1 ... .A .reneral 'at ' ntlanee is ',requeited,l .bizo . . or aft I.ltictss• of 4 '',_ 'pitrtanee-. will be 'brought' thetoi.a iti Board. IBy order, ' .11, lest ;'Fopy 3 1 -w m, SmninEs; . , •----- • , . • • .. President. ~ - r ------ tw t - ---•---: - Ncptioe t, 'Teachers, • 14415 - I Persons desirous Okteabhing either public or prlrite a l chools' irt Beaver county, during the conking bummer, 'are requested to meet the I undersigned at the 'nest swivel:tient of the rol -1 lowing, plaes: II , I - - ; Chippewalet... Ap4l9, .WKiiiltiy's S.Honse; : Benue' do: do: Apr 20 , Unidn I . do Ir d Ohio o. Aprl.23, Fairview -do I Unilever ',I !do. - Apr 24,,lUiller's do Moon 'ido. Ap o26, Davis';! . -do , iiarlingtOn , ldo. Apr 28, Darlington 'do Iliewllrigh ton bor. Ma 26, Uniou -- The abov j o examin I tions will cOmuience at 9 I a. •m., audl arc speiall,y designed for,appli licatits,for summer sck, ols. .1. I.' REED, . I Dariigicll, - Mar. 3 t - '66. Co. i Sup' 1. f To' C ?into lass 'number o' eanditates I have; already Landedlin their namon torpid:lli-- 1'4006 As I the Comity Convention. will not. ikelY be milled for ime Weeks yet, we. will Inot plihlishr.hc natnefai pkvsent r f. 4 ' Our charge for:inserting names will boas follows: Senate A'sseably. trei Judge...., 1;5,00 Sheriffettd Regisitl...k. Recorder i '4,00 1 , - CommissiOner and Ulerk of Courts!i.." 3,00 ) Poor lionise Director and Autlitor • 1,410 :- No naine • will be pulllished, unlias aciouipaz,, nied with the money J.laniidatea.. or t 4 h . ' tbeir - trientitt, who d ire 10 accorniany tliOnn itouneement with ac' rd iyeil liti*.eharged ! Bre e cents tbtF lia!e. whi c h ,I.v.4.lslP.'"Our Caual,adver tieing ratet:. ! !. 1 I ' .._ Wooli .1 - 1 '. Factory 1 r BII.piHT.ON, PA. 1 pi yubHE subscriber having` thoroughly retitt . and prepared the property known as tle Si • Factory, directly topposite the Post Office, in New Itrightiin, Pa.., is now prepared ;to, do IF all the work !generally- dine in a first-elass P 4 Factory, snob .#4I 4 7O,rACTURING CLANK. Ci ETS, .b'LANN I ELS,OLOTI73,. - CASSIMERES p 4 SATIN:EFS,-ic,SPIINING VARAr, CARD.: IN. ROLLS,IFULL I NQ it-CLOTH .FIN... ISHAVOr. .'. Employing nOnebutitbe best and using first-clais raseleery, ;thePublic may rest assured theil their work will be welt done and "promptly cfclivere . . • I r asinine our goods and y i pricei before going el where. All:work war. Fe ranted. ', • i OS. PONTEFRACT. New Arighteri, - Apr.; 3, '66:3m. i . Fi st ; ---"-- ' — 1 . --1 - ----.---------- ----'— I,r Farm. rt . ' Sale. '. pi . t ri NUE east end of th Farm known as the 1 Andi-ew Glassi3ioperty, situate in Ohio IL township, BeaVeT county ; , Containing. Ont f - - Hundred and Furry Acre, about one' hundrfd - II acres cleared arid undlr a good state of cultic*. MI tion, is offered 'for sale. &good, orchard ~.01i • tbopremises. -It lay on the head waters ... llT Hi 13eahler's Run, Iwithi ' two wiles of , the cele. NI prated Island Run of regions, sad is said to Ra be good oil territor . For particulars, in- MI quire of , John .Tohnst n. near the'ptlemisis, or of Joseph Lawrence, ',South Beaver:O. EIMIU ' EELE(TION.I.• . THE STOCKHOLBERS of "the Company Pl ' forerecting a Bridge_ over, Big Beaver Creek, at or near Wolf Lane, hi t h e County ,11( of. Beaver," are hereby notified that an Elec tion for one President, six /Managers end a .1 Treasurer, will be held in the Toll House of - I said Company, bn the last'Mondaj, (the . 30th Fir day) of April Dr, co&metteing at :10 o'clock, A. M. JAY AILIBM, Trees Ne' marlo'o6. * • 7 'LOVER 'BB LOUIS t rLtz LIME; ; ' • WHIT • Wittll BRUSHR3;• :, SELF-RISI G FLOUR; • i - For eiklo at , 1 • •!. STILES & ALLENBERGEItS: * === UZI • i o . si. , •-: -, -,-",- .k. .. , 1 . . S QUO U n fhe fa- ~ • , - . 1 , . f:of intiet PflAndtstldroethis c • - tiii *Slab, passedihollitli day of, March. 1 I'6, imitt4ed as aa rt . ttsiamalma sot direetjalt lie Made of se ini.mtslind for ,t axes, .., in i ci Pie.. F eral -.lmbsitquioSzaets.anpplensiiit 1.4 45TAUK I i *IV the:AmmtW;Amns in confoivinty OP.'l l *.,lthi'cilla'Wit and directing the 'sal ej f .astiate 4: lands .40 , - Quid': State; Baron ia l, school 44 toad 40145 a, aild.the Om:section: f e 'set of Aprillfdbalki- authorising d ireetin&kt-o r et ur ft 4ll 44sleof•sit heal Oa • 4te As unrisittsV - hinds'iiteaci t i sold ill satiS- Oition of the-hrsiiifftwAstv) 441114 -by the Owners theioofiolso . thev,sittei authorizin g • the sale of unstated-hits iit the berm:lol,M' Het' Vet': .Bridgo writer./' Roekeidir sang , Falba n leborough taxes,/ tha 4olldiiinir lota atarly obi f nusestodritatt4 in itietto t tnty of Bearer, ras much year 'is wiltvay tbs arreareges f -taxes soansed theremisfai .the - year 186 and 864, and. so much tixecttyrevious, year,' as min uspod,owfit'be 4toosed to 'public lisle lilt the Court - lion:4;th t4t Borough of Beaver, ' 1 - ii+v.f; i/4 'l l l4lif .Time next, continuing theiamS'slY a djournment if imam" slay.r ,-,- ‘, ,: ,- 1•• • , 4. ~.., , ~, : ... ~,R: itAMB„ j'.+ I apr4,'66. i! ;." •Tr., : of B eaver Co. ) e li ,:, • : it . ' . e I ji Persons_ daimons of . ii ing the . taxes diioti say oor tract in, Otified to o so befo z dug of sale, psi o . property wll be . iritilbOld , from Sala an a promise of TM/meat:* -;: -" . ! I • i .Mis. l 1, 19 Be VC> osinish : ip,, • ..: laekburn'shellpiNew %Wee* . arson Jainee,-AloinbiglNl lin- . , brie on the_eask land , - 2 arson Jamis..adjoining 111.2m1 brie on the . easeilanill., :* 1 1 • iiat bu C: r . il li i ;d l4 l.4l .42 , e: : 1 11 1&;rho j ill l p:On alil iSt g : 0 11 O 41 . 1 i h l ~ s t li - - I -, .[, ' Beaver Borosay% --.,. i iu4 Neville iv* , ~ ikin Alexander*, 1 4 !Like !itact _ .......,, ompson•Wm. Alt ; ...., Ido • [do .*.i • ' - ~.i,:,,?, reingir 0403, -. Parilor likil l '- du itrl:lss.a ? 4 lo o t*: , i'l, ' 1 : a :. Byrough TowniAip, I . jclimoreFrancisAtiadsrayloi* Onard Margiiret,part out lot* eisingcrlVM, heirs of part out lot* 1 --- l'. [ N il ray itm ß ore llel ja l is r 7 t i o d. ns ab e il:. ;. 2 :id P 2 li i l is* innen Jane , part Cutlet* 9 I dodo I - •do * .I - B 'les David,' heirs" of, north' by i fond of 4. Barclay*, • . • enry , Wm, or Carltotio*Onie and' lot,lSharon* '... 4. -.1 ' l ' .r.• ‘:., Ii Iter Benjamin,honse and lot, Nose. plo l .n* • •,t N (eon Jacob- C, house atidlot, '.• I . Coss pin* .., * i ithrow Wit4h and lot,Shiron* G rdeit Jas, lot,Noss plata* . ' I Blv.k tim Tow , fh4o '.% aElduffJa Academy . let* P 1 v d i:Sateu d el, Ont. l ij o ° t* H I L *-• / Itridyeurtcr Bai l oug.l4. , wdon Freeman„Lts,vidson pi* tj a o .. "do • ".. c l a o ; 1 . * 4, i • do. .. iclo. •.: • - do • •• *• 1 " ,d0i.,1.- 'do • 'dol , ' * M - ndefiyall Fl,„ Meltdaintlrsil* P D a e i r is A li p i ir : e m ; ti ," ...), l'a . y . * . ipl . ati tifssit * l D dap J'as..* others. Nailden-' S l ti l Q ,ltiorif san 4 Phill . ' . " -- vp 4°- ti ll i f s* °l7 IC npNlar,tin Or Jno,Porter's pl* ti, Ido •- do . ; dol• ..- "olo;, - , & :do " ~ do ' t Etswdon FreiMaii, ,do 1 ' i do " do- . do - [do -do de _ Ido do do '• • I •.' do do • do ' ,: 'do • do do - I I do do • do . [ • ,do ' do do 1 ' do " do do • do 40-pt lot, Vera's pl lh plil'a David heirs, houtie&lot larker. Wm. lot ' 'I " I In cen 4 J'ane. 2 shops Ilet do . . (4) brick h r.nd lot as o d i c' s', II -Lra 4 . ) Il iall a u la h ilt a e nil s :l p °l l * * 'do Chip;etc i f ' 3 T . own •A d ii:. • 1 lever Mantifacturin , - CO,* [.. 3 il Ea dy Da A rt A ii if igion l Touns ' hip:[ 1 i • . •I )askey Eliztilieth,adj Joseph 2 . ti l • urray on test;*, • I Vi herbpoon 11,m. grist lkelmill*ll to dy A .k, hounded on west' -b• .7, - .11). Martin r i . It.. a i Darlington B•o , onglt.t ,- lairshorn Nlar'shall, h it 2 lots* - , Economy! Toicits4ip. .1 • 'pus. Ft. W. fr.., C .: RR* ' ' . "do I '. do lot in.Ba den* . do de - do r • ' 'hi lips' Wm heirs, do , 1 , Fallston 'Rohn's& I - w er'unknown, ' .' 1 . ro h_Nancy, I 1• - if: Rs e G y e ' ar ii .o ll et i o lt w o ,,, n ; h ßo e .t i , r o s ul. h. 1 ,. , ' • Meti or Widow ,l - - ..- 1 Holz John, lot* "•"1 - Gil ore Heirs, !lot* 1 .6'lasgeta Ithirou?h. [ .. Lipp.ncott,,lot* il ipi ,I i t , rWm heirs, ho use - /1100 HUnever ret . rnutip..; -- Laden (Wm. hoine and lot* roduetty Township. [ uff . Adam, lot to Industry* et% od 4 cuddy,:land* • '. & P. R. 1. co.* 1 i ?o tree Directors_Bekier 00* E 7 ell James 9, it Rivet ,Ltits • AO do : ..... 1 ` i do e l l; Sfer d ;CU . Y H T01013.41pl * Use Lydia* 1 ~ . 1 1 7 "elo Brightou Borough: ha- ben, Mark* ii: .0 ~ do I* , um. -11%J.Hshopli and 2 lots* ''f. o •do i , land* 1 taps trick, Edward* n 1 till ,Eliza--Bohool plan ' • tnd 4., James--part lot .o do I do . arr. , Oliver--4 lot • .o do ilot cG . wan, Jr., i . land . i ar. l • 47' , ...-lotT i 1 2v.rih Sewirki, TOwnthil uds.., RichirdE s it m c .ell' D nl a te d ire w ; 1 i atone qui l l nth ay - 14,11V lot'':• , 1 Ohio r fe. 1 , owl : P,adjaini g Gkago'fr* .ali , Wm: h lima 111ockpart* • Pulaski TOulsokitz. • t V ' l ,.s Wm P;land* i o do do 1 obi' on A,land slyohLing 24 say and Dpvtd Hoops* t do , land. adjoining do andi Blc wire* _.: 1 , .f.ii.r . ' zit° Osear. land* ' ' 1 Racoon 741014 u , :oil .Tholusa,i,*l ..,. , , f ir zerlifH.HHanz.* ? ' , leerier Townihio. . , Unto ioluz, laud* j a .- ih') I.* 1 M.' . 'n RF. h and land, Bent , Arbuckle a CO.*. I Gaya 0,1 octal lot.bowndf Hai i quis* , '"' • ("C• Tithes * Loon Robert, ileirt" 0041ailmilidi~t lokf • 4Nuleti.Jaam„.. ,••=1; 4*- Roihesteii - Ber94k Rs 'let t;Bonldaplan#- P F W&C landt War,riek J, P4iney's pla!o`. Hood H o,* : " •I' . , klo * - llarpap S.Piduefa plop* '.. flit 11, bleadeaholl's p . . 5 lots* Nieholson'M E, Gould's p * -do do' do ~do * !do do. !. do dol *I , . Ido.. -do ' do. dci v Politer'.l. Reno'a plau,:and*l Diann Joseph Dr, . • .Hriel Canal Co, • Hoops Samuel! • .1 • .11ulyauou ,Pat kick:. • • Neil Lewis .... . . . - -- --. -' . . . .... ... 'Wassen J:ohn, ! ' " ' - ". Mendenhall 11,Mendenhalls • riots ' ' • • . ~.• Seihei:t Adam,: ‘ ' •,• ~ ; • I dd ; dO 1 1 . • • Seatiolt C,Gduld'a plan do '..d01 -, ' do• • • ; Dortiei I E l a lag . • Horner's W;heirs,Stewartip , Sullivan Miehael - • • F 1 Grai EP. Ginilgra plan ,• I du ,1 , daA I.'- do- do . 1- • . Freedri Bo7:ov i pk. Sohnobel, Zeno, bounded . Beintle&C onaid* ' ' !- . 1 Naas Tomphir. i' - : ttyl Rambo M, h wie•and land' Rendrixson A, , • - -do 1 , 1 - I. • All property; marked with retu'ined "under the (tat. if of April 2,9", 1144. 1 101; I, 145 3O 188 .) . ; an asterisk (II) lei retlett:p7 the not •1 IANDISE.• . T. IMF RETAILERS 0111ER41ANDISE 1 . 41 . in the County'of Beaver ' or 'eyenr 1806: BOROUGH TP. ll , Bid B TES Ti. ' Ilugli B.,Anderson •12;,:klcotp & c -•. • 12 t. 4, ; Bcirder-.& Moor e -13iJ C. vat's', la „ . Johnißarelay ; 13:John Black .;. 14 Willlinm Orr , I*l 13 °hasten ' 14 I N Atkins .- .; •-, .13,J 1108 yd •,}. ! • 12 R Talton- I • 141;Portfr St Achison :, 12 11 Adams: ' 14;;GB Pc tterson,Ehouise 7 Jams Moore ' 14 i NOB II siwgcs..tx P. JAI Bence - ' 14'Hom wood Furnace James Allison • ; 14;i Co :pany o i - - 10 William Harrah • 14 - Jam Patton . ...• - 74: B Reed.; ' 14::L' Friday ,i: -- • 13 IV II &•i , ' Johnsiou ..14ii lisaltsci! TT: ' Aitirlah Wynn ,' .14 !E.Autenrithil ; 14 1 1 1- 1%1 St gLi Darrisgh - : 14;i-. _ • I :3I 4IRTDIc, -7P: • ' i Thes;M'Creet7,..• '2; 'l3 :EN pitht.: ,1; .•:.,, 14•.: I, Con4nipid medir.ines.-ir Nssawiczia re.. I Jiamiltoa a-Anderson 'JO.; a Cashner - - 18 i' J '-‘looie . • , ' -;• -- 3...1 Pis ell :; ' ' . - 14 i nninnawAtsn' son. I,lGeorie Rimelzer, two .1 'A C linrst • ' • ' / Ill! stoieS, .' 1.• each 14 I W Gekly• . . : 14; iI t'oWell, E house, 71 B Mlhnitu : 14,1 . ixtlk.rtsnENClL T.. 1 t LF 1 :eitunan . '.. 14: ,W G Willer I • 141 , Thos Allison I4I,JDAIB Ewing 141 i 1.• I S Harvey- ' 13,1 ; Vistflitrg. 13 7 5 - Itan,jel. :;• ; ../3'r 5 44:rofboqtrow , 10 . ;', 1 Peteny,Angel •:, '1,31 - tse.brso.; ; ros rt. Il j;kl ;Downing .. - : r 4; A. 13 I .Sfackiitt 14 i t 17ohn'S Dickey ' 14111 t D lap `)• • .., l4, ki t 1 8 tilesaShallenbeig'r1:1; - -I,glia'J Miller 18 j 1 .1 M Barbour' ' • ;14;;Johnt terling . 141 Compound • rnedicinci. .;4 F Cunningham a ; 5 Smith -.- 3, Brd, - 4 l3l J C Lryit • i i —• 3 ; 3 Mala-is r ,l, • , :13; pita cry. .4. ... 4 :J Dillia, B Mme.'s 7 ' john-G Derr 'IOT- jjantsi re: -' - ' .•Bretrer,y;, - iLI K 4? 1. , a Brn I;•, 14 , Coltrid Waisgraria..lllliCk • lera glliott'. 13 t i ros -; •.' ii,rAnstbegr •tr;---7--iii.l II .. ' bliiirCell4 s -.-- Bakei. & Henrici _l4'. Willi m titewart 14 '• Do ',Distilery 10 ;Jos lkleFerra:n ~.. l4 , Do bre . Weryl 10,:Davi 4 Ramsey 13 • . ECONOMY IT. ' ! I C Cial4lollll : ' , 13 John ;I - Mails If 114 , 'J sub' . •,; • 13 Wm Rea , ” ; 14: 1 .1 Su eany. . ' , 14 -W &.1 Breitenstein 13, 1 , • ; Distiller ' I 1 6 JL COttoent - , 13 ! 1 4. Gill ; -; . 13 ' — ;Eating H ' ouit. - . ' . f ' ' isorirti BEAVitt. .TP. 11 W& Ji Ilicitelistoiii 7,,Wi11i - Taon lyisr,riek 14.1 1_ UA:sor r .n-TP. .. 1., BBIGLifON? IP. li W II Frazier 13„PJPa vis, Eat. house 7 ; •'1 Morrison & Son. 13 • • ontoiTr. il rohn 4kdauls. - I - 14,, A_ ;I"tiley-l• 14 ii ruli:tirsncnc . nos . 1.1 li I arriek . 13 1 I Francis i.eGoullon 13 INIcFe ans. ',lloriSonl4 - ' A lin!lPPer, ' ' 14 1 ,G W chbulOy kCo 14' 1:. l . • ; ilinusTn7 7r•-- "Jasti Garalid - ' 14 !:.Lihn Jackman: • 14; t .Ort• &. Dawsbn I 'l3 W C none •. ' 14",81 -.-tien • ' 13; John tber . 14CJ. 31orion & ro, two, t Eating frown . --- ~. 1 - each 13 __ ■ 116 1611 162 i 601 9,110 I 8 1 ft 1 10 f ' ' 2 1, Vi a;. s2 4 , 1 1,1) 14 t 41(11 60 60' 44 . 10- 081 I , I 4. bA. 10,60 2 ?t3 18 20 Uohn Aber ME Jacob Ross . tDistillery. Samuel Zl:*n FA i.E.Vit)lk non. Bunpait e. Edgar Thoi, Middleton Eating ifouzez. henry Green‘rood Min Britton JoafilArantes Mow; TP. S. • DIM 3536 .1 92 96 9G C3=ll • • OS James _Raw Accoos SP. games Scott 18~ Hall g. Urn 14 1 neKikAien • 14: Springer r 141 RatoSo,Eat house 7 ; IIbETACCLI II 22 /. 1 :L 1 IS 2 Q 0 46 1111 1 Calvert = ' .. 14, I McLaughlin 13 1 ?t h : o sr m S a tl34 B l: ,ltl :a o n7; r:a . l B:R° 1 1. 4 : . 1 P W a h t ; t a g : n & l'' 'S on , 1 1:2 1 ' 'l4l I ° N llll :l 6 l.l d e ara r . - 141 1 11 T ilithl o 'e w a n db s iee e r n .: d ' 7 -. 1 11 4 24' ; .111 lick A ,Townsend 13 1 . Bestwick ',,'. • ' 141 0 S Winters- i 14, '..tslonnt ," .. - 141 A D Gitlitind . " ._ 10! . jiihn liodiAktiioxi 13 1 .1,!B Anderstm ' 13 Tram Reed - 18 1 uff St Thompson 11 hambarlinLWinenslB * . illinm Kennedy.. 811 1 , oncy & Duchy ' 14 I F Seytuore •- ' 14 I. Compound Medicine.'" IL Health - "„, 3, . wander & Deviny 3! Craig ' . 3 1 .Eating Houma. .I John: Boswell .'. sj R.l Mcpwain 1 . .... 71' i tarnel am parris ' `. _it 14 The Appeals will be l held AM nerii offiee, on-the 2 0 th. day a erectus failing to ,aiipear, will 1 I y ' the qum aveissed. I. ! ; ' il J , lAII -, , i Mercantil 1 . . II 4.2 0, 2 I ie I 47 141 MU 161 1 162 , 376 1 878 HO dE . as 8 10 $l6 2 66 o l mar . 4 B 1 7 8 10 2 16 1 4 i 9 a 8 1 60 4 65 {9_.40 [6 lii ME= DEALERS IN ME O store, • IBancro ;13 ..F iiille; , ll !John cri :i . l3 liattise ' & Dtincan. .14 1 .. lis igkry. [ K,*k.s.: Shane . - I 10 1 • ' .L: iipy 4ouses. l' Ipamue L Toqd • 7 Dotids ' Rambo -' t 7 :turner & JaMet . 6 John P tterion., -. 6 .52 Mallow Howell . 6 Jesse I, Dairagh 1. 7 iEpbraiin : Bewder liurriau Reeid , , I ; ,J 11 teiumo!l• r ‘, 7' 1 , W ELe tie ' - ..7 IA Ankeny - r : S. I , raicenolip4zeouctu: 1 ,.1 Sc KAI 31'0isleey. 14', _ . I ,_ - JJ &Chaney' , . ILoirryt l t Wagner ,- , IC H Betel : • - . 1 ) I : istillerg. 1 - [ F Mue era ll- . - BOCH 8114. 110FO. . I S TCI'O 5 •VPI3 ;12 ;(7 Patteon,; . •14 (1 WBe khamer 1 14 W EJo I ns 4 ': 14] Jolui Co way , ' 141 FA Fo tune:: '•- . 11 i .f. n4rew : Dal; • 'l4, John A archer 14 IS T 111 ' ens!' • 14 - M Alei nder - " 12 i; ,Derid C on : ' 1 14 rdi.; . Sp - ey erer' --- - 10 'F M Anlerson , 141 W W Seely ' : • • 131 T-S Brown ' 'II4I • 'Compound Medici:if.' I Shallanberger'4 Co ; iPartlee Brehm_ 8 i ;J 11 Ilan enll i ' 3 rewerd, I • Houses. ' r" i 7 G "Kli#e Ea& M Camp 11 W See G Kline I Ell 0 kN BRIEGEW LOTRiNd made to Order in styles, and at 'Aortal, lactic . ESE ~~ El :1f -1 40 - 0 0 6 15 10 26 .E havejnst received one Of thi Lug* ° 2 - 01 1$0 ,11 ,Viebtock , t'7, - "," , - LAMES' DRESS'GOODB i : Cashmeres, ' - Pr;ids; Ginoltaiiit, Checks, Ao., : ;" .• Ever offered, to the public in ,thie • . • li ,106 120' 40 84 as as 88 I 1 95 49 49 122 12$ r 17: 47 4 , 74 7 80 20 16 , . Ladies', _Misses and,-Children's SHAWLS. 16 16 1 20 al AU gualitiss. l atyles'and piicee, st east ljt reduced:rates. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS,&ii. T • - The Largest Stock And 'hest Assortment I: 149, 2101 1464 of Carpets, Floor Oill Clothe, Hearth Rugs, Matta, &c., ever offered. i - • I • - VII a ex reme y ow pnces.. • Personir in want of - anything in Our lino. Would do well to give us a call. As we are de termined to sell our stock at_priosiyihieh' wiil astonish all. " I 76 90 -I 25' .Rizhimber the pi dee:„ - 4 - DUNLAP, IEI6 Federal at, ,4 doors below Marltet-bouse, ,• • t api3:2m) • ALLEGHENY . , . - 1 2 44011 .i. TAI •:. -' ..'' . -1' 1 ''i,•Oti'd': Openi ng -! G-_EA.I4 - Y 9 S r . :_Ew .-T%IjL-raNt:ity.. NJ, SILO. E • - ; , Corner - of Bridge4s.nd Marko( SiTif I be, , I 2 • Bridgwater. r;- llill , t . 4Gir:t)ods.-: _ 2 • • The largest:4l,4.d_ most complete stook ever In 2 ought to Ilevver county'. 1:10ing pnrchu cd since the I.lp decline in prices, I am prepared . to•sell cheaper than any.other house in West ern Pennsylvania. ' _ . s.c* .a 1 . 1. - 41 • 'childreri!s Hats,, sll the Urea St .*f, hteluding . the Derby, -Norms, Dewdrop, OliTe, Marguerito;:to. • • . 7.t 33 - ,c) W W . .7M ° X I •AS • Oiik, Mourning and 'Straw Bonneto p 'of all the latest styles. . • - , , AH kinds. very cheap. • •R:bbons, Flowers, Ruches, 'Plumes, Ornaments, Fancy Silver and Mixed Cords tind Tassels, Hair Rolls, Hair Reis.. Fancy Cotiibs, Fancy and Mourning Collars,-Embroideries, all .ltinis; Shirt Fronts; Linenlliandkerchiefs,' Cortets. Dress.Huttons, Braids, Cords and Males, ell Ladies' Capedko: ft & VAR 4s. r 1 tr...CDIIS'FI,NE BA811E(1'S, ' * .•large irk always on hatide-heop ! 7 - Icrsier 4 y dlr.. 'CiLlovesi, : r '1 , vsar cui4p. i ,1 , • 1 y . 1 I 334ritarn.C.:!isza, Is. Good at ' " $1,76 worth . $2,76 Adi Wool, 3,75 ' worth 6.50 HOOP sllifilt r IN PROPOIqIOI4. Closing out ot LESS THAN COST . • , • - p- • - , OL.Pleise call !Lid - e;itnitie the Giods, si seem; i& believing.. • . UZI - • ' ' - 1111133.1.imer-sr:. Straw Boniete and Hate altered aad s ebialled On 'short .notice—che ap._ . , •7, , • St roping, Pinking and Clink Vining • and makingan Abort Dollen. • leti.,Cleak;uir Clothe of AR kiwis ale*a le hand. • Madhitlei atiteliing to order,. • • Or#B_LE to -8110 W -GOOD- S the ..place opposite die siere of A. C. Ruret,.Bridgeviatir. . • ' • • WATT GEALY. 7 1 the - Cornode- AitriL 1866. reqoired to Queensware TEA SETTS COMI'LETE--Firsi ,Quality M BI China; DISHES OF ALL KLY'DS;I LAMPS spa by ~ 4* LAMP OILTINEM *STILES it SHALLENBERGER. RE'IIOE, dpr rarer. , - Johx • B. - -T'Ouiag "ATTORI*EIr,4T LAW; • l • BEilrF 4 ,g, INFricE in, the building occupied by the ky late Botti THOMAS -Lewd bnainess of all kind Peomptly st . tencle4 to in-Boster end itljtioi7t coxtittiec - 7 - : :: P0 34766 ; 101 !' IZI It theistsit (fibrils TF.rin-irant to buy Pure . Drugi , Medicine Ci!ernissle, go to Moorl'e DruiF Bte, . IME FE `RIMMING El= IN MEE s • 1 i 1 1 , ME= TERNIWEffMNI SAVE, 40EfftlitALTit 41- SAVE : -sr - • wrie i-re*,s4 , • , 1 • , Aarry 'JAMS 1C• PARDELlinkil ' 4 • . nr'sjue maiii*D; ' = fOCHESTER PA:' (opb do9ri Dri,A3oodi Stem) ' - , • . I edit be/pund a jultiiiibrtmeyit - • TT L R TrC;it. s; !MEDICINE% -. :" CHEMICALS, endn: • MIR fiall7lAsigottutent *of [ i 1 ~. GL ES:Si ,PAI ;NTS, 40i5...'„4) 0n,., / ' • • 'SEAT'S trilO.T 01194 , " - •. - OIL; lIEI . . PURE A TU SECObf D ' - j . "‘ 7 4,T.-1..X_4 - 33i A Auo,..rialcra.:T9lLET- COLN; . A E7 / Al4Ti V/I..III.ETIES BRUSHES. THE B.Esi 7 pult; trior4r FANCY 'Srd'idirJET _ I:Th • -2 Por\tri.,A4 i;IEPAfgATIONS FOR. 'THE -HAM, - - - AU kiwis ocPstetit Medicines always.sn balk" Atio CIGARS Sr TOBACCO S t- • 14Iy his beeti'_purettssed Cyr iusgt ) in,d'is offered st thi rem- : ) LOWILIT PIZCBI. • 7 • '• IL 1 ; *sue i' 4 4; tkihistd, t. Wite.Ointrit. .2 . '7' • a thdisiighlii ‘ aticsietti.rotheetul aad phini. , li ! t.ipt.i,Sl o isits and others ean •troly - itpoi-hav-= l. '• agithemopreseriptions ,assurately Ilptd. with PIUS Medicines('Aft • ' ! •=ti • r N :I Rochester, Morel 6 24515-:- - T ISTjOI LETTERS,Apsealled for;resiain., ing in:the-Oast-0444 ei...RocUe 4 ter.: Pa.. A.pr,i11.11866 ; -71 , , • ' Mrs. Belle Aiiiiitrcing, John C... -BaplA* Mr..Elark:4/thi.? !Mini; Sari. Grcisl2.' Usury Green - woO ooker,s Cai'Mhht, Anna f100kc,.11.1",. Lek Jacob - Lougneckei. Jla~id MI PerLsan, Miss !=l. Pithier,'S . smuel L terson-11 .1108 Jennie . ratteiion. Miss A:.4. - 11 - e"l4 - '11i . 5.4 Mary Bill Reno,:Miss Mari Re -no, I.7.iStCrer.. Miss Mollie ShiitTer;:Wis. Sarier„liJohw Shaw, James D: "Taylor,. Miss - G eorge -Wnlber Rev. Ihnna.. el We.ime`t, Mrs. Withro w. Miss Jennie son,lMra. Hariiet C. Williams. T.. M. TAYL 0 R.; ' .130 . 1"1 1- Ml‘T - WWCOMV.I-' Ta.Av..g _constantly Okhand eupplY 'n'f t ttie; ,Putna.ai: (Iron. Frame) ,Clothes-Wringer,- and ' l svoitld Call attention tAI the Menufacturz - or's'adveititienient for tlie'litlivettal C.lotbok Wolf; Agent: W.:ha - ling remoied trout the State and transferred, kte, niachines.toiyee, keep a'cotittant supply.‘, Allio:opoStantly on hand. Crude oil by' tbs barrel a,4, 'crude oil burners. - : ''• oc2o f-r! JOS. III'CLITRE; Ag'f: Itfavet: • Penn iff s SAil# if#LIDOCIA FACTO RY- tio?Lr.s AirsAd - S. I, ABC K & SHOI,ES. Co r. ct Marburg Stieets,, PITTSBURG ; Flooring; LlAieatherbo3idifig, j:Sselt o , Do'Ors,Firmei,Braci:elsh Moulding ottleind or mittle - Co.Oder: PPYI7,II,i I - 1e l: ' 1 _ , TfIE SPRD,IG TERM OF 'IIIE 11015t i T . =:. TOIVAN scnocit . F il l comminca - ,o S.IORDAY, APRIL 2 . :11:0;186 . 64 , LengthiCifi term, ,fourfteen weo4s. • . Tuition gommozi .br4riittiep, 5O g ek . biglier biinclies; $B. Teftcheys—. - mri 3t R, OOKB will be olieitect toi itubslriptrons to. • D the Capital m.tok. :of _the rontl," vit the: New ,Brigiktp.,Pqtt;office. on Wetineediy, tits l'Ath ot Apeit,-between the , hettralif 9sJ to: and p. ' Wm.O_ Rourke; W. D. Di.l6- son. • 11. P.. Green, Johp Boyle. [Fran* W. Williino, Coonisfilonitie. itpf4*,;U: ' \ Eil ADMISISTRATOWSNOTI - " T EIBB of administration °nth. esfeede : Jowl B. HALL, le of Itacceeort !) Beererico.olee'd, havin gbeen 'granted teti.ele tinlersigned all-persons lodebtedeoesid-eeteto, - ere requeeteatermakeitateedieetiteydient, end tholje Marine "'aims dgeinst./gebt estate, erijk. preeede think to the entsdrititeismayly stazl eheitaleid for eetilerizen . !,ROB'ERT S.,I;?(LL," iddi(trir7 , ... Y.rAmpson Bedcociti tp'., erar2B'66.! Administrators. ADMINI§ThATOp'S"NOTIGE.' juin ERO of aduiltustratton on tha,ostsAii tor JAilss-, JA.24.310.N , WO, of; GllOrptolllllb orciughe43eairer county, clecq.., - lurnag-toolia. granted to ;ate. undersigned, all per-Ilona in-J' dished to said estate' are • requested_ (.1) 'alas ! mmedialta iniycleni, and those having - •elaienit itgoinst;said;estate -vitt iresent.•theta-4o 'lke setbseilber proper l y auttiel4icated -flr Belie tlemeni, '4. - ' -:- ELlZiklißitil ;JAMESON, A 4504:,• •? •.. • inar14,86.1- - Geolistownßaro,' - OO#SI/ 1... W .4 ,N geot If -5, I 0 Amide,"of iespectable etehtt4 ing i to isakk' Moo V 000402,500 :poi inolut.; sure, iv honto Send: trattp;', get temple 'OA pOriietdore. J:11 RE,RIEDY C 0:, • i 44 49 Fine., row;pur s , • • - ' 4 ,- - .:z .. ~,; ~- ITEM lEEE ' ttBO yOtt-; AND Mil ME SEEM ME El BM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers