MI BtAVER 01 be Publiiihed„ Eveiy • • . •, 141NIS' !BUILDINGS.'" ~ E • THIRD bf., iBEA V rat, YA.,,- • •L 3 $2.00 per extriiirii rick Ja nva ali grLettel and '#oit' mall; • bate 'pr;impt attention. • RUTAN Co, idklit p6,r4- _,FO . TTC*.U - i • ... • -"- I st ourrsUßPASSErrifrzer: l a the •nglander, s r. Yvon pronounces the folyirliOitiilsitel i~oi7.ussurpaisetl in the EU , Ai:di* atw ,osh. ossgusge," and adds that "peiltsplcitlis-as ' .rooprSetion as any uipi#l,44 , 7l,angiinge _lt is usually as'cribeilli,Ulkilllibinel. ite Jae , 4Pmes njit°P B l4,lA4 , . an - Dr...-.Bson, it Was riti.eit 1)3 , his . t osa4tr b}utberr A ugustus , 14 • 11Pitiutiei • 4r : `tell near Paris in Merch,lB& ( S t : Tremhlini beNre awkul'threileie•!f 01.ord! ,ciust-my, "ins I oitinV Jaltice and mercy foi my life ' tatend: Oh! smile tid tieeltlte strife. • , TO Saviour miles! npon roi.flotii : ••• Sew titles of hope turcitU:itotia roli— lifb rbice proclaims thy liatdOu fOundi • • Strophic trarrporta l wings 114' aorind,' • i [ l,rth has ajoyun!!nown in IfienTen•-r., , ite new born peace of sin to viol, , Tam of eueit pure:and deer eliiihi. Isatgela! Illrei dirnied yo sigh. i.' ; .:.: "il, . ''• ye saw of old, on chaos rise if • Ti e . 4,ol:aeons pillars of tho, c akies; • , , Ys knobll/Acre morn exuasitt'sptings, - Aw4cining folds her drooping ciingi. grighilieraldi of. the Eternal Will,• • A ii,i 4 dLis erreeds'ye fulfill, J: • Or taronrdin aooaa of beatq t aiaf l _ g j mpho igus iii4Vrandatitt 0 111 4, - Wells the ks?Fir,-r:th LRatruly totaita wi:h tlin choral strainl • 11141(4:T1g echoes Boating far, Ural music from • eau h chiming st sr. • • ! d , • Bet i nmi'd your choir' shall.shitte Ind all your lr.nowelge aliall be *tine; Ye on your harps must learn :te bear redrai Chord thit mine ii ill a r. MURMURZIOS. Falling l, fatlling—k!ntl7 failing, witk3ov ram.. Like rt, yrierd-spirit calling, . • Come the 'Leavy dro,ip' : of rain. Sweep by the Crazy easel:tents. Where the creeping hey elipgs, Sounds the wiritrin gustful musings, • Loudly !raking •:little things.r Ilush!,. the touesare Sweelen . afriii4s;Of st4tilt flike malian harps in heaveil. = l'•Aning incense4 , a'ar tha'amil,- s wilder Tailing, musk reig s c4L Iloari,lygroani the 'wilt stets Belson; Drowning all thcisri sweeter !f ins: Arid the tail Ones mbskes and quiver, As the, reonareli rideth Onward` where Abe tr o ubled - Dashes !pray dr • hpi towards the ally nut he,-Spauses not, to ltstea, - ' • -Unwiu4l, wtih depionisio will, Till thi . Molina borps inlivaven. ,Softly Whisper,"Ppici,lie Miscellaneous. ' • [CONIMUNIgATED --Is iir.nonts:tt. xi. J.A . ME9', FRAZER, CoMpiny 1 0 . 46th Regt:l,,etria..Vols. who•diei July .21i4t; .. 1861, 'of' ,W:runds received 'in • the . battle '4 l r. -Peachtree Creek; Ga.;" tile .day previous; whose reniainte trtire brought- hprhe•:aril. in 7 terrea-iti the gravey4o. of .the - U. :P.l Church rat , Frankfort,'priog?, 'ln the ! 17th of 31.areli, ikfle,3,' i • . ; : _.•.- ' 1 Als4, - w.cre it, not-for itrieidents spelt ; as ti,i4, I learln•the day of , peace' we. wit* ferget ,-- ilie,i'brove ,hearts. tlitt: I , ,tre sacrificed theithielies' for ;their Country's. soli:lobn.. - 11.1k1 ' aryiong• till ) 1 4s:tinted 'host, who haVe'tolcle this ii4tri'tlee,there chinos,, n0t,4.tir1,6t..3.7 taillO than that .of Sergeant .Frazer'a.. lit was a otti the first , to. vleaie -his I '''solli lc , , he three 'y ears service.;LA• th;erfoll • eithariging (Be pleasures of'. 'nl3'l° l 4ll6 rude 'and !'savage life of tiir riolai-Vi; 'a life; of' all: others,_ least Ipat4,lo ,with' his! ;nature; - which II 43 tail& and, gentle its ii - ohill'a.-4- oil yul, in that • gentle ' hettrlr ;was '4 y arkiq:v4iiiie,.herolitit anti, iairbit 2thit - deservee to be remembered . , . maser-. - Bravely; and , Well .he :fought, tbrungtr• the' arduous - eatnpalkns.i:of i 14(tit4., Frumor.t,'SieDowell and P9pe, •Aglitit - ig:bravely at a liVir.efitOster, 1 !.' 11 h! - Iie'sl i • eetlar- lelountaltf,' Chanil H V Y ,. ..l.ntiettith,.frederiekeliurg•Obn9" , . C lLMViiiri , aild . Qettytihurit. • • : Tlilalt ' - 4Jat in 't he Army 'r -of the 'Ten rik.stieo;'• bito under the - gallath :11.15olief, -,e.,,litrzi ng Up :4, 'Look Out :rein nittin„4o. P l imulatell 'by that bralia do Olig e : that rjjtEes matily -.to ;destruction,. but i by 't higher • qouittle ' , Which , `;arms a I : 4 h for ;life and, 'treatii.."EtO:.,Was a l oin - chn! had much _to liv:e.for;.itod v .et feareit ito t i t? 4.6;,woovrtife was 'be 01 thoseWel affoid'ayleasure to t ros: through every'. tilitgOOf '4441 Fee; vitfrom the seboor boy 'to' die' Jnatt, tlier aiid, I I - : - ;• - ,2 • ' • • ih' - I I • ' h 2 .t . , 9;01...aan #9.111,.eX.4.1 lv , es},- 7 •4 life . -that 'united- virtue, , a ,'"hq o . 4, religion', ~,ati'd. resery ...Ott% t_ttrouttl:adern tlre'hrtartO :life; ~ liil 4 , '''''"gliS a th an 'fir ail . things , - WllO.l ‘! •l t l eihall',ot soot _Re ( f. 'agaili:-; rte:,; r a !V . C OA,k - Ite 13 tilPathise : vilticiii at•-a-irlentfs, tvAtse - -beart4 'have' ta")3"l*.es made' to.'' Wed aftesh,'lre of i i: t ) p 4 . a .4. 13 . 0 .W - leilk . a,tbe . kindrtess 111_ Psinento•that tit . i last altoIv• ~,..! fiats it,redtinkitliipe_i,ti fkia 04. MIY grair t i ail • •i' ' I l Pnle :i .E.:- Y r, . ~ e.n. the N t igl l t. o f the I*: l 4.,7.i.idhOpd, 1 1 / 1 0.r-41 the_ foot, gra iii !..7,,?t eall,F never desectlitts' lite ' . * tor : ~-. • Atsr. - 4P, 1 1 4 - _ ll, t-t5.4, 73. p c: ... ... '3.-:•,.* F~.Ylsiti~cil;a~~~ • 1. .. :.i J' EM2 -14 '•r . ° J . ;' bk .!7 , .. • " 'l4‘ l o - ' eri; . , , i lp iiiii its ' t l;•liglia l idi a iiii -s ' ..,, , y it 1'..., -II- ,/,..‘', ;!:.''.' , ,t '' • sa ~ sa, gi .' -,. °glans •xspgssits ... . ', '• • limn we t loosen - and undeniable - he to thus•ecommeetta upon ' tin . ..kb ....ase, i nf f r.q.fine latignage',"., in this t , fic, - ;:it'i t t ' ''i4 - '; e l 6 ooar s teiCi...nh . lis in .ist i fq-PC , Yel'aOt'. ol - 4), Ph.niiiVanirs !ask of. 'country I" lioar - few, : people •Ajya. in 1 40 01,--tiSSI, . to • ,Get.eml-Die.t.def- and houses;:_bowlFusil 'reside' in•riisidig"cs th 'tt• t&Gentrat flaiseciek,l. , 'lltei hero pee .or, nianisnanadi,Ace,ty_•,fests-sieho?le Of 4ettyab'p_rg .:scsireisly . - 3 / 4 13e* ho* CO ther'e are, left ! ), h9stf „misny.acaderolcia tr t the tender. ; ' Ho was not . certain, lin'd. suatitntes,• and •eatahlielimatite.—• 'w ther ittWas desikied'ilib:pertiontil, The racii j of . i livitinen:..iB,fienrly extinct, 1 - i t r ilt or is l. ! I gOti. political joke. Vieve...'Wye'lltdiettoWarin all ,stOR Are .land, A aft tiny li - g bt. it, was distasteful iii 'Sit' it . ..a:t..hil4as al•fewl lic.nossribirOlT the grim eoldier s nrid he therefore ~ins ever eeers,enla dinner. tablel•this'oldest dignan . ti.Y . iitleett,4 it: - Next,. grensraf 'dOqii.thiit 18 reeir . ei..fisee:Fo. up ',i a stare ts", 'H nee ds' jriatqpitlate . ll,,rit, t rather be la chieken. l - ;gution;,ioor, is becom. elisaye4 - tor be handled` ' ter:copper- ing. scareernlidistinrsair;flambiti.plens 141;0 pnip4e . s. But tit* gallant *pis •tifid, ,! .Titer, ~:bas. not en, fsi imaai a ;141. had many •coataCts- with traitors, ..d_air aacit'a t4sing,itt the... United States arid was theroloi e - acenstoutcal , ti} u tikafit t CrArCaPar Ler : eihopkeeper4 the , their tactics. ;He iknewnlf,atittat , the„knallet+.4 Pcd,laret!- 1 ,05: nOar• a merchant. strategy of traitors who had courage W,Ohardly,e i ver .. ! la . r, 'of ittnytmair , in 1 tn. meet !hitt' in fair. .tight, - and conld 1 th4 . 2 - uetrapapers,, not: 4 day-laborer, •e-in--the , ,easily penetrate:the veflef,thcl!iti ti l ino, I wh'e does-nos- in si--in--the very best • tool, cowardly, to, - *lit, ttir . 'what thiy I mobloty , st igt ;,:t , irnosibeil titit boast l'af fine '., believed tai be ligh . 4,-;anpposert,litro f tit eels and ' dignified 'many:ere. I' No ii4 , Mae enough to lend..his • •,-stlory•,.that' 7. 1 n0w 'delivers' a 'aPeeeh lav 4n ad-, thenwrong might be enabled.; to . ftia ' 'es - on soli net iii:setision;''hO delivers l '-• um ph at the - ballot brift;'nfier it bad! an .' I Sttior.:" i , been - so signally defeated:, On l ihn . bat-.4s.aattosPreisidsmtliit , fitet - ,ceatting-tri bo tielfisld. ' General Hancotik,titerefore, PreEsid,soty . its,Fijie ;been - promoted to With indignation,. lied diegnsk.thresir the'inee oti,lPur ' 1 „ Chief Magistrats;l the offer of a copperhead noinitottionfor [ i 'Ftilsre are eVen Very . few men •of mod 1 ' Gtiernor, isto the teeth' of 'the - stied;: 'attairrtient‘i• Misit, men who lay I.•lip made it. , This tebuffed and, re- idle m to atl,ithin heyonda ciomnion 1 bilked, the, copperheads of•Pennaylva . tacl oolnducation, niter° actually-not 1 • i nut could do oothing leas than noini: len aged in in:omit:no, are spoken of ati • nate , 'fliester 'Clymer: 17.tvro gallant 'r ip scholitrii,! aollif 7 ,tliey at the t • flenn'svlrtinia sefdiere •toilised - that i tinie do . ii•tt!ltit'ar cbes, and abstain '.l6oirocal honor, because its accept- l'fro l in ' inorny cl ig.. i•ink - S, they-become . / .d ..ancie. would ,haye _been tantatikiinr.t , to acomplishell.gentienien. • ff ariVhedy „1 stultification. -'''ts Meet , who Mid •advocatestnegro suffrage We takes his i 1 tilis Copprhetid vomination to give l ‘ istand oh:theiplatforin.flt • the brei,hitr.. :l e.' late those al s o Oppos tile, War as en- hoed of man , if tewect oysters and, Ijas. on '-tle' part ot the Government. ichitykon salad_ are , neitheita.itupper "., Step lir 4cp . , they cast obstacles in the !not• a lunch,' hut, an •elegant, collation. 'i way of \ the military success of s u ch 1 So t mons itro pearl all—or ni. least' all heroes as I Monde' and H k,' ancoc and:llllse t i lint Itiq cnnaidered worth.speak.. i ye tiVOeil I the soldieris had ;crowned 1 , ini l (4_ 0 Werfull discimri , ea.. . -E vers i thelmgelvit with giSry.'tho Copper- '- wire s, are grailda4 ti;nappearing; men he: tis.had'- the/audacity, to. ask •,tat t writ: , ..thetn!pireisi down in t he b hotel ' ' l ' •.- h; 1 1 be roathated ter grogl. it, net being adepmpanied - y their i ti ) ; -g ors_ am , , P 1 ••`• 1• i 'h'f ”-; ' - 'I 1 t air, political suet ' s s, And 'when, ;la iets,i,w ist c,rtr i. 13`y ma) mean. .n. It i; ,request wall ' refused by lase ' i ninst,: , parti . 4c ri of the West_, even acade s Idlers, - the Copperheads tamed,. to irides andi !litutes bid fair to ,beconse t i ~., cir idols's-turned to the delltagognes +ex .inet, 11pir places being taken.' hy ! %rho had been, true . to ,their opposition ,! un'renAties - ", 1 ',` " - I tii the .Gorerr.mmit, Who had miiii•.n- 1 '-.No girl now 'isiqer' liinie,s school; She : ied all who assisted ,in the _effort OS f graddates. ' Ini,s - and 't averns • have It i n di treason, and from` aniont thetie di appeared tong" agtii ivelll l .4 nothing l i 1 sel l .cted gone, full) Worthy, Of their hat hotels in . all di r ections . - 4 Tifore crowned Crewed Iliester, Cly.i, tar 'even siglis thot"iii9iiiiris will . mein Kith the honlir which •Yeade aria • sedn tie enlierseded'h!,;: .. iiiittiple titionis. 'l- - ancock had east ! lrorn them and apat'!:Th,le 'iircteesiti has iilFett4 boon begun n i pn. .Ati yet, i is . nl.ow asked. that lin ow York. Oeople do net ;teach tire.k Pres ide nt ' ' , of i the , !hostel States : things "'now.; the are , professors i of al Mild support a nomination ef a •.: th. Int, Corn IdoctOrs are chiropOdists. t 5 ; . vhich two orithe most gallan t - I - Bit tiers . arik§ - r!t_t9 bb fOund.4lA, ItirJ,9fi 1 die Ai in the country , -rejected. ' The ;Ili' large 'bittes, While hair . dressers very-proposition is - Monition's, 'and ;'ali-kietil. Miniberi; of 'Congress ,sed i sends a chill to the. heart of every !.politicians reen aro beComing Annie= ---, loyal man in the State:—Har. State. —.Har. 7e1. , 1 what rate.: Theyi•are grsonally be. , • I „ ---.---± sr.-, -•---- , ' • coming,stateimen.l Some people' think .I,ousr ie. Gonotts Final , EXPERIENCE 1 wtre'fallink•Oftin oUrnianntlis,. but IN I.r.crtinisn.-At a'buliquel given in ,i„ "ur Itir.guitge nLleast l the high_po. Chicago a, short time since, to Yoh n 13. i . litel' was never m re. Sri ('' iit. al cess u y p . Gongh. he told his, first experieice as t i vi , ite d, ,, :. I , I a public speaker. His firit,alidech 1 , --1 r..• -s • - •'-4-•`==. -- 1 - 2 -- ' wad when 'he signed Ow niedge• - ..i,n al - Bio' SIGNS A large number of' teropersnee wetting at Worcester, ; t hd,,,,,, -Mass. His coreradessnicitored it I - Went . forward; end, he; looking i stqqare in the eye, I exclaimed peacethl 'people, tie • Quakers, ale d: 'have i been obliged Ito !oar() their homes lem 1 ii{' Forth Catlolii4, on'-account of the pe,sistent siMoyances and vexatiens r ;ilhat are you laughing at?- --,n9 „Totil that they reeiveti front their neigh- I see that hand ? --(He held tiotin.)•At.. ; b.),k. They - mosti have lived thetetlie• !.trembles: , But . with that hands 1 .4 i for the swat, an , or Course. 'tinder 1 going to- sign th,is pledge, and the tithe itlareFs regiin: - . If r ntitiii; ' would 15°91 may 1101 4 h as aided as please." 1 apn . erne - tlitti; their ~bad' neio hors ..are 1 , A little While after be attended anoth-1,m46 ititisiC-e' and; rioleih no* than Ir t i eraperance meeting. The o hakt'- 1 thy were then. 1 NV, e are _sorry' to i. f yia called on hirato Btate to ,the as..l her of such condiict among those I,diecti holt , .4' got along, ete,,...11, •el wh ra We sunpoaeli eabinissi re-to the I aro - e 'and ! said he,' 'was.getting ale' eg ! las.. 'lt d ' ' . ' ho es nolgood tici tliethselves, • finely; hadn't drank- a drop since •taki. land it brings is ciclud On' the prospeet ing t pledgee, was going to stick to I' h• , of. a. speedy fetnrit. of the codtitty, to it and felt happy shoat it. This was i a linalttiFe994,ttion: These • grionds. his 1 itcond public - ap_eetb. .Ho ' sden Zuni blii lonoeett iii . .difee the in Poytin. read Another and longer pne- . a -;;o1- , doe to w 131% thetticrere exposed, have teciion wits taken; this, that ' first re- ,iiti v e in -•-4, :: 3 / 43 4 t A.,; - 1 4;,, r4 , .1 . 1f ' v i t , toi 'trio .g t - n o • at maneration he ever.recnivedlor a lee. Writ, amounted to exactly two ` dcillatst I if Indiana . ' Arid it is • eisy to see that 1 thelie old 'reeidetirts 'We're niit id to n•• I - 143 was 8 0 ( - 31h linlie4ed 30 raakA a Fit 44 ' ed to lire in ` pp eanefrtrihong the late rob ` tear for tempera-nee of a ifortnight's l e i s ' or Noll cd . soli n a, - it,i: l iikk a ' s ,i ' a t. 149;m:i0n .% lie .. naked .a3iilit.obtained'i teMpting ti ; in iettle i ltheresvputd.be stilt 1 p mission! of hits 'emplo ,r, who was I mo i re' lia ii it) inc r.rentCnee :arid din i ft bookbinder, to go, with , the under: t, ee i. finds thei r had conduct --.n.r. I, s a l i ding that h is. sitnation slitield s . be 1 ''''jil'' - -,, '. i'A•i',-s. -) . .. -..., -- r• -•,„-. !i. tinned ferihitn: I, , ria) bOoks he had,!; t' "e; . -- ' --. ' ' -:. i I o f e hand n e e r dt j h u o s rn tl i r in ea la dy is 5. -f p or ron g , i_l x d u t r o n g i: ed Ihis b ek upon! them:and hat ni..4 t . seen 0: m einee ii i .. 'lit's :spoke at one L ai l reteh altnose..tiver'Y nighefor a year, and averaged, less than. two dollars !Ter lecture. -'. . 'il ' . ....' ' /... 1 1 ' ie ', 1 . ' __. , _ r How To, Juparm nE Ar ts Tre n =4-T ka 1 colirs ;of i the sky at ditrirelit!tinitil avi . '- iicr?rid.qrNi #4?it!P(i.i: - FOC.9/ 1 1.Y does , a clea rsnniet, prestige fah irreath erAnt there are other Aintsiwbititi Spdakmit eleartisse slid titieiirit6f, A tinfiftt 'ye I low 1p 'Me eieraiiti ihdt.= elites wind; a pale ye110w . ... retis a ih?4 7 ttel gray Color constitutes pt favorable ein in the , evening.-an.anfable tilde in the! mbiiiing. The eli,atit , 'liii fib 4 of meaning laithentselkiiii,.. if ihey ~... . ~ ~ a' I ra Heft, ditdetbLed.DePd.l 6l 4l4el'ir the *tither Will be line; if the ,edgeti are hard, : sharp and definiteiit- will befoul. ilenerally,spetsking;iaty deep; 'ytnui.o. al hass -betokett . Wind *ld' rataLtfiliilii 6100 quiet ' and dilipata_atitits, helveaft I fait Weather. Simple as likes* warti Ira* isia, the British. Board of Trade I ha's thtight , .fit Ato , Oshlfah' thew fat i LIT u se of , l'4POrifl%;tl4l27--4Zsii,a/ AT io "Yorker. •'z . * . —'.',l ' - 1 . s brvawrion.—Atlthna , --tbe-Aryeat of pliant ,t Hannibal ; Wad in? - in? i tt li co-' t'lPhaL .paesini throngh lita - ry land, an iiiinient eiijOredf fa , dt *hce,bad nevereo** . i.ieleishejk, pr k el, lainir t io the road, and throwing 00, ter ttapdj in,,ndnatritelos?,otoinitaildi Tv*t_cis toift YtitstP 'et. up ra ..: Th - e hint 'for te new ylitt.lme 1 !O 1 , . . ,1 - 1 , , . ~• .1 ..- -- .:„.. t . , , , .. - •-‘ , •-r•-•.,-',"'•••;•••_ - "•'•.-- , -n- - -- 1 --....: - _•: - . , ••=7- - ... f -- ' ...-- 41 - 7 - "*` - -- - .'` ''.1,% - - ' .---- ' .'.- ' ,4oll gro - ; - : - - -- 1. " " ".. 177 - 1 ....;;:r.::—...... ;— ' — '' i-. •••••• ---1- • ''-' - - --.L • • - . .o.: - . P , W•= 7, -, --'- 1-4 .;,64,- , ,,, 14 Of ' i .: 6.0 1 1. ` 110.... ........A 75 - 7 - z - R - f — r , r, l- 4 .775 l it,r' m l- ''S , - -- -. ' 2 " 7 ‘ -.- • . --- - • . ' Li lle , -s; cii . go gr.' - -,4 - ,tz..' . .-.l'.oitS:vil i • , * . • I '' -•:- --- , v , , I ••:..... ; i ~ i,e, -, .;;;; . - ii - 1 , 1 ~, ,,b. r,, - , ~•••!,;:..-,,,•:.; ,9:s. r-.... - .. 4.. - ',-,* • i l l -- '-, - f ,i t. • ~ , ,.. - ,1 -....-....e. •t ~ i • .f . 1: .Ir•i , 1' • 1 '• '. ' • -- i' • --4- • -.' -* I .- •:•1 1. 1.;' , ?: . :11 - ict2'. , " 3 V ' ' , - ,1 1 0 ,0' OW!, 7 ' lo ' l • ,'' - It ~ ' ''''- ' :'"", . - ` '= " , • .4,; :---' " ', f . ' '' " ''' .•' ‘, ~... E. a ,: . 1.:- . 4fir,..-10:4 7.1 f.7111 , ,r.r."41 7 , 1:1 - er ',;,:•''s . e-t , - ,-... -' , n. .- - , • .. r -4 7 k.. .P . Q .. .1 t. fil* • ' , 4 • . rd'r , '" ',, 1 „ ~- _ y e IN 06 f ! . - 0:i..1 , 1. tt..:, , f , . , .. , .: - t t-,k, 4 , , 1 L , .H , ,'1, 1 , Ft.) , , . n . -,,,, :..,..' •,-, •, - t. 0.. 1i , . • iny .4, , :ill' ;.. -‘ -• 1 -,:-.) I -:;) -cl , ',. , 3"ti - I,; : -i; , • ::4 1- 4 1 41 r , - .t. 1:F .• -,- , ! ty2 , !: .7, la ~ 1 ~.., t f1..1 ..., 1 4 .:1 , ..* ... `ilvert , ',, f I . ' L itir ) ' ,1 - 4 l e4 'i,A l r. , ~.-011r 7 • , (. 0 I' l. 'All ' 4 . , 42, i % i ~ . (t1 t , 1 ~r. • %l• ir , t , . :f . )•!., :‘ , 4 „,. ~ (, . , , -I' , ''.-W ''"... 1 1 . 11 • ...i. -I' .ij' !*.l , A , ',ll 1 - 0!1 " 1 ,- .... ".. 1.• , li:'..t ; .-.: 1 .“;:t ' "'.t I.' 4.! tai 1 Net t 7 ~! „ • - .. . ---- 1 0 - ~, ! 1 :!t CI . 1 : I Ti. Al p, f r 1i,,.. ;,...,1 . ....., 1, Si 10 ri ;,1311` ,- I , ~_ .. ~, ......., ~.75 . •• ....., .. . ... - . , : , • .." • , . • .).. ' .t.•.' , :: il. 4: - ,- • . . ' r. 1' ;• . -; - ..,, ..., ;.,, ~1. 47,. • 11,1 , , .-- - .7111..„.. 1 70 .....,„i. 1 ... ..- •• 0 . 0 .-... ~ “i ~.i.ql; ..,. i t ••!, • •, : :44 , ~,,,. , ,:., ,; c , r - qt . : ; .. 1 ~ f, I* ~.. • * .,..-. --..„-_,•;• - r - : 4- 4L.i . tfr'im,_.:_ , . , ''-' 1 . ' ...4i ,'''' ~, :',. ' . .1 , ,, A. ' -II 'l l. l-' - ' • '."''' "°' .L.11..i.". •,1 • ~ • ' . 4 ''l ( '...:.... 3 i L weiaL imi.... - ,,LX-sirdr .- -7 - ' ••• 1 ' -,, . .1 '' ' •t :.:,-;/ 7 7,j...raZi • lai s' . -n•: - ;1 :' .' ","..‘t 1':.....). - ; , '' , „'N' ••-•'.: - %%1r ~< - 1 - ''t 1 . .,... , •'!"•'', '' • '-- 'rCli --;'' ' , ' • ... : ....-; , .:4-....,. , c.,-.., , , ,,, wr rti ht '.):.".:- -, t'' olTil ' '''..• 7 ;., : .1-..' !'-' • '- -- `f "13 ,-.: . *,...•T ..... ~. ', IMMO ME •" • - 3r' fir - •I 1:.• • •. t ee -4111P - - jr" I 0-7 1' ; • • . I C ' i 'l 6l 11 ' ' 'WATIN'T'r nAtt.' -.... 0 to owing . is it 4 4 14 Qf the .t‘liard-sbelll'ißaptist pretwhers :.1 • - • 1 , . - 1 I 4' wo-pf .th e n} Nrere i c n ‘ the same piths pit togat her.l ' Vi'hile tine W - Stepr i da6h= : in 4 he happened 0 say, "Whey', Abral ha A VIM: thirark 1 ." ' '-' -i• -- Thu one bChiod Nei -atroce,topor reet t 'his blt4der - ,, t' !? by crying aloud— i'lrabi, ,ar,t l V, titar..;:. .... :: I tnti the speaker rushed on beetilesel of the ictetkupt:On,..and:Only-to ocCasi S'in shortly to repeat, still more de ohredbr ( 3 4. sajr.e.ftrilen , Abrabant bnilt th Atli!' '-' 4* 7 4 1 '' .' '• ' :: -: ' ;' 7 s ; `And' I hityi,'''.etied ilie OthSr,:',`A4ta.; halo warn't tbar.r • . , , 't.the klardidtclil .was. too har d be be r f i ton downlin" - tbis wily, and,addres el g the, pecdge } ..4,elitimed.,- with great ip igOatios,, 4 say „Abrahani,waathas. or tliatibitat': - 1 ,• , • -..,.......:„.. serifo,lll79 , :4 CUR TlN., —he sad rra oXeimayireAt„it,is seifid:'inienci toYrep4eaainlL,*knOitltitd .teatuiati.,, to hie Sioell r eney gettarforAniirew G. Otretio4wbe di-4 ii Ong, the rebel lioni al Wilms -pr0:04 9 mi ni~ Ofkii:E4 l thi'lfkolool", *frill#4. - '., If 'red pCblick fire'Ontetitpas are ! 49giffernii so raiere l ate . I:int,and they,..tatendi;to giro ---a practical detneArittratiorr:of 4.lht ladis :ititactlitsPikirfidt Clean.` "Nittaf ititeeielbUnaturet of tite, testinatififl * ►ittli2e.,Asi - .6cpt been ,t;e 44i4rmined - nponi - ita . r-i't wilt 1)6 itch al- to .091:4texpilk-, - 7130PYWA 4 4- t iriliv I **4 l ,t r erilsitl4t : hie rail 13 4 porionitY . %col be etinallY represeale . 1:• • , ';' '-• • '• •I.:,Il V_.Pll.l) GOiid: 1;lel#00Flit i thtlillAgrAel;aollt4 Fordey a Press asyo t.zafter'• the bloody,, ' battle, itt Wataittebie ,wh ich' k • , .:- . ~,, tr tiv.rainpif.. , ll,ta • P": 46 47 1 P ~ 4, 1 F.1 1 9r-Atc4PFi Aik`lkliii On ki gk : I r4ope, pn4eri.c*t . ofithe gaup6t,qeiry,,aod'qhfn4lifAtie :artayjat dhattutiodge,G ii iAeiat Sicierim.; the'Ciitatilander i or. '! ,i) *li ii f,ch Army Corps; and .iecFn,tlx.l.4.,96lo4itik , .eandidatii for -Seiffeestrof, f) State cFr 4. ,i isteve-,Yoltki•liddressecli,i ihittinkl letter-to the, hero who : Wa i thi , :l6ridin g ,l 'itielbre;ilor the trsiy•lniil .)..hir; I §tate: ikeittit Or' 'eneniiite 4,.*vii. ent ry.: t-EtritimivautrEns :12Tititr;" I. .: Ari i ii or Tlie eilmatta4RD, liiiiitratauinetto,'Osnt,NeA. 131'63.- I 1 , , -7 , I • "i 1. -d-i- t 2,. [.!.‘lify, bk 4,4 ,, 914,N.# 4 4 1, nr,f:...4fik -ve% ti ap o.o.-"h'eariche,OcAi r eOdro.i w whi n h• !lericii FneArofT,l, 411 Bj.deVilaiii ii to the, conduit Or rid! eotnn*Vin -., it 4 re:- . ,9t., j), Apt : haw: , . The qpntitt L eint one of; very giaiii . ! inivortanop.- Thel l 4igirav credit Vs -. a . wairdill 'tcr' Yhiilsand your command '• hot only hy4l6)ieral Thom.; as, .buthy ail of Icteiyosianui Vol th ,tho eiretirost,Onboi: -: i .:i-i . '"..'. 't As '1 wit notwith Y44. l .P.' ll - .10 /0" 1 no`pOrticio 'Of the imedit gai ed, nor can I, with good taste,Ainhlis ii 'A n / o r _ der expressing thenittr V' „i•ti,) '; but r wish" you h and pine; eointniind &know that I ha echeen in fot teed ' 'di j' ail 'the facts in: theicase,'and.th;ar,ilfec!'deilipt ly giatafot - for their iaillini. * hdatt,.• , and Oar- ithe new 'aurae ihey htive• bronght to onr eorPF,'''' . 1 . 1' I - ' ' ''-- ' I Your ohd't serset-hndlincerci'friend' i j 1 - ..' - , r .. ill. , Vir:I4LO i CIJ M., . Brig: pen, J. W. Geary s cana commanding 2d Diristor, 174,11: Arniby Arps. A:' Co'o4trir tilitip• -... 4 ' ;•j i tie: felipwing :tri bate( folcho - Ohitkins A - elevating ' ', iefluentiV of 'itriuilat life ' • r . . • I , 'islfl.oni.tbe'' 'pelf -'. or thi't• Aloe"' .tiiiiiii de " 1 0. `ea til4 r1 °FP, I '' 1 4 i. :? r, df ,` t i ? W tv •l ..YOrk''Tii4itite ~--, ;, , i'.1. 1 .,- : ~.., , •' ' • - - .t,; ..- r... . ', . ' ', !I 1 I.asfor,lne i fongtossede thostea ram i i :4151. ivaves of. donbtfuleorifliet and 1 ar.s. if tionsiendeAvor,9l have.tiegan - to.feel, l siefe , l tbe,i Alkalies: of :Surly .: yeaiklfelll ifon !me.jthe- weary tanipestedifTlreitl y. getii longing' -for landvf.itio,ivrin.l Lya A rti yrs', ning fur tiiiilialoilet;•wlie're, I I re.ehil l 4hood, he nostlecilbY.Jiiii, moti le-:l 1 et!ii kite°, ; and; wits sO•othe to Sleep' on I her b r east ; -.;The!subpr, , ! own.hilf, of=l lite:dispels manyillinsfurns i iwhife it del 1 V - 111iper or • strengthens; within! us'..the atnehpent, , pereahs , long sirtothiiredj ok•oVe4.l'aili,:for `that:dear libt,or home., 1 !Akill,liio I, , int•the - -sober, at,ternon - oof .life,. when its stin, , if not highriti still Warms ,have bought: a few 4cr e ts of land io tbe jbroadvatill nountiyoindi hear• 4 itfg- hither.: my ~ b•ousetiottl- : •.tivitsiteg i -hive resolved tosteat - fi 3 O in the city's I lborsland anxieties., at leAst out day i such ,week,'„wherehtto !revive tut al :farmer,: •thp ineinoriee , of, .iny , eliilds.l bood'fil'hamble home. Au'd already Il raliZe ...that' the , expOriment . ."cannet I eust:eu ;mach as it is worth. , - And LI fin d / i n, that*, d ay's quiet an Antidote itod at -solace • for- the Severiph; festering! cares of the ' Week . ,sv hielCenitritinlit-- ' A.i eady -my brook .murniurs even ; song t rny ;litirning, ithrobbing braini--,ind m tiseit, gently stirred..bY Vie - .11.AliI j is b eziovhisper to_ i ityi • spirit sein e . thing of ,ItheiroWn au et soKengthindi tient. 'trust in, ( lied lAnd tints , do II 1 oily realize, but for a brief.: fliiting I , , i ll y the•iferene joy w 47 hic, shill ;writ, 1 ti tei the Jariner's vacatian . When a I „,_ ,1 - , ' r . ,:.,. T .,._]. s . . - f t iler and truer • edncatiort; shall' ,have 1 .i.OO ALANY IN A •DELL—pmtgrft 1011 • 6, , . . , . • to the State ff MichigairWasSO gr t eti ,. t t v fired and enastened..hisisinimal era. I gs,land . when seitinee shall have en. I diming 'the Year 1835 add , 1836; t d t wed him with her treasures , . recreant.' alrihe lioness were filled".evCry nigh t ing l • abor,from drudgery while quad with-travelers: 'Every. traveler thbre rifling its :efficiency, and crowning atAhat ti:lne' will remember 'k,he (Hifi - • , . . cultvof obtainino. a begin the hot. is - -, . "' • ,_ -9 ' beneficent , earth •4 I even if he nad two or tlyee "strange • ' • ,--. *bedfellows:" • - , ''' '• '• ' -1 '` - .. I 'lle , riird Atlantio ' l i able. • . '. irh6 Itei: lleseal3rOwlf,',aO citieentric !The: preparations forlay,ing the At. Methodist minister, stop d o n e one night - at osw . of t is i e ho c eis. voroisiv.bov • la,ritie. cable: during the ensuing sum- i _ . , , and inquired if hi four -Rav e a reinr s ill n ar d ' .. . h ' , ,6 l ll 7 7 .be be e fo ll ; e r ... ec t . b mn e. m .G e v n e t e t d E i n j te n . r g n : 1 and butt in liiraiiff, Itit.,bar-keeper e mmanded by Captain Anderson;will I .i - eld lite ; li'd'eciiici, 'enlesatliey should 1 4.. enicosoyed; . 50. 136)01 . g:slid _!..mr.,1 beeoin•O 100 " full is' Cc tedillee ll; rieeetsa ry io put Another - in' 4/14hliirri; •- - Crier* are again to, be , - entrusted A. ,an earlY'hOlir the 'lliiierend gen. ! ' w tte :l f t si t h b i e e _ m r h nti un t i h ° o ll '.• ea ta ; s l F te : oitiiiiis.ay. laying , denten went to his_ •rtio '; - ,l4.ked the don't', kk.e4 tcl:bek 'a ft , II 3 d:so d s - t o w Sinty ;again in fhaige ot A the•electri- - I ferttiihtel'tlibp. - Ilon o' r. VErnight identical in construction with the' f ! ' 4 °Partt4ea t .''' , ' Tbo - now N ,ifttltiliAll ititi•l 'he was eredised from hii,sluinber.by•a feud knock At' his door. 'Tv ' ' , - eXcept its on ter _wires,!w filch- are •krit , 0 1,4 - eisime , i, vsnized, will be closely. covered' 'With., •,' "Hallo 1 .1 "vbu there," he and 'that ',,it beaitf' a I more t 'Mita Uo'y'au %vein - now r—r-6 artieultr , A l inu ''' . heig P ! '• -.! ‘ 1 ..-.' I a i t,rain. of' 'tram 'tiftees, cwt. to - a ton afreAs on the last word. "You rnlust fake nnother led.fer sir, t h an !hal. of lest year.. About , .1 -. • „- . ' ,b • " 'Dee hu ndred' 'and sifityr miles of the lancHord. , • en witlt - yon, stu d, the v.oiee Of the cable , , .. . 1 ! . has been entitle, andthe mangy'; • i .. -1 - ffititurowill seen preceedat the ?stout; ~ W hat : another yet ? l, ! . o n e ' o, e hundred miles periweek - ... , ! , "Why, yes, tliCi.e'e only one in heie• Early,' ' id Juno , the Great Eastern '.will leave i isn't the ?" . .. ' , . ' - !Ir . 1 4 One! Why h ei , 8 cr . g ?wh ,t r alentiti with the new cable on"!bourd', ~ , e .io.r. r . too . - the ' liletnodist prLacber, and( myself,, Atlantic • already; And I thijik that enOugh for ,to IsTewfoundland,:i . 11' this One bti. even in 'Michigan."' ' .. • ,' effort pe ikuce.essful, 'tti& great' steamer The landlord seemed to think so, too !h i tvi " s 4 t ake " in a supply ofHeeui, . wilt ' •ieturri to the mid Atlantic, to grapple ' and left the trio to 'their renos's. - , ;, • ' , , • t! , •• for the last lost cable, the locality can i l - I _ .__ _.... 7 .____. —. l, - ~ . • lasi; aseertained_witheir,,a-quarter , Rt a 'TA Elsa! Cor.rr.' - '-' Thousands take rode '1 ‘zo. other vessels will be pro. -Cold - And lbring. , upon "themselves Va. vided I with. _seienlifically con.itruftect -iious !farina of : infbrable di ease, by - Vappling - upparittii, :whieb,lt.:is'...ChN, ktyieg amide an' extrO gitiini nt when celutell, will ' bring :the' cable - Id' "th = e ; ern iris from' heat o'r tioroos: ex. surface, _if ''nose it'bb ' ' leld, - hold. pt. 4-,. ercise. .-. When exereise! has Ibeen . The•afterept 'will be t 6 • A•iiiip ell. in' 'ken the person. slionld rest aWhile be. three places, at in ternals of' Abo t two fete redioingadextra-garnient, and ra l ;iles; I WhenrecOvered-'rfeor cur,. t, lying!dOwn cr , ex'pOssil to a current rectlylif recciieredA ineSsaglif will , f sir; more clothing, iiistesdl-ot less, be, sent. through this old cablello Val should be added , ' till -well .. retited.'=, °Oda, ,to 'test its electrical condition, When exp,osed tcrqold frodi ! gelling the 'lied if .this he good; it ,will be pliced feet or person Wet; 'dry ! ' 'clothing .on to lhat part:of-the old Cable Whi c h 1 'should bel pat f on; and • vigoioits eker. rerniii 1 ell no board the Orrfat It ; stern, cise taken, however setipicl' the ~ per. atter last s year's • faililie;and'the rrion: ! i. son inaYrfeel,'unlesi•. , too niudilexer•• nfothsteamer• will then pioeCed back ewe ' •hasl been ' previously •, taken,' 4, to Newfoundland; trying'to' lay -:a sec. which` chef, removes , ilie' - ;dain'yo cloth- t ot/sub-Atlantic telegraph.l IX course , _ log.-iefirf immediately 'to bad, cover hloanyl.casualties may .interfere with very. Wiim - slid 'pie .wa r mitiiicks. Or I i'l'ilth these airaugemetasagA r ol l oloote; flat irons Ai,' th - e` -feet so' "ati'iti create i'li#C,iat present, what 'ls , hero', tat Ad. I . ivarirtthirr a short tittle.' • Bofors, ,an,d 1 eltistitnies :the cable `pro am 'e fo r during the Continuance - of 'eiCiiiiie;'a i11 f 66.: • - - ~, ,.- ,• J- 'persou may drink - kbl4.l.lv4!:tr,i ilutenev. or filtgi'•ilifitety . thi„oe'stiiing fp 020ic iiileyiltovy'evor,t,b)re,y; '~ f .. _~~ . The 4: DoNicelits i ' 'of ; teitti eky bay% called' arState CotiVentlbri'.!P reoo . kan. i Ike, their*itty,- to tiled iit`TJetiticille,L Stayqet: ,': The LouieTilli*ftiri,i,.. iii Ob;. juts 'that .itiitiib who edit' t,',l3.ie: 4- E 01648. DA , - the .Idutnot coptoenited' with that bleed ist.gtqicipttitit,it'Clet len- ttitd'Pe - Aarei,i.in iiil.B64:ti:n'd ln Rica cesstal 'episoiatio'e ici "Weltaiiihelli." iti 1863:' Tlie:'.lloitAiii i ss''CdfisVriiit,tiiie" , /. vaity*-tiiiii" - enritibciiiifisd "tb ' ' t Rebels; I at d , theyi . aii. pditlilift 1 i0.,?. ule.:lte stittilklll,i7'clilWhil , die V - '6'` •i.. ..iniidic l all?si- ~' TVS. '-',:bitrilat ;ao C 4l ; s ttiiitio' al iiiiir-iiipi iiiilf iiii . '.it n ., W : stAg_.: ifttititedN' ttee 'Diittiociiits, - : tie .iifeeell iiiiitaeilsf t e*tinict".,liii . itiek'tfiat'liiiiti beretidbie' iipliosedl . - - tbejiiii l obratii;" Hit, 'cm again 1.:7-2?tbiine:- It AP . ifthir , .:R4C ZIPt, hing:" Mere 4311 13ri; aft AO ~ grOW tritt l h. •It is' wily, to.trust - nobadypitibefriima nuclei top' fopything u itot iaAttila all: , e getiAtfUt m int.tiubrea) B l4. l ev'TO bode itOvulroielbro- Sole itrielid ob no," mi44.#T441,49.-Auvre Tit 1111411:f9r4o2r f. 4 iepds. :O A listre.;ietprestw - 'leent inport mean,,misorabiti " i sm& deft-- I) 6 94l, l 9lCrlnait lataalty..rat.tbi#7 Tema, andriqbetwitleopuremiiiiintiii-dbleate alicr disappointment. . , , I= II imiTM 11 ff3!MIN : , 1111,..i. GeN.ionx Buccirrri 6 re . el bfa._ eer.rand biotlier- of ,Grer.. , 0,611 8. li i rown 4 ,residen it Pulanki, qiietivcrti-, ' l l', rbone , He witt not -Mn ,nlriglital seceinionint, but he yield6d tin_ Abe PO. iiii,o l 3; °EA.° . Aimee) at a.s .- e :y ipii-i ti: rind, and raidqd the oe l cond eo npitny, . 'vciinteerirri'tbe- count., - • .. e rp; t 'the har,ennded,, itaphed, 4iaallsillel of t i the ' surrender witti just% tWo '41.:. 1 , r ail - his pocket . end a . titiclfrr4atiag-' E:o''wfirdrpbe.,-...ge ntaiirifi Pci -,!.° ue. that onghly . re'eepat ra atoll el fi.n :A.lty - e that .ithe rbbet , _ I Of the :Soith - ii,' I so* tOli peniod_iitt 7 s" of Vie - 26Hk at ,role, i the': iounti'v."` After .."relating ' he a--, hpie' tieti. the Pi t tshurg 2GplFettti . pithi tv iniiitten*hetber,tbe "rebel of the. &att." "aiidt ihn" "Dedioernte. f ...' the Nor b. nave not been united all the bilet' , ltetnne like : ,a? brit nf, Super. it :t:iatiiin; . pi..th,ii. ink day; : LA Kw. pp eilinifiiige bet Woen. ';t..beise;l a, pea And tift4r I,ifiy:',li - ail',.l?Tapipp- enied in foreg fi gfit, f rom utterly ,d 1t,0,y 7 = itg the I.ltruntry; it :'seine ' figs. ymilie. presumption for tee pailien .to as. pirArto it,s governmenteleoutr.l. ,; • • ... - -- - ~ - 1 rimy' loaa.---SasicroftAn taty of -the -United 'States; 'has Liming , : tWbihs the sqtia*l,Olt fioldv sbe ' bange ;het' 'eh iliN a,i - i does its bleSetints; titiAtiti booed 'tree, tat' it -' mat" berOchea 1 biome*, from the laim -of sou' L 40001103 to fieip by the mai t titlyi .ti4eds. , 7 i , 1 , . • -.. -:',! , :: , ..ii ';ria.•::.i - ,J 1.,-;.'!l' •11)•, , it j. I ,ilil:', A. L. 11,-; : =.- ;` . ' MIUM=ME =MUM ' 1.8.1,Er - - - 1 0 ' ," ' .. ' . ' ' Ji , r .', Ittuji.um ttna Ifoimei.tuvi r Adver-t titting. - - -- i ,- ~ „Protilk Et: Eastman-, tifilEiiiiman's BusinensCollege,•Poughkeeodb,R,Y4 deiliyereda lecture inehietago;sishort tame Jun+i.sed- took for ~I*- l aubjeit, 4, ,Advergi,T e ng,. and- Bout .to Dal./.0 ..-,osi spplecia s 4he.henefits. arising...from, l‘advertising, and Anderatandi 'hoigr - tei ;dn . it, ,w tb Profit. 4.-,Thei;e_ , *e_ °TAY ,three me Allis ooluitry*hothorotigh, J 1 ,ly andel itand , itdveirtisi'dig--aiarnaln; 1 fdid.Ste ' art; -of -New York, -and. Bon:. i , ner , ot iti . e.N.- Y.. Ledger.'' i. , '.i . , .... i Not ono', business man outt of ten, IktirAts .b . i to :"write: an advitirtisemerit solaa to ' ttract the attentiori,and ex.. I nite the ) iiterest of the reader. :; . .Stow, wart pa An man seveial.thonliend dol.. pars.a ye i. tor writing ibie:litilvert.iset-t 1 meats, 4 .:1 7.- ... •-- . ' .. • . r, ' 111.3, 'great, Mistake in Most .i i adveiti sera is. tit ; it they .erawd'too Mubh ir. o,llo* adv i r .. c tiaementAlmoin, , every-, :thing they bitve.tci;.aell mast benamed I. in .their!iivertisemcinte. and i not :;one - Oman, in 4!fty, , reads it:::: One thing at a 1 tittle • should be ;aiivertised,l and tbat rfroquent m and .the aims, shoUld be. to , eieite. ii t4litirify the euriiiii i tLef.th'e 1 reader: Yutiinstanee,advertise3d . gale!: ISugar , l ugari ~ ,P . e bpie...ihrttildtiiave !Lbw " •att nition .-attriettd. , by p.hat nnel !.Ivor i a d Would. bay ,sugar.i - "The re. 1 suiti we 'lil. l [ be '•estabilshed., Stewart I 1 . wive' Li:4d , his, cotton. alone; all over' the 'oii;trY, ,!=Lt. : brolightr'him -im-1 manse t r turesi- a n d to-day he - is, the nisrehat tree -of New.,-Yerk -City. Bonner, ou I litl the •Ledg4r, for $2OO, c i i.w hen 'i h4d only: one bundled and i seventy ve l „eiraulation. • ,-, He W unto ilea Mr; Barhernita con 1 snit wh t - was the- best plan fUr adver,- 1 . tising They at last fixed upipl a plati k • , which as to have a _story written es. i.Peoiatly for.t,he- pt and I printed' 1 ineVerl , paper in the State .of :New i Yor,k,in eities, and towns and , ‘;illagetl. , Thki 'nhrile ii r this story was th - e”Gtin maker of Moscow." . The first part of this- story was-put into et.hry paper, on the. ?won Saturday morning. Af the 'end i pof Part first it. stated .IINA. it *mild Ca continued:in the Nati York, ..P.,*gt7,-publislied by -lionner. The i iitory wlis ! eppipd into ,M.assiiehusetts. 1 papers, thence i tu tu Pelinliylianis, pa i pers, at dl thenea into-thosei of other . StnteS,nd i Sir.' Pcinner . soon . beese ono of he l_richest plibtiodieto , in : the United : States:.::: The great • ad vitnt age; of hati *ic th.la . ige column advertise- % Iment.i a paper was, that it .covered '.other_ itdvertiaernents—peop:le - eo.ild - 1 iig . tcltyhtlil•ae.einslt, - t • .I ..., :[,- .- „ -,, , lir.,,Bodner onde went: Leriltentiali; 'this ,editor of ,the. New -York Herald, atitlittsed him if he eould,leatre three ptikes,i i the inoryow'fi papers for 'his i 1 advert berrieLt of thp Ledger I. The I answewas yes. if 601 would pay dea 1, We rat s ; ;he mighti have- as.lmuch as ''he pleased . Upon whioh,Mr, Bonner BM/ heiwould have alb whole paper. The ponsegaonce wail' that the %eat day. the paper Wad nothing but Bor.- neit'e advartiseinent in it - I -, On. orie 'page in large letkers, it was stated ,bat, 4triLarticlei written; by Hen ry - Ward- Beecher would -be: in• . The, Ledgeri laoll'Eto on- through the whole eight p g,eo. , .;31r.. Bonner •d irernot ad - . i t t vertise all h,4 had to 'sell, but only at— tracted attention: o rThe liedget. - . , yo-cl y r the L ledgei has crer. three handre '.thousand circulatoC, - and Bonnedrives his -twenty thousgtul dollar , pakofj h orseti.,, .T : 1-:: .. , i.,,i Barn tr I patd.s2,oo tor his {lnnteurd iV . th, a debt . of 68,000 upon it. He t4Ough 'of &overusing, and finally hit upon f• e following plan: Hoemploy— ed a. bll her of 'painters, tucking Allem proatis • cot . to say anything about what, e' *as i going to do, ar.d order_ red theta, to paint pictures of all the' animals in; the-country, and - al fOw that -never .- also .ini•;,any country: Theoo l were: one 'night steak all ever 'Ate front of the !building.. '_ R ne i n pet I le !came Past in in the morning,!they wonderad- iwherct.: - they . 1 bad "'all come fret* and'. ba i lor° the• day :was ovor,• the museum' was crowded. And -this waS repeitted day atter day, when at An .he' Sac+ 'iurirciral thotiband out- Aide linable' LC get itc•- • He then made a passage; to Ann street; and adviAtia ed thatlfre . fhad "an 'egives'' in his Wit mi. ileum- h% • !drew •• greater 'crowds !eVer,-'whom he Ohowi4 through tho egross to-Ann -.street. ---, -1 ---- . :hit: Barnum: says Ofiadveitising; ''l never- patronize al_buoinesS - that don't advortiie,lor the-reason thal4 invari- A,ktily4A t,ebeated.!. The .pinttrions priacip orthat'. protracts :a. mac- front keepin his Wetness before ` the .foio -1 pie byl ibiertisittgi . , will, protanti:.luci l frota -se liag,elfettp:e . . -, , j . , • .Cyft ! • ro#.FAr. f . 7 1 mAp.,,P0x...,,ahe fiteltetenti 27i Pne; :givee:•the i follociiiii ri i i receipt. f o e. the cure of :emtill-poif.,.- 1 — Pie - 63 - 4 0 or treatment is 4!31411003i, Wili 3. A 6 .P -1 ' 660 4 -lug ier4f.fl___fi! , hi . .l heigkt, tniii 'last nfiercire thpveiepiion ippon 4 :the eheet,lB,inlibia rit-h, eve: te& 'oil' snit ' tartarto ointmer,4 l: Plisi Ciiil , Sere 160,1 irliCll6; Q C ttle• 'eittilt)iin to 4npetir, tin tliitpao, of thel body,,tci tfit3 relieroi .A O . ;iiii; I. It aiii) securgi fijall avid t'conplopi:.'ciuptio,Driiiid:thus preVen i ` ti le hgt tkitteaset trom,etitaeking hrlerne - .orgies. „ This ~ : i s_ eeiti_ to he: the es bilehed - mode .of'4reatnient in the Wiest) army. It t Qhigui,'4 gene], el orclet+e, end ie.regaide4 neje, pertain cute, i...i :hi hitt+ I he fa tn the - Spling of p,. bk th e ka; of d'e Arr ex* ge ieleyme ie -that Buil Mike, *liiil'furOtilled the rehld,itkaiati• dei' Johii I'MOrgan with .bf,ine, 0 ,tfj Qintiii.pi,stiz, engaged in, the frolic° 7 a'id co lnrsio r n bnsineos. 1- i , • ot : Ir i SOMI EMI=III9 =I -:- . ,iii '. •-.,_'. t!f. !t .°6i Ell MEI ef, lIE vi fw - - T • f r ;:‘ f 4 A 4+4 ; , , , - 41firlibt rfiIOVER.TISERIf ' ' a . .. • • , 1 1 ; -1 -•• „^i,' 4 '%- • - IS 11-,,i , 1 ) 21.4 . reineiti414atesi ate fliii. of Si periiiiiii.e - z "-'iicti,"'aiiiit.iint inrrafii 60 cisna.7 4 liberaliliafioviss Mae to risrli . tal,er,a,k 416 Atoni iik44l,b;ffliientiL .-, 1 . - Cpicir - 44116 — Twiiiiti z iriegliitilii tail ; neturured a* a stit*re..- I . • ' - i I s tipße. itiligoticTs 46 porrootalz adgitio to rig 'l.--r I.,Biaiktili''daiiii; + las *2lo' ii lists, p4..,yeF :-DiAs . riageyrind Doatiiii,;BeligletsT Pallas 'f'. MI MI lii 'l' .....' 1' 1 lrlizint - liro ' er', -ro• I ' - ~ --'. , . , . hilxinStookmtamtinolit''..st.-notte t - - Ad(fSkolo.t,i,V,tNia , F( 3 k. l , Pd i klattMiTitten atiouf: Ice - eine .a thi'ked etoek on, 1918 4 '. - tares. -1 AS .1 • hit e' 15eW a -- littfper o 4 0 * , IMP. 4 ,ger, - ; - ;eittriP , YOO I / 1 1- 1 1oU '. - ~,rioW,:. I verture .. to' give cny . rpitiipri.-r- . And'. I - blitie forind' - bhileP diiAleri _1 , - ...,.' --, ' 'melt i amongst, L;'citulevbaT,": 4 3ll4lo' do i badly ismongs - tisheeP- - .; To yrop,:riti, , list the firmer take ale' foder7l(llt, - b„ir .'1 the •.Ottle.-iiven,whikni Tarte'', .i'itt. halo • ~. _.,tkeeelroddgn ; nr , uler their.. fqet, ind if ' - 1,1.46-iiii, are - mit`fellY ied,' fie. will soil . _ ithe'tf,heiliiVoili Op geeediWi''thlio NC. Aimi'4kke '4 O, !)ilkftk lo 4?l)(l l3 lfVfiii, Ilikkor7. (for it to biestattle.and be will find they . rwilit'f, tits - Wit if tbilY citligeCitiq'tfiing - - ebsei'-or iefbi tit ..terh bigiiiik:comill tri a abeep intS,tarer t and he will -11 011: 1 )foi. tail' in 'itillt. - Cattle do well- :4b - ere' ' horses. pl;liturfti , In , t•qt9l: , 6t' iltiN, , .overy farmer tenet b2e've seen that r eak. ;tie w, ill, sato ithe Ilit t0r,,.. 6 - I,,liiirsesr eve?? if ,fully,,r,:o,l:bpl f ,horacs,frna't tiat' l zbas cattle leave t ? , tiniest' eo - rnlleit tq i ifccee. - ' But horses asidlified . p, w-tilidO,rot in Sorni,ptistitres;l esosvitilly . l'iltielei t tles. ',To - Orove this, ley thivfarinir turirvAnt , Os iMeep:fromAbein ysallt‘toru - in4o4 1.30 -iveit(--4odr' - 1 - 11 # Fj l l ,, oati,l l lkiaft!o,..° Sheep Elsie iiiifi, Amen tile . Ii,cOrFO : I . V4 'the ra6ki 2 4, ohn'-AlM.stiji,", ' 4 . ' 4 1 ' ° ' : If. L ' ' lad'y ' ries' ' - Anotiz CIiiCK.ORY.,--A 4 • , 'poodent o L ',.Li e iarol,atew;.3l:orieg .writes as I ,114aws ...,:, -- . . 'l , , -..,,1 , 5t-% t 1 .. ti dli ickoo , .,bas twerp,- higltly,.,ttitoin yienOvi.-bv '4O lOll 401ik 1 9,_0 'l,l l iA,A l l!_ „bt , atitute for coffee, .I,lt, is - s e vt77- 1 7 /49Pa Medicine - ter 'yeti r i 4 0 - viho sre,Oubje_it to - cOetrvonesit, peigessing: shot:43lle same Medina, properties as ttie - tiandef lion. -1p is;dingerottt4 nee-iiistPul m er_Wben diaribma is.prevalent i'Xhifp • flaw:ir of pole Java will ,:fian_g in . the - Minds 6f children : around 'the "dd kitclien ,coOlifirY, Mee. the - icent Of ' like, rose onderl Mother's fsvoi,ite . W hiiiiiiiit., - It is cheaper:to i4issi adrfl; Or :pout— ioes,, or .berries; and buy,coffee,tba,o ; to ,'• poisc r e:lbe Iground with _chiriiiry.-fr, Foi. rinefince, last year a friend — of mine came ficoriee, one day with lOttgei paper. of .ohicliory • See'd.' thinking to supply a Certain, etiffee:venderr wi th ', t . be 'comniedity.' -Tbe roots. spangle ' twig and deep into ' the." earth'i . l - . 7liieli dug ' out snme -, ,fibreh''Yet remain. 'to again sprink up .-. Hie labor to eriidi catei the ct;ickory bas been sufficient' - to, : hay pure I,cptree for, six ordinsrx , , ' families 0t4.• year, and the end 11 foot L.,'7. • ,-Z : , . ' ... t ' ; ' Yet,t.oril AND itittri. t'oti&`c-f , , At tf t , 'Meeting of' the •Little Falls! (N: ' y) ' Farmers'Club. l t ,thel .discossipa,:tu'o44 upon .the Comparative f l4 : o etneS,B aPd nntrit' ion of-the 'different carfelliiii. of 'kora. Di , - - .', 7 1- faaiii Oid- t that - :ilellol7 meal, when, old, - •wto4 apt - foi - N.tge -- 4 --- - 6itter taste' Y(3110%7 ^ corn eoiitained more oil than; White ; and when N.hei , meat was heptlscinie time, the.abtind:t . ' ancs of oil had, a, tendency .to ~beicom (i 'tittc Or. 1 1 ) ° SP!RINGS i 2.1 A Honsx's Etcloir,, T . - -Eyerkji one knows the i nadititional „0n,r , ,; 1 iir, oil resisting . or sustainia,g zorivasioa,-end,' weight any fibrous sahstanee has . ,. ,if Struck or pressed-in the direetieii cf tho'fibres. besides if acted; on in rili4 other ; -1 , 11, hoof .of thp,horsal4 anal - ,P*(l of art , infinite,buraber of •depasi fitires,stroPgly agglutinated. togethe'r,l and to ens le - it with the greateSt . aol.; vantage to Mete - end sripporilhit eel' Tan - 1 - cussiornthere is when %it. -gn i -Ikea lb , •ground,l these Obres Pre every :one !of thorn to O . plriceclja,the unshod foot , , 44 to receive the shock directly . ' on their ends. _ln addition .to this ,t,fie xi fw.mtl, parliof Ihelboof,wlier4 it; foye,,a•of concussion ii . !greiteig . la ;tvtica - ,4q . thrice as. thielf and IltroPg ati therifdia and heels, its slope, indiesting exaletlx ,the :direction 041 •:;the 'tictiveoptf.of - OM), (tiorie's vveight.._, ' ' 1 I '.. • . • - • 'I; -,- - - f- -•RT.Pittti i:). Settittiftss , .-=-In t enbwer,-.= to. an ingaily fora remedy for soillichi es, I, ,Will, ,gilire one ;wbich-.1. ,usett,fer thirty : fi ve 1 years. •it , ja' c o ipple 4. spli..t: cesti; having - .toyer . failed' : tn 4 One/ii, - .-1 noise'; ;Take while pine'' vith,:resiii.,l beeswax; and•honey, One! ounceleaell,' , these-,/ardi ionerh al f; poond; 'melt I well; together over r . ?, 0 1 ,9% ~ f_i,ri?, , 41 . :1 1,0 1 i orie-half 'an•onneg, of a3lp,h ate pf,,p.op-,' 'per, ~ stir 'ill! it is ,sitis7te thiek, se , thilt the. par ts 'may 4ncitliettlirandNePPiiiii. l This !makes. an -ekeelrent , applinatit.if forharcess gnlls,opte•attd !Koreslotlkftt kinds, on horses 'an& cattle k'oirinei nmr,Geliztiner. #,::.E.;iltiteit*sta-LP/iipt everireleivi , lo-i round , year. dwelhogik Takeo Priseitt-] thyltreesin the ispring Orin the`iiwirli . - _-part of -the fall,hendle*thent larefully; Ti andiset them with - proper. - rdn tIlj ; she- milei.. Of , trarisplatting, - tali thiy *ill , rirelp fait tkdo , well :A • r'pmavii4 sag each trees ; care Shoild:b t aker. to, - rentove,./ai• much dirt with thenitPis; possible, and in i tifi.nripbrting them. , ba careful that ncitle s itirroceuri:eittert ttr, ~the, tcqns or ~ .itt h ef roots; 2*iet recold have: , a .sidendid- Appearance . •durlngi the t winterseasen and in .the sii i tnithitl moritbathey prenince a .coot , apc . t * frehirig shade.' -\!_•", • -.. .' I •'nr.*•2'.! .1, _, , l l. . , ''-'; , ..,,.**,,,• 7 ,4 id i 1 ,94 ' . ' ''Flilirr+fif il erO i r. i 4 11 0 .4 0 4 1 1*fi1, taniiker, the_quantity, Offroiton.l4COir the:;'lpkter, the, flivOrrilicrefenia-tiart 01. truLta ill ta. Odcl'atiort,iotaseid'exel efer, , ,a: stool. goolwkiwer t op t - 44 4peilci or a 6;4161 bunch ot:egram, 4# syippt. 44,6 matter bout n 8 it Mal bet4t l ±"ii [ . I disgrace tii- gooafrOtt kriiiitiii i . r - 1 ' • '' i .. i . 1 i-' .- 1 cptis le ni inV,twell' fedi . , of mor *slue} .thsto two Morly kept. ,:- - - i', ' i' - '.- ' 5 ,1- F,‘ ' 1 4 . } rancid—hence the .bitter_ meal. EMI MI GM H 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers