I' :EAYWAiiint 7 4 - ci 1 ~TH~: • r T lOC r • oll F4 brgat .Y7 t ,k ..!!! •, • ICESCEMOItCI#O; for D city chavter , Or! . 00 t it - kindred teat i rT! rittAgiri r r i ge tr, I T 4 atitO Od t (Ott if iCI O3 sf lav qtesseS est theirls 1 Gt;l4ses —the gunning -sesson•being or p ist l i kny, poison killing is partrid 6, , rsbbiE; ice., so Teets hisnielf to a fine Of ye dellari•rfii each ono killed. Our sports en , 1:1,,,5a41 see that ithe requirements .of Ake law arc fay •46mp ''ed• ssithand estrie4 out: I • 1 -• totes sea • h i s •prop City; fi lviaingti!srer, sat week, for eleven doni;rs,tl lisirt, of Rochesteii . pia TOet M'greeryeold s brick house on ill etreti.Bever, or five' tkons . and dollark los s foistrd, Teq.„ of;Pitisbuil. • ' — ' l7 " . . Stretsisifsf 4New ~i4sists'4 Pied( istrict, compel iego aid Bea , 04Vida' r Er:'ll..Ch 4 - rigbton, Ives, on Friday ,ent Judge otthe neve4ndi dpi.tba cotinlles- \Ye et. 'Lie received his 'conic ri A!! , , ,f in is.— r., D. S.ta . ntot, oil•let!B it to's, hat`seessp ointed` Pension Surgeon ; for o u„ „' l O. Oil- invalid a'abliers 4'S-si c ° en. it P e xprstottil the wish that wekha'a 'a Surged ' in tkh cau'itty, as oing to Pittsburg w.seloth ' trodiesoine and exponsire.. , Dr. kStanto i is fat tisinan fo the pitted, and w e are trod • , I ti annaosee his appointment. . i. .• ' • ' • Artit ' writ of 'error has been grattetby .. t - • AClFspreete CoArt in . .,the ease of Rtillser and •1 I • t} neatter, tile Ca bria county murderers !, and • ,rgentaltts itutil nittittri 4ilitit bearcbeforez, tpt , trtit;tnal, o ' the l'oth oi' Pebruttry l ,in ‘ , iittlelpti . a. he probabilities 'ire' , T 'twit ,a s, O% 16;1 1 :will b Fr nte(l. : ~. . 111111C1417. PA INCIAt."- The Almanacs for lq.e. eno:.! - somaiteentiar Items of iiaerest., viz:: A;11-7c*s4axtscil1 be'St. ' Valantine's tlay. =ti litatue.r Siutd.sy sill oec* en. All • Ft%ors day, or Slat of 'April. in Vat? Christian Cal ar.lar,:tho• %lay appointed for prayer for col :ties attil institaiitns of learning to tb . o Gann try falia',.upprkitiVashlugtotee birtkdry.• oithe 1 -21tdrof Tebrustri; -- t . , - :,- -••.t • ' t - -:' 1. . _ tINITTFO:— .. p. ,, III r. ot general- , Adiers "who hive lost litaba , in fe United Statee ,are,, , rit t itled. l titutet that can he:prOeneed a " • !alien of evidence of honors 'd that the wctind clui k ing the. ieeeived in" sgrvicei They e of charge, and de 1 net af- • [or beauty claim t.t,e soldier it the Governinert. lylinatin slat F: ilicaerT t ;cii.of.l to artiffifll rttbs, i 'Tyr theipreien ' lda discha4e. a - , z , sl of iiinb'wa Ate tfunishei 40 arty pensio.; Ir ; s:T\are again • If 11•10 'STOrpkt l t• Ire are e• niiis this pli tfiderstaiit i lhe. bitiren the vret- i 411 bop tire matt srraned. T ikbrefrits is the • The New CastlalCou•oan: y to Bey that both the.rolling ce, have be stopped. We aim to be a disagreement men sad proprietori. Let r will soon bc, e rmok e from • these estab o ost cheering sigh t our citi- !lei Deli Old iiiiit allilej N,irewe,, Prni". eh. Eq., has 'Frit - ipphinttul*Gom. Curtin Notary Main for thireottutyflt4 °glee is Olifo;lownsl24- ir•arp glad thin ifppointiuerit' hail been made, i' . it IT ift aupply ai avious want 7 in Age Oil re (ors of . 1 Beater_ county. Mr, belch ] int ,ate an.:ezdelle i k officer, ana • will diiritairge l e 1:1 the duties of is appointment *Pith la tba ?Nit,. seldom So nd in such officers ' : tie 1 4er:1is - Sal, no in nth opening an office at. , tith'i , 'Ferry _ • 1 . 1 , ...itAtt,ta l es poiliriox:— The Methodist con ;;teEttion of thislace pTeseitted tho *ire of tleir i'estor. 13.6 v. S. Burt, a purse ,eotitata itig one liOndred 'ad t wenty dollara,in green -1443, on Saturday evetting last. Mr: ,Blu:t ' l " @erNed the eongregarion fot; three years, lot only reithfellY but eccePtibly,. and on the ''''e of hit depart ire the people manifested lei r ,llPPreciation , of his , "services,..and-their , qict fin; himself, and hie excellent . lady :in . 'll4lll brPonliarirliy. ' .. . i - 7 . ras. l sP o l4mir -TO • , IMO O/DECLASLO SOL: ~.i. 1 .—eomo fe . days „ago, r Mr. Myers, of . ' . :leState, introd cad lute Congress a bill of '4oll:litee to the heirs' vif deceased ,sOldieri; . s . titik est) referr to the Committee coa Pen. ''''e. lt,' . provid s, “First, That-the death 11 goldier, ga.il r or marine, While In the bits, 'that be t asideied_evideace that the ' , -t 4;sth vreS es ged by such service.; Sec ,''t That when t e pr'oper rejig fail t a shove I`tlr;4l, the . ati l t of 'any flitch enlis ted . ,' , . fhtill 'be ..pr culla ~ upon satisfactory r - =1 thit he h g been abseui two Te , r46 zt.i?eittr; se a or beird :frog( ~, :fhtrdi l e I. '. hyart la' ese ' c a se to be' entitled tome .2,41,•,0.;, ' • . Pistis .r.4.-Onabf:the: most ''' •mece , er visited Wisixiiigtoil ~ truing lest. The fire .'s shop °coupled by w , ri , lici spreadlo. the adjelu- s I; ;, '-ii t01:4% le oceuiiia by ,*.nrs,.. , -.4.44 A priier, tailors, Guslavus.l.o4" .. ': l ,tho WoiliA ist - f i c, a,6, 4 4 * wh o by *tek sal. ' 4)?ltAtc (T rug,etoso!.,of ., .iDr. 'owed,`the .."‘=tigo6.illiahtiiiit Oriarnei, Seetriou, 'the 4 ,4,1 of Mr. Etwsin and the.business olio° !f 411.4.cehoy'esciAiaeziner,the tiesideileis fdid : 111 .er t . t' ie .of T heo l dore:Scillede v f 'anti' the. ,"."4teii-14 likeWT.4l.6oam nimbi,. weret(;-; ~:z deitrojed. The . Fiist sstioesl43 l ,lt IpsWped, with Cotsridersble loss: 1- - pl y ' - .. - piise •- ittli7Aor.e.itAdrilts. kola'''. of ~ Mr. • rio - ugiill, T ? ioi 1-14146111 1,i i t: 4 ' '' r u , k il 4 ,M 44 z _ la 7 -4 4esed.,;_Tlie:ilsiss will .1 " Id r °llen2i9.l9 ' ll- , , , , , .. I A. -7 ' .-."-, n iK 4' WhiCat f ti f e - re . w . a $7 WO - '- k i -' ;.,._• '' ' i', ,i, ! ,ii. & i kje4. 6 ifari:i" ' 7 l - "'" •- . --. „„ 1,.. .....,, . yO9 WV! ... •• - • . 4 U 4 4. • gerilece.....lll*Mr 014" . 'l*. • ' . LIU° 4i) ' 4 ,-. - , ' i • I.- I . . 1 ! • , 7111 „ jthE , Pr. To cub meived dams th c9tutf . : o *.c!!P.l!!? of•bsl ~• , . )14 atra*oirnment ...Terager.ptiet•-:et"110, ass and fifty Feats *r - • /ff.% the' :roliing rut - the west,„ ii tin-, of things nlll 4en f•- Cr 47 . . . ‘!!!IFF 1 •141.-iii;44 l du iitisessmenta- r : Astteptioi•s ) ,*94 441- ca 4illft. B 4 l Pai 1 . do en r ol - 411ditor's pay—James Whi do," - Ch 410. Jositolt • 40' . 1 ASorrowed money, on bends „ ; % iiiterest.o pridges—bitililing,49;9 4 .74' other' eilleifees, ComMissionars' pay—With • . • > John. • : i • Jobto Cierlis to Casaiti'ra--Dante *- • .. •I, ••- Rica Cout4set to • Comm'rs, Henr ComirjonVealth.cases, vim. „ Cltrk of, QuttrY,er fession Constables' feas t - District:AitanieeS - Fees,, 4,ar'dtinfow.a•lkiißgan:COt t ; Ironing prison/Fs, S1Y. 1 (1: , ; Juitices' fees, $16,59; Shp _ Jai(Or: aitendattep; icy t . Physisfaas ett-Jail, Drs: . Sheriff conveying convict' Witnesses' fees, - • Coroners' ingtiesteCoronS Jdreed, expens, • post mo Courts, eipenses of,' ClO.rk Quarter Sessions,' fi - Constables' attending, returns and ts Ciler4if Courts, Johii3l. , Jtiroka—Granil, .$498,15; Jinitos Oft gint-house; Piotbouotary's fees, 31. Sheriff selecting Jurcii, . . Amount forßard, of. the ne 4 espaliero, tirshagi:thel; aletige pay ,ot jtit?ie, eta pr,oper; 'et . pieor aye their bosrd.bilh 1 tat, isi 13 of prosper- /• .; • SEAL - • ' Amer. c _,.. „ -__________ , .- - ,: .. ~ .. ... 1., , • •• ' ciirifit,ii o; 2, ea; , . ..y •to fir 1)11 L 4 Dv. pitAICE TO' et:OO46OOSM AOF TN yi,. _ - i - - 1. 1 4 -,..... , s. i ;.. ;- ~, • tTillf/13 aID 0; _lll2Tilet NU XI Vito • LIPSBUR 1' 4 .71 ./311:31l izi Eil ee lle tin k g. 0 1 1 7 8 N t00k A44 ,.. 7 . , (? ..A .Li Tli n ostina ., ligoir sr ; ~, ,,.: A . 7 5117 .7 .1i.Li0 A 1 ..1.w i 1g. $' _ . • • • • • - - SIMI', COMPA.II", • ..: -..: --•- . • DIMAS, pr -;• r • . t ..• - holders Geld at, 4' ilUpsiburg Dettembiv -24 d, 1„, 4 , . 4 , ~,, „ 1 , 1 .. 1• L . •.5 - = '••-'••- • '; - •• 1868, It.ivtie hest/mot:sly resolved shati,theia i,.1 , ' t, f.' . DJ -, ,, .y Min. :A r- .' J . : - Olt . p,l cr , z ~ 0 R .0 , :it, it 111'86 , bUlta asaesittltillitad` ca ositilkiliais 4 . . of , ll l . ; OFFIC In. ilia :hkillding . ,keeipled by the •,- • • - • — = - ir , ,1-•- • • • - CaPitil : BllteVo ,6e tester ifolliri; for the , liktO .013 . ..filiDMAS' CV SING/MM.— ' . '.. ~4,1iD1 clpplaio 0,,;;” ` p4rPosiktf , ' Pay i off - he debt44l4le ; ..o;ois , - .. , Le/1 111 b. * , .sitof titllitiedit pOtn*y.atioadott r}. ..!,....._:. ;1, o .:. ••• • ;• 2 - -..— . . .•,-•-•- pas& :Plr.buildidt.jike i payable fort/410 i to to is,Bgrtivar sad ticijacint multi* t .idi a , 44 4 0 i. . -Or-• OnatitioUCTlllb t ort , Getirga ir.'l3_peY-' 4 iitilll'ellot ;• •. , I 1 I •e, 4 1 1 ' OWN att4 Chas. .',lGit , Rochester; ai•Capt • ! . 4 .-0..... a :•_...:,___,, ‘,- •••• • • - Isro g.".pi t odee• lomat 4 .Uaal4 : Bts Dpib u t s ,..).:.. .-.• ~ A,,i-:.:• - , ~ •'. -- ) Li r tatrio*se. •* • • ~. , • : 1 ' . .1ip,4 - 17Ert : 1 ,".• •• -• 1 ... - I - ' • • se.i V 4 -- D s : 144-l at e * 71 . N•ifies . l4l 4 •.ie,l3elaltiltad.'Blloe'l*tielieii *. , : •4.1,1Er. CIA iitt,' eitridor. is 111 SU* Orals , of An quilltiles ad kinds to the hadiat , : 1 ' -' • I",i • - ''• •T.. • • •'• ; 1-,' , t '-' I ' 1 ' ijip it '' ,l " ,I p; A Ili 1 r e t . 4). 1 . 1v. ~:. 1..4 In, Crar l ir:l4.7l o liliti tt l . /di G o o fr_siA,B T ANG - it tiltitr..-1ii..:44. •• • - LOT, -... sad,Seallst-Ailsr : j-Basm , vi ; -. ; •,- -•• ,„ 1 Alio4le.. ,", Sept* W.*:111 1111. - V . .!/-1 I, , - • . ' . '- . . 1 , ' - ti 1 '{? r l,r.i r ~ rlt,t r~ MEM Dr.; 'i , '• JOHi4. CAUGHI ; , To . tint! balmice of (ornair' I frotri unseated )/ " of ctAlectore, tax4ayers, Frio " tam-payers prior " bollectoreJorlB ‘?' lief fuude refu redeinption, *flu 'f"•• s , eincliy,periofie, Jnor.ttoberte,lsto Jos Letir.e, Sli'ff .4, " Com'ra I ~; " •'C'oinniies!oderfi-s. colleclors, liven Comthisdionere " • = " refutdril'ert as Cenei for money , • "'John A:Frazier, N Itlackmorg, is " Wilson. Tre •• eolieetors of :en. =I Table of Taxes in the ' . )ecto i. .DISTRIO,T _ Big Beaver... . .... _Beaver .bur Borough tp.. I Bridgewater.. Brighton. u Chippewa.. Darlisgton • ... Darlington ... . Economy. Fi/Iston Franklin • 1 ' Freedom . b , Frankfort hor Glasgow • Georgetown r. - . Greene' '' ~, f fermony, Hanover. , .... Efookstown • independence.-- .... •industry Moon • Marion New Brighton New Sawiekly North. Sewickly . , .ohin . ,Patteraon Puhiski Phillipsburg Rochester boro Rochester tp South 8e1ifet.:•.....`- , :•••• • I - I. RE= El El 13 iti; JANUARY 1 1866.- , amount outstanding war boom bon, I= 1. 1 . • • - , • p alanco, • 1 Vex .• • '- ) uziaor our 4. Fug El =OEM _..:._-I.':._.r^,_'""___. .1 2 • .ALA I V ra AIREAtieIIitYHFOF .Lit StIVI ri 4111 9/01 IMEE gill _ I .' - ' i 1 • year, se - per Treasure - r's so, 1 ? 0 - . 1 ; 1 4, "Years - . • •-1 Oil anatures•- g .titl W', .sin tlrtlollowing noels •" 2 . 1 4 1141 PP/. • ' $594 75 irl I i r g u ll i t a t ;?4l.9Pfl..i lol ! 11: 1 0 6 ' 1 1 1 Lam; 1 ' ' ' "`" 60 'OO i say, -- ' •60 00 1 , ' are ,', - 't 6 4 09 , i I litnii, indlior) _ -so 00—+"344 d warrants, • 18,781 20 • nat,1444, 7 • " ' '7,04614-2 887 7 i T,Pfiti;s4 46 , 96, ;10,87468 1" Barnes; 67 7`oo l - .'Beighkey, 817 00 ; I .... Irons, • ! '• •• 721 00 1 ritsma; •,. ... ,:: 1 .120,00-, 7 41, BL•Short;-:(nsal) -' ''''.6 titF •i.' • I .d in ili.Bartiny,' - i .' , 841 66 1 11., Agnew, ~ ' 241 66 • 9 111 ee, E 04./ ' ' , r ' 950 , ' • , 1 ' Z 7 56 ' ' ---. I'4 96 ; , • • , 1 - 665 _ , liladyo4rt. 1 364 97 thin g Orpanera, , '.' • 0 905 46 , ailor'sfesib $ 4 58;57 , . '•67 fa--' L .' Ifni fee5,Z321,98, , BR9 57 - - ,i , 's ' - -; • 1 358 87 , •' 1 irr and ArKinney I'B9 00 '' d '' ' to Penitentiary, ll2 00 • 1 ► .1,, .' B'll 82-3,4}- 1 3 1 ' , 8828 --' 49'35 q t 8601• , 1,1 I 's fees, nd *itnesses, I of inquests, tom examinations, r 20 00.----.243 , general fees. Y61 ; 99,• ...;;.„ . . 225 36 !, 00_ j , 168 20 .. ' '-i, 117'60 , , 2,3.47 40 =0 WI i , 5410'1 15 37 , 3 sf --- 432 7:.. 1'; ileagc ' d .Iliott, etit. $1,851,2rr-- . coigi ey&nd, EA., NI Y; iEK.;TREASUREKIN .ettlement, .' $l l • (to, prior to 1885. ' : 1 .i•to :tug Ist, 1865„ 5,722 50. tO Aug Ist, 1865.. -. " $8,0f7 68 ' to Sept Ist, /866.. ;2,634 51- 5, .-, ~ ' 15.,213 7241 dell; ~ . ' • 127 40 di, ete., s old for taxes; - 219 04-,. One) , borro'd birCom'rs, ; • • -'• Sis'ff, • bat of acc't a int, .266 79 1). .f , , f1b on acct off &c.,, . 1 , '.368 00— 0,: nc'tl re o ridge, 1 i • , , ..„ ."-. . ' .1. unenrre , tinoney 501.1. It ori_acet.i . _' ; ~ . ~ ... . 1 'limp okaisfistil4, 1: = .. „ant lio:1219,: ! r'..' '. • 1,6 00 - `• rerdr'vott-trridgirep'rs,. 23 48— i for fOrteltures,- , ._ ' ;•returned-lost. - o afier'd.reeeed, 1 'ri-lSat - sokliersklestival tund , It • i er Aner o 1864,' - . ?.div.4.5..-..,-.,.. MUM MEDI everal ToWnships 7 filet* .with Levi of U 65 I 4000 20 4610 R! 2940 62 : 1 . 1779 1 2783 01 2263 9(4 669 011 4283 . 07 t 3414 . 63 1 1020 05: ENE 1 818 46 (:''_344 77 1848'62 1029 25' 879 69! 801 32 664 94 8485 73 6219 61 5182 97 3068 90 588 55 270 53 1 75 16 2.1. 69 1068\27 5468 08 i 3783 781 2501 pi 361 k 115 , 733 65 334 72 208 72' i 460 71 2365 95., 5214 00 3886 60 1969 70' 411 76 1 1664 03 047 66 1145 51 886 791 3279 6 . 2464 81' 11676 39 1 1 2473 96 1 714 621 ME 1032 67! 1444 59[ 776 25, 2851) 24:1 1249.8 2186 221 2698 GU 1: PBO 68( 37i NOV; 6 . 8W 321 175) - 61 , .1290 al+ !82268 3 53077 581 neavei r Coil I ti, (getttiam) warrant,, „ f r? • $89,026 12 thi and EMI MI 1. 7 CR. 1:1,-FLAGNEWi! ESSE 11:=1 31111 gar 4 * — eire r. 'WaiN rink •-, r 4 ." 'l' '• • nil ' C:4 - : z, 44,q", b j ~~. • •• • ExPe44. l t*(4 l l '• rar, •:' Byttot brow *n , r c !-; Court !Thus*, roffices ar:a Ja4# ;!'l 4 ' ' ADA;'' • • Dopliste, *gado), ~t . 1 , ilFra, t 9l.J . • - 0' [3lll ----. „lit, -- , ---uilkpy,,. .., , . _____ mgmro .. ger t .. 4.e:iiiil. l i 6a44,; .:., 4 7 81 1F4,_ : ,,... Ptinling, advertising„ ac:, ''l" . - '', - . • . 1700 - .' ' Postage and revenue stem : . i ~......6 6: - - - ''',, - ' - 417.7.1 1 -.,__• II epaire , $408,68; incideitenlin*seielrkigl,lr'kg+:4764s -28, i i) eati-teireral,.e lortuship..andspecial,. ,:„.jp j ..,-„" .s -, ~, 1. ." Asseuors attendin /lists. 1ic.,,,..,.,, . ~.1., - 7,, .:.,,.;.1,410i51i .5 .. * . - , 1 -': .- „:, " ~Constibles'! do, I notiCes,'ldeertlSing,:iic; e ., ;7456 . ": 6% , ' ," ~.- Election officers' py, .-.4 1 . I- , , ' l ,, ''- .. 4. 4 114f8 i - , : •...-.:‘ -• l-4-..... 4 :,../.' ~.- ~ .: ,44:'.. Use of - houses, fuel,{:lighis, - 114 ' I . 4 + 6 1 - -iiiniritf's proclamatiO, n9tioes; fec, ' 42 l 4 - * 4B ' 443 - Hospital. West. Pa., noppolt.ef : iinikates, 1011 LL • '')l : 129 RE - , , - ' canveyliwitunites Hour of, Refuge—support of antbatie; aonveytngiatenteete, Poor linuse--aupportat paupers,' , '''l Directors' pay—Sitauel . • Bareuell'Manany, JustineilTearinh• coutittatad teariskiri issuing ceitificat'ai of of ekalpp; ' 1 1 iCbst.s* cap's bringingintlariakuperfriiM Taxes-abat2ments;exoUeratfoti*,errerit'in error in audit of G.C.!kaideliitiv;rf Lest taxei, collectors' reiirntrot, ,'t Itefundocionlands sald•iit Overpaid and:refuntled,",,,. Unseated land returns, •-•••' Uncurrent money, reel(' by former . 2 i reta Vottiritierii—:relief to families of,- [` I • Sec'y of /tenet Board, W. ~ 1 , January lesped tonary rer State - . Treasurer pertriasnrer'l le ; per %saint* 'a Amount of warranti By,Sento tixpaid, -raid on'ltoad Tie , do Foi scaly ' .Exiitse laettlr -• . • 4 WITH THE 00 'OF BEAVER, FOR_ YEA . . By mat paid, general; warrants,:! " relief warrants, - cerlifieges of road 'tie' " foi . I ." • redempt.on of tineetit " amt abatement alloir• i• I exoneralione allow'& e l -t commissions - do • • and 'com'n pd Cenettwlh,Sfat " Treas'rs cOurn on 081,187-MO " • • 71,125.i0 1p;433;70 Balanee in fiend? of Trek I 493 . 1634 7 1 I 6 I 24 S., a 2: MN • • 39 4 bl Y 401 T 7 1 18-I ' « ' $95, MI s4l: p ounty PurpOsat, end 'amount for State per cent 'mot to Tax-payers for pro Acut pdl ,Treaau 'r bf Aug 1 .Am .unt ch!g.d to, iCollect 3017 :W 221131 1692 1353.27'; .2028 , 17: 1,4 1222 391 ;G I :: 2916 7', 1 1902 '3B! T.l ° 14 84 2159 •4 62 0. 6 69 1 6 1,4 22 48 w 48 48 11# CO' 30 87 2: 25 ..; 37 88. 0 Q 84 6 85 12 6f - -, 4 61 f . 1E52E1 t,y- Stock A.CcOttilLto 1 1 19 01 9.1: 'JANUARY 1; 1866. • ,Ry.balance tin, hands of Tretntrer; • ' 46 toogn o te dne collectots for 1868, - do prioi to 1885, •i! • on unseated lands at close of fl fi in 6sndn of Joseph -Lodi* .Bh , Balance, 1! I i • - . =I . i 56, ~~~~ ME !El 1. i f Office, :St I saver,• ME ME MI=E ,Y J. )IVII 2 eelptv Ell 111 ~ a: , .:-.; . NMI ' Uttlieaj: ted Lands. 4 Paid bpi Colke- 1 tore. Come n ; ail d• I Coll 'rs A 6 fig' 372 24 233_92, 208 10 /156 921 r 4 Lin 6 77: 27 54 7 00 24 Dti tf 1165 411 1271 81: 25 14; 12G 88: FM 1 31' 2 47 11 78 I ) 3 11: EIS 43 1 12 1 848461 115 Pi • /*I 03, i 5 01 1 811.80, 993 68, 146 49 259 811 57 9 '39' 618 301 124 S•C 1734 561 .8 4 3 861 377 72 346 851 215'60 319'85' ios 32144 485 85 339 28 1 85 = liii 42 IX! •G 38 DE ERB IEI i 3 36 36 62. 17 44. I 11 81, 16 54 82 72 /4 76 1 ,, jl6l 63' , I. 34 Lems ' •4; 18103 i. 31st : day ' .-I .ta4 . ' * 7. 'l 1.4 •JOSIN:111 BiTiNs - • JOS&IPH11/444_,N,,, - -•• • FI • • ,I i 1 , . I esrs-IK-Vt4...4,1 ~, ~. 1.1---.1 ~ ii : zi -198. :811 1 , 415 -"dOT •• 1 28 1 04---900 11 41 , 11; MOS, 14 , - i • - 8011 67 yI, . , % INAD O r do .7 ., . i r . ij 1 9 25100 f• 1 2 P 0 r - &-IPS O OC , ~•.,, . , _ 1 tithisizipoit,& 6 18b'00 ii diiiill't,ci ite 4 Bdi • .• • "orderirtimiel 'lt• - ' " ' IN9: 08 ', • a ls 5, TIM - • t ßarfar IIA X---5,365 41 :_•., ; i l , . , ____ l . r 1,1566, ... 1 , r 68,542x11 es reeeipts,, 1 , 12,883 08 51 soconitt r ~,z ik l . ' - 68 60 aec't, '4l ,i ~ - 61;50 69 • r -13,082,31 $04,682 00' t i t s-. 7; •,, • 1 : 1 ' '6 I L. ' = ' • :65.' . _ 11 $66,468 04 ''ll ;1,9= 97 631)0. 2111 latt l dsi- 1; • taxpti)tere,: fines,: do: • 01te!11t'iint ' g, 2 priet, I 1, 2pr et, • 1; Ot 1 pr reroy • 61;50-.124 50 19,65 . . 74'10 28-L18,423 28 H :12;888.08 00 98--8,222 17 4,783.71 ..,; _ , I - V A AII. • -')7t , , I 1 ' ,-1-1--', - WM 4 • due by Col-'7 credited to .e pt p4yr,vient. Due COLLE term: • TORS. Tl9 l lJohn Divideon. G 3; Joseph t6.iJoseph JEC:lnre. • se; Wllllam BiF4les. • . 1..,•J0hn It. llllya, • 05j11Villiam Lindsiy.• • A. W. - Edger. .;iJanses Murkay, I 41, 1 D. 37, Longsitecker• Q 4 :dints Btonpe.l W. IL Ft st;ier.' :Epoch, ~Jolin - Itl`DodJ Id. !Andrew Xetferby: YitshewNetisan.," : 'George, 9: Davis. • Natbaniel.Dlacktopre. iDoviti Alexander. , triselton 1. • " • oDaniel plehn .liljllet.l , i t William IBebout Pestle Burrs,: 4. J. ifazeii..lt: • • I Wm. itz.Behotit J.' D. 'Smith. A. 3: Jollir.l l -1 . John W.- 4John g. fltrtr'. [Willitui Ettil Illtobeit B. i*Pd sinti7sFL 513 99 I 182 r 180 801 119 I 243 162 2E4 i 188 i.. 102 I 88 678 1-232 4 31 9:3 0 i :,,00 • 103 f l ate` 4 420 1] 388 618 100 I I rs ..'. 230 104 15973 . 1;. 4.793 71 • 6,978 60 935 56 - 280 01 . 857Q0' . 59,026. 26 866, 1 EIS =I ipriw, • , ic ' '1! ... , -- ot , i , - - -14 g.," ,- - , :..4 - '• i :---....- ;.,I,A t. $ 12 b.: , • is- . 0. , t. 22 ,f4iti L. I .. _ , Realvccol4 iiiiite,4 ' Ifigir theP a nd '/l of II insent l , f4OIMit 4 : -. - aof Poor: a , Olite mp i ' ..i.;'....11 T.- ' ' ' -:-. r 3. "( t '' s i- . :. 1 1 ' • , ' I -I— - 'l , I. ,_,„, . , I 0 , - "c-i - - , 1! . 1 bli Tr. , It. 31‹:' , '..71, • + - .A . . 1 -.: il,i, ii 1 41 A 1 f Vi 4 f F 1 . vcri , To g of,' 3- Diem ft ' f.i ws " - oisli nOeired fromeounty treamire r a L- r '- ;',.. • . ." ~.1 I:. 1", ',.,• Z,..4!'! - 1 1 , 71 °W i ri kTi l irtOlti.i.....*:- I . 1 ll ‘..r:"_44 ` . ' .l-. I .'. - ; . i -- Ft L; -T .:I [ ... Baltioir to TrosouriDeo 1.•1136,6, I ' i I. - . • 'l - •'.._. ,• . '...- r ~.., i. , - i ~. , :; , ::,,i7 4 , L 1 ,' 1 A-. ,'; S. IMO , Cr . , . _• .24:masht • ; . t • i . 1 . -‘ • ii• -.llbspezulittmes. , .:. t .:.. 1 , 3 1 - 1 -,. i.f.,. - ... 1 I- -7;,- ~ ..-for. of inicinepanp6rs;•- t,; :-. 1 2,272 82 'i 14 ,support ofnut-door pakipitpf,li .'i , .:` - 272 7S = 4, i •• •-, .. 1 41 .littltil rip.cUt•tloOrt:Pliooo s / 1 " A.l l '' '7 , ' 1 8!.71,67:47, 3 1L-: t , . .. 1' 1 44 .iphy i sibiarr4o4 _IF:, wires:- iyu l oo ; 4 - _, •-,-_,.., 1,27 .-L.,zo, . ~....• I,.."ilairy43,ivar!ertoi,*atent'Aii:zarjo..%-:. - 7 • ; 200 0 0• 1 - • ‘‘l Cc' ' , l . ' 44 ck - fari,Unapieruellti,;:suiadries 4 : . -../ 85 27 ; . ) 11; ;• ;'• '•r ' ` l Fri o ivistit machine,,l6s.oo; hityriiirtr. 4o 00; 205 00 .1' , 1 - I ,!, plow; 10 i;,; cattle, 100 000:aineas,118 00, ?.58:11, ; , . ~1 i , r ,, fruit trees, 7 i: t ••, , ' r *4l-29 'I. 5. . ‘l us e oartes,snvefturra,broort 43 30; LP l ,.TePiars•.4;o7•, ))wriber. fOr.::_ri ;• ; • 7" 01 ' 03 , 1 i ' v t. l2 l l ° o l4l 4l ?& cirPeWter WO).V I- ' ; ' 37. 6 6 . " ; lidim repairing diiittages,iit flOod, ' .. 62 $l-131, , 55 i ' 4 „ ainithilig,"3l .4o; fpniggik,.. . - '38.25, . ,1 4, ',' oPild l .- - ", eardinik spinning ; 500• OP•6411111a,. ig 17. '124 4 6 9 4%4 '. i 1 .,. hire, regular bands;, i.i ,• , '-; i- , 304 06. I do ". .do • exclusive °trivia:. bands," i , ' 'B3 60 , ~.! 1 da, untie, hirviist'g, l ttirisii'g . a butohe!'g, 46 60 , 7 , • -1 , ':` .'sag. female, : L I : ii ~,., , , ~ 200P6 , 434 , '.. :, •' , •.'••siaraufac'd soighinu. 1; ~ 'l,- ~; - '"4O 50 1 " PiichandttS, ,• ; • 11, '.. ," ; .--,-,7. 8 2 0 . 42 .r.1. 8 P-1 ,Amointt carried forward, . ' 7 1•• • - • ' ---4 - 44,91r2' 84 t 1 - ••., -, 1 • 1 , • WE, the utidaraigne!iy•keditinattitialrer County, - do certify shit we,hive axe bled-and .audited: the .farego* • • :lralr' and. Expenditures of the House tbetui3part. Ind 'Employment of the Pitupers,of,eald ; county, and believe t • iitrue LI stand stated': • Divan tiader.oui liiiiids,,,at, ileavii, this 27th day of deanery, A. D. 1,1866. : t- - r • , 1 . ,s - . i .1 - - -.. JOSgPll'mc.oL:ung. - • , • • •, ~ . - . ; - JAMES , WRITH.A.II; • `l'-' 'AL '- '- L •1i ‘:- • - - I ,1 1• -, ';... I , 1, 'l ,, t- ' • ' - 11...7. litAnS4Al5l,.. i • i , 1 . ••- . , ~, ,i 1 1. ; , '„).., .. *.i,r.... 1 .' _. ''' , 1 '' : , , . -... •- - ' ' - _-; :' C I Llieritfo3.436 -1 3r a a*: i• t - Airrecrß:Moiire. Esq., Registil of - Wilts, ,i 1.4„. Beatier Votuity, Aeconnii with the Goitnionl _ , -r i L %'',`'. 74 ; ~ - ..'' 1' 4 ' . i ' l - ". ' ' - 1 - 564, boo: 7 I' 4 Caali ;on Estate,..thexeas, Oliver, deC'd; . .' s, 840 ~ .sti 2,3 ~,. r, 1 Feb. 4 , ' , -"- ' 4.6 liter Biker, ,dec'd, '' - .22 90 1865, re l:'. .". ‘! - _'John R. Shannon, deed„., , 440 83 " " 1 . 6 " " . ; ' •: • .' )Irs',lS. - Hamilton dec'd, ' 182 61, "'i• "'"". " 1 '' ` l , ~ " 4 ' Bafe.Oy, dec'd, - 1166 001 le; '"" 27 ", -" i,l " s ' ribel Fuiko u aer, dec'd ..r.i. 83 25i "144011- 5. " " I _ " 0141iir Bitkeroilied, -. " •45 81 " 1 "j 6‘‘ " " Rob6rt Mors; dee'd, 1 190 00 ~ 1 • 4, , l2 4- " ' ' ."' V. Sarinler, dec'd, I 7'501 ";June - . 33.-Pi - " ''' ..:-: ifti.rGlatin; died, - . I : 19 92 : " ;Julyl 27. ' 1 4 ''..- - ,"' : 4 ' Hariiet Carleap, 4eed,. „1 t ' .48 26 " n il:. ,f' .':.4-•-• e l "T *, el, i— ink p are}'; deed, .1 ~ 40, 93 . ogy 141, , ii 1 0 T - I :IA fif.4.llo)lde, dec'd, i '10i.13 " '. i t- i g. --, t•-• 7. .r.;:4 Salicuil - Searight,.deed, I 38;10 " ,NOsi.r . ;1,1; r. ,, .. , ..;..ti .".. •-.•.....Fr A tries Fair, dcc'd,i 1 390' 45 1 "'''''. 1 - 1 ... t ,;.) ' ~ . 1 ; .... !': ;4" r ig) ' t:- . • ..:'_ -,:, ., -;* •; '' . . • 141649 52 N i i -- ' Scents t a lanzo;due;• . ... fe '.` "' .'.•". , • : "A CM 1 T : BEAVsER COUNTY., 4undetisignid. hiving been duly spOo eordi and Aecotintte.of-the ilitgletbr and Recorder, I:c., do hereby care yearlonding;R4citiber 131;1%5, •ie correct to the best of m y knoolled,. • .? . • J. . •'' - .... ' ' C. 1 F. clouns,4.lx i I. 741:4m43.- climußtiN& i INA NE ~ i i i . 11 ! • _ ; NEW BEIGIITO $95,837 75 lEd IRON, NAILS, .G • AGiiICIJI,TtrIiAL IMP CARPENTERS' TOOLS, BLACKSgITHS' TOd MASONS' TOOLS, SiIOEffA6ERS T • ' '.i , 1 , SA.PpLEAY '7.iA RD VY A Ri - ; ) B.r,NT FELLOWS & SEI.:A F TS, 'LOCKS, }BOLTS Sr, ktliGr.;§,. PICKS ItATTuCKS4 110 ES; _ . OGLES, .1 . : .1 POCIECET coir,Eit*, HOuSr. SHOES tA , NAILS, a 11, OARRIAGE DOLTS , 4 Fits. CORN SHEtLERS, STRLW I .FHTTERS. - 1 1.1866 I Cra MI EXCELS' NEWS Dec 6 '6i - . • for Sate, A o OF FEltfor sOet . lo'form on iv tirCh l'r ide. I Soulh liekrer4Ownohip, tteir‘itr ye-rdss It oids:' beim* [smile ifarm formerly - owned ond: ocedpled Henry 13riggit: 4id form contains. • ' - 0' ' !hundred anfi -Frft:y.Eight - ' 4'11,366:11 • pie iliundrea rity- 'op over %hundred acres cleared and in goodStite of:i . cultivittion; two good Orchardij thereon, 7 - 1 A 'large frame iiwelling. large ,bank barn, iwithi . stabting fefthiifY holies; Week= smith indgOod ont-iieoses the,prem-; laic - The farm is well watered. Slt is hi tire miles of the Ishiridltun jsu3l,'6s- 1 -4t.; ' N..3.'IM'COft.MICK. * 11 . X / EC,EITOMS NOTIOE. , FIERE4S letters t estamentary 11, been. grOnt ed td the uneeptigried.eit tee state of littouisinf taiuts4 late of Bright4 - ip„, ISeavr oeusty 4 i. Pa,r deceased. Pet!sons knowing. Otesiselteelindebted seid'hittate sr* reiliemitsea to make PaYTent mniedigtaly and.those Wising chihnsitgainstiliesauterwtll' present' them to the Subsoriher duly suthenti cstedifer. siettlement.i: • • . ANDREW -W4T.TERSON; js.u3l'6Cl. . ; •--Brightorpt.P. bit vrATCRE&,Ina trEWELRY I r . tr I I C '.-; :0!t":-‘' MEI • I L' , =II i ' ss4.lW ~r RDW Y.ASg, AND i EU 1. , 0L5,.1. SADDLERS' T,OOLS, PLASTERERS' TOOLS, L 11LNE4IS' TyyLs.l ° ' . AGEtprel FOR • R MOWER' AND RE e G MON FIRE-BRIC •-• : Apt::: 7:2 7 ;.:FT -"::-`7117; ' $1,490 48 , - 7,500 00 - 218.5 0 . $ 9 449 8 -.88; x•s97 Si . 4 17 - '46 - 01E5 "Elesit.:'"i 1 i .. :', DR: , °LOCK'S , ~. • 1 E X Z EI: hest e B 4er4 lOR HAIR ' RESTORER IS Tilt 'I offered: to: the public/ aid! the I only one posirsiag all the soerits claimed/aril.— IA restores gray hair to ;.its original Calor, makel: hciir grow on Veld heads when. falling off from ,disease; remo ves Sirut Dand ru ff, etc.; arrests Itifentsig .iir Ea - iurning , grey;'etralriisickiiiititl- ' ache and till.diseases,of -the scalp;'csises-harsb; wiry hair to became-SA; pliable and Invari antly glossy. It is cligantly perfumd, and all that can be; desired for a dressing. -.- It con tains no sugar cf lead (; r - o . lher ininercil - so - iittliri: ou! to ,the head cold hair, and .. of Which most pr6parations now in use are cocappsed,hutis a putely veye:: 4 ide conipcuild. WE CitAi,pENON TRW WOW; to produce irt Instance wbe the Ite., - , .storer has failed *ben used according-ici di- redtione.- Among the thousanas,wholhave used 1 it we bare yet to learn . of one who i 3 not per fectly satisfied with its resuls. Halr , white as snots is wit.)l' marvelous rapidity; restored to' all its pristine' beaiity by . its use; =l . l is' hot a dye, [ but by supplying the.secretiont of. tie capilla ry glanets acts as a restorer. • Mothers, whose children's hair is harsh; wiry, or chiri,and scant,: •wil,l fut 1 by wing the 'Restorer it will int:itc . a.; lately improve and niay be dieliell'in any deer: - ed form ' thus laying the foUndation , for 'agoocl head of hair, • so. desirable in after life., --The 7 proprictor is aware of the many Who 'have been disappointed Vrthe high sounding nse tenee of the - numerous preparations with which' the.. 'market • haS been •filled.for a few yekrs past. but such entir,sowonfidene does he place in the merits of. his Resterer that be' of fere,. in all, eases, to refund the money if, - after.a Iliooirgh. trial of voo bottles, it fails ttfg ire„per , feet Batt faction , .4. single trial will eonrince the:tnost ikeinical Vita. merits. Put up in large bottles and sold by all druggists at s.l'Prbatile. • I/R. P. B. CLOCK, Proprietor, i : . •- • ' ' Ilmachester; N. H. H. Mof/R' biuggiat, Ill'aver ?Agent for Itochester,. - Iliidgewater and Itea7er.: McClar ,ren A Mclientiati; Wholesale • Agents Pitts burg Pa. 'I. , Ejan3l'66l , I. -6M. t. . , . MEM EUll7.ltfiLX'S NoTicE WIZ . . TERS Testamentary on too ,estate, of . MTV.i.otiou,' tbec'd.. lath of : Beaver L E J T A s borough, Eldaver county, having been grant, ,ed"to - the i undersigned, All ,persens in 'cleated- to said estate ire requested' to make imniciliatepnyntent, and those having-claims against the same will present themrproperly authenticated for settlement.• • ' '.• I, , ' • - 1 JOSEPH C - 2' WILSON, s t'r. r ' jtin3l'66.. , Beaver bOrough t ADM I NISTRATOR'S NOTICE.` , , ' UTTERS of, administrat ion on thn,estate it f ElonAini N. Kiessar ' late of Chippewa tp., A eater co., de • 1, c'd, having , been granted to the nn ',reigned; ilb persons indebtedtonaid*estits are requested to make immediate payment, - end ;heat having tbilms spinet said estate will preiant them tqi the mtbscriber property, an,- Chenticateci for. settlement. 11 e , SAI'L. MA.CiA)iri Administrator.. 1 t jainlo'66. - ,- '' 'i: ;:` i . •.- • New Brighton; I It, AND Oft?CB. "EXESTI.IT OR'S NOTICE. riETTEBS te.stintentery _ow" the "state JLA.of • Jicon °Contain, bite _of - I:Brighton •towitship,.Bearer Ccuntyi. Pa., doled, hating been grantk to the oriciersigned, all periotts indebted to : said estite, ire requeste4 to oink. inneclinte payment. antlthose.having Wgititist the Same', will present thson' propalt ntl4aticsitid'for settlement., , • I • : L 541.10, lOWAN, ExeentOr. ja,t10',661 ' • 1 ' , Brighton tp', NOTICE;.' un44.raigaed , has ,this dsz .takenjisto y_co-partnership: CHARLES CI TOWN, TrindP.DWARTt P. "TOWNSLID. st.nit of I: . he 6i* , t• '' IC! 1! "rOWNI. 4 .P.ND St COL - T contimaed. W. P. TOWNftEND ' .7?mi let Met [Jim 17.41 t " .1 H 11 Mit'fi'VO P ' • SAI)D, WALLACE'et CO _; of dm 11:144e . _ S :witl*Phissyl,Orks, Inuit to contrast with wane exe to furntsli.them with — frets: ffty, to sixty tone of. strew sinnellyl-. Perkin/a titeir-, ingi to contract, will apply their Works in Bridgewatar r ßeafterl eoupty. .. • • yoOnnt: to •V' • bs.A. gills% O il s fik - ap ea.. 1 • j I v2p ; ! By stoituatlmpaghtforiiiir: BJ cash pd for chest sad 422 2fr I . voissides, 40466, :', - q;: . .. t - ; ,- -' , I ist i i 4 poseries, on lisak4 Deo el Stgi , t: 'I , i 41ir laud rsiay-aisdiCes lay .; - 1 i"' ff IMA rots 6 1 * - fleftpotatses Ando rwas,4B - 141kialt, ort - Dec 31; .11497'. 1 i .,- . I '. 4 ,j'-'l 4 r-s 7 • 11 lit teef;97:2l;Cosl'edasiiiirdille . )al , ois, Laud - Peel =113611'1-: 1 - Oat_ -. 4 j drugs, iiquars'ind • .- ashes and canitidsodo •• , fruit it _Et 90; boaiding4i7o - - AA\ • at. - liiiitng• le 00; - seilinWlS 741 1 -ii- ' l 4 -if l ib,. c ip n 4 i e i t tary.l- - 44 44 director' eZtrallir - ---‘111; - " - ‘‘ .;f treasurer's and - ititortiqiii /I i O/44 ''' : " steward's salary" •- ' • t t 7 ,14:„ '• GOO tp.:4001 , 10i 'l.. 4 , 4 Ats_keth advaneed to andlrsiglita , t " box relit and r justices' ,and 4 43ontir.hbles *-1 . 1• 1- z.;;t —4:1611.14 1 publishing reoa antl'elptidt'si lOC OD; " subscription -tiiveli,ver I 7 -"-, i r! , . 0 ' 1; , itkpiciabin*oilli Rungs .• 4 , . ' 4 4 biaaniie is Tritinty .111110k , '- - - • " •,. L. ~ ... k .. ~ ...II ..-. ~~ . _., L-- • - 1865; By Aalsnce rrom 1,8041 : Feb._ 3 Cash paid Jos. Bo'yd, Apprahi ". 20 -". State Tstiaturer'e! Recei,pf.ll . •'• ' " 27 " Cush paid - Jaeob,43abe,APpr,.. " " " ?' John I. Beighley,' ."' April 5 "1 State TT,easitisers;a Receipt s; ' -13 ." guns 13 ‘" Cash paid Lawrence‘ .. .A.pp! July . 4 " 1 " W i n. Chapnani 7 4 . "• 13 !' AtatelTreasurer's .F4s.cebt ". 27 "..Cash paid Jacob &banter, ; Aug:. 9 " 'Spite ereasurer Receipt . Nov. '7 ~ 1,, 1 , , 9. don:omission on sBBB'4o 4 6 .6 " $798 12 el 7/ ' . , nted by the Pouvt of- Cotationt-lneaS: . fy that the above statement - .of Coltatem o tind beliet i ta--; -I , ..-,-.4.^c'. - yifir FilforitAt lytin 111111rit.,,-; NM I= ~. . _ NMI SE MEI er, ti 111 .er cent [99 19 Odor td exam . 0 tllO. . _ . • Inlictritapee 1 4 1§s; 11 )VELBl4,Aii4ltag. Q-o'l ir DRY IT }ZS 41.• II ctioAk .1 I . C' ~:•"`,- g CEIBA P ME I • iGEST STOC It OF - - Gr ( . .,013t4 r .0d477 l.r,° TI E D~" EVER RRO asegitynen; T:e.b riadies',ll4s &MAO 7!ven4uerl his lads of Ne ' .7 S spA MOA An ex6ellant , , ciack, • ortmen, of it CLOTH§ Al - , 10?; a gooa as ciiii.sTs, . all botlght•diri the ciil; • o seL atieritOjo . f• wholesale-lad ur. stbe!i.- • 11:ead tie cOmi!: ~;:,„ oo s ts b.4jow It" EiIHENY ',These geed stir, Nienttr i sit#Ters, b' which . entiMesVs 1 ' The atteakion , vsjs directed to le'"G ive us a 136 Federal at: 4 dce - 6:611i] .. AL ': ~ CIA ~. lt3atnl~er _ ! 1 • TIVRST D InCALE r It tteck4;fiovernmeut 1 786 CL-MBE AGENT, - r, 4i...041,41011114-41 Real Estate', :8014,.;44 • INSURANC POSIYOaRci . . . . . It .. r p all subporth ;having t meaedaro offtekitt li Rochester, ( ft. the rhibinAla(ely„bsecipllll - by F. a. Torii:ale - r s Cipfetfully aolioile tife pi. tronneof, hie fri nds .ii,a . ,: - the ttpublic in goo- Part iettlir &fe tlon pre, nto th ettijj Tamest'. of OfficereAleiSu ts,< and! iot..elitz' ifs arising ... out •of the prese i war, inch as ' I t . • Pri li is t. - eqm 4 :l4°Mg4 , JAmffs.e..Mwi t ' ' ' .. • . Pills Non* IP., lc.l 7.: = Being agent fOrihe Zintartsurfinee . ..C.ll' HattfOrci, Ct ',tIIF , ortti JrAtocrien a , - 1:1 lion - - delphia, and t'he a aeyttrerts' tr,lV - ereilia* • of Pittsburg, I villas policies' iti . either`, of It ttf the companies pa ed..; ''. ' --.. • ' Farms. houses nel final r sale. .[ , ' Shares in thio Elands - of the eelebraied.lst• and Run r t giinit aal C . , ithereerem well has ,proreff ii !Wed!. : Alsol.iltires in . waltla,Pro dneini orander ey,,ttlidleases. ' '• t, .'I Will `afoot 01,Iny; ieSidtinde if& - ,Reelieiter, Wa heat:lly siti e ng d,40 I n4thin'Ai"feir , minutes - walk' of 'the Ohio river 1 and s 'l.4lllettY statleise.... Tertnt4iberil. . '- I•I: ' ' I - ~., - Deedi.draiin n and tfciknoitedged.: ;i ',:•0 - - - Piift risk& tak , in' ilso , - ;,t ars ,'.' Ins*Agel s e Compftniee., ' . , - '7r Revenue 'etam s Mimi& on hand. ili . t lteferile . .Tol.4 A. Cf.Jghey, Jai : nuttlistri - Wm, 11. , i i .. inith * a.. :Pittabfarg.l- - -. : .t.; ?• • • - ' 'CIIAS. S. HURST. -..-- I, It °cheater. No ..29,'561'1 , - * - - 1. , ! -,4,11.1- I. , • 'A • 'to ° dolt 'boTteid OothlitW7t rOb Good 8 tloCi T AMprim • at I. '04.11100 I ' recityikw*pt's 41•410%5;.' 4111 r.: II 3 f 'i• ! +, ,t __:. ,-. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers