~• . 1 ~ . • , - . It 1 ' 1 .. I - ~.,, 1 1 . -i , i ~1 - • ..,. , - 35 . E Ra .AvElk intus., .01114%! 0 11 91.1e* .01 . .. tile ,t)eitt,jetil,fie .10„M.rs. , „.01,10ikeiv,Alie pols Oner was R . .... 1 s i mil li n ' w '" ' I ROAD - .. _____. seiztito of See barrels. of whisk! on hung- ilt, Pitt:sbur' On last Fikda •••-- •' ' ' -' '. - ' . ...,, j. nu aiy 24 th , .. - • the properto of Cherge 'l4ta,lo New Pnivicus to, lier e eeution she Made PITTS. III , T.• W. if4J•_Cr o - It. R. _____.:.-- 2 ,---- - 7-7 ----- . ---1-- r7" -- - --- - SewieklY - t9* o ob l P, bf. ; t l , l V V 01144 11 : eitnfals#Qii,- es,- • the feisimantag tar' ° ll and # l 4cPtev . - ilk / 845 . tesill Tillii, L ''w ll . l, says AJAMErsislUneiro3B. States' AsseellOr *Web ' - ' -- ''• •' . -. '— . '. ' - Static ' s "' 41114 ' Banaja Sztiltimie f°l - We ‘l/1 . , 1 , mita it„ ll ', 4 lira. t;stifitilers ,•fi a. Mita,' ttieb,itian lows: (Train. silt:el:lt ai 660 Id I, ' weeks since, came nea fitting the t he lamt . se . . n , . 9 ~i i l ihe (tit mit iti tints ' Isa - va - dailY•/:, , `,.1" •-, .'' . . - s -`-: 0 2 ' •*:, -', ....,--1-I G. ., o ,z lA. ris i ; • editor into trouble. „ Mr T ere was ir. i 1 1 i , ' --- '' -- ' "- ' • described in lie Bi tabert , ' finder : - . : - 4as.litaatustreairr. i• .1 •&`": • [ I - town hot, week bent lo pros tat] ,t, 1 'so a- c • 1 1 7 as i N G ` or TiSA L E him . for libel, but witi,ll satiide4 front At iyiret. ,. ,l4,ey fif eon ininutes past, 1 ••• • 1 rsi r . a. . -ma l t, -sa r . a , g i o s. CL. . 4 I' so dcti'ng for the time. V ol made in- one 0 ekiett,' 'heri , . Stoivart, I a coin. ....,,-- -. .--r--,.... 7 1 -si•-- 1.--• -.!---- ' - . • ,-- • - Pinstmrs-.41.2505x ...700ati 1,15na 50 it , ' ' Mr. Teets war' rose' -n is ' resented. heeded to the - cell . f tho doomed' vio ,Recheat•r••••l l 400 " ' 88° ' 81)6 " 26 •" • '''' v rttritFlttrit ZZ: The , .f t k • • g 3'l, tie.. .. ~, ~. .-. ".141.1.1righton41 ..... .. 848. " .111,5 •• -..c euri f i .1, ~ . o = .-: i 935 .. •4013 .. i 0.,'.. • - a friend. and part of th money paid.' lelnaked. - t`• .rit ,t a tattling' Nil th e." lumbiana , .527." 1017 4. 447 4. 1 ••'.... Pli 1 • 1 - I Mr, reets ltalled it to hip - house to The . hripirleptie. "Yea s Mrs rt• sa eel 4 4 . 4 540 . '4 1048 ..., 41.5 .• 1, go .. • - Y. -•- , -• -' , p or t im io l , ch ea p , St ork ~. wui I. 'the, conveni e nce f It'll,' art, den'', Shele linty arose and 5aid,...35.: Anhwei, •• 1 , 68,f •.. 1150 .. 615 '.. 1 a 0,.... 1. % /rj ' - from Whom he i hnuglit, nd instead • tit ails Christ 4is!, cool lig foe me !tiio:l-.- CiintOn» ..... . , 705,6. 1242 r 788 " , 20-.. I , - ' Massillon .., 780.•. 102-4 710 .. es let s is ismosti, neettleVin'' ' Pits; ; 1 hiding updef a staeliC as alleged, tol:d The theriff • ihen• pinioned -her emelt. °m i me " i &W.. igs a; co. p . 6 ".' ; I ,- • ' • the barrels On ..-, t h e bar f10,,r,' where Dad )1010 ""iiiiterill processine - ' 1 1 1 ,, red WoMiter . ,880 . 4 2ZI -.• ti 11 5 ,.. tica ti • ' t o sk will be sold atlessthan lost. v. , . ou Estas j .„... ~ I . , . , tnty r,emstned exposed to Itlia.View of I.PeWly down 'stair . the Sheril [ n ad- Loudonville.: ;922,, , . itgi !, 445-„i. moos . ..' si --- : -------- -- r --- " -- 7 - - till who came on the, rei;iises. He ivaiice, follOwdd by the condemne 1, anti I Mazialleld....i 1010,” „OA 41;1906 .. 1, 44, le 1 ---- .„ -.., I I AS 1046 4. 600 .4, /_llO 1. 1 16011. w e re ceived ccommunication on The 10141 a- number teller' h punthased mopttrieil inlhee ILICO I " 4 I.loiii RV it 1 Le. 11 : 1, hY the over- Cnstline Il 1 .. It e [whisky, and for wit t purpoie. As end oltne end o the Celt byllever-J j a i l , - ' ' . 1 . 1 ,: . : . j - 1:45 .. 719 '*.l 123 A., - , f , .".,. p „„ it , „ B at ik" trouts friend, but'too late for }thin .; Also s letter from - nor ishisliville be bad been encased 41 1. 1 I et tai was end . LSinsabayeh. -l• ollowitig • were 1 - 1 . •14,,, n o ui ,ki r tr.34, 1 ,* a 750 si 823 .. - 7 ..; wa r: s p o ide . 4. .BOth will anssai4lla& Nashville Pai'l . .h a e war. greatly sot 11-i ed to learn Do& rA g lucc tfdjeisci...ri.o.4l o ,•,‘ M. F orest ' - j 1265 .. 825 ./ 3.47 .. _4l lO .., -, ------ 1 the tine 'state - rif Met% e, nd it odre Hersh:di,- 3 ,E,91 ~- ,D ' uty ''S heriff ' Lima- 1 218 .. 043 t 1020 .. 2462 .., i mir' itlet - i - ia it mercantile' . iss - tablishaient delivered ttri the wins :11 the Vol.- Clete Titerpro •ession i lien inicived t iP r e rt ..*. l • g . It% ' I ; 11t9':: Vt; ea- , w i t s_ tor ii! friend at home: "1 have ' a nice ii, etor i was , so _ we ll ass , u 41c bite ti Lire .olowi l y to .'i.lllf) pr on ye (I, and ai r s . Fort 44 . .. i 500 - „ 15 s i l' 5i.. 1 eV, :' iirof ii 41 7 4 4-16•411 . 1y14-411/477 little work 10 do innocence in the 'mat' er. T hai{ he tit G'rjuder. with a rm ittep. in.tinted Columbia -... II 545 .. 1= ... ..,, -28, it! , , .• gg •• f. ' L i . l i 'd . i ' 1 - 't, 1. , Ere dose - taverna. once ise ergo him. a d ass ed the tit.: the pia in, m 4. f the dread Hit titre- tienteville....l! _L.. " "....., .' ••• t r• , • ... 1 ... "l'i , ---1-.----* , , . vom m i s pi t r aer t h a t tie - w ,i i `t tobt a aj e inehtl tit b ea t .. , a.l took 'a seat in a rieroeton-.- II _L.. ... 4 ...L.. .. 1,,.. ' l ' * A'of "'James C ra ven of Veer m , i , , • i Warsaw I-I 629 4. "15 . 3f13 " .21I) 4 • I I literslD•t-r-- son , • ' . k ,_ , fir. , .4 , ,e 4 ' 111 la a g o od ilia n, a 10, ell , chair or, the -trap (tor. Ahern, short Bourbon ;:_.: : Il ; .1, .' . i d m 04141 4441 4 4 ," finint? the 2 Beaver lawr -- - abidiuk, honbeti e • nien, air[ prayer hyt,t he „ 1 / ,.. I ' l ' /11 ,', Ine , s ' t'l4J, "get Iytouti..: f4l - 4: 'lli- : "iii . 4: 9 3 ...: ~ e a r that plate, on Satnrclay, 111111 hist, - 3 Wauld, never be eaugh in any *tut+ iteir tie bill, tier ie eweit, e'nen Islie re- w an „ t „h : i• .. ~ - 01 .. ', i . i '''' - ' , a drowned blerre lie ' • - • • - r-4. '' d hire sit, •h • hors Si 11 en F -1 ' 1F - . iii •• " ~.. lau d o lder the ice 1an,,0 1 tansact:rpm-as tthargei by the , illirsi 1 • ; S lie . alparaiso..., 22 . '' 0 •:. 1052 „ cm b. g l e spied. The body w**.reverertlar How anximis some edit "Is ro tki yet 4. hid arewll to r SitiSaliatiih,_ Mr. Ho b art .., ' .4:. " ...- ?...., ' 1. , , I 0 4 ,• ' ...-........-.••••••• . , , ii b h s e an dat , . -, • ' i , Marto:Ill, Dr , M• andlesslantl Deputy. Cia1ke : ,...„ : ....' . 1 .. -..! 4 . . ... ', O. 4._ tf 0 5t: d h o o ri s; D . r...411.....-2 4 . 1r. William M m cCo:ll . y .. . f r I • 1 ... - - Cleley, lie She ifl adytinced and re. tilt"Ca•"*.'s, • , -••• t..•.. ." -"Jf" 'l whileperch's- [.- '' ii I,,wretsee county, , 11& -Beth voluMes ojb Abbott's quested' h'r t itr so, and! biridit.g her E c t h l i t i .i r . j 2 . : , olt3 .7.. iip" . 4 1 . 1 . 8 1 : 40 " ,", i zbur zt.. 4 1 1 ticket at Moravia S tat i on en . on ay o itigs History of, the - War have - list 'been 'is. vintlitig a tout he feet, bid her; a final " I --4------1" ' I . TKAIVI 001110 111 1 7111 T I 1 1 1 teit y r ief, fell dead . Aplopleskut, supposed i sued by Horiry Bill, pri i )lisher,*„d are Mind ', b3 ' ' 1 •I llei s'T re gild:;; **/ ul'i — '' - i ' to lie the reuse. ' i : ' - titiw in the bands ot who Ore gram `; to 11. e veu and nape to inset , M AIL , E li e& 4. . .. 7 • ' ' . Il ' P a 'ITPAP -11 -f ---**l7m."="--7- I • Agents, 7 you there.' Ile then toljusted thc,, ..-__--..! —.._ ___ 1 Alain llama Vlottow AID BROILS 1111 Lao. canvassing.- for snbseri bele. ' Theye rope,l placed tlie •ap in its pities,. and - Chicago.. I I , 4:lOAs 620si 41:IPX 18,20eM ..41 . 04ays ego i soldier WAS T., ! ,,, in the are few peolile in this • •oti ity, young_ descending t ti vittroid,i sprung the I t t i i ( l l l. l i / e c usie lh•••• , "::: ..,.. :: :r• I rl " .. 1 ,1•. , • : 1' i t o , h ol m, New-Brighton, in a suffering i• • 001(1, who are not. fa oilier with the "lir:o'r. and L 11 1 enty ininutes halt marks .., r .. 7 . ,11::: , , ,... „ i,' • ~ i ~: .., 4 ,0 1 . 1 condition: u e was taken to .the Keystone style and Works ilex!. A butt li• , one tlie trip 'ell aind tire soul of Mrs. w o b art ..- :it: , .. .. ...„. ~ 'Al"' .. 1,1 3 a comfortably provided for, but the .., , ', '1 • " Grinder 4s latin' bettintO otei'i,itx. - Valparaso.....,l* 650 • '• • 13th$ • ' iri - ifig Soul an ' • • _ 2.i epole,po .Watt 0110_of tein at popula.r 1 , ~ .J._l,___ hilt' in a 'state of Ideleriuild, le suitcaillit'ir a ' L • ----- i , Wauatah .....; , I '',,-. ' ;4 .• „i... 44 f e window an_ b i ota his leg. historic ever pnbrehe ; It .ii t...is coati: tegi„..l)eringl the storm op Saturdsly Plymouth ..H 1 844 .• 0 40 i ep .• 225 , f . 1,„„,,,,3,,,,„it.,0,. , . 1 Bourbon i •• " • i ''‘•• ••II - '6 ATUtO.VOU vas found necessar y to ' say! hie try, . His styli). is ' cle r,:graphte,, pe. morning ene of •t 1 o :all chimoeys on warsaw ......1 lir.). ~ .11 038., k 4 2,01,: ~ 87 i. . rite•-•/.K1 1 : • , 1 , , I culiarly happy and into eatiog,'whibli the Courtl'Ho,Use us bioarn down, and Piereeton • lit :• " ..1• , 1 f 1 i • . fa -By the lams '...# the sod Sweounts , lor the invite iiiii i ,,s l ale of ill the sheet iron too rig on the CoMmin lientsvithi...4 .. ..1. . .. ' I ...L. ..1- 1 .... r minN•ri • • . -.- ~ 1 1 Columbia -...1:1101- .• 1126 -!; lit,a -1 432 p ane: i f - a n matt . The numerous works 'r! .iftliis author. *pitons' QM(' we partly blown DM Fort Waytte.L.l•l23sro 123Jrit 12.25,,, a 1 •,55 .. ne ii o s of the revenue. law, the , , I; tut .. 143 .' efeetureotted products are t - o- hi paid within lie is well. adapted to rieel a history Other chiral] ys t irouj , hout Ike tow, , 'Van well "•:• 1 ~ . i , , .146 - .1 An 1 6' f the P bf* • '• ' '• • •'t •ti • •1• /. Delphos ' 2 0 5 ..1 214 . 214 .. 56 ,4 tel • Aye from the 20th day 'of . e 4. 01 o. great -0 el mn ii th ecountry,i_wt.e trt.k . t., in a tmi ut manner . Li out 1:1s5 t• 247 -24 so , r . tooth, and for ihe lailuntlatt ta l m-payer is lisii- *MI hie history will dt ro hi ess prove I 3 . I I ~ 'roue i 7 415 • - 3;1! • ' i 407 " 40 "'• tilt° i penalty of ,ten per oentuni. on the a rho most pepular that will be offtired i • ft" d• 1 - I ' ea:A r a T I LL li.tts eon 0 are n. tto 1, ~,todusity...;', 625 " 42 ? "I 440 ~ 1.3 • I.4,oyrua • •• I too ..• 603 . 1 5 ,4 G .. 1 12 -... mount of de tax:: The Commissioner has de- . ' . ,- ' [ lo use l at. .11ar , ri‘b i•g, furl the ptetei.r. A 1 . 0 , 1- 1 , , _to the public. It• ,16 ret.oinii ended : by 1 1, r 1-640 '..• 64 -' 660 ..11 46 " Cr r Stillie r l llt." , ; 750sr 601.1 % tided Olt this J.e0111.9 inner be calleeted_in • , . . t Lion of elatide vin © ttarriages IL makes ' 6..0 4. 1 45i,e authors as Longish(' .4 /-I " : 47 kes :.my judge, nosy( r, alderman, justice litanstield,.... i: 810 ..1 683 :1 716 .. 18-1. • '!carol sib - Mii. tris.payer, haette`cotne liable ~,sUch 4 rs • o iii the colleeteilies no discretion in 11 11 1. Ireatiec, and such Fla - eStnell as of the puatit,qt,rgi matt , notary public, LoOdonville - 922 - 718 ' , sn O • • :44 14 1 • Wooiter •,. i 12.5 " 1 4!2 t. 4 .' 00 860 :: 235 .,3 I: tlemetter,. ' ' • , ' ' ' Ltnenin, Hamlin, ()el ax,' B.iy miter, or ither Persoti wio leillully perform:, 0vrvi11e........ 1100 .. * 0 marria , releetti io n ', between ail • 6'`r I--3 Masshlint.....lll4s •.• 914 t 956.• - •• Ear.. .., 1gg..1 ,-- e are g ---- ladtons;tieetl;l.l4. D. sti.l.. and . such Genet ht a. Si ,4 I ! Case y th pe i smer an tw e ity one years of ago, c anton 'l2osritl 082 ' 1017 .• 201.. . Burn . eide,Pcpe and Clii,, , he nzent at sae rettivued to his hoinCi - n New Brighton l , ' . , - 1 ' likable to ili pultal ty. of one held& ed dbl. Alliance ' 4 '123 ..11020 0 1180 .. 6.25 .. 6 , 'r'esumed the practice of his profession.-4 Wm:, 0 . Titus , is now cane swig this , 1 ' • [ .:IVel. I, • 1 / Salem , 200 "11666 • •• 120firsii 00 .• • vas one of the first Surgeons appointed youn.y, and will .eiril . ii-yrin he people ~ I I' I ' - [ — Columbiana- I I 230 .411117 .... 12 51 -.I 2Q1.• 1 . this amity in the army of 1851, and was generally .. Everybody ' wag to a 'Food lf- li , ad Cim 1 Enorl ' I 310 .9162 .. I lig . .. .i.. TE T E Pt n ...ry Iva tie . _,..ii, t , I .... _. . • -,.• • , • . •- , 4 1 rt Brighton- , 410 ..41220/u, .14.1 • 4. ?ad" - last to_return. hisiing served throughout 4 ier .... i iiir.toey of l fie fiche] lion, and every- Pi' itl37 is re l' l t tein g its 114 '`I dtna brid " e° Ro he t ' '430 .11240 4.1 ow .. 501 .. Pittsburg w ttliiron tartlet& S. 14/0114 the entire • body (will be charmed if sth itev..l C. 111 ,.. 05.. In n 1/14 .. ii t jute , oirro w ill hot Pittsburgh ._ i 600 '.l 160 I' l l i 11 ) ... ;fa r 91.. Abbott. I i 'contains at er eleven - bun. be a wooden tril l on the road. I lie. 7 fired pages, and well illiistrated. 1 t c • -"" i i i 1 6 1 1 all nal to tad. Ile trent) the urn hiving se... ,oght... the 'more war with great credit tin all the val. nous departments and responsible stations to Bich he was assigned. He} is an educated'For d New Ceitle and Erie, 40 1 * j r , , Ay physician of acknowledged &Laity and an , ; commoation trams leers Allegheny fo New seemellelied gentleman His success in ---.-, ----- Brighton-9.00 6 211 11 &I E to, • 205 ca; 0 the j avi g A i R . IED: 1 ~1 1 m 4 2 • ror an zi . n, 11,. .u, .0 .640 p Zoe Eeono 7,10 80 p. Nee etighton is. beyond doubt 1 Meeting of. Wool Grower! On i t i i at: , :it t e reside to, r Culls, er...„ -*unti l ! and James- Or 14 irrzne -The oil feves l has attacked It %ill beaeen from he tallow ing the muter elorts Six Mlle run--a stream that that, an important mote non hug been I°l 1 Millln n•ar New Bri•Pht l en 14 a ' ‘ l _ w ____l____ P In ''' 1 • Dr. II • 4. , • --- ---. ' ..._i ; I. ' 1 bY rho Itev. t Jam a M SlLieles, Mr. ` F. R , MTERS,Sien Aill et A 1.1 envier. nto the Ohio river six Lulea be• inaughrated hy the woo gra ' wore. and R Dever . A compa n y h es b een erg „,s,,, h . i . 1 SastuaL BalrillsoNt and Mist Ern,. J. ----- --- 1 ! t st a meettng, pa e iman rylto a State 1 - . a Jere tract of land has been • leased, an rip • . nir , i - i ~.n .. r , Jr Sf LLINt both of Bridgewikter, Pti. l On sat l e t h i !r 11r1IL*ec..11k,1865,troitrivilltlitIReartes-i-a -_ 1.. t _ - , t - .11 be het an /. atteburg, 1 I twat dally t I!undays excepted/ is foltoirs. ps ordered, and is two weills bring is to on the Bth of February .}1 1 ' i - r‘‘ .... H tomesced upon the farm of J littGaffie, ~,, , 1 a the run, about three miles above its mouth 1T o•IL GaowEas . ,,CoNT NTION.--A tlt I I " I ": 1 ~, 06610 SOCTE. 1 1 On the/ 2-d In. .. 31 rs., ItATILDA, 4 I ) Cfillt elaiull Sat %V Ilhin l , ) t...ollnty be emptily is officered as follows, Presidenj, e Melltaffielt, Secretary, John G. Hunte , 1 Wool-6 rowet Nheld in th 4 Oleo on the wife of Christian - I arne4, and datt•.ll,. MAIL Ettr's Lein., Acou freasarei, •;aim Bineama , maingers, Jan: X. l 4th '.'net., ths tittdersig ell were ap. •ler of Thoma Mo ire Eel Of Ind s- Cleve land ------ - 01 -4 3 - 8 --'---- --I*--- 74 --- AR °ga ps I a" pointed to call a State (.laientlon, to iturpot,jt. Wm C Hunter and John Engle 1 try t i owntiliip• ii , about "6 Euclid stre - et . 1 811 .. EC. ", • i i Si: -.. I organize a Pti'm sylranl% S ate Wool 1 ' . g ` -Loral. ,l' Hudson tile 12t1t i \ itist in Borciugh town 915 " 1138 " I I"'" I 5 00 " -,.........._____ 1 . Growers' Acwocintatin ale ddoc di Q t Akron .. ~ ' ~ „„ ea MX. Mr , - Itaehel 'Minh , ' wife of David I lereLe°, we 14 :"'taV it‘ no eleg ties shaft Camtrai G , bon of Chrietinn Orrrille. 1.. ..... :.1 ...,.. • .... :.. , 1 and repre;entutite me fr m every suill aim 3101 er; Millersburg 1 414 • •-• ''''' " Mins, Esq ,of this place, died on Saturday ged 11 muLthe and I t a e enna•• • • ,1* 95 _ •" 1 405 .. ...i r t . so-. morning lest, stater a short illners Te has (-minty Pt the State. to me it in the 28 d ay ,. Alliance .. . 4104 u ..1 453 .. i ' • . clay-4 Pitt kburg, n 4 4118 till 'del, on i• Bayard ... . 11126 • I 5 , 4 a 4, „I, , .. ' , .. • been no invalid f o r' years, but. / withi a few A 1 Thnr4da3 the 81.1 a of 4F . bran try neict, - .t., wellaville .... 1125516 w 0.31 • ..... 1 '' ...1.• day, before her death the disease from'lrvi blelt i nt 11 'o'clock, a. m.. fo di purpcn.e 1 CliAb p r ',HIRST the Lad so long aufferedl assumed a more 1 nbove specified If the ei n tine at di 13 rifer a d prolcer, ____ _ coin° "urn- !,i serous! ype, and hastened-her death - 1 ' 1 - After the e•nerAel le.. t,a ~,, i egt:•. .1 ..h.....1 4 0 .6 DecLER IR I 1 along and usefullife. marked throughout with. will - h . 2 a - , t . - •: ,' . ' •••• °-` ..` ~.' , h - I „. .... 4 matt zit'''. Accou Z's. tate, Sto ks, Government -4-------=' --- --- • - tie possession of thole chars tontines soli 1 -- - 14(1-4 in• (In " ° cinl r' h a- i Real Es two merits of diet re Cbee Is of .., , 0 ., Beyard .. ... . 1012 - 6 - 5 8 " •44•-• Wellsville .... 1 840 an 615 eat .IIL. ..i .. '. . . me ease of those virtues that 'fedora, female sheen and other innii,,4 n i /SO as an o her Securiti critter and plow , . the pumper high, in the ' ' -; 1 - IPI Pr•-ite to ° the occasion. I 7 . , ZNSI RAN Ti' & AIM AG T Alliance 11100 6. 728 •• wars allsion and affection, of the he commuei F JoLIAS a a °Tat.] I ty in which she may , reside, she calmly and Ana M ii.".c rsT fir 1 Conveyan er General kgent. ' la ß lii s e n ur n b a ur - ; 1115 1 ° " •-.T. 7 ,, ", 4 ,: i, ?, :•‘• . " .. "" Peacefully waited Ibis time of h r departure Joire A. E owl 1 r ha leg opened an o4c at II Orrville 4 1 464. letanung her conseiousness to the last. the SE ML. MC AdTAND. / 'l l E • subscrib Akron . j.. AI /... I I Roch e st er ILL il l ree i n l ate l y „ ie „,, ied Hudson .... 1227 en •831 64, 810 " .. ...1.... miner t she ceased to recognize friends on. WILLIAM ABU . by F A Fortune) res ectfu ly solicits the pit. Euolii street!, 132 I*. 949 6 916 4 , 1 4* win she greeted triads i n H eaven w e , / Corn ittee. tronsge of ins friends ad ! the public is e a. Cleveland ...1 145 " 1000 " 930 ~ I' - lave never known say woman for Whom s Wallington, Pa., J an t 18, * 6 eroli I 1 • , 60120 EAST. I Particulat attention teen to the adjust ens I J she enormity entertained a greater re- --- t ' 1 ~, of Officers' aceminte, tul att. claims an mg Matt, MCP'S Far's Aetex gee , Pim was tht mother of Dr. DSTIa isTATIowAI, BANK or gArEn t , •-- out of the present wa such as J ii tbaii, known sad' lamented byj Racist of ow; An election was held ail • the Banl in Peastsits, Patents Ito ' t A - 1 -"0- -7•-•11-- C g 1 prin 11.71 .ti e,, 7: VI of afe Belaire. .. .. 1040 ax 600.ais Clorx ...... Daly y n m ttiliairfollilievies,artdares79.nealfkopaPtbutrze sadamdll House in N'ety Brighto . 1 , on the DI I. B on i „ geed. f the na insurance C. of Ei r t i ui rfi e n p s u e rt •, l itg t' ' '. 91 • ::1 rig :: Ingg, and the following, ersone elect • Da• fiord, Ct • the No th America of r ila• Steubenville . . .1158 r im 714 6. 5 4 8 ' ..- .. . ... hooter compose a ll that remains of that nizrnya,e airv::: the compate t si hi li lla ie n sda u , securers' &Merchants' Wellsville _. ed Direetors for the en loth. f't b a r nd d o ela i h t i: u 1 115 " 840 6..,716 .. 110 s ie e policies in either of Sinith'sFerry ~ 137 905 " ...'. .... .1 '55 •• t etteaoakellieted family. A Whole comma- John Minor, Johan Stiles, T Lily, 10 whrWthey have hang resided, join 211{ titir ... el ty , -) . 1 _ tie ., . , .._ Creel James James . Dunce G-orge S ,waTlll3. houses and lis for sale. Beaver ....... 1 2u7..,• 914 4 . . .1. ) " Rochester ... I 216 " 1000 ' I S/i/AX " to j s" eme : t • almPite le Its teem le mewl Barker, R E Hoops, Milton Town Shares ni the oil len aof the celebrated Tel rr bth iid i int' i 93 1 and Run region for sa e, where every well has ita ur r •• 9 ' a ' I a " 1 )---." send Mattison Dar rani and Witham _ Henry - . The Board m t-ain the 1711 i r d wored a eueceial.-- o shares in. wells pro- ica . orta 'alt! 1 1 11 1rnaliglartea and robberies are becoming ! tr nists' On Friday evening at the house inert r and organized by ele'ls ng John ' 71 11 41 0 1 1 :lasOesrelciall; nd widener.eal 1 1 Minor President, Ed bra rHopsCa th i bea n :tri l l ii i, :u4ed, a E within a in fe lt w oc co h i e n s i t i e t e r ; - rat - il- ra o ral E - r -- P'15. 1 - 11 All licc°x trß g f • Seely. in Rochester, 1143 entered, ma alta Ins store in another part of the bar- ler. Etenr4 BO'"P 4 800 - h k is e i p 4 o . ne u i river and ßailway matt as. Rochestet • h " 1 rl4o l'd . 2A s j r* '2 ? ° s "l " 10 1. r ! , ntk• The l dwelling of Dr. Chandler, of the Frank he e 8 , M in i ri g t i t n r Teller and an df 1 Terms liberal. eat orn ... e. , red i i r Deeds drawn , p a? Acknowledged. Beaver . - -.a3 . 605 .. age.i IL " Flu., *as entered the. seni l e *reale , the ' ,m tro 'asks taxon m trot elan I ns* ale Smith sFerry 426 • . . 755 t. G 0 -. Inc", enteric h , 1 g•Banks lin the Commo weal h The lc •puttee , I , Wellsville ... 520 " 720 . 1 810 " 615 " g t • suepteig room of the Dr I re ' -election of the old o per and di• Revenue' stamps al vs on hand. %Ida a , • Steubenville. -626 4. 819 " i ... t.. a•aujoinitig one occupied by his eons - . % lin , 1 , 1 rectors insures its tutor sue age. filters tei_Jot-s A. C .Ishey, Jos Flute sr, La g ran ge 043 ' 888 '' I °°P 't ' t - 1 1 ' ' ' Bridgeport.- 737 6: 931 '• 1106 " .....t.•. . . le WWI it was them father, said, l Wm. 11. Smith tel l Co., ittsburg. 1 8e11aire....:.., ;50 " 940 " 1 4120 " 1 , - ''uill but the tether discoverlid it was bur- FM AT Trresvtit7 ". l -The cad nay at Ti- .„. ' 1 CHAS. R. HUBS . &natal called upon his eons to arrest them tuiville was destroyed on th mor uag of the tt cheater. Nor 29, 6 15 I - _-_--_____--- -•- { 1 ItY;eleaped .howeve r , carrying of some '1 1011 i fast., by fits It was T lued et 510,003 ORPIIA., S' OURT SAL? TUSCARAWASI3.4iNCIiII '8 3 011 .4141 ether valuables IWe did not 'or 512,000, and was uni . I was used 1 i twined of that:lr; is 7 ~.. , t i t eniam e N e i v r eu Se in ely suffered. as a Union School House for 1% 4 1 the schools of 1 -Ell jUak T ie l o irt ur u tt: f e la ttialty of Beaver t the an et - Leives Ar r Tes I 1 N Philadelphia 7.10 A m Biqa?) 9.50 p m. itiesn, yr., g an Ili ' barn, as he the place, and by its destruclion t e tuition I signed Executor f the ass will tied testa sot UnYsrd, 11.4 a tarl N. Philade .2 20 P. 31 knocked off the Railroad bridge of about 200 pupils is suspended fo the prey. of 3liattliew Nide , dee • late of Beaver e an al tv • r ill expose 1. sale bypushy , i1, tr . 142 ... th 5 0f }imam river, and • robbed - ens :, A subscription has been d towards 01 1 ii, i vends or • J . ' n ' M YERS. General • ITlellet Age tort. *au ': 01 441 nent morning seaseless and al the erection of a l new buildin i . ' an t -cry .. On ; r e " est 14 on, -t __ - _ -1-------- L i 1 1 4 "AI Re was taken up Wad is now re- Saturday, Jet . 27th, 1866 ORP H AN S ' COUR SALE. tote m ( - . 1 t lio arrests hate reeds, &i d SlirMr. Albert, -G. Her y, formerly ea bele ? , , ti ,„ , , at 1 p. • m. , the %nowt • g described piec rf 1 N pursuance of an order o the O , rp zee _ ••• PerPetraters - of these Aeria l ! of two. place, and af w 3 ears ago pare lof hind, sirmato n Darlingree fp 1 Court of Bearer count ,it e W:alerat ed, . ea -.6llatim and robbery late of Freedom borough, Denver Up' I has ter ounty, bounded o • the west by pan of nar 4 iatt or tbe mixer Y ebildrea l ,of J Mee g tut be _.en wee notkirovvi. Seme 7 one of lib!! editors of th i e A gut, of Moore, mat, alit wit 7 loo s n to be str:st eh program oI beeami t anami tt e, o a Isto-i i iiorreY •Kellibt, tt the worth by tar u with IS r. Huston' Sell Chaitiberlie, on t• • east.lbyl other i nds ty, Pennsylvania, 'deed., will expose to sale negro to go on the o ho . an d 6of said, testator. and o • the Louth by the tail by public vendue er out - cry, obt the pr • es, I t'en at night o of the Kittanning Rep rum of theiWoolen Ma factory or other! ads un 1 I t una !c ue t ' r possess any! rig °l' " S. nctw one of thecif th t a r. rate 0 attract the attention yf the day j i editors p per of sad d Testator; cont fain about 150 ma 4 MONDAY Feb 4 1 ft_ 'mem o in our midst, I We cOogratulate Mr . ear • or , t h e more or less, ablut 80 acres cleared and un- ' , rwir.4 -• 15 , Mani the h - ` . derlaid with a good we aof coal; on wide to Id ten o'clock, A4l , the oilowing dmie**b , ,se eve was in type i r s l earnf r om improved appearanto oth Repubh- erected a hewed. log b ni , with frame sh die lot of ground, situated is f Freede bougla goals:Kan et Rochester: • Joh C o .that the resid ence , * ea* Bitlee s connection itb it. ' frult trees on the premi es. The l farm is ell Beartr tounty. being No. 112, is lea .t i ' 1 7 11 ,_ etre , / altd gr. Ilarshil al were also enJ - _ ___._ _ watered. and public se ools, millsand ch url tension to the beret' hof *we " ell Via alu m ~ _ 1 1 A i 11 "red° , bon d,ed latked t v • d -a -met- Th robbers un -- . myths rebruary nu be of 'Our coarse:ft; shout k r miles from Der' 2 , on the north by Spring alley. en t e east by son. 1 ~ - Lot Na 111 outhe soutb bY Pleasant steel ddb m imed it _ Y mesas dif • sa in s t r , ment l Young Polito, publishe by Ticknsr Teems. ?tie-third e the pastiest um ey ore the w ' etreh t ' 1 est bY gist , et; on whic is erect . . "eugh the keyhol I 1 eimermatioh of be sale by the co an, ids good frame house and out buiidings. watiehot edttiedeor . i e, Semen the key and Fields, has been re •eiv A . IL is l 'n " I n bale::: in t , : ,, ,c. T a l, anal payments, tom erme!---One Hurd ,of the pirchase aum y idle thgy foot " ntnth9r ridenosof Dr. the best Ilipagine for yo ni Oka ever the n lon or the sale by the to ba Pala "On loonermados lof isle hp t s sail 41464 , l'o dram aad overcoats, y, n a tho o i bac payments obe secured by bad Court the balance published in this c.ount; d I • C rui s° lt e ci In two equal,.stutual ipri - Rye ef ph p e g out; p. Th, l non, v _ !Amman anima but al year old is sire s y'l , menaely ariti mortises,. I i inent* • with interest Irani the ,ime the • i iii :' 77 "...to, 1 exit from popular. It ha , an ableiwr is et mil. Ft!ir farther impend n inquire of tits • deferred illetalhatatts Ito be seetred by, alyi ` 3l * ammo, -T14,1 1' 1 111 / 4 t.ta Loth- Writ e sin& is deseechlg of tho scone h dirsl r easit• Zillitr . L ' n erap esy se n !2 ° ..,' 1. "d meet s : 1 I I. ....,,,.' , 8 ter 0 0 , 11. STOtthle • bas atialeeit `*' - - i , •„ , k. ..,..... ••• ,ii 4, r„, J o ao uu 1 7- 7 6 /ler, eft Misr, the illgan'ilk 0.- ' 1 1 I 1 i r ) so I --1 1 II 1 I !MMRMSM Zit ' 1r? :AswrwErgijor come, isoo. 'The IS ih' and rn Se2ntanding - do na - The Com ercial is the largest tta ' in t • State, lasi g been twice enlarted wi in I Se last eightee months. No taper in the Ste e gives so sti b, and there'are fest:, in :thetiOnti try that , giv an equal ' amount of reading mat ter. In thi respect, a. d for its gentiet-ohar ai ter Said t ne, it ranks among the leading jour sof e country. . - . 2 , , eel If iiustitte - ..- 04iiiiiiitio ~i; Det rmin to spare neither labor nor et- Ipense, our üblishing facilities have been in ere wit in the lama few menthe, at an out lay of I'm Five . Thoitetutii 2 -Deitars., placing i ii i. us fo. some time to. cents beyond the reach - Of compthitie 1 Ettrae Celery Skit rot of Aro L ! Commercial. Although' utjast entering on its third year, 1 the Comm erci al has already an unequalled circulation - ii influence !throughout! *with and ctottntily extending district • Of. country. embracing P ennsylvania ,, West Virginia and Ohio,i e while throughout : '' all the west. and in r the eastern cities; its; circulation l is by no teens moo iderable and rapidly growing. i , Charsote and Aims or the. Commercial. Not strict y partisan, noir- "leveled to any peculiar id the COnutterciat goes befor e the publiti on i nieritik, aslrinrOdlyjusts ,muck faver i and p trintig as it deserves, and its 'success can csaid obe little lea than extra- - ordinary. !thous In the future, aaitt the I past, the . 0 mmercial wig, ilk - 11 special man tier. he des- tea to• the interests of Pittsburg; it will coati us to Pennsylvania and Union paperL pro ming the interests of labor, intel. ligenne, an P•ublic, and private, virtue with whatever in deuce it can commander power it it can ex rt. Rising abige mere party aims and influen es, chained.to Ea one'idea the or no tor party. bat belie, la tree -1 dom and Pr gross, aid devoted on o truth, {'the Comte dal wil4 treat all publi questions ii and ex re its view,. of public men in:an in -1 dependient nil liberal spirit. To the present National A ministration and the Union cause it Will give hearty - tho' no t servile support. !TH LATEST NEWS. -Fee-jour jour n als in , th e country spend so much inonei in ' o Mining the latest' and most relia ble, intellig en ce as the Commercial. In kilts gle item of telegraphing alone it paid during the. Wi t ye r on an• average *both One non sand Jolla a Month—or morn in-one month, pro6abty, has was paid by any other Pitts .burg paper or, the entire year. ' 8 itl IJ (i 0 it RES PON OENTs W e h ave al ~ at the 'Principal seats of inter est, special correepondents, keeping a ivatih ful eye on Laterer is of interest or value to the Publi No paper - in the State basso . large a ear ,' '! of correspondents,l and it gives us plessur. to,be able to say that we are don tiamilly ad ing to the number writers of-e=- patience a d ability. 01 INTELLIGENC.E. By icom . on consent, the Commereisl is the . stantlitrdjo rnal.af the country, with Petrole um dealer and operators everYwhere. In this rspec it has no competitor, mad the fa cilities for .btaining•this' kind of inforniatiths we Erb con tautly extending. I 1 , OU 1 W' SHIN9TON DISPATCHES. Through a Stoeciel Dispatch Bureau, main tained at I large 'expense, our Wa.shi ngt 'on reports are as full end reliable's, any,and sire in no 'respc t excelled by thre of even , the Metrapolit tt press ! At thi hour of great questions, hese facilities are necessary to 114- ply the de .. etyl pf the public for news from the , tiob 1 Caphol. i ' I 1 itli.ET RE PORTS. l i t ,.. 1 Th Dail Repor t s pf the uommeretal of the Pitts urgh all the: loathes Domestic and tilt _Yoe* n g rkets; ere prqpnird by coulYeti4. i ti c and experi need iteporters, and their wi e spread po . ldrityL attest their value. • amount of utter in thie Department of 'he Comm l ercia alone, frequently ekceeds the n= 'tire readin pages of some of our cotempo a , . ries. 1 , I . I t „, i . . 1 THE F NINCII Is DEP IR aN F. iTt This Dc artment is in the hand* of a gin: thunan of aperients add acknowledged abil. ity, and lii reports have at alitiraits a special value., ; ' ' 1 T c Local Departments 1 - .• • • ~ Tlii De. rtment off,the , Cenimerciall is hot exceli ed. o test the truth of this, take the local! Page of any of our noigtsiTori, cot freed it ell tha is not strictly' lodul—lettet% DOM sbro..d an essays ite•nbstract subjects: shot' as,' we cla ffy properly on other pate-, and I exclude w it no ; respectable paper, shoiild print'—and and then eoinpare theretnainder with I oitrietal p ge, nbich doss hot belie Itenatriit. • , Edit Hal and Gesetat News. , , • . I,Vitl'a orps of irtiters of acknowledged sibilitY arid e xperience , these departments of ;the tionim rcial dampers favorably with the, ;leading Jo teals of the country-Land we haver icinly ills (that nothing wiU be omitted .hat is, !hens ry to maintain for our paper in these !and hll cith e r respects thii standing. ' , • • In ishert, i l is every department, and .o.s•ti whole, the Commercial is a , • i 1 • Sound, oinprktreasiet aid Bel able' i• , . Newpaper.. .• •I . Whetey is offertSite to ti cultivated Moral taste is ac puthudy ezcluded from itAcolUnin; and.ohr co giant aim is to publish nothing ihal.'4lnesil t serve some valuable purpose.l— pecriar cature s of the COSINIERCIAL•Iis 1 1 I ' '. ''T ,E PULPIT," 1- In wbich epartment is-given, ;every . Sitter. flay. ii se on furnished expressly for WI 1 The reading specially Pr, epared under .the head of • , . 1, ' ' ,__,' • • i 1 I'Altil GARDEN , AND' HOUSEHOLD, 1 , Constitute ...nether-rile:en:4r flours of treat value ,-' • I. '- , TH E AILYCOMMERCIAL . - -d at the following rates: - I . s]ooo Kul; ' 6 bo YEAR = 050 2 h ONE YEA' EIALE YE gUAEITE,', ,IYEE WEE • Thai wee lOattei coitattly LY COMMERCIAL.. ly issuo of the Cinuituctss, is not ither in the ain nut , or kind 'of n. It is made vp lesprouly for the der,—it-is filled.vri:k choice ;es& s,:the market rePortt, general in. •.notry. besides- 1 . • .0.1:Lon Every - Week. • .1" ne • , THE WEEKLY . 1 one year " Tweaty 7 • • 1,60 Tea 75 fitter -up of s Club . ,* paper, will tie. • . , Singio cop' In (In so Inr:u s To t be. soml. gra 'Address 4 . 11 . .. 14 t n 110.7 n iftb itreet:rit - tsb44 'l .1, EIN I T I .7I9M I / onstantli ozi.hand'a itprly octite (lion' home) Clot es 1t ringer.- katt attentio n to Ille'llanufeetur-, mint for the. pnivireal Clothes' ; (I.' Woe, Agent: 31r - . W. baying the Biate and transferred his itte,l I. will keep a conr.t.ant.supply Stanni on hind, Crtnis on by ek e - etude oil burners.. - . • _ JOS', ill Una, All: Ilesitii.l iI.OE I Pntns.s i i .antA would ; er's adterii Wringer.' i removed f machines t : Alse,i eo 1 barrel lan& 'oat, I 1 E'llll:o7ST*lLiffl.. ' Ala% R r A SEA-.„110.RE 91'1 7 . ecelieirday; and,for sale 1_ • PETER ANOZL'a, tridiparita. 0 • s SEIM l'lll9B I•3oitam] =I ;i 1: 6 RE'Si-ORO , .:STO s .1 , ..- -- -.'---%_ . il 41: -1 - ill. arAvzs- 1 --1, , It l ~ • ..,.' i.i. -.I 1 , - Atei be toiniti i illi bigot: stailaheita.ea . ~, '„5--0. 1 ..,-..c mtltom'4i i:_cit-. .t.iii.&iis -0. - 2Li __ L i I. Cil M. C A. 1.65• =.. , . 1.,....i, .., , tt tr°, it 8 .,- 'wx - i9ES - • ,i , l• .:,-,.. . , : . 1 .:‘ . - - 1 t i lkna i iiitiii,aid.ies. '. ' " -• ..,, a f .l / t ,'o l h 0 4 1-* l. .. . ~ 1. ; • . _. - i -.: ' . . i I Ali, "- • ' H j - ! , •.1 1 , .-, • . .- ~ -,.r• .-, ~. ;-• ... . • ' -., :Ali .-1. •- .1 , _ , ;.1.:., "„: . , - ~y I "- 1 TOILET 'ARTIOLIs,. SOAPS, i , . 1 .•4 , , ~ _, . • , 1, 1 ~ 1 ti.WL P . .0_1 1 M S'i N 1• ..,... - PATEN - it ' , MEDICINES ; ~ . . i i . . . il , . . fi -, a great Tartety. 1 ilk of the best cinit ty. laa 'obi; Cheaper Oen can be bought, at any - otheri Drug S tore in: the - coun ty. i ME Ei Dupon,l • ces Female 75 eints per bits; hequilexes, - sl6ClirlOs, $l. ~. . - ‘,..the Lee* !Itook;of - , amps 14mp La:gents-, S;iitonto; .Wendbur -Glass • . • •anu, 2.c-utty •' • serer offered outside . of the city: latil cn's Ping:Bloc% findl ;bald : - ehesper Mindi eada be houghli anywhere eine. .thoie ,vi4ofitatbA his call and /Pee; and the will daubi(noinore • • . . C. CLIA)111111L1.111' . 11.r7NAX/11., • . I . I • , ; IN iNB , - 1 • _ li• NEW IiRIGLITO?(4 P 4.6 suns. di 1 - • ' • ' I -- I ;r., 1-I.A_EtriWAE ; , '• I ,1• • I IRON,IINAILSi I • I'l_, I ; AND • 7- 1 7 AGRivUL URAL DiPLE • . , - I - • • CARPENTERS' TOOLS, 24-4-A• k CES,fIITHS' TOOLS; 7 - ' •• . SHOEI/A.KERS TOOLS, • '• • 'Li; I SADDLERS' TOOLS, PLATEREHS' TOOLS, ILINE SADDLERY BARD IN ARE.I . DEIIT FELLOWS & SilliFTS ~ .3 4.d - - . - ~. , ~ 4. ~ , - i L K_, B ,LTS kilirES, 11C1),S AVATToCKs IglioES, ,' I F ' ] CO cNTE Mk pLA TFORM SCALES, ~ _,_ - .'l i' • • 1 , TOLE PoCKJET c,uTLPWi r t • ! ' • I , I •- ' : - ! 110 REE SIIOES,& N&ll i 4l,i r 1 ! • I L ' TIRE, & C L " A I RR ' lA I GE - , 'DOLTS & NUTS, IL CiNLIME I LERE -STRAW CrEER S. . . I , , • , 1 • 11 i ; 1 1 t i ' - L Aat - NT F OR: ' j ,L . t [EXCELSIORMOWER MOWER'' ; REArELAND NEW BRIG#TON FIRE-BRICIEWOI{EI3. DeeSV65. - i j ; . •l' i , DRY G001)8 t , , FITItB ' • , E t , 1 . 2 i 1, CL AIDS & =SHAWLS" fil ~ : 11 i 1 ---ii- ,Cg 13A!! ,CHEAP!!; C•lll,.Pin !I i 1 n• I ? ' .Id , __ ._... i ii._._ I__ _ i Tl. t &IC 9ES1 1 STOCk H n C!F 'Dill* . Grog:3)33k IVE I R BRQUG.HT TO TRISH O:ITY 1 i i The l ,test asiortment of I V" I - ls I .I I •• ' ' I . 1' - Ii .ad es', Ilium &phlitirezeisP,trii ' eier offero this- side of New York. f. I GLoAlts a SHAW LS, 1. 1 •; ; • An ;excellent stook, and very , sheep ' Also, good nisortsnent of • 'I ' A AEPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RIIGS,&e. -iirTheae 'goad We e all bought &reit:front the altutheturers;;l4 the ease, bale arid I:selksigii,. Which 'enables us to sell at very low prlotis. - 1 The'atiention or wholesale and retail i buy 7 , r e seo.. i. a , , ,, iiei cv . : e u d 5 ,, ,. .....u ll r i t... a bke. convinced. i' r ' ,I - ' , I • . 1., '• 1 .1 DUNI AP I LUKER - k' CO., 1 . . I ~ ' 4. . 86 Federal st,; 4 doors, wow : Market -hititse; ece:Gtil ALM° hEICY ctn.:, I ~ _C I prepared ,to idoliser teal of Abe best quality sal - Shortest! 'twice,. iartiesii bat N Stag. Sballeisbergss7s Grocery, BtilAgatratter, c - ross4 Dey, Good &ors; Rochester. will tlautiro prompt l atteatiott i • 4,;• 14 .F l !!** • WM ' P 9 l Y r !l t 's I WAMCMCK Fin; • Li tlaamakiar e . , , I I I 1011 ~ ,:: ~ ~ PIM !n!! f EINEM ~,` .r.:.„3: =I NM . t`. A:. IRE 111 M 0ne: . .44: ME Ono is.. 1- - on. es.: ,t 4 CUM El= =I 27eese MEI ~o }iiee ill 50 piece,* 4-4 feat :Best 4-4 20 pieces 5-4 20 pieces b , cote Hoye She, osw Heir 110,411 Heat Melee hat _ Ir #ILLIN Br 4 1 SHAWL Low4riksa Mil 0001) *OR = i 1 I -L , , WOo not or articles ci T ___ of -the Aeon ...aro are better a ebi i i i where. we ean the kind pa ronag solicits eon . 1i1111n; and well : alai w i lt 1 C'ems And su NO TRO 411 1 0 ZOOO r ::.~ RS NM 'EL 7Zin7E".' I ;••• , • r ;•.1 NCO- LO •.; xrar cioie bead r' eons .1/ A ..f.„ D :. 1 7 ....... ti ' I l‘ - .. 1 , 1 ' 'I! , ' : - ' 1 r , • ill A t Slet .:lz~. :"'M"i~~ LEE ;•,'- •fslirit. _t -. .x.' , :::•: - ' : - ...„t: - 1r 1011 ' ME • L , ' ' 1‘• • . 1 ; ...irumii• . . i • '4 IiNT: PelatC • • 011411-. j. 0017 U Now 1 '1 TIE it •oidy 20 eiettiko r :th e . `. • hi 'Setisaik: ' '''• - y 'OO 'cents:if witiy Flanders, 41117;4144-i:: Wgbt o al 232 ickiag. Way, 410 110140 !El ilia ' binilii4 41)taidit4_ - ; TM I Delt . i i iiei. 141' - ftelimg • 4. 114 P. : - I ' worit t 1,7 • - •- - - '' ' .'... --- i - ,: - ; •,. ,i. .• . ..- , . ...:1..0r, 4. =. • üblo •- twilled Ma** 'Ol y $1,50; wirtbrs2.' ' - , 0 , 7,4 cents; - - T. AKkhill,. '.. ...ii ot L • ter Boots, 1014540111 , • - $1.211 urifarlig . - Woo 1,80, !et d , On y Bt y WI ,a ~~ ;. • Goons 51 1 4.1! ICL*Stiii tITOTI L 71.1.-80 a! lIP ICO =I ft, 'tiLGPI: 1 HOODS; `; 1 or 7.7;:ii: ,, ; - : tap. 4,.. -. ,• . ~• • :. ' :• ••1' --.. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers