w O E . BEAVER’ 1 October I8thi;l8' 9 and MIS I fe have* received an obituary death of Capt. John Cath i, for publication; but owing to J of. the hour which it came.t<o nd the crowded state of oar £t h blioation tfbferrcd t we6k._, ‘' >x' i- vi i. ; fid tbi bcft«?9 latcndi land, 81 till tfe»! V jb / cxaminutions, of 'd'e Thursday ahdrFrit day o f' ibis,/vrejck. All respect fa)iyir lted t 0^ tend ‘ ! ~ eb Semina by —A meeting of -kbolders of Beaver Semjnnry titutc, will be held,jut,Semina .iogJ'On Saturday, October 28; %{v. m:, lor Jbe election of B'eav the StP and fns iy bniii 1865.J 1 loTrps te6s fortheensuiuj hc Fifth R egular A (fared to relieve the Artillery, now on g Fortress Monroe. been Pi Heavy ty al it is to bo itptnodiaißly raustor- It contains a number of Beai ii>y boys. ■ ‘ '■. -,’j regime cdoui- vcr ibi l7e Borough of Beaver gave ion. State ticket, aj the recent , onp hundred ana thirty ma iwcilty-ono more. ever lore to any ticket.. ixliortaticrrs to the Ooraccrapy, e©. J tiioto deep joliq . gJTgJ> ' ftil tiji lids'i ISI Ohio iorilio? tlcu nitr Eeliv j*• _ . , . limteen counties mOhic. fool up as lolld’ir n Cox, 31,894;. Morgan, 14;G87; Q)s>'hajoriir, 17.207. ItJ'is estima ted fbu ’’.Cox major! tvriritho whole ,SleK Ml be about 25,3000j. 1 ' • 1 ■i *v ' ■ ’- - *'l. . * ■’ {gjflfany'cf our readers desire to $. ' * ■ I .■ ‘ i . purpljhw- an excellent cooking. vciy (liosp,wu iv ou 1 d i nfo rm tKeyn that .Ur. ficstwiuk,manufacturer of tin-,cop per apiMshoet ycarc/and aVront for the tr.l/bi'- three different, kinds of cook ing stoves, hi just the inan to call up- Ou; Ir fact .everything in his lipe, al vrayapjn'hand, and Ttfdd at the inosi reasonable ter.mis. . .Call and, examine is stoves and ware,and it.vill be found this recommendation w more tbiui.de :■ ■ . t .Iffir' H L * ■' t t&fX’uc- Local charge.s that wo vo ; Viiii Kirerjßed •£ windie, aift '• gotfU-iicio/ oui'dricpds to deny il for ~;es day of ibeieljjctioh. . We oll' ii.'/orui the editor pl'vtha Jjocdl i&'.ivr.o-scni |ljiq.. Legislative'' Record w a fidand r HTiowio|j tiiai wo vested igairst Ihe bjiU known.. jis the River Bed Swi'iidie ? |iill. Wo did vote, hows ■ ever; to auUswize , the public sale of -ihfc yiyer bed, providing it ,could I c dona legally, abd the Slate could rb« . iilizb nnytHiiig out of tlt-o sale.- la llje editor of’ tho' Local opposed to. such a ■ sale ? - ' | ' 1 | > >, Indiana. ' I of lndi mil majlo a *bowil l gin tbe"ty glections. n in bom® pf their laroagholds, Forti d<|faf t all in-tbo IfepuSTicun comities, 3omo.jbttt • dotsicTedlyl email- We upticbd thiitlftiere was i(b ! Pet>i-| u. ticket ftxs liidianapolis. The reUpVpurn&jfiays; ‘‘The (Blecdtirr thii^eyer:. 1 s^ecHn I:iJafSyfet te??"' Allbguth s a fljie iided lliavipg'\i.o ticket it! tli^^d.4| r Hopablic'afta voted 111 ihfeyybp,. l|be<f of-|he fuu, and Ih^TsUAp 1 -. ■' ! *' ■ -.i tamo Ofeutcj ' as'at Ipr-f pj llej” have ,o?m ■Liifvj J.csle itwa crstp Thai , tame, pod.’ Death of : !s "s'th no ordliiary feelinga of BQgrtrw that we the death of ; W. Efe D«ine, Agent of • Wc»t£ wsj at r&fi: it bis jesklouce in Allbgjienycity, tljnciA- a t'f lawyer by ~pfole»sidn7 ptisj “ssingro markabFo bttf i nesa quali fications, and honest, sB dj withal atcouiteoua, pica Sant. and gentleman. He filled •J 1 ®! responsible ) position- of Pension about three yearA, and gave Un .jorsal jfati section. TEb wasmar 'i about a year since to Hiss -Emma ‘P ~fyj only daughter of Rev. I>. L. of lbisj)l|ce. To his au t')wilo who suivives him/this is *ed a sad bereavement. ’ ' liei Be Be yo Hemtzleman, former a . or crdored to join Lis (’tncf.t atHarl’e. Island abd report enotal W easels, who was a (Jap« r ln *^ 1 . < i,^ 0 i l ri^er ' B rbg* merit ir.Mex* «r \j B r . ato one -°r two more' Brant* 1 * l )l ‘* ct ' cu 'lly reduce him to Bra «kot Bccoudj/eutenant. prover, of tfieDe- moa of Agriculture, at Washing received the Emperor Napo* f Wortd’s/nf‘ d II ! e<lal 4 bonor . «t, 1 ParU T?- nton ? ol °K ic ai Exhibition vl „-v. P ri L z ,® wua awarded for 'Agrftsult ural Ueetlog- L ; s'/ ‘The! Board lot Manager if th - managers ox Beaver met at thaOourt House, Friday.'Oct A,n<jlei-sbn l President, in the chair.. - ! Members present: Messrs. Auder son, Barbs,-.: Briggs, Christy,- Laird Potter] Wilson. I Jbsj i pi | Wilson, Esq hir rdportof funds .received;daring the Fair, showing net receipts top be reebived and placed OD; file],! - [This .wages of Police and G lIIH lira. ..«jgv .'OhCO—, /»> .epj)- era i; 'w«Jre pit ' at£fdip!Ntji Keepers, $2,50 per day; Police,B3,o(f for day and night. , 1 ' ; One of .;tbpf parties to the Irotting match refusing to-comply with the dccisionof.the Judges! t was resolv ed by the; Board of Managers to cot fund tap entrance teo (§1 0,00) to each persor . 'J • M v j The;thanks of the Board. ttiere on! motion, tendered to Jas. Wilson, Esq., of Now Brighton, for an Orange tree 14 yes.rsold, and a Cotton plant rais ed ,by Hr. Wi|son, and, presented ,by him lo the Seciety It-esolved, That no indebtedness of tho S jcioty will bo paid except by order :rom President to Treasurer,ex •• cept.Promiams,wbich Will- be'paid by Treasurer from certified copy ofvEre "nth Liftt.. ■ ' year, rtrllery has Third Pal arrison da* The lattei 1 v.; _■ .. r_ - - “i On Jmdtipn the following warrants were granted: ‘ 'F :ij 1 . ; Hedryj! Edwards, fllaking Table, j Henry Edwards,; boarding Judges, Managers,-&c«,'SG6,BO; ' FoUce.T-J oil a MarquW§7,so; it. W. McQujaxpn, 7,50; "Wallace Fish, $6,00; A7ltohios o ri ,§ 1,5 0; E. 11, S wager,sG,oo; Geo, llthds, §4,501 Elißecd, §i 50; Jamison: Elliott. -Alex Rccdi §r,so;, Nathaniel Lindsey, §6,00,! GaU • Keeptr& ,\Vrn. C.. , §7,50; ] Win. A Laird, §5,00; John L- Hall, 50,25; John Gibson, Cic ero Turner, ■ §7,50 ; John Barclay Store Dill, §s,os;,Charles French, haul ing water, 89,00; ’Win. Shrddes, ex panses at Economy, §1,89; A-B Wolf, expetj jejs-at Ecom-my, §1,80; ApiKob» inson’j work at track, §6,00 .. On*motion adjourned.! : :i' 11. ANDEEBON, Pres’ l. : ; L LJlmbbie, Sec’y.. , - -1 om all 6iU lent on the Pennsylvania Railroad, , > . Aocii 1 . "b K , Oct. 114. j TliiiJ afternoon, about a,quarter be-, fore three o'clock, ot.e of those, disas trous achidents . which startle whole communities,.occurred on the, Penc- SydVanSa liailroad, at apwint about i lour miles west,of tliisplaco As hear as'l can; ascertain up to this time,nine jieraonkjwcre killed number wounded I It fnppenrs, from what have ueen able to gather from persons who were on the same train, that as IhC train, which consisted of ton cars and tpq lOjComotivcsjwas approaching the so H r where the accident occuired, one of t|ic rails disengaged itself from sleeper ,and sprung outwards, the train'ptjtho moment running at frill speed; jThe end, pf the rail next .To the oiio which sprung* o'ut;theh starred from, ii.sichair fastening, and it Vs sajd to havi pome in contact with*the fore most fpck of .the first car next to tho‘baggage car’ breaking ah axle and tearing | the floor of the <car almost from end to pud. At-thusamo instant the lour] last cats were thrown from 1 one of tbeip being thrown ■rfrhjyn libo^/nbankment. Frqnr 1 the point atf < \vhl^h...'Ui'e^ail, sprung from it.B-rostingVplaee, about fifty yards of eastward, were lorn |jp.— iTne sepne which must* have booh ter rible, I am unable to describe, as I bravo pot seen any person who was present, a sufficient length of lime, ttf get arjy thing beyond the foregoing statement. * " ; | Here i leanr-lhat among the tilled weie the-wife of Mr; James P. Bar,' Purveyor General; Col. ffm. Butler and wife, of Lowistowu; William 11. Butler, a clerk Ini the office of the purveyor Ceneral, It Harrisburg; imp ; a lady |unin ! ed Getty,. from Milwaukee, iWisconsin •! understand there afo' -Others W:lio have not been "but a leoroner’s inquest is in'prOgress, and the bodies ari*j all jhere. j Some, of those , who were injured hare been broughtj-beco. and are being- c.-._ wefo “slightly wqun have gone on tojPbiladelpbiaV. i I bear that'thp Hon, James P. i-. is notary injured, and that it is hi Is in ton lion to leave hereby the express J train going West 'ip night, when the 'body of Mrs. Barr will be sent forward. ’ ih Beavee, Oct. 13‘,i1865j| ; Mr.lEdifor: The of Fn on School! have stood —"“very good,’| forthe weok ending i 3g!f?l3tlL i Ho, pL~(Toacher, Miss Lida Wilson, AgneS Turner, JenritO-Grovo, Agnes: Anderson, Anna IrSauj-'Mamie Wilson, John Ed> ward Moore.. ' . 1,-’ ,J , V; ATo. 2— (Teacher, Miss Siprg J), Co ra Donehoo, Ida Lafforty, Telia Risibger, Jaffla Wey and, Sadie Pumfrey, Sadie French, Jennie Small, Henry Daigsf: Joseph Reed, Eddie Hum[, Eairaa^Erebcb. -; ii?bi (Teacher,Miss Harper}, Del* la Caughey, Emma StaktarfMarv Mc- Clure, Susie McClurej llcKinH ley, Mattie. Lafferty, Sadis Wilson, Harry Patton, Thos Dontpgof^; Ho. Frank: Pat ton, Martin Lyon, Early, Ebgelic6 AnderBon, Mlrj’ djaf. forty, Lillie Strock. ’ ; t . -. toBe0; gjsiSE! .. • j ,- HAVE applied, to j the Court of Common of-Eeaver' county for the benefit of rffeinsplvefit laws of this Cpmmanwealib. and Court have appointed the first day of 1865,! for the! hearing of me an 4 my credit orsrßtTEe Oouxt SB. ouae,i in th e borough of Beaver. '-4 .i " r ■!■ JOHN MICHAEL, Jit., Boatman. Ind4stfy, tp„ Oct feas. | . j j- I. G. 'yfQOtf', Piiprrf .on Monday mornlngthat Hon iG. V. in iMononfeaholf pity* qn I of billions' of MarehallHnrdooh,..we ileeirn. vibe; rg 'port is nntrae.andthat Jfr.Lawrer.ee, qaito nl.'&Jn a fair’way. to leoofor ’ Wo are mosthappyilo bo. abjo tp make rapntJ WUh aU who heajtd the *t<T !fe\V oyer ; . th9 /^ißhJ||ttii.fy ;. supposed ihad.: beJaUon.tbepooplo W- this District'.’ rence.wiil.BOon :do v againl jpb'd; servejDip I District and Statb.- 3ke! : 1b too good a man to lose from the’coon* oilsp^,thp. Nation\h this ger. ,|Hi.s place oonld not? bosupplied. TEACHERS’ c OUNT3T INSTI rTE. ■ [:> ■ i ■■ ■ssion. icf tbe Boaver i’ ; Institute, w|ll be i schogi {Building; mupepcibg on >Taes- Oct., at{ 10 o'clock, nlinuo ini session four . i .- | &-■; TI : The Annual Sc Counlly Teacuorj at the Uniot Kochcatbr, c day the 24th otj a._ra.;J and will co days.i •’, , Speak srs have dress | ti e Instil Sessions. boon engaged lo ad ute, at ;|lie evening lorioleridont oflGom- J to be ! st in conducting the - The Slate' Supi mon Schools ha: presept, and, nss exercises. oxpec t to teach fait i in this I county, will is their'ditty to pre„ the: Countyilnstii*. j. give aS satisfactory ce. V ; ? c ]v. il Directors end Clorn Hally; incited .to at- I. i Reed. Co. Sqp’t. i:. Oct. 6. ’65 i- f: ijote who ir School i ijer tbai/it mselveg ; i abte t i or abseti' t£, Schoo are cord J. igton, P' Teacbj or; wiii It) sent IWI Interior I dxeasjo i L 'Parenl gymcjn tei\a. l)urli ♦ i_. MARRIED: ' th, 1865, hy Rev. J. fiilarray. Oct. iat Mr. jAndoi son's Hotclf,. Eo'cbeslor, MivFrances Hughes,' of Beaver co., Pa., and Miss Jane NEiLAND. pf Co lumbiaba, co'., Oliip. j . ••{ : Oct. itb, 1865, ; ]by Rev. J. W.jwith. erspoon; Mr. John li. Keehl, to Mias Mary Ann C. Boyd, both of Reaver county J | • if Oct. 18()b, at the j residence 61 Bayid Johnson, I Esq;, by J. J. Mil jar,' Mr. 1. H. Bean, of droona vitle.jMercer county, Ph.J to Mips Sa rah Jane Johnson, of Bea yercpuiilyi _ : : -j' "p Ocf.lOtb; 1865, by ilcv. Br. jSIcIH ; wee, Mr. Alex Morrison, Bentist, to Miss 'Mary Jane VYitijebow, both of Frankfurt Springs', Beaver couijty. 26ih, 1865, >y Rev. \Y. G. Taylor?,: Mr. Jahes M. j Woobs,. of Washing tori gounty, to MW M.' Davis, 6f Beaver county,} Pa. Out. 17 tti , 1865;- by Ravj /. Monroe, Rev. |Waltku Beown, of tha jPitfs bu'fgh Conference,: to Miss Amanda, youngest daug'lUelr of bon. baniel Agneiv, pf Beaver], Pa. J \ •s’*.' , i ; . 'Octi. 12th, 1805, by Rov|B; C. jfcrUtsh. at llhs residence of the bfcdes’a father, Mr. Cijahles C. Townsend, to Miss iJcjJET S, eldest daughterof B. Rush | Bradford. jEsq., all ofj New. Brighton. :'’|v ■ T '• ' \ I . Onjthe evening of the same djdy, by the. faamc, at the roaidojnro of, Mrs/ Baxter, Mr. \VM. : AU loghetiy City, to Miss inti E. Eehnb dy, of Liverpool i 0,. v"" 1 M ' I O c t|l2th,-1865, at the bouse An drew Waltorson, fath er, by Rev. John Jf. slentzj Mr.-i Ben jamin P, McGaffiok,' to Alias Eliza beth WATTEBBON. ,‘ ' ; 1 ,f£ ' ['"’A. lit)oral supply of- wedding cake accompanied the [above; notice, lor which, the happy couple have oSr 51ay their, boneymouA con tinue ithrouj'h all time, and happiness bo constantly theirs.J : DIED: I _ Qn.jthe' 14ib insi., in this borough, Mr. Jambs L. M’CaEEBjTi in th§ 28th year of his ago. fi • : f r J^ - | i (<|)bitUttry j le j x t week.) ,| A. C. BARLOW, M. D w. . i af»Ri&E()N AMD MYSIQIAN, permanently located in BfiAVEB lenders.lris professional SerrlcejTto the citizens of PeaVer and adjoining Tillages and country. " Havinghad, twenty! years caperi- Once (pver four years, as an army Surgeon) hfe feels competent to command thecoufiijenoe of those who may wish hia services. . T-. , Calls, day pr night; promptly attended . ; t®»OfEc« in the National Hotel building, where :he may 'he foupd at ’alt hours, day or night, ‘whennot professionally 1 engaged. > aepayeav V, i j; , iy * ITCH! ITpH I I ITCH I|! ! Scratch 1 Scratch! I Scratch! I! , OINTMENT WILL CUBE THBITCH IS 48 HoluKS.' A LSO cures SALT BHEUM, DtCEBS, /V CHILBLAINS,sand all EfiUPTI()SS OP THE SKIN. Price SO dents. For sale by all -Druggists; J.‘ - - By pending GO oeht* IoTEEKS A pfU'TEB, Sole'Agents, 170 Whshlnglon street.'Boston;' Mass.,-Stlwill be -forwiarded. by-mail, free of postage, toany'part of the UhltedStatei. y septSO’CS— -i L ; TP yauwaht to buy the best. Lampa, r Lamp . Lamp Trinuajpgo, go to liSiiKii ■ 1-. '||v :‘ | • IN ROGHTpTEB. ih : ‘'' "1 ' GREAT ’'.p.. Next Door to'-the Post Office i1 1 ■ , i: \fp-K 'rl;‘V- 1 = 1' ■■"’rl -»-•£ vi* , r-r*k.Mjjt> Jvyj s;ir.. , ■ ‘.I. : i ".'l'/iiG;/; v-iu-A jp.-ialj • .aaiii.a;: • -i v;'--rt : DCtN’T BEpIEFE GOODS, :: JJPOR; AT, .ODI&KBICES PIUS'?I' Goodfastjoolcuod printsjonly Good unbleached muslins, 0n1y... .i,,....2ft.cts- Good bleached muslins, 0n1y...... ,L.,...20Jv Splendid Balmoral Skirt*, only. 1 ......... ; $8 r <)6 DRESS GOODS OF PYERY ,-H* -r j VERY CHEAP I BARRED&PLAUr FLAHNELS FKENCH> MERINOS, 1 , , ;| ' COBXTEGS, |t i ; Krr -■‘'t.-.i j ; DELAINES, ARAIURES, .-./i" PiiINTS, ■’ V TICKS, &c. ,•- ; MEN & BOY?* ' HATS <fe OIAJPS. El Mezx cfe Boys’ Soots sc shoes, • •* : • I’ ; 'lf Ladies’ i and Children’s Shoes, ( l' ti BONNETS, HATS, & NOTIONS All .Of which are sold. ill 1 , proportion to the |- ' i . shore prices. : • ,■ j' DON'T FORGET tHE PL^CE: Is* | I ■ Fortune’s GREAT BARGAINSTOJIE IN THE DIAMOND, i. ■ v ROCHESTER, PA., NEXT DOOR TO POST-OFFICE.' BOOTS AND SHOES ! MI THE PEACE TO GET THEM! ' i Vv,-.(- i- • ! . ; [.• V V Cheap and I>u.ral>le. jDON'T E’AILi TO s CALL,v i ■ I ’ - ■' - 7:'', : * '■ LOUIS F. WEINMAN* .v'[■ ' ■■■ ’j-fH-vt: ■■■!■' MANUFACTURER Of and Retail Dealer in Boota aad'Shoes, Bridge street, ’,'i’ BRIDGEWATER. He keeps an excellentjsnpply of, ready-made I work constantly on hand. Boots land shoes made tci order ah shortest np : tree and most reasonable terms. He has good workmen, and ean’t he excelled ' byany other establishment in West. Ea. ' . Men, women and children will. find, it to. their ' ’ advantage .to give him a call. For; the best and cheapest article '■ -ue best and cheapest article'go to | v LOUIS F. WEINMAN’S; ; octll’CS - Bridge st,, Bridgewater. ; Quarterly Statement nf The Na tional Bank ht Beaver County. " [ ' NEwJJRiaoTOif, 00t.2d, , t i,; • ■ .ASSETS. ■ fI"" ! LoansaSd discounts.... ......$ 91,041 -72 ;C. 8. Bonds and Sec untie 5......... 1170,000 00 Furniture and office figures.:.,,... i ■ 11,968 95 Expenses and taxes. i 1,449 81 Due by bank5.............i.J 11,619 '9B C0in.,4......................ft617j 98 Legal s>~' dtherjjank notes.' 79,660 73 i '• H’ , v |865,34.9 16 •t UABiuma. ' V !,;■ Capital .took .......,....*150,000 00 National circulation......... .83,460 00 i Circulation B’k Beaver Co., 250 00 j• ( ; Contingentftmd.............. 4,810 00 ; '!’■ Dividends unpaid............ . 1,61,4 82 " 1 Depositors.,...;. 118,960 67 , ]; Discount,exchange & iht’st - 6,664 27 _: 'Tender-* !\ $358,349 16 ; ■ I certify that the above statemeht iatrne and Correct aooordingto the best of my kAbwledge and belief. ' Edwjuu)'Hoops, Cash’r. Affirmed and subscribed before me, this -3d day ofOctober, A.']>. iBus. 1 ... r ; : (Signed:) ELI BBNO, Aaa’t Asa’r. ■ ■ fpHS bert Brandy, Whiskey and. 1 - Medicinal pnrpnn««.can be had at Drugitobe. ?y<Juw*nt to boy the beat Cig%rti sod Tp , to MooTe’f Drog'athre:: NEE iiwKafws*aw3®s®¥3! fepf * •¥!!•! lift ' PEAR, r ; ,-ft il 5X • % /-4 "S\ ' ys-- PE^ 61i 4- --Vp;-;-- ■V • ii;,.i : J- ■: ■'■'- GBAiW VINEiy, - ■- ; , 'ij.iAnd SMALL FRUITS, '... ,' „AA i'-'-i ■ ■ vi'; NURSERY STOj XngreMTariety£roio4heNurfleryof CO# octi , jSewlckly, Allegheny co., Pi .• ■ ~ ,i 1 - -1. r- ■ s ti i .__ul 4 r- ■ i K’e'W SHoe Sto 'in'be'averi K°SS?j^ AL^°S WELD BESPi FIJLIiY announce ito hitoustomcrs friends goneraUjrj, that ho has jut opene New Shoe Store i in. Ben !and, is,/now ready toi supp y the public < the beit assortment'of ',■' MEN’S. -Jl ■ j'j;' BOYS’, . f - 7 . " -1 !| ! LADIES’ and i/"' ■ ■ i;- , t CHILDREN’S WJB ever brought to this county- ladies sboi all kinds and befit qualit es. They,/ bought/on advantageous te uu,i and wit. sold atreduced rates, 'll .. .1! ■ 1 JBSy**£'Omo and see, one ax d aIL- Wie cannot be undersold. . ; / j ' • S®uSloro one door East of L N. Atkins’ Clothing, Store. , ~ , : ooU KIND Iliii EM PO RIII WM, KEICH’ 1 .. i For'FALL & WINTER CLOTHING. j" i • - iv ; -i Of OverpoatingS. ~ - ■ ’Caaaimerea for Business Suit*, . | i And agcncral assortment' of Teat k: i ■'i v _ Alt liiids of I:*/'' I, * ,LT ‘ i Sach as Undershirts, " Drawers, etc., ' v lanen and Woolen Orershirta,, J' P'• i ■ ’Collars , 1 I, 1 ’ -Neck And too many other articles to mentioi 7 " -'7~rH , ■ .x‘ :| , ‘ '• ■ In all tile lateststylesand at shortest no: T .'S?EUS of somiius Uwu«_ - STEVHBSON.Iate of Han Over township, Beaver County, Pa., deo’d, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to ihake immedialepaymcnt, and those having claims against;: the some will present them properly authenticated for settlement. > , . j . :5; JAMES STEVENSON,-' octll’Co. :Administrator. -• llfeinifactiirers’ & j lffetcbants< INSURANCE DF PITTSBURG- ■ : p'; '■, Office: $l. Water st„ Hagatey's building - 1 1!. J. 1. BENNETT,President, Ijl < r J. W. CHALFANTi: Vice ■ v WK.iP: Jo«8,-S«o'y.;; ' ,ir- -' r -i ■ |V'; Ttimiraa Against Lois ' by lire And on property in transit j against “the FWrils ■ 'iii,..; •" of navigation. ■■■-■• j'- j i.. -i Dimcron*.—James I. Bennett, Jacob E sLbWatlli, tefcert teC, I;; Mi. W- Watsodl IL. B. Mo Abo/, A. E. W- Painter, J* W. Cbalflsnt, Jsaiah Dickey, I Wn»; Walker, E- O. Busbneß, Whn Wilson, A. Wejwer. ' Bisks taken on the. mostliberalteniis.by '{■■■■■■ : 'l CHAB. B. HBEST, Agent;-; : “• mpil-w:/:R'oches«»,,Pn. lues for Moote’* BS LOTH! C t - MI -L —j AT NM ' y. \ '■ } BRIDGEWATER. ; IMII ipiw'a-ooDs, - =I i I :T.-' i’-,L I have just received a new (took of the I-' ; ■' , , !j.‘' LATEST STILES ME Gentlcnea’s Furnishing Goods Constantly ijnhond, , t. - I*' --1 CLOTHING M ADE TO ORDER ME MEI= Skewari's Sow, Bn 1 BE o«t4’fls sou • jgXECU'fQB’S NOTICE. ETWEES of administration on the > |owa: (Tram leaving 9^f* 8 ®? VS-lAS saw Mm KuonJT^.r.. Columbiana., ■Salem,. 4..“. iAllianee .....: CWtQQ'X'--.-.- M«gsiUon_... orr?ille4--i'.. j Wooster ...„ .tiudopnllo,-, MantfehU-s ® r f sU “ e i]iDel Bucyrus :..... D.- Sandusky .Foxiest,;.!™;.;'; IdlQtatitiM****: Delphosß.J,. ’Van Weri-.tv Fort Wajme- Columbih ..... Huntsville.... Piercijtoh..... Warsaw.!..... Bourbon.-... Plymouth-.;. Wanatahl..... Valparaiso... Hobart .1..... C1arke.'..!....,. IRC. ER.Cros iVlal.lUtJ’n. Chicago....... cx and d a, er, >3 Of were iljbe 4-v Chicago....... R.MRRJunc m C.RRCrps Clarke ....... Hobart ....... Talparaso.... Wanatah Plymouth .1.. Bourbon. .U.j Warsaw ....... Pierceton.,l.. Huntsville ... Columbia..... . Port-' Wayae- Vaii Wert«... Delphos ..;... Lima........... ; F0re5t.....;..., UJSanclusky- Bucyrua Crestline Mansfield.,... Lpudonville - W005ter....... 0rrviUe........ Massillon..... NG ji! , ■ 'f ! j.s t • . Canton -1. Alliance .. : i Salem ......... Columbiana - Enon«., N. Brighton.. Rochester.«. .« For New Castle and Erie, 0.40 a. m. Ai?- cominodation trains leave Allegheny iof Ne,wj BriglitonV-9.00 a. m; IJpoO a m; 2;15 J>. n;, 4.40 p. ,m; G.OO p. m. For Economy; 10,30 p.: m: For New Castle, Green' Hie andl James town, [Pa ,|'3.50 pm., j. . . 1 ' -[ CLEVE- & PITTSr RR* O r and after Aug. 6,1865, tralnirwillleave Eta : lions daily. Sundays cxcepleS^ai-followsl , • I' .. - . C.ZAG C.z&q '■' ■: ■'y . 1&ail. Exp’s. Mail. Acc^mj ‘Cleveland.... 800 am 130 pm 800 am 315 pit Euclid street 811 •* 141 1“ 811 “ 8281 44 Hudson. ...... 915 44 242 “ 915.“ 45pj‘I Akron . .I.™ ..L... . 1030 “ 5271 *M OPrville ; 1'.... . 1229 pm 643 i“; Miilerebiirg.T l/.-t. 218 “ 750 i 44 i Ravenna i 950 “ 320' t...... Alliance...... 1049 “ 415 ‘ ...'. ...-J..4 Btiyatd .I •• 1129 •* 451: ‘ ......... ...1. ;..j Wcllsville ...i 110 pm 635; ‘ i ~J ' _ • uoixa sonin. . '■ ;J “ ~ j . j 3.Z&C"C.ZA C . ! I .Mail. Exp’sJ Accom ExPts J Wbllsville.... 435 am ......... .-j..J 8ayard........ 614 “ 688 ‘ .....i..! Alliance ...... 710 “ 728 1‘ ......... Eavanna.....! 800 “ 817 y ......... .I.J Millersburg.. J I, 440 am 305 pm! Orrville ...... L.-,,.. • 552 505 “i Altron .4‘. 700 “1 720 “; Hudson.....:. 837:!“ 851 “ .800 “ 851 “ Euclid street 942 “ 949 “ 91,6 “ 949 “j Cleveland.... 955 1000 930 “ 1000 “ .-i • ■ ii • ; ; ■ obiso lAjsr.' • "j v ~ Mail, Exp’s. Exp’s. Accom 8c1aire........ 1050 am 405 pm .950 pm .-. [j llOO “ 420 “ 1002 J.. Lagrange..... 1142 “ 515 9 1048- 4 «, .......L. Steubenville.' 1213 pm 645 44 1105 1 685 am Wcllsville.lBo “ 700 1200 . 636 1“ Snuth’sFerry y 152 “ . J.,..., .. ’706 j 44 ' Beitver,.” J 222 “ ...L.,-, .745 “’ Rochester ... 230 44 765 44 lOOam 800 “ Pittsburgh .. 345 44 900 41 210 • 4 910 44 El ties,' if ■' ■' '.j. OOIXC WEST. : j ... Exps. Exp’s- I Mail. Accom Pittsburgh,, '2loam 245 pm *6l Oam 850 pm Rochester ... 330 “ 855 *' 785’ 44 515 } 44 Beaver ......... 745 J 44 ’525 44 Smith’sFctry 820 44 005 r 4 Wcllsville ... 480 44 620 44 842 “ 640 y Steubenville.* 525 “ 625 44 945,-V 800 4 Lagra?§r})...i. 550 “ 650 “ 1005'* 4 i Bridgeport... 629737 44 1100 44 . Bellaire. ■.....: 640, 44 “50 44 1115. “. —■v.4.. • ice. MI i, ,'.-W GH, idge Street, TUSCARAWAI ■ Leaves; : £,;■ N. Philadelphia l.iOpnt Bayard, G.-lSlpm, !„ IIDGEWATEI |! - ■ itate Pi-8. .'MYERS, Gene Estate of'Eachel Hazen, d,ee’d. TO Mary Brown, torn erly Mary 'Pounds, ofßeaverconnty Pa-, SasannahWoodh, of county aforesaid,' formerly SusaM nahPounds; Annlrover, formerly Ain Pounds, wife of. John Trover, of West Vir ginia; EbenWickham, husband, and Bimmel' and'Susanhah, ; children :of Elisabeth Wick ham {formerly Elizabeth Pounds, 1 ’ now'deo’d.) whoteaideintheSUteoflowa, and Sylyania TroveT, - wife of-Wm. Troyerj heire and legal representatives of said Rachel Haidn, dec’d-. and all others interested;—You and each of yoltvrill take notice that by virtue, of a writ of partition or valuationissued out of.the Oif - ptbaas' Court of Bearer Ljoniaty,' Pa., and. io j medireof ed,an inquestto make partition or I valuation of the real estate of said deod.,sii naled in Big Beaver tp, in said county of Bea. vor.wiU beheld on the 7th day of November, 1865, .at which time ancli place you may at tendif ’youthink fit. ; ,-’f.. .'■•.ri'.C ■; , j..' ~>ct11,;65,-. JOS. LEDLip,' Sheriff, j ; BUSS BROTHER, & C o’aj Extra.: Cb'cmica Writing Flmd,thoTjo3t in the world Bridgewater X)rug Store. I Try it and be.eon rinsed. ' Maaofcoemred bf <ki liMtil** lafe; 11$11IONII El a EZ23 Mi ■laaof'i '•424-'“ 603“ ,535 “ ’’625: 713,“ 740 “ .830 ,‘i 852 “ 945 “ 1035 “ 1110." 1201 am 1229; “ 109"“ . 144 “ 800.“ 840 “ 412 4‘ . 555!i|‘ I 645 “ ~-.463 “ 522 "616 ■ 058 ■¥ ,720 m I - 752 ‘i 820 • 910 “ 1000 “ 1030 “ 1100 “ 1159'“ 1210 pm 1245 “ 2041 “ 245 “ 816 “ 600 “ •645,“ •• '•* *' 639 “ 741 * • ( 848 “ 741 “ 922 “ 1037. “ «•••• U ...... « ..... “ 1120. » 1240 pm TEAIJtS OOIHG B. Exp’s Mail. 460A1t 955 > 1040 “ 1116 M 1140 “ 1220 ax 1258 <• 110 fF. B. MYERS, Gcn.TicketAg’t ooi.vu SOUTH. BRAJfi Arrives- : Bayard,; 4.1 N. Philadcl il Ticket Agent. [ =ME ’ «jd.iBiiwflttw.Blicilil. >'.C'. KW -Bweri &Ui,a c/''o^7: aeter' “Ihavhaqldlaraoqnaniltieaof yoor Sarsapa* , BnXA.bot never yet owtMtle which fldled of tbs - detlred elfeetiunl full, wnlefactloit tgtlioee who loot . - U. As feat m our people try Jt.tUcyagrcc there haa ■ • nWHejne Bh» It before fa oqr toiamaulty." > I Srnptton«,Piiuple»,BlbtohM.’?aßtule«itn oers, nng allDUeaaea of thankin'. ; " Trvm lUn. I!obt. Stratton, Bristol, Englawt. :£ f r “ fofflydo «y duty toyou and iho ladd my.teatimOoyto that you publiah of the me dicinal vlrtdtaofvoar SABJiapariij.a. Hydaegh. ter, aged ten, had an afflicting homor {a iierearm, . . eve*, end heir for veers, which we were unable ta ' core until m trtedyour Sab>a|*aihi.ia. ; Bhehas bran well for aometaontha."; I , - ’ i- JVviin Sirs. Jose J?, Me*, a welf-tamce nnd awdts esteemedtatty Jfay^Cqj-3f,£, . ■ T: “liy’daughtcr has suffered for ajearfMUtWlflt* ■ eerofoloue eruptk>q;.wlileh , Waa verytroubleaotne.’ Nothing effaraed nnjr rclicf antil wo fried jroej BAUsAPABiUiAj which soon completely .oana lier.? ; From Charles /».. Gnge,Eiq~o/ the ttuMd-buim ■ -Gage, ilturrmj'tCo.,m'xatf/Uaurvrs oftuameUei '■ Papers fn Knthua, jf.llil ■?,. let,; “I hed for acreral jearsavery tTpolilcaoms twnor tn my face, which grew constantly wane' l until Udlsßgnrcd my feature* end became ad Intel- , : erable affltction. I tried mlmoat every thing a man . couldofbotbedvlMendmcdlclnc,butwithout say peUeT whatever, untn |ltook your BAitSArABiU,A.- . Itlmmert lately made my face wane, s* yon told Ba it might fore ttmdf-but In u.lbw weeka thonew - •kin began to form,under tho blotches, and one, tinned, until my face la a»; smooth ha any tody's? and I am without imyiyinntohia : of the disease that < khow oft -' l enloy ptrfcct lieaUli, and without a ‘ doubt owe it to your , DebiUtJ; ' Sifi r 436., “ -522 “ . 600 “ 680' “ 780 ;820, >• . 850 926 “ 957 1055 “ 1145 “s 1245 am: 1355.,“: 123 “i 200 “? 281 “I 348:“: '42SI“; .'5OO - 646 i“: -728!-“: ... « , ~, . ' &££ t'-’ •* Du. Arku. - IscldomCiO VR XexnovaKrMptiona. md Sdnfaamt Sfaa bytua per sobering assOTyoßrj. , BimWAilUMalJ have Jmt nAw eorod sa attack. . of KaUgnaat Erytipelat with it. ■Ko literatiro w. pattern oqnaUtbo Sarsaparilla tod lint' an, plied to tl» profession as wcUai to thd people.* Pnm J. E. Johnston, Bt/ju Wditma»,OUo. « for tnln 7cm. I lud the ycUo w Brrslpclss 00 my riefat anzu duntur which Hnw I trim ■ii tim . celebrated*physicians Icould reach,and took hun dred* of dollar* worthofyncdlcldes^Theiileer*' eso bad that the cords bocama visible* and tbo . rs decided that myann must bo amputated. f \ taking- yoor Sausaparili.a. TooVtwdbotv; ues, misonte of • Together tbefUv»< cored me.-’I amnowflawcU and sound as anybody,. Being In a public place, my case is known to ererr fiodjrin thtecpmmuidtyvund excites thewonder of Dr6» l Hon. Hcmry Jlbnnv 2l. Pi Xmeeattle*. ■ C. IFtf d leading member qf (he Canadian PdrUa* went.. • ’ : 7- ’ ' ,</.•' *••• “1 have need TOtirßAitadtPAitiLrji In myAmfly,' for general 1 debiJUuy and. for pttrifjring the Uood, . with very beneficial results, nn dfcel. confidence 4n commending it t» tbftf,.. v J Bt. Anthony's, sHre,Bone ( SoU Bheum, - • -~-i - ftonld Head,tBore Eyes*' From Harvey SieUer, Ktq., ike able eHitor <fthe : \Tunkhannoek , vr. M Onr only child, about: tlircc * years btage, wen attacked byphnplcs oirhialbfclicad; Thcy.rapfclly . spreaduutu. they formed a loathsome # sore, Which covered Ida face, add actually his eye# for some day#; . A akillhX physician applied nitrate of-silver ana other remedies; wftbootaiKy apparent effect.- For fifteen ;dnys we- guarded h» bands, leptwitih them be should tear open the tee tering and conhxprwpund Which covered, his face. HavingUried every thing else we ipid any . hope ftbm, wd begun giving yoor BAKSAI*Ai^LiA t •ad of potash >lotju>B, as you. direct, i The seta began to held when'we had given the firarbott^Tano,was well whouwe li.id fimuhod the second. Tlte chiM’t* cyelaahca, which hod come-' outgrew agate* and ho U now us liralthy sod fair as Th<4-whole neigltborhood predicted that thMhiJd Bust'die.’* -' ?r 7 t : ! ; Syphilis ond Morcuiial i>iaeas©. From Vr. Jfirtim Stoat , of St, Louis , Missouri. 1 - “I find. your Baruai»aii(lla .A more effectual remedy for the secondary symptoms of SyphUie and for syphilitic disease ihauuuy Other wo possess. The profession ore indebted to you for soma of tiro best medicines we Mye."'' , ; JVoirt A, J, Frtnchj 21, i>., an eminent phgeieiak of , JUtwrencei Mtt*t r prokUmntmembcr qf ■ ike legislature qf MutstichustU*^ . u Dr. AVer, lay dcar Slr s I have, found -yoac . an excellent remedy for Syphilis. . both of the primni-y and secondary type, mul tual iu some cases that Were toe üb»Uuatc to yield' to other remedies. Idp hut know Wliat wo cau gm . ploy with more certainty of where a power* ml alterative In reqiurLHL ,> - - -g. f ' Mr, Chns, S, Vdfi Imw, of JCew lShiuateiei!i jvt 37, ~ had dreadful ulcers on lUnTcga, caused'by tl»e abuse ofcmercury, or »uercurirtf dura**, .which grew moro and more aggravated for years,, in spite of'every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until ths . persevering usc'of Saksapawua relieved. . liim. Few ca vTs can be foaDd morc inveterate sod diKtresalng limn tills, and it took scvsralrilosca bottles to cure him.: toucorrhoqo,,Whites, Weakness, are cenerally prodnood by lutcrnal m. cerat mm, and are very cured by the alterative . eflfect-of thl# Some esses renutnv however, in aid of the SarsaparuAal the smlfoi appllcatioiiof lond remedies.. .1 i f From ike 9cetl‘KWHtn 2 apd id<My-rel»mted /Jr. 1 Jacob'HorrUli of ('indnnati. M I have found yd«ir’SAn«ui*AUiLLA.ah exocllotii alterative In diseases of female^,Many! .cases s(t Irregularity, Loacorrluua, Internal Uloeration,iind local debility, arising from the scroffilouadiathcsis, bar© yielded to it,iand there 'are few that :do* not. .when its effect is properly hided by local treatnicut.? to allow the puUteAturti qf ksr . } ; ' <,-i • r , ? name, tcnVes t ' k -s. • ■ . - Jf My daughter and niysolf have been cured of"a ▼ciy debilitating Lencorriucu of long standlng, hy fwropottles of your.S.tiWAi , Attit4i.\,’’- • / ’ Rbflrnnatjgm, Gouty Liver Complaint,‘ Pyg; v *: pepsia. Heart Disease, 'C.. .tvhemrmised by Srro/nin la the system, nri; rapidly cured byrthis Kst, Sausata!;ii.la. • 1 , .-T-i ■ ■, ■. r ; v ,J r j.i AYER’S (Si? « b 911 1046,“ r *4 ,| V (4 1250rx —__i_i Expl CATHARTip Pt lillib : possess so many,advantages jovor. tl|c other-, purgativesin the market,' arid flieir superior virtues arcsoumyersailyknowh, thatvre need not! do more' than *to assure the public their ' quality isnuintained equal to the Best it ever has 1 beenyand that they may be depended 6% to do.all that they have ever done. Preparedly J. C. AYEK, M. D., 4 Co., Lowell,Mass., and sold by. , •CL.'lold by j; Moore, Beaver; Dr.’Smith,' Bridgewater ;8: J. Cross, Boqhester;.D r - Bar-, gent, New Brighton;, and, by dealers every 7 where. • . ■ _ ; ,;. nov9’64 v. t*!!'.,LKO^IOB4:,S’:;. IN the Orphans’.Court; in and for the coun ty of Beaver, and State of Pozmsylvania the matter of tho partition: of the real es tate of .Hugh Young, late of Eoonomy lp., in said countydeo’d., September 26tiii*-|866. Jtaxourl grant a roleuponJohnYdung, Wm\ Young, Jane Yonng, iqtermarrjed Tvrth James Conway, and James Young, the said William and;James residing in said couhly of Beaver, and ithe* said Jainesand John rcsiding in Scot land,) and aU others 1 interested, to’appear at an Orphans’ Court to be hcld in qnd for Will ooudty, AjnT.be second Monday .of November .pextjand then and thereaqccpt o!r refuse’the real estate of 'said.deo'd./ situate, ih*Econ .omy tp., fionnty and SUte rto wil; l§ jierehea ofc nation thereof (to .Wit; $BB per. here) by the inquest. awanled ? byaaid fctfrl, under the pi'o-v partition thereof, • dr'in the event. ofnon-aeceptanqe to show cause why the same ahoUldnot be aold; of which rnle.the.parties abpvdsnamcd, and.all others' interested, are required, to take notice.,: t: J l. ? ,iv.--v QctU/65.. 1 t - JOS. LEpLlß',”Sb’ir. jCH.| 10 p m; 149.25 P. Valu abl e Farm .-= • ;.i■ ■; jis'«>xt Salc, v i : i', rpOE EAEIN ; FARJI; 6r betterknowh as , X-j tho liOCUst’ Fl*t Earm,-Bitu»Ud, within , haifu mile of the borough of Beaverjin Bea ver county, Ba,, will be sold, on - - ■ Thursdni/;Odoberl9th,lßGi, at 10 o’clock». m", if not sooner sold.;; ‘A bo ve farm containa^l3l acrfeb', and' ttyo 'out ' tqwq 1 lotsndjoinmg, cohlaining IGaeres. ’' Of above,. ’ lOOacres is cleaTca, the balance'wcU timber * ed with while Jbak’ tmd’locbst; 80 jicres in, meadow; the whole in the best pf oultiyation, and acknowledged (o be one of . the best and most productive farms in the bounty, V With' • good' and comfortable bhndihgsj gUaated con venient to ohurchea,achools and markets;. the School upon bite of the most .desirable ,ht- Western ISamsylvaniiv for persons wishing to educate a family and be at home. , TBorpadi leading’to ijbvvLjßbon' runs through the farm and dividcajt, so j it 'eanibe tosuit- purchasers.' foe further;,partioulars inquire ion .the'premises, or of GEO.; QOAILL, Ejceoutor of the estate of James Eakin, deSeased;. 1 Pbat-bfficoi ad dioiSi'AllodienyCityvfa.* edptS7’.66:v; t EMIE '■? f . I..''- > IMBEEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers