m ; *E*yEir 'aw lBth, IMS •Pd tiKfr Patronsbf t^e . Having- purchased from Col. Quay his interest )!! the, Beaver' I will hereafter conduct it'as sole and proprietor. Sabsociptionaewill I - run bn as i t nochangs hadtaken place the 1 same to me!' Those .who advertising can pay to either €ol -1 Quay t»r myself. ; All accounts,; either for subscription' or advertising, not settled "before the first of January,will ■be pat into the hands of a. collector for collection, nod fifty cents addition al will be; charged subscribers who r have not paid; We have almost fifteen hundreef dollars standing on our books ■■ daring the short 'tiniei we have had control of the paper, and as acpnso-i • jquenco we have had to advance money | out of other funds to carry on the Oar readers will lho in justice of this, and Wo hope will come forward .and settle before the end of ' .the year,’ j. ’ ; - v .• "k ' It sfill he my -object to make the paper Valuable tc the reader, and Jp return! all I ask ‘is a liberal support andprbmpVfpay moots. Indorsing, oh reservedly, the Admiuistiation of I, and of Governor Canin,tbb Argus will continue as here .; tofotte , tbV kithful oxponen t of tho : principle of the Union party,so lately * triumphant at the polls. : ! - ■ \ r : ■■’' . ' James sjKotan' ■ •V isrOpEUi iis in troubld. Things have not'gone just precisely asithey Should. '■! Thing? sometimes are per verse and won’t; Oddi, dojn’t It'now hdwi Che ; State has, voted J ' , i=bttt it may have gone Republican; ;don’t know • Jiow Beaver conntybas gonjs, butjthe. U f • Republican majority may be five I ban* [T drqd. We sympathise with Odell in - bis bewilderment. W.o extend to an, 1 Odell an? imaginary hand, . ns p wo assure him that thoj State is I Republican by an emphatic majority; : that -Beaver county is 746 for the .Un*- ■ ion, a vote unprecedented at a similar -election 1 , and that Quay goes to the —Legislatures, by 'ytboatj a thdasand in - , the District. Bad thepeople a proper respect for Odell, these things would , not be so; and having a propermpprp ciatvon|of himself, and ot Ibis abilities and exertions, it is but natural ;lpat 1 he should be confused and, stupided . by thpse, results. Odell camo.ffom afUr to tak'e partin the f.ontest just cimclutled. He sawMimii ! ok were like, |ost : ||ieep in S ’ .-want,of a, shepherd, and jhe took up i. his brook and came hither Ward, He catne toresene the innocent, enlighten ; the igflorantjand clad in the thunders , of avlfoging’ justice for i.h’o guilty, of whom Quay was the chief. He ihun« ’ dered at the Schools, the Agricultural 1 Societyland the public ofl leers; but the }>’ Schools did not close, tas Fair sue-', ceodbd at the day appointed, and the, • county officers still live und have their being,; Then came the election, ' . Quay should’have been smitten and. 1 cast ihto 'outer darkness. But alas, for Odell again 1 Odell lightened,but Quay wasn’t struck. ‘Shoddy” tri* umphed. Quay, the pot ol the “Mu tual Admiration Junto,” Quay, the “Raider " Quay . e raiser of ’ fees' .the incarnation of Blech Re* ’ 1 Abdl’itit ÜB9ra r . I^egror andothei isms and dia- without j number,' was duly v elected in conformity to law. andnhe . will of the peoplor.to a t eat' Ip the next Legislature.','. ■ :P’ - ■' [ j [lt is heart-rending to reflect that thp majority of the people of. Beaver /■.■ count- have, been so- 1 blind to their i o'l^intereats.aa^to'dißerln/opin^on / wlw ibe amiable and! lligfiified Odell, - hub]it is often thus amongst erring mpmls. The world frequently .-knows inotjits real friends sad benefactors, nJ genius 6ft goes o the grave un kgnized and nnreu arded. f | I .“Casttes »re'BS®Ki»i in war,; Chieftains are scattered farjl. : j Bat troth is.a fixed star,*’ changes. .Some day, his, lint may be recognized. A century two hence, wlien the'daisies have ig bloomed aboye aim,Beaver- coup may s wing to the democratic side, ;d then,,if ever, his mentpry will be indicated. Then, men iill tell the. tale how a mighty proph-. e'ir once -came out of Noble county, fihio, to pjrophesy to the ipeople pt and how the people of Beaver I Anew not their prophet and jalew him, t pud how the Jjophik got slewed— Seguiescat! in pace. , With: assurances of our sincere commiseration,-we are 1 i|eFy respectfully, his bbd’t serv’t, Aft, fj . ceci ■ lo: lowa. ■ i - . 'I Governor Stone’s majority ini lowa will Tie about fifteen thousand. Tte "remaining Union jcapdidates on the ■ State ticket have a much larger ma jority. W&mA- western editor must . ho in « bad fix. Having .dunned a subscribe: 'or Mb subscription,- be not only reft: b ed to pay; but toflog t v editor if be stopped the piper. | I - “•* .** , i .‘ } i; wo dp know that jibe Oeih*l 'tecratio; party has; lost nolbiogand I dained much. The prestige of ;i tbe ofeposition is overthrown and lueijf anti j. dnawetb nigh.-— Lcicalon thflast eidetic#- J | ItTheTJoraocratic party havey'ldsl! lvatiiu, but' as theStaiejdontj belong to «Uem jlhey loseitnathintj there; 1 -Th'« v »i i ’ Auditor - Geneial and Surveyor General are ousted by two j kcpub)icanB- butAsplonker, I saliy prothei wise*' they loan j thete. ® *OBB to is|to say the leasts re markable. According io his: reason- usj giia ;j k, s, Argus, editor ing, ,if we lose, preBtige and give.signs oi approaching dissolution nppn the j resalt ins ascertained, a majority; of 50.00) for Hartranffc would have ut terly annihilated the Eopublican par ty aid Set Odell wild with exaltation* i Letter from. Charleston. Charleston,S. C , Oct. 7,-1865.; Tdis city,like; most of cities in the insurgent snffoiod severely very sevorelyf-from the ravages oil worl ■ Aodlwhy should it hot have; suffered oven jtoiutter destruction andi annihilation; .for lo! these thirty years it' baa been tfie bpt-bod of treason.— i Hero Johp preached lor years the grea£ Southern Doctrine of Slate Rights; and from him all others toot the key; in; the North; whose zeal for party and the spoils far exceeded their wisdom, and whose narrow-mindedness could he compar ed only to ttioir hair-brained philoso-, phy, stood up for years in the halls of Congress.' side |>y side with the great lealier, and battled uncompromisingly against not onjy their brethren: in the NpVlh, dot only againsf the popular aonlimentof the country, but against the immutable;/and eternal principles of i Freedom and Jqslice. Yet 'how. tide that God; piakes even the wyath of man to pruileHim. care fully] the istory in de fa,l—of the late rebellion. Reflect la moment upon the unexampled pros perity of the North during the con tinuance of the war. Reflect. upon the universal h.ealthfalness of the-en tire community, His’ bouiUifolness pi , iho cropS, and thjj comforts by which 1 evhh the pooresf were surrounded '; ami who that; believes in Divine Good ness, Can fail 'to see that the Lord was with us. And if He is lor net. who cah be against us ? In every event of the war—in. {he hour of defohl well asjin the houf of triumphj.Vin all time ■ofl bur tribulation, in all lime of our* prosperity;” ifrora the beginning even uhtp.the end; He was with us. Only u day br-twb since a gentleman .who believed .as strongly .as eyc.r man be lieved in secession, said to mo: “T/te .Almighty icak against from the- . very beginning of the war.” ;■ ■; iThisicily suffered much.during the.' ■war from fire; but more from the total' S pensioned business, which continu from the beginning of the beige by r.'. Gill more unlU flus summer, isv-; ery place of. business was closed, and the city entirely deserted,. ho“ that -when we took possession of it the greatest business marts were thickly coo end with grass and weeds the heighth o/ s ■ a man’s knee A; grpat portion of tho buildings were perforated by tremen dous shells thrown' a. distance of more than five miles, and the hotel at which I am how stopping was riddled by no i lees than nluo such missives. f, 1; Beauregard tlje people , to remain at homo, idasmuch as, iiv his opinion, they were out of the rapgo of our fire; but, although they entertain ed a very :higti opinion of him" as a military man-, his eloquence . had not the persuasive power of Yankee ar tillerists; although he deemed his own.quarters beyond the possibility of danger fr6'm° nr fife, one she'llinducted him, fas I was told by a colored man, who had been his servant,; to change his position Very unceremoniously, i There is now quite art appearance lot business here; but tbit lie bps any per miimmt basis, or that there is money I sufficient in-this community, and the community.. large enough, justify j and sustain for any considerable iongih of limo.ißueh a quantity of commodi ties as are hero now, I very much doubt, ilt tho resumption of agricul ture‘were-equal to .that of. merchan dizing, there could be no doubt of ul» limate'and permanent prosperity; but such is hot'the fact., ThoSonth begad last Spring ho prepare for another years’ jwar; and, instead of cotton, they planted supplies for their army, i As a 1 consequence .the quantity otj“the. i great ■staple” produced' this year is very small—will not exceed, (I have been told by one who has every op portunity ; to know:) 400,000 bales ; and their only other crop—corn —will |nbt be more than sufficicnt-to supply their iown wants. iFqr one' year at 1 least, therefore, these people will be compelled to confine* their purchases to the’ actual necessities of life, which will have the effect, L greatly fear, to b rin gruin upon' inerchants hero who have purchased largo'Stocks of goods Of. every description—as iatge -a«kd as varied as are to be fouh d in the most flourishing places in the North, and consequentlyjetnbarrasment upon their creditors .in Philadelphia and New York, j-: - f ' " ; Ihlmy next I shallgive you an ac count of the people,*!heir sentiments, and their hopes and fears;; • * Gbast Graham. )-'■ \\ :» d O * mi, i'ii ‘ ,,C ' L MN ' . ■ —-■«- —— The Union majority in the State is about 5000 larger than' last I year.' In the county, on the State! it is' one vote more than last; year; the largest Majority ever given, in ibis'county, eacept at a presidential or guberhulorial ; electicn. This is! perfiaps owing to the of the editor of the Local. We have no doubt a few more additions to the De mocracy of thU county from Noble i« county, Ohio, yfill increase our major e ,!ptyl sull mote next year ; Bring - (them on. v .'■ : ■: ,f > ■ I ■ , f; I 1 - • , 1 I EATER COUNTY ELECgr 'C tt ~ ; , a it*. i ' , : f .■ ' A - >.i, iil, i\ ■f 'ii k-: |H disteicts:' II";- OEM . £\. . ' * • * 'V : A - - ..f. •1 ■ • : r Big Bwrer... tp... Bridgewater. •••••••••>•••••?•' DaTUngtoutp " J notor 1 Bcfinoiiiy !■ ■«*•••«••• *••••••••••», - ! Franklin .......... ’ Freed0mib0r.....,;........- (Jrocne . Hanover tp—Frankfort diet..,.. ip ““j M’Qnire!# dpj S'-* ifanjiony .: Hopewell ~ lndependence.. • ■ Industry . Marlon' t......... ■ Moon ; ■*** New Brighton. ................•••• ■ New Sewickly tp—Fcezles dist . |do ! —Freedom dist ■- North SewioWy.. f - Ohio Patterson v —•• •• PhijUipsburg ' Pulaski ........... Bapobon,. ■ Bobhcster bdjto.;.... ... Boehestertp..'..... South Beaver.. . . I'i l». i ■ Co Stirvcyor—-Wynn, U, 21.62 P?. I I | V Smith, D, 1498 ; t roner—McCoy, W, 2287 ! A 1 i, j . FUhagam, D. 1491 I | : f Premiums of the. Bea- Agricultural Society : Class No. 1. r I "atcd farm.out houses, fat n l anagomont, &o. J. S. K?al 2 —Gardens VCiwjards, Sc. ;; (j£o chines.) j , Award o i vet Co. Seat culli icg, n Class-No. ' j Glass No. 'd~Jlorses. _., Best blooded stallion, 4 yrs, D Magaw U best . | :’.i : DatM-Baker ReBtb'.podcdBtaHion,3yrs,Wru Ehodes beat blooded stallion,! J7V J. Strops 2d best Tj; ;■ - r B, W alton beat bldododj.ir are,l yr, N Marquis host blooded!mure,! yrs.VVih Shroa[des 2d best fl i .• Dunlap beat spring colt - P. Daniels 2d beat- I . Jas* Johnson, liest sliuUion.all purposes,4 yrs J. 3;t£cd Si beal. : 1 i. / s Wm^Ammpn beat stallion jail pur,4y, W in,. b.estbrQod mare- ‘ D. Darnels 2d best [ln;■ ■ •'. Jas. Jph^ort best stallion Heavy draft.,4 yre,J>B.Cren 2d best j, , 3 yrs, best, span match horses, A- '»■ IJoJi-'ll 2d beet -■ ' J. J. Pbmi best family i horse, ■ Gap,JST. W-IHvmj 2d ; best • Win M. Bee, best gel ling, 4 yrs, , M iivar h|*t,, do 2 J- 3 • » W 2d besi r ; - , best inare all purposes,4 Gabo 2d best Sbauon Iv- -Hilchel} best . 2 ' l e %\ ric K best saddle horse b- B. D/'SiA' 2d best ' - ; best trotter ■ , H 1 * 2d best best ■ w.alker, John Garrard and W Jdjinstou equal. . >• i • hoavy ; dU horses,*»\ tuy 2d bestl - ■ God...W. W.jlrwin! best heavy draft horse , j-R Giveni .j H Class No. i—Gallic, | ; J i Boat Durham bull, 3 yrs, Jos, Mitchell best 11 j: , . 2 yrs, _Daae Morgan •bc.V. Peven 2 yrs J. &Jl Jack best ico’y & calf s (native jer ‘ i ” J. & J. M. Jack beat native cow •■Huy. W. G.-Taylor 2d best. : John Watt: best yoke oxen, - 2 yrs, Wm shrodcs j' I .Class Not s— Sheep. Best Spanish ewes,' J. S.& S.R ElJeiH best back lamb, J S-& S Elder best ewe; ' do, J S & SEI Elder 2d I best i i ■' J. P. Martin best Spanish buck.] G WM]Cavtney 2'd'be»t 1 " J A *ngt 3d best ' i J A: Wnghl best 2 yrs, not on list, Wm ,H Wright 2d best : • J A Wright 3d best J A Wright, best Leicester buck, I Sowash ; 2d best |u, ' ‘ John' Garrard | best hoarse wool buck,2y .Henry Bright] 2d'best: i ’ , Henry Bright best cptsiwbld buck, ';J S H eal best 1 yr, Joseph Majors best lamb j \ John Garrard 2d best llecry Bright ‘ Tlje last four named,placed on list by Board of Managers. ', * ■ ? •! Chits No G— Swivjs, i. v | / .Chester white boar, BradontE wing jest ' J -• • t] pr pigs Bradeti a Ewing j | Clats No. I—Poultry. ; it.Brama Pootra fowls jj. S j Hcal| tf black, Spanish (ho list,) J S Neal; pr ducks, Jos Majors’ cf chickens,| J S ]Nea| it pr turl oys, ; J A Frazier j, i ■, Gloss No. %—Pantry. j. Best print o r roll butter, Mrs M Bright 2d best '! ; 1 v MrsjJos Majors best. Maple sugar, Miss Mary Given best maple symp, Miss Mary Given best syrup Chinese cane, !- E Walton best light bread, Miss ]N apnie Bear.br beat light'cakca, ' S D Russell best varietycak cs, Miss Nannioßeaner bestS var preserves, I Mrs Gen Power 2d best . ' ' MiasjMary G<vep blest'igrapo wine. : .'H A Frpzier best currant wine . H.. A Frazier best 3 var fruit in jars, Mrs t) Dutjlap 2d best y ' Mrs D Dunlap best S var fruit butter, McsGen Power 2d best lliss Sprali Bhpd j best! specimen RobtG y|< ■1 ; CiassNo. o—‘Honey. . Best honey in glass* : r S Baioli 2d best firW-S Batcl .11! ■■ ■ - ■ ■ ■ bes' 2d bes Be' bee Jbes m bei lIRI .udiGen. AndfQv .. 1. iM . l *H ’***Uje. ,_. ■ a ■ dM^<svrje- „■ 2 ..es { ss '••&*s li* ~ I»11 *l 4 i- n v I it- li ;f [ 3 .rP g- ;Jp .Yv iT' -'l ; ;:-•{ ■& ■■ ;-r,v ri & S .'5 -iS^n-t ?•' ; w v 9~ - -S',’ ■f t ' ‘ ®‘- jS*-* ■_■() .1; Cl • . & ;t]|' '-■;!■■ ■ w •■ 5 ' -.{i I- i : ; 'i Y ■ "! "’I * -,' _\l- \ -.: .v. .4-. v ■;;;! • -s. -s : - ;,|= : ■; -i-s. - c .jls'- Y I'V' ! . Ji. '•.' *. . * ■-' ~: fV^ -■? -| '* * ■■;■ jj*. .* I ~..-, ‘ P lnl}fi -78 *• 'if* r- 7» T’» TS •■• STO *•» v . igr... 88 182 J 62 192 m 102,. 62 62 .62 A9l . ,60 198 • m 59 68 .to 68 ; : 58 68- 59 ; 69 60 ?6 58 64 50 61 ; 1«4 ''64 V*64 'Hw '6B ; n#6 f>B6 ASSESS -68 j 66 51 59 r6B 66, 162 '4l GO ;il 67 ,1 69 •59 ,46 '46 ; 4S! 61 ; .4l 69 Y 44., 61 |O7 v 37 107 Hu 101 105J106 ,88 ~-88 :"38 ilo6 87 108 ; 86 ,106 !$2 -84 i 88 ! ifs 80 "80 | B4 '-84 :84 82'84 •82 84 82 : 55 U’27 -i64 >B7 f 46 ' 55 i,;65 V 29;; 29 88 i ,62 i. 27 -..69 126 55 89 88 89 iHB ,89 : 89 ; -JJ9 ' 88 .38 88 89 .88 YB9 86 ,88 |46 87 146 06 "45 46 46 88 38 88 •• 45 85] 49 83 ' *4O 1183 58 i 184 ; (68 164 Y 64 164 166 556 ‘56 ,184 58* 178 *67 188 • |BB 47 i- 88 Lm 88 88 88 47 -47 47 88 47 ‘BB 47 ,;88 „ 76 ■6l 76 1 61 ‘ .75 75 75 62 62 '62 75 "C 2 ;74 62 "5 I 6 '• 6 B ! 5 5 ' 5 5 I'l .<6 5| . ; ii 68 88 ’ ,68}, 33 68 68 68 85 86 85 70 81 69 32 71 I! —■ “ '*• 45; 44 44 44 45 45 45 44 15 44 -Iff 44 61 70 70 .70, 61 61 61 70 60, TO. 61 71 86 : 10 10 10 36 85 35 16 86 I 10: 3oj 10 81 61 .61 61 .81 . 81 82 65 , 29]'i 61 ?81 . ,63 18 ,171 208 208 [ll7 ' 117 154 207 1117] J 228 i 9(K 212 89 i 56 :56 66 ■: 88 :.88 88 56 88 j 56i .88 66 89 7:7 . 7 1,-39 ■■ 89 39 6 ' 39, 7 89 7 H 94 65 65 ' 65 : 95 95 95 57 ■' 941| ; 66 ! ; i 96 -56 83 117 117 117 83 88 ,33 115 83; ; 118 32 118 18 .18 22 .22, 19 19 26 27 18,1 i3l 13 27 26. 15 14 14 ■25 25 - 26 16 28 ;’l5 24 14 68 32 38 38 62 , 52 05 38 48 ; 37 . 49* 36 671 100 :100 100 . -57 ,57 57 99 68 99 57 101. 58 116 1117: 117 58 68 61 116 55 120 , 511 120 25 14 18 15 26 26 26i : 15 26 13 .26 15. 48 88 93, 98 48 43 43 . ,91 43 92 43j 9^ tool 2118 2200 15ic11510 157812230 147812225 j 1440i(224811513 “V ' T~~\ s~\ y':’- 1 : • / t- N' ' I' .* Director- iditor—Man Clai m- '** lea .Stir.' I ' ■' ;-.i„ Ibson, D, 2230 innett, D,a5OX Ti dl, 0, 2281 ; D, 1486 |, la woodisflaU, W S Barclay W jS Barclay incwood, Col D. Dunlap j£g", W S Barclay 1 itfi. 1 0-rGli thing, dec, < bqtret, A " . Mrs A E Rookcr .if%' Z Mobro. lift and M’Clure skirt, Mies MaggieSowash r pillow: slips,Mhjs.MSoyvash otloraiiu co lamp real; Miss A Poe dhiujiizettoj 1 . Miss Spencer quilt; A Mrs 51 A Dawson |, Mrs Milton Rood roikdbj Mrjs J L Anderson Mary A Dawson iread, Mrs Sarah Rhodes estic blanfUtSjMrsM Shrodes i ■ Miss Ellen Garrard ;rpet-, 1 Mrs Mary Anderspn, i,' Mrs Sarah Rhodes, itie linen, Mrs Sarah Rhodes 1; lace, Miss slaggih Reod idyv „ * IMrsf Gen -Power 1 Hmiidk’f, "Miss M. So wash I pin Cusionv 51ufs5iJ(jhu8on 1 Miss— —— Garrard quiit, Mrs. Mary A Dawson rover Mira Surah 1 Rhodes Nol 11-j-FYoiceri. ;st var.fcbel ju* liiiiuU ison ifor - fombgrehipjwas; exaniihea Ln ,-i^rtjhdosepiaijts,JWlßllioiteion” Dr* Sinipkin, Lahgfitt, and jJh.cfe»ppi Miss V 11 Shrddeai and passed; recommended! as dojnjrej best flat i jidySlissrMaggloiAndersbni tent members, whereupon they warp best’table jdt/ . J WElliotUtaoh; {unanimously "received, j' Alter the vh "V f- ? t j teuiijaclion&l 6&nieordiparyßusine«s' ? -So./s— 'Domestic Manufactures? tho Soujeiy then!procecdedjtp its usiij i\ur coalilovcs and vest;.. A Inmam -a | deliberations pi a profosstpnalchar^ V t : .■ ■ r \ i- actor ' : i ,'i -» ■' . d- -■ ; \lastfo. 13 -Field Crops,%: j ' &iM. »»s .rpad a yCry neat £hd ■feosUußtt'corn. (I0i!i bush ears) - i creditable pssdy qn the Ongm.gf •Ij \\ JohnKirktt&tnek' rase; which filed with.theliteraty - . bci will* ked wheat, of. lift Society;..,, Dr.-.. : D. 2dW t« ,- " ! ' Jos Majors s :Marquis reporled^n.csirhordni*^. besWod ; w ’- i John Watt 1 -«»■« of ttoho^OT.HiPcfcra(c :^smr o/<& tbestseed ifn, !. - Wm Sh ig)dctH oH^ s - presenting .some, bcsfelimpU seed, 1 Jus Johnston -pOTplMmg s y«!P loni^ ,ilßl -; Dr ( : f 1 bost\laxH'L : John Reed>•: Jachsonroporled an interesting I best .tad 1 itoes,. 3oh n liirkpali ick'1 cas<i lSbCiQr ring- yi best Vuck > potatoes, VJ S MepJ.a l-ever-fatal ; , best.pviirp Jfeli potatoes,i , S GiWn] • .Br-jS-, a rem.iT-kd. bestlspec' hiiic ; so sugar ‘ca Bfe. Bj’pboid Fever, corabimn<j ibastjswec atatoesj ' jr; J’S iferiliftl’aWtf syinp;ioms l ,u r ..i^a 'besti turn Vi. , , J S Neali in tbat.diseasc-recovei-cd.. Jho d»^ best cab I :i ' ;Gco Bat clay • cuesions on lire Several Cases reported, beslonio ! :E H Bonds ns well us upon iili subjects ot a prp. besi turn eets, >m’-Shridt*»' character, was gcne^nUjid best wat clous, 1 ’J S Neal- mteresnitg. -nefcrly all xho- membets best whit wins’, 1 : - Jos Maiurs Hriieipaiink, and conduclcd in amara boHfc sow ns , 1 'Cable and illeasanl manner, resußn.g 1 . , * •' * -1 1 A inuluul ln*nefit* tu all present.; ! Drl VV. Stjnpoor. was appoihChd cssa3'is,t fpr the he-Sjt regular meelitig, which iy-'U b° L held in New Brighton, [ouNtbe |econd TbUrsduy of January, ISO 6, aind Dr. D? M^inboj^ailhraa^. The neccsMty of moro froquur.t oii topsics . discussed at soine length, acid a i suggest!op prevailed, recoin-j mendiug lhe’members of the Society to insist in; a kind and reffpecttnl tier,on post tnorterh examinatidns,whore the Catholdgy. and. Diagnosis of the ease is obscure;. . .;■ livI iv Oii. motion ot Dr, Simpson,'that the society! hold a conversational meeting Wee sitionth; for;the interchange *>f practips l experience in medicine and surgery; jwhicli, dftcciai protracied disciissiph, was adopted. ! : • j' On trptLpA a votjO pf thanks iy-'as .tendered to Mr. JoBeph| Hali, propVjie ,tor of the National Hotel, and his ifX?' .cellohtjlady, for the polite- and vtry s ihundant; manner in which they an* tertaihod itlvei.Society’. - i .. fOp jmoiioiG adjourned to meet at tbo same placd.on the second Tuesday. Idih of Novrtnbier, which . raeotini; is to be devoteuexclusivoly to the mi lu> aljMiscussipn of medical and suig cal science. ; j j* -Reported, 'j best bua< 2d best best horn 2d best . ClaA Btstsilkj 2d best | boBtina.de best ombr best eihbr be,st eiribr best ertrbi bjupt'omb boat set i 2<l best: blest Jjatc :2U bestr j best bed jbestprdo 2d best • best rag I'2d [best s | b>-il udn , • best j [bfiit knr . ibostcnil best eml best eml best wiii bes-i stai s No. 14 —Fruu best 6 yi 2(1 best best 6 v best var ! best 31 Vi 2(1 best Ujsliquin! i. 1 p') Class. tost grai best reap best mow best bors Win Henry David Hall ■ David iHajl Win Henry >f pears, ! Wm Henry funor iappleSj.Wm Henry | ,Wm S Barclay ! Mra den Power apples, iter apples, •>—Fam iinpleihems. ] 11, ’ -Win McC* eery . : | Win McCrocry !'. ! | Jos Patterson rake, j John IIa!l,& Cfo Class lmpleinenis. best ®icttiro framtj, S T Vera bbbt'lrtn Jh bee hive,W|S Barclay beat (Qrj**alace) cobjfc sieve, *|l|l rV-|" ; Capt T Cjvnipboll best coal & Bostwiek - ! % l>l-~Leather, ,«&j. iher, S Moorehead aroosM WS Barela/ 3 harness, AWDouthitl l%—Parting, tfcc 1 '!} . CZasJj bcsthar’nij beajt pet aij , best setof ; [v best arabrl best phold biistdispld On ■ oil wtsro una| merits of i ibd No. 21 : „ Clai s i t Chester;! 1 pr do i 1 model ’! i 1 . I J: ■ n I obsMTii ziirnex cbj I if aorgbum if nr.asb^ i.: . f r i/.-l KM ' I M iTURITS-r; V- • iJ" -i“ • i , • •. iVr 'Amiably. listiilt’y ■■; . " . , , ■■ -1 1- itcca—Sh&Uonberger, 0,21 ; Lowary, 0,. . 221 i'! -■- I : -i. Vood sawing machine,Wallace & Jones Wheeler & Wilson’s sewing ftiadjtnei i i' Sli Pierjol patent dopir strip* . • J H Bcigbtey col of trnit trees, i,W Elliott & son ,iol of green 'house plant,J WiiiljoU&Son | Noshannock potatoes,: ’ S S Neal • I PrintelAlhertj do r , .-Wm Sb.rodp cherry blow |T do * 1 \V m Sli rod oh over bearing raspberry* Jiib Ilencman G wool shawls, j; Mrs Siirah jllliydes colot apples, ~1 ■* Wallace Hunter jvipe andl cider { mill. li S Imbrie |[ Medical. ;',k : ;>-j TIU bonntr .n pursuance of . regular order, cpn ,ivehed'al|ihe f National Hotels in ' k'or, ion Thursday, tl|miiUh ifist,, 3.X > , Cummin*; M. D.,,in the chair, and S. il; Ups*,' M. D. appointed Secretary,: pro. Uni. I Members present —,Drs, 3.; L*. Ourn(ofnß,S. 'il..lloBS, D.' 3. Marquis, j W. \Y-.'Si(fip9on, D. M’Kinneyv A Li. i MV»rat)d,iF. F.-Davia", B. Feieht, A,/ U.{ BarioW, J.'E. Jackson. : i t ' ~! ' hr. Davis, bayjng- b/cated in Luto riiii, Venango county,tendered’his ;res-, Jyhieh. were accepted,; but \Vaa;c6iit!nued with the-privileges of an honorary member. 1 , ■ : j - 1 Bib. Barlow, Femht,' and. Jlornnd . k, _■ aa"caTitlnH.i.e; itai : ;A |Gr|ffin Henry Ifoss Jba.i AGijiffln le committeo \belwden: the a 1 JI mnatdn.. 'Teid? },i MlB3 5 KD.J ijp/scr ionary. ’ I r, 1 Beal rothbee at pips, n & Swing sn& Ewing kiv«,, SBarctuy S 3 Barclay S Gibson obni Wntt -i sSJobes ’nttcrson I'*' Ichopsy, itoeai do ' mj!i »B)‘ ‘ Oairtu 'i' ywi ' l f •FFICIAL. !:i ■: t---- il'.y j fill:® ; • 1 - v f&rA ' ;, V um-: --'rf •38k .-kV' -stt? '-f 1 ' ■■■ 168; ■ ; Wf&f: 198, Davidson D,1477 !M, IVallace, D, UT7 California- ", At the recent election of a row Legislature in- California, the Utiion party] gaiped a 4 complete victory.— The State Senate iAconaposod ol 40 members, of whom l9j bold over fipom last jbari and 21 were'elected on Sop tember Glb' Of the 19 yvno hold (ver only 2! ' pro Democrats, And 5 o' her Democrats have been elected j this year, . makjng,~T .Deippcrals id all .u.— ‘•••■-nw--- agiubBt bly’ the Damocrata-clarin 25 moraDors. l?ni6nparty at •«! -havo.ai majority of liR V^vJ- \-i v<- ».’f ‘1 >}. r! r-:.- Tr' v---- :~~ lail NOTICE TO ASSESSORS. >|IHE PnpUoaties are now ready for the di£ #4.. fer6nt.a"ise«eors of tie county. jThey w■ : k 1 B. H. AONEV, CVk: ; Spcbidilay of thaFair,on Third 1 11 rtwwtSfc&er. a FOOK JEWELED Sllr ,VER watch; : A liberal rewardwifl be paid " .•rtf THE TDDJWOH FiBASOF I THH COUNTY OF BE VVER. In the mal i« of the • Abetfhnt of Janie* i Brittain; Com, mittee . of Margaret and Jerome Sanders,. natics. Notice w hereby given, that the above namedAccounthag been tiled in tho ProthonO toxy’s ! office, and .that the iame wj Qbe confirm ed on the first djiy of next term, unless cause be thenAhoVm to the'contrary; : *■! , -X-i.V- M. WSTAND, - * octlB’6s Prbth’y. •' IB .6l'i .wi v 68 •87*;v, 84 s - v'l" HEE TRIAL. LIST POE < TERM, iB6si J W Decker’s %t’rK vs Jno Mellon, et at; ;’• Patterson & Davidson vs MarthaSoUdors; t- Janies Collins, Ot al vs WM Shirts, etal: r :Wm Bakin’s By’t vs Henry Jordan i wife. Wm Calvin’s Ex’r ts Geo Wilson; Boro’ of Beaver vs TTm G Well; Philip Bcntol } • vs iA Bailsman, et ah: ; Jfahn Snick j: I js llich’d ißarton; David Scott’s heirs ' vs Arch’d Robertson;- ■J . do’; ...■•'•'l J- vs"'-"feme, et.al; ■■■-' L Rawden's - heirs •vs John! T Holmes; ■;. .Charles Thorn , vs Margaret Rigby, i Alvah Nyo;/ i • vs James Wood, JohnTiptsmah vs Amos Bondi . j j octlB’C-5 j! 1 , M. W’EVAND, Pro. NEW ' 81 . ■46! ■- 60 85 82 117 U -80 ; ; 89 - .1 95 ; 82 •: IS"’ '23 52 . 57- I ’ 55 20 ■ V' J 4:; ■ jpiial a.'Sß | STILES & SHALLENBERGES, ]■' j f■ . , j;. DLAISBS di J , GROCERIES, Country Prbduce, : 9T E U ES|T'S OL 1) STAND,) .{■’ '' * HAVING refitted the large brick stpre rdpm-jfornierly occupied by; C. Hdrst, where Jwe have received and opened a full as sortment ,o| such,articles as arc usually kept in a fifst-elass Grocery. we respectfully invite all purchasing (Goods in out line to callind examine oiir slock. Wo “are determined ■to ■keep everythin!;-of the best qjjsnity’the;'ajar 's, cts'-v,-ill afford, and to sell at prices at least as low as the same character of Goods can be bought *i for |n this vicinity Our stock; of Qucpnsvfarc is large and well l selected, and will be sold Igw. . i. 1. • r . i|louh asd feed rcoiistintly 'oij hand; alsb|a fine lot of, GASS ED : PIIUpTS ‘ & PICKLES Haits, ’ Window . Glass,-, d-ci, I I ’ • • I-*/ i together wtith a variety of ] ■ <j . : : ;- - Toiletj Articles anti Jjoiioa?, All kinds of country produce Wanted, tor which thc!liighcst- market prices tyill he paid in cash prlgopds. Remember the place— STILEti & , SHALL ES BERG Ell’S. Vividly Grocery, (llurti'i Olduand,) ocU9:3i|i ' ‘ i BIiIDttENVATKU. NOTICE. *- LL persons interested fin the following . /\ [ Administration and G uardiaiioccounts,- which ; hkre, keen . passed and ■ filed in the Uegislcrls Otiicc, of Beaver county, Pa., will take notice that the same will b,e presented to the Otphana’ Court, to he held at Beaver, in •and for the county of Beaver, ontlVednesdayf the 13th'day of November, 1803,f0r cotiOrma tion and!allowance. ; l ■if i [ . S Thcfiiial account of Jclin Holmes executor of. the'last will and testament of, William ale-. Elheny,ldec’d., < ; j ! I ■ i■' ThC; filial account of Daniel G richer, adr ministrator.of Elizabeth! Mart inf dec d:, wh| was! Guiirdian of John 11. Martin, minor, son of Dr.! John Martin, <fo ctd. i ! \ \ . 'j ■ i •Thp- account of Emmett Anderson, testa mentary Guardian of jMargarct McCrcady, formerly Margaret J.’ Clark, ipinor daughter of John Clark dec’i;;, M j ; "• !. Hi ' The f nal account of George K.,| Smith, exec utor jof James Smith', dcc’dj, who was admin istrator of the estate of Josjsphj Alcorn," jdp£jji, ■ The Inal account .of Samuel Moore, execu tor of the last , will and testament of Guyan Wallace, dee’d'.,; ,i‘ f i | j’ ' Th!c final (rcal estafe)iaccount ol JamcS It. administrator cjf the jestato of. John dccM. * i. i .! ( ’’ Tifc Recount of Andrew Watterson, admin iatraior, of the estate of- Arm Strong ' Jelly, deo’il.{ ■ ,’.i : " f, - i:' -Ttie account of HCnry Mussor, adminislra tor'of the estate of Elizabeth [ Mtisser, dep’d. Tlieiaccbiint pf Joseph C. admihis|- traterf with will annexed, of Uenry Judy, dcc'd. ■ i -i ;. ‘,l J, .■ .'' ■ • I The account of' John Shane, Administrator of tile estate of William Shine,j srec'd. I I,’ 1 ’ ’| Tljc final account of Robert-Jw Rayl,yndmin iatrafor-tum testament*) ara«ool-\nn T. "Laugh .l&, d:c:-d. • vJ • - -i Th't final accountiof Eeaxer Jenkinsp and Hugh Moore, executors, of the laaljwill ot r An drew; Jenkins, dco’d- i I? ’ ' 1.. ■ The | account, of John 1 1 . Marti all andiVnn Marie | Kinsey,, administrator of the estate of Jonathan Kinsey, ticc'd, , i. i The account (real estate) of Joseph Eeiner, adm'ir 'of the estate of David W.Hornef, dedd." The 1 second and) final account; of Alexander Ewing, executor olf the lastAvill and testament of Pliilip Maspn, dec’d. , I - ■ The partial account of TUos, Nye, ■ adm’r of the'estate of Andrew AK-Nye) Ideo’d. |. . Thie account of, Sami Magarr,guardian of ITaG. Magaw, mihor sun of Wm Mag&tv.dccd. fA.iK, MOORE, i, ■'' |v' RCgister.f t j Estjatecf AiadieW S. G MrSjtho Orphans' Court, in ac 11 ty of Beaver n o‘nd State of In the matter of the partition! latejof Andrew S. Glass, .law 'saidjcdudty, dcc’d.,. court grant;a Phebq GlassTwi ce4S«dt'''ot'Beaver county; Jam Glass, Bat her Glass, J intermi Qqrrell all of \VeUs co, Indiana! ihtermanied with James Bart) of ;Biaok 1 Hawk county, lowii f orilate ofDowittcu. Texas, beii rescntalivcs of said Andrew !• andj all others' interested, t| court on the second Monday of; and;accept or refuse the .real dco’-l, at the valuation thered awarded bysaidcourt tinders id' partition, or in the; event cnce to" Show 5 cause why the ■ s be sold,;(8Bidre»l t purparts,. purpart. “A” contij add 125 perches,’ witlilhc inat appraised at $5,447,28. and sq Jade, widow of.,said dec’dddu life, and purpart “B” cpntat and-138 .perches valued at! $ parties and heirs above naideo interested, arc required toj.ta rule and givern themselvea’ai V. • | jos. i Saaatrr’s Orrunt, -1 2, !-" * J . j : - . «aH- i : ■ ’’V , ; ; r . . - ‘S-.1 STORE ! I BItWGEWA TER , Hi iicjaver, Oct. JUl^tTo. ... ME tepSj# MEM mw ■f j * - • I? tßiMniKfi cnpoßiti; Fqjise formerly Occupied b i | AfJEtS, REES, ' . Corner'of Bridge and +Mdrket thttu Bridgwater, ■ ■■ Where is constantly kept a Urge lo; 0 { Wjlt|iH j ERTCob|s; -j- T’ ip-"'sten as- j - i 4 .• ■ ■•t B\omattf-'Sfilk (tttdjitraia, Hint for Lad,.r u :', i. ] . -and Child™, old Laditi CcZ*'* u ij ' ; ■ Infants' /Caps, Flip WEtv.^ ■! *" .K/TJGOBIES, ’ I ■ j • - ' ; ' - I. ’ Plumes' of all; kimls—.plain and fancy; ■ ■ JetSf tinseiandpUia; , Fcatlierj, p f-L' Trimniings, IUKKOEB. Cord, plain and tinsel, i- Gimps, plain and bogle, Ribbons, plain and fancy, 1^ : :; • Buttons, all-kinds, Cbcnelle, all colors^ |! I ■j ‘ Waterford i’, - l-t, ’: i Elain-ihait netti (•■ ; i. I ? f Embroidery of all kinds, j■■ ?■ : Laces, cotton, tape thread, &c., &c. 1 Balmoral & Hopp Skirts, Hosiery &K corsets, ■, .; Belts and] buckles,. - / : Fancy goods, - ! -I i 1 • ,- ) Fine baskets, a and Children’gfine wrt and pegged shoos, latest styles, Sortmcnt—cheap. ‘ ' ! ' : Stamping,. Pinking, cloak cutting’. toifc oh short notice. • , „ dome early and secure' . ii 7 0'' TROUBLEio SEO IF ffm jgg“Retnemf)er the .placi—rooiaiV«s«f.i occdpiod'bj-MUS. BEES’ (oppjs/tenle Km G. UuMlj), Biidgawaier.; ;>77kTi gkeiaxt* iuST LOOK ill f • yi • 1 f- .* ’*' i * PAUSE, OIBERVB AND REPt ! ~ ; . i • ’ i*i '■f,*' j ’ - ’ '' “A*Th ng of Beauty is a joy Fowl ,ip '■ '■ v .j ** -g. MORE than one hundred per cEit it Dr. G. W. SrENCEK’S Ssteaml Establishment, Ko. -M Penn sireet.lta geat.Brst and onjy Steam Dental estate in the’State. | Duly $5,00 for a set of teethworlh .W - Onlyj£B,OO.for a sot of. teflth,wprti.a : -Only slo,orf for a set of teeth,worA .h Only, SIS,(M) tor » set of teeth worthy Only $20,00 for a set of teeth worthy .Only; $3O foe a double sot of Steam.Dentil Establishment., arti&W ire not Warranted for a month,or aft ’ but fbr one year, and if not entire J made,need not be”t»en thCmacbihery and applianwOSM'. tory. and the lathes in the a six horse yow'er’hteam > !•. ving of both time- aud.,daß*ti. *"• having at the present thaefnjne “i"’ 1« sistants, graduates of in the Stated; <»tar sisrin 1 waiting,on’ ladies an '* A.,,, !0 ( enabled lb,make from 100 to. 3 , ■ ficiiiteeth per week, so that •distance nee|d only stay * n the city- ~ twelve bouri in order to ’be.wppi superior, set! of artificial teeth(Warr fortsble and tq render good, a?; i? getting teeth ajud i visit,ito ontjcajf mo’ney;ihan[lhey Would” co . st -f ol J,ji «Ut 'Natural teeth carefully treated a beautiful permanent gold “[?' ojt, - Remember • the- place, be- ...' t PENN. STREET, .where you *' ‘ perfectly, ki home through th? ' tions of the l proprietor, his sssit , ; tendants., .: ’ , p ,i' I N. B.—t'sc Dr. SPENCER |. R( VEGETABLE CELEBRATED | 1 TOOTH POWDER. Sold hf ftU riass, dec’d. ndlfor the coud? f ■qf-Ui'a' realesi ea6T Ohio tp., id‘ )th. 1805. Tlid a Jane llerbortv jqow of said dei tics Glassy John amcd with .Jos, il Lucinda Slajsej tjlay, now or latA j\Vm. Glass! now its andlegal rep- S; Glass, dec’d.i 6 appear iii said 'iNavember next; li,estate of said. |f by the inquest laid proceedings' jof nou-acceptj -1:1 mo - should not divided iototwo lining 111 acres is ion honsc, fic'.l. tj apart to Phebe (ring' her.natulral ruing 140 acres [5,447/28.) The I, and allotbcrß te'nolic, i ofsaid icording y, 1 .-Agents / Sewing Machines. ™ a bbxnmission oil all machines so j agnnfewho^mworkfoj'tl.oabo' all expenses paid.. Address- D. | TON & CO.L'lletroU, ! ■ff. EDLIE; sh’l \;%l'' :h! ,TF K4;'.l ■> J- MI 1 ’■ ’ j :i il ■ ! =RI K MILIiIKI AND -;i IN. THE I' ; (Glove II ~'~ a •' • ! ■; ■ ■e. s ; • 'if
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers