I il-.Tira Ho]»reMY : TlEni!» (Jpnperr.,) TiljttC/ SuisiinKtiH : ’ '. r |4|Pnii Witssjfhel-Mui- ‘■Hvvijvhi: ,<Radical.)j- l. ouriiuiirmaKWTißWfPr?e-Chureh.), . ;>/?• . .j„ , *;. *. ; *ASl> • ' "'■'i'''- 1... .1 Boaoswoou’s SoiRBCBGB Maoaiike (Tbry. • I i '-Amerrtpii' Publishers’, coutinneto re 1.,r priaiVtliß’Bbore : Baoed penodicPs, bulps.the ‘ *■ || ent 'of printing bee doubled, the price of ;pa j:% p,)r "hepi-ly trfijk rf,. nu(£-taxes, duties, licensee, , I H|. elo M . largely inorcjiae'iv tliey arc compelled to l l'aivande theirkerms as follows:; V : :• ; TBsiaS F0R1865: a l ;' For any one pf Iheßetiews ~;. .$4,00 Hi ' 'For any two of the R0viewe............... .7,00, Ijll Eeratiy threelof the Reviews...—... ‘ 10,00 i | 1. For all four of theKeviews— 13,00- ii For BWckwopd’s Mazarine.. —■ 4,00 _S|f’F.6r Bwchw-oad hn<l .-i t OO "iW For Bmokvro(|d and any.t>o'ReTibws.... 10.00 Brwkwoia and three Reviews,,l3,oo %' Eoy lilackwobd^aid thief-foncßeTiews.... 15^00 i .Tfbwiwks Will bepnnted Ona gnaily improvl '4 gualkyCm : pep*ri and while nearly al ii*; Aiuericaii Petiodicals are either advanced in. li. price. or tedupcid in size—and very generally .continue to give faithful copies ® of all themadtera contained in. the original ■ editions. Hphce, ourproeenl pricea will he ' |r found as matter fiir ~ > hissed*: as those of any of the competing per '.<6 iodic-ala in thisc.onntry. ill" 1 Compared jwith the cost of the originals ed- B ions,| which 'at the present premium|on gold ould'be about $lOO a year, our-prices ($l6) -•3i ; ' Add to this the faet that - ourj annual, payments, to the (British 'Publishers fOr early ’sheets and copyright tn $l coJting uaWt, this time (Jan.-1865) ■ .$11,6(1 in cOrreney—and we trust that' I i|p|ii the atalewe have adopted we shall be en tirjly justified by our subscribers and the Vjtl 'readingpublic. ■ . 11l I Tbe interest of these Periodicals to Amen •|j ,<ran readers I Is rather increased thanj dimin— IB' ished by the articles-they contain on pur Cr- J; ii. War, ana,-though sometimes tinged with .? prejudice, they may still, considering their . 1 it -great abililiiy and the. differeist, standpoints from*-which they ape written, : be read and ; studied with advantage- by the. peopl sof this | country, of-.every creed and party. 11 THE FOHE REVIEWS for 1863. Ij, 4 "' Afevrcoplea of.the »boye remain in hand, , ■ and will! bmspld at $5 for the whole Tour, or |j, S 2 for any one. |i ;■ We also publish the 1 „ FARMER’SIGUIDE. U fiy Henry of Edinburgh, and the « - 'tote J. P. Norton, of Yale Cillege. 2 tols. || Royal Ootajvo, 1600 pages and numerous En gravings. I ; ;• • /’ f . ‘IS:: . PRICE'S! for the twofblnmes-r by Mail, if- -poet paid, SB. r ' •, .1 . LEONARD BCOLT 4 CO., Pd jlishera, I? ‘' |ACa. S 8 Walker Street, A'tvYork. - i|.-: ■" : ' '’ ' ’ ; jaBTWT A, . ANCE COMPANY HAETFOED, l». | !NSU - vri-0., - . . If ‘M • ■ - sets January 1, iS6®. ■ ik and withag’ts .$265,631 8S :es 5t0ck.................. 781,636 60 , unincumbered 76,056 50 i , r .nli m bni i ■ I'i-itfld Stai v ‘ On! £ ; o 504,020 07; bank 5t0ck5....... 761,110 00 auk 5t0ck5;..,..,.....'....'.. 206,080 00 oils bank stocks t. 112,100 00 ocks....- ;.h 286,880 00 Si.. I-.- ostoc 'icw jYork : ; , tJ■ : ord t Mieeeliaac -Railroad s . M jrtgago .and 3, city and county... 786,415 00 Ins. Co. N. Y. Scrip... 23,410 00 ' 3,800,439 B 3 ,'.rlaa cAI ' (' • ITtol r■ - - I=l liabilities: \| djosleJ and not due..... $123,077 22 iT, !53,«n,362 71. ALEXANDER, Pres’t, - HENpEE, Sec y, tosses uai Jf] ■ a, . M- . HUKST, Ae’t, :4w X Rochester. if. 1 . ' • c. .IUgEV’.I; VKU SEMINARY 7, 14.1:i _a, SICAt IiTIT ill T. TAYLOR, 4 A. M , Pmident. ]'«rm3 open.reapedively Sept. 12, ’66, miry 2, mid Apri". 5, 1866. . , i opportnnitys for*- instruct! )t( inlany of scienceor on any musical instru :?o vocal music, private or in classes, led here!at reasonable rates! v' , receives in the Primary Department; II girls of any degree q£ proficiency, ng and painting of every style "will lire special attention ofja firstrclasi h: SS,CO, $8,60, and sl2,so,£aceord lepartmcnt. j ' / tut- thoroughly qualified and expen. cHi empli -ed i. Rev.R. rpiiE i Jail! Every _ branch 1 _ incnt; ah I / in. nlford! •; ■ ;'Ln(l3 1 .. alao 'ama - Dtawi , receive i ■ artist..‘m . Tuitio „ jng tp H q ’ Non«| ■ cased Tt meat. - it V.: ftU s-' uers are employed jin any or further information addrces 15 . • B. T. TAYLOR, President. ITCH! ITCH!! ITCH!!! , ;; Sbratph! Scratch ! I Scratck !!! WHEATON’S OINTMENT WILL CURB THE ITQH IN 48 HOURS. _ 4 Xsbf. jsurea SALT-, RHEUM. ULCERS, A CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKlN'Price OOcenta* \ For sale by all . Druggists. < ■ . & :'■'■■■ By sanding 60 cents to WEBBS POITER, tide Agents, 170 Washington''street,Boston, Afiwa., postagi dept! it Trill be forwarded by , mail; free of i, toanypart of the United States. 0’65—6 mo*. j - Eactuxers’. & Merchants, SUKANCE COMPANY. t OP PITTSBURG* ■i 87 i Water s<L Bagaley’s building 3:-l, BENNETT, President, V 1 J.;W. CHALFAKT, Vicc Pres’t. P. Joses,‘Sec'y. h | res Against Loss by Fire Inntrtt'Sttantboalt andCargoet, :: * npropertyin[tranait against tho perils ■■ pf navigation. I . scions.—Jamesl. Bennett. Jacob X »rt*. Robert Lee,'!. C. Persliing, M. Wt: in, I. B- JiloAooy, A. E. W Painter. J halfant, Isaiah Dickey? - Wm. Walker, R. jshnell, John Wilson, Henry A; Weaver, iks taken on- the most liberal terms, bv I CHAS.. B. HORST, Agent,. •lU‘65 . . Rochester, Pa. Office • h ■ .Ww Inst And o [ Schwa ' I Wat sol ; ; w. ct Q. Bii • ' i Bisl tiny • w |A. C. BARLOW, M. D-, SUEGEON AND' PHYSICIAN* HAVING permanently locate^ln BEAVER leaders big professional services »o the citizens pf Bearer land adjoining villages and country; Haring bad twenty years experi ence'(oyer four-years as an army Surgeon) be ■ jeels| competentto command the'confidence of _ .ibj?e who may wish his serricesl } ; Calls,. day or night, promptly attended • B£j&,Office in the National Hotel building, .where hemay be, found at all tours, day Sr , nigh ,, when apt professionally engaged. "■ .I*l^.^..—:——— j .■ :. ■ , r nlonHo t e l- BEATER,. PA. ,t; Hy ALEX. CLAkK, Proprietor. 4 m STABLING attached to tbia Hous °- . September IS, ’6S. J Rl a ' Cbemiea jL* Ar|tmg Flmd. thebeßtmthe world at the Mgewater Drug Store.' ftyit and be cob jmg«d. Maauleetured by tba Anrerim iak P ■ ■ ■ rr " ••■-■ /M’V- i ip-:".-. A^J> lE. TTTASHJiKI WBISGEK and BTAECH]Sfc- Y» ■ Combined 1 Silver'and; Bronte- Med als, Diplomas, .Certificates, Premiums, and Testimonials, !have been received from vari ous sources.bilb Public and Private. ; ' Self-Adjusting and Adjustable! The only: Wriiiger -with Ihe \ Patent Cog-Wheelßegnla ! tor,'-for turning both rolls together agid which positively prevents tbe rolls Tronr breaking dr jtwisfing on the shafts It is not only a per fect - the Cog-wheels give it a power which ! renders ,it a most Excellent Washer pressing .and separating, as it dods, the dirt with! the water .from, tiie■ clothes, leaving them dryer, whiter, 'and smoother .than when “wrung}’ by band. The water earybe. press'd krom largfe and small articles,, easier,, quicker,;, and ip ore, thoroughly than by the or dinary, I old-fashhpned back-breaking, wrist- . sirring, and Rothes destroying process.— Th^Gog-wheels'prevent all ‘-‘wear and tear of clothes by the friction of the rolls or break-, ing-pf stitches by twisting. :' - . Without Cog-wheels,' the whole stram of forcing the cljoth;thr6ngh the Machine is put upon the lower roll, and the cloth is made to act, in the place of Cog-wheels, to drive the upper roll, causing a much greater*stram up on the lowerrolk than when Cog-wheels, with our Patent Begulator,are usedibehides the ex tra strain upon -the cloth. ' A Good Canvasser wanted ; in every town. Liberal inducements - offered, and exclusive sale guaranteed. | B. C. BKOWING, Agent. |„ i ■ ' t 347 Brodway, New York.'!■ i; | y-WM. G. WOLP, Agent, May 11, ’64- Borough township. B.i TOED, is Agent for Cniversa Clothes Wringer itrthe Townships of Moon, Hopewell, Independence, Bacooon, Greene, and Hahover.l • .}, • ' i; PIIOCJ-TNTX LO«KIMi-IiLVSS& I'UVtliliK rtWJIE NOS. 22 A? yLei, 178 & 175 GRAND STREET AN D 215’ CENTRE STBEE. ESTABLISHED 1838. N. T. ESTABLISHED 1838 THIS . Est iblishment has been in successful operation f0r.24 years, and is the largest of the kind in the United States. We have.on hand of manufacture to order every description of Picture and Portrait Frames,. Plain add Ornamental Pier, Wall, Oval & Man- 1 tel Glasses,‘Connecting Cornices, Bose and Bracket j with Marble Slabs, Toilet Glasses,' &o.| &c.V&c. . Mouldings for Picture Frames, in length for transportation, either Gilt,, Berling, Bosewopd, . Oak, Zebra, Birdseye,. Mahogany, &c.. Our new manufac tory-and. extensive facilities enable us to. furn ish' any article in! our line as good- as the best, nnd as cheap ns fheN:beapest. Dealers! are invited to call upon us When they jvisit Npw York. vWo claim to be. able to. supjily to'supply them 1 , with every arti cle in our l|ho which they can possibly purchase ieisewhere" f!. I(’ ? 'r > yy- Orders by mail attended to with promptness. : Do,not fail to call when youvisit New York, f- ' • •< . i Office i Wareroonit, A T o. 215 Centre St:, If. T, : HORACE V. SIGLER; Agent 3(»j7 — 3mos- i tibns. 'The interest to 15th June next will.be paid in, ajlv ince.; This is now offered by the Government, audit is cpnfi dentlylexpeletedl that its superior advantages will make it the ; . 1 ASweot and Perfumed Breath ]j VERSUS A ESad Breath,, i What gontlettan would remain'un der the of a disgrceablc breath. When by uaing’the 5-, • - v i BALM OF A 1000 FLOWERS, it could be'secured? How many separated!-! Hojr many friends Thfe subject is so' Delicate, your nearest friend wrll not mention .it: and you are-yourself ig J •norant of ihe fact. To effect a radical cure, uJe the Balra as a toolb-wash Highland mom ingT ' THE jMOSTi BEAUTIFUL WOMEN of ancient limeslused honey to beautify, their complexion; but.'the combination with palm oil and-.other valuable tfagtedieata .makes.il still inore'viiluablcl ' For bathiugsuffering in fanls;- a.few drops poured into a basin.of wa ter will dispel, all fever, tetter, &c A few drops pOgred.on your sharing-brush makes a beautiful soft' lather,’leaving the face pure and white. ' . i , t 1 ■Wherilnscd for-washing night and it eradicates all 2\tn, inyilei, aui Frn I <.■? rendering the skin soft and white and fre s from blcmisfa. ■ | • < For' sale at, the Drug Store in Bridgwater Wines and Liquors, Wholesale. , Groceries at Retnil or hy Package, FLOUB, GfcAIN, FEED, &c r At Peter Angst’s, Bridgewater. EDTTER, and till binds of counlry i produce taken in exchange, for which the, highest ’ market r price willr be paid. In connection with (he Grocery and-Liquor store, the Bakery and Confectionary in still carried on, where may be .fout.d a first class aasirt ment of cakes, confectionaries, canned fruits, pieties, -spiced joysters, fcc. A 6ne stock of tobacco and cigars of*all fancy brands. N. B. A pure article of wines, &c,, .for mcdicit al and sacramental.purposes constant ly on baud. j ' not forget the place, Peter Angel’s old stand, Bridge st, Bridgewater . [augihSm Maxi re, Inland <& Fire Insurance. INSURANCE! CO. OF NORTH ' [ '-.V- AMEKICA. V I'' ; ’ PHILADELPHIA: Incorporated. l794'" [ Charter Perpetual ThtOldest Co. in ths U.,States. Orcr $ 17^000,000^Losses paid in Cash, since | . its. (Organization. . • . jCnah Capital and Surplus Jan. 1, 1883, ( $1,715/1.71,71. - Bui dings, Merchandise and Furniture, in- I aured against, Loaaor’Bamige by. Fire,. . i on the most Liberal Terms! Brick and Static Dadtmgi Inntrcd Perpetually. Eis ts taken otfthe most liberal .terms, by | CBAB. B. HURST, Agent, my:!jL’6s | - Rochester, Pa. ',i.‘ XT. S i Wai’ JTax '/ 01 'ING to the unpleasant results- arising fromserring notices upon-'persons': who bare paid their taxes, the If/. 8. Collectoi gijes this notice tfaat receipts for B. 8, Taxes, will not be recognised, by Him, nnless giren kj ht* deputiesi]or a clerk specially authoris ed to giro such receipts. j ’•. i-. \ I DAVID BANKET, ■l.. f yj ~: ; : Col. 24th Diet. Penna. )i Dr- J. Gumming) (Ute Surgeon 114th Penn’a V01t.,) 01 ?F£RB his! services to Itic.eHiMit si PAIRVIEW AND YKOntt~r~ wry reth, ibw- r - •; £ >y° u want to bny the best Lamps, Lamp Chimneys and h*mp Trimming*, go to. 8'6 , « Drag ftWfe. wmip & WHiPtitan^ _,’-- l> '.; : |..-J C^T~~f-\'/ : ■ -ij ‘ fcrtatink-dompany; •: ■;? The Post Sellable Se wing • One of ilit Largest and Most Widelg ; ehonhjltake Machine Mew m va Circulat'd Papns in faWate \ i: ! " i-iv i - | Opg mQbrtfvt and S: Vff I‘*■. ■ •“” V- ; 1 i - ce \ -■',-f> . -- i.. ..- ;■ Jtf-'"i !• ~f• ‘ -i-.' : ' : • -C . ; J They hare 1 These -Machines make. Abe Prospectus for the New Yeir» -<m to » the SoWier’e *em-MUg ■• w"i- "--"i'- ' Ci !. J Onaaamnin* control of the QmmerrUk A ft* ■; ..CCUjiu.,.‘n.u.i i _.*u ilit*, nk hntli aiiles 1 tho commencement of the year; Hit conduc- hPUOHB^PffiLDS AFFECTING lock-stich alike ,9* poUlSlues, torg their DETERMINATION to ; inn hh , reinorfed and-1 ; I < 1 ! ¥« »nw *«• and use less than half the thread whu* •i»o4w mder the paper more than, niiuuwiwstuauu. i, . ,BVBR ACCEPTABLE TO THE BKAI>ER. j which ere to Jto or 1 ’.« .ii --1 . j ;• 1 The Rapid Increatem Circulation, flatter and* silks singls or QOUJ jin*hotloes of our ooa'ftmporariev&ndCon- 1 TO TOLD) ■ : -h ■ ->i : i r * ■ • *[! grainUtory Letters from ovtiy qturter,;u* [ which so saddcia hie; thread lockstitch Machines ; SSr* •*"*• h V* ««*«» unMC - Sfen^t^nd^, t, ,|,;. '; ! The, Commercial HAS' GROWN DAILY In i* onwhOlesbaie; thue diaturglng-thi do It will Stitch Hem. FelU f uMlc f * Tor «otil »*■ now ranks among the action of the Urer and stoipaish. j| QO. It Will, - Hicu, n.wui, t "“j Isft J(WRNAU mjsjnast he relieved; if yon-jaeib^ I , in the country. p>'-- . rj , ■•• _V . 1 ' i lif.order to keep pace with the demands of Thai Pills,’taking according, to the printedin- Quilt, Tuck, Plait, Gainer i the reading public, and at the sametimo meet ■ Blnictions, will quickly 3 a produce la healthy I ! - j the increasing pressure on our advertising notion in botb liver and stomach, ’ and as *a n , nj 'I • ■ 1 .'ll columns, we some mouths imec IXGIIXASEU natural copscqiienco a clear /head andgopdapic Cord, prauj, etc., <m wunoui THE rjmejjsloxs of the paper -to l-'petitje. r 3 • I ; THE EXTENT OF FOUR COLUMNS. WEAKNESS. OK DEBILITY INDUCED Jit nr itrinna hnilintr* and arc bl'llCT* Among thelcailinp features are lull 4 reliable : : ' ' OVER FATIGUE, j f prdVIOUS .OaMing r anU arc Ul - ■ TELEGRAM Pino REPORTS; Will soon disappear by the UB6;*4 these ini i ~ v from all the leading - Sf yV* valuable Soldierwillquiokly ac- • d r from all the leading, poiota *oi adapted than any .other dewing devotes'spccial attention to , V . ‘ i. 1 MARKET RE POUTS. .. i. . .1 r \ including the IRON, OIL. CATTLfc. I,UM- Maclune in use to the Irequenji beu. tobacco, and= the’ I’itti&uhgh < I general Markets.. Our, ■ i chaugea \iU great, Variety oT inthis Del ■ j •.* . . ' ' i Commercial han no rival. The se\vin" f-tlqHired in a fail il y; ojr financial and stock rbhohis, ■ ® | | of the Crmineraal are prepared with,bare and ■ ’ .A • - .j. ' will .be foundJSjTm unusually full and rclin they Avxll sew from one to| Me. ai»o, thedfepoits or the . . . j. : f : .'I ; LEADING MARKETS OP THb.CODKTRY, ty thick nesses of M arseil leu wit h|- it j ' T • . ■'] porla of OIL STOCK FINANCE AND TRADE, out slopping, and (make every today. , • • . , =• . While special attention will be given to . • ~ ■■r ,/ a I. 1 these several Departments, the Cvtnmt trial stitch perfect; or from toe tmest laysfrlaim torank among lie leading journals. ■ ’ ’“v- ’ ' . ! ■ i i. of the country as'a-medium of. ■S 1 ■ . •■\ i i GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. V . gaUZe - tO the heayie'sl Ul-averi its aim is to givenone but healthy rcudii^ ■ .'suited to theF\>iii.r Ciecle. and to be a wef clolh.AVilllOUt changing the feeif 'c-me witorlpthe dlwrignaltog public. I fc. i , |•' '•forms a peculiar feature of the C tnmerc'.al. needle or’teilSte.n.V?or making-any By giving every StyUtrday an QiuntSAL Bfe -1 * • 4 , ! r ' I • t j nos, prepared pipressly by. a Minister of the , J _ j f j are given in the year, by not less'than ijven ,7 . , _ -4-' ' s ty or thirty different Ministers, wilhoutre t' •: A’ , I-i-gard,to denominational distinction". This De ' ; - i-1 ~ _ ;> .- .. 1 i partment pf ibi < ommeradl has attracted much | It r has: the lollpwing auV!int«l ■ altcnii.n: andarrangcmcnls arebeing made to I j |'. I . | .|p ! increase its recognized importance and value. oWlrtvpr; •dl nthpH machines-' l A * “ l < -' ature at oucc novel and iusHtactiilo' it Oiner 7 macillllts. j con wiUuUs- not tbellcasl of the many claims' j | ' T; % j lot* the Commercial to patronage.' ' ' Far great or variety of work;! In polities tho'Cam.idrciid will bo an un .■; I ”i : . J j . I | deviating supporterof the Union, and earn '■ 1 ! . .. . • r -j J | cstly loyal to tho Government, ami arf far as { be lUty anti oxcollence Ot slltctlj consistent.>vith this aim. froe irom I’artizan -1 . [j -- ... ' •■. I | ship;.. ■ ; . ■■ 1 i j „i,l nf mVitinii- !. The Commercial issa targe folio sheet, and is Speed 3li<| quietnes OI , • * published in two morning 1 ,! Sun-, i.' ‘ ■ day'excepted. - , •■'• ■ . ‘ ! sirrinlicil-y of conslructign; ease ! '.Tewis or p.nw: by mail, $lO per annum! , 1 ... ■.. ■ j City.subseribcrs. served by carriers, $l3 per • ' ,j - - annum,in advance, or, SA ccnts per week.pay and- mahaoement; elegance- q{ ■ able to thccarrier. Single copies o cents. A r ° v *. 1 discount made to Agents; . . I . : . , ■j. Tub Sati’BiiaT CommeuclAl.—A large sheet, design and apish, containing all the Current News, Miscellan . « > ‘ '■s .• • cous. Literaly,and Scientific Intelligence, and . The Ware ; ■ ■ ; "if Twenty, $l. j - ? <vill :rvo' far to determine the ! The M aey far Wfekl;/aiid Ifaity mutt always ° j ; actompatsy the order and in no. irstanct tall they ,-. , | i ..... . \ term* b 'idetiuted from. i . choice of an intelllgenl buyer./-! nrerrcquCsted to act as j 1 .. I ‘T'gems it>r the Cnm.nrrcial... ’•> i. '■ oi ! _ it „ i ( ;:-;ofsciS. "5 FIFTH st., opposite PostofficCi ~ —Please call .and .......EDit0u. .; i f- "In - D. THOMPSON L.Rcsisias Masapbe: S J TT ' ~nTt I TT? Qn T Address ; : THE COMMERCIAL,; ,i J—lj- •■ATvA I. J— j Pit tali nre. Pa., f ! BEAVBR, PA., /NSW BBIGHTON &J2TRSAT fi .«-iic.r a e n AN ASYLUM FOR THE RECEP aug j Sole Ag t fur Reaver co, i TIO n CURE AND TREAT* ‘ L'MTiPTtta ’I" MENT OP; MEN TAX. HILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL ii / AL I)Is(SSeR ° R OQIjT-iEGKEj, W n ci. Q-iitiey N. IL cqmer of 7th &ChratnQtSp., Hfervous | and Chronic Diseases. This iDstitution, which vsi'-MUbiisheii in‘ EXCliUSiyhltl 1 FOl! FKMALKS. 184iJ - and is; now consequently in |t e.’ fIUHS institution is how ojwn. forjtbe recap-* eigthteentih year pf . its 5 /existence, numt|erA J. tiqn.; care, and-treatment of the among iislgratuates. t'indVcds of the most r.Vut of piiiiomJ who arc laboring tinder cossful Micrchaiits and Business Men of pur 1 ® 1 ".!!, •or 4>ti:or in rv'.-.u-j'.:ind | Cdnntry. !■ - , j . ; , 1 chronic.disease. Vi e innkli-Sp..'eial-;raoiii.ioa. of ‘I Theobfect.of the Institution is sdlcty‘io lat; nervous and/ chronic aismiscs. 1 tVoai.the. t.-i'ct ;’j ford young men facilities’! for thorough.ipre’pa.d U*ait seven tenths ol.the frnjalc patients ' I lint / ; ratiorfforj business. ,' - 1 . f ..are',.ctiiiiniitu*d to oneiTini-liC 'As; ";i;:ns. ;o : . be . The taught mco, "as treated for Uisniyli-retl ire Te<iuce*l,- to 1 applicable''to the various departments of trade; that lamentable comUtioa through previous ; PenmMugiip, both plain and prndineninl ■, ■■ physical disonler.i By a well limed tin 1 Commercial Law, matticmatica, -jNavigatton. cious ireaUifent of chronic and tiuryous dierf Civil Engineering, | Drawing, Phouograpliy, eases, till physical disorders, in the ! majority and Modern Languages. * ' I \ i of cases diiay, be removed ; aigi thus thoaiiud, : The.syatem of. Instruction is no having sjuleied throiigh the medium .of; the; classes oii.set lessons are inadediseof.. but ehch , body will when frpe from' I lie/ ekeitingi student is talight individually, so that he may ' physical | cause, tlurovy off. ttfe sbaekles that; commence at aliy time, and attend at'whutev- bus bound-it |to woi-se than niidaiglil darkness, er hours are most convenient. ■ l : ■ hand rcaton will, puoc;tiioce,j i t&iimo-ifs sway.; Catalogues are issued: annually after the clothed in all its primitive beauty and wonted 15th- of April, containing names of the itu- i excellence. Hence the necessity of aU thnse, dents, for the year, .and full particulars of i "ho arc laboring nndcr the predisposing: dr termk, &c„ and maybe obtained at any time i.exciting causes, calculated in the end to im by addressing the Principal. i j i pair the mind to resort to ait i early at^ - In extensive accommodations, ;wide-Bpi*cad judicious course of remedial agchjts. ' reputation, and the lengthy expedience ofhite The Institution .is large brick building Principal! Ibis Institution offers facilities! sil- ; with a stone.basement—tour stories high and periorj to jnny other in the country, for young 1 weft ventilated. If isiaituat.ed on-an elevated men wishing to prepare for busidcss, and to~ table land which commamls awiew oflenlire obtain at] the same time a d/ploma, which [will town—adjacent hills—groves and : neighbaring prpvc. n fieoommcn.dation for them to any Mcr- 1 streams; all of which are calculated tb pro cantiic House. -' 1 ■ f ! duec favorable impressions upon tl t? disorder JQrCkiTiKSOEii’s Series pi Treatises on ed.ipind. . j j' Book-Keeping, now more widely circulated The Institution is complete in aid of its ap than any] other work on the subject, are : for pointinents. | .Having been tnstcful'.y fitted up sale at the Cbllege. T j :at grant expense, in Order that it may imcct : -I—i-;—i —: : ■ ' ; :- ! the approbation, and views of ihe t osf faStidi iOliPHANS’ COURT SALE, T v 1 0U mt? ; ’ . • 1 - i. t j The watey clwcts. : and.bathing apparatus Iv 9 ' -J, ,i , been cotton up hupn tb? nios i approved of all ordor the - modern tu* V i er if oa “lf’ I j* « nii e r S)ghecl, embiaces not only t|ie ordinary jbaths j *j 7 ,U »“d testament ot; lllaoi ,Lc‘ mvdicate<liwarmXir ond asocnJing b “ e °r BeaT , er “VO. and -descending douche for tho more effectual “ p .t 9e s .’ le *>y Public vendue orient; i and successful; treatment of cutaneous and cry.on the premu.es, on j- - ; ollltr scrotulpusdiseases. 1 |- v ; SATURDAY, November Ath, 18C5- j -AVc beg Ict|vo.lt). say to all those who mayjbe ..f-;. I ... , r-T-;disposed tojconinnt the interests of u'Uear at lAp. m., the following! described piece or;'wife, sister dr datighlcr,' to our charge—may I pare dof land, situate:in Darlington tp.;|Bea bo assured that no means' will pe spared or ; ver i onnty, bounded on the west by land of efforts wanting on onf part’to amoliorateftbeii "f- B * r, *y Knigbt, on the north by.-land of condition or to effect a reaturit ion to their ac - 1 r* • ?2, B, ?beilin, on the east byolbetlUnds.. eustomCd health and vigor A uind. ;f ;ofsi id Testater, and on the'south by the tail 1 , For farther particulars send fui’ a cirouiar., race of the Woolen Manufactory or other.lands All ai.nuld be addressed to. of si id Testater; containing about 16U gefea^;, . |£. KENUiUCk, M.D.. nbout SO Actes cleofnd and an- Supti .of Neiv Brighton.Betijstit.u , derli id wi tha good vein of coal; ohwhicb is .i. ' New t Brighton erec ed ia hewed log barn, wilh frome sheds; Beaver Co. Pa. fnul trees on the premises; - The farm ir. well' : j•- ; •.;“| — f wap red, and public shdols, mills and church- . 1 OtICO- ' ' r ' about four miljm fromJD«- ihi PhilU^urLwi Ms—One-third of the purchase money I '* lopnfimetioa ofjtbe sale Tjy the court, 1 ace in two ,equal, annual payments, trom * °f th e confinnalion of the sale by the [** |"*ck payments to be secured by popd l mortgage, • 1 f ■ [f further particulars inquire nn ignedst Elder’s Mills, Bearer eo. t Pa. | RED BEN WATTI 141 G&. £z’r, of JfaMioa £kkr, fai'd* " r’- ! •’ i .l 4 CV MI Roche**'/ Steam Ferry;Co ... Tnfi Stockholders or the , shore company will meet at the office of Cham B. Bant, Rochester. Pa., onS*rcii>\T. Ationix 20, ’65, at 2 o'clock, p. m.' As business of great im portance,trill comebeiore the inerting, every stockholder fc. earnestly reqnestedto be| pres ent. B*' order of the Board. 1 , !j CHAS. 11. HOEBT, BWj. . i SoeliMfeMt Aop . ;• It- cornier wißquiokly-a quire additional strength. Never.ljst the bow els: be either coufmcdor unduly acted upon. lUjinay seem ,strange that HoUowoy's Pills should be" reeorhinepdeAj Dysentery and Fills, many persons supposing thatlhey would increase the relaxation. This is a -great mis take, for these Pills; will correct the, liver and? stomach and thuswemove nil the'aerld; humors from the system.' This medicine will give tone and,vigor to the whole organic system Sowov er~deranged,-while health and strength follow' as a matter of ; course. , Nothing wiill stop’the .relaxation of the;Bowels.-so son a| this 1 fam-1 ous medicine. ; | { |> VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! INDISCRE ;; tions of youth. 1 -: ■j; Sores end Ulcers, Blotcbings and dwellings; can-with certainty, be radically mired if the Fills art' taken night and morning, and the ointment be freely used ,as stated [m the print ed ihstriacUohs. - If treated in ner they dry tip in one part to breap out in an other. Whereas this Ointment will rcmovO thehumors from the system and leiave the Pa tient.a vigorous and healthy mam I It will re quire a little perseverance in bad’oascs to In sure a lasting cure. ?j • . . | FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED" BY I THE BAYONET, OR SABRE. ORTItE BUL’-, 6 I. ' LET. SORES OR BRUISES, i- i l '■ ; '■ .j* | To which every Soldier, and Bailor are liable 1 there are no'medicines so safe, 4 suiSe and cori -1 venieht as Holloway’s Pills and ointment. The poor wounded and almost dying suffercrmiglit !;■ 1 have’hi* wounds'dressed.immediately, if "he [ | would oqlyprpvide’hiaiself. with ; (his match - i less Ointment, which should be thhust into Uije' wound iind Sto eared all arhund if, then covered with a piece of linen from his knypsaok.arid Compressed with a handkerchief.;, Taking night and mofningC-pr to cool thesys tem and proventinflamOt ion. i| -.- - Every Soldier’s -knapsack anp- Seaman’s j chest .should be provided .with, these valuable Remedies';; 'i . . !!}•:.,!>. | i CAUTIOX.— Xo “e C re genuine 'unless i | the words ‘‘J/oHou-ag, Ketp York and Loudon," | are Uisccrnable nsjf Water-mark in cyery leaf of the' book of directions around each pot ■ or box; the samc.may-be plainly seep by holding ‘the leaf to the light. , A handsome reward'■Will bo given to' apy one rendering such : informa tion as may leoif to thedetectiqn of any jpatt-y, or parties counterfeit ingthemedicines brvend ing the same, knowing them jo be;spurious. . *** Sold at the Mapufartary-of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden pane, New. York, and by all respectable Druggists and; Dealers' in Medicines, throughout the civilited world, in boxes at 25 cents, G 2 cents and sl/each. [ ■ ’ ' There'is considerable saving by taking .the larger sizes. j ji- .' ■j u N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa ieats in every disordec’arc affixed ;io each hoy. ; ' --May?;. - ■■ ’-j ;-| j[„ .*' J.' j; ■ i .interest. It A151.K. iJKM,OIiFSTfS:_ jr, Quarterly Mirror ot Fashions, ■ tVUhGieai Improvement* and Additiara, ] ■ riie aniniEß j: j' FOUR LARSE. SPLENDID 'FASUIOE PLATES,. .THREE' FULL-SIZED ! PATTERS’S* OF PRESSES. COMPHI3IXO rnsj; ] ■ -; ! -i ■ New Frcnch Waikl, an end'a . Hisses Sees, and a Sheet of New' "r andßeautiful |-i j.; 'T-. - . BRAID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS. . Together with nearly 100 Engravings of i ' - ■' all j,the novelties for i • j Summer i Bonnets, CloaksrTrinimings. Children’s Dresses, 4c., - And valuable information t oMilfihCrs.Dres i rMakebs, Mothers; and Ladies j generally, pre - teentlng the; largest, and besllfaitbion Maga j iinc in the . World, publiahebi'iTS Broadway; !l'N, Y., arijli sold everywhere ! at ; 5 cents, or ;| sent by mail, post free, bn receipt of the imiM fiiij stamps ;br silver. Year Sl,OO vith ilib fol- valuable preiniuni. ij. ■ j j Lacli jckrly subscriber will be sntitledj to k receipt;.for] the selection of SO. jceits plain patterns, from designs in the book, or from the show ’[room, or they , may be ot dered and semi by mail any time durjng-'t.ha year, by piping postage.; . , Ji] j ' SSteSplendid Inducements to, C; .nvassers. B*Jt.Sunimcr No.; now roadvi •) r i , ■ :■ ■' I’ "l Parlor Org ORGAN HARMONIUI ■- ' • II I®* established i '• ‘I . i • ■ . -I ■ I .. . I j THE" oldest -anti] most popular of the kind in tkis country. . f ■ j -•' 'i. ■ ■, j ‘ {For Side only kt - ; H. KLBBER & BH; - v 122 Wooh st Pit(sb<i -m;- »: ■ £>as“Sole Agents for -Carlifirl’q pans for Western IVnn'jtu, 1 |-'n , F. A. WIJiTBR»S v MTJSI G S. TO fefes’L • ]'r ■ • r- : t |.*‘K ,f! , “ . ! j Broadway, New Brighton, Pal '• l[ ■■ t ■ i'U ' '■ .'./r.fj.-i lt ,! I ■ TfrIANOS, Melodeons, and ; a choice police. f? lioiKif Musical Instruments. Itept foi - sa^e. Also, Music and Stationery. j- .*1 -j -' jnusic taught'. i' ' fsepl« . Dr«ritaNWEy ft made. HAviNGcntcrcdlnto partnership JVu the jfraotice of MEDICINE S'J BD 11(3 ERV, tenner tfceir professional -jierrlpesl to tjte cit ixens of . ' ‘Ljdijr 1 : BEAVER BOBO* AJJD qQOjtTT () ||t ; ' ofUck it. Two dooors below Moore’s Drug .Store* Bearer, Sept2s:im ■. /;.■ !•■•_ f ■jl*-:- decarme, ... tobacconist, ; ! ■ COR DIAMON D;* TUlilD-Bt. frtOBACCO & BJTOPF alwilys U KaKl.~ i Cigars uianofaatursd su furnished to 'TlsMMlnrwwtsalm. , . 14; IS C.i r ' .'ll! TOT®#' sailors ILLS BeUtLeslath* 'MbMUlesr* \ tWs pin* irt goTdtar*' 'ride; them* i <janbewir 'lSirtd ;W .«|TEdd?n aA_ effectually ■Mdjttiikw>«nd .Directions qp'appb HESS. • feW bbstnu Ig wß»t iSjbe*’ . The lire'lot e prir fcjja CAIBHAR r J;'A,ND I •!; . ’ : s-' -* ' !wL jr i SMITH’S FilUfV !i : • .-... ' v : y *>**, • H.i rj ; >-■ .•-■•> !■:• V. ■ : CjAEJTAfc -I* of P«r;VoIo« ofcp iBO.OOOS! OKKUH} CAVITAli»»«».»»».? * •• i - ' k T- » meeting of the stock TV awt compeny,; hold «t '|t thabbroogh_of,£loehwter, Api the foltoitlagTpersons were elect lor the coming year.- .-j.; ;P lABEB-: tEM. tt, psuslly abstracted wE»terer healthful These 1 or iohe well.- i; Wr , ; PRESIDENT: mattisOn dare TREASURER 4 SEORB CHARLES B. HI i; f . j DIiIECTO' 'J-Mattiabn Darragli, 1 : Charle? Stone, ' .James’Darragh,, ,: i Levi Birennama.n, > |. , Charfe? F.,K< limited number of [ ,of (lie atove Company-may 6 cation at the office of the comj ;i Bgk_Office in the BiVmondl •lmv3Ksn|i ; <, , 11 AS. B. liXJI “Unquestionably the bt, vyork oi the kind tn.the. NE'V ilONTllJjt MAG aZINJB. j ’ . Crilieat Xd tca\of (lie .Pren'i- , It is the foremost Mogazih s ;ofVthe day.— The fireside never,hod a more delightful com-, papioh, nor the million a more enterprising friend, than -Harper’s Maga Pnt&laui (Baltimore). . The’most popular; Monthly in the World.— '• tftm TtrMhwwt.'' i -'T 1. l.n->' ■ i W.e,musfrefer m terms of eulogy to the’, high tone and .varied excellent pf iHABPEn's , Macaxi.Ve —-a journal with a| monthly oirciila- , lion ofabont 170,000-eopies-fJin whose pajges nre to he found some of, the choiccsti light and gcneral reading of the day. |Ve speak of. this work aS an evidence of.the American Xlcople ; and the| popularity it his acq. irec. is merited, j Each number contains fully 1-14 pages j of i-reading matter, appropriately illustrated, with Igood wbod-cvts;'nnd it combines In Itself the racy monthly . and; the "mur l philosophical : quarterly, blended .withHho; test feat arcs of the4t|ily- It has greatpowc • in the dissem-' ■ infttioh qf a love jof pure literature-—Trub- - sin’s Guide to Littr Londoni Tho volumes bound constitute of themselves a library of miscellaneous jreading suebj as ciTnnot lie found ih the same tompass in any other publication that has. ipmej under ; pur notice.—-uo«(or C&u «>r. [ . i - SUBSCRIPTIONS - j . 1865? The Publishers.have perfpetetd a system of 'uiailing.by. which they ! can S-ipply the M.iu v- ZISK au j Weekly prompt!;!, t i.thpse who pre fer to receive their periodic..lsl directly from, the office of'publication. .. L ' The-postage, oh Hakpf.r.’ s M a iaZisk is 21 which must be l aid at the _3tih tcr'Hitr'e post-office. , ] ' ‘ , , Terms : ] ; .j’. r ■ IIAnPEK'sTMAO.vztXK. onfe ,y !in.........5-1 00 ■ An Extra copy-of either, the; 'Uaoazise or Weekly will fie supplied j ;rat s for - every Club Suns enter, ns al $4 Ut* oaohinone remittance; orSik Copies' fo- 320 00. , Back uumbersicah he supplied at any, time, i A Complete Set, how comprising TweHly uine Volumes, in neat cloth. binding, wiP be sfcnl by express, freight at expense of ;pur chaseri'.for $2 25 per volume. : Single vol- by mail, postpaid. $- .00. ‘ .Cloth cases, for bindiug, 58 cents, by-mail, postpaid. : Ad dress 1 V j'. | HARPER & BROTHERS. t RAKKUS SuCjJtEK Uioo & r ATTOBNETS AT t'% / ILL attend ito tegiJi bl ’r |- kinds. Prompt attcjritiq lection? generally. Licensed J lectilju of Pensions, County., ri| Priiej money, Pay, ete., of' Pri| and all kinds of military clqj Government.' Office—a . ] ‘ onir ,'of ifarket [Street men (immeeiately’ in tlie rear of f) BEAVKU, -Pim ■ ■ | ; . UAiiti Hilß-DRES JAMES BRUIN’ 1 is hapftj to announce to his his,old customers, that hej has been dis charged fro a tile service d ‘ the Unite!?! States, aad openeda shop in the’ fraSe joinitig VVui. Orr’s’StOre. Ladies hair cut- in the most approved style. _■ He trusts bis oid friends will renew, their patronage, tlaving carried the flag.of the 45th ll|og tT. S. C. T; for almost a year, in the battles around Pe tersburg, be thinks iiinise'.f entitled'to a fait share public patron tge. | i, j V ’{j? ?: NEW GOOD*! * - . - il • r i JDST, received from l?,hiladelpli'a, a fresh hupply of Goods, coosjitlingof clot hs, 1 cos| simeres,' satinet,s. jeans and tweeds, ami made] up clothing: ladies cloaking, merino. alpacas! delaines, prints, ginghams, checks and ticking]; ryitir a breat variety of articled in Cur line] With a good assortmentof groceries, bouts; shoes and salt,'will be sold, cheap fur cosh or country, produce, at the old stand, cor. 3d st; ; THOMAS McCKEEUV.; i scj)t2u*6s.. . | [ ans ns. * &30'*®a ; \ff . ' s*l l instrument: ) FOR S W-nKELE , ' , ’S P..tci t Water Drawers Extra Chain for do •do do Buckets fur ,do ;do : Weights 1 and Iron Wbeds; i!- lumber of all kind: i; |j ■ . '■ flooring, Siding. Shingles l |and- Lath con .stonily kepi on hand. f f ■ .; - 1 ; Building tfuibor' sawc if to order wilhou dclky. : JAS. S 11, DAKUAGII. »ug3U'(is;Ct‘ ' i ' Sharon Mills. 1 j v EXKCUtOR’S"NOTICE; r :; TTTUEKEAS letters lestanteutaryon tlit W • estate pf Host. township. Bearer cp.i Pa., dechllhaving i been granted tit. the undersigned., ali .indebted to said estate a o requested to make immediate payment, and Ihoso-ltatHog claims agaihst the saw,e will propctlV authenticated 1 for settlement, } . ]•: ’ i' : 'l.' ;.i r.Bx'f of last.will and tcstLameuirJtdl - said dcift. | j.y- ' tpi ’S-, Varlcr ■ f lylil'O-V | '[ A I>M.IN ISTISK A TOU‘S k < TI.OB.*' T ETTERS of administration on i ue[ estijt f ‘X-jj of. 'William A.' Kkkd. lii'te of Ilanover township, Beaver;coimtyi deed.,having been grafted to the 1 undersigned, nil 'persons in debt edto said estate arerequested to maite immediate payment, andllhosc.lmviug claims against said estate will jpresent, thorn to tie subfcQ-iher properly - authenticated for' »ei llement. I :‘| ' ■ ■.! 'ARCHIBALD RALSTON. Hanover tp.. . tepid 65. . I Administrator. If you want to buy l'v t 'nJ, . aad'Cfaemioala, go to l * ,r '-■■l: IMRE A - ft % 111 SSMSti , . ■ j; >’ \** r i : r( T Wfe ■'' '" WtcmsJ ' $BO,OOO, ■m l,ooeacb. $lB,OOO. '>! - A ®Ho g ' OHBMtc Ala * era oftbe s • office in j ' ' 9tb, 1865, Its officers 1 I= !, _ ~**s i ' i Adanfs,.. jC. j^uret, Giichran, = is , of Slock d by nppli- l lari is 1 hr pan; Ro< hester. Pa. Sec’y. Sustained orld.” t|QU MEDICAL PUR POSES OXLY proprietors having .haiW - eit •- eipcrienoe m thtf prescription bkine« themselves that they can; give tfitire * S tutu roan f ho.nmy'.favor jliem with their ™ troiiage- '.I" r f k * ~1 NOBLE & HAMILTQS' ; j 1. ‘ ;■;■■THE - GREAT 7 • : ,i ■! IJew; Voek to. tan, LAW, ihsiness of all oft given tO: ; col- Ageut»(»for col ijrcears of Pay,: toners of v War, ! jma against the j:tA« Dinmmd, jourt House,) : : . Qun4 R. &C. ILE: ijr*. Medici I 3’B 1 . ' y .in, U ire l)i IjMooi - 1 - n TPalnts, bii^j and; MEM BYE SJP FFs ► " - v . .i, •. y&o, aJfuU as3ortmeat of ■/, I i;- ; SOAPS, y ' \ >■ . 'f every Tarxety.: iand olio tier art ;,,= S'. !y fcept a erst-clasa-Dfugl^^ l i> i Q, u o rsy \v i x jj s> I=ll i .^ind; Brandies j 1 ' |i-', • - 'iie most perfect Tiaiio Fortes in. tbe, wtrlS, CAN BE lUn pNLY. ' ■ji i m KLEBER & 122 WOOjD PITTSBr^ . BSa-SVie Agcjnts j%r Stcimva j TmuVa -stern Pennsylvania.' : . [a/w&'.‘ 1"'.,-:', CIIAS B iH'IiST and Broke ASE HEAIEB, is" Real Estate, Stocks, Govern. Bonds, add other Securi [NSUEANCE& CLAIM' | i Conveyancer & General A^ent V - • L subscriber haying opened ancScj * llophester,, (in the. room.. lardy ism bjr F..AI Fonphe) respecirtilly solicit* tti trpnage ipf hisjfrieadirandthe. public b eral. |' - •.] ’•; ;. ■ Particular attention given to the adjusl of Officers’ account?, and Alt, claims? put of the present war, such aa_ Pensions, Palenlr ,■ /lounli's,' Amort i _ Prize: Money, jv., pr, j i Deeds drawn up and acfcabwlec’ j ■; Fire-risks taken, in riot’ '(ass i Companies.- J," -v ‘ r , | Revenue stamps w-ii./si on hand. : i Refers to JoLu A. Ct aghey. Jos. Pm? Wm. HSwith & Co-., Pittsburg, j Rochester, playiU’iio ; ' AGABEM nrntE Fall Term of lnstitution ii ' commence ■ \ '■ 7* Tuesday, Sept. under the charge of • 'Mk GANTZ ■ . i : ; as Principal , It is the desire, and will be the aim. U i. his a thorough English, Classical.? 1 *' 1 inercialjSobool, and .tu sustain .the high icier it; has heretofore maintained..- Good opportunities wiil be ntfouicate, men anil boys who desire to obtains English and : Business Education, acl > Who may dohire a. Classical HatUioo. fit themselves for entering the-Uiihert-. classes., ■;•} 1 i ' " . -J* For rales of tuition. &c., sen4;tef j, Address tlje. Principal at Ne«i_ bri S -> Beaver county. Pa., or thd, undersign*- H. HlC r % . b ; See. Hoard of Trustees, bea' 1, ■ l?*eiin Plaining:: . j SASH & DOOII FACTO* • • --f ' .trnEDSlAfr JAS. A. enOLES ,S ], A |l pK &SHot®' j; Cor. Penn' &• Murhury WK fJ > !' ''W. PITTSBURG Flooring, ji Weatherbo:rding f ' Doors,Frame?, Brackets <t- Mo.. ‘ Alwaysrbn hand or made, to order. EX ECU TO K'S WHEREAS, letters, estate of S*JtX t , .Raccoon *p,i Beaver eotmty, i been granted to the undersigned, • knowing themselves indebted - are requested to .made tnune .hi;!®' jand those.having plaints a S aID ; te( j far ‘present them properly authenticates 1 ETTERS of administration o»' *“ jj, L of Jofeß. P. U, Ohio, i deceased, 7 “* 801l3 ii eel to the iuiJersigneJ, “IP. are Required to .uake unmdw r tn llidae having cVusns will P” 1 * , erlj authentioftte l t° r > set ' e .,« \di !• - . ELIZA ANN•]„, ;i Ang2gSo.: ? ~■■ ■!. . EXBC.DTOR’S >' o1 ‘ . \\T UEfiEAS letters t«tamea • ' VV'been granted to the and , estate of Kobbbt Hood, late Beaver county, Pa, knowing ■ themselves inaet) are iroqnested to. make P :l >' . t j, e and those having claims ag .^ present them to the subsets WIU.UM •BjCm; | , MI tow, 1':
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers