f; U ... }>'} »• -- l|HE>B|WEft lAlfeOSt. 111 II AUGUSJ2d, 1865. i i'; - i Xjrflon C ot M||y Nominal) dna Assembly;. ' SdATTIIEW S. QUAY, Borough. Treasurer. - -'i > ||JLO K. ADAM 3, Now Brightoi I I District Attorney; ' JA.UE3 3- BTJTAN, Borough - ; _ li-1 t 1 \ I Cpiflrtilssioner. ; JOHN WILSON, • Industry; I! ; County Surveyor. H | AZABIAH WYNST, Benvor; , Poop House Director. | | SAMUEL. GIBSON, Brighton; ’:..i "Auditor, t. ■ . HUGH J. MARSH ILL, Big Boavo jft' • T Coroner." ■ .1 " I • THOMAS UcQOX, Mopn; • Trustees of Academy. A jjA’gT. SHALLENBERGEK.Rochoatc Rev. D. P. LOWARY, Beaver; ' - i . ■ . j ... j ; .'State | A Stale Convention! will be hold at jlparrisbarg on Thuusday, ' the 17 th 1865/at 12 o’clock }!., lor tie Jpuipbse -ot-piutting ip nojpinatior a CBlate ticket, jo bo supported by tie , I friends of tho Union atjthe coming Oc pbber election. ■’ii-, _‘ J [1 yf- The earnest and aealous aUvrs ol “ a sflftyal people, secured| the. groat vic ‘ 1864. d ’ iho War, wind r., ~;;.. ~tpry in and - “•» " ‘ S 'Otin enemies failure Ijglorious buoccbs in 1865. j: I | L jH Oop flag fans boon maintained —-(i ||pnomies? destroyed—obr (jovernmcn |f preserved; and peace ro»ostabjishpd J.|.Lot every Wend -who- aided in thn liresult, take I measures to| bo repre- RBpntod in that Convention; Wombs 'n fee ip it that the fruits of pur succosi :jji arb not lost tiff the Nation. ; - Vi Business; of vasi, importance will ■ll■ be presented,for- its epnsidpration mi }every distinct in the State should -Ir ■represented. T 4f ‘ SIMONrCAM.EROi'f. Chairman., ■ Sectaries. Wien FoUney, ) Some Little? Errors ini a Liftl ■■'Si •/ 3;/? j" ' Speech. ]■• ' Hie pinion State Committees tri icl 3 met'at iljo-- 19tb jilt Ijp WBS ot jthe ppiniort tjjat ihero .vvas n pL necessity- for the game of hide an • s [|| Carnffron and Wafd woi i|j playljng, and therefore called the StaU ■|i for the 17th of August, a ! week in adyaneb of the day fixld for the conyebing of tho J3empcrac/.-r -• i|| Their abtiprf proper.- ni 'The- mbn iwbo have fought and <oi | f ii quered-ihe jpbollion sn4Ho South ai : ; -its sympathizers in tho iNortb,*!^ ■ , no principips at this day ;to turo or conceal, no policy .to mml upon the aetjon of theirbppunen'sf ' ji j Ward bnd hisconfHnea,; outlawed b : f] - ovonts,may liqin hidinglh tho.tbickvit ' and bjkway watching for the mo. ti . op\,jya, :r^, '4l- mont when wo may expose oursolv |l j -tp-thoir succofwful! attack v but'su ;h jf " . certainly not the policy;: of tmrpaiii .B -; that JProvjdonco aPd-j jt!|io bravecy | |jl-. dur armies b ivo midd njastcra 1) ]-f • Situation.• r-||,7 »T[hb( aclioi 'T|-| ; harmonious ( j!'!; ! ing;wasdont . | ! JJ' Ing of the c i ; After its qdji '~4f- i which Mr. h : |f|“ or. hciialf f>f dclphia, pies U ■fan if.! : fitting tosti lion of h|s i |j- i paign. Sir. -f: if in'Bucb ease; |ti i Cameron, ar customary,! | j the Inion u i‘ j • find the ,p I? fengta in tl .|f ' There was 1 1 ter of the ] ilf.- noun|cemoD s|; cd it a , ‘*C ’|: scrwco'srcD milloo wort i | remarks of sire, special 1 r manship of j groat rdlu “certain p with' MfC: ; matin his ( not snppoi to-their pc majority a , We yoi of 1864, a ~ “relnctam speaksi 1 member ’ district, ® doliborat V ♦ehtion r ji '• i Cbairma: ,j|j ~ ' tee, apd : fel odjournn Ijl’i , :4>‘* - egatoa,e \ b»Uleof eft- “ .ebould I I ;ift, coupled with ,[that thc dbr.ora ci t|ting testimonial? dorcd; liufbf this ll • innocent, and it is gen. Cameron that tb refer| Ho bi uat ho accojp.tcd- tin tho/Stalo Com mitt jtanco;*that' the hi rbmfnent gjnthjrhci cjlan, who bo feared hairmanship an oxers tibgtfae ticket, and iscri r jonal antagonfsm ti e'sn t the. October cldcfacn,- 0 present qt | the Con rent ud know sdnethifig of c” of whici Camci Dor friend «KMi. Lasvror I • of, Congieiss;: elect from t rhb presided ably , over unsj.was vested by too Ci 'ilh authority to appoint 1 of. the Executive Gomn i short preyioasfo ont a‘petition was (preeen ed by a majority of Jthe c siting that Col. Al’Clare , [under whose leadership E6O was .fought and n assigned fotbo posiUoi al way; Chtijm oi Alp Lawrence, Indicate 'the; asleep %nd |U Jdjptlie sojj^gi f. ilr' ME I, i o £ Iho Cott.-mftCei ,nd nnanimpus, and no officially qcyond tl c I ay of tho Cppvention urnmont a Commit 00, crns rtas the spoke sm the Unionjrncn ofPlv cntcd Mrl pamoron wi portrait of himsclf-as uonial of their apfrec (Oi'vicos lift; tho lasi, ca Korns, as is castoma !, made, a ipccch to Gi d the Gon jral.'as is r • • i f r n reply madp a ?pojoh ion of Pennsylvania, roceeduigs published o Harrisburg Tel keen satird in the'"' ~i jpn Mr' liawretico tb 'ask imcot for ian efficiorit aqd |j lon j oliUclan ol Lancas |j and, ipon being informed of the acjtijbn of the Con* ( wishes in: ihat regard Ii favored, demanded it fot sncec eded -iiiobtaining it, the facts connected with ion. Ir/sicad ot ‘,‘aCcepl ]!bajrni anahlp “with gCoat he vrung it by personal i from ii personal and polit though . believing - at the , w he f ays, that his appoint* li weat on the ticket. . As a [ Clare, he proffered to : h and pro Cure i for hi hi th e jipof the 1 territory Ot Mon hat geptlomah being unwil* > into oxHcrjust then,"this i prog: ammo failed. , ; t no fi ult to find with Mr. orMr. Cameron in this con 'The former bad the right to appointment,,and the latter it. We |‘iheroly dotpro to ,hat -it is error ; in. the lat jto that the appointment was ind accepted with great ro ‘ 1 . : J ’'! “certain | prominent gentle >se hearts were with M’Clel. Carnet on intends the 'Slate \tion and its leading friends. Tp c, cron called; tbo appojiu popular ■"ter counijij that in vioM ■vchlion, Ini could-not jjj himself, mi I These wctji ihojlranfiax 1 |i, roluctanpo, < solicitatipp ical friend same time, men* wool salvp to Washingtc Governors tana; bat ling to |g par t of th i Wo hay i Lawrenci nectipni-j\ make the to solicit mention , ter to sti toiidercd luetancc. By tlx men” wli lan, Gen! i Adi a - .lanuu. -iflg )i.. Etate what wo khow,when wo. i thovo r.ever-was a moment, lay of tbeinduclion of Mr. Lip- I oflicQ until that, of his bon the mpst cordial relations exist betwecn]hira and Gov. ind that no man in Pchhsylva noro felly alive to the tmpdr» ,ho crisis in I§G4,.dr.more asxions for a successful issue ampaigri than was h«5., Tho iy bo said of g all those official w led with him, or 'over whom lucnco; jntended. | There had ranglings and bcart-btirnings 0 War Department in-relation ir ililary affairs pt ( tho, State, thosd Mr. Lincoilrf vjras never e >nsi|lired himself rcsponsiblo.- s )6n as! Mr. Camcron dtrtaincd of the it -wadrj vork to drive the iStattridmin n into a-positidn j,hat! might a'f jlnd foh the charge Which he ; made. The coj operation of, 1 fibers ; was contemptuously , and. its existence' ignored.— ■ j , 'il 1 '"" | * c, *i.' speakers were imported,while sr'cmr'.himself, tocoghized by o of tto ablest tdump'orators ,ato,.was'nevor favored with a icatioc from tbje ;CotomiUoe j fiiohds;' wherever possible, shod’i ito tlic baek ground.— stood thus upLnearly to the ' el ' w.h' Mr mini Now we [r aver. thi it from the 1. epll} int IB * ccasp, w did no£ = Curtin'; 5S - .O . I mi was II tanep pi deeply i >o , to tho <■ same yn; ly conn) ", bis inn been wi 6 will) ti c to the: n but lor k» hold or i 10 But so I 'd control ' e sot to! I ,0 istratici ford gro has: just ’ its ; riici ~ spurned, ll * foreign *4 tho Govi 70 all as or s " oi tho S 14. cotßinur and jlys V were p’ ’’l Matter A time of the first eleetion^whcn ; j j • ■ ; - . ? s - Lini<db,,ascbffaining; the condition 18 ,of affairs, disposed of I the imbroglio w as summarily |aa ho previously dispos r °f ed ojfj difficulties in his jCubinet.' yl)is **° regarding conventionalities, he called --H upon tU'o Governor, Col. M’Oiuro, and 'I 18 otfiers/to engage -actively in’ the can i'b- vns?, rs'gardiess oftliciprogrnmmc or * x ‘ apple in trr.cnti of the Stiato Committees ’— and it is, .needless to; say that they ’°f word prompt ’to, respond. Gov. Cnr an,- tinwas uponlho stump- thenceforward ( ho day of the election, IheStato ** I ' I ' . { t ' • lin ; Committee to the contrary notwith* * % ng. So that Gob. Cameron errs :ia " again in hie belief that the hearts of ‘ m .’ ‘‘certs in -proi ni nenf gentlemen” -were l *T with id’Clcllan, [' ' ! , ; Rn ; ItJ it probably attributing too much 10 * importance to these? gcntlomon. to ascribe, as locs GeA. : Cameron, the bma’l Inajori y at the Bl of 11864 to ( heir exclusion from tho canvass. Indeed, it is scarcely six months since Gen. Cameron, through his organ, the Harrisburg Telegraph, deiinc nstrated most conclusively to our mijnjd, that tre close vote at the first elect on was a brilliait piece of strat egy! of his own—-t lat result being nicely balculatod and produced to as». surj)’ a decided triumph .in November. Thb precise method byj ! which the cause /was IJ to piod ico the effect has esjeaped our memory—in fact, was too elaborately strategic for our compre hension: but tho assortions oi the fact WiOrb clear and convincing. There ,es wai no Slate ticket in the field, and loci (causes here and there affected the Gorgrossio ial vote, . There were the IOD inojdtable ‘stay-at-jbomes,” too, who see n to. vote, but opco in four years, ron ape whoj came out in November.— QCO i Though {he strategy bf this pin, as rjcccirded by |.ho Telegraph, must its rioccssariljj have been admirably ef top» fpc ,ivo,’arid thobgh the thojbpeeches the of liessrsi Curtin, M’Clure, and others, nit' ip ihe latter part oi the canvass, were the bloguent and influential, we prefer to ited attribute our crowning triumph in No dal- jrembor t ot todfinijor them, Ijnt to ihe i, of feet that the majority ;of the people the pf Pennsylvania, fjom thqday of the r on, fii mg on " “ i. -1 i.'— .Uiiion fti ud reso! 'Hrby jt \rded irac- 3 an ider ■ the Cora .0 , tbo vc do tes in Ibair wAh 'taujof wore TOlll'd; io- for bat d« !6 Of t on (ti ftrd* o: indii the • 1 £r, <S^> V 'irf. >r> errs again when he suggests the traryhypolhcsis. JT • Wo-have a sincere respect for Camerdn, bu .account oi his able 'ministration of tbb /War Office, the earlystand he took in Mr. colh k s Cabinet, and has since- ini bly . nuihtained in behalf of hpman rights. , Wo i would not for a moment suspect him of wilfully perverting the truth. But ho has arrived at-those years vrhen the mental.; faculties nat. drally .become impaired, and wo re* regard ibis speech as a token of a fail-; ing memory, and doubt not tbt.t he wilf gratefully acknowledge tho ! dt>r rectionle we have suggested. . We ac cept his thanks in advance tor setting him .right in. regard'to these trifling inaccuracies. |' Miscellaneous Wril’M. Beetem, Eaq., Cashier and principal owner of-the CarlialeDbpos* it Bank,committed suicide on the 26th nit., ky hanging himself to a rafter in his garret. • On’the 16th ult.-a . little! daughter, of. John Michael, of JbfforSon Tpwa^ ! • • '. . 1 - I ■. ■■ • I ! . ship, was stung by a hornet and nar rowly, escaped death from the conse quent! inflammation. V! |! 1 In the Circuit Court of the United States, hold at Pittsburg recently’, the act repealing the charter of the PiMs burg) j & Cqnnblsvillo Railroad Compa ny .Wksjdepided. to bo unconstitutional Grief’delivering the opinion’.- G.-P. Rood, Esq., editor l ndiana ‘AmeMciiri, .died on tho?l(jth ult. He was an estimable gontloman, and his loss will be felt in a largo circlip of friends, -J- . -j trial of Miss Mary llarris, in Washington city, for the killing of her seducer,J?Burroughs, of the Treasury Department, was concluded last week,! by a verdict of acquittal.— The defence sot up was Insanity, : but, only a feeble attempt was made, toj prove any aberration of mind, and! the verdict was apractical*rciteratidn: of the finding rendered- by.many ju ries heretofore, that a wrongod'wo-: man has* the right to take [the life of the dostibyor of her innocence at will] A tornado passed over the Southcrii part of Dancnster county last' week], destroying'houses, barns and crops, apd spreading devastation everywhere in i,ta track. A child lying, in a ci*a!- dlo injcfiOjf of the bouses blown down was carrield fifty yards without injury. Intense, excitement still prevails amongst; the toil, men on Pit Hoje n creek. A largo flowing well was struck last week—capacity variously =| reported. 1 ' ... . • -!, ! • *j .• Gov. Curtin has re(urnedJrdrtt Sar atoga, facing been balled hd,meby tlio serious illness of one of hia children. It: will be plooaiiigtollis Kkcellcricy’s. many friends to know; that liis short sojourn bt the Springs matoakilty hp-i proved his. health, .andonccSporo'fjt? ted him'.''physically for duties of ,his official position! !i;[ .j , : Ah Indian War.-, • Tboro is serious 1 with- the Indians Jipon-our jwcslcin ’ plains. A: number-of tljp Strongest ! tribes have' combined tbeir forces and • aro operating ■ along the lino of .the Overland Mail Route to'California,jdeT atroying Stations and telegraph wiron, butchering' and, plundering grants A battle was fougb-f; at Platte Bridge Station, oil the 25|tl)[ -uH.,| bo.- tween 250 U*S. troops aridiCOOChcy oiijics, Arrapabocs, ' Sioux, Illacbfoct, and a few Gftraancbos, in-.-~whicb| the Indiana, were defeated with, heavy joss. Qur loss was one LTo uterian i, and oiio> private of thcllth Obio-Gafialry Icilj ed, and twenty-five men killed .and nine, wounded of the llitb (Kansas.— The War Department iibasl ordered forward alarge forco to tlreUhoatro of f war, but ibcir movementsi by tao failure of contractors 'to dcli.v er supplies. The ludiins dcclarc iheir , intention to-figbt to the bitter but ' must of course soon succumb, it • • i ;i • r - ;r Whisky Financially; Considered ' A correspondent of the Heposi'ory discusses the whisky -ques tion financially, and gives the follow' ing,statement to show |jwlid£ it icosts tho'peopla of Franklin county to sus tain the.traffic—allowing three fourth’ exfondedby tho-'couuty for jail, poor house, and criminal courts as the rei suits- of which- is bo ‘ low the rca\_tcfinlt: . -- i ’ ' ' ;■’! ' ' £ .1J.:....L5529t Prison!. ..,..,1 1”1S s-| Criminal courts.... i.J......... 2626 ~ - ! —■ $0636 LICENSE INCOME. j .V..'......51860 . 26i0 Tavcrna........... Restaurants..... Distilleries •••••}• • X! • Fj|‘ r I'X is7Bl ; Seven hundred ai twenty-six dollars'; expended jr the gain, or in olhefr words, this : irs of Franklin ! The Senktorialconferohch fo LaWrenc tricUj; adjjjmf ned sltor a- fiftieth lot, makmga inominatif conferees froi i! each»coapjty adl to nomi im; "They-|o» set to-mb|rt , 6|w, wheti it jis■ eithor'Brown df Lawronco.ar St ; 1 11 j ' - _ £ , - | , i. * of Armstrong, a#ill bo placed u ination. t; ' ■;. I : , |lj[pn icef Maynard Ivsfe «beoh npmsnatod to:r Congress, by the Union taonfof the KaoivillofTonrDistrict.' j| The Unioiffmen of Now* Jersey nave honiinaiocH'Marcus 3L. Wsrd for Governor. Gehi Kilpatr pk wss Pros, idont of their eqnyontuk r | Gjon. Harry White lHas been • inaljed for State Senate upon ti icket, in| the District o^mf Aunties pf Cambria.! Indf i I- son- Gen. ad land lexi- i i ion I thoj Jeffl aboi i Ji , .csbi r?CB. His; electron is it I,o'oo majority. L | • v jsoph G.jAdlum haa [been inb|cd for .jAssenibly, by tbo pp| of | Blair co'unty. lie was ciopt member of tbo last ilouf [ (jlyrusli; Pershing, Esq., h ko-|oxninaie’jd a fourth tore Assembly, by tb,e Demoin.cy >. .brill None but a Democrat lin that benighted region, am Ihayc rocojrvejan opposition jfrom the disLi |ct, we ire gl iis to hoyclurncd. i Gen.; Alex Anderson fcaßi t • t • -| - "« f , nominated for Assembly by ti strb rg coui-ityj Democrats, as it iv a member of tbo It.sl I bis paJiiico|wc|uld permit ,biu i wb tbih[k I,with tbo prop I tiop our itrebdji. in Armstron' return Mccbliog over him The are ag| iifct ilio Adminlstr it. ir> jt« Bpcbcbj in Kentuckyj a|»|' ijji i 'favor}, of tbo c adcndmcnij ivas very, Sta iton | anjd Holt, >- ana Montgomery aboit tbo sanmpi ’the jaatnlb purpose. j Both tbo MoiirOo dobtrino against'Maximilian, |C(jC£si bi||boen elected Mayor <: Majority.,' > . |ffolib 3. 1 Mosby, the no Ilia leader, has brtablisn tlib prat hcq of law at Sri aii'il, ili is said will bo a Up ngrefflfiiiji the Fairfax |lo,Georgo Hi M’Coo i«jk th j pemocrjatlc oandir yfi for of 6bio. ’ Hisnorn ick rcely meet with snppi ,ai -di .jhamjLpng & Co. ■| Tli b-Dcmooratic convention! . Ji> fsjey,ti) nominate aGpvJcrtior byb tdgelbcr but five delegates, and the. a|l jot;pried | the nonrinatipiT li a more; cony anient season 1 . , j ' -; , •-1 • JSTho Kontulokyi oloctic n,- which will dfltcriii noithji status of that Statoirpj « tip slaycjy. question, takes' place ncxf'Shomlay. ' •I | I’’. ' IJCcif; P C.lßllmakor, of the' llOtl. P V lias | been appointed Marshal of Li o Eastern -District of,; Pennsylvania nee, iilirwapdt It Is | said that,’lt bo jii'osimi-injcujnbobts will bo c ontinued t tbo Other Philadelphia offices. I S(naipr Sncrjnan an! Gen.Schenk; ire; opposing candidates for Ipe-tJ. .S.i Ohio. ! , ] ' ,_ - i s, T icjtlnioii men ofVonangi'co. have ppijintcc |Wml. Burgwin Re irosunta yo aijid . Eugene I’brvro Senatorial, *cl(galti to the State conver Iron. At a meeting of jUip State Scvcr ly{ Dbrnperacy in pihctnnali,' last ’ • iytbicb Aleck Long pre- T< ibpson Wa? dcnouti ,nd the Republican 's. . I’-I •: ; ididatosfor the Leg ml ril pari of Ken- Thursday, by alrrtpr, fop diatoyal-i ......200 —slBl' Id ft -y m dojgrna ngCanii Mr S I -■ il | 1ja.... , (wtch is in the stall) . I'-. Noo persey,) Juno 23, 18(>5i J, ' Thtsojis lho dp!rl: dn}'B a? thcl I)inn. ocr ?y. j Thp misforebpons tballbefcjll ?iii umiee ir. front uy tlio all uv ojrir kappyti J, jfollcrid by t tbc surrender uv oun apmios 2 Grant and jShcJnjnan licz-hurt us. Our lopdors aro'ccthJer piiiin in loathcsu n inkai[soralid by th'p bovin-t cfyin,Ma,n dostroyin, tyranlklc edix uv our late lamented Presidedt, ojr fli-barakinin the free air uv Ithly orKanady. Wo ,licy no way uv kcepin our Voters tp 7 gcthcr. Opposi n tbi war [won’t do'rid good ? for before thb doxt qiokshriu 'thp belt uy[ouitivoterSj will hov disk’ivorcd that "the war isoVcir.i Tie leer uy drafts tnay do suthiri in, Surti J paits uv Pcm.sylvany anAßuthorn )lllinoy;'-fdr* snrii [titriff yitjbut tbit can’t bo dopcnd-i id on. |y , T > Jit.' But iwohev wun resource for a Isjgbo -rthor| will allnkf l}d a Dilmdcrisy,, So long czthere's a'Kiggo’r.,: ‘I i Tbev is a dislike to lb|p u| a ginooirio" Dhmpocrat. Thqbßpanish bull-fight er, wnen he wants Ito inflame the bull tpextda cavortinj jjwayos a red flag afprodietn. : Won| yoo qpsiro a Dimo T l *o froth at tide mputhyoo will find !o wiillansei! the purpue.— nigger is, tp-day, our bast V Let us use him. -y't udauce uV tliefaithful}'l! a plain rbots to bo order: to m ike the most! Jo wo hov: , | 10ft "that the nigger will I i to talk carp uv hisself, be d jmblic burden.' He: may, pbamblyi, ’ givie ns'tho liqjby.go* ing'to work, j Jn.;, sich a 'bmergoncy Ltho. doty nV/eyeW plsapcrat ,ja plain. Ho must potbb alldwedlo work.) A«- sociasbens ttnit pledged to neether giyfe him employment, to worfc with hitß. tOi Work fer enny oao, who'will giye Ihim 'York, or patronize) ennyobe'who doz, (I- wood; : iejest thalsiphtiv nk pal bez bin forelioopit Onaff 2Tgxtppedit, pay a triflo on ac oount so eai to .make unf patronage tfortbl suthin.) This coarse rigidly &od.penis to niiy follered, jwoodjdriyo the. beet.' dv ithem to steelin, and tbo balonte .to the poor bouses, ’proven whatweheyalluz claimed, that they \ - - air a idfOaM-yiabnarace. Think, my],;- ~. A »u* ™i;J IZ:J,ho, Auditor wi.aUenJjtp the duties pf the a [in.Bpljlp afipek Day.. above appomlUifijiii; at his office in Now Brigh- T>Oor houses and jails ful. UV: niggers .I oni 0 n Baturdayi : tho l9th of August it wood Ihey I ptt .th i; - people ! My solo j'lo o'clock, a. mipSi .which time and place par expands ez I 'contpraplait lho dplighu ties intinterest nitty tjuond if they' sec proper ful vision. ■ V . M 'i i .I ' au 8 2:65 ) B - BpIIAUOHERTY,, Auditor, 12. Likewise a;sert that the nigger ! will cam noHh,:and'take all the good places, thro win nil our !skild ipokan- Sks outuvwbrk by under bidden, ay cm. jThisi mite' be open to 2Jobgpc abuns to wit; It crosses slightly Rdoi the V, andraen mile say,|il Ihero’s jjsl chuff labor; for wat’s hero, why pot .pprbibbit iTurrinon frum cuminr spr. jlfs tljp bizpSs uv jthe ydter; |to reconsilo tbio) cphlradikphun—j-,he may i blecv;6 cetber or both. Ez io arid obgCefjhnn, where.- is . tho; Eimox ] crat who toodoni be underbid end j stao it.evptj to starvation, ef tfio Uii-*j dei’biddcnlwuz dii.n by a |,man: juv the)! Eaukashcr. race?. And wher ■is the. j Limoerat iio;f6st to rnhnhodd oz uot,] tp drink bluJ, ! of' the saijito don irdphe by aniggor?; .Thplstarcin fer work|aint tic qaeatidn—it’s the cplof uy/tbc c/ius i uv the slarvashcn dbutjinukofl ibed fferns. | ; ji : ■ -■■j- 1 ' “•Nigger.;‘(4 u ahtjr May bo -worlctagin 2 advantage/ ‘A|l men. wiihbut dis tinckshtin ; ty sec ts.air fpiul 6t ftatrip ! Hbeii'sclvos tlpwlv J iti the’skidp, uy ;riuni!ir.i|ly than j ist |Ef tw in’t.fct; mggcra wba’t wood ' j the :L>imdc -isy dp for scimbodv 2 loolcj iidowr.iiipotl'ii It la alsp. Plioorjlo enlist 1 wan stilo tv wimmeti on our side.—l In tjimes by, Eve inotisi guabin yirgina uv 46, FuU.l6 baiidij bud tafrj ez wii Cj bolilVn aloft'barinorß .on to j'vliich wuZrinscribed, "Save' us I'rum )Nigj:pp Eqnaility.’’ Ypp sop it soothed era)2 hoy a Chans tiy -adver iisiritist, /J'riat they wuz frulq, Irclpb • the a idis.' , bal (n,tho bring: again . that ck&on nom^. re nom io Un« osed of ■naand are by ;o’»nom- TJnion an offl- is been i to the fCam-J ian Win as we member ad that icon ,ro- lio Avniv wiis .ouac aa to bo, r ,oxoi>- shonli ; a -raitil Prank bw days jutidnabj •e- upon brother ’ in Mu. .0 much trongiy ! a war ippn ion. soristi eovo Ins resell -rjv fritters, and 2d| tuff as they wu? goin fbr qni. ; : Jif I her anil’ no : niggers! ijontpcl Committii must furnish' cm:; .A-half; dosc'n wi|l .do. f » ahrdinar|y county, ef ihryr ijusted rlong with' energy ,V- i Ef lthov vybh’t steel, the Sqntrel (Jum- | umist do 5l Ihcirsolvek, Show! yW niggers .in a township in itlio moV-.i pin; lib it o ; same nit r :ob the--'clothes ; lines and l(on 'rCefd-eH-.Everi willim 2 myself for vl'h!c yol>- onjtccr latter dooty’in six populus counlis. "!a ' . !>' r' Theso, ijces,, cf tollorcd, ; will, ,'hd doubt, keep, ds together until our oneT in|cs split, when wo, will .Veep 1 the' rev ward Oy our constancy and jhilelity., — iMay tiic Lord hasten tho day. ‘ j -U, FrTItOT.EUM Vi jiASBY. Laif P;n tier uv : tho ; Church uv the j 'Noo 1) spouse shuTT : ! ! Deadly| Strife Between Returned I i Union and Rebel Soldiers/ 1 ! i ■ i : .• • . 1 ; ; • |i . ■ 'j I; The Mem phi* An; us -of the 19th ul- [ 1 timo haij >n japeount of a [very «ori [bus 'diracully-! which occultoi! at a ipTaco called..-Rocky Springs, some twelve milcs'hcmtiroast of Lexington, Tonnesaip.on the oyohing ofllioSth.. ultimo,illy this unforlunatoaffair throe mi n lost thoirj lives, and seven others were seriously injured, some of; ilium, it is fearjil; too much so to re .cover from their vvounds. , jTho-ditßi Oulty scorns tfrlijivu. j originated jin djig, following, riiai her: The . people- of licndcnoh were,, very pinch divided during.tlie-will - , aiid; when ii.hu iU.mon forces entered Tennessee mjany of the' young then-of the country joined sov dl-al ’ygimopts for .the Union army which, yyerp ; being:. raised; Among ihomwcrc sorcral young men from tlie ,neighborhood of IloCky- Springs, Recently! those have , boon mustered out 01 service and havo re turned 1 16, their own,homos. Those [Who wiebl with the secession cause! have nljdo returned. On’ijlre Bth the; people:of the neighborhood conclud ed,to havoc re union nnd : biiry the j hatchet.: A pic-nic / was. got, up and j the whole;population ’turned ,oui. — i For a vyhilo everything Werttsmootho, both phflics joining in a- saw dust dance. |- ovoning, however, 6 very dlightVicircamstancd occurred, m,an-ing ! hot. only tho |occasion, but terminating fetidly to - three of the number.' A young; man halmcd While, formerly a. ir ember of live Glh Ten-- - hossjeasop cav ilry ;(Union!,) asked ■ a youjig, Judy, to join i n the dance. The i youhg lady, Who had lost two broth ers in {‘the. rebel service’, refused, ncs .bompalr.yihg tho rbfttsal by some very ruqladyljilcQ arid disparaging remark. thip . IVhilo took exception,,and lihuijdCjSdmc very damaging remarks about |the lady, iloc relatives fffid friends took tho.matter up, while tiro friends!of White gathered! around him. : [Thus parties were (jlivid.bd, and a biltoj dispute arose, which ended i n a regular pitchbd battle, ; ih' which pis tols were used • freely.' .Mr. White waasovorelj' wounded' through the Cheat, by d pistol shot. | Mr.‘! Wiston, of thoj rebel party, vyas shot through ’tlib head, and expired ahiiost ipstan li ly, Mr. Markham, pf lh<ji Union par ty, wiif also, killed ’by a,pistol shot through the breast; and iM.r. Wayin, one of the young lady’s!friends, was ■killed j baying boon • shot] four limes, .through the abdomen, chest, shoulder pud neck. Soyoral others wore! wounded;; aevoral of'them were mor tally |wohnded; i /The wounded, with jiwo piceplions/afo ,M.r.! WhUe, (Joo Chaplin, Wni Flnotro, Charles Sim* moos hnd Thomas' Harrold. .The feeling: in Ibo neighborhood wasvery oxcitcd, a'nd it ia fearod: other deeds: of yii’lepcp mayj occur. Such scones' tire|mttch to bp regretted,, as J t baa a tbndehcy to. keop.eocicty unsettled '■'(j ii' i : ■’' mo -1 afb ! and i.uh, candidate, pi iii jhmond, ilorioi jed.liij dpop] candi ps guor-. i-nisclf lit por, Ya., idaio-for ict. > : - 0 ! dislri pokon of jdr (3b v r would lorn Val-*. IK IS 8] iato : linnlu ort in •jrrNc'Tvj lbrbug.ht [nd tf.oso Platform iatgn. , That; ahsherit ruS , sum ;\v uti wua-si.il t; L^4,kr. NOTICE. ,p/[ TIP'OPOSAiiS wsbo rcceivcdljy the School ■ Directors of- Freedom borough until the 3*l of Sept, (it Whiehtioie T»e expecfc.theCo. ggi’t to maWo-public exininat ipM) for one male Principal anA twjo female assistant teaohera. The School will will open Sepl. 18th, end con , tiim# *4Ti month a. | By board: . j- 65, ; W. W.IKEBB/^y. ’ AuditoP’s iSToiice. IN the Orphinat Court of Blearer eopnty. In the matter of the estate of] Jno Hamm,deed. • And Jul y'll,llB6s, ,ih ipotion. jof Samnel Esq., the cdurtj appoint j E.B. Daughertyi Esq., an Auditorto distrib ute Ihe bnlancojin tho handsof PtudoncclTur [ner, 'Administratrix of Said j deceased, j' ■ ■*i . A trim Wines and Liquors* Whole sale. ■•i Groceries d'. Retail 6f by Packiije. TLOTJE, GRAIN, FEED, &c. j At Peter Angel’s, EJr'dgewatar ■, BUTTER, E ;g», and al| kinds pf<ounl.rjr produce! taken in exchange, for which, 1 the, highest .ms rket price willi be paid'. In connection with the Grocery ; and Liquor-store, the Bakery and Confection ttyr in still carried on, 'where* may be found 11 first class assort l meat of cakes, ionfccliopa des, canned fruits, I pickles, spiced oysters, So.' A fine & ock of i tobacco and pig are of ail fan cy brands) i. ‘N. B. A put o article af winesy; Sjjc., for. I ’medicinal and a tcrametual purposes capstant ily on hand.; ji • forget the place,•• teller|Angel’s i old stand, Brid ;e st, Bridge'wal'cr [ajug!i:3m' BK A YER S EUmk U Y .. ; ". . AND:, ',' . | '' ' ’ f. Rbv,R. T ! AYLOR .. ,n. T. 1/ .j n- i?». , • hxu,. .>. mHE Xcrtjfts open respectively Sept. 12, ’Go, | ■ January , and April 5, 18011. . : |-I_Eye,ry mppoitunity for instruction in'any. !branch of sconce or on any musical instru j ntfenli also vpcil music, pi ivatc Or inj classes,., lis afforded licic at reasonable rates!; I . r ’■> ..bads reoeiy :U in the P -imavy Bcpitrlmenl;. .also,»mall glrlii of any dcj'rce trf proficiency, Drawing an I painting of every stylo will receive the fsjccial attention Of a first-class ; 1 artist.-. "i ■ ; L • \ ;'-!y i Tuition: $5 50, $3,50, md $12,50, accord- ■ iing to department. *■ j j None but thoroughly qialiftcd nnjl eipcn ! cri'acd Tcaoliois are Cmpliycd ip anjj depart meuta- Fotlfiiilhcr’ infonpaiion.address augS’GjS ; | K.X. TAjVI.OII', l^-psidont. INTERNAL REVENUE Notice is hereby Igiven to air per sons who hove-bccn assessed with Animal Tax,Viif. Ini ionic, Eicon so, Carriages, G'c.Ul Watches, Musical. Instruments, Silver Flute, i.&c.,- umler the Excise .taw of I lie United States, in ' I awrerioo; on d; Beaver icountics, that their taxes are how due "and | payable, khd that the'ioJluctdißwil heal the jfoUowing ■named places at thebaic stated, in personyor. by deputy, ft rccoiyohhe same: j' | At his office, in Kevr pasllc, on| all: wool: days. , , 1 ■ • ’■ At’thc bourn of Willia|m Johnston, Ichestcr,.Boa' es county, August, Silt, iSOo. J At thooffice of, George! W. 'Hamilton, Esq., pcayor, Augi Ist 9th, jl86«).. " t j.. At the otl cc of Eli leno. Esq.!, in New Brighton, As*ujl 10th a id 11th, 1805. _ i .At the offu eof Tlionia? NJcholsqn, Esq., in Frankfort Springs oq all weekdays to August li, lytis,■, >' l '; United Str tea of Nat it nal Funds pniytakcn ini payment gf- taxes'. - . , .- ■. i. ! ' • ; i ; DAVID SAN KEY, pdlgct or'. . K. B.—Persons, who lave received special notice that, their taxes assessed on monthly and special lists, via:.o:t manufactured arti ilcics of ever; ■ iiaturo an I description: pi'viiUm tious, such of-coal; ami. lime; auction sales;. ■ gross receiptsi frotn st igc coaches, bridges, ferry and i ther boats, rail and plank roadfe,- Ac.; slaughtered cattle, sheep hie, wine nade from grapes, whiskey,’ &c., . and who hi ve neglect sd to pay, must, not complain pf tho collector if they, he required to,pay pchatics and costs. Prompt payment is the only remedy to sa'ye costs; the penal ties having already attached, |;jt,nng2'oo, OKl’iiAiliS 7 cote’ s3iliE : OF VALtiBLE RE AL ESTATE. BY virlusof rin.ord.ir issued out of thq. Or-1 phftna’ Court of Be ivcr county, tb,o under signed, guardian of. Hugh, William and I.ae nellp Byrd nijnor children of William Byrd, latcjof said county ofl?l leaver, dcc\l, will ex pose to publicsale ril a action, oui " Wed,icsil’ay\ August. SOi 1865, al lO o'-cloc t, ,A. M., lie follovtjng described real estate belonging to the Vaid minor child ren, subjeeVto the dower of.the ivvldotv of t lie said William Byrd, dec'd, ! to wit: A certain lot of .ground situate in the bo\|ougli of dlo chestcf; Be aver county, I’cnnsylynuia, bound ed rind described as' follows, to wit : A lot for ty feet wide on the east-side of Franklin alley, and extending casUvatdly the same width to Brighton street; thc.feouth line of this lot is .parallel wj kWashing|bn street; S northwardly from said street, bounded west! by. Franklin alley .cast by Brighter -street.," nor) h bygvonnd of George I’. Smith, and south; by ground of said Smith, Schonlau imj JohkTayloi, pn cl us ed with a sioid board, fence, anil pn it is erect-' cd a goot; two-stbi-j frame dwelling house, about lit) by 1G feetJ A great variety of fruit trees arc f rowing on ihe premises,, and. the whole is ir good ordeV. j of tho purchase money • on the con irnjation (f the said by the court, balance in tw‘o. equal,' annual- payments, from 1 that' date, 'thcrebn from same. ; lime, to bd by bond and mortgage. ’ au'g,a , Gs. ! , WMhSIMPSpN, Guardian. •' ORPHANS’ CO Ul{'T]S ALE. ; 1 i —r* 1 L IN pursuance of , an order Hof the Orphans’ ’ Court of Beayer county, ;thc itndersigned,' will expose to public sale byH-piibUc vendue or out-cry, on the premise!!, on., ; i .. Tin rsday, A wjust Slif, 18G5, at .1 o'clock, p-in,, tbe following real estate of Catharine : Roacnberger,, Into of .Patterson' township, inaaid oo intyj deceased:' All that certain piefco of land situate in North . Sowickly bwnship, in said county, bounded and described as fol owa to wit: Beginning at the' south feast corner, thence by lands now Or late of II ;R.' Alter, S. 88° W. 133 per, to a post; the ice by lan 1 of Adam Rpuscr, N; T° W. 23 pet to a post; thence by! lands of Hugh Rennet, Esq., N ,89° EBO per tb a'past, thence again by last mentioned lands’; N 1? tV ;:32,85 per to n post; thence vby lands of Absalom Kelly N 89°,E 53 per ttfa post ;i thence by lands' of Alice and Jane Kelly, S IPj E 55,85'pbr to' place of beginning,! containing thirty acres slrigt measure,about fifteen pipes: cleared,bal ance well timbered; eight acres in meadow; nearly all under fctfce; on the.prcmiscs there tfoe erected a log housO oontaimag~four rooms,, double, log] barn- and log spring hoqse; about seventy-five fruit trees on the premises. Prem ises well watered, and underlaid with a three fool vein of coat.' I ■ :|’ V ’ • TERM'S—(foe-third of thcpurchaso money, on cpnfirmotiqnjof {sale by the Court, balance in two otjuali Annual paymobt: from that date, with interest from same time, tb be secured by bond and mortgage. ‘ J - , * wigS'J . JOJIS. REEVES, Es?r, *' ... : ° . ' w. c - j, r -1 ,\ , SUMMER SEASON. P a for «U v : Performance on eaeliji ‘ Tuesday Th J ' y V and. Saw ; day Eyeninga. f ■ Thlseqmpany* composed 0 f nt «, ented ladies and geaticiden Jo'ming ' V, PantomWe&Dramatic tZIT ■ With Singers, -Dancers, &c f . t-fr • seats resemd for '- - Tickets...... >5 ■; Curtain riws at 8J o’tlpck. " ' S • 'ORPIIANS’ OOU irFS. BY virtue of ,'*& wafer'rf.Ornhais- ft ’ • of the county of i cd : will expose to sale, l>y KoMic ■ 1 out-cry, on the premises; orfe 1 • 3 or ' Tuesday, ' ■ ■, .at 1 o'clock, p. m., (hciiindiHdej foi, • . (subject to tlie'nidow’s dower} of thefii ing Lots;-situate in the,borough k .No. 1.: The un.diviiicd fi>dr-autli« „r i ... j 158,Jn the general plan of,the lotgn? '! i borough of beaver, hounded and \ follows, to-wH::On the! east.by MraVj-ll' . ■ west -by M; ■Jlcyami;! north by , 1 south by rouith street; on which'are ' ! n £wo story frame dtyolling house . buildings;- " ij <?l1- No. 2 being half of j iLot.Xo, 72, .id .. cralplao of the lots of said borottjA aS".' on Third, street, bounded -on the '{i-vi'- Zeigter, wimt-by —ij-, sot,,h 1; alley; on,; which is cjcoled truve tk,ryf- to shop, now used’by SliJl Small ai a fimW"' shop and store room. ;j ■ ’• 4 . T'KRMS.-Hlne third |f the puichaseaoaejt 0 be paid on tho Ouufinoauda uf’thc aaleby tL court; ono.ihird .ia one thereafter aid the balarice in t.woyears,.withdutcrc-t each back payinenis.bjaid .l^lprrea'paymw to he secured By. bondjuud .luoft^bc. for further .of tlio' ua-’ d'cfaigncjj. ; ' J r ’ B.'. U’UT.VN, ’ r ' . N.vxcv jQiiN-$o:; f v Guardians of the" mtoojf; cliildrcniol kid deed The. remaining Inajl-sixths ofdffb uV.ro scribed property. Ingt-ther .with tl.o moihcri dower, .can be purchased' at satuo lime and place, arid on same,terms. ■ Jyl3* Piresideof, TAX. i ■ .n _ - V, it / ORPHANS’ CQUllt SALII “ EY virlnp of an Or.plma’MJsp-t/, of Uic county 6f| Bcavtar, fo mo Ujjocit.l; i 1 will expose 1? puMic aiile, on Jlsc prjsiriaj; ’ in Hconoiny i' . ■ ■' -Vo»>Wf/ |, ) 21$<j at *lo*o’cWk, the 101 l owing real iostltt/^. late of Mary Kwing. flee:-!.', l-ouii-lcl ■scrlfceij'as follow?,' w \rit; .Oiriho noprlj H | JosJSmltii, o'n‘ l.'lie oast by; HohoVt rharWi*. i.aud' of Gotleib Ibu-li, on thesouth hi ' 11'ract*No. -if*-of Led"? iistrict, afi-1 on the whi, Iby Jolin an*; y Fowler, containin' . 5-1 pe’-ches 'ab-i.ut : o>) acre? >?, J-wluch arc cleare'l ajl nnuer-fence, airi 'i I winch there ii - crcc ct.l a log Mouse anti k». \ stable; fruit tree* ow .hc,vmu;..ps. J ..Terms. — jne-thuJ'oft Uic - yurcbav.e tiwinr r j on the' confirmation [of the-sale by the ui-' | balance in -two equajl,. annual )(U\n.en;>. rij I interest, thereon- Trbm the,date of tr.r.r- •-I mation of' the sale. } j ' * s 1 The above Jcseiybed prbj.i-;.! v Mi.'lwt-'i ' Subjeet to the lijTe eslulofof Ewing, '.dee'i , ■ . t' . JoA iZl'ill] ,iy2G’os IST dtiee. IN: the QvptinnsVfVurt m arifi Cor l),o-coun-; ' ty of /Beaver. hi tin? maui-r--f the iart*- ■tioH .of llie J rcftl estate td’ Kobcr? lhtcu:c: ir.tc of aaid'QouiUy, docld: - ;.Tho iOommofiwtalth- ( f ?enmyl*J*nn:-7 ■To the' fecira ami 1c ;:tl.rcpre*»-|i;r.ivvl dec**!, tp wit: Wm. T.-KncUviu--\ l ‘ r ; the State of Tow::-: ah*lM"'j£ fc :f'. i'itt-'.rr. i* or late 6f CatifornjiC and ot v.t* | cd- J —Tou.ftiifi each' ;bf yort avoT.« ivh/ ’ | be and appear betofe ihc Ja-igc*-’. [ Court,-at an ■Urpli.alid' Court; •. ho au* -■ Beaver, .inland-. for the county or JVsivyr. Ah'p first Monday.ofj Septeinh:*? ncV, t>‘aof;V oc- refuscl-tholvcal *|&ttue ; *'t t-.iM dec ■!» Uc ; partly'in llqp'cwjLdU partly | ! J *•! partly in. Independence'tu wnj-idps. b^ lT^ r vl - at 'thc put «po« U a inquest awarded by, ?a:d and to-June.term, 1835, and found to c<juuui;-i- I-follows, |o wit: | . - f ! j ; Purpart- A, -01 acres !o ' p?rclic?.\.yV: J{ '(i’ s2s'’’-per acre; purpart-1», j»« valued at. s-15 per jaeve;' purpart. \\ 15 perches, valuedlnt per aWe, ;»n«. * the'event ql; nim-:nc'cop ta uco-, p) cjioi*' »> why the same ahoAUl iiot-ho..s‘>ld «. Witness ilic Uouj. L. B. -M f .<uinji* i c ■ of. our said-Court 1 ! at ilesiver. tld<> I>tJ“ July, 186.5. . V ' a.ul, -iV’c.r,. .■■ !- ly; i-, 7 - : jsjo'i'k H- I'K’-the Orphans' Ccurt> and for, the «£'?• ■ ty of .Beaver and State °f ’ y In the matter of (ho petition for V®' ; 1- " , the real ostuto ol il'achol dr ' ■ "V liow-to wit:■ July jl Xtli, l?d : '. c7 1 n rule' oiv the heirs and legal rcpres’® *. j of said deceased,|.to. "wit : -Ann me ll ® v(t-' with John who resides m l e - - ginia; Elizabeth,! iwho is dead, "*V B »’iw band, Eb'er Wickham, tind f«c d mctiSiid>Susapna)i| who’ the ; lowa, and all others 'mtcropic-o.Jo.su ~f ' if any you have, why an turpia-a 1 y fituiuof {be real estate of sdn. dec • not be awarded at! an Orphans eotjr held at Beaver, for. the .coo'iiyjjl 1«- ’ “■ the first iMoifdayJ of Beplembct£ftet • ~ . .JnlyWOue ~~ni§h~A ns~cu u i/r *a l;E < : BV virtue of ajn[ order ot^hotlrr’ 1 ® 1 of Beaycr c’ounly.-thq undeisiy . 'v9.11.i6r pf tlto will ami ’ , t ‘?C •thow Elder, dec d, latctol }?ca>cr >. expose to siile by -putdle 1 on it ho premises! on . .<•* _ ic/ti •. j--'. ‘ J'-'lttii ' at 1 p. m„ dherfollowin^/lete l^' .w: phrjcel of la ml., j&ualc irvU^ lnl^' . . i iD i vor epunty. bohiulcd; on the Wm. ilarvcy Plight, on tlie - ne'. “ ,' or ;jsa Soliih Chamberlin,, on'the ea ?l _y) 01, said Tcstatcr, infid oi| the •- 1 , utl';' race of ; the' Woolen Mamin* etc• a w.!3' .lands of acres, about mi, jgw 1 under cultivation. and unit' l a*'- ' ' coal;,.'drt\i’hich _»s «£*>', ot k 1 'barn, with ' frejiijc sheds;'. I trui -c a!l dpn-_ premises. 'Thfl farm is well u. ; ■ v; j.v> lio: schools, I mills and ■. enure w about four milcis from Darling « ■ TEIIMB.-r-OnCi-ihird ol n.ot .y• s Court. and thcjreiuaiudcr mt" instalments,, witli interest on • itfrom tliO|daie- of|jthe coalurpia . by the Court; liapk payment? '■bond and mortgage. ; ; _'. 0 ( Fcr further particulars npl dorsigned at Elder’s Ip ■jyl9’6s ; Ex’r of E l* National JVvsK or R EA ' jsf Now BriglitMi 'J President and Directors : X ' have thisfdny declared a V {-51 TWOd’ER CENT, •upon ds pl’ 1 ,. i of thro profits, of Uio last.- ° M6 ’( to Stockholders,or their legal rri ■ on demand—free of govenuuo .: i^rdcrof| th^!o^; u oo rS) ,C 1 ' I.;•'■ / L;*-, t <f • U i E =I vr 1-.'. ’T- IIZE=I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers