the beav Will be Published Ilf MINIS’ THIRD ST., $2,00 per ani yg* tetters and e jjiftU have prompt atton quay ; & butan. list OE TO. BE AWABI TWELFTH A Beaver Co. Agric TO.UB HI Wednesday, Thurli Oct- 4th, sth i ■• - Chv’f Ko. I— Far A Ccsl cullivalcilTam of; rfricl alien lion being I tuiuliiiunT of (mt-houJ ■ ifaiiagfiucni, etb r ' Zl Urf ’ > ! o • : ! li«i culiiviiiod vegetable it- .\ d ° , ■ ‘ fast flower -]iiJ orirai 2iibcst -do Garrard,!] A. Lain!. Brighton; Wm. ' [ ■- {/jr-rAvy. - — Grujli. f.rq‘o VincyiirJ'■ of-am iitlcntion qc'ii ■’ •/i-.-aihitlimi OiinJiliotl pri ■\\ v,«,i . tii) a JuJgCS a - deiirl _ >v. :ipu : 2 wind’ fuvnisl ; iU-lv oylVrc the 9tllof ; t Vir -i- 1 *- rite necessary tj j.f :bc Jinlgi* on clatses Ifofc jnitikv «hri:V.idy. ' 1•* .V«»7i: The Jii(l"ea.:On rion* uiv r(<|iiirc*l to cnl. ai f jWali/cli'cU, p.. in.,; on ■ i:jo fair. hWnrJ entering u,] j u Mdii’k report 'Vitas Xo. tl~ 7bi Jicff M •o«kvl shilUon *1 yrij divl ui> . u l .; ‘ dx t ‘ r t-.i? -■1 tkVi x do, U.r Irimrlcil mure, :-'. ■! iilil - ti i-t ' do ' do '■ i u)>ring' u!>U ■ !>(,•_(' do ' ■' OjO J’iifiorcii • . . ihjun; .Sa.-n'i Uu Vit. i M-.iUUvu lorfill purji’d, im .Vest i il« ’ : . ■ M Vrv* ■! ho.-1 ‘:st mure,must sUo 1 4 yvs "oU vti4«l up ; },'xl ' .do- ■ - ' ' 1 'n-ii licaivy draftEtaUion. 4 yr ■ 4V , do d ticst 1. do -H-ii ■ - _ do M I)Mt best Jo beet heavy draft marc, Lb 3 } yra .and uf . I id best Jo J° ; . bos! ppan nun oh,horses or j id best . ! - do t i.psl. fiinily horse or marc : 'id best di> ' do . ,I'tst family carriage horse o (id . . do - ■ ■ li ■hi l;i i*i —.lapics Sproat,! |W. SCj'jlt.' I’righton; JohnO - i ■ gcliiinff. 1 yrs old n ; '-'l l»C*>t "■}■ '■ • : Km. 1 i, C t - do do >l6 ‘ 0 ware; i -5 .years il ' do d<j <?« . yr| - I h».vt -•i !iv ii’lo-i r ■ A • i -: - ■ ' U-l Ln-I.iic !l votpc mapo •-H uvst. k-i frnTlinp 1 -■i-Wk v f'accr tiufss or man io ' >li or rack or ;■ ll « 1 ■ ’ irulklnglKorab ilrauco fco'ctii dp i > fc v st-‘fctrai^Ut. „ -.lYroom c’ I’i best . ;■ C j.;iu i licavy draft horse; do . 'dp' ift hursc or in ar ilo a > /‘''t licury dr ;l best- J/fhk ‘•5l of "-vu-t tutlc-s 4 year? do -So : rm;l«s ,Ch Mvp’it --Jo jiif.uias Ihmh r, n (job. \V. Si.n 1 11 p) - '■■■" IWghtQl *■ - li A_ Cliua Xo. 4- -i hull 3 years *o do do U) 2 ycm4 < So <]o ?d best - -■itcar' ' ■■bCbt, ' jlo. f '. 1 year 61 Mo ' - to plo 0 monlllii |a 3 ,li! - ! 1.--; Uui'hiii “* bint a Oow 0 yixvr.i or we; J» to Jo ■ £ year) 01 Jo;' in' Jo*-' heifer'll iio.' , tjf) JO' . calf und :Jo , . di) I'-all 8 ycyrs of 1 do , j ■ d v ,Jo • &-JCHM C Jo • jU Jo .1 year oi Jo , i, , Jo o month Jo v df 0 co\r 8 yens 1 do -j l)t3l ■'fit -d beat btH - *i b.'.si . j bevani -dbcsl,. ' .best ■ 34 bcit . bett ~“d' btsl • .best dU« ; ■ Bbvos r 4 ten . ■Jjiias_ j m ARGUS Eyery'j Wednesday BUILDINGS, 3EAVJSB.TA., um in Advance lontribu tons, by mai ition. .. Eds.' V Pro'rfc 'KEMiUMS ED AT'* ;T-i' ■■■•' ,nu|L fair I -SS- f ttirai or x l| Society, 1- ■ ! |ld at (day S ndfttl Pa., Friday, 1*65.5 * * t amt On lot.lcsa, tl aid to tl las, farm ! ■■ do.. rdtnt! lan OOuores; o stylo and rig, skillful h S 8 00 j 5 00 ■ 3.00 i 1! 00 iriicn- 300 junior do lontal do 2 00 NewS Shrod ’icily; Wm Moon.- 'meytTrd. IcLafthnn 1000 g paid to the cill li§ 'riiies $l,O 00 ) ' 700 above. I i enter clna- Socy ivitli 1805.- • inp; <0 li (ho 'Si' ;>t. rayulii i. I RI K expenses a 2 will be; all It fio Severn! Secretary's rat day. of lutics, and :t JK h 1 ou their $lO 0» ‘ T OO S ,i'. id uj T 00 .C * ' ;t ’ / j a t>o 1 -i Oil 00 2(l(t ill! 1141 - d(.i m\ ' 1 do ft!l do iid ;ji ~I 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 >il, I’nff ciiti, OI rspn; Win o. Best ;c< (ire ! wool buck ■ ' 2d best ; do do p' ; do- .do ' . i \ ■ 7 (jy bestjeonreci wool jekrllng biick ' ip 7W) 2 ‘l best dor 'do f • 500 •(Mt courso wool buck lambi',' 300 .24 *>p st . ■do ,1 do S *> ofY- : bcst 3 oD(ir *'■*''} *— ~~ —-r'*,. • . - u - r V':“O-^-'--r»7V* ycarilng courec wopfewes !K * r , m , ilUcst -.sJo .. do •;( 4nX • best 8 course wopl c\yc lambs • , siowi2db;.'; - Mo j , -a and ii T 3 enJ 110 2l : kr« rs up uml ti ier st<) la > a an'l 7 on j h 7 OO! 5 00 3 (XI 2 on 3 00 2 on rs and and - pc rand a iw her, (, -:%00 H 1 400 ‘ .1 GOO rj- .4 00 i r. oo I 400 2' ’I GOO ’ ' 1,4 MI matje ■ 1 ''l David ,c!noi :hfidt' Unccoon, •1 00 " 00 j a oo 200 2 00 1 00 Kesjt P 5,01 .> ( W best ouir Too beat imir ■ •100 beet inir < ;i oo bcs f lf ir l • 300 J.wljci.- 2 o<> .I’rniilen, t>) 2 00 I 1 ' 1.00 -■ j I - 2 00 l («4 i no :! 00 10 IK) yr, iD'lll] >: irs and up , 2 ye; S ) Iyr ai id up nd up >n l u itid i .. 2yr .-fl ; ' Jc ‘ (l-yr o ' .1. TlNt r lit tXI 7 00: •c; 10 s or mo' largr.J) :c.4yrs ■s and )W u fils, F.ilgor, )Moi J( d«, Mo IK* 7 W ry i to, a oo 200 1 00 2 00 I 100 ■j .o 00 I ' S 00 i- SOO it ovei •cr : |2 00 H oo ' i! oo ,7 00. 6 00 3 00 2 00 1.00 2 001 1 00 5 00 3 00 8 00 2 00 ICPI yf up»-Ar<if >t tip if upvrat' ,« oM > ' - *««* ■4? ' | or ;ot er P 73; !■; .'r 1 ; -- v -■ * -i •' ' ■h 41--3STO. 31, 2il tpal best-,; ■ M Vest bAI Ay 2d West "best: i Devon heifer I yr or ovpr ' ■ 2 00 do' ' do •’i 00 do ’ ojlf under one year! 2- 00 do ; V do ,x 00 •rehirc bull Sycars or over ' : 10 00 *do M do . «6 OO - do. . , ,2;yrs or over 6 00 1 do./ [ ■ U-i do 3 00 do I yew or over 200 , do do v ; 1 100 ;Uo 6 months or over • 200 do I - ;i oo •shiro cow 3 years or over 6 00 do 1 do •. I 8 00 dp '■ 2 ycarS dr more [’3 00 , do' ; j ! do ~ I 200 1 do heifer Xyr or over , ! 200 ' do , .i oo do : f calf : under 1 year , i i 2 00’ do -| do i 100 cford hullS ycarsor over . 10 00 dp r’do- ~ ; 700 .do ■ ; 2 years or over do ! do . ; do 1 year oV over , do , ; do 'dp ti mouiha or over .do ..v .dp . ! eford cowls years,or over do ?; ■do do -2 years or .over:, do i dp; do .heifer : do do dp , oalf under 1 ycar do |do , ■ ■c or dross cow 8 yi;s or over i •dp . ; | do: ■; - a ■ du Sj-carflor over ,3 dp i do 2\ do ; heifer Si vr,or over 2 1 d». do lf(X do ; calf under !yr . got do <)o • -v goo work oxen o yrs or over 0 00 - )1» V, ■ ■ „■ ’ ' 400 dp • 3 ytarp or over *< -4 00 do do ; 800 ox or cow ; ’. 600 dp> j ; dp. 5 ; - 3 00, —Jesse. McUaihok,Brighton; Thomas Raccoon; Thouias Ferguson, I’ulaski. 1. - CltiM Xo. bXshcrr jv.iol buck (lp do } Bei JU !-'1 .^CRt! ,f -M .fytstj i i beeline i i*» : | ‘ ; lies! :1> ick j iM i(.»slj ... ibesf plant | ;'•>! bi-jJi} yen lic'slj.'ryoii 2d hcuf' ■ i 6 <l6 rool jeavUng buck do* do laiab -to •Vv • . UWCB . - do ; do nlmgiewos' • V! do “• do. fling cwc lambs do da - *.! * tf wool jsljflcbcc Uiulcy! 'Sc Bcilfcri-. - John:,-Scott, jlaocoon ; William ith Beaver; Homy Wagoner, Big - ' ,1' ' V.-• -I -.1, Class -Vo. C— Svim. * ■ 1 k hortr V' * ■ [3 ■ <io ■ y^oo i.l pigs .1 . . . . / . 880 1,1,10 i-.-K.-' , cr white'hoar -=. °”V ip Jo i ul'piga Chester white . "S JS lo 06 do | i . : < f pigs under (} months 5 0° 7do - do .la ' ?00 --Samatl Wise,' North Scwickly, i vry, Uaecoon;; Ooorgo Barclay, josl S iffcl 2(Mcs( d bcslj 'Bow a; 2d beet' d best! Cuesti td ‘ . licsl. tli (icfit Eqw ni 2.1 .1 ics pair < !d licit olin Mo on. .Class Xo. ~~l’oiiltry. s niul 3 00 i utkcya - ■ | ' Dip. &1 00 of Muscovy ducks ; ,100 :ommon ducka I 1 00 wild gecac domesticated i ; -100 1-WiUUiiin Deafj .Koclicslcr; James '!hip; John Stewart, Mooi). _ y~ , CAo, 8-^7 Pnxlry. . „ . or roll gutter 0 lbs <tr over 500 Ido ' '• do ' • :! 00 c.llO Iba and ovtr ,2 00 do . ■ ' . , -100 ! sugar : * “IJJ! do .. . .... ' --I 0" ■ from Cliincac cone ■, . . -00 do ' ioo ;sds or ougar-fronrthc same .2 00 do • 'i " s .• ’ ' 10° broad > : S Dip. &1, 00 do i' 1 ! ' ’ 1 l,n cakca ? ■: -Dip. & j - <io ■ 100 cioticd of cakes Dip- t 1 00 do ■ ' . ' too ,Holies of preserves • 200 do , • biis & 100 i notice euchered fruit 2 00 do ' ’ '. Dip & 100 gallon grape wine | 300 do i '2 00 gallon currant wine ’ , 0 00 jilo ‘ ■ ' j " rieties fruit in bottle or/jars : S 00 ", -Idp | .2 00 Holies fruit .butter / j 300 I !db/ ■ j 200 limeti pickles, soap and jiio a do & 1 W ,-JMrS. S. Mitchell, South Beaver; Garrard, New Sowiokly; Mm. J. Pbiliipsburgh. lieal prim 2d j)C it best chcC; 2d bcjal best mnpb 2d best best saiga 2d best 1 beat puda 2d ; btiH best light 2d [best beat light 2d best "beat (5 vat. 2.lib«st - Veit ]3 vat 2d|best best j 3 val 2d|.brst . beatbnlf j 2d best • be’al half j 2.1 best bdat'O'vai 2(11 eat b best 3tm Id best 'Hi 00 7 00 <i 00. i on . I f«) ft 00 rt-oo _ 2,00 00 :!00 r. oo 4 00 SrtlO 1.-00 * hi i>ost|«pi "<i lest \jtdtfc ll,r iJCSj I 1; | Class No. 9—Homy. Beit lijvoj 1 talian boos brat, do jcomraon do bleat lot honey .in glass’ 2d| do j- do do b'esi honey in wood and glass .do i do ’ do host do I in wood , 24|; do I do j, Judges.-—Robert Rood, Ohio.; Dr. Feightj, Harmony; RobV C. Bedit, flopovjrcll.» 1 1 ■ Class 1 Bpsl 81 best £ 00 S% IQ-—Clothing and Furnishing. ijlkj bonnet do ■■'■- ' ------ ' j ■•■'- I' I- - r-V'. ' i - ■.;•■ '. .■ ■•':<s->;U.^ , m --v : ;1 :i "/v r-•l-;.J.■*.-:. Jov • '■'■•* - ' j : ’ bost eilk pr|aco cairj bosv anil neatest iadic g;*' -v id bcatj best drbas for cLUd old 2100 2d best' .do i- - v f[oo bostmodo’shirt andlcdllat 1 60 boatembroidered skirl 7 2 60 2d; best 'j r ; do-I]- f -7jl 66 djostcrnbroid’d .pillow (slips *:■ ;j- ,1700 best : do! ! Ottoman cover 7l 00 bqst7 do; stand (cdvodp i' 100 best* do. stool dbyot ,\ • ;7T^oo ; boat do | lamp mat' '^lrQOi ‘best do i, dddoralv’aicliimis’t 3'oo 2d best do 7 , ) do' j ; 7 I 7 'l2; 00! boat sot on quilt 1.7 i" t 5rDO 2d-'best, do - ■.,;•!■ I' ' -.(■ 'v ; 3'po best patch work quill 77 ' 5 ;0(> 2d best do ' f 7 ; 73 00 beat bed spread 1 • j v .4 !q0 2d best do 1 . . J ,2 00 best pair blankets 7j f - 5 :00 2d best do 7 .3 00 best (jniltcd comfort j . : ! '2 OO 2d boat do , • ’! . 7 f:”00 best woolen carpet,loyds or moris!3 00 2d boat .do do 7 ; % 00 best nig .carpet' ‘; ,v 3 O 0 2d beatdo ’ '; 5 2 Oo best; liciirltrrug ■ . 2 Oo' 2d best - do;-; /I . 1 00, Jteat dolncstic'linen, O'jjda ’7 71 QO best spec!men'linen thread |'7 : : 1 00 best do thread lacd, 4 yds 100 beat knit wo(olou stoclcldgs ’ 100 I'boql thread qr cotfton dtpcklngs' 1.00 best crochct oc kill cjiair tidy 2Op 2d‘best d<r7. | . j [‘ ’ I'OO' boat feroehet bureau'cofot 7 7 2' 00 2d besV do'* ' vi :; i • I'o6 best crotchet stand cove * ; I‘oo bos embrohlebd bandkc rcbicf 1 IQO best; ■„-do, -j "'pin dushih-; •/d 00 best do. \ collar , 1.00 best bunch-urtiflqial flowers 1 . -1 00 best do ' wax flowers -1 00 boat basket ariificialwaj trait 71 00 best whjto quilt 7\ 17 -j.: 5 00, 2d best 7 do ■: 7 J;: r. 30 0 500 ,3 00 2 00 1 00 200 1 00 5 00 300 3 00 2 00 2 DO 1 00 200 1 00: 1000 7.. 00 6 00 4 00 8 00 0 00 2 00 700 5 00 :s% - poo . A oo ../ 200 / ;• , Judges. —ilr?. Dr. Mb vor; Mrs. Dr. Murrayy Polloi, H n Burns. Moon;! Mrs. B. K. Brigntor,, N( Class No. ,1 l—Flc Best, variety and collcc’n f 2d best do i bpslcolioe'n and Vnriotyi best grccn-bonso plants " boat basket of flowp^a ./ 10 00 / 7 00 / 5 00 400 ' 8 00 y-r -8 00. iSBf bandlioWqoet best flat do best tabfi; do beat flpra’i design 2d best do 400 8 00 300 2 00 1 00 i Judges. —Miss KotllcwDi Mrs. Soroggs,' Brighton; Ijccil. Independence. Class No. 12 —Domestic Best 10 yards broad cloth host' 'do 'satinet boat. do morel best 3° '•■flannel, best 0 shawls best domestic best silk voiding, .■ boat made dress chat • - best :mndoipvorcoat best salin^Sr,velvet vest , best pair pants best 5 (3ilk bats best 5 fur hats • - V Judges. —John it. Eld< ton, John Kplih, -Nc\v Francis Lo Goullon, Phill Host acre white wheat ' 2d beat ; , do beat aero red wheat —. 2d bcst ' •do • beat aero rye ; 2d;bcst do • boat aero barley .. 2d best do ; beat aero oats > • .2d best : do i - best ■ aero, coi|i . ; 2d boat do boat white seed wheat, 1; baahe 2d best • do , do best rod seed wheat;. do - 2d best do . do beat rye seed 3 do ; beat seed oats j ' |ld beat sped barley J do bpst seed corn in car, 3 bushels best clover seed, I i bushel 2d best . do ’] ild J best timothy seed do best (lax seed j ■ do ; best boar.s . ; v do :.-i best rod potatoes j do„ best .NcsbaiVnocte' ■■ iflo boat Buckeye do . best Obili'- ‘ :dO'. beet seed (buckwheat, 1 busbpl boßispeeimcmCbiuoso sugar: ct best aero polaloo best adro fed "Jdp; , best peach blow ;do Albert do best. lot sweet . ido boat lot mangulwdrtzelsj ; best lot carrots best lot turnips best lot rutabagas = best lot cabbagoV , best lot onions . | L best lot turnip beets i j best tot parsnips ; 1 best lot sweet pumpkins ! . best collection of squashes - best do watermelons beat do citrons j best ■» i bushel tomatoes 2d best do do a oo 8 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 0O 2 0O ; I 00 82 00 1 00 .^i 'B Vet, o’ dresa d ? 4 |v ■ : ,-1 KfhnoJ’, Bpa ccbon; Jtrs. Bradford, N. pw Brighton. wen* ■ ■ ■ I o weirs'BB ! 200 1 0q tod, Pulaski; Miss Jane '(uuifiidures cr, 1> i Cii IHpsbu Class Ko. 13— Field- Cropt 9, fcdflt r 1 Joora Jteans ‘ .i qq best 1 'OO boat gallon win*: bona- 1,. ; 1 oo boat i Jb^MU j qq Pulaski; .Gcorgo Edgfe Daniel .■ r. i ■ r BestG Zdibcat v-'ijqHv 1. -do-'• iTj .;•. jOO boat 6 . dd : *inWjßppios do 2Ob 2d bosV | '■ .•j ©0 boat and rargctt collcctwPappfos 2 00 j 2dW;'v^*^||:4o^*i a : l-x.oo boat 3 vnndtiw'Mjpamor anddall , I '- 1 5 pw»ra, 5 200 2a boat'. I fu'.l'OO'! bdat 2 pcara IQO boat 6 var; winter peart., soaeli ! 2 00 '2d beat , - : do : ; |i' Cdo ( ! ',: i oo boat'-i vaiv platan; p each * . iOO boat eollt&liqn. jjdnbia . j oo beat doa ; . ' _ joo boat tloz i T joo boat calawba gittpba i pock 2 00 j2d boat , : do fc dtf ’' v 1 ■ \ , oo boat Isabella grapea do t , 2 00 2d beat rdo t 'do 1 , : ' ■ iOO boat collect oqtdqoi- gj apea 3 00: 2d beat do jldo '■■. j' s r.; 2 Oft] boat collop’ii gijßon ilionad grapes 3 00 2d'bcat do vP,|jdo‘ .1 200 bcst colicctlon frtuti gdncrally, to . jono ji . ; ; 306 2d .beat do :; do 2 ‘oD Host! dried peacbba.U bpaiiol 100' beat do npploa do . ■j op 1 00 2,00 1 00 Juices.—Etw6od|' DaVid Minin, Boxci man| Industry, v>. Class No. Boat: two horse pYon best one horse dp’ best hill, side plow'' boat corn ; beat grain drill „ ?'• *• beat reaping machine beat mowing ■ -jo ' best corn best square harrb* : best, triangle ; 4b best clover KsllorcV, beqt horse hayirdn’ ;• best cutting bpafllpi best tDacb’o for jgwb 1 best grain eradfaJ^J ' i i 00 00 ob ob pots 2 ‘pv-V 1 00 i 1 OOv > 1 00 best fanning 1 mill", | ( best corn cultivator, best horse shooing host hay Judders best farm Sadder, 20 foci best garden ' do J bcst larm roller beat 6 axes ; best flour barrels, half best col r n agricultural i best wool roller : I . Judges. —James A.. 1 Sowickly; J. P. ■ Mart JolmM’Kcc, Hope well Class A 7 o. 16— Mechanu b’s,l ahorßo'carg’o er b 2d best ■ do Bopt I horse do 2d best do i- Bcst 2 horse wagon do dressing bureau do sofa. do six mahogany cm do six common dj do carve scat , -d 'arling* ighlou; r g! ■ do dining table do wash stand basket split - do do willow do picture frame do carving on wood do dozen buckets do half dozen tubs do white lead kegs do churn do pump -• ' 84 00 2 0O 4 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 . 2 00 2 00 .1.00 3 00 2 po 4 2. 00 1 00 2 00 4 oal 1 00 do boo hive do manure forks, si do (hay forks,sis: ’ do broid axo do cutlery • / do .same iron racing do cooking stove do coal stovofer beat cs and school h*u do castings gcnora|l] do stone ware J i j do frnitjars six >3 ft do do six 2 <jtJ do , glassware do fire brick do common brick Uudges.— lsaiah Mov ip CoOpof, Moon; Wt cbc^tcr, 1 - ~ -• '1 Class AV 17~~Leather . factwes. Best h arness leather ; do' skirting do;-' do solo ,do | do . upper .do do bridle ! do | do kip skins 4 do do calf skins 4 do! ,do double sot carrii do ; single . '•* dj : do farm ttai do man’s saddle , ‘ do : ladies saddle 111 do ’ bridle and mart; do bailor do horao collar ,■■ do leather trunk do : pair giont’e call do do ( kip be do do stoga i r iThomaa,- Pulaski; IgU; John. Jagk- um.lmpicmcnts. f ’ ■ 1.00 ‘ Plover a'tll 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 l'oO 2 00 1 bo i IQO ! 5 00 'I ' l . t long do; : i *■’ 1 00 [oxer,* . 1 ,00 iplciiientfl 1’ 00 2 00 fhonvpson, Now Lin, Darlington; leal hnpiSmenis gjiy dip * 5 00. 6 dips 300 dip s “5 00 dig s 5 00 dip k 3.00 dip & 3 OO : cfip* 3 00 jrdjdip.i 3 00 1.00 1 00 i oo 50 .50 50 lo k dip t 50 V 1 00 dip t 1 00 dip * 1 00 i. 1 di P : | s i oo dip i 1 0& 1 00 V 'lOO ■r.* ii oo ‘V 1 50 ’ / " ,J OO 2 QO v , dip it . 2 00 dng church'.* tads' dipt 2 00 y , 100 s dip t 1 00 £ dipt 100 a' V v V 100 '' a dip t.l OO dip t t 00 dip t 1 00 gan, 6 bio; Phil h Wallace, fie* 4. ,and Us Mam* i I 8200 ; 2 00 i, 2:00 2 00 1 2 00, 2 00 I -V 200 ada harness jB 00 £\'[ do '5 00 ■osa '- ! i (4 00 !4 00 >! 400 i 200 1 00 2 00 ;!' 2 00 . 2 do r 2 oo •i 2 oo .in^lo bo»ts 10 bocis 1865 v ~dp i f»aii do' do ,|S ■do t do. do' do ' i <fo shoes : -.l 100 ; ladiesjbbotß 2. ,00 «o shoes | i 00 | do slippers ! . .1 00 ~V Wallace,-Darlington; on) ShoHJto, Raccoon; Geo. [. ' | '■ , ' ■®[ 9- - ‘ ■ rt „* n t l‘.' B , c,aßS , >Pay.b6 found the Vari- Dus hot enamor', atod m our Prcinimi List, v - ,If o TE.--lt eha,l| he tiip.daty 'oi the Diacrolion'aiy Opih&ttlpe to examine “I* B , ut ’|* f«fticiek ah [shall! bo lebom- to them by t|io: judges on the 80s ' : wiih those to. jplch .Ihoiratlcntfotii may be: directed b >', tlu ) numbered, cards (I 8) on each amh article they may deem worthy of prommm. vVhich iTubt spe cified in our lust. Dut ip no case are n,akp hn, award in any class unloas thc.r ai.intioh has,, first boon calloiJ lo,itj by the of said class* All ■ i)iscroiipn|ary j Premiams to *■’ bo* referred to thejjohrd of jSfanagcrs';^; Rules and Regulations > fop the Govern. Judgeil- Waahtn^ C.Cunniti, montpf|ih¥?Sooiety. 1. GompiiUtoroat the Fair mast be come hiembors; of the Snoiety,and Lavo cortificatpa “of membership, which must bnpuovviy to tho Secretary before ony ontrioerjv-ill ho inadoj 2. Numbered cards must be attach od [stock, &c.,for exbib- winch i will be f arniMicd by tho Secretary—boiitg an (ifdct copy of his entry—but the,names of oWhere strict-" ly excluded! Tl f : «•; 3. All animals or a rlicles must'be on the grounds oi Well ncsday,October 4tlr that they may bo arranged l in readiness for oxamination by' the Judges immediately thereafter. Ar ticles may aubhoq lent y bo offerod lor exhibition, „ bull I \ no taeo will premi uraa bo awarded on the second day pn tries. yi.ll cards on sUoi; shall bo mark ed secondeday entries. Thoj ,sarao ai - ticlo cannot bo nsdd to take! two pre miums. , \'■ ■ ; j ■ •*[! ' 4. Fxbibiiors aro not toiiiakethoni solros7knowb to-tho Jh dgep-fi-who aw not to bo intetlWred-wf *- iucntfg 'bi; iwo uistntore ,6. -N& aiiinal idr atl premium can- beiromi close of [the Fair,! oxot permission. AH,>tock| tion wilbbo subjooled tie direction of the board 7 ;7. ih.ony'if.sldhco w[ es are .[not able to dote any animals or articles they may nwaW proln; animal Or article. I 8, Hay and sinw £i furnished, free of char at cost price; an 1 an' water wilt bo on the iiv-'l iniums wh i nflbr the ,nt for wili in order lb jVilson,) tb uchorjfor' il imiuco wi of arjy ar t. exhibition Board of . iimriq nco jvqry ;elass; jtakou for . bxtiibUionj lib liable i’c t may been iIUCTIONS -ij( 1. All Judges are res themselves lat thb stab on Wednesday nvornin or otherwise vacanciei JiaUily iillcil up by th< will hiako fulf jvncl b and return them to th< fore, 1 o’clock on Tim must'confine themaolv' in the several denartjn in theirrcniiuinl.Liistjj [olyootMu pjfoBbtti,od ijo longing to illicit sever; ’they are to|irefer it • to; 1 ry Committee. if.'Jpdgol will premiums I upor with little br no i pward prbmiumsj no premium, ns I iP r - JV- - 3. . AH'Judges shall bavoiticko : dinner-for Wb .da 4. Judgop l are rtotoof c veryart them, ins IUo b< full report I With attached. 1; st’ JUdgcaiwilj upon; attic jos or i ated in tluur ow: such'of thlpsam: tny.lhoy will! rob tion . of lbc l)fB't . 6. ;If thb jurlj not a nmnb,broc. Judges shall! tdso not 7. : Judged IwdMn r premium bnjany arlii which is matkod socoi 8..N0 uerepnl will 1 aetda Jddgb, if .he'd ing lor a premium u or is In any way into) 9. : ' Judges will porn be.prosent, ;,or interl with tiioipl in tlisir.cJ! purposes. 9. No pro twenty. dqyE premiums sc on la : writto (Joseph 0. t him us a voi 10 A coni the location bo placed or 11. 'Xho spare no pa potitcirs in o lion will sb’| articles on i innocaso ;lj damage thai r'INSTI D3t 1 • ipd iompi , ot a boys who'i a fro ‘K? tpqn liclo <il icmrtl ! tUo ri not >|| lanima hpartj r 113 corann irotioij clo or car| MOM .j: -Established ISiB ■4. OE!f EltAli ‘BjUXES. . 1 ol nncrnbccßliip (one dollar oaoh) all; the privileges for the year,i including the Succeeding election,and admit tc the Pair Grounds dumb the exhibition the head of fam ihos and . children ,';rosiding at homo,, oxcorit niales.ovcjr 21- years,of iigc.—=; for singly admission 25 cents. 1 The Board k>f Managers (which includes the will .ho present on thb Grounds, - and will; [bo pleased to give any information to competi; tpra o|r others who may desire it '[ • All articles ip tile, manufacturing or mpchanical Department, mast bo made | withia a : pohodi of ondycar pr<J yiousjlo the iFair.| i ! V ' . 4. Premiums shill bo-awarUdd withv out; regard tp the County oi; State in which the Darner ivos. i I i > r i . • ! 1 ; i , * ‘ i , o j Any. poison- \yho may bring in— Uixicating liquorspn the Pair Grounds.: either to drink himself,- sail; dr give away, shall’ he expelled from the en closure, and not ho.permiu.ed to enter again. . •!• d . -• i G. Each hprso or colt brought upon Iho grounds (except those engaged in hauling articles, to the 'Fair which shall not remain) | will bo taxed 15 cents each; a pair of horses (one own-' pr) in harness or Otherwise, 25 cents;, r 7 ‘ f ll waigortSj 6t vchU l C^° f .u ny , kind tho S coming under the foregoing provisions) must bo entered for competition, and have card placed thereon; none others will be admitted. V i ' 8. AU persons Having hbraeakoox bibit or train in ihp ring, arolre'qtiired to show thoir coi tificato of 1 rad.nbcr ship,, both ; nt thcistock gate and on trancp to llio,nng.L. }. will have an ant (.u.ntxw to sell at.yianunals or unifies exhibited which thp owners mny wish tbb thiiil day of the fcUr. i yn lO V T t' 0 > Secretly of tiro Society (.-th Jj. ImbmJ will receive entries tor two weeks previous to,|lho Fair and would earnestly request all who can to make application, before lliat time, as it wil( prevent leanftiaidh Snd insure a more extended dccomino dation; ;-j- - ; vi,v6jr*t Jidjt""- Lv v r —? —-~T I i } . ' .f ' ■ln presenting the! foregoing: List’ of Premiums, the Board would invito an aUdntivoand carofjul perusal 1 , feeling that in vaTiotJ*, and extent ;it is not surpassed, if equalled, by that;o{ any oilier Coualy Socio y labour State,, the amount-of Premiums offered (§1000) being higher than ibat.iof anyprevi (fV'i year. -Wb oSerin many instances, ih roe grades) of piomiums; .(Ist, 2d, nd 3d best) on tho sameartielCjthcro-l "by inci’oasing/lb&'i; iances for- a pro, miuin, afid’affording a niorp extended eompciiUon. !' Tabiag these facts into consideration,; the: Bear'd would cor dially invite i all lir compote';- hoplngj that womayjbilvo fin exhibition. ilial will prove alifto ercjditablo rto our As-i sociatipn, "and to tsc AgHpultural in* toresl pf-ourjClouniy, | | , j. ,j; ’ D.|L. Imbrie Sco’y. • do entered .for ivcd - until ' the pi by special &c., on oxhibi-i i tho order and of Malingers., ipro’lho Judge, •mine in competition,' dunis to each i be jo, and grain abundance of gtomiid for till 1 bo tyud until Fair, land* all bq. paid only tlio Trcasmioi bo regained ( |>y >o same; , . / 1 il 'clujcct; us to do jwbicli may • ''■-.l', i- , ' ! Utatiugbrswill DiuibdiUq coai!- .ever'' procau*- lo,safety of ail but jfihov' will r' any loss or nJM ' j • .-JUDGES. . ' r * Ants m Gardens. j. Wc have known these posts to bo so uumorous and-4t'.‘iti i ut'iivoas nearly to ruin a whole ghnktnl J They coin* plot cl} - houey-coiilb, tlic .walks, and become aijiioyihg jjbcyonjj measure.— A French gardener, named Gamier, announces that Lp bb? .discovered a [ remedy for .them, .which, is simply to pllieo saucers nqar|the p|abes invested will! the ants,. containing; a mixture of sugar and water, iwith °a fair sprink ling df atsohic- —a tenth 1 of the weight of the sugar and water.' They arc very fond; of swpotenod, wateij[and will, help thcnisclyhs freely; but ah 'a little yvhilo,'they jai’O setjn 'staggering awayi somo falling down dead, and others again,_(fVoB i comers)', dragging theiti iloadjoqfepdos away. mSo elfocU ual was that, the entire colo ny disappeared thifojlowing day., , ■ Cure for ■ Warts on Colts.. ! r ’ 1 ■& ,-?K i I ' - 1 Take corrosive'sublimate, and rod precipitato, powdered, mix them in cqeal|par ts, and ii, will euro the most of warts on calii’o or horres, it the wart jis largo and loose, ho a fine cord ,arbund it, close tq the skin, and in al short time the vart will como.'off; then apply [ the pc wdcr. until the; wart js eaten down telow. the skin; tht?r; wash; off rub on a little sweet oil, [and it will soon heal over, tf the wirrt. is! dry 'scratch.'it with the point of a knife until it bleojds;. thofi put on thq powder; it ,will make a bawl dry scab; pickjoff the scaß land put on the;pow der again, until all is oaten a,wny : iiirod-to report id. at 1U d'elock 0 otobov Ith, n will IbeLiiame i Board,; Tuey ]otailcjd report's, i Secretary, bc i today. I,J udgea •i SB to the I articles 1 iouts,as satlorth when a worL’uy tjyopqrly. bo ld,departmbuts; be JDisoretionaH iWard. first rate i (Torch t objects itition; but may lower grade, or ball deem prop- ivo not members j of charge for jsted, to make a lat eoracs before .vish make K itqos of owners r. i t e ward premiums ,1s not'dhamor-; icalai* class; but they think wor snd tq the atten iary Committee, i exhibition has Clover Hsiy for Sheep. i_ | ; A corrceppnijoht rontdrks that when ho Ima woH-wrrcdi elovie? hay, j out in ! blo"sothj ho ! j npvbr. lo'eiis hisj. uhocp grdip, unless itjpe to the owes about ■ lambing time, arid llleyvcotno |out ia spring healthy opt! in excellent pondi lion. With, closer, if |any grain,id used, food pula; \vith timothy, torn & bptlbr. AVith’ plenty *ot .vfol|l cured, hay, cut'in blopsom, sheep need no ■turnips.; nor potatoes tol keep tpemin | good cpndijiioa.! j; 1 attached, the ice of| tbo same, o case award a slo the card on hd-day entry. (bo permitted to r she be: d the same class, tested. ' kit tiojporsonti to ime in any way taminat'dns. I. ■ ---- i--~--=~- I ’ NOTK :■ Ad7i at; the,. of s,i P w .i sjpwrp -f; each subsequent [ insertion’ adveMKerd/aitf: tnlong adTertlfloiaentar C ' A sphce equpl to TwELVE linea ofthis type ' as a jaqoaro, -, *~~ *,* ■; t : *i. 1. ,' , t Special per tent; addition io refffe~' ' •; Business -cards; 75 cents a lino,|pcr ■ycM*'-- and Deaths, Religious.i PoliticVl and other Notices of p pnblidhaturc, frirc, ;. i TheTOoeaa Bottom.-if ■V !‘ . ■■■: r-r- , > : "'li ' Mi?. |Grccn :'t!)o-;-fr ' -« dr <j|f T dwu. :iypr,'. toll's si ', stories oi ‘ liia. aUvpntfflrdi* whop Oinking fn the deep wa* tors( of ■ the; (ocoari. Ho gives ‘some now .sketches Of; what ho saw at tho “Silver JBaiikf' near i' : V , Tho jbauks of coial, on wiSch . lay di,Vin gs > were made, are about for—. biilcs irt length,'- and ffora - ton; to tyvreaty ja broad}b. tDr. this dmnk p{ : \ e ,°riil :! 8 proscnlcdto the divpr pnocf tho tupst beautiful and sublime scenes tho oyo hver behold.. The water vas nos.train IcnHto 6no hundred In V depth, ;and is so clear that thb divpr, , can Hbp from two .to s thVco hundred ' feet; when 'aupracigod, with obstfuelioh loj the sight. £>• The hotlom| of the ocean,'in places; is as snioblh as a marblci floor.' in othbrs it ig Btuddcd\with cffral cpl*' ' uines Irani tcii lopuo hundred feet in ■; diameter. Tipi. lops,' of those ■ nibr'd lofty support ja myriad; oi pyiainidsil' pendants; ,: caipf forming a. myriad' rtl ;? t ’ Q > giving tho reality to the imagi i nary abode. of some water nymph.— '; In.other places the pendants foravarch ! alter arch, and as the diver stands on Iho boUpm- of the’ocean T and gazes , through into I tlie deep; winding ave nuc.ho finds that jihoy fill him with as ' ; sacred anawo jas- if be were in some old cathedral', |which had .long..been burieq be.noath OIIJ ocoa»n*a wave, - Uoru ahd there the coral extends even *- to j-h.o surfacd of ibb waves, as !if lofijppt columns were ipwcru bplon*,, tug to those stately tempos whihK are now in ruins. K , ; . ..... i . . • There were. countless yanctioi bf , ,di mum I ire trees, | shrubs, aixf plants, in every crevio 3 of tho' ‘corals where water had deposited . They : wore all,of A faim .lo>the’.'y jiale receive 1,1 although "of, every shade, and entirely different Irom plants that, j I am familiar with' ; In at vegetate upon dry land' Ono;n >;. particular;attru|cted,! , n y auehtidij; jt resembled a sea fan pi ; of variegated ’ teplors- aiftHths ;mdst brilliatitihiK', The fish which inhabit ■ tlmso •■Silvoi* panics”; T Ibiind -as'dlfi; ferent in kind . as the scenery was va-‘ *: «>tn,l • HU..---- 1--i- ■ - - - —————' to'i 11 o■ v<jraci d fas shark-. ' ' Some bad hojuds like squirrels,others like cats, and dOge, one of sma!l ; si7.c'; resembling Uiq bull -terrior, Some ' darted through the water Ujtq htjcifara; , v while others, could scarcely be soon .to'inovc. To qnumcrateanjl explain, : nll Iho various kinds of. fish ;1 I'ohehf white diving bit these, banks would, . wore I enough faf a naturalist to. divas, require mere, lliunmy !iiniL would-al dewf lor Idim convinced 'most of, the .. Kinds of fash which ir.hiibitktbe tfeqVi-' : cal faeas can be found theiei The sun v fish; sawfish* jvyhitc.' simple, blufaj-pr i shovel-nose sha| - k,.wofe. olte.n socn’w^s.y? There wer-e also fmh ibt.L reseniljlie'J' plants, and-remained us fixed position a!T a"shlrub, th.p only-, ]u>^Bi‘ r , they possessed | was to open ;aid,Khut jj when in dsyigyr.' Some bfHbom, i:o-r * seinblod the rose' when ju blooiiv,. and , w’bre , of jdl 'jhpes.' There wprbi jlbcp fiblre.dlfisJt, iVoiu four to-fivp inches'* tet three feet: iheiti cyon-faire vo,ry large, and) protrude- pie those.ol > a frog. “ - -v■ “: ; • i-r' -Another fash was spotted like a ffavp-' aifa 1 , from lUroOj, to leu (ebbin' lenglh- Thoy build ' thfair*houses, like : in which the}" spa wn, and the; niale oi . female watched.the egg (ill if hatch os. I saw iisauy specimens of the grcop turtle, soir.e live feet long wli ch 1 should liitr.kjvrouid weigh Ilyin 1 1U,0 toSOQpounilsi - V • ' ; ; I jfegrA • a - Ufangrogalioival . luie.elingahofasp ; is thus advertiser!. • for. sale in -.1110 A nlicrst," ‘STnWI-Lusnils}. Express I /“A PjOw -in the meetings house of the first pari.sii ’ in'yAiiiheist , is for sale. fTlifa man Chat-owns;the pow owns, fife (right or space just as longAfad wide fas the pew is front .the ■ bottoni of thb to the, roof, and die- oair go'ha niucjhihighfar as ho can gets It a* man, iwilf bu. V-my pow and sit in it on Sundays, andre.. pent and bo a good go to - , heaven, and my pew is as good a plface-1 to start faiiy-pcw in. llic uiefat- Tig-housc.” j - . ]., ; *.A /Liv BMf Nif.4-At a ■sph-iiukl |)ic-riic neat 'Vf coba w It c ri, ’No wYd rk, Vivo other duy 4 Bovon women woro'rav iabod, two mob UillcJ, ’ tiv& wodiided,, andfburtcon robbed, iiotonly of.their iWiaJcboe drill por.toiaouafe3,b«t ot4rioh' clothes, ro; that they Verb compelled [to hide in Tb?i woods all mght. i‘ <; , .CS^Tbe 1 Gjriiiul ot A*<dF«Av county;- Mfcsavm, buvo|imlit|ed pvci three hutidVeaijJei-sons in tliai t-ounly (qr treason, under the impression that troascin ean lopuoiiibed by well as tJni u d Slates Cowls, i , tSJr-Tho r limber. 6p ; Sala;|dj^o, graduates iu the and |ua vy, 1 ‘w.ts ; five hundred and’ sixty4fiv6; 6t noh-grauiiales, one hundred, and seventy-two.. *}. s: ■ •-■'-•‘T.’''’ /. !- t, •/ '• V' ;r-r: ■, .' ■ ■ '~T' ~T., ‘j, ■ • j ;i .■£ I .dj the one million fivohutfi dtod tiron&ttjid ohj 11-. o army rolls, eighty arc native horrf ( ATnoricafisJj : j ' i m '/ -—'l . /Mil i ■ :i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers