H BEAVER ARGUS. (| be Published Every Wednesday MINIS’ BUILDINGS, Tlllßt' HT., HEAVKB, PA., - n oO per annum in Advance . _ _ < - • ,>1 r* ’.ml couiributions, bv mai QL'AV & RUTAN, Eds. & Pro’rs. POETIC AXi. <ri AUaatio Cable. • electricity it is necessary to nee Fro -i he following are extracts of a let- feasor Thompson’s milror galvanome ter received at St. John, N. 8., from lec ' This beautiful instromont con- TheWashingtoi aptain Anderson, late of the Cunard I ofamirror.about thojaire cf a Union 0f5,000 cl nie, who has taken command of the jfohrpenoy piece,- made of microscope lately held thi 7™ Eastern for the purposp of lay-[glass, and sp ibin that it weighs only nmrohod to : the ’ mg the Atlantic cable : i a grain. ,Qn tho.'back of this mirror Jfjwolip stood id. “1 found, the first day 1 arrived j a minute magnet is fixed, and thus riulingfapd delivo! here, that we wore anchored in too | supplementedH is suspended by dsilk- » number of litti little water for loading. No one would on fibre in the beartof a poll of wire, beside and all arbt take lire responsibility of saying where; 8° that any cnrrpnt passing through bo seemed much - 1 onght to shift to, as thoadvicos were the coil deflects the magnet and the , ■ ®he President eat conflicting, so that I had to sound the mirror along with it. A ray of light ■ l respect was offered whale harbor for myself, and,alter ail, reflected by the mirror fallson a scale, j how to apprei decide upon mooring her head and distant about 18 or 20 inches, and rc-I°* P oor ttad obsehn stern against the prognostications of ve ala its faintest movements. Differ- [should always bo o owners and dockyard masters. I have ent combinations of these movements I B P OCt aD( f «fipreci» nine anchors,weighing fifty-four ton?,p represent the different letters of the! whether it belong! and one Umnsund and eighty fathoms" alphabet, and thus the apparent crral? 1,10 statesman, or of chain, and she requires it all, and Panderings of a ray oj light are ®*is was the fount spoils my sloop more than 1 like. made to convey intelligence. An inr. fhat all things si However, wo are getting on bravely’, strutfi.ont of this kind is constantly the approval of Him and I loel a» sanguine ot success as a «scd to tost tho-cahle, as it is hauled : ovenls and destinies, man ojoh; t-j do whose duty it iis to 00 board; and if any fault bad exist- ono over would 1 aiqiidl.i-ncd'cvei y (’■■‘'■••il. !e contingency ’ e( l it could not have passed without ,b© educated hitnse) In-U raav ou-ur upon an ocean whoso detection, $ ! have superior urfv- Ircaks 1 have ample teas on to remom*- T h n * & 1 mast ddacalo yoi oer. I nciiherfeel nervous, ufraid.ooi' S'li-sm-n ii/ a esme . teachers, and advt nimri.ri i , ~ , hiatesmcn, who are worthy the an- ■ , , 1 v 7 hear so many good: pel,alien given them, generally fail ‘ ! lrap,y I" 1 . ; . l>l . " ,0 > lbi ‘ l 1 U,dl >- 10 secure fortunes. They dcvoM ’ fr °“ Wb,ch >’ oa muw .V"! T van , t,ol °j aslsl >’ themselves to pursuits, which, if hon- y ° Ur co l urao will ko u ionwav 1 k, r j . 7 .. , . , cover ieel tbat vi , , fa n 1 oiably aduered to, rarely yield rich } Iviiuu, and failure will do the other rewards- J [your more humble iliing; but lam in for it now. .mil .1 . , - comrades. Instead , . Jcnenson died comparatively poor. ~ ; '* '*° ****'! will uoi Indeed, if congress bad not purcbasJ 7 lhora aod niake 77' - of oi-gamV.al.on of c( , h ‘ is library, and given for it fivo j yo«r pride sho; m.; and matena. where woa.o. limC3 Us value, he would witfl diflicul- i “ lC “ 10 ,b ° Bla “ d ' i U.M. uwe vku. .. ji-uiit.iv Hall from ~. \, n t ,, , . . . , bomotimes one may r. ... - 1 1 j have kc[U Uu woli Irorn Ijm door. , t , J uio -j’>b or Oih Julv hik! m. i- i . 1 with mrt: Madison Baved tuonev, find was * m-v -o ,n all er from Valcntia. but we c .„ nparul ively rich To add to his ! ? nd tb * dirt a •>' V il nmdbe, fur a f,„ IUD e. however, or rallu-r to that of'™ * _, , :T. U : ' V,all,i ab -“>8 widow, Congress purchased his l ‘"" b ° mdi , vi '' . Ti.\u --Jt.L j\ July, ria an\’ , • . , that which would * »nanu‘cript iiaporH* and paid thirty . thousand dollars for them. i °™ ament M tbe j° W ‘ f 0 -* 1 ' 1 * - James Mom-no, Hie sixth President f , , WOtt,d --"u. iiu: eahlo—dour-headed, car- r.K .i w* * ■ , . X v hut would elevate a j, - v* Ado Lulled Mates, a:cd in !Ncw -■ . with f, T tl ' , y <>,,a COn,ietlcd Vork, HO poor that his reu -mvjr fCHiSriV - Como- ~f a „ ; wiU be clovated> wo may be ' . •' t what UVJ t in School street, but no mo!lu : come lbo greatest aud meat exalted human tm-onght cannot detorminc.— ■ lllJiU taarks the spot where they nal imi or. the earth. Yet it leaves enough to apprehend aud ,-epo&e. ! keep us from being .boastful; one has John Quincy Adams lelt some hun- . seoi. ao many things go wrong because. unc j thousand dollars, the ‘ -ul Boiiio vile little thing ihanjohody result of industry, prudeoco, inberi |-coald?m bia-ivid for, and then we are t He was a man of method and •' de.hr.ia’ with a mere thread—so that v.im ..1 there will bo a great den! to Martin Vdn Buren died very rich.— j -.a..k <J id for should it succeed.” : Throughout bis political life he study-,; The flowing is from thc'London pnsly looked out for his own interest. 1 .u .> Ten- ,'i-apii ; ' It is not believed that be. over spent ' 1 -J: . ems impossible that there can , Ibircy shillings in politics. His party j bo any -lault in’lhe A-tlaiTUg cable when ! shook the bush, be caught the j . t i the V real Eastern goes to sea. 'To say bird.. } yan that t.-nhing ot the tests applied to it at Daniel Webster sundered some ■ ;l ‘ J the iijaiiulactory. it is tented not alonemillions in.his life time, lb© product; 1 i 1 after it has been taken on board, but ,of his professional and political spocu-, ‘ ‘ 7 doling its dfelivcfy into The ship. Astons. Ho died,leaving bis property ( „:,i s.w.n asalenulh is brought alongside, to bis children,and 'bis* debts to bis - r s -..-. ono c „d U connected with the.coils al d friends. The former sold for loss than ! ;•!« meady'_on board, and the Other end twenty.thousand doUars»~fl»e laU«|- : , with ’Che insu-umenU jm.tho testing- hooded two hundred _ and .1-. hid in room. The circuit is thus made thousand. • i oaJ l;.e liViantcti., through the wbcle .extent ot the coil, Hchry Clay left a. very han some,, -j-:-.i;r.trt!m-; lhe porlico on beard and the portion estate. It probably exceeded one, • ' ' alongside. The process of hauling >ndred thousand dollars. Ho was then commences, and the insulation is • a prudent manager and a scrupulously | •in Bcuv. r. aie fchil- continuously observed. The instiy- , .. J ..'... " ' h inti been menus in the testing-room Record the': . ?°!* c D °,' '* I \*c. I ciorc. Ii -tallest Joviuliocrtrom absolutely t^owsaDd—fi y V^ us *| , l ;. ; ;U:a 7 B 7; foci insulation. I* wijj bo understood ; of *Wcb ho saved from his Prcsu j i. . .D.C..ICU. m that an insulation which shbll bo quite : deney of tour _ « .• j. tv . e ol pci'fcct, aS an ctectrieian undcrstapila , John loft fifty thousand o - u cui.ve to |bc. the word, is-not attainsbhw A 'piece' 1 h 9 >eached fe tbo Presu .s Baden, of.raet-al separated by means of-tbc; oency'bo was q bankrupt. n o ec, ...whig. w« could u ” rc _- t „ la ~ s . aild .,.i nt .i og od fn the dri-: he husbanded his moansand then mar ■ •• m--u''d est atmosphere .that can bo obtained ned a rich wife. Tue Earned win, with electricity; lose; Milliard yillmore is a wealthy man j i ■ were c&pqcrfilly ii.viu-i to he -qbat elfcclricity alter a time, Jxr Spcuk-'j and keeps his money m awrye “■ tl'.a# to pica.-; must,’ thereiare,"aD<l safe box.”- It will tysvci bo i - y from going to Jk-avcr: • undoi , fctooJ L ' omeaD a „ app roxiniafe |cd in speculation, nor squandered in ■ii-ou duimj ho. but to f-.i-iw t , . , • * f . . I . —-•■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ lh;.t i; -va.-> not but .thn ,appccixunutmn in : vico.. . ; - - u'ratiiude the case of new Atlantic*-cnblo j ' Fails os a ...so noi.it sculod . tome 4 ao.near to perfection , that,, this'*. TxGUT,iIoPK.—-A ; Bocb«Btec paper say s:; , '“ v '•'" (| ur nation frota ii;Urr b -tarry tope is u scioiutitio'won- ( “Harx'viiesUecroaeed the rapids at! i;in and go,With "The last, .(Jyiag,j>ulstttipn-of tfio old 1 . ditiJa t old;crpB6iiigift* On this occasion ( . iV-.vur.t N-, 1..1 it wasi Atlantic wis forced through it! Js>ir !y !opportunity of ox. j -u. ,i’.; tor was it jeal-1 b y means jof a galva'pio battery c<sn-j ability and daring featato I “77 U ]7 1 -' c - a I US to' f * iBl!n o Du.idrtj‘dAnd forty j estimated at V’.-'V.'u on I Tbo‘ r 6dbiß%)rißC telograpfirrfrom: from fifteen *o twenty thousand-people. VV-- reel t'luTchargo don to Amsterdam is habittauliy-wotk- ‘‘The first pressing v« made in five '• - \rith-Vai fpuhd’atloiv— cd’^with.K battery of, fifty 'cells, ahdrmlfiates andlnineteeh ,7;‘ l i’U’cu r aiui IfomingtOo 6U cb a battery is commonly.- used .forl-aecondpaftpr t«»ivitig the ■ ceri'gratu* -Z” v; d °U* ra -the other submarine linea, ofEgrpjpS Idfions V his Canadian fnonda, and - .-i Signals have been repeatedly 'heoit' partaking of'HOmo Yefresbtiflentß,' was - .'douhlop; throiigh than thit-teep hundred, fdur miifates ' \ lu , CTds -»b hue Imnopdering’ mites jof tbo r cablo now x)nd>o3rd th© a nbort respite, Deslie.^^sin \ A naade" Us appearonqe woman’s *brooding appro hem. WtfshoUd.hlmififs, ty br fe|Bidg. - •* The Haymakers i,, through, j.lcrcitig the blue; ;:ie red clouJ’a heart; 4f ,,, r in the sweet Jtmo morn, ; v twenties start. ... Ll , ;C a nils wide and fre e | icitaul attic. r I. Vi i i;i l i.tctrcr* go, t* ; >■ face a -tai.c. wv.srs a jewel of dew, ; 1(p ;.i '!.! gi ecu sea, v.igii their red flags fly. if gkc 1= ;!.t-Hashing, keen. .d.- : :i;; S -O'thc; K \t.!.i the LUioUe-lieiid, , i.; yzk'. and quad, ‘.;i; cold Jew ivcU - allcr-gluw icons ~' a ..; t'T' " ~n-. ; * a , C*.. i flit;.' ~>n t',UU Irsuo > . -Cl Ci' a\ arJ ;! Li 4. J " . iv,, -i I i-i ME liter' ' Vol. 41-dSTo. 139“ it u-o so*.n, iinvv, ttit’.M mo a <■■ ■!'ii - ! \ili 1 -.A 1.;.,;. ■ . J . y v. .«>•: t-l! :j|-01l 01 ft !i, 8.,;k t;, j .lO I . ’ .* r .Kill d>l*j ,:. `~ : c;; ~~` ‘ M ■; \J ll.p ,v; do J n.'iiii: ;L.y< lid IfticUOU t/UUII ul J 1:H k'i ti t 1 liU-c X a* ! u ‘ ,v\. l;.i\ I.;*.i I It: cr a t. voy. £ -’K ’'' * BEifEE Beayer, Weeiji©^ IMII=NI Presidents My little daughters ant sous, said the speaker, give ino • while 1 say, honestly and truly, that if 1 could inform you of something, and put that into immediate effect, which would lend to the elevation of; you all, I would bo prouder of it than | to bo President forty times. [Ap plause.] ,Horo is the executive man sion and yonder is the capital of a| great Nation, and you look to those who moke and execute the laws as j persons sublime and grand. But just think for a moment. Yon are the crop behind ns. Ail those buildings, and all of this government, will one day pass under your control and be oomoyour property,and you will Lave to pat in forceand’control the prineix pics' of governmSnt, of religion and humanity. _ boys consider, every mother’s spa of them; that each one is born a candidate for thoprosi idoncy. 1 Why nbt’thcn commence to | educate yourselves Wrtho presidency? And ho would say to the little girts, 'that while theyqould not be presi* | dents, they areborn candidates tor I’the wives of presidents. While each I little boy may fCel that bp is a.candi datf\ /lor the' presidency*. each , little girl may feel-that she is d candidate ' for a president’s wile, and each should commence at once to qualify himself pnd borsoif.morally, intellectually and , socially for such positiops. j ( With regard to religion, he said the time had comp.when the first inquiry ■shbnld bo whether one is a good man Or a gqodwomhn. If they are good -it matters little to .what scot or church they belong. There can be no great ness without gooclnBBS; and all should remember with Pope, that “Honor end fomo from no condition rise; Act well your part—there all the honor lies.” W hen'wo *lopk at those boys and girts,at the banners which they carry, at the flag,' with stripes and stars up- On'ihcm, which they,boar aloft—-when wo look upon the bravo men and the gallant dffiqors ground ms and remem. her wbitt they;haye been contending for, we fed that we can best preserve tip#? government it wo rear up our people properly, and make this, as wo can, thomost,intelligent portion ol God'e-habitabip Vbe. The stars and __ . . ,&S* 0 ‘ _ a tripos Is notjm numeuniog symbol ; California llarthi whon wd look .back through the <lia . ifornia Mi of r what it has cost Vo i l^a ‘ pdrpr ’ ' isgovernmeutjaod fjc?' («*y off" ISM ME «r. • ir r 1 EMI : A' 7 "1 \ ' T iiifi:-. ME JL S 6. 1865. etamling upon ibo battlements of V®P» iwoolduUkt up, the tone snimko a response. . : .. Then, iinjr IUUn ed&riand little daughters, said the P*o«deai, talking asafntber tohia etyUren. dot iqe say Ao you.odncaW yourselves; .boindus.. and.-potsfivenng;; store 1 yottt taisda. WjtbailthatUa good; ; pat all itbings, worthy.df; preservation io your jindijJbar.infieileota will expand and grow. ♦And In couclosion, I my again,' may ytmr Uttlo eong cf vretory ■bfc heard in heaven. God bless yoa. 4 "ti ;now litioa 'hep©' Ti - irit, - The Wife’s Commandments. ~ Thou abalt have no other woman but me. , ebalt not have a picture or likeness of any other woman hat me; for, I only am thy wife; jealous wife! .Remember tby wifgjj; monts to keep them eaiifctl. , - i Lovo Chouali tby wifo, and no | other woman, thljl gho. may live lov together in the homo thou gava ' cat unto her. | Thou shall not find fault when thy : wile goes out to spend money, burying I fashionable shawls, and dresses; for, lam tby wife. Thou shall not scold. Thou shall not suffer thy wife to wear a thread-bare diets, but shall keep' , 0 ; hcr decoDt, *y and »n good repair, j : Thou also’shall furnish buttons and to keep thine and tby chil- Wren’s shins in order. Fail not. ! id not gad about, from sa." . : loon 10 saloon, after sun set, neglect', i | o ing thy wilb and children. i an ou sl <alt n °t dress , thyself in | 1 fashion, unless thou dress thy wife ™ i also. . ! po But Ihoa shall not 1 go to -spiritual or Thou shall wife should tall in gening the meals in due time; for, kuowost thou, O better tale than never man'. Thou shaft not drink beer nor spirits, nor chow, nor smoke, for, knowcsl thou it consumcth money.— Verily, verily I say unto thee: 1 am Mistress of the house thou savest uni te me. ---•~ * • » I ti*N. Cass on Pue.ibknt Lincoln, i go™. and g 6uo forever «d I bavo no| -The venerable Lewis Cass baa j tears to abed or lamenlaUons to make written his views ol Mr. Lincoln f iß!' to the people »« » which ho says: ■ { follows;— “The departed patriot entered upon provost judge is to be appointed his new field of duty with ur.waver-1 ever y district to* administer the j ing confidence in the justice of the j oa th, give a certified eppy to the per- cause and ils final triumphal issue;! gon it, and send the original to . and this confidence accompanied him Washington. Every opportunity i»| during all the tiials to which'ho wap yjbo given. Come forward and do h | exposed, and invigorated the policy yourself, and take your neighbor by ho felt called to adopt; and, as in th® t bo arm and induce him to do so. — progress ol events, be became betfor p u t yourself in the right position and understood by the course of hifl nd- t bore will bo no difficulty. If Geor j ministration, ho became better appro- gj tt the first State .to- return to the 1 dated by his couptrymon. Though \ Union, it will not only confirm her j differences of opinion as to the mcas-1 r ;j»ht to tho tilie of the Empire State | arc to bo adopted were inseparable j o f the South, but give her new claims . from such a contest, involving many) to honor and glory. Redeem her, and issues of weal aad woo, still his noble grate after Stale will wheel iato line, qualities inspired general confidence After the Waste and ravages of both and commanded general 1 respect, and armies, she 5 will “bud and blossom as his successful administration will be jfberoso’* cultivate further an. . evidence in all time ,to came of his i jmosity we shall be6omo hateful to worth and the wisdom of bis mea- labors and ourselves, calamity after 1 sure*. ’ 1 calamity will come upon us, and we South Carolina Cotton and Bxob.— Tho Charleston Courier of the 24ih says: “Purchasers of cottoa and rice appear to bo reaping a rich harvest, and tho holders of this kind of prop erty are doing well by disposing of if Now that the twenty-five ppr cent, j tux is taken off cotton wo begin to i see that article come forward to mat ikot in large quantities. Mon of cap * itai arc coimog Irom the North by ev ery steamer with tho view of invost | ing in cotton and nee. Old Aqe —Old age is a public good. ! l)o not feel sad because you are old.—' Wbouovor you are walking, no one ovoi opous a gate for you to., pass through no one ever honors you with any kind of help, without being hiru [ self the better tor what ho does; for : follow feeling with the aged ripens the soul. ' 1 v -.iSIS —Affcal -*erod ' A I ■ >?>. lyj ■ .... ufw r-- '■< =MEI !■. .U B bason of Oebrgia. i.insto the ilon. Jamos ivisionol Gggrernor of aaodthe citizens at Sa ;if R was main, proving the propriety. ~ ~ , they were required to hikb and to explaining his" views on wo policy of emancipation.' InSthe course of bis remarks tie said: / “Thb authorized by tho Constitution to command the military forces of the United States to sap* ptess insurrections acd to repel inva* sion. The writ of habeas corpus may bo suspended in case of rebellion, and Congress has power to make captures by sea'and by land. War has existed between the United States and the South within the meaning and pur* view of the Constitution; it was a re hellion—too luf|j6 for an insurrection. The President, by virtue of i^s 1 office as a commandev-in chief of’tho nr. mies, bad a right to make captures, to I Seize horses, to take property; bo bad I |a right to capture pur to>i I make prisoners and, to release them on ' [ parole or not. We .could under our rigal as belligerents do the same thing; it was a right of war. It ful- j lows as a legal sequence thaUbe Pres-; ideiit had power to capture a negro, to hold him in custody, to detain him, i whether considered as property or a' person. Hbjacqulred an authority 1 over persons .and property wbjc'i ho i could not exorcise in lime of peace.— i It was a latebt power, a war power;' and by virtue of this power to com- I mand tho armies cf the United States' | ho issued that proclamation as a rule of war, for the purpose of suppressing the/cbelliqn. The slaV.es, upon the surrender 66. our armies, were cap ; r~ I ‘i "• •‘rr • to-nigh t ,~sy”v irl lion, they stand emancipated. I slate - ibis lo bo my opinion us a lawyer,' and a* a lowyor 1 state that, ii> my opinion, such will be ihe decision of the Supreme Court. 1 could wish, I myself, that such bad not been the case, and that the chango ,hud not I been thus violently and abrublly made. But slavery in any event is shall live stilt under military burdens. Your destiny is in year own bands.— 1 have t mado these remarks with a view to induce yon to renew your al> legiartee to the government of our country. 1 approach a step above—let us rew our allegiance to tbe liing E tcrnaljand having on cur bonded knees confessed that we bavc all sinned,with j hearts attuned by contrition, go forth 1 and sing the angelic song, “Peace, I peace on earth, and. good will toward men!” i population of Rich mo nd is estimated at 50,000, one halt colored. week 8,500 .whites wore led on | rations issued by the government, while only 940 colored drew rations 'at the same time, liffbrts are being made to compel this array of lazy I whiles 10' work and support them selves. s©_Tbo name with ten thousr lEEE • % ; > ce !+-* v » MI Gen. M’Clellan lars of a r sod : V ' "imm TO AwERTtSEB^’ , t ; ~T?*oh -jwbsaaHeiU imrjtat A tenia. 1 A liberal Mado wyewy advertisers, and A sjiftCo Squat h>. tw.bj.vb Uocsot tiiielSßd measured as a sqaaijisl' 1 1 ' ‘ ‘“ Special notices 25 percent, addition to res alar rates. i \ & Bnsin&s cards, ?6 ceplsjfc.flne, per year. Marriages Bud Deaths; Bejigious, PcHtkil and qtiier Notices of. nature, free. Religious. —ln the COgPSb., th|e address of the Bishop of/Quron (Canada Atf-fist) at the Tract Society Anniversary meet ing in London, ;sta ! ttkf-that the people of Canada Wore indebted : io petroleum for the opportunity,.-of several hours additional time,;! and oppoMuipty for reading., Theyjhatl not hocftA read ing re tired to pod with the suu.-ah'f had no artificial light, except by logs or very bad candles;.**"*-"'?'' • —ln tho yeartBsD,tbe 'Mi 11. Church with its membership of 680,CSSf, 'rais ed 81(U,830' lor the cause of nilsslios, an averave of fifteen and cerita per menfber. Ini the'siitb of §§88,898, - was contributed by its membership, of 8L»28,830f ai» uvarngb of sixty-twp;and two->tenths cents'per member. . J. —The religious oil. ruon in r CahatUk afo debating whether theyshall pi pup i Sundays. If they stop on that day, , it takes .till the middle of tho-week to j gel,up aj regular flow again, acd'thero | lore so;ue argue that it hs a work of .necessity to keep the pump going on ,Sunday,. . * \ —About iSoycpty thousand copies. of the scriptures hayqbeen sold io .Italy the past year, Jby .the thirty* two by t.he Aineri can übd Foreign Christian. ,U.oU>p, , —The American Church AnUWa yoiy Socit ly l.eid its annual meeting in -Worcester, JJlaes»,, ’somo fimo'ago, .at which it,was voted that itfrwsivk. was not done till '.he Word Whitfe is erased from every State Constitution. _— T’lic Gciiei'a! -Assembly tho Church ol Scotland, after u spicy do» bate, have tlveidcd against kneeling (Instead of standing,) m prayer, usin*' instrumental music in thtsr Psalmody, repeating the Lord s Prayci j&k —statetHlho AmericanSu&lay' School Union bastaiuringtho past yoap, organized 1,13-1 Sunday Schools coa •VMS. _ ' ' "•"Tt*] bcr*bip oi 1U0,233’ uii increase oi 003 ever last year. —Bishop McGill, of Richmond,. Va , who is* now on a visit to the. North, lor the first tunc since the commence ment of thoewar, prcaohod In Now York on Sunday. Potter, of Pa., is ".marly restoied to He was in Panx. ma about tbs middle of Juno, pcctcd to arrive in San lh6 Ist ol July. A-griculta rteil. Basement Stables. A correspondent oi the Couptry Gentleman, in reply to an inquiry iu relation Io the healthiness pi base ment stables, says; * ' “I have generally kept from fours teen to sixteen head ot cattle in basement ot my bam, with from three to four horses, for twenty years past. The horses are kept up tho year round; the cows I generally turn out In yard, in front of the burn, when tbh day are pleasant. The stables are regularly cleaned every day, and well littered. 4 ,noro healthy lot of slock I have never known, I have not had a sick cow or horse since I have used these stable I certainly like basement stables, ns they are warm and comfortable in winter, and; cool and pleasant in summer.” Potato Blossoms It an article staling the importance of burying potato tops on Vito spot whore-the potatoes are Prof. J. F. W. Johnston, who is perhaps, as good authority on must (jgriapltu ral matters as any. living _ writer, makes a statement which will soom 1 singular,at least, to’American Raders. It by this: that by taking off the Mo** soma of pototoes—besides th|o usual increase, of crop —the tops kjeep tin : the potatoes arc lifted, ■or dug; as wo ! call it. Thus much green matter is ! obtained; and if this" be maflo into 1 manure, and” applied to tbe nest po-r I tuto prop, it is said to. raise tlio lurg*» j eSt produce of tubevs. SaJving Seeds If a farmer is anxious » tlic Size ami qualilyV h 1“,,. ’. aN _ h|m save Urn seeds, *ol«o< ! * lt HwHanJ fairest tor m B |eds is the busi|: ct , ) bo(jda paw'bos are ga o! these nfriy pal into pag produce well; but it Is come u Htj a t one who got his irom taking i&j earliest and gfcat, advaa- El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers