fHE BEAVER xjffidUS. 23d, 1864. l 0C aL and MISCELLANEOUS. V- Notice. TlioßO 'of our patron* who are n* . "j f.n-, subScripUop, advertjMn^ MU requested to make immediate S ' : ,'meni Suisciiptions will be pay to the undersigned unlil,Janua‘ 1,6 !«[ I*os Jir. Scott ia -authorised '2DCCATIONAt.-Th? Oflh- School ; Ditlruk of^ Logs loL havo ,employed J. B. Ebodes • d J F- Dunlap to Vach the schools ‘odartheir, supervision, for a term of ftar months,' §35 per Irons- is President and Jl C. Ritchie Sscroiury ofthc Board t Job usto w□. Democrat, the the Copperhead Democracy county, has' hidden Us rea , 3 „;s farewell. | Its.iast number wae jiiued on Wednesday- - Change of Fihm. — The Pittsburg 'Ckrmule. heretofore under the man- Jmo'.t of. Charles ilcKmgtt. Esq., i'nnw controlled by Charles M’Knight Mr. Joseph- G. Siebeneck hav .^V'l,ich U " interQSt in tU ° pa-i f .Mr. S. has been the business liv-cr. of fli a .Chronicle for several vrurvend '»t ami,iar W,th tb ®. aulies ot vbo ue%vs l mper i business: *. ‘ ' • A Good \VorkJ—Tho Beaver M. E. Cl.urc'ii bi. been tastefully refUtoiand -re,«./rH- T ,i<J bas bcan mod ‘ ifniizvii amTum-l now bo a charm- 5 to speak .on. ' The wails; • liavojheen re-piipered and wood-work u/Mlii building; requited; besides a neat jnew fence now surrounds ihe chtneii. It baa thualbeen made, a beaiuiful and comfortable place for ivorsLip.' • - ’ ■ ‘ , 1 * - l - *j. - * ' ’ . Court Proceedings. The . following - icaseq wore disposed of at tr>e late term of Court; Hull vs. Robinson. Suit 1 and dama ges for a lot of -aheap. Verdict in fa vor of.plaintiff, $9O. ■ CiiinmonweaUH v*. STKinleyl In -iiuimbtii—Selling liquoi contrary to law. DrttmJiwu plead guilty, and was seutciumd to pay a fine ot $lO and coat*. '. 1 ■ ‘ t . ' Sniue vj>.,C&pi. James Eansoin. In dienm-iii—A-sault and battery, Ver . and defendant to-fay a Snoot' SlOOaod, costa. _ », , ;l . Same vs, LttviiDavia. ludietraent— Assiitilt and Butter} - .’ Yerdiot, guilty ami (lefeiuiiiut seiilenuoii to pay a fine o: Sfi.OO and eostn, V 'Same v«, J. Campbell 'p Indictment —Ayuiull am| bM.t«ry. jTcrdict, guiF . iv unit,defendant -sentenced to pay. a. ■fit.c- £lo,fosi'.«,!*d umierglian impriton imufi for u ■]>crio'i=t)f three months. ’. 4 Sums vs: John S. Loofbourrow'. In ;:flittmrnp' —Sidling liquor contrary to jhi'v Di-fehdaiit plead 'guilty, and son , dutei'rod to, AdjouVncd .court. 1 ■ Snriiu vs. r sumo. ! Indictment Soil •jug'liquor |to ni>.n of intemperate haj) us lunt ploadguilty. and soni V'm.-e' deferred to Adjourned court. , ■< pSiiine vs., same. Indictment—Seilw "i ig liquor to minors. Is dllel prosequi iiM-'t L-J, and dbfenda-nt fiat’ the costs. -Sulne vs. same.. Indictment—Sell-! ing liquor on Sunday, fgporamus; cunniy pay the costs. • Sap-.q vs. .Pcifer; Woisuiani. Indict inont—‘Assault and. 'b.attiefyjl Nolle pro-ioqui-entered .on payment of costs. \t -Suihe vs. Liu-inda Wuisman, and '■'laig'lltur Lucinda. Indictment—As' f *uuli. and battery. Nolle prosequi • ••entered on paymept of: cost's by d‘e» ■ fiuidanlsj ■ I Same \y.'C. Fisher. Indictment . j-As-uiult and buttery. Ignored, and and proscciior, John Wilhelm, pay till l ' Custsi : 4 -Same vs. At Cost. I—As - 6auli and,* battery; Ignored, mid M. •Hu>s pay the costs. r Same vs. John Craven. Indictment —Selling liqiior contrary tola w.. Pro cess a; warded to defendant,, Same vs. W,.,F. Wallace. Surety of u, _° I'cfco, on oath of {Dr .J. W. Gard •'cr. - , -Nolle prosequijenteyed on pays weni-of costs by dofi|ndant. , tQulh consequence of the great de tnani .for surgeons ill the Ponnsylva-. i.-a.K’niineiuw novfio service, Surgeon ■>onoi :il Phillips has been compelled : to a permanent State Medical ' (l^f''*• H^rrif,but K This Board is ntft'' * n ' < " essio,! > n, ’d affords an oppor*- to the members of the proles* r ' o ° n ' n K°od 'standing, who are desU ta' 18 ' <!lter ' n fc r MiC'seryices as Again* 1 1 ur^uonB > to present .themselves v. ur examination.' , ’ . .' \ S. .' •', - •; •> hi^ovJ'.'f ®* Bt 1 "ewspapep kn6wn to dated Jn!London, and- H kmourfe •’ sBB^‘“ ,le ' l “? he En «" tfid Govern™’ i a £ d l l w i‘ B wsued by. ••Of the >n* m - e r t durm « tbq progress the ciiel P " ,8 * Arm “da. ,u. prevent ° f falt, ° ro l'°rt«. The .'lten r ame ''■a* Christopher Bar- 1' i "*'BRftrc Mg -4~nff« ■ i:'.Tiii-& » > : *■- 7 * * ■&'*-***■*» . g '-- '.ttisn i- A- ?R“h o C?®#.«®99'tptik pl*C« in tb** i OnllWa^ih , ' ? 'in«t ! f f 'w Rm» R.™t«* .denurwuhl&sfaß^fcV^rrSpe^ : .1 i i yenrtff'bdcj beetfoh Visit M'ildme re ;i.*,M?ea jft.-, this.: clly-I - OnTiPhdraauy’byening 17lh instant, iSS* U !' Mrs. CollilWhut who resides iin 'Allttf ueny, thi! visitid ,<■!.. ; - ■ n h- ...•■ . -•; \. the office Of |Dr for..the pur-f^T lo^ - poBeof:haviDg^iiamberdf,tt%lhk*.’ f Mawa«» iracted. The ladies wuroUshered in. of lbp 14<hhfieg't P. V"., • li/Miss Un the operating rppnfby Dr; Horner, MAEi.iik, of Hanovertoa-ColuiAbi wbo was pfflclating ifor ,Dr. Spencer, a ' a Xk»L A v /W/ ' | who is toOjdnweU'td attend. .---;■ -i ■■.'■■ .'■>’■ pelaonally to, his professional duties. Miss GarytTStaied the nature of/ her pull and desired Dr. Horner’lopdmin-; ; ister chloroform before be rdhuertoolc to extract her lee tb.|h After usual questions asj to her physical _ »<-«■»: agft’i •*"«< jibe Doetpr.j believing, her'.id be a fit (wjJi- h’ ’ subject, complied with" her request, , and.administered cblorics’hor, which' is a compound ofetberundchloroform, and proceeded ;tor;extract her teeth. After be pad! sntceedod in' extract, i.hg so'me.foaJ - or five teeth, Miss Caryt suddenly raised 1 up 1-in her. seat and commenced ito: struggle ina. violent manner: • Discovering that something was ’wrong,j? Di. .ildruer- at onco aVnt jfor Dr. Dunpan, "butbetore his arrival the-young lady expired. Dr, Horner, immediately; after proper' attention had .bden paid to | the remains!qf 5 the deceased, repaired to ihe M.«yor’S of fice .and gave himself into custody to [ await the repultj.pt Lhe/CoroneVs jujry. ■ , As soon as Coroner Donaldson was apprised of ihe melancholy ocpnrrehca ho summoned a.jury, and after bear i r.gt hee v idonee■ of Dr.- Du ri ediv, Mrs.! Collins, adht otctfico'ased, aiidja,youhg lady residing at Dr./Speneer's, the ju ry returnddja verdict that ih<4 deceas ed came to'her death from the uso'of, chloroform at [heir own request, in {the’usual manner] by Dr. Horner add fully { exonerating' him from all calpabnily’ih ,the"ma|ttcr. ■The.jury. l however, outside of their official verdict, strongly condemn-iih'e use of chloroform by the dental pro fession, |and catlnnonfhe Legislature, to pass'a law lodiCting-heavy penal ties upon all- who persist iukneprac tice. . ■ ■ ' ' Amendment of th* Constitution A Mu&s Convention* of those in fa rqr ol paving thy of tbo United Stales 80 ’ lUnendodaH to em j body a mure distinct recognition of ihu I supremacy-.ofsfibd, &e., will be held iu the . Weal Arch Street Presbyterian Church (Dc Edward’s) Philadelphia, on Tuesday tbo 20lb dayorNo vein her, inetant, at Ti o’clock, Jt. m. 'The pub lic generllj-.are invited to attend. Rev. D C Edd D. President ’ Hon. Jamos*Pollock, ViceiPrea, Rev. J. Gf. Butler, bee, Sec’y. ,-•! ~m# John Alexander, Esq , Cori Shfi’y, . —— . Bov. J. Ed wards,D- D. Ch, Ex. Cbm. , ' jOSPO iEt -ft A T iE. SSrlt i« represented that never have XJujPV 3ton . ’ tfe offered for gale at i £rcat| there been suchbollcctions of supnUi.V \ J V W^ t »' Ho ° a “ d S re-t.onabletcrms-as .......ililltu i s 1 1 ito lifts of payment.]. The lot is 3d leet front . . ,! a tlepots. Anne, ammu- "oy i jj* f^ et •; n dep!h: ; upon, it .are erected 'a mlloii, clntuinj;,; slices, wugbimf Dior-j two story frame dwelling, house and a email ses, mules; live, oxen, j stable. .[The' dwelling house contains six bread, flouVj in short, there is no want' ro ' mi | ! - and >* ncaily and substantially built; of supplies of anlr kind, or of transport- : F 1 ’ 011 P^ 1308 ] are grape vines shrubs •ition , ; -j *; i bery-;. ia. To any one wuhmg, at a low figi * •" 1 - 1 ' | ure, to purchase a comfortable residence, c«u renientlji arranged! and pleasantly located! such] opportunities as the above rarely present themselves. For particulars inquire of I j [ • I’• amdbbw,wat, ; j _ nor 9 [ i " . • ,v. ; j - NEW &ROPEHY; |'l. ■ ah» ■j' ! j [PRODUCE STORE. ; I' Vn ‘ . i—‘ • 1 .. .•: • I j 1 1 subscriber respectfully announces to • -I jthe citizens of Beaver and vicinity, thnl the has opened'a GROCERY & PRODUCE • BTORE [in the room /ormerly occupied by fStokcs Tillos, and directly opposite thy ■ Atq’.i office, where yre will keep constantly on. Hand and fpr. sale s. Urge assortment 'if Groceries, such a» | ’■ i • ‘ ! CQFjKBS, s|jgaß; 1 aarTbt, Union t icket inf Boston, on the £t.h, bad a beautifully engraved design printed in colors. "Liberty on one side wa». breaking .fetters, While Peace held to Iter bosom the .symbolic dove. A cannon and flag in the ce'n trs were snrinounted by, the liberty cap. • • 1 L*ST OP. LETTERS EiJMAIMXG in the Tost Office n. Bea rer. Pa., Npy., Ist. 18<H. Albert Rofct, Brown Miss 3 2, Beck Titos, Bunin Ruth. Beavers Wm, .Barnes Samuel Chain Mattie, Credncr- Edwin, Conker Wih, : Craig Morgan, iEdwards Margaret 2, Fritz J H, Jefferson-J, Lawrence Sadie, M'Kinuoy 0, Marshall John. Norris Mrs S&rah. Smith’6 P Smith Eliza, Sterling James, Thompson Emma Thomas L S 2, Thorn Nettie! Teasly Minerva _ Sgk-Persooß calling for letters in the above list, will please say they are advertised. M. .1 ANDERSON, P. M Office Hours, from 7 a.'m. td 6 ■ iLIST OP LETTERS in the Post Office al'Roehes- Ikfter. Pa..-Nov Ist. 18C4: i ' SraAs I) E, Frank Charles. Grim MissM A, Grant iWm R, Jones Rachel;.Kerr Mre U A 2, M’Dnnald UJ, Sweete, Miss Sarah 3, ;,Tibba Susan,'Willis Miss:Mary. :• *' |. T. M. TAYLOR, P.M.j -#sk,offiee hours, during the winter, fr'ofjn. 7a. m, to OJ pita. - f •-. . -S-. -»’ -* ■ *- - 5_ ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE^ ■VTTIHEEEAS letters: of administration hkj?- Vf ing been granted to the.undersigned; 6n the estate of Bsbecca Rikd, late''of Indus try tp, Beaver boijmty, Pa, dco'd., ftU persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make payment immediately and those havingxl&iins against the: same vi_ present them to the subscriber duly: authenti J cated for settlement. i f JOHN SLENTZ, Adm’r, nov!6 • , Ohio tp.. TJRDIT TREES. GRAPE VISES, kil" , T. L. SHIELDS k 00*8 rtoek <if ] • ;• Trees, t>Vines, Ornumen[ql Flqnis, &e. ‘ which the; offer for sole this /all, isTery large and ef the first qlialityin all reepocte.rru: i APPLE, i; ; 7 PEACH, ■ j ? PEAR,' CHERUT, i.’ PLUM, QUlicK, ;: ' and GRAPE VISES, Delaware, Coucord, Diana, and theether new verieilee OoosEßKßaiss, Curbaxts, ■ Stßaw bkrribs, and Small-Emits, in great variety. Partite coming- to the Nurseries to Edge worth station, on the P.Ft.W. AC. Railway, in the norning traias, eah seleei their ewa trains, wad retnra io ths attertbott 1 ■ ■ - : -•- ' ’ -I '■■'“T. 1* SHIELDS* COf, ; eetll Sewiokly, Alleghany eo., Pif' : Pension/Bolmty & Backft’y Agency. ARTHURS T fIIDDEt No. ISSfrOgfiTH §T... •' ' /• iuif A vA PITTSBURG, OPECIAI. attention gives■in the; collection O ofthi BODSIY 6FjfclJ»fc.4tt*ia WOTOB EU who h»ve i*rr«at*»«,.i*A»; Inro TKxK«, «hicK irngw-teing p»id.-mVj - »*.Aboyr. . .: '|>» , Vt* jWI Mar : • 1-* p: •■DiED:-, In [ Bridgeport; Xlnbntna, Oct/.,' 11 tb, 1864 j M.] C.; of Boaverxouuty, in the •ZTth ajjei * ' ]^a|y’ei , .s ■ Floor pirrbbl i ;..a do “j lOQlb*.., ; Dried .Apples pe> dbvTeaohea*' ■, Qreien Apples Wheat Com |. '.i’ Kye , i-. Oats • . Barley .Closer. Tirnoth’ JlnkSe cans. Potato* r, • Onions* . Corn Mi Eggs^. . Butter, Hains, Should* Sides,. fallow. Lard, Candles, Joed, “ ; Seed, , ■ sd, ; sal,, •*? veik* , :?V » » ** Soap, Molasse Carbon 99* * l ADMINISTRATOR'S i a VTUEREAS letter*.at administration on' YY;' itjb* festate- of , Hbnrt FiKirr, date; ;of Silicon, .Weaver county. > eunaylrania,' having been duly granted to the un-: dersigaed,: all persons. indebted to taid estate arc) notifted to make! immediate payment, and ;dllQ«a clttitos against theHomewill pre- I sent them properly autUcntiealed for settle-; monliwitligutdelay. I' 1 ' r . ■ / | ,( | .... JOS. A. WHAY k Adm’r., ; ooll9,’Mr i Brighton ip ' ./-Farm, for Salp. A GOOD PAUiI- is offered -at prirats salsituatedi in Blgßsavfcr township beaver c mntjyoO the from Barf lington to Homewood station, on 1 the H.- Fti W. C. i11.i1., about 2J miles from Uarlingf ton. 2 miles from Now -Galilee; on said R H 4 and,2 mites from HOmewood;; containing about 135 acres,-more or less, on whicb Is a "good dwelling [house, barn and other out-buildings! A never foiling spring of water .; convenient td the dwelling house]. Farm well-watered,and iu good state or cultivation. For terms apply to , • | D.X. IMCKIE .Bearer, or [ Oct. :12,%UK R. B.IMBEIE, en premises. ; Also, FLOUR, POTATOES, and all bthlfr ayticios u.ually kept - in- a .'Grocery store." . . , ■ f Country produce taken in exchange 4br goods, at the bighest-market nrico •M-- ! T. TAMcKimUN. CA.SJ3: PAID ' t ■ ■ ; ,-i BITTER m m .A. VS. HARVEY, Bridgewater. Choice Property for Sale Jn Bridge j- -;?■ water, Pa. : .. r. -A I I ‘-^ RGE two-story ; Frame Dwelling ‘2l- House. nearly! new, with six rooms, be sides Kitjdien, Cellar, &c.—well slocked with .fruit tries, grapes and‘shrubbery;, well situa ted |fori schools, &c,. The sight is elevated, and View' unsurpassed' For further particulars enquire at .the' BRIDGEWATER DRUG [STORE.' ' ‘ •••••• (noTOi 1- | ANDREW ■ Vi' 2Mi o:law ' - J; f j--< risArjsn, O f Fit & in fhv Southern extremity of tit N>,li6nal Hotol. .: , ; f*ug3l'64|ly. ? :M“H 1 3>r. I>; B. Young, TTTTSOkaibaen[for '«on»* ti»«> . Tf jSvu'g«on itt-Ui».Armjr; k»rUfr»l»r»»d 'Vlv Beaver . county, \ •Tankis profauioulaarriM* to tat pab»*.‘ .7 MJttUpa’; »milcM«g. - [*}, )<rek •7. i AMIJIItiOAN o p Id MAX£PiieiCREBa-ef «&a'P«na aid .'Pencil-Cases i of. every-description. and i l-V. c- r.; Sole. Manufacture* of-the *• ? ;s; Cdelffptasi 3 HTn.</u&ixiJViMrf* Pdn. *-Ajaifplyi—rraoai»«d-aad foroaleat the r 'T*v. V T ’ Markets: }••••••«•••*•••••••••« O 75 iuflh©l • ,1,* '1 6 “ . ' BO. «• i 00 <• i X;2O «(.. • “ ............. 75- ** 1 1;. ’ A‘C:,.i. 8 00 ft*: -.,«„-;6. 00* •f ...... 2 £5 “ 2 76 ■ .A.... .. . 80 2.00 •M i?-. i 60 oxen ............... ■ 25 lb 40 20 i ■ . -r4B : , 19 ; : V. ...r...... 16 i ,« ! ;..J 25 j — so ; *',■ 16 1 65 > lOO : uice. MOLASSBB, BYKUP' FOR _.ig, «- , „ unli.allby food, impure sir, filth" and* filthy habits, j tho dcprpssdng' vices, and, abovebll, by itfcp,,Vjyoct<;aL tofecUon. its s<3gkt,rfifi|il Ittsttaion^tutaoh, thbfhird! Siiil fourtji gcncratfonV’niideoPit I seems to.icjllic rod jo f Uimvdio says, “ | will" i visit the iniquities jbf tlio f-lhers upon their i cliildrenJ” . iTUo. diseases it originates take ; various bamcs,.ncix)rding to the organs it ! attacks, j ,Ik, &jforula produces : tubercles, cbdfiniilly Consumption t in the : glafuls, swellings j width sbnpunito and be ' come ulcerous sores;ljn the stomach and. i bowels, flcranpcniicntsJVlilch produce indi ! gbstion, Bndjiypr_ complaints; on ; tbd skin. crardivc aad imttfceons hfleetions. : These, a}1 1 ravin gdlicsamc Origin, require the same remedy, Via., paAfcaßon And iiivigoni ' lion, of tho bloud.j Bnrifjrtho blopd, and these diitciiipcralcavc you. With . techie, fciil, Orcotrupted Boodtyoa cannot have healtlj; with “Ufoof tho .flesh” healthy, jyou cannot h»vo scrofulous disease, j |- Aypr’a Sarsaparilla I . Hi compounijcd from thqaiiOEt effectual anti-' .dates" that mdical adenccdihsjdiseovcrcikfur tills afflicting distcnipcr.tmd for the! cure tif . the disorders it entails. . Tliat it is fur tupo 1 nor to any other yet- demised, it i known by all wlib have given it a trial. That • ■ it, does combine virtues!tlmyidKtm.ordinary in their cficct upon thU.cdass of, complaints, is indisputably proven by 'the grcittclultltuda of publicly] known arid it lias made of the follojSing diseases a Kng’S ' Evil, cr Tmn, Erimtiohsj Pimples, Blotches. ancl Erysipelas, Hose cr Bt Anthony’s Fire; Salt Bhcmn, Scaltl.Hecdi Coughs rfroia tuberculous depo'itsou tho'lungsf White Dyspepsia cr Indxgesticn, Syphilis end lfercufial Eiseaset, scries of cbniplaiau that arise flout inipurity j -of tho Uoiid. MinutW reports iof individual j cases nipyj.bo found iin Aycis’s Auuiucax Achasac, which is furnished tb tlio druggists i for gratuitous wherein. may bo 1 Icarnedthe dime tlonaffur its use, and sumo i •bf-jtlie remarkable it lias made, when all other remedies hudfiulcdto .-.fiord relicff' 1 Those tstesi.nrc. ptiijiiotejy taken from, all sections of tbO counh.v, : jin. order th-t every mailer may have mjeess] to some one whoi e: a speak to ofjtsibenefits front personal c. depresses tlio vital energies, and thus leaves itS.vifctims fair muro subject to disease nndi(s fatal results, than are llienllhy cbhttitutions. ■ lienee it tends to shorten, niiddocs greatly! shorten, the average duration! of human life.. Tl.e vast inipoftance of. these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting; a remedy wliich is aucqtlntc to|{ls cure. Tliii we now. offer to Ith'e public under the name of A vtn'g SAHSArAmuis. alUioOgh it is composed, of. ingredients, some ■of which exccedj tlie best of SanapqriUa im alterative powen By its aid you |mny protect jvnrself front too suffer ing and danger of-Jlicse disorders! Purge out the Ifoiri.corniptions tliatrbt rind fester, in the blood, purge dut thc causes of disease, . and vigorous healtlt will follow. By its pccu , liar virtues IJiis TtnSldy stlciulctcs' rl.c vital ; funfctioris,! and thnsi expels tlje distempers iLshich lurk within tfe> lyttcia, or Lur*t but ■bn any nairt of itT , * ,l j**., ■ J ■ j We know tlie public have been i deceived by. many compounds \ bf . Xiirsapatilla, tliat promised much and, tlSjl nothing: ibut they will neither he dcceivu| nbr'distipriointed in this. Its virtues liavje been proven jby abun dant trial, and there Irenlair.'s- no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases j it is intended to' reach. Although under the same name; it] is a very different medicine' from any other which. lias been befbfu .the -people, and is'farg'iiiorc ef fectual than any oilier which has everTicen available to them, ‘* j; ’ • I • • j AYER’S ' i' • , CHERRY PECTORAL, The World’s Groat.Hemidy for Coughs, Qoldi, Incipient! Con- , i sumption, and forthe relief of ConsumotiTe patients ' 1 ;in ddvaiibed stagea 1 of the disease, ' ‘ This lias been so' Ion" used aftil so uni versally. known, that we need do; no nioie than assure the public that its*q(mlity is kept up to the'jbest it ever has been, anil that it nuiyboroju.il on to do all it lias ever done. Prepared by " Dr. j. C. AfEit &. Coi, - I' ' Practical and Analytical C/temisto,- i’ ■' 1 > I 'Lowell.Mass. 1 ' ' by's’’ ’ ' Sold byjjall druggists every where. . J. Moore, Beaver;' lir. Smith, Bridgewater; 8. J. Cross, Rochester; Dr. Sar gent, New Brighton; and by dealers every where.- ] j| ■ I:-. , \ -jniv9'G4 j, '■ i' 1; i. . - .1- \jyfew / ;T¥IUE undersigned’has returned frhm FhiU j JL deljiliin. and litis now opened’ hi.A «e,w (Goods, consisting of Cloths, Cassiuicrcs, Sat -1 nets, Jeans, and Tweeds.. •j-. ji j • Iliadiies? Dress Goods, j Tan, Layendoi Leal her. and MjiJe TParmeUas ! and Alpacas, .also Silk Warps, lllack Alpacas: J" superior [article. 1 ' . , j ’ * -• j Made up [ Clothing. Codfs. Pants And I ! ' Of Cloth mid Ceramet f Groceries, ? ardwarc. QueenswnrepSrilt. and Which will jbe sold at a'reasonable pioljf from .cost, anvtcami.gp. ; THUS. JIIOP.EEKW ’ scp2Bf ■) '’ ■ 'j- ; EE-oPEtf£t). f I'HEisuljseriber lie.ring fitted o'pk a NEW I GALLERY, vo a no.it stylo! will! all THE LATEST JMPROVE'ii ENTS neeeasafy for making fine. PINE PICTURES of all k!nija. Laving a LARGE SKY-LIGHT in connection will! SIDE LIGHT, isjnow prc> pared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call,- with ' • . , ! I , AMBROTVPE3, of everyjixe or atyle; CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, ! ! LARGE! SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, j PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS, COLORED PHOTOGRAPH S,; , Old Dagkcrreoipiitii- \6ir Atibrotypes- en • | larged Photographs. \ j! 1 A large aWrtment of : i ■ , \ laaoi Axp gMXLi. Rosa-wopn a: Out Frames always on band, and for sale low’. All.frork- warranted superior to to.jany oth er in,the county; ana «4ual tolany in the Stale. Call and be convinced al the ; •| , Beaver Coimty Gallery of Art, ' .. I; ♦ OVER WYSN'R stoke; | A fiw 'doors below the National \Shlet. C. kd . GR IPFIxV, Bearer,ug24] PHONOGRAPH A UTIST I>i> I>. M’Khmey, S'- ' OFFERS kU profenioaal iirvieM to tho oUiiims of ‘ ■’ isivM Ajro vicikitt. \ ; j •: Otncf t* : i Tht Bk*nn*n Building, B- B. Cdntr of P*. - tr : * ,-t? Tto rSesi ■ v fe-q' :; These ! Machines -make :ihe ; J;? '-;Vv^ : ' /":-ik v^v: j‘ ; -'itf: ; > lockrjslich alike 6a ! Wth.lsidek, . ■;]•:.. m,'; and lessthalihalf i)|ie tbrea 1 'and si Iks lhat the *in | Jedr dmi , A -. ';■ ,r, x : -;| -; SKf;K::V! Me’, thread loQptstilch|MqchjricH do. ;jt wUlvStitoh/ Hemj Fen. Quilt, Tack, -■ ?lait,H Gather; Cord, Braid, etp., all wiihou \ 'previous basting] and iw (better adapted than any other Sewing '- "i.|,j 'r ji.. . . j’ Machine in usy id the: frequeiii changes a u d/g ix'at variety 01 -• . ' • J’ ':i' r -!> sewing required in a hirr : oirj they, will sew from, one toHwen-! ■• y' -j. - :'li.'■'••' ir*; ’■ •■.! ty thick hessesof, Maraillcsw ith- or iHdr. Of' Jt a Sr out stopping, and makeevery .stilch perfocl; or| from thefmcst gauzo xto the heaviests beaver cloth, without changiri" the feed needle or or making any adjustment of machine whatever! ’■ ■ ' . - : i i ■ f T- ;■ -V ,'• ; !, t It lias the following at > . : ■ )V' : ■•‘r ' cjes over all other machine ■ ij' \ r ■. Far* greater, variety of he tuly arid exccillei ice/of speed and quietness; of. motion;! :U‘-' : ..i! lv; simplicity of construct ion;' ease . : I V* : | ' *§|.lj ‘ 1 '.'-I,'*; a ( nd management;; elegance,: 65 i |l ■■ j-X:J design and finish;:|‘ i nil! go far to) tic choice of an intelligent' buyer. —-Please call:and examine. S. 11. P KIJBSO.L, heavier, .Wa'./ \ ,ij ! r : ' Sole' Agft fiifpßoa 30^17 NEW BRIGHTON /RETREAT AN ASYLUMFORTHERECER i TION. CURE ANP TREAT- * 'i •' MENT.OP MENTAL ALIENATION OR r i •' DISORDER •; - -,i -i| •: - ■' v ■ ‘'-I: ■! I '■ Ml -A I; i I \ !• i 1 i. i 'jL . j Nervous and Chronic Diseases. FOryFERAiiS. TTtHIS open for the rWop- 1 ; tion, care, and tifcat mjcni lofJibe is|«pe»i -'■rJTni clast of pallets who are laboring under mental derangement; j or, other -aiid '.Chronic disease.- < We make|9pccia£|mentioh ! b|i nerroua and chronic jtliseasesj Irdin the- fuel that seven tenths of the female patients t,h:i,i are committed' to Our [public- to: ; be treated for ”'disor^ercci-minds’; are; reduced to that lamentable condition* through previous physical disorder.’ Uy| A well tithed, and judi cious treatment of ch|;onic and utrrou!- (lis ,-.ases, .[ill.phyrtcnl disorders,' in.tlto majority ojf cases may be removed : aB/i thus the mind, wiring suffered 1 .tUroufch the medium of!the body , will: when free from th|a' exciting physical jcause. throw off. the shackles that nasi bound it t.O-worso thnnraiduigiit darknesi, and reason will, onco more, rcsutije its awSy. clothed in'all its primitive iWa.uty.iand wont (id excellence. Hence the necessity hf all those. who aro laboring under tbej predisposing or oxciting causes, 'calculated, in the end to pair the inind to- ,resort io an • early and judicious Oohrsc of, 1 remedial; agents. The Institution isr.i larde briijk Wilding with a stone basemer.l-j-rturf stories high, and well ventilated. 1 It is situated on ;an elevated table land which uommahds';a ,vie.y of entire town—adjacent hills—grjoves andiineighboiing ' streams; all of which,>are;calculilled to pro duce favorable impreßsioW-upoh tie disorder-, ed mind. -J' [)• ,' ■ ■!. . ,Tho lasj.t-ution is complete in atiof its ap poinlmer.ts. Having bWri lastefui iy fitted up at 'gract expense.. if, may s«eet the approbation and views ofj thet osifuslidi- I dps. ’ i i, '■ i 1 - | ■' The water closets ahd bathint ■ apparatus have been- gotten tip übou th<f most approved modern scientific principles. = This-department embraces not only tin} ordinary ] baths but, also, the medicated, warm air and ascending and 'descending doucAe for the mdr'e 'effectual ap4' gapcessful-.treatmept of t ytijaneous’ jand Other scrofulousdisehses. ' , : j| ,i ‘ t ; We beg leave,to say tel all those!Who may be disposed 'to commit the interests of a dear wife, sister or daughter} to pnr charge—may be assured that no means will hle_ spared or efforts wanting 0l» our part to amelioratctheh condition or to effect a restoration;! to their ac cuslomed health and vigor of: mind. •: For further particulars send, for a circular. Ail conimnnicatiohs ehoUld be addressed to. ; ■ , - E. KESDEICK, M. D. i , Supt. of New Brighton Retreat ■ / L ; ’' ’ I Sew- Brighton 1. gorlS’te. ' |Pk .- XhttSS BROTHER, *? I Co , * T Extra Chernies, fl Writing Fluid, tb«W»iihtheworld,attha Bnd'gawater Drogltoraf Trj- itaadbeemsc' dgWh AmVerew H* ■" ; 1 i 11.l 1 . : > : ■ • :. . : --.I 11 , •]., j'.. I ' 'v : : ; p . .....>. ■Gm .ii TheBecrtUi>j dtfdtie ji^ury^Sfoief,jayafcle thr'e? ignst ISth.lSGd. adthjmmi-annosHnterwtat. ajlinum.'-T 1 .principal M Bonfjr.^V '-:"X ' 'j''i>V.'< M.Tbwe notei sriUbe;oon-»er‘tible atitheop tlon of the-holder immaturity,'into jsix per., cent. | gold-bearing 1 boncjij,, payable |potj £e|a| than five nor'morcthau twenty yWra from theirdatev: as. iaiyrßleet— . will be-issued in’ denominations’ of $5O, :ssort^l,b^/and_ $5,85)b -sabscnptioua.'must he for fifty doUaraor some multiple >f <fifty ,/j. \ > V-?' Tpe be transmitted, to the owners free of transporl4tita ‘as soon, after the .receipt of the original De poait as they can be prepared. !■;; , As the notes draw from August 15, hiiting deposits subsequent for idtttothust.pay the intore?tacoruod from date ‘ of note to data of; deposit. - K 1 rParties ■ depositing twenty-fivV ,thou&hd ' dolfara and-upwards fo^.these'.notts at any! one time will bo allowed a commission of one quarter «f ond.per. cent., ..which -Wlli'-be paid by the Treasury Department upon thp receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom thp deposit‘was nmdet No deductions forcoqtinissiqns must-, be' -made from (hedeposits;.' ‘j. ’ -t,: Special Advantages oftbis Loop. It is i x National Savings Bank, offering a higher rate of'lntercS than any olherj and the beat aeevnttf. y Any 'Eatings bank ; its depositors in U. S. thatitis paying inthebesl circulatingme ilium of the country,!and it cah' ot oaydh any thing better, for its ownf assets 1 , are jeltiicr in govern nsent securities or rid notes ior -bead* payable in government money,- | ;, ! | It is equally convenient as a temporary or' permane-t investment. Tho.noiea can always be .sold for within a fraction of ‘their' face' andi accumulated interested,; and are the best ..seen-, ; jr}ty with banka as collateral a fori discounts. I ICharerjiife into a Six per, cent. Gold Eond.\ . In,addition on{ the" notes for three year's,” this privilege of conversion‘is now worth about three per cent..! pertannum, forthe current rate for 5-ddßonds is nut less than nine per (eenl. premitfrh, and be-' fore the war the premium on six per cent. U.| S. stocks .was over twenty per eenl. It will! bo seen that the aotual'profit bn this loan,‘a i j the present market rate, U not less than ton. I per cent, per annum. ! ; ' ■ 1 j lie Exemption from Stale or Municipal Taxation j j j ■ But aside from all the advantages we-have!! odiitacratcdi, a special Acl.of Congress example \ alVbohd* and riaetiry note* from loc it taxa idu, j On the average, this exemption, is .worth j about two per oent.jper annum, according' to j the rate of taxation in Various parts, bf the j country.' > ; ■.j •; j -y-!'] ,It is believed that no securities offer sb great, i inducement to lenders as those iss ied by the ! government;. In all other forms of indebted-.! ness,' tuo Vaith of ability of, prlva e parties, or stock companies,! or separate communities; only, is pledged for while thej’whole property of the country is held to j aecijireth«J discharge of aU thd .obligations of Ithe ;TJnitcd j ' ' ■ Whilethe. government offers .thV'mbsi' lib- - ; oral terms for its Ijo’ans, it believes that! i the very strongest, appeal willj bo tq the j loyalty and patriotism of the people. -: i , j implicate certificates will be issued for all deposits, ine part? depositing nmsi endorse upon-the original certincate the i ■of notes requircd.iand whether they are to be ; issued; id-.blank ot; payable to order ’ When so endorsed it must bo left with thL officer re- 1 ! ceiving.th'e deposit, to %»' forwarded 1 to the Treasury Department. ! . ,t Subscriptions will be received by the Treas urer of the'United! St Ues,- at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers' and 1 designated Depositaries, and ty, the • ■ "jv .. First ' National, Bank ,of Pittsburgh; Third‘National Bank of Ifittsbturgh, ■■ : i| v a uta work; .stitch; ver cp. which :are depositaries of Public, rnoucv, and Ml-i-' ; . .1/ ■ •. RESPECTABLE .BANKS AND | BANKERS throughout the country will give farther inlfor malion and , -,j ': I Ajford Ectry Facility <• Sui insert, . aug-17'dl—-inside 3m. _ i j New Marble ‘VVoi-ks ! -D. irons, MARKKA St., BiJI DG ATEK. ’ 11HE Suhteriher announces ( t<} the-public tb\t h«lis prepared to fit-mail to' custo mera nil kind of h'ork in hisiine from a] PLAIN SLAB to a CAIIVJC-D TOME STONE. | / American and Italia? Marble Kept Oh band, and all kinds of plain; as .veil as Ornamental work done in a! satisfticlbry manner. . : - , ! ,t>. IIjONS. ■ Market xf. ldoor north !T'.:AUison. i stoi e. jun«Vs’.6l ; |, r V>’“ ” : BEAVcH SEMnTrY.~ rp'HE FALL. TERM OF. FOUR I MONTHS, will open on Monday the 29 f A of fugxiiffn^t. JigT For further information send for a tat aloguo.-. Address,- .. - - . ~ - ■ ' - ' S. B. MpKCLiI. | Beaver,: Fa. A DMI NISTKATOII’S NOTICE../ LETTERS of aumim.stvnt’.ou on the estate of JoiiN .XI. TotvNSEjyj,; late |of New Brighton, Beaver county, dec’d.j lKtving been granted to the- undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, add those having claims, against said estate' will" present tlieja to tie subscriber properly. authantisHted ifor.l *ea- Uooxi*. ' 1 - ■ :' ; | wji. p. towhseVdJ Attatfid • eeplA IMjghl^n. POR SALE AT BRIDGE iWATER FOUKDRF- J. Spring W»gon, , " ’ ■ I-set Double Harness, - _'', ■ 1 Iron-shod Sled, 1 set Tinner’s Top’s, - T Urind-stonc and Mandril 1, 1. Anderson Drum! Stove, ,i - .2 Rifle Guns. *- , i , j ' , , . ; k <Sc CO., ; PROF. DAV ID GORDON. ~AavertiiiDg' «od ConimstiOD Agent* HAVING, devoted a number of lyeuro, to f AND DEALERA IN | suiceessnlly curing, }i r eiu, : sa.,“ PjRINTING INKS OF- KINDS irom ; motives of humanity, offers bis profds- .., Xvoe, Priotinir • sional.services io the public of this county. — .ifeSamins Am His system; is simple-—inevitably prbdures a WlimN ? CARDS, euro without psinllo ,thfl . • • ’ . ]. , , . ■Jfo cure nopi#/ y P<<M eke* »t, Clint A.i. ’ tlFflo2B—Brown’sßuJlAinft. Philndsliihla^ It tiij.'eov.Da.i - .-1 'i i "■!?-' Ji^nanßujWlafKFowTort,-■■'■■: •*;••,■■■ ,Td2pM. ‘ ■ •• '■’'ll'.- i '■ f j utsjrJ«;l7. ■ ■I,-'- R' ,;;)■■■, - '' . ' |J;-1 ■ 1 ‘ .' _ ■[-; . ■ ”; AND BY ALL'NATIONAD BANKS: INEN ligE er. ?^*;m^'fiioii»fl«;aa^B^, v ■ ■ • '^AssociateTHCapau‘inti* ‘'Z Out KEtf AOiWWlYJ*tli£piS(^UUW ~ . 9<jpuilS tc 4 ?sC* wiMji'ftr <«4ujia*iiy.‘;' *M'"7 ]: *-.’ ■* •“'AVttie branches yoi)fi% uhou ■ ■ii. Good JuW'gu m w - terms ft* dlscwhefe.''-.'’ .''r~ v_ ~ ' V"/ ■ S@*IE&V !^U-: b9 .ne Wr)«ni/;« f« if .’ Jaitiiti., For fUrlher particular* aiiilreka «l-. - tU«r oi the Principals-, or itUa'undersigned./ : ■ , HVFfK/8,-' Soo. Board of TniswA. , ■' Upriver, " • ! a xomusr rj' /ETTEUS ’df administration on the estate |r->Jof dec’d. Heaver tdtV'nshljj.' Ildnvitr 'co., having]; been ; gi»iotcd:t6 the undersidied, nil parsons in debted lo aaid estate" ioin«dia;*,p«jpicn(, and:(ji<js.e_- havingclaima against the same will, present them, properly -t. siithcuiicatcd foT settleihecti r ;; ..fy .lit Adm’rL', 1 , BUglft’frt -■■ • ■ ■„■ .■ - N \- ffunh Sewiehljjfopr ■' DrS'fcgapEßß OJfcra hie ProftUional the Ptbjse\f , - BEA T . A ghatV/of ■: 41 '1 . orFioßist - * - ' .V - ■ Kerr’s - Mpter^ : W^err-JP«ria';«/ ■pniEH 'ANOBir i: : ‘ fIiYS TUE^mGHES^ PIUCEIN CASH '• k . ■ For I3xxttei' and Egg«, rt* ■At iii»Ch«»p Stor*. j. Ob Bridge Jilroot, O C ,'.Cf v-'V-r i. jV, BridgeWmtijvlV Perfumed ; Br t VE8383. X X X. ■■ '-r ■ ■ Xl .A,.- -tSiitl Breath. ASweet s^! ; JlVbat lidf or gßUllei dertlie' curge of a disj by using tie BALM.OI’ A 10 it ebujd bi secured? jft separated! How mauy T.be subject j».so Delica will ndl tiieiiiieS it; aiv noraut of t bo' fuel. Xo uso Ui# Balm as a tooth ins* • i' .. .. p- THE "MOST BEA.I iTIFHhjITO ÜBS' ~ of. ancient timea ufcd bcnoy x lo beautify their completion; hut the, cbnibuiatioh with palm, cul and other, valuable sngretli*-nfs make? it still more valuable, ypr'bajhirigsuffsbiug la faiii s,. a few 'drops "jfourle J .inf o a hasinj.of tfi her. will dispel all ■ f«are«v't%tt‘ciV&c.dj.Ai Ijppi dr&pJ poured Ott yoar'fpav.i ijgrbrush • makes.» ■beautiful- soft lather, ileavus£ “the falce, pUr* and,while...',. ■ -“J . S ■ When WBsliing'mght-anJ.niefiiUV 1 lit craiiicifes:-ttll J'anj l‘axple>, and •■■■ j renderuig the ikin' «oB tnd wlriV ■sad tr*.» Uj-. r _ , I from blemish. , |„, L . . _■—p • For 'aale i>t lb <■> Dnn 's'io/e mpTim .' ADiiiNisTßxV^fpii^Nirr, LUTI’EKS of admimatimidn ohthe j Joux Mooiiv, laiL- n( iq beaver eb., been grant si undersigned, all jersUna indebted to saj are requested to make ilmuedlaie ssi-dji ■those 'having-- qlaimsgainsi attic? eali presciiC them to -ilia feubseribtr rroj, theniicatsd for eettleinlur.l. •: .. . . -i' ;.ma,GA ret Mivny, .v 1 ' ,1 • .TOSKI’H AtOOInV . 1 SAMCCi -iiyoiiy, )• . octf.'G-l/' . 2"" C;; . ' f I ' li!'. firm of B. fed' ~ " t'di: i._tjo. art d:a-. * solved On the 11th of .'.l' ■- It- 1 hy'.tho depth-of Mr. .'Win.. V’ildci, .'i ue he ivsn of. the late firm trill be 'lictlled-’oy tie'sut.>iviug paatuora.. ‘ . BIINJ. AVUdfct, a*.- /•. • HORA-TiA >V, tVIUL'E. C‘ 0-PAR.TNCRfOIIP. H- The ; ur.Lrsh'ned ' hjrve entered into'partnership' .under the • the style of *‘Wildd A (j 0.,” end wHcoatilme the business of the lalc'dinn yf B. A ,JVi. Witdo j it Co. ■■■»•• ’.ijP.N.T. .'ivtl.l^i r r -1 • - lIOiIATfA AV. WfliDß, ■ New Brighton, July IT, ISd-1.,.'" ;. • . : , TVKi OTi’LU TC‘ Hid .'i‘V; Bidfc"' WHEEI:ER r & WILSON-S V FAMILY v VI- ■■■ - " SEWING-MACHINES ■ TTith increased cormtciys'-i in its morals.as jibe 'Mist it ml Most Hs.iu'itU ■l;'- ‘ Mt whine n'ctw in'-use. ■ * We claim for it- the foUawhig .-ijvant • -»ny 'w.d ad Siv.-fn'g Machine} Far greater variety o '-work: beauty eellonoc of stittjh; speed end tjhlrfuci lion; Simplicity Jof construction; oiuu lion, r.hd management; elegance of fl "lt'.'.vill. , ... 1 . Stitch;' Hem, fell ■* - Plait, Gallic: All without,nil ' it works equally ] thickest fabrics, fror clotlu to the finest ca,i S. H. PEIRS jy:tlj’o4]>; Solo Agi VALUABLE FAEM AND COAL - LAND FOR SALE. ■ A TRACT., of- firit ;ratß.liiud, 'aitnate in Chippewa tp., Limber, county^,.-about.;..! miles’tvest of New' Tirighton, on tLa P. Ft.’lv. &■ C. ft.. K.. containing OSE UUNOKEH j AGUES, is offered foi sale unfavorable tern.a. About seren'ty acres of this V tr td are cleuiid and in a gold state of OulUTalioiu thebalanco well timbered, and ail, \\n.ijerr feute. Thera af’e.on tbo premises a stone dwelling house, a large sionejspring ;house,, (the upper '.story of which: is no|W .used asa dwelling, (and hewed log barn, Thera is a vein. pf excellent-c*ml underlying a largo ptnuion of the tract; with opening near,the, railroad. * ggf For furtber inforjiaMdn inquird pf ! James F.irß’,_Bsq„ Brighton,. Pa., N.; P. Fni,- • ermax. Esq., Pittsburg,,'of M- WeVasd, Pro -honotary’s office. Bearer, Pa.' ' jeS,'6wt44 f. 1411. [dll urould r*cValß k.Q'- - J . reeable blrcatb,' trlion 1 . 1. , (O'FLOWEKS, otf many lover; It ha* friends torcyer [parted le, jour neareatfrieud I yo'it are .yourself jg effect u radical ciye, wash night audiuora ' ■) ' I'-" -Quilt,' Bind, r, Curd, Braid j previous ; bat well ■ op the ti n heavy- h.eg-vs iahrio. \ SOL., ?EAV ;enl fpr Bearer & '■ - oath MEM 11 = ■V*lrr» XCJ3 »l-vta'p 'ji ywriship, 1 to tbe .r Id Palito cut, and ale.tria .. crlT.su- - v /* 1 i .i,:ru'ls ne.tp. tpges over r.ni ex- 1 is‘of nfo pi ppera-f irfgn.acd Tuck; fting. jmnest or Jr. ov pilot ERiPA., jcounly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers