V?-.. ' *)- ; •-.■•■ I&pKS OTTHE •€treat; Cities. . . Mayors, hereby ear- UCf : Druggists, Apothecaries, and , PayWoiai* ©f our savpraiciUes have aliened adObmßjjnt of assaraaeeto os that AT-BB’S BASBAyAHTTiTiA has been found to be gieat oxooUenss, and worthy the: canadaaoe of the iommunity. COOK; ■ V!- Mayor of DOWUtt, SUBS. BEABD, j , Mayor of 7TAHBX7A, If. H- W. fiABtoNGTOW, I Mayor cfVL&kaßXaftSStt B. B. * ■■■.,' ■•■' I Mayor of COffCOHSi IT. 8.. M, S. BTJIiOCKi , Jtisyor of TKiOBOESTEB, BA 33. || > ATH*Za SlijSßKßf |f of 3A1i341,|KA23. k vr. i*iscoi&, Jr.; '.* jir- : Maybr of BOoTOIf, 31A33. #XI. XI. BODMAIf, 1 Mayor of PBOVID33TCE, 3. X. kos W. EBS^^GS,- Mayor of KOBWICH, COBB. A .. -s HoirVj .r> v • .• •• y HOB, So*. SOB. soar. EOS. 808. 808, ,EtON. i HON, ’ i « I 1 ■HON. N. HARRIS, i7or of NEW LONDON, CONN. jjHAS. S. RODIER, Mayor, of MONTREAL. C.E. k p. "otebann, ' | ‘ Mayo; of NEW TORS CITY [I. M. EINSTREY, . [ Mayor of HAMILTON, .O. W. ADAH WILSON, i; Mayor of TORONTO, O. W. a. M. BISHOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. L H. CRAWFORD, | Mayor of LOUISVILLE, NY. fOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, lOWA. rAMESMcPEETEES, tor ofBOWMANVILLBi C. W. E{OJ; HON - . HOK. EON. lHON» eon. HON. A:-V. HON. FAIIBB W. NORTH, Mayor, of AUGUSTA, ME. lENRY COOPER, Jr., HON. Mayor of HALLO W EjLL, ME. HON, [AWES S, BEEE, r - I [ayor of FKEUEHICTON, IT, B. HON. WILLARD IjTYE, ror of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. 7, BLAISDELL, Mayor'of FALL HIVES, MASS. HON. J H. CRANSTON,’*' HON. I Mayor of NBWFOBT, H. I ?RBD STAHL, I Mayor-of GALENA,.TTjti. JOHN HODGDEN, ' Mayor, of DUBUQUE. lOWA. HON. HON. EON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, ror of Chattanooga, tbnn. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor , .HJSCALOOSA, ALA. B» D. BAUGH,. Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENS’. HON. I#N. HON. GERARD STITH, Mayor of NEW OKLEANS,,LAI H. D. SCRANTON, - Mayor of BOQHESTEH,.S/1. iON, HOB. E>E WITT C. GROVE, /1 (I ; . Mayor of UTICA, N. T. J GEO. WILSON, " ; | i son. Mayor of PITT6BVBCF; PA f abi'f. g: h. buhl, - • v- r i. . Mayor of BETHOIT, SUCH. |IEMAN L. PAGE, ;, Mayor of MU.WAtnaE, WIS. w. \v: vaughn. kor - (■ HON.; - T t > Mayor of EAGIUE, WIS. hon. £. TAEB, Mayer of KENOSHA, WIB. JOHN C. HAINES, I ' i . .Mayor of nTrrf!Aon,-TT.T. riON. honJ 3i. J. A. HEATH, l Mayer of SELMA. ALA A. J. NOBLE,, ■ - HON* of MONTGOMEHT, ALA T/.r3.’.E6|LYBAP. ; < Mayor jof COLUMBUS. OA qdpi.HTEB;O MANUEL, no.Nj bo& Mayor of VESA CBLZ. IM IN ‘IETHE DE CA HALLO. DON STEPHANIE HODRXGI7 v H3, * - Mayor of HAVAJiA. L3TTONiO-ECHEVEBA,. . DON i • . Mayer cf LIMA, lEHC Kt; G. MILANGNO,: ' v DON 'Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILI. f-lARO SESQDEPfiDALIA, iyOt ol 810 JAWSIKO, BRAZIL' DOW Certify flint the. resident Druggist* have insured-thorn pr’s. Sarsaparilla Ayj :p*llent remedy; and worthy the coa* j&denee cf .tho community. ' jflag Dleto.es. irUi'fjjftht Blood.. * irafaia or King** Evil, imoi'i, Clnn, and loin, uptfaas and Pin pies. Vbr Blsias, dad Bolls. Anthony's Fire, RosrV or Ery- JPor TttUc nr Salt Rheim. [ilfclu, For raid Head and Ringworm, .For. Üb(fi md Caiutnai Boteiii Fbr.Stfc-a hy ti, Sore Ears, and llnmars for. Female Diseases. • for S Actress ton and Irregularity, For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases, For. MT'er Complaints. i ' Fi»r,D|»*ote* of tbs Heart. 'Sthir la ta p ' For 9f FoT Pi For ’.For Ti .For Ki Miyora b? the chief cities of the TTnl- HM; Oanrdae, and British Pro Vinces, Jpetu,- Brasil, Mexico,' and In tact al jß the cities on this continent, hate {this document, to assure their people fejnedlta they inay use with safety and luce. But cur apace trill only admit Uni of them. .. led'Sf chili.; pioat ij ■tenet! •hat q apord r?s Sarsaparilla, ' 1 ■yev’a Cheny-Pdctoral, I" f Ay®r’s Ague Core, - fasrsßCD »t Pra J. Cif A,cr '4c Co* 1 - • 3 . ! : Lowri-i; MASS, '•' 47$ ; si nKnofluidri best in .vie world, af the ffteXpvuEitore. TryTO&l h*s:*on iJTMhfsSlaredhy the AStormsh ' Ink P? i... r ;- . m EH?*# MMRIII2 to. . 41. 11kNITY . . 'C • • •••• . . . .... , - - “This U the first really, clever dogdo and J satirical journal we hav<r had .in America—: andreaHyolever Uis,, It is-both sharp and good-tempered, and. not afraid to e*; that it* , soul is i,ta own—rwbieh ehpwa/ibet itbaa a soul. (W mdeti.viU .be gladto know where they cap find native fun that has something better in 'it titan . mere . patoit."—Atlantic iMo*Msf- 1 - ! “This papier ia exceUent,... . Eemarkable for ociginaUty.”— S. Y. Traveller. j. ■ ij "VJuerrT Fan i* conducted by a-vivacioua, witty and intelligent oorpikof joumaliata.”—■ Liuhfidd.(CwbL) Enquirer,. •' “Will wield aspotent an Influence as that of ’-I the London Punch.”—Bocldn pra teller. ' ' I “Whosoever findl.himselfiipughing'at the - wi' of Yasiit Paul, and does not return a quid pro quo. la-fit for ‘treason, and spoils.*”— S. Y. Crayon, The very marked and flattering success which has thus far attended the publication, -of , I , “Vasiit Fair,”; . ,' ! Enables the publisher to announce that with the commencement of the Second Volume, is-, sued this day, 30th June, New Features; both Literaryanu Artistic, will be introduced, which will increase the value and interest' of the pa per, and fully maintain the proud positron unanimously accorded to it, as the leading-- VANITY FAIR m _ tssmn BEocLABtr bvxet totbSdat. . and is fo? Sale by all Newsmen, and at It he office of Publication, No 113 Nassau-street, New York. ' ■ TERMS: , . -V “ Three dollars per annum, in cents single copy.* T . - - TERMS FOR CLUBS: . ■Two copies of- Vasitt Faie Will he «ent to on!« adtlre6sfor V i.. J....... .$5 00 ' ' FivoWpies. 12 00, - ..20 00 An Extra copy willbe allowed to thegetfer up bF erery Club of not’less than five copies.' - This paper is Eleclrotype’d, and numbers may beprocured at any time.- iV ■ LOUIS H. STEPHENS, Pablisher for the Proprietors, 113 Nausau-st. New-York. l i I’ MilE. DEiIOiiEST’S Quarterly Mirror ol Fashions, , With Oteal Improvement* and Additions,' ’ TH« SCMJIXE JICMBEB^OSTAISS FOUR LARGE $ SPLENDID FASHION J pDates, three full-sized PATTERNS OF DRESSES, , • conraistso the. 1 New French Waist, • an. Elegant Sleeve, and a | Misses .’Sackj aqd-a Sheet ,of New | and Beautiful , 'BRAID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS. [ Together With nearly, 100 Engravings of i • all the. novelties for Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, [; Children’s Dresse?, &c., ; And valuable information to Milliners, Dress Makers, Mothers, dud Ladies 'generally,:pre ' seating the largest and best fashion Maga zine in the World, published 473 Broadway, !N. Y.j and sold everywhere at 25 cents,'of .sent ,hy mail, post free.’ on receipt of the am’t in stamps or silver; Year $l,OO with the.fol i lowihgfValuable premium. ■ . - I Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to a i receipt' for the selection of 60 cents worth of '.plain patterns, from the ' designs in the bock, l of from the show room, or they may be 6r | dered and sent by 'man any time during-the ! year, by paying postage. ■. I ftjsjuSplendid Inducements to Canvassers. I-"BfiluSurainer Noi now readv. Nof : from the Army but fromjhe -Town, .of Beaver. rpHEj subscriber would respctfully inform I the citizens,pf Bearer County that, in ad dition to his well selected stock of CLOTHING, HATS. GAPS and GENTLEMENS FURNISH ING GOODS, fie has lately purchased a well selected stock of* BOOTS and SHOES of cvcrv kind and variety. My stock'is the largest ever brought,to the county, and lam determ ined to sell “cheaper than the cheapest”!— ■ i Mind the sign, of the “Big Hat.”, f I Sept.tV’6.l. ' . I/ N. ATKINS. ICE CREAM SALOON r 9 ’HE subscriber baa fitted up, in an elegant • and modern. style, for an ICE CKEAM SALOON, bis houso-bn the. corner of Bridge and Mulberry SiSects. Cakes and Confectionaries, ; cf all kinds, constantly Kept -on ■ hand, ORDERS FOR ICR PROMPTLY , *: FILLED.' May 25, 18G4—It FREDERICK IVALZ. ‘ Matut ol MEXICO. ICE ChEAB SALOON.' THE subscriber has bnened,.! in connection with his CONFECTIONARY, ntj ICE CREAM SALOO.\\ in the North-Ea-t corner of the Diamond, where persons can' be ncconniiodatcd. A 'share of the public'patronage is solicited.'' fnay2f>j’os F’IED’K.-WA LTE^S. - The said election will bo. held through the county ns follows: , ; "Estate of John- Imbrie.deo’d. LETTERS of administration' on tffiiejSHFof; Jons Imdbie, late of Big BeavcFTßrnTj ship, Beaver Cofihty, Penna., dec’d jSSrlag; .been granted to the undesigned, all I indebted to. said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims •gainst the samej will present them- properly authenticated for eettlemeiil. T. M.;]&C6oor(i, Notary ■- OFFICE WITH B. B; ( CHAMBERLIN, ATT'Y AT LAW, {Near the Provost Marsha!’* > lice, BROADWAY, -YEW .OuiOX, BEATER COUNTY, BA. PROMT attention' given to the drawing of EXEMPTION PAPERS, and all matters connected, with the draft; also oaths adminis* tered, acknowlfdgtnenta taken,&c., &c. [deX6 _ A Gentleman tfured of Nervous Debjlity, In competency, Premature Decay and Youthful Errpr, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to' all who need it '(free of charge) the receipt and for snaking the simple Remedy ussd in his ease. Those wishingto profit by. his experience And possess a Valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) -by addressing - . JOHN B. OGDEN, ■N0.60 Nassau Street, New York, augl2:3m 1 ' ” . ‘ 1 \\T HEEEAS, the Probate Court of Coiom- T » hiana bounty, 0,, having granted to the undersigned letters, testamentary on'tfie estate of Horalis N. Barker, late of Perry tp. Columbiana county, Ohio, dec’<L, all, persons indebted to said estate are paymwit, >td taose-^avin^jlaimsagainstthesamewlll present them properly ■authenticated for set tlement, • . * - ■ EMI SPECIAL NOTICE i( Como Journal 1 of America, GLORIOUS NEWS! New;:Sh‘oe Store. In tr. ,D. L..IMBRIE, Beaver, "R* S. IMBftlE, Darlington, je29*64 - EXECUTOR’S .NOTICE, i ■"«. 8. BASKEB. Bx’fci.c -t ~-J at.- V.-V.i--' - Combined and Bronze Med al{& Diplbmas,, Certificates, Premiums, and Testimonials, havebien received from vari ous sources; both Public and Private. Self-Adjusting and Adjustable! The only Wringer with the Patent Cog-Wheel Begula tor, for turning both rolls together and which positively prevents! the rolls from breaking twisting on the shaft! It is not 6nly a pet feet Wnnger, but the Cog-wheels, give it a power which render* it a. mast' excellent Washer pressing 'and. separating, as it does, the" dirt with the water from thej.clothes, leaving them dryer,; whiter, and smoother than whcn,“wrung”by . The water can be pressed from large add small articles; easier, quicker, and more thirejrghly than by the or dinary. old-fashioned Ibfejk-breaking. wrist-, straining,; and clothes destroying process.—. 'The Cog-wheels prevent all “wear and tear” of clothes by the friction of the rolls or break ing of stitches by twisting. ■ ■ Without Cog-wheels,'the'whole strain Of forcing the -cloth; through, the Machine is put upon the lower roll, and the cloth is made act in the place .of (pog-whecls, to drive the upper roll, causing, a much greater strain up, I on the fewer roll than when Cog-wheels, with our Patent Itegulatoriare used.besides the eif tra strain -upon the cfeth. A Good Canvasser every tow-d. Liberal inducements offered, and exclusive sale guaranteed. [ 8.0. J BROWING, Agent. . , 847.Brodway, New Vork.' j Wife O. WOLF, Agent, May 11, ’64• j Corough township. g©"J. B, TODD! is Agent for Universa Clqthes Wringer inthh Townships of Moon, Hopewell, Independence, Raccoon. - Greene, and Hanover, V -1 j , i sL !_ n - j ■ 1 V ' MARRIAGE. 1 I-- - ■ 1 IIS loves and hat e|s, and angers, {hopes and fears, regfets and joys; MAN HOOD, how lost, how restored; the nature, treatment and radical cure of spermaCemtoea or seminal- weakness j involuntary emissions, sexual debility.and impediments to marriage generally; consumption, fils, meptal and physical resulting from fully explained ■ ini the MARRIAGE GUIDE,! by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This most extraordinary book should be in the haidg of every young person.'contemplating marriage,: and. every .rnan or woman ;who de sires to .limit the; their offspring to their circumstances. Every pain, disease anil aefee incidental to yot ti,imaturity and old age, is jully explained; evi ify particle of knowledge should be knotvn is here given. It is full of engravings.. In fact, it discloses secrets that every tone should tno v; still it is a book that must be locked up, and not Be about thehoasc. It'will be sent to ady one on the receipt of twenty-five cents in > p.ecie or postage stamps. - -.Address Da. Wsi. YOUNG, 410 Sprube st., sbfSve Fourth, Philadelphia. Afflicted and Unfortunate, tio matter what maybe your disease, before you place your self under the care )f any of the notorious Quacks— native of foreign — who advertise in this or any other pi per, get a'eopy of Df. Ymmg’s book, and rtad it carefully. It will befthe means of. saving you many a dollar, j ydur health, and riossibly your life. I ,'; ]Db. YOUNG, can he consulted on any of the j diseases described li his publication, at his office, 4lG;Sprucc IStroet,.above fourth, Phila ;io=.Ofsce huuvk Ir mi 0 to 3. daily. ' [~mar26 i PHOtKTsrix: fHIME I MANUFACTORY, NOS; 221 EAST twenty-thirb street, : U i 73 & 175 QRANiQ STREET AND 215 ••;! ;■ CENTREST RE E. '■ .MY , ESTABLISHED 1838! ,J .Y. ESTABLISHED 1808 THIS Establishment has ia successful operation for. 2t ye.ars, and is .the largest of tbejkind in the!Uu ted States. We have cn hand or manufacture Loorderpvery description of Looking-glass, Pici urc and Port rait Frames, Plain and Ornament a . Pier, Wall, Oval A Man tel Glasses, Connect ng Cornices. Base and' Bracket Tables, jwiti Marble Slabs, Toilet Glasses, &c., &c.j, itc. Mouldings for'Picture Frames, in lengths at itable for transportation, Gilt, Berling, Rosewood, Oak, Zebra, Birdseye, Mahogany, &6. Our new mhnufac toi-y and cstensivle lacilities enable iis to furn ish any article injourjline as good as tho best, land as cheap as the .cheapest. j | Dealers are iinvjited to cal! upon us ! V|hen they' visit New York. We claim to. bo r abje to supply to Supply them with evert aftir ! ell: in our. line whjchuliey can possibly purchase ‘elsewhere. Y I' ' lea?” Ordors by - pfdmptncfs. Do non Npw York.- ' t■ I Office jJ- Warerodnity } «OUA MnvT—3mbs' ''{■ THE GIiEAT CAUSE OF llum a li 31 ise r y . »«/ use Published in a St a led Price 6 eU: ' I 'LECTURE I!\] Du. CULVEUWEI.L, JIL OX TUB CAI'SE-AXD ClsllE of Spertaa lifrrheca, Cpnsun plica,. Mental and Physical Debility, -Nervousness, Epilepsy; Inpaircd Ku tfition ofj.h.e Body; Lassitude; Weakness of _ the Limbs arid tjiq-I ack; Indisposition, and Incapacity for study and Labor; Dullness of Apprehensiontoss >f Memory; Aversion to Society; Love of Solitude; Timidity; Self-, distrust; Dizziness; Headache, Affections of tbu Eyes; Pimples ot.. the Pace; Involuntary Emissions, and Sbxutl Incapacity; tbo Conse quences of youthful Indiscretion. &c.,, Ac., I BS&-Thtt admirablh Lecture clearly proves that.the above cnumleratcd, often self-afflicted evils, may be remove i without medicine and Without Dangerous mrgical Operations, and should be read by every.yblith andevery man in the land. [ i j { Sent undersea,!, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or tWo postage stamps, by addressing, - 1 1 CipS.ij. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bo.wery.Sew Toik.Fost Office Box, ; 1586. tIOF. DAVID GORDON. AVING devotee a number iof years to success sully coring - Fens, Turnon, &c., motives of! humanity, offers bis profes sional services,t<4 the public of ibis county.- His system is simple—inevitably produces a I cure, without..producing path to the patient,— No cure no pay! [Post office at Clinton, AUe t henv. co., Ba. ’ • -.* f je29’64. ' FT <> OLD PEN] CO MPAItY, i\/r ANUFACTPR'ERS .of Gold Peas and d.TJ_’ Pencil Cases "of erery description, and i | Solellanufactures of the [Celebrated ‘ Angular JSdMd Pen. | A supply jtjst received and for sale at the /j2o] Bridgewater Drug Store. : j ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. tETTEftS ofiadnflnwtr»4jn on the estate ofJ«S|p,M. TowasEsrn; l»to of New junghion, B**-»eo-eo«nty, deeVL. bovine boon to tba' cnaersigned; aH person* in'-i deblea tq itfi are requested iio- sake immediate pay bent, and those having elairas jagaiMt said esiats aalt present- them to tta ■> properly authenticatedl for lid-: llinsitijitT«* I.b : / V, j 111111 jail attended .to with ail to call when you visit o. 215 Cerir*. S(.. X, F. ;E V. SIGLEU, Aytnt. , Dir •;/> i! £--Xii 2UEZX# ■ jp - . ; b'Vr.-',., GARDNER •-i i' : ’' ‘*' “ ''' " - i '£f- '• I. NM -.i.l i - 4-r-' ' V: * E. R* GARDK ' - '■> ■ -'-r ~y r ' 03 Marl /j ipittsl; VtV-;? Between Fifth jit. Mil 4 • ,) r - -1 ■ ; i ;■ . ■ [ f-. ■«!;,'; .’ -j ■' j, WE take the libertj to inform onrfrienj|s of Beaver coudtj that wc J have, large ly increased carry log on U»e Dry Goods Bnsintsss, dt onr old dtand. Our e jtire attention will he. I be devoted to the Inert* le oif our business, in which the'interest ofour customers will be sustained land pnndtv I hf eveiy means in our power. ' I - TT', V y NBW SBBjgj?(J 'SILKS. ■ iOur atock will 'comprise all comprise nil the the; Novelties m latest importations, in cluding repps in n 8 cpjurs, plain and figured blacks, plain silks in tit colors, check and brocade silks, Swiss and Foulard silks, 1 aUI of which wo will sell ak kut h low prices that none can to} tO’be suitetLgV 1 ■i : ‘ ■! V ' - ■': • ! ■!' f . ; DRESS coops. ; j Our stock will be 'fonanl replete, comprisingl orer One Hundred differentatylea, in/tench, 1 french, -English, ofilat eat imporlitiona, at priclsa.ee lowiaTeirtleo. j <■ ' --r >~; / ,-v ■ • •*.•; | ’’T 1 CL OA ■ •'• I *1 LACK (icons.’ i-'-. |v •- 1 1 ■;- I m■ ■ i ■ i ■.u■ • We shall Ye In rjtccipjt of daily from Jfew York, , and our isjiortineat, end prices, for cheapness,' will be fouu<|second to hone in the city. To this department we call attention, j - i ! •" ■ 1 , i v HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Linens, (sheeting: and pillow linens, toilet, ttarsaiUs ’and honey comb quilts, in white, blue uhd ipink, napkins, towles, linen table covers, null Irith linen's, always on band, at the lowest!prices.’ " " -j .; CLOAKING CLOTHS . Cassimcres in plain and fancy, unionclothu, tweeds, eaitinrtl, corduroys, ; land .men and hoys’ wear of all- kinds; the detest slock in the city, nt lowest priejes. 1 .1 BALMORAL AND HOOP SHIRTS, of which |we are' thy solo agent of several celebrated, makes, which wa will. acll to our cus>omers;at wholesale prices. ' ---~-=- : i- ' ... - DOMESTIO GOODS. Domestic and imported flannels. Oar stock will,be fotmd large, ,a id and, our prices' will be made so moderate as to place them within reach’ of oassert ; , j I’ • MOUitNING 6QPI)S. Iv CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, "i ' ' ' ' KID GLOVES' AND CORSETS. ..■i- - ..| - . Persons tisitlng tfae pity for the purpose of purchasing Dry 0->ods,hara respectfully; invi ted to call,' is our entiijtjatock: will. be found. • ’I ri !■ , i ’• '. . r - | * - tfw,JDairqsU 'ejtd[ Cheap.') \ GARDNER & SCHIEITtR, 93 i: ? j ' j-.- ~;-i ! 2&itarjcei JStroot, r -i ; - •■ urgh, ■,<Hai«rTv ->>vl '**<**» Dunn. Plttsb h In OEM nf*!' 4Eirt)s^irbß»iati?Es US —.t -' |--- - AVE -SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. li |L WHOhave Friends andßeladveain thr Anaynr Navy, should Ukeetpeoial cart ;hey bt amply supplied' wUh.thortPiU* Ointment ;’and .wherathebrave Soldim* gailbtshave neglected to] provide] them-] aelveawith them.bebetter presehtcanbeseht them by their friend*. They have been prhv ed to bo the Soldier’* never-failing friend in the hour of need. •■' . -si' ■ 1 CODGjIS AND COLDS AFFECXINa TBOOPB Will be speedily, removed and effectually' cnredbyudng these adhdrable medicines, and by paying propeK-aUendoa to the Directions which (are .attached: to each; Pet or. Box. \ " .--i SICK 1 HEADACHES AND WANT OP APPE ; TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. T , These, feelings which so; sadden ns, arise from ‘Double uor annoyances, obstructed eating and drinking' whatever Unnwholeaoma, thus |he healthful action bf the Uveir and' stomachy. 'These' ori ’gahn mnat be relieved, if you derive to b'elwelli' The Pills, ; taking according to. the printed in-; strnctions, will quickly a . produce a healthy action-in,both livcrand stomach, and jag a n dtdrslbioiitaqdenoe.'a clearhead and good kn petite.] I ■ %■ i * I *. t Vi WEAKNESS m DEBILITY INDUCED Bl! {■■] Ol|EB FATIGUE, ! .“■ ... -N soon disappear by the use! of these in valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly ac quire tionalstrength. jNever let the bow els be either confined or unduly acted upon.’ It inajrj seem strange that Holloway’s Pill* should be recommended fop Dysentery : and: Flux, niaiiy persona supposingthattheyWould; increase the relaxation, This is’a great mis take, 1 fob these Pills: will correct the: Userl and stomach and thus remove all the acrid humors frpm the system. This medicine will giveitonb and vigor lb the whole organic system bowerv-i crdcrabged, while-health and strength follow as amatter of eourse. Nothing will stop' the relaxation of the Bowels so sure as this fam ous medicine. , .1 VOLCNTEEJ ■ Mil II ■ 'i/'v iß|fe C 0.,; St ,°, ■'.! : > ;• • ! ; J I,;. : f z&gkei. ii-jv- 1 jandDiamond. | j . • , , • ..j,. ’• !. ■]■ r.S, i \ -i'- .R 8 ATTENTION,; INDISCBE ; j -TIONSOF VOCTH. j | .Sores And Ulcers, Blotchingaiand Swelling*, dan with certainty be radically [cured -if! the Pills are! taken night and morning, and 1 the ointment, be freely Used as stated in the print ed instructions, If treated m any other man ner they} dry’tip in one part to break out, in an other. . , Whereas it bis Ointment! will remove the" humors from the system andieare-the [Pa tient a vigohtua and healthy man. It will re-’ quire a little perseverance in badcascs - to j in sure a lasting care. • : FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED iBT THE BAYONET, OR SABRE ORTHEBtit- BET. SORES OR BRUISES. . ! Jto which etery Soldier and Sailor oir« liable there are! no. medicines so safe,; sore and don venienl us Holloway’s Pills and ointment. The poor woujnded and almost idying suffered might hare his' j wounds' dressed immediately, if'he would only provide himself with this match less Ointment, which shoidd be thrust intotbe wound and smeared all around it, then covered' with a piece pf| linen from his knapsack, and compressed' with a handkerchief, i' Taking night and morning!? or 8 Pills,, th cool the sys tem and prevent’indamatipn. , • 11 ■ . Every [Soldier’s .knapsack and Stfaman’s chest ihopld be provided with these i valuable Remedied , -.j I.' '' i ' CAUTION. — None Are genuine unless the words. ‘■7/(d/oicuy, AVw. York and Londcp," are disccfnable as a water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each potior box; ihelsame may be plainly seen by Holding the leaf io\tht tighli A handsome rewarjl will bo given to any one] rendering such informs- | .lion as may lead to the detection of any party 1 /or parties} counterfeiting themedieines or vend ing the rame, knowing them to be spurious!— ■ ***Bolii at the Manufactory of Professor r Hollo WAT, 80 Maiden Xanc, New- York, And by aßyr|speetabl« 'Prnggists.oud' Dealers! in Medrein’^'throughout the bhrilixed world,' in bores at sscents, iS2 cents andSi each, j>. Jg>T:ThOre-t* considerable xayiug !by taking the laAer Bix6t/;)'.s;i' r ''’ ■- 1 1 ,i-\ I - N/ Blrt'OttonvKjr tbS pa ieats in every disorder are affixed to taoh box. May”, i '‘i : WXkBS BURD, CO., I :j - TribuAe'Baildinge, Kern York '[ l Dr. BurftBOUTS WASB,TOOTII PO H DER and TOOTHACHE DROPS cannot be sent - ,by mail, biit they 'can probably be ob iainedal your DrugorPcriodical Stores. I- Ihay cannot, send |ton* for the DENTA iBEiSBRY, Price,' Ost :Doiluß,jrliiok i oa tains them. '~i I .t ip&ysr' AreD\ \Bird't, Preparatiin- Goof f :"be best evidence* that they are is, that their Lrmest friends and’hies), are those who have used I hem longest; Dr. Wm, B. Burdin an eminent Dentist of Brooklyn, Treasurer of thoNqw York State,Dentists’ Association, and , these preparations hn’>e : beeti used in his pri-' yare practice for Tears, and no leading citizen of ; Brooklyn or Williamsburg questions 'their excellence, while eminent, Dentists of New York recommend them as" the best known to ,jth‘e;profession.- Without t.he aid of advertis ing; dralepa have solid them by.tbe gross. r|. jjpirc -Editor of the Brooklyn Daily arc happy to know that our friend, Dr. Hurd, is succeeding jbeyohd all expectations 'with hi* MOCTH WASH and'TOOTU POW r DEB. The great secret of his rests Vilh the fact that his.articles art precisely what theijare represented to be,- as tee can •Ustifi /- from their, lonj use.’: , i'j * • . '■ ;j fiie well, known P. jT. -Barnum writes: "1 ' ’found your TOOT II POWDER so good that my j harp used it all up. \ l)‘e find *j Me 'best ( powder/or the hare ei<er sited.. I shall, 1 ,fe(d obliged if yon will send me. another sup ply at the Museum at: your" convenience,- with itCi” | i. ■ • i ’ • • , I r ■ i-p. - _| I ’ But lbcir cost ts so small tbatererr oneiaay tesFthematter for himself. s [l MT Beware of the Ordinary Tooth Powders. Dr.i Hurd’s Tooth' Potjidew contains no acids, nop' alkali', nor charcoal, and polishes without Wearing theenamel.■■ilDtemo. other. 1 WHAT WILL DR.i HURD’S REMEDIES ji. : i' . , ■ EFFECTt , ; ■ , ; [.Dr.-Hurd's Jlouth Wash and'Tooth.Powder (3AA pv . i, .1 >lll give young ladies that fincstiharm in wo- ■ ' i man—a.sweel breath and pearly teeth- Try MALE OE FEMALE - AGNTS ladik ~ \ ? ■ 7 " ■* .1 TO SELL 1 ,i; Dr. Hurt’s Month Wash and Tooth POwder •' , Lloyd’s Sled Plate County Colored , wil ] cleanse the month from all foul exhalt itlal) of the ' TTnitrd St nips ■ j'iops. and if used in tha morning, will make i d ’ t breakfast taste sweeter and the day begin ’ _ CanMaa, and Brunswick, more pleasantly. Hundreds' of persons can Co “Pl* t -‘» Atg. 10,'[testify .0 this. Try them, gentlemen. 1862; co> 520,000 to engrave it, and ope h Dp. Hurd’.bMouih Whsh and Tooth Powder years tupe. , _ > ,j • • We!the the best preparations in the world" for Superior to any $lO map cver made by Cpl-, ; -curing tad breath and giving firmness and F?. 0 V M, ;® h? s7n‘f^ “‘ the Vow price ;of, ,|helilth to the gums. - Hundrids of.cases Of Fitly L ents; 870,000 homes are engraved OUDistaeed. Blading Gums. Sore' ifouth. Canker, “w .n ' . ! Lv . - . I !e ( c..'have been cured by Dr. Hurd’s astring- It is not onlt s County map« but it ie slso s enfc wsf-h. * , 9 , COUJjtTY- & RA lIjHOAD MAP] I Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Washand Tooth Powder pt the U. S.&Canadas combined m fine, giving jgive an additional charm to Courtship, and Every Railroad Station and distances bet weep, make husbands more agreeable to their wives i Guarantee any woman or man $3 to, $5 per and; wives to their husbands. They should be ! day", add will take back all maps that cahnjot usadjby every persofa; having. }boi»old anil refund the money. 1 1 , j ' l . ARTIFICIAL .it'ETB, , . Send Gtt sl-worth to try. I rwhiph arq liable to impait a taint to the mouth - Printed'jibstruotions how to canvass Wejl, j Dir. Hurd’s Toothache Dcuops curs Topih ! furnished till ourj agents. ... . : 'j', ‘ache arising from exposed merves, and arethc: " anredu-Wholesale Agents, : for our maps An best ft-iends that parents can'have in the house ; every State, "California; Canada^’-England, io save their children from torture and them-: France and Cuba l: A fortune may be made jselvcs from loss of slccp and sympathetic siif with a fewj hundred dollhrs. capital. . JVb ctjia- | eying. . i. n , ret‘l in .Hy. j. F. Lloyd, idi. Broadway,-N.'Y. i" Farmeps and mechatiics'l . The KWa| Department uses our map of Vir- ford to neglect your teelh. For a trifling same gini.-i, Maryland.:nnd Pennsylvania,cosuSlOO,- you edn now get preservatives,, than which- Ij'lO, on which is marked Antietam Creek,’j Rothschild or Astpc can get nothing better, j ;>Sharnsburg, Maryland Williamsport Uopicmbßr that Ihjspepsia and Consumptiun of * F c Wi’- Bhorcrsvillc, Nohind's Ford, jahd allJ-M* Lungs often originate’ in neglect of i'eeth., j others on the Potomitc, and every other place [Send for the Treatise ,on Teeth, and rend Dr. I in iiie abopc named States,,or money refunded. -Fitch’s obsena.ions on this subject. If too ‘bI.OVU’S TUI'UG RA PI !I CA L MAP QF; I late to arrest decay ’in your own tooth, save: KENTUCKY, OHIO, i INDIANA, and ILL., I yOur children’s.teeth, f - i ; atT’thc only nuUiority| for Gent Koaccrans and j' iBBCRALOIA PLASTER!}.— Dr. Hurd!* the War, Department;. Money refundad 10-i Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Plasters are the most any one- finding, «n ’ Cfror in it. 1 - • ,j ' pleasant and successful remedies ever prcscri >rV prom the Tribune,. Aug.?. /T ’ ;| editor this painful disease. The-patient ap !. | “LioTxi’s ,m*p or Vibgima, Mahtlato awe ; plies one, soon becomes drowsy, falls, asleep. Pen n S ylv ax I a . —T ho map is very large; its and awakes free from pain, add, no blister, or cost is biitJ23| cents, and i( is the beet tehiih can other unpleasant or isdurious consequences en bepurchased.'. j, i ’• -! '• ' j. f . she. For Earaelie and fi'ervous Bcadache, ap | Lloyd's Great Slap o/ lhe Mississippi River.y. ply according to directions, and relief will 1 From Actual Surveys by : Capts. Bart and Win I surely follow. Nothing con.be obtained' equal I.Down, Mississippi River Pilots; of St. Louie, lo Dr. Hurd’s- Compress for Neuralgia. Try i'Mb.i every loan’s plantation and owner?i; theni. They, are entirely a novel, curious and name fromjSt. Louis to the Gulf of Mcxico-j- original preparation, and wonderfully success-. ‘1,330 miles—every sand-bar, ihland, town, -fnl. ; They are OfHwq sixes, one small, forthe .landing, and nll;-places 20 miles back from the fabe, price .15 cents, and. the other large, for river—coloted in couhtlesand States, Price, application-io| the body, price 87 cents. ; Will Si in sheets. 52, pocket form, and $2,50 on be mailed oh receipt o/oruts.and one stamp. lined; witlj rollers. Reddy Sept. 20. '-j-J i WBAT ARE TBE PEOPLE 80/fiTGf JPoehihgioni; Sept. 16i 1862,1 K The |American people .are inlelligent enough to | 1 J. T. Lloyd—Sif :-Sond mo your Map of‘the. 1 appreciate preparations that contribute so much Midsissippi'Rivef,with: price' per hundred to. happiness of those using tßem. and they copies. Rear-Admiral Charles U. Davis, coni- ivedit them. Every mail brings us letters, some! manding-the Mississippi squadron, is authoi;-; ordering the Treatise on Teeth, some the Neu iied to - purchase as many as are required To-!; rajgia'l’lastere, and n6t a fr - ” enclosing S ? * use of that squadron. ; for the Mouth' Wash, to b« GIDEON; WELLS. Secretary-of. the Navy. : to! these we are compelled ; v .-1-- i ■ —■ ■ i— impossible to send a nalf-p IST. A T iT iSTOU I .The peqplo want these i R( WOOLEN FACTORY. ■' tasdersigiiad cuqMseta^.to cemmenci, AOE.NfEi '. i . ; this vreek. , I Carding,: Spinning, Fulling, Yhrewdagents can a amalTfarfana lt Finishing [ and Dyeing; also to mannfaeture! carrying.these articles aroundtof»miUds.• Thr Flannel, Cloth, Cassimeret, Satinetts 'and! Dentil Treasury [is the neatest article that i Blanketv'iat my old place In FaUsfaa.- - For! «pn nr woman can carry around, j iSead- fot wear anddurahility, lean .warrant the goods’ ond -and aee, or, better,, a wbtoh w« manatoctmod hot to be surpsssed- For |the : tdill sell; sA tantples, • Agents'supplied accommodation of Uioae on the east side of; Überally;«ith droularai ia the time the Wool, ete;, canbeleft at aly house! to,to gh inio the.bus!n(ts l todogood, andmskt in:Pulaski township, or. John Hodgkinton’M e profit. We are spending thousands for.thr. Ninr.Bri^itan.;.i.l 4 .. ;il I 1 benefit of agents, "-Niw England-men or wo jelT.BS i ! EPH’M. PMITIf. j J menF htre is something niee. and-a chance to take the tide at its flood- Address, - . 5 > wm.b. umiD&co.. ?, - 3;; Tribune j Bnildlngt, New York., ,! That rsadttaaoee may be made with eohfi denee, W. B. H. t Col, refer to the -Mayor of K-ookljwi toG. W. drhSth, Eraaidenf Farm ttf»WCUl»smi.BMk,Droehly»t to Jog # Oe% |•' ; MEI Ell ;j j.-v =I I 1 - '! , i W Ell - ! i J - •T- i ...., _ i • , ; \' i -r •'i-i EC M. EM===l OCULIST. T\R. 11 8. SPIER, PjtffS STREET,: I J PUfihurjr' ottendt t 6 thetiWmeiu of *ll f jl' j; to' B»*. Wstir.' W. A. tk&m. . •■ t ipWKj't I’;- 1 M V;-* nir.! kaM Begun! ztowiMw JinatX, MimutiOmm*. ■ - Tootiaeto,'SariieKt, '"V’.''. i and Sevratgia. \' ,j ! iJCfcAETIIXEBT 18 '',' : / DRi WM/b/hURD’S .: 0 EISIT AtTREA S l» R Y •’■• a cowixTßMi of suqtMts»»o» ■ , : ' 4 P«KfcKRVIS«THBTKKTII ' JtheSreath " and ’' | Mouo> ;4414 p' I ** : tiring Toothache and Neuralgic. '' GONTFNm Sr. SuriTt CeUbrSied HO UTS 'WASH,'. one bottle..: - ’ '•> - -- ■> i SrJlSwfe Unequalled TOOTSPOOER,D one loti: ■ .. .. £ ’ ■ ~ . Sr, SnrePo Magic TOOTSAOSE DROPS': one bottle. . '• • i! Dr. ffurdt UNRIVALED NEURALGIA PLASTER. .'v>V. " . ■ Sr.-SirtFtMANUAL on the fit* Stmt 0 Pretervmg the THth, including Directions, jar Uu PrcfaTreptment of CbSLdren'i-Teetk. ' . , ! PLOSS SlLKfor.Cteaning between the* Teeth. : TOGTUPICKS, etc.i etc." L J . • KPrebarediat Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, --ft Fourth, St., Brooklyn, (E. D.) ■ ;| HOLLAR ; orSlJsb. il J&jThe Dental Treaeurg makes. a package eightinchea by five, and is sent by express.' • j! tSiPull iirectioni for meit on each article. II The following articles we can send separate ly,,by'{mailpVß: ■> ji.fftt Trtatite on PridenmgiAe Teeth sent, post paid, on receipt of, Iw£LVE‘ crsrs.or four stamps. * |■ -- " : •fi The Neuralgia Platter, for-Neuralgia in the Pace, Nervous Headache, and Earache,' sent apost paid; oh receipt of Eighteen Centt, dr si stamps. - 11 The ATeuraJytd andißleumatie Platter {large size,) for rains in the Cheat, Shoulders, Back; flr any part af thebody, sent post paid, on re ceipt of Thirty-teven centt. ,j| Address, ” AXD ' —^ <«F3enS# 1- -- •cTi l-‘ ' ;l i v Allj. ofererykiftfi, In i ."- El Bed and Cray Twiaid Ifc,, , I'' "Plain [[Flt'mnei ail■ 4/^ t .and SJJ.i ; New Styles Dress ( Alpaeew, Drains*;' Barred . Pdypii,! Begins fcr.ejLfa' Merinos, ■ p ri J.-i ; Oihgbtau. ?■ , ; .1 , • .>f CLiMrenJj Sh--ej :, M “ “* 807. Ha*,. aK!I Misj • N^l; . Glo *«. -Triiamias,’ \ ;■ J * fuU ; » t9ck 00 " read; fo/inspec-mn. , FORT i: VK-c CELfeBiaTJ'D Ciller STOii ; jx Rochester, p,v. Come aad See for -Tourselr: inR 'o|rE; - .AT-T- 1 -M ; i •.•••• ' * ’ J . h. t HE undersigned, having been atr/mi . I SUBSnRIPTIOSiA'G£.\’f by the Vec .ry of the Treasury, ianotv..prepared'*'o' ;iic m»h, licence, the' ' . ; ' i JWic Ticenty 5 per d -:Bms • • 1 ‘ ' ■ ; v of tho_ Umtcd/Statcs, desigWcd 'n> -.-Fife- Twenties,” rcdcemahle'ai the *f Government/after- fire. year', and dutWritfi by Act, of Cbiigresiv appro veiD FebrJyiy j|.: . ,'Tbe COUPON BONDS ere issued in sates ll $5O, $lOO $5OO, sliKjO. . , ; TiIe'REGISTER BONDS in .itaA of siO $lOO. $5OO,- $lOOO bnd| Soi‘oo. J, I . Interest at Six per ■ oca!. per ■ann’titn. will commence from date of purchase, and Is. : PATABjLE in. gold, Semi-AniijiaEy, whi«ii i9,coiual..'ii 'be srwtst' pre'mium on gi.ld, t o about EtGU -T' PE SOD U PER ANNUM. - , ■ - »' Fanriorsj'.ilercharits , and all who have any money, "to ■- know and remember that these i’mtd; sre.d effect, a FIRST f MDRTOA G E n>-,a all MS* roads,: 'Canals, Bank Slodfscajid SfcarWe. and fhe all the .Mniiun;- \ lures, in jbe 'country.: and the land ample provision made for thepiyraot d the interest and liquidation pnnciptd. D , Customs Duties, Excise Stamps and Revenue. servos to make these Bunds tbe Best, hi lost Ai:aiiafjle nu‘l JAa* Py' l ’?',. ■:■ Inveaime.ik in die ARfrht /•Subscriptions received at PA'!I in ■l.rj'ddtf'-' der. Notes, or notes and checks ot.iwas* £ par in Philadelphia!, Subsonifcis by aiedjy, receive’ prompt, attention, and every ie""?.. and'explanation - wild be affoi-ded oa r.;;'-' 1 ' tidn at this office. 1 ' S . - . • ‘ ■ _,] • AJ full supply of Spuds will be kept for immediate .delivery, ,__jr JAY COOKE. Subrcrir/.w . .royrus'. DYEING & SCOUSI'.O V 1 ! J'iSTA BDISII M ISN'T. r 30 OHIO STliK^ , ' -I : . (West of . , ■ .. ALLEGHENY, EEXXI THE Proprietors; of this -EstabliS;*- have been engaged for a .nut|iher of y• in the, roost extensive'eriablishrnc.nts'.tn' country, in the cities of if?w York and j— delphia, where all the improved a;ipl;ini cc - _y apparatus ere employed. Being ? !s0 ' ID ,'L. ■ session .of [the very latest discoveries ana t hods' of European Dyers; they dye and Ladies' Blxlk, ‘Satin and : MerinoPress's - superior-ktyle In many, cases, these ar v sire made.in color anti finish, very nearly e i • in appearance to new! Goods. , L i. Gpqils return'd \ KO'LItOCK’S ; .1 Daiide] ion C ofteg; rfIHIS preparation,,made iitimthe'S'; # 1 Cnffee, is reeoTnmencod by Fj“Y ! A' asuperior NETRITIOUS eral Debility. pyspepain and all .bd-io-J ; delta. rThbusands who havehbech coaroeii^_ abandon the use' of epffeo,’will tee t“>- (lr ont injurious effects.:, Oheifcnri ■ cpn - strength of ! two ; pounds. of ordinary “ Price26.eents, i; •>• ’ i - ' I f: KVLLOCrSLErAK..^ Tht purest and beat BAKL.G . known* for making light, aweo* -md ,n Bread hnd Cakes. Price lo cents. : : : Csn« f>raw4^af j "sV'Srt 1 at-rffN •’ - T \ ;. j j ■ i r < • MEM w»| Bleached Jluslias, V ®?°P Skirts, \ | vßalmoral Shirts. i,’ ’ f 1 T;ANKEE NOTIONS; .tefdre purchasing, at'. brcw-mcedbo’’ If w J)rjr Goods can yev b« bobebt. 1 \, p I ■ ,‘i "1 f.' J ' -Uemt\nhfr iht jPJ,-Ji--’ f ;NEAi$ XHS* POST OFFICE,; PORT' IN * Ckt bf JIV t’l Cißh, • t| , I - SUBSCRIPTION-AOKir At JAY CQPJCE & CO., Bankers ’ , 104 SOUTH THIRD' STiftl/T, • J \ PliHajiilplm, f . J, lyj., ' »., • • 7 -'-1.. !>.' %' LE f. Lr'l [OOds; IC "3-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers