ff!E ABGP! N3VEVI3SI »Sth, 1864. and MXSOELLANEO' Notice. TIiO'C of our -patron*, who areu^ ? I f,,r «t:li ; cripiion,; ,adverUM.n d . u tn make immediate .Hubsoiiptioii-s will be jfay-! ,l,e' ,itii!ersiirned until Janua I,ll 'n Nr.-Seott is |athor iedj liallM ' W-The 'e-Htor acknowledges J the , . -i-j of a written of the late • aml ’ ??hlhiiioa, Lvcr Chi'-n School. Asit wawa.njtr va.MK and illy prepared for the pres*., iie«'inciting it in.thO col ' ■ ■ Ho->i:stown Concert Wi ,V; xiul n'mliunco'was large J ■ which «rert fti! an.l ; -Tcejil.. •< at the p»«no « (-kill About r ,Ve;'| | :ii'«U | ' ol 'i ,ie B ° ,,l ' t ' rB ’, Rid - ;. \ CVA-Hp'-'O ; —ilijelm, a resident of Jlooii tp., f>»rino<l tfi- Board of Electors, the day < : ’t 'eijeetjon' that 31 r. Chas. Fii ' . Mjrj’Fisiier heard il,'J>e cti i ! tile inian/Mid' K ltve llim a L-owhid 1: p >oU ,:.vTinaAL.—’Hie following te y. Vri-hav'e been employed in Gbipp • jj- | M j* two and a-jhalf mqrtihf at swl I’i-r m-inth, R_. P. Herron '■ B. fcVfrllfW- I/', ■j . A-jFiMMrr.—>lm. Jelly; an I lady ,in iirightoa tpL,, met with } detih hyfalling into a well 3lor y i.iumfiig. ■ ■ .' ji A'fio'iiT— Quite an exciting Bt. | was witnessed ut. the Beaver poll t t» fj«ai'l> tii o’ evening- of the olectien. — jiihy M ('l’liiijiigli, wounded soldier. r-,Niu-mjiU'i[ to .vote, when tie was, dial nv-h Mr (i ourleV, an Irish’ - Vniel an alien. Hardly, tied the I when the soldier struck ’in i knocked him down. Mr nfirmv. , an'olher Irishman,' went ti ,|jth;. rt\ when Mr fl DoniJft ini with 1 a blow lliat put |p"' n - • fj t* Xrt'Ci.f. ntj our first f j;«ui Vue —"Why .Mini»'.el .|i: ilif ij'i-fi.-l -hind'! .Weddle with, i wjirVmi'tm-tlil to-.the carafe; k' vi-ui-it fijir.r«uJ<*r« Sprotn a jiuti 'jftyrel. j»-sirit- of view;,?we i.;|>rt«4iis argnjtheiifa whkh tiro u 1 jwp/nhie hy the worldly iniernbtv ■ih? Ifs’iq-koratio rarity' What is. jjpr'(.l'.iiJ to he the; oi iijc'htf-mv ar.il ti'bhsii’e : remark : “."••‘^yporcritica. jjn- what yni ■ I’niiil ical Iprehcliing,” in, pi'f.tchiirs■t-aiiri'ni', do I (hay. Vitiihtifm the Siuanitv.moiiv li;e rVielljon aijd its sympathizer ;j .Tr|t-am hkr Mr. X .A ';r.,u *'!•»•<, the offi’; I ] , . vs- ; >i ! r.'i- % I lie United 1S ! |!.'lihsiian Commission, in V"‘ Mr.. W-m. Frew has. been apj; (■'.! 'f.lii-i place. , Thin chhi.ge’liasj ||TnMoiu‘d that Mr. Albrec /five .more attention'to sc -gf'P Rl| d sending 1 delegates, in thej ser i| v ' e "f the -Commission; and ill alt ho i-don-yd, in part, ■ from' the ;|idir.iu ami. -elf.dnr.ving .duties' he lm-.g performed. : Our verj inU'i i;our-.o with, Albree !■“ P'lvcn nsa vffry opinion of a liberal and nctivjjl Christian iitinan. .Mr.: Frew is a- diljghnt e'Wy ooodbwork, devoted- Jy to the Christian Commit*- ’f ! yrill be found a vrorthoyeu'e i?*sorof;Mr. iom. I ' r-isi —..‘ir* 'Procession, Eta r Ihpro w(»4 an illumiiiatir.n and. pro'. .t>Ji:nn jn -Reaver., Friday ni<rht,.Ra a j>'»nif.- > ii l ui o . l - of the gladness fell ,jit llip roeent vietnry over slavery ityrf The procession was not so ! ir K' 5 .M one wo wore reminded,o 1 ,took place Kereln lB6o.bat it j*«jJli«rg*. with the i»bor,t. that, wan given.- Thedlluraina ;,o*';w;as verj good; and reflects much die.credit and taste ofthe-cilizens 10 jtjl.j the three hotels, the two fe« . n,als , hen Vn.ants, • and nearly , ! «ll the ! T ’*’d dwellings, in the town, prc»: a hiilliant appearance' ;ACan carried 10 therriver batik and ■ w '.i -• to ’.'dnglq ifs deep-tor.ed voiee d 1 liis gu-norai joy. . eva' l * Tvr - v ,<n 1 u rtaining.part of ■ tbe In all'"'*' *° "‘"doed. we may say Hon tT U tlme during which tbe p] f ' l0 *' ; Cunningham rnaco some brff,-''f- lo the proeession •"'! (•a n "r‘f' Tn (toni >, 0n campaign > p rfld<diyertd •ihcra'.r ami impressive dn>- vCh» r »cteri,r h,t !l- W '!! ,o '^ i^‘,, «9 ! «W n e otatorr. v of Judge 4Juniiingham> *h«V x J r ° r , w “ ,: -‘ T ;pr« iwanting dckle tb ■ ) V , Hr '* Culls ‘•aarkasnm’’ to di» Ssjh, '°T lb* joy fuT and- prick ■: * of tb * J. '- i k.-' w y Isa pf theXxttle DiirkLiinteni ofWe*tern ObThnfsdA’r it . , 1 Ij\ laa nep.afos wffiiß?} I **• Jewmty Pepwl- •**'■ week- AYfa M«,lafcpfV- , pi. N l E«t Fh i :istdis* -of calling * lot of stupid Ilortb &iWieldy Pa. o*f * r ; S'i&&*stci »adMU»n»nlonjjothoanwho 4oi.Sc »he l«Ui day jjf 1801,'r! WIW Mfy ™* cr T nar L , '? <i D.D., formarly «f W«*tminaterkfeollegoii and^ ■preacher's irKb'hav? not honesty or 'ArrtU 5 ik fi Y ! wrthfWm. TbomM- Eti*<«;E*ing, Ttomas fiy- ft T D wwa'RY. tormcHfeKdpUrofe mdu>try. ftnoukhi toMfe*lilfn* hv w“ P Sholds, !... **« *hp* '3*! to*-**:* Ot^w and «4af SiS»iiSiwSh| hard.*- ' -* * ■ V-* hy 7 01 l* >4 i bcl : e^ clt « dto^* m \«gofiat6.fean ipals and ' itiinitenu^ ’■ " ' ‘ ■'■ ’ - i—'-- ■•■•- 'ITS. and have potr talents enough 16 lively khy df ' sionsj’but go round., under the lonize .of the ministry making- political har- The above staff raised thWqiteryas to how,, much- brains was required in order to qualffya man "to induce boys of, l(h or .Id years of ago to "tofcr a drink.*’. Does that illnslrioia editor,■] that standard of morality, remsmber of crossing the Beaver riv.er at Horne- Wood Furnace; on the evening of July,] carry that'! bundle of misrepresentations, and talse'i accusations, back to' the reply of a fft« tie boy abDtit lO!years bf age,' i'n 'iin-‘ swer to an invitation to *•£</& d-drink:”'j •So’! I Don’t DbinkV Whibky. Bob. McGttEQoa !” Ana -yet that thing. presumesto teaoh men who .have for gotten more than how ever knew, or jrerbaps lever will know. . . ’ ; .S!iouli| iti'e/nbove statement be de nied, I holdmyself responsible to far liieh the proof, with names in full', " i f -ivM ■; TatniH. 1 as a and I :on- ‘■'in-j pin) ifitfi s7o' 'Another Report of the Vanport Affair,:—-The facts—which aremisrr. ably perverted—&re that Several boys at Van port threw stones into'the! pro-, cession as itpasaed through the vil lage—that severalatones were thrown int<Tthe wagon jin "which Campbell was riding among some ladies and plildren—ahat, Campbell, picked up one of the stones and threw it into the crowd, and It haponeld to hit j’oung M’Kinzio.’ * -Tih a only wound he .received Vvas flesh wound as wo, learn- from the physician who dressed it, between, halt and three quarters of an. inch in length.-' Camp bell’s bail irs2oo,—|»SVrtr, . . - Idolatry in the United Sri'-TEs.— 'll is said that we have in-the United j Slates 50.000 heathens.- Idol ■ godsj arc worshiped in two heathen temples.i in SunFrauciscp.. The iJaptists have I erected chapels in bolhSan Francisco j and h.tcrameqtd; and some of those convened have already; commenced preaching. -The Freshyleiiat.s have an American' misfconary Chi nese hulpeis The Chinese havelarge colonics scattered ailovei California, and the work of their evangelization is an inviting one for Christians,of ev ery sect. • ’’ I , * tfirThe.Toronto Globe, speakingon’ Tuesday morning of the American election to be held that day. remarked; It tviH’ be tip small | credit'to the Amcricahi people that they can in time of internal war conduct an elec tion for the Gtiief Magistracy of the nation, and the.chief legislative body, as well, wilhouliviolenceor bloodshed,, . and. comparatively speaking, without ■•serious breaches' rd the peace. ' sph ewa $22 and old her day ■ene man ■iter him Me :a in ■L-ept bim age. s ot E»oli- P e , and * re nan* ■h. of t&Tll is reported that the United Sui'.eg Governnie'nt hascriotitied Kng. laud of their intention to increase their armament on the Lakes! for the pur pose of'.'p-otecting the frontier. The Provincial delegates hail a geand en lerta'inment in Montreal on Saturday, the 29th ttit’.j nnd left on Monday for Ottawa; . ' ' v " ‘ f. B P' >f the H Of that the ii ea of ■;SSi.A London cor rc«p6ndent, vefer ring to the financial revulsion irvEn rope. says that three*foortiis of, afl-j the failures and;bankruptcies in" En- i land, during this par Vic, vtcrtr canned | by, adventures in rebel affairs, i speculations. &,c. ! , v ' -,j s&pb i of’ tales Oty, oint- ‘‘Unquestionably the best Sustained f Wqrk oi tho'klhd rn the World.” . WARPER’S NEW’ MONTHLY MAGAZINE. ‘ Critical ic-e of the. Prut. It'is the foremost Magaiins of the day,— The fireside never had a more delightful com panion, nor the'j million a more enterprising, friend,’! tlianllirpcr’s' Magazine.,—J/iuAdtfo/ Vntettant (.Baltimore). • V .The most popular Monthly in the World. — iVrw York Oif erver. • - V . been lit be I - Jcur- We must refer in terms of eulogy to- the hightono and variedexcellen.t of Habpir’b Maoaziki—a.journal with a monlhty circula tion of about IXO, Win copied—in Whose - pages are to ho found sonic Of the choicest light and general reading of the day. We speak of this Work at vu evidence of the'American People ; and the'popularity it lias acquired.is merited. .Each number contains fully’ 144 .pages if reading matter, appropriately illustrated wit h good 1 wood-cuts;Aud it combines in itself the racy monthly aidj ,the mord philosophical quarterly, with tb<£ best features of the daily. It hie great power in the dissem ination of a .love df f.nrdj literature —Turn 'sir’s Guide lo American London. ■ The volumes bound oohslUute_ofihems«lT«a 'a library of miscellaneous reading such as cannot be found in'the same compass : in any other publication that has come -under; our notice.—i?o»i’or Courier.'. . SUBSCJRIPTiONS. V'L. - rJSSSy' ~ *' The* Publishers perfectedfa’Syitem of mailing by'irhieh they can supply the iiXE and VVlECL"? promptly to thoae Vho pr* r . ferto receive their periodiealsdlrectly dram the .office ofpublifiation , i f" - ' The postage on lUimm’t Mioansk. is‘24 cents’* year vrhibhmusl he paid at tht-SuJ teribeft post-office. ;;; '; V zJTqtxni : Harper's Ma6aei.se, one year „..$4 00 An Extracopyof either the AUoASigB.V or .be supplied gratis .for erery Clhb of Pmr SuBfICKfBBRB at <4 d<» in one remitlanee.-orSixCapias. « ic ' Back nuntbert can be supplied atabytime. . A Complete Set, ino wcom prising Twenty* nine Volumes, in , neat eloch binding, will- be ten tjby express, freight; et expense of pur. chaser. fors2 25 |persWume.. Single i rnl umes, by.inaiL postpaid;. $3 00. nClotb eases, for binding, 58 cents, tby nail, AJ« 'drees. I ■■ cti. ,t» •: ; * • » HARPER ft BROTHERS. : ' l rajs .isSudaEx, Nxsr. Tot*.. : Dr. P. B. Ydimg; WHO b*» b*«n for. m< .flm* aeling u Uj» Army,.k»Tinf rotafiad *nd »g»in b>ofcUd h)Bf«ir»«. .11 ... . * Fre*dom,~B««v»r «o«ntr.'‘ ■ •- tlbji<tnMliw*fWrt«ii otfc» -■m V L*"-y ■ '■ ,■ ; I ■ ••**« 4 » M3=IM=;EI I ->■. ji; .'■».. .» •■—-I. I&i'j [> i.ii c--v : '"’ .^sr*i^ ■'J -.ioiTi -M .itsii : :i -|Om~'il^ ; j3r4''Tti»ii, bj^‘^^y^li:ji 1 i : jii i Smith, e; the residoaeejmf the. bride'*, fUihef.SAMUEL ; .lT^iii;TOV, , Coic'A> ; jß?d ; ir». VotfciWtp ACl>B liiZaiß. , LANE* daughter'-jof[- Wm: ■ K’Lano, of Mooo townehipj Beaver co. i/ *i On OoU lZih, at the' residence '■ of thV .bMrfa,- sifted by tbesev. Br. itJcott and Hov. Samuel Patterson. Mr. Nisa u.vui of! Beaver ea *. Pa., to Kiwi. A. M. Sulim an, of LawronoarO.Pd. MEM DIED! On ihn Bth inst., Joseph Emmet Ell»wob'’3,[infant son of J.C.. und Eliza Jtnije Wilspn, of this borough, aged.abp it five month*. . _ On.the 11th inst,,M.rß. Eliza. Moore, wife of 9 bojhas • Moore, Ghio-tpi Beaver cc antyi 'aged about i6O years. - j , COURT OP COM -8 OifBBAVEB tjODNTV. M THE 4L ‘MOJjJ iILE mOjS fiL. -«aVEu In the matter 'of the Account of Janies JJackalV -(l!oni|niltee of Joseph Caldwell, a lunatis. ■’ 11-- j - Ahi J B6w.' G'cl. 13, 1884, on motion, the' Court direct notice to be given according to Bole,, of tbe.filing of said!Account, and that ji e came will be confirmed on the first day i of next term, unless catae be shown to the con trary. . (0c1|9’64) - M.IWEVAND, Pro. P • tek Pay Agency. ension, Bojunty :ti. Bai AUTHORS & 1 RIDDEL. No. 135 tdURTU ST.. > . ! PITTSBURG, PA, SPECIAL atlentio'n given to the} collection of the ijOuNTY OF sltk>. due to WOUNb tip SOLOIpHS who hove *tnredi,Esa tbaS two: vpATis, 'which is now feeing paid. ‘ —jSjTAll communications adresscd as: above famplty answered by retunot Post! jcß. ’§l. AD.MINIp TRATOR’S NOTICE. WHEREAS letters ot administration on the estate of H :snr Pislet, late of Sharon,; liciiver ..county. ' ennsylvania, deceased, faring been dub tie un dersigned, jail persons,indibted to said'estate are notified to 1 make immediate payment, and those-iumtfg claims against the »ame\wili pre sent tiem iproperly autlie itieated for settle ni ent without delay. *" ■ * ! JOS. A. WUAT, Adtn’r., ' Brighton tp r i I oetl9; v C4 | Fiai’iii lor* Sale. . k i GOOIIfAUM i» offered .at private ' sale, situaled-in Big Beaver township ‘Be.iTcr couiity, op the road Icading-from Bar-, lingtonto Uanewood'statioa,, on the P. Ft. W. i C about 2J ,roUe» from Uorfing- Sew" Galilee, on said 11 K., and 2 miles from containing about 135 acres, more or less, pirwhioli is a good dwelling-house, baruand ithcr out-buildipga, A 1 never, failinipepring’bf Water’ convenient to the dwelling house.., Farm rellwarered.nnd in good stall* dir cultivation. • For terms apply to H ■ ID: L. IXIBKIE ,Eeaver, or ” Oct., 12, E. SI.MBIUE.on premises. • ■ ' ■ Tr eouß'r salk.’“ -virtue of an 'order of the JO Court jof tKc .cOumy of Beaver, the un|- dehpgned, (luurdians ofali'c minor cheered if Thomas d. |V r i_r. Kite of Beaver cci., dec’dj, will expose jto sale by Ppblii; Veudue hr out cry-, oh-ilie'premises, on 1 •„ i i : % Wiulii e-v/.rf;, Kov.- Ztifh'. at 2,o’clock, p. ja., the up tivicled cme-halfof • Certain Up'ua i and lot. being the real, estit* !of t.he .afnreyki d Tiros. S. if ray,.situate in't be '.village of Sharon, and bounded as,follows!:-On the east by, ilcavar creek, wcSt by X>. Me. t Oready', north by Mick Morgnifc'and 1 south by ChrrleS U’i ;ley. ; ■ ; , f. ■ TERMS—O; e-balf of the purchase modey on confirmation 'of.sale by tlje Chart, balance in one y ear from-that date,| with interest fi&m same lime. By the Qourt: . \ - . MiKV IVRAT. .. JOES A. I’.KAZIF.B,;-fi^ octtßTlf i . ... Guardian’, 4ii NEW ABB PRi JDUCihSTORH. \ :i fIITTE subscriber respectfully announces io * - tlii citizens of Bearer, and rioinity, tVat be has opened a GROCERY & PRODUCE STORE in> tLp room formerly, occupied by Stokes A Ttdlhp, and directly opposite tbe office, jWljere we will keep constantly on hand'and for sale a large assortment of Groceries,' tticb at : I . • . : COFFEE! RICE, c TEA. i UOLASSBS, ...SUGAR,.; SYRUP; - • "! &-■ i I ■ - I 1 ■ ; • .41™,. FIiOUR, POTATOES, and all, other jakiclos u.uully Kept in a Grocery at'jjfe. i • FOR i ! BUTTER AND EUR A. S. HARVEY, Bridgewater. "f ~ liairiGß- RE EETTING, :fr A wax be held of the Wood ' JVork lor saperstrnctionlol the Brldgetd be busß oTer|tbe Little Beaver:creek,: where the public road crosses said stream at or near Imbrie's Ford, in Big Bearer tp. Scaled pro posals jforthesamewUl be received by the County Commissioner*, at their officein Bea ver, onTriday the 18tb day of November next, betstein vbe bo ora of 10,o'clock, a..m.,atid 8 jw-nujlh* {time of: completion will be. the aUae.Mipeclfiel.iii the ootioe *of; th* original letting. Ajplan and specification .will.be ex'* hibltei|. : ' I ;By ordeh 1 : -“'>j; " tovT -y j ; r ;rr .. MBWlitljy ..fra fi| rntioW| - 'j~ *' "L * T>r U < S ‘ ‘ ■ ! ;sr -■'Tr-i Mt.se, CM3, Bores, and all ] Joa eph Tiyl'ur.’ddatd. 1 ~-»V.i .. U'.'l I thelloh.Judges ofour said "Court at Bearer, . i M. BwVr, ou Jtlbbday • of: s<)y«ub6r la-id my tcatlmoay to that yoa pal.llsii or theme- trator Rrting.dee'd. «cWp* or refhse the reU eAatopl fenrl nutil ito trl«d yonr. sarsaparilla. sue 1«a, ment of Margaret Johnston, '■ M \ theShenff to and foana !lo c6n-r -L, • "|. ’•; • T”] The final account' of Henry taiu ol]»crea and'l2B| Perches, rained" at;|>2s ’'ftfe-ff*?: T* s"S*V! adhdilstiator qf thV estate, of Oeorhg Jl'V peracre, hhd In'the event j-df of don-a^spt-- dec’d. ';• ■('■■',= «• • ■-',■ •'■-• j .•nnfeejto'shew cautte. wfcjr th»«a»a ahallApt bh : tfouWn«ac. 1: The fi'oal account (tiers mall of Sam’lßeed; sold- ’ 1 ■ •/• ‘ " " J ‘ ■ ‘ k >-«s v i. ,/„ - jo,. 'ltofa Omrfo\ Rfa+rithe K< U?, dec „V , ... | : 1 I Pctobetl-, K 64. | Shenfll ; Gao'i Muyr.zy # Co-e The account of Robertl. fchd Wni. ~C. Car- i — VATiirM? rv ViTiTmv" ' ",, *'• uiW ■L- . .1 • Olhcrt, 'fidrriShisii'atdrs orthc estate of WM; 1 apMiU/fc ii> rAllliy 4 >. ' Lff h p d ror «^^? b1c,,0 ! n 8 h: Carotliers; deed - :■. i'TN theOrphaaVCourt. inand forthp^cnm- The aCMuut-of -Tuoi Kioholsori hnd Kibt. £**•*.. and .Stiff of Pcnnsyirania:- mole amictioa. iirery tltiii-j n ,i, r j> Stephens. executors'of -the lasi will and feVi.-dln lt >® patter of the partition of tbc real ,ea i“*»‘ * dec-4: K-r. ■! |. M - It IjaDcdiatelf mil) mf vtt'.w, u yoi toU ino : final account of Jo)in Wilson, adrainis- ••bcira *pd legal rcpresetuatires of Wid deed.. It might fora tMe; bat hia few wwka the nt-w ,tratoe of tbe estale GUnsaules. dedra itodovica -W. R. Kohinaoh. residing in -the. The account (pergonal* of Agnew t?n|.j iid- »f P hi °i s -. ?" of the cslaic of Jas? ShftVp;dic*d?i'' motto*) residing in the-State dfjll t.kaoir of. l pcrJtrt. nua without a ; -The final accoutft of Chafles Brown ; mi- ‘ K no * 3 ; Anna Mury Uobinson, residing intht ta&t ministrntot- of the estate of S,ato !Theodore■ Kobinaon'%sldt««- Erysipolaa—Qtmoral Dobaity4Pariiy tho s 'hi®, dcc’d. \ v = • : i .' f - |>i !«n 1 the] State of IlVmoia; the said Iva Aipn*. ,-li __.. L ■®V > ?. d * ■; I ■ •j. The final of ,fohn M’KfnW'i Sd-l and TheodofoJ be.ng miners-and" havihgi no sSh of ti,e e ?- at « Of John/irtfehjry,} guardian; and all others intere-ted-you and end Scrp/U^MSaS^r«4jy your .» r » dsc'd. . ~ | ! leach of you are .hereby; notified that nn m- SA^APAttiunand I navojaiitiioj'cured aw nitric» The final account of Uobt. Fleinlntr 1 aiini’r Kuisition on the real estate ’of said deceased estate of Ruth Scott; dec'd;' |V ‘ U«l: be held : on, the pfemises i on the 2d plied to tiie profeakiou us vrell asjto tWpeoplo?*) * account uf D. A; Cunningham; Gdar-f^ Bi y |* ,,ov * in i°^ r » ib u 4 1 ;at_ which .Um-*. “-jTh»i» J:R. :lh»Xvi»w»^ Ohfk i • dian O. and Haniialil M. j P^ ce J ou if think proper,,; tfeycUovrfWlpiihai minor heirs of JamenMFaildeii. dcc'd 1 'I : JOSKPH LKDLIE, Shena*.: — whicli! ti “• ’ - »«o:»W rfoi< on my right arm,-during win (imc I ( tricl allihe celebrated physician* 1 could and took hun dreds of dollar* worth-Of-raedidue:*. I Tin* iil>4i'r* were so bad that 'lhe.cdnfs lieeaane vHble» and |ho doctors dedded;thnt my arm most be nmpntntiMi I began taking yourj.SAHsa|i*.\iUMiA.'- Tookiwo bot tles, aiffl some of your riiX-s..- Together they phve cured me. I s'mnpwfts'well and Kimn-i as :u?y b>>-ly. Beihg la a'puhlic place, my enrif I* k-ynni tocyyry body la this community ami excites the woudec-of *11.?? . [ i '• I • • ji lYom TTon. Uenry Jifimro, .V. r. V.+ nf xaorn**f* % . C. in, a Icctdiny meniber of TAc Catindimi i’arfro* Went, ' : i .*' *\ ■ I * **l. have used ydur \i*ATtH.T.:v In m? family, fori general rMVfr/V, and fbr purii'iilvij th* 'htdixli with verv benofi id «md| u*l cunhdeuca'Li. coduncndhlglttoihcafflicted.*? j 1 y- -v-i Btl Anthony’s ! Fire, „ Hosct, Salt' IHie\im r ! Scald; Head,, Serb!Eyes. /■ j • .-| Frtrn ITarrey £*•/’* ft&ic rtUtbr off he . • \ bemoeruti l.'cuni.'jlvaitiii. \ /■ «♦ Our ouly child; about three years of «ge, was; attacked by pimpllaoa hisforeltcaul. They spfeud until they >ornu t| a loathsome nnd virulent sore, which covered his face, aiid actually blinded hiseyes lor some jhiyd.'; A KkU»blphybld;m applied nitrate of silver aiMl othcr .remedies, without jiny apparent effect. For fifteen days \re guurdcdthls bands, lest with thcni .hu Shouhl fear opcnthe'fos tering and corrupt wound which covj-tvu his whole 1 face, lidviugi tried every- thing elNf we'lud iauy ; hope from, we begun Living your s*cSAt»Aimi.i.A, aud applying the iodide, of iwtnsjuiotion, ax.iyoil. direct. The sore began to heul Jind gi\ en tire hr»t bottle, tuld was well when we hritf titilnhed ; the second. The child's eyelashes, which luiti rymo 1 i out, grew'sgain, a[ud ho U uo>v us healthy uud [fair ! as ixiy other. ! The whole utigliborbood predicted tlut Uie child mustdk-.” i -| ’ .!■ I Syphilis find Mercurial Disease. | v from /)r. Jlirti'.n bf Si, Louu, A/iksot/ri. Ml find your fcAUSAPAniLM a more Effectual remedy lor .the Bwouditry bytnptom* of Snp^tH* ' aud for syphilitic ciiscnfcthan auy otiicr wc )juswm. The pmlosslun arc indebted to you fur sumo of. the - best medicines; wcj have.*? ]‘ • •.- j •) fttm A* J,.FrtncJi, M. D. t nnrwdntntfthtjdriafi of iojerence, df'itj., tr/W is o pwiiinaii inember & the IxyUUiturt of [. . . An.it. >ly xlray.Wf 1 hare found your fiAnsAr.\juuJv ah cxortWiJrwnictly for .Syphilis, bolh flf tpc p:%miry zi\ii:s£Csni',biry lyp.', tUiu. ef.ee-; 1 iiumime cfasca that were 'ijbsUnUldto yield ' lo!i>tlieftrcmcdies« 4'du tmt kiuiW what wde«u'cm pWy with more cvrtdnty of success, w here.ts Idlaltmtivcisn-quimi.’* 1[- ’ ! ' \ , L, \\ ~ Jfr. Cha*. S.'Tcin LicwlofK&w X. j., ■ had drcstlful ulcers on hi* k'ga, caused by the abuse of mercury, or merruruUi di*cu-ic, wldch grjew moR? And more aggravated Xor yenri, in spite of evcry s r remedy or treitaidut thutlcould bo ap]>liLsl,nntl| tlio pC|Mereriug use of Avkht* Sapauim.a! relieved aim. Few case* psu;be lound more iuveterntc and ditrtrceßiog- than Itlds, <uid it 109 k rcvcral dijzen bottles to curcLim. .M ._J. .> ■ WhHWi I>aMao WoftkiKisfc *rd ' n'na arc very oftvn.caW'il by the alterative effect of thU Baksal‘.\ Rii.t..v. borne cast*»i reojumr; however, la aid of The SAKSAp.Uin.tt, tin; sKii;ul application of local rometlics.. I- ! .i [ j t'l’om ibe *rt > U-l-nhrn’ and j" • of Ciiirinndti. r ' I ; . ??T have.found .Saj?s.U»a [ an f'xc.dh’nt o’ter.ithe in dlsejVsV.s. of ' Many of li<*ntS'.iTbn‘a,[ Internal lowil debility, ari'dugrirbni the la-rofulbus Imvoyielded to it.j-.il l then? are tevv'that dojimt, when its cff-cti* |iroj>.Tlv nlded by lor*] Trealimrntl” si KnwiUhit]/ tiy'fiUtrh? the phblirfiikn of her j.*.;’- - ,1 1 Jprpif, Vrt/ri * | . ; .V, •f My refrr r.n l debiliTAtt;!’:, l.e*>Vorrlm;.; of long Ktarhbug, by "twj) botti'.-ji olj year sAl;s Vl'-M'.’.t.lrA'*’ Hheumatlnsu, (3 oat, lAver Co.i»tplh:r. i! rJirt.-n-e, ien c*r:f.«>d he in the-«vHjcm, art ycd by this {.y.r. f/|VliT\i’Aiiiiju.v. * •’'j ■ i . a!te!R'’s'‘';' CAT.nAtItKVPJh 'possess so inimjMwlvanta^epfnvi‘r tin: [pitrßativfs iii the'rparlirt, ijml ilu-ir : .virlucs'arc so univier'salfv known, that. toj’do tuoni lliari'to assiirb tlic pu!*l .quality is maintaincil equal to tiio litst , hfti tn-en, anil tliadjtliryyiav W depen to Ido al I that they have ever doiie. prepared ■by j.SC. AYER, M. D., ' LotreU, Mass., by | , ' ■ fcy J. Nloprc, .Denver; Dr. Bridgewater; S. J. Cross, Rochester: I gent,'New Brighton; juid by dealer? wbcjre. | h- I ' CERY ■*4gt Qo&ds THE undersigned has retrrned. froia] dtilpliin, fit «i has ;nov7 opened hi •Goojd«, eonsistir g of Clf)to3i €a»ii:uei'c netj}* Jeaws, ani Tweeds. -J , Ladies’ Dress Goods, Tai(, Lavetulei feather. RiidMo.lt! Parmjdtas and Alpacas, alio Siljs. Warps, Black Alpacas: superior’articTe.! . . , i Made up Clothing, /Coats, Pants'\and j Vests of Cloth and pa.iinets. , • j Groceries, Hardware,Queensware, Salt; and which will be sold at a I'easonable. profit 'from cost and carriage, i - XU OilliiC 11 Uli ii:Y. stpilbj - a ;j, ‘ RE-OPE r |TIIE subscriber haying iijtedj'up, nIJSIaW I; GALLEUYy in a neat style, I'with alt’ THE LATEST IHPKOVEXIE>’TS necessary for making fine FISH PICTURES of ;all kinds. having a -LARGE SKV-LIGUT in Connection with SIDE LIGHT, is nowipre pared to tdcdinqiotlnto all who may faror- him with a call,-’ witji '■ Tl. . AMBROTVPE3, of every she or style; =' eAßO;rpaotoouAims,i . . LARGE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, ■ . plain photographs, I . = ;••. . COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, .1 Old Dfiguerreotpyei or Ambrotupesl en •: [- • Photographs. j . • A assoHment of ■ * Lakoa *s» Small Rosa-troop a Out Fkaucs j! .always bnf fiand. and for sain Voir. Allwork warranted superior to to- any olhs eriiii the county], ana equal to any in the State. CilJ and be conjineedstrtljejv . Beaver County Gaiety of Art, H :'t- j GVER WYNN'S. WORE. -;'s f t X ■ n ftw d4ors \be{o\o the IZtiHtnal’ ticfeV C. -A.. GR I PFIN, BeaT»r,ug24] 1 PffpTOGRfAPH ARTIST . | I>r. I>. 'M’litnneys .j" - pitixens'op ; •11 ! ' > ; ‘|. BEAVER AND VICINITY. i „ 1 t -i-■ ”' 1 " : i’ill ''SSf*& wr* *'■ ■•“ Tkt skunimi Duildinn, £. -JS. : Ojnww; inf rfdaaMtJ tip Demwatwl, Pm.'-' . • "■u riirtTsrt:'? rrVr-rt , 'ii IE m EIX : ■ >v s- v :*.-y -S-j - The. account of I- atlison Darrngh. Guar- j-u Baavcr. Oct.jitli. ISG4. ' , CO O/ r ’ minor R °* of Ikac j KOI’TCK IX PARTITION. Tl'o 'accounts of «ine Gilliland. T V’ b . C ■ °/ P n- an3 ’ of Josephine' A. and EmelinejGillilimf. miW i 1 ?tatc*f “k daughter of David GiiUland, deed. ■> ’ 'Partmon of- the, .estate 6f Gotjeib The accounts'of :Dr. Wm. femltll, .Guardian ! MtcMp.*,; dec’d To the Stitts andUgal-Tep.-- ‘of .fames and Hubert Stewart, minor, sons ifi! «•““*«"« d f c f. *« WI,: Samuel Stewart; dee'd. ' j • I’,. ,] ; Boswell, and Julia, his wife: Peter Wagner, ,'The accounts of Jas. Mackall, Guardian of and[Amelia his wife; Be wls Michaels.. Uwis Margaret. Eliza, Sarah, Matilda add John Buddy, _ and others,, interested ou Caruagy, minor children of William Carnacy, ? nd J® 0 ! 1 J ou ® rc hereby notified that an dee'd. AiR MOOHE ’ inquisition* to tnnke partition of the es- Bearer, Oct, li)th,' ’fi-l.' ’"!' * KegHdr 1 ta,e P*» a! <* deceased; situate in Xorlh Sc . J ■ • f ■•!••■ I t srlekly tp., will be held ion the premises on he 31st day. of October, at whitph lime and plac s you may attend: ifyou thinkprdper. : JOS. LEDLIE, &n’tf. ShkeHt’s Office, 1 i . . | Beavp •.oct.o’dL j / j | , ADXJIN ISTRA.TOIVS NOTIOEJj. -f T ETTIIRS of administration on the estat eof I~i Jods Moony, late Greene township. Bearer co.. dec'd, having been granted tp. the nn Jersi|tied, till persons iinilcbled to said estate arerequastodto make’iihmediate paynpint, and those having claim gainst said estate will present them to, the 1 subscriber properly au thenticated for settlement'. "I - !'■ \ MARGARET MOODY.) I X ' JOSEPH MOODY, I Adm’rs SAMUEI: MOODY, t) ’ I } G'cenetp. SEWING MACHINES. | The Best,,Most Reliable ScVr tag ; Machine Now in TJsol V ?;■■ i, , j.i ■ ' I ■■ ■ ■ l ( . I I Machine*; matyojjhe lock-stich alike tyu 1 both sides, | ' ; ' v ' l\l jr i’ |a.ml use less than half|he tlirjpad [and silks that tjhe single Jr don f ' ■ ■' ;■ ' I. j- • i I bfe thread loon-stitch ~Machrncs .. i % «i tto. It will Stitch. llem. Kell, iQuilt, > Tuck, Plait, Gainer, Cord]'. Braid,i etc.,l.ill .without .I • • ■’ , •• ?., ■’ pr. vious basting; find aroj better !■■• ■. >, r -h■■ >i i-'~ ! adapted tiian any ojher Sewing Machine in use to jiiiq fr?qi||BnV changes and great; pf: sewing required iii ti ■faft-il.j or • ' .. |‘ | ' l',\ ,t!iey will sew from pne toi tw £ en ■With increased.confidence in it§ merits A Rest and' J/asf Reliable Family % Bt, . : : Machact jiow in use, . ‘ ' We elitiin for it .the following advantages i at!v and all Sewing Machines: ' . ’ ; • .-.(.Ear greafer variety of work; beisutv •an 1 out slapping, arid make; every * cellence speed arid quietness oi: i ■ •\V !' , ; ■ " ■ | | lu»n: simpijTcUy of fcoiistrucfioa; oaso of u\ ;,v: i U■ ; , r'i *i 'i > ' . lion aiid of detifft stitch perjt|ocl; or froin tlie finest foisi,. lt ? vm ° . •• j:'| .. - .! i v,iX , Stitch,; item, Fell, (Viiiit,. nimi, Tu< gauze- to] the; heaviest: J>;t*:|]ver |• j' -l riaiC either.' Oord„crapd. I • , . ’ I 1 )'- 1 | ti * ‘ ■ All Kvithnni anv m-evioua basting cloth, witl.au' chatiging life; |cd ■ ‘ { ! 'l.r -;a f . jflotL, io lue 'finest cambric. neeclle.or fusion, of TTmkii»g|iuv bkaveu. | . } .I. ji i; ; . Jyd* Side!Agent for Beaver,jenuii adjustment of 'vhatefer! ■ .f TA CC i . X-J i LASOFOKSALfc. . • . , ,'i •■"■'lj -jl - It; has the follow tiig advaiita ses over all other machines; t. Sjrs- K ■ t rapidly tv thick nesses lies wilhi- Tijs' * oilier tjvtjrior ry, Ijfoed c tneir it i*« er i led oh •Co., Sijiith, ri'-Ssr 'evorr- ■9'pl 1.-.CS' Ptiilit -9 (new js, jSai- Far greater'- varijely' oTi ; ‘ wlirk; be »uiy arid excellence of stitch; speed and quietness of motloli; 1 , f ■ I’'l' ■: simplicity of constructioni ejase i "i i if:; ■■ : f V ■ v ' . ; «: J J '• .• anil elogancej o! . ■ T ■ , ■! ‘ B - ■ ‘ . jj- | " „ ' design and finish. i ! j; Thesfe are peculiait facts, find w ill go jfar: to ‘dijicrrniiie.j the '•IVe>T Marble \torlss !! r ■■ 1 X)'. Irons, ’ ! M ARKET St.. B WD(iBiW ATER. !•; ■ , ■■ ■ i:- • Till! Subscriber announce?ip tbe public .that be is 1 prepared,to fnt-ni’gh to ruato i mere all kind of work inim line, from a TLAIX j SLAB to a (JARVKD , ~ ! American and 'ltalian Marble | I Kept ’on band, and all kinds plain a? well jas Ornamental work ddaajna satisfactory manner. ■ . .. D.'IHONS. j 1 Morkrt st, 1 door north T. AUison’t stoit: , junels'C4 ' , I '■ 'M tJ - & 00^; Advertuing -and C6<nmissl6h Agents 'r 1 ■..i’ and dealers in ! ■. 1 . .. , . PRINTING IXKSOF ALLKIiNJDK FOUA®- 15 ' I T y» e « Printla « Materials^ J 77;. I fSpring - ; : . WRITING ANDPUINTINQ ?A]>ER OAKDB,4c . 1 getjiDoable Harness,! ■ ; | -i ■' ... I ' ’i% *i. !,' ■, : 11 r.* -t -’ I Iroin-sliod' Sled, ■j ■ . ’ 1 ) ■ ■ 1 I 0F FlCES—Brown’s BuildinC, I?hiisdt Iphia* 1 set’Tinner’S Tools, t • : ii: li‘ t‘ 1 '.Tribune Binding*, ■■i -; ' : 1-Grind stone.ind.MandriJ, . 1 , mar26:lr. . ‘L, s; 1 Andcrson'-UrdniStoT? ■..* =j.J ; j i AiymNlStß^Oß’s'Eb^lCß:' ■* ;/ 1 .. J Brighton, foavercourity; dce*A:,’ikfttiriit theft Q OLE P EII - r O Mi& JT Y, to" the undersigned, all'ilersionk In- blvolc;e of' an intelligent 3n|cf —Please call ( exarrrih^ S. Tl. P EIKSOL, 'hV L 'i)EA|yEii,i|PA.,| j.|;: agw 17J Sole AgH for tfrayer co. 01111MBE ii I c i I :\ ; ' o4tS?64* iNOTIdB. 'I UK firjn.of B. &W. Wilde i Co. tVntidis * solved doLthe lltU of May last, by’ the deatli of MrhSß'm. Wilde. ,Tlie business of the late firm will be settled by ;tlie surviving paatlieri. ’ I,\ > UIINJ. WILOE, - , ; . , •' HORATIA W, WILDE. CO-PARTNERSHIP, -a- The nndc.rajgned i have entered into partnership under the the styleof “M'ilde & and “will continue, the business of the late firm of B. & W. Wilde &. Co. y' % . BENjX WILDE, - : HORATIA W. WILHE. New Brighton, July 11 ! , 16'j4, : ANDREW WRAY, ATTO J .NKY AT L BXAVER, TF-NKA. , \ OFFICE, iivlhe Southern extremity i Hotel. . f~' [.augSl’C-l: ! V,’E OiTEII TO Vnii-i'UBLIC' WHEELER &\ WILSO: ' | FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. A TjtIACT |)f first rate laud, -silua in , i\ .Clisj'pctf* Ip.. Bearer county, about 3 j mites Vest of New Brighten, .on the-I’. Ft. M'. C.'Mt. It,;;■ containing UNE HUN.IfHED j ACHR3, is offered for sale oh favorable terms; 'Ab.O(jt|jeveniy,acres of this land are cleared _nml liuu go>ij statejof cultivation;.(ho b,alienee ; iye’,l timbered; and nil "under fence. ' There ! tire on t-be premises a stone dwelling hodse,- a lAigq atone spring house,' (the upper-story of which' is now used as a dwelling! (and hewed ; log bhrVl,’ There is a vein of excellent coal : underlying a large portion of the’ tract, with 1 opening; near the railroad. [’ , j f JeSSf-Eor further information inqujjts of. James F|fe, Eaq., Brighton, Pa.j . X. P. Fxx ‘ ERMA.v, or M-. \Ye.vasd, Pro honotary’s ofnee, Beaver, Pa. i jeB,’6wl-tl jF~. r; '~7fss^msm ai. .i«BOoiw.,<>-®an ipau . _ Inatruw._ n. | . -sJM ."Our NEaV ACADEMY aow.j completed and readJ fwoocupitfoyi '^^'G]:^ ' All td fit young tinea]' :for BUSiSfcSS.or OCiLLESE firlU Bp taught;! Good hoarding oian terßg *» el«ewlier«, -.-i •V■ v ’ ••. ; T pigrThara will.tm no adaanei in tht ratutf, For fart Her. p?irt|culaH 1 addreriCtl**: oftha Frihcipil*. dr thaiihdoraigned. I - H. HICK ‘ : , Bearer;, Aug. 30. 18*>4. ■ |3- ■ . AiimNISTAHTOn'S T. BITERS of adiniuiatratiot 'TV of Rob exit Stinson, dee .Rcayer township, Denver’ cd , granted to the undersigned, ti debled to said estate are immediate payment, and those jrgSinst the.same will present fr' / au i r> • Offers his Professional, Servien t B EAT B K A N D; YI and solicitsft shate of jiutlib j] ' -{•- ■ bTHCI'w j Kerr’s Hotel, eaver.j ; Hpci.fi.Y.s-. i<~\| t " a i>M iNi.siw/'l’OR’S Notice, i;. ' I T ETTEH3 of I adminrstratilola on the I J tatt ‘of M I). .Mitchell, Jstt/.of,' . j Hookst^wn/BeATerco^t’d.iiiwSngbficajrriinfc. fed'to the undersigned," all persons indebted U I said estate’ are: requested to make ipmeditiA I payment, and those hairing claims against sahj ‘ testate will present them toi the sabicriber ! properly authenticated for settlement.; ,-■ .]• ■M. LAWKEMOE, Adm*, j 1 Hookstown. ] > »ep7 [Estate of ,dec’d;. v j"I ETTEIiS of administration on the estate ", 1 ; , I i of M. Gilliland,-late of p>ew Brighton ( borough, ticavcr co./deo'd. haring been l»-j sued to the, imd,craigned,\aU pOTsoni indebted ara required tp jnake imnidiaiic payment, and those having claims present -thenvproj- ' erivauthentioaced for-, settlement;- 1 hTi. 4' ' - . -*■ :.v ;a; r>. gill|lan|o, 454% ' ’ ' ■ ! j’-ey Brighton. . angl7 ANffJ£L ■’ " * Jays itAUtk: casu ; ' Fox* Butter and Egjf* At JiU ClUip Stor* , On Bridj* fitirMk l I' V :V.Sr '.•".‘■C 1 Jii B®”#lTe Urn teiU. . | ! A Sweet and Perfi TEBSEB j A Sad iiroatb.. What lady or gentleman nouid ramatßau-' , , der the.. curs* c>£ a disgreeahla braath,wb»» SM ( by.uaittg.lth_* .jj I" '1 ■ BAIjM OF. A 1000 FLOWERS, ' jit could be secured? _H.ow tr.iry -lovers -it baa i f the ; separated! 1 How mjmy friei.da pfiriidj [ ,-lV . j The subject is so Delicatei j-Diiy Qen|re.“t tiiejnd ■ * ' j wUI lioiyiucniidn it: and Noil [arc- yjaurself _ig \i rorautyjf the fact., 1 To effect a radical - ■ ' ■ li-.so the Balaraa.a loolb-Trash;Bightraad niurn- N SiW. ■ ••• : ! AW ■ ' THE MOST HZ Art or limcj used bent. beautifr .t'biin complexion; .but tbe.cdipbi,. iioui£iilvr>lin-| oil and oilier valuable ingriidienfs' niftcil Hi si ill more valuable. [ for bail hing suffering in fact's, a fcwV<Jrojn poured juli tejf will' dispel rIH ‘ livery loiter, sc -r- A d«V< drops.poured oii\yeu'r sli.fvij- ;-_bni?li males a’- beautiful soft m>her,deny.! • ► '.be - b.ee prt-a and white. j j s • ,\Vbcn us.eiiiCpr wasbing’jniqbthvndi niorui U itieradicates; »U and! sAVk# . Venderjug the akin scflVmd' while ■ avi |,!if ■from blemish.." 'v- v. -■' for anie at'.lhe Drug Store in ifridgwsi v .* ■ „v-V IN the Orphans'- Conn in and iV.r tin- county ~ of beavL-.-fand Sfa'te !ui |l'eiiufy-;yau*a.--- j in'tbe mhtier'oß tbe .partition of. the real .ins tate of Janice I)uii‘ean. dc-e’d.’v Common- • wealth -of i I’eatisv lyania: •! inMjie biii;s ajid . legal rtpresemu | of pai-i de.ed.f-.,r.-ii; liar- ■ gai’»;j. .intermarrfed with’.lames .iuc!.' J b , . 1 J'n. jiuii’ian, -in y I' no I- ,a. iiebecea'. but-‘A can. Malvina IbiaVaih ..Vlargrire; .0 .»ar,lst tO a minor,. v,-;ie-e gu-u‘ ti ;iu Uirfboniap. Jails-:n. Hilary Ann JacVs.on.a minor] | whose guardian ’’ •; is Jaiios, I'uncin, ; and ail jdthers 'interested; you and cacu ufyou are bej-oby cited.tV'W ; and appear before cue Hurt: Judges of enr , said Court at beaver, on the second .Vi-uuiiiy of.-November nest, t 5 accept or refuse ile-rial. estate of Said .dec’ll; at liu! t.|>pra:bdiu«r<l pf-tt 11 , np«n it by an inquest duly awarded by «,aSd' Court, and returned by .the Sheriff to June'v ISBt, amHbund to eoniafu' 1 ljtiaiives.“33 perch*.' os, valued >t SdU pier acre.’andiuthe eventfff i. non-acceptance lif shew eailsa w,by tbe same jsUaUnot bo sold. ■ ’ ; I .•/■■ U f ') josErn ledlir; sbfr; V}i '"SHEitjEF's.OrrtfcE,. V ' I j . beaver, Oct- id, ) j- - - iw? 5 4 the loiixq. over I ex-, ' •mo * perar a and ?st r>T iAL ;• jSTpticlel ■ V-.a-J?; ?ti IN the Orphans Court in %ml. for the' cwf-’V : ty of Beaver, ami State df Pennsylvania,* V . In thc’raiuer of the' petition for 'partitionjifi E-H the real Jstat.e of. Wm. Price, deceased a»#i now,,tp-wit, OcL 18th-ftto4l' (he Court. a lluic on ,th<? heirs hndt Jcghl live*, of said deceased <o-\vit: Win. Itrlea ;? and John; Price: whose, interjeats are..noydVasi^,' : ed.itt Cdjirad Eiho\iz.' Uaniel Price, . .J'ai£'(isf' Pdu, and Mary Price, |uW residing in in* • State ofJ>Michigan: Margarjit Price ha w to- L sidiug in, the Stale of Now Jiijirki Merpintlu i ' Price, Wm: Kiisbp Price, .children / of Wm. Price, whose .futures,!? -ore vested 1 in • ConratT EiholtT. Emeline Pried intermarried ,\f itfr Jvtisha J; Moore, and i 6ye chi Wren if said Elisbai J. anji Emeline, td-wit: Elba, Francis M., VViiUaui VV., Jjtue and Margaret whoso., guardian . .is fpivvard E. Holmes, and ail others interested 1 to shew cause if any' i they thave why an inquest to make partition of the real estate of said deceased should Ijmt • be awardecPal au Orphans’ Court, to be. held at Beaver, in aud for said County, on thelM - 1 Monday of November next; ’ . . ■’ ; !,.. . > JOS. LEDLIE, I .. -- Sheriff. •;■ ■.OeiW,‘Ms. T IST OF; CAUSES :/or lipTcm'ber T. 1884; f 2d Monday: " . Uommon wealth, uee, - »» John Duff*Ej’r. Alfred CMOpSell ; “ Eeb’c’a Campliell« ad John “ J. p. Trimble, etialV Wadi. B- & L. Aaa’n “ IsorjGole. i r Jas. ColKnsfc Pa- “WjM. SJalrteretTaL Lukes* k Beeson - -DarilagtonMi E.C'h. Tbos. M'Laugklin •< Bobert Adame,... iL. * John Swiclc . “ It! 8. Barton. •' ! FreioriokKiiar 4 ; i “ .Win. al,:; • Kojart Hall . . *• MUx, JWbirtsei. j. / ;oeW’W' ' .J.V'WJjVfcTAJro.PtJft,.-: ” v ..■ i'n\: ' v -1 ■J. ■1 \ 1 -'T— '• -T“ / 'f W KUTTuEZvS ! 1 bn<Uie eStattf J 4, 'lata of Big;, \ i ill persons- in* . '■ lasted lo mak*| .1 | having- claim# ■ . ' 4 jtbem properly- ’f V.-.-T j, Adm’r.,' '"t \ jdwickly tp. - j ;-j. erS i thi PtopU *fr ' ' ‘- 4 irtfonagai. ‘' 1 -sojs >.b£ iiiii cjdg«w*tat, ed Breath -I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers