4 S PFR EL 5® M:lEt' 7i'W«diun< L IMBR lE, ,1 faion ffomlnationa. jorPreeldent, ■ AM LINCOLN, >» Illinois. ■ " . ■ [ ir—■ ~~ Vice President, WJ JO HN SON » matasss.' . t '' ~ - " Rational ‘-fr ' ■ • •- ABRAfr ■|. ■ -for islcjentiai Electors. Isssi^iAL.' Norton M’Michkel, Philadelphia. Cunningham^Beaver County. • \ REPRESENTATIVES. ' ! 1 Robert PK% , ISElias W Hale 2 6 Morrison Costs -14 Cjhas H Shriner Henry Barnet, - 16 John ffister’ | William H Kern 16 DM’Oonaughy . -..jp. Barton HJenks . 17 David W Woods : W Charles M Runic- 18 Isaac Benson • ‘<7 Robert Parka J, 19 lohn Patlon •' William, Taylor : . '2O Samuel B Dick* .. jd. John A Hiestand 21 Everard Bierer ~ . IQ, Richard H Coryell '22 john*P. Penney II Edward Halliday 23 E M’Junkin 12. Charles F Reed „24.-J.W Blanchard - tTnion P: Union Dial ' ') y - ■ 1 " ItEo:v.la ■»S' '■ %■ • - Piy I, L. MfGUPFI f Asi M: S. QUAY, B IROB’T R: (KB! OAMES R. KEL) V- -. . ' i*rotl .MICHABIj ]w ? ingress'. ~ - r KNCE, Washington c n ent Judge. 'IN'/ Lawrence co iejribly. llmver,-',: SV? •: !’ ED. Washington, ILY . ;• % iionotary. - STAND, Boavor. , Commissioner. , - S, Hop swell. useDiiector. IAM.Y, Economy t]>, i iditor. u HAM,' Hanover. i of Academy. Jeaverj J Beaver, , y. Beaver, 1 ' Co IVRI bside County gjpsgPH' lE|ON | * ' Poor Hoi fBAM’L jU’MAN ■j A JjAMKS WIIITJ V. Trusi jA.R. MOOIi sj; a. wils( • 0: L. DEME ;e«s Terms of S I Argus, per ann (Vitkin the veai flEnd'of the yeal I These terms v j'.; Rates 'Cine square, I" iJEach 'subsequci ii column,. 6 mo ,li oolyttm.R mol |,l dolqnml ’t> m j Professional an I übi i im, g'.veivthe ile-to tions of loyally, oiirarmies. | j ■_ , ( | ; , . Wo I feel satiiified that no pogjjy of respect abloleaders', could be jt’iccessfully oiv ganized against Mr. Lincoln, lib, by his course since bo came into power, made the platform ,wh cli was adopted | at Baltimore,- £ n( l-ho and, li'is.friends ! now proudly i»n|J deli, nlly stand upon : ; it. -It is liie-Union and the Constitu.- , . 1 ; ■ : j * ■ tion—tbo'Union impregnable iind per pelcal —the Cojislitutidn inviolalo'and * < , •! * ■ 1 [' | i 1 • , eternal.* With such a man, andsucli a platfpijrv, the friends .of the govern ment,, which: was. formed by the.ho? j roes arid statesmen ot-thc Revioluli in, i cannot |bir{ Be triumphant ober the! band of iinpH icipled and in j e ’ the Norlly ;whc have' conspired with 1 ! the traitor! bp the South. It-is now; tho.’grca , principle is to Pb do* cideil.- ,<|; . . .' ~ •| *« . Then,leithe friends of the Union j 9 and the institution put on tlieir ars ' mor and energy and devb tion jn aid w our glorious and now victorious armies in sustaining, tlie'i " j Republic, by| electing’ Abraham Lin ’ {coin,‘and >hat UcrJing*patriot r ; Andrew 'Johnson, of Tennessee. , The Pe ice Democracy Those,cowjarclly- peace* Democrats ——j who are eont! riually'talkjiig a!wy,'ttfe the Returns,- j Constitution Led tire u ibn of the Count}' Con.- bout peace and harmony and the hor-' eadqparters wjll bp at rofs of sliod ii ig hlood, have.been ric lotel, | (Hjall’s) and - the purchasoof fifty thoiis the- County Committee and Garabal|di rifles, thirty thousand ttf. furnish tickets for Navy Revolvers, and ammunition jto o delegates -from each any amount,i and actually received ;,a he committees of the part Of this J formidable armament.- i »*ps will designate iwo For what basj all this terrible prepa ng in the returns, an i it ration been Irnado. by the peace Demo will not fail to see t »ey cralsf They say _ they desire, peace i, as it fs made a.pari, of with their southern .friends—that par ! armies should, bo withdrawn and pur oof fleets called home to stop the effusion J; S. RUTAN, Ch'y.. . pf blood. 1 T<|; accomplish they babe selected as a candidate for the Presidency a man who has beep at the head of the armies of the. Re public, and been engaged in shedding southern bipod to maintain the Tlniiiri against treason and rebellion, bat who now stands upon the infamous peace platform 'dictated and made for him at Chicago by disunion men of the North and southornj bailies and cat-throats. To elect" their favorite peace candi date, they propose to aria the mem bers of the itjiparty and begin a bloody war in the north, which shall .cripple ,jtiip friendn bf thel Union who .are struggling for its, (existence. j. er These peace. Democrats while pf«- in- tending u be the supporters of the 3w Unibn, aiii secretly making an effort mr to put the knife to the'throat and (ho ‘ 1 torch to the house of all whefsiapd ;by ■ their country in Is time of peril. They rot would 'carry desolation and destruc tion to the jentire north if theyv 000111 in their hellish purposes: ,d WHiie ptote iding to deplore the evils of war. they would pretend to check r|d bi lines, mink seeding 10 1 Executors, Adi Uratora and Auditor’* 8 X i qt* perlineTeaoh Insertion triages will be- publish/:d i ime doe* not exceed it n itional line 6 cents wilt x in the dodoes of deceSa it 'be published free. i Vj Notices.caeh -■( I-ocal , tootipes,-0 Deaths and gratis where the's aJ linest for each jaddi barged—excepting i'ioldiers^wiiiebwil THE CAMP . 1 •’ I' The .4 nj'ts w | Subscribers [ jor I Advance. • Semi diately. :[ , : AIGN " A.RSUS” 50 CENTS. 1 % * i Sena j:-'-Oq: Y • The following ceiv.ed by tl ’Committee: if :J. S. Krn | of Massachi •i Meeting on Chairmen aa-The ‘ ' be on Sail : [instead of' ; lished last' „ I .James Pat I others, wil Sen< % a res huttee, th the Beavt Chairman r.l of ;ed tw is author!: I copper to tbwnship.- several to rns bri icy t ii persons to is hbped t • are* brong! their duty By 01 = >r- ■' ' ' Great Ree i rkoi 25 1 to Prices mi ,Calicoes 3 proporticj to the gr< ist d >ry ■ an wishing! early call in all kinds o of Dressjgoot sold at‘ Iruijn theplaec—F( Rochester, n« M’-B&latDos, Prints,-Coburgi AU pacas, Popliiis, Checks, Muslins! St' Sliawle, Notiops.&c-, tog< ,£ with Bobta, Shoes and Clof be found at Tames H. Nt Brighton, mxt dbor to: the Hotel. Call and examine. 7 VV " ■■■ .. /-!! J^hoice.—lt is jay fii ■ ij£jj„pf.a Mrong • liiiii Georgia, that, a majori At hint a came J!'or fa/f truce .if ste ••r ntf/LtW l<nr ’’’ ’ ' . ■ >. .Atla sta’s ' very «u ; --sentiment in / j.tj.thd titizei ofgojntf furl Altegs Oct. & IBS#. idltor i& Proprietor id County Nom .008- loriptlon to Argui n advance $2 1 ; 2 ' 3 e strictly adhered to. Advertising: tion.... sertion.J ;..j. sinesa Cards, not ox- $1 -12 6o 20 6o .36 DO 8 DO 11 bo sent to Campaign • : 50 cents a eop3\ in in yohr names immo- r W ilso: mimg*! g dispatch has been •< : hairman of the Coknt IILAT)EL]PHIA, Oct. 3d , Rsq.:— Senator Wilson ts, will boat your jtns 6th instant. dON GAMKHON, , ite Central Committee. ting at Homewood .jd ly, Oct Bth. at I. p| m lay, o«|t. 7th, as pitb <• Hon. John Alliu inj on, Wilde, nd iross the Tnoctuig. .1 > uction in Ddr Goons. 1 dpwn.3s to 40 per C >nt; cts; Muslins f-25 : cents; ,40 eta, and all goods in avo bee i roducedjßv : +ng ccline'in one Woods should giro' u i ail 1 secure great bargains 'goods. A choice a oek s, Delaines; &c., will be Sus figu res.i Remer iber iriune’s Cheap Store In ar the Post Office. {/< \ ' .. AB rlham LINCOLN 1 I We sincerely] believe that the re/ clecuonoi - Abraham "Eiitrtoln, Presi dent ot the United’ States, is df toe ..giestest irtpoijtancb completely to crush ottt tehellionj and restoro ihe Union, fits perfectly, spotless char actor has vfcon film ithe Con’fideuce of the best men of the lind. His pbs||> lionas a statesman is tie comprehension of the plainest] citiieu of lie country, fie never enveloped himself in mysteryji in order to da wrong. 'He ia always open, free and Bones t.wid Of oOnrbe he will always besuccftsfal in doing right, in all bis operations lb crush'rebellion and restore peace,be has r.ever onco.swery ed from! the great object he" had irij vieyr— for the great .purpose for toe accomplishment i;o(- tthich thousands of lives of the besbfand bravest of our i | [' . ' ) citizens have been’ devoted, abd mil*' 1 i • j • ! j., * - [ Wo,ns of money contributed. Kp oth er) statesman could, Jae jeuccessfulfy, have guided tbe' nation, amid the slormsiof; robe lipnL That storm still bowls before a sjtrijggling government and people, end even with greater force thart evoi , ibr he has to contend not only with nrm9 but with bad mer andpßSstora in the North, who hre’.leagued with the South for the overthrow of our Re publican government., Bat the great majority of the||»epplb are sound, !de-' earnest imd dletlermined, be cause they kroiw that an able and honest hancf las control of the ship ofjStato, and; inat no' peace, can |bo made other which will .be permanent and bonorabler The"’pep-* pie want no change in the head of the nation.' H, - ,1 j-' We,sincerely believe that Abraham Lincoln can carry t]ie election in eve >y| loyal State against any man. the friends of disiiiiun can name, but most certainly - against treorge B. Mc- Clellan,', who ; , by standing upon jtb*’ infamousfChcitgo plktform with Pen-1 dlpton of phio who has said that the j rcbeliiojp is [rig ht, andhwho thanked God that he Had not] jcontribiucd or voted a, dollar’ to support pm brave armies ot the [Union, and 1 whp has all his former prelen ,whilst at the bead of it 'by kindling n tjoo nt7r~w&flag«tio n . ;Tlit. jinjihiis ihi-j prefix nt “Peace 4 ’ in'ibe »ia|ne|<>t Democrncyisi an enor mops : jfa luehotid, I truly In < kecpViiL jwith; tftei Recoil' history of' that nipt Tiie SUilh; alwgyi ,J»i »t«d iouijly\ o* iVmi <j raf vwhifni wu itgli iig.Jhx. Jhe inaintf nance of ope of the lAOst .intol erable the . world, .ever'. knew,land whilst it wua earrying QJD their plansfor. the oviithroWfdf 4be it dehonijce'd every madfhving in the! north as [being disttruopists;—- lie old northerpjdub-eatingadvulatea still follow ir> tool track, ofthe origi nal tn itprs. They showthe falsity of the r deraocraW by preparing for the b oodslxid and desolation in ad vance to| resist the resuit of , the an cient Idotnocratijs principle,.! that the majority cAa/j rule.] It would ; procure■ peace! by War at uorae.. They, cannot nq,l Jo ss this south did—steal ,arms to ruin the ;ouhtry~but ..they buy them and ejidfeavbr to smuggle throng'd the Cu«om House free of du ty, Eade jarms, With; which they lezpectflheir work of treason to bo accomplished. If they canuot ac { com jjlish their j hrp We _by bal lota theyl would Jdefca; the [popular will by inaugurating bloc dy jvar. But there cure or al! this; that is to '! even by the sarnel arbitrary pro hat , George B. j | McClellan did aitoroua me nbe-s ofjlhe Mary« seizt r i cess the ti il T' 'dr jra: - (bo leatlerS ;of this ben convicted, bang '.am in. Secret m>l* is Save been, formed .aten by copperheads uid the 1 enca by' the hopes riori.ber traitors give arms in (he South. the duty of loyal rk Energetically and, t this dreadful con -0 our conhtrj’to the 1 bs ve By aiding our aaintaining the Un in coin and Johnson ■e md prosperity.— and Pond Ictdn and.; tient tp and nid-in] if destroying the j on earth. , { landiLegislata con?>plracy,anc thoroiasbigh as itaryj organ! satin, in the nbrtbern Si tqaid the South, I nowjooly iiji exist! which cowardl y > to their frienc' * ir Ttjen.l what is men? It is tc w< fearlessly tpdi fea spirt cy ami]re itoi only peace we car galli ntarmies ini Ibn. Vote for L and yon.bave pea Ybti r'forjJll :C1 clla .you coiiru the infaiiioiß wui [ only free gov« rnr koi lent Voters 6: t tlll’s State'njro to cirry: tlijsS . Ktemomber I tioh of liosiilli pcaie ■ I’ Remember will resu! Union. | 1 faeniernbis: ' joicV- in l|ie heaps th i' i Remember Prtjnch Go ;ei Copperhead! n [|cmemh ar OejobcF seen November. ‘ Remember District is>.o Laeear,! a it' opponcntyJtis loyal, Ujnion 1 Remember ' i ■ . j , these two in lenvemlje 1 go to the po i tin Unionjcn ; ilcihembo' La’wrcneeij fn ’ ’ Remempe ! Ti.' |M.cGiirt|n ' itomilmhe ; CJ nay*. Robe 1 Ke|ny for A j Remoin jo iWPyand for |Rem]embo Irons fiir jCp ' liemoraboi bain for Aitd fiemembei Mqnamy for (lemembe Moore, jJoae <* I: ’ j 1 L. -Doiiipsej jbou’t for oratoraL stif> Ain sat tk an I ft thal suc^ ■ju^a ell icxi •thj nnt elit naj(, vba 9W iOTii ie.%" rC pngroßF; j. nil vote,for Liiwronfc Judge; ;d vote for Matthew [S. Ijf Rceil and Jamos U. lily- ; -■■ . hd vote |for Michael ir a! Prl blbonotary; '*■ i j ltd . vole for Joseph iissionor; I *, id vote for Jnmca Whit- ; P(jor House .Director; I r ajnd vote for Alfred R. i>h |C. Wilson, and bavid fop;Trustees of Academy that the Copperhead matized our ! soldiers as thieves,''Tnsullers of wo - - “mprderoU, naejti/’ etc. ' Don’t for;;ctj that, every Copperhead odijtor jnfaur jSlate, either silently or openly; opp >sod the right of tho sol diere tbyoti. I , ' *J Jpon’jt forget that wbile thej abuse Lincoln, ih« y jdb not abuse Jeff Davis. Don’t loigpt that a Copperhead laker, at |£ridgewaler, said that jtf Davis was' righi and “Old Abe” tbngi! ; jbpnjt jfoi xcjlSppthpr Dohit for Vote the. your counti * v i•< |ote the to i»el|i Gra Fain-ague. ' yote tiie to pee the r ' tote the, tpJ jed. opr wHoleiLph spei w ) IQt'.that the Coppcrh 1 |?}'*?paihize r « v jet these things, and Union ticket if. yon yJr- : Union ticket, if you ■ ntj, Sherman, Sheridan Onion ticket if you eofilioh crushed.' . i ticket if yon Ul»g£ waye againove; tipkot on th 8 :: i. • . f V---v'-" : • -r-r,.- Another Ua Wailed to th* • ••. v. •, The contain* an article crego ■%. • tbjs -act “Bejleal of the did,: vote jlbr that bill,,mod doeanol wish to avoid any responsibility attaching to ihnt Oct,; bettering it to hi® right and tej • prepa-1 red il, yot wo moat ly deny: that Mr. Lawrence either vo ted torpor in any way supported,the t measure. We served i with Mr. renceintbe Senate daring the session of .1861,' and; although ;w9,;differed wjth. him .upon this and. some other questions,; yet we aria happy to staie tb at o ponall questions touching a! affain, always found him on right'/sltfe* Bfere Is the vote on the final. passage Of the actjor thej*‘cdm. mutation ofthejflnnago duties;” page 604, Legielattre Record: . j | • e n‘ , on,lilood I C6ntiell.Pinn€§', GrOeg.HaM; Imbrie.Lahdci, McCln r’d. Merideth, Njchols, Parker Schindld, Serreli, Smior; J ThouipBon,| l 6 hartonl, and Pqlnlor.NS^fer— lB,v ! 1 " ' ) Bound, Clymer, Crawford, Ful7er,HainiUon. Heistand, ■ - - i. inrunwni> •* * v . - i• . J .1 , i ... n i . , jL /itional particulars, have’ biv r^turb 7 tUlfcfUr thfc election, as tlio showed tlioy wore c ighly plt3ivs.cd.wilh (v e iv«d trom a pariudpjiut in the %itop of thearticle in tbo.S'fjr Vciri hi? effort. | ; ; 1 atCapin’s farm: Gcnlj 1 Ord, |of UuinoiV (Thia was, therefore,' one] Johh Alli.-on .was called'out;, Eighteenth Corps;, with' loflboSemeUh (ricks of which only I bob owing to the Rtchess of the hoar, 7n', SIOf ‘ & ; P uehc d toward.* Kiclimoii -**. to ask ioir/lV thing which he hnevr . a that .dnoM t || || C reached ('hapin !* BUitr.-; ! iwouliibo impossible. f /, r V i tp Newjßrightori.iuid the county, aliil [ wpro heavy works jexieii.ling ( A*ltb the matter of &ppopef|infl'uL.* »• havf'..no'..lfmM>i» --bo attorned ! mile.. Tl.ohM a.uj>«t» i wvr * Ji . . i w ? J- ir n-itik m n il'.ron.l .hr i the nar-unJ below thyim 1,h«..g -encessofarmsany of,the persons alto !« tnuth A ood. , . _ j;. j SO h, th..ngh>mun, had Wonirel.ft ded to are concerned, wo deny the i rherjc; was 1 a, meeting in Chippewa t . d charge.Uqeej ahd challenge any, maul, township on Wednesday evening,,ul Gen. S'-annard’s, the Viiliei ;dilher ;l)«Wrai or Republican* tb if'! 1 - 1 David , Dunlap prcftdyjd. the main and \1.c... e .swi. M V^iib'y;bPP o ? nt b J .ibitic-o of tbb & .™ uc * Mag.. tt,c I j'„ul befuro ilii.m. IVbilaljiifi vm peace, IF Oilll) uuy court of record. .;. A*.moellog r was also held at Meehan-j done ilneavy reinforcements 4Wo pronounce tb#s' whole tissue of 1 ><**burg on Thni-Alay evening; Ja*!d„wn fhjU ißiehou.i.d. wh yh ■ a , L/}„ - .if'J.:Smith, Esq., presided, antTJ. S. Hulun 1 aiso driven out. , T u- divi.-pm « fabricdUo .n to- thm patter f I h.eeti.% 4* this foal every . ; U |rom; vrlo jalander whjeh . ihosc nihktng or ; - i f - • j -u-. V, i? der killed op. wounded* .Gy i iindulging in, can-tieilhcr Birstaih ivor i ■ • 1,1 a > exening u argoan ; rnt *; u * xtns Stb| they ahall Lavir [^ lic D( , ne h„ 6 , were vionrolcd. h,l 1 ,. .j ‘ ..... i. . ! ■. i„ i ••l.Jßaden.l’at which .u. , Marks. Jt.q dangerously. This division beli tnanr Without regard to politics, . ./• 1 :y : da«y officers killed fwomfl. has lat any tim'd ifrado, or who hyw j ‘ - n ,i *I , works taken \vcre\he ttioiigcsi t i • t ; i* ' :« • Lhe. tneclinga wore all well aitaod- . i .ntr,!,,.! makes, any wieh aMscrtpm aaiu sian* ; f : 6 j .. /- > 1 rncen around ;Kicnirt«na. v Unr i dor&lia, and libeller. .’ ■ I | cd - 4n<l tl.o best pravaded. j shows the sli|bhorn IcharactOr cl«er Men) fiibwire iVauds! 4' McClellan and the f oldjersjl^: ; * \ } l . Immediately before the election of‘ ever been the hahij of McLji’i ,uf thi»eit\ Ivas the Ipllowifig action. ;. . ' ,; lg gA U t up in thU -.Uspaicht r .• It is rcpdrto.l tl.at ttenor- Lite 'English and •. J: .... , . '»* n . ; pan;on.s arms. 1 >otwulrntanaihg ft j Kaluz> cavalrr on W cdiiesclay s lure*hoping for aj ** “f’ C !^l' 1 ! 1 " 11 111 val [ ,o,m P Hr |^TUheso profc.ssioh* |»o wan! among llje j. evening advanced o‘ii a recoil noi^sahfcc „ a . b .T-j 0 < take decided ground against ! to within a mile and a naif of Hich ■ ‘ . • /.I j-of rebellion, .by iyliTcti at attenfpdwas’rtherigntof the, soldier to vota,, apd j mnhd.vaioi iwcre, surprised' to tjnd so ion victory, in ( provej that (Toyernor Curtin''’ favor of disfranellisit.g him.. .. d’e j (•,.,«■ rehols in ? the vieiuUy.! Most ot Union victory in j . f C( »uiiJlont od rdaddr ti.at Jn.lge jGfc , r . Uutkr s forces were wlthi . tbiir 11 , ? Jf , jui-n < ’ 1 •: ~ . r = i Woodward dl-cidbJ -a ’ lllile> 1){ the eitv., Cfcal antiv'ity Ore his Congressional & .°;L '“if ' C - r ® tt .- ttle ‘!. t" « : 'inst soldiers votihg. W:is in favor of j va y U | 01 , - t l»o lift '-f our lines. lituV .resented by Jesse l H Sab .* be -? n ? 1,0 ]*! wifhdrawing ourjarmies and in jGiegg’s cavalry had a'dv'an>d |U> i . . I f | ■i* secret roaii'nd', jas dirty do'gi :of {he precise poJiyycaunciatod at (?hi Kcuiu’s Stntdinr. The t*obol JincM were ead and that his j w(j^ld ’ do { ■ fortu^{c iy t ft: 1 and stood' fledged to the, ii^osi! yi . rv tll5ll .; ’piu. caunona.lii gof Wed- Lawrenee, in ! tmc l 0 prevc. V t hijtiry | "H™ jlocuino.. WhcnAhe-j lies ;, aJ infiidted but little damage,^,-, 'll J., r .i I ■ 1 A \tr i. ' ... Judge} was running for Governor of | on ! and the expqsed. We b»V«i i Pennsylvania. GeL McClell.an wroje a ; ; t od ; , ho doubt that tho cneraiesVdf the goi-i! loiter 'to assist hjs' election,' in which l ! , . eminent will ishdoavdr to] dctelve thcSi *'b said, ‘ I desire p'state clearly.; find , -J "® loyal voters agtiin; Ueol they that hfving some *w days I f j r :• I •.=. i, i r ago liad a full conversation with Judge ■ \ they cannot bo detected in their exp- ,\yood \v a r >J, 7ji ri -1| f/i; tfo lir dew* agree.'* ' iH( r "V era_ble work. - i 1 ; j It islan insnlt to iiilelligeat nieh'td ’j 1 . Alreadv we have seen it atatetl that i proten jl that McClellan 1 is ;cit I’ 11 " Geh. i)ix is out in favor of the petft-aj friend orlnoteommltlml-tq the "i ~ „ i doclriiie,of tlioCliiica'fO'l’lalforin. lie man. Gon McClellan. This is false, i. r j . ‘ iiiau, uuii * « M avews hw views tm bo in perfect acs ufterly false, lie has declared hup- j { . jr j with thosoh ;ld by .Judge AVoo.U sell >n, favor of Lincoln aliil Johnson | ward. is nft ah intelligent fmn as the only means ot saying the cou]h, j•» the count ry v ho does not kAow] j \ I.’ 1 that the- J udge j. mote foyal. lo t this •X | ..I ’ i ~ 1 ! South fthan-to tlie National Governs The most vile and outrageous false-,, ment .; n , lhe sUO j^j o for oxisterico bootls will bo j circulated, to deceive. I Pitts. [Com.- . Ti. - boiicst nien. Be not decoiveil. Go tb! ! • the pollg and vote for the Union and The lnvasion I Constitution. To dh you ' must ‘ i Sr. 'Lo rts, Sej.temher 28. vote the whole Union is ticket. The h °- ■.; . . ~i i. - , i.: loft Pijot .Knob .in disguise, at !noon salvation of the Ropubltc dopends up- 3 - e 8 arrived at Do Soto to-day, on every man faithfully and fearlessty ,ahd reports; that jGen. Ewing concen doing his duly. j 4 j;‘ trstodf bis troops in the fort, while the . We say again BEWARE of lramlu- rcbolB|pc,copied ti e town and phi|lder lerit and fols'o statements'; which Will cd a " H;o stores ahd houses No gov - i. . . , ■ iv i.f , ernment piop.eruj was captured. The be issuod upon .the th'e oloetipn enpiny .planted a lattery oh Shepherd |y jTbore is hut two wit|t ican in : Mountain |and wire thiowing shells idopt—Union"oy disunion. ] Tire Coin-j into the fort, doihg some exCeution.^ - stitotion or hoiCoristitutiorPEibeiW i ; T'> ; o fpreef G.d ; ; M!il|» ; s, , - , '4 ,! i was attacked at Hinerul Point, past- O-P f , I /, , i night, |by aHarge body. ot rebels land This iawba*. Joyal men haye tp do., jb 0 enemy repufnod, but our troops Choose the. righ t and our country is subsequently wilt drew to Do Soto, safe. Choose the wrong and tbe res ill Dotosi was oaptuyod by the re'iols ! will be that our great country Iwill be n 'f!ht - _ 1 L ■’ - iVn i , . , , . . ... ; Gen. Smith's/headquarters are j still trampled under 4he feet of a hnlilary at pe Soto, whore Ti he wa» reoeiying, slave despotism. All our boasted l|b- reinfoyceraonts. - erty will forever, bo crushed, I i Gen! Ewing wis ordered to evacn ' 71 ate Pilot Knob, but the rebels bad cut bis communications before he could 'get-|away. '-,j■ \J 1 ' lj ; Major General j Blair, at bomej on siek leave r - tendered bis serviceji «6 Gyp. Rosecrans to-day and-was direct ed to assist in ;tbe organization'of the militia, i About I J.OOO militia arpnow under arms, whic i.with lhe indepond ent citizen companies, make,quite a : formidable force. ] ,] ! jarTbe Hon.' Ihomaa\F. Hafahall -died ion the 22d- netaht in Woodford Couyity,' Ky,.;• a^ ed sixty-four jtegw. He was one of lb* - most eloquent’, men the country, eyefj produced, and but • ]for bDftaved him, eiught Shave io, ih« Wgheal omj pence.; r er Comity, le Copperheads of. 1 1 heOcVjelOction. i b are tor a ecssa* id a dishonorable. C'opporhoad vic-|: ilissolulian of tlie:' Irepi |orh' ne or. the other ef- .t 01 fected Uiiiign, and ill (ft resolved to vote for lates. o*o vote for George V id vote for-Sarnucl M.-’ leads then love wish i and vish wish f the sec- Irish,' Ketchwn, LAWRBNCB, Mott, RobUon.Welsb atid i Yaldly-4 15, :■ yr;j : t , . '"H I 3lr. mwrefce not only voted against the bill.bdt spoke against it and fought it at eVeryathgei as can bo seen by ■ a rcferehce tb lho pages of iho Record; i. T.hd object of the writer in connect ing Mi, Wm. Henry wiUilllVis .matter.' i? tbitt 'Mr. Henry left homo for this hWlty ol tho Fotomucon the beginning of Veck and does not expect to »a.Bo it | known to all our readers tbat,at James H- Stokes’, Nf w tor, can be fdund an excellent assort* robnt of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoe* and i; «r *"J V I ' > 1 f Cl 6 thing, for jfall and Jointer wear, anil bis prices! much bo&w the East ern wholesale! marketT Give him a call.- ' :[ I . i \'fy-. . i9*in the ptocession jbt. the McC?lel tab. meeting jn, a few nighta <ince, wu of Gen. Gfsnt, in whiqb be was made to gay; ; fot pays the beat-” L^?af|a A tficj in- I salt dnrbi»ye^lJ’erv,A n Jthen:aBt ‘'U V ' Union - ;.-j . ' Thai largest meeting ever held in Beaver county, by any partysprilbr: abjjr purpose, at nigfatj or under shel ter! .was-' held j at New - Brighton,! on Tuesday evening, Bqd* 27th. It was! heldinthoCar Factory, and was {ire*: sided ovir by James Patterson, £eq* The room in which ■ it was: held,. it waa estimateiLwoald hold two tboaaj and people, and yet), it was densely; packed; and bnndredp were' unable toi Obtain admission. ' The.building' was tastefully .decorated by the [ ladies of New 'Brighton. Mr. Patterson, [ohj; takicg the chair, ‘made a short but! telling and eloquent speech, > J. A j 1 Ji; Esq., of ! Greene coan|ty| |j was the first speakef.. He opened j by referring to hie position m the party, having beena Democrat until the war oroke but. but like many others i •• - I 1 ' l;j • ’ • j-{, > {;• preferred country >«> party, he was one no longer- He passed a high,; en| conium on Mr. Lawrence, wbowaii his successful competitor for Senate in \ 1860, passing |to IfiLo isitut s of ' the campaign, he discussed for two hours the questions before! the people, dejnb> onstrating conclusively that the-only hope pf the country was in the re election of President Lincoln. He is an,able:and cloquen listened' to with throughout., .... Hon. (ieorgo V. noxV speaker. He boar, With 'mdrojthi at.d powrcr v - It wa* Now Brighton, arid Lhavo been gratifyii [ <:lo«o apoech | three cheers for hi y FROMTHBAHMV. ; Was DKFMiTMX.tr, Wasuinqtoj September 80,9 a: u.~Mijjor.CHsneri —A dispatcbfrom General, Gran dated half-past'three o'clock tbia a) terpooo, at,Ciiy Point, states that Get end barren Attacked eud tb enemy's line to-day «(i their oxtrero . Tight, captaring s nuraberof prisor . He immediately prepared lofo loTr'up his success. General Mead moyed frombi* Ifft this morning, ar carried the enemy's line neat Popli .Grove* Chutch; " p - f' 7 A later dispatch j dated this !*l 5 o'clock, 1 and just received; jetai? I that Hsjor-General ’Batler, at three In., f eportethat-the enemy liaul jo {made an assault in three coli nina t his line, Chapin’sTarm,land Had be< repulsed-; No report had been rpcci <Mi from General Meade ; since he ca ried the' enemy’s -line near the Pop I *v Grove Church. i i | i . /No'ntelligencefrom General She: dan’s . operations have .been receiv since; Sunday night; except j tbrou Richmond pjjpers, and tb'«iatestiW< from that wmrep i,batbas reached t Department was the advanco (if bis ci airy to Staunton heretofore msntic ed. Petefsburg papers of I ode y m tion a tumor- which is 1 confirmed, that one brigade of She dan’s cavalry was-ambushed [a i. Sw Run Creek. ; • i . Dispatches from NwWn rioeiv this evening, estate ye [low tie’ !v el 'emailin ' \t t yer is 'extensively preva. a s place, but if it* not very Huai amon> thetroops.' They are encamped put* speaker, and wap nipt attention ..traps. _ ciiuuhpt. . side the town.' , J ,1/ _ .]••? A dispatch ifpoih General Sl oniiap; dated half-pasteight lust limit he has made aiMic'tual c-tcha* of 2,000 of his' own army, and rfiad arangcmcni with flood :t6‘soiulto othel prisoners a supply of eLoth soap, combs, Ac, !• . ifV, ~ E. it. Staseon, jSec’y of V BALTiMoar., Oct. I.—}Thc jfdljuv .add' \l pSirl : Inrs have 1 been .awreneo was the spoke about |ain in bis usual energy his .first speech; in his reception miijt | gto him, At the ] he audicnco gavo | i with a will. Umt - Washington, -iep General Ord’n corp* ad v ine morning and 'carriejl the very Ihrlificalidiis ,• and Idn*; line. irenchinciitM below 1 , Chapin'.' ■with sonic,fifteen pieces; of ;il and from two U> three imi idjc loners-. i- ; •. ", "*• General ;o,rd (wjs wounded letfl though not Birnov-advanced at' tli** muij ijfroni’ Deep Bottom, Tiiid i-ai-i New .Market road and Uni ; ineuta, ,uiid .scattered llieleiieni I ei r-direction, though he capiti i few. General Ord is nor’ iii'are i towards Richmond ,He lull Cl ney where the Mill riad/niter; NeW' Market and Richmond n !' The whole country is fit 'field fortifications thus. far,. ! U.'S. Grant, Lieuj The following is * special account of | the fighting on the north of the James: |On Friday three * dcsperafle efforts were■ made by the enemy to ■ retake the■ works captured from them by - us bn Thursday.' General Leo in person .was. in command, but the .rel)els were, each , time diivcn back with consider 'able loss. The enemy weld discover ed about two o’clock Siflenioon, massing in a woods- directly opposite the-poi yesterday, and in half an hour they charged with a Wild 3’ell in- three heavy columns' of Wttack The rams at the same time opened up on our position and pur' line was enfi laded by the fire from the rebel bat tery on the river. - •/'• - T The men. however, stood their posts, and received ii with so,hot and tfoll-dirpeted erring a fire, that they brok fusion and retired to the woe Twice again they wore n their officers, and returned 't!i but only with the same re? finally broken and [dispiri foil back in irremediable' leaving the ground covered dead .'aid wonhdod. The represent .that a thousand were killed and., woe nded. prisoners were takefi by us, many officers and thji greatt the Btli North Carolina regi captured aie «e officers and CaptainlMagui IWrGenpral of Gap. j Ciingi iy - 'i ,- \ "if by Stannard’s .were captured by the 18 th! nh„ lhen > cut *nd ,iBtb fe cU <. baa pronounced one of th e "desperate) and brilliant of tILC mon by hi* skillful managemehi*' 11 / troops, Gen, Wehsef hi » more leafto the laurels wohlin r 009 llapa'P v | qn'-8 boai*,, ■ , ' WABHINOT6.H, October zVfo /?. • alDix-. A dUpatch from idan, dated Hari irtonbur^focinK^l' P. H-, has been recftd • ‘ Department- ItVatesV ‘‘llbarß v • to Staunton and Viys«bJK?,>«. cavalry, destroyed the iron brill^v. 1 - South rive* at Wavnesborl thtn^ ■lt into tbe river;also, ibet[£°> Christian Greek, and the rlh- o ort fi* r Staunton to =WayifcsbbroJ ilwf o ®, sons omitted! . i ;p ea I. The follpwln fe rdi^<rtehjB ! tl, e l ales ,. I received troni , drain. .. . Point, October 2d, 8:30 i. j. ' r TT Gen. Halleck: Gen ■ Butl|ifj| a oS 'J nght of the James jßiver. Ufo 6en jj* . i Meade, m.Saoaltr-weHtof J They occuby thesume pus Terday. There has been hiilrervVti-r' fighting tofduy. : A tew p,ito ;J 9 * captured lust evening. Sen./Bu,*!™ ! Sent two tbrigsides of iDhHa4 anil small cavalry force hundred yards the tr|nei- oj-. J -‘ jSprk* easieff Riehmond.Wfeting • ■hoopposition.' • r.j!. ■tfTC.'iS.’'Grant,-jnem. Gec.> " . s*o. dispatches Aiuv) received for 'threel days from' "Glrt.l.’Sherman ; ; but yigotqua measures, .vfifeb'ii i a (A V lieved wilibosrtcuessthl, (.aye been ta- - ken by Li|u-tq protect hil cjotnuiuiiica lions fron| rebel raiding parlies; ‘under - Wlieelertlnd Fonsast i |', || v 'P. Stanton. ■|, . (WASHINGTON, Octobeif .ii— PussenJ,, j jfera fWnMJity Point; esleijday muni- *; j ing report that there w:.ji tjeavy titin.r -g 1 on.iho v right .aiid LVierstmv - - r-JSind.hniilUtlo;‘.in ' front.', The'.'entire' ‘ army .was in motion,, tmJmliU. lions were that ajgcucnil was inevitable.' r ■ '.I- i Ciiiod Dnowsin—Ojuj the 21sl;-im., a child’about three years of '.agoAim '.y of Captjl Jewell, fell offyjielCanai Bo»V “Return, ’’ at Merryinan Ripple, be. tween Beaver and ;Pijtshurg.' His hair, was shingled anil hpilriglijt uppev .■ front tooth y-lis." bn. ken. (.‘llfc driisi . was check pants and C!ilipo|,»vaisti<viti. , blue buitonsi Tiie'pauAs.vvei-v patched ""jl ion the knees. Any.iri/ormaiion-ab’.iitr l j him shotil.d.bedirected tq-flii L. Hrg» | ! jjjns, I(oclieBier,-Ptt.-.» , s4r.^| ; ’ 1 Cb\. ilo'qdy, |n it speech; at j.ColumbuArOUto.'said thaj. Uy liad pray * < j'ed Iho-Alaiighty to go lu Chicago, aw'd, l otintoulid the eherti.es el the cpuu-irv, band he believed lie had kkmo. so. The only way too JLurd".hu«|| been ahle'to | frustrate the building qtl Bibel -was by , ! confounding thodunguagp of i;i,o buijd- ; | ers, couid hot uuilcrstaruly .‘cacti otbpr. and just lit this way h«| 1 had destroyed the,powoifuf the Cop-1 ypbrheads of Chicago'. | They, say poato j j.wheil they mean war, land 'Wfiir wl.ou | they mean, peace, iahir. hcofrc tluir | j cqutiselil had~T)een 1 disconcerted , undy, j. their efforts would conic to nuaght- • • U®_Thc New York corrusj.inni.'ntrif the Chicago.Journal_sguret?'a mii|oriiy. for Tjiiicdln and JiJuiSoh'inrlhat Arae 6f;14,200 on the honje vote an-iy J.UO 1 on the soldiers’" vote,mi(king a ll kgr lo gate of 64;200i; In. hisosiln'wtos lw as signs, ail, the doubtful jjM(inlie> t-» Mc- Clellan and .crediti hioi with.' A-j.Ufo majority.;in Mew York city, wew .h . gave boly. 'ithOOU Doinrtcraliu iuai nityi last year, . . ~ ' - y 3 an II j>. tho I (ti- ll (jn way (in lei'e i-amc' Wore icilibir inia|n- idru 1~ I lu.t a-.vtd ul iii}; Tire m) far ■ •WsW I lie • M.VjIOU WHITE - lixclliVNOHy— learivffi?in a dispatch I‘i‘oai Xrw Ybk of.the Ist instant, that Major the 67 th Pennsylvania, artd a of tjhe Pennsylvania .Senate; cSpljW fourteen months ntr.ee, arrived on that day,, having jbpen, exeliai>i!< 1 -.- in the spoyijrt arrangement bstw«« l . Hood und'Sljfernuirt, am! knowledge ofVhc-htichmond ; suiitn?ri-. who hayto heietot'orq rohi'oJ v. exchange hint pn any term*. in- tin' ( 1 1 *f t ! jßSi.lt in sin cs'tiibUshfd • tact | \V.h6n Uee’s. goldieTw hoard id ikf no ®’ finaiion lofrMcCtellttn they ?■ When they received go Platform, they .were wiM | the good'news Now Will man give us the true reason,wo " rebels, thus rejoiced, at ItLe , 1 ' ‘ say jie is going to :"f otel-for -’lcv.^‘1 11 ' without blushing with sljsme • ie time lii'ii tlio iilreheh- iV in.i-v., ll’t'ij till L mi,'-! on ron'. Bif :eptiv tho dads, d' . I . . , «> > ' ' ■«■ 1' ■ t?" Very Satisfactory, j-The. monel Elat miner of Early’s situation in ' tho :l | l ’-' j e ' ft satisfactory because ho * o j3d stand.at.StrasbUrg,' M “j-jf.- stay,vj'Sitico then' Early oil more than or o fiund)’ed O D. we suppose tbe ExtnirHcr "' l }' st ' tend is perfectly satisfactory. . *«“Dan Rico Wp circus rider, j»*[ McClellan candidate for ; composed pt-Erie abu. “ plord i counties. : The calculatio Ideally is that, it anybody can r i ! nX-j twohorses, WarDemocraLVbn - s ditto,. Dan is the boy; l ? ut i^ oW ja beyond huma'irac hi oveme ni -_ ,* | U p can ride fwo-sfeedq when g 0Itl » speed in/opposite directions. ed. with ~ Gep. ■ steady to [he. rebels r abd un« iedn 6on pdrttwice. ■allied by !p„ charge, uit, jubtil tei, libey ionfupion, ivith their -prisoners *ti (east Oyef 800 including r par tpi menl. A rem]-field •e. Inspect tan’s staff. yet, .no letter has P.PP^* t fcs from Mr. Pendleton . acceptin= v nomination for, the Vice j t lj To keep him , from writing said no - letter has bepn odor him So obnoxious ore ( •>> , known id be to Ihe loyot »? D , North that the leaders .ha*« « )*. ately headed him off; ® ueb .''. hibition which , the oncogi? ~ j^. erotic party is .'matingT'* ll ,■ fore the worlds ’ ' ■ ’ • • --1 George' Praiic.is ITrnin, wildcat letters to Genr McClella^ mentor:' “Gtesati bad his * t] Charles I. his Cromwell »“*• if you keep on afi you have _* b(> Jjr November yon won’t have 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers