: -' Ocfc/iS; 7^ '%ea MB BfJv Edlior "St .fii ;i_ ; t v‘ i-.v^ ?vO 'DoiCAB! .. t-'-' - T.te’ •./« r , othcfv-isa T*o ,vill bt charged; : diiCii alt arrearage* , :; erB !'.ud coimminio! „4 ' £■ ... iirrtinrt Ltteniipa*. 1 ‘ i .’til. V*i . s- , 7-ho i-obvsr/j,Aj crc'.ary .of the Trcasusy giVjg notice 'vV cjipt'ons 1 will be receivellfor .Coupon!. . Kotes.'paynflle three from Au-f T 1804, with serai-anuu:.l interest at; ~ . ,j ~. ,j ■ i :‘ . •*. >7 ; hehl ln the - at the op- 1 -.-I. j iuux, nix m PA3E near BE AVE bio not lesaj;-, -- r -pi-r >.• -.p; ..p . from j THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th mayelect.— - • .It 1 ; | ] ♦». » nti-.-'jj;- ■ iona.of.im. Commencing at IVdottk, P. M. > and all sub-1 ■••1 •* i 1 ■ 1 ,/i i iome ■ , L. 1 DICKINSON,/.f ;N i ! 'Y»rk’j t>no'of America's* ablest itliil (id theowner* ; ' j jj'/ V •" 1 •%., -1' '- r - V’• ■ is soonStfief ■ iison; jlloN, CEIAtS. SUMNER,of-M t iirfflitih' 1 ' " i' >i ■ -- tho eloquent .man; H ,1 A.ugust IApTIQMAS. CUNNINGHAM; BeW ment to that 1 '• ; J' id* from date : cduntj V floqaent son; Kx.Govdist ;i.6BiiE,i Wr Mid.lga.j; JoDflp KEL ;e . thousand . 1 , I - • ! notes at any ; LEY and MORTON M MICHAEL, isioa of one-. of pi/Ld« I ,pL ; Hox. JNO. CESNA. wall.be paid .|- v^i. jUrparmießt upo i tho receipt i- i3j»VjGEb'WGß'.'s,, LAN.DQNi ,„ r an.mtnt , celled to by .the WILLI A MS, - HoS./ T: J. wi’:i whom tJt* Hep/wit was made. Nars 'j * * *-' * ii.ius*f*w >o;;:wi*»iou?4 be V; ]^W.RE2«GE'. ;alAdvantages of thisioS^■ A . ; BUCHAN A*. E*q ~TVJOS. ViriovM, Savings •By vk. offering' 31.; MARSHALL. -E.aq.. Major A M. than arty other, and i- - „ | >•• •. • .•;• V Any .‘■a'v.ings, bailt wb&h been invited; pro .Npias,,Vrtnaiucrs : ;(,.xjiee edito be presoilt. 1 .< [ .-y i:.g In the hast ci cniatihg me-J -, . ; • ‘■' ihfciitrypand If ray in any. ' ‘ J. J . SIEBKNICK. Evq , <>f lie.-, for'it* oku airiets -i.ro cither in ' ici.t fceiintici or or bond 3 burg) ! ' ’ t , . •. j ; tncif <i'Luty a leropo3A.rT or i i Tho nulls can always 1 ’ Lo; f«»r.within, a fraction of t icir taco and \-i -■. . ■ v»»r C] uted iutercsted, sCnd ar«' bc?t sc*cu- • i ■ { } l bankaias collateraU fnra di»Qouut«. in .a r ‘■lr in(u d- Six ‘ptr cent. ) Oold J3ond. \ •; . ' motitill Htion u> the very Übora interest on, ..j ci for :thrye yeavd, I hi; privilege of, pa lie ion i:t nrtw ll rce percent. *! uhi, f or tbo current rate />r Uonda 1 p :«fB than \nivcj>ff i ernf._pf^ :z ”/ m * be- ‘ ' Tviir4ho:preintum on siM cent. V. j / -. -i. wac* over.'turnty per-r jnt. It will i i A h ;\VaMlic| actual profit.on' his I |ho :isent 'RLifkct r»t^_,ft« : :h rtr ■ J ~ j £roi(n fnfent SiOU Of J/’iniW wfroia all tho a-Wanfaj »u*d, appecial Xct of Onji and nntit /rom /j ih*tt "•Tiiaiur: =I ,;lr r.r.ics rill be cbiivertibli ■ t ,e tiailcr at main city, r’diJxeariig bonds, flayo ■ nor, more tliftu Twenty !taj as tbe Qoverumenl !tbe issued mdcuoiniua :i5O. aiid SS,(MO, . aims’must be forhfty do . ,'f fitly dollars. ! ntcß wlihbe transmitted t rancor*ft icn 'cbbrges' i ;.,i Of tlib originaVCbfllJ t’;,ov cr.njbfi prepared..' , , untl-s dja-.y interest frqt nJiniag [deposits subset jiay the interest acoru ~ JeK oi’jlepesit. . i'lfe-if ;.oji -of i 'nil p ili-in liv ■tjeirv (hi Hi?-- n-: jI,S fUI.HTj- Jl!u-I i i l^* Irjjf ol thtf ’■' :Cl BM twenty-ff ; u iwl .upward* tor these: , * iii lio allowed commi I«l tt:lC ; T*l*r»COQI-1 which ■r r.-«' in jr;>vcrnme-R-f monf*/ h-'is O’f'-h; rlti»v .Mw VV r }ri Az' c.vm j-‘ lor.fi ‘Or. ihe- thjs exempt^' per per. annum, of tasaliun. xti • tarioug pueved that no Vccuviiic* * 1 • pnis a* i . 11l a!! Athr*’’ forms 1 f iUli hWiityof priii «• -n.panh- 8 . '-r separate <. r-h'-l-.wyf"; - -OX t‘:i’ t liujt.hv obligations o ; A gov>r*sTii*n-l offers f .s forj ilap it' Vj regent' appeal -vil m i patijlutpru :»f the pen .at:* will he : Tim* part/' depositing i ? c • itj/jul eerlincato the ti I'e'juir^i-and whether tl a Shiuk or p;*vibhi -4n> o fced *W mii«t he I ■ he* .to be f«irw .* Ihjpnriment. “ . CU’.-K'l ;■ jptions:will 1»p received .ho Coifed St ito*, it Wa: Treasurers an ,j‘:p i^Uj |First •' *T*iird ■ice, and hyljhe National. Bank of National ' Bank of i> riv Alu-sUtion’SliT' JS ‘ . * , re doposuanicsAof Publig :tau|4 banks ans ait iHe douairy wil! give' md r .■• - . tli'.eh n fi’li' . Ki-sn- D.' f50.fl /[ I' if Civhj Facility to & 'ol—inside 3 m. , ! u f| 1 o v4ij s ale;.of Valuable Keil Estate. irtue of jan -order issued »ut of ihe f|)f iu>’Court of Heater counlyj tbe umlei;- pu/irdiya' of George Vi y Marker nffrT >na Marker, minor ichilrt en of' Samp irkcr, fiec’d., >vilhexpose to_publii: r sl*lß ■ ion. onithe premise's, on i l Wrig (M. -jort.jise-i; - ivjfled pue-fourth of fie undivided i *<ls ol the following deseribed real Q 3-. ;r:; : . A ccnain piece or larccl of land ■n MMojip , Beaver co.,- Ahi., bounded tonh hy land of James J the hihd ol jtho ; Jieirs of Rt sannhCamp ■ - d . on jthc south by ti c Ohio Tiyer, I tie land of Joseph (hooper, ‘‘ti; tiiirty-lhreOiacres or thereabouts, (U m-c. elected onesinglcabin' dwel lls« about i acres i and - fence. ;on the orchard of tipple, ptacb another '• and a iipririg of good w »ter, ! (A;four, -in of corfi is believed to thc land. dercland and Pittsburg railroad run* A the lotyer bottom. , , ! • * . AlS—One-third of the purchase" money tnmjtion of sale ;by tbe dourt, And. JAer iu t wo~- equal annual, instiltaenta , at date; with interest fr<m same time, Scared by bond 4nd mortgage; I ■!. 1 ' .TUOS. MAUKJSK, Jr.,, - 1 ■ ' - i, _ ic... I i i BV.r I<;n : '!te a » M a a i A'lC ♦ta unr tf o-thi ■>, to fUuHlo lie f]' 1 l y *»n I on ivliu ."P&JlO clureU ■'I? 1 a tree %• v ; \ be '. o ipfoug; .J.teu •■■ja con paain f r 3p ti J ’> be e ttfH ocrx,D. ; ; , R - s p ERii, leti PE , utFbur g( attend to th«,tr DISEASES OF' JHE rforms aUflperation* dam m /-. ■•■ ~.j ' ( Z*hVi.'.'[‘i''.- ■ 'Vf. ■ $i.W ■'• dj ,i}ft«f' •»»«'■ -ffiTfl ■■'•' j'■ 'P \'& ; - ' Pwi-Mr ■ i«ki>^-?!»? r«r .:.;t -V. ’■ -'...L:;-'; rVr 'd‘-% ~i f *h*s* s|S«k ; : V ' 'lH ; "‘^'~ ; 1 ." :’ >:'■? ■.;'- **, .wES j ! Taxation. , ges we hatV ■ ;r e** exempli • num b ■•{fil fix a ion. \ is worth .■ TA't oco'rdim: to ' L , . a " nruj of the • i j- ‘ corr **o gvopt iauts«l by the. :l >f indebted- are parties, oramuhities, , one io the whole / » fi ecui> tho , * the United , 5 l upp >o nos* lib- f - . olievcs* that., 0»;t I bo *u th*. •' f Wf-IU.I. A: W.-Tutiorj.;- :• j I . u" . ■> •> : ■ J !o*(ati(s - Capt. 'parr* 5b, •( U‘’Geo Speyerer. Dr. T) LMarq iis. ! iy ■ Williams. Capt D-.j ’Dawson; | j A. J. Lairrerjiio, A J.-: : R. if. il’Kim. Richly. £ai In,- irdtsil to t'ncr\ r . '-i ; a . ■ . _ I - . ,{ . I D' 1 -n-iCiini’rjirn, A. P. Emoclij C. ! ~v tin TrcJis- • I!.- Bciitol.,/. Y Marks, iJenjry (rotbr-1 llnngiori, the hlgj RW*OV, .Joseph .Phillis,'! designated - ’II j _ ~ * ' !' r i - i ! ! ..-I'jMj.; Boots, / Ilobqrt Cooper; Jp*-! AiJ PittsburghDdvid. R’eod. Alex ! Ewi »g r -| Pittsburgh, .lanc-j. 11. Trimble, S.'II. Ljtfper; Ja*.-i HANKS Eel'shn, John il.Shiyxles, Ilcrirr Phil-] end . ' L , ’ i} * | Hs, Arch. Robertson, Daniel Corbus.; BANKERS w , .it* •., , - ; .> ’ ■unher infer- : Hipman Campbell, , ;j . Marshals are requested to ise •their cffqpts to seehro large dele ja~ from their Tftwnship.j ii.es Patterson,. Esq., il, jWeyand, ■ cdlib, ‘‘it B.: Welsh and AV.IA, .■•••■■■ 1. , ■ ; ■ . ; . ■ (l.llave been appointed a,comntit -3 proenro and present the flag.— deltgatipns will form at the Co aft no, and ho coanted is thoy gr in ; 'iiw .at the Fair /'V, * jwnshrpsTnay select a man.to as-; ?r, the counting. p - . ; ■ ■’ ; , r ’’ Idy order of. Co. Committee^ • .J. S. RUTAN, 'Ct?r.: . ■Mi'i l for «U id.st eutinrsr Oi(, je?»'im’in:nion p oy aro-to be* , iier .Wben * crilert. tions' J. L Lain teo;t The’ Flon ;tb(j : -Ti sifit i jVesi, lame i warn It: is bfi tii curej no; li .Wbal does. put aj fev.fv; |T.' >'N STREET. iatmeuLpf ail) EYE, ovei lie a euro W ‘ .Sol wary'tp their,- ton »04. He» if. bpT'Afjife.'' " fnn<tl i'-ii-'ii-yvi.-Jjl/r'i'fi-a ■ .iv.-iVt* & ■■ m| <::p o: ft will tlm tJenna native tongno. ■ 'al’men and loyal;.w«»nuhi of. mntv, are-iwvilVid ,to com* lass Lof u,s have thd gre lug'ever held in iho count for Lincoln, Jolinsoi nion. Tow4i«hijTM are inviti ize’pnd come In pi-dce-idon. plundid banner Vrdll bo thaw thPee \o*‘ ■ v • m-x ha. Court Savir.jj tltc larg' ‘. ; > -ui i,“lfgali,OD in ; -projioriioii to ;hi> r f>f Uniiiii vliizom* 1 r •■" r-i - v yoai-.w.irlt-shops your fat m* )iir pcL-cpatiorm for Ofle j.n<l " ‘ J? 011M0 tho mietmt, l!/el in have =. .. . ' ■ ! ■ ill rerifiv nt (ho Loj-ill people w&nti.v on .iliat day. (fliVe i .. ‘ "i ’ -j ill 'lav To viiui* Citijao,' /’ -i !'{■' [loljuw iiijtr Murslmls have bper | lid for tl)o M'an* Conventional L'TobVas’ Venetian ti»ssE . Pint; bpttles at 50 ctsjesciij,jfor \ c t , 1 1 inied t'heaper thjiri ariy ptliijr. Isecj bj all the groat hbrso-Ttien ng latarid npifl rses. * It V jU. not _nor spavin, ap.tbbrp is' ;“'h|?nl in. existence, that : j it ip .plated lb cure iltpbWitiV^jy 1 [ Jtfo,owner 4fjibrsr4 ! tjiiA\U'&i& ‘ \ter frying bni^bottle* '"One JiLe: pa and otVe'n|saves Iheilfe^cTl|pji : mated br dri von hbrse. 1 ! Vbrbbf’ 5 ' 1 nd.bbjly-irtdip; it'has snj aa'&n're 'suh rjsqtyjaSi Uo’l ~iptm*r yartfable'Lrnlibohtitl) jiel 6f ,*b'a’|daj£.' ; j- . •' I ’• ■’[. { ‘1 I ,j \ y:t HOl Ehdenee Stytr ate,, Phi ladtyltyittai; | m\i, AtyratfiFylho TTatidhs nomnbl&tiaf Tii4 iff'natyi&e jifje wa« 'nddreyeil ; fey’tfoii? ETtln? mberbf bth'erA 1 . The fiSllbw-f A •CessHaVtypt*eeehi' ‘ '"'j \‘ fyelsideni ’iind Fdhiir-Ciffi'eitSi I'pblK we tv c'osed on the first ■; of November; !36i),1- have ely| appoarity my,! tfll;. sens. as apolitical I expect to'orange that habit ,-bl;c. , is tty 1 'JctJeiit k political meeting. ylet little I,shall say- to my fellow no matter whatothcramay ,he. subject, I do not .wish, to &too\i.as making Vstriptt} pty-- Idress. So far. howtyver,- ait Eure to say lio.ro to-night may i sfty, a, ; political : chaiaotier* I, I.[the indulgence of [those who etT .me,’ to believe me when; I t it ’ will in no degree vary in al (iSti*tho political addresses, I tya vn delivered.,within; the lost irs. tyty 4t • a i'y.-former .lii'i'e.: I ,• si risible, however, of the fact i ighul appoab before many of v citizens-with whom I jhhve tre totdto poityically .acted, in ) . My position in appearing on , so lur as relates to my per. lings, and so far as .relates: to j friends, is'one bfaj it gainful (•hurHCter; yet IJipla ie are times when no man ibj in.yielding to the.selfish con; u ’of .political position or p<-iv I ng ' It is hot , natural tb good opinion of nll.onr fel« is, aiid lb rpgi et when ’we Hod tty.ditfer with thpso with hiive long acted;' but,. Us I dy Mifyi there are duties dp pon us which ata of fab Ijght and influence ahan thty ns[iderations of personal com [it is the influence of those >ty 'my mind, upon .my oprty rjd upon myjudgment which ht-me lu re to-night. [Afi- Alfhough* there 'are many, insidonitiotis in connection lhtipeArVico.ibo.ity tonight', diffeTqntu Jttoft) rst place, those men imd tieaf journalists with whom j 1 acted, and' who.-if they r proceedings to-night, Will most-rudely and extensively, arc those who. for the last i, .have, been the loudisj., ip'ent,.and most porsistonti-iji • of tho righV of (ree speech enunciation of individuiii In the.next place, these inch -c papers who, will .perhaps-' j me as. u renegade and. si ir ,what I may say toym'i, improved thereby, tor I know 1 iva noi.and I believe you .have rd many of.thcm say anything 1 o [renegades and. traitors that another part of the. country use!] if; when they got lln'ir i |„ they should tire ol abusing' m out icing me and oiher,s wh;o iNtnipem.icrats all our lives. bijjt so been unable to swallow I lie a lately c: eeteef at Chicago, |l [turn their attention for ty jne[lo and his fellow think we will have ueedm- on' tl.o | ril' tFi'itc | ans6mb ! | &noi|‘ t ar.d a m j ’Jlfr. . •Siijce tli Tiiestiiy very, raft j.ii.w. cil i IN'(Jr '(Jr r'4‘ i ? h * ji gitfiit i J'n | w lift I- Citizens, Ujw as- ,fer; is i.i tuel WO r.-a r. IT O 1 o out ill .est Hiive all 1 1 | ' • vnjvint, mi)r<3 v>, nibre tlprt.. anj tii \ J —ft and hi' to j RC t'llt-O, ; lla s bi'on Ji'l j‘ | pain till v. iifr S s .T-i/iVir bV liibjiice jt |iiojlibll?R tiiMiOilie'i jfV/or ’ -yoi tin i uUvociic; j’ahU tit (opinion, jatiii tlie {idfiioUiic Hirsiiur |Suiay bp in'll iHjboui r lilijy.e iii irE^'ppia l |;llJUlJ» i du | iijtve ( f wlio lur idallon i something iii the iiitcf r ij-ominon cause. Ami it tiny hejm,, : whether lie be ii public or a .public writer, Blioubi tie mibh or patriotic enough to the eneiniea ot ot|r ~X[tptnU that Biirmim will he mu|kc' ft fortune by- iransphrU .aijoumf tbVcountry us-a kiibi ‘ilj’., [Laughter anil applause!.] iy, fellow cilizei.s, 1 have su(d dt mn} isiiy to yoiijtp ri]li,r.pt differ; in itr political any thing I have over •>re the people of, my native I am noi % hero to-night as ilio of any man. of the advocate party, l! am hero it. no aiich i•• I IVave for two, ‘three, ip'r ifii. past ctfrnesly, desired -to 'l' the Deifmcnitic party; artjd was, possible, have done I of my judgment and ability, it here to denounce that party ' of my friends who differ with *ho present' issue, but I nni :cause I believe that the i|eSt that party, utyl the best riidn i irlies, are called upon by the l n of our country, by the iexu ' of.the limes, and. the proba if the Overthrow-, of civil ptld is liberty it) , this. JamJ and l out all the' nations (if the i) ri.se above party and to stand iaiiintry. the counlry’s cause, [Cheers.]; il al'tyay's been,taught to belijevp 1 part of the <?f eed of i j» wh|c|r*L htivealyuye bbpn- V belong, to stpnd by 'the tin-. ; ttind by the Constitution, at|d (Id that flag. Spy at" the' ipiiVpn'iioh of that party; hold dpaton, iherh verb men.. \iHd bre determined tpdivid*' '4t|d the party. ; vj’hey canie tV.oro, h the aid of |nVen in tiie Pehp t delegation, apd in.tpany other ■if ‘delegations,' they 1 sncbepded l ! in 1 their netyttouß purposes.' leitidn df Abrbhairt LippdlnV V waa ; ;tf'nalffiritaf calaniily, |f t 'hothb 7 tKh'fthfyare 'the' men WJs atootfriberer haffeht l -’’WShf tiinoro . tfierr.v andV»oVne“ I Riclifhondi their own'jjlatfbrr andthose s»ra«i> Jtyid^o^oyrfli; ; tlje regular/ nSt ; . !ah‘d 'driven'{did"' odreticparty.; wo ; would -.not fi leHaerai. ~ JVjd - when 1 -[ttid /J grouti'diiV fa ;i jj!ri'll and I stood nb; them in tbq P9'' theit; v tohe;hf)nekt.|fr IS63 ;l tfc*yijgnor the country.;. fleet npun~ jtb* unwiso p6fljlion t f-bijir loivneir;p9!ji,< orpf 5 ' pnifeci^tior laineJ by tfiem told Lliein,:and o tli at sure pblii-y «i:|d ' the JjTr.rtb'yesfc >vould, ln .1 party would bb ballot-box. r tills LreWaon, I Contention a*>. :.and in . silence, dnritig the Dhio[ by, mbre. ti verified and /all that I had. made leaders Still we; i ing nlmost again? ocratio. leadfirs, at turn jto the faith of; the tjue 4octrino» . Jeriictonitic party, an Jf, '}Jefferson, J*okson'-aii<l'ull that ■party Iroiu thHlidaj^p-tlH.ij|' V; • Jly followrcitizenfipo man i’n f’er.n syl vania more hf ithord car nertly hoped;; liopb;. thaii ho might be roes of the tliati di<l be fbro you. I ’ w^i.M^jyon'' until the Convention had uslsbnrs, unci tiic proOeedja«*rvero ofßi:ialiy proclaimed tup I world, and 1 stand; hprtejfcplgji t.to ajay to you that if t batlCKj^ ention had eti' thdp&n-■ ■ jThrryrrifiWwwflw | *' i 'ip» i«i nilin the Union, the Constitution,.the pros* ucution of tbewai—against secession ami in favor of suppressing: the rebel lioil—aiiif had placed before thc people, national -candidates, in i, whom [vtHi hiight have conifidenev I:.would havcl fgupported the'nbrjiitieL-s dt ih'af. Od'n j nontinn. Bnt iho same men that went |to CliarlestOjivtho|s'aiTio inen that have heen trying to break up the Union and the puny,'hbih together; Weni.to ■j Chicago, |and uiW’tolnalely obtained a Controlling. jn|ilen<ie,l o.t^thrft' Con vention. I will : say (hern,, before the. I "would rkthbi that my right firm should fall frdm my shoulder,that any cli family slip u Id J etallbue, the loss o( friend" l , garty a^soduteif, property; iill that I am, ami:ail that I*hope to ] he.fiu this life—tluit all should.perisli, Tbeloru I w.ill support the Chicago plat,- j form, or;any man "that stands-bn it. — and -contiyu'jd tdieCring ]" I j this stand beeaiisc I| believe, 1 my j country* demands t|hat sacrifice;. My i fvttow-euiseiis saerified *.heir r lives on I die battle-field, anil why hhpitid not 1. ■-laerifiva my ptilitiya; position, iny, per j shoal standing my irbsp'-cls, before i the hduntry, and with friends, j that flag shoujld down, as I helieveiit will, il tile nominations I and platfoi'm at Cliieidto are sustained, j by tiie. American’ple3j)l,e v ■ i , I believe that the (|MilWsafo remedy j for- all true. Democrats Tsto finite in' j defeating the nojiniiieys pi ih<l Chicago I Convention, "in frebiicing those'" who j destroyed tlm pinyj n 1860,land who I continue tp-keep it #i a false position, | liotnre the nution aipi Wore the world lin rS6i, If they wdl not lislfin Uvour |a-lvico, nor bred bar entreaties, 1 we” ! thilsi. jn *elf-dcfcnce, - and.', in -the din | charge of pur duties, assist in tcach ,i|>g them-th4t| they edinnot, and shall I not,“use h. 4 foy the ae j eomplisliiiientjdf t.h'eir tin worthy pnr * jloses. If. j|ou|, succjeed ; in; cbhfilneing I them that.they cannot be successful ib lp|?ting false j .diiclmos upon the American! people tjioy Wifi, perhaps, in the future- listen to our appeals.— ?or the present j thley have taken from ; us overyl repieldy bu - this oiie , —to openly oppose tljbiit in their.-.en deuvors. ,1] _'• T.i ‘ . : ;Thti American "pbfip.io Imvjj solemn ly determined] thal this nation" shall I net be Jiviclcd; They have resolved j this npon it nedr knbes': ancl| in their (Closets, ar,d jf the * rebels intirmswill j not submit to the decisiontUb ,ipi litary * power .of’thp 're bellibh“muBt anti will ( no overthrown. Tl»b Chieago 'pliit« 1 declaration,— .UgailMt .the dbfjrine ,ojF»| • pcceWsfon.'aguihst V-H’? rebellidh, 1 'and|| nothing in favrtr of its snpprfessioh. — 1 ! :Por tins-reason the ,American people I y;-iU- nut;endorse jt;i jPretend'ed peace •frpmithei South may suggest af , Niagara thborSds for a jliem. ocratio plafrocni—members ' of "Con gress whojppenly adyocated the her esy.of Secession,' anil honed, the rebel jWW.tnight bp iiietdnous . Add ; the |af,?h^esdefeated," ’ t inembers of 'ChtVgVlfiV assisted in, plaining those mewbefa fit thaiVAealA ~hit«j{tf tlje dictatioh of such ,peabb eblnlhissi<^ ne^^, —the proeeedings pr thb ‘ Jff9;se‘rt’s<|k'»nil-it ji boT| the cause Iriuhjpli ofltho theories thus tx'poiihd- Religious liberty', oh'thts.i: bd—foreign enemiesbf t’fie' : LVfaerfean throughout ilie\world; by Rebuilt ‘_tnfi»y ■ IreJßffhrt! th i' i lidpe*— pnp {Conslitulijjn,. one ,U « ;LM»^;,BosMet..affd }tUej friends .prninei»t,V'pjiai|e.t, of Igws. JE(n|iUmi)|' lfjapotop.n.; f atid;Orio'fcig, ! and," tliujt' thf anil, I the Vtie 1 stnpos,>hon'ld e\vf -be : j ( priles Abaci pprtiqnik « where'may join in ' b.ethelnugiftM American I peoplbf will f.-rWe ‘in of hiiii.w.ho .wont mightaUd] overwhelm them' il.Uin jffi'pmffiftird' against of, ail common rjain. ..The ;fi:iefidrj| ; ptuijd pnyftip plaliorm (ipnot rbaapn«hly pippe jfCheeva.'J-v its'iinifcesiij .‘ThefCahdiUate tioihiirttftd. ;guruiAit.y ias a nation, <<W ifijjnn it' ioij-'fhb hightesi .the-j’rntegrnlioti.iiii d tnmljv, a and,no,doubt, will,requir Bland,npop oiien^pp - Hejl wiliio|it ,ma-. learhil fiamfiufa iiradditi terial alteiytion, 3i/r^ad but (lie nu ditiptis Ttm being' the faet,i ! t , p‘j* is crimsondcl vich aslding'toa fnticK to, expect .tbbVijerfrfer U become to ;’i canpeoplasbull dathat -li’hlch: the pivtrjotlf,. «., jj . ,;i ; iwlididiue t*inot^ ,,^; ; , ypo ,The,rtmhfefil^uilfeKer s e M«t®p at r ‘hr-P^pK WiU nWnr ; 1 A l ., thp.,. .lt: tfHfof been k .JW! seye^l'hbary ablest ; statf ld , hd ®- If first'- was*', large; svtpply; yy asliir.gion did no kosUa nijahoiiand shell Irolh . the i.airmy. r: o( the latv against those wh< :v e i«;;>%eiP*Hn. Tbe ;: qext.wh|ia. cargo,; t 0 it j n the bnllecti otearth frpm ify,® Gre<jii Jlountains ovj on \ybisky. In’his mes-nt iiCxvwiJl be a in-yei-. : the occ ot lumber froin t ib'fiirbsts ofi Maihe; | p a ,(| er pf bis Coin try : tit An l d i ol tT ill e .°^ ln "? tt'irtil.i tliei nee ,| ato Jlpuiptuj alternative !i ond; Tuesday p|, vfften Penn-1 di*eardedl I irdbrod. th ay lvunitt Wjill tqhihjepn jit adbh a largo -march after cince •more cargo pfirbnandj cpal as wi|l slntt it rum insurgents", in thy -pfe ho th|t tljeljand; of* rs,4surecrt|fin j ibo 20ih of r- lUoh- - . _ Will never w ableytd-jf’pachii-it; ■■ The theio iseause to lament, tWt occur? people bf ;|he lre.-iuforce . rc , lt ,es of,ihia nature shoiiijd have dis' tha viciori 3us ar|nieß of Grant and gi-nead the- ns mo or inu rrupted the Sherman. Thdy the ifnnquilitv of any part of our com mu fight until the i'ljpel.bojde of| Lee, and nity, or should have divui ne w the flying remnants ofHbousbsll be application an v -portion of [the, public oVerihrPwr '-The unityaud integrity resources, are hot 'ranting.real, pt the. nal ion 4b|at| bo preserved, and and' substanliiar->eorisofai il>ns for the peace shjill be j reatprejl -throughout I misTtlrlur e. IfSk pemy^traiod'that her border. [Renewed cheers ] ■ ; ■ our prosperity rests oris did -«fotmda ,,My allow mo to call • t j o &, ,p y furbishing ’‘ iu {additional,; your attention jto .the issues | of tl' e fpr6of tliat myjfellow' eiti ten* J under-, 1 [present, crisis. .T.hoy are? moat momon-1 t.tand the true principles of govern- grWtcr have oyer elopd. j j libeHy, that they, (cel their fctrtb in tneliistbry of thcjppuhtry.i- i inseparable rfnion; tliaViiotNvkhstand- Is mfin capable [of the devices whirl [have been To cstnblt «h this proposition . Was the.j H way them! from Vieirinterest groat pbjept of j ibe Am’erichn Revo-.; nn d'- dfr tv.Tbey are now A.ready I' to. lulioh. At that timethere were many 'maintain- tli’eir ’ übthpr % against unbeliever sin the doctrine, j|andi nritv; Uctniioiis master,s a* if.jjy Iwero-toide withstand ngthb result of that- fevp- f e! ,d their, rig jits against jnsnrpiuion. lulioh, and itnex • ; It has been a Splaying to ampled pf isppnty as a nation thei o I the highest a 1 vantage thlivalne of re ars and hive always been.iamong u». p„hlican ; government; lie | behold ;the men who have no faith 1 in]; the doe- j mpat . ull d iBJt: wealthy i f our ckfe, trine, and who cohsUintlj predict the l zellH .-.tandingjdn - the .san e ranks :a»- rebel-!. riv ., Lrt , Soldiers prd-emindntly Iron; In thistpey are heartilyjynnedd „ u i s hed hv twin)* the arm' |of the (?oi£ by the:tyijat.w!*bfl aristocracy orthe i p,;, u ,;on;'unde 0 n ; 'unde ter fed by id march of world i '.l'lie unprecedented!: progress bundled miles oyer rugged pf our nat on yroated ajh-’ intense ( mountains, by the appro:,eh of an in’- triitereat tf rough.pnt the syprld, ; If wo clement season', or any b .tier discour 1 can survive ihevpresentTsliotlc, sup- , j : ! j I pfdss the fehellipn, and,: ohr | > ' formed pa hof pfogtess, the example , PlTsi , ix?nt -| lhe : Repnbl cannpfi and wdl nol bo Wcd by £ ' ye > , ca i, ne(l other Pat, me odhe..earth, Ihe ejip- £!Te .present i ces ? °V ller t - t *] e conunnanc^; >fmy, his lie coulli ;; and 7 e|.g.|«B..hbertY; not ofdy v -anguado tltdre com, le .! O VVn , r l throughout thoj. cll - wivc i> esibhiishing thJ r 1 World, aePends upon ,the rosuk ot the; { fiv , e ! sol . v , ltion i preselll: conflict. Onr« fuilltro n<}w.\, I , r ii !••••• I.* • ii * ... : }' ,ly ivernmoTTi • , woulit .rejnic j tuc) enemies ;ot iinortvi; f ... ‘ and nuiko glrjil tl c lieuris i'fl tyrants '• A* early.as, li so, ,Ir. . jin -ciorv hiid i bring . addiiio'h letter to .ur. -loprn igri«fiind, sorrow to.! the donn-troll-.“iherc never will be .mo: | den arid oppressed of every, )..i n>; The ; . troasll l‘J' . t'd tj u< o<>nn.‘<l ; deslrneiioii of onf ■ republic! wouKI do. its Lcefih The States ulio 1 more to pcfpetua: e despotism; to roll ' perhaps it inu'-t he felt baek the tide of prog'r|exS, -aid c reek l * ,e . ,w - ! ,e . rKtta{ the udvunco' of civilization ! than airy ( theoi wopoj yejoice to per . event that has occurred' in tie fiis iory i orbited to ' funn.sn l.ic of the himpin rpeo.- Worts- jcanript.' n lV^-. r 1,! ‘V'"’ 1 .-. l el describe -.irbr Inngn.ago inejitMirc the : 1 * s ‘ • '‘■t- tierwin stus: : rtnporti.n.cei and' inngnitude ’. »d the !l d l ;he imp os eoUdria- of ■ rirbsopt sir uggle, .Ltiijiaoiuo-ljtlvijrsfore • nmynl, it ii» ; with.»ur . the paramount di.iy of every patriot toe be_st oxn-ofrig. or Jib.ti i ttv.uscidris utmost cxcftidnalto .seeure *'b ! * tB gry«lc>t;r-etect • ' its fUvoraUe tenninanoh.- R’lid pres-f* 1 ;ent civil 'war was '•lnaUgfi rated b.v ;•?* eoWiner|5 c nave, boon j itlrose Who rniiintfilHi.; the dbetrino -of v- lias been so oftci. sa|d ■i secession; 'it reqdress -no- jftrgtrment - er hHy believt d t hat Gor jto show' th at the 1 admissiob of this : P°' v er, jby the Cmnfejjler i iirirn ipal lii.atiy pne .ease. : leads. Innvr- ! p n : ce i ln i lfllf, jfs» hi" .expin ! tably to dlsibtegnition.aod h'Uipns «i Vnjin.cy. I-toyr '.finally ana-relry. skdihiit theiposibility. to_g_rve them. ])^\|oy !of Northern and imitbern '«'’ e 11 ft.** '« y ' ■ eies, and vim, thcrkyipohctttle the es- , two parties, mage ; iah 1 isli ll ici t d!f an fetstern ’ land ! ti)B re results in each oljhe Tern br a-Ne W ; a iid hol;dcr/ yonipellmg the other iSiwile, an“Atlahti(i and : Pacific, a Alis* j Tims spokej the author ! sisbippi Valley,'or! any; other ration pflndopcndonce ai ierbey ‘or j nttnUber off- Confederacies' pf Uemderacl’. Had all which.thq|diNepnLi)pt'..,or; 'ambition._,oi" tended; followers and rjd’ti 'j indivi|J'uali| may reyuirc. to Jijuit htjouili olnyodj Ins ter.?l)Tn , Unworthy (purposes. ‘ : v[ . .• j tit-eil' ■.bw-tfiepcie'sr&t.iio ni [ The history of iiUr country daring; d ! the Revol. lion ls tbo xHll:iknbwn to -Iboi Jaii,cs-iiadison v in ■ require repetition, The J A'rtb les bf j Confederalioh and thoit irtadeqaacy ;"f>‘ ir . the follow.. ho the oiids and plirpoats of, !, T ' C d'fteropci the bationl ar,e letters ’oT «oyWn,dpnt mndja: known ti all,, - bur. forffaibcrs- those to wjminf'wefiowe!'‘ourl existence; , - l) .Wp. parlteift I aShnTiidebendent and onreon- - and equally 1 bt titiuaneu if h f.* Il £ e r.?‘ t>lf ;Xhen efo superceded those Articles Jf - Confed- f ‘ g™}?/ "8% to J>n»k erbiion-M a written Constitution, iti (f W. I) . t^ n f h .f ot^ 1 r or order to pilevoiit.fjc all tnn| to com-*; I lojbpld it; aud-x-ei t|ie praciibe 'of- secessiob] and to! fsircogthe. the .arms of tlfe central ?V.^^ ve^ e t*> th.spt.r jpUer. This opetrina of secassiPn is jl* of common sense,, fnbt only without warrant ia the Cqdt | J”' 41 ':®- ‘ ' - Btitulion, but must lead to the, widest j H is'rpmai‘kable thb n Icibfuslori fn tlie pdr po-j makaUhe name of Mr. J ! litiiAl sybrom—h syslerit Without'. Ri.ped?-»tal , forj tlieir. ctda> imodfll inailHhd ages of Alienpsst—a ( closely shutAbeir eyes an jporfeot tbeJ wot his- autßorily, is'cle’r powers •T;of i theU- Gavomtnent phalicallWagainstthem. in atich J way, asitf . them tb GarrinjftP bheck uppli'eacw : ptb;eriwliUp wpirking- Pf pf-tlieold ,(J,p ip unity ar d-harrnony 'fn t|ie t 1 tion’H all,! Ife.great t atiori. 'fh Separate;-fJtAtes , m|iy be« W«or a military*j'PVce, territory, great jir.pop- iftg-lltal it WUa nt;t r iie6esis u]atioa,'. grßfct; the-f right tojcoureaafiAbeiJ'pd. rZatni ot tih’bfr 5 cdhatslß ini -belrsg -ipJiefeftt .io ,tl th'eif beirtg-pibt* of ? S' bars of one- Our, yaroltnA, vhwiTafid-',^ibqfeplisfi'rberesy.Vl^d^ihpfq' * A't r the tT«attdiif»r;ii ’pr&^w fecea^lbd'.H Wial oddiUos to • y%s ..'' images JUligloat, Political •thei- Notices o£|jL,pti]ic naturo,. free. > , , c:? : v w* , - .ij ‘-L--j;.¥. :.-?irr - - . —-—. , , CT, • opinions arcfuUyland clee,r|y sotfoi thi .1 1 -l ln iiis - p.rut4an>atftj(i>- of - lhdt.^date v Jfl ■; ?t jvhiciw ■ ■<> c-jSr&fthiif-*;tho the f : V j United States f,jr|ns a government, riot .r! ’ ia| Uagu*}'. 4bX whether* it %,/wrmed;ji»y 1 ~'. i o,Ltior is the same, i | It is :a gnyyitnmuht- in, which; it : ’ jkople-riro represented. wbich-/>powto* ' . jdirectly ion the .people individohlty.' : j not upon,th«s.State*; they r*tai«i«s:*ll ;> line power, they jdid.not 'gnih.vr,,? o *; i'eacli Slate having e?preaslyjijpiiiried| L s f fwith ao many powers as to jointly wUlythb dther States'^ 1 ft single v ] nafibn, pan,n6fi from that period, ;poe» ■ »'.- isessVpyfrjfht ltd yeced6. becauseflitch•, . .eetjessidn ,‘T -i” injury "to! that, ..unity., is noc\otiiy a -v, > breach wliicVrbvf|iu|d frijitri the '* cop-tra vent ion of a.cmrripaCt. bntjt is an ;.• |i pffcnce iigainst th'd dhole, ■ :'. ' jliias speaks jtndrp.wqJac'gsga in ■; 183;J’ actions rcorrepppnd.vwittL> iii« wordsl and .it is fbi lunate for the nation and for : rtinnkittd that General j" f Ijaicksqn' ibea pcioiiied the ; ‘ iebairpf theTJniidd States:] Tba.y^?ya-|--: ■ entertained- by tbdge ’siatesrnen bWtd jf* I bejen folly en'dprshdgnddifbirrned oh re- ,' ipedtea ■by thje Supreme ; j Üburt of iiif .United Stales.-: 1 I might ! refer particularly to tfie opinion,Tof j; tChief j ustice Mdrshai) pn jtjie‘ subject;-,i- ;*' hafd .no tiip|e!to 'Tbe.-Saj>iO;, 'Voice Cornea to his from ' • v . Jibuti £ Vjßrndnl|#bjUU*ellpl.;thS', Her- j-f- ■ niitagid, " fend, tliij i-grayd ojf "Kadisbn. :,. Ashland and Marshfield poured forth - 1 fheirpftiH!/-passed eloquence in defence; . Ofj ibo Biime vitil ar.dall j the great;men of our iptid,.of,all paf. 1 (*• i tids..b«ee;at all times,; lidthc;.Cabinet,. ftnj Congress, and bn the beWh,t agreed upon this question. T, ! : [ ’ ; ,‘X'ow; biiy' feilji.w.eiuiensf oup ; epf- ; . jn|ies attempt to jElishearleh the people j by portraying iq iherii the magnitude ; ■ . : oj birr nntipdnTt pehtj : | •; T.his..clebt. ha» j., * ./been varidusly estunated, h.ut it-is |b - • pow offieiaHy.deldarfd.Hii, bo les.s,itmu I. J' ivytf thousand nfillion' of dollars, • no well-intbrrnci’d iniii') riyjlj oaltnlaio- >»;j . greater inel’o:ssic| tliuiW-bne jlhousand ; miJlioris per year, ifnt-ibgures caunoi i | oSlininte vbe value of the Utdoh— i>|, . ■ , is! hoyhnd. all jlriee : bilow.evei , Top.; 'J. it^osn.who-vj'or.-i.hiptth'b afSlghty van-! ' iur, and those ty!|j<> U^.^eatC(!>^y|. v ' tth'cic.t.taxos if esciipe’ tbeirT'' payment, I wiil your . ! for-one -moment otfphis ’suhjw-b..At?' ;• ; I the .end, ofllnf thp-dcbtj-'} |of . England win; abtiii.l, f [ j.miil’oiis pf dothiM. -ly-Ts'-nVov- a little : | i’- ! lliss than four liilousaru'i niilliohs of i him Her last Ivar:loan in diat w»rl? or.ihe j iii idejirn'inted phjje,r,4|-. - j I3fut iiijt a singlj bond of the Uhited, jjs.tates is below j ar, arldneasly all.ponyj--.-/ [tiisnd a prenyunt.. f i'rnc>riu-'iif ouii;. 1 ' fiiit'usijqy yoar. in ' , ,/jaaitjst of the tt’Ar.'-'was. i * ye hundred millions of/Jiili i,r-., .'-Tht* i r y .|', ■ >, ijeffeivon, -in in thc\v:il ic oi'-onr inf, m-o( pf.-r-h ‘■' o, -declurud -g, ; Ju j pj t ‘p.erryfy'.*.nnlxtd-« <;» ifV l \yssj '■ I rev ..in live jfsijxlT lour por'eer.i.y j i -;'i iSOo.j ', ■ . pjruiy show’s J itj.(yas‘one ;r>i'n Ivd i cwi !!")*•; tree the rpd ( per cent; Thai leonifi t»i. our. pi-ailfrji-.L '’’ by sonic qfrihio lab-ir fop IStljb. was ncarrv.lwoaTTil I ■‘that -ail dollars, f- ' J '■ .every one ;.! ’ '■ r contribd Cr ° 1!U ) e I,, ilu?i'bni;.<hrt‘is and a most,.' ■ written fn.! though St '.jn.n.cb-'-ia/jiyC - . * 1 epj w ,|& ' acre-.nt) pay, oh :!|deht at tperini ; bf thq; W‘ presciH I w J l I‘- , m ml'les' 1 jcbrapui i.-ife' ! nfrKailroadj, bni|-|hed r.ta '• •st-.u' 31T2U0,. :vef did us- :.ftQ J Veasels./i? rdia ; is’tfc dmt>e.y#P ,i,;,ic: - b'h.U4; every ' 'tna : '. .. y li onaifei-^'''i'icreasc-in. thiywmnagy, on-'biV • Vf. eSt- .1 :i e, I ,I >’b i f' hJ db el|ht- ybai-s, was ;t2O j.erl' i. ' <«'lO ! ho k->n.1 cc i ~t - -I'?> Vfo*V hhve * a |-' ‘QUsit.gle-yejtr; Xaj,| , ■ • aiion. to’on-^.i^ibuiliue' 'gave tlio nation, bbjS3o.' ; 4i c contrit' 6djO.OOJ.Ot)*); l'erTiTe' ; ncevs- arc "'vli cultivate;!; CrisCMifitpulrbiyl.: vf ' | i'espre-Aiy . ?multiplied_ it hnjidfed - i;f 'iiuf’ir-j'. -- i' fnjCf : tS|. tjeaply as- large, ah all 33'urbpevlJ 1 /' J a eori tvaci r ” fth iIS; forty ditlereiit om-pims.. .The; i i • ;i power of '''t-rbase of our popiihuionlsiiioe'..j7 J 3 teoiiiedl.” heenfsixtiiiles g-i-ea.t-or xhsiri it p.t, ,’• t- .iof| England." nlri.d 'ten tiines -gica (jr‘ .7 !:i . it t | , ' J P , b'lu';?th:Hr, that of P-rtnce; tfierefonithe hurt-- ■:• I I jgi) , 0 { oiir debt yiy Sit but .iij^itlyiJip-If ?\yS| < . R*’’?* Lori, a nation w.hqt ffrlo-rie iii a.cbtH'inefit.l 1 Mi .tbeJ whose soil onibipees the prOduel.bfeyi ,s, and prac- 1 (jjjy Ih.ni- by,their • l’.-4 issept enstii; tr|y, ihriit and still; multiply! Chew re-- - .. ynu^iou; in iisdurces; : an humired fold, dfid wpose ~‘ys poaking nt;pijipuhiiioh gtowswith, a. rapidity ■ 1 jwmien by-' \vjliL.i edi iWi-y with ant, history 1 , said - ' ” ■ 1 the purpose, ofour.eßemied ;•• ! bet|\yeeti dishearten th'| people witb,;ramof,a! joyorninent. o j‘. 0UI .( jnabil : vy| to pay the -2Cla,tional!., i!f; 1 ijr. is fourvidd | debt; buf they b tve not e.tfiVmiiVed ‘thelf ; ] " hich Cre i qiicstion and do_ not wish to- ekhtriind ; i pndj by it. |jt| - they; oniy desire tq draw, away . /■ . T^jfijom.- their allegianoo the ftiends my Icotn the the lintltisc them to accept. r i ,1 pthcF3;hayo, np ighbmi.nibus'&eaec dpqo.''the terms ! : ■:auily. ther& of dissqjution. • • - y-’';" i'";-! I C ilucsjolation.qi ■. j Bai'tHe bqurHs growing- late, . : mv . i.i'i tiplb,- which, .fellow..citizens,*tfhd I.find myselfbom-v^; 1 m domnipn qurtai||-my yeiiHfrks. ?,WJion- ! ‘;i ip f : i r i i’. iidlifiprs who >g;ijp •' efijar»Qo«tbe of Fort Suinptee| 1 and-, over every iacb;* i 1 ®»! .tetUpry ,iq i I Lipj). wheflwdiih’er]taqce;- andi.when. ail, the peomloi •» i, 'riy ertt 1 of thd hind shalijive {tt:.peace,'aiid arar j. |r. billet lers fty ''djid uvason|iliaJ-lmp mord phise itSir b )ijtube.ispdakjt,, tyiuked heed, then will ihewio/itiikep 'bTrvsSito eq- lilcaij|atid7ti^nid|jie,cqnstiaiiie{ji J toad 4 ' ! ;(! .slutyssbis put,.i[bat ;this qqple lhe i ppr i it(iso'''a fathrorlT is riot '{lpsiihoti tp w .]■ hemark; 'ti&ay,.bat - thiiit||ibo noble otd'Rl.epnb-) •, 1 to'find aUp sli-ll aifd ■Bbajl v lrve forever.: - «r*r Ariic’.cs,- /Lodg cbfitTnned' cheering )1 1 / ‘ i ''. j ne nature of is 1 > a,toqf.Soat|i an^apate.( l >e -J , ! i | civflpaiW' hn|ijA.entan<l Gviv ()r,e v desliriy. stars' - i| hd permittCMJ-!io k, nuri lari'll; land /palsied |d jiferi* to u t !lempi t 'tH- To W~ j'JPb preserve plevent.dis yritsjj^.rujfty,; N'” T many add ■’to ihrO-o fee'flag i)(j ot'heroes lie hear is ut' ration on the t j h'a s ui . 'Silt lharir Geo. lo'ui enforce' o] nltompleii on of taxes to . Gon iijreiieo,' t{ie vh.;, *.‘T,hus ;uuld, rot:bo ? ; militin. to iijinniiKhitij; ci&iliutiOrt of While M the first | Had hjsj, y_ho . fu.tuCet JohdiUbn 6fj i|ot have us- j ;vly and corfe \ »>>d feting in itfe| 1 | bbardi'ngfdido^'thßj tier qiiaruir/aridWc^!.' ?>. Pxpe6te(| to bring <nt« * pthacp|.\ ; *.' : j • ’ ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers