f oo BE4Nalt-4novit• Egi 'tfedneaday. L, or , Two |ow*iijtei! *•• .u,n will V>« 'W arreir fewte-I; ■ibWf^gEi!] ;^ l!5: ' ,J t rp i m<e ~rv.r • cLEVELAND Sf, PITT • BURGEI,S, _ •1 gvMMSB. AHRAN<IEMES|T. , r, , Beaver • Monday, J/ay 16, tSfltT-TVawf »/pittih«tjhi fcfcOiiL ?■ : 8:50p.*. aono WB.T- ' ■ ■: ■ .• -" JV,mi '/MW PUUburgkJ*/oUewt: . , -|. • C j.,(i 1«. Animat 8earer,....;.7:4ff a. *. 1 WP* ■ “ •&»*•*. p ■ A2O <p. M. •'■ Mi »' ' . v ; ' 2:10 X. X. : 1 J. McGDLLOUGH, iWt :• ? R. kirEßs; Geri't Tcitt Jjm. , riTTSBCBQ, FT. WAYSE 4 CHICAGO B. B Rochester Station r- Going East. Leaves Rochester Arr. at PUls.: Sdßri-b’n 12:3?|P. 3:86 p. *. ££ cSi", fc* fe 4:50 *• “• vJl'- JIO pV’*.7:oo P. it. lit Ft,ires. •*;• KV,Ur 2:20 A. *. L.ncin’U Eip: , 6:4o[p. 7:50 K. , f ; Goifo Wssr-r--; • > N LeavesPUtsl Arr. at Rochester. i Alliance £lo p- »■••••• p - I itfßrigli'uAccom. (MS |A. H 11:00 A ‘ M ' I -J’i Brigh'n - - 12:00 li. H.,.-,1:82 r. u. ■.Sd " <■ “ 4;do[p. M 6:15 p. M. I- ,-th •.i .•• 5.-50 jp. 5i...... 7:20 p. m, | ■ RJaii, fcOOlu M.'..., r ;.6:15 -A. M. I-.'leLEiitcsv 1:00 *■ «-••••' 2:10 A. M. lid 1:10 P. 5t........ 2:20 P. X. I. . • • V. SHINN. Supt., E. D. “ I WDPPB SEWING M/.CKINES.- *.' * ‘ ' The 'Best, Most Reliable Sewing r :. Machine Now in'TTse I HEELER *¥. | These NT-aohii lock-slick alike,, and use less* than i tliat (lit ile thread loop-si 10. It will >titr!h, Hem, Felt* :nil(, ! Tuuk, i iifiJ,” Braid, etc., a'l without nous basting; and are better - • «• f' - ' tula.pl ed than any other Sewing JUiichipe in list* o tlie frjequeru. changes ■> <r ri V—- * W'vi-ng- required i •llifiv will sew! U- tlTictoiessesof it stopping-, _ ai litch perfect; or iauzo to the heaviest; Treiiver fils, without changing th(?feec! 'i?e;;le or tension,jor making any . s dj'Jstmonlof machine whatever! ..-;. i . , i. - It •lias the follqwinii'advanta, Cw-o ver al [.'other jmach i ties- V V”"- - I' 1 >'■ ' car j greater variety of work; ! !. '..1 luty am| excellence of stitch; and quietness of, motion; of; construction; easd ? n, -‘ , rnanagemen|; v elegance df t : : • r 'ami finish. T ; . / ,’i Pncse.are peculiar facts, and "ui go tur to' determine the J'We of art intelligent buyer,: ' ' j . ; *■ _ calT and’ examine. »r.AVKit v pa„ ■ Jig 17] Sole Ag’i>for Beaver co. notice. W n^K^ iim te stamentary. on the ? taTer tp Akdebsok, laleofßig dec'd, Imvmf ( ! dtljlE i to aa M h . e under Bigned, all person* 1 01 '“fliate I.'-' 8 !*" are requested-to make *'-Mt rte / ent > “nt! those having claims,' “'■'Posted for BMUeL r w? nt *!T. *****: UlS.sj, " Executor. j i 1 ' •, Big Bcavrr tp :‘-.e ■ni vli' f J,.: • •J- *sj e:E - 4177 -( 4 , iIE Vbl. 4 -if_ ILS4-7,13, _Ol2 9 .1 V ••:L • w 4 _ • , tfca.Treasusjs give# notice that subscriptions; wijl bo received for CoupCn Treasury Notes, payablethree years from. Au-: gust ISth. <sr)Ui:semi-annual interest at the rate of 7 8-jlothB percent-pcr; annum,— principal and interest both to be paU in lajr- : fid 1 money. - 1 [■ 4 f :*i '■ vi j-‘-" ■ These notes wpl be convertible at the opr tlon of the holder at maturity, iatofcflx! per cent. goldbearing; bonds; payable hoT,leiia| than fire nor; more than twenty years from their date, as tbs i Government may eleiti— They will be,issped:in denominations of $6O, $lOO, $5OO, sliooo aadvs6,ooo, Vnd an 'spb- most be'for fifty doUareoriome multiple of i, f | ■. ■ The notes* uibS transmitted to the bwifrra free of transportation charges as soon the receipt of the original Certificates of, bet pftii~a* they can be prepared.j ,' ; As the notes draw interest from Ai'' , ust!lf .1 I w __ -om August'ls, persona mating deposits subsequent to;that date most pap the'interest accrual from! date' of note to'date of .deposit- • ■ ■ :. i ,-' Parties depositing . twenty-fite thousand dollars and upwards for jtheso notes at any one time will allowed'a commission of fine quarter of. one per cenU, which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the redeipt of a bill for the amount, certified to-b£ the officer with whom the deposit was made.;] No deductions for commissions must' bS ihade from the deposits. ' . . Special Advantages of this Loan. It ls a NatiosalSatikos Bask, .offering! a highcr.rato of interes than any other,; and the best eccurity. Any 1 savings bank which pajrs itsdepositori |ln U. 8. Notes, consider* that it is pay ihg inthe beat circulating me dium of the coumtry. and it eaiir.ot pay in [any thing'better;,for its own assets are either in government: securities or in notes or bonds pnvable in government money. ; |. It islcqually. jeonyeniept as a temporary or permanent Investment. The notes can always j be sold for within a fraction pf.their face and j accumulated interested, and arc the best: scour | rity with bank; as'collaterals for discounts, i Coiaertilte into i Six per cent. 5-20 Gold [Bond, I In addition to the very liberal interest on [ tbo “notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is n 'W worth about three per bent, per annum, for the current rate for 6-20 ponds is not less than nine per rent, premium, slid be fore the war the premium on six per cent. C. ,8- stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that tbs actual profit on this loan, at the present marketjrate, is not less than ten percent., per a mum. fit Exemption fr m Stale or Municipal Taxation. But aside fn m all this advantage's w« have a special Act of Congress exemptt ali boi.de and T 'fasury notei from local [QZa’ion. On this exemption si is. J jwortH about Cwo per cent.j per. annum, according’ to the rate of 'taxation in .various parts of the country.-* j>. j .. I i : • It is believed thai nosecurities offer si great inducements to lenders aiHhose’issued hy/he government.; ■] n ail other forms of in<Mded ness, the faith jf ability .of private parties, or stock companies,, or separate communities,, only, is pledgell forjpayment,, while th%| whole property of the country is held to secure the discharged: ail the obligations of th’o'United States. J ; ' ’ ■ ■ •. • [ t , I While the' government offers the mist-lib-, crnl terms for its loan-, it believes that the very . sltrongeijl, appeal will bejto the loyalty and patriotism of the people. I Duplicate! ct rtifipates ovi 11 be issued for.all deposits. The .party depositing must endorse upon the priffiihti cert locate the denomination of notes required, and'whether they are to be issued in blamk bij payable to order i When so endorsed it mjulstJ be left with the officer re ceiving the deposit*, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department. - [ ! will,hi hiT’ ics thake the nii both siMes, half t he - thread single t dou ,ilch Machines • > laif, Gather, 1111 sat variety/ of n a faii il> ;v or m one to twen -1 -f- -s- • - larseilles with- d make every ifrorn' the finest »ijpi ..a wfc received by U»w lYeas urer of the United jstVtes, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers, and* designated Depositaries, and lly rte’ j,. ; ■ first National [Bank, of Pittsburgh,' ‘National I Bank of Pittsburgh, !• BY. ALL 'NATIONAL BANKS 1 • which are depositaries of (Public money, ind all [ ■ j HpSPECTA;BLE BANKS ANI? BANKERS j throughout the country will give further tnfor j mation.and f | • Afford 'Kerry Facility to Sabicrihert. aug,l7’o4—inside S,m. • j fi JAMES S. RUTANi ATTORNEY AT LjAW, '{DISTRICT ATTORNEY.) HEAVER, PENN A. ! B©“Office in the Court House. p BACK PAS' AST)| BOUNTY of .Recessed Boldigrs, Pensions, and Claims on the Government, collected promptly j Soldiers discharged on account of wounds received in battle, can get their bounty in froraf three to four weAs,bjf-applying, with discharge.! [se7 I STRAY SHEEP. ■ CAME to the premises of the’subscriber, in Economy tp.,j Beaver county, about the IdthiOf’Angujst) five sheep—l wether, 1 ewe, and 8 lambs. Letter. Mon one side,] each ear cropped, a. L ole in the right ear, short tails. The; owner is requested to come \ forward, prove, proper! jr, pay 'charges and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of ac cording to la v. i aug29’64 ... JOHN HARTLING. ADMINISTKATOR’SI^OtICB; X ETTERS of administration onthe estate ’ i J of Jonw M.j Towhsisd, Ute't of New Brighton, Beaver bounty, dee'd., hating been granted, to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate' are requested j tol make immediate paynent, and those hating claims against said estate-will, .present them to-the subscriber i pioperly authenticated i for set tlement. | | .S •' i,: ' . " .I. Pi TOWNSEND, Adtn’r 1 ., '|_j __ New Brighton. ' DREW WHAY, ‘ . PY' AT LAW, jtAVBs, pmi. I the aoutherhextremiiy if'the- Hotel. | (IpafBl|6-t:ly. ATTOR -|j; OftlCgfc Nation a lu'Zu'tfA '>!■'■'■> !»a?,-j.<d' '! .1 [tW<TOt> JtltH* ‘H« '■ lr^‘ !^} * :^rWf W«*4'* ' I''I.* 1 .* T’ ( *'- f? i - '.* ;UV-*AU 3 jj4 'j r ? && ' 1 !' *l"** ' --^ i> |' . - l’~ *-. 1 > >J* ;m] ' ■ ij-i L : -.. J „- i,j„it.fti-.-.U ,-’-; U! ,t •'. ~ ba'lliw' vj_H!l utw yt-lnnp-t |’i- ; ',;{[/. If: !‘< \ rV;..! ;.a»:rnit _-■-' •\l Ji _ a Jii l kj;. t fl, \r,.ti/ r j■j dl Ittf: jiuiflttit irpS&iMf;’" «epl4 S';; *| S A i sayrc-f/ n: ••• .tj . ,_■■ rm ftt«"Rib«lhoii, : <:v;Ui» v?dp>ettf luilUo* vwusj ; -' ;U .r '■'■ i ll’? %K !<• rs’ino;'- |;{ jOOrbondftlWt ii 4 ooropPredirith opr father*, Ih thedepartfnenta of inil- IttUyXatid nwfftl ’effort,; fefeedV isitaoet iavWpble. t In • ‘fifitlr'df-thesd' nio«tThipftrt[ant eplipreM'vt'e aremuch tpelr snperijira. It will be «ten that iiar* not theleaasoin that of finance; jw-ell as itj inferior, though not im portant rpepect*.> ( rhe'firiincial qnwtlibn is of Tar lesi than either of the others, e coula ei ford tpßacrificbPll dar bu je»9 and our wealth gq ’that, we lOuld preierve-'un weakened our nu bnal boundaries ! aiidpolittcal princi les. Yet.in this Sold Wfibavegreat round for gratulatiou.' ' Marty are (frighted ut the value, of gold'- and' hje depreciation l of.; the xurrOncy.— 'bey/may ind eneoufagemrtntjin the iitpry Of thcfr fathers. ■" £ ‘ : Tlio issue s’ of paper began' with the 1 isue of the Declaration. Iti eighteen nputlis it amounted to of Continents currency, besides large colonial issues: (Thus far/there: had; Icon no depreciation. 1 In this they' were our sipeiiorii as financiers, for cur gold renamed ill par k year only sflcr tha wir began. Their decline', 1 oweyer, -w’**’ more .ifftpid Loans, tLoi teries, find [other; devices were tried, but wUhout'sdcesC Now •Vijls'ldfj ert'ait tnust' be issued; -they \, r ere refused by the people. Congress; declared that they “ought to pass curiont, ! an 1 bo deemed equal to .the same nominal sums' in Spanish dol lira,” and that “ail who. refused to tlaketbem. ebould_be considered ene mies of [the ~ ed',Stal^is., ’ , ’ But still their friends [declined to receive I their euife icy ao equivalent *o silver, jThe States were called upon to make j tills refusal penal; hut declined. They wore urged to lax ibe people, but also lefuacd!-! Again apjpear the Cofitinpn- I lal greenback.-,. Slxty-thredand one ,1 alt million*, were issued in 1.778, ma il ing -thq to ,al to ibht date over 3109,., 0q0.000.j fiy tbor4ih of July, 1779, tiey bail rsaebeq 3160,000,000. The dollar went down id five cents. 7 The loads anjd foreign dL*bt were.only thir tr-spveiii m llions and a half A riot broke out in Philadelphia while Coipj gresk was 1 'i/session,■ in consequenbb this diastrpus; condition >f At, the end sf the fasife had re jched jivf o hundred millions'and the vjdluo of!thiee cents. : ,[ [Thus itooil, or lather thus fell, the finances) of the Revolution. There .was a. flee ) beyond this lowest deep i| hither] tin y plunged, before the pa per declgnilior. of ( L 776 became a Hv. ijig reality. How” io our throe years of conflict icompare w,ith these ? Our loans aije r egoliatpd-'readily, our; in. I ires t paid iii gold steadily. .Our cur reiicy hjas reai-hec sis hundred, mil; 1 ons, o,tj, with the local issues, eight lilndiKpd n iHion*:. not thrice the ai rijcmft'|>f i heirs. Two dollars and a,| half, not i hirty 'dollars, can buy til S panishj-J< liar. Correal estate ..and other [pitoix rlv,,'which was estimated at more|t hi n sixteen thousand millions in 1860, lih< not decreased in value.- In th|sj int st "tremulous of all the nerves of icciety there is unspoaka-* bly less) agitation than in llio days' when jjay brooded, like Chase and h essend'en, tivsir this question of Fi« nance, jtnd Congress wore anxious bjfows in th eir partiful and ' ineffectual I deliberations. [ 1 ■ The rjesu is of this state of the finati : c;s werjj not.unlike what prevail tot | d«.y The extravagance and seeming j ing abundance of these times obtained then, ‘j'lf.l were called upon to draw a! picture o ’ the times and the men.” says \V|ash ngton jn a" letter to Col. Harrison, the fatfier. of \the future I’residqnl, dated Dec. 30. 1778, “’tfom t/jhat ]j h ive heajrd and seen, and in [ grC know I should in one word say '.bat.idleness, dissipation, and oxliaiv gunco see m to have laid fast bold ot jqsl gf them: that speculation, pecu jtidn,) an 1 am insatiable thirst for ichesjseer|i to have got the better of | every other cpnsicferation, and nl iiost pf- every ordpr ot men; that par y disputes andpersoual quarrels are ■ho great jbusineas of tbe day, wbilo .he .nidmejutbus concerns of an em pire, a [great and accumulating jlebt, tlninedj finances, [depreciated money, nnd wa ! nt of credit, which'lu itaqpn scyuoncos Ls want of, everything, are nut .BeCbnjlary cdnsiderations.’' ■ Af Philadelphia be saw andlanieplod the lolly aiiq, extravagance of tpe people, 1 spending throe land . four hundred ppunds[ for an assembly, a concert a dinner,!a supper, while the great part cjf the officers of thearmy, from ab« solute necessity, were quitting the sjorvice], and the more virtuous few 1 , rather jthah do th is, wereisinking by sure degrees to beggary' and ■ want. ’ ‘ [Meantime,” says was bird tp recruit the armies. There was abundance of employment, wages were high; (the value of money IoW, consequently there waa but little temptation to enlists” How aptly do these limek mirror forth the samp itn age. [W alsbington, too, 1 found >coh' tjractonMtßs bane. He calls them the tparderpwof our cause;”nnd6xelftintB, ’SI woulptoGpd pomeoneof the more atrocious in each ' State wad > hung in gibbets: upon a gallbws five timesr'jw Sign as th|e ©be prepared for BWfflbu. No pu opining; iilbo sieve re I'orjtbe man ybo can bnild his i r i•, I ,„;„. ! L iw - 4 1340.3auv r 0 • fj ,j, t 4li t •vi 4,14 1 r • •••• I' iTTT kTmTnj * ‘J u iI r “ , 'I ' ■ {•’! •' *• ; • **-• • : \ “TT i giiatoeßB.on'faia-cddbtVi^h>^V^HA. etf,- and yJW:p*fttst\k«a it ■ tbfV ' l& day. *&»«£*& «w>t anmhilatbd. ojr, thfriUvo],btipn, tt now ntoneyHh Wrest ndr eTrtlefaCe'Bincotbe re« BQprcoe of Congress andflboSuW di-- (iab- Üb.teredjit, began.jj.to, 4 ion •Wntlynicroasinginfloenoeover, A me'rican affairs.'l fSaddeV fo^he B M 4 been aeqairedlby ■ by rijte in the prices offering a goods/ by, tbo sutlers whoifotlowisd tbeoatnp.and t»Y-others who, know,, l£)w to. nuke' nnoiney:out 61 tbo expen-1 itbjrcs.: It Was while the honest and-1 Mtrhjiliirsre improve erished, rognea and )tbrfai-■; were fast •gHiving rich.*!, . (~^;| . They had no stocks jwthdae days/ atid sPiput in Ineir place-j-p ; respects' thOir -, condition was more deplorable. II ;> .] ; , ;1 (1 y Mutiny broke adjoin the camp; Whole i being ordered uppn eijwilions. | od|i With great difflctMy did‘ : Whali-* jhgton prevail upon them to abide, faithful. Poverty!, at, bpjjgo and naked hess in the da|np of . v| |. • r "'\ X%2.) iSeetional jealoniMSj, embittered the at myi The SoumL Joaltu'd . the North, the North iaraiobus' of!the Sojuth. New ’York despised New jEifgland; Now New Ydrk.; The French assumed sbperior airs. whicli ■Horribly^ thej A rnerican mind. j'Jlt WQSf. even 1 thought dangerous • m.oorij bis debt in Boston ; ' , J : Added tyiilus'wtrt the jeatous hbi and fends c|f theifflcers. IfaeU were dot unusual.. G&W«, ! Lafayette, Mifflin, and lUhera iwbw involved in thorn.: Stark tbrowupj|ls commission in a pet at ’ 1 : chafed at his general; Wil Schuyler, am imjved or, ri boye all, calx cornmanUor tiitis less pop Congress and neiar losing this violent coi j»|gK Intliefeenu j»oints w* bbo L d?ipvidence bas .... starvation !has, wrought mutiny, iri the cajnp; no jealousies and feuds, ahjiong thjo officers have {.proceeded- to; blood; cabals have materially weakened our cause; uo scclionufjfeulousios havbjsep araied the soldiers. This fiugspf ev ery JstateT hare;'; waved together i:T of battle, filling thpirl fol lowers with a! 'common enthusiasm, which has ionjyjprovokod thorm to love • arid good works ‘lf- wet consiiier how frequent were personal encounters. in' thie’ , Wesf and, South the,| j war,and hbw. intfc'iiso were sci-tprial I jealousies |and animosities, especially, against New England, f wo have great reason to Utiinii God and*take oodirage at the marked h'armpny and , cordiali ty of men and states during the iifear fu struggle. - -. ;l “Altor the fatheifa shall be thepiiil-j •Iren.” Inj duty, in suffering, ip re ward we are the rightful, descendants! of the patient, persi-tant, ht roes. - Onr,caußeis as dioly, ouij.suc-' cejss as sure. We[may be caljed lb cm j uliile their virttfisjarnid yet greater j sacrifices. ‘We nniy-seb ouriwbalih | irijllt hway iNatiotfaj bankruptcylinay bp our eripei-ienco aI.-,0. .Our credit nipy vanish from foreigp'marketii ana, oar own. i f Our tables may bp thinly spread with poorest fare;; our ments may bo of the poais'ost, attire; , our wharves, vessels 1 may/rot at them, f ft ud before our cities-4 foreign |arma | monts /■ niay hover; The dead 1 may ;Up in every house, andmorningtill all j the land. Still the groat* question is before us, ‘ Shalt jwe prove opr right lb ibp blessing God has confcred, up oc us? Will we show ourselves boro iosons of heroic sires? . ■■ j .r ]To that state onrfbe. 5« rednted.—' .. What is thoir money worth? Yet do they fight less trennously? Anti for w{hai? an empire of sin land hoi ddralp iniquity of ovpry kind a fid >■ eVof / decree of ba»piics«-; tjo pver>. throw the governments and the inbliV tutions upon wlucli bahgihe hopes of [s® -i'o establish'despotism 1 hpre, ;to establish eycryjvLefc; to pht Maximilian safe.upon inis Stolen spat; to abolish liberty in Chili and Ppru; to extirpate'' democracy in Eu rope and America. .If they snecced 4*?’' CfUshedi by enormous debts, distracted .by standing a:rnies, ■ by burning animosities and divisions, we e^all.crumble into fragments, and .the npillennial glory that seemed breaking, upon the - earth, will fade away; jwhilejj thicker darkness,- the darkness of death j»qd hell, will enshroud tbi poo ple. Then lot the minions of tyranny, exult.' ’.J' , L, ", _ • j. , Shout through your .dungeons, and palaces x li Freedon Is o’er '• ;. l■; . j; Wkat afo our lpsses, kctual ,or pos ibis, to'such a pafafitropo? Shall Bos ton and New York be |as Hamburg, n|ere commercial towns ’with no in* fluenco beyond their puburbs? Shall rph- and rending ltates; tear eaoholh e|,»n their, manual fSropity? Shall], Ji>- ®|v' bocome servitude. and the Wogld bp thrust back into the cave ofj <je» pair, from which if is emerging? Then i:‘J r, v i i > ,llm orfjlxtnoJ fciwmi eu ?iPrftoilpnt»p' a'i I l'i I i -f/Ui.M' giUUiUd j'ii'.M Jiiiu i ,w.jt{ t lrj [ |i.;'y*f bftf>dß< ■ «aa»®®w«i > vrt»Mfc;ba) i CcUbf 4oi4Dtf tiur««! ifor i ' it. be ufrade should, retire ,to,the legi», timateohannets ijjfatit bas so tearfully add ! i fWeul would.ftte if <^-Mtioe{i^-dnd'httb* gftnoo reined. -.’But notjoorcaase, jipr pw; coantry Oljlheap t !^wu»l ed' tufci.fteithefr poverty oi>f' ahguisbi neither falee ’fHewda ndr fierdd fees/ neither trea<on hor de*th, 9ball a p^i l . atme froip ; thejgrand, eternal; prin* ciples of our fathers, of/bar fathers’ God.” r /:„ , . Upon as the thtjworld. harp "come.- We are the* depository,of the ‘civil principled of ‘ the millennium. There is nothing more theoretically perfect in the-secreta of JDivine WiV dom tor the Construction ofhoman so ciety than hasheen offered to hjjlii If Vo shall abandon them thronghfloye of j*airi, or fear <jf poverty, wo shall be accursed of Grid and ail mankind' as wore his chosen people for l ike irkason. The American njame, no wthe.highest, will-be the lowest in all ’the;! earth.- Tho. A merican fifag’ wjll be tiie btubletn of dishonor. ‘ Bid England ask hoV ■ mucli will lt .ooit to defeat 1 J Napbie6hl Reverse after reverse-for a scota of y ears did not daun t her purpose. A Nelson, slain, aW,the supremacy ,hf the seas, slain Vith him, ad impover ished. currency, distractions at home ■ and disaster, abroad, these made her hot" waver. ■ Sh *. persevered unlotl.e oi»d* and for wb»t? To overihto«|de> mocracy iVEurope, in England, in the ;Worldi, Shall vi be less faithful :tb the truth than she'■was to error?; Shall we criuge and crawl, and submit to dislocation becap B6 politicians p[pt for perfidious peace and speculators press pricesi to fabulous heights? Not it they multiply their stratagems | and prices a thonsatd foldv ' There niayb !, as there wer le close of the > iaus may fuii, . ‘.a. diptr^sa' a irough the lani fciithfiil to Go ictory. . The w ery ahall die / ■ur; footstool: - ipdfutLtbj^r^oi worse years before t before our tat tiers ai j miner of 177fK Our, ir currency dojiiefei; 1 death may, Stalk : VSThat matters it? ] , ho wTlt give usithej rk wilt be done; ii Sja- i ur foes shall hentade j (if shall riot' 'll UsbeOfWod r goods, knowing that for ug a more abnit- >lio apdilingof'ot ’iCijO is inßtbrjs dnnt rbcomipunsje. I ! rt well for him whose wittjis strong:;l. lip •■‘iifl'ers. but he frill nol’suffai longr ■ j| 1 He suffers, but hefjannot suffer wrong', 1 For him Uor motes [the loud world's ruiidom , , mock, . | ,v i. Nor all, calamity’s Hugest wavesconfoutid. Who seems a promontory of rock, ' [• , That compassed round with turbulent sound, In middle ocean mpeta the Si rping shock, Tempest-buffeted, pitidelq owned. , '!i. 1 , * In.this .matter of are j following precisely the j experience of j England in'hirjattempts to niinj 2fa j pOleoo. “For eighteen years she bus 1 pended specie payments in her desper j site struggle I wijth Franco Bank of { England noteS vtcre made, in etfeot a ‘•legal tender,” jby evefV person being protected from priest wuoofferedthoin 1 in payment ofaldebt, and by the'bank being guarded l|y law from any mut tor' uoD-paymclr.t of its .'poles:!, For eighteen years there was th us in Great Britain an iiiconverliblu paper curren ! cy‘; From’l797 jto 1815,life Batik of i England tripled us-eirculation, add the ■'country banka increased from i wp buii jdrodiu the same time to nine hundred ' and forty,- or almost five Jiinei. f Tlie depreciation, was of course, enormous,' not shown so.tnich in the piicoofgold. which only reached forty-one in‘lBl2- 13, but especially in value—£l in.pa per became worth but lOs. in 1813, and according to Doubleday folj- to 7a. or Bs., that is a depreciation of nearly sev enty-five per cor Thoprico of wheat rose from 53a id. a quarter in 17]97 to 1255. sd. in 1812; oats from . 16s. |9d to 445,; wpol fi-on 3s. Bd. to 10s. ij The renf of arable la nd increased from .£BB Ssr'olD. tb the hundred acres in’|l79o, to Xltil 12s. 7id,dnlBl2. ’Bat unlike, America np increase of pricos arpse in England from diminished labor; .on the contrary, labor was adppliled in I abundance, and. wages did' not; rise j with other values; the final only about' twenty per centum in’ma ny parishes; It this depreciated cur re.noy, worth forty or filly pec cent, below What the foreign fund-holders had fiuppused themselves pledged to ieceiVe, did England pay her former creditors. ' Individuals, of course!; com plained,. but it'vras manifest she-'could do nothing else, and this has never, we believe, been thrown,in. Lee;teeth. The enormous volujne of papier money, £ mounting, according to the best auUu rities,' to 8450,000,050 in 1815, ■ natural yl stimulated spceula tion aud extravt gance to this highest degree, and left Its bad effects On the national habits. Still, despite -all the inflation, and with a public dsbt fn 1815 of some 86 700,000,00,0' England resumed .specie ' jaymenls withindbur years after the t< mination of the war, anu began acarecrbf prosperity which has made her tlx richest nation of the world.”' ,; ' ■ ■ ; • •; ■ 2i' ,r . tneahs peace with rebplw,ifell,:ppj.nots'. It recommends revolution’ against. Lincoln and, an armistice with Davi* --flHwllcrtirdßUSAjp Regitl ?whiehvHMititato opinttibifti pfowdioli.lib^ sight pr op d expand, ,with<n to the amount; mastoe *© ‘tty a’tW tiddtttUtopifftbt tidediiribevtnial maimer . ’ (Inla oj: : ordetipayat)ld atberwifj sight drop. g Sole;' Whether on; deidand( (OBlbsshamtsnotes for- dire mooey.and; checks ‘for thvr ,ptajpaled,tor, paymentjiffpi under 61000, will r,epetvQ;*ff *si!amp,' and iii' addilionat bVery additional $lO6O oa part of the same. | . , All checks, orders or -dra Baby person, other th< er, or trnst,company, i on demand; ifdxbeedfbg f 1 stamped lA*b‘cddlB; ,J hv-i -i All deeds or; instruments conveying land or. ptbpr ; actual yalue of -which .is ,8500;requires • 80 cebl. eti veV 6500 and under 61,000, and dbdents for<every addit or-fraction thereof. . • Receipts,for,.the payment of money Over 620, or for , property, !! Staingdf two be required. r f . Postage stamps ban not , pay men t .for duty cbargabh ' ments, ~ •! , T,hh maker pt the. instru stamp and cancel the sam< siruments inquiring ;stam| failure to dd so rendora the bio to a penalty ..of 6200.' . or. more, parties make an oithcr t o}'the sumo can affi tho sjaiup.. ' Spirit of the Lord’s I The spirit of the Lurcl’i beautiful! . iThat. form- oj breathes a filial spirit—‘bhej A catholic spirit—‘Out F A reverential spirit—‘flj. tjy nani;.’ ;• ] •: s 1, - . A taistionary-spiril caine:’. !• ■ A dependent spiiit day our. daily; bread;’ A forgiylng spirit-j- Ar.dj trespasses as we jforgivp trespass - against ns.’ r ;vj '< A’cauUdus epirit— Leai ebaV - It ielLv- i A confidential and 'ado. ‘For tbhui 'ii the king'doi power'and tlho.gWr,! foccv* AlU'tfl.’ t ;l|- ' ' ; .1 elfrrson Davis’ ' declaration •’ to’ Colonel Jacques. “We to got yid 11 1' the rule pi -the majority,’' is but the expression ot’i he antire pufi an theory he h:is ionic; advocated. In f<s9, at Jackson,|-Mis|., refOrrilig to tlio probable success of iis political opponents in' iB6O, he said;' •‘Tbe|Bnc-: ccas of the yurty, would duce an •irrepressible conflict.’ Yon would be pres nted tibo qtiisdon, Will you allow, the Union to be charged into the despolu in. of o riia 'iarityV’- It! is singular ; the Demo cratic party has any sym rathy with men who thus repudiate its 'principles; Tills tyranny of the-major! ,y, by- the way. has only been meitiuiiod by Souther n leaders, and. ;tl ’en majdrijiy veiled in the interest 6l 1 ifreedotn. —, There; was-no despotism, of course, in the. old pro slavery tuapePity— Phil-.. Pnss. I --J l-r-,- 1 ‘ !■ , ■ \ at- . ' - 5 . x'f ' • 1 What it Means.—Gen. a recent speech at Cincim Chicago’ Convention thi war is-a failure. Th Tpronounce to be a Orimir the ' American people. prpposittpn-is w ; hat Ithey,. doiabput it. They demand of hostilities. ; Wbatl does 1) oes ;t mean merelyila ct cease tiring along the liri means amr armies sh|ull fa 1 bout and leave the ettemy There is no cessation of while you hold the onemj therefore; if you cease, hot ’mast sound the bugle al line-from Texas to the A opr brave t roops shall t iud march back homo." r PhlfllJH. SI recently defeated the fpi Early and Breckenridge'vn is a graduate 'pi’ Whst’-P: citizen of Perry codnty, tingnishod himself ah a ca 1 at Stone':T?iyer, Tullahon manga and* Mission Ridge the son of ah Irishman; ar on an American ship' undei ican flag, while his pjarehtn grating from Ireland, to :il He is, about thirty-two jv Unmarried.! . , ’ A Political Straw.—-( last, an inquiring gentlein oring to ascertain the tp< pOlivitiea of llio passengei lithe Hud son s tea ni ef; Al a ! requested those in favor coin to etep to the ; port they proetjeded to idcLrn n, Captain AnderspiiV.holifcii for file re aso (i iliai' ! thd;gf U«i'«jetj un- 'i>£i tide T?on the hoaf! Straws show- ’ the wind Mows, • gsjaft •oiS V- r ' >r> '; <Si ! —ll l »> . * X ; J : " •d T '® r^«M|»nd- tnrfMg »d<«i|tiaoiaent*. jij tvstri; Mfijfllßfk.,li(iea of thill, typj^i f f , . ( , olu ‘'f j •'', ~ **^'* ’ , 4=' :• ijtto, poe ymf,-'. I,' Rls^«otts,|_PoUl.’o»l «8&8 £: jSuQa Utfjie. . Pi= [tTTTT V 1 . first vaik/batik It, f regard binpamed i' khd din- - twe^niiti^a^'Ahd : ; advisefrb&^Mdfl^'j^i^Mr.LiMola friend,dfcted Abgust t2tb'«’potlt«n of .J»;.Sa3fßf.Vj if' W>:- ; rO »■_ • i -- *Ws.ilWll3iW we are aU wand cau-i beptOmoted any 1 better,- ,tfr3ai* r - WolV)by !! wing bnpportJrctartbe ndihirtadtdn.mad4 at , BaliinlOi^^ ; tloh BoSfrSyef >ny sacrifice of th«t;«rapß.-: What folate warrant cannot ndw-beforeseen, jand need' not now beootieidered.| I parlicn laHy de- • Bi,rd tbat[.ipji; friendsdb; nothing and saynotbing,jjbaifc cab. c>eStetbeira- personal dif ference bet4feen,3Sjii iiipcidh andany ' self; for th6re;is nono' * ences that exist areon jyiblioqfibatiojaa. . and have poprivaty bearing.” k4v>.dnutB »■' Ibftt*. at roinissory iV’fifi orationas th! ;U>i : be, auysam fi,W cent i cents for; frictional JV |’ ■ its, drawn’ a a ;bai*k, it sight or D, mast; be of writing •ealty.lthe less, than imp;; if- O' .81 stamp ional $5OO, M of any sum delivery of certts will . >; of Money; .v | Tbe iiichraouil Whin - ' iho fbll^ _ r _- liig has. jo it*, jog ® jig pjnidit{lS V pfera^feiph; . .■% We regret tcfdearn UiLt there money in: the tends of Major Ambler, paymaster, the sick and wounded, soldiers;.' | Consequently,! the sick and ' wounded who are receivi!ng; furloughs, and whom, in many instaiicos! there is 1 due -six month’s pay, are obliged U go ~ to' iheir 'komeS'witliout a cent.- :|oi' • course!'mdj blame httadiies fo kajjorl , Ainbtor For (this, r for ho, man is muVo ; anxioilj Iliad he to'ameliorate tho oon i’ditioppF pur suffering but bo - cjan.on|y pay .Out the ; : am|ouht.of funds riiruisliedilum by the Treasury. .We. think they are wasting'their : lime in.' \ I get;jy> Aeff- uhtes in! too fir/o a style, j This is' all. ,j aivjieceasary Any.kindppf a piece of’paper-with r the handsome phiz of anyoF'odrffreai'riien on it,’ apdj.the signatufe,pfjtwo heanto■ ■, pus young wornem wril answer every purpose. ; The money is wanted- for l.ujse,' not ornament, and Ought to-bje f.shurked tinlj' ‘ '. .y, ii,? ’T*' • bo used in rou instru- nent must, i on all jin' is, and any party |lia- Wben. two nslrumptit; and cancel *rayer f/Prayor is if petition ■ ther.' j 'skther/ v allpyied'bt) yzkingdora ivo ,ii? this -‘G forgi.vy our lliem'.lbat Hbw it Happen s.-I-6uu, .. ; fi uLUu i source. of! discontent ,u.|kLouc groat ■bar of~enjoyni'ent in this-iyorld'iHtbo practice of life with tjie liferof pthe^btterlj ig 110 ring thb - tact that ievera|pe'rson r las an inner as r well /as an vitter life; jar in the old- ■ fashioned; "words" of the Bible, “that every' heart knowolh lit uv.-it bitter, i ricf-s.T ‘■Stow.. often ii ..the,.^remark. 1 made byddiporficiul ••■;rL< l i'.v- ■ I hippy such aud suc-h peibsohsi . must' be,! If I; were on\y fhe-j-!" ’when, ten to one, thje.se -very persons, oblivilsh.s Ol theii, wjealih inci position, are. wea-i ry and hreart sore Witlh the din iihJ . buttle of life.' ,; ; ~ S ! «8 not'iu-i It;, B» from ;§?• •’ '■ ’I ' • isg spirit— ii, aiidlthe .•ir aiid ever. ■, I y No SusLinv—'Thero b i-- WiiiJii si the ef Bothms, /ylhero Ist of J‘une the sun doesjnot. Ut' g 6 d6\yrfst all. JL ,up . from Stockholm/for the -piirijuso, ini' earn'ing ibofm whovarejiurioub-to wi;t nes the phenomenon; • ’ it■■ occur/' only onejhightJ The:bud Riches the hoj izson, youi can see the' vyhoVnoS- ofijt. and Jii fivb minutes .mor e ;.t It' iJnV to rise.y'At theoNorth Ci.pe, haiiude iseyenly~two degrees, ithe' su ii does hot go down for skn-eru!'weeks;’ lii Jiiiiei it; would lie about twenty-five^degrees' 1 above, tho horisonjat rhidniarht. • //: . i > IsckeaSeu Phiou ’ or Pa.pjek'! —6 newspaper ipa : nufaetffyov3..not eobfwAV'- wiltdoubling /their'pricp Overl ias}>3 li'-j, ly, and tripling ,'tli e| av’ir;t begun, hupfi madefresh dcmandspaUd-. gather beyond the increased price of .; chenucals, 1 rtig? and strajiv; -Already/a good many country and weekly 'jour-' ■; nals have ibeon suspended, and l maW, more must-go ihe same' way;-- 1 - .Seiko '■ publishers; are reducing the size of iheir pages and others ate threatening to. print hinif sheets as jat ’the .South. In, this city the printing; of Mippte~ : rnonts has; been stopped! altogether.— %Y. Tribune. ' f ? ' Gurfjelji, in atip-.saijd: — asserts that, it. assertion al lie before L'heir next propose, to ,a cessation that tnban ? rainanii to es? ,Nd, it cc right la 's coupiry, ’s country tilities,|jipu along ! phe .lahtie, tjiat irn around i, S6T?Tho; copperhead bail did ale fur vice President, Geoigc H. Pendleton is best the map whb.puhlio ly “•thanked God that.he 'had never voted or given a dollar, in support of'jhe war,.: or in piiyvi'ent Of A-boliiiok soldiers. s' VV-Mi soldier vote forHi>dch*'£' maiJ-. ■- , i. r 'j ..V-j /. • ‘ , “Hows- with the Dust.” —A Scotch paper tells, the story of! a. .dairy far-., ir.epfwho, iafter tho barihl of his wife(il droyea hard barfain’with ' the. grave d 'Kg or . >v-hp t bringing,.His hand AoWn on the shpyeL. exclaimi, ‘ Down wi’ anither ahillin.’or tip she cbniesl’’ Ift.TiiE iJeihocratiq press is getting anxious: about the dj-uiy vote. The , Lancaster! Intetiigetlcer, asks, in darge ‘‘caps,*’ thow , cun we sechrg the soldiers the. right to' votd. ai they please?’' A month ago the hnljr ; qaes- ■ lion with these Demooruticpaperswas, “how can iwe socuife the soldiers the .righ t tjo vote-uathey please?", f j ' i©“Tbe leaders regard. | fheyictorf at much as . | the grhat capita in the olden, time : ■ “Anct’-'>T; such yictpijw .wo.u(d,.ruilt V j‘ ' ■ • '-!i* /; '■ eridan,who rCes under tiho Valley, )pit, 'and a y^-. Ho dis 'tilry lejider a, CKifika- “Phii” is d w.as boi-n r the-Ainer i were Ami-r; is.cpnntry. ars old and !>n Monday tan endeav-- tlftical pro is o|n bbadd iry iPojyell, of aide. ' This i asse, when j interfered ; j’at l p'rc] ion i Id! \endancer which ! v ". ! fc. Etqta:s • K — l ‘ (( > 1W vj/,. ' . »Jt) 0 < m •I, k'Atffi $1 121 tow. v ,t ,-'V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers