I r 404 . 4eine.s.danj BettlT.2l. , • ';;:- 0., W Editor * Projurtotor. jf *ot*»c*! oAerj»i#B Tiro Dotuut* ’ud Jjfit ;*ST* will, bejcilirgei No p*per '.db<| t >tninucd jntil »U arr B »r*se» aro BOtUod. ;• j «fld communsc»tJon», tty jbtll hove prompt attention. • T i fiJivBLA.SP 4 lL\B,> '1 f r . - miiia* j|KßANd*^B!fT: : | i tioß'dayy' Sfdy IC, lBo4_t-JVams Uw Smtr Sutitn «*/«&*» i: | i ' 7:45 i. ». .VrrirM it Pittsburgh, • 0:30 a. x. i2or. “„ I =’•“'•■ ■ *:5O t. x* '3:51 r. *. " -'i, •„ 8:0I M- “ Ooik6 Wbst— "4’jWw* Itnt PitUiurgh &/eUoin i ~ (110 a. M- ArrireSjat 80«t*r,......7:40 *. M. 1:50 t.u. '. ;m ' ■;'••“ /. • .6:30 r. x. HOr. i, Rochester...;, i2op. x. I'GO A K. ’ ‘ • ' •••••*2;10 A. X.. • J. K. McCULWHWH, rtti'u f,R. 3 MjEI’A -ffeiPi-rdUt4oust:.f'; ?. ? ITTS:li;il0 ,fT- -W AYHE ACHICXGO R. R- Rochester Station— Going East. . Leaves .poohestep. Arrl at Pitta. 1 Ist Tlrj-b’ri Accum. 5:42 a: .7:20 A. H. fl(j Brjeb’n ■■ 11 a. N,n*... 8:20 a. h. Mflriifnn'- r - « 2:35 p. x. iVciT Castle; ;* .?:<><> '• * ,:.4s» p. «. "dill ’6:1.5 p. 7:00 P. K. iht Express, ' 1:00 a. 2:20 a..ag. 54 Express, * *2O P § O neiaiilExji.. ?:45 p. x 7:60 p. x. j Gmxii 'Wksil . ■ j • I,?im I’itta. /Vtt. M Rochester. AUiiuM Accra. 2: IQ i'- ■■ 8:30 P. M. 1-inHgh'u.Accmi. ?:15 A. K.'.....11:00 A. M. /d Urich'a •• . I?i00 *■ * 1:32 p. m. 4 !?) P. M...:.. 6:16 p. 3C 4;.'0 p. u 7:20 V. M, 4lh " \ ■, 5:00.a. a. 6:15 A. v. 11:00 a. u 3:10 A. si. 1J in’ r. u i-.iif y. m. M: 1' SHINN. Siijit., E. D. *Jf«f/. Js* f.'sprow, 2f-i Sxpifrs, Quarterly StatBmen£ v .pf -- - , Counjty. J Nun IJuioirr o,N, Aug. 3«1, fSfil. KHajjlrurKS. vi,l.Vi;l!s <l:y.;|inied, $00,550 81 J«r rroio.t.4 1 100 00 *'■/ i , ' !l coul..';''i>p'jn b0nd5......... 120,000 O 0 . 4 (■■• l troaiSnoua.-. ?6,980 00 a:.r : 450 92 ..Biiio fcjmrei. 1,958 95 ■■■!■. uthtir banUjt 44,893 00 >S!i’l<2.<'L - Us of rilicr bank* and I.- '1 r'*aaury n*T|t«B '-i.it «a00uf,5......J, .....’*180.12.5 00 .78!) 00 152,831 81 12,139 8S '2,303 8> 1,080 87 6,3:1!) 95 Lai Stav'fc * :!!. «ircq]A*.ion.i 4 *» p o 3 i * o ra...;.... .1, ■ oaltih, •u.i'U.....J... I»W‘ 5ft v vlu ’v.»y«i 5 .<l i n.a*i e*rft'.i!(R.i. . , U $»)o,-108 - I c«rnYr tfru is«i thhje statement i* true and • ylT**' *t4«-UVAt-W —lul^v i_ - j HopM, Oish’r.' !rfinr.oil and «uhnoi;»bvd-l*cfor« me, this Sd ‘A. l>.j ItJdjl. • \ j _ |-h. iv isnisEL,-J. p. ABl7OO i and Perfumed .Breath VERSES A 15ad HreatU. f V {'l ; . - Tflsni 1 Atly or g^ntinman w.ouM remain un !' , rlho eurna-of a diagrccal U when, •t iwing tUe • j ' BALM OF A 1000 FLOWKKS. : i 4 , X coVid he secured? How many lovers il lias instated! How many friends forever parted I h«; je-! in Delicate, your nearest friend r.j!l !i»»i 'mention it: and you afe jyuufself ig iiorc.lll er :he fact. .Taj-effect a radical cure, :<e tbo llalui as a lo"i'k-irash night and morn :af.- choice of ' an, intelligent Inlycr, tiik most beautiful wom-kjc ' j;all and exarninG; ■ * * j - \ t . ' : * -I. [ ’• **ick i r.t time.* used honey to beautify their- Q i "TUT |P 1-pl but t lie combination with palm- , X ■ -J—JXXvkJ dl other valuable ingredients makes ir | ’ ’ ''l . ! raorc raiuttble. jFor Xa.tb:ng suffering in- j , IJ h/A vTt/lv f PjA.,l sfovr drops poijred into a ba.On of wa--l | i - 1 j ! I 1 :r dispel all ferer, toner, Ac, A few ' i *-> Si J * ♦* r* *o**? * ’ Li=- __ ■' r i pourtyl bn-ymii; phnTing-bruah {malt-es a | lOC, Beaver CO, bo ft the face pure 1 ’ 1 : 1 —‘‘ - i .<cn usH for washing night and morning, ; ’uilicutis all ■ Tail, PirnpUt, t nd FrerkU*, ‘■'ng the akin «Jft v aud white and free ‘‘ora Hynnsh. t ; * cr ■*le at (he Drug Store in Bridgwater. . '-T~~ O uSL‘ BEMY. lnstitution -will he on Monday, sept. sth, 1864, . ' mojt favorableiauspices. , •l“jj.<crfi.;es of Rev. D. H. A.' M’LEAN, , 1, -i formerly of Westminster dpllegc, and ;,' T ; *’■ >"'ARY. formerly Pnincipal of Union Schools, have been secured ;■ Pun ipajs and ‘lnstructors, ’’fei '-•r SKWjA'CADEMy BUILDING U %w _|;~? :< ;^ ; * , >d tcady forotcupancy.l ' , !l 1 ■ it '"laur'itM nfecoiisaxjvfo fit young men COLLEGE will be tan jfft. j boarding canlbo had on as reasonable •’yp : ,S elsewhere. ' "dll be; no advance in tho r ratet of • f' lr *bcr ;particu'ar:i address ei <j’ i !,e Principally or the undersigned. „ H. HIOE, S/?c. Board of Trustees. -.'.xer.-Aug. do,: S D S? L:D %®' MEETING. .V.VTiCE i» hereby respectfully given that ; k ' f. of the Stockholder* -it the 1 ■;*" ilu ‘ :ic ‘ u ' I 'i n K-Cuiiipajdy of Beaver V,.', t ;' ih held at, the office of. the Com* i 1; on l lie sr« or Ocioiisa, I o. clock, p: in.,./or iho following oh j. A ■ ■ . t’fs. tlj ? Capital Slock, of said Vt hori red by the 19th,and 20th Ar, -' cl Araembly, .apjardyed eß C°nr*gfe manufacturing /li. Te V , Oomae4we*Hly kti ~ • ■**• -ii jv. u . 1 11 empower the- Prcsi- 1 •' v . .. r . . r.^' etorj ' *aid; Rdcheater Mann* K ; - V to -‘convey, ■ and -dlte rprrriy’ir Rochester. * ' p t , 'J- A-l fiKOLES. President/ A - !.ac<tck, ; '• i^s'ssp° N t ■'%. 'TIUSLER, f ! ' . . mi.:/.:. -v, ; r • ....■',* .• •aiifatr^S •M' -‘' ( »? 4^ .-•■ ? ‘ -i^j ■u ;•£ „■ 'i-/■•..!; o?. ti . V * Vol. AaOSTo. 38, MEEL ikJj Ss.;t J L-A \ SEW! i- v : Theßeit, These : lock-stich atntiusele andsilks blethreall do.,jJU wjll| Stitch; Horn,. Fell, : " ' i j • .. ... . [) ■ ■ Quilt, ; Tuck, Plait, Gather, Brjiijd, etc., all without . I i ' : '.h ■ pr vious basting-and are butler adapted/than any other Sewing Cord, Machine infuse to >the frequent changes and great variety of : ; 9 r I sewing required in a fan i'l j; or ■ ' I'-l. , - they will sew from one to twen ty thicknesses of Marseilles <viiih -4 I'L’ . * - i out stopping, stitch perfect; or from the finest gaiize to fhe heaviest I j j 11 -i j, cloth, wit! ou» chanmiuj the feed [.•■! s. ° ° 37,03.31.40 8,093 90 1 41 $305,408 *1 needle qr tension, or making .any adjustment of mach i ne whatever] i i 1 - . . '! r : It has the;-following advahthT •gea 'ofHr W'other ’ inachincsf f ' ’ l - \ ' \A : . _Far s greater variety of wpfk; ;,•| ! ■' -I f.. jj be oiXy and excollence of stitch; *peed and quietness of' motion; simplicity \of construction; ease * ; f and management; elegance ot design and s finish. :j i \ r - \ ; These are’'peculiar facts, and w ill go^far to, determine the OF VALUABLE STOCK ! IJtJLL eipo»e|lo public sale; at I the FAIR GROUNDS, near Beaver, on 'i I. . y FRIDAY. SEPT. 28d, . \i (the Jest day of the Beaver County Fairj) the following valuable. Stock, rii: ~1 /jj Cite, MALTESE JACK, known to be d good breeder, 8 years pld; Two JACK COLTS, 2 years old, and tw{a£ .TASK COLTS, 1 yeaV old,- bi*edi from MALTESE JACK and; SPANISH JENNETS; Ttfo.jSPA.NISH JENNETS, 7 y’re r old;. 1 HOKSE,-if years old. Also; one I TWO HORSE WAGON?fnew).‘ . v J ■ if agiLTcAiha made known on day bf sale. - !? nugfllt|ii . ■;, , GEORGE SHIVELY. SEMINARY AND INSTITUTE fTBE FALL TERM WILL COMMENCE ' i i -j - *• 7 Tuesday, the Qth of September. ■ Among its advantages are— ; ll An efficient and accomplished. Faculty. ... 2, 'ThorougHness in ita’clasaea.; i ‘{j . , 2. Superiorjadvartagea fbr Vocalana-In strumcntsl Music. ' , | I 4 Extent ofiita English t claaaicalocurae. , for jjk catalogue to f / I augl7’64 . ; jity. R. T. TATLOB. - 3>ffcytlo©,. .! r ' XJROPOSALS Will be reeeWed'unlll October V - ist-,:by fho. jSch'ooVßiresclors of borough, for Principal of.DiiionSQhbol.j . Ap plicanfif’will stale thoxmount for ,which • will. t f%h-, jfaojsalipol will open afyout' the? ISlh ofOc tobcr.an d continue six Cnonlhg, ~' “ ‘-By Order of tbb Boardip;-;:^ . ;■ ■] ,i AJD^IIN ISTKAJQR’S. i T ETTER& of jedmihiatration on the estate I i of John XI. ToVns *nd, " late of NeW Brighton, .Bearer eoanCyi'deo’d-vhayffifibeen; granied to- thenndersigned,*!! peraons.in ,ded)t«d.to Hj^estate,are, requested ImnpdieUperoeiit; wd.li|ywgUoWipi» against said estole 'wiU them'fb lto Jubseriber jAjbpfeStly'' adthenHCated ! di^'^et-' tlefireßfc-o -uio t Alfa i c<wolftsiis -1* : i •>-r * - seplt ' Kaw£ri|}i|4ft« ; ,-*■ I' - - : ! h'miaziZ ot f3n ■ - t 4 1 - 'it# < * ■ ; r i ii ■ .■ ||,. w./j’ J i r. ' H-; y: .i c-:/ •. - **i' *! * ,-v- / :’I • -f, Mmm <v\^i : ■ ■yjftiai -~--p j«•„-!«.( ••■> -• iL-Vif'v. ' • Most Reliable Striving -is V.. ■„ , -it.." ■ ■ j _ i •» Machines make i the •-•is:.. ■. , ■:- < > «'. i']-''-'--- alike on ioth aid es, ?s than half the thread that the single dr <Jou - i - O • . ,•; .. • ■ loop-stitch. Mtjicti nes and make every SALB > ! -TI KcimKl ar,< ’■• i'V=-.v"a m-v: (.0 jj a-f V; (» -J'-' jj 41 I.l' r ; ■ ■ -tj -Tt” 1 t'U>7l J-rj i ,i• - .1 ..: ;»it i .7' '•:71:1: -, &A ii;/t U. Sl7-803Lp.AJ*T'.: ; J .irfqdiia iiiwhan.’ -iuvui ■ '33»«rjteerdtary > othihe.Traaeudp gives netlar .thatanbsorihtiina wmbairnoeiwAlbrfcWipbn; JwfcdfroinA'aW gitt 16th, With: tb^he^^Mw-' 5 tlmr-ofthe teldefykt’ liti sitter,' thsn five nor more than twenty years from ihe!r date, jas the Government may eUct. *Th e y wift Wlssued of $6O, $lOO, ssooj $l,OOO And $5,000, and all sub vf fifty dollars. ‘V , ~ The notesiwill trapimilted tbWhe owners of transportation charges as soon after the receipt tf the original Certificates of De posit as they can be prepared. • - As the Holes drier intereet.froin Augm 116. persons mailing .deposit* subsequent to that date most ply the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. .' ■ . Parties F depositing • twenty-five thousand dollars and j Upwards for these notes at any ‘one* time will be allowed a edtamission of qhe qakrter i»f obe per cent, which will be paijd by the Treaibry Department npon the receipt » l>ill' for the kinbtmt,' certified to by 'the .‘officer With whom the deposit was made] Jfo. deductihris' for commissions must I}t Imade from the, deposits. • j Special of this Loan. Ii w’A I?i mosii, Satrisos Bak*, offering a higher rate of ihteres .than any other! hnd Ou beti temity. Any sayings bank Which pays itsidep uitors ip DV 8. Notes, considers; that it u pitying in the best circulating me dium of She < ountry, and it cannot pay in any. thing belter, for itS'owh aasets are either in government' securities or in notes or bonds payablejiu government money. I 1 ’ It is equally convenient ;ns .a 'temporary ior permanent f ivestinent.- The notes can-altrays be sold for v itbih’a fraction of their fact and aecumulated interested, .and are,the best iecu ,rtty with bai iks as coliateruls-for discounts.! Convertible in o‘a Six per «n/.5-20 Gold ttond. • In addition to pie very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of j conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, f i Abe cjirtent rate for 5-20 B. tuds is niVWper csntprefTutsn*, and be fore the wir- his’pftmhim on si* per cent.' U. I S. stocks w is. over .twenty per cent. It will be scon that be actual profit .on this loan, gt the present n arketrate. fa not less tmn ten ' tuExtmftia* from S$U wAniiijiif TntagM. But asi.de, rom all the advstftsgos we have] onUmeraieJ, i special Act of Congress orrnpiuj all bot.de {and Treasury notet from focal laxmiOa.\ On the arerige, this exemption is worth sbouttwo pei cent.'per annum, according to the rsjtc of taxation iii various parts of: the country, i ' I ‘ It is believ id that no securities offer so great inducements .o lenders as those issued hr the { i' | - < i . • . * •! . . government. In all other forma of indebted ness, ho fait j of ability of private parties,- or stock companies, or separate communities, ot payment, while the whole P|£perty pf tla couuiry is held to- secure the discharge of all tire obligations of the United States, j.-f _ • . While the ) government offers the moat lib eral terms--lor its _ loans, it believes .bat the yerjf strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. Dupliaate :ertifio»tes will be issued for all .deposits.! The parly depositing must endorse upon the|onymol certificate the dehominnLion of notes requ red, and l whether they are t ) be iasuSdin blank or payable to order - When so endorsed it must be left with the officet re-' ceiving the deposit,j to be forwarded to- the - * Treasury] Department', ' . . 1 Subscijiptiojns will be received the Treas urer oftbe ijpitcd States, at Washington, the seTeral Aasißt&nt Trcaaurcrs aod desiga kted Depositaries,land by tho First National Bank of Pittsburgh, Third National Bank of Pjttsbuigh, : ASp BY. ALLJNATIOXAL BANKS which are depositaries-of Public money, and Mi -i i ■ r BKSI'ECjTApLE BANKS AND BANKERS country will give further ati for mation and 1 j j Afford Every Facility to Subteribni. ;aug,l|’64-j-4nside|3.m, beliver DR. j. R SPEER, 196' PENN ; STREET, • Pittsbulrg' attends to the t reatment of all DISEASES OF THE tYE, | andperfonns all operations necessary to their cure. l Refers to ReV.i W. M. Paxton and Rer. 1 W. A. Paxtpp. \ , eep7!6ik NOTICE. ■-j ; THERE Will be a meeting' of the Stock holdersiof the Rhillipsburg and Roches ter- Ferry C<j. on Saturday, Sept. 10th, jat 2‘ o’clock,.; pi'tit., at the house of H. Bimber, Phillipsburgj * As important business! will, come.before the meeting, sill Stockholders are requested to attend. ' { «ep7 [ CIUS.B. HURST, Pres’t. JA ES S. RUTAN, AT TO .HIT AT LAW, : (DJStMGT ATTORNEY .{) | BEAVER, PBNN’A. r ■- the'Coort Home. «i Abk; PAY AND BOUNTY of - deceased > soldiers,. Pensions; snd Claims on the Sernmentl collected promptly. Soldiers discharged on account of Wounds receir si in , battle,. can get their bounty in from three ttf jfttir Weeks by applying, 1 sHthrdlscharge. [se7 ptAME to Itfae premises sf the subscriber, in byiEfconoWf-*p." Beaver county,, Abdul the <th io£ ,|A»tgfist, 4tr »>eepi-l wetijjfrj l j*ire, fl* 3 fwifU »u one, side, eaphear xoppe4,. » -bpie- in the rightear, shdrt tails./ ras.-1 o'wiWrTU M raome 1 fbrtrird, ; pay'''ehatgyt! Httad' ray,’ otb«rlri»* « hey wiU ba iispbaod of »e -itHUng'te-Ih*., if II 153191 11 ■iWA ■I. 'T*| =I MMEMI 11 r t " l > !-h; .11' 1'.J.:,, * 3; A ..i4 : , - • 7 " -1 : : - 4 rit I J h> edaesdatoB©T>t; t.t rwT-vi.. ■ .J*r- ,- nti VlirA ' . Vtitm-ior;wf<. Vi■ • ■ <ir-r, ?jf r !«&*«[# »«<#, «>^i- J “Let as rejoice ini ;Ufo wdlf foufdod | S?RW?*? "®! r B 'gnal proofs of themibteryaidE^Blrenethand oLribaJ eoa c£y; i Q 4 0 f the and Mople ? ij&)fUßb the mili ary power. of the.wWHoc | may; a* der Providence, both* ipeabs of has teaiog a safe, sai hoitorable add a tailing peace. ; Focsoeb a peace the trasses of tbepeopieabttoiNprtb and; to I firmly beljeve,. at-fie, South, are prepared, and it needs but united ef fort on oar parv tb Wing Ift about: For this consummstibbfcb man’s heart yearns more earnestly than mine.;'. All sho know me know tbit, In my bum ® spl?f,*: e A t, 8 Mi very fast to ayeft the'catastropHe.' ft must needs be that bffenfebabshould come. Sortie .of those most abttos in bringing 6|» the crisis ,U«ve’.boasted th|atit'jtaa plannedr,and resolved on thirty ysars ago. Mr; Webster, inlsso, raised his 1 vpico ot solemn and prophetic warn ing in the Senate; seces sion! POaceablc secession; sir,*? be cri *s» ‘‘your eyes and,«m»e were nevm destined to see that minufie. | Thedis memberrnent of this Union withput a | cpnVnlsio.nl The breaking bp of the fountains of the gre«l»d«ep without rhflaing the surfiteoi *itiSir.!be who .sees theseStateij, nowrpfolviugin har nip.ny around a common .centre, 1 and expects to sec them fc qiSl their nlkces and fly off without HffinVulsbrn, may JOblj the next hour Ito ate the heaven •Jfl bodies; rush from their spheres and jostle against each olber in thereat ma lot space, without cansing the ivreck of H|e universe. There'catfbe npbeaeb j able secession Peftcosbfe secession is ap jmpoijsibduy; ,No;ij»:Nb, sir; jI! wju not state wbatm'ffißbroducatheJ disruption ol the I peei as! as I sob (b-ilbbVbn. w|iat.thiit sdtsruptlptf ittftllt’ ninst brb oooe; I "see. that lice war, and such a war-a* li^oo#dwmribe in,vain. Ten Tnofetrobbled ySarS of strife and controversy followed.- Whatever fault lies at the door of the this ,roay with troth .be said,' that every demand made by ibe Bouth was conceded, and that every issue raised by herwas decided in her favor. A| having been defeated in one ulbpitpn,; after having all but Jrnonopo l icd the (iovcrnmentfor sixty;yeaie(a ! d|feat brought about by the manage- j mjpnl of her own political leaders,) lor j the avowed purpbsj/ of’“firing tho | Southern! heart,” she struck the first bipw of overt treason Hiid aggressive war To the question On whom the. dread responsibility of that 1 fatal blow mast forever rest, let the -Vice-Presi-1 dtjut of the Confederacy; in his speech I ini the Georgia Convention of January, IbOl, 1 dura tho answer: “This stop;” saib ho, “pnee tajten; can nevier bo re-f called,', and ail the baneful Consequen ces that must fitllow must resit on this Convention tjthe endoflimje.” J -Then, after depicting inihe darkeit colors “toe desolations-by the demon war which this let of yours will inevitably invite and call forth,” be aslfs, “who Will be l^eld responsible for it,land who but be who shall give bis lyotie for this uqwise and ill-tiiued measured will be held to strict accountYor thip suicidal ai|t, by the prosontgeiieration, and prb bubly bo cursed arid execrated by pos terity, in, all coming time;,| for the wide and desolating ruinj that! Will in evitably follow the aclyou, now pro pose to perpetuate?” • j 'l. IM’Clellan in this Aa.ur.—The fol lowing is an extract from a private letter written by an officer;in the Ar-' my of the Potpmac; ; ] ill suppose you would like m- know what the army thinks about;At’Clel la.n Well ,as far. a»T can. learn,:and there is a good ambunt |of talk op the Isubject, Il’Clellaa has lost about all’ his array friends since be connected, iliimßelf with the Copporlieads| alid pjsaco men. _ The uotninations: made at Ljbicagowill receive very little,'sup- 1 pprt from the soldiers., They cannot see how’they can,vote for both a war man and |a peace man. The ciy with them is war Until the rebels tbeir^arms, and are willing to take w-bat terms we ar6 willibg| tp; give them. Hen who,‘ a mqnlh sinpe, were: strong fSr M’Clellan. bow | owl- bim a traitor. Abe will receive niWe put of ten votes in the army. Massachusetts rCgiraehts aie all-for thn. 1, : Tbe Wesi ern troops are tbe same. I Little' Mao .qst his lriands iQ th!e army {whenbe '7 ua put. np ib^i^^blcagojCoßyeii* 1 ji : . -77,^T~I —'• ■. Surely there jS Dpt a PeHn ayU yaiiian or a Marylander sd not to see; thatnndeCneathtfaye Chica go •■chemo of stopping the! war and a long arausiiCe,for oi Convene Uon that would neyei meet.,(lt is the .purpose of the Rebels to - trabsfet' the, war IrottitheSooih to lhe Narth. lf the Democrats BacoaMLinotopping tbo ffV. it will -not. belabored jbafek into and- •' ;■ '.v.j 'I, ji'; ifj.l-i 3t>. A il. * C-\. - f?*.rs I* ' - t-riT* 21, ,1 ;-^'v Evald corresponden t writing Aw ?'& fppt. .ay.; i rev. *3 ke S * 1 ’M&W. scptinf■; jof; A e f of v W?y Small steam etighie. 5 .the-nuiterjal, ofwKich wpripicked up, Sg^HSS^iSW oflbetnßtomlfi used, and 'were ijro jdurtd, will bA>of:irft4rint;‘ &d apy.W anxious to’ ppucure- relifisof ,th 6 war would findjntbis spall engine a whole cabmet of Callosities’ The length .of this pieceof lankeo ingenuity isfour teen locims, abdHs hight ton ■ inches, »o small, yet” it. works beautifully,. The bedplate, a small “r aBs PHte, Wii. taken from,a mill at P' vi**® Cylinder Ibtid, on ■whith the bul dier’s’natne is generally engraved, wat taken from a small en g:ne used for sashing gold, it the gold nmja on IhC fiapidan River. The,way stand is tnadofroma-pieceof the bal ance beata of ] Virbank’s .scales/ The cylinder is -fro oi a .piece of a musket garret. The i team pipe* is i a {silver' .Penhpldior, as also.the exhaust: pipe. Ibe.sveam whistle,is composed of sev- P l P c ®K'“do head, is a. ..mouthpiece! of a bugle,thei-ap a cartridge ofiSpen cei's.repeatinr rifle; and the kndbthe Up of a bayonet scabbard. The hub ot the fly wheel u the ming ofb shell tuse. ; .The four spokes are made from Itt. Springfield i mskot raihrod, the rim from a centre table taken a't Spdttsyl yauia Court House: ! TbeisafetyiUluc is another piece of bugle, Wiped out by a piece of,lightning rodtakenfrom a mill at Rappiibannock Station.!: The beam of tbo vjalyu is a caValrymau’s buckle filed dojwn; the weight, ajknob of a bureau di n wer frjbm Spousyjyania Court’ House. Two) tty cocksjEfrom Fairbank s sea tfs, taken atTtappahan nock Station. The boiler iy mSdeffrom a common oil Can. The furnace from a canip kettle, as also thosinbkestack. T b« frame aion whiefi the whole roftta taj mahog my,, made from a piano taken from the- house efa major in the rebel army! The rests or Jogs toj the frame were taken from a pair of ; ; bndtrdns from the same house ]| The irests ot the boiler tame from a snare .drum.. The holders of this beauiiful IRtle engine too W.;H HaWkins. of XeAyport, N©W York, Vand W H. Evans, of Ulffit, York, both of ■company H. 44th regiment Ncw|!York > -7^ :bo length oflirno taken’ ; being under process : nearly three yeays—it mea quite a curiosity, ould prove a valuable he way of historical re ’i ■ . ! 111 : itSdia to make < chanism, and't to complete it of coubtractior certainly boeo and one tbat w acquisition in i cords and relic I The Pleasun :s of being; a Witness | - It Is a pleasant, thihgj to be a'wit : ness on ; important trial. If wfe I knew that a nurdor.was aboutdobe committed aersss the Way, wo.aije in*! dined' to the opinion'that we should put our boots through-aropid epurse of, IpbPrtioiion round thej cdrneij; be yond the rang; of eight' and hearing, to avoid-the' consequences ‘of being a fitness. Being a witness; yo|ii are called, to the stand and plaee'j||your haiulon at copy, of the Scriptures, .in sheepskin binding, with a cross on or|e side and none- )n the other/to ac|corn mpdato either variety of Christian faith. ! Yon art then irraigtibd before two legal gei tletr.cn, one of smiles at you blandly, because yon are ,on‘bis side, th< other eyeing you/sav agely for the opposite reason. ! Tha gentleman Who smiles proceeds to pump you Of ill you know, and.hav ing squeezed a 1 ho wants out of you, relentlessly h inds you b\|bt -tt tihe other, who proceeds to show you that you are entire y mistaken in all] your suppositions; that you never saw any thing you have sworn to; .;thal L yod never saw the defendant in your life; ;in short, that yon have committed di rect perjury.- He wants to ktiow if iyou have ever •= been in State prison, and takes you •'denial withthe iiirjof a,man who th nks yod pught tphave been there, U .ska you’ all thc ques tions over agai i ijg different ways/and tells you, with anawe-inspiring'Sever ity, to be careful what yon sayj He wants to know if he-understood you to say so and io; and wants tp know whether ir cant something el!se..— Having bullied and scared yo,u r cmt of your wit?, and conyicte'd iyou in the eyes of the jury of prevarication* he [lets yon go. - By-und-by, everybody yod have iallen pat with .is pat cin the stand, to swear you are the biggest scoundrel they- ever'knew,; and not to he believed.under oath. Then the op posing counsel in summing -up ; paints your moral photograph tp the jury,,as a character fit to bo. banded down to all-time as the type of ihfamyj| as a Plait whb had conspired against inno cence and virtue, and stood.convicted ojf the a'tte"mpii.-. The judge,/iff his charge^:tells the jury if they bjilieve your testimony, hto., etc.; 'indicating that theie is even a judicial dontit of y-our.veT-aoityv and ; you go,; hoite ,to your! wife ppd family,, ueightora .tod acquaintances,, a suspected, man, all becausa of ypi r abemeuia!' pVbsehce, on 11 rfadnfoitiieate 1 occasion; j !]i Who Would bo a witness ? , . f-'jj. , nWivv Uni given to thp country the - fol to wiug , eucpeesfalj i G»eneckls;-r. Grant,! Hobecrtos, ;Bbefmto,‘H'f hpr sod/Sh’eridaß; Kadtt,' Garrard,;Gar-' field, Schenck, Wpitael, *tfitlmoi»,"tho flwrderoct ; : -i/V f.ji ; ' =I 1 .!■ ’i • ■ •' A* mem rva.ir • v.t s -- t,° j ivjy ■■ t 64. fl -.11 * til , I--- ’-iv C..XAX! Tsoit-jrj. g‘:a;: ■ 1121 [ • -'.'i $ Established | McClellan at Malv< I . We;find' the following si, [bout McClollan’sretreatfroi Hill' in the Rev. J:. J; Murk’s itory of “The Peninsula teat Virginia." It ia|a piece o 'which will; be difficult for 6t Giellan.to explain.' The eta i he more important just hb« J act that tbe Rev, Mr. Mari his bistoryimmecliately afte lau abandoned the Peninsuli It was not wrijttenfor pol leot, nor by a politician, c but army chaplain who was afaiih ness of the scenes {which he qe Wo copy it now for the beorfi people who are invited to vo:e sweet-scented Gsnenil. who ib from a victory which the glc ri Army of the Potomac, had woi Marks says,; ; | . The battle was over, but tb e canon ading still continued, and s mils and balls ofevery kind torn through the Woods in a ceaseless whirlwind of fu ry. In; teh meantime i thou: ands of the Confederates oed in ‘the wildest disorder'from the scene, and 1 Meibom selves in rwainpB,;,iid hollows; i ol'ditts without; guns, horsemen without caps and swords, to the hospii al in the battle-field of Glendale, and reported that their regiments and brigades werosweep.away and they ale do wore “escaped to tell the tale." |, : It is One of the strangest tl ilogs in this week of disaster that G ;h. Mc- Clellan ordered a i-etreat to Hi prison's Landing, six miles down the J lines ri ver,n/fer we had gained so decid’d a vie tory. When tbfs brder wits received by the impatient and eager’ariny, con sternation and amazement over whelm ed our patriotic and ardent bios p! Some refused to obey the commanlj- Gen. Martingale shed tears of shinn d... The brave and cbivalrdus Kearney said in the presence of many officer 1 ?: “2, Phillip Kean/ty,an\ old soldier, cktcr my solempjpnttestagqxnst this [ ordeffor re treat— tat ought, "instead gf retr -bting to follow-up the enemy and take JlftAmvnd. And in full view of all the fesjjpnslbii ily of such a declaralion.iscij [to you ally such an order, can only be prompted by (daardice ordjpdson. 1 ’ - And With all’ hopelessness*, a flush of t: my utterly, b^Selii’scafCer^S*a ic-sirickeh, . j And when there was nort a ft in miles of Us, we left our won' hind to perish, and'any one. iug the 1 wild eagerness of treat, would have! supposed were in the greatest peril, tro lanl aml triumphant enemy j Eetaliatibx.— -Gen. ■ Bui | Union forces. |lhcky, has adopted ' a severe f cessary policy! for ridding the the m'urderl.iilj; guerrillas who long Infest id" It. | In relaliati the murder cf a Union;man by of these pul laws; lie recently { four ofthiat class fr om m nun j prisoners which "ha 1 helo, am led that they should beeXecu ! the spot jwbere this Unionist, hi killed. Twenty Soldiers und' command ofi ficu'teiiant, were ed to carry out the order.’ ' •the doomed men to the place; ted, the lieutenant! divided his to four squads of, five each, j a signed to each squiad the duty. cuting one: of guerrillas condemned men knelt upon the the order to fire wjas given, ea eeivcd five bullets in bis bod the murder.of the Union ms fearfully avenged. I. •,, , J • Inteunal Revenue Deci The Commissioner of Internal nue directs that when ainaniif produces an article of special [a tion on his busifaeSa; being bin of a structure in the line of h.i; ness, nb tax will be imposed 1 © article, .tint it will be levied up structure complete. Thus—ac maker will not be taxed forth ufactured hubs, spokes, whee which are of special use inhh ness, but should be make hails, or other articles used in manu ing carriages, yetj having a j commercial valae, not being sp applicable, .to bis | business eu< ducts will be subjejet to taxatU IS'That faith | which <j> preached to his Ironsides, to t| God, but keep their powder, drj reproduced inossenee by floyj Trafton in Ifew-Bedford last S in a sermon on “faith in God, f« the Governmect. and faith in thj eousneas of the cause for whi are fighting.” lie warned his< gation of dark, days, perhaps arms, of dark days | to the G over! dark days to individual mcii'sc and trust, “flat sj “I beseech you don’t in any dal go and vote for [McClellan andi ton.”— Tribyn?, V [ : •VjTbe New"l York’ ; Cbfn A dvertieef ysth at attbb'Mf ratification'.meeting in tha .#* Overbold, ofPeonsylvanity Bat ‘.‘Lincoln 'worse soWs-'io'Jnal fittu H&t Dh' TliW'dbolßrali fenityi and *HI reoa ipjilanwi.'’ - ■ 1 ■( f I , \ ~ t. v Si? 1 ? . •■ . $1 * ;-- * s<t -‘iS? pa^-: «r~oifii^p« U ■; s4UC liMspt ~ Special notices irMr moJ; addltiai toW nlmr rates. «*»>■ ifVt'i W-s i . .•. ~ •ad otter Notice* public nature, lt#a,v( IIEI tfeis i *t ,| *-'{* p . fe . .vr i • • t from AndyJohnsop. The; Indiaoapslia Journal publishes tb e Ibltowing fx oh} Anirowjobnson, I ’ top Vibe fTjxfesSlant, written in answer, to ■»-•letter inviting him to . speak at liOgansport,Tndialts: |-1 * i Wo are g^tjog along .here aawell as cquld beeicpeeted 'W b aretaking steps gradually to Sitajte; re-organizing courts .as imporiaDt preliminary steps tbbill ing a ; convention, Mad Lblding : lions by the people for all the offices of tho; Slate. ■ If our. armies aro Bnc cesaiol at Bicbmond and Atlanta (as I trast God theyj wijl.be}; -w« cun give a vole; in November for, President add Vice; President; p Submission to the Gonstiintibn and obedience to the laws made in-phrsuabcer thereof are tbe only peace measures | that chould be-offered to any; portion of the peb; pie of the United Statbs; TheselOem the best and most substantial cbmpro* mise, aDd ohe that can be adopted by the people of, -ibe rebellions State* when jin l tneiV discretion they may th i nkproperio do bo. It is witb thetai bow [long < thfs war "shall continue, or wheh peace shall be ipadb- ’ TpC lerihs of peace have boedp fbefore them _and wiib|themVand tould have been niado at ai|yl-time they thoughtproper to adfepl. them.'* If {the Constitutionand atpflataj of the United;States are now tovpo disregarded,, and separation an<d the acknowledgment" of an ■ indepea-■ dent Southern Confederacy agreed, to, American freedoiP.is gone. JA sCpira tibnpff lhe.Soutt| from theNonh will onlysb;e the entering wedge to other divisions 'which will .follow, sand/bq- •; come as numerous as |the States thom sclvesj.resuking jp mo terminable civil war. Heaven avert- us from the ini. pending catastrophe, and preserve thc nation [ from consequences top-diska- 1 trous tfodj terrific] for cbnte(npfation , /‘ ! ildmeot a aJ Hal vera stale hi.s ijaigaiu f history floral Mc4 tementis ; from the <s wrote r McClel- ical ef hy arii alwit scribes. L of the .for the away ions bid in.- Mr* Very unfortunate is it for General n’CleJian that just on the .appearance of Lira jotter of acceptance should np* pear the letters from 'Generals Graat and Shfecman, and the speech of, 6eii. Hookeh Grantj [and ShS/than, 'and Hooker, call things |by their right namea--rebeL3. | Ai'plellantalks about, dug “idyersaries."’ jGfant: says:, the -I- 1 .-ini,a .divided‘ ■North/-' bat iheirj ‘'end is oot tur dia. this-, sdtfnn.t*'yffßv - fir|t and treat jafterwards.” , 51’Clel lam; comes,. with, his : letter taking a pl&be by the side jof! such men as Vai* landigiiam and -Liang, :whpse boast, it is thatj they ncveij voted a dollar for this wyir; accepting a. place on .the. tickht.jWlth. Pendleton, who, iff Cpn grbgSjijcaUod ;uppn let |ihb /.‘secediug .Stately J depart : .in • peace; fho comes "jid| whine „nbout the conduct of tbo Waf, pwt Lc tell us hpw , to endiit;,talks softly about our / ad-. yersaiSes;” and advises to witch when our .‘fadvciisaries’l. are “ryadj /; snd statesmanship ,ioj*<i cure peace.! What says Hooker input the time joy ? s :, ,Thbj;<f can =bo ..no hope ojf pegco as long as a i rebel/can bo fojipd.MitU arms in jiisj hands!*' What !a. edntjiast •between! the mode of these threc 't?e.nera|a wild fight the .rebel fpj. lihd 'the General who, in the early part of the war, lout himself to-fight political! baltles.:-! Grant! comes with the tlread of rpiijee ty, right stiaight i[head, .id! beat.down all foes; McClellan ,hops[ add skips fc« bout' Ab catch - smile( | and sliu.h' that ffdwn, wirci andsquirras put there; mousins-.politician with>,olJ die; on. [Oqd|la/'tjncbneUtu-' tiorial Surrender,” and*, the' other,j is ‘‘iLiltleiMad.”— Clcvetan&herald. ; r v . ■ nd des« Humph. j© with* Jed be-: titness «mr ro ll at we a vigi- bridge, nKen (s'ut ile vitate of have so i jo .'fpr ■ a gang i elecf|od rjber |of (L order i ted bn i id been or' the [dotail- Takir.g. iiidicu- jnon'-iD*' ad as, if exe- The 'round bb re f, and h yas ' ‘ -""“i . ■ * | ■ ; I' ; • WjEix PfT.—Onj the occasioirof the National Fast, the Bov. Dr'. ifobiuspn, of the [Theological Seminary, pleach ed in the Central Presbyteriat: Church’ of Rochester, N. T., and very perti nently [asked:—“.What ’naan can’ write bis wij&aud 6ay| this goes down ■; my helped lo.aircct this warooforoits work is done,? ,rl a should!be ashamed to have iijsaidbf me,, that tor property or \any other . selfish icoiisidbration, i pfovlpfUfadsbito the. issues oftills* Civil,' War of We are not exhausted, We can i.dt be .-eyeii if - ;is •<eawijOa -; down to the next generation. Jltip we ought to carry it totho-nestgen .eraiiori, rather than abandon'it before its°work.is ddne,|’ . Ji- ! | 1 : ! r ”l,' 1 ' -—’ | 1 —j! SSU'Mrs. Tom] Thiinib has a bjsby three months bid—“a little, cuntlpg, .crying.doll of a tbipg,andin ndrespeot ■ peculmf or remarkable exce'pl' in the promise it'gi ves if beir.ga fullttiaed child,’, add, [if ;it .lives,,of becoming**' i big again,as .either of • its} ancestors,’’ saysji Now York-oorfea pondent of the Boston; Pos'- ~ • 1 f \ HON. —. Iteve icturer [)p|ica^ apart busi. i such >n the irriage i man s, ,ltc , ] buaii S sloths, actiir ;eneral 6oiiilly, h pro n. . •m.wcll just in Wi; was . | Mark 1 inday, ilith in. 1 ngbl ich we i songre [to our intent, uj-fige id he, k day, 'ondle- '•> Gan’®jGqlt^Tbe to,f.icago 3W6ui((j learns Jrom undqubteif'authority that Hon- Lewis £ass pronobnceStha CbiJ. cago pltrtlStte fiWdst%hda»niouß eur jtehder ttrthe .rebol»j;and- he qaDOfiijiWPPW:H-H-z 5;(.V f /*; !’;>-v,v jhi mcVcial jClelluti Mfj’ilr. ft |tUat band. a Wi’fevet pi. P«>- d W!‘, h ‘ : eecap ( ed a sdhnddmhfeingfrbia a; ]paety)sK>i lda, prsyal pi Columbus a fqw day»j.|»gci.J.'■ ({ ■ I0»O1<1; B«tu Wldt, repenting ; of his indiaoWiaiion, holies; j stump: for Lincola4b||i w«ok. ■.If# i,". . •.!' 'ii ■ ■■ i ~ . i- - • V | ‘ ? 1 ■ ■ i ■ X. • -X- ! What' sij Contrast I‘. i i-'jt Er
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers