ws*ctf •«*;.*««. •' * *Of* t ? CT r V“" • - J bbl* ' f 1" or 76. •’V per "bc5Kc1175,,,, pried APP’Y I .. ~..3;,«0 ja PcuchM „ .-I ■■■ _ j 4(j - tfM* 1 ■ Coro-' KJ> ,*• -** ■ »»**•••••«••«# 1,2 Q -<•. ** 1-00 u " 75; ....... soo Ota 8 00 -3 00 2 n so i 1 00 i as; • doxen 16- :: V* ;v;rz:::] Is »ih “ - a...~vV ;w ; .. %«• 16 . r»x Ee«“. ■ _ t ' Pt5 3S > , y;t»toesi . Onions*; fain , . : 'K& : ’ Twtief. " B«»“* • •. ■I •;jduiJcr*. •’«:!«.' .• Jjirii.' * hn x T Gallon V-a-'-' 5 - • ’O.'i) S':U I* Statementof Bank of • ikaver C?tuity. ■, TS nt.iiruJi. 'May 4th, 1804. , i' * ~ T .RES'JVRCE*. active -16 100>00 ftmf c" 1 &,i&> oo n fwuuwU:...-.-- •r«» ir " ro E 1,. vVvl .;.-.ttr... 2Gilf-57 J!“‘■•. f ‘- |, ‘.Ucrl.-dksahJ'' ' ;• r Tr.-3S«'; notei..— •Tt-ir ja IT..U -i *v y!l1 ' ■ •jk ' ,/63 • t . .v ni : 'l : V> 00- r, ?; ul a.j;.k ?• •| <l2O {4O ■ :;tl V a UT.OOI 77! •■■P’l* til';' o " 11 ••:■■• , pt. 3 J 9 ■DuMV-C'-’-a".';'’ g - .■■=■■’v-A &.» &542,r;4 fi.3: • >rl !fv jat (•>»!«•<* ,<ftt«iuent !■. true and j f ‘.T "'.ilT.'ii. !»*• n f v.j- knowledge . 'T * f'.■'v.'.i'.a Hcoi’S, Casli’v. ; lief ore me/tliis 4th J iiijllv-*- ’ T . . i ■ , j y '(...••'. Sviury T’uhiio. .-, JLIS? OP LETTERS ri vM in fh- Vos; Office it Hea v£l*. V:u. Ailit ■' l l. t 1 K’ Aii'tor Maud " iMcMun v. J A 3 ,;'.xlfis--iiUzAM •S; i f v UEh Ad-im. . Snir.h Henrietta.. SniVh Wn\ Thoraiis-L S ' 'SlTchael jWatters George • \Vh V p C 1 anntta Ay bile Mi im K*t iit’iji.’.'iist 15' I .Jc-'iiUfk i, -VM-n.; •‘-■-a-'j. for letters in tU« above tia. will ilJense/saY l-brv nre iulrertisc‘l. 1 • -*m. j' p. m. i f; f Sft.l!*urs. ; from T a. in. to "1 / LIST OF LETTS PS = T\t,v, tJxTSfi !«. (lie l*ost Oifice fit Koclics \ V,- • Vii-. Jtilv Ist. IdtU; • -Si I Vt t* v i .ttvf. vU- (Poster Janie* , ’Pa'fterson Polly 'iik'jtqolil Miga Olla jSnutb VVii'.iatA ,'SlnitL r*l»jra ' -/ Mfc*'sii*aQ L^m-KK { Tuv«rii!* Keltic • ’Vosho Juhn IV 1 Utn Vr.-H MV.' - Kv.'lW-a -Ml' '•’Vl - ME L I>', ( iWiii.nlii -Taft ,W ( . [ i . T.. -v / TAVLOit. V.M ’i t " [ U«f* Vunsiwr-, fr'vrrf =III f; mi i . ■ -v. to . r.‘ m.' ' 1 . sf" ' .; : "■■■ , ■; •; • Al:.vl .Subjjie/ia Divorce. lit, Fy,j ■ V- ft- fcrjr.rt'c Fry:-— Vou ftVe hereby cbm* i h ; mid af ?ieir your nvoper pM* .»v- ..i*r Oi -Heaver; nt thecoun- * I 'iimmuij. to h» JislJ .on ;Um* (-7 - or ‘ 1&64.- to sacw «!*i. ■. V i > h v y.- u have, live said Ueuibcu H \\\ be ‘livordcj liom tbc hcjuus •f. r;ai> -mv c■'»ill!*Q t*Vo<l \y:t]i.yn*r. - ■ .!0-Stil‘H -I.KDI.iK, Sii'lT. ■vKv:rt\ i.M ? icjr, juiylii.’Ol. ME • ■ ■ •' ■*. k. V',. k C.< } , iVfiK > oil.l »•<**!l ih hv ibc Wm. Wilao, 'i-xio of. '•ill i»« lri surviving CTNj/, - HOI?a.TIA WL WILDK.- i’*y •-! Xr fall ill* i-j. 4 ' ■" jf * '-I'AUVNcWiiU^ — TV. _ uiiioV flui ? of -v\ fc C 'fu-i will i 'A ti ■£ Ijito fnr. vV /;■ VV. WiMo i'" - " .. iiHy.i.. u*tr.j>rt ■ •* [■„ .. ' ■ ' ; .’U'NJ.a rj.A vr. . l'V- Vi,rhf*.n, July tl» t>V*. \ ' 1 T:w K COU RT OF foil -1 i’h!v\S OF iir.AVEK COUNIT,- ' . *«•.- ii.yuoi' of i ire TvjujVicalli>n for a.Cbar • ' v> ''- -J 1 • Corine!Vresl>yieri-n Church 1 • *‘’ vp * lownCnip, Va. ■ Aiju nit, Juno 8,. IHii-l, Application '-r !: ? *aide-, O.v Court direct. publicanon nc- Act of AMewbl), nnd that uu £ •shown to- ihe contrary, the' . \-' r will bo granted by ,!vpurl a; ti»e next Terio.l ' - • J ; ; .. v » a «Cocx , lT,' Hi . - - extract ‘from the Record. M. WEYAKD, 'Pro. U.-iS’i'l /.. AMM LVLSTK A TOC'S NOTICE; "I l-'tJIERs of administration on the estatpof! |M o'-V-. M'lCcnzif., late oi Kocne*te T boro., i '* <:C 3?a v n, gr am ed. to tne! U a '* P ers ‘S! s indebted tdsaid estate l °-“aVeammfeaiate payment, and iZ': > e □aid estate trill* f-iscnt them t 0 the subscriber properlyiu- for gefttewenU, ' i Adi'r, *.»■. I _ :^;: :^f^Hoclie S ter tp. ' _ xoiiciiirT.: , j ETt'Eliji of administration on the es -0, ‘ *«s’t of S; Heaver -l’to .? Ter C,n,ut y'- pitying beengmnt 'l“u,"ifrfgnod.;a!l![Persons iindebledto f»vn Hl ■' f^qiic^tcfl to makeimmetliate t -tate U i il" J ‘ ,ios ? ImT ’ r !K plaints against said uProi>*i.i_ J***®* l tbpfn-;tp flhfibsubscHbcr £ ‘ ■ aj thent Seated for settlement. I. . SARAH M’CEAV; Adm% j,/ South Bcaver tp; , ®p. P. M. ' Qffiri huPrdftnianal 51 , ■■ . beay:eM.axi | *•-' W-UTOR’S -XotlCE/ “* B^ oitß fliers‘testamentary on the ... • ■ iB* tTer “ n af Ale *- Asi.gnaoa. lata of. Big . . K«IT • Hotel, ,B | b *«n mß < T l ' e I ® oubty " 4*e , a,.ktoinff a«itfi.’63-: i’.,: : ta.-j ,be ’•“’Jersrgneil, allpersonsi —— i !ls ®eai»i^ r J“ d eß t?«e .are'requested to make -■ • r :«.- 1 *faina ,1,/’- ™ enl .and thoSe iiaving claims ■ | ,uth «mi cil '“’'l l present them properly BROADWAY- &iU [ iyi3.o* JOis - akdersos: EMcutnr, •;! . _ ■' Biff -1 'Be' - HAlL'RQAih“timrc,p"~^^ P>pw* (««#■ -, **-•. j ohksq*v p«o'il m&'W'tioinlfi ■■} , ■ -•■ -• .. 4 ■ . •; . \stoVß. >rs'.is ME ‘‘WpT ViViS', Ws^ss;»i?s -■ |,'.‘ i ,v'*-v« _ *v<*ss : V*- 1 : *-aUI - J ‘\‘ 1 1 !•»... s :' : i-’i.'ii- ■-■ 10-^OI^^IDS., , Act of Congrjess p#-Manrh-Sth'i that oil EbntUiaStted.' dihtSr ahklfr h 2 EXEMPT nata or.municipal authority.; -Subscriptions to these Bonds are received ip. United State* ( notes or National BanksJ They are DEEMED IN COIN,a; the pleasure oflhe Gov ernment, at any period npfi«» tAon(en. nor mon than forty yeortfrom: their. date; .jahiT uhiUtieir redemption FIVE PERCENT; INTEREST •WILJ. BE- PAID j|N COIN', on Bonds ofhot over one tother-Bonds tectm-annually. The inteveit U i I payable onMhe,fial dayadfMarehand Sepij ■ teipber in eichyear. * . ... , ... j. Subscribers!will' readire either Registered or j i Coupon-Bonds, as!they mjy prefer. Register- j ■cd Bonds are'recQrded on the books'of ihs i-U,,S. Treasurer,, and. can lie transferred .only i on the owner's order. "Coupon -Bonds are "pay J I able, to bearer,and are more convenient for commercial uses,- i;-.4^. t -; • ! j;''.-Subscribers, to'this loan trill,have the option >of 'having '.tlieib‘-'Bmacre 'c raw interest from' I Mii'ch Isf. by paying:tlio aoopred interest,.in i coin—(or in tjnliod.Staper notes, or ihe notes ! of National lianas. adding fifly per Cent,’-.-for i premium, ) or Received then.' jinterest j form the date! of subscript'sir and ’ deposit. — ■j As these boiais.arc - j . j EXEMPT FIUIM MUNICIPAL OR STAS3 j icir value vs increased form ono i to three per cent, per auumn, according to the ! ate [of tax leivies ip various pari* of the ! epuhtrv. i t. '[! . ! 'At 'tfie present rate of nrl j p ;i y' X.W. 10 1 00 ■ 70 ME! ; ii 0,361 87 5,16:4: 87 ... • . 1 41 OVER EKJUT PERX'E ia and are.of can permanent or vemp(S*ary in It is believed'. Jliat no great In'lnccmcuts Icr' laai dcboriptional of .C.' S. Bo forms of indebtedness, the) private parities or slock coi Communities only is pled tv'nile for-the dcbfs'df tlie I whole property of the coi ; secure" tile payment' of*® ’dfiferest tii'eom.' ■" ■.j ' These S?hds limy be sul . i from $OO up to any mugnV .terms, mil arc"thua made \ the smallest lender nitd tin • They can be eonycrtcil iiit | mein, and' theihedder will 1 the;interest. ‘ 1 11 may be useful To slat i that the total , t'unded ll j'Sia'res.ou which) interest > ; on the 2d day of ,\{orch, 1 i i't'd l . The, interest on tji; I rulom fiscal wil} j while the customs re veil : current fiscal year, tfnding 1 been so far at life rate of, I aiAium. ' L- ■ 1 It will he seen that evei i • -r • - . i vcteuucs of thckF Govetiinn i * • ■ ■ p > * | exce** of niiuts of tin • •{jjijtatiU-.uf gi>!d‘mtdre»i, i \ crease Jf the -l an If v*Ul (In .uual froin c.tUoti mount of i>n:Jori;alK.n3-,‘ t j fiv.nuic,. ; ■ instructions jto tl>e N*l , a* loan'agents prpro not-U: ; Treasury!' vmill Mi i iii.'c •Uivca of Apr ; !irfi*;»gvd .• mote; I’.iua i W.citKi ; • - i Suhscriptiouji re • First National Bari* Third National? Bant ■ which pre deposit ;tt£cs of |in ' | I UIiSrKbTAUiK--' DAXKS [throughout the |e<iuntry, tneNiuiOnal Depositary i funner in form a ion on aj ; AJford Kttnj Facility mayll «.-:ide Stri. V"< Ue. sold at pub ■y y UK DAY, JULi’V-iT residence *»f the dnTj.imlbe following property, -vir: ‘ \ ] on, ouo douo le sat ~ \\ agoij J : bugpf}',. One roch/uvay, 0 : grain cradle*, i\rj 'plow* pair fcprendci’s.'dlie bnyedn rttiree fcaiupr h'edrf. one I j tv.'u ‘•v’l t“u!i u> v hetfec, •(iesk, one pair civic tables, .I lot of Uv«ri>eUiYg. nr*4 u nu •; numerous to <aruutci. ■&£ • oue’.o ciacit. ■ * ‘ ' Vcusunable crcdi,i s ■ X>i vijiendJ ! OV | ! ' N<v.v Brighton! j rjnriE President' land' Dl i f have this day deelat j FO'OH. PER CENT. upon! j of the profits of the la« j to Stockholders dr their,! ;on.demand. - Ep ! ' | I>r.: D. M’ OFFFdIS hi* p-ofessi 'citizens of , ’ ; office TJitt Shannon. Huilait 'tetfio]. ike Dianutnc Dr. !.». 13. iXTTJIO baa been for:’ ■ Vfi/■ Surgeon in tbe.Ai aud,again located himsei /Freedom, Beat offers" bis professional set in Phillips’ v“ ' r-r “*v ~ .'-r i‘ -i -r =bMlP=fl :;mium on gold they ST INTEREST al convenience ns a resuneht; ■securities offer so ilers tut the various ids.. > ! ln ■ all other faith’ Ot- ability of npatiea or separate gedi for'.payment* (United iii-ues the mtry Is' holdcn to oilr! principal .and ;-scribed. for* in stun-, tudc, bn the .same yqualljf: available •' large**! capitalist, i monej at any uio : bu\e the benefit of :c in this connection lebt of tire United is payable in gold,. I8»U, west 5768, 065,- s debt fur the com- ,rbc 545.937.126, ue in gold for the J r iir.e WiMli 1834, has jrV.p 10U,(K)0,000 psr u the present gold cnt larfjeiy . in Treasury ftfr lUe while the recent in 'ubtSesb raise the sa id on. tti‘o«oainc a ; jH‘r otial Bahkt acting ucd front the United fcli it hut in the ! the nibEcripliom 'EX NH.LIONSA ceii'ed by the of Pittsburgh, of Pittsburgh, ON Ah BANKS Public iaoney, and AKOBY- ,$k xat: i AND BANKERS acting, its agent of innks,) will furnish plication cud i i Mi Subscribers. • I .'o- indue... iio yendiic, on-54T- T, at the .laic r. iimwoohustiiy.ihc mo :tVb;?iuvrse \yag .barnW*,. *m«' upon lie w irui-m.U, . two ; ouvjivg oliftin, one . i v o'pairbcdtjUKtl’*. ogelWkiug glass, one dniges writing, table, a mbei’lol. articles too 1c to commence at t wjll be/given. v.\u. sorter! No. la. n.tvtß Ooixxit, 1 May 3, laOl.- J •eclors of this Bank cd a DIVIDEND OF its Capital Stock, out A month's, payable egal. representatives, WAKDIIOOI’S, Kinney^ i inal serrices-to' tlie VICINITY BEAVRR AND is, " - . 1 . a, S. Is. Corner, iff , Beavef/JPg. . ,■ Ypmig, oma limtr acting, as my, having returned '■in- :• i ' , r ;-- •! er • County, trices tp the public., building.;; fmilrt'63 KERR meet to the People of I , i?TiT Y ibllc ■pft’trbnsg*. Jl 'ur * '• i. ijaVer, ’Penii’a. ?PLE ’on, Prt.j ' • -v Sheets JvW'pntUrnjibf-;' ■ [mar2B’§4" V/-H 1 L9JO2 t fi !rfj them. maj their epproTal tMwa »^*«Wto*or again* the«*» ameiuimel J^SfcPft-W!p?ilS fl<il l '(BeWn- fcimh acetibn if ts6f give: iWs: jmblia 'notlcetO theelectbrs of'the seriL:!}' a^sSs£^^>«!S&p 1 (beingt.the Shlday.pfAhp month) uSpceipJ. third amendment shall ibo considered as toting. i'.leotiQUr ,bo held at (the sevoarijmecUon j f or oragainst the, proposed ninth section not jbj thpWs,WW?fe;- eleven of the Cdnsilutioiv . ’ . ulpfltorsyipU.sptu J; J -OT .?uief*«o»t«• by,biiUpt. ; JSccTioN i. [That thi'leleCtion on the propod* I CeMtituiioji.'rf Eoun#yP?»aiii berpinn.ttormpn* bdlamendments shall, iiwtlV respects, be cpti lioned,. y|i:.', :■ - ,i; f ifb< '.i ■ 't•> ducted as the electrons lof this Commonwealth -r ii-' !; : riltsT Ailr.viv.'ftENT.- * '■ ■'■■ - r ; kre^now conducted, and it shall be the duty -i-irtiSStW. any bfi'thb. fi ° Sill msmrn^sm lfS present bt th uy usual, place oil , “f o Xf countY> todthejother sealed and • ;,,, ... -,j itr i - tsopxo. jbtpntfsst.- v , ; ~ ~*r-| {tss^ 1 j B No bill shill be passed;by;t)ie UghsUtbre aSTphy' 'one' of smd | containing nljOK'p than one Sdbjbet, which shall virltla.iii the most convenient : post office; upon bn tiearlyecprcsied in tab title, except hp- wthich postage shall bp prepaid at the cxpcnSp prbprhUioii tills. ’ i’; : "'| ■■-;''■■ ;-. ■•! 0 f ! t lie proper count y-.r ■ f.,- . • j ' ■•■ . ■ TiHEn-AMEStIUEst.- • j •••.• i Sicrios,: 4.1, Sh^^i power lor, privtleges »«.*£» XlSr w * a/about the ulbonty to grant such P° * c ff e ltcril l elections ConnrjontreaUb «bail liasbcenormay hereafter be con- ?K^ .uosi*fc«. £ and aboutthe he Courispf thm .Commonwealth. fori aW, all! persU,! , ~i. *» ks| (***«' £■^£^"^"^ll; the : foUow>:, dhty urithecoinwissibnof .anyoffenceyti m The ele’cto -s Of Dorough towaehip will meet Jj. tl ,e Said election,, as they wosl for lit.the ejpuvt/House in the bbrough oCßeaycr. th# ne^ie et of. like duty or the commi*ipn if. ' The eVceto:« of bridgeyiator i borough *W o ff en ce at, in or abottt the geucral elec-. meet at the Town Hall in Bridgewater. ~ , ■ of this Commonwealth. / : | i ’TWilecttrsof Phillipsburgh djstnct will . f=tHetebVj.Qiveil- 1 ■meet at jibe lublio htick slehool'bpuse, in baid -f HoWl««dtt»,l^WWi,. Jl boroiicn. 1 r l -.' : : •■ IV .. ; That every person except Justices of Um- The clccto -a of Moon toWnahip will meet at Peace, who sballhold any office or appoint* the houie now occupiediby :jsiuirialt Hen- ment bf profitbrtrusbun-ier the dricksuh in |aid township. ' -J l : of theUhitcd States,-or-Of tiur State* or of The ellecto ss of lldpewcll township-will meet any city or incorporated .district, whether (a iitrhe school lni of Scotts- commiSsioncd officer nri agent. who h or.Bhail Villc, in! said township. - i'' •« - ■■; have-hocnemployed unjlOr theLcgi.BlaUvp,Ei- : 1 Tue ! dlta:t«Kof Independence township iwal;i tcutivc op Jddiciary department of this btale rheW it the -House of: Alexander: Thompson, jdr the Oriitcd States, or of any,city or inept dee’d. In saidtowUship. i ' ■ ■ I,- ■■■} pVatcd district; and also that every membir 1 The tjlccto "sof liacooonltownship .willdncet , 0 j Congress, andiof the Slate legislature, ado' at the house of David Ewing,' in-iaidltpwn- j of the SelectlorCoramon epuncil Of >ny city, ship. 1,,. • d ,• { ; .: i -oV commissioner of anyencorporaled district, ] 1 The electors urKronkfort’district will incot. j d hy law iacapable.ot hplding or iat the house of Oeoi'ge Ddngan, -in franltforl. it the same time the office pr appointment hf. i Thft eiectcrs of JiV llUire’s district will facet Inspector, Judge, or,Clerk of any elocUoo bf at the house of John Porter in the.village of the Commonwealth; and that no; Judgpr .I^-, Ilanovfr. ' ’ spector. or any other, officer of such election. The t-'.eeti rs of G reene township will meet rfmll be; any to he then voted for. !• at the'house of Elijah SisJwauger, in Hooks-j Also, In and by the f mrth section of an ACt town, j' J..'-' ■?: it ,Approved the 10th tfAprfl; 1840, it is enact-, The elcftqrs of Ohio township tydH-jneet at ed that the ISth seqtion.of the act passed July house how. occupied by Jamison Elliott, in said 2d. 1830, entitled ah apt relating to the elet-: ! ■l .1' jf. ' tious of this Commphw<|aUh, shall not be-con ! The electors of rig ht'on township (not cm- stated so ns (p.prevent any militaty officer : braced.ini!n|lustry district) will meet at the borough- officct from service as Judge, In- ] school .house, near [Richey Eakin's, in said apector or Cl|fk>t,anylgenctclprBpecial eXso •' ' j ' lion in this" CbmmopweiltH..' i.' i The (jleptofs of the borough of FallSteh will ': And the solid nctiof “An metft iitj tho .Icadetny in fjalbiton. j . ■ Act relating to the elcctibns of this Commop •ThC)(leci<i -a of Pattersop township will meet ,ye;,uu,d passed July 2d;^1839J' provides-is house in the villageof llrighton. | follows:*‘ si' ' '. . [ ~ T '\ ' ' 'l[ , 'Tiic cleCtt n of Chippewa township . will [ f That the Judge and jlnspeetors thdaen /is meet nj the house of . Axariau innmah, in j ithcir respective placps said top'nsliijj*. - | i appointcrt-fbr'holding tlic elccfioii iu the die PRO< §&fTQJ!ASj pn Comn|«iiwi i Ho biU sbi 1.; j where Ijhe i j or ptmlegesj j furred upon t|. 1\ - ' Tli <» eject O' meet aijtlic ] Mltp. J • TI o electc meel at the e ‘The electb: lacc.t' at, tlic, laivusbiji. . The eiccto if ike .itoiuu. :[ Tiit elects; will facts nt ler. on' jin<i Tim lilceto at Doughtrl; township! The |lcctc at the l(ouse 'township. ■ The e!c . , , r^cto) ■hstrict (will) bovougll. T'ic itectfjrs . of meet ntltho. IJolcsvil ■ The clootoife-’of th .will the sch< ’ '■ Jiit'eiottnijs t'f l'’fc Iri-’t ".vill i>icot at thcJ The electors "of Mew bewickloy towdship wHI ineijt at i lie iiou<o:of John teazel, in said towaidiijl. • [■; 1 j ' , j ■ i] Th<;-di«kJt6if« oi'-lntmsiTy district will incct ! 'st;thtr school house i:i Ind’jiitrff, '. j : i ■ TBe electo, s of- Harmonyiownship will 1 at thelfotel in the liconohtjd ■ ' ' ■ ■ ' j - i " i’ Tile cfeeto;« of Economy-townslup will Wet j at; 1 be'house if George <3. MiniiS, in'ssidljjwn p shililVk J- ■ . j . I -v ••• : .. ■ j‘ "The lletuen .1 udgbs "or the respectrre Uiii j tricisdnj this Couh’lyi-are required to meet at the Court House in lhe.harough .iof Heaver,.on Friday the (• h day i f An ;ust; iddd, then-and there Jtji -pe;form the duties enjoined open flioin by-law ■ ■ • ■■= - . ■ ■■• Where aj idge, by ;hess or unavoidable accident,, is unable it tend such meeting of Judges,|then the cert |c or return shall he taken o'f byli [of the Inspeclcire'otv Clerks of the ipi isfrict, who shdll dn Juid perform 'uhiib'.c Vo atl C&shipr "I- also girt notice that by the Act of. As-, seihblyt app -oved, at aforesaid,)on thg23rd day of Ahri ,•A. .D.'-1804,. it is, among other thtags," asXJ: Uows: \ - gsciids 1. That for the purpose! of ascer taining the. i>nse;pfjthe,fcedpTe of this Com monwealth, in .regdfd to [the- adoption or' rer jeetionjof-s: id amebitaicbis, orjeiih'er bf (hem; the (soy«rnt r of this', Coftiraoh>vealth Rhall is sue atvm'i f clection, 'dirccted to, each and" ’of .this mandmg them id" give notice; in thb.bsbal manner, .injnet less tjjab. two atuvspapers in eachcity ripd- comfly,"provided that'kf : tnanyi are ,ppbliisedi-Harbin,OT>d «hpr;a*t le«L»i two. of everyrciiy.anJ. bbunly wWreui no, 'newspaper ducts and pistriol s|Uf srst". tTuost jtholfssbil ..eight; hundred And" *ixfy-fogr,',for the - piirposii, of- decjdhng-,uj>ob! thoiapjiijpTal and ratvficatiop, orrejeoaih'n,o{thesaid %ipcnd menU.jwhsfch saidi'election opened, held and closed upon thdday last afpreSijid, at the. plaices and within the.hours alagd Within which the general eteetbjintftbf this" Cbmmon wealth are jdirected. to be opened, add s closed; and it shau-be the duty-bf tin judges, iulpec ioraend derkeoreajoh of,.said townships,,bo ronghak » f , re ceive,.- at tbpsaid elect iun.tiekeU.not exceed ing: ithbi .ntjniber: bf |; .proposed- -amendments,. ritber wrilica partly, printtcUfrom Mehitrf tho.iprtUted ,;vo tera niay offer -be’same, and toMopodliltiem iius’box iorrbbies for that nur ijbtttT*|>l|ed, by,' the pboper , Which tl*k«, shall be respectirely labelled on the .» <f„ EWE •J,*: *V-lr - > y- ,*• s*^' ,11 111 Kcaver tdwuidiip will John illowe, in said town- of ull.'O Of arlmjif'on township will >; in Datlingtun. . x lig lieh-Ter townstip will i widow’ Miller, iu taid v.< of rf i oadciay !-■}: cf i! b iO.iitc ui l,of ; Frj uf Marl: mkliij township will meet ,K. Clark, in said town- tjr.tb township :e c»»;cupled bv •s o f X the. hou if Bonj. ■9 of, Pi "» bCUO - laski township wiy meet il he use, No. 1, in said rion lo’.vnshin wild meet ;e HartieW,. jp., ia said v Brighton fcoroui •s of M' if Oci'i - fs nfTfc »cet at 1 w the school house in .said locheLer township will e ScU ;i'l Houae,. in'-said 1- ‘ - 1 ' - ' ] - j » borough of Bochestcr .ol house in Rochester* , oiloui borough and ■j ! di?- scho|>V hoiiSt in Frecdofli. sic! ;o at( irSc'ai one >n di its'rel electii [file Uut’u ;cmL| paired of skid Judge -.1 \ ; ‘ kjssy-y-i,''- ■-i.r'' -is. Uicts t,oSvhich they respectively belong, be lore <) rt'clock on tho inoriiing! of th.y. Fiir't August, aud ca«K of.said, Inapac-. t(u : s shall appoint oac Iclcrk. who shall bg a ({'uiiUficd Toler of said 1 distvici|. 1 , T I In cajfc the persons shnll hrve' eii tlie Recoup of. votes for In spector ehnUinoi attend ou the day ot‘ au.elojc * - ' * J ■’ "** rieeniYet 7 tio'n,' then,tilts person who ahull-|litve reeoiV' ;<1 tiit sceouti. highest number o£ votes for Jutlco Int as, the,next preceding election shall act u» lit spector in and in case the,person wjio shall )i;(vc received) the)Lightest j husabpr vho siiav - , ,w _ i ~,v o\ votes-for lii'-pcetor- shall nut attend, tjic present elected Judge shallappcd’nt ad Inspdc ior in Uis place; and in casetUeperVun cleot cS Judge shall.nijc hltend.tlien thalnepectpr who received the highest number of votes .shall appoint, a Judge in lua place ; and ifany vseanCy shall continue in theEoard for , the jof '«ilir aftr (he'tinie.Saed by.ljw J, I ' ra’j.and space; . onclhour after .aie.Sxed by. lorj tbe opcapg. of tha r olectiou, the voter’s .of tlicl'township, ivard*,,or district, ,ipr which f-ueli pincers have .been elected,i present at the'place of .election, shall elect otic of their number toj fill such yacancy. ' ■ | It shall 1)0 the ciuty of Assessors respect ively to iltciid .at, the. place “of i holding evj>jry‘. general, special of clec'l iou, : during the liniesuchelcetioijis kept open, for" thepur- pose of giving ‘ infoftnrftjon-l if tLb* InspcttiSrs umlJ itdgC3"w 'jii f clot ion do 'tLe rights of themtdvote at sucii elections, of.sifch other matters in re lation to tbc iaescsVm'ent|:of yot.orgas;the,»*id tispcctofsiorj Judge, br'eithyr of tli tin shall uifrom cie toj time require, ji , r |;SI6 petsr>ri r jmt e’.cctiop, us aforesaid, other thunawhilefrOe mfji of. Hie tigo of twenty-tine yearn, or,more, rwhoishall LaveTesiifed iin, this, State-at loist I nnjySar, -and in }Ue ; election district, whereat ; offers to vote, at least, tea days immcdiatel; preceding such election, tnu tvithin paid estate or County'Tax, which shall lieea assessed jit lanst ten days before jtlf election. But a citizen of the United' Stajtf v.'Kn has.-preViptisly )oeen -B.;qualified voter 1 this State; and removed''therefrom and rotufi cd v andwho, shall- hgve resided jin (h o clectlni district and paid* entitled; to yote -g . ..the, x (jito t months: Prp.vjjietL that t t^eViwhjlp''freemen', citizens of the PuiteiV Stales, between jh« ages of twenty-one and twenly-tiya years, am haying resided in the State- on® year and] in. .the 1 election) ■ district' ten : days as' aforesaid, shall he entited to vote although they have not paid tnjqa..j,. r ,. ,1.1" ■ T : - !, Ko person shall be permitted tij vote whoes nanie is not contained in the-list of ta' hy}h«Con^Ai£p)|i*,-un less, first, he produce a receipt for. the pay ment within'two years, of a State iorcounty aslrtsaad agfceably 'loi thevConetitptiOn, and gives satisfactory evidence' either .on'his own oath or| affirmation or'of another, thatjhe bw Pf id such tax,, or on I failing to: procure. a of the payment theire , Pfj >or if 1h e c Wfhsja'flgh t. ip' Vote “[by being an olector hotween* the ftt'ge 1 of tweiily ono and twgtty-two years, ho shall depose Ion: oath or affirmation that he has resided in the.. State .hi*-application,* anti males such proof of the residence in the district as if required in this act; aid that! he does verily believe, from the account given hito thst he is of the ageaforesaid,ahd givea riush other evidence as is [required by this acf; ieal Ust by t the lnspectors, and a note mhde 1 opposite thereto by writing the ;.word “taL’S ifhe shall ho adtoitted to-vote bylreasonsof. aving paid a tar.- of lhe word “age,” iflhi' shall be admitted on Mcouht of hisl age, and the ulcer notea ;U > tha list of. voters kept |V them, t - ; .v . ■ [ . ► . r -1 - I V aWM pet, eiainun^ to i» not found, on the list ft 1 Commissioner! and AswssorJ U objected to by any qualified oiluen, it fl ■: .-! ■!./ i-■- ! ! _s•' ‘^£&'- n 'fhr '-■_ y. J - • . ceding , : swear.his bona fide residence, In pursuance of ira jaiffja *l* { ' T thepurposeor votingthereni. 1 - : i"" Ms’W^&srtLrjTS.-s tUf#ateniany;Tiolenc« t<rnnyj tatch officer, or shallinlerrupt o? with him in^^o.. execution of , hia duly, .or shill block up or,;kiteinpfc,to ET6cS ftvenuc to; any wbeW thoßshidTinay he jseaco of «ueti election, ; pr. shaU’'uSc d)f practice any ‘in sign any, elector, pfto yoti ig,-or to *!***? W dhe jfreedjpin, of his choice ;_'is ihii^.per-; Spnou.cbnvictioif stint excccding-fiTe UttiidreJ'dunare; adlbc tin* :»w'! mdytjip; andl if" it ;, shattiSp slfooittUail bylbd Court „who 'the trUr dfSsuch ‘Jtffeddb bad thiil. tie* person' offending was; hdtf a resi dent ; q£ tHe : wierq '.Um Bdiff.offenees wascommifted and not entUledto-yotetatreini. tKcn,.on'cpavicl>bnie shall bp sehthneed to pay afihs.df ndt'Jesb than pbe,hundred nor&orefhana>ne ticusaba dol tap?, anil he impfwohcd&oVlcss ihunsii; months, yecpra. . , '"..■ , .df.anypixsbu. o ype fsfiasp haTlimaic pr wager,'.upon (hercsult (if any with in this CoiompnweiiUi,. oi .stall offer ,to'miko anysuehbet fit* wager, pittcr yertiaotoent, tjhaUenge of invild any plerson pr persons td~taake such ’a , conviction thereof, lie dr theysliull fprfci.t and pay thridltiuicayic hoi' oc* offered’ tube bet..! . J V‘|7'' ,r.y If any 'person Hoi by law qualifiodshall fraudulently vote .at any election within .this Ppmni«nweaUh', t pr bciug otherwise.qualified, shall void out jiff, his proper dialrict,' or I' ahy person Vtfowmg thc. want df .Bach 4uaUfieiLtroa, shall aid pr -procure feuchpcrsons to yote,' the person .or persons So offendjng couvic tion, be uned in any i Stm not: exceeding, two hundred dollars, and imprißoned'foraiiy tprm not less lhan.thrcd months. • i - :jf any-person, shall ouei election district, or dtherwiseifradull-Dtly : fdld i and deliver ,to theinspcctors two/tickets to | gether, with the intention to yote illegally, dr shall vote the same,. or if pny person. shall ad vise or procure another to do po, he of they so offending, shall, on. cbnviclioij, be fined in any amp not .less than fifty, new mpfe'tfmu five hun dred dollarn,and be imprisoned for any tend I.not* less, tiikj three .nor nidre than, twelve mouths, r. | I ■ .; v . f: •,. If any person not quilined to yote in this; Commonwealth agreeably ,to law,' (except.the sons of qualified eitisens,).shall appear pi any place of . election for ,the purpose of issuing tickets,- or of influencing the; citizens qualified to rote, ho shall, on convictiod, forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one dollars for every sue!) offence, and-be imprisoned for: any t crat j»t ..exceeding three Imontbsi V . tjiven under fby Kaid alßcavcr. I SEAI, Vhe 20th d»y of Juno, JB6-J. ■' —•- s>*- l ' — ,; ' ; '' J *:.r’ ■' :■ JOSEPH LEDLIE, Sheriff.., NE IMPORTANT DR CHEESEMAirS PIi.TS XiiEcombinationcf ingredients iui those Kills.are the result p{ a long and extensive practice. They are mildi ihthblr; operation," and certain in, correcting all Irregularities, painful menstruations,'; removing all: obstruc tions, whether froth cold oriotherwise', head ache, pain .ini the side, palpitation of-the heart, whites, all hcrTOuanifoctionsj fatigui, hyster ics,, pain in the.back and disturbed sleep, which arise frhnWntfcnfnption of nalure. Dr. Cheoseinan’sjPills ; / was the commencement' of a inew era in tin ■ treatment of those irregularities nn<tobstru;- tionswbich have consigned so many ito a frE stiiTi'Bi; ditAVK. h'o female |-<?an' enjoy good health.unlees she is regular, knd"wh*i!iever ah 1 obatehetiohr takeS jiluoe the jencral. beajth bo gins to decline. . 1 ' J- • ,-\[j Dr. Cheeseman’s Pills are the most effectual remedy kndV&Nfdr-atl: complaints peculiar to FemalcsJ TofallXclass I scs.they are invaluable, ipdfieing, with certain- \ iy, periodical TfjiUaritj. • (They are:.known • to thousands, who have . used, liiuni at different jierioiisj throughout tliejeountry, hiving the sanction of some of the (■ suo'St eminent I’hysi ciaM in America..'. i|" ( , implicit direeiio/u, Hating tchin they pjiouia riot ie ,uteJ, with each. Box—the 'Price One Dollar per Box, containing from 50 :o CO Bilb. . Biib senl-by maili pramj>tly t : .btr remitting to the £ropfietor..'. 'Dr. Smith of Driagc.water sole agent for this. Countv. ‘ ’ ,' . : : . ■ B. B. HOTCnr'VGS, Proprietor, : jun!l*'CB;ly ; ; 20Cedsr St., -KoVVotki 1 Marble ■;]W r c»i*l£Ss.l “E>. 3Jrons^ : i rpHR Subscriber,:, ntrnoances to'lbo public, ■| , .tiiu,t bfe i$ preparodto ■ furnish ,to , custn-j. all kind oßwofk fciiTiis lint froma PLAIN SLAB to ft'C’AUVED TOMB STONE: ; ; ! American and , Italian Marble Kept on, bandi ed. .nU kinds.of plain as ,well *a,OrniiiuuutiilTvSrk done in. a satisfactory mannur. I ,V.|, ( "U. IRONS., 'j ■ • , . juiMjlaiiiL, .i, •; ) ,1, vmiESlil dry goodsl fPPIROY&GO., ? fi4 ;-VYood St., I- FA-. ! '•■ t •. : ' FJE R THE IU .SJOCR. FI,H E isds, |: -):-r■.•-■■'■••-.■ i J -'"- | At! ■ TB*‘ LOWX»T MaIKET -PMC*. ' \T. 25,’63 ; - '■•■ V-,- s: lift, 1-1 IEXEGUTOII’S > ! TTTHEREABj J ’tho Probate Court'<>f Colum j | WT j 'blana'daunly, 0., ] having granted, to tho underiigrted deiters teatanjeutarj'' on th*' estateipf Horatia N. Barker, lata of Pdrry.tpjS; Columbiana county, Ohiow iWd - allperaona khowihgtbemsclres indebted to said -'estate ire] requested to' made 'lmtriediiife payment, and.those haring claims agiinstthe dime* will Snt theknproperly;Buthenticated'for so(- nt., - r 1 if*'Vf. O. 8. BAKKER- itx'*;; 6^61'‘ ‘' : ..H.£w'Brighton, State 6t ‘ deo'd* ' T- [ETTEBSof adtoinlstratlon'da dWastil e df I j JontsTiimui, jJatWof ;Big Bearer town-' ship, Bearer County! Penna., deold, haring beengrantdd to omUraigned/ aB ! poisons indebted to eaiatejtrn. to make and ttfose hairing claims i against the same- rriH present tbetaiproperly authenticated .for setUeknent. . -T <-«■**#Stas** •% "r-V. - ’ ,r ; IMBUIE.-OViington! rjeiM’frt ; J,i; i. J AdninMU-atora.' j--'. Kv I :H 2B©CHESTER, f.. fm J , BBATBR COUNTY, PA. fsjp2 ==nWit=atell TO i j : 'l^ ME h:lk - • 't_.' ' *. . . nfdrm&iiM/tfc NE ‘ [.- 1 .';' . , >• • . -K.*-' l.r—.j '-j •:'d* r! '-v at Pa*tu 'I .;.ri, ! . 1 '’>> 2 I.cmo J Bn« tle&o LAWXB, 1 CHALLIS, VELOVj . r i SSEPJfI&SPLAWti: DELAINES; V Arid a full |in< | vf, Plain Black'and ■ ;S«cond 'iio&lfning Ejreijs (rood*, ami langfcre, . joys; ! .; the nature'; -t,- , ■ spermaterrlhea or seminal weakness;. invo notary eiiiissiOrpa* sexual dcKUty and ijsnls til wjarripge generally; .ofastimptierph iiti. 5 m«mtatand ,pbyaical®eapA iityvresulfthg ffom SBLF-AjßCSli—-are 'fully tAl.riued- “ In. ilho MAKllTAdfi GCTBE, hy IVMI 'P. This mpst'HßXtrabr'lihnry befic should h* iui ho bonds of ,every young.; per ipa .contemplating . j marriage,. and every man - ir ; woman. wh<f Uc | Sircfsto limit file-number of'.tbeif.'oißpriugsio I their circumstances.-. Ivvtv;: naiiij. diseHso;jan<i [ache incident al 10 youth, i;i t Uiriiy and old fTge, f (is fully explained:eerpvy. noHiolv yf knowledge ; that.sbould be.-''hn p.-giyenj % }of engravings; luiaoL. it d scloscSsecretsthat 1 every-one shujdd know; still it i»;«'bopkjjbat || must be 100-hid ««; end not liAjabout the bouse.,' |lt-will be sent Ho any fu>. »)•». receipt Of j tvrentV-tiVe cents h) rpetpo or. postage swdips, j ■ Address tii." iV«;^VOI ; N 1, ’pß'^pnicetsti, ; shovei louithVd’bnadelphli‘ ‘ ' H . iSt 1 Vnfartui ftiCj Bo o,utter what [may-he. ypar disease, .l.e-o; e you place 'y'tiir- Self under the cate any of the' npioi-Tou* QrAilKs—native ja itbit'.ov-'any'otitcr liaper. Lei:, a* copy dfTlfr.: 1 Vourtg’s book,, and read -it 1 pivvefully.jt li ’.will j bu-plic, means of saving yip, ouvay af: dollar, f yourlAulii!. aad.r-oss'ibls. your. 1£f0«,.. •"■ | , j Dii. VjJO'd can Kc- coustilied «u lay.ofiiho (..diseases .described iu his, [publication'. ati'hia j ! bU’ice, 4lt 1 Spruce ."it ree!, above Fourth, Phila i ' hours from 9 j>» d. dailv. |- rmaf36 ;■> vf '■ a,™..'riiii I ‘MAWWiiCTORY'; ' NO.S-.221 EASIHh‘>VEXII'i-f!illli,-.h . - - j. ! ■ • .173 & 175 G ! RA”N'DsT iEE'il-A.vt! 6 ITB - ,a ’ ; CitNXEE,g-mEj;..' v.. ■ j S.T. r'srAU!.;sJi2u3S'’-R H T ; the / !TfiVlllS Establishment h..;; been tu'sa.ieesbfub ■ y I" X df’tralkin ftir 'St year. .p'.nd is t.'.«.isrge«li, , Si CT r lof the kind in thie United ijtpt i-s. • Mlp-it&rf -'u; i | | bund or n.rracf:i.'ii:r(.' i'V'.rUi': ev ;e;iJesc.-:ptiou , .•■ I [of I.ooking-e;-'s;-j I’ictnreaf jil’ortV.aif-'Frfimec,' ,-JIP j Plain and'Uinr.mcr;t!tlEJcii'|'tV.i 1 t I.,()vjtl 1 .,()vjtl jcjliun- , - - ■' }*, - CiPKto’ot'inj ([pinries. I pVhC and | . f Bracket .v.dili IdaViip .ilit.-, - Tollrt i j Giasspe.-dic., -iic’:. ic. [ Frame?, ‘.luta 1 /*!- fir tr.lasp.-niutidn—' i either G:U, i BctiUngf TbxacwoV'l, Jk.-!{y EeJ.ra, (Jdicdseyo, Mahogany. etc. j<>ui- new mantifacs - I lory and exfehsije f;u;ini:c|i : C'’ai!je 'is tpffyvnt / : ri’sb any artielo in -our-line pi gbed as ’tbd best,' , land as tdipß^bsibe-eueapc.jt. nnditikiieeeby'ianacthd jby“.tle, puthprily of* Dealera,hsft)e| irivited cafi upon tip the same, that frptn and after the 15th nay "dt’orsj ,V. e rihini-tp bo [• June. .IStU, ill coai to eiii- i able tp supplyjtp - [ t zeis imugiil shall be. leqjiirm to ifivd 'their I- |. * *.* 4 ’* iWrt’ccUv, mdlcatiug j, tliioxuimber til- bushels jj»uwi-.conveyance Will i;prompt ’l>qj.ul full u(i aU*vf ; Va yotTvisit , hold, and ilie ! Ne;v Tork. - j j zens in said borough, failing .Vo. 215 )' . ■ttfsatggyi re^ffcincnt^liftU ” ■ V. r HOUACK Vj jiiO L'i,V.Ay-ent .. p4y.a^fineyof^l^ifoa.^eyer/such-J MayT-fSiuoo* - ; : ■ odeuce; said Rife and forfeimte \6: i>b lcvie4 I. >ri **’ Oi|d cpUeeled, t as any other duos or j ; ' , 1 *'JdvJ2<A.*. hses in »ahl,topongh. Approved T o4:' H U TO- Attest;' _ ; A.NO. A.SXeWi)ES, cia C ^ £ ■; ;• ’• i. , ViJatmfe •'»’*« i i ».'.•• -.••,• torrhuca, Gon?uinption. Mcijial ind I'hrsioel • ■j.. ,;i '.I! , , jDeMlity, SetTPusness,.EbiltpSy;,lripaired;Nu ri^BE.subscribjsroffers for. sali bis residence Irition of tUvßouy ; Xiassiiude: 5; eahness' of.- Xen h Hot’se and'Lott ' The tbe,L;mhs and the’llac!; :[ ■:■ uspoviUon, anlj ’. iranrovem'ents a Erick Rouse 50 feet front Incapacity.for study ami lpb (/ r r Jf • by 36, feet, deep containing lO.ropuis and Store ' AppreiienVion : Loss.ef -Mhiaorr : Avt-vsion tU Ebom, Cistern, _StaM«.[ s.j..'.tove.>f.“ Solitni^f,- ticAU^v;Self- , Tree?,'Grape Vinos, S.C., Sc.; - i j lifstfust; .D.ixxiuess; liendbebsi,ss»fc:Wn» of ' Sixty aCfes first rite flattd, i miles ; the Eyes; Bimpies on the ii'ace; 'involuntary ' below Ueav.-ft uniraiirpved, with ex. . Emissibns. cnd Sesnht ffieimieHT'; liidi€<»>»*.' idUeut IVhite Oak Timljer, ;onp-mile’ .from, the i qhcqpes of youthfiU indlgclretioi!. 4tcf ; '• ■ river. .. • ... j . -■ _ jssigv..Tlur adinirable I.eeturp'clearly provea JAlsb, a lot containing 12 acres, one mile j that ith'f above often se[f-afiticted from' BinVkr, enclosed! with a board '.fence evils, may be removed: wiiifut medicine" and suitable fora Gnrdncrer or Xugeryman, Fort without Dahgerhus operhiioiis, and ’ fiprther particulf rs enquire the gubscr.Uter. J ,bouM < $e'¥catO»V cvciy youlh and'eWj’iai» Titles indisputable. „ I „ .....'tbt f la*d; ;: '>sa f '' ,-.■■{■■', ic •■ 'May 21,'.0i.. . , ROE.T. M CEEERY. .j- Sent, f"p khj; -tn'js..plain ' “1 nn apA 1 ’ft CIC - - ' sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents,, oc UK. 'lllliUi v jLLLId, two postage stamps.ihy addicisinp, ' -V ; /iHt?FEES J his tfirafeWdnal nemebli to the . ‘ .vCRAS. y. 0- KLINE & C(i i , \Lf ciMsens ofBEAVEE AMD BURROL'XD- a J 2 < Bowery,>'ew York.PosvftfliceTJoxitpSG. INGVILLAGES , . I i 1 , **w~i a -t- -r- , —,, ■ j]His Office la.ii PiiiUipsbuTg for the present, ':’ •“ jrtsA—tj- ICj A: V_JA-s|. tv. where. he can bd*. consulted at hny-.imc, WHOTI'V 1? JinTAl? V .Wednesdays excepted, vthieh Uhya ho can be '' • . f l *) <*- A.V.A V.**'X ! , - sejenathis in. Eittsbvf, where.he has I. , ■ r.i. -A ; •. ■; ...’v. practiced for mote than: twenty. ve , ra : . fTIIIE undersigned expects io eomniinoe, ; ,|Dt. ,Cleis calls tUeafflicied; si. week : Cturding,! SplnfiUtg. Fulling,;: tothe.follbwin': diseases-—Scrofula. Blseased 1 E, 6. ,51ll «S ,end, Dyeing; also jaanufseture or Weak lffeitionsrEeptald Sartratte and f Coteaints, Chronic Discasesiof long sending |: Bl,lu^P t Y , at ! —dll of Which Rk treats withremarkablo ««? wear huddnrab.U y. I pan tvarr-pl fijjood*, essi.i l? ;ti 11 -i Vv;> i J'lf j.-!-' deo2S-4t - to ho surp.u.ispd*, Xor the. * ’ t , ! •~ *v apwmmpdation -of,thOse bii tlioYealt,fii(le;.-o[f P I U j ij 1- fi A/fl M. the Beaver, HVool. eie.. .cait be left at my louse Miilßl i dam V y *li m Pulksli ‘ town!?,K|p; ot j Juhu Hodgkissou I #!* fdgfOWlltfir. ! store in Mew Brighton. t * '•' , ... CVS-'; _ jeIT.SS •-■■' . FVK-M.j SMITH, -j 'l'HE'iubiSjrllier her fitted’*!>;■ to *i» elegant : KnAf'Va l tAA4”* ••.-"r 'jnd modetp 'style, for en! ICE *t.x„ ’ SAEpON. his house pnl the ednier 6f Bridge rr ff v,?, r<> P r^M ‘ t * oflhe QAnrd WirasePbn*. and Mulberry Streets; I nu f X delphie - would respcbXJuHy ..esll tbe aUj ; -1- •is'-i' 1 ' C»- ' "... 1 \ . ientjoji <rf-V)iusju**i Oien .and the iravellini • vjtKCB allfl bomeotionan^a ,: comMuuify ; superior accciumqdatlaW 9” S "~-5 KA.vvg»,yoyi.i{a.»c>. r\ ; - ICE SALQQN- 1: W, ; IVE OREAM s&^Q(t& x_ : . ~ -i :v | otthepiblie patronage is-woVPiU.I. in the Court H«use‘ - * t JW»j26,'66 . - WAUXfi% f rj | Choajper than;ever. shoes: shoes:.:. , shoes: ■■ V' v ' v W- '■'P ; --'i 1 ■ . Lasting Congress 0 ait era, j; ■' .ii“ ' .. Calmer tl “ j, ■ . Mqr.occcr’; .{• ■ Boots ‘ jy ’• ■ . Anii a large assortment of fchifdren's i-i ■„ ’ / ■ y: . 1 ; : > 1 shots, very cheap. . . - J •" '■ " ’i ; £-/ ■,,! BASNETS, BUTS; FLOWERS, BU-1 ■; 'j CHES ani BIBBOSS In ■, | . ' GRJL Jt f' \ Men Hats end Caps. Sun * ■j| V; ]' JmbrelUs vy | Sillc, Cotton orFrcnch ■ j - (■ ■■■ -■ J yj ■ : GHug’liam ■■ .V|id a large aWoriment of : FOREIOK and DOMESTIC DRY l| opening WEEKLY. v ;, . GiVo us |l call before buying and 'examine FEMALES. our stock aad pikes. All goodi Warranted to gi»« satisfaction. j F V ' ■■■; the Place, r , FOKTUSE’S CIIGAP STd 1115,K xlii TK3 Diamond I,|j\ ' -|v oi’ 1; .; ’■ •;V-m ICE CR'i •-p.'-In, Bri. i .-.. MNIM TWspfl" pcaO \i fr-«si i c-i' *0" ■ ,jf i’ -jiU. r: L-i ENE of • #l4 Of diargo, '**'.'.\V:S V : =II 4 . >‘U V O pened iVaSev S tor e aESTBBj-.PA: . UrV :l ''. &*t~ color cjiieo 18} >ed tonilin at <•. . / 7 ’!*• ' -i' ME i.;i ! OMISEMIRMINIM -:T ■!.’ s-. ■~. ■ rj; - •>■' 'T’it r \S ‘ ■-*•■ Wringer with itte-Patenl- Wheel Hcgtha* _ tor, for turtuscg ut*,h tuTl 3tq gj6t hcVti nd * whTen pointiifcjly prevents the roPiffrom b^atinjadr twistingen tUdS Shaft, It,hj Jio> fwtWriaghr. but t&jfi f^gaWheels-giro *■ . . i power which ..render* . it i» j most JExceUpnt - j Washer pressing and' separating.' «* ’h flow, [the dirt-With' the' wilier'shiu the clothes, i tearing them dry or; whiter, 5 jia(i.stn.x)t her-than . when ‘■v.rung” by-hrtfi4~.Tfie*whicr eafttfte ■ pressed from large' and ssia’ if articles, easier, quicker;- anil more-' ttior.'.Vigh y tharth y.tlthPf ■ J Uin.'iVy. oM-ifiNUioneli -bach-breakine, wrial iitaining,: aid/clutiwa Tie,Cog-wltifcl3prSr'<:yth*i ‘ ' dfotattos% > t!»j4'#l«tion*yf the rolls or brcM- , ing of stitches by s twisliugr ! */■ ■ _7,‘ .“".ft : Without, C'ogtwhyeVi, - th, -whole ,strain; of .-; forcing the - cloth through the Machine input, upuji the lowJrrhi}. th.(.'Cl6th'li mddetio:' i act id ohe -ptace, hf Oog-'wuculs, to dx-ira the , upper roil, earning a nwclc , W.tho .lower rolttlfcalwhcni Cog-wbeo!», k -«ph tra strain hphhfjtljio olptbyi wanted - Liberal inducements ; offered. and excluaiie sate ituariateeu. ‘i r ■ ’ .s-;;nfa.;sifuyi!iNG.^.oSntr:^ .' 317 Bk-odway, No W.York. \YiU.e, WOLF, Us tul^j, "Borpaglr tow osafpf », V-for I nivcijs* tips‘if. Jl'jqu. . ioodu,. J Ufc^de, .1 •; - r". ■',l. ■ ’. ‘.r , Vi lK’ , ! t O': I’l, 'Hi: ' lEEE I £ 1. '.l :v .V-l- 'i iktiSl i TRKKX t ' : ’mo; ,-i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers