#edn esd^y» •■’T'iMßnlE, Editor Si Proprietor. I> *■■■ Z.-X- 1 . v and JivrASC*: otherwise Two.Ddi- »iil i« charge 1 Np paper ducontjaaei ,U »ttwr«g«» are settled, j; ' ’ , f and conpnnications; 6 j maiU i 3TC I" ") J* ij l i Hi- g ci b 1 6. , EVn r. r. i \ AItftAXGSMS*?'. i ‘i - % i-;" / nesve" Sts'ior.— GrOiSrp £aktT * ■ ~r ; . : ifoy 10,1183-1. — TVain* ;'v,. Auivc-s .at- rittsburgh, >;• if. i: : {i r. * 4 1 i jßo'ii'i> \Teit—' / ' f. Pitn'oir/vusfoU»ft •' /, .lw -I - Arrivcvaf Weaver,7:4o i. u. ■sp «; ■ >• *. * 2:2h 9. M; 1 - i ' < “/' ' 2*lo A■ u t, .v >: ; cri/oi:oir. rJ, P V .MVi-.vS, \oi*py*J:etAgent. , * CJIfCASOC. R. •• a .fteUcn -Goi:>'o East 3zer ,4.- ; itojl; i Arr. »t Pitta, T:2U A. v. tfCft A. m. . 2:33 T. M ■4;oO P.'3: 7:00 «, M 2:2'l a.'m 3:2i! V. M a: 'm 21 ,M j r; ».'v A. ■1 K M-ly • -c-’.Oo ?. >i..i P. M,.. A. M..L r’ •Mail, •V 5 =IN f';l ) ,*;V C.niiu‘i L |i \ \ O'.-'-xv i' 1 :'tt| ■ ••.■-■ - kj. » .• ■ ~ j 1 *-.n' i •< u:.f,:.n , i - m , ■■ ' ] ~ ?•;) ?. m 7; 2C» p. M, f;' ’ 8:05 X. a. . fa • f ». r - .u&U, J:0 1 .v. lit *v i - A' a. m v. n 2:io ?. M ; Ll -■! - ‘. , wM a4a< ,r.w»«^,sit^r»«»a>wacanwHM|wgwß QUartcil/ Statement of Bank of ! Beayer County J,. ■, N'pirßstSbtos. Msy IBo4i . : . ; \'ji« so.! f-’.'d -V.rcouu. :1, »ctW« $85,270" 40 Jet pr.-uf-it 100 1)6 Jit H:’:-is. o.‘. 1 ;>!> 00 . »■!'• 'v:r I •lit. irfi-.i. not *3..' 4'. So O' CO Tr 5. f. : i‘.r s°£at.,*onc’or. ... - 200 00 ».:,u 'i‘JV;r tKuv.’M ... '1,90S 95 si *M:.cr l :... 20.017 07 ■r. u *Jt 1 U . ,*7 - i r C ;rj 1*0125, ' .in r' . I ionics- • Ciiv'ul stock .*-J 15, It)C 00 i- -■'ircuts'.iun^. l‘i*-;!o' # ;*or* I*7 OS’l 77 We Kit I/ ..... .. .••••• • ViiTi-wuu^ t c'ri.'fy.tlV tie«.V.»* r(s«»4nt i*tnie uni c?rr*“A Oi« lay linodiedge v:iiVi'-f. Honrs. Cn.*a’r. ..." ■ aw, ibis lib ■_f M, . .■ . ■ ■; . . ' T.}} V;i >' MiS i' -LETTERS I ,‘i '\u <• P-jhi *.V Utsa- •i.. MliV i>L 10*r-l Ile •iil I. I .-•4 -S • I ■■• l ‘Vin ‘ r\ n a r „ Utin-'-r RIM ■-•i.Hdi *Vra Emily sima «■: .*frs Mi;-; ;ri .1.-.* '1 J y* :1 1 • <; Annie *‘-‘ r *» tbe above. • r i.'';v ;!”•* r-.ii* VwN! }». m, IC' iV.nv7 «. ni. : * fir p. n. 'l* " BETTERS t>- : - : i. i J 'i -I:'- ME T'a 'm.* • ~' r ■» . .. I*' Jvhn ■V» Mr-nij*, 2 •, \ T*£l.| T VV*,nR. P. m: :7 -jiu - in;£-ih4 i-uuiruor, from i' ‘in. .valuable farm and coal ’? . p . jj: 1 '*»'•? c-f first- rxtfc.ianii, in! V., avir cviauy. about 3 "■7 on the P. Ft. AY: " 7 C--ul aping, UXlj HUXDItEt) • • • ;v*i t* 1 ;! ;^rL'>. Hi-v.-n'r uTres r,f iliia laud are cleared * s\* > i .hul’i; r f i cnitpv.-i.t ion; tu.e balance j' 1 -'',' r 5 * •$!! >ipvi--’v-fence. 'Filers ‘■Q-| leiiuaes a'stone-id-.vclling house, n ue'siu-iug ,(ihn. upper story o I itseJ as-s>. duelling, .'and hewed’ •- .bis.-cllrnt crall :o borjionU.r the - tract, with' c r»iiitmlF ; - - ' lESE L '?',:r;}' „rc • J .Z A 1 ..’--Cr., inn .ifV’--. »■;.. 11 i:i -S?u» ); el . Slaj-1 I>. ! ' T -; r p . 2ieric?n. and Ct? - v.-l a' t-nrk ik'J-'Krt ;V , - ■ ■ A:,M^-nU =PE ■h.-\ .ETTrr.s rfT-f-v^ fets^i ■issyji^l I for Eoiden J °5S "» 1 Vol. 4:0- BEAVER. COUNTY, IN,th(rO'rphan3*jGouri in of Beaver, Before’ (he n Court., Id the mutter of of Brittain ah H. Brittain and Ann ] minor chimren of John- Bril !_■ Andmbw. to witf JuncJl eppoifit jjj. B. ’Welsh, Es. taie tpslimony and report t captions filed. [A true Ex / JOHN A. E 9:20 A, T:o0 :] s:o' ; Soticb.—Tits Auditor i-attcnd to the duties of his i Court House, in licaver.’oi ; day of.iluly, at 10'o’cloc' ■ tithe parties interested tv i think proper. ' - •} : , jojß’4 " ■ M 'p. k, 2$ EW j d>H 10 iITO X, , Ju iJ C,iix£Cla|b. No. 60.. ' IVj 0 claims' for credits will.be ireocived et .Ll *be ptT\ce of Pro. Mar. General’s Oiuee, llariM%tuvg, Pa.,, unless forwarded by the claimant's ibrough .the District Provost Marshal, accompanied; by the necessary evi dence. All claimants; therefore, arc hereby .direct'd to compile tiic.facts of each case diid report a this olase. The 2laim?|wiU be for warded .by mail to 'Headcpmrters at Harris burp, a&mo preference to claims presedPold by tiic claimants in psrs-fAi., Dy order of A. A. P; M. OmcrKlf , ■ ; | ' j John c cthrkht.son. ■ Capt. & Pro.-Murslitt!, 21tul TUst.; Pa. 7:5t) r. m. V :T-=-- ArrL at Rochester. 3:30 r. -m. 11:00 a. x. 1:32 ?. «. 0:15 ]P. 51. ■ r > 1£! 7 t? ■lies* 4o so r, t : -i) - >' i-2'.-2.77i 63 ,M Mrs .Sami : M* wl’i'l** A 0* *«•!!*. T ; -.« VVa :}’a •, a 'D Tliml ■,wn Wsi 2 "• ul'i.c-rt Gftorpro .Wei ie P- jt a'i .Uoclioi '■;.k •r ..’1 I.Sv’.l * Surnlj J r/.P.hn ‘ ;'•••* I tl 1-3 [> Min'tlfcn S' !. s.-pina itiqmrj of faun.. i“a.y X. I'. g.-.nr M-. 'Veyand, l‘ro , je«,’64;4» : e "W"orks 3 rt>ns, RIDG £ WATER. mouJii'C 5 ? to the public ■i ll> flivjlisll t'O ■ CU?tO' ’ibsjs line ivom-a PLAI2 O.vju STOXiB. j " Italian [Marble ’.iJnJs of i lain,as well done in a .satisfactory " D. IKONS. f r ih T. Allison's store ■■ 1 1 rOR-S'JSOTICE. v .. i ■ •!' >«Tation bn the estate of of' Industry township', n g been grained to tho is indebted tiisaid estate nimediaife payment, and ,oaid [estate will i-'jO'criiier properly «u -&EEXTZ, Ohio tp.; | • Administrator. I' If i I :v-'■’ ;M ■'- o^t¥'^r\ lE|ißß* , X. j .. [■ __ ■_'. ___ _ ; _ • •_. __; ■•'-:"!■ : j ■■.-;■•;4^: -•* i' /A i ■ ■ ■ r ~ r ~ : . ■-' > . t . .:.. ~ ~ ' .-, -.-I. ■ , ~;-■ ;•■'-•■ • -;-■»:> ’ ■W'- t UV Ecl j * Pro. lyiar. Office* 241 ICE, C R EIAMfSA|t OON lii BriclgGwatcr. j V • i Co - r ’ 1 '' i . - f “HE Ku,?-fitted np, in an elegnni an:l rzrih-tn s»-yJo,>for an ICE CUE AM SALOON”, hi* house on thi corner 1 of Bridge; ‘I-d Mviber'rr Streets; j "<■ ' Cakey and Confectionaries,; cf fcll kind*, :constantly, kept on hand. ORDERS FOR ICR PROMPTLY • FILLED. ; ; . ' May 15; ISfil-it FnpF.RI(iK \VALZ. Diß. | GEO.. I. ■ | eharstt-lcr OFFKIIS his professional nerviees to the *of KentUi citizens nf IMiAVF.RI AND'SURROUND- ! , 4 . • ■ f I*o V'ihu.VOlvS. . ■ * I ! ■ ;lut)o,n of KU Cricc i«» in Phi-Upsbupg’foc.the present, tin ilk U ’■vV:-v 0 f 4 .v.ear. ho .consulted’ tit any' time,-* a ~a \ : >. •■\Ve.dne< i CxccjTod, winch days he can.be j. ' S sos-a at Ms.clhcc'in* Diltsburg, where lie has i • .pihictictd for ir.or«* than twenty years. . } • Dr. f h i'? Culls the attention of the afflicted j * to ’the f .Hon ing diseases:,—Sc-rofnla, Diseased ! Garroit I or tVeAi. Eyes. ’ Rheumatic Affections, Female j United Comphtims. Chronic Diseases'of long standingj. ' J —all of which lie treats wdth remarkable sue- f *-4 «=*• t■’ I .’;dec23:it . j‘l SmJ I j j vcjr than OFFERS h.is- jirofess'ibnal services t 9 the j litical-life citizens of . ' 5 i .... i '■" )fciiAVER van-p TifeiSxif'y. * | ofFicr :sii ( ; ciuied err The Shannon Buifduta. S. E. Corner of moAft thoi rf.vHjj ;hc pin-moml. Bearer. Pa., . j 1 will t Dr. 3>. 3i , Kiune.v, Dr. P hae for «j ' vV; in the Art and agMn located- bijiir'Mfl Freedom, &eav< his f‘rrrf-c j si'-.n:il spr Sgfc/MWi-M I'iii'lips' X)r 'P. AI. Oftr* hU Prof'tsiun-jL S* B BAT E k-A N D arids'ilicits a share of pu orn«:n * Kferr’s 3< <if*o \ o.’ (‘t-> T. l*T- : J • VU A . SUI'.GKrIN p his pr.«t again. at J } jg_ tv he**' / ail ;;s- v.'ivji.nw' branches <’ i-V** : >U tbn jinj-rove-l! rpjtin’ m rxtrfVtiiijrieoth |j ?.-.S Vrr.i l: \v - irr;ii;iorl ; TirilKir.'letters t ,y. y Kf'crv gratife-] to I (Coe estate Gnu • Ugliest it J’.caTcr : knowing themselves ind« I,(*re requosts'Chio make p; f ;nVi those.,having claims-: '! prVe'n: them to the subs !-ojitcB'for biittlomonu \ . AMA.NU.V -COR; .... .KXKCUTOH'. 4 ' : ATT lira EAS. t:ie Pro n biana -county., O. '• the undersigned letters, j : estate of N. Par | Columbiana Ohio) j-knowing themselves •imlJ l |;nro requested to made ; i ana those having claims ! present them .properly gi:. lleiacnt. ' ‘ * i . G. S. -I :<■] s>' ; i . ADMIXTSTRATC WHEREAS letters ‘ tho estate of A /of ''Sow Brighton, Ilejav acceded, having been <lu dersignod. ‘ n! 1 . pyr.sona in fire notified to make imn those having chiims>.gni cent iliem properly auti roeatwithcutdebiy. ‘ * 15. D. M. jel6 T ’Cl BiyitlendlVo. 13. Sank'of itE.vvEit JCountt, | New Brighton; May 3, 1804. { THE President and Directors, of this Rank have this,day dcclareU a DIVtDEXD OF FOUR PER CENT, upon its Capital Stock, out of the profits of the last 0 months, payable to Stockholders or their legal representatives, on.demand; EDWARD HOOPS, mayll.’Ol Cashier. .A.. Bestwick, ./ BROADWAY & APPLE STREETS , ' New Brighton, Fa., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tin,- Copper, anti Sheet • iron TFare, And the most approved patterns of Piltsbvrg Cooking, Parlorand Beating , ■ ViJfcwl*: ' [Tns^64 o. 36, lEov and for the county j On' Judges of said] < t exceptions to the, j ’ A , guardian of Josi-’ of. wha !«•«" (til, 1864, the Court . his pol k. aa Auditor-to * cam© tc he facts on the ex- ! met.j* - jnage ftAZIEK, Clerk ; fa,K \ ■ was a r ibotc named -trill, appointment at the i Monday, the 11th f, a. tn., at -which blast eat ; four or wo bo ill attend, if they I. B. VfJELSH, Ev.on Auditor. though h Dist, Pa., )• e 2d, ISO 1. J ieaued rebels in, tliO! him: chance. nnng } do.n’t I all.' 1 do, a";i' terrain have , I sail, with t| tht; in inv wi vou s night" i true,’ ■ d—de Since Com. , Bf-5 -^Gei CLEIS. act o Yoimg, •iiie fi;ne •Acting' as tay, having returned ? In er County, a Brigad ; setts Mi w.iil end sooner, s ires t,j thepublic. | tioii. I [mlilG'G.3 luilJing. but one ft XvEIRIi ■vim tp the People of ’vVl 0 IN 1 T-Y silion ni9 sided. blic patronage, IN* • iaver, |:Pehn'a. I ~ ■ , ' I- ■ , 1 | OLOIV (i RINDING. —Q |of years ago there li If‘ f’on|' n c ne | name,of r. He was ; driver,. : ml' lioiof la ■ bli'ssfcjd \\ ilh'a largo fa Among hom -was th J' k c was'lhc ija :i>o\vn byJr‘ !ld • -ravnv—always nis Slid[ do chbr cbrr hot (lay Iv'r IT. : bou t dlireoj n i largo lot of gra . rs . . } • kiljy for luiji, tlie X l> I. E R . I.KNTIST, jil'.AVIiU STATION, .*«? he will attend to of his profession. Ho I methods to prevent [jjanl3-C4 t arn notice. l>C!il 1' Hli'i .-*■ estamentnvy having it*' Undersigned, ; on »ox, aec/ir: lato of co. Pa. all pefaom? bled to said estate ivnient immedhitely. (gainst the-samexviU briber duly amhenti- crni One sent c will) Unlii quan li •ON, Executrix, P.ochester, tbtit fore't NOTICE The wju mill slon irate Court of Colum having grarited lo io.-'tomen'ary on tlic •per, late of Perry fp. was Hun Hprparioi h< ‘•Ui'icli faster Ibi “Ah, n| , doc’d., all ■litc-d lo said immediate .'payment, against t lie same will themicaled .for set- IARKER. EVr.', Sew lirightoa- do it?” vWjliy, said Idg. • Undo *ueh a s! )irs XOIiCE pi administration oh \Nt)tu;y Lowby. late ?er county,. J enn’a.. By, granted'to the un ndehted to said estate nediate payment, and i ist the same will pre i enlioafed for settic- essrit from Get have jici him. | T .EKER, Adm’r., • .New Brighton. lirday n comman mission dostrucli the vtcirii :. > i dohssjillc and an in Rivetj Ct i forward ; giniaj II for alter Vallejo a been sir when; hi little-cari imports: com pan ,v©iv We Be treokinfidg Converts Man Was ;ive my roadt heard a deles fs the benefit ate from, Sant tell to-.day as b, anddidw bo' >ra a Breoktn icoln Eepubii m words: “I nocrat in the e and I owned !ennee>see, and prj- waii right irokq out wo When old Abe t I Co lit; lllinois; cal experiem converted fr i ocrat to a Li roit in liis o :kinridge Lef My wh niggers in , .bought Slav ■r, the war sro npr fiv. ign, 11 fie it it his was right, u; giving Ite tiV Cool down ghV’ He told ye you a fair proclamatip undred duvs. said *ie wuh r l’ll gi; you come i pick yon-may; h yon; if yog ! f—niggers and j iujtJeff. would j bat'ihe w-a<» de'! loyf, I wouldn’t/ do with him.; * ni-r<rers vrn iv.e you hell itcd to see w :ieri I found t o go off anyn thing more t be might frq <» ~ I '.V id iny A £ niy .niggers )m*.- So, when balance' of ’ •ed dayjs were! rao morning: bn ndf ife o (opt ■nip., I saiii to |:Do you know loliiiomHt last with an AJ |c. 1 ‘Well,'-it’s [’vc been- the No;’ says si s IJ •‘And ] bbqlitionisl ; time.’ "—£ai ear ik . bat ou, ever Haw 'imbrt Cor.Cin jr. t ..Bi arrett Davis. the Senator Davin, Butler to C itlor has sent istie letter to ;Ity, inyespoi inquiry ofterc niied Stales }se|to the rese ll fiy iho latter Senate, a few :e Field, | t;arteijs in t uno «,ABts4. )avis, Esq., A States) Sen ember of the ito from Kcd- layo read vqi r resolution of You do mo 10 greater, fa- act of fhy po- 1.9 have every which ;bega 1 Koycml the loth day| roughly pci-utf rattle you al.nd official life. | -*r General of lifia r .Ajtfil l! when this, v ibjectodto fh i oh the first 3er, 1539, and ofApritlM; 'necL . ln ]]i; t vp every ■hieh began as iho'MnsMtohu ibtb, 1861, and [ar does if not L like exaihina ra to ask, and •that the inqui rte. lhat is one- ave- no favc t of justice not bo expa our oUedient 'I Bits. servant, 1 1 F. J3i:tler, litis a number red jin- Andrew man by' llie :i farmer, stage ■pOr, and was nily of boys.— s hero of our ho that he \vas ras lean, lank, on'band to; run U generally.— July Ideiwas dies to a mill, n to bo ground •o was quite a got there, so b afternoon oe ; on Ido’s lot,— nsequcntly the |ier slowly. Ido [ner man 'grejtv ng up to tile . 5 ’■'r in boforp hi 'as la(o, In |ti got- to work 7 ■r low, cc i revolved rat gry, ana his ii us. and| look 0 say*: !■ li iiy it ' i- Reub, I can in you can gi| iy boy, how 11 = M-I till I aha star ! , | :eat meal ind-u.” >ng could you - ed to death!” lieub says th ot before '! is some tt-mii the never got »ince wo hoard: vhd appears to •ork to Irtment on Sul' t oval ILinter, I nonnud the \ ho War IlopJ I'ooiv.ed 1 if.for.n lalicnfrorp his I,' whicli havi upon wliich i on bt the Ccn itv of Staunti and Lynch! nportailt port iiial—isj;Bnccfe ,to fho point i unter was oi bavins doiio himl' alter than I \ i set out. T iy have rende ice, indeed] itireinaigDifi# g- fulfilled .the was —the 'ral Railroad in ny of.the Gor-r urg -Railroad;, on ol the James wfully pressing it Western,Vii lercd to make he wot k tn (he Hislos»es have as. anticipated io services bis*' (red ai e of great |r.d his losaes of right arid wrong more ed than in .the f olio wihgjSffrom. the last number of the “To. speak | confidentially,.' qnfion ths ther, the case iiytbis:. If which way the toaf ike war.iegX going ? If wo were certain 'that tn| and almighty bird of lhat waves its ulabaster inglor., and smUeaj; on all nktii»•;freW and enlightened, would triniph oyer those savage, disloyal, fet®|aris reb els; those stealers and fioggSS' oT men and Women; those rufllan« t jaBsasa|n<i, arid what not, we .should k&dw whajt to do. But if that and gal ; lant bant of Confederate gentlemen, I who have withdrawn fronr jhe ; vulgajr I and tymniiieal Yankees,.anjJ aided by jtheir faithful colored havle I rinalntnied so noble a resist ante against | the 16afcis, jobbpirs,, sciiih ja’hd. spawn of. the.- Xoitljr-if • these iSouthern .patriots shoalt^-'esfablis i j their independencer—; j would do,jhQroage| to them, ~of noarsc.j’i What . Ges.. GhanV' T bisks.— , Tl country would ptJobablV glVe'more t know what Gen. Grant think* of -hi present bitaatiouJtban foßthe opfnioi ot all tho newspapers rntbo tsoantry. On tfiis point; fortunately <iroi are not without light. The Present return, ed from a brief visit to Grant Eriday. A Washington dispatch of ;that date says: “The President speaks to-day' of tho coedition of ! armyr' matters ijn (he very hightesf termsp|tohfider.cp jlc sayi, that General Graptfeels ns yer tain of Tiiticcees as' though itieere already an ficcompluhed Hajflid nqt ird portund the President forbore troops, or cprdplain of but repdrtfl'tbat all gjpra. wpjj^f. Anpthe r dispatch of thosadie datesays; “Th ere is the for the statiei ment that Gen. want Press den|, when Rt>)jiB v jtlio assurance of • 'inking Richmond". J | trap Grant—dM ft'ini nor) r ■ I *• I • '■ ' ■, ift®“From Bedford county,' in t|ii State, we have an evidence of pre oi the methods jesdrtod to I by ■,popper heads to help.tho Southern traitb -i in the following published in tjbe cbp porhead organ, at, Bedford: I “At the j refent writing! (6th "Ins the resul t of Grant’s campaign again Richmond remains fo' doubt. Alt-da i he has lost as marly 1 •,men ns compose M’CleUan’s entire army, when ti a General marched up. the Peninsula.- The loss of the.Fedoral army,accoi d ing to telegraph in :report,'cannot fill mueh short of 100,000 men, |kil!i d, wounded and niiss|ng, '■ TlWe las beoivabout thirteen days lof fighting, indiiding the' small battles fought; by Ger. Butler; which would average the loss of about 8,000 per Jay. 7 ,j. Iheso aro the ijkind *of arguments used to gain copperhcadlvictories a id |to keep up the spirits of’this lankaid file of tho party, jand tbdse. are -a so [ the ■ arguments 'used to the | spirits of the rank and file rob |jl army, and secure,,victorjeB|ovei thd i Union tioops. ■ ( ! Prices is Georgia.—A corrospov ' J : | j j cnt with Sbprmanrs army - gives'“ljhi following prices current jin (Georgia Wages per <Ky, pi swing or splitting jails, 85; flour per 00; corn per .bush., '820; bacon, per ' lb., EG] sweot potatooa per busk., 810; cpfiLe per lb.,Blo —hone s nee the war; eggs per dozen, 82,50 and S 3; r^eo j per Jb., SI; Cheese-—none, tc bo bail since |tho war; .a good cow with j’oung calf, 8500; a gopd horse 81,000 to 85,0 )0; j syrup per gallon; 820; a negro m in, : 84,000 to 85,000; a negro woman. $2,- 800; calico per yard, 85, thin; cott ijh, homespun, 810 jser yard; jeottort, do miee.tio chijc.ks. 810 yer yard; womenf skoos, per pair, 840,.coarse;. me i‘i shoes, per pair, 850, coarpe;' ladies j shoes, fine, per pair, 8100—none to b< jihad; cotton-cards, per pair, 870; hails 'pci pound, 83; set,; 58 jngs, per gallon, 81; milt, per .cnii. teenfull, 82; buttprj pjrlpot hdj 82.'[■ BfSuOld Marrrt G;—Jwas never j-el a paragon of j neatness; ipd if'-cloar.linei.s is next unto godliness,’ 1 as St Pnulj&sserts, it is tobe feared, that the old lady never attained to he, latter state. I'igi jonly ;,was slio uky* thing hut neat herself, but she show ed a sovereign' contempt of it, in jotbc p Speaking./of neat people, j(i day, she ) remarked that ‘ lier < Joshua was one |of the most parti lar men in ibe World ; I . I - Whvj” said she, “he threw away whole cap of coflep the mproin, Mhn it bad abed-bag in ( rt. i 1 rv ■* aL '*- ■ ij “ r ' ■£? ' tioUi'.W - "-. ■,■■.■•-■ ":•• .j>: iietis, - . V -i' t . •■ | • | •:. , I |i3©. 1864. ■ ■ '.I- , j —: —; •;I, ’ 'V .■■■■;■■ ’ j BomaNT^c.r—lA morig th o ' pawienge n' Oft-, the New*York express train! up cri tbeHndson KivprR a ilroad,onM.pnday, was.ajbcay.e fellow from the Army of the Eotomdc, with ‘a comrade accom him/ both drossed in the uni-! forjn of tfao’.lJaU'cdi States, with can teens, &o ■ ; At fee first glance/noth- Ung nfieornmon could Be ! detected io 'WokB, bf jtlie fi<>r should we. have boenable to recite thg romantic fostory connected ..with'!; the- icpvrplo WjOre we ppt jaequainted with.it by a! frfejnd who was told it-by a hospital nurse, jit appears that at the broak ingjout of ihe Kobellion these lovers! (foij l-ono of them was r a youtigl girl dressed in tbe.garh of a soldi or) Were engaged to bo married, which ccrimo-’ |ny |miisjt either be postponed!, jonjac. count,of the lover gojng to ddfCnci the/i flag of his country, or else the riage must take place, and his |fa : nmoratiijnnst,follow him.- She c the latter, and married they wer< online*!; afterward i« ' th« 2ti i gun .Regiment as ,a private, am donning the >‘Blne/’ followed ;hlm.— Amid thp| crash of shot and shell at the battle of tho'Wjidorness, this her jTjoicjgirl'stood by.tjlio side of husband arid with her musketr defended him, and struck for berj country at the heart of the chivalry. , Passing safely through that { desperate 4gbt they prbssjed on, wiljh their regiment tO,tha b|oody. field dt Spottsylvanm. where, the brave Michigander l»ad his arm Broken by, a piece of shell. ! See ing.hliri' jfulh shb'bouridi upJhU wound,; arid, - | raising him from, the- ground: amid, the Ithibkest {of tho fight,.she carried him to the fear, andJ jplacing 1 liirtvj.; on •» Caisson which wag about starting back for ammunition, she. had : ijho satisfaction of: seeing him; carried to a place of safety, he ; ,'being| j soon . afterward conveyed toi Carver Hospital/ the heroine nhdj youpg wife attending him i until ibe gpt well einoiigh to start for their'homb in the 1 r ar ,West, they, ■ being eh' rr[ute. for !' there yostor day Eagle. ‘f thq-aqt repealing the Fugitive Slave j laws'; bl ,1793 and 1850 by a-.vfite of 22 * r j to 12. We repeat here !the Y.eas and !’tc ,,vk !’ i/ ;i, ' -' ' ! bi i Yeas—Mesrrs Ar.th'oiiy, .iHro.jvh, j Chandler. Clark I ,;jCJonhess, Dix.'j n.Foot. Grimes, llgle, Harlan, j Harris/ Hicks, j How-arci, Howe,! Lanp (Ind.)’, , Lane I (Kansas), Mo>gah, Morrill, Pijiiheroy, ;,Ramsey, Sherman, Sprague, Surnngr, 1 Ten Evck,, Trumbull,, While and W'ikbn. i 1 vi ■ '•■ v . • • j! ■ * !l | .JfAys—Messrs. Buckaiewc Carljsle,; Cowan,oDavis, Hendricks, Johnson, 1 ! | M’Dbntiall, Powell. Ritidlb. Saulsburj-. j Van Winkle, and' Willey; • •*;.> \ ' i .! r Xays of; course, all Dtano* j crals, excepting. Jobnjsqrf, of Maryland, l and A an Winkle and Willey..jof'West .Virginia. TiucFreeSlatc Uim)n'riitj.n , voteil a solid' Fea. The aclj,now onlyri j requires i the .signatuivet of ijib pj-esi-I ! dent to become a law. 1 (if eohrso that I ■ will :be (jivem, and the blood-red fitaiii! i’thatdias blotted llm statatpi-book bflhfe \ j "Republic..foi .soverttyiyears is wiped j I out forever; Xoinore'siavo-1 mnts on I ; ■ , . I I 1 -I ! free, eod-- one ; step toward 1 1 a’lusting.and rfghteops.;pcaCcr'! One: j\sti‘|p from, which a people ,\vhb respect lltbcjniselv.es and 1 love Liberty jean never go'biick.— Tribune? , >i’ h m GfiAifT ANP THE PrESiIeS’CY^—III commenting Upon the possibility of i (Jen; Grant, in a certain c^ntingoho-v, ! 1 , ■ i j , , T » ’ . j accepting the nominator! forjtlio Iji-es, ’J iiiebcy, the -Milwihrkooi&nfmeJ ,'aj tliat ic| t knows.'from perfectly relij sources fjiat Gen. Grant haa|'pero ’ lorily refused, in advance, any ofl< the i*rosi<Jency. 'lib-replied io tl whoj Becking to lisarnjiis yi on ;the subject, that while the war lasted no: earthly inducement ciuld take him Voluntarily from his .present ■ position; and that even should ihe war £\coqib tQ| a speedy conclusion We would ■ 8 be the jnostunjgratefnl of nven to run ,» against Mr. Lincoln. Jlhis ddclara' )(J tionj comes to' us . through the most ( ! trustworthysoUrcos, aiid i affords thus . cor.6lusiv(j j|roof that Gen. Grant has ’ mil£ decided not to enter ithe political ' arena. And those who know him, know that ho ;.Is | not iapt to waver whsr. he ha 1 * made up bl».nniVd one wajr or the other. ; ! '■ 1 ' Fattdrson Allen; indict* ed ;fn ilichiriond for- 'to ii the' Soiilbern' Confederacy,- e. for • . . ; t j-.-i • v , * * being a loyal, wotritfn.) |t>j under S1"0,- P bail, and is to ba trieil pn the IQth n j of next month. ■ , ; 5 |j ».1 i ■ - 1 : »®-If a man has' nothfngto say, he is'sure to spend much' time many words io saying it ' , i ' ’ I • ( - 1 : : * I , Egtalqtliklied XBl.B • ' "' > _ (• ’ ? / •• ‘ ,.’ 1 v. i t •*, v ,’ ••IJif■ ■ ‘ — J ,V <Vk <C A Horrible Prophecy Fulfilled ] got'bis.head out; he Jay there for some It is well known, says the Pittsburg I tWomy-foUr hours and ,m finally iL ■ .\ T , -taken out by Homebody. The others. Commercial, thdt A. lly Stephens, now ncxt Ur h 4 f wero burled so offlciat|n£ as Tice; President of the thatth#- cbuld not g«t out. and died. confod<|iraled barbarians, opposed; to ! One of-tho poor fellow; a who had Uio extent.of his eloquence and ab'ili- bpert; tlius buried?'alive was exaijiin'ad ty; thb secession of jtlid"-Souibeth.CommitWo,'j-find;, tpsliflid M . Slates. lib argued that [under .the f [ Uox7 did you lose ybbr boniticeht government they; eyij ? !: .! - . »•_ were setting about to destroy, they .Answer. They knocked me dpwnr bad beon proteeied und fostered uu- i with ji carbine,* tnid- i/ieji thhy Jabbed til they bad iWo'iue wealthy, great . [ » . 'L, tTV- ''.'V .j -'■ . r \ m.-' > . , I Quoslioh Was that before- Tbtt > '<d fu. Th" ■ ■ :.J»" hi : ■ / ii.., power .hat everything they had asked of the'-Gejnefal Govern ment had been granted to them—that, the ulwayslhad a majority; ‘of,. the foreign ministers, Judges of .the* Unitgd, Slides Court-,- and' nearly all the .Presidents. Even in regard j lo’tbai ihost sensitive fioint.tho agita-'! lion Of the Slavery ‘ question,!' he! 'Raid; • j ~ ■ .’/'j i “So far frqn the institution ,61,! African slavery in our .-ceiionboing wakened or rendered flees seeUre\ .by j the discussion,jmy .deliberate judgment'■ is that it has been.greatly strengthen- I ed and fortified, ho,t only in .the opiti- j io'ils, convictions! And consciences olj men, bill by tbe action of the Govern-j ment. - ' ’ ■ ■ , ' • j ■ Again lie says:’ •. ~, . •' -m ■ ; , ‘ The' Sdutiii ought to stand bj' and I aid.slill in maijitaining'-lbo. Consult!- I lion of the country. To. make a point' of resistance jo the Government, to withdraw, from it because a man link been constitutionally elected puts its in the wrong,” ', 7, Oh another occasion ho 'said that our Government was the “best Gov crfiiaent on e;.rt!».’’ He left'no ar igu'ment untrhd id indueejjhem to pause in 1 the|r mad projects. Having appealed to- their honor, their grati tude,. their, reverence for the' iaslitu lions of 'their fathers, their love ■ of ajilaU appealed to their fears in lhb*follqwiivg prophetic pas sage;! ■ ■■'.!. ' V ' j ■ j“l't inay be jhiit rut of it : we may become greater and more-greater and more prosperous, but l, r am candid and sincere in telling you that I fear if jwe ra'shly evince passion, anil‘with out sufficient danse shall! take that step, that instead ot becoming great* I *p,or mSfo-q eacciul v prasperous, \ j happy, instead of becoming! grids ,we,[ wl 11 beeo t ine demon®, and at fio dis-| taut day Com' uecee cutting each otil-] er's throats.” * ! *' , ''•'l Direful las yas the revolting prdpli- S ccy to the imagination of the orator, 1 events have more than fulfilled it., ■ , Wo do not mention or enumerate | the scores! of midnight-murders . for ; | ttieicrime of loving the j they have become too common to' ex- ! idle bur borroi, but we allude t.q the , j inhumur.ibntchery- at Fort Pillow.—j iHead, the following (extracts -of the/ | testimony talv'en before .jijie .Commits | | tee appointed to iiivestig/ifo the mat-'; ler.i and jiibgp if the .rebels in their | mudae-s hayiji not “.heebmo dbrndjisj** j Ahj.extract jfjroni'the -report ofjthe,; : Cfoiiiinittcc; statek;.f - : ; J* ■ ; i ‘ phe hnts iind tents ib which many! i, of the wounded Tiad- sought..shelter: i were set bn fire, both that night and j jliiejnest moriiingy woiinded ; i weife- still in ■ them;, {hose, only- josefip-,j , ingjwhb were able to get .'themselves . 1 but} or. who could pvjyaii on - others ! ‘ less: Injured than .themselves to keep ! theini out; ai d‘ even sprue of./t hose i j thus ! seeking to escape the .flames-] j wore met by those ruffians and hvii- J ; ; tall\’ shot clown 1 or had their brains 1 .! i b’eiuen out. One man gas deliberately' : \/kstenid down to the jldgr o/'ti tent, fifoe; | vpicardsJ/y mtans ofnatfs driven through* !f he clothing ai d- into the dio-rJs .Mircfo - .'. | him, so that he co\dd not \jiossibly- escape, 1 j (Aid 'then the 'tent,. set : g\i dref jihoinei ; j was nailed: to the eide.nf u building! ! outside of the.fort.and-then the buj.ld-i ing set- on fire anil'burned.. The j charred .remains of..live or. six ,] bffilies ; wore afterwards foiund, all but. onu{ soj ntuch disfigured and eonaumed. by'the j flames ihat thoyicciuhl pot bo iclonti-/ ;fied, and, (lip identification of 'thatj one is not absolutely certain,although there can hardly* bo a dpubtlhat was the body ofi Lieutenant. Akerslrom, quarierihaster ofj the -Thirteenth Ten-; nessee cavaljy, and a native Tennes seean; sovenil witnesses, who saw the remains,‘and wl|o weref peisonklfy ac : qnaintedL wit i lijm, while livutil;. have | testified that it ik Ih c i r;fi r'm bel i eft ha I it was his hotly, [that : \vas thus treat ed,” . ; > [• i Surgeon W anlher, ’who ,hti‘l|cbarge qt the 'hospital, after! detailing thq miirder of several hospital putionisi was asked: 1 - j'i ; We have lieaifdrumors tliat some of these persons,were Lmried) alive?— Did you hear anything about that? ;■ Answer. !!,have twp.in tire hospi tal here, who were buried alilve, . Question. Both colored, j ' - Answer.. A'es, sjr , / .. * Question. How did theyf escape? • .; Answer. I One of them .1 halve "not Conversed .with personally; the other have, iHe was thrown inly pit. as! stated, with a great many others, Wjiitciand hliick, several of \yhon) we>e, alive, they, were,nil buried np tbgeth- 1 er. lie lay. on lire outer edge, but his head was nearer, iho surface; bg had one well hind, and with that hann bi was able r-1 work-a.place lhrb’ ' whaek be could breathe.- and in that vhiy i., ; p IB losef ■JH»ek ! fciii-* she, rers 1 ibid I mp r of osc ows 1 / . 1 Mell=Zl= L ■ha 31: 1 ", '_ Hi; f I. ' ' 1 El ' f l i- ’ * ■ .ic'-, ,b. : Advertisement*. inaertgd at the r»t* if :7ft ' 4&** $5 cento. A liberal diacoaat madeti yearly ~ jd*«|rtheoi,_»ii4 jan, long. adtertuemenU,.... i - A rwrctif liner measured as &. square,'. ' Special notices 26' ;<■>* ■* =1 \ W J i Jpe>.. per w«t. | ■ olartia^s?.'-'v- ; ; •■; '■ -t ■'vV'V-'M j j * BusJ»eg» cards; TS eaitxi lina.par jOtf j . Marriages and Death* ttellgicnu, Political : anti other .Notices of a;public Datura, fraa. ■ t *' ' - ■'• ■'- 11 : --' r -- ' ► .j. , .... , „ . were shot] ? . . c ' .Answer?.', 'Yes, Sir;/ ' ' Question;- After 1 veil : had surren dered ? -■ f ■ i-j.!-_' t . '.,,4 C’’-■ Answer., Yes; -sir; |I going up ; the' hill; .a man■ c-aiue down and melfc X meyho had hispgun,iu his hand,. ed it around!-and shocked luadown,, ■ and ; thim ,took jibe end of hiscar-/ b"i r.o‘ and jibbed 1 i l itftb . ray ■ ©ye' anq ■ shot hie. : i.-.C'"' ~ 1 = "<j . Qiu-atior.. ; \7ere an}’ J ofi their oflS* • cars about thefe then f j y, ;c : , . ..■••„ Ansvvor;' Litid nPt so©any offipjrs. f Question- Were any ■yhito menho* ried Avith-you, _? •’ ' • ’. / ' , A.rswep',TeS.fsjr. j ■ "' •. . Question. ; -Wm:©:hpy jbnried'alVe ?. Answer. 1- heard“that oine while, man w,au burled aliyef II did not see him’. f y*\ I: i 7 .[Question'., eaiji that ? . Answer. .vA youngj man.’ Ho said they,ought not to have done it. Ho staid in there-all ..night. I do, not know as he ever got out. X i* r'~ , ; rAnoihep witncaa tcatifioS ifat'lbcr of tliesa “demonsV' ; -7 I , ' • ; I . hcfardHhem shoot litt lb children | hof.njoro than lhsi4' high.(bolding bis i handi’off about tour met. front the jloor;,. that [the oSiooa had t,d -' wait ppoii° tlicrri. |, / , • j Question. Did-you see them shoot • them ?,; T ; % - 7,;, -Answer., I. did hbt raise my head; V Question: How did you know they shot them then,,? V 5 ■ Answer.' I-heard them.say, "Turn round, sotfiat I canshoot] i/du, good.*’, and then I •heard them .fire, and thenl' heard the children full' Over. . , .1 Another witness gives the language of these demons:” ’ j.j, j They said, --Db yon tight'w'th these ; God damned higgets ?.]’ they said.-r?-' y-Tes.” . ‘Then tlujy, said, ‘'God damn yo.n. llioii,lwe- wSlji shfior- youj’Vand they shot, one oL'iKent right’ down;— T,hey‘ said,- I ‘‘.l -would not kill yiiUj but,. God damn' you. you, fight*, with these I damried .niggers, jaW we will shoot you;’ r and, then' -.they bdevv hist brains I out bf liis lie-mi;. They • tKcf! went tavoujj-d an if eau!it(*d • them up; L laid-, [ there ;aad‘ made ! eighteen Jiyerp'- {there and there wire six Wire below ire, J. saw luoin siy.-lcia t-aypnet .in , ■ the.small part-, pf the belly oft one of I oar boys .uid ,break S t right off—he had on-' shot then.. ’ , , *>. .7 j Could-’ fiends invent ,more |l;tferi>al ! torture than the fbilOwing: " j • Quesli'oii. - h Were there any .burned? .!'' Answer., Wiien I went tln-.i’O, itt >tLi o' morning T sawi them ] they were j burning aitngethef , : v -',. , i i ■; Question.- ; Did -they kill [fore they-burned'.them? ‘ ~ | j • i Al|i^wer.',-' -bvo,-sir. (hey were ymiiijed ,1 t'r drpcc (he -mpls ryjht ihrtygJi : ihe'tyhahds, . ", , ; ' Question. many. in that condition ? \ Answer.- -Some foiir.o'r fivey'l, saw ! two >vhke men huVuyd. -U l ; • ' Question. Was there any c£}e else ‘ t’hore-'who’sit'.v 'that' : ■ J~ j i';y •. ..’ ’ Ansvyi-r. ■ T-geekoft iherd \vt;s; I ! eould-ny;t tcli*wiio. ,i; : ••i \. C‘-C,,i p When, was it l.that' .yba, isaw* them'?; -jj. ■ > '• !: Answer..-'I saw in. |ho morni' i.ing lifter.the tight: some ofitu-mWcrp : burned I;'almost in'- two,,' IJ epuri| tell; 1 they, wore • white linen's beiyaui-'e they- - ■ were, Wjhiter;than the eidoujd inc‘ni ' ■ | Qiicslion. Uld ybiV noiieof-kow they . ; wore, intihif '! , •; - t '.'Answer; ,1 saw one y.uiled to the ;»idc 'ptj a, bhusc;-- he looked \lihe he ieds' l.nqdedt fight., through chc wriist., *,sl wash j G viiig then to get to tjh.o wben T... jsiiw it. 1 ' I. ' ' f : | Captiiio' Marshall testified, ; warn also’ whoj liaai been [ ilfiiowit into a Jjole and buried: alive. I \Vc topic, him out, hut he lived only a IfoW fnlnute?vafterwards.’l We pro* |Same he inay have been the dha'do*:, scribed: by another witness,'who saw “a large.'mass ofpfoany arid, dirt ichert somebody haddieeii breath ing • through the. ei(ri/i,'Ti;nd brushed it ! off, t aiid . suui' ci negro there still, breathing ; But the liorfrp sickens with t|io ye- ; voltingj-details. Q’ho. V.ile'hiopß,”j in acts of .cruelty, ■ shame 'the scUlphig 'avagoyand yvt.thty have sythpathi-y zers at the North' 1 ' ‘ i - , ' ; j y StATp JpAin.-rThe next f-shjbjtion' ipf ,lhe j Pennsylvania' St aieAfgrtcnUn-i; '%nl Soeij'ty yviil be held Easiopyiq' l)io- blatiiifill ,park fitted-uup Py. the cltiz-bna of t that 'nelghl;<*rKoodi_'. Tho : ihplosi;rO| is-the laigc.sCof ilie. kib(Hrf the Sikte, and i.iiiiis i:t t< irmiidatioi;* spaclousland elegant. -Th& dayaylixi ed for the cxhihiiion .are. Tuesfday'i', Septom‘herr24tli, to Erniday, the 80tp| (four days ) T.he, -p'remiurnß ptf^fed 1 are ;’oSttijeinely ; ..liberal Catalo^nes ? clui buihadjaflor liio Ist of July next 1 by addressing A. B, Longaker. Noiv ristdu. ’, | ~ ", ;•' ■'' ’■ ; at'lhiß'.time Jl com* rnon whisky, soils art $l6O a gallon, and uncommon! at whatever the 1 ': seller chooses jto a.sk. fo,r' it;!yet.‘whisky -I>l:;'iking! goes on. Chicken* sell at .5. i •. piece, and turkey* at |6C. i .'"I il. 1 ad' Idltiimt* r*g. ' did *,;6u>eo ■■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers