s >xc? Effil '4llll BEAT, lirednesdayv,. ~, ~,.:IMg~IE; Edtt 0:1&-Ptiip14,410; Dp “ Ve charged., N« | L,iiW*rrearafieB-are«e|t f w.Lettfi-5 md commi ’ Wepf s ®^ s^®5 ? 1 tß»nd Firixi .. .fi , •,.*>•■* •-■ therwise -Two Dot paper di*coniln»«d tied.'* ’ Ay-”’';':- nicationi, cy!ißiili Time:® gISS BURGH, R; B. c & piTTi i'OEMESti " | summer aura: Eoinq Eakt. I 16, iSG-i.—JVain* a : burgh, 9:30 A. H. !• 8:50 r, M. 8:05p.*. if /oSotci: _ , . : Beaver StstiSn— -s Monday, *““3 >,, f fiurw Swtfo” atjoilo\ :]■}, t ji. Arrives M PUI - :-54 Vs ' i-ktm ton* 'iWsbvrgK a i‘o a. ■'!= Arrives at Bj f-'" ijtliC P. 3» : it— aver Tj4o a. h. '» 5:20 P. »f. ester;..*, 2:20 p. m. ‘' .......2:10 a. Jt. LLOUGII,. Prtt’U --kit Agent. |. Kno J S. McCl , f r.. MTKfIS. -G*n£T_ E & CIIICAGOU; R, rilTSßtTiit, FT. -Going East. ’■'l aocfiester Static tsaves.lfoci 14 r.r! 7 V.. '.’.ccuio-'- 'il teiijli’ii °;f,v fdnrWb’n. • ; ‘ry:; V.'7>‘ ('TSt’s ‘ . , 'l'’ _ •• 'id , •;t . ’ 1 Z\- r ' r-xp- ; , (ii.tvr;- if •: • *V !• -Tt* s l -’ if ; r 1 • i'll-’ A aster Arr. nt Pitlfi. \: y. 7:20 a: m. a. m 8:20 a. jr. r. m...... 2i35-p. M. I p. ~1 4:50 l-l M.l r. M 7:00 p'.'m. | A; H...... 2:20 A. m! !, p. 3:20 p ji-=| p. m 7:50 p. m. I . Arr; at Rochester. p. m. S-.JJO P. M. A. M,.....11:00 A. 51. 1:32, r. >■. m f!:15 r. si, r. 7:20' r. M, x: 51...... "a. 71. A. 5!...... 2:1.0 A. 51. A. 51 .. i ■Jffl . “ i f • i r ; i>! p. m....... 2-.20;p. m, 11 INN, D.- I ■ I f! •I’. i." 2ti Quarterly Stater jj , / Beaver i rient of Bank of County- ON’. May • ’ e*i. active $03,270 40 smm nii Kllv 'V^o : .h!*j protest'. ' Wfii^ W 5. 150 Ot) •ca?: Ti-v.cs.. 4jj°’'o o*l * 2'X) 00- lurc.i. V»5 1 1 ■ . t' r S, 7 b .-r I f u r«■; i - •.!***-sum £: I'ii*;,!r;’:n «•*!» *r bap 1 ,:?.. i ii' «m«I 4; •„I.i r,tl V. 'S. T;i?a-sUPV : not in n t !I:Vat •fcTAin • Ktwrk i r vbl in in clicul&'.loii. '■m>: • ,V.' Jio f‘o;umou^enlt ->nt VhA i pni 1 * tie afco 11 , Jol ve statement istrue xnd -xa.y feifdM«dg£: tr.Aitn IToors, Caalt*r. 1 jed mf. this 4tK .U’TT Jr'.' )1 S<U .1 -MCI • “•''j l v onn. I-iotavy Tnblio. MAND COAL >3I:SAi.E. VALO A&uTzt Pi ' LA I4\DF< , rfi*• .Miuite !n [ caver.county, nlrmt 3 • on the I*. J*t. W. liiir? 1 HCKDIiED sale on favorable terms. >f th;s land are-cleared ' cultivation; the- bnlanca ill -tinker fence. There ; Rt'one house/ & i se. Mhe upper*‘Mory of V dwelling, (siri.d hinrcV vein, of excellent coal 11 lon of the tract, with] I *oad v ' 1- ri! \CT' of first (’hij'ijuwrv tp.. 1 tynst of iSfeW. Pir u. U.. cont:il Z' l'.E.”, is for a ~j-t i.-vnnrv acres i ferafe ol *' i *jand h *re premises n, **?" To»11.0 spring Ujcm V:ic:i i- n-.'iv; u*ed as j/,g h-irn. Tm-ro is a i<M‘lcrlyiup: a large poi , opi*a:i»~ "ear, the rail For further .'A.i/s 'Si\z. E. c *i.. llri rrv.iAN. Vitr*bn i. oftice, l>et *.••1 nfor.nation 'inquire of ■-bton, l‘a., £», >: Fft rg v or M; Wetaku. Pro. vef, Pa. jeb,’(i4:4w. WHEREAS letters testamentary baring been granted to tie undersigned, on m’rs, 1 In the Court (the estate of ' Jotix Gonnox, dco’d., late of ou'& | ofCpmmqn I’leas I Rochester t\yp, ; Heaver eo, Pa, , all persons ]• nfUfavercounty, j knowing theimSelves indebted to said_jeslato j Vend. Exp. No. .arc requested to make payment- immediately ■rb J ll.Mpr.dT, 18'U. (and those haying claims agaijjst the .same trill stitioa of Sheriff Ledlje. ( present them to the subscriMMiily authenti ics S. ilutan. Esq., an j'eated'fbr spttjemejit: | 1 the purchasouioney a- j ’ j AMANDA GuBUpS, Executrix,, ' 1 it’erji. : je£2.’o4 ( • Rochester. TV ‘ t; A y ‘i-utbe-v- Timnip; Keimed T ; V- Thonipwij T o’* . i.v-i’l. on pi I V' rJ'U'jint Jft! t'j •{Urrihutft />f, ere? n : -:A ; t-Ki; enux tn;.2 cxlrAi c l!.1 t it or above named - will r his appointment at tire 5 ,cr. on Monday.- the Ist .o’clock, a s m., al which cu will attend, if they ,1. S. IU-TAN, ' - i Auditor. Au< r *'tcnd !o the duties V ‘'onr! itfTUoaA •' at iO parties fyink ::l*'-.pcrt i \WA\ ICE- CRE/ .Mi'SAIOON "cwafer. ■. 'j 7 in, Brie' i li: ,' ■ • a nil Bh b -VIOON. hsuJ»oiW M’lluerry Stret j•;. Cikes and ir c f kinds.! const OftI»EKS FOR j FI. r s fitted np, in Ml elegant tie, for an ICE CREAM; m the corner of Bridge s. 1 n ■ Confectionaries, anCy kept on liand. ICE PEOiIPTLY LiLEp. . ?: ,\ : FREDERICK 1TA1.%. j •'f-.y 2.1. i«O4-i4« ’j'sa.^E r\WKUS -Ins f fi'ii/fi- .-r r,£-.i ix'= N’u.Ur.E-s. 0. GLEIS. aerticos (o (he 1 VKR AND SURROUNDS ;n>iinice i s m pa lie can be: ■ c 3 i;: .’-'lnys except lir. ple.is calls th) »o '-lie fulirw-lni-^ J," v Ev^fihe '-on-plaiatj; Ch&nic ■~'' , ”-'rr "icliicriV iio’tr e;s. . • •■ • lilUpsburg for the present,, consulted nt any lime,; days he can bej whoreJbc has* I iiu&'t;\vcnty years. ' Attention of the afflicted rises:—Scrofula,' Diseased imatic Affections, female ■Uieeasea of dong standing lets yfi remarkable .sue dec23:jt ■■ Vrr-te t *<>S | ■»lt|Et>r J --criber c ';*■ ? n < Sire lr -;'Vovpji-.,.,. , , r „ lfw r 'n-' lie '- p C<mt .T’*' r>st?rn. Wi &i.I.% S!x ‘y, acr « Jn ; m .. *£!?*• 'Vhite Oak 1 S. river. ■v Also, a Bear^eie Real -Estate j : i SALiE. : J ■'. : . j lifers for.salehis,residence ; it a Kopse and Lot. ,<The j Brick IlousOjSO [foot.front j t lining 10 rodms arid Store . i?V llmisfe, t'tabW.’TruU , So.; yr\ • cf 7. f' .firstl 'proved, standing with ex t lmbcr,'6ire mile ,fi%A.the' ■ •• .r. v_qc;sr,i- •ntttg I’S ’’aehei-’tjhe ‘‘ fiiile wd “with ; a > h'oatif'fehce ;Cr tr r 6t Nnsatrofiftr in Qnire of 'the Subseriher. \ - ’ iireinr ~3- ~ . ~ Fu~~yy~:~uKv.wrfw;'k};;."'wSt~Ml fu I=mts!MOM'.M! rs+ J 1 ■”r r. <’ * J. del:=; S :. }~ . nr 1 -’ :i 'v* J - * LIST T> EMAIMNQ ver, Pa., 51 Birks John,. , ; j Christy’ ; Cunningham’L j Camming J ■ . J i Criyford Wra H CraWford Eliia | Grahatu Thomas Hoqpa >l,nry' i J Higby MaggiS E Hoffman ;Jas " Inmhn .Kelson • Johnston R H , Johns ,1/E ab 1 ©. B@».FersonB list,: will plCasP Office Hoots; ;; list oP ] B'iMAIXINCr in fh! ) .ter. I’a., June Ist bol6n e ßenj F | Boyle' IVm ;: j i Bi'own’Mafjt’t J Bm'gy.Giiristian, 2 Deifz JohiL .• I*. Ferguson Jfi ! i Hubbard Minnie I Ifoo.kor HE & Joe ' i Har!'iifU;u Andi;evr Hamilton I’earson Jnlin-' r 'T! A iv:;i .rmigcrfGeorgfe, Marquis G eqrge" A Martfiens Miss C E 1 ■ T - Ijg. = Oliice hoard, dij a. m.to 7 pi| i nu" ' > ' STEA3L ENGINE TOE. SALE. A- 27 Enginenearly new,’ ivoodward patent, £\_. 15 and 55 inch stroke, !w:lli force piuap ntlnchp l. for a saw,-' mill of grist-nim-ov boring oil wells, is offered for sale. * Anjlly to L.-GHTM. ■ . jfcWM* t . New Galilee,' VL PROF. iDAVfD GORDON. H AVISO jdevoped a-,i')t’.!ijher> of .rears to suceessSully curirg'FthVns, Tumors, &c., frujn motivcs-df humanity. iotlVim Ms profes-. . siunal services to the- public of this county.— ; liis.sy.-tom■ is simple—itcvitably produces a [cure tvithoul producing pain lo the patient.— j .Yu o ; /ro ti iwl/; Post qlSce at .Clinton, A}lo ig'ieny. eo.. ,T{a.' •, ' V ' : ietlUT/tV ' ' • I 2.v,arn ft ■ * .J— r ——- V Ol 41 i "Estate' of John Imbrie, dcc*d. ’ I T-.-'ETTSHS of administration on the estate ijf —j ~g 1 J / John IjibbiS. lute of Dig Beaver to.wn- J I ship,* Bcarijr iCoiimyT I’ecua.. deo’d, having 11 ,<o'o no j been granted-to the ui dcraigned, all persons " ‘i-’O 00 j indebted do said estate are requested to mate TI - Q-pj i immediate payment, nrd those having claims • / i’<tqs to 1 the same tviil present ttetu properly ' • o'er* c-, ■ j authenticated tor settlekiient. - ' n t’t. r.o ■ . ‘ • D.'LSj.IMRRtK, Heaver, 1 " 1 K. S. IMBUIE, parlihglon, Administrators. * ■20.017. 37 ¥242.774 63 ='! ' . j«29;6^. A 1 jMINji START O K’S -2f j X- ETTEKS of administration 66 the .estate. j of Armstrong .J hay, •' SecM,- ‘late* oY Brighton township, Beaver co., having been granted to the ftil persons in deb:ed tosriijlcfltatc ac requested to'make immediate 'pltynfcn% an I those having claims against the same will {resent tUcnt properly au'lienlieated fjr scttUmerit. . AX DUE IV WATTERSOX.Adm'r., ; { , Brignton ;pl A biITN IST fi AT WHIIReL\S letters the Estate of of New Brighton: Bet deceased, hayingbeeit i > dersigned, nil person* i ar» notified to make in those having hlaimsn.gi sent them prjopcrly au men*, without Belay. . ' ' Ji B. D. > from the Record. M. WEVAND/I^o. ■i-9 a R.OB'T:*M’CftraTt?. i-i 4t .1' • '''' 1.4....... ' . ~, . • . --- ' 1 - - - "D . -... 2 . '"Z" , 1 0 : . ^ ri._‘ • .... . 0,----4,-1.-....-1-• ;,...• I ''.....7" , ....," ',""'" Tv.» - 1 ... , _ ........ —-' ...5........1. - . ~ " = " - 4 ' . .' '' ' '' ' ''''''ai' .--•• ' fi.4. * / ... t ..... N • p... ,0r,.144-„,,i ./ 41:— 'LL:: if-tI.I 1 . 7_ ,, ._ 1. :0 144)ii I at Lt'.. , sf -..11. -OVI . ~,-- 4: I'll, ~....s rt r . " 7 , e t a 's ' , 4-- - ,c.„..., , ffirr I 2 tia ~ 7 t l 4 •zt)l,ti PI 41 .— ; .,,e i tt1i1v,(7..04,!. 7 i ~..-1 . . ' --' - - -- _-: 44.'i- , ,- --.,1. --, ~.....„, •• 1 . Ili, . 4i! )4.. 4 ,4 - 4' ...• ri ...!.' ..1 .?. ~.• . H . :'.. ~., , i . ... , l ir ...._ 41... 0t 3.- , ( .•1 • .1 , , ..a . t ' i ~ . ..1 .. ...'1 rt. i S .',l: awAi.,..... - r*• fl . , !.tit 'I 1' • . ' w: 4 -- .., iiiP. i -4.. rt kat l'i.. -.s. 1. Itr " - -- \-- ; , • r . . t. $ . ~ ....1 . • .-- ~ 6 A xi' 7 - 11-4 C-- -..••.-1......,‘Xe-VP.7.1 .- , .J 4 1.1 ' . • '':' ' , i ii. v., 4 1'.:1- !".." \II.. ‘.. -- ) lt)) . ‘ ' ."' . )1 I iiISX-.±. 1 -'- _ IV • . •.. . . . 4 i .!.? 1 1 3 4 . l' 4 .4 ' . , 1) . * /14.`4'; ')C , 1 :: 41" . 1 ... I . , 4,_ ... ....... r _4 4 1,,V 4 _, ' . : ' ' ' ), • 4' . ..1 - [ .. S. .. * - I 'l ' t ' rk, zame U* Vaiy.-'i rrfl - P - .:' i ;';v . iil‘J I- -hi! A JOriJ OF: LETTERS : : . in .the' {post Office , at B*»- kjfSI.JSH/ . M’iCabe Mrs Sanil; trifle, A. D Neia lib*.. Pajrkl&oh Wm PattehD ; Hansen Thad u Smith, Shane Emily.’;' . , Smith Susan .[ •. ThompsotTWin* 2 ’ ' WalbenGeorge Wisiler C ffbrtmap Annie fbr'letters id the above (V ire advertised. - ANDERSON, P. JI. •jn. tol'tijp.ini.' , calling say the; M. .T from," [iETTERS j'rlosl Office'll Rdehes , mi:. Mellon. Jackson M'iller Mrs Georgs Mitchell David v i. V PoweUSarah..J Rhodes. John ;?* Stafford Jos D^" 7 Sinith'Mlss Ellen i ' Miss Sophia!. Stewart RN, - * -' Spot l John I - ’. intovsgill John \Vliotsler Henry, 2 M. TAYLOR, P.M. irijng the summer, from O'R'S NOT: ICE of administration on Asiirew Lowry, Into ver county, I enn'a., ;.u!r grunted, to the Un indebted to said estate : mediate payment, .and dust the same' will pre uuenticated for settle- [AUKER, Adm'r., Now Brighton. jelC.’Gi ■’ 'I ’KXECUTO IS NOTICE. 'i inney, Dr. JO. IV; y ' OFFERS Jiis professional »ervicc» to the citizens of |i i. * 'BEAVER AXR VICINITY. 1 ; otncfijr- The Shannon JiidHin>f, S. E. Corner of dedlG]'' ths Diamond, Beater , Pa. Dl\ P. ~ Young, >r, some time acting as | Army, haring returned self in paver County, [services to the public, ps’ building. [mhtC'GS EMI WHO has been Surgeon in the and again in'ented him Freedom,/Bj offers his in P|illi I^ERR Service* to the People of D YI GI N"I T T Dr;,P^ Oj'ers hu rrohsxiona B EAT E H A-i and solicits f» share' "ri public' patronage. ' ori Kert’si Hotel, tleeifi.’63 ■rrr. in Eeavl lANDLER. iN PENXISX, . ' \ , stBEAVER STATICS, where he v will attend to he» of bis’profession. lie ived methods to- prevent th. . ited. , ,[janl3’o4 h’S XOTICB; T. J|. CH a ■ ,p'CKG^ IS at his-ijost again Koch ester Pai, 1 ail its ~ various branc! applies nil the iimprj pain in extracting tef ■ P. S. Work warra EXECUTT WHEREAS, the biana count; the undersigned lett cstafc of‘Horatla IT. Columbian si county, knowing themselves are requested ;to no; and thosti having els present them proper tlement. ! j ' - | ... ' - 3 Probate Court of Colnmr, 0., •haying granted to ters testamentary on.the" i Barker, late ofPcrry tp. ’ OGid,- det'd;, ItlEperjon’g' indehted to said 'estate ; ido immediate • payment, i ims'hgrtiqtl'the sante-will ■ .y'*n<fientiea'ted,cfpr ’set'f S; t . jels’B4 | WSjAWfflJii • £»• opened, -Ht «9nw*atio<» ySOTIOSARy, *ncr. 3 !t :» \A*t&ALOO#,.3 eoirMri of stbe .'Oiambsj,, I, ?baejnedoTitn jidated. t A • : rUP!Kt.3ruUiTaM -‘iitutt wiT , > LqaiS’lfndot.'■>• ; : . Ult • ’ %.' ICE mi TllE'suhßcrlher.h with h|tf,eeUE r ice cm in the where pen ona can •bar* of the publje j ' ,«ay{»iH«f=t i JcT! : " : --V )\' .'; ,28 Proeli Inj ttye ,ii oftbeCpn niavAvirei said Ct miiil Wbereßfl.t ted Siitps npon.lhevC varii&ior t volnnteer! ing||bn am dred d I,; Ancl M- I tho ta I Ibis theret free mi to. Coi «ve quieit It in a tional aro tl force, Gen„ befon citizer l)ld r of wit ho rote the Ei Givj seal oj seal oi ;slh til Lord sixty thp ei’ itheir Proclamation : / HARTusncEG r July 6 ?llowing proclamation ; has issued by! the Governor} butniaS. S: In, the namo and iitliority jo* tha Cominon ’ Pennsylvania;, J Andrew G. Joyernor of, Co'inmon io issue this my procla- It is ,npw ascertained that a |from, and is advantiing jnn the North. .’'SSoJatge a portion. ;of cinr army is at rcir.Oiep that it becomes necessa ry td-.hajise immediotcly a sufficient, body iof volunteers! to repel them.-*— They!ar< .already Within .the border of tbe yommon-wealth. Yuu have I always 1; oretofore been ready tol an,- I swcr the call of'.your country: You will not bo Jess' ready jto come for jwardj when your homes; and firesides j arc tjo 10, defended against' a profli j gale-hcr Je of plunderers,. I am atl» I Uiomcd by-the President of the Uni j - J **V „’• - ...» •• j tcd_fc>tat if lo culi for twelve thousand volunteers in addition tb those require ed by E reclamation of yesterday, to servd fo • one hundred days in Penh sylvalnia, Alary land and Washington and its vicinity. I appeal tb the freb -■ : • ’ 1' 1r - • ; •V ■ . men of Pennsylvania to rouse them selves fir .the necensai y effort, and omiptiy, toj sweep the ihvad hcrsoil. !I refer tojthe gen ii from the headquarters of isylvania militia. No 50, dat -sth, 1864Jpublishodj with rthis ation ■{?>*■ the details of the mentslj I do most'earnestly the good and loyal qien of the ’wealth apd especially (If; the soldiers inl'all her borders to emselves to ho worthy of her 1 emergency Her sons have; ied for themselves [on many' f fie!d a reputation| for mar-, ab-s which ..tJUoy. wi W not now. |when both | their wjell earned f and the safety pf llieir homes lilies are gt; stake. I |" r ir.der my hand and the great >f the Stato at Harrisburg, thej lay of July, 1 n the year | pf onr ona tbOtisand eight hundred uxty-fbixr, and of the Common. th tub eighty -ninth, lie .Govern >r: Eli Slii'kb, I . tary of the Common wealth. j“ii , , Pennsi, by? tile i wealth o Curtiii. wealt raatroi rep, j Penn’a. Jeni mnd Vol fngl dr» 'rff - :L- * liStaa-ofiboov. Curtin. : ’ tijLßftisiirßG,- July 5. . ' 1 : ! %m*« 4|»if Jbgr. lie antbibri|sj (raonwealthpfPennsflyi i w G. i Curtin, Governorof i m wealthy; t he of the ' j liliis, ‘ iaiifl* »’ call ! Dminonwejaith. of Penney V< , yelvcffthdusand militia as to serve at Wash -11 its ■ viciphy for 6no ban unless sooner .discharged: I G-j CpHiTn, Governor of i Com mon wealth, do make ; >rOplaination ‘ In’ response id do hereby call .on the ‘.the Pennsylvania militia ■romplly forward, as they ofoiedone,and fill there in this' importan I service.— ent |tho enemies of oarNa ivernraont in desperation, oniiig tis with an armed ho hope, that the array ! of ‘J®. Ire vi n jO 10 i met jp f JUTU G< TI!U Jrat t may be withdiawn from Hie hmondj ar d I call npofi the s of this Com itionwealth, capa bcaring arras, to come ibrwurd it d slay, and - thus aid- oar he • toil ers in th S great array of epnblic.- /_ |I .' i, '. -I - - ntter my.hand and the great : State ut blind, and the great e State at llarriBb&Tg, this >f july idi the year of bnr thousand .eight hundred and ■, and of tile Commonwealth y-ninth. By the Governor. 1 }. Er,r Sufer, : jy of tbe|CommonweaUb. ■en ftb if ll Order-} - BeADQ]bs |’eNN , A iltllTlA, V ' irri.-jbui'R, (July 5, 1864. , j I Orders M. bQ. ~ ,V.j , wjjbnro ! t« a call of the Preai f the jßiiHed States, this [day, for twlejv^ ;eer Irifafi.uy, to*bryp Rt Wieh toed-’it*. if icinily for one hnn“ laygfrerdegeeoogerMitscharrfeJ. ■ -j, ■oops e llt|)6dcc^p i ted!bj r *4uads paniefc a?. hercui'afief Indicated-;' th#j MEM applicant hinit hky^i^^isbcd'-ftirl Surgeon's examjntUiop^ Wred into the'- p_4fTo’'to ■ Kfciaf * ’tejwnit, firorn' twenw»five t 6 r for|j maty a* ibpVis. i,v„ •,.••* 4 u-j-p/l' ip'. To-be. commissioned tenant, from fifteen (15)UWenty»fl|M (25) men must haiyi"■ above.’ ,ft,' established by the United Slnt&Jit Harrisburg, •PItM-* trarg, in cbtfgd ttf *hit3sdaTnps cojn tnan'ibrt and wilt be pointed, t : v.-.k >■ '' . IV. tti'anspttrlirltioh ed on injlMson'or by. mail, to Cob J. Y. Bomf||dju.3 A.,, Supcrin tenfoul eftjV' •pit-! ing servicb at Harrisl^g, : -fot ihfl Western District, or C. G. Gilbert, U» S. Aj, 1 of VOliinteer Decruilitg gbgrTco pi Phil adelphia, for the | .of Pennsylvania, to ilhe pr jbanips bfrendc-zvouain Ibeirrespcictivo dis tricts, to whom- report mistrbe made ' ;Y. Act ual and j necessary expeh se for boarding raised undef by the’ United States dia&armng pfl cor, at the . proper not exceeding fit teen ‘ fit /rate not esceeding i day for each nun mustcMfinto service of the United Sorites, On Affidavit of. the officer'' Tarnishing men, supported, bjj UVe j party to.vvhbtn t|io money^wasVpj [ls amei» of the men,* tween wbicp each Soar and lodged,! r "~ counts re? VI, Th according of the sei transported, other troo: vicej find .soon as filled to the minimum siren tOo toim Of service to bo ireck< from ffce date of; master into the ted States service. ; > ■ ' VII. Asa reward for mcmor Conduct, jand.ifeo to secure, vain military ejtporldnce, appointment i field officers will bn made, except dor peculiar circuinstances. irdm who have been in service and 1 been honorably dL<ebut*ged. J VIH. No, bonnily will be paid t( troops, nor fhis service ext from draft;..bat, iff,any officer; or dierln this speciaf servioe sboalc drafted, ho' will, be creditedlfoi V.■••• . . • |. service rendered. , By order oi A. G. CtTETIN ••,.■■ • - . f, n Gpv. and Gommander in-Ch A Li RoBaEX,L, Ad’t GcnJ Pa. A Letter Writing Army Four huh<&ed thousand Bole loiters were /to sent* North the Washington City Post Offiije on last Friday. They are principally from the Army of the Potomac. Their total weight is upward of six tons.— If any testimony were,, needed to. show the thoughtful,. intelligence of our soldiers,'we have it in the state ment. The armies of Europe consol idated in one couM not present such a signal evidence of noble character and true elevation. Four hundred thousand letters!- The accumulation of but a few-1 weeks, and that 1 period desperately occupied in marching, fighting, building ialrodchnieuts and burying the Idend! . How 'proud oqo feels that (inch [men as the veterans of the Army of 'the Potomac are,‘his fel low citizens, anjdhow confident should ] Vo be they jwilj :«arry through) the work in which they are engaged* and upon which thoy liave so 'deliber-' atoly and intelligently onteredi An army of.race who carfwritc foal* hun dred ihousand'lettets in. a few weeks', by the light .of ; camp-fires, in the skirmish line, In rifle pits and behind rude earthworks, 1 are as.thoughtful, earnest and mindful bf-duty ,jia they. are stlf-pp.ssetised' land heroic, and as. , the product ofc American institutions, *ve exult in' their glory and bait them with reverential acclamations! j•; ;■ “6a'. fit* Widow' J InloEx President Tyler hairwr Ijejii^rJtjOj President £lncgin, coin : Gan r iias arrgj fJ'ave otwneri whQ had, fceeAflc hwje'gmle' “bhatlela,”; andtfaa 'W?’had tied arid pen |comrto,,that an RP. Y» ahoulc i been treated tbne. i ? T 'i .'■) f jn'.-j-jJ-"| .ir-gi? - ||||^ ,i I ‘«-''i' V- .;•■■...!■ ,-r.-v;fa •'».jS t"-*. I *- ' H?I2. 1 .r. i 1 :t' 1 4 .. 7 77 7, - :1 4 0 1 ." t ilal„ 6 1 54 .- ; _.; THB ‘ (I V-?' j&rand' tja :i^cl6ne Jjte-jfah; pwjn command rh'e‘therpi anji) .|C B ®r : ;<|£m !, aK'kin ji, oßeoi4ql \ , ,'sp to a ’As I wps paSsirig jtingh'fte: h omeWtfs view:* of, »yjiri|pi^ib|y’ ! ‘and j>ridb i the .'(Rati laied, but jpritriol ic and Sisterarid tin-anni of one"of tto young; ‘ herpes—|acc<i# tod ii to, and baked' if I would so kind as to' comb .lb the couch oftheir 5 relative; land stand'jjhy. hnil ’ While the surgeon should anipulate hielliirib, which; thejj told, me ted been araputatddla few commenced to jslohgh i }-^l^ay, ; Imd devilled up-1 on jUiiWwthe only hope .of saving his lifol them ltb thci couch. ‘Xivey both weepifi t g.' but' the aUhijhgh; suffering Vtttij a and saibtbdjhio, i|i sat down by his couch,r and his hand in m|nei * Ho 1 [told j mb thai; he .was » sorgean tin the Fifth Nesy -York (Daryea’s^Zonaveß);'that he; wha wounded late irijthoactidn, and leTt upon.. the field; thjpthe remained where be tell f romSalnrday tin til the following Wednesday 'no (food barb ii few hard eracklirs, left ih: hiy ha'versabk, and with npl water, except; that which God gayib me from heaven, in rain and dew, and ’which I caught in jmy Iblanketi" Thb jaergeant con tinned his Story, after ’a moment’s ; suffering, by Cplbnel,KpW jus wounded ’hhobaUlo' is j parched | .•Ding with fp- 1 waSforindby r.iln other dis abled soldiers in an abihulance, to he sent to Washington. ! jl arrived here late on Thursday, evening, when mj* limb-Was amputated, and 1”; ——The Bei*geant again paused in hiS story, and I begged him not do go on. I no liiced tlfat his ivoicb v?as weaker, and |ii« fade 1 more pale anddcaUP like, and and a mom’ent afterward 1 observed blood,tribkling down : upon 1 the floor from the rabbet poncho on which the sergeant was lying. at once called the surgeon to his bedside.' flo exam ined the limb, arid, after consulting with other surgeons-in attendance, told me they had decided' that it was impossible,'to save bis,'life; tliat re-am pntalipn would -be, useless;-' the soldier was fast sinki% from! exhan's-i lion; and that,’ ip ail Iprobiibility. hej would not suyvive thp.|iour;*tfnd idesir*; ed.tpat I should make Known! their 'decision and. 1 apprehdpsibns to thcr aunt and sister, . "3 , j With such; language as a'soldier, might coipfrtand, 1 1 ip for mod them that the sergeant mpsteooh rest. —i Tears filled their eyesjand tHoy| sob*] ■bed ‘ bitterly, .but . their grief was borne as Christian women alonp, dan bear such sorrow—for j they peardthe: voice of the elder brother jipeaking to them, as to Martha, “1 am tiro resurrection and life; ho that boliov eth in mo, thbngh ho |wor9i dead, yet shall ho live.” The’ wiping away -her tears, and ltak ng a small prayer hook from asked- pm if .1 would tell her byptCc r lipw soon he-raustdie, and if LwpuldVoad hi’rir “the prayer for the dying!? I went again to the conch, add stood beside the dying sold ior. “£ergear t” I saul ‘•weshali halt soon-wgaFo, rto t going tp march much ■ farther, jto day;“-Ayo wo going to hal£ic6|lonel,” piu l .the; sergeant,‘‘so earbjjphllhd pip? Arif we going to bivouac !p©fo r e v “Yes, sergeant,” * I XirepTiod, “the march is .nearly bugle call! will sound the^h^^iThfi sergeant’* mind wanderedvloh ;n’ moment, bnt my tears to' hit® my words- ,“Ahl ‘‘do you moan thaV 1 ■ lam so soon .to die?” . “Yea 'sergeant,” I s&id; “you pro soon tb,did.” .“Weil, colonel, I am glad I am goirij' to die— l j want; 10 reii— -the march; 6as' npt heen so long, but 1 am weary- I am tired— ‘ 11 want>o halt—l want to to be with gitflat’—l want ’to bo with my Sa yipttr3'’c ; dor thidying,” nu>St.?f. whieh/h.P. rp l peatud; bnd ;>tten IbOiSiater,- kfiecle|i: doicli of Kiir dyihg broth ir, tthd'bffoted dp to 6hd 'a prayer per the. the the the 1 lie]- 1 be-' i* i- Sf th. ined oas tbits s of un . V men i«ve i the mpt sol be lhe| liera* 1 from } M /« k the itten a nplnin. lit ted a ta*‘Dgf It-tipbi iraiitted ijswith feot fMvL , .Krt d f.V-1 Estafelishfecf IgjS - fry liffl - ;bi(k>tL bf ’the irijg soldier .Was tritklingdby n the bed« Side ‘and cHmsoning heir ‘dress, whW 'alia 'be* sought ty Father that 'tbe rob’cs of he* dyiflg hwthbr r mightbe“ washed • find ihadewhitoin thd blood of Uie, L&thb”' ! W&lp'T&jrtif' was finished Thb ~ s6rgleaß| sdid JVo stbodagainby the' “Sister —attht—do Tibt gHeve-dflo weep, for I am goi hg lb Chnst;*T am.gOi ng to rest in- Heaven. Toll ~my mother sister”—and the soldier took from bis finger a ring and kissed thy mother/ staterj” said £t|o sergeant, “that this is for her, and. that T tc4 membered her apdloved-her, dying:” and theft he took I another hiftg from, his hand, kissed lit, and said, “SUtsr give this to hjer to whom ray ; heart is pledged, find! tell her—tell 4tjer ”to come to me iti-heaVen.' And.polcnet,’' said'the sergeant, turning to me, an'd 'his face with the words, “tell thy comrades of tile army—the btav® army' of the Ipoitijndo— that 1 died bravely, dnd, for’Us .good old flag.” the dying soldier. 1 Hi's' pulba now beat feebler and[ feebler, the bipod tricklbd fabtdr and faster down the bed-side, tho deWofjdearth .came anil went* arid flickering for ‘ft moment over.jtlio palled falo«l,.jat: length 'rested —rested Ibfevbt.j The Sergeant had halted. ; HisJ’bivouac now is; in heav* bn.— Cor? Independent: linear JWara- K : i.: ;i- Gxatuitdiis | Printing- ' Thefbllojwihg very sensible rfer marks from ho exchange - almost every publisher will heartily indorse: - . ‘‘lt has -been tjie dustbin of all asso ciations. smd individuals toirtipose:rip bn cditdwtbepabliealion- of rcsolu? tions, obitnary polices,advertisements. jof benevolent e'hterprjses; arid 1 van bns other articlcaof litnited' tfctdresi, jWil.hout|bharge; - -f 'We h»y6;tlbWqnsio tier share'6l ‘that:.kind of -iyorb.;-I| (usbeiutrons "fyingitbjthcirvirtues- with thelrj relations, they should aljsb consider it due to publishers to .pay for and ; if literary, schools, and Iplher institutions cannot exist with. 1 - i out.gfutuithus printing thfey must,be jtoo slightly prize 4 to promise snb|- stantial benefit lo"i members. tJr'4 ■ • . r ' j - 1 ' r ' * i - » til we find teachers who teach 'grajj’.i.*, batchfeis who ifurnish steaks' bail 1 1 f ij ' roasts withouVj charge, lawyers' who younsel wilhoiik fc,es, fanners wb.) donate their wpb'd produce', &c wo must dtcline being pa the lisl e f j printers who' prinT without, compen sation. Ijor evjsryiline of typo setjup in a priutiijg office jibe publisher pays cash out of his pocket. .-. j "Watering Horses.— The. quantity as well as;Quality cjf the w-atef given ahorse willgre.'Uly'affeci.' his condi*. tion. ; Porhapano animal is more dis tressed byj; thirst than. the' horse, a fact not generally,known,- or if known, net fully-appreciated, Horses shoulji bo watered regularly, .when not at workj provided, inj the latter base, that care is taken net to,let him have it when overheated by worfe. Ir regularity in thje supply of water is often followed by d refusal lo partako of solid fopd, and more frequently by dpilic dnd founder,lin consequence bt his drinking inordinately- when an opportunity offers. : For horses, when they ire nDt jst; Work,, it is perfectly safe to beep a’ supply Of pure water always within their reach; .but, as be fore remarked, there is soiae danger in this pla), when they fifei worked of | drived, an!* are likely to. be° over heated, . ’ f ■ m. ■ "t i J ; ; Thcrcris a very certain w«y of derj tcnMning’when a horse has been rid g)ected. If the master, on entering' ! tho stable ahd lifting the Water back-: et, finds ithe animal placing :himself : in?an aUitjude difexpectation, and ea parly'gating upon the vessel,, it is point blank evidence that his usual supply of Water has been withheld.— never it is possible, let the- horde have water froin arquniug Stream,-j Journal., j. !_ _ "j'- Colored: TTomdn.named Phoebe l)ipe, died ib Baltimore; hiteli?, 116. years. Bhc recolletted <ih 6 oc cur roncesi of the Colonial period, and is supposed to be the old'estpersonin the 'Hj, f"~ SrEiKofiKLO are now o'n'lßumt in’ lhe Springfield ' Ar mory 26a,000 l imiskeW, boxotl: up ready at a moment's notice- _ ' ioJfibtioil' !'V;jjiAi' & ! i eA i' N W-At,4:c&ggii!hoWbeld recently at the Aj'rieuhurai llaU, Islington;,' » c»nine spefe’- i men,-valued by itt owii'et tt i£lsoo ..U' ; i. ;ii ■.:> «qw.. . hS-iiliiwal;4[*i <§«» i ... F .- T ,.,. . _ , ■ ■ Bpe«i»lnctic*a26 p*r »44]tlaa-t« r«£ ' and othjer jfoticieit: afApuWio q>Uir*,fr«ifc., Mr. iiltipolti’f ' . >;.* £ v:iz&pt9&W %£&}*>. r [ ‘ • -BpaSHnyif tjr • I -■ ~r Washington, :Jv„. Moh.J j 1-/ GENTLBakKJ^^ ; ()aiC lettermTtho J4th 'instant, forriiftlly ~ [' thatIlikd b|hi| ventipn yon reprtsienti %r Brest/- *, .dency ;of the .United -*. years from the4thofMarch neit, hM' | .been received./-.-,-' [.^ i.\-'.'."Jt4 .isjl;lt ’ \ I .. »Tho nominfttiow is gratefully accpotf odJ afjdlbC reiblurabnß offfttfj-ffiw--' / • vention,‘CaUedthopiatfoPi#^atp.hWf;^ I tijy approved, While tbC - Tb^O*jjiiottt- in Ire^ard; to; publican opon erri Continent- isV fully there might; be it: r t-riot to saj; J toejGovernment in relation tp(thp. die- ! tion of Franco in Mesieb asSssuttfed thi|pngh>the : , indorsed byttUd tho : njeksurea bnd .acts . of tivje, J^|lKlio T maintainj&fsc ( lorig as.lbo/6tato ; ,of|facts• cbaH;;dejV« •that position/ pertinent andappfi- i , ■■. - [ ' 7{ : K v <: r ■- ' r/ajjn especially. gi;atrfied | soldiers and Beatoen were.not fofgptten • by the Go|nvention, as tboyiTori9w#r' must and w>!l .bo remembered byiLe ■■ grateful eonntry for -whoso ealjatioh they devote their liye's.* ■ •-■. ,* -Thanking. iyoa for the kindV aiid '* •, I ’ * pLi C '* V r ' i complimentary; terms fn whicb.,ybii Cpm4i|ihicdred- tho,/ neeimallpn^‘and other’ p'pdcefdingk.pf ‘.the v ; I subscribe myself jour,'obedfenfcslsr vaht, / Abbaham Lincoln; ‘ ■ ■■ './• /:,• lb-4.hr--; > ■ ..Had Him XngKr. ?—good sfPryils told abjc/ a t pi. /:,lay ajr| ’ kin d lord,-. ip ; : tbia ; vjlloae'.Tho, di'irihjg.jj.'ija excitement:'tlVe cess w.s ot edsiot inlg. lt man went into ant*^' brayado.'Bajditoftlie laivdlbrdj B8t;-.-tei» .dcilnrs.. Grant avJD indt take ' Tho,. ally lopked al ti.e /nan and SaitjV bet ten dollar* you are a coppof|iea<l” , . Tlip mah not know mg, Vr.at rej'Mndc.r '• tO|make, other than to ask tbeiairtll lord to define .a Copperbeadj,;-, yras shown the door ard told to leave /!) - . Stante r.' ile did,, and,; has ' not iiec;; • beard of since.' It is, not very ditii- .-• cult to distinguish the true frbnv,tho false-Iveat ted now a dayB.^.-;2Vi-.J7k7f4. Union. ' ’ ’ j ■ f U Too; Bad.—A; whaled Pennsylva nian and wpundod Virginia rebel, ,oc oupyingAdjoiidhg beds in one !of the hospitals at Wash: nglon,,bad-.(J gobd humored verbal tilt a few day si since, 1 m as follows: ■ ~ j V Union—Say, be'}, where are. ybu' from':? . ■ I .j,' ■' V ,Sceesh— l’m .frbijiii' Virginia, toe best * State Pin America.’ . •• j • Union—That’* . fvbere old Eloyd is from, the old thlefiJ : v i ■ ’■ Seccsh—Where are vou froniiYank? y ■ .r • ■. * ■ ■. Union—l’m Promt Penhsy.lvsnia. ' ' -TSecesh—Well, ,vou needn’t -talk a-T bout old Floyd coming from as long as' aid ijiichanan corns from Pennsylvania.- lscn’t you wish y’oil hadn't said anythi ig, Tank ?- v • / '<v full’Well wh< ✓ •« tSrTho ids mow fui. tvei .<o their friends are ,n the North'. • For instance, tha Athnla 'Appeal openly ana above board fleclaros that these i mps of dark ness, j the Nor theijii ; worktop tor the benefit of the South,paying: “Every-BdcceSs-* fit! blow wo strike is bo ,rtmc| bono . and. muscle to th.b arm which, under -the training of Jsong, Harris, YwyrhtfSj . iindYnllandighaiA, ispr charing to strike ■■ <j tiheSorth."'}- V'y ■" * , \ Sunstroke.^Wo RhodJd nllguarti against snnslroke.i The old romadjr should bo, resorted to of. a bajjdkcri chief in, .tho.-hal, [or a wet clpth to those walking in tbs Bunshindj/ iThis icuard is uscddh cfiifi9sea ; '.dx* lensively, and even horsos jtndi fbnlerf wear ft. woVikpohge on'the t6p|,oi; thS head. ■ "2|. ... ; • .■. ' The jßomance ’or Gabssiscr; the Ocean.—The brig Vision, fifteen- feet •long, four, .feet'. six inchea .widoj.aad two, foot ten inches sailed-frpm JS’ow •'■’York, : bn Sußddy of last.week, for Europb. i Her brew ih6hid»tc<l’ : of Jfohrr C. JJohavttn, the o'&hePi a Rhoda ls|a»d Buifor.andudogi sj;.U» J#9frA very ftl bpjhg jupset Irdpi/a boat in"the rtv or, sunk' twice before herofrietilbeVed that be could swim. He fortunately remembered dt just 'before- -hie r tank - ;J L: great?) ijttj® cV tiMda, - ‘ lieaiji.V ’ilf ho* ttovftent when ' ill don't cost Ithemf .touch. Tom Jones nover eifet nppr John Smith suffer )>at ho thinly 'Rogen* ought to help him. , - v :f > '~U ~~ ~ ~ V IS .v-^,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers