t. i HUM [ I -I II e: Odnestia3C - 4 m aiR nl - *.s]■* w "Y s :"' Aft _ IfUnion ■ ‘ FOT-Ptoistltti T J ' ’ UiMNOIS, Fop’ Vico: Prelidert, RE W J OHNS ■ Or TESSESSEB. ' .1 : NOTICE. " : BAyiNQ sold to X>. Xi Itnlirie, present Editor iProprictorofthn BearerTlr^iM, Subscription!' Advertising, : &o., ipic-indebted 'will-pleaso ■ pall and set-, ne wilt him. ' T. C. KLG HOBSON. ' ■ -,^ r ,.r ''l | ■ -,t Beaver ".County!, Fair. fHE FAIR OF THE■ BEA.VBR COUNTY 10 Fair Grounds, near, Bearer, on ! dn\sday, , Thursday!- r and Jfriday, t , Sjpt: 1864. ■/ . C|tnpclit;on is invited fromadjoiningcounties'.' if fnltjn State Centra Theme rollers of th Clenlijal Committee \\ the city -of Harrisburg fjnly, ensuing, - A idance of all the me qkllyj. requested In oi jSiorbuftb organization \ ' i v SIMON CAM . | W F.oknev, Sec'y upper for the B Christian Cor ppieddtU dipper was given at tbe; ver Hotel,” on Thursday evc last. for xbp honest oi tiro. Cbris- Comir.issibn. It wgs a greiit sue in every vc-spcc ~ and was 1 , alto*, rr the pleasantest affair that Has ;p;roil in the Borpngb for p IPpg' i ]ls early two hundred doll pis.was i?,ed, and after, deducting expanses •fj is.still left-over jone and 'ldollarS to be applied to tire allei ion of the wants of Ijwounded and. E,iek / soldior’fl. Mr, band Iris family dr?||erve|groat ered; |r tbe part they took in ;lhc dialler, r nOt/.iiiy gave their jb'ousejfreel.yj,- labored /fight and day in. making ; araliojfs, ■ besides J contributing ;tljv/It would bo impossible for O/give th« names |of all tho|e : who ; rve notice for tjhelr zeal, energy generosity. Tbe|liUios| undertook matter with tbeirlaeensiomed spir|r jui ilovotiori.sparirijg npi timc.la m.expense. 'We visited the rooms before trio assembling . ip gacsts r -*rM-wnjr Kiiruri-sed at the 'I l'' u M ■, j)ur |lali ,*N |Fhc ik Virc] iorg IIS t‘ : ift' ; ; >tihe ft flj l(o r b ributioiis. The families In-tlio Bor-j**!?! niigljitie?l forts on the con h 'add a Biimlier prtbmilieS pi the! * hlleK t must ?i. tU . mor f ceiv ntry, hild contributed ovoiything,:^' P^® uccess > aLt -Ucb it inthdrear, tW.reqdired' or,could be pVocur™ tlierob y Bavin - tbo of thousands in.grcatabutvdanCO- \Thc tables— of f ur hravo land ;nobU spldiers.- ig.a;familiar' expression— groaned man. with the n|ost.. limiled cr.th their sirbstkniiuls l^ 0^0^'3 of and the d delicacies. The was i co . unlr r '™ d improvements around xs;cfuHy ornamented, over the * U,e rcbel n.ust know that the iahle. in large Ictteri, Irtiog hiotto Tredu < ,0B of - Richmond, by besieging p The Soldiers’ Friends.” Godless 11 m fl ’ ont = * typossibiA oau. ae* The ladies ! for they are the true ifriebds n s* h ["S for 0,1 r se ~ |f the soldiers.. What a dcluof gra^'" k f Ava f bopie - eJ the rear, ftudel the ration and, its it* defenders* >f the present campafgn is, not iJcsto.lbc ladic-s’for their thoughtful! bj ' T" ;ba ff l .T" •“ Mr . ‘..pro kuij untiring, unremitting labor ij* 0 ( 18.I 8 . ?' * ' at ® ranl I. , 5 .. ° lU ‘ ■: should hold all the raiW I&sftcad o,f on?, wo, buve hnye thous*l* / , a >. r> |nds of Florence'Xightengalcß in the *° l lai d, \vho, by day and by night, labor Th Ipevotediy for thc-good of the-nation’s tully ; and doreoders. Thousands |iv,ing, saved through their.iust.ru then- Teb{d >|allly,* and thou sands, though dead, ono d . |peak their praise Because of their ?* eve: i |ondernos3 and care. 2s over was there bas dv I |my war.se complelely robbed of its co pt°,‘ | ~ Attendant miseries'as this Las been.; dar ai I | -jTo the ladies, i acting with "and |h'rough. live Sanitary, and Christian "pfimmissionf^,the praise belongs. Next , ! io,| thtf.ladies, the ministers, among "|vpom we notice I-tr. M’Loan, Jluv. ikowric,'Rev. Shields and"T2evs. W. G. .Jinld It. T. Baylor, were the most ac j' \ Argrcat many others—in fact, |no3t all of. our citizens wero cnlistejF . Andl'gctive-in furthering, live coed.. i’ jOiso. Wo canpot refrain ,frojn no? Vicing Mrs. ‘Anderson and jdrs. Cla-: giey and Misses T;pdlie. Thorniloy, Ag-‘ • Hew, Anderson, M’Leun, and Spencer, I |r }b were the • most active-of tho -la in ;s,,and dosefro spec ial mention and lommenclatioh. Wo itid all who en ge in, this workj God speed! It is p noble work, and' all who love our Bcutmy and its, nbbld defenders, all , have a feeling, for the suffering ; pod'a desire for their:;temporal and ipiritual .good, will remember, with gratitude, their labors. L . ; (pr. :ygri '4'ju t PBor.'MAE. OmcE, 24in. , ~ Is ew : Bright on, Ju * |C ircular Ko. 59. 'I 3raflod men are noil;allowed to en llist as Volunteers, after hein|j drafted, jjand; the ,er.edits for,“(hafted v men will the . from >| ;|HvhiPh they; were ho,matter; ilvhcther looiil bounty-has- pr has rot Dieii'paid.to siieh men ilpor. illegal on •Hstroehifl. - -Xl>7• --rdoj* oi[ -I :a..a r.. m iv^u ! (.’apt. &-Pth* MnrC'24;:» *’" J: - -’bnt ' ■-; ' ■ l ■■■ ■ ’ i ■ I j G«n br&nVi} brand Movement; "’The plsnsadopled by Gen. Grant ■ ate altogether : different ;from oaf other Generals HrUq' have command* tdTtbe Ariijy of tl ifc jPotomac.i irgiji.' fa. ; lUa.trtteVws had some brav|i4hd! able mep in command of that splendid,' Army, bat never until He wafplajed ih command-didjitbe armyfevei, pene trate beyond the hne of |He Rapidan. In tho, short spade of about, three weeks, be Jurned ietery pMiUor. of tbia i-ebelff.' Beilis beoriWiciorious in almost every dnff''compelled : tlied to abandon all his'pldmtidns wbich were of; and placed the TJnion array ihfront of the rebel Capitol; Tiro great object 'of Grant was notmerelypto reach Richmond, as was the objecl ol SlcClelTan. bnt to fight the rebel thirty, an lif possible to defeatflt'lnMils■ jgenora 1 engagement, it js pop tcttc, some imagine, that , his splendid movements only bro'lhim toithe ground -|vhiclr vas leschedJby , .McClellan, by the: Penh ißolar. It wis ! n plan of the present 7 campaign that if hocbuldnotdraw lee oat of his. 1 ’ ' ,jl ' ■ . i N, strong position gad fightfairly in-the field, to reach Richmor d by. way of the Peninsular. Grant has sUcc'cesa»’ fully and rapidly moved his array through Central) Virginia, gtc/at battles, inflicting heavy, Idas updh the enemyjUnd contiimalry ing.him into his| dafoncevimmediattily around ! Richmdtid’t HdE- hag* the 1 power oi his noble array, which has hotj and novei/nad its superior in the world- also prtjveil.the soundness ofhis 1 military and strateg ic accomplishingwhat the rebels,’from the .very '■ begin ning ol the war v ,/boasted never coujd bo done.— 1 Tbe campaign now seoins to be most .extraordinary. Por vjie ■ first time during tho war, Richmyi > bo at tacked from the South. J“!SCI L“ J | river has been crossed w ! sitibn,' by the grind Array of tomae. Petersburg will soon". in'jjmr. possession. - All tbe Rifilroads Mrsbiug south except one.are destroy ed, and the enlim : military situation |a literally revolutionist ?d. The-i movement is ajliblil one, but it is by prudent and cautious boldness, and daring Chart' Grant : has, soon all • 1 ° 1 £' __ his brilliant victories.lt is said that SRichmond 'is fortified’inprcgnably on to East.and .North, but Grant has not sacrificed either men ! or lime in as saulting it from, the East or North,— He Las tried the defences of Rich mond before 1 w rich UMpleljan remain led quietly for i lany. weeks,, and rofua- tor: Proi ietor. ios£bral IN, 11110 i> ■ ~ dJUu V-i lUolttinittW; ■ , . -I e- U|moi( State ill- assemble in 1 on tbb 6t.li day": punctual at mbers earn-j derto effect ai EE ON, CA’n • •.• i i inefit of the mission . ! ccpts c6mpi sourci alone. mac Poin glorious ended.— I'pbcG'roops latjely under his command are now practically under the direc tion pt Gen. Grant, anyone immense, combined army now act directly a» gainst Lee. Gran t willj pi obably soon bo in Manchester, directly opposite Richmond on, the South side of the I ’ - j • - ■ Jamcls river aydconnectcd with it by, a bridge, and tiiO; boldest and most brilliant experiment pf the .war will be begun. .Mj.y its results be as glo rious) as may be desiled by, tho most ear,guide patriot in the North. '■ ' i ■' J ; I Dleseeved Promotion. —We are pleaded to learn, ttrat our young friend, Cupt. Thomas Henry, cf the 140th P. V., has been commiasioued '>lajcr of that regiment, the commis sion to date Jrpm'.lho battle of.Gettys* burg. - Captain Henry has well earn* ed this promotion. We do him but simple justicb when ye say that no more efficient braver" man, bo found in the service. He first ted the. ranks and served many lbs as a private'in Ninth Poiin’a ijfves, and bw risen to his present -ion from worth. Wo cbngratn bjih ondiisiproinbtion, anii predict prill greattrijiouapa await him; 9ist. Few*. ,> aeCth, IB6i £ I■ ■. >'■ can .1 entoi •mom fpoaiti '■ ■ r, ME Rcsei Rotdita has bepnresidj. past, bating f sftaj whor§ liq had bee) of Gonrt[ld« a I‘otoracdiW 0 iio ii «fmi' the £«iin itimfand tbrei iti suit Of bis birr :< that lie bag re iv Ume, hoping jjf event his ;k>jarfc; the moment;- will nbmtn&t Tice PresidoDl at Chicago; tbis wny he * Beared > the• ’ i for Goirfernpr; i ifOKiO ayenj coming bat led a. openlyndensd reinainsfp bo »een what fti We ;';bav|, no doubt his f plejjgedljßta >dby bun;tb brganizei|ftnd prepared for war. ; ~ Wo hope ttf t Government theoomiaalioi o at Chicago ltvwfll be « appointment t aTnUahdighJ friondsyxand we dO not di the it cpntribatii ve him pio bo we have [iio county Shoal eminent failto do so; it wi taul down, a cbi treason. Traitors would ‘have no fear; and treason riot. If ejvil War'and bloo follow his reiserrost, let'it e now than hereafter .'-'■''Wc ed, and ha|ro no fears of Traitors!**’- ' ' down, an men*, bo the costj Prpse; Tho'Gi pow in s« oKinontii coimprtal i been nvnde byj the CommT tbo-Conri room, in adding! ihe beautyxiinjd tloganco oj ing, tli«v, Commissioners I thanks of tne citizens. Inini we think, Sboilihbe added! nor tp corrcf pondvwi tK I and boautefy the bouftty btf ‘We have visited thVcl add desire to bear ourNp jinblic testirac iy to ; - the v which Sheriff Ledlio perf< lies, a. be which arc fou ed in a ' To J: i dei .for the ien| which 1 orr Common nai Teas bron o _ , n every effo:|t tol ni.iko the In Grand'Jhry aqshort as poi James IlifeT 3 W. R. George Powers. J. J.- Xlios N.iirkee.; Wm. John B. |M.’Ourie! Joha John Boswell, : V -N P. K?rr|: ' ’ James Tj’odi Henry Brig L J' Beaver, jjjr Whei v rant burg -’the reb( Johnsonih hi front, they h they wanted nianut-. the i bilant no|w, Grant jusjt vi This it somcv stand,’seeing he has been ti Lee has -■beei prevent liim theless, 'tjio.i haye got irrsi him; no ; mor were wher with Joh then just wo do pleased w copies ; s®.Thq £ explains the fjiDccliJ'g ro-( “In the fi 'with the] ‘pi him honest, i believe lijim who believe | ~w iththorelij bim to blavp for this jjria place, bechas! and corrupt 8 mews, who k ularity, hhve "elves to-tbo ti.oiir thanks il manner in r|ey for the tod all bnsi i itice, nsing, j bora "of ih§ ; si bio. -y. Jrrimjyfe. foster, . jpcJlten, fai'irhoj-, | X. Bakor, |nlberson, ttCrilley, v 1. .Jxoberfl Dan’l 3 Am Besson, io Bth, 1864 * ,lt ol .Iljsßt e Bcho\ ion— / >y tlhe . ■ ■ :of. nty, b hb S 3 i I&mnan S ■fto, June 15, >1 Directors o. 1 Boards ot D the School ating their iary of the hereof, vou ■|l' I Beaver Co: liaving been’ Irectora ofa pistricU in icaire to in- Coonty Su uro respect- I Convention, IScaver, bn , 1864, at 2 >r the par ing to the the supple proved the BURN,' . tokhools. jucstojl to meet in Court] House, ill flu ISi/i of Jul •m tho afternoon,, Wove ajateti, accor >f theJp,h section 01 'tlie school .law, a ay, 18jO$. C. It. G 1 SSjupf. of Com ?!, ie Tubs’ W van in the re Is wepj jobi »rear and P id got him him* , Aftc Richmond pn because L< beije ho w hat diflicul tbnt-Grar.t i yirig to-get i doing hit from getti •ebcls are it jijist -'Yorl : nlat der ion an fo place, be the rich i with \ poj ’lccti ii n rith Bate b»B ;ipu bci n their f» people, t n special and, in soyof vdjieft of i the lac K.at< is w iy raised up ,tne second thief thieving the political Jof ijbts: pop* icbod tbentt :ooss.” / informiajfs?oa, is present- f On its be baM;lh|tyf,also,the honor ctorjesept tog Z°W wj&.Wjcppy oftho reßlbtiOns orpTatfprw,a^pvedbyibat ; CoQyen“ tioriyUe eiwessivc ofitssenso, and of. thtfUeriShVOTthfe lt wpt«reDta; of' <ho policy that’ should cbaracteriUhtho administration of the Government ih , too presen ,bf-‘<b®; r |t v pTO4/'.n6t[ L siLy r jtoi you sir, thdtcoijveotson)irt thus po&b-' imoasly nominating; ydi fur* re-ielsc tion, bat gayo utterance Jtb the almost universalyoice of the loyal- tbp conpljg; . To dbnht of yqUr tn* nmpbaotOTKtion' of abandoning the bope of a ’final suppretsioji or the Rebellion “and the restoration of. ithe Government over the insurgent ' Neither |be Convention; rioi? those represented by that body l.eniejrUiincd riny doubt ,ap to tbe-finai result, under' your admii.- iBtralvot>; BU6taine(? by that loyal peo» pie, and bV our noble* Army itnd gaU fact Navy.' Neither ,did the Coriyen tTsg,nor dp this Committee doubt the speddy suppression of., this most wicki etf and Unprovoked Rebellion. ¥A copy of the 'Vesqlutibhs Vav here banded to ithe President.) ! I would K 1 resident, thafif would! bo are of the, Comrnitiee.lO ate to yon, iwitbin a low ugh its most accoml telnbeinUrjGurtis of New the yon have id Jury. been, for -the icPonnly, PriMnt said— .]• • Ji 'l ) s r, , anll -'j ; Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen or mtoa.-and Committee*—rl wilKpeither cori , that have cea j my gratification nor Vest rain the sioncrs.on expression of my graf ¥’ t O .. mil . Ch ,. l ° Union people, thiougt the build. , ion> in ‘ 4^e contiune, secure the anc j a dvanco the royoir.onts, deemed me not nnwlp to the cx£o- my p Te g ect npsit: i lnturlor i Season to doubt'tha t 1 iiding-_ [ the nomination tendci haps, I should not i 1 \ .1"? a "{J before reading Ur.d “I'tJ W'thj j a ca jj e( j t j lo platform S thaVfl apm * .tvr VH t ' on in favor amejlailng; the, Con. U I lion as io prohibitSlayUrytliroughouv ’ nee f > notice lhaj/they could pithin ’those ' days resimo thsir allegiance without the ’overthrow -of their institutions, and tfiat they could hqt resume it af tcpward, 'el e c ted 1 to stand out, such an (/ amendmentof the Constitution as is now pcoposedbecamo a • fitting land necessary conclusion lib the final suc cess of the Unioncatpio. Such alone can meet and cpycrail cavils. I now perceive its- importance .and embrace it.' In the joint names ofLiberty arid; Union let iU labor toSgive legal forni and practical ofiecti [sT' \ ' •_At the conclusion President’s speech, the Committee offered their personal congratulation, \ ] i TT” - " 7 ** • . ftaTAndrcw Johnson is an orator a's well a ia patriot. ' What heart has not been stirred with' the noble words ads dressed to bravo Tennesseans. They breathe the spirit olf |he man: |, My conntrymenl.Wy heart > l earna toward you;-.I love Von; am iqrie' of you., I have, climbed yonder) moun tains mikribbed and glowing ip, the sunshine, in whose gorges, in I whose caverns, yoursons, hunted dike wild beasts, have fallen tonseno ttioro.— I do. not speak of these things |to draw your tears. It in noit time for tears, but, blows. I speak of them that 1 may Jirejyour hearts with 1 ho ly indignation,iapd perve. yonr arm .for unconquerable fight. ■ And I speak of them because the Imountains seem to talk to me: My home is among tho''moantains, and though it is not j far away I cannot gc) to it. It is the place whore I met. her, and loved her,-who is the mother of jmy bhil-, drop, Do 1 pot jovp the mbnntains, then?, And if liborw is. to expire, if freedom is to bo destroyod, if nfty cour try, in-all its length and breadth,, is to tremble, undeertjfie oppressor's tread, let the flag, thp dear old flag, be planted on yon rocky heights, arid, upon it let there be tliis iriscriptiQrifj “Here is the end of all that is dekr to) the heart and sacred] to 7 the inemory of man,” ' • ■ ]’■ 1 lifm for p ft%kS in |6rt»lnaiion jr agd. ;lr ; ier, ! hehafl bn t,' lin'd it fboddno, ■iands are ittbeyore : riot,' and jwi!l await before bale*, 'great dis imaaohis Sire to see g, even in liriertcc.— re arrested Ip. the Gov ill be a vir l 1 ■ • • a. neession to .hereafter W&nld run jshcdxJs to nter irtic; bel .rt pfepnr! he tssue.ii reason “i e Goveirf? tter what ic result. Baker, sfcools. /1 1864. / \ \nt; ar of Yicks-. lant. With Jinberton in. just where r the same pers are ju» 10 has got i.nts him.—- t .to antler i just where and where i utmost to 3g. ■ Never ertain they hey want lian they icksbnrg ■&.Gen.'Scott attained on Monday, last his 78th year. Vile ha* nearly completed, the Memoirs. of hi# Life,' and nan given some of .the “copy” pht for publication, I contracting' tbtit t.ao / entire > book njust be ready, for iaspe early in July. The .General continues lo takoijis usual daily driyes, end ad vanced in years ns bo ia.apjHsars as erect add soldierly] aa when he led his triumphant troops to/tno gates of Mexico.-; ■j, I - I' rant was to be; and is well now oc-. Ivcning Post mnd for Mr. lows: • ] ria popular who bfSioro people; who m<£-soldiers, and S®-(set». been inform Jonea, at Chai ,that Ire of our, general officer.. , the h&lds of the* enemy em kept under pur firOas a retaliatory measure. .' (*<n. '-Poster Eng naked permission 'Jo place a number of rebel officers, pf’ the, s under rpbel firt it is nn donrtobd that ISeorettt^ 'Stkntbn '■ ha'*- agntntftd- the request ■ oelieve ports that ho baa iC rebal General - - po; ,uey HaJthe dgtmnera.diirange, wboni itney -ntly orderetf ind the. works were kbnywiih IfigdiiS sndBQO prisoners. > |kosiieertoih ! 6t'%i« positfonr lgaVo cannoii i command of the city of Jeterstyirg, Into,which place they wore ablejto throw shells. ~,sur doss' Was 200,pf which forty were?cplored. Tue' enemy' were SOOO : and their ppsitioh formidable tt> art attack by- 50,000. ; men. ...The, aarprlso. was cornplete.BeinforcomanUi reaehedthc jino afterwards, -but top loteH' : st.ati|, in "the eyeßing of the same day; June, 16,-an: attack on the second liiie,‘ to which the ertemy. had fallen, was or dered.- ~ The IBthicorps (Smith's) was. west of the' railroad on the right - on- Cole's point road. Bdrhside wM ph the left and the 2dcorpson]tbßeei>t«r. Burnside-reached the Psintfd Gdorgc road pltei* an engagement of an hoars duration.., |.k'j;'; • , Geri Birney. is in command of the 2d eot-p9, Hancock teing chief in cpih- j rmilid in' Meade’s 'absence at City Points Wo gained the works lit the front and held thepn all nigh t, ! - , Ati daylight our lines advanced and the fight Was resuthed; *. ’ |i ! ; 1 The greatest credit, is giVeiupn all | v hands tbQenvSinekfe’s bngado’ofcol^ | f ■' r ;•■ atod iM thcirl gallantry Inna*. feBeOVeT Markets, nying the Ifiwt line PC works. These [l.; .•, / , —i I | works were under the-command jofiV .coeeected' e-hrlt ron the “AEoc».’ r ( Sen. WisCi Otherwise their captures i /: ' : j would have been* more difficult. ) i ,!/, Flonr parbbl. -J... i-:-l ;■■■ ■ N-l'l’i :• fdo “ 100 lbs . „.L.;... Bermuda Hundred, June 18th, ;)/ , Dried Apple* per busheli..;..... f via Baltimore. Jane iBQth‘../v ii-do fe»«he« “ “ | .i.......... ' „ • ./' . , ' .Wheal Irtalltwenty-ono pieces ofnttdlery 1 Cora “ ‘ - - {........ have been captured -Irpm the enemy, Rya . •• i .•* ' * in cjur assaults on the works at Pe- . oat * ; . " I—- tersbnrg, beside a larg/ number : of „ prisoners. When. with- , yliijcthySwd. <• ,f. TCZZZ 300 drew Ids forces* of..Genpjrnli Flax Seed, .1i........... 8 oo BulW to reinfojde,Petersburg, Gehi« Bean»\ ' $ 4 -.„ 2, 75 eral Butler immediately. soiit ontl'.'a . .PrtMaevv--, .V, “ ■ «• 80- Force under Generals Terry and Tur. ® niol \?’ \ ||! v - -- 1^? ner, whiciy" sueeccdod in destroying ** * \. dozen 15 important bridge, and four-miles of Butter, ! •• I lb -20 raileopd track near Walthall Jdbe Hams, “ F\“ 18 tion/Early’s,.late LongStreot’s corps, | Shoulders, _Kf cafasod the J antes Bivor .near: Drury’s i I ••“ !5 Blpff in slrcng forco, artd was seen j v id coining down the Petersbnrig Canutes. •• >• IG’ pike ns 'Gen. Biitler’s forces enieired i|. Soap, . .>• . joj ih'cir works. The James igverj is ? *| r 10, f Bse ®\, 'V i, Oof blobkaclod a few miles belpw. 'Drnijy’sj {? . n,:bon Jll, ’’ “ ’j--- Bluff'tp prevent a sm,prise from ,tho| —— rebel ratps. „ . " ' MY OF THE PuUOMAO, T || e 18th, 1864. f. I* ■ General wounded while:! brigade in aj rigi7rattacked* the enemy and sW beaded id Advancing hra line and tak* ing ja few pirisoners. Ilia loss is,W' ported-at about 500. TheNith Ccrpl did not |ose heavily in their mdvahce in the morning, bat their lo^s s was considerable ,in thb ttftcrnoon in their attack on the- left. Our losses! dn r ring the past tw|o days will reach 8,000 killed and wounded. , Tbejilpss of the enemy at some points was great er than ours, but being generally, bei hind .their entrenchments were not so much exposed, ) and .of bourse jthey suifered less; on! the whole; iAlll'tbo prisoners takftniso far, some ; 1,200, of whom .about .200 jeaimo in yeslerdav. represent themselves as being in Beau rogard’s army. V It is not boliebedi that snob a resistance could be made with outxliia presence and the aid .of tiis | J,'! ■ ,i ‘ ;}'+■>'/ Headq’ks !iv ■: ■■ j« Xkvt York, Juno 21.—1- Herald I special says;: Gen." Hancock's old wound has been so (roublcsome tbaiho was to ask to be relieved. The request wasjgranted,] and Genl Bo uev has command [of bis corps. j Gen. Hajncoek did not command in Satur day’? fight He expects to be iojthe field again in ? a few weeks. : Ji - lt is said | there' are • 3u$00:1 rebel troopS i.i Potersburg r ,and thcj iion-: tinuuHy being reinforccd. . Tno at tack at 4 a. m. on Saturday byxthe 2d Corps, met but little oppda itionSr— Our troops in passing over tbo for* mid able works occupied by thejonei my tbo day, previous, captured fifty or sixty prisoner?. The casualties on both sides were few. We. moved., on and. developed another Irne of wd'rks about five hundred yards jHero the rebels made a stubborn ;re» sistance. .1 • • v v f- • "'i . /*r j ' At _nooix a general advance of the Second corps was as sanlling force 'consisted or three bri gades Tboyilinea rnshod forward gallantly, but could not withstand the deadly fire of nutSketry, gripe and cahmstcr, though they g6t within seventy five yards of the earthworks, [andlbey then fell back, leayihg their dead and wounded. ■ j ' I Another attack was orderpWat an other/point. The storthing partv consisted of several brigades in cob- UjHa of regi merits aboutfonro’tlock to*' the afternoon in two columns.— They were met;with such, a mnrdor ousfiro and cut dcwn so rapidly that they were withdrawn. | - y Nett |Yobk, June , 21—A Tribune [special, Idated Headquarters Army of the Potomac, Sunday, Juno 19, a. m., says: Thofourtbday of battle before Petersburg ended last 1 right. If it shall: open again to day J it will be by. the siege of Petersburg—briefer, per* baps,than by battle.. [ 1 . 1 [ Wo attacked [three times yesterday s—at 4 ai-m;, at noon, arid at 4 o. m Gen.-Warren*. joined on. the le'ft.and around, with skirmishing In front, half a niile, at bachl advance, taking one :iin.p pi works, and Kdg op to aaother and tbofist: Gena iHaneopk ahd Bnrnsids. in tWpantro ' I I-'..’ • • ;,' : t ■ $f«W. Yoßltf Jnqt 22 r r-A ciaf, near PeiißrßbQurg, Jj&th, say^—Thocopntry ftidy Took i for de monstrationß sbortly wbich will gi-eat-. ly change ib'e aspect of a&urs at this . appi'.bf: greater 'importance,- the bombardment-of the city of. Peter s the grand open ing etepin .the opening (this) r week's work, • Grant has his artillery in ex- J celient, post ton at- a range of from twelve hundred, to /burteen hundred i yards off, the heart’ of the city, and at daydight tomorrow the' shelling will commence, provided the place i» not previously surrohder by evacua. tioh or negotiation,theformer of which, Only is likely to occprri ■;; A.demand fbr thclsurrender of.pe tcrspiirg hits been made and refused, ShdoUr artillery is shelling the place, which has been nearly deserted 1 by the Inhabitants, .-.jl. 1 •; :f -' N*w York, June 23. —A \ Herald correspondent with- Writing ipn tbo id.tbj sayS:—The lipd. of tail-, road - .between and tiVrtdliburg Is destroyed most effeetu allj’ fttl two miles,‘th jcuttiiig it* two the rebel forces in two pincc*. . ’!* ? *.r ; , •. BEARER COUNTY.! <w; j IN the Orphans' Court in ami for the, Wmniy'j of|Bcaver. before the lion. Judges of said [ Court; In the'yVnattcr of jexceptions. to. the j accounts of Joecphftrittfuh. guardian of Jo»t- ; hh ill Brittain anil Ana Elizabeth Brittain, “fjW&’WWfSS ne v;burt appoint Mi B. tVelsb, Esq., an Auditor tb take testimony and report the facts on the ex-*: captions filed. [A true Extract; j . 'j JOHN A. FRAZIER, Clerk, Nance.—Thci Auditor *bove named 'will attcnd.-to the of his appointment at the Cdhrt| House, in Heaver, oh Monday, thelUh day of July, at Ifi o’clock. a. ml, at which tltnd parties interested will attend, iif they think proper. h M. 8.-WKT-SH, je'22’64 ■ Auditor. . \EXECCTjjOEsj NOTICE; J , ■VFTHERKAS letters testamentary ' having VT \ bectkgranled; to' the undersigned, on the estate of Joust Gonno*, dee’d., late of Rochester twp-,. Biiaver. co, Pa, i all persons knowing .thcmselvcb indebted to . said estate are requested to mike payment immediately and those baying claims against the same will present them to the subscriber duly authenti cated for settlement. * ” >' „ ’ ' ' - '.lf AMANDA GORDCC ' je22. ’O4. , - m • \ tVevvi IVXat'ble I ij ■■ D. . " MARKET St.L BRIBG EWA TSil. ; THE, Subscriber]' announce* to* ffce j 'that he.is prepared to. furnish to custo- all 'kind ofwork in bis Use from a PLART SLAB to a-GARVED TOMB STONE. American and Italian Usrble i 'Kept on hand, «nd all kmds of plain, as well i as Ornamental wort'done, in a i satisfactory'' manner.. . ,/ ; ' D- IRONS, i Market st, 1 door north T. AHisotfs state’. ' jutrels’ts4 /' - -t- _ _■ v ■ : ' f IN T :RATOR".f NOTICE; V ndrninißtrntjon onthe estate of late l of Industry township, , having been granted to the persons indebted to saidystate make immediate payment, and 'aim. gainst .raid estate: will . - ..the subscriber'properly au thenticated for settlement. I’ e. JO TIN SLESTX, Ohio fp., j jel’C4—Gw, I Administrator. i EXECUTOR'S NNOTICE;. WHEREAS, thi ProbateC'ourt of Colum-. biana county, 0., having granted to the undersigned letters testamentary on the estate of Horatia Nl Barker, late oF Perry tp. Columbiana county,!Ohio, doc’d., all\persons knowing themselves 1 indebted to’ said pstate are requested ,to made. immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for set\ tlement. -..1 ■ jolG'isd ■ApIimiSTfIATOR’S NOTICE XTriIEREAS letters of administration on VT !the, estate of Asbniw New Brighton, Beaver county, J enn’a.,- dec eased, having been duly j granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are nstußed to. meke Immediate payment, and claims Rgainst the same will nre eent them properly authenticated for tettle raent without delay. j ■ i . ' .L,- >’»• Him*, Adm V.. je16,61 ! New Brighton. Diyi4©ndNb. , ! ■ Bask_ or Biaveb Cotnrnvl ! - Kew Brighton* May % 1864. ' { ■ j fpHE President and Director* of thih Bank (, JL thU daj declared'a; DIVIDEND OF ■ FOUR PER CENT; upon it* Capital Stock, but 1 t ‘ v l ruw | ■ Vw wa ilMt TBPr(Hill IUVCti 1 « id. : r ,i . XiyVABDBOOPSt <7; /X-’-'j-l ■!."' OmUot •'•*• • - ’' < .!- ‘ i **rml E3B Ihii was # iS*®**®- - —" x «! V' •f. tne Eighteenth; ,*- UafMKR ak bakgks Ei " ipt np Aho river,£d - *•••-• ■ of the town. One i ». ;\ .Mo the t towo, &, lfi ' 1 8«4^ mi-cirenmvallale to 7:50 *. *. M pfe : ' ■ . j - fcso^Al .<J£r is I .. N, .‘Expcutrix, Rochester. 0. 8. BARKER. ExV : 1 T Newßrighton FEN or ... nroNk _ . )3.1 «&> rl u. i rn .?* Rl B ® a , T . er r;-.7 : i0 t jit» !ir& V | ; J ' MiE g 3, ow. rrfa Pr «l ~n . ~ .M aT «» RoGheatef tJ -T -Ist, llngh’n Ac<iom. 5:42 a- m W JhfckX . .1(5:45 t;« T *.£ Newcastle •• • 0:05 p», '•>'»«. / 5 - i-o. s ;;v;;:;;« ». ».;• •■- \2 ’*01; aV . *• O'.nem ti Exp |, ■ 45 P/M "" QGisrt West— *;°® Mt-"• -’•* >licave'gPitts. Art .10. Alliance Aceom.r 2; 10 P . u ’ ■ «?'**%.'■ <ols A " „ M urifn-n .2 ~... i 5 *;.* 1 ajl : ;8d ~ 4:40 t. m. ]s•-. .1 530. * Ist Express. , ItOOfi. - v, . U- Express, .. P " M ’' *• f- ■ ■ ?, sius^sop^E.^ Quarterly Statement of Bank of ' , . Beaver County, L,:; V. V^' r ™4on. Ml»y 4th, ; i851. ;i itesodacEs. Notes and binsjdietWijtcd. actirc •>-,r<r Same under " » D. Si 5-20 4-petl cent. CouponhAnds. ■.O-V. > : -,.S U. 8. 7 3-JO per cent.ijtreas.-.noics.. 4 fsnf<i U. 8. 5 per eenlji legal; tender. ..A. MVI Furniture and office fixture? ; vlj-i ./ .Uue.from ; »s«ji ji Notes and checks of other KanV? and U. 8. Treasury ndtes^i...... Coin in vault.... Protest acc0unt......;.. 1 -A | ... . Capital Stock paid in —fi 10,400 00 - Notes.in ciWn1n'i0n........... P3O 00, 'Dm depositorsj.llt.OOl j* Due the Commonwealth • 49 Contingent L.3.1’ 59 Diridends unpaid............. />, 17y 50 sai~4 X certify tbiiitbeabo't.e,atet™ Mu.wtruHß.l correct according to the be«r tf-mr lcAeTiod™. and belief. [■ „ I litw..™ ,iv,r*, Cnslr Affirmed end eube-rih*-/ me ibit d»y of May. Ajf )>. ' ' , " list of LEviiss; T; E.MAIMXfi ‘ in '.Die <sv- XV rer/Pa;, Ma/.01,- I£«l ! • H • Kirks John . , i - ' - ' —- Clrnsi.r John -' *j jM’Bfiuc A Cunningham 1. . ’prill jTh** ‘ I Cnraming .1 jPurkUon V»’rj , Crawford AVru H 2 } Patten I) ’ .Crawford Lliaa Tiisl Graham Thonms . jSmith-Wm Mary *■ ,Vi . e -\}*3h*nc Emil* ]S:nUh .Suaau HoffiaW Jaa ' , |T«'>r.{f.so;: Km % J- V»alb-*r,t t'rorgc . Johnston h| ~ J Johns lE\J_• , t ■- ■ Vtort üßii AiintA■ I i ng- fur-liters in me-ibr list, wilhplea?c tshv thev ‘are advertised. ‘ - I * >3J. j ■ anivekson; P. M. v Office .Hours.- a.- in. jto KJ p. ra. ' iIST OF LETTERS RKMAINI NO in;' the' I'bstf Office at KoLW ' ter.:Pa., Jtmc lflt, > Bolen Benj F *. ‘ L ■ jMelhihNJacki*on ... Kbyte Wm _ - jMayer - Brotr.n Mdfc'Jt J u * ; Miilor Sfr*GeorJ?i BurgV , MilchellLiwTi Ueifi JohtpW' j ' Powell Sarah J\ I .' Ferguson J-G. . . Rhodes John \ HubbardMiumo . jos }> N Hoohor II E &.oo jSmith Ali«s tlUpn . .Hartman Andrew.;,. 'jSmith Miss Sophia Hamilton 'Pearscm x jStewjirt RN„ i ' Johnson A aJ, * ' jScotti JsHn; V f . Jungcrl George • WinVersgiU Joan Marquis George A.: J |%Vhei!siOr Uer.ry, 2 Marthenu M;4s C L |" ' _ “ i . t. m; ■ BSuOtfwe hoar* v during 7». ra. to ji; in. : ’ YAIiU ABLE EABM ANBCOAL 1- . LAND FOR SALE. ' .4 XU ACT of .first rate lapd, "situ*!? ‘S | CUippewfl tp... IVeaver. comitv. .miles w'cst.of’Xetir Brighton . on tLe P- Jfe. C-. K. U., containing |OX£ ACRES, .is offered for "sale-on ; fATf(cahl?tfirs*. About seventy acres of thi.-i ..l-v'vi'.'ue ' | arid inNigoid state of cultiTjation: die Kd| 3 ? IjTvell timbered, and all under .tVUce. t^ r - . Pare bri ihe a stone dwelling hpn?e, i | large stone spring house, (the upper I which is now; used; as d dwelling, --(andhew i log barn. TheriKis a vein lof pxcellen| «»• i underlying a Salomon cjf the tract, wjtc i opening near | t ’ ) For further ihforjicmon °* : James Fife, Es£., ilrigWon.'.ra.. X. *?• F*t* : term an. Esq., Pittsburg, or M. Weta>o. | thonotary’s.officc, Beaver,, \ i Pro. Mar. Office* 24th Di\ ! New HrioUton. ,1 uno 2cl'. 1\ j Cmcci.tr. No; st>. \ I IVT° claims'for prcdits nill lie.reccitV ;il Ac office of A. .A, Pro. / Mar. 1 | Office,* Harrisburg. Pa., unless forwanW ! the. claima'nta, through the District I 1 ! 0 ' 0 ;* j. Marshal, accoinpariicd by the nccessai donee. 'All claimniijts, the eli’t'c; are | directed to compile the facts of each c.'-so ; regort at this, offico. The claims oil! '■* ‘f. | warded by mail to Headquarters at : burg, as no preference will be given- i fl - :1 i presented by the claimants in person. - 1 By order of A. A. Pi M. General. ! v JOHN CCTIIBEP.TSOV | ’!' Capt. & Pro. Marshal, jiljth Pisl- Pa fc eTcrl; a¥sa l 001 [' In'■ BridgCM ut<n - * ■ subscriber has- fits'e-dnp, in *"J-ft • ■ and modern style, for an ICE-'Cu”-; SALOON,’hlshpusc-on thd eon 1 ; 1 " of " and Mulberry Streets, - '' , Cakes , cf all kinds, constantly. kept on , ll j T ORDERS IFOR lOE PROMPTI‘\ ; ’ir FJLLE% 51 iy 2S. 18«— It FKEDEHfCKJVAt^ .A*.-- Sestwick. ‘ BROADWAY & APPLE StKKf?- .' Itieur Brighton, P* > ■ /TOottaiffa ' and Retail 'Reiter j* ■ ■ Tini Copper, ; and - Sheet 'bs* And the meet approved patterns f • Ftftshvrd .{faking; aniS#t[ sj V. . ' ‘ t T 23..3C1 s’ ■ S.'IWS: . 1 1! NEM kK.ui 61 AY LOR, PM ho fmtnaeij frca iL'Pa,-! , :■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers