61 "• r ■ fi-.i-1.l CIA gh-Thff -rnjT ", r»sc r* t#ftsiSiSr &kM aasltoj*Hs ■ c ottiifluni**t i|6&% By c Wa .-rtinWVe-prttfpiStmtskf* 5 • UV - r. V f,' -f-r-F.. .'lO.-f V'l'Vlh •nrjv-rt-m . . •<Aai'2ffiii^# # f ;i «-w l f: OT di bin's discounted; aotiye'^63,27o:4o S«rs iin’dfit 3jJPO(^- ■fr<- S-2't f> iierceaU couponpoiu}i 8o,l»a„® co : 7 gif) cenl. OO -<t p § pre ,' furn'itr.re and, opce; J..;. ,V1 V 95 Pi'c from u!? v * ■ '■***■ ;."O.J (:5 1 *4; £ ;';-5;i64v37 ri;; .#•»«; i -'VHH , - ,i i jWi<Jn»a •ReiltT >'&> : . | jPrgpQwng £(|ft SpuuXpf.R<f~ i rtsen ath'ttsj' iiielVomufngjfriUli cf Ptniw/hania \ jaibendincntfelie pfMlbaed tp Coißiitution, ' of, theCbmbAomveauliVin atoOi'dfurto witblAe r "of <tlie lentil Artiale thereof; v 1 ,: t t There.“hill fcf In. bdjruionikV.eecfloq ,\<t . 1 tbird,.articleof Iho 4e?M?" i’niiteil.as section!four,'ns fallows:” ‘ 7 j electors of shall! be id ~ 'V.".'.',.:;::."- iauynctUiU..iailk£i^serwß,.nnder r»_rp3ujsj , §di2,77d'63 ; tionifromjthe Pneaidpnt.oj! the-United plftcs; trAhlaiTir?. 1 , t ‘ '■ ’lorby ih‘o-Vjathl>rity.bT'»|iiS\eoimho‘n ; WeaUh, _ *„,i 5 ,,.v - '■* tluy/rigbi.i of su£| '•ci-a";n'Arotihi'.io:u...; j.92<j DO ,/ J: | fra go in all clobtiops by the .upder: r.. s ...>., |J7,0f1|1..,77. ; , ;.■ ] each regulation up lire, or sball be, prescribed (•■ X "c-Cao.. .oin'-eaiih..:..t ,S£S, 49 - ,by ipw, twipll/i pH ■••••■ -i^ 3 85 their usual plac jof election.” i . ... i >v ii;cpaid..-;..-.--l;.'-' ,5- I . :-/SECTtoR/i. T iertrjdiail JbO;tYo i additional !_ ■; ——; r“ ;>■- ( ] tp the eleYenta-.atlielc of the .CouMir' \ 1 1 ,524i;;Z74 §5 j tulipn, to bo designated-eji ;»ecUpp.dght,and \ ! re/iS’-' that the above true,aid > nine,as follows is-nert Veociding te (he beat of ‘toy knowledge • vilecxtps/S. - < VbeWf- llboPSi'Casn r.;. | legislature, cci * n \fßrine'l amrsubsciibedbel’bre.iuci thijs. ith I which bb I.C’V' ‘.i'lly. A- i>- 13oi- i ciCOpt nppropri >j" * T. Notary j’nbUci; ! S)/! | .. .. : - —! — —•- I beislnture gran , ~—~f_ ■' “ . -f-rK ’■ ’-1 1 . v' Sin any'ciiae,' wli rr i rii e JL> ci u 16;. jposer*rs>r»v .'* y ritiSa, j after bo/ cohtV ■rWPS’s t’ff'Stt f-Xi£T3 fSSjSJ (&4sfeaL l CohunouwcSlih , .■... ■■ :f..( ; • 'Speaker if ~ ci.T.VEUSb s | ! *■■■>■ IEMSST. , **■ j -! ;• ■jpff.ce-'Secri SesvecSfalion— <toixq.East: ~ ftwiinV. J[n3*y... Jlifl i'i, 'Pi.- JVrt»»,.PENiSSY_. I'arffil'i./r'i'i'tl’Oii-arj-oilaKti../- ■ ■ - j Ido hevcl:y . 7:5v *.W ■ Arrives ftt- I’ltubnrgW :.9:SO,*. M..| S‘?i k " ?:S0 p. M-'jff-^SS^fc-ItU C..Si r. jj. •. ' : 8;0,5-p.-m. ; * j‘ Ot'ivr. -) • •- tt X Joint Keso : -Vf folic&t: ] ',; monU lo tbe. l • Arrivfar.t T:4O, a. ittaiijs OL^filc.;] ?i:2o p. m. Ik I Testimony . 2:20 'r. ; M. ■ - .ml* liiiad it.n ’,7- /’ 2:IU a, H. j Gary's officer J C .‘N. -McCULLOUGH; - Pret't ■ aboye yritten. 7. n)KYZi:S.-G&* r:r:c!As™u : " • • f . Tr^ir. t'. I'i'.V. A;.v. v. P.vcli&wU'r. :;I<> ** ■'? h'.O a. :r above. _ ; . (to bjf: a maj , L* , ■ ■ House, ut two i v iOon33l«sr -. *• oral . : A^ scm^'- •••;.■ ■ r.ca\vstW.t*«C-r Arr.ft. Put*, j ,^ p a , n « lsfV.rsgl.-t. Acernot iA-V- a: si- ■:*■], J., 0(j > c , f Ol . til lid brigh’ir -. “ . 6:45 a. « fc: T^'. A - H - -. , r ; T TfESOA! 84 BrlgVaj •■ •*.. 12.“3, flwJone Hum New Castle “. ?• '• ; four, inaceur •i'-aU ' wl* p. p. >*• i tenU i. ur( :ieJe .. Ul Express. ■:., -I:'*} a. M...... A. M. ! entitled “An “a Express,. M...... J t » | man»er of sti C^tsio 4 !iE*|i. v .' “•••;••• ,:0 ° r l *' 1 nUrerdf nad 9 . .A* 02 ; - .*).- iJ *V i _ • ■•' pa>DO?cd ante UvMU. Apr. at Racier. . ro^d ;he t / Ktev. a. • s:U* ..-- p ; M 1 Lid eight hu; I,' I'd A ■„,\cC"tn. ■ “••!•■> a. M 11 ; 1 A> A- St. •■■ • ■ b a I ■•-• hvf'i.'s ;::w-v. n...:.. ■ I. • 4:40-V.’ s. J..- &16 *- 'M- t h-s.- : Ui j-p- ; , SK; fed;:l;S "Mi : -' r JONES’-■ i $ rr-h ss ft-1 d: y e i s g ;*-is'c,o u ri n ■?; d.| .[ •EStrAI»LISU'itEST.,J ■ !- ' p rd& VoiilO^'JTßliiET, ;!• | , (West tiTi Fedem!.') 1 i ! Si f'rntHf Proprietors of »!iis“ EstttblWtmen' i- .1 -havi been ■engagi'l far a tnimner-of year tlji . I in the nii.sl extensive'establishments in^fii; .j jpimtry, in the cities of New Y ork aiid Vhila- 'ldehdini, where aU'llie Wrovcdbpplinnces and avVcteployi:.!. . Being also in poi ' -MliOTAiaSe ' ! scs-'iur. of tile scry latest discoveries and «n«h • it hods of European liyers, they dyo and finis > '-J'tallies’ Pill:. Satin find Merino a ■y~ nI | =|re nuvde injcolor and rniish, very nearly equid | and,STARGH|eR f [ CViu.biKcd'! j. Siivor.auti bro.ue s*iC*u ; i L r -* ' !C«i-riooiac-s, , \ alix6jble xv^al Te-t tecniaf. have h-cn ■.vecoivcd^frphi‘van- , ' , ‘ 'pni?; SAL'S. ' .-i on, vc-rces both lAtblie ruid I‘ri-itte;. -J :i : ~ .'. j-l ■ slio.-vdiit'Ui.r and A.iii,stable: The only ! fgYHE stthscribcr pticra for sale hisresidenjte ; AVri ig./r wilfet be i' A fat ’i/ig-fW he;;l Kcgjtu- j 1; on Ti.ivd Strce(_ a Uo;>sc I 4 twr lor tur- ice ‘...ih vo'.is I -lacther find which I imprriVeinenls are a l.ric:: house .jO feet frojlt I • os’iliVe!'- •i.resei.ta the roiW lVoiuJifeahinS; ob i liv ?,<i leiA.dcep coutajiuinK itj'EiKiios'and Ptorc ; t'iiwin-Ulba shoff it net Olily a F rr. j tfoo.n,' Cistern. House,, Stanley iruit I ’c-’f.V.vi -<-r. b-i: 'he Cdj-wllee!*- give ; 't »|Tr*«. Grape Vinca, &c.»-&.c., ' >\ J •• v-bntf tculeoA i: a ? .fcst .Excellent! . Also.. SStty acses I fii-st «tc land.^tnues \Va h»- and) sewtiatang. as ii docs, 1 Imlutr Bcay.-r; unimproved, standing vibhea- , .-.; V.. ~Tp, •;; e •■v.vpc';'' ft'cp.t the .c‘o;imsr ooilcnt Whiio O.il: Tljnibcr, Oiic inile Irtm H(e • ■i'-vlr. whiter, and amm-iiicr fhaa hOhio river. • j. • „r,uih w.-n « •’•‘li;- hand. t v m water -eaa ha Also,, a lot containing 12 y crcs . on ? '“‘ASI; ‘A'.V.U, ; •'••,.1:9 mJ'i “timb fnccirs, easier, ; from Heaver, .enclosed'.wit a--l)oiird l.encc , I '[ y‘9 |ih:t:i bp the or- i •niiahic iovi» Gavdnerer or NtiEcryninn, I] or '■ J itv-v"' .■•U-lasuv.urd l.ack."b.ir«ait&ig. • ■ further particutavs'enquirg of the subscriber, j ■ ►VtitaWrnnd cuahos destroying ipiWps,- ; Titles jindispnta'le. | it-- 1 -. i.’-Qi t:u V.V: '"VYcaf aim j . May KOS T. -1 Ci*rsbjO._ , T l^: fs I! ■ ' Without t.'og-wl.ecls, tli;< vrhole .strain of,' XK|v;BlitCUln)i, J UHC 'dtl, ISO-1.. •--ffi-ci’ii; theSjphihh. through toe Ma'diiue is put| (tiucn.rn No. 50. . 'ls. ' ' nr-;n die lower roll, and the 0)010, is made to , claims for Credits will he received at net i/. the place of, Cog-wheels, to dri.ve taa, jV . tlie ‘ oftiee of .Vl A. Pro., ’Mar.' General's upper relVc-iking a much greater, strain up- UarriKiv „rg - l>a..' unlefe? .forwardedlby cn tUtiv.verrnu than when <|<.g-wuecias (he ■ tlai , nants t p iro i p h ; the l>lslrict Provost put-l.i- .;: Kegntfitor a-c useu.iifenici> fip - !lc eonipanie<l by the necessary 6v»- ■ fr* aituin uprd U<« cloth, echoed ' deuce. AH , claimants, therefore; arc hereby wutK.r.l tu every town: h.bevat mdi ce r“* l1 t S |i' (lirectcd Votfompile ilie'factsibf cacTrafse and utTcred,- and esclusiva' sale gimratitocd. 11 i rcgart ; al | t bi 3 officeJ Tint claims will Ae 'lbr - i;. L.lbiWh iNU. s.gent. lj w = r j ed - b „ Headquarters.at Hams -i . (liu r Vo \vVtfV rini ii burg, as lib preferenpe will be.given'to claims St-\.;M. G. 10-it. ■P?• _ i presenfedbv the claimant ain person. . , Mat 11. ’64-, I .;• Borpngu township. V f o rJior of’A, aVp. M.'Genersl. , . IODD is Agc;ni for. litii>-ev.snl| ~ . . , JO|lN CUTHBERTSON*. Clothes Wringer, ill the Townships o} . |Wo®ns|. _ , - Capt> & p ro- jjaralial, 21tb Hist., Pa, lndcpsKiieucVi Uaccooxt. . y-reene,: 1 ahti IloptwcilV - ' ' hif KG-~ n\, Vi AVNW.fic CHICAGO?*.. R ; ~.~ {., :;t,;, U’. 'M .:;~~ \ i TALU ABLE EAEMI AND C| \k .'A' ' FOR SAL<E. I* A -T'.l.U'T’ ci farstl rat* ;knB, sititfcte ii tV.. Bthvcrj county. ,a)V--ui 5| r. ::u!e-. of.E.v.v Brig'ilonj on the TV., A; 0. ft. iC.WttVi&ttjf ONE HUSTCHE* ~ ACKX“, i:- ottered lor sale'vir tavoraoie terms. ■ ,j\K<- it seventy acre* o? thU VaiiJ.are cleaned tad ih. a i state*' - ' cultivation; the halanci ■‘T'nl aill aH uts.der feace.'i i.Thcr: are ..-..j oe -Ac■< ••. rieniMw-etlyig. lijouse, i •lire.- M.m.-kanng house. rise upper jslorj* C ■ whisk u,«r «-..U as;.a .W,l&ig. l«tdfc_ew,c io;. o;’,n. There is a. vein, 11 ' excrUon'. e.o ; underlying \ large panic* of' (lie wit opening noTip the railroad ■ * J, ’ .; £*3?-Tor further jnfor Jiat ion inquire _ James Fite, Esq., Brighten*. l‘a-, N. IV. Fet ter.i' in. Ksj., i’iushurg, or M., iVEVASU, Pro thOuotary e ofiiee, Beaver, V"' Pensioq, Boontjf&Bafcl AKTHUR3 & RIDDELL No. 135 FOURTH ST ; PITTSBURG, PA. SPECIAL attention given to, tiw ■ collection of the BOUNTY OF $ luO, duo lo- WOUSP 80LIJIEUS who Un»e served Jf two Ts\fo;.iirhfbhl»'now bcfifciJiiW.. . * #6f* ATI 'coßimunk»tlo‘tu adeffes'sed as *bo)r • Kb»ptl^«Mw|f*d^ l r»turn UPoiti ,~.• ;•~ K,| MI - as'Ox). %»Ht r J 4. s} kij e£,'f uJf Vr(yifcilocjij, : - lO;'Vo : /i ■ as tn El o'in i> 'Sift '■**? *w}• •<qo.;s.'w <,.(!;//' ,!'OHii7f L)iu'.r.U: .'(>} «osh. IfrVr .j dj'ii.j; 1 b'Vijn;kii ioI Y?tfinjis Viofob b !ii;! -•)!*;Mj jxli ‘*iT(U* ;V • • - 'rl - TM 'Ye 1Ar e .,.."(411(1 yrirtaXt: NCH ' BUB OI!I>iXANCJO BE it enacted by [the Burgess and Town Council bf the' borough of Hookstown, • and it is hereby enacted by the authority ,o! 'the sa;ii'e. that from and after the loth-day cl 11 June, Wit. all teamsters haulipg coal to ctb zees living.iu suiil borough'of Hooks’, own, £a’. tliall be required to have their coi'.-witgor, measure'! :lh>l branded correctly, indicatin, | the number of bushels'. such conveyance -wil hold and Itio itnionaf hauled to (ho Said citi I reus it! said borough.-.'Any person failing o • t' refusing to comply with said,requirement sham ‘ i pav a. fine of Sid. 00 for. each and every tuch *; ofl’enCc; said'dine and forfeiture io .be levied l and collected the same as any Other dues.<* tines imsaid borough. Approved May 04. ,1 Attest: ; JNO. A,SM)WDhX,\J f f l S. W. Miller, Cl’k,. .. Burgess. ICE CREAM SALONS * I 'HE subscriber harfitted up,' in an elcga i * aud : modern style, for : an; ICE' CEEA 1 SAtOON., his. house bh the cqriicf of foddj | nnd'Mulberry Streets. ' , ? j " .. ■ Cakes land. ■ Cbn^^tioiiarifis, cfnll kindS,;cohsUnUy kept bn'hand. •okafeßs: rm ■••• "•! •••:• - FtXi'L'Bl). ja.. - .XREDEBICK TXALZ ' «■■■ ■" ".-f- I';- ■U ■ fi3 ? iii&t ft; it !ii»a • ■ lwX/« : |rihf ni ' “ ,'i - ■• •■■l rtfc ■i’/t vMrVyv ii SMt* .It OWt? r£tc{ , :>jijl«'lb^lfe li_ 1 i_ Voo‘f;“fe?S' ■ -?3 i' -rar i! 0-: ■i’rl ':! ■’■ ,s: 7 ,• Eii i' 1 •< ,- ■ .1 o bill snail bc-passcd by,the j ; t aming niorc than qne subject, j ;1 early expressed iu the .title, ■ iatioa b'll'b,’’ _ ' ■'i ’ ; So bill shill be passed, by the' itmg *nf pqwqrs, or priylegea, ; idro the authority to grant encli ‘ leges, has been, or may h , rrejl upon, the courts; of this . IIEXiIY C. JOHNSOS, ■, the U.OU3C of R f/resenliitivt*, ' JOHN X’.'.PESXIiY; i'*( of senfi*c. I tary of jCbinmonwealth \ •InAURisBCBo, April 25;; IS<)4. j • £ VANIA, ss: . ' , i-ertify that the foregoing is a i 11,., true ami correct copyiof. the ic.. original Joint Resolution of id. General Assembly, entitled i|u; inn proposing certain Anicml- Lonstiiuiion,” as. tiio.sa-tnn Vo- i this omc«. •' ' - • ! ;■ whereof. I have hereunto set] 1 caused the seal of the Sticrc- ; lobe aifii-ed, the-day and year; j'.LI SLIFJEU, - ~ . the COinmomoealfk. • iic- I 'iuii ’U having been agreed I irity of iheinonibers of oncli ■ A i successive sessions of the Gen- ( : of tins CciamraiwcalthV thef' idinents will be snbndlted to the ;;r adoption or rejection, tile t or Acr.rsT, in tii e year of our sand eiglit hundred and sixty iance w'itJi the provisions of the if the Constitution, and tbe act, act prtd;c:jhirig ,tho time and inditing rlo the' people, for Jheir -paUficstibn or' rejection, the aduiente 4,.Vnc Constitution-''ap renty-third o? # Apijii; onci thoua dred'and sixty-four. ■ nr lr.^*yor?: In Bridgewater. ttttSSSfta ?» i'i»j- r - ; ws^i, ••■•■ r ; Slo£»£jjil' %i^;- iQ : •.-•’-"%«■» 9*-■■ ,, < tidi ,m Jagv-iafc :J>Hlh’.Mj ’ gj : yggy y -r iE“>;.c ,mtl'-0 -Vf s -. "jf>Vi«<l : ' Wy»-. wr.if«»r,?tjfi . y.i ; |'^#!fi aste itii «<j-ii..u.u.i-.i , j. jJ’I ts/j I!t'iit-in i-iir-'L* otTT,!«•:»<■ a->3 - o;!JTwv<3->>7. I.f.jij . „ ?;s.-.»^Bsa»r.*^ji *' '■ ' du oa/iin't j - M**v ® r I- •)!&t>‘ifi >♦.-,. s ,;'■■•«)!£,iwo'!ri':?iiT • ■-■ ■ fcisHSW* bi:i- •«:. £iV'o : ;i:l. i4jl.iV -tiHfew.lK r: ; *■•■; ■*’ '"'h ■ .**. •; ]s?& i?°‘ I .■ i if-. V.-n * >n.rj?.;v*i).oiil ;.., Oereer.! a. KliJ' !• - : rT/ > ' , ’-' r '' ’i«M'i!ip^3’A ■.’ iirJii; ■' rins ■ i -.-, . - {TV-,- -| ; . .! ■■-: ! %V vtil' /fes j>fjfyrge. • < a, n =ME p4tio,iitor '‘Ctil f- } - j /, IVV * ■)is iO • , , *l' ' V\ -j{ itv ■ *'* V:-.- v; - i Opened rte' - ~~~ 4 m ,: j. ;-y - /I Jus P br in e , B New Store at II ESTER,J*A. v IX Ilu J bjcst Make rust color’caUco at 1; 1 i ’• ■ 1 io JGne Wcae ied at* Wip, ■ | YE LOU. [l/ ; k JUS S PLAIDS, SUEPt. !»' • I IKES, of -I?lain Bia.u!c.,and ii'ititis Dress (roods, \ dor than everJ i- r “ ,' ‘ r a fall liii' euond Moi =’■ '' Chii 'JES! 'SB f OESii shoes: rting Cotigrt is Gaiters, 'Bairn6i, kl , “ irocco V ‘‘ Boots I. a larjc .uortment of cTiildre, ■' ■. ’ ■ : " ■ . r 14/ )<1 RIBBONS in J varihty. p >t ats, Fttrv i ;~ \ ,~~ES,I ~ ~ ~ - ~~'~~ \m i CfI.ES a gre: I ■i . ,i f M md -beyi Hats tnd Caps. mbrelic s i.Ca ton orJ'^ven ; > - 55 ■' iugliam 1 r ' f . ' ' sSorii«ei.it of DOiIESTIC ,1} \.' 1 - OR ojiensthe WEEKTA ■. . ■ [ before buyir rvc uh i qal lock ani| j rices. i ’’ goudb £ * ’ -Kc •ranted to giv 1 lew her the P> • j 1 1 ORTUX i ti B'S CHEAP STOR , ' ii: v di i. ' i\_ Wasuis-gv ;. i / ■ J ' ,vye>li‘r>l:!!y <Hyu : tiiii' ■ - - . . I "ma'.v Ui-'iiiiiwics P ESTERj | iiiiTi j<!aU‘<i, li,l niftiV ia-jt i fi i l»g— -pu-lu-ti An liave bue.iv vffvi v it»‘il. hv { flirt* U«*l AVjllUi.Mlbll.'V 1 -N •>. ini; v’tMiu;i|! k ivi-re An; i A lioscrK-i- vvlio lai tc . f.ruiiwis Ilniiter s Vk; w |ii,>i\.r kojni'iliyii tl _ jiapuW ■ ivpiirlt ! Huniiir ionic. 20 eaniion i ersi'iai|iil|t( large' qn:i»ili ! Tlijo! felfMtd, kitejAij j |i:ii't t't' llr>n-i;iiiriiiiio' Il'i iitiV’s 're.piikru--basi n« Uoiveu. j; ,*l. fe Diamp. R-fopip _ I ]■ i.LISSi T> ftilAlMN XV >r, Va'.| !!irk< .1 0’iTl jj Curisiy John i C|annini,Uam 1 Cilnmuiujr J ,j < flaw ford Win •OP LETTERS I 1 G in the Post Office ati Gea- Uny 81, ItJtM i j ' M'Caho Airs Sami. . ‘ Sr Gride A p I Keiil Tiios ; , Pnrkison Wm ] . I’a.aon I) -' j , J Knnsen Thad Smith Win Slmnc Emily Smiih Susan -- . _ . Timinpsou Wm 2 Wiilhcn George j Wtiltr 0 ■ I . i '\Vort:iiau Auniol 1 0 2 (j’rruvt'ofi i.iiz Qraliiim Tiion lloopi Mary Hfgi.y Maggy Hytfimin .las I Inman NelSonJ J|oiMia:on K li Job vs L £ ! fs galling fur letters in the above le aay they ace advertised. ' ‘ L M. J ANUtIISOX, P. M. , L fr6m 7a. n«. to tij p.- m. ’ , • , I listl wiilplenl Office! Hour I Ll^ FrfcEMilNl lutv i I'] (.ißoyle'Vm ..1 ' jlirowu Margl jliuijy .Cbviso ■ Ueitz J'olm ' I i Ferguson' J j T QF LETTERS SG in tlie Post Office at Kockes- Jime Istj 1BU4: - Mellon Jackson Haver Kebccca ' Miller Mrs George Milchell David Puwell Sitrnli' 3 - ~ Rhodes John _nic Isiafforci Jos I) |& co ' ISmilli Jli=3 Kllcn ' drew ■ l.'imitli Miss dupbla • ■ j mrson Idtcwart.U N. ; 2 ; \ „ o ... iSoott John • , r£o IWiutei-sgiU John v . |rge A | iVuelslei* llcnri - ! 2 IsS-C h'’ I ‘ ' 1 ’ ' 1 V ‘ [7 T. M. TAYLOR, P:M. i - I hours, during the summer, from. .« }•’ 1 , tan, 2 Hubbard Mi flookor 11 K Hartman -Ai Hamilton P ToUnsonlA -i Jungeri Geo MfivjjuisGo kj Marthcna M i j 7 ,»TS^o7 S'ICE. , S estate <>f township, *1 to the aid estate nsonl, an<) state Trill imi to the “suh'scrilier' mftpwlj in; ; for settlement. - v ‘ *:.. I ; ' '"JOHN SLBSTZ.'OKIo tjii H Nr. : i ■■■ ft^'.Aderfeiite^w aDMIi « t et t e'b ;o|Xj Jolls I Beaver co,, , ■ | unJeraigne are request those hari y !.present, lb 1 tb*ntickt«( |--jgl’U-J ® ? tlf K' n ’ a wfti.kijled) f e. ■ liiia' 5 4U%{d©^fy J f-aioH' in.magniUule, ~ SwMmmtsi|» t^vawk 1 #ttfrair W •.. - l 'il^ : \ is iV^'J n^a>l\dd T ojfeiie{l' \vrth a»' v? -j' • '■ J \ f l ’ 1 W o»tfepily ? jivjtiia 4 bo -r®i|tjj*- - i?,4vvW nL n.,^ aV f Ma ?Kr M of' :to-o,i^u^ I p i« b \--{ Avilh Morgii.ie liieut? Cohr Aiston! a j overall, al.f £>i«m^VM.■ VI 4 tf ftp &.U i 0?»X <**■ Smx'MytitWKnp uIU L’»«d 'otb» 1 J'??V f * l *! p >*’!? A*”' 1 ]??. i, - -JT i !„■ ii. I U r I\ .1 ; iweon AUOO aud 3OJO. On Hie. 31st ■ „,. ■•« 'i, |u,.i^ L ., i... in,;,- - • kw>\v yoii.iicvor me inyoarfr.-- or-. Mcj.-: bat..thpJ- was made hv'the'reb- if* * c| ‘ft * All Uit P arl>n .dtir God;.l owe to ’ „ IM) ~ „u v „| i in ,d i^n:^hurfeduy - tS ; .„v dear n<. l l.> ya» reco]- | .j..,c f oo;;.ve ‘ : ,:,’ * X'fflS f i if. jt mßinfe:, “UhL . wlivre;«fiople oumiJ of more 1 I , T. * . J! p«irt\ .w 11( tnen. unaei tlio* iioion? <.. , .* l iv j .vxif • thnn, 1 ’*Sniii*ii>ti •' hociiji;< st(|>(l tiVbrt; l ’Xew' Yoi-k ; (WM»^fvt«ir«- r F-orijresw•!«“* Pete V'm> 4‘iit im.miyantg i be wtll with ttiee iimi lllv tbrohjjwnU all itliij tin} - ,lltbldi (Heir jilenrno <mr)-p<pkii f Jeiit <tf Uie f7lh ;-.U?'-pK:.k ;up.;.|b6weB and send bade to} -. •■ J ~p ,; tr „4.i.~. Lp.C^-vk«h«A^;t :: M+ $l.O inilti;al.i.oiV»i ii, .('i^iitfraLß.at'--!U I ®.j!s a lC*';|•■P a9 '‘. ™ " j •larinyfAii adyancd llciu ! Tlio • lersV e:.m{» are that a tot-ward move- 1 6ieyu, Owensvilio and 4? lem- v |.'. „.-,r ;\/ i ri 1( l nible'^rd yeAtenjltyf lm*ut ' will* soon, titke". ptactf.' lust a.! to Jlaysvillfe: ; ".Thej M W {coHto.tlwu* lavyahle. to tk 'Wb re-j m.r m.n>rmauc /loavin-^^hi^^.mp'j ™ o !_^ o, ’no bbollllilkrltb-\k«»V tir.'rtnM. '< |stsied:every a«sauU m<tdg, npon i itsj'an officer «nd: •• You need not be stir-j tho ; tj ot rebel Ji.iJa Vo Vithe ' nti~tf,a land sudceeilcd iiiTniportanl advances prised to hear Very soon ot - tbe' mov—i.d li i? u .‘? s ■.. w^ s , sacredly jiroieeted. ‘A I .! vVmr „l_.. r Lfiff’ •tWtin* nodd"" T of pOMtions, 1 4 ' |: j «"'«•«» ,« Imayy . fdree /rout .this, de- }-| ! 'fe n -l n ? lh ,°_ sl . a > ,|os wc . re J ,ro r VYcU mV dear ’. ■ Our'losses boeTi'-yo'Y I r : »rl>nen.t t,o the rear of Ridttnond.— l.lected by Lroris order-,and not a -,- r ■•-"{■ i;' ~;r ' d:l , ,:; .. heavy ; j>4-tiH!ariyi so; j.We jnive brides y.maoli'lb spm, all 55 Sf UiXmsU ' braveiv. jMfi -ftt thVt "of .imtch.ul. the fiontnio". was Withiu :ono ! the rivers near Richmond in a dozen "itaont rcsi>tar..e, • itlie Unionists ;i . .J- v „,Vd ■ i ,n lS ir.W'Liiot «•« ’- huiidrcjt yards -| I J S plaqes/ J Gencnvl. Butlers works are 'Wstlyi crossing the river. do v-diJ-Ttle ' - , ..F.hnn what 1 siw of.jthe wounded-, reported its impregnable; •, ■’. 1 ' ;.;i£orgaa has no artillery, and start-i fJ.. , ' ij 1 •~\ Ind inAiv nrSaror* a id-ibl l.oshiial #thrni' iiii-ao 'nii.e! .:A : : , : ■' :, ! ed with seybn days’ rations. ~His de- , " • «aue.[. e, v e-an;l .prtyey*., . o i-iockl Ihst^evcmjg, 5 f f cmifi.ibittk FbaTitEss June lil-iYester ' > i 'gn is nbt'dii; figfu, biijl ,to 'rdh- steairi ts >at •Ay..aij?\ i|r ;.i>e-^.o <> ir 'casualties r • less than 'da.V »«>ree untleH’'Gen"Tjillimire madc'iat'd deslj|-f)y railroads I avj tar a 5 l>os-!-! - ,ItL A U ; T ■ t V‘ l ]| i l '!!; «•>• .t:“?V f tliij- t-y: : iivc bandrodfe’-': Y -diiv-, also, a d«m<»nsirairbn v |«ili‘Pblpn!d>urg, ami ; b!e. ■ Jlis: exit; through E-us}qrn- Keh “nrciio niu sm, .« . *!? *4r *■ ” tJWi ’ • ■ • -j : -...;„ mv > s i Uiiky i nli *\\ hi- * J 1 - * ’r- •• r ?p !-.li) v = i *. C =LE t.; , r 1 .',l *:}) t V" :i.'. Jins bben t 11 0-'fij'st .day ,f cTorn‘cs| Woj reii tV; ll .fiufiij.t d^jnoj orir n l\i I ii broke emit u hi* Ai le-iiif O! be U lIY i; ’ U'VcT i it. O' ’ U 1 .. 1. I. . jjllf in!'jr ;V 1 ff•; -t i■ m ■ m- t&mmmm* j»■ I *^^ ! .3fr:^^i^Jvtg»sy*>:-»aite.-'tj *>>U7m ;jti'»L : -Uv..i,.>':j;:,; ~ .»s.,\-..*AiJ. ' : £ 1 \ «^aJ,',j % m •iB&l IPP ’'lH^St? tifiPf Olli w ■jld'not there/hn.. will, iic.l- ,£ |;ilii . L l si | ( ,[ v »l£i>Nl!‘ r .'H<!r , biltvyill - ~;^.u ~f u6 . p;,,s. Kb ,iis u.i>rl id Gap! Jio liad ;s:u.r. i>ot|ni.u' °‘ ; .ip.Vi^AV'scf i-fc if-sdV'.nr tin? eiidra- - aying ifffiHber grit to ,espc., . P° !l > V!l, ‘. - ..■ ■. , . - , r r,„ I,:a>-did 1101 gf iu> - * : ihc r« r i-ai»t..if i y their, 'gnim i Goverimr \are* sqjdurb i’rOhW. I'Vi -4• ' , n „v;nL bV rigid imnd dnwit;;-HR W imSulWn;. Combli? down' in ; r. Grunt as t\ > lit > *,. .*• • • ='• ! . ... ‘"V : i- •.:. •, i ■ ; (..';'VC ,iV : :.. '•<;;■ rinvt if’-v. &sUstfg -.lui.t wiihji.lv!, i<i.variable|; ry. po.su, n»M. L : bsGo\ei!nq:...ia r - / H'fV < .•; ■ 11 . i r I ■I? S ,4 ,! ip "/r ivy ■ J, 4 yell lx-4-\r charge: but rewived uppiiWUions men j A : \W THE Line of jbAT-rut,, nrni.cm inUwt^i -v 1 V»!tH i: *n, r*>us Ld I.udwVq.mbd beinre: <0 , -Hatha.. asked Iqs -rounds tor ..nakw says: .(11 . j . ■ ' , goes.b.s) >vl W''|^g* * P •: . i- lol.is icmerliiV in id madness, ing tbe applidy.Uuip ‘Twas educated I , Between our lines stands a wgiiommal Vf l , •••_*.’• Uc th* ft.inr iurtW atW** >ii.t,)’ the; ki . (Wll A* [the Sheridan • ttm.se ir*,. .When bt Older, be 'or.bmllGsatdtie. ; mb l onvinb'- .conntrvV espbnK "I Served ... Meg-, w.bicb are ejuite [a large ti.rr.sly of m- -.ways pr-daces. -t...am r,- He ®4iSniV breiil: ear i lines \w, and when! li Went .out to Oregon, rQ 'er. t on vof fvhom isfi. delicate hdallb. [. compliment}* •'« v.M.erm.Ui.v au^ ;jfli drive .mi-'niL fr/.u. Unde ,i : tln.uehl ,I.liad| ivturneu to l!i y _ (4,.,.. lladedelv bits, sent them word to Aoni, . *t.. r l reson- ,d ;• . iTshd.i■ W-itions.ill’ll nisjh- be j.lie trv all Vquivaielm K*.*. nn*. edujejilio-i,-, come i„ A j,i n eo |.f Mtdetj. inside ot our , to.t.tvne ’aj [U,>vUi.d. : man, of. u p-... U.. 1 rvsi-ued. The cmrntrjv is_ now | il(evo luuLevribi; al tl.o same • lime |i;iv'.i..«e _ li v . ■ od <ur iine '■ 111-o' 1 y>, attempted in trouble, and ;I AV.slt to serve lipkliv. anxbuiaitee.si lot. tbcir eonv.‘ya.d-e:,_l>.ud ~ i ho.mts y. one n- - ,' e • w srf,<,»tr» m-ia.Jd over akaiii. \md >o l ie,ute.J ; ber noeil.” ; Governor Yates bad-|lo: h,',vl e .teHi..;pd Wcq.linKHisdftfs :.|.ereJ . ..m-r • d bv ; . , <-Vj 'J- \ldtbont rmmbeh- ad?ai.. : ves- dpin.intn.ent lor■ Inaiyand 'he, p- uills 4 a1 .; pleading t b»l tbry; wye , doubt. ; vT- .-.; J;[. tv : blit our trnopVsu.od :^ ! invin ... f..ro, left. Somb snort tunc alter Uus „i o , n i n radt\ tbii el.nrch, and .the menj, ‘d >;• asdroii raonilors; and in 'im.sin- i.oeeiirrenee. li.d Gorempr was vory' «taudin.k : . and br.dAidpbeit trdst in him., _ -b r '^^' j.-,^ liViatiee h'-X'* Uu*V liven ; wav ' imieb distrosseJ iir regard to the rais- , seven sbells.weresent ..wqrk in bis a.rmK .vt u . a . '"U • ‘ h ~ of; .IceiqitbtK di the State.. He■'tl.mdStU Uu» yestei-day. but,; }u. proeWtinaU.inv man : .s a. H- 1 . .Tiiiun U) . pjbniy ot plTers for.. ptUeors’ posi'd ,„„, c At i 1 weiv. injured.tliey ; his a\ the p| o;.er voue. .. . , break i'f tbe ,i olls j .but Uo pyrsp.ially did not know ■ h«vi'u<r iUkd.i ircftriio in the cellar.—4 . - • ■ • —Tiic ’ most were received l|u> of regimental oi-aiLizas; Xllis mbrbiiig tbey.-ijavp. mo.o confv- | . .fed iUp.Mik.ibly‘in? k f '!■ b' 1 IUO | tions—low ...any \ ‘ : o''M»? > '.«i..de.iee,iW. tlit- piotect.wg care of i «;•>*,•; hVv« Vet seen e,l tins .uornt A ,iui y 0 p U 4 wim-V subordinate ;,i OIICB t ban ever, since they escaped 1 ■ Volilies’ is ibe So , >ffi( . yr !, .here 4o4dd)i. in « reuiinent.; „ o; >vc ,j sler day. ' ,• “ (Jou iv ; exiajp.ii.g li,,'bis distress, lie.bjsked llut iiepip- j d. ' '■ •• ■' •.- •. , *jde. ~to rutlddsslv demine Vive oFi-ix .till-; m.l» |. (JiSox ,V P,4b!1!«0 -A nlo |<M|r| lines ilfs5 t Grant inti) 'the Governor s. press Gen. Jonesiandeap.tunVol Staunton by ..iccxtop;. _ . 1 ry near "Do yin. undorMimd the or ; g 0,,. ildl.ilerf bas .-aiisedwreut nnoam. ' .ymire oK.'ilijs b-ib tfio; Atieli- 1 jr-miaation of troops?” inquired toe. lies< ain j„ie ilib citizens. Bud ncs? U. ••■ ;. ” ! V,.f.;vioviilo;; is- tba.t'thi?*a uk j.lle Governor..; The i reply wasinaheaf.j Biebmoni.is at, a fand still, ] o} , ’^' r sit rip oVrd r. mavy prison. you uiwept .a d.*M lhe stores faeinkj dosed. If-any »*•«*•« .±SJ Autl'v.r ti,qse,eop.Jef r \ty otj ■ ofTit‘o Um.i purpo>e, A n >- lUiMo _M» niihl:w;>- f^i \h< . , jo : lho t-eceiitiy a ! rhino to serve- my eouniry, was al .- e ;fleeing: IV.un the place, and there ; tp|i y ' lu in l revh'ils .iU sfieh Gh.nlSi replyi And to work at ones : are ~o wil.ljafß therb eStcepi, tl, ' )So , urdtistiness aiuj CO ward !y ,t. yoji .hfien re- .y ni \ MUorAbm. Grant might , ttntdsA U-i it | lo ; . military .prisons -- b' ‘! r SwMl': ' ■ Mj. I'.ll he‘inikinnyii to the worldi Bja Beery tine 'seems disheartened; a.udju ! d.vijratlAli.... • •■. -P in 1 ’bis eiiCi<G- bueama -.ii.nbd • for per f e ct I'klit‘dmi' bangs’ over the place, j ,i ' oeeu/iy a pod ; quota'. ;j ,I •• 'j, Linpoln was about the last ! u Bridge oyer the 1 , ■ T -- ? Tp* i ' n .••, : iiiui. ini AVasli'nitfpin.i to liesr .of liisj but 'cl tb uier’s Bridge,' The PinvATE j Soi.mr.li-—^Governor i tlo rniniiiion oh; Thursday. A dispateli ! inembovs. iuj!es ab|)vp.—,j Curtin, id bip lkst *p«W'b at the opi*ii; ; j w to him. hut, it failed to reach j Ueprcse.r U posted mi tbq, in^oCr he; Central Fair. I bilatleiaiuaj u ,J no anc'iiig finU bq noniina.; tilty-two; n'vvgarisrtwbicb, ■ uttered these .noble. words. > . ■ -ted by aceiahiatipin 'Towai-ds iniglitf to'. dUinei ■ our , ebjiidins,: friends, it- there is>man bu-J looking over the war,j.qlegriuns.! jo>» arms; eve wore proinpl-' j,,re tiie worthy ,ot sincere rovyreneb ; j n j£ -t . f Stan ton’ suffice,■ .vben h -.fis-! resenirng si.'* I V ; ';i‘nd respect!, ft is j'.the private; soldiei-! p ate p Prbugj.ildq l.ini Atuting Cnilf; i.sia’na,^"M' wiithin tjalking ot tbe republic. I [Lhiitl cheers] d-pbusori was) moVniiatnd as Vico.ywbfe'li Sts arel being'filled ; j’ H the.tiae njohlelninn. ot inisiainl. Tie ; X 5 j‘esid.lnf. Mr.ljiiieolii iisked, fls It ;fQ[>t bf.ld-. nits? ' Tl.i) bead--, j - ..|i s with an! unrecorded oame. lie ; (.tii-t’oimiry to(unm is ate t, Vice Fresi-■ : 4’orpsnveH‘ yes- 'follows die idmies of ; the republic on, j.df, : ul yjU f • • aaked.ibinv in !■ ; iisly foi bali' aiv! pin ..n p :l y. ' His friends are not gvatm- j Asion'Ujime.nt'it be bad notjdieard who nAye re killed by ' m"a»i)iifi!!r.e.i>l .pfigea*} lB . - at . ft*? ta r| w a s inlmin.ited'.foi: President, and -Mr. j ed-inqip^ 4.>. m.itbd reb- 1: „era!; be ts r ' buried; at'; Orcjtyshurg,. Bincolif' repbedtbai-Ac • and. hot i. prate on.; wheredbere! ai-e: on_e.-tlw»a»aml There i probably were) few men in t;W.bi.e.>t were dibasirous.jyfrbo unkii.'fwro and,when you j-Washiiigto'nt \vhplhatt' not .beard of} ‘vo»‘».oui 1 iTcr to the comfort of jtliat man. whon | [ lso U(r u ot , oi tbe ,Conyeutlon at that j eriitnent fl A TMcs l vou succor 1 the Wounded tinlc . V 4 ( V 4 . •' ‘ ' -! i nriv vou in God’Siin.ine do not forget ,| . ;.i mloi V.i2ilCoMil.iioa j tlicerinsf.];; ;Sly : iw<l?. -,Xo'\. to res at U. 9 LV before this great nation is ifcj.qeti \v. t bere, wh«n ; 119 diypet-road to j b'S „ dl ,won\c_n have. V.m;,- aVd A K 'r 1 brought «p:^X'W«g*> their. md lliarpshoot-1 t . for the.'uhie ai) The army cros- j j n . - s^. sectf caste pAbeii on.tomard 1J " 600 andsiftll., «1 vs »- !> -* ' i ' . • ■ -■ ■ - ■ v ' • l hr® j YoajK., ju.ik) ..] j coriteepirtule'iU .*»#■ the 'i i-vi-iijhn ot ih6.s»h.f»r!'r' i tinni from ilie liailrpad, Chirkahommy to Sm ovoifiiujj the river two Anjuiieiv.y'h battery w opposite-side. wivli jit**: opened fiercely upkn w-beti lhey|moj'ed. (pb l iy. sWswei eil' atnl.qi^et' . .The eiioniyi r» nffit (1 i slu n(.*e& lo u i - . ;rabk r* ra]»V<lly'l>y r'.'iiifori-liliui quarter.!* '■of: ilio 9tli j tertlav ' shelled vitjorf ijhourjaiiil-.biit fbw| me 1 woitiuled.. At . about els made another deaf the Vm'iM works, and ly r.epulyed. . I ; • STeW -Jlork, Juno 1 coi reSpundent', 'dota movements, up t« 3 u>' and 2-*<l pyre devotei vilje;! . .0)1 the 22d th next, mor hing -pj th Atlar.ta ; teas iwtued. lhe-onerny|i* pickets : ,eni] were, met ,with r . , Bed; (ho river and f> Huntsville, skirmishi •nd< re^chied^ißwlit ' fs. •" 'T . : . /i:'iic\tj.asi; ; sti:‘) - r’i .id.* rytl"*'!* 4- 1 — im be |int (c, the \?Jil -: suet-eon , -in-- ofcf •eimny’ii!.-, <y is jiy, anti his rti.MV, e. lost ulij-! -Jiiler works v wi.!ih tab loss' 'oil only a: acnji'n .throiiij i Central; : “ - - ] l'otiinckjj. siiiki XliddUtToniielsoo.^.The v ' corrosj; ibu 'esrjjtjdkion . tb: the ’Abiriadod this map of T ■jfi will ibb fcucuessfal, :vs thcrejsj - fni-eb ieilih that part,! * -ve l . ! ! n .f ''• . VWiiiiaL | Their supplies nn'w comb t: in Piittjrislvnr™, |add| nro'scarcely ad i V r i |, mi neiHte! s<« dpi , ;i. : 'I . . —~—~~ ; . ■j ■ pgy»TVis nbroxpcfcted that ftia> ci ' The |ExjEjißTjoN ; Th® [4br : ihy:re • w£lfci»H»adoe tißjCo President hlnVsehl a to Cohr> greas,h^;dUfcjdediVv|ielbvP. : |t w d!f v* giess; titan Seal ion. jioat from' tjte. iVa^l«atVjipp^>t®u. JsSnro^ettT^ci.:'.. by M . ing the'repeal 'of <h«; three Wtifdkod which pr^-ents that t« arms fr>OT,beiWrkopt njsxi' l.*lct JW another man a,Wtfo.w POUft A 1 .. '• , ;? -u-e-*! • VjniJ. smsiii XWV;,.m i ' 'i ular ratei. . t and other Kotkifea- iif-iljpi JII ' I 4019 - t - 15.441=4STAYEi r • • iltkJfc jorge H ' TljornaS- i oftdent o|f v th 9 • P'dijade|ii Gen- Gi saysr •,' ‘ us is • urminy men&M . in in'battle, svtli'r.jr nii iiii; ;ri_m oli 1- warrinr -iits- hi} . ! success j^sn’ 1 ;:>'cw ; \*ork- Tnjmue g'ftjes s ibitjbg‘.ilss. curiojjs \3 ono nundvoil uiui. . !)!' \vlvic>» -bq' rebel Ljousii o i a’ti ,vusj\COiviits‘t!;,:< full oi; ino'iii-ly ball;, nmyrydue* is i.ow, by tbc Un Thi-y : havemembers'■*'«}) > ArlisiiiK'isV Kentucky,;Ijou ;l'i’in .ail C ates ;bcv’:Uav.o 'iio bis’«U«iimi|Wo; s. 51 -Irion' thnrws^ns nliWls as. .ih-i i .< ci'i oi| diivyvin tlie O’-rob'-liollidn, is seeking , th» ‘defiruciion oi I’the aSoa { , TJda ia at dnc-e: at juitpus r ■}-w. tU!c uture, ft*#.. ‘ ?’• ' *“ J 1 ' . ~ ~;, I ! V!. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers