• MMR 4 ** . »..---« il_i -i INIB ME, Pl* iii.:fie.t9r; •" r fop President In 1864, JBBAHAM .‘tin calll,; " • <ol’ ILMNOIS, / o • •• y ■ ’’ FbP Vice President, ~f AtfDRJBW Q. CURTIN ’f " ' ”7&.at PBSSSTLVAKIA. ; . ~ g e£ tver County Fair. V f .\ir of THE BEAVEB COUNTY T VOraCULTtTRAE SOCIETY, will be held A hc j #ir Qrouhds,; near Beaver, on - ‘ir-.hiesdav. Thursday, and Friday, ' *’sfat Slsfi 2'M and 2M, 1864. Competition is invited from adjoiningicounties. / HAiiP SHEET.r-We owe ourflread. ers n-u Apnlogy this week for: baying ti send out a half ' sheejl. We arc, cwnpeM to do this,. ovring to ’the «arcity of paper... ! r - ■ Agricultural Meeting g-1,0 Board cf Managers of the Bear. m County Agricultural; Society : mct paiuanlto notice, Majr 38th,:1864i^V' On ’motion, Uie Preroipift List -land Rnie& and 1 Regulations] : for tbo -lost Fair- were, taken up* and* remodeled the priu'mums to ho offered at the . r.cst Fair acg. considerable., larger * d tlmajhfretofore. many pf. them being | ' oi-vn doubled upon 1 the vespec- : '/* .. q ' r “ oi ' -; I . ' Ihave been pvci ’ passed, that there b|> a]^°P le ba Trottir.': each diiy.of- the I‘Viff| “ lr “ P ei „ ;) ,l thaupcre be a .»J»o.-oiipo. *• li„m offered lor tft have nob -Wr. eSd.ibit.od by the^ady ■’ -X, ' , ‘glorious stnigt fie Con,peti|on '• . fW*! jl (’Jr ;.’i ihu several piemtb mif offered ; aud wlj J (booming' fair, 'jjo fi.vjtod front; 1 ™ 51 rwUu-M&yc'- it may cohie.and- partiep- i ed * nlQ ‘jk B ■ . larlv from the adjoining counties.. ■ vleh-cduntiy. , . , . ?' i- The enormity of'the guilt which Rorulauon passed tohavc a eontin-,: . ; ,-y • . . , ■ „ ~ ' has aided and given encouragement nous ■ aavurtiscmciit in men of) our : " P • . ! , .. r- -L. " -r «t -• ,;X »' .('■ to a-conspiracy against, the - very exf County papers, of the timn, &c v of ■ ■■ } ' ° «u„t i , 1 - . r I . ~ : Lienee of i the greatest Republic that bolding our next Fair, and U<at„-tnej ; ! , . , > . . „_-a I T „ , i ’ Uvcr cX s»cd,iilher in ancient or mod same bo paid lor from now until after ■ >'■ ’ ■ , .. . ./ , ' . : . orn,times, eapnot be properly or ■ ’jL an ',. -u. estimated.*- 'These in’en bad bpenljy- i On motion adjourned. ■ •- ■ ..< .*, - • ‘ ROBERT NELSON, Presli- pigged thcitsblyes, do .support. ti j John B; Young; fW j ‘ ' IdeniocralittpHneiplcH and ; to ?npp.orL >■ • • ■■■■..•— »; j with all their po-.ver, ino principles pi [Foajns i Beaver Asjccs.j j universal eqiality, urging .it as the BaicaTON, JI ay 30, t 64. 1 distinctiva pcculiitrity of their party, j To Hon. .TnoM.vn • and"constantly denying_ toother polit- Kd; The }sj«t Bearer .-L’rtrvv ahnounees; icr.l organisations <j<jnal devotion and *-r efcetioii (jsiiicra-; sincerity in support., of Aids great >m'-'lht3 ■ District'.! Republic. ; •• ‘i i v. qiiesticns of tlic I The Sduti iiur -Luiot!, Isa-Imado no s; , inturo peace, wall wicked (lesid r-ofise .».• forti Tho Congress of'\v|hi«*U ■ vronld still><| t i, cn r J (in.-light \i would ho as agi-cc-aldo to) v^r - ir.strur y-.a;'a*it, would be to .n-ipry citizens,; ( j- rty tiovl you makc>k;io\vn, -through Ui&; (Pf.tVnnc’.dsi at an early cfay, ycimopinii.i.fe 1 taa n y l>ccn) ap| limy art you iv,mld. takfc: in,Con.] ir^-‘to pp-'. gross. .|f elected, Oil some of the prom • p, 0 r dei - It inent quest ions -.a using ;out rof this l/ once 0 - r ect< war; and likely to ecmifo Se/ore tho |^ u jj {cm TT&xt ’Congress foi' ‘decisi'm.., 1 know i-Xortbern l! your speech at Now Brighton, pending 0 j { r( ilie lust GeloGer election-; is full aitd ’ j >e p liraucr explicit on, Uie snl joet of the war', and t. 0 ,- r ,,p,t{on . the'support-dud tlic Cidvomnient in its r ,- U yV f; prosecution to the! subjcclinh of trea- 'leaders Ni • son and rebcllidttj. but there arc other: (<ricc a£ ’ questions of .perhaps no Jess i'npo r |i.weakc ;ved lance, -which many would tike to hear ; should be .more tally and particularly, trom rouj upon. It.is not necessary that I should \ , , ' . i , - 1 ' f so-ca lod ’ specify them. Some of; them are..cm-,i bel , ea l braced in' tbo mjotto you, proclaimed,! - .‘j as yours, you urged thc 1 people to suppjoH,. in- your speech | J above referred to, ll Tbe Co.iistitu-!. „TJ 1’ | •; . f . ■ ,{ ion of tui lion,as it is, and) thje tJmon as itl was. \ U { : “1 take this motto against traitohs and i . , ’ , , I - ' ,i ;',r .i .-y , „ icrumblo treason eveiwwnere.NortlvanaSioulii. j., .. -.. . . f, ! the ihst An edilona) leader of tuo last --ird'U-5; . i . - again t- v«n n* a Candida'*; u i.rr i'T j •■jtiijrv'w? fr 4s. !<► aUjprohahflU pi.nuoatiioi i C’a* s. allude? to this uadttoMtrniy j Tn lhc cxc | tem ent.of their to. serve for » parly rallying cry to cheat |. J y ~i ctory won by that Prince and deceive the, &c./ 5 " i brag Lam amt liars, Beaurega r f . You *nay / ‘ l ’T k - a9 } ! withftei thousand men over the nor ' explanation is due to the pcppW-tfod to 0 j Scvontv ' un(ler command , 'yourself,’of your adoption of the iml L rtal Anderson, the traitor ly.ng cry , of the Democrat,c parly, thre lt eie d invasion of the North.fn. • at this time, and whether or ho i^ l:bjnga Uon They 'would, }fu ; givcit the samp meaning bud import^ lhel l- d l s W was 1 to ovorthow this free which members of that party do.. } Rep Ui C; axic ] their democratic frichd* Lam . limthe North, under ihc leadership of “B iPhUßißus Ukum. Ydl/aniigham^/Seymour, Woodward .anJj' others,- were oi suchdepigos, and stood ready to give them such' ait >as was in their power. i --Thor organs of that corrupt pf have endeavored to apologize tor,, ana 1 in cvj.ry ’Stay extenuated t,ho j of tncW xrta have been st cd‘ in ar d whoso- bauds j been |n d are no v. reeking wi th t of jranrdeted patriots.: All their; sure has been reserved for: thht I A'dmi nistration and those vacant diets of the .Republic - who hre drivi ig back thp armies’ of robe ' anil who,Stand in .tho breach w traitors, North and South, ing tho. oationaji edifice. Tseyj, cent: lihly erititied, in somoHe a 1 causer, to the earnest. sand hearty Of ] every Norther o| man whose’ soijl was 1 hot steeped ini treason, and even par tisans might halve relaxed their pppo :siUpn whep the! life of the nation was H mpeVi!led.. Many noble and ptjtriotio v ' tSttArvofficial report of tbo tolled _anjd pounded hi the.late ’ battes J upj id May 25th, present dhe facts that jt,r 00b men were killed, 25,000 wounded, [ and 5,000 missing—the latter includes Stragglers-and It is also stated,on the same accurate authority, that nptpioro than ton per "cent, have been dangerously wounded, and 1 tfaat - ailargo number" will boVcady fqr tbc ' field within jtho, nest two yfeefcs.— This slatement should go fair. to soothe the anxiety of thousands who are , iinterested. =in the fate dind Condition , ,’Of those brave defenders of th° fi a g- * Yaskee Liberality. —lJp'.to with in a week. lb a subscriptions made Ip the fatvd.fthrtho relief of the. Buffer ing- ilaesacljusetis. ibo. §90*343; Whii* an cYrdenco n{ the Siting,-glow- W»g patriotißra’jWrid philanthropy, of ’ Bay I . ■^r •i iov% it l Voi. t)B the VjSrdlot' irfi Hlstdry? , t." j Heroafler '”hei.- lfa<; American po6. pie arid the fricmis of human freedom throughout the world;, stall. sit- in judgment , npijn 1 be. conduct of ;tbe men who,'in ibo pmoof the nation’s trouble clairh to.ead the Democratic party, their solemn decision will bo otie of 'dbso ute condemnation.' ; So utterly ;dfrelict to virtue hh i W pa triotism havo those men.become, so exclusively and entirely influenced ,b’ selfish, venal at d unprincipled -r poses,: that riot sven this rhijp)* hellion.: for tire overthrow of/ public, with all its,Jn'oiho r can lift tbefe up from I. - .• _ j ' 1 * ' , low stand point Iror [all the ' f bavo so long, ' ; paths ot \>y | have'! c ojr What WiU . - ••• ' *; .' ■;'■•, -' ,'"i L ,;'f' _.vi ~: ,'V*!r. T '.• - {?.«•»&?*: -~ -*".‘‘!-~;-~-V- i:;j<:,< ‘ISTo. Q;4; ' h; : -j - Ejfe.ay&p* 1/ : :;. ; .7 ,rf!' Es V irf iiehji’imng edpori ir to ai^party obligations, have <(ck ~ ; < lrjh«^TW, they will have .heir re^f ''rjjvatof their 15«» "Stirte Timondatioi > of Vmerica./ following,, DOmi®tibn •«tKc falsely call ;j^lpgte*]^^j»«pr At iy and nhblnWfiHgly Chicago for LioaßCo •I this most foul and j . V ~ N. .aaynilj oCsAWwwl -order that some jBB . o*Benerid|ipl n« may here- u m, J&wtoh B%ffla -d, no con tenden t| - iiifa- Mf»ulTtdh wayMhpaatt ui ajs:4s foa \ jton t Mv -i _ 5* :'l v I ;y to- ! this Rc ;bd*r;jbS«)i^B mean and I 1 , . which they viefr ifisßueJ;. 'these men iodden in; the muddy jal iniquity, that they 1 to grofel on in life :ttesmen and patriots ry where arousing tho 1 1tie against despotism re are many of those the Democratic party y hurst jlhe shdckles, j to parliicpate in the :;!o, and have redeemed rom the lasting shame ieh must forever e'lihg etly of indirectly plny tuis ot treason against iorn Slave despots 'have cret; of their base and ,;ns. With one hand"thcy_ down fijis free llepuhlic, luce to'u|>ject->la,vory - the aonls who had done their The poor whites wore to be :d as they bad always, vir-; , apd a.military despotism erected bn nnr Southern : that despotism could be od, European Govcrhmcts d it a hearty support, anc troubles created by tho.|,en : oc Government, claiming tn. rats, would present atiylin by wlrafc might remain of naiily. 'Xny, the traitor orth and South have throat : itato until lihe free, Stjites, ,'by di visioji and dissentiDn, torn in’piece's'. £■ ' rthern Demooeratic leaders 1) knows all about this. Tto lers have openly proclaimed lenlion. Particularly jailor o.f Fort Sumter were id out spoken, having no vis a approachmg day of fetntu- In the national cannon sabald that lortjress ,int|o ddst; and Itcd flag, of the free~slintfld umphantly waive over its ru tienjirifling sApori ye to ibgeland obligations, have Sow they will have .heir Approval: of their country' J• • ~J !■ j . J S w ibo’|pmmondatipi, o£Ab mbs of America. / ‘demUgognea tcKc eeVvos | ©ethowbt i, aide d aud'fabeul l jinn itoiral rcbellioi pool ■; piiitry part f jifte r be possibly' i< den ation can- fi ! Jrnbiis conduct. T 1 par lotiod for lot y iertk slave pd yer t i •jea# 1 the gove>nftooi' do 89 .lofted trease eepest wrong tinst.liberty 1 never bo foi • American p Unilera wise b Union arm f; foes of humi aut,jtlii3 uni »j>e, wifi be' srrible rotribu 4> - e j so faf f lieif country |rfcmioB. < The! intempt of a! 'ostj surely a" falsely call thcm- V and nnblnWfiHgly ;d this most foul and itiy in order that some designs rr.ny here iccomplislied, no con ,ly mark their iiifa 'hoy could htiV'e been g devotion to SdAt&- IT they'had manfdliy I'JMjttt tMy have not bptf haye i ■n by a thou-and nots , • is-tlieir grave offense! ilnd’'humanity, which gotten or forgiven- by •oplc; eor I of ( jig l i oa i th averruling Providence| 6«, advancing against! ,n Ireedoni, undot'Gen* inly rebellion/ with its soon crushed; then, a lion awaits those who irgotten their duty to as to conspire’ with its withering scorn and 1 good and wise men ails them. n I tc* 1 h f 01 b jThe Draft ■'die followiiij : rafted in : ay la»f to fill : all for 700,00|) , BrtiGtrrox J Muip’nun -ft.- wi l.iu;dh Ph ill is,| I?, llliodes. r Gheenf. Tt>: uel M'Kee, . Alox pher C. Mans .Miller. Sanuu Re td,-Jacob Ice}',, George Edward Mint |Poe., Win, M; IBro\vn,:.lohn George; Penn ryjj-afnble, " in on. ia fcea-frer County. |g is a list of persons' Brighton on \Tedncs the doficency ic» the mon Civ — John •U. Hays, kii-Unian, 9am,uel Stuck, Charles Robert Leeper, Sam-j obn' Cambul 1; Thomas j antler M’Coy, Christo-j m, James Allison. Janies ■ 1 D. lliohcy, Cohort T. i Vmircws, George M'Ca.s- i Js'ush, Saiuncl Manor. ! s 7 Fietor Cook, Ulii'li-ill.j Sniowdcii, .Rev. Walter j j.. GjOiiklc, Pn-B|ly Shane,' .A|mlrew Havshc, Heir- ohn. A m- Tp Juries- I. . D*oads, U-iliJnsori, D:\vid P9U, ]',r;t:di'r., VTin. Hold', jji*. , VEii Tp.—Jolni Connin'".". crost.AVm. A. Sn.illi..lohn j In Crillispie, Jjilm lliirbi | ‘ - I Raccoon eonfo L.- Montrose M Sorrrr Be. Jueob S. 'i ro; 'Court, Marl 1 MU. vicki. Y Tr —Jcbn >l’Far I Julih.-iolii Biiiji'r V:o^ - ». —Jolllt'S M'Cl.i.iUix k, Joint t.t Hiinlonbmigli; u ' TER Bnun John Winner,! me*. Walter W. .Marathi ■u.fF, Henry Jqli n*on., John .her Dudlap, Charles Or. Nouru Se stnd, RiHiiiV Moon Tin Cdchiao, jfo Bnirn/EWA James S B: Jbhiv Woojj Button, \y j 'Moore.' 1 .'fp.—Genryc Straw back- Wallace. Jlii-hael Wallace, le.Erigalhard Auslunrich ncKLY Tp—Robert Gra' , Skiles, Ream M’Koe. Ilcn 'horaas C Smith, George ’ Fi tax k cl op., William Johk L. Ty ; Xew.Sfe’ ham. Robe r ry Blinn, ; Miller. Indepeni Wm. M. tit I Potts, Hi ESCe, Tp.— Joseph Gafnet,| ed, David Hindman, Noah; h Moore, Hesscii OnatoltJ lewickly, Moon, Bridge ough,! Franklin, Now Se i- Independence Districts; one 6th, 186 J. i Green, Raccoon and South striets, [report' 01; Juno 7tb; o Provost Marshal’s officer North water Bi wiekly. report d; Bright Beaver 1864, at is l i ton,l Pa. > New Bri Ihristian C ommission j i ‘ ! . ' , • “ 1 | I -od work of providing fojr itnd wounded soldiers every cS3 bravely of.. Increased I ■ met with corresponding Among the iiiany ; boxes. u. s. IThe f; 1 our sic \v lions, demand i supply, filled ■will rcquiretl i all the numerous unifies n the. hotpiuls scfit fromtbia onghtho tr.. Christian Corn )»>e. just forwarded deserves the result of an effort on place, t 'mission notice if some of the more juvenile the par porliot a porti >f oar neighborhood. W bile 11 of the means to procure the wore!donated by others, the irere prepared by Misses Ella tlio M’Lean, Sadie Somers, Ison, Sadie Earns ey arid* Mary Among the contents were the matcridl articles and 4 Mary V Taylotj. follow! i Shirts. . irty ajid ;uilt eep lavo load . >• | . ..............10j8Jankct,.......1 1 '. TiSlings, for arm....... 5 ........ 6 Calico pillow slips... .4 5...,..i 4.G00d-lint, 1ba,.i...,..7i b)ts, prs... 5 Pillows’.mdslips...... ti :s, (With' , , Jars pickles 5 Towels .. Sheets..... Draws, p Woolen w Houses ii . ■ need Ic; Ginghoia Cprast’o Besid yi tracts, cen 6yal :-sol- isi etc....-....; 7jTestaments! i li’dkfsu .4 Boston and soda x ifdrina lb 12l crackers; 1b5’...... 7 ! largo number; of raagazineS ( apers, letter paper, envelope!?, thread, &e. - ' j|/, i now non, rhllst fault*. [were per.ci ■ 5NGED.— James ■W. Ami pews, jleadei of the New York ripta past, has been, convicted,’uhd led to^ingSirigfor,three years, tied incUiDjg Ui not. btit adjivit |yobel «yn)(p«*fci'o».f - ; - ;'l '-ri • ■ Ses the rii in Jab «cnter ,He-da ted nil /feet*! je rfr.r^ 1 ird In the /-men, and in tbo fataro.li fiat os for tho» ■- Thoßejjnbl met in thui «it following,, ai^'Oglbsby, Chicago for lii dale, ot,',Bt. 0 N. .Haynil, of; Jas. O. .Benerf hfori JfbWtor, tendent| ;Ej*6' Mpulltoh war nmu atjlargf j- i-: , ~ ;The .'dtjad the acts V)f,iHe‘A-* irt atl ■** ' war, -the*. rKational tin 4om ct> , iheiPreaident’a EmancipaiiooP’ as’i'l«g».t imatij ‘ Jw£r thei urge ;i UjajE, the nWof the negn soldiers is war ranted by, tbo uflj of civilized war, express- 1 he lopli a that the acta of, the Qortrnmcn' ivo; been,jin the main, .iygh'ly ci idvp: to jlhe sup pressidtvbf the Xcnti rebellion,arid eoifdially detlarq. i| Abraham Lincoln receives ibiqlnonunation of Ihb BaltiV I moVcfCopyehtiarl that they (Willi give him their Wo9t 6'upport. .. ''■ . j,: V, SrHArtrsß, jj, T. M TheCnibn PUrtmUivan Co met here to-day;f;The, follow liuionvwas adopted by acel the Convention Rising and heartily? | 1- - ; . ' JfedtrcffiThatmhis Cbijreti proving the Administration ham Liripojri integrit triotio efforts the which he ionndilk existence • v*L i'i'&L* * J-- mangr u>n | eronci ljOflk‘o, Stated Unida: Th noon •count gllk'w w., \y anii t’ : Atnor I. r.; j ] iiriii i Tib]d I j itirs. I pliant else, and! was i-iipiiirpu: | JAUusipiis ro [’resident t<> the,.piidsppCt- ot"nnivdr ty the spealcef's,. never jtai doi v n ,ilV|e. lii.use. | Mr. BrcckonnUge was! one «>f l|u' delegates'tnnri two from capo b al fristrict, to represent ( k: it ns o'tp&enlueky -al :Up Convinfioni ■‘ r , | The Uotijreniion pa«BC'l ini; resijiiuion:- • 1 - . , - Jiesoll-et), Tii.it the Un .Keiifuelky. i'u‘ c-onvenliul are for thoj preservation nance of the. Union, :tli( of the Uonsiiuiti,oh ; ,an'd lion of iho : rebellion wit gani to: whal these, obje : The proceedings of to were hat rionious. and* ’ ■■ iV. ' a'slioi li 1 onto'. ■" ;( ~ ... . Columbus Oiiio, 3l»y - 29fi | j ThdlStalb Convention v was largely dttendW nrul ciitliuranic ami. har monious. All tlio comities ,were, re presented but two. OoJonelj'jTl R- Staiiltjyi of Vinton, «aa President, ‘ami due Vico Preside it from each Congressional , f District. Secretury, C. A |j3enediet; of Cuy ibagp* and one j i\ssistaiit Secretary for each Supreme ■ District 1 ' " - - )• . '] 9fI|^IIKAXIOMS. ; ; •jUgc. full term, Luther Day,.of Potjtigo' i ctuuly, by acclamation.— The ■ rules wefC sUsp ;nM'ed, and, Mr Wjiite, |>f Clark couilt;’,-was tloelaroJ tliofrioniineo. fo,r t{ic short, lerin; Hot unc"v|.Wilder, by ncch matipnj for va cancy by resignation. .On j inotinirof , Juifgo JohpsOn, Win. Hcnfy [jjbwelt', ot |Jamilton, \vns nominated «for Sec retary of live' State Col. '. William Ritjiiardsbn, of' Monr ie,for ’Attorney General} Col. Moses 1 rally, of Fultotu forlCciinplollyn of tlio [Treasury; Pbib I lip |Hersirig,.of ■ Angla ze, fobl member B’jiafd Puolie Works, long term; Jos. M'cloro, prescril incum Dent,for vacancy. Scnulqriai Elector® Jchn!jP. Bcir vebhi’Or^b,tvfl'<«uatV','J f 6Hn'>A. Miug baln, of‘Harrison ,cp£nty. j ’’ | | Delegates, W ; . King, Ex-Goyernprs Dennison and Tod, of Columbus, Do ldnb.l and G. Y., Dpieey, Alternated. J' T. Sbryoek, of Za.icsviljC; G‘. B 34ontey,jp¥ Clpvelabc; Ir. tCrl [Wooster, of Huron county.: • y. i ; . Tlio resolutions passed - renew ploidgbfii -td ■ sustain the Governrrtent wtih, mien.apd money;, tosuppress, tup-; rebellion; recoi.imeiids the, rpnomina" ilofi'of Abraham Li icoln.bji thy ,Na tiolai Cnnventif»n; ; the country on live sueposs of pur arms; returns' thanks to the Afmv and vy; pledges the; support. of the Ohio, Union mcnjlotho nijcasures 1 of adijain i s trail or. Of Ab ra hafn Lincoln, andrap proves *ofc th e Jp the fpohf stytution lo jTnpke a 1 States free! | I : |y.r ~ r ■ «9rTbo Hon- Joshua-R., Giddings, Wo) American Co asul-GenprM, drop* iordsad at Mon real, Priday -lpst. ■ ' ' -■■ 3 > l ; !■ , ,• •: r in Battle Between Butler Beau j ;* :; ' regtfaßy Brow^lsht LtentCommandihgLowry, of the dhtnejatn’ea river, Sunday Warning, Hay 22d, and arrived in Washington oncthe'foydwinelTuesd'■ Se States Oral eanlt.apou.uen \ Batlcf>ceniVe r com* roandedby Ge&. Gill more, on Salar day liiight, by troonlight. ; Dopp ra« viirea proteot' the work* in front '6T Cren Batler’a; rij'tit nnd |ettfhfcnee the I attack was’ tnade oxeictsively•. opithp j cenjro. i Beauregard la<J r the assaulV hlng coliiirtin in person.force aU f'tbge|b ; et on m berpd atleaat 40,000 fmen,and} they -were all massed and thrown inio this fight. .. }“•. I tv-.*: =F - UM Conv« Kt'miH] '•26.,.: antion Jotho jßfcb- Sr ! •I ♦to.J. aditor, jTrfeas itToirih- (sj'j Gen. ■’•] i Wmrßrj •fe|«6r,.S^ $ &Tj for At Uthe, for] ntofiSa] otions. : 1 d tor £oi) B.W. igress* ;P”- , J l^, : n^.??s' mli® -tlv ,1 cavalry j infanlfy- and artillery to ad6 their jbest to bring ft^t.:rf mumped. sist , an yatta C 16 bo mad f up- eve blithe nbey *hav^' 7-i° r -t^ l9 n ?l™n ?P[on him. , The. remainder though in theinatanc#\: f is pfwrf-ng'iftnvftpi with rapidity. H o f ; t i ic „Voai riot in Jnlv laat.it waa V ter.eS qftrt .wti! f|» enerhy. massed, A ,*«. dl.patcji .dated -T o’clock j.“ c( J ro hf JiVcs 'and million* was Wit hin the- best ppss'We distance! Iv.un Headqnar- d j- n yobei-tydind| Ue'en'deßlrbrod'by tho - and rhngo when the word- wtojgrtep;;i M>gahick Ch i«h. has alp, beenJ ° t^al £ Vddrlssed anu the 1 death dcahrg canpoiv opened lt repofts that everything rJJJJ, ■ Cit ii steps as-*U , - along our whole Centre. , i proes oii firielv. iS?eat her clear i •;;{•*?« (' 1 ' . •,’ •.. In-anlln«Unttho Mttt footing 0 r ( The tmbps come upWaprdly " & iwii £ action k ceased; thydcfiantcoh.mn advanced no am n n j. re at spiflts, and the army indicated Utho Albany Atlqf - a wilf be beyond ’ho Pamnnky jt*y noon. ■ ■ > U J organ,/ which deft pf it to - oii^tho : ln. {■ Beauregard rallied ifew menij W;the ■ Ho USOi vvit|h a force variously report- I Congress to abandon their seats aiut breach, and .again and agjin klilnmre . e d"fro«.S6,o(W to JUO.QCO. men: W :ck ; i £ , \ J he re| - tba lr|- pres. / hurled the defiant traitors) back. ..Tho ba Wa.« brigade*. ot easily 1S;. S^fctid'!n VW I tnitlie lasted two hours,, closing about | are - a there. 1 | j teelion of the beonle’a liberties.] This" midnight, and- was probably oneof j •..Tht'aißpaltbjjinber Mates that af, j * e iutiobaivliu|usJe tittcl;od tytho " the most desperate for tiic I fett i K ; n o { Hanover Ferry yesterday. p^ oaUl . p i ui ;o o tj: ti te (iovernor, plainly time it occupied, and the number Of,, wc seventy-live cavalrynien., J-j-, t4 ‘^ liis w y {t .,i nnrposei Whetfa men ehga^cd,that has occurred uunng U(lin?r ; k; x officers, who say ihalji,. ft be ,l.>rb sL-ce.sslhl limn bo vi‘ 'li i» : : * ihq rebtl cavalry M oxccc>ln\glj‘ - l > ! hitlscruv- t'.oeii -In - exeimiingit, |9 -1- : I ieri| S ;is little-doubt Viat. Beamo- p, O Age-bpiotv ours on ev-i l -i;t ' () . fcc i ee j:,; j Ccrfainiy no miti, ■! gard Was. wn.forced for this obca>iohl 6rV oc( , us i„„., ,j ;■., _ ‘j V.■>’ tiue ibvp ot conulrv in bH - the hope of oyerpoaertng pen. , A dispatch ' from Q'en. j leal , t „ O „Hi tSciihik -if sivcii a]thing4-- ;y 27—On m. f near palhi*, .(ra|,’To : jjj L cxjMd.iient of t’ho.iwisorupn* iris that.. thh . enemy. d w<;owjnng", j ( , lls ,pf r { n j, d|eniagnug»c who. would i move to.. • roaK-bed/ to '| al a,h tioie hesitate to climb dnto tho )cl: bid ..forces at Dallas. Opr • SP |i<i of powetjever the ruins of the . nc.R ir.et tho enemy, -.and, pressed ' Rfp'ublic.'' ft - |,i •'. : ‘f ; em back.ahont- three.' miles, to the.- 3 ev ,.; um c ; st 4 but to bc : the nexi .hTi where the roads fork lo^;AtJ ant :l .Vp I . eS j ( [g, l ,j a i Candidate" of those *vho t id. Marietta, jllpr.o.' Johnston has ap . m , - u yi r ,;Vtivul sympathy with'the rongilih.6. b ofparapets of timhorj [hheliiou. ti’irci instances turned ft; gainst •'j.Mnja'iKl it may. be that he ha.*» - chosen : i%b»sliw>t-h.p»i-. to..recuperate-biq [ ay 25. tvbhlion ngreso ikmatioti, cheering itiotiv ap i>f Abra« ,* and pn* rebf-Uion upoji his' ...... «....-r-fc 've;j'}-n : Jil ' d tn Mh' Vf lK«ft^33lMfc fifom tli.e.fav -- tnej< ww , --. •; .JjecraJary.ol. ',!■_• *7-■ 4,.' l „ !,■' ■. f .~; , upon the centre. in Masses,- «nd »«re.[ • • . -\s _. ■,! — Toe. <P v} lii'd'fired upon .unCT. nthr enough to he.] New Ypa-Kjltny -S-y-Thp Ttara.j 'p lme V O.JI li. Siougb mowed ‘down Command!; special con asjiondent,*. who lefi-’tl.o ;, toh ' .glgf ari ns-the or Lott'vv ' stirs ho saw the ewemv's i frojit at. noon on W.eaneS'fjyr,,,..-about <■ ..' 1..- f -■■ ~.. • , X ■.■» ;■ tf-pi-i' away. ooeaf j Uie ti.no that Secretary-StanWs )pt ; Ml W the other.' jho whole affair -is a despatch horn 'Grant, was.; dated. t»>:a ; lun staivj| in • the army tor the ifo.o -| hompl'ele success'on tlio pari of Gen.,| our unity was about fto move on tliej , na e;l I j ; Butler, and lias proved -awfully : exi-enemy's works, and two hours uftor . . ~ ' pens!vci to »4nregard |-G ' • j,i i he heard heavy cannonading and | i l .. FsißTUESsMo.Nß6^sM|ay'24ir^ i P.^.—; j musketry firing on bar-left: ~- ; (elide > Tl'io slcaiberiTlioinas Powell, General j pinr.ADTrnWTi.t, JfiyiSO —'The Inqiii- j our A , bujUr’s dispatch boal| has just .arriv- ■ rer |i as a dGp.ftch, dnted Headqmir»tas fob j ed. and reports everything qipet. j| ors Anhv ol the. Potomac, cn route \desire | There’has been no hghiipg;'!<ir.c|e ba : t- j (f) jpehinond, via Hanover -Ferry; ! feolm i ntdaj* pigh G yvhe'p.’ froin. the i M. a . v -5-7, six . o'clock, ’tv m... statingition, J counts the' hivemy jrcc*\iybd a fte V e J? j that the, whole- array* ; wa* a«;ai f n in*; lot-hc i punishment ifor their attempted nijxht j G<mi. Hancock* bolnir in. od« j tend ! surprise. They buried Ih'tir dead wider ; vano? ' .: : .V . ‘*-\ .p- .* • . ( wl{g \n flag of truce. ,- . , i,; : i The ai;my 'moves With a celerity jWh !.', hATEST.-yO p. i m.-r-This morning i ncvei J Vim known : before. Hep cvi. ivole.- Gen. Giltmoro. w6pt:o.\it pn. h reeotf- thought, >ve were going l to l-Majoi noisanco, anibato:3o a.|m. t met .the j url j pjg ] e ftlnnd give him battlebn j 41;- -st enemy in some force, and after an ea-, tho >ij or{ h side of the Sotuh. AnnaGyfan •£a£C rnont of hour andf» half, hej . {ic j, s j^ut'^cr.ieraied T ■ mid, b}^?■, I ■ completely touted" 1 them. Onr loss 1S *we will be witliin four hours j ■ very slighGi It is reported that he,ar- ip. !irt .p, :pf Ricf.ipond. ' . • 1 f ly half of Beauregard r Iforces left ': Goce getticgGce in bis works,' we t hiin' yesterday, and marched towards g, ( co : und Ins fttink and into hi* reaiv Richmond, prohahly to reinforce. Lee. ; I ... i Tiid'rebels have made nine'attacks on _ our entVcnc)»incPts; anu havfe been re- 1 pulsed each time. ; ’ j .‘ f rfdei uppia. inc-fti: !u)d ul freedom ed to biirig. appointed ° the State al *' 'on>rrc«nion- j he Repnbli-’ > BaJunuird. T 1 the (follow-| j lion men of ii a-*>iemt‘Kiii ij>nnd mainte-j i supremacy*! the desiruc-'] bout TCr cts may cost. 3 cry ebthusi. t ' ; The Praft of July Ist. ■ Tho Eastern papers are urging then readers to bear in. fnind the impbrt-| ant fact that > : draft’ will.be madcj un'doV th<T National 1 laws on ; the i cents. •. .smg Avant|, pf ; ouY ? armies in the field.! k , r ) y ’ 01 ., Old Cunijsfty Shop-single i Tjiislliact was 'n:ulo known some time tprjjgts'ho' cents, of package,of S tick since, bnt, appears; to have" been over- et s for Bt;., . , , . '-N shaddtWd iby mWo exciting. On Wednesday, the; Ist day ofi Lest it should ,bej forgotten ahd lok June, it is intended tp open the Fair : ' r , immediate v.--after the inauguration I sight of, the Provost Marshal General, ceremoniea J th*. 'Auditorium; ; To | Hftys, the I Philadolphiu Gcizdfty hA* ■ <rnin ntiminion to each hftll„ op ihut \hom ‘the- ifolbwin", telegraphic dis-j cveijjrtg, two of’the above monUoneil! natcli to his assistants throughout t.ckets will be required, }fo goods *!> „ : ii- : i will be sold on that evening. , .the conntn. ..j. •• • Tickets admitting jchrldren rfnder ,WAtoM3|roSr, May 19,1864. ijg years of ago to etioh of the build- To Major C.-G.) Gilbert, A A. ft M, ings, except tho Lining -Hall and tho Gen., Philadelphia—Co|dcr with ybnr .Anditorium, vvill be sold at 10 cents: State authorities latid endeavor to get each. I , .i . C* i-- the different districas and sub-districts. The. price of.'tickets to. the Audi fo commeneo raising men at once, , torium will be regulated according |to with a view to the new call referred the nature of-the tfntertatnmonlft aid to in disjintcb rif yesterdaj from, the will bo announced -iVjjm time tp time. Secretary of Wjar. to General Dix.— i., t' ' It will he greatly to the advantage of The Biggest Well jx Oildoji llio’ differdht twyiis, counties, &c-, loj On the subject of djig flowing oil wells,; . save ihnn br commencing immediate-jj the Oil City Register remarks of; ly- oft assumed quotas: Spat? mo- efforts] Hammond w«dl< recently opened: ■ to complete thqirovltnon (if enrollment] “At, first, so great t was the amount at tbb earliest ppssble da!y., The ex ' of, water, that therp iyas considerable j act bew-quotas vtill betya'based upon trouble in exhausting it But now it! it. t’wwil iESepbrtcd|l)y tholOtlV of isflowjng oil, and blearing itself rice. J Tin i : *I. . ly from the water. It.ispsfimatod to] 1: (Signady j' FatV flow nearly] 600 barrels of oil per day, j r T ProyPSt Marshal'General. and oVer’7so barrels of water and oil, | \ I —•— — j withia fair prospect of an increase —r | ' adrTi io| Ilnitejl States Christian j This makes it' the largest.producing; Cpirnnisiaioh received on Monday from well 1 in the Oil region. The NbblcJ : the Boston Exchange a subscription’ well is producing scarcely 500 barrels 1 !'drfifrtjH sevpnjlhttpdred dpllara in aid|per day.. The Maple Shade iscaTcel’y ’of tha wtittndpd sOldlert. . \‘;,i ‘ ■ |lsobsrr«ls of oil. . .!-■ MINIM NE tfe jSsS®?/'!;*'! .• t • .dsrXso y - v •■ ■•■'j' ,-:f £ £»&&s■ I ’ IJ - . i' j * .•..1.'1.-.n'fV'iT:! •ii; ! .tatolish.' T._ ' |'!‘ TVASSiiNcxo.v, Maj| 0.50 p. m. 4 ita*. Gen. Dix:-p-Att dfficial d|s* patch from.tho ~ j He«i- i Quarters of ib© jwn»y -fit- ibe ; Potomac, at Mngubuk Church, ten ..miles froth' Hanover town, dated yesterday of j ternoon y 5 p- M.; baej -just been receiy J iod. army was with-i drawn to ihenorthlside of the North j Anna Thurfdaypightj andrhoycd to Hanover’town, the, place de | signed for crossing the Pamuhky. 1 At ,4 o'clock yesterday (Briday) ‘mornittjg,- Sheridan Twtih'tho Ist.and 2d divisions j of : «tya|ry, look ; posses sion of the Hanover TeiiJ and Han overlown,' only a rebel videtto The Ist divisi' of'the’.9th Prices of Admission the Sahita ry Pah at Pittsburg 1 i The Etfooulite Committee lias /fired the followihj; schedule iot prices for admission to ihe Fair: To Floral Hall, 50 cents. : To dining room, including meal. 50 . „ • "- i'i SR -t ids TirtsS' av*' 0.-j» ! ''gi* •■;■•■ >*d*etiNEmi«vh»emd-,«li- jw.;Ofj|p,.:. I toft®** ■ : iJt ij&s£gul to ‘mw* Specisl ottices 2S gtr east. : .nidt,rit*»f ? 'i : ; r- i.'w :;:; ;-j. *.w ■ • : Basinet* cards, .7$ i«*nU>V Use, per-yeafti ' ; Marriages and Deatlijv’ Beligioug, Political ' . imd ether Notice- o|: a}. public. . MEE t. - a IS -1:8 Conflict feetween Federal v Yfltate Authority. \ , Eversince t|io >i ebellion 1 jaroke\oni Governor S*»j,pour. has been: Uyiyg to! bring the authority of ihp Stale of No.w Yprk itito a' con Act, with' tbatof> tpifPederai? Government,, \ ' is the Governor himself T>cnt ctv this, but ho is surrohiidM by imatgd by‘tUiB:n>ear,B |o which!, contemplates an ..the • copse* r bf resplutd rcsistanc® by the ' [State to ihe pbwcjr and^au»orl)3p;^r. ■' [ * jio Federal,. Goy ", lin the [North, whereb}* the Southern jytebellion will have « new chance of UspwcMr.'P''”'';;"'-; ■'.V |i Such a conflict. Governor Seymour land his uiifecrapail.bns' advUers, whp»e ftTfi f-r-i - I !i£;L . occurred In rnv lent yes terday which may4'Ave s lev to open the eyes of some o \'eniont, copperheads. -It \va Jow.i: 1110 men ou tlie regimen i-Jtii -give ah expression of on; ibs i i regard.,to- fhe cpnyng o.lec jnnicqrenliy vI arranged a bai : x," and selected- an officer to,Hi lo~!it, ,r.nd ; aUp wed, all the mo: desired to .v-pt? to putuvlbei iiekels. • r 'lioi result was: Toti l-asl), 35G. For A.’ Lincoln. 295 r-General <JJeprge B. MeClellar battering. 2,Qf. . Almost! every v« yoted for .A. Lincoln. iET.lliat (o>;. — The Sp ri ngffei in.) ftWadithn, discussing- (lie la practice of' .retaliation, mw,oii.ih , fdllojvvina historical parahel; ' iWrinjg the war of 15145 there .W noirmlaitco of retaliation by thainfli i tiorj of' death.• though .-the. ngUfr t wi lrepcntecily~H.f!seidcd -in -i|jo Sifting* H'i’ho ipostVsiyofcworthy i jstance! tya» wlieln. after the. bunicj 1 -Queetjsi|mvn,' the ‘ British select | t'.ycnty-jtliree Irish prisoners to be se 1 to Epgiivnihand tried Tor '-high tre ; son , IjScdtt tly oatenefl retaliation, a jan'eqnal number- of llHtish prison! jiVere to await the fate jjlho Trisih The. / British there up ! impriso|ruid fdrly-six Americans; a forty six, Bnt.ishotticers wore iin rue . aleiv selected ind keep as hostage i iifeir !’ isa.lky and restoration. !} , maUer'finaliy subsided with noexe firm 'bn either; ■ ! i~ .11 ——»• . ! - I, fiSTA Nhslliviile.Aetteri'writer.'t |t his story: ' oAn Episcopal clergyr who was ejectedJTrom his pulpit disloyalty!, lasthwhek, asked Getn Rossean to replace ram par and’ hrk appeal seas hackodmy an i nest fehueal/to the General from G dp Sn.mli, of Kootpeky, who’ has ken temporary hnpervision of ChurCjh in 'the State. The Bis! [‘who, is a loyal than, had obtainc promise from tiro clergyman tha would roivJ, the prayer, for the P I dent,! and thought! he had bet let allowed to go hack to his pulp But . the Geh'erai 1 called ltd nle, man Into his and, aftercare (ng hW sviid tllndingdhat bo was a el at! heart, he ■ positively, refuse reverse the dj-dor joi expulsion. the! 1 ii 1 , ; \. ~~ •. l .j ■jgy-Lieut. Gen. Pembertpn rc;bcl General in command of V bury when captured’bj G.on. Grs bus resigned jhis’cbmnmsion as,! General, undjacceptod tl>e.Lieut, bneicy of a regiment of artillery ;c«f|isujje ,he’ pas received tor his duct of the Vicksburg «wge.?»ni c%usi‘ ofsuoli action.. 4“ ' ; ;j 1 ,7 ''.• -,!?,,,',,.?". ,1N•74'.:,:-: '''.- ---- 113 '& m&w-. and
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers