'?Sj§6iaaaor' ourierehd-dttes:l^wiW«d. a (SuifeMmt of»»«araao»'to us tbal A-YJi&'a . ff-> , yfti , ?f*yft- T ''f *»*' >v, » w: ; m worthy . lb# -;T->, y , nbar.' Jakes .cods,. .: - '■ ’ j|| Mayor of liO yrsfjt, MAS 3. 1 HOp. AIiBIN BEARD, ' ‘! 1 , ■•■ ■■ ■ Mayorof- KA3HOA,H. H. v hot. s. wv Harrington, Mayor of MA.NqHE3IS3, K. H. ; Hoilr. .TOHN ABBOTT, _ i ■■ -j:’ Mayor of COBCOBO, IT. H. ] HON. A. IL BULLOCK, | .■ ' Mayor of WOBCESTBB, MASS., ; BQ& NItBPL SILSBEE, * •..■ | ' ..n|>;.-'.V jj '.Mayor of SAT.EM, SCABS., ! I nbk p. w. Lincoln, Jr., 1 , ■ 1 ■■'■■ Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. 1 W M. HODMAN, ; ItF \Mayor of FBOyiSSMOI3 % B. X. | Hpk Amos w“1 brentice, I -sj![ ■ ; Mayor of OpSßk i •■' Irak J. N. HARRIS, I ?' ' I .• f|[;'Mayor of pvir LONDba^CPinH - . ~ HON.-CHAS.' S. RODIER,'' v •. ■ Mayor of a - alk D.'E, THSMANN, >| -, Mayor of MEW TOBK CCTY.ij . H, M. KINSTREY, 1 Mayor of HAWtlflOlfi O. W. f- AIDAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, O. W r : - elbr. R. M. BISHOP, A ft Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. •■/■BffarJ I. H. CRAWFORD, • 1 Mayor of h.V. ■ HpN.JOHN SLOAN - , . 'y. || . r* - . Mayor of. 1,70279, lOWA. TON. JAMES Mc&EETERS, ' ■ * ■ p Mayor of BO vVMANVTTiXiS, O. W. TON. JAMES W. NORTH, |T .■ 'V Mayor of.AUQUSTA, MB.; r . HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., ; ■v . ' 1 \ Mayor of HALLO WELL, MB. JAMES S. BEEK, ‘ ; .Ji v Mayor,’ of FnEDEBICTOir, HT. B. ETON. WILL ABB NYE,. ~ 4 ; : M Mayor of NEW BEDFOBD, MASS. BfpK. j. blaisbell, H| : Mayor of FAIiZ* KIVEB, MASS. Ilk W. H. CBAKSTOIf, || ':. Mayor of MEWPOBT, B. X* i .S. ' H&N. PEED STAHL, ■'ll' .I' Mayor of OALBHA. ILL. 501*. 'JOHN HODGDEN, Is ! ? of DU3UIOWA* B ■• ■ . ■ - : -■■ BON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, jl i : MayorofPHATTANOPOA, TENS'. HK>N. ROBERT BLAIR, Ky] ■ Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. 3MT..R. D. BAUGH, . | ! > Mayor of MEMPHIS; VERB. ONT GERARD STITH, f 1 ; • Mayor of SEW lOBLEAN3, LA, Ef6izr; H. D. SCRANTON', j| ; Mayor of ROCHESTER, XL T,. HON. DE WITT 6, GROVE, " '!■ J|. 1 | , i Mayor of UTICA, H. Tv HOI*. GRO. WILSON, - Mayor of BITTSBUBG, PA. HONl ] c. H. BUHL, ' Tjifrl .y Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. HE4IAN L. PAGE, - , : Mnyor of HXLWAUKHS, WiS, HON. W. W. VAUGHN, ■ ; Mayor of RACINE. WIS. - HON. A'.' parr; f \-t 1 . II j• =: • Mayor of KEKbSHA. WIB. john c. HAINES, il l Mayor of CHICAGO, ML. '; HON. M. J. A. HEATH, j. ' (/||j Mayor of SELMA,. ALA. iHON. A. j. NOBLE, V . |f j: ’v Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. i . h[)N. W. 3. HOtTBAD, ' | | j ' Mayor of COLUMBUS, GA. tipN ESPARTERO. kANUEIi, ; ■ 1 , | > Mayor of VEBA CRUZ.. IION PIETRE DE CABALLO, | ; Mayor of MEXICO. MN ESTEPHANIB RODRIGUES, I;] • ‘ Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECHBVEBA, V , | :• Mayor of LIMA, PEBU. DON M. G. MILANGD'O, - I ‘i . Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILL Z»pN HARO SESQUIPEDALIA, |r 1 Mayor of 810 JANEIRO, BRAZIL Certify that' the resident SruggUta hare . . (v . j , assured them . . " '{, "s ■: i ; - ■ l i- Sarsaparilla -JEijsa excellent remedy, and worthy the con* jj ■ ■ fldanoo'cf the community. .. ’ Diseases. i , Hjt the Blood. . C||r Srroful* or King's EtII, For Timor), I'lcen, and Sores. j' ;T&r Eruptions and Pimple a, ijlyr Blotches, Blaine, and Bolls.' ' Pjfr lt. Anthony’s Fire, ttosc, or Kry. . nor. Tetter or Salt : [stpclas. ijorScald Head and Ringworm. Fhr Cpneer <s,nd Ceneerons Sores. - .if pr»oro'>jj-ee,Bpre Ears, and Humors. ■ ForfFemaie Diseases. . Ear Suppression and Irregularity. Fpr Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. Fpr hirer Complaints. Wsr Diseases of the Heart. . - ! " : • ' |fTh» Mayor* of the chief el tie« of the Uhl* fcsd;Bt»te«, Canadas, end British Provinces, Chut,' Peru,' Brazil, Mexico, end is feet al moM'all-the citiee on this continent.-here s%«edthi» document, to eanire their people remedies they may use with safety and OOnddenee. But' our space will only admit i|poctfen of them., , dyer’s Sarsaparilla, i Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, H' Ayer’s Fills, wd _■ '■i : Ayer’s {Ague Core, * PBEPAaso »r . *. | Dr. J. C. A/cr & Co, -I ' ■->.;( , .■ ,!' LOWELL,. MASS* ■ dad piM hy Diuggists every where.. Yl PiAJ&ecqsr: cm; : -■T. .f ROCHESTER, i ; ]lB*AV£» COUNTY. PA r»p« : jf" I ' A ■. =2=l=MMR l 'l= ■Ths Diamo or ROCHESTER, FOUTt\E'S NEW STORE, U: FIUST ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS asis- ;\ Chintz Styles* <- • \- t . . I v From 18 *6-4 to .25 cents per yard. I Ginghams,' Checks, Ticks; Table ‘Prints —Best | Diapers; Jeans, bassimeres, j Brown and" ' Bleached Muslins, And a full line of [ENGLISH,; FRENCH & GE 3D!R,EISS GKXD3 > SPRING Djs LAINES, .A. rery choice selection -of styles; u ity, at prices pithin' the reach of hit BARRED FLANNELS and .WOOL. ' EN GOODS, ' . t ' At ruinous prices, at FORTUNE'S CHEAP ST' (Near the Post Office,) bociiesteb!, pa. Beavei? Hot JOSEPH HALL, Pro* Pa, HAVlNG'.thorbu’giily fitted up til Ke is now prepared itoaecomn friends, and the public' generally, in satisfactory manner. Dr. P. M. EE Of fra hit Profetsional Servitu to the \ B EAV E K 'AN D Vf CI and solicits a f'aaie of public ’pijtroi -• orric* in ■ | Ken’s Hotel, Beaver, [*P denlfi.-63 l)i‘. P. R Yo^' WHO h'aS'beefi for some time •Surgeon in the Army, haviuj and again located himself in i’ / Beavgp Gour offers liis professional services to tin ! , iu'Fbillips’bpilding. I croir, 008 &c c I Advertising aim Commission - ANB HE A LEI* SIN 'PPJNTKsG lls KSOF ALT. Type, Printing Mate WRIIUNIj ,ANI) HUNTING TAPER OFFlCES—Brown's Buildin (5,; PI Tribune Buildings, New York; . • tnariOrlv. ' ' ; HOOKSTOWN ■SELjE &T SC iff Opens Monday, Sept Sciences a Taught on the most fayi Address D. W. SCOT 6 ' T. M. Mb Notary I*nT> OFFICE TTITII B. CHAMBERLIN, ATT’Y {Near-the Provost Mar r BROADWAY, NEW A. ! BEAVER COUNTY T"JROMT attention given to 1 EXEMPTION PAPERS connected with the draft; nls jereJ, acknowledgments take] ADXUNISRATORS WHEREAS Utters of si the estate of Jas. Reei over tp.,.Beaver crdec’d, hi ed to the undersigned, all pt said estate are requested to payment, and those having cl estate-will present them t properly authenticated for e< JAMES HEED, janC’64, I>r. D.l M’ OFFERS his professions citizens of j. .. BEAVER, AND Vli ! oftjdiiaj The Shannon Buildina | rfeclS] the £ A Gentleman cured of I?cr rous Debility, In compelency, Premature Dec ly and Youtliful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all jw'ho neeU it (free of charge) the receipt and directions for making the simple Remedy used in his case. Those wishing to profit by hi s experience and possess a Valuable! Remedy—will receive the sante; by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by addressing . , JOHNB. OGDEN,. ■ No 60 Nassau Street, N<ifr if6rk. anglfhSm , j , 7- . .- v / , JAMES S. RUTAN, 4TTOBJTET ATiAW, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY:) j.. .BEAVER. PENN’A. t» '4m Cato*. Hwom; '' 3 *1 AND TR. *■;,' HUNT OR^MBNTA auenattonor Nervous andciirorUo EXeiiUSiyßliY i FOR Fpi fTiHtSJnrtitutloiJupririopeh forth* "1 Uon, core. Ml' treatment of the j&Mfc*. dent elau ofpatienta whb'are laborin [ under mental derangement ;| ati other hern us and chronic disease. We make special me alion of nervous .'and' chronic [diseases, from I he-fact that seren tenths Of the[femaie jatiei Is that are committed to pmj public Agrium i, to 1 be treated,, for disordered minds, are red iced to. that lamentable epbditlbh 'through 1 ; irevions physical disorder.’ { By a Well timed a >d judi cious treatment --.of chronic and serti us dis eases, iiall physical I diwtdmrs.in .the :} Whjlty of bases may be removed-; and thus" f |emmd, having suffered . .the median |of the body - will When. I from ■the’' >zeiiing physical cause, throw' off the shack es that has bbund.it to wpfsc|thpn midnight d irlcness, and reason 'will,- once more,) resume ii s away. clothed ih all Its pjiinjlUv* beaiity sue wonted excellence* _ Hence tbejneepasity of 1 11 those, who are laboring tmaer: the predisp sing or exbiting causes, balculatedlin the en 1 to im pair the mind to nsort to an early and judicious course of ire nedialhagents. •: The Institution is a large brick milding with a gtbne basemen —fourl stories’ h igh and well ventilated. Tl;h situated on an derated, table land which cemimandsj 'a view < f entire? town—adjacentblfls- -igrores and neif bboring 'Streams; all of W|hi< h are calculator to pro duce favorable impre sions upon tie disorder ed mind.’ I - r | The Institution is i omplete in all- > pointments. . Having been tastefully at graet expense, in order that’- it mi the approbation and rieWa of thet os [ms. I V 1 The water closets and bathing a have’ been gotten up iicon the most i modern scientific prii ciples. This Je embraces not*only ;Ke brdinary :i b« also, I the medicated, warm air and a and descending i!ou ihe for the more and successful free meat of cutam other scrolulous disc ises. ; We beg leave to say to all those wb disposed to the interests o w[fc, sister or daughter, to our chai bp assured that no -means- will be s effbrts wanting bn our part to atnelioi condition or to effect a restoration to eustomed health snp vigor of mind. for farther particulars send for a All communications be sddret - KENDRICK, igbton Retie New Brigl Beaver =I •i', \ - M ! . | ‘ RMAN >s. ■ 1 tnd qualt RE, noTl2’G2, [el, Motor, j CO. . jE3C3*E3. N. E. comer of 7th &Chest !, PHILAIjELI’niA.-PA/ i ’ lIIS Institut:on| which rats esla I 1844, ahd is [now cpdsequeut eighteenth year .of its/existence, among its graluates!, hundreds of the ccsstul Merchants add; Business Mi Country. V \/\ i .. • The object of/the Institution is sol ford youngf mto fac lilies for thorouj ration" for business. . • The branches |la> ght are. Book-k; •■ipiilicnfdc tojiheva -ious depart tpemi Peprfianship.u both plain ami , or; Cdiptncrcial Law, mathematics, N 'Civil Cngineeriug. Drawing, I’ho and Modern Laiigu igus. The systcm of Instruction is pc classes or l sct lesson? lire made iiso ol student is taught individually, so’ th commence at any iiii)e.| and attend i er hours are most c inytiiient. Catalogues..are ssued. annually 15th of-Aprihj conjoining names of dents for the .year, and full part terms, &c., and may be obtained at by addressing the Principal. ' ' In extensive accommodations, w reputation, and the lengthy experie Principal, this Institution offers fir porior to any other in (he country, men wishing to pr spare for l>usiuei obtain lit the same time X T.in,i>MA; prove a recoiumem ation fortliem ti cantile House. / > Series of Tr Book-Keeping, now more widely than any other,wo kon the supjet sale at the Ccllegp. ■ S. lIUUGES C KITTEN'D [is house', odatc his the most may,62 . j 'eojile uf njt y nago. , nn’a. 3 11l fHng a eluriied public. [mlitlfe? O-, v Agents trials, t :AKDe,iV,r liladelpbi*: ■~—k. ■ ■ ooi|, 28th. % . mguages, lo terms! '' >rab) 'nncipai 3rd, lie. > AT LAW ”s office, UTON,. rsha \rig T» Che 3) ftß' to oa : J,&c drawing of i nil matters tbs ndminis , &c.- [del6 n6tice. i, dmii istratipn on , sr., late of Han ivinjibecngrant- rsoni indebted to make immediate tainis against said ■ aNI he subscriber ettlement. ■ jr.,]Adm’r.. j . Hanover ip. inney. aerricea to the UNITY. S. E. \Corker of eaver. Pa. - • OEM Supt.of CRI DEJf’B COMMER PHILADE Alloniey-a/’Lau\ . Vt M%j t IBEiATSTEIE sKMINAitYiAND W i ay lor, A. M. ■avlor, Govi BUM WILL C( Rev. R. T, Mrs. A. S. MIL NEXT I 1 \ ' I luesday, March 24th, And continue! 14 weeks.'. The a school ‘is to maks -its pupils thor daily in the Comi ion Branches. .A. IVpi mal. Cla, Tor the benefit j of those wishing ti selves for teachii g, will be . forn oommeificmcnt of the term., Board, Booth runt. &.c..t... - Tuition varies from $3,50 to $B,( BSP - For fuHbqr particulars inq President of Faculty. • m«r4’63 | 1 ,R.T. 1 WHOLESALE DRY G iiiLE k 11, piROY 04 \Vo|d St., f jPITTSBURC Q|FFER THEIR STOCK ] o^ 1 Loiwest Market At tbk| mar. 25.’63 Confessions of PUBLISH Kl> xbr ta|e oencfit an< ■ ing and n caution to young m ferfrom Nerrjons (Debility, premal &0.. Supplying at! tie sdme time lb Self-Cure. ,By dne . Who has cii after being put td great expense tl icalimpositioh and quackery. By post-paid 'addresSedXentrelopes, is may be had of ther ‘author. N MAYFAIR, Esq.l Bedford! Kings i, margMy.i ■ j I Adminisi Tetters! of i i CutmiieW } tp,Bca»ereo.!, de< un lersijtnedj nil •re requested to.i those havhfg- eli present theifa to theaticetedior s' [ROTOR S N idminiitratlonon ?*«*«». late off ’d, haying been g take immediate [ dip Ijpilnst c.lid th«| ; Kiihscrijier 'ttlemmt bt: 'EWaAT Et # '4H ftMf - I Wilhhf jlffldwiV ‘Bit isaVaM: iSSSiShil M : =|HfrChWtfAY ’ S+lLll sS«aKPj - Orntmetoi 9 : sm '.■ ,zf ?'* r " •Hini! ; 1 1 , «.. I ""iw 14 :/*" «WI. * Our reader* Will Be g!i<i to know wher* A i*l»ey can find natkeTutf that has somsthing Establishment baa been In successful N»7/» espfciaVflsr* ’ better-lit it-thai’ njer* ~ OStoSi W^MtlantLi X for ;W yearß, Biwl ts the largest. “* * to supplied wit^,those,j>U{a|ifo«ai>ir i' ' f f ss. j I >tl£ . . .Rem'arknbl, hand.or manufacture toorderersry description add nweoted toproTidethem-l f/* o ri ff i ß alit^’*iJV r ry' rrti»Zti»' -.-, i : i ‘tyaSrtT I is 'ooiidu'cted' by a eWa^as, Ornamental Pier. Wall, Oral & Man- , Witty andUntelHgcht-conh. of lottrnalisfej”— let GlassM, Conttsoting Cornleesl Base and S«Wi«rt neteMUling ftttnd in' i ite i M 4 (Conn.) jßhrowsr. • ' Brat&et 4e.,|40. tKMPS theßondon I**a?~.Boai>niT*nttUr. ' tion, «P«eMy remoTed ,ind ereotuallv uwhosoe.er finds Hmsertl laughingj at t\e either Gilt; Berltng, Rosewoo^,, Oak. Zebra, ptwed b+ using these admirable medicines,arid wit-wj-m Paib ' and does not retard a Birdseye, Mahogany, 40. oSidewln,^.^,& £o% fih for kS tory and eiletuiTe faeilitiesleoablo uB to furn- i ate atlMhed to each Pot ,or Boi. - jL. ; | , y, ,; ;■ - ialrany article in ourline aathe.'feeflt, [ SICKJ^EADACIIES^AND,^W^INTrOFAPPIfp'v 7 u : - ‘ BSp& Ha ALES. rtcap- and as cheap as the cheapest. . ' Djealsrtare invited to call, upbn us Wlientiey riail New York. Weclain* to be tkblS'tb supply toSiipplythem with ereryarti ele in our hrie which they eanposaiblypurcliaae elsewhere.. i: •. j■; ,I.]],. ,i Orders : by .mail attended . to with Do not fail .to cal! 1 whenyou visit Office $ WartTootkt, Xo. 216 1 Court X*' Y. : jI, j HORACE V. SIGLER, Agm, M&y7—Smos- ; ‘ 1: ■, MARRIAGE. TTB lovesapd hates, sorrows and \angers, JL hopes Mm fears, regrets andi joys; MAN JHOOI>, hoW|lost, how restored;; the nature treatment and radical cure! of spermatorrhoea or Eeminal weaknesir; involuntary emissions; sexual debility and impedimenta to marria'ge generally; .nervousness/" consumption, fils;,, mental andphysieal incapacity, resulting trim SELF-ABUSE—are ftilly ‘explained in ’ the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This most extraordinary book should be in hands of every young person contemplating.; marriage, and every .man! or woman, who de- j Sires to limit the -number of their offspring to their-circumstances. Every pain, disease and ache incidental to youth, maturity andold age, is fully .explained; every particle of knowledge that should be known is bejre given.. jit is full of engravings. In fact 1 , it discloses secrets that every one should know; still it’ isia book that must be locked np, and not. lie about the housed It will be sent .to any one on the receiptqf twenty-five cents j in specie oi! postage stamps' Address Dm Wit. YOUNG, 416 Spruce St., above Fourth, Philadelphia; j ■'; AfflicitH and lfnfortuhate, no matter what may bo your disease, before you place' your-; self under the care of any of -the Quacks — or foreign—who advertisein this or-any otbeir paper, igei a copy of/*r Young's book, and read it j carefully. It bo the means of saving you many a dollar,' your health, and possibly your life. J , Da. YOUNG can be consulted on my of the diseases described in bis publication; at his office, 416 Spruce Street, above Fniirth, I’hila aft.Offiee hours from 9 to 3. daily, j [mar2U f Its ap atted up ,y| meet fastidi- iparalns pproTcd iartmcnt ills but^ i mending effectual #>ps and 1 1 may be )f a dear r ge—may Dared or. ■ ate their > their ac • eireular. sed to. M. D. o. Pa^ THIS tiItEAT CA CSK. UjF Hum a n Mise vy . Just Published in a Se&dKnvelvpex Price Melt: A LECTUREi. BY Dm. CULVER\VELL, kJ\ OS .THE CAUSE ASpCUKEof Spernui torrhcea, Consumption, Alenin] anil Physical , Debility. Nervousness. Epilepsy: linpiaired Nu r l trition.of the Body; Lassitude Weakness of I the Limbs and the Back; Indisposition, and Incapacity ftp study and Labor ; , Dullness ol Apprehension; Loss of Memory j Aversion to j Society; ;Lov.e of Solitude: Timidity; 3Self- Distrust ;; Dirtiness: Headache ,j Affections ol the Eyes; Pimples on the Face; Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity; the' Conse quences of youthfiil lndiscrotion. &c;. «e.,’ , BSuThie admirable.Lectiir. pearly proves thiil the above enumerated, oltcn self-afflicted Cvils, may be jvit-hnut Dangerous surgical operations, and Should-be read by .every youth apd every mian lin flic land,. *; ;i * j 1 , ' uliar: no I Sunt utjder seal. to any addrctU, in a" plain. I. pm eadi i flC »led.envelope, on tbe receipt of six cents, or ' ’ 1 two postage stnmr by ii«ldre»" ! "~ < - lAL LUtSt., bliiihed in y in l e numbers moMiSue n of oar ely to af ;h preps- eping, as of trade: amenta! ivigatiou. lography. KI lie mar I■ ■ ipa, ... u.ldi-essijie; ... .. .... • t wliaiev-1 /■ ' CIiAS. C. KLrtK &TO-, , -Direction*'tor . guidance ot pa-- * i 127 Bor.-erv.Xcw York’.l’osl Office Rox : .4">sji. l ie f n eT «b’ disordcrare affixed to each Hoxl v “T’k oi; rf"' 7 'rr^vSoo'' lv "“' os female agents I J Coffee, is recommended by- physicians as !\J, 1 T?(\ SEt-t, % • •'• i.? . i !*,superior KUT-UITIOL’SiBEVEIIAHEIoi-Gcn- QMms -Yew Steel Pl/ite County, Colored li leral Debility. Dyspppsin and all'billious uisor-; , Map ot the UieiteiJ Slate*;' - - 1 5 rUn*. .Thousands who imVoibeon cbmpelled t0.,-. - XAir K HruAitriS-U ’ r . abandon the use’of coffee, will usc tliis with-! p *''\ 1 ■ •' S, 1 \ UII J 6W out injni-ious ,off-oeis. Ope \Un chains (hei strength of Swo-1 pounds of*ordinary- coffee, i ■*"* c - ost s>-o ( <XtO to engrave it, apd one after the (fie slu itiulnr* of i.uy time ' / , dit-spread too of t lie ilities r<u [or young and to ivhicli will' any' Mor- Jig' . „l J'i P' . Vrice 25 cents. 1 i [ ■ j ' KOTJjOCK'ZLBVAIX. (The purest and bestJiBAKIKO POWDER known* for making light,'sweet anti nutritious Bread and Oak*;.®.' Price l*Vcenfs. | 1 Manufactured by J • 'M. jIL KOLL (friv, > "■ Corner of Broad and Chestnut siree% ; ' ‘ PHILADELPHIA'; •A_.nl sold by all Druggists an-l Grocers. - :nar2fi f ; ratises on circulated t, are for -o EN, lyctPAi.. ITUTE - A THOUSAND YEARS, ’ Work’s Groat War Song, Words iahd Music, in 'January Number. J 4 school Magazine free\ Clark’s School. Visitor.— Vol ume viii.l ■ ,v..i ■ The,. Publisher of this, favorite Monthly-, in ordeyto reach all -"bools, will send the Visitor one year gratis to one person (wjhctyill |act as Agent), at ah post-offleo in the United States This is ah unparalleled pfior. ■ Address, tvith ifive coots, fgr parti onJars. I 1 I . ; J. W. Idaugha DAY, i f ' ; Publisher, I 1308 Chuestnnt St.j'Phila. Pa Prin. trass. 'M.MEiNCf: 1863, , m of the >ugh, espe-_ I ' SB s i fit them ed at the ,$3B 06: I tire of the ayiW OODS. WOOLISIT FACTORY. rpHE undersigned excepts to commence, I this'week. Carding, Spinning, Fulling, Finishing andDyemg; also to manufacture Flannel, Cloth; Cnssimeres,' Satinet ts • and Blankets, at my old place it Falls'ton. For durability, I can. warrant the goods, manufactured not to be surpassed. For the accommodation of those on the east side of the Be»ver,' s Wool. etc;, cah'boiefl at my house | in Pulaski township, or Joha llodgkinson’s store in New Brighton. 1 r ~ . je!7,83 : EPIPM, SMITH. EXEaUTORS NOTICE. VV7 TTEUCAS letters testamentary having - YV been granted to the undersigned, ,on the estate ,of Josiau To no, dec’d., laid .of Industry, twp, Beaver co, J’s, all persona knowing' themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make p<iymei|timmedialelve and those having claims against the same wilt present them to the subscriber duly authenti cated for settlement. . ICO., H. PA , OR THE L 863, Pile*/ . WC in Invalid.' : as a warn- ISO who Sul; I lire Deca; e means ot red himsell rough med enclosing s ngle copiet \TIK\SIEI Co.. N. Y. mar 2.’Cl GLORIOUSt N^WS! Not from the Army but - from the Town N . j of Beaver. !.• • DTICB. New Shoe Store. ■. •< THE subscriber; would fespat fully inforn . the dtiiensof Bearer County that. In ad dition toliis well selected stock of CLOTHING, H ATS. CAPS and GENTLEMENS FURNISH tXG GOGI'S. lie bus lately purchased a Well selected stock of. BOOTS and SHOES of.erctvi; kiad;and- rarieiy, . My\stock .is the Targett ever-brought to.the countyi and X aitidclerm-' i the estate of ; rwtb. Bearer '•anted to the deaid estate [ aynierit. and I estate will properly au- El enclosed,' JOHN SLENTZ, Executor, * i ■ Ohio »p. •r• t'~l . ..a. • HE A- TIT.F. INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS?' h TheseffeeliUgs which fo sadden Bp, usually arise from trouble : or'anhoyances, Obstructed perspiration, cr eating end drinking! whatever is unwhplesbme.thjis: disturbing the healthful' action of the liver find Blomaob. ' These dr* fins inosrt be relieved, if you desire to be well! . he Pillp, taking according to the pointed in structions, will quickly a' produce a healthy action in both liver and stomach, nhd ns a natural consequence a clear head and gqodap ,Petite, f ' -T -■ ■ • i WEAKNESS Oil DEBILITY* INDUCED BY 1 - j OVER FATIGUE. '[ ■ ! , Will soon disappear' by the use of these ihr valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly ac quire additional strength. ' Never let the bow lels. be either confined 1 or unduly acted upon, It may' seem strange that Holloway’s Pills should be - recommended v for Dysentery ana Phut, miny persons suppqsingthat theywould iucreaselthe relaxation/ ■, This is a great: mis . take, foil tbcse-Pilis will correct, the liver, and stomaebjand thus remove all the acrid humors from thd system. This medicine will give tone [ and vigor to thq.whole organic system hovvev j er deranged,' while health and strength follow jas a matter of course. Nothing will stop the [relaxation of tlie Bowels so surd as this fain* 1 ous medicine/’ : i , . " VOLUNTEERS' ATTENTION 1 IN' 'out . .»* t* COplK. >« * <: . TIONB OF VOUXU. . ’ Teti c0pie5..!'...;..-..., .........20 00 ' Sore» |nnd Ulcers, Blotchings and Swellingvl ;An Extra copy will be allowed to the getter can will/certainty. bo radically cured if ' the i.of every Club lof not less than five Copies. Pills ajs taken night and morning, and the ji . j . ' !■ ,| ointment be freely used as stated in'lhe print- •’ This ,paper MsjEJectrotyped, and .numbers, ed instructions, If treated in any, other, man- i-tta^TC^proflur^jiri'nn^tiijie.'V ; - i.nerfthey dry up in one part to break out! in au- j.,, I J i I-OUIS It. STEPHENS, joiner, j Whereas, this -Ointment will remove [. Publisher for the Proprietors, H 3 N«jisuu.-st; the Bunion? from.the system and leave the Pa- j ■' I ',i j . ~ New-Vorlc.i iiient a Vigorous and healthy man. It will fe- : it* qhireajittlc perseverance in had case* to in, sure a lasting euro. 1 , : FOR RIODNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY ; THE BAYONET, OR SABRE ORTHEBCL LEX.JSORES 1 OR BRfJISES. , To which every Soldicrjand Sailor are[liablk there are no medicines so safe, sure, ana con-. vcnientls.B Holloway's Pills and ointment. Thhj poor wounded, and almost dying sufferer might ] have hi* Wounds dressed' immediately, if .he would only provide himself with this match less 1 Ointment,; which should be thrust'intothc wo|md and smeared all-around it, then]covered i with a piece of linen from' his knapsack, and I compressed [with a handkerchief. - 1 Taking 1 nighjt'and morning C or 8 Pills, to cool the sysi tern and prevent infiamation. / . , ■ j Every Soldier's knapsack aid teaman’s! chest should be provided With these valuable j. Ucmedjer ; | • , .• ; • ■ ■ G ACTION .-—’None are genuine unlcssi the words “JhfUoicay, A'nct York and J,oiulo J n,"J are disccrnable as a water-mark iu every leafi of the nook of .direptidns around each, pot of j box; tue same may be plainly soon by holding I ihejeyi fo "tip flight, A reward l-willAs be; given to any. one rendering such in forma] i tiuij as may lead to the detectiorpotl any party ! j or panjies counterfeiringiliemedijpihes oi-yetid- i c itlg the same, knowing them to be spuriolifi., it *** Sold iat Manufacf ary o 1" I'lcfi^sor ■ ’Bil Maiden Earn.,' New Vork] undo 1 ' ipcdtafile Druggists ami Dealers jii i, llivmgluiul the .civilized world, in !5 coma. te cents ami $1 each, iere ia 1 onnsiderttljle aaving .by .faking sizes. ■ '' ■ '.Vvo ... - ycar’b timc\ ] . Superior t o any $lO map everjmade by;Col ton or. Mitchell, and .sells at thei low gride of; Fit|yj Cents; GiO,iMX) names arc engraved oiv ! this map. -l-'J ■ 1 • ",f . . - i It Is not only h Countv map, but it & nli-n a ‘ COUNTY IIA’ILKOAI> MAP J of tlie C. S. & CmiJulascombined mono,giving Every Railroad Station a'nd'distanceS between. ! Guarantee any woman oVmnn $3 i.to $o per : i day, add will take back all maps that ! cannot 1 he sold and refund, the money.\ 1 ; r I |l Send for $1 Worth to try. \■ ! i " r I ||l Printed instructions how to canvass HgclV■ | I'furnishcd all our agents'. . |\i .I,', *j |. Wanted—Wholesale Agents for our maps in ! ijevery State, Canada, i England, j France and Cuba A fortune may bo made, within few hundred dollars capital.; iVo com-. /fetitifm. J F. Llotii, 104 Broadway, N. Y;\ii j The War Department uses our map of Vir | ginia, Maryland. apd Pennsylvania, Cost SlOO,- 1000,j-oh, which is marked sAntiefamfCreek, i Maryland Uighta# Williamsport i Ferak-.llhorjerarille,! Noland's. Ford, and, all othefs on the Potomac, and every other place indite above named States, or moneyirefundod. LLOYD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF I KENTUCKY, OHIO, INDIANA, and ILL., at ,t ie only authority’ for Gen. Bosecrans and the War Department. Money ■ refunded to! any Ane finding an error in it. ; From the Tribune. Ang. 2. “ jLOTd’s XAP* OF VIEOIXIA, iIAKVI.AII» ASD Pkn 58VLVASIA.-}— The map is‘very large; its cost is but 25 cents, and it it the bat tchichcan bep irehated.” ' ' Loyd! t Great Map of the Miaieeippi River, —- Fgpid Actual Surreys by Capts. Bart andWm • BoWn. Mississippi River Pilots. of|St. Louis, Mo.| shows every man’s plantation and owner's name from St. Louis to tie Gulf ofj Mexico— -1,33) .miles —every sand-bar, island, town,, landing, and all places 20 miles bach from the riveft—colored in.counties and States,. Price, $1 in sheets. $2, pocket farmland $2,50 on linen, with rollers. Ready Sept-20.' • AntW Department, Washington, Sept: 16, 1862.’ ■ Lloyd—Sir: Send me ybttr Map of the 1 Mississippi .■ River, with \ pried .per hundred, copjcs. Rear-Admiral Charles H. Davis, com manding the Mississippi squadron, jls - iied to purchase as many as are required fo useiof thatsquadron. ; . i GIDEON WELLS.Sccrctary of the Navy. Estate of Harvey Gambit dop’d. I' ’ KTERS of administration odthe estate of Jl Harvet Gamble, late' of Griifue' lown sliip. Beaver Ceunty. Penns, dee’d,.having been -granted.to the undersigned/ill peraonA indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and t bpse having claims against the dame Will present them properly authenticated for settlement., • • | | JAMES R&ITTATN, Adm>;. j , t / fx>. • | ADM INST RATO US NGTIOi-:. is tereby girenep that letters of ill administration' npontbe restate of wuliaw B. McGafticc, late of Brighton township, Bearer county, Penn., deo’d.bayo beibgrauted to tbr undersigned. jVU. persons tnbwing themselre? indebted to said estate are requested te .made immediate payment, and those haying, claims against the same will pVesent them properly authenticated for set- 1. I—'/ bottle. ' Jfcf"*, *» w*.»« T ,J}r.l[urd',MAKVAh on ' PTeytrvmg the [Teeth,: f,idudim V : i - SILKfot VU<t7iing& •* ' . jy)o77/ PICKS,-ete.,tec ) > rt f - 1 Prepared at Dr. Herd's Dental in* Fourth St., Brooklyn, {K. D V °® ce > *7 ■ . ***• POLLAH ;ors/r*, '■ ' ' i_; • ■. | i jf - -- . ■ ■■•l.'■: t. ‘ >,- eight mcliKS hy tlve, and is sent by .w'***' V. uaUITV t?*io : I ii t R3f“ for i«> j t on eael tSI , . VANITY,. HAIR- I < The following.articles we csn - r | , issued REantjARLT evert THpBSDAT.i‘ ly, by mail, Tit; .. J and -la 1 for Sale Sy'- all Newsmen, hnd at tlie| ■■ The TreatUe on PruL&ia'ilJr.. r t office of-Publication, No 118 Nassau-strect, ■ paid, on receipt of TwkLvn aont ' ! '^-<■ Xcw York. , j - ■; i stamps. ’ cr ks .'. r 1.. •• f -—r' • ■ !’ ! 1 The Keuraloia Platter 1 for'• • i V, I TEEMS: . | Face, Nerved Headachy "i , .Three dollars per annum, in advance—;Six';pdst paid, on receipt of Einh,..s J? ■•, ’ *“'• ■' cents single copy, f , r .'a-.v .) !■ stamps, 3l ’ n -orii ; TERMS FOB CLUBS: ' \ The A'euralyid ana Rhvma'ie Pt’J ', Two copies of Vajcity Fair will be sent to fsite,! for, i’nina in the Cire«t r Q^P ,ohe address for.-.. tp-5- 00 . I dr any part af the body, sem Tost & Backl Five copies... Li...... ......„.12 00 1 if Thr rent post paid on*. : /!\f SPECIAL KdXICE > . ' Thesrety marjiednnd flattejingsuccesa which haij thus far attended (tie publication of ■Ti' 1 ’ /' “V-ASiir Paib,” 1 ■" Enables the pnhlisnerto announce that wilh tlie Commencement of tie Second Volume, is fifed this day, 80th June, Xew Featiires, both Lilefnry and Artistic, will be. introduced,which Will increase the Value and interest of the pa per, and fully maintain the proud position unanimously accorded to it, as the leading' \ Comic Joukkal op America cue-; . i i iDlgi ’ [ AtlfllS.l i \ " ' i Quarterly Mirror ot Fasmons, | j HV/A Gieat Improvements and Addition*, | I I I Illlj SCMMER XVMBKkVostaI.NSi I FOUR-LARGE R SPDEXDID FASHJOX PEATES, THREE FULL-SIZED | ■FATTFRXS OF DRESSES, • . j "j-. r; oow-Bisisd the r New French Watia. tn, Elegant Slcevt. and ail . Misses Sack, -and a Sheet -e New Ii i - . and JJehntiful ■; . [ . !i ■ f BRAID AND B3IDROIDKUING PATTERNS Together withj.nearly KXi Engravings of i || . *tD' the norekim ’ for i Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, , J | j Children's Dresses, &c.j ‘ And valuable information to Milliners. Press MakerSj Mothers, and Ladies generally, pfe s'entiugi the largest' and best Fashion M.tga- BWofldia published 47,:> Broadway, sold everywhere at 25 dents,' or, I, post free, oh receipt oflthe ani't r silver. Vejtr $l,(M| trir'i the fol able'premium.' I rly sjubscriher will be entitled to s ereipt for the Selection of 5p ct^its,''worth of! lain |>attcrnsj from the designs in the book. l r from the sjuiw ,room, or 1 they may he or-/ ered unit senj by mail any- time., during, thd -ar. kynpaying postage; i * j. to Canvassers, No. now reads-, ' \ g LIST; OP LETTERS. in.. .the! Cost OSee al Uocbes tel 1 : l’«., ilayist, .1804:'; _ r Itrown IM j Irwin Mr* Apness - 7otsr\Vin\. j 1 ilripali* Chas 1. . £>unlap Mrr>Mary" 'Holier Miss A J>avis Mrs ;- JlcChn-e Jamqs ! !“avis l(e’i!ery V iMullniiiliichard ’ avia CathavineV- ' ;Jlcl)onild ilorrace ‘ rani* MaryjK j x , ' (Moore Martha ;G ' asuiri Misa Lqtti \ ’Moore Mia* Hattie ai-sule Wm j \ piWock CapCli, arber (leorge .. ■ • Uajit;' Henry ! .; kjTaaaway Maggie M ;SUriTt!r & Co’, ;■ Hoffman Mrs -Soule James E 2 ’ Huff James; ? jSiberl A G Hartiuan AhdrewgS 'SiowartWjG; i Ho'lerman Hour*; ; Willie UevJJiobt. i ■ . I'-; if.:/- T: ,M. - TA YLO.K-, P. M. , | Kours, duVing the summer, from j 7. *: in. t 0.7 pom. ; 'I 1 ■' ■ j LIST OP LETTERS REMAIMXG in the. Post Office at Bea ;|vcr, Vai, April 30, 1804 I AppleMarjr • . r ■ ] .i-Irons David ■ Card JT ' * ! J ack “Oil Esther 'Blature J. S. ;Joiil!"oa Kiciimoncl " ij'Caroihers-J.’C .1 Mend Cyrus j' ilcimtpbell Mollis ■ iMcHhuly J ] ,j - yCivitt Lou’- | McCarty Mrs Henry ' jiDickcnsnu Mrs K‘' j.scrcggms, Ellen, .. j Daggett & Edgerly {Smith U L i. ! Elliott M.,W -Searight John ♦ Bishcr I’h.llip Whhs.dl L • llanso W/ I Wliitsell § C|[‘ Maker Garolino , Witchie Catharine, Mall Mary ,■ i , Wilson Martha ;'4 B®.lVrsons calling for lettersliri the above ,lijt, will please say they .are advertised. ' M. J ASDEHSON, P. M. U. IS. ASSESSOR’S NOTICE. " Annual List 1863. is hereby giXcn to all concerned,' /JLV -that jhe Attpual Lists of TaV.es for 1803, are now in' the hand? of the Assistant Asses- ’ sorsj and will be open to inspection fO'i- Ftl-V| TKKX DAYS frornthejate hereof. During that period, aj>peals'' ; 'wiU bti rheard, liahd determined'by oty, i fich, in Beaver. -• i Sh’j ■ .•/£” . N. B. All appiils must beHn ifying the particular caused iilatler uc thing complained of. ■ < \ , r i •?, I‘, .‘ ; "i •S. tfAV^XPOnT. -Uj S. Assessor’s Orncs, v' j \ May'lOth, 1804. \ | \. f. ' IX tlie Orphans' Court in end-for the iof Bearer, before the'lloti. Judges Court.-: In the'matter of exceptions account of Agnes Cat-others and Jesse v era, Administrators of the estate of John C» rothers.dec’d.. who was Adniinislraicr of tlie estate'of James Carothers, dee d. .1 -now'.’ to iwii, Feb. 24tb, 1864, the Qou. t .appoint James S. Ilntan, E.-q;. an. Auditor Vo takejteatimony and report the facts on the ex ceptions. [A true Extract.! • ■ " JOHN A. FBAZIEI,, Clerk. ; -1 - ,/' i .j . , r ■ Notice.— The Auditor j above mmed%rill' attend ;to the duties of at bi»- office in, the Court House, in beaver. lon . Tues day’, thft 81 at. day of May, atlO o'clock, a. mi, .at which time parties interested, and their /t -torniei teill attend if thev. think proper > niayilj'Ol X d. HUTAX, Auditor. I PUBLIC VENDUE. | A: LL -THE HOUSEHOLD GOODS of the A “tale Of Coin Utctt-VRD .p. BoBEItTS. dec d.,( wm besoldat public .vent,uc, at the house Of H„ Hice; Esq., in Bearer, on ’ ' Y/mA Y 2U.h, •'864/.! ' -v J - *;■■■■' v 1 « j . commencing at 5 p clock,! embracing Tle-1- steads.beds.Bcdding.Ei.ioius.'fubJes.Chairs, Mirrora, Carpets, Cupboard ware, , Buggy, Harness, etc.* ato. Credit givenwfitli appro i WM- |. •eylOM - laeeatar. , ; 1 MM ... t - %I- ." ■-, .. a y*’ iieu Msia. < ■•'.■■ . . OCB ABIIUERYIg .;■ ' ;.f ‘ -■ i- -■ "®* Wi9f. B. Ht’pn, [1 .A D E N T ; A i! t RE A «?Sa w ; I n -; M <p jubohU^V vrb»krvik THB TBm and >rlng Toothache and Neuraj Bi|> • CONTPNts Dr. Huri't Celebrated j/otriT fr ceipt 01 . Address, itrty-ieven cents. • B. JICSD. CO ■Tnbunt puiUlinjt, ’y ett^ i>t.\UuTf, vn utu ir.i su. toothp™ T>ER and TOOTHA CUE'DROPS c'4 u sent by mail, but they tan f.robnl,! v : b ‘ tamed at your Drag or Periodied S;ot« tf they ;cannot', send to. us ; fjr the bE\Vii TREASURY; Price, Os* Dou.u, whiff J. 1 ’ tam 3 them. ' . : i - 1 !. I 'RE rm. nrß!i , ’i piiepumiiw m, . The beat eyi.Uncds'that.lheT are i 5, ,|Z-. | |> rD, ost friends and best jnit'rons are ‘thtw-w**- } nave used the irk-figest.', 'l)r. Ifn. i/y f' : an eminent Demist. jitf Brobklvrr,-Tr»n«-i,., the New York State Dentists’ Assrjoi, ui| it , these preparations listfe bceii used hi ,|,ii rr tj vote practice.'of years.' and nrJeJitVlA:*, *" • of Brooklyn or AVilliamsburg. - j excellence, while eminent hcii:jjj.' c r v . j York ibcut aa the »V-t da■"» " '**• fine profession;, IVithom the ; ,Ll 1/V* j mg, dcalcrs'hnyc -old.T},ere t r 1 - ! . The Editor of .tfce'ZfwVjr,At,;.,-3.,i T 1 ‘-We ..re happy ~, kip, wav. ; Hurd, ;1S succeeding uey..aa df WJp I -with,his .MOLT 11 IVASH and lifjW 1™ ’ , •;DEiU The great secret of hi* s-jr.tJ nvW ttfat if'-dii.; inif - i they art-represented lo ir, as »c^conilt«lf» ’n» • > ■ their, lung use." J •„ ]' ri ; lho| well knpwn IVT, Bnmutn !r>vr;ie«:'- i>\'j ■' ioaud your TOLITH M.'iVDKU so gttod fnLtfar \ iatnily have used if all up.'; life rind jf.iO cot potrHrr/f-r the] !• rlh tee /,nre fr?r'u«u.j ( iiiill 1 - fcel'bbliged .if you will send me another vuf-‘; }ilyjUjtho MjUsrum.at'yuur cosviuicuce, yitii ■ lint lit air clifci is so 'smqll tLatevcry oaclajy tcs' v the'muttcr'|for bi'agelf. " &S~ llewajrcjonheVirdiiisry Tooth Paw/M-?,' Df..ljl.urd s Tooth Pnoder contains no .‘iciHt, nor alkali. ni(r charcoal, and polished --tithdui • I [ wealing'the enamel. . Use no other, i ■'•/’ | "HAT Wltu] ’DU. iHUIiD S IIEMEWM I ;(t : ,1 EFFECT? .’I : _d-, ■ ■ I -.Dr. Hm-d’s Mouth Wa'sh'audiTbfWij'oirdVr | will; give young radies|th:d finest charm is *>. | man—a sweejt.breath and' pearly 'teeth. Try I them, ladies,. I. I■ . - • * j. f ‘I Dr. Hrlrdl jjtoufh Wash and .Tooth Povrdit ’ will clednsejlie mouth,from all tout erUlt- .. lions, and if-nsed in the morning, *•;!! inaki the breakfast taste sweeter anddl-o day h»gi« more, pleasantly;, Hundreds of persons . testify, to this.]; Try them, gemieuasn. / - ■. Df..Jjlurd’s ilonth Wash and Tu'.t-Povhc: .are the flip beyjt .preparations, tu the- world' for . curing ' h’Ail hr'Clh and .giving firmness' art - health to th«, giimsj ■.'Hundreds o. c |car.es of Diseased JVe.ding’ (Turns, \Sore Cinbr, etc,, h; tve .been cured by. Dr.' 1; urd'-s' astrim ent wash. ; ■ n ):' Dr.'Hurd’s Wash ana Tooth .Powder . giveait additional charm, lio' epuiajhip, aid- • makchusbands more agreeable H> fiefr wits, and wives to their luisbahds. t"They Vusu’.d bi J used liy every person haring ■ [. : _ AiirfprciAL xzetii. . . which are liahle.to impat t afaintto. thetneud | • Dr. Hurd's {ToothacheDroops ! curs Too'k ache arising from exposed-nervles, ini a:ui«e best friends thal parents,jean hive ini the Inoet to save their.childreh froin ton ure and Hip selves from loss of sleep ind t -mpathetie sut- Ming, - ; -j ■,!(' ; i | Farmers an.d'ytechanick; yoacannotreiUi' ford to neglect your teeth. Foiatnithnc-tiaup ypu pan now get .'preservative 3.1, thin f Rothschild can get itbthing "belter.- [ Remember.that JJiapeptut, and Coustmpn'm of [ tic T.xtn;it often originate in,ne;lecl if Teeth j'.Seujl 'artiiq ’iredtht- on Tteth, and read 1 '.Fitch'■? ohservnt ons oiishis si bject.l If tM | bite to iireat detay in yout owl teeth. l|T * you ■ children's t ieth." -I. pi) | Hurd’i Neuralgia Xon-Afihcsive Plasters; : the pioat pie a saint and ’successful remedies tow frcscri-. e'd for Uiis pajnfqi disease. The [patient, »p* plie?,,onct soon becomes drdw'svr/aU?- “' ec P' ; .and asyakes free’from jtain, an& no IbiUswr other unpleasant of injurious consequences Mq wd'Xervdui Headache. ijj’ ply, according t >|'directions, and relief *' , J surely fallow. , Xolhingean be obtained to IVi Hurd’s Gt Neuralgia, T*? »■, tliein. They .are entirely a hovel, curious *»• original preparation, and wonderfully sucteti fill. They are of ttvo sizes, on es mail. tlirth*; face, price Ip cenls, ; apd the.ottler application .fo'tbe body, price 37 [cents- »“ be mailed on receipt of price and and, stamp: ; WHAT AHB THE PEOPIE te American pedple are inteUigcutjeuoiifa’to „ PPTeciate preparations that conti iljuie so . u liappifaess of those using' tliein.jantl l K r Otpiit £hem. Every mail brings uslettfrs.tW' ordering the Treatise ou Teeth, some the S* 4 ’ ralgia Plasters,, and not. a few endodin^SW., for it be Mouth'Waph, to be sent by .inail: 0“. to these,we are compelled to reply hat if | impossible to send a half-pint bottle by ,M !ll Thcpcoplc iwant these Remedies. B* . supply tkemfK ■. •' 1 "''■■■ , | Xotr is the\ | - , 1 , ! [ change for agent.s" '■ •' | ?hfewd agents cap make a small Ibrtt**®' jearrying these .articles around to fatnil' c! - '• ! Dental Treasury ,1s the. neatest article tM | man or eJotnah can Carry around. 1 i ohe and see,' oiv better,'* dozen, vrpt c “' hwill sell, ns samples. for Sa AgentslsJlPP*. , Illiberally with circulars. Jg£*X'o,w ! f,, " to logo into thp business, todhgoodlnna® “J - j a profit. ■' Wo are spending thousands lor ■• I ; ! benefit cf ; agents#; Jiew T.nglandwn or f |[men! hefe is something nice, and a[eh M ' take the tide at its flood; Address.) \ • . ; . TT T WM. P. A CG.; . - ) .jTrlbuueßutldingi, Ko'* * ■ [ I That remittances may be made, with 1 donee, W. B.IH. &.Co., refer to fhf| W : P.ooklyn: toG. W. Griffith,Presidfnt *■* I f.rtand Citiiens Bask, Brooklyn; Xew Vofk; u ».*■». Hum" .. 1 . .1 '|,, • 1 410 0,4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers