STATBOjPKNNSYtVAIA,) ;o( A.A. Pn.MarsholGeneMl, V P* U HarrisbariT, May 7; 1884. > ■■ I the different.., Boarda of Jlnroll- l *- to immediately Wceed to ex r« iho sixth Section ,of the act of V f ? rress entitled ‘.‘sin «ol to'amend for enrollingand calling out ? L m iional forces, arid forotherpUr,- Feb. 14,1864: ■ Hi Ttiev wHI at once appoint the UUsVy'enrolling officer for their m-tlive district, with rnstiuctior.a To enroll? all persons'v?hbse • 0 g have’ been b»ni«,tcd by, the prop er “ficor in previous enroll: r U! persona who shall arrive at th o thedraft.A - Pr AH aliens who. shall have de lire'd thefr intentions to; become eW' VII persons discharged from: ~./miliiar.V or naval service of the ntHetl Slates, who.have hot been ill f h ,; service for two years during the, T« r - ■ ’■ ' *' ;> : And all persons exempted np ;.J provisions of the 2d section of-the lp r i!lli:ii‘iii- act approved Star S.'lgGo, not exempted under the proviso '• „ 'of I!* ».«£ approved Feb, 34„ 1864. i I’l The Hoards of Enrollment 'will. ■ pj at once • proceed- to. strike from ejircllwcnt npd« satisfactory *’>*jiie names of all persons who 1 a v.» .V! ived at the ago of4s' years,: • I:- ' n. names.of all persons, loan ilostiy physically or mentally, qnfct for. the service.' ' /• : * e. <p' ai .. name of such persona as ■Bre-i ii-1 time' actually and legally ■ in fne miljmry or t.'aval service of the ,Uiide l r? i m-s. rmniM.of «uoh persons as VaW'wv'-' ll m tlio iniliiary or naval ivo Tears er'Vhorc daring th.e jirwnl war! ami h.cnlvonorablydis vii.srL'fvi ttieretrom; ■ . “■, . J - )' $1 ll>e ewi'itut rtii personsm trrfii'l »isr »«•> e notiee; and the ob irf! h: vii «• (a complete and aepurato rsv'te-i p»oniotcd,) ~1 am (iin'CJf't !.;>■ j.i-1 Oils li tii*A 2 ; i» t»;l nnfe 4«iji r V»r 11;!.- ill illi> t*(3\VHii , voi*r? i of,ihi* rtiftHrictv TKISKRXSOX. Cr.v( ir-. .'iarsktt!, -24fA THsl . Fa Xev. I*;*, May 0. ’.04. •JOR 4.. I'n T6B,:^CA I £N , kTi.v;< Li.siMfcSf, — , ' ~ testimony ! this Is -• to certify taut tor. the lusyfive roars [ have. used i_ut. my family -Dr. Tob'iaS cclebrtued IV r a - "iah. .Linjfue.nt, and fin- every in rtiume nave found It fulty equal to bin ■ rccorninoi>df.tiOt.'s. ■ t have found it lo yive uint‘■ ft;- I f.n 1 :(i! (■ oiis relief in refu-; of root buy ho, ’.Tuujj, biiiiMis colic, Mife- threat. jiai-n In the chest tflid back, ciid ric-uiiuitiHin, ami [ cheerfully r<s - it* trial ,10every onojiffiicted nciib any .of the above-hanfed discas <s. ' - ’ ■ v • WAIVES. 1 - ;iV*HTroßb|.CosN , Oct.l6th, IS6I. , ■ fr.ii lit- r!I - Jriiggtais.. Office, Oort- Is Id I Bvf York.- i. A-Polla-rd the Rich, pjinfntr. author- of a Rebel y Hi-tvr,’ of ihe v/ar, was- a .yrassc'ngof. ir 'w adze stedvaer Greyhound. when aifto }a woman reported' to I'c 1 fkho Boyd. but the ’identity of Srt latter with the famous" Rebel sr-v, . donbtfuL Tija futuriijde.stiuatioh i f Polin’d and tlds.ironi.d'ii v;ill ho fix;- I tijjby tbo authorities,. taf'Tlu' C:i)'dnn!>»i.’ Commercial itn- . Kcenees that' lir. \V. Shanks, the able toiTi-tijji.iifium of tho Kow York .ffer liis lite' at Rc-saca'. Tbo pri 'vat>! telegram Vominahicatitig ’ tins r-ifii intelligence says; “lie ■\va«' kiUeti instantly in liocrr.rt’s hretiot works on y Pah-lav.’ V 1 ■ Sum Medary. the'editor'of The ColmfllMiH (Ohio) Crisis, Vns T“sU'4 nnj Saturday by a' U. Stales Mujjsba! »ml taken .to Cincinnati. - Titos. boo. late of Wel'st iMo, .Ohio, hav ug located, in Beaver, will reecire valla at hi a ■tn'Uiv Southern extremity of thelSa t' -li< |tM, in ibis piacei l>e.fiver Markets* r ‘ ■ -- ~ • T 'Vv L - • ' - •»••}• i, - CO»KSCtEV WSESI.T FOR TUB *‘AIU3C«.; hour per bill. ............ do 100 lbs ........... Pried Apple? per bnsbel do Petebes (t “ , Vhe , li Corti ilVe ‘Oats | Seed. ’Eimcjhy Seed, •• ‘‘Pier’,Seed, ' Potatoes, I I tl Y“ Onions,. Cora Meal, -■ I Bullet, t Hams, ' Shoulder*! . Bides,' : Tallow, I.ard,; Handles, Soap,' .Molasses. Carbon ‘MI." “ doxen -'lb „■ ‘“A, ,r. “ 1- >• Ga110n.....],. Valuable Real Est^te T' for sale. ■ ;i i:; HU subscriber offers for sale his’residence on Third Street,'a Hb"se and Loti The ' m PJoretdcu?g are a llriek House fiO feet front PJ fb feet deep containing .10 rooms and ; Store pom. Cistern,- Wash : Bbilse, Stable! -j Fruit r "P J ’ Drape Vines, &C.F&C. ', . i also,-Sixty acres first rate land, 4 imiles slow Bearer, utfinrprovea,,Blaudiog with ex ■eat White OaklTlmber, one milh from’ the rirer, - - . -t" j■; . lot containing 12 acres, one* mile enclosed with ,a board fence forth" 1 ' ,or . a Dardncrcr or Kuseryman. For T;,, particulars enquire of the subscriber. ’b4. ROB’T. M’CREERT. tiit Sxtitf Term, ii 44, S .W Co -’ V * ; 7- W-'S»lrt^ai; 1 '*i>i . a^ 11 * •». DafTs Exhcutor l«b,K %. M#n v “ Darlington MEclmreh M*V« ,2P; r ‘‘ Ho- Alexander! Jr. ' - 7 IW| ' M. *TB TAKD, IVoih’ ' wy.'jpc. «■■ sbub&h, BMvepJßtatlonh-GoiNoEAST.; Commencing, Monday, May 16, 1864.—JV««m bmttMtattr Station.a* foUottn .i\ ; :j ■. , 7160 a/k. Arrives at Pitlilwrjrli, 6:30 a. m. 2??o.vm. ■> >•• ■ \ 8:60 ka. 6:94 p. a. ]■.-.; :o\ ••• '8:05 p.m.- . A GOLSOWxS*-*- '< ..S'.;- -,. ■ . Traini ItavtfPitubargh aijououiii'ic . ■>■■ ■/ '6:10 a. a. "Arrives atßeaveri....n7:4o i..M> 8:50 p. a.".;,..«5:20 P.M. 1:10 p. a. , • .x-r.,' • Rochester2:2o p.m. 1:00 A-a; i . . . j j-ii-.v. ......2:10 a.. H; j. N. McCULLOFOHi -Pratt,.-. F. R. MYERS, (fen't TelitiA<jtnU PITTSBURG, FT; WAYIfK & CHICAOiOE. R. . r ,: / ■■•-- -J. -i : Roohester Station—Goh& East. ■: ■ • ' Leaves Arr; at'Pitt*. Ist TijigU’n Accom. 6:42. acm': A. a. 2d Brigh’n : 6:45 8:20, A; a. 3d Brigh’a 2;35r.;M. Ndw Castle . ' , '' 3:05/p.' mL„... '4:90 k a. .Mail,, ~, • C:!! P.M...... 7:00 kH. , Ist ExpretS, ; 1:00 A. u2:20 A. M, ,2d Express. ' ; 2:10 V. n8:20 k. a! Cinein’-tiExp.v C;45 ,p. m...... 7:5-0 p. k. '■"7- . .Going IVisT—-, : LeilT49 P!i/s','' Awf. at Rochester. Alliance A-ecom. 2:10 p. m ; 8:3:) iv m: Ist Brigh'-UAccom. S:’l3-'A. M 11;00 a. m. 2dErigh’n •» . . 12:<$^L. 1:32 k ii. 3d' “ •“ 4:40 k 1 M...... J G:IS p. M. 4lh “ , «• , . 6:60 p. ca...... 7:20 p. a, Mail, '- 1 ' G;o0 a. h...;.. 8:05 a. «. Ist Express, - 1:00 a. m. 2:10 a. m. 2d Express, 1:l0-p. M 2:20 p. M. Wit. t. SHINN, Supt., E. D. LOOK! LOOK! ! LOOK !1! f . | , Third Arrival of Spring Goods, ■lnformationfor every hody fr?eof charge. I. *-j at 7 ortune’s New Stdrfe 2 cas-,-9 I case LA J And SIIO. / And BOX Men sir .$7? 00 . j-? 75 . [1 76 . 8 50 .n 40 . 1 20 . I 00 And El FOE 8 00 3:00 8 Of) 2 76 ■BO 1 00 A Emma 41 ... 1 25 ~u. Ift ,25 18 15 j 16 v 10 1 10 16 10 00 to . Ti ........ HUMMER AUBASbMi^Htv. It ., , I- EMI I ’ v! • • ' I .Tu«t Opened IN ROCUEStER, PA best Make fast eo’or c&licj at f fine bleMbed muelin at '.VS'.: ■*! A LETS, V C CH. VELOIjRS, SJJEPAR&S PL A IDS, TjEJMINEE fall Ur.«i >»f- Plain HUlnk '.ind pond .Mourning I>i-c?s Goodc. NI 'Cheaper than f-vvr, vs-! shoes i : 1 ’ ■ i / ing-Gongrcss Gaiters, Last Balmoral •* i i Boots Mor assortment of children's. n large ' sho is, very eueap. ATS, FLOWERS, RU- N ETS, I iid JIIBBOXS’ in IIKS \.T VARIETY. grb: i’ Hats and C9p9. Sun and boy Umbrellas ’ - ll li,Cq; ton pi* French, inghdm largo i tisortCTieut of ml ! DOMESTIC DRT EIGX goods: opening WEEKLY. before’ baying and osaminj :e u 3 % call i i Givi lock and pri ' .p! cur st ■ices. goods Vf t li ißled to give satisfaction r ßemember 1 he- Place*' ■ i - '■ ; " - . FOKms|E r Si CHEAP STORE, ii Ths Diamond [■ !'of I >c 3ST E CREAM SALOON In Bridgewater, r 4 1;. IE subscriber bas fitted np, in an elegant and modern style, for an ICE CREAM OON, Uis honse on tbe corner of Bridge' (Mulberry Streets. f . , dees and Confectionaries! 11 kinds, Constantly kept on bond. 3ERS FOR ICE PROMPTLY; FILLED. . It PREDfiRICK WALZ. f j IC SAL and cf a] OR] ly 36v lfcM- iEAM saloon: ICE Cn THE eubacril . with his C ber baa opened, inoonnection Ip-VFECTIOSARV, »n | .REAM SALOON, : ; Bast corttbr of H»e‘ Dlamdrid, i .can-.; be dbeointnodaled. [A b Vio patfonase is solicited. FRER’E. WALTERS ICE ir( tie Norths where person* share ef the' pat . B»y26 >i , 66 -'J t Virtue of Sundrywriu of Levari Facim i^^BweeKssMi Ciuitt[ol Bearer a’ni fUt ili/dfiecfedj l/Vill eiplilpfto jpublic **ale i .l,theßbfet l iff‘t "6ffii4 M Iho.bcj-uugu *f Leaf r, fc jbe jcoimty ' esidjOu T '.;'* 'V. ~ L -*.! StLtUtrday,Jc ne 1 4thi ! *BB4* I' ativiocldekiir the; fWenoottf tlnrhTolluwjing propcrty.lto wit : ; ' J 3* fiKy *.*.•&* ■ j defen iant, of, iunnd o loiypwtript jilecio or parcel of Und in Aiooi. townehip. JJcayer comt; ty, Pit bounded on th > north. and Fail by mnd, of oamf. Csaelton, oi the south. end east by laud -jf., William .KU ott and Xhotna» ; Boty-, containing about/ter /acres, all cleared and under fence} pi whio yard .erected, a,I wo Story, origk lioupc/tt! small, frame house. and" frame barn. ‘ Sime. Jti c? 3 .M, tho .prcndsek.— Well < f good water a thedopr,, . - , - Seii edandtaken ji execution as the; prop erly uiiJriaU Headri tksou audJahe, his Wife,, dl tbdsuit of lieliudi Ussclton;., , Xo,i. .tiLSO..; At he samcvtimeia id plaice/.all th*.right tU tie* it tercet jandcVaio of defendant n>f; in and. to nil that tract or, licoe-.of land situate ;in Chipj ewa township. Bearer county, bounded ana dpseiibed ns foil lira,-; rii: Beginning at ,d» post on itho; north-vest corner of thettacc. tbenc: by land forme ;iy, of. Thomas : trutton, north 0 Idegrees cu; t, IGI G-10 perches to a post; Lhenco by land formerly of .Saamcl Ad ams, north 87 dcgTt es cist,-106 perches to a pbit; ilitnie by bine /fOrnreriy-of JohhiJKllJ north o degrees -wea ; till : G—lo- perches to a post; thejnee by loti t. formerly ;of Jonathan j Hill, soMth 3 degree i west, UiG pefoliea to a i post, the place of hi giuSing; containing 100 acres more or less, ibout 70 acres- of or Inch arc-.c cared and in a joed* state of cultivation: tilt h dance well timbered, and all under fence} Ther i arc on- the premises a 'stone • dwelling honsi i a large Stone wring housorj story of Which is now used as aWl'W|elling).and a he: fed-log barn. There is a vein of. excels lent coa) underlying s large portion of the trdet wifh opening iear the P. Ft. W. & C. Railroad; I ■pc zed erjy if'ji execytrix Bcjnjl Ha!; So erty Pliil ■2Po. htW ■ 3« ert£ ter*. & cant quir r<h*ju tDC£\ ... pifo] ony wfej' Si*rup a ■ '"v 0 rtSTT $ r ‘ ijm* Sll QES ’ : i pro i I,? i t,hi< ; lUt •Cf « ,Wet »nv !uci ( ra f 6UCU h then t S j sect tuti 1 hin£, as r jLeg Ultili which si except t ‘•Sec: ' Lei: latu in s ny ci pon erg, be Common i x JP3 , r-.-rr* - H e - G| “A|J\»irjt Kesoluiw meins tpl £ho Code mama onfilc in tM Is' j’fEajriiiosT wa 7 rfly hand and ca 1 ttiry's office to b' Bhdve written. ;.E j. j : ‘. Se:re I .’The above Ke» to |by I* majority f irdu3o,.|at two sacc era! Assembly of propoacidaaicndmc people, for their at rtEBT TtTESDAT or Lord one thousand foojr, in accordant fenjh articTo of fh' entitled i “An act manner of submit! approval and rat proposed amendme proved; the tnreut; and eight hundred 1B, : PA. country. • ■ i „ At the present rate of on p*ju i -vj- i iv •;CVEJf, EIGHT FEB CENT ,ISTEi ;n currency, and avc'ot eiptal conybnii permanent or temporary investment. * ALSO. ; ’"■■■ 'j It is - believed that no i securities nd plaiie, nUthjs ! —imlnnnmenia to lenders astb nof defendant, df. iu and j deB^ipfilm3 of i c, 8 . IW*l In 1 1 Wbed property situated- 1 ... ■ .. >, stcr, Heaver county; !>.,} forks of indebtedness, the faith or a i by Harrison street, east j private parties or stock oompaih&s or tbor, south by Front or; communities only is pledged for p '¥ i while for the debts of the United' St crocled one largo Inrec . . > • • ; , ;U4G feet Ip >ngti .and wliole. property of-ltlio country; y] 15 robins, with cellar jin- j seguro the Payment of both princ good .water St the dooip t interest in coinj ■. i(1 | . ed‘and*’ oceupUd°bv de- j Tbtso Bonds may bd’stljscribedjfo rin sum . ; !* from S5O up tio riny magnitude,, on the | same u execution as the prop- terms, and are thus mad,O'equally available to pal the suit of George the smallest lender and the largest tapilalist. r f . ■ - They ! qan v lfe converted ihtif money ai anjr mo f , , „ , mem,'"and the holder will have thd benefit of find place, all'the right, ’ • \ | « ! l&iin of defendants, of,, in : Ae-iutcrcft. , ; , : j• \ . ;\ X ; iri lot of ground, situate f . It may be useful Ufciifito' in tms; oclijcsier, lleuver county, j t^alr the 'total : 6f tlf< United be ea>t Mde wf IVntiiei*! , ~ , A. J . •.. ; r ,,» Fof iJTwis Uenu, miming [States on which interest,s payable in, gold, it side.of said lane, north !on the 2d day, of March,. 1864,| wasß,6B, 90i>,- fo iccorner, 1 lienee at, right | i 00.. Tlic Interest on this debt for, the cOni- Wih-easi,\rardiy..ljOdcct min fi® a l .'yea s . will Ibo $46.9:17,1.26, ;i parallel wiili on id Jane,*!. , .T. i 1 •/. \ At. v at l i feet to ai'corae,-, aieucc I while tb<| customs revenue ,n : gold for the i-weatwiirdly, iiy fei‘l to ! current fiscal year, ending June 30th 1804, has 1 e place of beginning, on ! (j C cn ao fij: a i the rate of 100,009,000 per Jtro story frame dwelling ! 1 •] l .' ' „ : ' £erueath, sUo coni bouse ! "i- J 1 i 1,-. • 1 ißiit trees ou the premises. J will he seen that even the, pri pn cseeuliun as the prop-j revenues of the ■Government arc l l& 1 a, ‘'' bnoinda Cnrpea- i tI > cclsB tbe wants of the Trcashv ISftir of Wm. 11. Smith. t J‘ , ~ , j ■ ~,i_ l 1 take notice that 10 per i l ,a * vmen of f old , io < cre ? t - while the i.ts of their bids will be. re- i crease (JT *!»*« tcriff.will doubtless n ( bids liiider SoO will be! mial retlcipts froth .customs o(i tin he.time of the if mount of imnorlatiiiiis, to $150,0' “* noi com}s*ic-d >4ia ibe }• _ I • * , -old.. i _ 1 Arc required to ;pay all i'execution a* tlie •’prop /thesuit of Mary HUxen, ; Trill and testament of laml Inlum i me 8 Fiflfe a of vbo lw .Jet, dcc’4' some time. . cut nnd <iliii t lowing dcs i ;iigh of Kochi s d oh. tha non i M' ' MS 1 tj'Oiej ithtet le fo Iproi; tied 1 >t ><'l !P ’ «tl , John Kai ttcet, nml • i vviiicb ia cl: house, containing , n Veil of large Iran aremiseir u a a hotcli. and taken olm 11. Car Jnitji. ' ;atb aue ed' tU6 1 ini . l°. a lie V»cj |Barne time ijercst and < U that cert: trough ot* I winning on • joining loud loiigthe ea; Uy Cecil |, taid 1 lane i (ner, ibenc ilwavdly 75 ingles sout lano r Hi ti i erected a i iut cellar ui !*aildiug*; Ci and taken IVdu Carpsn nr«fe, at the ’ irdh aerd wi , u all araou'j baud. A 1 : in cash at sdiuous ar • will Wre-J 'lUvdbuelM uies. x't-i a '*J ijce a wur ca’U cat glit h her' h is C WM zed. 01 v ui« : up*, * ;d il •ircd feEEI’U LKDI.IK. Sb’ff. ll’.V/J". jffiand jig Cer/ai 1 CoiJ A pos RESOLUTION in Am«ndm‘snt3 t(* the istilulion. Seriitt* antillomi of />/?-. \iiu>nvrcitK of Vhat the .following »«.i«ed 10 1 1>.»* Con.-iiMition, sM.-t l v I, \atii' jj of the Cut rr.6ro.l_ .4 it* iuimehw tje pro; lie ('onimonwcal isio is of liie te iere shall be an ar icle o i the I as beciij*P, fo;« echo* 41« Wh T 8 of . this 4J cu al military pn the Presu the authoni, lectorsraay e it all eleclio guluiion ns t , as fully as mV place of d> Then to the elevc o be design follows. :*io* B.’No. Lure, con tail mail be clca ftppropriafio rn»> y. No. i ire granting iase, where lor privilegi (,} conferred wealth.'’ (tii. in uoc'n'iisihMj ’.vitii'lbe fi.t It art icie t h eredf: [additional teoiion to (he Constitution. io bo desig- L P-S foUoU'K j I §i».*v,er any of the qualified!i phalli be in [service, under a requisi* lent of the United States, r of this Commonwealth. Kcp’c’ie the light of puf hs ty the cjritensj ‘under fre.| orphan be, prescribed [if’they were present at [election.’' v he two additional ritli article dif the Conati ;tcd as nectiou eight, and dll phall be passed by the king more than one subject, fly. ciprcascd in the title, Milts.” nlVsbjSU'be passed by the [ any powers, or privleges,.- thc authority to grant such [s, has been, or may h re- Pj upon the courts of this lEKRYjG. JOHNSON, If oust* of\fl jtressniiUivttf DUN V. BENNEV, I Sptaktr*of Ote Senate. '1 • 1 Speaker tf the I t of Commonwealth \ blsnCßO, April 25, .1804. / Secratarj i ~Ai JSYLvJ INIA, ss: |do liereby .cerjd fall, tr jtbc or| fy that the foregoing is V tie and correct copy of the iginai Joint Resolution of petal Assembly, entitled i proposing certain Amend itution,” as the same re i.p.ffice. • , > [ 77 ENV I -.1 ireof, I have hereunto get ised the seal of the Secre atfixed, the day and vear EU SLIFEK," htry of the Cornmomceallk. |lui ion. having beeir agreed I oC the members of each Ksstve sessions of the Gen {this CommonweMth, the ;pls trill besubmitted to the aoption or rejection, on the jjicQCBT, iir the year of 'our [[eight hundred and sixty el with the provisions of the Constitution, and the act,: {prescribing-the time| and ling to the people, for itheir; iafication or. rejection, the: Jnts to the Constitution,”ap l-tbird of April, one thoua-i I and sixty-four. '-I | I EMSLIFER, | Mary of the Commonwealth. i .1 — 1 ,|j. K&tCliT \%T Pereas i| Vf estate of Jc| Frankfort SptSttgi granted to the tm oebted to'said eSt immediate p&ymffl a'gilhw the saOife i aaihehtieatOd ftr 'OK’S NOTICE. etters testamentary oh -the! tit.vAn DosGAS,dec’d,late of i, Eeaver 00., having 'been dersigned, all. in-j te are requested to make t, and those 'having claims •ill prSsent them {properly settletneiit. JAMES MORRISON, ''Executor. - I hal2s' ; ’M—S» that all bo inCEMM^llwtTAX^p^bjr - in .'-’United iSutj* notes lor Nat ionjaV* Buiki - They tW'TO BEBB DEEMED IS ; ornmenW at any. period notleu fiaix ien njor more ‘ '** l ?jr r " thi . ? .,.... mm than forty year* ana tmtjitheit redd motion,- f JVE TEB CENT. INTEREST WIL&. BELAID I#COIIf, pa Bod‘da jof Vitii over one'liundred donarsannunally /and on jtii other! Bpndf, The Jtitepesl-is payable' on thefistdaysof March- an|d■ Sep i temb&Jta eloftyW. f',. EcgMbfbd.or j they mayprefer. £ EegUterr.j recorded: on the jbo6ia of:, the I D. and canbe transfimjit OBlJr on thc owner’s order. Coupon Bonds iarp'pay ible tor’bparer, andhre mprb cohveJuent fbr cOinmcroial üBeS. j>: I, {•'. 4 1- Subscribers! lathis loan tvfll’haye til of having their 5 draw iittere March Ist, by T^sjtj£tiH£ inti coin—(or in United Stater, notes,, or,the not?? of National adding fifty per c nt. for receWedthcmdraiymg interest form the date! arift An Ihcßc lionda - -I ‘ ■ j:. EXEMPT t'KOJI MUNICIPAL iOB STATE TAXATION, their yaluo is -increased'l orm one to ccni.l per aimum, aecbrdii g to the rate of tax leiviea in various i parts of. the annum.f f .Inalwicticms, to the National:,Baijj as loan! agents .Were not issued from I Slate treasury untill .March 20, \h first, three weets of April the sul averaged more than TEN . Nil '™ EI V r-f * 1 ••■Snbscnp.tictns will be received by i Bank of Pit! Third" National Batik of Pit . AND BY ALL NATIONAL BA. ] - . w , .Tj which arc depositaries of Public !m< .«» '• -i-r. 'r \1 m RESPECTABLE BANKS AND B throughout (aitiag |tsj mo National iDepositary Bants,) Wil further iriformntioh on Afford Evert/ E utility to Sub r! mhyll'M—-inside In. ' Notifie in the Orphans’ Tli? following rinptaUbrtlcnls ttndc of Assembly, of the , WtU of April, property itlHWed to Ue retained by it children of a decedent, to, the jvMm have been filed in! the office oftjiel Cl Ofnhnr.s' Court, of Beaver cunrJtVi !ai i • • ' ; : ■ ■, .1 7•’ i, ed «i*i. , - i ' - [ Personal 'property to Amount iof widow of John M. Lukins, dec'd.p ter boro. Minify Lhkens.' Adtn’ifjci jv Amount ofsenh' S24OJ. elected to V by widow of Benj. M'tiamck, deem si'Ga!nek, \Vin. lt. M'Gdffick uni} And ■fit-lc? Ks’rs. ' ■ Personhl pyoi>crtv to amount of 5 I,'; widow of Josiali Teddi John Si Executor. •: ! 1 \ •. ' | j i Personal property ito amount 0 widow of Sam'l Kelly'. late .of the Brighton, deceased,, lipbt. i ilehard Williams, Adm'rs. - . ..) t. | • o Personal property to amount of s2' by widoweif juselih Alcorn 1 , Mp6n ,t; ~ Jus. Smith,Adm'r, V 1 ■ y-j, Personal proptrty <<t|ftitiopnt S3pa,) by Henry Cpwab, Greene Ip. Jaines Britminr Adra’r., ■ Personal property to' amount of 5300 in'wid er James Carothers, Greene Ip., deceased. Root. Whitehill, Adm'rJ ••• " ■ftl| . ' I Prrsonal property to amount of ?300 by wide ow John Ay Braden. Raccoon Op., de* >ed Re- 1300 , le -easi becca Braden, Atlftt'he. i Personal ■■■, property jKV. afnooftt iof 5300, by widow of Gamble,'Greene tpj, deceased. Rosannaii Gntpbte, Adin'nc. ,j i Persona! property to amount of IS) and hnlanee'dm of real csiAx in La to by >vidovf ofGedr) dec'd. Uenry Kirkpatrick., Adm’x. i ’ • JOHN’ A. Fit May 13. ’64. ,• ~ _._J\ v ADMIN [S'riJATOirS : ?T( WHEREAS letters of n'tlmiikis • the Restate of IJssi'v CpwA •of Greene; township,! Beaver co defccased.having been duly granted dfgYsigned, all pera&na indebted to 1 are, make.imthediate.paj these haring claims against tbe-aan seat, them properly authentiialeU meat, without delay. i v’i ; ' HESRY. COWi 1 ■ ! 'j :,i r.j l !| v fch3(U.', .-il 'i . ; EX'pCUTOirs, NrtTi Wif E REAS letters ,1 estamepM estate of ■ Saucei. KelsM Raccoon tp., Beaver county,Pa., ‘det been granted to;tUe p 'indebted to said estate immediute.pojinent, and those iia.T against the earnvtjrill present thei authenticated, for settltoent. . i , ; SAMUEL NELSON, Gtee • apt. 20,t>4 - | . ‘'Bp ' RAIL-ROAD HOI (DiM JOHKSOX. ~ 'V- ** ,>"■ -- -.1.- isa Mfv&msv am. mode of i sod the serera. sufuaquent jiiplemrd til thereto; ‘ and ttfi^drofafactriin.: eonfonfiity therewith. regniriugftjad ihitsalf of unseat cit .fosC&ußtiS Srbooland Rdadtaxes; and thj» 41st ’section «rih*;.aiiCif April;,2B% 1184*, a«hor*kjig and directing the return and sale ;of all real estate as.unseitedlsnda hdxr.’sold, ln : Batiaf)te» 1 .tion: of the taxes,due and!unpaid hvt he-own era thereof; alidj,thoacUnutWiiinr the do}o of unseated lot*.: in the- horouKhs iOt Jlea[ver, Bndgcwoier ch ' slcr » a ' n(l Faftotin, horough taxes the following lot? add tracts df, inserted lands &clt in. ido County .of JDeajrcr, of .so ' tdach'thejreof nswillpay the arrearage of’ taxes accrued thereon fotj the years ,1861 land 1862, andso much taxes nf prerioSsycafs as remained. unpaid, will he exposed .to, public sale, at . the Court Home, in the Borough of Bearer,lon I -5-. /. Iy" . X■ jdbnfiay the 18th of, Jt p-UU J.l! fft: •• . ; ,-,.j . 1,, - contiOuin 5 by adjonrnmci safy., ’’’Tp r . 'v ‘' If v Apifit Bth, iSSI; TreaanVet of i. B®*Pcrsojna de4«ous|of;,'payidi due upon any- tract! in .the, foil are notified, to do y> before day ol no property wiH,ho Withheld, from promise of payment. -> ;Ui ■Note.—All-property mirked witli turned .under the 41st section of ' 29th of April 1841. ' .p r , SALELIST. For the . Taxes of .1861 II * optißp si-' from rest in i , Beater, borough. i a Thompson Wm A part jin lota! Craig.Neyillo p “ *DennyWtn U,■ “I -*Young-Peter B. •, J “I I Sotroilgh tf mifhipi [•, Dickey John S.Acsdcliiy lot UannenJane, -part out, lot .«•; Davis" Jonathan. heirs N. R. 1 [■ '.-IOUt lot;.. -i - I’.- ' fulyanou and Shanon’s heirs S. H. C.. plan, ■ i tax Dickey John heirs of If. R.part out lot Sharon, ! , Stone David, 1 out lot , - -f ‘ • i “ } tCricktnore Frances D. S. R. , part Academy lot i it .«t . | D |, • "‘Nelson H.B.N.R. house and 3 lots Noss plan • jj' *To» las heirs-cf N. .E. house; ~ J and Datidaon’splAn ! *>Vrny Thos S. J house and Jj j ■ lot. Sharon--- -- ■ iI ■ t|' *Whetmore JamesK. R; house • and lot Sharpn I ! ’ > | «j. i •• ■ x - •;•<- ; » *Hit'ffmoh. ■■-'Ohbgs^ilolji. MteisingerlVjn heirs o'fj jhouse] arid ,2 lot S, andCo.i plan]. 1 *?cott A. Jf. ;R. t “ .Sharon! •> I • -./‘‘j »•['j; 'f* flich;<l li housed lot ■ j Urid'jnrai'r borough. ;! ; Kemp Martin or John, lot , “ . ■ 1 - I |iot ij “ i‘ -1 “ •!. lot ' Sletfdcnjiali llarrison, J .lot, • Mendenhall’s pliri ‘ | 44 1 ' ta «l ' 1 obl they VEST i ince arj* offer' so i b various ill other jiliiy of separate laments* istes- .the liotden to [pal and. 44 ' l( Hays Jo t'jr partjint lotllays pi !** 44*r .44 j., sent gold argely 'ih / for tlib recent ih isetbean- ** ■ .«< ■ i *Ssewart & Guinti-hoifev a \Tol yilessen II heir j of, lot,'Heinp •l’ hill’s plan .i i ' ‘ •*- i ,‘it- - *• ’ • ,i< *• *Small John,!''. X. U.Jot; ■'Shields D hei.;i of.h *jlt ■ “ *rinkcr f \b3r«w-l lot I “ I *.Mitdhcl Hugh X. 11, I lot “ I *Kawdon F. 1 lof Davidson's pi l*i i- r>'“ '■ 41 44 ;• *44 same ),004 per ks anting he United ut “dipt ions LIONS A I i- * r <• *\lt tt ttsburgh, ttsburgh, Inks ■. * ' t< If ' f ' 44 _ •»* * it «. tt .ut *: ♦* Jit ■** ~ »r <« ■- i * •*’!- ■' o. • ; i oncy, and \\ : ANKERS agent of 11- furnish u«l . . I=UMMI !» p’t out It Bern’s pi | »xVflor Milo M, house and lot I,lot r ,* Thpni.ois 1 lot. !* ** , t **- 1 lot | “ 1 lojt' j ’ Bg Btavtr lotciiship. : I Blackhurn’s. heirs, 1 lot ' ; kjhippeaa toicmhip, Ceaivcir Mahufacturir g:Co, laud . parlhigtoh loienifiip. *Hardy A A,, land adjoining j P Martin onw est ‘ Darlinyloh bvr< 'igh. Owner Unknown, 1 KAwny ftirri.tA ip. Philips W P, heirs ol'.a U,Baden Swan John 1 loti ■ 1 “ Boyd Wm 1 lot •• 1 ganpcnsliktr M ! 1,1$; - ; * ! Kodgert* James ’ 1 lot 1 ... “ P F W & C Uiii t*nk hpusc tl'd •• j ‘‘ I ’ 1 lot Baden , i' : I •• ■il bit jUa-dcr/ 1 Fallslon imrough Bradford B.U 1 lot jj .. I SI fieri. •» ( i ■ • i , I Court) ■ the -Aet . 1851,1 of. \vidow: or • of $3OO, erk of the id opprov- $3OO, by f Rochcs- e retained ;ed. ’ -Jesse ■cw M-Oaf- 90 ‘ 45. 100 !DtZ, Kiq ,■ S3OO, by boro. New and F. W. 1 lot' j ’! 'f : ] |. , “, •• ,1 lot ‘ ; r . i' I “ 1 lot • j;. ,•’ i 'Meaner Mrst 1 lotWilliamspV; WcliiU Haney 1 lot .. •? ■ j. .»< , • 1 lot “ • 1 lot • I 1 i lot •< ■ ! •< .• l lot :*.4 “ 1 lot “ •• ■ ; r ; 1 lot / l Ddndos Jas ■ 1 lot i i> •• * •* ■' riot '■ r l. “ 1 lot j' ; ' riot -'.1.; ■ ■' J “ 1 lot Maion EUi’th 1 lot r '• T , ‘ ‘1 lot .»v 1 lot - , ■ , ; “ •• 1 lot ! ■ •• 1 lot ..■" .. ■'.l« ■i •* 1 1 lot, ; ■ i Presbyterian Chnrcb 1 frame ■ h jt lot,. Williams’ plan Chtnuruuk’n snppo’d Suunham Ji* , i. j ; "■Kelly Kobbrt, 1 coallot >'\ •Tbornily Tbo.b’rsofl out lot "WaltonSarab IJlblWilliams’ pi; ' ■ * “ 1 lot ■ ir ■ ''■ *:- *• ■.l lot ' •' *' ■ •» ,1 lot, i' '••1 lot j • “ ■“ 1 lot “ : *■ *»(:■ - 1 lot, 'I ■* : ! Olatgon 6'oron ;A. ' ' Lippeneott’s oil site 1 Phillips tytn P'; ’ \Of.pryetoKn borjimk:. •, •«('. Gilmore’s beirsl lotj i ~ • - John, iheira pf, ; . 1' lot-. UiokttiKKhoroUjh.:. Wright Ihigh jhot i,,r ' i’’ 1 Ilakovtr ’■ Woodrow Othniblland' j , 30 , Industry township. \, t ". ,• Shdtnab’er dsdam 1 lot Wtfastry .■ itfpVger Peter house sand; lot *. _ Patterson £ Senddy land n,ear ’ Cook's ferry [i 1 ) ‘ psndley W«i' . *■*"■' , ■ t . i f ’•! 15 58 100, deceased. ' 35 33 100, ivrence co. re M'Kcan, • I &lEK, Clork uice Irotion on it, Sc., late jnty, : ai. to the un said estate raent, ahd to will prc* for ; settle* S, Jr., Adm'r. 3E. } i ry i on . Ibe vs„ Uto of p’lf, baying yll pcryona ;d', to jpubc int cStiois •projleriy lifp.,; , oculars. I SB. 1 PRO’n m:i- : n ne next. Ini' if neccs- ] GIIEY. : i ' Braver Co. g the, taxes Ujvyipg lists,: •f ( eaie;- and s:de,'oq.a a j-e the .act | of 1 *'l ' ■ end .., ..., I ,*' ~ 53.391 ,39 “ 5 ,13 >J| 17 4:' 42 44 5 23 i ' 1.2,3 Ol.Oi! Hr- 11 ; II I •12 i . V* I , ' ' ‘‘ Porter’* plan . ' ■: ■»! Vi ■47! 4i5: S 9; . l fes: ct! vs ■ 3«’ ■ 87! 44 ! . 4u ; * 4*» l is! , 50' ■2t, : 27 i 2811 ! '2l'i S 8 , 89* 47i 48! 1 49): ■ 60 (i > r. ■■ l i Moon p/tnqMp. ~~ --F ’Hendrickson AmaHah j **■ ij, | Jit» Brighten ibormigK. [Chambers Mark’l. outj lot B. ■ Townsend’s plan c. i, ■■. 1 . do do 1 lotT , do ; ido - do ■ 1 .!«■ • .do Gill VTmwate? 161 j Honeywell K 1 lot M’Combs pi Leslie'Elii'thJ 1 lot Sohiol pi , paili. of-ldta.- i FitipalricLEdTraTdllpt | Gould MalriaM lo* 1 i- - )•*-. ■ \*r ript * • r. ■ Hattiii.D.H houseand lot Afiip.Ctiftk .' “- i; M’CJoiiibo pi , S#i&»i#Biriifclad| ttt\! s > i' fft- *jisv.. (i ;> ?■: WinansJodS 1 lot ! \ i ij“- >; -4 ; i lot 1 - M'Gowaa James jrlpndl ■' 1 ; Bond T|T Mot ■ • P- ; ; ; , .1“ t •' “ 1 lot , ■-!. '■) ' •Jllclldn & Kelly water lot *Fombell Locien bcirs of -land i: *J 4ii ' •,«' ■ .»* ,1 shop ' ; .1 «nd'tt|o lota . - j*S " *«IIWriGAM tow path ts . • ’ i. I j'-: A~ew Sewlckty loicnthip. ♦MaooXydla 1 lot Uuionville 1 *sen* J W: land . j [ *jFord Willidm lionse and land ij, Xorlh Seicirkly lamuh’p, ■ David llamsiiy Innjl- ."■]' "Hudson lliclmrd land , ' 2 liobertson Jackson land 2 3 Welsh Henry house .and lot BenjamiiTlnnd ; . ?->r ; tewnekip.t -' l \ - ' Briggshcury, X lot West Salem ■i •• 1 , jl’SJastcf Andrew land SprouV," Loomis & co. t house and , lot And Jaajd,-, „ ■ '~"i Mary 1 laud Phillips >\Vm 14,-ilaiid! | •< 1862. h\s j- U* 1 59 I-84 1 S3': “ ' land i'dcroo *, (diwuoip. jvcvilie l)lios land on river be ! tween Cupl Allen *Mr Jack p( .Sterling Wnif 1 lot ■ ■ ' | • ■ Kacheslfr lownihip. i part itr Jot| , '/ ~ TJorterjWm land, ' ,>. ■ \ k IJannen Joseph land ’ ’ *j; HennonJas I'lot HennonVpl Robert heirs oif land |- |«P Viy &C R n house arid-lot : j - ’ IStiiitsof’splaM . i* 1 *: 1 1 ; **. ■ ’ land '; !*Setto! Elira . ' , aj ‘ -88 1 <*> 8 52 ’ 70 29 i 65 1 52 29 i*Lintbn'John (wo lots parts of f* “ ' j • land ■' - 5 70 > « 3 S 3 JlacKtSef bnnaghl' [Boles OhaS,heirs 1 lot Boles pi j Borioright'VVm 1 lot Menden hall's plan i Chesriey E 1 lot Gould's plan Erbe Augustine 1 lot do i Erie Canal co 1 lot .) do : Mailman fiVfl lot, ido ;• Hartshorn 11 D'l lot Boles’, pi Hopaori J9hn 1 lot Gould's,pi KalerJ J liot 1 Mo ■ 1* F W & C K R land 2 69 71 h 95 S 00 2 (Ml 1 05 - fco IVarmiqk jas'l lot i inney's pi IVnaaon John 1 house and lot JJent Adam 1 lot Gould’s, plan FuVfon Geo W llot Pinney’apl iljrrop Sami 1 lot 1 .do -1 lickyon Hr Jos brick h t lot • do ; I. do 2 lots shop a stable ! do do l lot JJonbright pi Blake Jno Hot CP; & 11R co do; do' '', do ' do- , dot do ■ Porter Jaa 1 brick'houst, ■ Dorsey JC J lot Reno's-pV | ’ do j'’ do, I f . .do , i • ’do". ’j", do ' ’do V Dawson Wm 1 lot . . ' do ’i do , , 9ft CO; 401 Notice in' the Orphans' Court- | , The following appraisements tlfider the Act of Assembly; .of -the. 1-jtß lit;. April -ISJp'.if property.-allowed lib be retainid by a widow op children oil u decedent. to, Luc value \<f ip -J, have been tiloci in the Cine*; of the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court, of mutcounty/ •ami approved • i Fcreoual property to amount of $3OO. by, • . r*j<lew of j'lblin, , >T;-ijukcuP-' tfec'd./of Roches, ‘iter boror dmy l.'ikons. Vl-u ru.. , ..A • 05 I ■ '’Amount of .eashj Jrjjin, ele ted to be retain;- 0;-, ■ed by ividov.'Of Itoiij. McfJ iffi'ik, deceased,,-—' . 0.-, .less;; Mil ;tf;;ck, tVvi.lf M’Gafick and Andrew i M’Gaffick.JSs’is. i ' | •05 j ’ I’crsjii vl proper:\j'to v.e.outg, of s‘J.j , 10 ’by wi.ioW cr,!o=i-0;h j‘foda v JoUh 'JKdll, 'Esq., ■ J o ; t ]"Tsc’cu!cr.’. . ' !' • <.• j;_ . ot' , I'ersonal-prcbcrri l, apoaal- of SSiXt.-liv p j” 04-i by, widow of Sam’L jKI-lly, late;of the borirajj-v 04 yVfJ-New-■ Biighlrtalrdcceaco]. 4Rol}t. Me baud. " (>4 i andfs IV, .lyiliiams.uAdra'r-j. J • ’• • 72 ('• -l’ersona'<pr6perty|loaiabuut“of $2;.-5 oS-10'3/' 74; (, oj ; by widow' of Joseph Alcorn* Moon Jp.,- dc- " 04 ; ceased. .• Jas. Smith!, Adra’r. ' ’ - • 40 I I’ersoualproperty* to hniouni $350. by ilen go |fy towuii, Uyeeae ip. James-Brii tain’, Adinr. .1! 10' I'. Personal property; to aueJW,-of s3jd, by’ i , ■ *-i ij, ' jo j (vidoW of Janiesi C'arothei'A, Gyeeue ip.’, do l it j() | ceased. RobtWiuieliiH, Adm'r. • j • i-17 02 Personal'property to ambnut of Stl'jt), by il, , i 80'i w ‘4ow of John A: Braden,. Raccoon ]tjj.’,;de; i • |i 1 ooj ceased. Rebycca Lradeu, Adhi rs,. |!j ' - .Personal property .to amount-of $3OO, by .. Y Treas’r. .-j widow .of l/arveiyjGUmhle.-Grecac tp.’, ,do • • ’ • j ccasciL-.Rorannah G|amble,\-\iha rjc'. •, - . STATE AND COUNTY TAX • j and balance out. pi’ jreal’ tetatc. in Lawrence. T«* Cpiintyl Treasurer will atjtepil, in the] g several towsbipa and boroughs for the J ;! ,j(jlIN A. FRASIER ' purpose of receiving the County slid StateV •'k.i ton' i ; . ‘ * rtoVv- t . taxes for ISOI. at the times and places desig-’ a - v l !’ lSGj - i . -; Cter V ; nated below, vii; i - ‘ ' 1 • A 1.. 1 -.hi:' - * -u • Georgetown, v. May 23, ifl.amilton's bptel. Beaver COUflty, SS. Glasgow A| Ohio, do 24, Smith’s do " _ TN tto Orphans’ Court in and Industry, • do 25, T’.akin’s . dp / cl;!!, Y for the county of'Beaver, 1 I’blllipsburgh, do 20; B mbcrls do , ' vbtfora the lion. Rt. M;Gu(Sni ,-.‘r Freedom, |i do, 27; M'Caskey’s ftore. ;• j President,and-his associates;’Jiragos of.said, Beaver, | - ■do 2S, Trcas.,Office. ■ i Court. In,the ■hift'iter of the paitition-'pf the , llumony.|- do 30, Store; | i real estate of Jesse! Smith,, late of the town- Uoohesier .tp., i do ,31,'5Vm. Johnson’s hotcliisifip of Ohio, Bcayei- county, dce’.d:Jhp’ T •jo boro.', June 1, do ’’j Commonwealth. To; Susan.,. , Bridgewater, !,, do 2, Ankeny s do.- • Sraiflj, Joseph Smith,’ Sanruel Patterson ip., ; do 3, Robertson’ . Smith, Susan,, intermarried with John Bea*.. ' ■Beaver; ! do 4. Trcns. 1 Office ver, Hamilton Smith, KachcVSmiih'and This.' . Brighten tp., , do/ 14, R. Eukiu’s.iF , Siniih;. Joseph is deceased, as is also his* wiif-1 North Sevyickly. do 10, N. llaxcns. . ow, but leaving four children, vii; tsaac, Sa l Franklin,! ,' do 16. store. ‘ ra ji, intenparriedVith John ,M. Bay;, rsal/e’.la,, Marion, ; do 17;' G. llartielh; ■ and Susan, wliusej interest is said real estate l?eavor, ; 5 do 18, Trcas.j Office. •is now! vested in ! Jesse Smith and Sanitiel 1 New Brighton, u .do 20. Huron House.: .Smith: said llamiltbii is deocasedi ajj is, also - Pulaski tp;, do hi, R. \y nllaeo a. . bis' widow, leaving one child, . Isidore, whoso’ New Sewickly, do 21, !u. Rauscher a. . r -. interest in the snid real cst!ale is. vested in the , Economy, J‘ do 23, jSfco. Mims’s.. i said Jesse and, Samhel SAdth; John "Beaver, Fallston, , 1I husband : of is ■deccssed', atufthe, Beaver, ' ; .do, -o, Qffi?c. said Susan has since scTdJell .her iutcresk in Chjpnewa tjn, |, ;do .1, Mrs. Cunningham s; said real eslalo to said Jesse and Sahil Smilh; ; Big Beaver, : ,do, Graebing hoieL I Rachcl Smith is noiv deceased, leiiyinguol-ie- • Darlington tp., do. «J, J. n Bilworth s.j sub; said Thomas Smith still living, hut’whose J I 30, .A-. J. Cook s. interest in .said real cstaieis u’oWVdSfc.d'hithe . South Beaver, . July .% Joseph Lawrence; said’Jesse and Samtfel Smith; sViTdSaml Smith- . i ■ oo _i4, Trcas. Office. ~ (.now deceased; but. Moving a'widow, Mavgaret, '^ TCT - iv i’ J. IOT . e - surviving, and .fbm- cliildrch,. vis: John-P;, Ohto fp., . ; do '6,M. L. Daringer t. Susan, intcvpiarried with Isaac Jomison', ,of ’• Raccoon tp., do ;, U. Ewing s. , , Wayne county, Ouio, Mary Anr.o. inlermarricd , Moon tp.; , | . do. 8, « m. Llliot a. i . with Jntues Bawson aad Louisa, aged Ib.yrs., : Beaver, .1 . 'do .9, Office,J| whose guatdiau is D.aniel Dawson, said John Hookstoirn, 1 dp 11, Sweanngen s-hotel. 8., Smith being now in me army of tse United -y j*. Jo”/, &M, 7** u 1 States, in the army'of the iVes', sad all pth- Ilanover & Green,do 13, Qeo. Miller s.»- t , -., ers, greeting; Vpu’nnd eaclr of you are jhfre- Frankfort t > ao 14, II M. M Cutcheon’s. b y cited to behnd appear before-ouV Judge* Hanover, . do Ip,,Short » siorb. .. . . of siud Cpuri, at Beuyeivinaa-l fqr said cqiui- Bcpver, | . do lb, Office. • , ty of'Bcayer,. at an!oi phttu»' Cburt,t«bpltcld lujependcdce and , " • I_ (1 .thereip the first-Monday 01 June .next, io as-. Hopewell, do 18, Reeil& Kerr s store, eept or refuse the tiki ' estate of said deceased/ Independence, . dot Iffi J. Holmes ■ at.the apprabien.cnVpntrpmit li> in Inquest , H^’. C . CT v' '* J ° j") ® colt dulyawanrcdbv said Court;.add returned by A Dffi.l’aynijint. epn be made in any adjo. VsheHtTto March Wnna.lSßJ. Valuation,.. iqg distnou. uOO. .And Li the oyeiii of Lfenuicceptance, .Green* t)cVdah laird "Wasson tr*i MuHorion P 1 lot Stewart’s nil M.'Guw Jarnes land . Javcris Henry's heirs 1 lot War . * rings plan i -do do do do | * do| ! .da .do . do Pcniiard Rohi 1 lot-Renosplan I doj *. do’ ,do Pinney’ pi | 1 lot Gould's planj ! Ravrdon F 1 lot Raw Jen's plan i do .*; , do' • do 1 ’ do '; ; ,tlo ■ do do ‘ do do , - do • do do do V do, ' ■/ do Sticjtfelu Nancy lurid - ’ jSiilllrilri ,Mfclmel 1 lot 'Slialfcr Conran 1 lot Gould's pi Rinefhirt 1! house A Jot «o iVauphtoii Polly I lot A stnljlss Nojil liewis 1 lot Gould's plan W rip! it David 1 lot Wasson? pi Waidsclimidt H 1 lot Gould’s pi ;«ColUd'sU II lot: * starch faefyj * do do 1 lotjabovc factory! -C & PRR co house and lot J JOHN CAUGH 7 52 Apr! 3 | , : - 1 5 10 .is! *«t og s* 5.00 • 63 53 48 3,9 . «7 V-IS 5 10 80 " ; 80 ,80 50 jJ-'l 78 fr)" |)> 'j!88 , 1 JOHN CAUOHEV. Apr. 2J), ’6i. -Treasure ihew ciuVuwny t,fie same should not b;j told,, it acifi the' L.- L. MGuffin,, Presir ___ , __ _ _ it of, f.ur.eaid CaurLat Beayw, this 20th STRAYED OR STOLEN.' ON Saturday, May Ist* from tW shWferi i, rts .*7 a™ * • eft*. ■ ,erg,iatp.omowbbd St#tioir v iff BrglSo£T6r- -.t ~ •• *P ’ > black ti , haM and legtil W omni and taih; y MBe sill*. and SaaVof yotrav. -S* ft* fet r ? on v retU . rnm v « fr** S' PT: hereby n oU6*£ ,io be; tW 67 iii EMMIM;I ■i'i foi- iV Hi il 2 67 j.. K : - , I - -I . :• t 1 os; l It 2 48 :- I 248 ■9->V 0 8 88 L 11 1 50 ' sin .75 3 76 6 04 i“3 .*>76 125 ,08 2 CO 41 : e .42 ‘ 42 1 ft: 158 12C ,131 122 {l2 25 21 42 613 iU43 14, li 25 111 ’u 1 co 2 84 9C 40 'GO (Jo 05 1 08 * ©9O 1 31 266 1 79 ~+‘i ° ; 1 : ’47 £ 75 3 80 20 4 57 * 85! 1-iO ljui'l ’"9 33’ 14 ; ;■ 7a !• 23 ; i 94 i . :24 I ' 57 23 13 i 37 ; 3 1C i 49' II 36. K 30 I 535 10 50" lr’ ic ih 10 !1 : i io. ii It 7 05 7 ■ 05 • : <!5 . ' oua.3HU r bdth'PjjihHc atrd Privur* ■“’ J B j, • Self-Adjustrag ind AvijustuHeF-'-Tlie only ■ | Wringer with the,intent C Iteguh*.. . litorf ftrturning' both rolfo. Cpgot hcr‘and, wh~ch ■ -positlvclyprevehU the rolls from breaking or ■>;' . twisnug on the sliSftj i Il ls uoi only .a,pcrV fectiWrlhgjtf, httl Unf, Oogrwheete .give It *: potter which .renderi Jt ji,. most, .UioeUcnl; , Washer, pressing aiijj. so|ißr»iHjjg. a» It does - .’ the dirt, with the wirer ffbtr> % the clothes, ". leaving t liein, dryer, whitdrr;Sn» smoother thee' when ‘‘wrung” by hand. _«d'he wateK ,Wh he , 'pressed from large iud small articles, hazier, 'quicker, and raoie thoroughly th’atvhj cffe2je& ■dihary. oid-fashionedrb:ick-breaking, • straining, -and'clothes destroying prdetat-jy . The Cog-wheels : prcviini'all *‘weiir unl j tear" !' of dollies hy't lic fl'icl i o ieo fi. h e roils orbreak log of stitches ' T yvithoa, Cog.-«h<|e!a, , ine whole atrniiw of forcing the ololh lii’roisgij; the . upon the lowcr'TOU;> rJiiji the cloth is mode til - act in’ Ihe place of Whcell, to drive the upper roll, causing ahuioligrcater strouwo-*- . J . Cog-wheels,' tvwi, our t’ateni Kcgulathf-.'s-C hsed,besides tbo rr • trsf straitl ag'btj .the A <}o od“C®ay»T[ wanlod in qverj: t own. Liberal .indue cm u ' offered,'and eiclusiveiaate guaranteed.. , .. ’ • i Sfji Brodjvdj,,New York, ' WM; C,,WOi,F. ..', ■ i.H ; Borough towntbilj*: ' ■ c ,M«y 11, ’Ci-. BEAVER COUNTY, S 8: -r - : S' —■" —Sw- ;TX .the Orphtuis’, Court an,-. f SEAL) thu„ for said J.county, by■ ~ V • i ‘ lore -the lion-judges of iiJif ‘ Court.. • In llie matter oft UepetUioa- for par.- tifion of the real estate of Mary Ewing, dec'd.. and daughter oC’Saniael'Caihpbcll, late : of Economy township, jUeavfcr county, dec'd.. and how to wit: ilarpli.l-,' lsj4, ra!c;nn heirs, and-legal representatives of saiJ deed'.. vil: Sarah Jane.* intermarried \vith,j»Vi!U«m Tiimnas,- who resides- hv the’ciKiStyt <tfvMhst- , gbthtry; State of Ohio; EliiadJtfing.'at pres- . tnt Jiving in CovingLnjih fountain County, " Indiana, and Thnrnas~Kwir.jf; ro the Army; of Slates'; Co- O.’S'My' Indiana Volunteerayjnpw.'ja Tenucsaeig, Alejt* ' andcr-Ewing, jfituey of the f.foresllid cjni- ‘.if the .aforesaid Alary-Kw ifigi.. dec'd., how in liauville,- jlqt- •' (tricks Cytntljr,; and' nIL ocijyfs inter-- ested, to shew cause iif any they have why an inquesriomakc pavution of tLe-fdal .ysttOtjihf .said dec'd., 'should hot be-a warded ai| an Or- . pliahV Court, to, be he '£aijd.jCor , said county,on flit; jfrt ▼••rtf-Jmlqww. ■'' ; A True C •ole.' . : Attest: . . . Jolljt-,V. . ii> 7:70" o I I L heirs and legal repregeiHs (ivea of Miirf Kwinjrl,; d«d,;' Xofi's&4lshch'.*ef you arc lereKy *<• the time jmd placeinjenlionettin.:ih6 foregoio-j' little, fof the pmfM ' I MU’fr, ' Silciiirr*, OmVjs, licaver, apr. IU, 0 s■'; 1 10 ! 03 08 :r.B 1 ljs' f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers