iir ' l' , *v . H, » : 'U< % MORS OF THE Great Cities. W'a, thg nadcralgnod Mayor*,hereby oat-, t&j that thaDroggifts, ApotheoariM, tad j }Phyalciana of oar several oltiew hare tigned P‘ scnment of aaauranee to os that AYEB’S BSAPAHJTiTiA: baa been foaad to be rtnody of great excellence; and worthy oonfldenoe of tbs community. - hon. James cook, 1 '.| Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. HOW. ALBIN BEARD, ’ j , Mayor of MABHpA, M. H. HOW. E. W. HARRINGTON, | • j Mayor of MANCHESTER, N. H. doN. JOHN ABBOTT, • A! - • Mayordf COHCOBD, If. H. WON. A. H. BULLOjCK, * ■ , ; iVr'! , ' Mayor of WORCESTER, MASS. kbN. NATS’! SILSBEB, * 111 . May or. of SALEM, MASS. BON. K W. LINCOLN* Jr., i || ■ ■ Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. WM. M. RODMAN, 1 , |, j Mayor of PROVIDENCE, B. L son; amos w. prentice. | ; i Mayor of EOBWIOS, CONN. SON. J. N. HARRIS, ' I' | Mayor of NEW LONDON, CONN; Son. chas. s. rosier, > ,l Mayor of MONTREAL, O. E. HOW. D. F. TIEMANNE | ■ 'Mayor of NEW Yf)BIC CITY. HON. H. M. KINSTRBY, Mayor of HAMILTON, 0. W. SON.‘ADAM WILSON, : | i . Mayor of TORONTO, O. W. f ON. S. M. BISHOP, t- Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. H.-CRAWPORW, I ; . ' Mayor of LOUISVILLE, K 7. HON. JOHN SLOAN, | r ■ "• ,J£ayor of LYONS, IOWA. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, .0 j Mayor of BOWMAN VILLE, O. W. HON. JAMES IW. ! NOHTH, • | ' Mayor of AUGUSTA, MB. HENRY COOPER, Jr., |i j , Mayor of HALT>QWELL, ME. Hon. james s. seek, I | Mayor of PBBDBBIOTON, N. B. ? ON. WILLARD NYE,. I Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HON. J. BLAISDELL, : ■ | |. ; Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. 4 HON. W. H. CRANSTON, I ,| ; i Mayor- of NEWPORT, B, X-’j koW. ERED STAHL? .p ; , Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN HODQDEN, I 7! -j ‘ of DUBUQUE, lOWA. WON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, I . | ; .Mayor °f CHATTANOOGA,'TENN. J HON- ROBERT BLAIB, , n 1 Mayor of TUSCAZiOOSA, ALA. kop. B. B„JBATTGH, \ i / ' i| ■ . Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. iSTITH, f j Mayor of NEW OBLEANS, liA. pQH. U. X>. BOTtA-ITTOIT, ' Mayor of HOCHESTEU, \H. Y. I HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, r h , Mayor of tmOA., H. T. i HON. GEO. WILSON, ( : > ; Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. SON. C. S.,BIJHL, t I j Mayor of. DETROIT, MICH. .h ■ | SQN. HEMAN L. PAGE. i , f| Mayor of MILWAUKEE, WlB. ON. W. W. VAUGHN, ! j ;i Mayor of'BAOHIE. WIB. Ison, a., paee, I |> '• Mayor of KEBOSHA,. WIB. j .jfaiON. JOHNiJC. HAINES, i I . 'Mayor of CHICAGO, TT.T. ' SON. M. J. A. HEATH, j "Mayor of SELMA, ALA. |HON. A. J. NOBLE, ’ || . Mayor- of, MONTGOMERY, ALA. •HON. W. B, HOLTSAD, ■j.[ i * Mfyor of COLUMBUS. QA. Idon espaiCtebo manuel, ! : ’ | | Mayor of VESA CBUZ. DON PIETBE DE CABALLO, yU . MayotJ of MEXICO. Idon estephanie eodeigues, ■Vj| , Mayor of HAVANA ‘DON ANTONIO ECHEVEBA, ; ! - i Mayor of LIMA, PEBU. ' DON M. G. MILANGNO, , " ?j Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILL IjDON MAEO SESQtTIPED ALIA, 1 j Mayor of RIO JAKETBO, BRAZIL .Certify that the!'resident Druggists have assured them | Ayer’s Sarsaparilla 111 an excellent remedy, and w arthy the con*, | . . fldence cf the comm' mity. |ForSpvlu(s Diseases, jl'ot Parlfytng thelHood. - For Scrofula or Klng'i Evil* ;Por Tumors, Ulcers, and Sores* end Pimples* { For‘Blotches,'Blalns, end Bolls, For St, Anthony’s'Fire, Hose, or Brjra I For Tetter or Salt Rhenm. ■ [sipelas, iPor Scald Head and Rlngvorm, 1 For Cancer and Cancerous Sores, | For ißorelh.ycs, Sore Kara, end Humors, I For Female Diseases, , . . IFor Suppression and Irregularity. Fhr Syphilis or Veniercal lllseases, ■ ForXilver Complaints* • 1 ■■ For Dileases oftbe Heart, ■■ Tho-Mayoraof the chief cities of the Uni ted States,; Canadas, fafd Brit: sh Provinces, [| Chili, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, and in fact- al fouMt all the cities onjthia continent, -hare rstapod this doaunisnt, tbassuris their people turbat remedies they may' use with safety and .•enfldenoe. But cur space will only admit ’ > portion of them, ' ' t i Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, |: Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, i ; Ayer’s Pills, ana . | Ayer’s AffueiCure, 'i , rKETAHrD \ ! '• , Dr. c. A/ef A ,' ■t„ • LOWtLL, MASS., 4iid Mid hyDrilgpistscTerv vrhtrs.j I CABBcar 3*c ; ROCHESTE | BIATJIR. COIIJJTY. •I. '' ' M V - ’’ .T?He ±>i£ *i ■•■'Vl:-■ 'H ROCHES r FORTUNE’S MW STORE, FIRST- ARR SPRING DR Prints 4-Best < From |lB 3-4 to 25 ■ -■■■ 't. "J/ Ginghams, Check Diapers, Je|ans, Brown I and i Ble . '' 'i -in - And 4 full ENGLISH, iiIENOH & GERMAN . . r ’ j|- 1-1 : i IDDR/EjSS GOODSj « j s pring De-Baines,-;- ' |; A t cry choice selection of .styles and qual- J V ' -•- ' ity, at prices within the reach of all.: ' -- - BARREI) FEA'NNELS and WOOE ■ EN GOODS, ■ j- ' V : ,; .At ruinous prices, .at | .FORTUNE’S CIIKAP- STORE,- the ’l: ROCRESTUI/ pa , ; I State JPformal School. EDINBURO, ERIE CO.. PA. '!] THE buildings are new, neat and oonven :icnl;jgood Libraries, Reading ROom arid. Apparatus 1 ; 'lnstruction Jthorough and practi cal.' • | ■ ' . j- Tuition per term jof fourteen weeks, $-1.00 ; Board $2,25 per, week; s2o,sopays she Whole lernrs expense, including the use of text books, f- ,; 1 ! * : , - ■j. The Full, term opens, August 18, 1865. | JfaSf" Sciid for Circular. 1 ' ! J. A. COOPER, Ar M., Principal.! au£s:3 t u| ' -’| i ;l - ■j' cro'sr, gob & p0.,- Advertising and - Commission Agents ] AND DEALERS IN" ‘ ! PRINTING INKSbF ALT KINDS Type, Printing Materials, I Writ inland printing paper cards-, &c OFF H' B S—Urbwn's! BmldinO,. Philadelphia; Tribune, Buildings; New York. marUß-.liv. , • 1 “' U \ \ . SELECT SCHPOL, Opens Monday, Sept.. 28th- S Sciences and Languages,' Taught or. tho mo! Address JX.W. S' T. M. MbCord, ' TVotar-jr } I>u.t»ii c . . i | , ■ officbl with , r■ ■ B. B. CHAMBERLIN, ATT Y 1 AT LAW, (Mearfhe Provost Marshal’s'office; BROAD IKAT) KE}V BRIGHTON, \ - 5 BEAVER COUNTY, PA./ / TJBOMT attention given to|the drawing of X EXEMPTION; PAPERsI and'all matters connected with the; draft; nisi oaths adminisJ icred^ acknowledgments takerjr&c., &c. I [delO ADM.INSTHATOIi’S XOTICE, 1 NOTICE is hereby givenen that let'ters.of adininistration upon the estate lof Dr. George W. .Allison, latje of the. borotigh- of Beaver,; IBoavcr county, Penna., dcc’d, have been granted to the undersigned. •. All persons knowing themselves indeed to said! estate aye requested to made, immediate paynient, and those having claim's against the same will present theta properly authenticated for set tlement. |j j . •••f ,j ■ .[ , ■ - THOMAS ALLISON, Administrator,; dect.23 63-st. .r, [ Bridgewatet, Pi. . ADMINISfeATOK’S~^OTICE. WHEREAS letters of administration: on T,T the estate of JabJ.Reed, sr., late of Han over tp., Beaver co., dec’d, having been grint/ ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted to estate are requested to make immediate payment,! and those having daimsagainst said estate will presSnf them to the subscribe* properly authenticated for settlement.! ; ! . | JAMES BEIID, jr., AdmV./ jan6’64, t I Hanovhr tti. r>r. T>. s ■ ; | ■ : • r 'j- OFFERS his professional -Services to 'the ciiueus. of • / ) i •PEAVER ANDtVICINITV. ' I |. ' fomes is !j' The Shannon Beading, S. E, Corner of 'leclS] j the Diamond' B'caver, Ea. I A Gentleman cur competency, Prema Error, actuated bj will be happy to fi (free of charge) fh making the simple Those wikhingto p possess aValuable same, by | return m addressing • . N060'.5 augl2:{3m Prof; wood’s and] Blood Be Ue.for. isle at the 7022 ■! • •• LE-iCO. OIL, ' RAIL-ROj <»iM JOB ■,j | B 1 I*A; fap2 .moiii !• '.OF j'• " I ER)| JPA, i. , VAIi OF GOODS \ i IMI MI itz Styles, septs per yard. i, Ticks^Tabie Cassimeres, ched Muslins, line of HOOKSTOWN t fayqrahle tormß, SCOTT, Principal linney. m?; ■ed of Nervous Debility, In jure IJpcay and Youthful a desire t o benefit others, 'arnish to all who:need it i receipt and directions for Remedy used in his case, ■ofit by his experience and Remedy—will receive .the ill, (carefully sealed,) by JOHN B; OGDEN, , iassau Street, New Yprk. I 'I RESTORATIVE CORDIA lorator, the’ genuine slrti- Prng Store of BR. C, P.BDMMINS. D HOUSE, «OH, PRO.’R WESfEBTHL T tar BRIGHTON RETREAT. ANASYIiUMPORTHERECBP ! TION CURE AND TREAff- UENT OF MENTAL ALIENATION OR DISORDER. i i v • . , , .% | . -i j, i And] ptlier - ' Jeryons and Chronic Diseases. FOR FTIHIS institution faTnow open for the reoep- I tion, care| oftho ipieptn 4eat daw of patents.who are\lahoring under mental derangement; or olherTiervous and Chronic disease. We make special mention of nervous and cjhronib {diseases, from the fact that .seven tenths of the female patients that are committed[ to ourl public. Asylums, to be treated for disordered minds, are reduced to that lamentable condition through previous physical, disorder. By a well limed and judi cious treatment of i chronic and' nervous dis eases, all physical disorders, in the majority of cases may be removed ; and thus the mind; having suffered through the medium oft the body<| will when {free from . the ' exciting physical; cause, throw off the shackles that has bound it toi worse; than midnight darkness, and reason wi)l r oncejmore. rcsume its sway, clothed in all its primitive beauty and wonted excellence. Hpriceithe necessity of all thoje, who arp laboring under the predisposing Or exciting oausek, calculated in the end to im pair the mind to, resort ?’-to an early 'and judicious course of remedial agents. [' The- Institution is a large brick ,-building with a stone basompnt-pfour stories high and well ventilated! It lSsifuated on an elevated table land whibh“coJnmands a view of entire down—adjaeenj. hills—proves and neighboring Streams; all of .‘which are calculated to. pro duce favorable {impressions upon the disorder.. ed mind. j | ij ’ | The Institution is complete in all of its ap pointments. Having been tastefully fitted up at graet expense, in Order that it may meet the approbation and views of the most fastidi ous. | • | j ;/ | The -water closets itnd bathing apparatus haVe been gottoh up upon tbe most approved modern scientific principles.. This department embraces not {only; the ordinary baths but; also, the medicated, warm air and ascending, and descending doitchefor the more, effectual and successful treatment of cutaneous and Other scrofulous diseases. i | We begleave to say ;to all those who'may be disposed to commit the interests of a dear wife* sister or daughter, to our charge—[may he assured that no means will be spared or .efforts on ojarjpart to ameliorate their, condition or to] effect ai restoration to. their aits'- customed health and yigor of mind. LFor furtherparticulars send for a circular. 11 communications.should pe addressed to. u t I E. KENDRICK, M. D. Stipt. cf New Brighton Retreat -9 | New Brighton n0v12'62. - Beaver Co. Pa; CRITTENDEN’S ~ “ PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL L college, r N. Hr comer of 7th &ChestnutSti, I - PHtLADELPHIA, PA. ' I'I'HIS Institution,! which was established in ‘ • 1844, and is hojw consequently in t e [eigthteenth year of jits'existence,; numbers among its gratuatesi hundreds of themost suc cessful Merchants dud Business Men of bur ~Country. ■.| fj-. , ,| i The object of the Institution is solely to, af •ford young men facilities for thorough prepa ration for business. I . * , ! The branches’ taught are, Book-keeping, ns applicable to the various departments of trade; Pcnmansh|p, both plain and, ornamental; jCommeroial Xiaw; mathematics. Navigation, Civil Engineering. | llrawing,' Phonography, antf-Modefn Languages. ' • The system of Inj-’tj-uction. is peculiar; no classes or set lessons arc made use of, but each student is taught individually, so that he may commence at time, and attend at whatev er hours are-most convenient. " T - , Catalogues are issued annually 'after the 15tH .olj’April, l containing names of the stu dents for the year, ‘ and, full particulars of i.ternts,,&c., and may be obtained at; any time I'by addressing [the Principal.. . •' / j : In extensive accommodations, wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy experience of the Principal, this Institution offers facilities su perior to any other in the country, for young men wishing to prepare for business, And to obtain at the same' time A diploma, which will prove a recommendation for them to any Mer cantile House.! ! .■ j , 065“ CbitteWdex’B Scries ot Treatises'on Book-Keepings now! more widely |circulated thnn any other work on subject, are for sale at the College.! . . j. 1 S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, j Attomey-at-Laic, j I j ; PKixciPAt'i, May 7. BBIYEB. SEMINARY AND INSTITUTE Rev. R. T. Taylor, A. MTj Prln. Mrs.A. S. Tavror, Gov ernss. r]l ’HE NEXT TERM WILL COMMENCE ■l* T ' - )• ■. j iuesday , March 24f h, !1863, | i And continue. 14 weeks. ? Tlje aim of the school is to-make its pupils thorough, espe cially in the Common i , ANormalciass, for the benefit,of those wishing tcr.pt them selves for leaching, jwill he formed a't the commencement of the term. I -' • BoardrEoom Tcnt,'|&c ....$3B 00' • Tuition varies from .$3,50 to $B,OO ■ fi®“For further particulars inquire of the President ofsPaoulty. i 1 mar4’63 r. ■. R. T. TAYLOR. WHOLESALE DRY G WILSON, M’ELROY & CO., • ' I 1 j :, t ’ I ■ S 4 Wood St.,' '' " j’ PITTSBURGH, P /4' QFFEB THEpI STOCK FOR THE S^ZR/USTQ- C0T 1863, A't TUE.I'LoWBET .Mabket Price. ' mar.25,’63 j. Notice,. Bakkof Beaveb CofcjlTT, V New Brighton, Oct; 12,; 1863. / The Stockholders of the Banfej of Bearer County are hereby notified, that the Annual Meetmg, wiU be held at the Banking House, in New Brighton, on, Tuesday thei 8d day of Narember ensuing, j between the hours of SMd 5 o’clock, p. *. And the- election for Dwectors to[servo (he ensuing year, at the same place, on Monday, the ICth, day of dfo-. vember, between 10 a. m„ and 8 p. ji., of said /ay. By order of the Board of Directors. ■ ■' . EDWARD HOOPS Cashier. . Confessions & Experience of an Invalid. PDBiISHiSU ror ine genefitand as a warn ing andja caution-to young men who suf fer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay . at the some time the means oil Self-Guro. Djr one; Who . has cured himssU after heing put to great expense through med-. teal imposition and quackery. - By enclosing a post-paid ad IreSsed envelopes, 'single copies of the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Rsq., Bedford, Kings Co., if. Y. marS&ly, KAHOFACTORr, NOS. SI EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET. 174 4176 QRANHSTREETAND 216 I • CENTRESTBEE. , sstajbubßsd 1888. . N. Y.* HXABUIBBBIBBB f i>HlB .Establishment has been,in successful -I ;.operation for 24 year*,' and Is the Urges! ofthelind in the United States. We hare on hnnd or manufacture to order every description of Looking-glass, Picture imd Portrait Frames, Plain and OmamentalPier,' Wall, Oval 4 Man tel Glasses, Connecting Cornices; Base'and Bracket Tables, with Marble Slabs, Toilet Glasses, 4c., 4b., 4c, Mouldings forPioture Frames, in lengths suitable fob transportation, either Gllt.Berling, Rosewood, Oak,. Zebra, Birdseye, Mahogany, 4c. {' Our new manufacr tpry and extensive facilities enable us to tarn ish any article in our line ns good as; the best) and aejchesp as the cheapest. . ,•> ' - Dealers are invited to call upon us' When .they visit New Fork., Wo claim to be able to’supply to supply them with' every arti-. cleTin bur line which they canpossiblypurchase elsewhere., ■'”! J&* Orders by mall j attended ■to with promptness. Db not fail to call when you visit New York. . }. , Wareroom,. 2fo. '215 Centre. Su, Jf. T. HORACE T., SIGLER, 1 Agent. May7—Bmos- ' ' ■ ■ . ' MARRIAGE. , JTS loves and hates, sorrows and angora, hopes and feats, regrets and joys;, OOD, how lost, how restored; j the nature treatment and radical cure of spennatferrhma or seminal weakness; Involuntary| emissions, sexual debility and impediments ito marriage, generally; -nervousness, consumption, fils,’ mental and physical incapacity, resulting from SELF-ABUSE—are fully explained in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM.'TCiUNO, M. D. This most extraordinary book should be in the. hands of every young person Contemplating marriage, and every man l or woman who de sire* to limit the number, of their offspring to their.circumstanoes. ( . Every pain; disease and oche incidental to youth, maturity and old age, is fully explained; every particle of knowledge that should be known is here given.; It is full of engravings. In fact, it discloses sfecrots that every one should know; still it is a book that must be locked up, anil not lie about thehousS. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents in {specie! oripostage-stamps. Address Da. Wm. YOUNG, i4IC Spruce st., above Fourth, Philadelphia; Affiititd mid Un/onuhatrt, no matter what may be your disease,: before you place {your self under the care of any of .the notorious Quacks —native’or foreign—who advert isp mi this JOT any <*6er paper, get a copy of Drl Young’s book; and read it) -chrefully. It will be phe means of saving'you many: a dollar, your health, and possibly your life.; Db,; YOUNG can be consulted ion any of the diseases described in his'publics!ion, at! bis office, 410 Spruce Street,-above Fourth, Phila- B®-Offico hours from 9bo 3, daily. 'mar26 THE GREAT UAUSE'| OF ,|] It xx man tyt i^iiery. Puiluhed m a Sealed En velope; Price G cte: A LECTURE BY Db. ( CULVEKIWELL, ON THE (jAUSE ANJ) CURE of Speryia : torrhtca, Consumption, Men(al ‘ and Physical Debility,.Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nu-i tr-ition of the Body ; Lassitude; Weakness the Limbs and the Back ;! Indisposition, and 1 Incapacity for study and tabor Dullness of Appreh'chsiou; Loss of jjtleiiiory ; Aversion io Society; Love-of Soliffidb; Timidity: Self- Distrust; Dirtiness: Headache, Affections .of the Eyes; Pimples on-thejFace: Invblnniary Emissions, and,Sexual Incapacity; the Conse quences of youthful Indiscretion, Ac., scl,‘; B@.Thir admirable Lcdlure clearly pfov.es that the abovctihiinenttejl, often self-afflicted evils; may be removed without medicihe and without Dangertms. snrgic,al operations, and should be read by* every youth and every man in the land. ; ' ; ' I , Sent under seal, to any address. In a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or .two postage stamps, by addressing, i CHAS. J. C.l KLINE i CO*, i 127 Bowery,New York. Post Office 80x,458H.j "■ “ ‘Ko L ■’ Dandeioii Coffee. THIS preparation, made frontthe bestj,l.yv.\ .Coffee, is recommended by physiciansf-as a superior NUTRITIOUS IjIEVERAGE for Ge neral Debility, Dyspepsia laj ad all billions disor ders. Thousands who have'been compelled to abandon the use of coffee! will use this with out iujuriousseffects. Onle can 1 contains Ahe strength of., two pounds of, ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. -V KOLLOCICS LEVAIN: The purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, tweet and nutritious Bread and Cakes. Prico i 15 cents. ~1 1 . Manufactured by ’ ■ ; . .11. H. KOLLjOK, Chemist', ‘ Corner of Broad and Chestnut streets, i , , - ■ PHILADELPHIA, Aid,Sold by all Druggists land Grocers, ; [jk A THOUSAN Work's Great War Music, in Janu: A SCHOOL MAG —-.'Clark’s School jime VIII. | r - The Publisher of ■ this favorite Monthly, in order to reach-al l -"bools, will send the, Visitok | »> ,jronr 'gratis to one person ('who Vii.Uotas Agent), at an post-office in t ic IJnited States. This is an unparalleled offer. Address, with five | cents enclosed, for particulars, ODDS. =I :p,YEARS, Song, Words and spy Number. iZINE • FREE]. Visitor.— Vol- UGHADAY, - 1 i Publisher, St.; Pbila.i Pa) J. \T. D. 1308 Chnestnn FRIENDS kND RELATIVES ■li'-14 :■ ’ v optbb j- A'.: bbave soldiers and sailors. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS d Ointment. • AjLL KHOh»T(6 Friendsand Relatlvesinth* JOLi: Army or Navy, should take cspjeOial care that they be amply supplied, with those Pill. and Ointment; and where, the brave Soldiers and Sailors hare neglected to provide them selves withthenvpo better presehi.ciaiibeseßt thtta by their friends.; They have been prov ed to; be the Soldier’s never-failing ifriend in thejhour of need] . '' ; j.. COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING; TROOPS f- Will be speedily removed and effectually eupedby using these admirable medicines, and by {paying proper attention ip the Directions which are attached to each Potfor Bo*. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OIF APPE j 1 TITEINCIDENJAL TOj, SOLDIERS. , > Si These feelings whichso sadden, 'ns, usually arise frfem trouble or annoyances] obstructed eijspiration, or eatingand drinking; whatever i tinwholesome ( thus disturbing thel healthful actSdn of the liver and stomach. These be gan* must be relieved,; ifyou desire to be well.: Thb; Fills, taking, according to the printed in structions, will quickly a produce V healthy; acljion in both liver and stdmach, land aaa natural consequence a clear head and good ap prise- .■; ; }■, .- WEAKNESS OR]-DEBILITY INDUCED BY : ;}]• ' OVER FATIGUE, j ' i , j jVill soon, disappearjiy the use pif these in- j , valuable Pills, and'the Soldier win quickly ab-] quire additional strength. Never let the bow els be either confined or Unduly acted , upon, i It '.may seem- strange that | Holloway’*,.; Pills! should be recommended' for ..Dysentery and! j’Plux, many persons suppositigthattheyAould increase the relaxation. This is a dreat mis-' takje, ( for t)iese Pills,will correct the ilivef and; stomach andthus remove all the acrid humors! \ from the sydtem. ■ This niedi urie will giVetonej anq vigor to the whole organic systemhowev er deranged, while health arid strength follow as'a matter of course. Nothing [will stop thej relaxation of the, Bowels so'sure 'as this fatu ous medicine. -S J .'s •' VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! IiINDISCRE- J fITONS OF YOUTH. ! , Sores and Ulcers, Blotchings and Swellings, can.with certaintpr.be radically cured if the Pills arc taken night, and morning] and the jinjtment he freely used as stated in jthe print-i ‘d jiastructionsJ. If treated in ; any other man-1 teif they dry up in one part to break iput in an ithcr. ; Whcrea* this - Ointment will remove he humors from thesystem md leave the Pa ieht a vigorous and healthy man. l it,will re ujrc a little perseverance in bad cases t|o .in ure a lasting pure. I I ! J (JR, WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYOlfet;- or sabre ortuebul. LET, SORES OR BRUISES, i ! To which every Soldier and Sailoriare liable ?re are no medicines so safe, sure land cpn- I'eUt ns Holloway’s Pillsahd ointment] the ■ wounded and almost dying sufferer might ! his wounds dressed ihjmediately,. Sf he Id only provide himsclfwith this malch- Ointmcnt, which should be thrust into the nd ‘and smeared all around it, thpn'covered i a piece of linen from Bis knapsack, and pressed 'with a landkircliief. 1.. Taking it and morningfi or 8 Pjlls, to"cool thesys. and prevent'jnflapiation /! 1 very Soldier’s knapsack and j Seaman’s' it should be provided with these', valuable icdiea i '.. ‘ . j AUTION None [are genuine unless words “Holloway, and London,", ,ije disccrnahle ns a ovateriitiafkr in every leaf if] the.book of directions nrijund cabh pot '|or )0x : the same may he. plainly seen jby holding ’at'lea/to the light.' A handsome reward ' will o.e given to any one rendering such! informa tion as may lead to the detection of phy party or parties counterfeit ing Ihe medicines or vend ing the same] knowing themjto he spurious, i j*** Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Holi.owat, 80 Maiden Eane|, New' York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines; throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 02 cents pnd.sl each. Thcrc ii considerable saving jby taking the larger'size’s! I ■'■ i '[ , i ' • ; | ’■ JN. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa-] ibnts in "every disorderarea'Exedtoieach box/ I Mar";-.! ' '■ | will H m te] 000 OCX.) SALE OR FEMALE AGENTS r ;;i i to sE.tii . *■ i , Lloyd's New Steel Plate County Colored. ,-i, Jfap of the.-United Stqtiis, ‘-Canadas, .and New Brunswick, • From recent surveys, completed! Aug. 10, Sh 2; cost $20,000' to. engrave it, and, one car’s time. ' fT ! " : j ' 1 Superior to any $lO map ever made by Col lin pr Mitchell, and sells ad the low price of, Jbifly Cents; 3(0,000 mu ics are engraved on inis map. # |_v i 1 I i : i , .1 It! is not only a County m'np, but it is also a !.[ COUNTY & EAULROAUj MAP tjf the U, S. & Canadas combined in one, giving "Every Railroad Station andjlistatioe? between. I Gua'rantce any Woman or man s3j to $5 pgr day,-add' will take back all tjiaps that cannot be sold and refund the money. 1 •1" .. Send for $1 ivprth to try , . I J Printed instructions how to canvass well/ furnished all our agents. . -" | Wanted—Wholesale 1 Agents for our tnaps in every State, California, [ Canada, j England, France and" Cuba A fortune may be made with a few hundred dollars capital.! Ap acom itition. J F, Lloyd, 104 Broadway, N. Y. "The Wat Department uses our map of Vir nia, Maryland; and Pennsylvania, cdst T sloo,- Q,‘ on which is marked: Antietam Creek, larpSburg, [Maryland .Bights, Williamsport way. Bhorersvitle, Noland’s Ford, and all hers on the Potomac; and| every other place the above named nr money refunded. 1 LLOYD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL" MAP OF ENTUCKV, .JOHIG,- INDIANA, and ILL.j the only .authority for Gen. Kosecrans and e War, Department. Money refunded .to ly one finding an error in! it. , ' • ii " Froni the Tribunej Aug, 2. 1 lN'. “Llotd’s map! op VinoislA, Marvlasp aitn !f,nn sylvanlA.— The map is very large; Its nstis but 25 cents, and it is the best tchich.ean e purchased.” i ! •; I ,■ |j ", |. * '■ Lipyie Great Map of the Mississippi River.— >om Actual purveys byCapts, Bart and W’m Bown, Mississippi Riverpilots; of : St, Louis, kJo.,: shows every map’s plantation and oyner’s name from St. I Louis to the Gulf of Mekico— -1,850 sand-bar, 4 island, town; landing, and all places 20 miles back from tbo river—colofed jin counties and States, Price! $1 in sheets. |s2j pocket form, 'and $2,60 on llpen, with rollers. Ready Sept. ss;, . 1 |" Wary Department , Washington, Sept, 16, T 662., I J.jT. LVoyd-pSir: Scn’dme your Map of the Mississippi River, ■ with price per j hundred copies, Rear-Admiral Charles H.-Davis, com manding the Mississippi squadron, ik author- J xed to purchase, as many as are required fo iso- of that squadron. J GIDEON WELLS. Secretary of the Navy. . ' Ghaiioe for In vestment j df Big Sewickly Station, on the [P. .Ft . ■ v W & G. R. JK.,. Allegheny County r l'Hfc kubscriber offers ’for gale 200 acres 1 I-, of fine upland, suitable for a. .Dairy or! Sheep Farm, with 40 acres of rich Creek Bbt-j tom; also, 100 ncrfes of River Bottom. ,j !, This valuable property 1 will be sqld. to pupJ cbakers. ■ For particulars inquire of * :'j ’ ■ ;l i e w. c. DUNN, :, j, 0ct28,’63. - ■ Remington l Station, Estate of Garvey Gamble, dec’cl rT ontliV estate of [Li Habvet Gahblk, late of I town ship. Bearer County, Penna., deb’d, haring been grafted ,tp the imdersigned, jsll persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those haring olklma against the same. wßlj present them properly anthentioaied for settlement. j. ; \ J f JAMES BRimiH, Adm'r., .. J.;. | - Oirnßetp. ' r* ' - ; 'U- GEEMANTOWNTELEC A Family and an Agrioultu CHOICE LITERA Poetry, Noveleetta, AND MOR AL AND EN3 INC READING GENEJ In ,the Literary Department v sent the choicest varieties within our extended means.! The Novel Poetry.&c., shall be supplied and highest sources, and be «qUal to be found in any journal or mag Agriculture and Hoi Farming,Gardening, Fruit-R; \ r.. r Inall their branches, as conducted , and most approved sysie i • Our labors-in this department ty years, have met th«j cordial ap] the public.. Our purposehas beej useful Und reliable, information very, important branches of indi protect them so' far |as within against the false doctrines and Set es, dtjiiie many'empiresand se,n!i turers by, which the Farmer is W This portion of the Gen J graph will worth the wl subscription, as every: Farmer an who has a proper conception o;' wiU reqflily ‘ ' • NEWS DEPART fire same industry, care, and dis friminat ion,' in gathering and preparing theSti "ring Events of,the Day, expressly for this piper, w.hich hitherto has been oqp |of its marl ed' features and given so j universal satisfac ion,,, will be continued with redoubled efforts to meet the increasing demands of the public! The! labor required in this* department is nc rer fully ap preciated by| the reader. It w uld be im possible ,o present, ti e condense l and care -1 fully , made-up, form in which it appears, a corrected ina"Ss of all the mbsr interesting news of the week, without inv living,hutch physical labor, tact and judgmen ‘ , We anhex the eash term*, to 'w: leave to Call, attention of all u subscribing for a newspaper: , Advance Cash Te:; One copy, 1: one year, $2 ; one) years, $5,00; ■ three copies, one j; Five; Copies, One Tear, -$8,00;* One Year, $15;00; Twenty Copies suB,oo. |/, . t@y*Subscription not,paid with $-•50. , ■ -I ' ' Club of five | subscribers! entitle the person getting it up ii six months;, a’Club .of- ten or-mor for one year. All Ciub.subscript at the end of the time paid for. i dered, ! 1 BSk-No order will receive att; accomplished with J|io cash. numbers sent 1 PHIIJIP R. FR Editor and Pr< Grrmantoicn, Philadelphia., Oe /.H2, “/VANITY FA “This is the first really cl'evo satirical journal we!have had, and really clever it is.' It i*i bo i good-tampered, ahd not afraid it soul is its own-—which shows soul! f Our readers will be glad tt they can find native, fun that hi better ,in 'it than There pata Monthly. ; t ‘•This, paper is excellent. . . . for originality.”—W/'l'. TrnveUn “Vanity Fair is conducted Jr; .witty and.intelligent corps of jt 'Litchfield (Conn.) Enquire*. ’ ' “Will wield ,as potent, an iiifiue: the Loudon Euneh.”—EoilonTrii “Whosoever finds himself- laii w>> *• ■- ,T ANtj , Y Fair, and docs quiet pro fit for ‘treason, ar -V 1". Crayon.', j.; i j I The very marked and flay eringi has thus fur pttcmled the 'jji . “Vanitv Fair,” Enables the publisher . to annoii the commencement of the Secon sued this day, 30th June, New E Literary and Artisticl will be intr will increase itho valito and inleri per, and fully maintaitj' the pi unanimously accprdijdto it, as tli C\mic Journal x>f Ay ISSUER IIEfIULABI.Y EVERY and is for Sale by! all Nowsnic office of: Publication, No j 113.3 New York,. ■ I . ’■ r v I I —— . • TERMS: Three dollars per .annum, in' cents single copy, y ' - ; TEEMS FOE CLUB / Two copies' of .VANrr v Fair t one address for. M., - Fireoeples......]..'.^. Twi-copies..i.Jl.> An Extra copy will be allowed up of every Club bf not less lhai This paper is Eleotrptyped, may bo procured at any tiro'e. • LOUIS H. S' Publisher for the Proprietors, 1 | .' ■ ' i .1 Keay MME. DEiipJiES' Quarterly Mirror |ot t IHfA Qjeat Improvements and J ,TU« SUMMER NUMBER COK FOUR LARGE $ SPLEXDJL ELATES, THREE FULL ! FATTERXS • OF. ERE, • ], COMPRISING THE New French! Waist, an Elegant Misses Sack, and a Sheet * andj Beautiful BRAID AND EMBROIDERING * Together with n'early I.oo'. En | I nil the novelties fo Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, I • Children’s Dresses,! And valuable information to M Makers, Mothers, jaud Ladies g 'seating the largest and best f sine in the World’;! published A’ N. Y., ‘and sol'd everywhere at sent by mail, post free, on receii in stamps! or'silver. Year SI,(X Rowing, valuable premium. ! Each yearly subscriber will b receipt for.the selection of 50 i plain pattierasj.from- Othe desigh or from the show room, or thi dered and 1 sent by mail any tin year, by playing postage. i KSuSplendid Inducements to - m.Bujnmer No. now ready. I OFFER a pleasant.lmainess f jrtheSpriarS and Sommer, with large pro; its. ■iSend for mynlsw circular,' containing full information. ' Addrew QBO. EDW’li BEABB, j - WUHan'St., ». 1. -„.l X i DEVOTED TO INCLUDING i , EMBRACING i.h - • SPECIAL NOTICE VANITY FAIR Do | You Want Empli 4BAPH. Tkt Bugle CaUt t The rv. . n f xt £™ na &>* ogam,, a Bad Breatfl < % - Tooth ;^Ea rafh . Q 'and Natraigia- OOKAKTIttERYis, ■ _®R« WE B, httr dentaltreas PRESERVING THE TE Purifying the T} rmh ' (Journal, URE, Tales, ERTAIN ALLX. d rs 'ahallpre , the reach 1 of ietteS, Tales, ■>m the best . to anything rixine. Jtew’*' Jt^'^TOQTltAcne^ 2?r. nufcTt: UNRI VALET) Wi.« i'l ’ PLASTER.} ■ ■ - U . Dr. Kurd's MANUAL on. ikin' ■ Pfaerving the Teeth-; including v TOOTHPICKS, etc., etc ■■■ ,hl H Prepared at Dr, Hurd's ft,,.,. , Fourth 6t.J Brooklyn. fE Dl * ®Sc» Tl - Priee, ON£ j)OLtMa - oArr-i . The Denial e, gl^iphe B by five,.and i* am bl * ,c Vji Full directions for use is on i 1 ?''! 1 The following articles we can seat. 4 '*'-' ly,. by mail, viz: J •'■..■ ■ The Treatise on Preserning thePekl. H puid.ou, receipt of TWe stamps. . . “i w inj icultore, ■■ ■' ,v ' iising, &.c. on the latftt it oyer thir nrobation of i to furnish upon these dry, and to our, power Ifish purpos ation-adven- sessantly aa lantnv:n,TeU- i6le price of d Gardener, hia calling, The Neuralgia Planer, for Xcur: Face, Nervous Headache, and Ea post, pad, on receipt of Eighteen- ( stamps. , ENT. ’ J Ti >**' a "alg, a ana Mtiuwir Pi size,) for Pams in the Cheat, Shoul or any part af the body, sent post ceipt of Thirty-seven cents. • r Address,! ( . , 1 : Tribune UulVdingP, . Dr. HurtTt HOIJTH WASH, TOOTH pn*' DER and TOOTHACHE sent by mail* but .they can jirobkily leli* tained at, your Drug or Pcr'iodi&i i, they cannot, send to us'.for -! tK e l ufvtii TREASURY, Price, Use BoLuAil if tains them: > 1 TVOwl “T / -IRE.: DR' WORD'S PBEPIRvr hft ■ u>/ Tljc best eridenccs that they are i , Jt’a* 1 firmest friends anil best patrons atstLiii • ! hare used thcnvlongast. i>r. TFts'ZijtS'i an eminent Dentist of. ! the New Yoijk State Dentists’- n «y these preparations have been £ rate practice for.yenrs, and-V, Un,it n , .of Brookiyn dr ' excellence, while "eaufiem heati-i, r,-1 v ' York rccommend't hear a« Z. I CI Nc * the prolhssionh ing, dealers have soli tic ■ JThe Editor the e are nappy t e know M fr: . Hurd, is succeeding- hevon.l sit wtort.i;}' : ■ with-hit MOUTH WASH snd l>miVVbv:, DER. The great 'secret of hi«-5w w > s m\s*- with t h ola ct that hi* article* art p r a,:r\> thry arc rrpriiented to be, as tee am iwiiij jhcir'ionff.ucc.ll ' - ■ ' ' ■ ' The well P.‘ T. B: found ! y Our TOOT 11. POWDI family hare used it all;tip; powder fot (he teeth we have. feel obliged it you will set ply at the Museum at* your bill.” ' i h .•, '. But their is so small ich we beg 10 think of :opy, '.{bree :ear f §5,00; Ten Copies, ft One Year, iiu the year. !, at will o d copy .tor :e. to ar copy ipiijj ’.stopped mljessre-or -i ~ • unless : applicants. EAS, :iprietor. 62. , IR ” comic and i America—; n sharp dial say that* itij bat- it has a ’know where s somethin.", —Atlantic test the matter for himself, Beware of the ordhi Dr. Hurd’s Tooth Poodcr i nor alkali; uor charcdal.Un wearing the ensiiiel. .SjL’sc : WHAT WlLij HR. - HU! I. . EFFECT Dr. Hurd’aMouth Wash will give young ladies,'that, man—a sweet -breath !and them, ladies r Remarkable I a vivacious, rnallsts.’i— ice as that of elJer. ■ |- thing at the not return a d spoils.’”— . 5 Dr. Hard's Mogf h Wash 1 and Tooth Will cleanse.the 1 mouth fro n ail! foul cxluih lions, and if used in the morninr. will iniit the bretrkfnsi taste sweeter and t|ie day Wk ’more pleasantly. ' Hundreds ,6' : persim? cn testify to'tliis. - Try them;.gentliiwn. j , . Dr. Hurd's Mouth'Wash uul’noth are the the nest prepnrauo is iri ihe nljrl|J ic .curing bad breath and gi ring} firnmess health to. the gums. Hundred.* of csij tjl" Diseased lileiding Ginas,' S ire Xutith. etc., liave been cured by Dr. H tvd’s aitrit:- eni wash. .. > . » J’, . Dr. Hurd's Mouth Wash and fooi'n giveian additional , charm to c.ourtsliitl . ihnke husbands more agreeable lo their hhe and wives to their husbands. They sijodi-i if used by every person having j ", I i 2jA fl TIPI CIA % ,TSf. Tti.\ j tvhich hrelmbleto impait atainttd tbeor- 1 ' ‘Dr. Hurd’s Toothache Droops cure -T’V ache arising from exposed nerves, end-ate at •best friends t hat parents can have in thchvi! to save their.children from .tort .ire are} tot' sclves fhom'loss of-sleep and sympathetic ering. . - : ’f -i. i F- -netkeli^ :?y -• mccess which iblication of ce that with Volume,;' is eaturos. both duced; which st’of the pa ond position o leadings ■ ERICA. )lUP,SDAT. . armors and mechanics! joucaiiDO’.f>. ford to neglect yo l;r teeth. ■ •Eorn4i‘lrti|j!!' l ' u yJ •you can . now get preservatives. than vuci Rothschild or Aslor. can get tothiiig bt'-tc. Remember that Hi/tpepsia and] Comuiiifti'' 1 f the Lungs often 'originate in neglect, olTTee'A Send for T realise on Teeth, ,and'«?<!. ft, Fitch’s'. observations on this subject, -h lM late to arrest decay id ytiur own teeth, »»t* your children’s-teeth. 1 I ~ NEURALGIA PLASTERS—Vr. Rums Neriralgia Non-Adhesive.Plasters art} the most pleasant and successful remedies crcr prcscn cd for this gainful , disease. The patient- ap plies one, soon bfoomcsißrowsy, tsUs hs/ e P; arid awnkOwTjree' frrita pain.yiind no jMktfl 1 cr other unpleasant or iiy uriousoonse'VteMes ( -’ sue. For Earache and A’errouj. S R ply according to directions, and Relief surely follow.. Nothing oak be obtained ?■# to, Dr. Hurd’s Compress. fpr[ Neuralgi*- them. They are entirely, a novel, cririfhs it* original preparation, and k , gnderfuliy : i/e cf f', ful. They are of two sizes, one small.'!f“‘] face, price 15'Cents, and the other,ylarge.J;; application itb the body, price 37 centf/ " w if, mailed on receipt of price find bite-etaap. ; WJIA T ARE THE PEOPLE DOfSG-i. The American people are intelligent Siongl” apprediatepreparatibnsthat contribute s-Tt/ to happinriss of those' using them. sRi wont them. Every mail brings ns letters/fi ordering the Treatise,on Teeth.- some-ihe;.e , ‘ - , ralgia Plasters, ‘and not a few enclosing/ 1 jR for tjie Mouth Wash/i to be sent by tMl'i, V to those ye* art .compelled to reply that}« ' impossible (.0 send a half-pint bottle hj Thepeople ;want‘ these Remedies. Wr. i mpptS tkemf , i| | , Now is the' | 1 - • i i CH;A:NCEr[OB 4GENX3'i Shrewd agents can, make a email 1 carrying these articles around/ofamilies-, _ Dental Treasury is the neatest article man or woman can carry around. c /r ~ one and see, or, better,' a dozen, w “i • will sell, as samples, for $7; Agents spp? liberally with circulars. Now is. th > to to go into the business, to do good. an a profit. '.We are spending' thousands fb benefit of agents; New England men j men! ; hero'is something/nice, and aca take the tide atits -flood. Address, t r . WM. B. HURD . Tribune Buildings, New,»^ . That remittances may lie mnde wii| , R...;, donee, W. B. H. & Co., refer ,to the Frooklyn; to O. W. Griffith, President / 'Wlika Citizens Beak, Brooklyn; W’.j,, hjy New York; to P. T. Bsr»»^' k, V ' mkjto«.,*ts. i , i, and at the iassad-street, .dvance—Six' 3 ill'be sent to .$5 00 ......20,00 , five.xcopies. •’ and numbers TEPHENS, . 13 Nausau-st. r-York. T’S ■ ■ fashions, AddittOlU, ttain's FASBTON - SI ZED iSES, !' , Sleeve, 1 and a of Now . PATTERNS, gravinga of Trimmings, I i, ’ \ (llinerS, Dress generally,! pre f ashion Maga s'S Broadway, 1 t 25 'cents,’; or i]>t of the ain't 0 with 1 the fol- ) entitled to-a. lent 8 worth of i in the hook, iy may he or e during, the Canvassers. i ymerit. i A !•• 9 \\ £•4 V D’g ETB ' 4*tn ASD ’ < rt P» lift, rac^u,. ,stli • ster dere, Bak Paid, oar z : ’•[W- l'eti irrttim Writes-/ --I R so gsU‘(Ut mv M 6. Jlft'l it i*/li 't,:. ever itrsiii jl'; al/a’i >1 me liiiioilicr hi(-, :ouven'ien£t; triti hal'tjverv IjncEir •T.; , , .ry Tojoth Pijsnien. iiu| (tci-j.- |l polishes 10 other. 1 i *U> r Ul-MEUifi 7 . -4 - ,-'i | . aui Tboih ?o^r finest charm in vv 'Carh ieetii..| 3rr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers