:. £0J&Bli lT2££€£,' •. u^p-- ; ;^-^ 5 -■ *; ; -^-« ■ - -,'; 11 v' >yL _ ■ Wfy g l3, 1864. y!--\ : j‘- ■■■'S 0 -tSR«E, Editor & Proprietor* ]^.'%f; T ;*V:’l,'," v M ' TERMS'^ ) -' i * Dowjl* ajuj Firtt Jmmtb ,■.’'-i )J ‘;.. - - ■£ petiwiai' » . v , .| f\. •/ Gfl will be charged. No -paper diacoutliiaed V ..<^9 tnril aB arrearages are settled. : ' j ■; ,// :'| '■■ jg-Letters and communications, by|mall ; v : } . ;'., . I tall five prompt attrition. '•' ,'- )> * 4:0“N O. 15, ■ ■■/.,' ■ JJ^BiVer UTILE ANNA is SLEEPING. Br 84 MUEIi 'EAfiBER. flowers are budding.iittle Anna •is sleeping; .i. ~ ' Wbejve the beantifal rose; us white . • , leaflet discloses; ... Little Anns’ loved flos*e*B,i and now,' ' ,ihejr are keeping ' ; ;• “Tbeir watch o’er j the place! where ' she calmly regha&s. ! ( • T-ittio. Atma is sleeping ! jThe birds are all singing i | So- sweetly ' wit ere .woodbine arid/ myrtie are creeping; ' I : Jroin tife hawthorn ,and hedge the soft v ■ down they are bringing. for their nest in ibe troo npkr where . ' .' Autia:U;>l«Ppi^‘:.. !I. ' ’*■ . r -‘fr. ' j ■ The m:ii lie., of twilight is , ' . Val inir. .- j •And shadowy waves o’er hid ■'■.'/ --arp'sweepiiigj' ' /■ ’ * Wbiieiiiile vqicd of the'turtle seems -plaintively calling ‘ Tbe birvl? to their-vespers, where , Anita is slccpplgp. ■ 'p ’ . , . zepbyr-llke winds,; ; A \ trom-tbbcceaa, ~ ' '„ ' ! . tfiVre flowers are. (blooming and is*weeping; • I ■*'» llj y rest-". -icls I'oriimijtica, Bathe geiitJe iby pebb!bs,\itilu Anna' \ ~u jj -sleeping.. ,i. ; ’•|■ - ’ SoLBU.-iS' After th.e. Wak.— Macao- rfi^Z'~.\' •’ . j - lay in 1 1i.e portion of his history l-clat- .-[* This day I bad been especially at ijjg. state of English society at tentive to iny errand, hardly allowing i!:-c of .the ..Revolution touches on a myself to look up. from my bargain curiously_-- .pavaU.elod in pur { ng * ome >,«ble .auniV or I undo, ovrn &peukn::~ ot the \P. U , - , ■ ' , . , - " !’W-< that Were- then entertain I 1 know lbat a P u,r ot ?>.W"‘ .y as to. the result lot disbanding i' eyes were looking down fro>q the pi 'tirpftiw ell’s army and throwing its j azzia, or female ears were listening,cn ■ anruiy elements back into»society he j fiously, to catch any little mattercon ■' ' , ... 1 peeled with that might ■J lie troops were now . to be - ais-i i . . WnacaV Firty thousand men, accu.s- j |> e; of j->merest ~With,.With ,'thrs vihuoas • tented to profession of arms, werej/pes.ol.vo stpongiy upon- pie, I. was' a! once thrown on ; the world, and ex-'Blightly faken back in.-the-miiist of prrienco scented to warrant the' belief acquisition of a dozen of ducks ami that this 'would' produce much mis- 1.. V ! KJ •> ~i I•„ , . . . a tew score of eggs, the, lawful per ry and dime —that the discharged- i . 1 - • bo , ... i.■ 1 ■•eierans would he seen begging in qtnsites of a stout wonch, by a sir ] /cfjjcrv. street, ,br.. wpufhl be -\jery-voice that struck something-if I ■ h«»ger to pillage. But no such i-e memory erves mo., calling “Captain!” ' tHr.v f -I-.'."veil Tn a few.months.tbeke I _ I ■' ■, 1 ' ' , I ■ rAtiuiiiied not.- a trace indicating' that \ 1 ra, H .?***> to see above me, t tfenw-r, army' 'mi the’; •'»h the balcony, Mrs. Grant Wothor- '' wvift'.l hud iu-t been- absorbed into (he : bjjc, onbe .Hiss Kate Cortical, and once las.rvuf thv icommuiiiiy. Too royal my acme of -perfection and Virginian K, ‘it*lk / : n^riwspd_lh J.-- ——err——r depiCtmct M- /ici.ict uid.ust.ry.- thy- submitted -to have my <fis.-sr..’r.f warriors prospered - beyond I i - .. . . ,v„ «t/.er>e«;# i .t none was heart tbrn into minute sht-eds-by be t -wnh 'au : \ iliofl or vohhcry; j trig present at the wedcling where the 'was heard to ask any f alrus; and that!, 1 beautiful Kate wastransformed into if c bsUur, a mason or a.Wagonor | ajciiirs.-.draot Wetherbce; and yet upon tivotod notice hv-htn and i i y. - . j,i.u nnrx A sobriety. U ,oat in all probability, one S lanee lhat fiamo h bw0 1 d ; Qlu-er’s \oU soldiers. 1‘ *| |-Led with something, yory like the old —!■■-■----■ v •’ j lpve, bounded so forcibly, indeed, that • A Tritk Wife.—A man w-hp hiyd |me springing off my.horse pnd .'str.!P.j|cd with, athiatignaut discaseLup- 0 i to (he .verandah without further,. l prca'-’;i«fd that crisis in its 'stagej on'j. I . ’> whcli hfs life seemed tddepeTid. His U - , ! ~ ’ v mn tn td! .inxmus. wife, scarcely-:‘during | to- IreUtlm, was* sitting .by his.bed; [her! exactly how glad we were, to meet. .wrpihis.oxhaJsted by constant, watch- i li'r-ay because I can speak eonfi- W-tirid. all left her.-.' It was past myscif, arid lam ns. sure, if ih.T ’g-ii. In tiic sr.illncFS of the night, a • 3 ■ 1 XT • , . • ■■'X'ndnw open leln-.v "siairs, and soon ; ddmit for my fair ftfend. 1 ■. after approaching footsteps. } : A m;o-1 w'puld jnow do. hut I must enter,.and ■ .■-•wni mr.’re,"und a man with his face ( |)]i4rtcs of 1, the. fair ones, who would ; 1 %ui ? ec! entered the cqb®. .{§>«* I gto-et ilhsido were'rehearsed-' A more . Stai.tle ••I'aM.fyiiiUjr.o: th« ot, Uie ui(«el- L u v i j p : i ■] •. f ‘ -! •’tfme.thtrud'en,shopointed to her-bus- j have yielded, when I beard the p»o y*A'!. ; jand’ prcsiingi her finger-upon ! inisa of finding in tho parlorsjtwoof the her m iiisdry silence, held' out cilegant women of Virginia,.firm;* its voo.o, her pnrsf and friendtl of mine in the-past. . i To-iicr. great surprise, he, took noitn~ ;,.• i j . t Whether . lie was ferrifWd'i,,or j "I bejicve'that they Were stneemy-j . r'ha--;io-l by tho courage of her affco- jgj'ad t<i see me,mod I will not offer an ' Wm,'cannot, be known. Tie leifi the :. a p 0 ] O J v t q r yielding to the gordlal in • SKSSa ;f P T eT upon mo^>at tif.i;. he'departed i .jshdmld . spend an hour or two with, ■ ---■ j iljetri; and shard, what a soldier lias Pr.Rso.vAii OriNioNs FjLiEEi.Y Ex-| seldoh offered to him, a bounteous and rni.s-.KD- r 'jf ho Yojrk r ,jfined.tca*taljle. • •'. '[■ \P'M hast been shown d. bundle ot: ji ,T tF ;,7__ ' tWriwight flvrf dollar” notes .on the hI could I help a?- •; r.'.tuiown. Bradford,. county. Pa , j after f topping out upon tbe verpdah, | bank', which have James Buchanan’s [and sending my men about two miles Portrait igyav-ed upon pnq '.corner, LArbstj tbc c'ountrj’. to a mill, jwhere tba-flotos arql.woTjl T to obtain some-sacks of' ■“Traitor” is written,across Buchanan s , ■■ , • i .. forehead; ih? others! (he letter “T” is eprn, with orders; alter .that, to join ( ‘ VaudeJ; oplonei the «!fo! lowing word? the' regiment, artd report mo .(absent appear; ‘ Give- him his deserts:’'’ on | niitil c.ark. Ths.tea was despatched, pother is -written, ,f Ye ould di y.i J ” i a hd Wfe returned to the'parlLr; but I *ntl still another bear? (he insorptior.:. 3 ■ l .'■ ■ . . J hFal.-’e'to’hts counlrv and bis-God, my, fair hostess would not hear me. W to tM .Democratic praty.” speak of departure yet. I must play Some at a loss pne, game of chess and drink some of , to. express tbeijr cpnlerjip; in words. t j, a f sunerb sherry I! was wont tb ’ to symbols -one! has drayrn.a \j a / befo vhcn i it made copperhead snake wriggling through H “ J A •'the month of Buchanan, anpthcf t dee-jpqrt, of her father s cellar. Cbesi ./orate* the head with a-cap and bells, ; sherry, with one of th* most beauti _ » third endosos'the neck - within j fjjj wcinen south of Mason tmd Dlx-- which is attached to a gipbot- |^ n . s ,| no , ’ J waB but /’ a ra anj,and I ; |4 r ""‘. I 1 knew that our lino ■Bi^V'- b,d P T rSaye th f Ge Hf al Ld passed on,and that I should have .ffagg. broughthis array to ,snch a ..... • 1,.„ thorough coin] i-tibii qf. discipline [as to a uard, and perhaps a risky, p •pike it a more qmpUipe. Wp be- qvertkkc them. • j ' (hut General Grant has run that J | Tb ) chess had advanced but a Kttlo ; aC lae '. :j. i ■ i way, and I was.conscious.of spending Lucretia . Clav, wife of one of the happiest-hours of my exist- Honry Clay,died or( Wednesday bight, fence, when the dqorof tb® room was f,|.the residence ojT her son, Jblin A£. I thrown open five gentlemen in ky, near Lexingtob, aged 63 years, j (be uniform of offiderAin the Confed “ brate service entered: As" quick as lightning I glanced intq the face of (he tlaree ladies who were ■ myj enter- Driiiers, add se quickly Ebecame con- f.Senate bas passed a bill • fiU ' n ® 1 i ’ lenr '9 : (;f constables five • Ps I was; not Taken Prisoner. ; I»was serving as qoartennastcr of the —d'New York State jvplurfteers, in the valley of the Sbehunuoab, la the spring and the day | t-o which jaj star/ relates out iwith.ja; foraging party ofimy\own men. j I am. a WesjpYirginia by birth,; and was consequently pretty mpcb at home on the ground over which were [traveling. "our. column' was advanc ing,'and I/barely allowed it to go': out pf. sight. \Ve,did not do our forag ing on the rebel plan of seizing every th >hg on which, wo could; ;• lay oar y funds, whether it belonged' to friend iivldej and appropriating |iy forge j * Earths; bat went out with a sizea ble roll of greenbacks, and paid, ask ng prices for every bit on provender Drought: back to camp. : : ] Many times excursions I ■vail tempted to renew, some of ray friendships of years gone |bjj,' and drop i i upoaryihe wayside mansion's rather as a guesf than a biiyef of pigs andj poultryf'but l resisted the! ineli* reason that it was bard where I might find friends, and whqre.ffoes, who, though they might be.onJV passive ones,'had it iti their |jmwer| to make my call( un- |-pleasant one. ->-■ 1 * iscapo '' t,,, „.. 2 - - '• ' • ' ', ' - -.•-•',:-. t .)-i.e-t, . S-;' , 41 - ,',. ~ ..',,,:' , - , I.ri; . s , 1 , . 1 - •,-,.... -,,,, .: f;•,.....70. 4 ,,.. .. ,•-.:„.... •,- .: -I 4 . ---,,nri.,,, i ......i......- , , J 4 "\.. • ' -- ',l -- 1 ' - . Rai l s_. l .:o- 1, 6'3l. j.... 1.1.,... - ,I , .1... -. 6/ ~ L... - ~,..: •- , a'a't.. .tl, t '..- ... ... ditf/11 ' " SIII I7 r .1 •. .. . ' '' - 1 • , ' ~. 1 .'-. ! C ~ t .' ' '-' • • r . ...i.f WI ' - .41 .1 ...C: 1- 77 t1 :' :. ' ''ili :. 1 1,114.7 ! - i • ' ' r - ...t."- .„;c::: • ~„.......;,,,..0 ..r.: •.;. = ; :t ~;11 . : ,„:r .._ ..... :1 -.;:,' '.l l _. '.' '''' : • '...F" I,` I, l ' ,1 , i . , , .1 Kt. . ... .-- ~ ; • Irt. - 4. 1 , .. - 4- " --. S. • .1.'"j": , l _ • ' 4. ,,.'.., --p;-,- , - -,,f.,7 . 1 - - . . - z . ' - , - „ ..;, ; ..14f1 , ):1.,. g s ~, •- •fly; A r 1i.7" ,, ,.. hit ..... •,, tt • ; „, • T,11; ,S . - •14' vinced’ ißfey were Injuoceht. Fortu was enabled to .preserve , my presence qf mind, and when Mr. Whetherbco said: Foote, me to present Col. Ashby.” ; i rb?e quietly, and . making his hand, responded: : “I am happy to meet one of whom. T beard so much.” . ‘ - Then, with ah introduction of the pthers of the party, we. became seat ed". |1 Cannot help admitting that there was a momentary embarrass ment with' all the piirty, and for a minute nobody spoke.. It required the jtsct of fi. woman to rectify thisj it was lectified inatan ,ly, and the con- Versation-flowed smoothly. Oar chess was dropped, but our jsberry was, dis cussed, as well as every topic but that |of the war. This was a tabooed subject, and hot one word was utter ed on'either side that would have led the most careful list jner to: believe that yve wore soldiers' warring against each other. • . ■ It would be'useldos during this time my oing on all| things.befi which 1 was talking, was'. Colonel Ashby’s j. there was Just the shfi: whether be meant to felt. L could not hel •ious gh|nees occaMoi Kate’s face, to see il there anjy indie,ation o as often - 1 saw an un cognizance of her posii of my suspicion .. At lust .tho - time must bring the matt> I ■ '. •.. . and I arose tf. depart., end iniiglit,bc, 1 did. Ashby frieftda in mjr face or manner that I-for an instant k\ termination to our into; I ha'd niadeup my. mir ken without a struggle a.fciy nights before tl officers bad been capti on a visit to some fai bur linos,, and' the aervcfl. for bard jokes < worth a bit of figbi, thorei avoid iiOt only being taken prisoner, Gittbifuig taken in so ignoble a, way. i> I bade my fair good nigiit'i regretting that ii would be so long ire t could sco the m again,and ad vancing to do tbo same by Col. Ash by atld bis friendp,. but found them on an theii feet and preparing also to de- Ipart. 1 shall never forget the .minute that it tbok us to roach the pwz zn; it. seemed’an age. : I had picked I up my Sword by the way having tin i .huckiod and stood it in a corner of the j room! when I sat down to chess, and ’ grasped it lightly by'lbo scabbard in ! my left baud, prepar ed to use it on ! the siiighoet demonstration. -My horse I stood; fastened’ with in a few tect, ■ and i felt that if I.once got over his back] I had’- no tear of the whole, ■ ,1 . | ’ ' - . ■ '4- party. ,i • . It was japt dark, ’ an ibstan Hooking on ecap(|. Every inomci words, ‘-Captain, yo er !” when f noticed a look of inlolli (renci pass between the Colonel and his adjutant: 1 gra sped my. sword tighter andllooked iri the direction of their eyes, and, with a great bound of the-heart, saw my owe men coming I slowly up"toward the house. 1 , W hether i they -n ; 6. deceived and believed theih.a scpia< of their own, in the dim light,’ or rctlly kpew \vliat theyt wore, and trusted to my gcncroi-' ify, i cpuld j not tell; but after they had fairly emerged into the road I lurried towards my companions, and with ono glanoC into[their inscrutable faces; ex tend'd niy hand to .4jdihy: • “I inusfbid you good night, Colonel; II set a fihs-hT my men. coif)ing,«p af per iiio, and it might be nnpleasant.for you to meet them..” 1 j “t pod night,captai '--I thank’you!’’ j whs ill the response, ahtUn a moment I was on thy horse a id had joined my menjrwho had returned they migh t warn me of Htveral wandering parlies of "robs” they knew lb be out, and prevent,me from being picked up. ®1 never knew whether 1 was a pris- eveningjorj not. SSyrimobg a party of slaves' that, arrived in Boston horn Virgihlia to enlist in a Massachusetts, rdglment, waJ oxio who was ranch whiter than fyiijy white men, and would he takbn, from his appearance, for a slave. His family connection is some whit singular, ho beipg a son of his grandfather-and a brother ofhifltraoi therOi* , to deny that mind- was rail- I ido those upon; I knew, that I j risoner, though j low of a doubt! enforce |the for >' stealing anx ally! into Mrs. (' her beliet and comfortable re ion and the fear came »wh(siV' I (i,r to ’ an issue. , Whatever Jthe not intone! that i should se% it nf taking Iloave pspected Such a “"View. In.fact, ■d not to be ta , aa it was but at. two of our ired, while up : ones outside, incident ho' ■n the now * one] who a*o«o utterly: sttgiid fa lavish that they haygnc vet* 1 that the rebellihiram ih s'Cori stUulJqir. Iqfl: • To Hear fir,flaw -To woalij jbe treated ns i meanest Awhile- k >» “jnadsils' u gi -easy' meAafaici.f I ! uphold! hg, the very, flo i'd&r grade labor and 4® 1 no) owjn negroes. , .‘. ( ;j ; 1 " To blear them I and, the South] who th< hood and dec|siihy to gb'Sout j seek a new bohie. which they/ h i w J:- j To hear a nigu who lores/ si } in ore than ins 'fetfanlrr* otSßMnio To Hear a drunken, headed, gaahl-looking lihiyjpoD liood, belching out aholitfiih/%. ; , To ijear a man talkingTanbhtl and compromise after Leshas kicked and spit:upon by tlio.&)i ' Qsicegd \- <\ * I could read : Totfcir 3lr —The [following ihjcfidOnt by a boiiledeyatc j tendanit, who, |:by,rnany ac|s’.of ness, bad won Ida i , I was BOarbhing for * the dead and dying upo’n/S battle-field, when I discov'- gold locket up|)D the persi boy, apparently about of ago. l As 11 endeavored from his grasp, heojiencd eyes.a rid implt irodrao, by nu ref byfflie' - elipck at parti wear it near lieath Ctlre, konl in ed|]— l: Gh!'to tu -e|i” i=' • •; . •- As the lust jivordk faltered, up tongue, his voice, hifshcd in deal' the dii i light of the stars I h rsfooput a .shallow, grave, and 1 thru wi ,h his sister’s picturedyi ott his areast ’•’•••, . A Win; ovuus.—Tbo f jng occurred rliot many’weeks .a “Pray tell tjiw my d«ujr, what of those bars ?" j . “Oh. ffuch disgrace !”i- > j “ WatU-wltoi is it, ijiyvdear , y; conspiracy .it riot, keep mo ip jsusjiense.’’' I belongs, wp-extract thpfob “Why. .1 - bravo cloned one ot-ypur ‘bo Coles Coujity Ledger letters, supposing it addressed! at 4 self. Certainly It looked mondike recent massacre.) and.; wfoch has ! - 'i,,. ~ ■ i • i j'ears been the -Democratic! organ ”! that all ? What; ■ bar! !an couniy, but!' not da sympathy there be in a wife’s opening he- bus- ** *?“? ' ii itor of.the Chicago Times and Sionff xr i ' 1 •' ii v*.*' •J ! f hnV O’Hair tvlid 1 are ' for', dishonorable “No harm"; in the thing itself; hut u ciair, w«« ■ "V.' , , . the contents %' Such a disgracel" •• wi'jh j Southed /flbels but for. .“What! has any one dared to, writ? bloody; war! with. thoijr ;loya ne.gh wife _!4 ,1 , their right ‘uamos.aud boldly, denoun- Wl ‘tOh, r.o. It is couched in'thi Jposl oes the miscreaow ■ who doom the , T ~ j -I i T I •voT.nmr of the'United-States nmfoim chaste.and gentlemanly language, lan- .vearum o too y , , guage. But -iho .contents ! UVb con- an offence of death. _ b -. b ■, - I ; ' ; - ; “The- rebels,', were, supplied with - u ‘£ ts - ••.- k •, . » f . ii ‘. arms' from 1 iif wagon in the street, - Hero the wjifo buried her face in her bro|l; , hl ‘there expressly for their use. handkerchief! and commenced fobbing Their attack was madjo'iippn the sol out while the husband eagerly fangHt diorsi as we have, .stated, but it feoms up the loiter | and commenced .Ruling ro the epistle, tljo innocent means hear- r 0 the |riiolc rOad with; them” ly breaking'bis wife’s heart.-. Jl IMS •* * » W a j£ stern war, staresUia in a bill from tie printer for , three pears the face. It fs being. lbrougl)tl to our 1 > liaskckr.afelodK good times tind his recent Jnbnto to , b J^ n df[ tnemj —they: are traitors, the women of America is an; instance moro, tiothi'ng lesB—it is also of this. He hpoke'for aU the,men of | proven that,their isjijo middle ground A-** siiig which concludes the manly and, | be fiff, whose duty it is to serve all characteristic speech: , ; 1 { processes, tr&ko arrests, stc., has left “I am noti accustomed to use the b j s home, bis duty, as. a worn jpeaco language of eulogy; 1 have never stu- officer, and is now rallying pends to died the art of paying compliments a y him in ;ah effort to put. down those to women, bnt;l must' say that if all who . ar e, in] support of iho Ueneral that lias been skid by orators sbd po- Govcn nont. To-day,wo have bad tuo ots since the’ creation of the wprld ip a (jj em i»- and, sad- duty topertorm; o, praise of womep .were applied tothe interring ffifelcss oa 7 • . .< women of America, it would poi do so idier boys, who fell by the hanos them jUßiice for their conduct ;|duriag the ; r former friends and neighbors, this war. God' bless tbh women . sad. 'spebtafele y - y ltd we all stood ~upon ■ the land it I expected tiro i are my prison- > <vhcu sbe kissi g, that I would a'i my heart, in- Hi n, am 'if thtowinl ltd the plea, ho exc uch aot my sister] This is 'a, cotopliinent, lo but -every .word of it is true. Account of the attoad (lU.) ; ’i ha f ditor of thkcihfcago P<k, Mr. damcsW. Sheahan, has paid a visit tp fi?!** the seat of ,tlie latb copperhead emeute, and has 'made a iiiOßt (thorough and impartial inves tigation of Ihe whole matter, Shoabau's account confirms that of the special correspondence of the Chicago Times: It is established that there is, ikSpatberp Illinois at deist, |a ijsecret association pf trtitorsL ’ A of .thera section of thq, country known as thpQ’Hair Settlement, near traitors niado;anarrangement W,gtriit4' a blew {or tb& by- a general/ massacre. of on furlough, in and about MaUe&b,-;- f£r : - a /^mporatio l rape ting,” nod it wasanhon need that ti»e. democratic mcraber/pf .Concroes of' tbat.dißtript would speak. ;ij V . -The day fixed tha v iueetiog' was and the da}’, oofcwUich it wnis k'njyivn a( of sfehiiors vyould fee unarmetf, aiid .oh |betr way, backto ;itfee:ai|my., .ojyforfey men; from |feo ijettlo pjaen&tho TitQes Bays, jihpdethqii] otherihad ehotganaand rifiesilddmi in the ir wagpns. !; ’ : - j !^-- | It was understood that jsvhonevoc a lafeot was.fired; it%bphld fee the signal forcommenCingthewholaiale- assafl-i sination of the arm jdd .copperhead wap; at pace tojiro np (on the blue uni{bim whorevftp.pt, ap' peared. A.; moro infernal plot was I never cbnceivei; fey'.thh' hesaasica ,5c the dark ages. ,Tho; appointed Igajd* or of- fho conapimbra, i one 2fel»on Wella.soon managed tp s get intcanal tercalion with a soldier* and fired up on him, thus giving th? signal for the Waaacfrp, , Baya' / tße -eofrea wndent of the a second two, the mho. firdin 'O-JETair'a £Jqt responded to. the* signal, and • ‘ v" pivis' ijmd ke so : iJliisb i ia*Q : pepce been Mated in at~ kipd- roong ierte'd I small iagi a'reader,. . lford»<- fl6d like ihe guilty, thing ~ ov “ I)aujihiD,. . -i, gammons; SttEiHAii'a . account ' o f *part of Lanchat^r. giyes other to aiipw th& of given j i 18|42/ jl the Copperheads by thosoldiers, and part Jefferson, Clojardeld i the deliberate’preparations of the for- 25. Jsrk* March, ijSOO, mer to massacre ■ ifco latter. -The! part, of Allegheny. , Democratic memberof Congress Jnol E; Eden.-rwaS alarmed when he ( F £ rest , April, 1848 ed , the blpcjdy • vfork in, which- hia part|Of,Jetferson. j friends were, engaged, and hearing the , 28} Franklin, Sept,' 171 signal of murder given, fled} frdm' the a town and, walked twelve - miles to a part of .tydiordP | ’ f railway station, and made the best ot jpy (jrecne Fep, 1(96, hia way to Washington. ‘ part of, Westmoioland. ■■ ■ % ftirdtr Ms .be iV *"** iw fe'/ or g'his w°\ : pp.'?- •njhis By astily Loried ,g up lllow- Egli is the Do Bare, the rebel j side, d*bej. - . pjih double eUme we ure forced to ■ i; ' \y- I- •: I ■ ’i /■ ■ :-’ 3 M,-v m {l . - , -/ , ~ /'• a, •. \.y •V v r]:::: |l|il's Establish ••; i cob Jess that thejHigh fsJheriff of our cooutv, John o’Hair, 'WhoBj3 name is enough, Jto poHutij th© tongue ot til man in| speaking of itOs ,lbo recog nized leadci. 'Ki. ■ • ■' []" Ij'-; ■! The Counties 'of P ; '-* F ’ ‘ L I :). . ; Names and date - of the. erection of the several counties "of the Comtaon- ■ Wealth of Pennajrlvaniaj and the ter ritory from which, they Wore! formed} the three first counties Of which they wore formed, to)' wit: Philadelphia,/ Bucks dad; chesteri iweri established of Pefihs.ylvania. original&dntiosr ;of a|i ; tjhat, tomth»yi romprSea *h.' ,l 'r&'i finis? January, i 8M Sftflfen&tbf ljHslMe|^T*lte^ tso& Se jit ington. ; .’]. ‘ , ; ; ‘; /; ' ■ *'i.-.j -j S/JLrrostronifj March; 1800, 6f' a: parti Of [land and Lycoming. i| ■ | •*'•; -;>-.. I,* 4.;;Beaver r Marchi 1800, formed ofa part of Allegheny] and VVT a^>ington., i > ; 5. , Bedford,. Match, J 771, lor mccj of [ a part of CaniDcriand i' - I 6. Berks, Jd arcil, : 1752, formed of a part ef Philadelphia: Chet ter, and Lan caster,-, ■' . ..... a.,, , 7/-J?lair, of a part of Huntingdon anil?Bedford. ’ 8.! Bradford, Peb, IBl6,|t6fnied of a partiot Luzerne and j’Lycoming. ■ 9. j Bucks r t)ne ot, the three original ,of the Province.' 10| Butler, -March,! 180' a part, of Allegheny. ■ r 11 Calfabria, March/ 1 jpi a Huptingdoi erect.- ~.. r - 12. sQamptnn, March, i 1 .of a part of Clinton, Elk, Po*:;-] ' I 'V.V t ‘-13/ Garhdn, March,lB a part ofTSTorthumpinn - v 1-L Centre,- Fefcj, 1800, part, of‘Mifflin, Nortbuml coming andiluntingdon. j 15-. Chester] oho jof the original bounties established jat th[e first 'settle mcutol the Province: j 1 -16. t Clarion, formed of a part of Tonango ahd«4xmstrong. > 17. Clearfield, Marbh, MQ-4, formed of a.l»ct of < Lyef dhg. • . 18. Clin ton, 7 1830] formed of a partot ' vicomi d Centre. ia 13, * 32. Indiana, JlArch, 1802, formed’ ol a; part of Westmoreland and Ly ebniinp. .1 J , •. j. ‘ ; 33. Jefferson, March, 1.804, fojrmed of a part ol Lvcoßuntr. j ' : c ,i. - , , 34. Jnniata, March, ISSljformcd of j a partlof l j | 4 ... 36. Lancaster, IMay. 1729, formed of a part of ; = 36.jLiawrorice, Ma'ch, 1850. formed of a part pf Boa And Mercer. v , 37* Lebanon, fp)b,| 1813, formed of a part of Dauphin and Lancaster. ~ Si. Lehigh, March, 1812, formed of a.psirl of Northampton, j . 39. Luzerne, Siipt, 1786, .formed of a part of Northumberland. 30 Lycoming, j April, [1796, formed, of a: part of Nortlnimlx-riiind. ■ 41 M’Kean, a part of LycomW; • , ■ | - 42, Mercer, March,lBoo, ’formed of ! 'a part of AllegbCjiiy ■ ,» •' - i 43. Mifflin, Sept, IITiSP. formed: of a part of L’umbeijlanU and' Northum borlanfli , '■]' ■_ 44. Monroe, April a part of N’oribaJnptl 45. of a part of ■ Pinnule. 4G. Montour, May a part of. Golumb[ia. 47. Northampton formed 1 of a part (of t 48. Northumborluj formed of part of Li ; 49. Perry - ,, i March j a part of Canfber|an' 50. original counties Cfcta .settlement of thoSPrj ‘ 51. Pike, March, part of Wayno. ; ,52. Potter, Mai'ch a part ot Lycoming, ■V 53. SchnylkUl, Ms of a part of/Berks, w 54. Snydefj Marc.) a part of Union, j' 'j ’ 55. Somerset'Apr a part of .Bedford. V-l ,55.v,Sujiiyaaj Marc a part ofL'y-comW; off SH^tfueh'ahpa, of ; a part of Xjq 'U 1 =25213 VH* r 7 - f - - -f 25 eenU. A liberal; djaeonpt made to yearly aeaenred M i, pqaare.-j 1-j. , - Special noticee 25pe?etirt,j^Uaatbre* , «l*r "tea* \tf. fy' ,-..| - j,;j- ■ Eunices* card?, 75,ipenta-A<4ia% .par-yepr, • V Maitiagesand Deaths, AeHgJouv BbUifcaX and other Nqtices of a j jpublie nature, free.: - ~'. ■ .'■• ■ ■->- :_ = ,TiiH- , f>.. IN ia isis ,i : 58.. Tioga, March, 1804/ formed $Ta purtof Lycoming-- ; vf/%T[|i - 81). Union; March, 1812, fof|Bed,ef a, part of Northumberland.,’ ' v; ■ i .60, etiango, March, ISQO. ;'- of a part of A Ilrgheny and Lycdnuhg. !61, \Varren, r Marcb/;lBdo,.,formed ofa.paitof ' I March , -1796, fornied'bf a part.of.Northampton, ;N.. r; C -.%t;£ -63, Washington. L March, 1781, foam* cd of a,’pa.rl of Vfestmpreland. . 64.- tV’tsiunoreland, f*eb;. 1773,f0rm> • ed of it part ofßodford, and- ih;1785 part of tbo 'parcbasea of 1784 : was ad ded thereto. ’ i - ’ , „d 5— fomed .naylvania. travel frcca one end oF\AjM^<ea.u^ ; oilier; \rUhdnt no donbtthlawd : «ro the inost ifdly ' 1 courteonaJeiitJ^^i^etn’ to -"■:< •ih*' ■ •••■ it is perhaps ., pourteay is, ■ Wiiliihp •.'. .seari earatSpVingfiold,' : ' trawiptoppedfor dinner, and doiiberatPly piaPe seat where a hag and. trayelingUjfb£ii»f ’ ■ plainly' as; jt l : - spoken, that spine gentleman-Jtft lh%[ \ thelseat to. djine, • return. -In a few minutes becamet*l-'-' resume his /place, looked IS ashedlhn^pmim.if : Bhe.l - hand '■■hiMilhis which BWPoi*‘:- and.' tUen/> taking!. his j bag,! looked around for a land as I after#ara diaCqvcrod»:was.^pjged to push.on. td. the^smoking-oar-Before J fdn^-jppiri^ At another time a pedout of the opr for ir.g his shawl, and thftiw dye minutes; Hsie found -a tnan4, woman pomfortahly ensconced 1 in 1t.44' Uppn bis. polite request, ihewomani shaftl; but| in' neith’er, oa9o there a single Word or [apologyi from any.ibf the 'offendefs.f. As the £aaj| Chair ToaKod on arid paw the boorish-] ness of toe women! and the! true, cony- 1 tesy of . the men—for in' neither, in stance was . there lisle, least apparent ), formed of :804, formed u and -Som- .860,; formed 'M’Kead and 43j formed of and Monroe. , formed ofta norland, Ly-. Bntft' tli& l._ 170 Q and then ahswer^oq,^^i,C«|^QjflHP nvtr, uw, oble c^nrt^yv..t^l ft^^^pra»- r ™nri » you «ay, 4 ib:uiU ytfji/ ,n ; ■^9 l i > ♦orined «f a! behavior should be. Outraged yi -Ina. ■. ■ . presence without q‘fit of rebuke,'l n \ 7rq few?. ’ This's tiui verypoiirt} ot complaint, jM B '' ■' that i seat in a££ I#W crMec ~ fnrmod nf a the car mav be, and Imvrevfer tonyen* iont the seat for a ivaveler rda’king t long journey, is held, to be’ con l .nibr property:.howevoriit? possession may btfmarked. ] Let,;t,hati, either jOf thesi, women—and „ their- ndiiic- is legion ~ who may -chance ltd, Sfc;il these; lines ask herself how she reo tiini to a seat, iti which:she had left her-Dag or ishaw.j; for :*he purpotOjb i 'retaining 4 it,,and to' find it occupied without a wdr.d or even ;!ook 6t recog ihition. -Weido hot indeed buy* specific ‘seatin' a car,-E>.ut eammori courtesy- al lots that one to us which occupy or Bjus3 designated as ours. 14, formed of , formed.of a formed of a* ,1 19SQ, forrhedi of on iii'i Pike. '. sptl 1784, formed phia. ... ■ 1850; formed of ■i-'i , - ij March, 1752, Bucks. , , ,nd, [March, -1772, ikncnstor. - ..i -~ j • 1826, formed of rid. [ : r jonel of the three ablisbod-at the first •pvlpeo. -, . .1 ‘ IS Informed of a 1. j;V ’■ i | 1804, - termed ofi ISlirformad tartbamptpD. 55. formed of irch t ; M'.i ’9s,'formed of n.r lit; formed of h 1! ipeb >;* 1810,’formed Ellll ' ■.! \ '■ i % ~ . i'f- MEE ~~~. ' '•: - .NOTICE - .: TO.ADVElt - nllat ,•zifs..--; • • ; !:.;.i .. - .1-f. - : F ., . , .:7'.-:',,,si:, Loyalty of Louisiana Soldiers.^--'' Governor Hubn lias . jocejiyed-tho fwp; losing patriotic jitter, bj’rfiw ; ,j well known Oi eole .citizens- of ,Louis 4 . their own, behalf apd in bef ■ half oLtwo hundred and fifty of their ' comrades, prisoners 'in Oiimp MdrtorU lion. Michuel | Halid’ Goyernm ■df IheiSfate of Lotiisiana-rSir: The'pn dersigned have' hailed with'. uedlama|- tibns j'dur election as tlovernor ’of the, noble State to which-Wf belong -. ‘Ttßi i school: of misfortune has- taught"‘as : experience, and like you wc see tbit , | ihe bnly ; course yrorthy of; par nobjp Stale is [to risuraoi'her place, in tljp‘. iproud and glorious sisterhood tb/, jwniih she once tp . throw otf forever the eiirso 1 to pdr'instilutibns*, Wb believe slayerjy . I tolbo nolmofe, and pledge ourselves to assist .in j’our endeavors to eraw~ : cate that evil. Wo beg of you to help oiwc native State, and to jdero.anjl otir release from the aUlhontes at Washington. All citizens ‘:ofi libu«* iana, we wish to ieturn -o her and, as sist you ini the.. glorious work of Mf resurrection. ■ ’The oid,State, with its institution of‘ slavery, is, now dean; let now; ibo new aijd free Ststtfw Louisianaarise■ from, s the, aebpei her mother, and; glided by ; your able bands; assume in ouf Ug.ion the,, P?*#® to which .she is orttitled-| ■ Hoping, sir, that you will-listen to qur|prater and consider thls onr bumblc petiUOßvjeSe ; remain, .respectfully, .your obedwpt servants. ,v - n ■ Camp Moftdn,Tndtanapplfs Mar.*9 ■i-.- | Orleans Etd. . TKcteaiholic Telegraph, puhh«h«a at Cinciinna#, the Universe'At phia, and ißrbnsp i’i three of the'strongest Boittan Catho lic papers in «n ought Advocate* of the total aboli jUja'of slavery I. ?Q !■ MEI M = ! _ i ~'~~;~ 3 4!'~~_ ~µr~y,c MS - -i EMI ME ''.-:•-- ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers