I teems .of ' !>: r ri-rtn-f fliA iAc nr*? bonding* nre ! n« w.neat and conren ".'l UrrcoV vlvlcSt I lent; good Libraries. Reading BoOm and th<m«*hwd>*oU- Tuition perterm of fourteen |W sisr ■saa# SASanjAHxr.LA.haa been found to be £££* ex * ,eMe > ,ncl " dm 8 “t “*• of text WOttlly The" Fall term opens, August 18, ■lB6B. . the obnfldeaoe of the community. . Send for Circular. V I J. A. COOPEE. A. M., Principal. angs:Bm _ : |- j HON. s JAMES CbOK, j -/ ■ ' . Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. Hoir* ALStar beard, “ . f. ‘'Mayor ofHASHtTA, If. H. : HOH; E.-w; HARRINGTON, ' . Mayor of MANCHESTER, If. H. HbN.VOHN ABBOTT, r -Mayor of'CONCORD, N. H. EON. A. H. BULLOCK, Mayor of WORCESTER, MASS. EON, NATH’L SILSBBB,, f « \ | Mayor of SALEM, MASS. HON. P*W. LINCOLN, Jr„ ■ j • Mayor Of BOSTON, MA«a. HON. WM. Iff. RODMAN,, = i V ‘ | Mayor of PEOyiDENCE.E. L HON. Am'os W. PRENTICE, 4 - ’Mjayor of NORWICH, CONN HON. J. N. HARRIS, J-; J Mayor of NSW LONDON, CONN. Hon. cHas. sr b^dier. ; Mayor of MONTREAL. 0. E, D. P. TIEMANN, ‘ ■ Mayor of NEW YORK &CTT. HOE. H. M. KtNSTRBY, ! ' a ' |I- Mayor of HAMILTON, 0. W HON. ADAM WILSON, f |Y ! i . Mayor of T-OHOBTTO, C. "W. HOW. R. M. BISHOP, ’ , J , Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIOi HOW. I. H. CKAWPOBD, , , { ( Mayor of LOtrifIVILLB. ,Ky, HOW, JOlbl SIiOAW, J . ' . | Mayof of X't’OKS, lOWA. HOW. JAMES MoPEETEHS, j Mayor of |BQ WMANVItLB, O. W. HOW. JAMBS VT. NORTH, ' - > - Mayor of AUGUSTA, HK. H 'GSti km&Y COOPER, Jr.. , Mayor bt HADLOWELL. MX. HON JAMBS iB. SEEK, | Mayor of PBSPEHXCTi HON. WILL ABO NYE. l |M#yor;of .N#W BEDS’! HON. J. bEaISDELL, ■ M : Mayor of S’API. El’. HON. W. H, CRANSTON.j ■'• ' Slayer of NEWf’OHT, B. X HQN. FRED STAHL, , ' - I 1 .• j Slayorof GAIiENA, ILL. HON, JOHN HODGOeW, j' / | ! • liayor of DUBUQUE, lOWA, Hbw: THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, r JMayor of ;CHATTANOOQA, TENS. HOW. ROBERT BLAIR, i ' Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HOST. B. D. BAUGH, \ |7 fT Mayor of. MEMPHIS, TENN. HOW. GERABU STITU, j I Mayor of NEW OBLEANB, LA. jEOH. H. J D. SORAWTOW, / I , .i ' Mayor of BOCHEBTEE, S. T. HOST, DB W7TT C. GROVE, ' Mayor of OTICA| N. T. HI HO (. GEO. WILSON, ' i Mayor of PITTBBT7BQ. PA. c. h. buhl, ' Mayor of D2THOIT, MICH. ho; HEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MZTxWAU KLB, WIB. ho: r. W. W. VAUGHN, . Mayor of BACZHZI, WIS. ho: r. A. FARR, . of KENOSHA, WIS. r. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO; ILL, Ha Ho: iao; .. M. J. A. -HEATH, ].' ■ -Mayor of SELMA, ALA* r, A. i,J. NOBLE, '• ~ ! | of MONTGOMERY. ALA. f. W. S. HOLYBAD, j: ■- Mayor of COLUMBUS. OA r ESPARTERO MANTJELj- . j i. Mayor CHUB. Con pietre de caßallo, . ~ Mayor of MEXICO, •, DON-EBTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, j 'i’ / .• L Mayor.of HAVANA j DON ANTONIO ECQEVERA, i ]■ Mayor of LIMA, PEBtJ. I DON M." O. MILANGNp, \ 1 ' Mayor of!VALPARAISO, CTTTT.t i ho: ho: bo: bo: ST'MABO SESQUIPEDALIA. [Mayor ot 810 JAUEIBO, BRAZIL ifcy that tho resident! Drufcflßtahavd I assured thorn,' •! *j/ Certi er’s Sarsaparilla > A; jiciJloat remedr* and worthy the eoa* fldenco c S tits ccmnuaity. ' s '.. istz.' For SpVin.!; Disease*. •' f* ' For Purif.v lng the Bloods ''’for Scmfalc ct ElugU l£v{|t< 1\ For primers*., Vlecrr, and Sores*, \■“ i For Kmptlonr and Pimples* ' ' \ For Blotches, DlSlns, snilXalllt I For Aathoay l 9 Fire* Rose* or Err* For Tetter or ealt Rheum* 'slpelas* For Scald Head and Ringworm* l , ' For Cancer end Cancerous Sores. J s- For Sorsj b-'yea. Sore Ears, and Humors. .Fw Female Diseases*". , I . Fol- tupprcsiion and Irregularity. -' =i For SjrplUUls or Venereal Diseases* . Fair Clrsr CoiaplaloU. ' . 1 Fo* Ctacaiee of the Heart. " {\ L - f -■ i'<. ■ * „ ■ . ’ 'll i Harms or the chief eile* of the Unl '< ates, Canadas, 1 and British Proilnete, , Peru, Brasil, Merdco, and la feet st all the cities on this continent, here ”1 thus document,'to asst re their people , remedies they may use with safety end c.euce. But our space trill only admit i ion of thorn. , ‘ 1 * . - -i - r’s, i, Lyer’s Cherry Ayer’s Pills!, and I Ayer’s Agile Cure, L ! »r | ■” C. A, er & I : I.oivru., MASS., : *vrrv tvt'' ■J • ltd S Chili, most dahie' whal OOBflt & por Aye: t: Xf IvARP.TirKLrl v ARP.TirKLr &CO. -IiAKCFACTUTERS <VF * ROCHESTER, StV.BE COUNTY. FA ,'ap* BE TOT, COES cte . Advertising and Commissid: j AND DEALERS IN PXUNTjNG INKS OF; ALL KINDS ; Type, Printing Materials, writing and printing paper cards, £« | OFFICES-pßrown’e Bulldin6, PI ilUdelpkli; tribune Bpliiings, New* York. - • mar26:ly>f fc ' | HOOKSTOWN . ■ SELECT SCHOOL, Opens Monday, Sept. 28th Mathemutics, Sciences and Languages, •'' ■ i ; Taught! oc( the most favorabl o terms. Address D. W. SCOTT. Principal I;: NOTICE. r ; , Joseph Dunlap Ivs.' Sarah Dunlap. -> IN the Courts of Common Plena of Beaver county!. No. 4, Sept. Term, IiGS. Libel in-Divorcel To the respondent, in above cast:—You are hereby notified to be and appear before the Hon. Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Beaver county, at a Court to be hold in Bea ver. in said county; on the Ist jfonday (7fh ; day) of'Mdreh; 18G1, to answer the complaint: of Joseph Dunlap injtbc above case. I 1 JOSEPH LEDLIE. Sh’ff. , Beaver, Jap-ti,’64.! ;| Ji" NOTICE IN PARTITION. ! ' ' BEAViJI-l COUNTT; 68 :_In trie Orphans’ Court of said. Countv, 1 in the matter of trie partition of the real!estate of Jesse Smith, deceased. To John ft. Smith, Isaac Jamison and Susan his wife, heirs and legal represen tatives ofrjaid dcceasepr&ml all othersinter- i sited: Take notice trial an Inquisition, to make partition hnd valuation of said real es-‘ late, vVill.be held upou ihe,premises on the 18th day. T868," at Which fimj: and place yon may attend if\on tliink proper dec2' 1 » | JOS. LBDLtE, Sh’ff. J READ ESTATE EOR SALE. THE Ho ise and Lot belonging to theiheirs of Col. Joseph H. IVitsos. deceased, sitnate on the North aide of the Diamond, in the bohof of Beaver. Also out|lot No. 16, attorning tntS east end of said borough, containing Eight Acres, is now offered for sale. Eor particu lars enquire of ~ ■ f,, 1 ■ : JOHN Hv' WILSON, -Fran!iintp! or' A- R. MOORE, Beaver. ' ’ dec23,63| . J|- : | ; 3VE.3M :oCord, Notary Public. brnoi with •, | '■ *171 b. b. cha Siberia; r, atx vr it lAw, (■year the "PnbM 'office, !, ] • BROAD WA V, NEW BKI&IITOjri J 1 BEAVER CjOyXTY, PA , ; PROMT, attention givep to the irawinribf £XEMPTIQh PAPERS, and all-matLera connected with lb 5 draft; also oaths adminis tered. acfrnovrlcilgments taken.&c..|&c. vfdelfi ADMINSTHATOR’S notice: NOTICE is hereby' givcne'n thaj .letteraof administration.jupoii the,'estate of Dr. George W. -Aiusos, late of the 'through 'of Beaver, Beaver conniy, -Penna., dec’d, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing,themselves indebted to said estate are requested to made Immediate! payment;" and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for 'set tlement. ■ , j ‘ 1 THOMAS. ALLISON, Administrator, deet.23',63-st. , Bridgewater. Pa! t APMINISRATQR'S NOTICE,i I \\7"HKHEAS letters of. administration ! 6n 1 I T the 1 estate of JUs. Reed, ar., latr. uf Ilah- I prer tp., Beaver co., dec’d,- Having been graht ; ed to the undersigned! all persons indebted to . Said estat«_are requested to makel immediate payment, and those; hiving claims igainst said estate jvill present them tp the I subscriber properly authenticated for settlement JAMES REED. jr„ Adm’r.., | Hanorertp, jan6’G4, A ■•^TKinney, 1 |., OFFERS his professional; serriee* to the .citizens of - [ •: . BEAVER AND VICINITF . JJTtIC* w The Shannon Buildings. E. Comer of <te-'l6] j the. Diamond, Beaver,, Pa E* tate of Col. |B. P. Bpberts. LETTERS li.3:(f:aeutary on the estate! of Col. • Uicuaud P. late of the borough 6f. Beaver, deceased, having been is sued to the undersigned, all persons indebted ape required to malic iramdiate payment, and those having claims jw-jU present them, prop. Kerly authefttioated for settlement. . ■ " UC>’RV, Executor & Trustee. Fallston,'Dec. 22.;’t>3 * KNIVES, Scissors, Gum Hair Pins, JL Purges, Port Mynaies, Needles, Pencil-sharpeners, ‘ Spool Cotton, Thread sPiaa, ike., for sale at; the Drag Store of i ’ t I i DB.c. p. cnMvmrw. A Gentleman cured of Nerrous Debility, in 'Competency, Premature Decay add Youthful Error, actu|t,ed bya desire to benefit others, will be happy to furniihjto all who need .it the receipt and directions for making the simple Remedy ussd In his case. Those wishing to profit by his experience and possess a Valuable Remedy-will jreceire the same, by return, mail, (carefully sealed,) by addressing JOHN S. OGDEN, , No 60 Nassau 6tre<& New York., _augl2:Bm | : M ILL! isr-IH}IK,*2T r- , y- •, Dissolution '' H jJ* ' ■ ■ I' i. partnership heretofore- existing ba DRESS-MAKING. ‘ •• ■f*** l * *he undersigned. under the. name TVfRS. .Z MOORE announces to C.oipbell & Leiimee, in this FountlrV Bus i.v_L fhe public that she has removed a'few 1 m f sS > m Bridgewater, has this dav befen dis- I rods from her late residence, where she in- 6olTe(J by mulual-consent,' ; J '• aends continuing the MILLINERY! & DRESS- The bu * iness of. the firm will be settled by MAKING business, ini all its, various branch- j Cawpbeii, who will be found aif-the Foun es.- She has Istely received a well selected ' ' ■ ! f stock of Miilisebt Goods, to which she ini i' ‘ ■ •■■■/ TITOS. CAMPBELL, yites the attention of her customers.. A cob a *f t - 1868 ■ INO. 6. LEHMKR, tinuance of the patronage heretofore liberv v-J ■ -=T p—k-'-r; SP^. m *f L : ■ V 1 *" - - •> • 1 T WILL glr® the Above reward for the %r- ADMINISTIIATOB'S NOTICE A .‘ nd “friction of any ptreoJ found Trran.i'g 'J .a I -L „ trespassing or ddlng malicious mischief on my letters of atjmimstration on property, adjoming th* farm of AbrlmWclf ofLmf Hekst Cowan, Sr., late and lot of John Fisher, WkrUe.Xo. of or Greene townanip, Bcvrer county, ■ Denver. . DAVID STrorPc gnjtaftfotyurf. • fan. M/dt. . i ' dfersigned, all persons, indebted to said estate - 1 i ■ ■ ■ • ' :WO to immediate parent, aid Do. You Want Employment. : those,having: claims against the same willlpre- T •: .1 •• 'I . f nat them ©overly authenticated for settle- T «JwT i ? uaine “ for thejSprlnt* i n ttHthoUtdelay.: - J. and Summer, with Urge profits. I Send for , ' , HENRY COWAH. Jr ssynew i «.•*•' „f■, w. ■ ' | ■. ' r‘U- I '.Ar ..• I C*ta j . i . • 1 xlminharation and Gnardiaaaceoahts, which bar* been passed and filed in |the Registers Office, ofßearer count/, Pa., Will take notice that the same will be presented to the Orphans’ Court, to be bold at Beaver, on Wednesday, the 9th day of . March, 1864,1 far confirmation and allowance. 1 The first and final account of Michael > Conkle, Sr., Administrator of the estate of j ohnConkle,dec’d. ‘;U v Finklaccount of James Nelson, administra tor -of the estate.’, of Thomas Moore, de ceased. \ • •• I The final of Joseph C. Wilson,' ad ministrator or\th.e estate .of . Patrick. Keating, dec*d. . V ’'•l- v •. ‘ . , \-.l ’. ; The final account (real And personal); of Joseph C. adnunistrator,' de-bonis non, with' will hnnexedof John NibloJ deo’d. The final account' (personal) of Andrew! Watterson, executor of. the last will of Wil liam. Seott, dec’d. ■. | ;- \ . , . . ii. ■ The - final account ? ofJohn\Eid«tniner, ad ministrator of the estate of J.CVlenle, dic’d. /■ The ,final account! of Jacob Householder, executor of 'the last will of PhilipJl.; Pflug, dec’d. , _ j ■ \ The final account of Eli Ramsey. Weting executor of the last will of Robert Raihsey, dec’d. ' i ’ i ,;V • The final accoiint of John' Garrard, admin\ istfatcr of the estate >f John' Eaton,. dec’d. ’ The fmal account o! James Todd, Jr.,Ad ministrator of the estate of James Todd, :6r., deo’d t . The al ' 0., ; AgCLt* id 61 tne first am anal account ot 'aniel ;M. Doneboo.adminiatrator of the’eatatc of John Glenn, dec’d.i • | /.' |j ? The first and final accounts (Real and PeK sonal) of William K. Bodin, adminßtratorbdf Samuel S. Hamilton, dec’d. ' i 1 Ike final account of William K. Roden;' miniatrator of Francis Mprrel, dec’d.' i. ■ : The first and final accounts (Real and Per sonal) of Richey Eakiu, executor of the last' will of David, Eakin, sr., dee d. , | • • The Guardian accounts of Joseph' Brittain, Guardian of Josiah H. &. Ann Elizabeth Brit tain, minor heirs of John Brittain; dooM. > The- Guardian' accounts of It. M. Rhodes. Guardian of William; jElijah, Sarah Jane & Ann Eliza > owell, minor children of T leaser Powell, dei* 4- ;• i f * The Gmirdian account of Daniel Rif inger, Guardi an# f Wm. Morton, jr., minor son of Wm. Morton, sr., dec’d. . ' I l» The' Guardian account of Befij. M’FatTin, Guardian of Maty Em rnaPo well, minor t a.Ugh ter of Eieazer Powell, dec’d. ’ \ j. The Guardian accauntj of Jos. 0 Wilson Guar dian of Maria J. Scott, minor heir of James Scott, dec’d. .1 ! j 'iThc Guardian Accounts of Joseph Mehaffey, Guardian of Elizabeth ‘J. & Mary Agness Glenn, minor htirs of John Glenn. dec’d. J' The Guardian accountofp. Mulvanon,Guar dian of Edwin-H. Douds, minor son of James H.° Douds, dec’d. - j jJ. . 1 The Guardian account; of John .Thom&v Guardian of Thomas B- Daniels, nithor son of Daniel Daniels. 1 A - j j The Guardian account ofJackuian T. Stock dale, Guardian pf Susan,E. .Calhoun, minor ’hejir of Calhoou.-dec'd. ] The Guardian accounts of John Weaver, Guardian of Sebastian,'Stephen and Ejlc'n ’moll, minpr children jof Martin Small, idc’d. The Account of Regina'Miller,. Admit .istra \f John Milter, .dec'd, who wns' v Guardian Martin, Catharine and AdamJ 1 'reah \oi- children of Adam Freshener, de nt (real estate) of Wm. ' Vban, r thccatatc-of Clement 2. Sou- I ' FRED B. MOORE. Register ' irix of Job' corn, mil ceased. Tbe "Ac ndminislrt ders.' deO ; i Feb. 3,1864. Notice* jin the , The following apprab of* Assembly, of the 1- property allowed to '.lit or .childrenjof a decedt $3OO, have jbeen filed in , of the Orphans’ Court! Land approved nisi. ' | I , Personal property t ! elected to be retained b Imiah llanibal, late of fee ceased, Chailes Ur own, Ileal and persontl property to the amount of $l9B, by. widow ot] Samuel Miller, lale of New Gallilec'. deceased, William Whan,! Esq., Adm'r. i _ >' ' j • Personal property to the’ amount of $3OO, by widow'd! Joint Ewing, late of the Uurough of Frunkfqit, deceased, Thomas Nicholson, Esq., Adm’r. • , f- 1 j Personal, property ti the amount of |s3oo, by widow Of Christian LFJfW, late of Bright ton township, deceased, Peter Angel. Adm’r. s Personal Property |tq the amount.of sBiio’ by widow ot} George Dawson; late of the Bo:-, rough of GlaSsgOw, deceased, Lenon.i U:| Daw son. WilliaitfjDiyvson, fex’rs. , • Personal property tol the amount of $300,-. ’2o,lby widow of iMUton McMiun, late'of Dar lingtou tuwilship, deceased, 1. A. Wj.- Edgar, Esq.; Adm’r., Mary Jane Mc.Minn,. .dmr’x. Keal Estate, lot No 7, situate in the Bo rough of New Brighton, claimed to bo retain ed in part or otherwise to. the amount of SSoO, by widow; of FranciJ V’ebb, late of .New Brighton, dettased, Mary J. Webb, Ex’ri. Personal property t<J the amount of $3OO, | by widow, of Dr.Georgfe W. Allison, late of the I Borough of Beaver, deceased, Thomas Allison, ! Adm’r. ' ■ r Personal property! jo the amount of by widow of Jamesj Heed, Sc.,.late of illi township, deceased. James Heed, Jr., J Personal property to the amount of $S the widow of Tcrran X; Shaffer, didi late of the borough oflNcw Brighton.’ i BENJAMIN BEDISONJ Adi '• SAHAU E|. SHAFFER.| Add JOHN.A. EBAZIEI Beaver, Feb. 3d, 18p4. ; 'j Ch & Experience of an invalid. PUBLISHED tor tut oenetit and as ajWarn ing and a cautiotj to young men who suf fer .from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay &c., supplying at the Same time the meins ot Self-Cure. By one who has cured himsell after being put to great expeuse through med ial imposition and quackery. : i!y enclbsinga post-paid addressed envelopes,(mingle I copiet may Le had if the author, NATHANIEI MAYFAIR, Esd., Bedford, Kings Co.. N. Y. ■' msr26:lr. ! J r,, . | . ■ • iNoticD •I , IS hereby given that I hare beenappointed as Surgeon by the Pension Department, to examine wounded and invalid Soldiers,i dis charged from the service; that my authority extends, to anyj County. State or ‘ Territory, and that I am j now reody to enter upon the discharge of my duties. ’ i 1 / . GEORGE McCOOK, M. D , . Oet.l6—dt, |. Examining! Sur^eoii. lIQSy2il x fii9T f TW£HIT-THWD BTSEKT, “kaTj^i. 1 » F lir^af ' Aad Omtment. . fW«B»Bl888. N. Y. MtA*roei»l«e VLLWHOhare PriemUaadßelatWeeintlie H&KaUblUkaient baa bees la aaeeeeafel 4*l .^ or N W. akould take e*pecla* eare o(«rtiioft;f«r 2f Urrat • iwpjlied with those frills of ta«\iud in theßaited State*. i We hate oa ■ and where the brave Softie* to order mrj description! all* e heglected to. provide' theto. glees, frfetaresxid Portrait Fiwmet. I t f kt ß* ■* Mter preeeat eenbesesl Pm Md OcasaetUl Pier, Sem- “W e 7 pw tri Qlswee, Coaoeciiaf Cornices, Esse tad 1 tf w the Soldier s never-foiling friend In Bracket lablefe. with 'lferlila suk* tjßi.i .the pour tof need. • OUanM,^e. v *c-, ke. MonldinfafcJPicture <^G H B. ; TBpOPS '>l ?P**4djr; removed and effectually eUbea Qilt, Berlinr, Roeewood, Oai 1 JW-ijy - n **W*s*ae admirable, medicines; and Birdaeje, Mahogany, Ac. Oar new mi hiliV - totbe Direction* ■ , V. ; ■ ]■> - ITS ibyes an*T hates, sorrows and angers, fearf. regrets *«vOD, howlpst, howr restored; the nature, treatment anoradical pure of Bpertnaierrhoea or seminal ; inroluntary emissions, sexual debility ■ and impediments. to marriage generally; nervousness, consumption, : fit*, mental and physicsl incapacity. Resulting from BfiLF^IDEDE—Are fully explained in: the MARRIAGEODIDEj IyWM. YOUNG, il. D. This inost extraordinary) should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, andeveryman or|wjoman‘ who de sires to limit the nuniber of theix offspring to their circumstances. .Everyjpain,‘disease and .ache incidental to youth, maturity and old age, is fully explained; every, particle of knttwlddge that should be known is here given. It i* full of engravings. In fact, it discloacssccrelathat every one should know: still it ; is a book tbit; must be locked uj>, and not lie about thehouse. It will be sett to any. one on the", receipt of twenty-five cents in specie or-postage stamps. Address D». "Vf x. YOUNG/ 416 Spruoest;; above Fourth, Philadelphia. l ] and 1/n/oriHndte, no matteriwhaV may DC'your disease, before! you -place your- ; •elf under the care of any {of the notorious Quacks—patiye ‘or foreign—who adrertise in this ,or any-ether paper; get a'copy of Dr. Young’a book, and read it ’carefully. It Will be the means of saving you -many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life;' J)n. YOUNO can be* consulted on* any of the diseased described in his publication,, at-his office, 416 Spruce. Street, above f'ourth.Phila- BSk-Office hours’from 9 to jit. daily. ,fmar-J6t if D $3OO, .noTcr idm’r. 500 to (eased, Lerk. lory and extensire facilities enable asto, iab Uj utidUb.Mir line asgood asthe and as cheap asthe cheapest: Deader* are Invited to! call upon When, they Tiirit New York. We claim able (o siipply to supply them with exerj els' in oar Use which they cad possibly pur elsewhere. ■■ ' 9ST Orders_ by mail attended to promptness.' Do not fail to eall wlien ya\ New rbrtC/* ■ ■; > [ji Office £ Wanraoßu, JVo. 215 Centre- St., J V HORACE V. SIGLER, Ag\ M^y7—Bmo»- - v ’ i-j. ■, lV- | .• Tll£ GIiJSAT GiVUSE QF . H u f m eri ivy . J w( Publithed in a Staled SnvelojH; Prize tl cu: \ LECTURE 15V Dn. CULVERWELL, xV OS TUB CAUSE AND CURE of Sperms torrhoß*, Consumption, Mental and Physics! Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsk; Impaired Ku* trition of the Body; Lassitude;/Weakness of tbe Limbs and thgpßack; Indisposition, and Incapacity for stuffy and Labor; Dullness of Apprehension; "Loss of Memo -y; Aversion to Society ; of Solitude; ! Timidity; Self- 1 Distrust;■ Diiiinesf; Headache,. Affections o? the. Eyes; Pimples, on the Fa :e; .Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity; the Conse-' qucnces of youthful Indiscretion. &c., &c„ > ISU.Thie admirable,' Lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, often self-afflicted evils.jmay' bo removed without medicine and without Dangerous surgical operations, and should beread by eyc,ry youth’ and every man SentSder^ealjto any address, in a;plain tested envelope; on the receipt of six cents, ,ot, two postage stamps, bv addressing, a ! CUAS. J, C. KLINE&CO, ' ts 7 Bowery,NewjVoyk.Post Office 80x,4586. y L oq K £) qMideion *C o^Eee rI IHIS preparation,'made tromthe best Java I Coffee, by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for Gcn eral Debility, Dyspepsia and all billioua disor ders. Thousands whohave been compelled to abandon the use of coffee, will use this with out injurious f effects. One ipkn' .contains the strength of -two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price dS'cents. ■ J ] i 1 ' ' v I >. KOLLOCICS LEVAIH. The purest end best BAKING POWDER known, ffir nuking light, swee,t and 'nutritious, Bread! and Cakes. 'Trice\ls cents. . Manufactured by j, ! ■. ; i M. H- ROLL OK, Chemist, Comer of Broad and Chestnut streets, V . PHILADELPHIA, A td sold by all Druggists) and Grocers. 1 aar2K. • ,-j j i ~. •. ~ * A THOUSAND YEARS, Work’* Great War Song, Words and Mustc, in,January Number/ A SCHOOL MAGAZINE FREE ! Clark's School Visitor.— YoU umo VIII. . 1 j' ! The . Publisher . of /, this favorite Monthly* in order to reach all --bools, will sbnd the Visitor gratis to onp parson (who. J,i, Ut as -Agent), at an post-office in the United Slates. Thin in an unparalleled often ' . Address, with five: cents; encl osed, for particulars, # ( ‘ ' ♦ J. \V. DAUGIIA DAY i' ’•![.! ' Publisher, 1308 FA.n.XiSa wot) I. I N Fa mnE eap.cctsji toj pomii I ' this ttreek.Cardmg, Spinning, Fi finishing' arid Dyeing; also to manufj Flannel, Cloth; Cassimerea, 1 Satinetl! Blankets,' at my old place ii| FaßstonJ wear and durability, 1 canwarrant the] manufactured not. to be surpassed. F accommodation of those on, the least s the Beaver,' Wool, ete., can bojlefl at myj in Pulaski township, or John Hodgki store in Mew Brighton. I I : je17,63 •' ‘ , , EPH'M. SMI '~~bxecut^s'nptice.’ WHEREAS letters, testamentary iavinß been grantied to. the undersigned, o“ the estate of Josiah Todd, jdee’d., tat* o' Industry ; twp, Bearer co, Pa,; all persons knowipg themselves indebted to said | estate are requested to make payment immediately and those having claims. against the same will present them to the subscriberduly authenti cated for settlement. i' .J-'l JOHN BLENTZ, Extent Sr, t■■ H |:. i j ohl f > *P{ mar 2, ’B4 - - ! Notice. | • . | . Baskof Biavea Cocstt, \ . V New Brighton, Oet.J 12,1863.1 / TSe Btoekholder* of the Bank, of Bearer County are hereby notified, that the •Annual, Meeting, will'be held at the {Banking House, in Sew Brighton, bn Tuesday the 8.1 day of Noremher ensuing, between the hours of & o’clock.». ». And {the election for Directors to serre Ihb ensuing year, at the saaeplaee. on Monday, the jl 6th, day bf Sol I ember, between 10 a. n., |and 8 r. ■..jofeaUL day. ■By order of the Board ef Db'** - ' v t 1 ;V {Vi ' r-,l • •bra; ufac^ furn best. which'are attached t<f each Pot or Box. ■.:f ; i SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPE ! UTITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIEBS. ; jAese feelings which |6 sadden us, usually from trouble oi 1 annoyances, obstructed pertjpimion, cr eating and drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus disturbing the healthful action of the'liver’and'jatotnocn. -These or gans must be relieved, if you desire to be well. Tie r" ■■ A. ■ ■ ■ - t^uei 'iw lIS 4 'be »rti ehu* With t visit aelPills, taking accordingto the'printed in struction*. will quickly a produce, a healthy Action in both liver and stomach,'-,and as a' natural consequence a clear bead and jrdbd ap> ■ •''] ! 1 WEAKNESS 08. DEBILITY INDUCED BT j .■ OVER FATIGUE,, ' Will soon disappear-by the [use of these, in-- valuable Pills,; and the Soldier will quick! qtiiite additional strength. -Never lef the bow els be either .confined or unduly. act ed upon. It| way seem strange that Hollowayfa Pills should be, recommended for Dysentery . and Flui.many persons'supposing that they would increase the relaxation.- ■ This is a great mis take, .for these Pills will jcorrect the liver, and stopiach and thus Remove all the acrid humors front the system, j This medicine will .give tone and vigor twhole organic system howev er deranged, while healthand strength follow as a] matter of course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of the Bowels so sure as this 1 fam ous medicine. - , • • VOLUNTEE RS ATTENTION! INDISC RE : ; v TIONS OF YOUTH. - I Blotchiligs and Swellings,l carijwitß W radically cured if the [ are taken night f and morning, and the Wintmem be frcelyfuscd as stated in the print ed. instructions. If treated in any other man ner they dry up ip, one part to break out inan ■okher. Whereas;this Ointment will remove the humors from the system and.leave the'Pa \nl a vigorous and healthy man. It trill re-, a little perseverance" in bad cases' to in ')a,lasting cure. J. WOUNDS EITHER i OCCASIONED Bt iE BATONET, OR SABRE ORTUEBUL ET. SORES OB BRUISES. f , i tvhich eVcry Soldier and Sailor are liable ■ are no medicines so safe, sure and con-' ipt as , Holloway’s Pills PM ointment. The 1 wounded end almost dying sufferer might [ his;'’Wounds dressed Immediately, if he d °nly provide himself with 'this, malch- Jintment, which] should be thrust into the : id and smeared all around it, then covered, i apiece of linen from his knapsack, and' pressed (with a handkerchief. ■ Taking rt and morning 6 br’B Pills, <0 cool thesy*. and prevent inflamatlon; , vfy Soldier’s knapsack and Seaman's t should be provided with these valuable edjes.. j ■ ■ ’ ■' ' AUTlON.—s»oh* are genuine unless woTiia -‘Jfolloway, j\’em York and London," discernible as a valer-mark in every leaf ae book of direct onearoundeachpot or ; the same may tje plainly seen by holding •af to A handsome reward will qun turel (lie arc of bo: be diven to any one gendering sUcli inforraa .tiom nsmay 'lead to 1h e detection of any. party orjdnriics counterfeit in gibe medicines orvend ing .the same, knowing them to be spurious'. *T* Sold, at the Manufactory of Professor Uoilloway, 80 Maidejt Lane, New Yorks, arid by all respectable Djruggists and Dealers in Medicines, throughout the civilised ' world, in boxlcs at 26 cents, 02'cents andsl each. • ' Say* There is considerable Saving by; taking He! larger jiiics. '-! ■,• '>• /\ '■ Si B.—Directions lor the guidance of.pa ts in disorder are affixed to e iCh hoi. =4 . OB FEMALE AGENTS . ! _TO - SELL : 'l'-' ; ■] oyd’s New Steel Plate 'Cpvhty Colored Mapof the. Unitcd States, Canadns,. and, Nfw Brunswick. 'rom recent surveya.coniplctcJ' A jg. 16, ' -S. coat $20,000 to I engrave it, Wnd one r’s time. - 1 • ' J | i' Superior toany $lO map evet made by Col-' 1 or Mitchell, and sells at the low price of T? e . nts » 370,000 names arecngraved on; p map. ‘, . | ! • tis .not only a County, map, but it is also a OUNTY & K.ULKOAU MAP, ie U. S. & Canadas combined in one. firing Gvery HnilroudStatioh and distances between.' Guarantee any womanor mans 3 to $5 per .add will take back all maps that; ieanndt belsold and refundthe money. : i Send.for $1 worth to try. -jj ! Printed instruct ions Ipw td canvass well; furnished all our agents . Wanted—'Wholesale Agents our maps in every State, California; Canada, England,: France and, Cuba A fortune may be made with a few hundred dollars capital. IVb com! petition.! J F. Lloid, 1,64 Broadway,: N, Y. ' | 1 The Wat Department uses our map of Vir ginia, Maryland, arjd I’ennsylTania,*cost sloo',- 000, an which is i marked Anticlam Creek, Sharpsburg, Maryland Ilights, Williamsport Ferry. Uhorersyillc, Nojand’s Ford, ( and. all others on the Potomac, 'and. every other place in the above named States, or money refunded! ■ LLOYD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF KKNTCOKY, ..OHIO, INDIAN A.,fahd 11*.,i at-ltfae only authority for Gen. Rosecrans and the War Department. | Money refunded to any .one finding an error in (it! , |! ■]• ' -Fromthe Tribune,i'-Augi 2. J . ( vj‘Ltotp'B map or Virginia, Maet£asd axu PmsssTtVAKtA.—The map is very large; Its cost is but 25 cents, and it it lAt 6ut trAicA can ,be faarehaied.” 1 ■ ■ j li ,'j !'■']' !’ ■ ■ j JAoyit Great Map of the ifiuianppi Airer.—j tencc, Fi-pm Actual Surveys by Capts. Bart and Wm tiling, Bojwn. Mississippi Rivpr Pilots; bf St. Louis, acture Me., shows every man’s plantation and owner’s I and name from St! Lonis to jtbq Gulf of Mexico^! for 1,350 miles-r-every sand-bar,..islanA . towd; goods landing, and all places 20 miles back from the |>r the river—colored in counties and States; 1 Price; ide of $1 in sheets. $2, pockjet form, and $2,500n house ' linen, withrollers. Beady Sepf. 20. ;i' ■ tson's , KbcyMepartnuHt, Washington, SepU 16; 1862.. j ; jJ. T. Lloyd—Sir: Send me of the '! Mississippi Biter, with price per hundred I e.obies. . Rear-Admiral Charles 11. Davis, corny * minding the Mississippi squadron, is i author ' ized to purchase as many as are required fo usie of that squadron. ’, 1 '' ,i • ’l| " l.'!.’ GIDEON WELLS. Secretary of, thcNaryV -| ye: $■ I'Y. asr l-Oi ITH. i. 1 v Chance fbr Investment, 1 Atßig fkwickiy Stdtinn, bn,the Ip. . :W. <& C. Jt. R.,-Allegheny County I *l' HE subscriber offers .for sale 200 acres. ■} ■ I of fineupland, suitable for a Dairy or {Sheep Farm, with 40 acres of rich Creekßot- ItoWaUo, lOOacreaof UirerßotVom. {This' raktable property will be soldi to pur chasers. For pariioulare inquire of •: , ■ ' fF'- w. C. DUNN. ,v [0c128,'63. ,> | ij’ Remington Station, fitate of Harvey Gamble, dec’d. . KTERB of administration onthe estate of _j Haavay dan*t»,tlato, of Qreene town ship,' Bearer County, Penna., dec’d, haring ib tea 7 granted to the -undersigned,' all persons indebted to'said estate' ape make (i imediate payment, and those haring [claims Ifeainst the same will present them properly antheinllcatod for settlement, -- :i : ■ I ! : ;, JAMES BJBITTAIS, Ato'r.. '‘ • JintjWto oo obo ; piip'fjpit'^ -./■'■•/ /f]:'-- | '''"' " J =I Foetif, Novlleettf, Tales, AND MORAL A&D ENTERTAIk :, I**? BEADING GENERALLY. ■ •- 1 ; - ' .rw, - • . In tho. Literary Department we shall pre sent'the choice*! varieties within the reach, of bur extended npeans. The Novelettes, Tales, Poetry, &o.i shall be supplied from tHe best and highest ‘sources, and be equal to anything to fie found in any journal or magazine. Agriculture and Horticulture, ■■p ' V;:, ’ ■ ICMBBACINO ■ Farming,Gardening, Fruit-Raising, 6 to.. In ail thtir bramhft, at conducted on the lateit and mitt approved tytiem. ' ;Our labors in this department for over.'tbir-,’ ty years, have met the cordial approbation; of the public. Our purpjise has been ito fnrniah useful and reliable information -upon these Very important branches of iindustry, and to protect them so far as within bur power against the false doctrines and selfish purpos es of many empires ;and sensation-adven turers bywhich the Farmer is incessantly] as sailed. Tbis portion of the Germantoxci, Tele graph will alone be worth the whole pricfe of subscription 1 , as - every Farmer and Gardeber, who has a proper conception of his calling, willreadily admit. - ; j NEWS DEPARTMENT. , The same industry; care, and discrimination, itt gathering and preparing theStirfing Events of the Day, expressly for this paper, which hitherto has been one of its marked features given so'universal satisfaction, will be contitfticd with redoubled efforts' to meet [the increasing demands of the public. The Islbot' required in this department is never fullyap preciatcd by the reader. It would be Im possible .o present, the condensed and care fully made-up form in which it appears, a jjrrectcd mass of all the most interesting news of the ' week, without invoking much physical, labor, tactand judgment. We annex the t<hrA terms, to which we beg leave to call attention of all who! think! of subscribing for a newspaper: Advance Cash Terms , 'One copy, one year, $2; one copy, three, yean, $5,00; three copies, one.year, $5,00; Fire. Copies, One Year, $8.00; Ten Copies, One Year, $16,00 ; Twenty Copies, One Year, $28,00. ■' ' • tfif Subscription not paid within the vear, $2,30. • - • •SU-V Cltfb of. fire ‘subscribers, at $B, Will l entitle the person getting it up to : a copy! for six months; a Club of ten or ninrcpto a copy t for one year. All Club subscriptions stopped ,t|he cod of the time paid- for* unless rO-or» dered. *.'! i* ' ‘ ■iBSuNo order will receive attention lijifes accomplished with the cash. | J.l^V I 88h.Spccimcn inumbers’ sent to applicants. Otrmantown, Fhtlddc'pMa, Oct. 22, ’U2; 1 ; j ;"VA : NITY FAIM.- 1 vThia ijs the- first really clever comic and I satiricjl journal we havT had in. America—: aud really clever it is. It is-both sharp jahdli good-tempered, and hot afraid to say that its] soul is its own-4-whichi that it has a I 50u1..; Our reader* will be glad, to know where they can find native fun that has something better 'in it than there patoii/’—Atlantic Hinthly: ' ’ / •> . ‘•This paper is excellent. 1".- . . Remarkable for oripnality.’ySa'. •£'. | ••VASirr Faie is conducted by ariyacious, witty intelligent corps of journalist*^”— Litchfield (Conn.) £uquirer. , . . | ' “Will wield as potent an influence as that of th* London Punch.’’ — Bono n Tratellcn < “Whosoever finds himself laughing at I the w>t n ' .\nitt Fair, , and does not return a i gthU pro quo': is fit for ‘treason, and spoils.*”— AV y. Crayon. ' ' '' : !SPECIAL NOTICE . The very .markedand flatlcringsucccE* wliicb has thus- far attended the publication of j*- ' “Vaniti 'Fair,'’ , ,j. Knables'the publisher to announce that with the commencement of the Second' VolumeJ is sued this day, 80th June, Kew Features. Ijoth Literary and Artistic, will bo introduced, which will increase the Value and interest of the pa per, and fully maintain the proud posi ion unanimously accorded tp it, as the leading t ' >| ■ Gomic Journal of Amir : ' I-. . ■ : i • \ ’ \ r i • '■ ■ . : : ! VANITY FAIR ■ j.J ISSUED SSOI'LABLT EVERY. THCI and s for. Sale .by all Newsmen, ai offioej of. Publication, No IIS Naas 'Ned 1 York'. S' .j. /.'TERMS:' ' T irce-dollars per annum, in adva tents single copy,.. 1 , TERMS FOR'CLUBS: Two copies of Yakut Fija will b< one address for.. t I'. Fire c0pie5......... ■ Ten copies | ■; AiJ Extra copy will.be allowed to tl ;up oC every Club'of not less {ban fin: This paper is Electrotyped, and 1 may be procured at any time. •■ ' . 90UISH. step) Publisher for the Proprietors; 113' n!i Kew-Yo /-r — , ■ MME. DEMOItEST’Sj Quarterly Minor ot Fashions, Vith Great Improvnnrnli and Addition*, \ ■ Li THB SUMnCR HCXBrRCOKTAI.SS , I ' POUR LAROB $ SPLENDID FASHION. . I'ji PLATES, THREE FULL-SIZED ! . ; PATTERNS OF DRESSES, cnwtiusd th» ”••••• i New Frknch .Waist, ui Etchant Sleeye, and a Mixes Sack,. and a Sheet, of New I ■• i-i ‘ 'and Beautiful - |f ; I j BRAID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS.. . Together with nearly , 100 Engravings of . ' all the novelties for . ,j ) Summer Sonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, Children’s Dresses. &0., And valuable information to Milliners,DreBß Makers, Mothers,- and Ladies generally', pre senting the largest and best Fashion Maga xinejin the World, published 478-Broadway, N. T-, and -.sold' everywhere at 25 cents, lot sent by'mail, post free, on receipt of the Sm’l in stamps or silver. Xear-SI,OU with the foil lowing valuable premium. . ,i, ! ' !TEs'ch [yearly subscribor will.be a receipt for the selection of 50 centaworth of plaih'patterns, from'the designs in'the'book, nr from the' show room, or ; they tfiay bs or dercd and sent by mail any 'time during the year, by paying postage. ,' ; lnducement* to Canvasser*. MJtammer No. sowrpftdT. ' |: - TVU)K WOOD’S restorative cokma t] *nd Blood Renovator; the genaino arti ' to,for. mU at (haDracStare of ? J j 5, tip. ! ■: V' f * . -*• : ’ f ' ' i ft?*** iiv i 1 , ! •■ , ■ }■ •;;■ “v. J ■ \ -,j. DIL WM. B. Birnw'' OtNTA^ T Rt- A U » . fRESKRVIM T« E t , n&m --I- AND '|P • i , i '' I 'I,- ' ■ ■ uring Toothache and Neura '.JLO**? ""W'-i no nn ,SJr e ‘*^ To °W&e\ «W 8,, M. MS-V.lt » ac„ , Pref trvmg the Teeth, include n,„"j [s3 TOOTH PICKSt cU.' itc. i._ e P“J«d »t Dr. Hurd’s Dent,., Fourth St.; Brooklyn, PE 1 D'\ $ ; 1,5*5- ? orsn . Dental Treasury makes , and Ktemh \[ H»r/£ dwicnom for uerii oa 'iLy , ?M articles wc can a< J: ly, »y mail, Yu: j ■ The Trtalue on Preserving the Teeth paid.on. receipt of Shelve crl. stamps.- ■ " !••. -.- ■- _ o Th e f Or , A - eu . I' Fa<J ß , Nervous lieada ? h e ,! and £ p®*? P a,d - “ n receipt of Eileen cin stamps. . 1 . V ‘T •'.The Neuralgic sire,) for Faina ir'any part -af ceipt of' Thirty-, Address,, ' • '■ <* . ‘ ana jSieiwuutt Pfa in tWChcst, Should, •he body, seat post th livta.eenU' J yrir. a rurd, ■ Tribune Buiidingi, . Dr. UurftiipVTß 11'.,4,5Zf, fo6 DER and ,TO OTBA CUE UR OPS I i «ent by mail, but. they can probaS tainedat yourprug dr; Periodical '< they cannot, Msend to' us for thJl TREASURY, d&iee. OMa v tain* ikem. ]- ■ : ’ , V axrc>-w, \BB DRr HflBiTS PRRPHR\T|fc c M The, beet evidences that they-are il« firmest friend* find best, patronii atebW. »■,. have need them IbngeetJ Z/r ; H>? hilLin an, eminent Dentist of Brooklyn. fe S! n re - n . the New York State Dentists’ Asset!” n "°[ these preparations litre been used a l£ s ’ i. rate practice ftp years, jadd no. leaJU jig ‘ of Brooklyn or Williamsburg quel excellence, while eminent v.V' York recommend them as the hm Li -j‘ ; the profession., Without! tie a ;j o fU r „j‘ o W-deale« b «e sold'.thWij. ■*' • The Editor the ! " c are happy to know mat " Hit -d, is .succeeding beyond Wu eitecUtfaii 1 with hi? MOL’JrU. WASlij'and t iijnil i-'™. i DEli. The great secret! 'of his eiL ct-l [ with the fact riot .iii B rUclrs ine. | M«t| are repretft it* la It,, ip tM-ei.i l Up 'w \ their long ifit.”. j, .! J- .i "f" ■ weij, known P. T. (Barnum writ*!; -1 ! TOblftt fiat s , family have usj-d jit all ujp; IKe find 7/ Me £,« ■pou-tpr/or fithe teeth wc have ever tited. \I- *b»U feel obliged it] you will send me ifi.ottsr sap ply at tile Museum at your convenience, witb biii-’v; .-.j • ,J »' But their-eo i test thematic: [ a&r- Bctvarl ' Ur. (Hurd's To nor [alkali, hoi wearing the e; WHAT : WILj Hurd’s will give yout (■ man— at sweet them/ladies. ’ Dr. Hurd's" will cleanse t lions, and if t the breakfast more rleagandy. . Hundreds of ju. tietifyno this Try thiem; gentlomlsn.- . • Dr. Hurd’s Mouth ToojtK'.Powdst areilhe:lhe,b«st preparations in tho world, fct curing ) had giving firmness and .health to the gums. u j .Hundreds of cases «( pu'taicd Jiltiding Guru, Sore Slou.f.';' Cor.lir, etc;, have been cured by Dr. Hurd’s sstritp ent- wash. . ■ .'f. j ■ , Dr.' Hurd’s Mouth VVash and’ Tooth Pc-fdtr give an. additional charm .to courlsblf. ui make husbands more agreeable to their vhd. anil wives to their husbands. They should he used by every), person having iA S 7f/ FICfAL TE E3\jf, which are liable to dmpai.t a taint tc thtavt’j Dr, Hurd’al Droops c»e Tooih ’" ~ fro’ :ca. ache arising from exposed nerves, ind art lit ' best friends that parents can have in iheiiceii to ante their children ’from torture knd tlto-., sclvis from lots of sleep and sympathetic’stt oring.. . • \ Farmers and mechanics! you caun't --re:' ai-. . Iford to neglett your teeth.', f’oratrjiflki: fits* you can now get. preservatives,-, than; wiitl Rothschild or Astof can igot-nothing 'Remember that Zfy/tpeptip and , Con. u".r; '!. thi'Lunpt oitin originaterin neglect ct i.eeh .. Sciid for the T rtatiae on Teeth, am .re »i ? r '' Fitch’s obaeirations on thjs 'subject. ■ .If- t« : • •late! tb arrest decay, in your own : ectb, *“ T * . yovlr children's teeth: I' . . j XKVRALbIA PLASTERS:-* I? 5. Hurd's- Neuralgia Son-Adhesive Piasters/*’ c tiie pleasant and Successful remedies er -r F rw f r: '‘. ed for this painfbl- disease. [The p itient ap plies one, sook becomes drowsy, tills and awakes free from pain, and no] blls'-'T or other unpleasant or iiyuriousconscquencca (I sue. [ Tot ■ Earache and A’ert-oik Headtww ft P‘ ply [.according- to directions, l and [relief' surely follow. . Nothing can bp obtained &)“*• toDr. Hurd's .Compress for Ncuiulljr;.-!. T 1? thpm. 1 ITljcy are. a,novel, curious and original prepiiratioh,.and] wonderfully succts - r ful.l They are of two sixes, one sniall. for’l* face, price ISjjccnts, and the other large, fa application to the body, price 87 cents. , Us it mailed on receipt of price and one ellimp. WIIAT ARE THE PEOPLE DOISOI Tho American people are intelligent enough ts>. appreciate preparations thatcontribdte so tout" to happiness [of those using them] and they wont them. Every mail brings'us letters. ! / c< orderingthc [Treatise on Teeth, Bonjie ■ ijalgia Plasters, and nol.a few each sing3<cu- theMouthlVash, to be sent iby ,*X to these we a[re compelled to reklyf that it [ l iiupoasible-to send a,half-pint bottle by ' if he] people e ant these Remedi*s.f Who**.' fupplg ihemf ' i ' 1. Nbw-dsthe .[ CHANCE FOR AGENTS.' , i Shrewd ag snta can make a smaH-fortune fcarryinjedhese articles around to families- t .Dental Treasury is.the neatest article man or woman - can carry around. .”' n ? ~ i onejand seef or," bettor, a dozen, 'j will;sell, as Samples; for S 7-, -ss°|t. T ‘ s - ,iae .■ liberally with circulars, Kip.Now'its l “ e to to go info [the [business, todogood;ana - a profit. We are spending thousands t • benefit of kgentaj. "New England tseno men ! herd is something nice, aijdhcns t. -take the tide] at its flood. Addrjesi_> I j, .-- 'ii- ?. f tTriW Building , That remittances may be made f 1 ’ Ajf dence, W,-B lit & Co.. refer to the . Fropklyn; tpG.Vr. Griffith. Presiden' t t f.re’and Cit liens Bank, Brooklyn: • ’-9.. New'York; to P. I. ; [[[a - SDATJ, ild :at |tbe .u-strjet, inoe—Si* >e lent to i.ss 00 ■ i. 12 00 .:2&00' begetcer e, copies. numbers •; i • HESS,:’ 'ausau-st. ISM II p. IN * i j\\ ■ .(■ 1 ISai r.°V ¥‘ilU c . j w | i iPlfsin,! x Vt*a .(j ’ pwt. ir! I:' s '!** 1 - • M ¥1?» «t» i fi"®'to;!- jip f Ct^-j b • •( I«ft "J*i Btey. •Id, on rt-J u; ; ! f i'cr’t ■ '• I feml: .'cinao; W &W- ft; ftESlit filet eoo- Hrt-is scKstnall thatevervlpnenut V for, byhlielf. I'!]’;] • s of theojdins.rj' Tooth'Powden. i Jth Poodor contains -no aciit, i ;ch»rcaai.i“and, polish es' withoh! asmel. ;,U*e no* othet. h |DR/ (HCRQ.'S ■ REMEDIES EFFECT?' Mouth Wash aoji- Tor : g ladies that finest cj breath apid pearly t '■! ' .. I I‘ -' ; Month M'asli -and . Tin ;he mouth from all' fo wed in theimprning,. laste sweeter and the l 6 uYih inj wo eetfc. 'I.Tr/ t th Potybr •ii oihiU will aa£e JaybcgjD i&rs.oas cy»’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers