Jdt: Wednesday! pTI. IMBRIE. B annum m ADTA*p»; | p,,riUli.cb»rg#d..vS : ut ji Jl,»rr*»rsg«» ar».«| jgy-teH*r» *nd eomi I*ll iw* prompt sttentii T im £ Ta b 1 © , CLEVELAND 4 PITTSBURGH, R. ft. •- Beaver East. . s fyr.ntems, Monday, JV«| 16, 18G8.—TVauu ' lot StiH'fr Station difotlohi-. ' 'v/, t . K . Arrires at Pittsburgh, 10:00 a. m. l!<r>. *■ V •'“ ■■ V ‘l’ , / \«:60 9. M. u _ I _;Goi»q Wad— '■ ■ Trcai Hot TitltiuryVai/olloiet: ■ ftIS.A. m.’ f •’ AtTUTesot 8ejaT8r,.,i.’.j7:46 A. ic. 3-Ofl’p. «•“ •‘ ' •' “ ..»i,<4:26>. *. 1:45 p. *•••. . < Boeh«iter..... ( B:oo p. u. ■ .* ......3:10 A:-it,' >/.; 3. N. McCtmtOPGH, JWt <7<n’i Te\*CAjft*t. PITTSBCBO. FT/MwE" "Rochester Station— * Roches -'lst’Brigh'n'Apooi. .-5:40 a: °d BtHi’n N,< 7:10 a. jdnri|lrV : 12:80 P. 4?h' Brighton i “ 3:00 p. Mail, '/ - s:lfr P. ' Bipress, 1:05',A. IP: .Express, 2:05 p., Ciacin’ti Exp. 0:15 P. , ■ Going West i' heaves Pitts. • CroatUne Accora. 2:15 P. Iftßrigh'uAccoiu. S;l5 A. 2d'Brigh’n “ 12:00 A. ■3J •' “’ i. .4:3o 'f. 4ih “ ! 5:40 P. ! Mail, ■: | 7:00-A. ■ Ist-Express, ' J:45 a.. 2d Express, l:f4 P. I .IPO-. BBAi)LI QuarterlV, Statemei ' i Beaver Cou ■ New liariiiTos itIESOL'RCES, tftiH sml bills discounted,j totradcr protest r. S J2O tjpijrccnt. coupon E per cent.- treas. Pimitnr* and office fixtures Ote-frem other bank5i........ .Voies'andchecks'of other ba: T. S. Treasury notes...,, Coin in ranlt .... Protest account Cun-em .expenses . " 'I - i . -tiAßixirnss. Tapital sfockpiidin^.ls dole's in,cil*culß*.ipn.... * '!'»* d(‘pft3it6r9-...L.'i,' (bc-Comtndnwfcalth r.-£;?'an'i: earnings..., 1 vitlends unpaid... M certify that theabnve statement is true and ■feet aj-esirding to the best4f my knowledge Mlef :. •;>, Entrant Hooba, Q*M>’r. . crull O-.Htyi gTfcccTnbed before E*e,'f U;y bo of Ftfyiuafy. ,v 11.. 18tji| ; ' - T. M. MoOui-ii, Notary Public. A VER bill STORIi. '.edm the Room, totmeriy Oc inpisd by the I^6%rl;Miniß k i£i.Subscriber bs’ying purchased the Es inKisSincnl /will fendea tor to keep coti ■''y •;! band 'ail articles usually fohnd ill ; -.-i , • ** '! i' iOf: a Physician and DrufegiSf the public ■ r.iy an his keeping ,thfe PUREST and' .sT-PEUGS. ■- ' -1 ii . ■ | 'tli **‘Wy of other articles! willfSk~ in. his estalblis'hm^Ti* y Extract," of • CnffeeJt'-Rojsin JSdap, hinoj Soops. Port Monies, Combs. . '■L ARTICLES 'FpR TITE TOILET. )0L POTTOS,!LEAjP PENCILS, ■EDLES. STEEL- RENI HAlti i’>i:U-Sl} ES. TOOfH BRTISIIESi •,TulijVC('o. 3EGARS. tyRT} 1 ■ |Tm :\X)TE.A FOOLS-H > ; : ! .1 CAP PAPER. ' . ,t ‘‘ ■■'i'! O'l r LoMp.s ai\d' Chi, hf.e are a Tew of tie'ftrticles, and) ■ilwhys'on hand.' Call and see. . fill tcy. by- closer attention and fair H S; tft. give satisfaction, to all who may r :T him with their custom. ■ ». ■ - • C. Pi CUMMINS. !H. D. attention will be paid tiT tp Physicians' prescriptions. If [ttug-2? i Viqi\S r (^oCery“ 'lt ', ■ Ej STORE.' j. ' \ t fiiV.crihiT respectfully announces -to . 'i!' l '•■iycn-, aLllcn-yer find Vicinity,' (bit ,7* *k“«* ;4piM?cjExy & vmvtvito '"' ‘ n ilis i room [formerly occupied by .[f ; “ ar(d, "directly ■ opposite t^'e ~ ■! where wfe will keep constantly on 1 “nil for sale a large assortment of ««ses; ,uth as ■ , 1 Rltt’E/ id" ' MOLASSES, SUrAR, .. SYRUP; ■ FLOUR,: POTATOES, arid oi,ie r articles usually 'kept in 'a '“wy-Rloi-e. ; 1 i '>untry.produce taken in exchange toods, a,rthe price CJ ’ T. T. McKIBBIN. WST OP I.BTTBRS ; in the I'oal Office at Eea ,V M - Msr:1 ’ ]B64 ' 1 F A .., Emma Maria . . .. Haber Peter. ‘a Roh ; Heckathbrajc . '‘Ute"-'.'. nareThqsO 1®^“" hf jj j - ;MtfrrimanMJ » . &V ’ J oscDh ■ Swagger Annie, ' ■ T^Mar 7 J , PleiiM ««??K for . l « t^er « in the above M ?, th *y Er « advertised. ; 5 M. J. ANDER3Oy, P. M. BETTERS ••• Cbfri” .. G >n Wm , f^ et P»Mrs SIT . PrwoiU* gi&fer^oma •illista wbiteMris.JdL ‘ MrE.; j •; !, T -M. p. jji'' ■ 'J - . rj» ~ A^GtS. 1244 - • tor A Proprietor. ■ V. ■ !• 1A» and Fim J*»« Utlitnrin Two Dm- I* . - . i, ‘ p paper disoontlpoad ktled. lunicationi, by Stall in. AN ODE FOR The following bcauti were lately Dickineon, of.NewYotk by a lady “whether . | 1 Am I for'; thepeace whichil j non’s throat, j Aadihe suasion of shot and shefi,; Till Rebellion’s spirit is trampled dowd ’ To th*.depths of its kindred belt ' . I V- ■ . ■■■■. V ,!-!■'• Or the peace which shall (follow the sqilad ■ ! ton’s tramp, .•; Where the braxen trumpets bray, / . 1 ■^ n ; < * with the fllry ql storm and, strife, For! the peace which shall ' tiih out the 4ep- I roiia stain, ;. ■. Ojf oiir slavery, foul and {rim. t ' And shall sunder the fetters which £reak and I /.clank f . ' .• ■: Op the down-trodden dar: c man’s limb. CTflCAdtJ'fe. B. Going East. (er Air. At Fitter m,.,...: 7:20 A. x. 5i...;.. 8:40; a.Vm. m 2:36 p. m. : m.4:50 p. m.I 7:00 p. it. -2:20 a. V. 8:30 p. H M...... 7:50 p. k. 1 curse him as a iiraitpr and falslT'of heart Who^ould'shrink from the conflict now, And will stamp it with blistering burning • 1 ' brand j J , -r! ' bi ijbis hideous, Cain-like ib row. H' i Out out of the, Way ! with y<iur spurious: ■ peace, ‘ • Which would make us rebellion's slaves; We will rescge our land from ..the! traitorous ' «F a9 P, -. ■ H'l ■ . . j Gtj coveritover with graves. H it of Bank of' out; i of jthe way! with! your ' knavish nty.' i j ]. • J schemes, - . '.'-'L . s. Feb. j 1804. You trembling aad trading packl .. ‘H, * ’ Crouch away in the. dirk, like a sneaking Mttive $51,947 90 ; bound •' j 1 .. ' 100 00f snf * > I » , , ! • ? bnda. 95,180 00 * lU j at u 8 a^stirhaa-beaten back, j ■iotea* 4,850 00 v . . ‘■ , i j . 1,958 95 tl' P oul * barter the fruit of otitj fathersV Ml.’ . blood, | ■ 1.. ts and - . C* Ajc d sell out the Stripes and the Starg,* ' *\~.r r 6754 41 Purchase u place with i 1 j -Or escape from .rebellion’ s' B,dara,‘ * I 400 M l t”; t '■ ■' X I ■■ ‘‘ ' ’ 1 j ' By tpcwidowfa wail, by tears, j; $-210,960 65 .. By the orphans who cry for{ breads * ’ itll-irinlno ' r t»h6'fell, we winjnlerer yirid. 1 ’ j TitJ rcbellibn e soul is dead .' | v .. 33,574 81 r 603, ,64 . 1 1,986 70 * t;ici 00 Arr. at Rochester. M 4:00 p, u. m.; 1T:0O a. m. Mi 1:82 p, H.J 6:to p. m. : M..7:20 p. Mi M...... 8:20 A. M. M....:: 8:00 A. Mi t...:.., Sioo P.| m. V, Siipt.j E. D.^ igi Another Lincoln Nomination. [ \7|liil!e' die; politicians of',2»(|c'iv jVork are an itigi their polil. ical ijotiojtjs knd their per ±‘Pr^ reDCe c " ne ® ri ?) l i ,, f; the Presir Toward towards its determination and foreordipatioii- with sue i composure as Esop chronicles in th|« case of the ox and fly. ;“ The mails pearly every day con tribiuo their assurances Jlhat Mr.,Lin coln jwill cortttihly .be re- elected ; that ’ the mechanics and farnru rs; the men of wealth arid special culture; those ' of the east and vjrest; gcxv politicians and jnoyicesj jusi weanedl from-their nonage, are all linited ir! iibrbehnlf— manyunquestionably, so |moVeif bo caiisfl Jiis conduct has , jiven higher chflraetcr'toiparliSanship.jbut the lar i ger part influenced by | his sterling j palriptism, cheerful confidence of sue- j cess,.earnest and ineessflnl labors'urd eoumj practical judgmclitj r !' I Tip has ! moved, and has fcdln well tljo mo- I lion i|f the Legislature df Ipinnsylva-. j nia. with an ;amendmenl; it has r.om* | ated President Lincoln fp: re-election, jand tjio nomination was [ made unan- Tmoiiffly. Nebraska prefers Andrew i Johnson, of Tennessee, fe r Vice; Pres-1 idontj " •: ■[, j. : • Wi| are hot astonished nt the accu mulating evidences of tln President’s popularity throughput th< free States. Perhaps Ve ought not t<j» wonder that j the j valuable ends apd results of j policy arc beginning to l|o| hppreeiatod in the south. | But remembering how Jort a period has elapsed sjnce'Nor- Ik vwas fired by rebeUionl and its iof industry destroyed by j treason. wo.ee nfeas to a gratified; surprised 'at findinlg in the “Newßegjme,” publish ed at jNorfoiy Virgmia,' the following; ■•“Wie observe that many of the State Legislatures and sun fry city pol itical organizations have | nominated Mr. Lincoln forre election|U) the Presi dency, and the people seem w;ell pleas ed with those acts of their represent taiivejs. We think it too early to move in-t his matter. The moment the nom millions are, made, the! contest will ] Mr. Lihcblh, if pat in nomination, wilt be a formidable candi | date, | Even Opio,seems t j bo in favor of his re-lectipn.” ■>. ’ '- i ! , A Loyal nominated Mr, Lipcplh i n Texas. Ho hi is .been re-- nominated in j Louisiana,. Kentucky,. Tennessee, Missouri auld Maryland,! an fl ! * now spoken of in this* manner even in Virginia. Thd Change toast be yey radical in the “Old Dominion” that reaches oven to results likoThese. We shall yet see Virginia: as lustily laborious for office under 1 the “Bair Splitter,” as aba oyer was under Mad-, ison, Monroe or their successors.—* Philaj Worth American. iso be found nneys. only a in Of world. j kr* Lore, IfethiW =I ii^l ~....~ ~~, L. =I ' Um I I ■'* ~ •' • Dtirfh' *pd i rang. patriotic line* >il . Daniel S. twer to a queJj for poaeat’l ! Jfed: Ds^Wlireari/ ;Gnedaywhi|esitti ig in An bid fftfchic ncd high-backed -chair; ib r the parlor of amtelii Richmond in May, 18fl|3, enjoying* good pipe and North:, krn futper, and bad just becomeinter- B»tcd.in the latest newii, I.'heard: the’ dopr of the room open; arid the tpot-! «tep*bf two persons approaching— They jßeemed to be Ulking\co,»fiden tially ; together, and I thought it my fp make known my presence by some «gn, so that I might not hear anything not intended fijr my ear, but On peering into the room imagine my surprise when I recognized in the oc cupants, Jeff. Davis anjd his traitor friend, Toombs of Georgia. 1 hesi* tated no longer, but settled myself back ip my sent and bejm every en ergy to listen - to- the conversation, which was'carried ob.in slow tone. But said Toombs, Mr. Davjs, yon most njot give Jay to the vAgarles ol yoqr brain/ Coine, tell me all about this nnd |my word fcir it, |*oa will feel nettor after the re citai. Davis, i ising, ; turned tlio key in the door, and resuming his seat close by Joomhs, gave the following version of the dream that-disturbed him. Said he, I had a party,of friends trrsupnlort last night, who prolonged I their vjisit to a late hour, ;.l ate heart-( lly, during the evening and experien ced a strange feeling of heaviness be fore retiring. My room you know, is well supplied with large windows, and the night r being a splendid one,if lay? on my back gazing out on the heavens sparkling as it were with diamonds, and ruminating on the destiny of the Confederacy. How long I continued ■thus,il know not, but. stealing over my senses, as it. appeared to imo, in- came a cleat er perception of our cause frdip the beginning./ I thought mysclffih Washington, iu that j same room where wo 8 1l met that! night toiperfecl our plana for the do straction of the Republic. I thought seemed t'o live oyer againthe closing scenes which were enacted in Con gress, and I' was startled from the contemplation by-a low, deep, solemn voice close byjny pillotv, Wyihg‘‘Jef ferson Davis—Jefferson Davis !”*This was the beginning.; 'I started' and looked round to sec who it was that »poko in those avVAU tones, ftd a cold chill of h orro,r. crept ovdr me asl saw a idini, shadowy figures disappear in in the distance!. Presently my "gaze became fixed, and; before me passed the .whole Southern _ laud.,, one State Offer another. Maryland, heaving, and tossing as upon the Waves of the pcccan, doubling which way to pliingc —Virginia had a smiling exterior, but the, most deadly/, damning hate rank ! ling in her heart 1 ;! Georgia, crazy with | the onormjius weight of hojr sins and ijier passiops, anxious to give them i vent, in the warm blood of the North j ern . heart; and rq* passed they all; iqpo after the other, the lakt appear ing stillindro hellish than the first INo sooner wore “these ended than" by.some singular change i i my posi tion, 1 imagined -myself standing on thejtop uf-BunkiarHill, and once more the panorama of tho State: was pre settled before tno. ■ This time it was of,the North .! j.nl why enter into the details of 1 this vision, for I saw them, in all tho beautj of their free system; the chiloren on,,their way'to school,, the,old people lit the noon day prayer meeting, the fa*mer in itbe field and the- scholar in his study; All this -passed rapidly before mo, ai d I felt a fire in my heart, that to my-disorder ed! biain i,hreit ;ned to consume mo .entirely; A gain the scene ard I four d myielf on a hoight'over Charleston hurbnr,.jjuBt at the | moment the Mar of the West was at tempt! ng/b carry to the slarying garrison within I saw the shot fired. forcingiher return, jjnd my heart sunk within me as T heard I that deep, solemn voice, close beside me say, “Jefferson Davis, Jefferson Davis! this is yogr preparation for the halter!’ Again, IsW another fleet (jail-to tho relief of Sumter— ?saw/ the! ment and its final fall. Onto more I imagined nyss.f standing on the sum mit Bunker Hill,and the wh|ole lay spread out at my feet J and, my God I the change that had bqpwerver this land! Where, frbm spot and extending out to farthest corner;.these was A bnrryibgtoaad fro—men shouldering .'tfaeief. muskets mMI gll tendirigto .one point, .Wmlu ington. BCy uy«s fairly bland from my head, s|hen from. the blear blue abovama, Ihsardoewja&iß th* ' -Yei firomth* ffli iriywtorioM “Jefferson ±>»vis. W] bold the armed sep the mi-ery *rdde*olai ion twit ’dt^^fpi^. •J'eftnHW. •* ril j j . J. : .*iterr , hadjHonseof Ifeprewn tariyes.rclotingto wirk!” My . limbs tre'mhles|aa. y] Davis Joffaraow tße Payment b f bduntielto volunteers, heard these worlds* • Hell js di'4 Ay countiss. boroughs, &c. The act ewtal tones; My bi«m,;t»BWsi.d TrtnB3 ,« lengthy, but ibiseorittihs all feel hcad»ongifi4. n ,y k Serial 8 :| ; } V At tuts :pointj iM todShw iaesin bonds, talking ana wiped the eo|d sWeiSikS s fciJson unS a ? bis. brow. Toombs fembrlWitltit' jtl uowsit here jailw& th™ 8 / * W j* ness waned by the Commissioners or a mbst of any county, nr U e -cor,] Underfill, the riy »*• ***** M bat tbit, T *f m ? Dt ■* 1 itionlhs* iX;n»y descent XtriT ■*’• down to hell makes the issue as valid and llt«90 month* I coolil m UVUaJ%‘ ty ol iho wortd M nn*n W 11,0 "‘'l ll *' binding, u ifinil power'had existed around -the Corife(loracj}7 and-wf felt leased and mv doming e r *r . j 1 ® Becond seetion iegalises and the certainly that? Jefferson Davis l ° ”^ k< f va l id 8,1 payment of bodnties wo,w«.M b,W,kM 1 hl > W “■ ■»? tb, Conj,oi9.l,.jr. ~ de»trimtiori; Saw the of vain until to-dav vnn J** u°r ° 01 " 810 authorities Burned in secs Ports Menry and Ddhe son, ; |hd .a; me loaded duvrif with PP® BrbefoPo tlo “ and 8,1 loans made by said thrill ol horror crept over mo even i shudder as I r P°T O IK I that traitor to the’Nonli |and iori liavis ” siiiri h» ? h ® thl f£| •*?«•»<» authorizes, and Floyd, stedl array n t A **’ the night, leaving tub resfctoT ddltfrdo- kwful words mv ‘H 3 dea, g n aM to exccijlb arid' com tion. Along, the linhsi Sfein *S r ®®* en « mde by them mie* possessed of a fearful drea«|,-fly,Twin cwf kgdny rose « f °S pa * ment oi bounties, or for iug from Nashville and do'lffcibOft • oTthe refunding advancements made for saw .the-battle#. a shout; purpose, on eo„liiiU|thkt^oy burg Landing; arid id! and !faerspiration i £ almost in the twihki|ng;oif ah ..vftt^B,e : Jaylight Slrearainc . br ° ?d tr “fi« n tepl and Agree I Great Ormy of the S X^' U,n ® In 00 Xi and the saidUhtborities are jM’Olellan pressiqg t ih to and mr T **** reai to boifew [money! all its mighty bonds.with o.f in.. Again the soleXn voice Wii mv Davis horti , • w “ may be agreed S pon, and t 6 levy cars,-“JeffersobDayi 3, JeffersonpavW tliby both rose aha B P odk *fS and such taxes os may bo necessary U.J dpom i, £>: W*M ,h S T ” 0”' ¥*• -f# 1 No sooner were these words, tbab in i katiirht» tflimnLllf JJ - ECtlo ' l P )Urth legalizes ,alf taskess thd distance J heakd a/S.£ i 8 ' 10 «for shouting, and yelling that! J£ £ set the h.™i f k 1 purpoS6 of P“J ,n S boantil,as my feeHngs like! redhat t ?j haggard, careworn face, of Sforesbid: p.ovided that no pr vat. through ' -„jj soldier or iiion eoinmifjsion- Soon the d i hdleer, or dratted militia ir,iift or to my h 1 i p 3r, Bcripted ,tnnn actually mustered “imps", mtd service, or .honorably di,s to bring a Jdjcharged thcrotrom. shall* bp tbemselv e il, any of the taxes assessed in hofe wi j toXaot.. } r ■ j I landed oi desolate p.. gine. Stepping srigli ■it disclosed' to tny vieW a widilen trance and all around it-'gnsk the most 'bealitifuV floWer«; and I s/emed to heal* thb'.most bcantifel ima ginable. One dr. fey ghafdai here spoke to me arXj said, “Child o'lnoi 4 tali ty follow!’’ He led the] wavind I followed elpsely, j jt was riot iojg|be fore the beauty of the eblrghco psked away and al' became dark;dreait qnd desolate. Traveling whatfseeiid to me a groat dislaripe. We tti tuslbaihe to a great iron, the inaiUntpon jhicb scorned to sparkleand blazd wit (tome intensirbeat vrithio. Here jsat" i el derly imp as. a| dpprkoapor.And his side Was a very large book, in ilch were, written in letters rif, fir the names ■orall the damned who hs pke i ceded mo, “Child lof sin/Tspot tlio oltj man, “who art thoufH and ar.- sweccd, verily,, niy brttln d l | know not. “Child of sin; jtell i, by what name thouj weijt known earth?’’ • and ' 1 ! answered; J'ersori Davis. -No sooner had ho c tlcrtthis, name than tke imps with! a bjihle, never-to-be-forgotten stlreeifib, •'ang I to a distant cornpr, a id stoodkrlr.g with gleaming eye-bnllsj tharfmed j to loathe'me with a most.tre/™cds loathing, j trieid to lapproa/ keftj, j but they would njot permit it getting j tpatful oi any contact!wit)b jme.Vr’ ror stricken and amazed at thf°n J duct of those - I thought W*< uld/riiy friends, j returned to! the c ooPfeh I now found open, jfo I entered than the, door eldssdfth, «i iieavy sound, ank I heard lof and rolling iu the distance my i/jas I was thus introduced ,& , ' s ».»iefky of I the damned. Onward l found myself traveling aridlcjanAj anon, at 1 passed by sdrne paj v \JO- : writbingln all the niiseiy /J ll *wt 1 would turn toy eyes to «t« me look of sympathy, oni glatee om miseratior'for my fate,- baud All’seemed to look dpon ne da 1 drtadfnl .horror; anil pofi|tiv«>r borui fingers of scorn as JPed, J Whispered to eaok other..7ll |s disgraced! Hell is dis{b«eed Irfy ing faster oh, t at fast fou ypolf before an opdtl door,' having ritea overheat’d i’o letters'of Href jf&irj t'llnyer and 'rocieiycfeitiij ’* '-r «ritend, and tbete in the mi of a large apartment j rdne I of living fire and Mi mi host awfal being 1 ! ever beheld Ibis bead vu s mown of living i one, and roond aad aril Jdt >•»**» of Bouti«a Ii«gal ; “ v t *^ ort | l!m »to4ook, wbon,ln •!■■. ••f-;r;sedTrWi«.»t’n-.i-•' . tf£^MSSf ,h ’ *•“ >l. .r*r p % ItfiV-provisloW'-o/. ,Ur. if^5 n c|u lelW tar . . ■ ... .and)to-Hhc her two boys. ■, i : .| ' of menwhohav(fbe4i^ft. ‘Tm here sf hwton her. t I?” baked tbo woman. : f ,;■ | gahze all arrangement matfe 4y the ‘■ Yes,’! said- the soldiert “buti I*m I "?ff“ Colri ' tiea of Ml 4, the afra.d you’ll -find it a bird road' to f" ppprt of B,ltb ihd author- j r ' «es khe tfommissioucrs to borrow - ‘ Shan’t have to go,back, .shall I?’’ I ? one f f °r the purpose of extending she asked with!a startled and affright- f the "t 0 ® aid and” relief. ! cd .;K; ; ■ .:; if :*d : n9iJcth th^feom. . "O, replied the soldier,• “you’ll any coiinty to borrow never bach, to slavery ”j[ sufflclbpt inoney. to pay v oJaf ,. “Then-uo mnssa owns me but the teer said county; who enlisted Lord, <a ud he’s a- good Mass*,” said 1°" cr tH ? d7tb of October, 18(33 the, womow feelingly. -My, children hereafter enlist, a[ sum If ; {ii* and mine, 1?hoy’ll not be : H J T ? e f^“E-« 3 °Pi provided,; that nought and soiled out of; my sight I 7■fr°r boroa ]tth or tbwr.shin |au ar.d tbcy’ll readundgrow up fol^ 0 !" 1 r h,lvo alr My paid or com hh&t’fi wJhattheirfader warn’t ) ai 7^ c ®,T- to raise foods..to.•pfiy He toiledtime’djcome—frdedoim's day- they "hail; have' power, to buttli; Lord ha’|mercy, I hadaofaith!l r °T f suc i h «w ; they may/re ThoL 3rd is slo-t concerning hia prom- i TTf; T"' 1 if tbcir Pes P e ctivo .jfOtas tees. lies.surej though. My ole man ■ ?*" H ,vo botn fi,lcd . then they sl.iil .said it would come." , ' ; ' ; ■ ho e.|ompt from any ta* levied by the •“Where is ybnr old man V> asked X tbo payment Of bounties 1 the picket. K ]| r Section seven provides 'thatl no! “Don’t ax me,” she said in a husky . nd i Bba, l be jw« than «100 in a;, voice, while the tears streamed down ™° pnt; ’ and sba * ndt hd ,for a loiigor hercheeks. j j . period than'’ten'lycars: _ - ! The picket Jirected her to the capi Seclibri eight prpvideti thaj tain’s quarters on a neighboring rise part of tbe bounty has beenl and clutching anehr the iwoo|ly or. bOio heads with their facts' * btbopi *!« refuse ’lb paj she marched^on, a freed woman. ;^\i a 'P d °| r > that the difference fe# moments before she was a slave * ha amouhl.paid and iho full amthef two soHs were slaves, liable to P TOmiBed Cnot to exceed $3O0! be driven about b y the will of another - o,unteei ‘) Bb ah be paid by til denied b* the hopes which ljr ontboritieß . wfa o shall ass •nspirp you, ,childreft-ao an humbie C ° l,#l ‘ a tax on such d<i useful.and happy life. j’j of cities I 1 A line wasl crossed; she ', hardfvj amob P tB a 8 he required knew when or w|here. but; toVeLh iu ‘ !! |7 a ! ance s°®' ; ’ the mother bad' risked her/all; iTo 1 °® ctlO P^'' nt h anthorizes tl l)Ut her children within it* pale, she t^ a * ur " r t the rnoi stretched every i|ioners a there; aml llio yoke of bondage drop Unties to tire volunleers ped from tbolp neckb and they were Tho teßth section provide Ned - 'nosey borrowed by school directors, toad commissioners or sufervWsMdf cities, borongbs or tbwiisbipJi, be pUid to a treasnor of fheir own an polnttaent, who‘shall give sufficient bonds for the proper payments of the boat ties. -■ j ■ . i * I .Section eleventh provides, that If any soldier entitled to receiveiibU41 ty, shall die before receiving the money shall be phid to shell bob or persobs as would he emi'aidU nbder thfi! hive of the UoTted States. “ ! aa.<*So far frdm ijolleving thit ala> ver y "»«»« die,- «ay» the Richmond haye long held the opinion: j that it is the'normal and only hn--| m«ne relation ' wkich (•*& titnunn towiirda capital. When this warn yrif xri "bait urge that every Yankee who venture? to put foot ..on Southern toll be made* slave for life, and wear «Iron collar aa a bandage of In fen. ority to the African: Slavery aril! stab the time the ;Yankees ll&lpUo tell the troth, and no'JWWber.’? l, • :?•* '•<? j i QM I ; .. f - ititf |t»Un ta _ make i, ok whiclj: jo make a fi>n i 'I 1 | ''V JJ-. i. 'a ■ .'; 1 ', t \ * editor otvthe^lbipy **y* sb&t the; Now.’ York i) a -» up tirel y b > gWa, M adds, that be shook? Jik* to 8 «t „J 'witk'itkMß. ■ ■ "l -j. ; 1 *i - _ _) F °V«l«r- whatv' (iu reason di« ' •. a •.. B M ( '‘f- , uinstaneo argues oauv I nough answered the <J,Mter; ■■ & ■] eon .s ’cause dafo am" not sufficien 7 HUDiber of water.” ! T | | j- [t where i | paid by >ngh. arid; T tho>;ro' | 1 amount :r,K tb |O f stAe, kjntf of &Mwa| ? aiid . ; c 5?. S's’ n,an j to.an invalid. - • ! : IS^SS** lk diess worth Uitny tive dollars ■ stolon from her.lust Talk about - juntos dress m silk and satinij f .. P®*A a "g Gentleman; wat f<> id. Hand; ‘‘l hop . ?fc‘ v-SS . to eaci |he colin less and faulting in such to pay ;e conn* n’ey bor ind pay B,'that ■froiiM oaijtte of ______ ' »t up? Becaus»dv.' ;Hli<j>(|lU Lave one- of Hie own Hn <f i lot borrow Lfo neighbor's. > lead h np-tkdd jcjifo; • .' y , *■--■ -' -• -i -- L-r*T*7»•;. ar:.V// * ♦, i ■ i i w ay ~ wa Are beeps like .oestres, lieeeniy $4.1 ibor...s. e the 0 , °Aim \U~. ; '■■'ix i' v S»t ■ ■?n«n&’ wd*,- 76 cJntL a Une, W «L'' aottew ,|. Senatorial ■ ,‘, I’he Cincinnati ! t thn» olaitffie* tfad I, itited.Sidtes Senate:'■• r to'*^$ er i attend- • 1 anpo in lh o Seriatorily jury, boxfbetij *alia*y^'/ ; : : ‘ fhkje the ’ i|ict I (leh’tjknow how far gon^ «« re « with /mo; bat : X tfiosh who disngt&i ajc. privileged ** iPP« Bi to a Inghercoiirt. J r?'. ’ life Cojlamer; <i. „ X. I'/-:-- J|riusach<j9ott ! J. - i- J \ i,. .jTfap most plea/ feller. to' lia4 £r « Doc of Wisconsin? ;\ of Ohio! 6 ' ; m greatest fore that eror lived—' J *' f. .Davis, of . Ken tacky i j 1 - >' ■" ■ Thp Knight o’l the [SorrowfUi'NW v Lane, [of Kansas. ;x i ■ • ••' Pe mjost bibulous tmiji in Congress' 'X ~d^ r f RlchardHon,V»r| j*-\ ' JPfi fe fet io/'hmg man, when' sOber' •”AJ- r - Salisbury, of IMaware. f -X ••’ i,F h ® m *" who has the least to eav—: X L. H Ch 4 lrick,l , x p f Indiana. X ■The man a faux pas in “ ' , tr it:t i | y Xrivate* circular,’'.; which soon became pabtib property— mtfe, * rov ’ of Kansas. f « Tbe man who’comos nearest to he-1 X in ? : hohody - Mr; Riddle, of DelaX V ware. ‘ •«• .-i.- .. ■-. . : Toco* Sri.kYXi?eplmMbn, a conn 'X f-X-piftoiierJ was one day trying u»,j6cJl Joe a pan- of pegged booted | , Tbo old, wan gave tbb jai iicie ofifeeedsX a fan examination, and Idebidcd not to 1 1 purchase. • ? \' ‘-..|>.v j : »«•>; .• j' ‘‘Nice boots,” said Stefdionsori'X' •> ve , r .V »h e boots,'’ said old Joe. I Mltlcant afford ’em.” : j. i twpdoliais.’V .1 . „ ■ o.ojr don’t kee sf Xi>enson.| I-W c ell t l s *>ould want. ,| 11 dsbought them bootm,’- I twisting up with e 1 chemical leer than u.su.nl of boots I had pretty rac.f 1 r waMhat?- iW"tiy v said foe, - 4 all the' tiiim I W, them boots, I ’had to take t L men.along .WitfalniQ with hummers oneion each si.ie, .to ha. Ton thc aoies Tt?- tima 1 lilted nty feet.” i x: *■'" * l,,rd 1,1 -the hurv.St field- bands scarce, a,.d KariLir ■«?Sisw w"“ l ‘ri *“ phs, and the laborers are fdwi"i »Yes ” ejfclamed Farmer . n i®X day tor IcffiSS t get them for that.”! ■■! I J ... id ff th'e alpGabet, were ypu find it difficult to ■ oil oouij,,-,, put the}. j * - * < • _ • , !P any hired . ! * bireil. hi an Siiifi Jt)C.]hia' ivch a ninre_ > “:lui last; near ruined Stephen- alive, why kill it?-Be.' »Uer.B 'out iJ.r| .** I M ! t :,-V- 'A' w ?■ r ■fi :f !'■ '■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers