g^RBttRiilfEHDE 1 JscUrAHAylset. motion of taxpayers ia here : > Th °,td to ’tbo protons of the •si 'if- c , * tnt eB Excise Liw relative. to "/nenlof annual taxes, !ht ‘' fi!k t' n sixth section of the act of i By tbe 0 M it is made theiduty of all M v , ’' nartnerships, firms, associ .Corporations, made liable to duty, license, Or- tax, ph qr ’ first Monday of May m each tt list or return >■ the int Assessor of- the District located Of the amount of annn- tdie! articles or Objects ,i J "'fj , v j t h a special' tax, and the • 1, liable to pay ■* VfeJSrson who Shall fail.to make by'the day specified will Li rto be assessed by the Asses h rriidin-' to tlie'best information, i ' V f- t ho can Obtain; and in such case , p! to the amount of the ; fery 'prHof who shall deliver to TdSr any Wse or iraudnlent St or statement, with intent to evade valuation or enumeration requ.r -£ J law is subject tea. -fine -of five Wndred dollars; and in'sUch case the - v-.ill be made out by distant Assessor, and from the ■a "lotion a»d enumeration so made i theretccn be no appeal. } ' ' i Pafmenl of the taxes, ex i i* pt those for licenses will not je.de ; Sded until the thirtieth d ? yof s June. i " fhe appropriate, blank* on whtch io mafe return. and ail necessary in ; , »viU be furnished hy (ieo. -i Reno, and Wire. R. 4 TrmbW Assistant Assessors for. this '' C Wu ,\ ff whom, the -returns should . tV..Wivmd on'or-before the first of Suv.-nl.. their o.ffices, in ih'avrr'yew Brighton and Hookstown DA^Tp OKT< . U. & Bist. Bearer,-Fob. 2.71 h. 1864. SS-Dk. Tobias’ :Venetias Liniment uireii universal satisfaction.during the fourteen years it has-been intro* ijut'cii in’o the 'Lulled. States. After ui: - tried by jiuillious, it has bben • -.anncd the pain detroyop of the !1. Pain cannot be where this . ueiii ia applied. If used as direct p] it Cannot and never has failed lin-a dii.|!e instance/, T'or colds, coughs andj-iiifiiHjiiza, it can’t bo .boat. •, One io cebt bottle will care, all the above beside “being useful in .every family ;}ijr .addon- accidents; such as ■'burns,, .i.;?. Scalds, insect stings, &c -It pa priucctly- iunocent to "take internally, i.ni can be given to t i.e oldest ;person, ui- youngest child.-. Price 25 and-,50 a bottle. Office. 53 Portland ■S'.rce.v. owl. Tone. 1 Sold by all I)rug ’ ■ ;j ‘ Tp.Airnits —Silas; Wright, who was'i i,;.y ol tile, best and purest Demo,') | ,**ra*.s fc'*l. \.is’ .time, - once, said:, ‘-If -a- j , ' t.i-.ug us \\>ero he any’who are pre ■ , mol, tor any earthly object, to rlis--‘j :: ■ ;i far opr C iwftderacy . and 1 destroy’ iltnt.Ctit'!s l.al/oir wdficlv binds us to ut the fyte nf 'a:i, ArnolA avi lei thee.detestation and mi i". i'-v American lie constant conman ! in}., until like him, they shall «ban i; ui a country ■ whoso rich blessings Flaw are no longer worthy lo.enjbyl'- r. —Th e . ew t ;York oncur.in the opin >y the Eceaißg Post: stand J T»ags to demolish 1/avill-bea tofjror.i'o. upset, tuL tlicir caj oment The dreapT e will probably of dsb the speculation t; n :, "TUK GiitLD 'Bu,: 1 generally (; ur L-Xpl diSC'll-- I u.'-Mr Cliaxc w iy u-ijili his.gol: s|iotuhi^ •ii.. Iq, ’.•'ll’ 'XiIC lie tnav is at janv iv aerfetene arodiruil * -UV [I ti:li ■old.”. 'FFICE, 24tii J)IST,P.i, j A lit on J'ob. 8, G 4. 1 oar Sir: The-cnlist rri'ow recruits, and Will bo paid to any officer,],,private or e'nis ani Acceptable aiu-hal* Gt \ Is'c'.v Brj; v'ib [A rqus: l!: fee of 815 fo *-5 f'r vctcr.-mSj s|Oii commissioned ‘■lime :i. \v-ho pres ifti-rii. i,t this nffii JOHN CU - '.Captain ana ProVo&tl Marshal Donehoo, laic of i haviii,gi located ip. re calls jat bid office Extremity' of thc/X.a this place. M ’ |;.'arDr. Tiios. i,.''Vull>vi'jß. Ohio,' ■r Scavor; will recei I. ' n Uie Southern i . 'woT.al |loiel," in "MARRiKD-M. ! : <>'v Rev. W. G. Ti J ut Mr. Hinry Eel ij.Uffts F.ico, CCon'i ' fej AT, t ju. .Heaver, I’a. - A7 1 srMTih'j!, = Mr. Sa Hati, Wi;avku, ai omlay, March. l4tti,' uylor, hi the house [wards • ißeaver, Mr., im i sSary- Sorg ’ t 57 ih > Miss, Louisa Iko.n^, iat., by Rev. G/ T.. MF.s Gjtti.GH to M'njn 11 oif’Bbaver County. ;■ Braver Markets* '■'-'RSECIEP week -t rem ra* ‘‘aeocs.’* per bbl. .. *.i j r * 100 ibs.. Bried apples per do Pfeacbes **• 1 •««, . Corn-* ’’ ‘ ' *J ~Hy« *•' , o?.tg *t Parley ’, • <« Reed, r •< -TiTnotliy Seedj^^* • Seed,..-'*• Oniony - •* •< t V “ Baiter, .< '' • i. - «. • nicies, i 4.. . Tallow, . (i ■ . , Candle*, .. :-. ’. , . s “- .„°' n 6»eq, “ 1 "srljoa Oil, - .. bushel Ay* 4K\ doien 20 'i lb 30 i «• u i •• Gallon... 1 . WooD’g > * a l Bei n«V ’ ll th ’ J RESTORATIVE COBDtA lovator, the genuine artiv »nig Stem of, \\ j" . jDB. C. P. eomiXKs! s. J IE MR|p| jHapL CLEVELAND ft FftTSBUBOB, B. B. I ■■ : ; 1 M ‘: ' • BeavepJStition—Going EAst; ~ Cpmmtncing, Monday, JV«*l6,, 1868.*—7V«ini leave Stiver Station a* follatet : !. i ; —■■ 8:80 ».«. Arrirtt At PUttWirgh, 1(MX& it. 2:20 p.m.; ’ •* «i j 8:60 p. M. 6:64 >. m. « •* • 1 1 8:,60; P. M. , j .Qoiko W»*T-r i Train* Uavt PitUbvrgh aiflitoteit 6:15 a. K. Arrive* at 8e»ver,......7:45; *. a. 8:00 p. a. ‘ i ' - « ......4:25 p.a. 1:46 *• *• ! ,1 EoehAtter....soo p. a. 1:46 a. *. r; K- ..~..8:10*.5. : J. B MeCCTXOtTQH, iWfc 1 F. B. MIERS. <7«n’i : PITTSBCRQ, XT. WATNE & CHICAGO E.E. Rochester Station— Going Bast, i Leaves Rochester Arr. at .Pitts. Ist Brigh'n' Aocom.''s:4o a: x ! 7:20 A..X. 2d Brigtf’n » ; 7:10 i. X.....J 8:40 A.>. 3d Brigh’n ' 12:30 P. X...... 2:35 p.m. 4ih Brighton 8:00 P. x...;.. 4:60 p. x. iMail, ,6<15 P. 7:00 P. x. ;lsl .Express, :: • 1:05 A. X...... 2;2C a. x. Jd Express, . 2:05 P. 8:80 p x U nrin’ti Exp. . 6:46 P. 'X,..«, 7:60 P. x. . ©onto W*«T—»■ . Leaves Pitts. Aff.Al Rochester. Crestline Accem. 2:16 p. x.....< .4:00 -P. X. Ist Brigb’nAeeom. 0:16 A. x...—11:00 A. X. 2d Brigh’n “ 12:00 a. x...,r. 1:82 P. x. 8d •• .•• : 4:80 P. x...... 6:10 p. X. 4th- “ 6.-40 p. X.....L. 7:20 P. ; X, Mail,- 7:00 a. x..,J.. 8:20 a. k. Ist Exprsss, " 1:46 A. x...... 8:00 A. X. ,2d Express, 1:44 p. x....i.. 8:00 P. x. : AUG. BRADLEY, 6upt. r E. D. 4 ORPHANS’ COUi^TSSALE. T>'T virtue of an order pf the Orphans’ |f Court of Beavrr County, life undersign ed frill expose tp sale by pubjic tsndue or out cry; on the premises, oa s-r I Saturday, Ajml lOih, :1864, at, 1 o’clock, p. m. of said day', all the ing dcscribcd. real estates belonging to Alex, P. Taggert,-minor sou of James Toggert deed-, to wit: All the interest of said Ale*. P-Tag gerl in a certain firm or,tract of land situate -is Independence tp.,'in,said county, bounded as,follows, vii: Beginning at,] a post and run ning: thence by the other half of the, original tract (of. which this is a part), ( south-1 deg. west 262 j perches to a post, thence .by land o'f Lockhart south 89 deg. 185 J perches to a post, : thcnce/hy land formerly of Schulte, north 1, degree, east 262 \ pciches to a post, and thence by'land /formerly of~ John Beeper,, j deg. west 185 J perches to the place of begin i ning, containing about 22*2 acres, more or less, about 75 acres cleared>nd.under, cultivation, j balance timbered. The premises well watcr ! ed.’ There are oh the premises one small log | dwelling house, log s'table, &c. \ Also a young 'orchard,- The above premises’will bo sold subject to the dower of Mary; M -Taggert, widow of, James Taggerl, dec’fd.j" TERMS.- —-One-third of, the purchase i money 08 tbe.eonfimatipn of tlie sale byj the Court, balance in two equal anunal payments from that date, with ini crest from same’time. ' Bv orderfof the iDourt. i ~! ' - i ■*' MART MrTAGOERT, . I Guardian ofiAlexl. P-sJaggcrt, ’ mar23,’64 - . Hookstown.Ta. 1 willalso off*» for sale'roy interest in the afioye ’described premises at the sametime and place-above mentioned. J NO., TAG G E UT, • - - ■ - 1 - • ;—i |. ORPHANS’ SALE. . BY virtue" of an order pf the Orphans* Court'of the County of Beaver, the un dersigned will expose to sale by publio ven due or. out-cry, bn the premisesj ou‘. V 2O(A, 1864, at 1 o’clock, p. m|f. the following described’ ■ property: being, tyfrl of‘the estate of Win. An- j derson, late of tife Borough of Beaver, dec’d., , j now belonging 6 hiJ minor children, to wit: ) 1 all that ccrffim parcel or lot/ of- ground being/: i the northern of lot No. ip, the plan ’ (of jots of the Bo rough of Beaver, bounded north by Fifth or Boundary street., west by Market’street, and smith by the other pan of said lot. No —.-y On (which is erected; -a good two-Etory frame dwelling house, with frame kitchen attached. |tlso r a frame stable, and other but-buildlng-t—some 1 fruit trees on the premises —water convenient. TERMS—Oueitki - d of the purchase mon ey onconfirmstion of sale . by the Court, balance in two equ il annual payments, from that date, with interest from same time. Guardian of the minor children oflVm. An derson,.dcc’d. ' . . • mar.23’fl4. [•■> A., 33estwick. | BROAD \y AY & APPLE. STKEETS, 1 ' •\lfew Brighton, Pa., * r { 4 Wholesale and detail Dealer. ,in I \ Tin, Copper, ari'p Sheet Iron { IFari,-] ; ■ An? the meat apprOred patterni of ■ \j .Pilisburg Cooking,' Parlor anidi Beating ,s Stoves. ■e- [inar23’64 H'BERTSON, 3srOMo:E3. i . ■: A -STOCKHOLDER MEETING OF THE Phillipsburg & Rochester Steam Ferry | Company wilt be'held at the;. House of H. Bimbef, Esq., in Phillipsburg, April 2d, 1864; for the, purpose of considering the business of i said company.", By order of the President. G. PENDLETON, Sec’y. • - Rochester, mar2l,’C4. , ■ ' s I < v.., 00 .l 8 75 ' 1 1 60 ...i... a so ......n 40 1 20 . 1 00 ........ 76 8 00 .;. a oo 8 00f 2 76; ...; 70 1 ;00 '1..: 1 26 a. v <« ...::r.v. io ......J.; 16 -16 . : 10 •V 76 1 ? 1 !HEE xv; ■By order of the Court.' . HUGH ANDERSON,' ■V Election!- ] THE Stockholders of “tile Compart; for ■ Icrectihgabridge over Big Beaver Creek, ut or near Wolf-Lane, in .the -count; of Bea ver,’Fare hereb; notified that an election for one President;'six; 'Managers,- and a Treasu rer, will be held in the Toll Jlouseof said Com pany, on the last Monday (2oth) of April, commencing at lO o’clock, a. in. mar2l’64 , JAMES ALLISON; Trcas. 33 r. Pi Bi Young, WHO haa4)een for some time acting as I Snrgeon in The Ann;, having returned and again located himself in Frcedom,| Beaver County, offers bis professional to the public/ B&»0£ce ia f’hilUps’ building. ' [mhl6 , 6S' Notice. \ WHEREAS my wife, Anna Maria Ham* inert;, has left m; bed.and board, with out an;just cause, I, by these presents, -warn the public not'to to trust her on m; account, as I will not pay ah; debts of her contracting.' , . JACOB HAMMERLY. Economy tp. f mar9.6l. :■ 1 ? ..Notice. ■ Bask or Reaves Cocsrt, ■ Sew. Brighton, Oct. 12,' 1868. / 1 The Stockholders of the Bank 1 of Beaver County are hereby notified, that the Annual Meeting, will bohcld’ I jU.tbe Banking Souse, in New Brighton,.oa Tuesday the-Bdda;-of November ensuing, between ths - hours 'of S and .6 o'.cloek, P. a. And the election for Directors to servo the ensuing year,‘ at the, .femmeplace, on 'Monday, the 16th,day of No "veteber, between 10 a. a., and 8 pi a., of said day. By crder ef the Board of Directors. • . TOWARD BOOM CaeHsr. '&m ktjla are.' rfef iaflcag extanaira piaetlcb. Mil ln eOrrecting allirfegnlaritiba, painful mMutnaWoni, VemQTikg; all obstruct turns, whether from, .cold or jrtharwUe, head- painin the sidb, palpUstkmaf thebeart, whites, kU nebrons affeetiobs, dktigne, li yet er ics, peii. in the book end UmUj etc.', disturbed 1 sleep, wWb eriee of nature, i I Dr Oheeeeraaii'sPllla ■■■-' wastbe commencement of a new m, lit tb« treatment of thoeeitTegnlaritfea and obatnu tions which bare consignedaelmany to a. ni- Martrai. aasvx. No | female can- enjoy . good bealtir anlejts she is regular, and Vhenerer at) | obstrm tlon takes place the jtjner al health be glia todccline. ,'. j. _-J. "■ - I; Drii Ohpeseman’p Pill? _. . are the' most effectual remedy, known for all complaints peculiar tjo Females. To all class seiAb zy are ittralnable, «W«e|ny, i rith eertain :(><A i:riidical regularity They are known to thtluSiinda, wLo bare used them'at different periods, throughout the country, baring tba ppetibn of tome of the tibdl eminent Phyal eiitpb in America. | . |, - liaepfieit dinttsoru, JmsAj tfMt (hy sftoidd nif b trued, with each Bpx—lhe Price One Dollar per Box, containing pom 60 to:00 Pills; PI 11s eefU hy mail, promptly, . by remitting to tl e Proprietor, i Dr- Smith of Bridgewater sole agent for this County. I H. B. HtJTCHINGS.J Proprietor. inl 4’6Bj iy "" ' Cedar |up New York. tP i . 2(1 nion BEAVEI, ' ip , [ALEX. CLARK, Tjiidpiuetob T"N a<ldilion to the cofiventctict6 of a firs j :lasa Hotel, the Proprietor has fitted up in GIW house, in a complete and Satisfactory man ner j- an. - I . ■' •, ] OYSTER SALpOX, ' #here the best quality of Oysters-' may be ob tained’ during their season,! in »any desired style. Families can be famished with Oysters, by, the can ,or dozen. The fable is furnished wjth all the UiTuries the PITTSBURG MAR K%T can afford, ■ I .Thankful for the 1 iberal pi ford bestowed a conliauauci respectfully solicitor. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. WILSON, MIROUm, 54 Wood St., • THE Ml‘ STOttE FOR THE spiß,±;isr<3- of isss, • i ji . •• , , .At . tue Lowest Maui :xr Pbicb. • nar.25,’60 j f \ Ml‘he Howe Sewing - Machine.— | 1 ’ fINVESTED IS 16-15 A / 1;: 18S2, i\t'the WoßLif s Eaih, awardeda Pni midm Gold Medal as tto best Senring, Mnrhiae for all purposes on -exhibition; be sides, Four .Gold Medals ftir and, that tons many exhibiters / jCjiASsincATios.,—l. Family , Machine. 2; Family and Tailoring. 3. Tailoring and Gai tor-lFii.ting. \ 4.-Boot and Shoe (heavy). .5. Carriage Trimming and Harness Making. Its, stitch is unrivaled. The Family Ma chine guarantied to make perfect work' equal ly-well on the Lightest and 1 Heaviest Fab rics! ' Per shle by/ \ • • 1 ) A. W.VNN< Agent] Beam, Pa. ■ Ojcl. 7, 1803. .••J ' 'i LIST OF~ LETTERS “ Tj EMAIMNG in the Vost-Oflicc at Bear ft vor, Pa., Mar. 1, 1864: | , ueipiy .Maggie Emmet Maria " 13liqbanan George_B Haber!Peter. Bocti Daniel . , Heckathorn.C j HofvaS Robert' 5 ' . Hare Thos O : Cdnnel James _ Johnston Annie I Crossed Richard Miller! Ed . ! Cla!rk\David M : ' Slcrriman MJ . Crikllqr M T Penny E J , I Chileot Elijah Ranald M j Carr Mrs .Susan J Scofield T A / ■ i Dilfvorlh Jennie Swagger Annie ' Dirts Joseph Taylor. Mary J . Ewing Mrs Jane ; - < ; calling for letters in the above list, will please say they are advertised.' '! [ «/MvJ.’ASDi:itso:;, if. m. j LIST OF LETTERS v i'X) EMAINING in the Post Dlfice-at Roches vjft tar. i >a -* Mar. 1 st, ISG4: . Rrew.er S H . M'Connell ‘Melinda, ,2 Bhuce Bryson ]desser r Mrs S ; Brwn' Margaret Paterson G . / Dochrht-Charles Phelps Mrs.S B Davidson Win •" Shafer Joana/;,. Hafson Priscilla Mrg M L. Lord William -WeliClLois Lytm Mr E ; ' '< I / | I * , ■ T. Mr TAYLOR. P. M. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received up . to Friday, the 18th instl, by the Boar® of Directors jof. So'uth Heaver township, for build ing a brick School-house in said township, No. 4 (Court's), length;'of house, 86 by 28 feet, height of story'l2 jeet, stouc foundation two feet above the ground. Plans and specifica tions can be seen by calling on the subscriber. By dealer <rf the Board.. , mar» 04. REUBEN WATT, Secy; administrators notice. LETTERS of ndministrition on the estate of Clabisda Warekm, late of South Bearer tp.Beaverco., dec'd, havingbeeftigrantedtolhe un lersigned,. all persons indebted tc sat'd estate are requested to make immediate!'payment, and those haridfe claim gainst f said estate will present them to the subscriber properly au thenticated, for .settlement, j- •. | 3. STEWART ELDER, ' Adm'i I dt honit non, Soujh pearer tjj., f;SI7 GLORIOUS NEWS! iV'ot from the Aiiky but ffom the Town I \af Beaver.; ' subscriber would respctfuliy inform I the citiiens of-Beaver County t ha*, in ad dition to his well selected stopk'of OtOTHING, HATS, CAPS and QBNTLEMEhgWJRKISH IKG jBOODS. be has lately purcbS&ed a well selected stock of BOOTS and SHOESnf every kind and .variety. My stock'in. the largeil ever-thought to the county ,-apd’ I determ ined tosell “cheaper than the'cheapest” Mind the sign of the “Big Hat.” a" . V »ept.9.’og. l-N.^TETSB. ■ Beaver Seminary, TflK SoiMEB Tim, of 14 woeks. 'will open on Monday the.2Bth. o/ March. . For particulars addrcaa ’ . - ' C.-. JJ. B. Itrmi; BnpcrinU&daat,- x , Brnriei P* ' IMII B'otel, ” PENN 1 A. trohage hereto of the sanie is [' dec.l7 PITTSBURGH, PA , tiew Shoe Store, . da* •■ J ,i mUe* ftoin the ! r*aro*d, «wwniag 11 acrei , •.'■.) of good land, hn which. are wend-* Grtat \ Mill, with 2 ran tort* andehopper*, with *ll becemr/ii machinery,; dnten -i hy ■ bath *t««m end walcn power? alter* S*i»vMlß.-» There ere ntao'e domibrttbleDwieUiag'Heu**, • Sr*®* Stable and a yodiig Orrbardfcrfgeod bearing fruit tree*.The abdie propeity Witt be toldlow andon itMdaeblejeriM.^-' | fthio, at the same timeaad place, * ealnnbW (net of land, containing ■ 81 - here*, 60 «f Phich are cleared; and in a Med *t*taof eul tiration, IS ofrit m good bottom' laud.' -.ft ig *JI well .watered and contain*! anabnndanoe of, coal, and linie«tone..The iiapiaieuieala are a comfortable tenant bonaf' atui dog. ban with abed attached.. Aiao.a humber*rf young begrihg fruit treearlnquirejof SIJ jHARBI SON, Auctioneer, Green TreojP. O.iAllegW ny ooontjr. Pal, or to the subscribei* do the premises. .1. | • 8. &J. nOOl), • Berington, Washington. eo., Pa. 1 nuu-9’63. JL‘' V a. I'd. ia 1> ,1©; •' •• Por Sal©! ; mHE subscribed will Sell a traS of laod, X situate in Korth Sewickiy township, Sts tercounty, Pn., eontSing kbottt llt.aerea, on th* State Road fromßeatarSo Rjw Csstie, near the Conneqnenesung Bridge.; The land }s of |a superior character, called locust land— tery productive, and -being first Mid second creek bottom. Can: neatly all bo blade into. meadow. It, is well, watered by.gsfid springs ( of jezcellent water:! ThSirenrpjaboritJWacresJt , cleared, the in limber. Coal la; a- I' bundant near 1 ' theJ-Farin. There the premises, a, good two-Story in i which n»Slore:andPost Office {are Xow kept, with a good'Stable and. out-hoildings. There is a Gristand Sawmill, withinhslf a mile.— ’A Presbyterian and. Baptist Churphes, and a male snd{ female | Seminary. nitd Commop Schools, within less than a mile. . JThe neigh borhood is 1 good, persons of bating s' good Farm With superior advantages around it,hate now sin opportunity bflpurchasing., . ! U . WM.B. £LABKE, I. ! Alt’y at Law,, 4 " !| Beater,- Pa, I j i- I . : -i i: ParntHfOT Sale. ■' •, mHK subscriber offer* 'atiiprlwlji salehit I Farm, situated in t«ri#fp. SJjiniles from New (Brighton,) containing 21ft acres, 140 ofcwhlah is cleared and under; * good st,alo of cultiTjitiqn. The improvements consist of one Log house with four room*, to. which is attached a frame kitchen'; one supe rior bunk burn, and otherbut-buildings. Also a good house, stable and. orchard for tenant. This place is well 'water with abundance of good coal. Alao;a large orchard | of the best gfitiicd apple trees, one hundred budded' and other peach li!ees,* twenty-live grafted pear trees, and a large i collection of May -dukes, English-bnd cherries, plumbs, Ac. ' This farm will divide, and .will. be cold to shit .purchasers.' Title good, tndcoaditions easy) | DAVID THOSfAS, fcl7:tf Chippewa tp., Bearer co., Pa. l For Sale or Kent. L STORE ROOM, 25 by CO feet tiollarW. /\ derneath, dwtlling attached, containing i five rooms, Ware Room ‘Jsby3o feet, two sto- ; ries high, good sta'-jjing, &cJ- Two lots of : ground enclosed with the buildings, contain- '. ing a number of bearing pencil trees, grolpe ' Tines, raspberries, gooseberries, entrants, &c.; t located bn Second .-Street, in the borough of Darlington, Beaver county, Pa. !, A. T. Rail road runs tfithin'3o feeLef ,the Ware llouse, _ and connects withjltbe P. Ft. W..& C. Hail- ~ - r; 1 l 1 3 w* . w Notice in the Ondton’s Court. Rey. RT- Tayioii, •£. ® >r * ll, I HTJ bare Veen ] WILL OOMMENCE I filed intbe office of the Clerk «f, the Or- , f ? N “ XT Tbtvil WILL tUMSi^v-r, phaus Court! for : tarer cottttfjr, tb-wil-;- <’■ . L ii’ , r . >sj-ncccunt of Wm. K. Bolen. Trustee'ap- X UCSdtiy, , Marchl 24fft,. Ibbo,; pointed to make salc of feal iltatc of Robert > A.nd continue .14 weekßJl Thfc/ftijni. oP Robertson, dec’d. ;V: , ! ‘ ■ school jis to make its pilpils thorough, espe- Also the account ’of same las Trustee ,ap- clally in the Common Branches, ; . | pointed to niake side ofi real estate of Abra- : / _A_ IV omia.l h^m'Volf, dec’d. * , ! - i , v for the benefit! of those wishing- to fit them-- Notice is hereby given to all pieraoas inter- selves for teaching,. will! be formed at the ested in; said n'ccot nts, that jUu eatue will he ' commencemerit of the tcrj !, i -r, ! presented tojthe OrphoujjcCeurt to,beheld aid Board, Room &c.i' ’ ..$3B ttt) l l Beaver, on Wednesday ihe 9th day of March.' 1804, foe confirmation and allowance: ifebO j j- jgitKA. fKAZlblt, Clk. * A VALUABLE RIVER FARM* ■ i 'ro|u sale. • ?. : f - ‘ -I , ! : ■ 1, 1 '•"I ! TUK ofTcrs at jpmat© sate bis Farm, situate j in Industry, township, foiir miles below Beaver, Boavercburity. containing TWO IIirXi)RBL)!,A(mj':S; I ;1 i 1/0 acres pf> w !iich|'art cleared and in. a gbrid state of cultivation;The improvements con sist ofai’rAhiei Dwelling House. 20 by 40feet, st ori es in lieigt b: a fra ine barn, 85 by 55 feet: .frame' horse (andcow stable; a gpod.Or chard of grafted fruit trees! (The. C.'. & V. ll.lt. passesjthrougbh this, ’fojrm. y- Abont 140 acres oftbia Innd is' underlaid with a four feet yela of enal,f open in two place*,, and in tv.orlu ing order. The "above farm is a very- valuable one; and will be sold* nt a bargain;; I ' Also, a lot, containing TjWELVE AGUES, one mile from Bcover—improved’; suitable for H Gardener or NurservmauJ • Title good, and terms casyr| I|'ROBERT MCREERY. JnnS,l64. • j ' T'A For Sale at the Beaver- Drugstore MARTIN’S* GOAL OIL IIUKI'iEKS—THE ILITTLE MONITORS- *»- burn oil without chimneys, 'a splendid affair. lAlsoCarbonOil Lanterns without chimneys. I For Kale at Drug Store of jC, Pi Cummins— i Gun Powdci',, Voting Hyson land - [Black Teas, all good;:.C6ffee, Ell. Coffee, iDandelion Coffec, Gold pens, Spectacles, Golden Syrup for table use, a primb things a cheaper article of. Syrup, very good; vinegar, hominy, Uand scrubing brushes 4ndj salt. |.' •1 J ’h ! !" t‘ f * Zant. currants for talc at C P Cummins’'Drug Stbre.,f J I i , .’j BRIDGE L.El v rilf& SEA LED PROPOSALS will bn'received by the County Commissioners, t.ttiheir office in Beaver; on Monday, the 4th day of April next, belweenthe hours of 10 .o'clock, *a- m., and 2pi for the building of a Stone Arch Bridge OTcr-Potaid. Garden where the road between Frankfort in Ithia county, and. 'Clinton in | Allegheny couhly, crosses said stream, abopt a half mile oast of ijlurdoias vills. Apl%n of !the work {will be exhibited, j _By order:- ’ IUQU D Ilj AGNEtV, Cl’k. d. tviu r Jll AQ^h, \ATCajrd. 1 AVINQ eyld oar entire stock of J)ry 'tl Goods, Boots, shoes end plothing, at, New Brighton, to James H. Sroiccs, ve take great pleasure in recommending him to the citizens of.this vicinity, os ■an I exceedingly clever, agreeable and .accommodating sales men, and solicit for' him the custom 0f,04r former patrons, lind all'ot hers in want of good goods at low prices. MCLELLAND & CO. ■ New Brighton, l FebJl,,’G4.; —he .Fq 1 ’ > ■' FTIHE subscriber offers for rent, ftbrn the JL lst °f April, hie house,! sittiaied iij Brigh ton township, shout 1-4 from Blearer; Said house is built of ,brick, and! contains 8 rooms; to which is attached Ttbtrtft-1-2 acre of ground, with fruit trees thereon. Apply to < "■- r I x' v i w*. o.:woir, mar 2 64 ;. ; j Brightog tp. Do You Want Employment. . I a pletfsahi business fo ■ the Sprlnrl and pumm«rj with largt profil a. i Sfipl/lar inyrtew circular) 1 containing fall ■ information. I 610. WW’D SB AM, ■*“» w; ■ r . r' ■ vsteiClKT-, ■< ■ i ■ -1 ; V ; . ■ ; -jl. ' ' X • 1 . r If . , v SE E I---. X 1 .1:L , . - ..' . I,:\ • , . ~. ..), .. rt at;,:. 1. ,;. .. , ,,..j . : , To Is • • - 1 • - ,- k • -:r: •-• ; -.„ !.- ._ \ i .; SPRIHG GOODS Prints ! !' ■ ■ •• . ■. .j From 1$ 3-4 to 25 cents per yard Ginghams, Checks.Tioks,Table Papers, Jeans, Caaaimereß, and Bleached Muslins, V! Brown ' ■'J • And a full lini 'of j ENGUSIII, FRENCH & GERMAN IDIR/lESS j 000X531: Spring, deLalnes, ; j.- A Voiy cUoice selection ofatjles and qual ity, at witHin thereaCli of aIL BARRED FLANNELS and WOOL- ■ FORTUKE’S CHEAP STORE, j (F eat the Poit Offijic,); -, t | - , ROCHESTER* PA. . Beaiver Seminary- S- 3- MERCER, Superintendent JJOAUD or DIRECTORS. i Kev.-D. If. A.jW’LsAK.:®. D. : J : •*. D. A, CoSKisonAM. 11 : . “C. P. Criisnss. MJ If. • ; TTtHE fall tbe» of fourteen weeks .'Dens on iI i TUESDAY,|thc first day of September ! Kates per term for board" and furnish*.. ■Ro-oto,} i -V-Pv -«• For full particulars address ! *.rnu i Tuition varies'frim S 3( )0 to $B,OO j . IjtgrrFor farther panic ulars’iaquire of the President of Faculty, i J - . mar4’6B : ‘ |R. T. TAYLOR. ' ' SECOND j. A: ** m y Corps. tHE undersigned has been authorized to (recruit men for the K ; ~ 1 ’ - UljOth Regiment t*a. Vplun'eers, or far any Pcnnn. rcgimoi.t or battery.' . , ' ‘ Government' ißouniy — J . , ’To .Veterans., • $4OO ; “ Others Large local'Bounties are alsoysejng paid.- :Kg-For’full particulars inquire at the of fice, Sew Brighton 1 , Pcnna., opposite the Pott 1 ■Office. ' WM, 8. SHALLENUKIIGER, l: ij ' J, Lieut. & Aldj’t.ll4othPa. Vols., febld'Gl; , 'Recruiting Officer. PITTJFT.W. & CHICAGO KAIL WAV CO,' 1 . Office op tnk Skc etaAt, j •: Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 12,IStiJL ; , , FjrTIIE Annual Meeting] of the'' Slock anl I 'Bondholder of thisCompany'for the elec tion of Directors, and for such other business as may come before,it, will be lie)d at the Office of said Company,, in the city of] Pitts - burg,, on thci Third [Monday of March, A. [I 1 . 1864, atlOal in. s 'Tbe Slock and Bond Trails - for Books off the Company, ■at their Office ) i the city bf Pittsburg, and at'their Transfer Agency in the city of New York, will be clos ed on the let day. of Marbh, at o m., and remain Closed- until tfie,l7th day of Marsh thereafter. > (fell) W. |H.’BAKNB3, Sec. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. WHEP.fcjfii letters jestamentary on tho estiite ;’of Bgsj. M’GAm’cK,' late df Ohio Iwp., Beaver county, Pn. s dec’d, haring, ’been granted tb' the undersigned, all persons indebted tofsaid estate arc requested,to.nmkje immediate payment, andjthose .haying, claims against the i same will preseift them properly authenticated for settlement. ■ . | avm.lb. m’oaffick;/ \ ] JESgE M’GAFFICK, | .Brighton t., ] AftDfW M’OAFFICK, Chippcw': tp ; jfeblO.tjlij j ■ j : iLiecutora. Beaver Hotel, ~ JOSEPH Sail, Proprietor, ixr' j-" Beaver, I^ia.i l | AYiyO thoroughly !,fitte<l.up tljU .house, | 1 h.t is now prejl&red (b'Sccomtnod&tc his friends,.land thepatlis generally, in the" meat satisfactory manner. H : fmay62 -^Totice.,j ; ‘ rWHE Proprietors of the Girard House Phili it , g delpbia would respectfully call the at-, iention of 1 business men and the travelling community . superior iacoommodatiqu ‘and comfort ered in their establishment. ;' '• augJliSilm.v ■ ■'! V' ? >,. (■ _ _ j KANAOA, FOWLER, & Co. I)r. P. M. KEilXi ■ Offtrt hit Profeuional Strata to the F topic if ,BEAYEiiA*N- i) ■ y i p 1. 3 U T Y and solicits a ishaie pf-publio ■ patronage. , 1 ; ’"'’■‘i y;-^o?wc*i»7.■ > Kerr’s | Hotel, Beaver, .Penn’a, |8.*6 31 . \r' ■ : r ;..i - Ml!!Ms2== amoTid.. L*v liii~\s -w/* • tESTEB,.JPA, •p^j; FTpST ' 6^ I I;"' ■. , ,N Best j Chintz EN GOODS, ruinous prices, at ForjfuU pa. - T -I ,| . !iS. B. MERGER, Beaver, Pfc. 1 augl2:*t ’• ,i.'-' ..; r i- : RAll-ROAD HOUSE, J ADAM JQBKSOA, jIUOrR Masssnß, I*. ’ i ■ I ■ HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. — ■*"?•* , l. .I - ; LONGmarchcsi sore and stiff joints, blister ed and inflamed feet, all these the soldier must endure, MOTHERS, ftEIIKMBEU THIS, when your sens arc grasping dhoir, muskets to meet, dauger.'thiuk what relief V p|ot of. this ALL HEALING &COOLIKG Salves will give lo the onlp you love when far away from home Ajad friends. It hardens and mikes j tough the foil so that tbey can endurcj grcal fatigue. It ' Eo3lbd4 aß<ir?lieTcS lbe Tiiouuicd anil stiffened leaving them supple,! st rong andvigor- Oiiaj while for / ! .I'." ! • •j SAIHIE COTS ASD-'OCNSIijOT at Stands' unequalled, removing and preventing every-’vestige of inflammation. and' gently jir/fwipg the jedges together, it quickly and completely heals the-most ffighlly wounds.. ; WIVES AND SISTERS OK OUR VOLUN ,j • xeeks, , -i.-. j- To 'cannot put into the Kna -isack ,i r Husbands and Brothers, a Inure yalnahlenor more necessary gift than A feipply ol ibis *. EXTRAORDINARY MILITARY S-AIiVF; ; _ The lonely . sentry walking bis. ronujlg' at night, exposed to drcpcliiiig rains and chili night air, is often seized! the post VIOLENT XAISS, COUGHS and ; S-OFKOCATIXG uOARSNESS, first symptoms of QUICK CON SUMPTION; but if supplied with ' HOLLO WAY'S PILLS and HOilllOfAY’S I-OItiT MKNT. all danger.is avertod.g tcn-T'Uls taken night andsmmjping, and the ointment briskly imbhcd'twiitrn day over the throat | and- chrKt Will remove ihp. SEVEREST PAINS and;stop the most,-distressing or!) ANG KUO US COUGH Thefore wis«ay th the, whoie|nrmy..| i | . . I :} Sea to yotif do not trust to; the i Army supplies although most valuable.-' These PILLS and 01NTilENT'-havc been thoroughly tested, they arc the only remedies used in, the European Camps and fiarrag-isj for oyer forty years Doctor Holloway .has supplied alii the armies in Europe, and during the-jCKUJEAN CAMPAIGN he established a depot at bala clava, for the exclusive sale of those GREAT REMEDIES, many a timej 1 is. specutT Agent there lids sold over a ton ihj weightNpi' the Ointment in a single, day. j 1 iucse terrible, tr. i fatal enemies of the Soldier ip'Camp. DIARRHEA,PYSENTERV, SCURVY, SORES 'and SCROFULOUS ERUt’TIONSj all dkap-\ pear like:« charm before.J-tTpSO PlliLS, AND OINTMENT, and npw while the Cry tings throughout the land, I I ■ i j t ■ j j TO ARMS! TO ARMS!! '- 1 , t Do not let these brave merf perish by dis ease, place in their hands Mihse PRECIOUS REMEDIES), . that will enable jthem to resist the dangerous exposure. l , ■ the Fevers, the Chills, and the wounds which they cannot | avoid, and what is more, cannot frequently get j succor in the moment of jwbereas if. our j brave men have guly to putTtheir hands into ! their'Knapsacks and find ihcre a sure remedy ; for all the casualties of life I: at tie Itielkl. \ How : many thousands ofiivcs vfould; thuls he .Saved • who would otherwise pwrisfi before! relief could ! be obtained. [ I n ■ -. j iff ■ A’ iT- I V ■t.v ! ' * <'. » Styles, | v TCjO ■ X PHYSICIANS * "DRUGGISTS. THE undersigned would | lnform and Druggists that, ewiiig to in dng demand,' he is now prepared |to rviiinl.d-.-1 lure on a larger scale tliyn 'heretofore alt irtiX . cles of the Pharmacopoeia, i Thesp woUITjc o!' j the"strength and qualify las’ dispensed .'in the ' Prescription.Department.of aiy st,(ire. and will ‘ he. found superior in strength to-pmsi in mar-' |kct. I guarantee theit to he of the proper i s^ength purity. , (;j fr !■ • " p-,";.’• I' Some ’'reparations offered are net’;, jfct'wftl ! be made' officinal {d . the l||amticcpMi?. 1 soon to be issued, and wl'' 1C found ;o be vai- ■ uable remedies. ’ _■[,.■ t ~ I i Any ( information as’ rcgarcL? theii"'6lrength-, | "usesland qualities will bo still tJ tliose dysn-- ’ ing’ iti, . i ■ ■!- ■; i\ j , I' would advise Physic las whip have I; ecu ;i disappointed m the effcit! of any remedy, try those of my manufacture. 1 ! .“j They inclutjc— ' I '1 ' | Compound Extract of, Cblocynth, j . Fluid Extracts of Dahi|lXpn,.Buehu; .Ergot„| Gentian, Lipulin, Valerian, Wild Cherry 1 , Bark, and others,'' .j |. •.i • yj. . Citrate of Irodj and Citrate Of lion, and ; ■ Quinjne; very. soltiblci, ‘ ■ :Tyi '■' \ - Wipe of Iron and Wine of Iran and: Bar k ! agreeable; chalybeate*, _[ | • • Jf. j 1 /tSyrup of the llypophosphltes| | ■ .r-’| i Cerate if the - EiitfaclJ jif Cantharides: a' m'ore reliable preparation ■fhanJthc common ! Cferate. r i', | ;'!" ' j- -. . )■• _j. , J 'Jxalgtu; of C'priutn; it's eft A .’in • obplSxratej-j tjotniting,. ; -1' |- ~ (i- tl' '! ; .i Elixir of Valerianate tf Anuponia; a valtia- j ble' remedy for nervous or sick headache, I where a nervous stimulant and niiilacid . ik ing ; dicatcd, : _ ' ' ||, -. ,’. ! i. .M - Solution. (jf Bi;-mecohai e iof same ■! strength as Laudaiiunracd lit >rei| agreeable in its effects. , . ~"] *| ' ' i I’yro-phPsp.hste of Ivor: Soluble. ‘ I 1 • Tliesc,'together with all rareiand fine clients-, cals and other medicinal articles, furnished in. any quantities. • I’ ’ > • 1, * • I am prepared to make chemical e:;ai;.tnu- ; lions ol Ores, Drugs, Oils. ljVatc;i-. Ac. *L : GEO. W. WEYMAN, r Cqr. fid a; ifutithfield sts.,| I’iusburga, 1 a. DR. GEO. CLEIS OFFERS ’his profess oual abrviccs to ‘he of BEAVER AND; SVO’.ROllND tat) VILLAGES, i! - -j" ■ ''' i His Office is in PhilHpsbufg for the where ho can be c.m.aitcd in any time, 1 Wednesdays excopied,-.which days lit. can be aectr at his office in ,Pjtisbiirg.|-i,wltcre he has jtracticcd for more than I wdntyj years.' | , Dr. Clcis culls the attention of l4ic afflicted to the following .diseases!:—Scrofula, Diseased or Wcak Eyes, Rheumatic Affections. Jfbntalc. Complaints, Chronic. Diseases of long statjding —all of which he treats with iretiiarkable | sne ess. ■ • ' J ! j ! decdo :4l : ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. , 1 letters W estate pf John', M. Lckens, laie ofi llte ; boro.of Rochester Bba-vcrcoJdictd.baviugbeen . grapted tb'.the all| pet-sons ', ;l ! ■ dotted to said estate are a-oiiuebicd » 0 ; i na ]l e !• immediate payment, andUhH'ieAavmg i 1 against the same will ,^ rt ..seit them Inrcperlv i authenticated * al . settlement.- j i . I' i ' i , I j ' [Rocht-iter, .I*B. ' . T. M. TAYDOR,>; M. ‘ ■ a Tq~~RTN7\r ~;T~~o I AND BEAUTIDUi EDITtoN ' '■. ♦■'ibr -the i ‘h MISTAKES QF i fED ms. febS'Ol, „3Y JOH3:p. HA RT, LU. I).: L 1 muslinpricej|s'.> !qeiits|: / gapeq.‘ covt I A 1 -ers, liii cent's.. of tihisTbook will dc sent by mail on receipt "jof tte price, in postage stomps.' .JPJeas address P : - J' ‘i „• J. C. GAR RIG U.E S. publisher, . 148 South Fourth strbc’ti rJ’iiU’a. VaJ Bftrse.' , - ; r -' / ■t|• C. p. crsrjiisg, ......j. li. cjl'jiiiissj m. u G. I’.OvLrnuxin s-& Son, . QFFER their professional sc|tices. asPhy-. r ' siciana and'Surgeons,. to tie citizejisof Reaver : and vichiUy. They ca a alVaj be found, when not nrofessionly engaged, at the Drag Store of Cf V. Cummins, M. K. i Dec3’62. . . ‘ ... /. -H-j WATiai 7CUB-EI IkTO Curative Agency is supcriorioUYDK.o j 11 PATH Y tor the treatments of nil form j of .Diseases, aud no Institution .in thii <soun try possesses greater facilities fur its adminis i . • trillioni than'llfi*. . . J- fciroutsrj address, ; ,'i j i •- - <■; fDij. Wi N. IIAMBLETON, i r ; . Pittsburg, { =MME=Siall i v- ‘ \ stßseiafrioN aqf.xt, >;; ■ At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, / 101 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ;i :A Btiladclplii, i.Vor.-l, 1862; | i r pBE undnrsitmea, having bccm. appointed 1 -} ■ iWIiSKRII’TIOX AGES?. by,theiSccreta. I - of thyTrcastiry f 'i3 new prepared jto/iuf' nislii a^inoo, . , j- '• ' ' . jf’ ■ ' % \ocnty . rad) ij 6 per ct. Bonds. > of Jbo ,I’nitcd Stales. as i 1 - \ Twenties,” redeemable' at the' pleasur'd of) tho i Government, after fivcj years, and'authorized | - j bV., Act ,0? Congress-,' aju.rov.ed February -25,! . 1 ISC2.V- : (-•.■■: ° I ’.'jv- I [ The COUPON jjjOJJUS lircfissued in sums pf' - SuO, Sl'fb ■■[■■ ■:'•’ -.1 ‘ .i ' i 1 The KEGIffTEK BONDS in'hums df -$5O) 1 1 Sioo. ; sBi>o,'isa(Kk> J a^iSsood. I ‘ Interest at Six pet; c< nt. per nnitnm'wiU! . \ 1 commcnce-lroiiidvte cl purchase, and is jV < 1/' •■■•! I-'-' ' PAYABLE IN GOLD, | %vbich|ib'cqu}tl, & ; t ine present. | premium oh ab;cmVElGll£ rEIICESHi i’KU annum.!- V : ’ ■y I • . , I , Fanners, Merchants’Mecnaihre, Capitalists; . und all who Jiate any money to invest, should know and remember Shat these Bonds arc. in » effect, r-FIRST MORTGAGE upon.all Raik rgiids, CanslsT Bank Stocks and it counties; and the |tmn?enEe pioductscf nil the Mantffacj-’ || lures, &c.,-£de., in ‘ tile {country: and the full , and jßmple provision ntade'for the payment ojf j the linu|i-est|,iyid Ijou'ittati.ni of principal, by ’ ; Cdsjoms; liulie;;, Exoiae ijtwnps and Ucveauc. serves to nniko tjhlcsc Bonds the . j ' Bcdf,sosf\Aiwiuf!itc'iiW'f Host Popular • in ipe 'Mtirhi Tj-i Übseriptidns rociived at PAII inLegalTep-t. s<vjcs, cr cheeks of banks at’ 1 in'-Bhila teljiiijar 4 jSul rertber: vv'dt' • dyef.ppuiapi Sttenjiot. Site; tvery facility ■ explanation will o'e rffordid ott -apjuidiir ■ | iat |his cilice. <■!,,• -i.l • . full supply of Bonds wilbbe kept cunaap delivery. > ' V . •' -f !•, j' dA:V COOKE,. Subscription Agent:’ I A ” • der par .I!CCC arid lion rC'RI3’TEISDK3V*S ;j VT. .'LADELPHiAtjpMMEfiCIAI.J ■- Cpl^Xj3£3C3-Td,' fV /] lE. corneir of 7th| ftChestnutSt.,. ' '..PHJ’LAI'EL'IMTIA. PA. -■ : T J r •‘i'jnij Institution, .wbicE •wasjestabUslied in • tS44, and. is now; in vt e cjgtj.toebth:-year o!’ its .existence, ,numl)icrs : amotig its hu^rcdd-bf'*Eenic?t snc ; ‘ cessudoMerbEants and tCusines? Men of'out - CoujntH. \ , ■ j- . i • ;■•>/'.' ■ .Tjlie object of\!io 1-nstU'ulipn is soleiy tiHiTi ford young-men facilities Ibr-lliprbagb prepa-‘ riinon for •business.\l . ■ . ■ * ..i . Tbe branches taught anfollook-kceping.; 'as amicable to the art-meats of tydde; •VciJo- -Cjh-:-' belli - ‘ >jk ”' ' El . 'i-iipaifehip, i Commeroinl 'l.mv, m. 'CJvjl fnginccrwjj, ' 1 Mock-vn Tibi; py?i'cm ; or ■ In,-i| j *:r ■:K <’ I I - . . , i 15 Cw!. i' illi v ».* ~•!■> il i iUi 1 cr hAij - co;; • .Vt i it: .j ue* .r ai c ins .'Hi;- \u'T.Ui *iensiuii'-..hhi‘ y;-ra .tci'iLs.' 0.X3-1 ii'rs/ *h’y aOi'-ircti-ing Hi'e l'r •• In- ncf'nr remiVifion 1 , amt jri-ir.ciyoi, xM\v biil l>ei*Jor to uifj ouiU* Ij: liicn nvUhh'g,‘o. nr.*} ontair af ilio sr.nc li Tjrcvt* a Cantu? . I ” "^CnirxL*:; I iliau S&lv? *1" tsScKiiTr.Ni-Ly.i [ '!. [- s -• ■■■-’ Pinyttftiij.. j U"■ f- -v-J-fr- -- ■-u AN ' :TION. CURE /iND .TlllJAT f ■ MENT OP. MENTAL- J-- ; I: OH [ -•[ ' i DISORDER.".. ■.' : esr, *vous- .^cl : |jC|lirß'aic \ ke ■ U'Si-VJELY --kW IfEirAlis! IS" Institiuion ia-rfj.tr'pr-ca for tUe racpf— __ -hn, care, aid tpiatiacnt dvtii cj'.us >3l'. patkints \y|lio ifiv [noui.'i! dvranccmen: lor t :■; acrAiey *ind obrcniic disease. )\V«mate special i.u..'iti>.-nl of nerrofes and -cmor.ii- diseases. from tbcj Itict ■ tktrf ?eveii-ie:iil.s;ol’ tiije feipaU. ; j*t..-r.i:s ’iLWC c. ; t.o o'it A- 1 -' lie A-y-piro-u ru'ibe : t,roatc'fl for 'iuisor^c ; red| minds. u.i e revUced i to, dial llarncntable cctjicHUon tbf.n.ujrli pi rvi'-ius' physical 'disVdcr.|f v. ci; timed uad.jtdli-- Ctohs !treat nji-nt- ft shr'o.’iic and nervi/ps .-dis eases,'', all plfvsi.ea’-- ii- Vo i majority cf cases' Juaji _l»i-Jt- ujUj: and tuu.4 thejnm-j, : having. ! st-!Tcro'i ! ihv|tu-gh i’’|.c medium- of t:uei body': .wii! S-vh-rgar' 7i of'/from thoj e-yritine’ pliy-iosi- ea'. seV forto Mr ebe shackles that , has bound it I" tifirsj- i,an uudnight «hiVkn<:ss ! .and roiisoif yill; riiicjc lip orff rrsumejji.sfsway;. 'I, clotLe'd pfihtuivo ! beatity ec-fwcmtett - Is excellence.-. I’Udncetlicj peeessuy ol",iSVilims4 j .who..are laboring itr-d'A' the-, predisposing ior ; exciting cause-., ca’oufß'.tdhf thcciKl. to Un-f' pair. the nilJniV t 1 -.yes.frit to mV, (of; Kf gatf* judlcijiuicourse o *rc-rjisdial acenis.;'- : Tliej Institution a lingo "bii-S ;.b Vif jiff , • with ;| stone Wsoi:;tUt--f,.ui- '.sioi.Af ii.gn .and well %OUl'ituteflt ci ou c.n table jlaiiil wliipfe in riniatids a victr of entire' town—arlja-rcnj bill- - Oro-ve;. and r.ci"i)foririe streams: aU df tl-L;are caleuiaU-I to jvrJi’ fluce (y.rof.ttjie'insprvbiuns neon tic fi-o-f'er 1 ed mind. ' ’ | 1 ■ TJie Ip bV' ■! KE' $O3 i . : iEX T at jfiakil' cxyciise, iij ‘tUo a^roW^a' «vul : * ■ i *( ■ -x i TLi[' r, af».F telose** i bjivO |be£n gojion wv i modern gcicixtjlicprir ; cnibraced rot’ 1 u;!v: ' ■•also, (i-Uo iiufU^oa.i•: i. ilo:<> arid- • ‘ reuJ other rcrofuloii? di^cr I. ‘ 'V5?' b’ctf. leave (o s,x; to; foauuiti ; tf'ifo.'j sister j)r ibe asiured iuct no'n ; efiorts'wuntiiig on ou !-condi ticm'orto cu&M>u;cd health* mvl • Foi? -l\utLcr paviic; | All i coiimiUuicatip:is s Supt. dri&ew ■ 1 '■*? . ...iq-lV I I ■ I ' novl ‘ Uy, TT;3 • \\T i fine •I enq I v I'aik ■ urid ornaraentla!; lallipmyit ;cs. l'iicoogi-apiiy, inu t ion s :| ncl u-oiuude us? of. b'it enct vidjta'iljT, :.‘0 i lie ITiHJ '■ nil irdtei-tl a;\yojlijc v- ■ = I'v-cijiont.- . V-1. siu-'i .RiinuD jt'"HfLervJdi'e linisfu'ntTP'*? of . iuo sui ,i; IVt'l p^iiitjamrs! Iji* w’ms.:ned at'auy timeV ' ' T I ■ \ ■;r'\n<.lntlops; i <:M.>:rbv of jthe • otlV'j's jlVei'.iries ifru- • t •! «:} couuf: >. :' i- ’ youug ■::t >u.V r.rr'l 10 2-e A y. hljh will - it:n liii tfturto ui:v Jj.cr- ■ •:, vl Ti.eM.:ccs on ‘‘■wore v.-iMy circulafbd . . os the - su ! :»cc'.>- are" for f .' ■ - ' if. . . . •lii-ecTf'jij:. other v. u;L iii,a Colioge. ; S,:'HOi;pj ,1 k! liiUUicii : ■cajflttc fn.jii-jrpf its np-j leun ia«tofu!'yr fit tort ftp. .Oder Utst -il.Uid£ -&eet ’o.nhing nj j yn-ctfif nnen itie nVo* • ar jir ( ',vcl cjjl'ics. ■ 'Jhw uipi ti«cemlinjr for. lire’ move effectual mleiii ? of culaiuoss‘ and s i s * ■.-” 1 '• ; | o Till those who r*ny, be i.iic iau\ro*ia of-u dear tO bur vliUl'-j; Vvill lit;, sr-av* or i* |pa'rt'-io tunrllohati tilicir si Vcsibrhtion lo tUoir^ac. '.'i*'. fl t* tllijl.'r [ ■ dart* ior a! circular, houldrbc to. i-; ; !vi:xL'HirK,' M. d. iU’igljtoa Keitcftt’ | j ‘ New Urifj.ioo'' Jk ■ IV.;vi -CU r.n. G 2. i i*'i' rarnj jbif^p2\«j\v nl /vcrv . reasonable 17 • :-i ■ h. | J .. . )/ X; good buildings and o\f fui-'l].-1- f.articnilars ijpnyj PEEVES,' i N htoii/i Pa J y (F7T7 - "t ■' H.«d \ ' |X>K " ; >velr\jwili- : v« Pu.*.- « V oil nterc'd.- fruii i;rces ; F lire of '*' JOHN B. .tt’y js ;* -ve.o* in EU/-PA9 itet Eiioec.'" ‘j j !!' , Jaa. 2C,(KO£; T " ir- ■ ■ V"‘ II U =II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers