i. ' I- j IS ] i 1111 ;ii AifcOrlJS- ROA lestey, Mar. 10 I. L. |MBBIE, E<HW * rfwtdeni in 1864, k V , j, oftiiUsoTß, : - (For; Vice Presi^erA, 3tsW ■ O JJR T tK, : “of p<S«*riLTAiiiiij . i ( Wm an d- ioyM..*-The AftqOß Ovnotf L n : removed to ‘tbe room over mins’ Drug Store, nearly I tfur old office, we may Jd;St all times. ready to Attend fronts of our friends and |>£- Entrance at the Korlh/side building. has bet Dr.i Co| t>Pl»o«U ije tauiti *O, th«' trofas.j of ibe A. good Adams printing press Dr. Ttdsr Dpne^, , ''!ite w Ohio, hairing located in r, willreceive calls at his office. Southern extremity of the Ka' Hotel, in this place.' ! % Wells’ Heave is the tionSi The United States’ Sanitary ission purpose holding “in Phil- Comi lia, in | the early part of Jane i ‘.‘Grand Central Fair " for tbi t of the sick and wounded sof diers.i The success, of the undertak ing will greatly depend upon local as sociation.l), having for -their object to secore| contributions torlhejjFair. Will Beaver county ncft dp^sprnothing ip assist in the matter ? ; , ■T- - [ - - - -*rt jade! pi next, bencfi lis Advancing: —The type fopri navo issued a circular to’ all ? Pric deV" 1 priritei price c rs that they have raised the if printing material 25pei cent,? 1 I makers have raised the price of one hundred pier cent. The s will see 'that | publishers of apers. are not likely to become lafries in a hurry under this’ off affairs. only way ,to long at all lie to insist upon [it settlement of accounts. {7 Paper paper jreadei nowsf taillioi state get al prom] v; ;LROAd Changes.— J. N. M’Cuk Esq , has been appointed Gen upcrintendent of‘the Pittsburg, 'syne & Chicago Railroad, .in v. • Rai; loughi eral Si Ft. M jof John B. Morris, Esq ,rcBign ifr. Jervis’ hast been appointed Engineer of the road.' , Persons; !' frnerneas wftfirthe above dojmrt-,| 'place J -Chief IfalvftH meats' of the Company, will address the officers named above. [ i 1 -j .-i- UI 1116 in the Boavef Seminary and Instigate, will tilkojdace Wednesday and Tburs-i dky afterpoons, Mar. 9th, and 10th, and lie Closing Exercises Thursday j evening, iMar. 10th, ■: Prizes,. will be awarded for the best Essay; and besi Reading. Prof. Cole’s Seminary Class will perform a Cantata, entitled Music; amusing Colloquy will also be per-, formed. 1 ■'( -;> A ;L. . ,yfE learn that the friends of tey. Mr. Burt, of this town, con d the idea 1 of .surprising him on Thursday evening.- This they by _ the large ‘ n'utnber which, n dropping iri, one after another, :he house waafilled, arid by the* presentation, through j Eev.- Dr. .Cox, of a purse containing Eighty Dollars, i. token of their esteem and gboii will. 1 After spending; an hour or two very pleasantly and.socially, tbe com panVleft, impressed- that turf rises are Bom-etiraes pleasant affairs. , the cem : lint did canv till t a caucus of Uuion men at Columbus/Ohio, ohj Friday n|ight last t tfcoj folloteigg resolution was unani mously, adopted: , i j J .. J kesoived, Tha't in the opinion pi this Conventiontbe people of Ohio, and ih'or soldiers in the army, demand the remomiration of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency: of States. - i The members spontaneously arose ito their . feet, and gave cheer upon cheer at the commencement of the passage ot (be resolution. soldiers in the\ariny, by «t rrespondenee, ate ; calling flppn the people to 'supply them with Material for bandages for the coming Conflict Thonsaads of pair brave men Will wounded in those I dread fa) ■VI- H r-—T—-- f cftnflicta, and provision. in this way •bonki be qnde. “We trust this Ladies* Ald'SheTMies will take tb» matter in babuls. > ! ; / I A Niw Gwdktt.—- A n .appli cat ion att< the ereotjnnj of' to neVcalled ijionesta; apt of parte of Venango, Clarion and Warren, wi|l be presented to the LegieiatajfoaviU present session- i if ■ ■ <Vy • Tbs GirrtsßPßO CxMirrar.—Tb/ bodies of about 3,100 federal eoldier have Been re buried id National Qmsjey. Several hundreds are yet to be removed, the work upon ifjhioh ;• eteadilygoiog forward,:and will doobtldw be completed by the first <>f ji. v vT f 5 ! LM lnk.Stifpllie#. #e iieeJfrj|n mfmmation derived frAfe ironrcesltjnat ban be relied JttjWt,. OAc every effprt.whiob can bo made, byJWnhn ibgindity aod power, is to be made iti the ebmifcg 1 spring to increaso tbe rebel armies and to increase thWr tbo ne cessaries ot lito. The leader jof the rebellion 5 ftbe. different States, In arms against' the authority; pf Ah* government, express the highest hopes for the future lof their fraudu lent confederacy, but at the same time admit thai lheipresent their affairs is of the moat felooriiy character.. Thc great compklat a mongst the rebelaulhoritiesand lead ers hAhat their citiaens notjyet in their army, are making every effort in their power to keep ant, and th rebel Congress and Legislatures o the States are constantly . abolish ail exemption and substitute, and Wnphli every man old and young, enief the amy^and , cause. They do not attei&pt to pro* ( ivido any-miansof furnishing pupplies, , or n ake any effort to feed and clothe the men already in the field; and who are inhering apd enduring Unbdard of hardships. very effort; to ftfce the whole male population into their armies witt put regarding the .means of their support ispf itself oiie strong and overwhelming evidence of the ; desperation of thpir cause. They are. convinced that inj the ape preaching spring campaign their fate is th be decided,and hence their migh ty {efforts ;■ to fill' up their arrtxies, already; reduced to meio- skele tons, by death, starvation and deser tion. They often threaten ito make of I their slaves, and compel theU for theiricause, but they know wpljjthey dare not do it. But they arb in 'reality pursuing another course with | their negroes. 1 - They are making teamstersmnd laborers of them; and thus they pre enabled to compel all their white men who are engaged in profitable business oh their own account, exempted from, or a'roid militarys'service npon one preter I. or another, and thousands of {them a'u. nGW . driving teams and cattle for a jontsimf theiij government, and for contractors. men are abo.ut to l e compelled; to shoulder their mus!tots, and their places sup plied by negroes. In tips matter the Government of the ijnited Slates might tabsia profitable lesBon,.and compel all jibe bangersion about onr i-.-T -•• £— i -g- r 111 with those who are not [able to fight. It appiitts that the rebel.'impress ment la 1 ? is not considered quite stringent c hough,l and | some, ot, the States Lc gislatures are; passing laws loanable their Governors to do more for their cause. In soirieof the South ern States - where supplies cannot be had. for the army at leasonableratea. lljeir Governors. are 4rafiowered to tp order mipressments of]sapplica of food and clothing—an authority with out any, limit, and -to impress slaves for the', public service. .Thus they leave their helpless women and children tv suffer all the |horrors"ef starvation They have also directed that all nlt yes shall -be impressed, so far as they are needed, and have gone a-stop fail.her than any civilized na tion, in directing that all in the limits of robejdom; shalhdpe en rolled and compelled to enter'their armies. There seems to ho no blanks iobe ; in their sweeping cons scriptioa lottery. i, j 11 The of the Union every,, where if the rebel States, are pcrSe dated in tne mdst vindictive r aml mer ciless spirit’. Wo already know to some extent what they and their; martyred companions have suffered—j Thousands of themhaye been driven; from heir hotrieS,—their properly] has been destroyed Or carried away/ and many of.tbem and their inno cent and helpless familes murdered with the most hellish cruelty,, f6r no other crimo‘thaii loving the glorious old flajj of their country. I The' bones ofithese patriots whiten the-soil of every State in rebellion-, and yet one of their: Governors in the spirit of a demon, says, “We have dealt too leni ently wiyh those whirsticlf'j’to the old Unionl The time has anriycd when: loryism i hould .and must; no longer be toleraied. Thus it ia meant that/the.; i brave |an l loyal men, who yet remain | I where the rebellion has uncontrolled) sway I are to be utterly, external io'ated. !■ • ‘ , i .. V’> ' < •’| All these] facts go to show that the jebellioniis about to close. The lead ers are growing desperate in view of the punishment , which awaits them at'th'3 hands of an injured and, op pressed : people. • The; Administration jofftasidlent liinoolc Ispteparing for a : vj£or Jtrf campaign 5 as soonas pur ar ’ miss' cap’ rdovis, and we have! hopes ,'ftioii all the aijphU-wbteb now -*° '.cileii'.y Appear, thAf-sur country wiQ the atUttmer closes, ‘ -toredl to peace and prosperity.— I / t I r- May God ape which marcbet the Southern £ bauds ot th«' present pb have 1 conspired igainat human dopt imd rigbi- j V' ■- Jud(» ;; L Daring two dkyk last week, the Hon.l L- L. 14’Guffih presided ft W adjourned meeting .of oar Courts, Jo ing fais first appearance hero wjbss judicial cap* dty since his | appoint mend. His c icons and gentlem|in. ly mannerand familiarity with legal proceedings, made a most Wbie impression' t poid xthp minds of, t^ Q Lmkbers of he Bar and others who, were in attendance.; Thciro being .no trial of causes, bat dry arguments up on legal qrfei tions brought before tho the J’ idga had hot°PP° r ‘ tunity of dii playing his legal boapng and! ability is a lawyer. Judge Me- Guffin has bad long experience, , and a most extensile practice in bis|pro-j t?4°V" d dekeryedly stand® pleasureof hip acquaintance, ntMM him j highly f for bis many . exccfllent qualities of mind and heart; and we have no donbtj he jwill be able entirs satisfiction to thq people ol this Judicial Du trict. ~ 1 Onj Wed ie4day evening, the [24th hit., the ntombers of the Bat and offi« fcera of; the - Courts of this county; gave the Judge a supper,, at the Bop- j vier ttdtel in dhfa place. The Judge,! with tbel gentlemen; who accompanied him froir pen| Castle,.appeared toon*j joy the -gathering with their friends a legal lire .connected with! httr gother, we can sayitbat e present upon any occa nd, wnen there was man. ih .desire on the partof make off ! possible. All wemhneb he courtesy and.kindneas s'and fats friends, from mty. | If the gentlemen fair specimen of the lo op r sister ooUntyi 1 Lawrence county [rot irable [place of residence social qualities,' and v |n »y appeared to great >■ | social] jof ihi &l Altoj those W Coufts.; we neVei sion of t ifested si each ooi as agrees pleated i of the Lawren< present ar habitaiitsV most say, 1 i , 3/ , be a very for in all 1 telligencel vantage. / Our host;, mostjexcellen pll the credii splendid man tain meat. |wa fairly ground , please the ap done up in|aj passed. Mr. not large, is and is worll desire a living. . !i ' - These re-i most happy men- bet roc •. all that is sd< j ture, and in i and asperi lie , ly is to a ;n Homicide j We learn icl'e that a died h few days ago in from Injuries received a before attDobapdsof bis deeeased.it appears, went homcl inv icated, and bis wife, Mary Dunn, ing the sane condition, fell on’li with a club, and jbeat biin severely the righj, /side and arm /.Eryttipe [of a malignant character took { pin in the bruised side and arm, causin bis deatl in a .fejw days. , An inqn was he! i, and idhe jury_rendered a verdict that became to bis death V erysipelas, induced by blows indict rby bis w ife.'Maty Dunn, and a ppis ied state of the system' from bin ihal of intenr penance. . - [V i Election «>f Dr. St. Clhir ’ The olffiqial retains .of the late, i cial election; held Friday. 19 th j in the Indiana; and Armstrong triiJt,-fdr Stats Senator, 1 show * a jority of 2(906- for the Union ca dale, Dr. Thos. St. Clair. Tlio’j Ii aha American says “the major! ty gj for the jUnion candidate is mi re t the moat sanguine expected Fhe jority is withinafew rotes of the! jority givin lost fall for Gov. jpui and plainly shows, that we wore n in judging that the good Bop iblit of this ephnty; were fully a rak'< the importance of. the conn st. 1 hair the gkriohs yeomanry of Indj county- Ttyflare ever awake to t trueinterista.” •. v ' T : \ ,;j ; : D*a- JUtoit.- on 7ti< •ighty- at the Residence of her «on, tho J. Bco« Harrison, near Nort h|-B» sfso, -ftaMral took i6n Sop> wanting, from the reaideno s of •OB'in-law, Colonel Taylw,- at Gh our giftint ufiAtwl the doHveruncu pf] from Ihi uccutrta '''wow- Wl»»> .—The bio family, atjffd dina, ;e on [Friday |MW *Pb« ,re,had recent ly cffort to starve hii was s» weak and k he was unable to stand, and be carried to' the scaffold.. i previous tb his execution. dote, the 1 father , of. Mrs. M’( Introduced intahis Cell, whei oner asked, “Is this Mrs.- M her 1” addwhen an affirmative ' whs given, added, “As thore 5 - in .heaveji, 1 am innocent ol daughter’s murder.” On the . bore himself with extraordin »rtitude. He too weak to el sit or stand, abd lay down whi final arrangement* for hisezr ' being I made, j Be fore thi it around his neck he, ' to his feet] by a grand v jasir.g the audi eneei sat . crime for which I am abou 1 km entirelyinnp cent. Ttffgive all those who hare \ i" Ai brute in the crowd. ‘Blayedi, ibatt," an#-a horror '.hriff wdnt through , $9 * Wtfo by isl the v though convinced [of v -its.notrnU finalscenb nowi took! ' place. Th( was adjusted round the neck'' mlprifc, and Suiting on ’’a chair ho v daced onljithe drop The (rap #lu. then sprung, and the body of the wretched man hung dang * ling in the' gfr. fU execution' wai ■ witnessed bylfifteen thousand persons 9 including* Hjjire ■ nuirtbet of ft rngleii ■ and several '' i ; | r ‘.. a corps from imputations cast upon ir them in Gen. McClellan’s report,! foi* ! alleged bad conduct at tbe be ttlU oif l e Glendale. It contains Gen. McCall’s report of thekbaltle, togelherwiih I the reports of the subordinate coinmanL s 'ders, and the following slktel : j ment: . .#] ■■ j. / I • We, the nnifcrslgned, officersrof the , - in K Pennsylvania Reservtt, who fdught if.' -K" •? out ' the battle of (he 80lh of June, 1862, n ofr nai variouslyeailel'the batUWof Nel«iU’i ■oup hri’ess Farm, - Glendale and •jSewj Maijke[t nan lami Cross Koads.ido hereby distinctly . ' stale-tha£ ourdyision was not routed j ! : in that battle,* d. although tepippnl -1 rj- reversewaajsistainedby Seymour’s >7j brigadeearly•inthe dayi the aivisioii was at .no time bated. | j j. [Signed] Gbo.G Meads, Maj. Gen., Inn and lhirt|peven other officeis.i '.le, ■‘ 1 ■ en kil mcl 1681 bb r , the lr. Joseph Haiti and t family, richly descry t they received for tl | her in which the enter |s got ifp. Jfaa J ablet 1 with the ereat ibou* | C- \r w {•s , • 1 petite was there, an l m Style that cannot bo. sui Hall’s house, ;altl ijufj ’kept|in a superior sty’* iy the patronage if pleasant hoitie and inions seem to ■ , inflnenoe—by acquainted, bri cfol and. kindly' 1 softening the 3 wliiehlhebu iat extent afflic in Lawreno fromthe'P’ltsb man named Tbo rg Chr< nns Bn pw Oast hopf ti wife ir MEi GEii. Wm. EL I aia lady departed .his the advance d ;ag hi year* and seven mop MEE The su »!’• 86Ct> fortt tho« tainlbe . wilbtbet bis name The U stricken - penn<u>env residence, or wheel, were who.] Mibell of those VidOs order ofth' *ll> in the gooi hiiivo| mjaki •I i ■ Count; me | REBEL PERSfERASCE AT CHARLES ijj e ton . —'A corresondent .of Mho Boato-n )X , Traveler, speajng of the: per»eVei anco of the mis at Charleston, ip j m their effoits tojestroy the flpc t guard* on mg that post, lys fcurtorpe loboatk j as are now readyhr use, have bepnjlrij ‘ ’ ed imd found njonlycompletely man ageable, but vcr efficient; twenty-five . more torpedo (sscls are -in - ,| construction bllhemin the City, and are in variouajtages of com pie lion. The iron-cladaave all jbeerf provided' with outrigger spars and networks to ward off U attacks from these vessels: The >rrespondent thinks that if the reb bat had cpmmarid df the resources iicb We have,; they would ere this We raised ilhe blbck [ ade by abw^pWfjjisnce.;; ■, i. ■[ ion* ipe The Rebel ji| t ' One of the ,lfew 1. ’’ dispatch from W* u,9 ‘ leges that impor| ma- paring at ndi- campaign. Konln ndi- Pennsylvania, the! lven again to be invad L' ' s will be rapidly red f A ate rtrtggle.f ii ma " are to be putibtp ma- Immense :tin, constructed‘along'! I wdrks on that Bn 1 i- a very formidably !SDB ever, of a snffictead ii to tract oiir advam All and render the iana dangerous to oar'ti ■The IJraf) ' ■ W *f? AR . The drift hi* bfcn Ufa firBt of *" new enhatmenlsjof call ofiwtjNoveh the, thousand men. lon. an** thirty; nhc* B rd armyrcoinprW; . *. regimental orf lda y expire on or/ nary, one kt eaiiated.-. :<o of her 'O, \ 12,59 V. .I, 1 . ! H bwa Ig :.|l OHM ft* the) idittt Ibct jl .be nni<i color .with tod will. Mti A ibeperedn* ;h Is oppoeiU ehtellineat ■hate for iCftCifest •Usability end non , placed in the hoik imee ofthowWho (•Id to •frricvj or; ion or faipfobed a preliminary part The name* pi receipt of tho taohelcftoat ,e, names; of , witi.be ' put ■ ' --.vj--! VTI. linrsbal Gea’l. | *0 • CioiipiioN.-l* pirk papers] has: a Icgton, which al . plans are pro* fiir the spring fi Maryland, and {patch says] are ar.d' Lee’s army ted for a deeper* yj thousand men Virginia lalone.-~ dries arebeing Rapidan. The tlthough Of actor, are bow* eiiglh tw.pdo that direction to Richmond j ,fj - i ) dk, Pcb/28. itponed till ill e al number cf le President's s twohundre 1 lOnshundre i bn now in tbe fcbit&ry and iwlmiu: terms MEI ' _ , Latest firoi BcjasAao Boom, Naaa Damps, > B * n ’ 1 J i Fmdat. FcJ). 2fi,.fi a- at, | -'i ..»»* Jtofi * ■fliwi iDaviM ■ lorf, •aldfit Ohehllhdredanfi fitly lb killed, TiS* miaa&g. Crtflta and TfS,* bad. sever*: engage menl with, til* *nem| on th*e*tefe.ie far e hough they fell back * iTthS night to thhfleft of Tnnßpl £“® mbe V Hill, to -which the centre and «jg ht ft* i,Sf vHll; retire. Tha enemy opened, on r“2, • Johnson's advance, withmuaketry ebout i midnight, wounding Col. Mar | litalsi, Of the 24tb Itlinpir, and ro JJC!f' others. HattleoH add Brown’s R cavalry got It. eight of an<l Sherman a iSd iforSk fight with the enemy.- “ *Wg • The ball Unot yet opened, at this a. 5... bdVwin, likely, do% When we * b «”J tjdni.to Tiflnel Hill,' where we will ho, - ' , j doablentrench ourselves and bold our; ll fiosWOß.r. ;i , , - ;■ ‘U j At Jack] , . ■.•,■: [eKCOiiDsDtshATOH.ji written to j f 6 p. jj.—rThia morlning the.ball open- epeak in pj ed at one o’clock, onomlle »h .advance, 1 onned on it WGan.-McCook’si hrignde! on the wwh to.boj |Ben,.|lll|orga | s ,^< on the thwi^wk I Gen" McCook drove the enemy hall from Texas t mile, assisted byHarris’ 11th Indi. Dndloy soj -j-! J- - ■ T ■ JKskeV skirmishing cbntlnally al. hoe^aont^ Get i Hotchkiss drive the rebel bat th ere are I ierviff. : it ■ M : ;fC '■ ' ments. j Tt ; rebels Kneared or. the nghEMn Aldvicea j rretty strong fince" 1 that S t «iD> The rebels work twelve pieces ol ar- towns ot r illery. . ' l', ! ' ! ; - two war a Gen Morgan drove the enemy one ih ashesiw .*eii {ja- . —_ — iniloaod retired balfia mil®, i The total lose waaabout seventy to diiyv Hftostly^ouaded. We' bold our ground to night. Gen-Grcftljaa been fighting the enemy on th® cast of Rocky- Face Ridge all day, and pricing them. No intelligence froiythem since. . The resistance. 'pf the enemy was found very atubborbi ■ Lieut -Gen. Grant- I j; ! ii •p , ' > -..1 !' A dispatch from Feb. I 26tb, says:—The ( Conference Committee, having agreed, Congress vo day passed the bill creating the rahkuof lieutenant ;{general. It fras duly]'engrossed anil signed by the; President, wild was |at the Capitol; at the: time of itsipassage. To-night the President issued the commission of lienrnant : general to Dlysses S ’ Grant, of Illinois. Bepresohtative Wash bnrne will either leave to morrow or Sunday for Chattanooga; bearing the commisaion iniperaon to General Grant, aho thus holds thoonly portion evey conferred on liny-person in ,this conn tiv except George Washington, Gen eral Scott’s rank of lieutenant gener al being merely that, of brevet j 'The new law U so'worded that the heuten ( att general is only ex-Officio coramanr doMn-chief. of -all tlfe ; armioh' and : rteersfcte it doanwt distort* ] of the Democrats, and most of the border State { men i voted against the’ creation ,o( the neyr rank to-day. -. jp WasbinOtos, Febaarj* 29.—The bill revising tjbe grado of Lieutenant Gen eral was aiglfcd by the presiding offi cer of pf Congress to day. It has yet to be presented!© tbe Pres lident’ for his approval before lit be-j comes a Jaw. Therefore the announce ment that General Grant has been ap pointed to that offlso is premature. ; I I;; ■ ; —-7*" ; ——; | ‘ i ■-1 . . Kew Yoek Feb: 27.—"th10 Expreis says that an officdif who arrived in tile llPulton furnished, the following in-, jtoresting | particulars' concerning th|e recent disaster in Florida: It was the opinion of the Officers who took part in the expedition that our losses ;h killed, I wounded andJ missing are between ijtwelve find fifteen hundred. General Seymour is. severely' censured 'for not throwing out scouts and! skirmishers as our troops adydneed. As it was, our men {were led iYitoja trap. [Hamil ton’s, artillery led! the yah afid. suffered severely,- the rebel sharp shooters picking off their jb|orsca, so - th'at the guns had abandoned. The 4Gth' MassachneUsMounted Infantry"’also suffered , In retreat many of.dur wounded jvere left behind within the eiicmy’slines. ; Qur troops, were rightih front "of -Confederate batteries in; a piece of woods before w» . {wore awaie of their pftsence, and when their guns opened a galling fire j bur men were j driven panic stricken [and jc disorder. The rebel three is not known, but is supposed tb be largo;— One prisoner who was taken says that troops bad: recently been . sent down from Charleston! { and; that .Beaure gard Was in command there] Gen. Seymour, who commanded the expedh tipn, has been placed nhder arrest by’ prder jpf Get . Gillcaore,and issuccced-v ed by Gen. rVodgbjs, who IcftHilton Head on Tuesday] fast with A rein forcement of onei entire divit Jacksonville. ) -| r. ! j! < •. 'Arrival of Refugees j*. Washington, Feb. ‘ 27.— T0-day forty-three reftgee|» from Richmond, consisting ofmen, Women' and chil dren', were taken'to the Provost shal’s. office by Ui S. Detective Carter, of the steamer Weldon/wbich were nicked up at different points on the Lower Potomac. I jThe personal effects of the parties filled two large furni- Itnre wagons, and many Of them had iu{>«hi their person aconsiderahls a— mount of monOy in gold and Thesb refugees are principally Ger- but are unwilling to reveal atiy tbihgpjin'relation; to affairs tn l mond. jPerhaps jit Is on account of their ignorance Or Irons the fact that the heal |of eaofal family has la pass saying’the bcdWjtf’i has taken the oath of - allegiance" t& the. Confederate States, ;tebd' bifthgl pledged bet to ns veai, eith'er direcUy or indirectly, any Information that may benefit the my, is permittod’to pass the limits of tm Confederacy. ■' I- ' ■' 1 : - a ’fhro’ Mfcaiidppi **d® 4 | •‘ hM *g«hi.v ¥;i ew.ot the m»>* h C6Mt. J«dg6 22 h- ■ —one for inciting and settle n soldiers, named Welle*, B *d enjriiirfne In * rehemT™? ate- 554®w«^ar; Btb .llSoh thl'<Sh ftaawonji f o^frew<>^^,and^anriu« , •M oft the 6th m \ Miag * r Mi ,t anC o totSJ2S»- h MmcoiW. the third was, fo* conspiracy v 0 Sb* w % »!»' Ugaiifcfc the Unite/ State,, «? ,li uf Wjhb Bistr ®tsAtiornaym«do »ne U B ;.l T i e "I offlcer*,*|na patrol*, njlth 'b a | 9 |t^ o (}. on General XHx• f ol *. i* '. >, were on)all the principal who is at present in Pon t o ' ■ C 1 1 ~J ' LL layettb. wili bi SJ?" ; Tpaper*/ report General ;h £ •„ r few put W<f iiarcb, tbjrougL .Mississippi > ————Ja , ■ ■ ' LTidmphartl affair, the. ieb- - Shsaoiaßj it taiiE..—the Lane«^ badly whipped to j every tor TVirmpet, .of Elisabethtown jth sy attempted a stand. • i that after th#deatb, a few days s}w ■h* of loshee on either Bide ,oif a jodtlg at'the residence Af d exceplthatAdams’ reb-| Martm Inly,>in Rapho township , * 2 1;ioo‘ tajriV ll /1b r' •at 20d.i . son, 2,000: citizens bad |e[n. Banks asking him to' bile onpolilics. ‘Hei dej s groundthat he did l oot sin. to thro# jmili tiry;: po|} the pd’itical; balaOcje. j no news of importance ; I;A repdrt says that Col nplfy brigade afe'afbout to ?er contra, transports have liPasS Cavalvo’ to bring troopai Ati all events; dicftlijlns of active movo ngo state kaKonj !tho aided by Whs weVe * e / ed - V;; ns the en esident of •i • i ■ i bad an»- vtford' ika-| [Tram Sati Dbmj ijist troop# have ' Forva andßurra.j learner#. |- The, to ■jhen the [troops Of News f&U Corasco try of Gen.! Falcon is P* Veneseula. |''■ j 1 ■ | I The transport Be’-videro edatNew frorr newel tha' and other vessels wbre there. • , [■'- The 29th andSOlfi Mi hart arrived, and left fr pas count ry. The pn seice of, twi federate gunboats -ii shows .that the robel Sod doihj; there, j | Gen.Bick Taylor Confederate] forces; i fi>rm the' is, Feb. 26, g vonflrm ti it Geu. Sbcr Newt Mxmph Victabur porU,'th) Selnia.iA ~ Report expeditic struggle! state tha ■Roddy hi and succeed [vrithrconsid fight % ■birt Gen. S'mithja cavalry reie: not so goodi. Several vim .arrived here to-day, orresf, Adams,l' Lee -and loncectrated against him, ed in forcing nim back, >rable| low, , Hejbad a se^ ; West Po'H|t, Miss, movements of-Col. 1 War on, "cbnsiiitiijrg mainly of • and; Pennsylvania regi •yed t!»i« .expedition /some giving the enemy time to agairlsttbem. ,o ; |\ ig back ort is belie?- ciedit cap be piaced lathe of stragglers, j ; The si; ring’s di i Sew Jen meats, d eight dn - slowly f[ but the i ed, as lit i * tat erne;: ' Knox last ’ at |le, February, ‘26.—At the jnts Longslreet ■ was still J His headquarters’ being me or, VVediibsday night, upon their rehr me'.vieinily of Bean’s Stal l'd aj - A slight skirmish 4 the rebels gft’re| way.-t -iold it pursuing with his owing to ihe’rapid retreat my no engagement is eJp |side of the Virginia linjj. pd j bridge at! Strawberry {the track were jnjuied be jssibiljty of present use.—’ s and ja number' Of men de li Lorigstroet fell back, find i the jamiiesty oath. The te that Liongslreet is re-, Hiehnfond with bjs original ing Jobnuoii |and Buckner .hoj iyirgihia border. , . retreatii at 6re< r, ik j dur :cal guard | tion , yn Goii. 'Sc 101 troops, 4ut of the-ime pectcd this The ra Ire Plains and yood th» p Pi\*e offll-ei sorted who hare; ta' officers treating troops, I to prote ijkeri Ist a I ; to ■ pavi sbri, General ShermanVforces lied Selma, a.jyerjl import-; iy position in Alabama!— ip in Djil las coUntyl. situated ;bt bank- of the j Alabama a population in 1861 >as C town is laid out tfe an el leau,,which' leriqihatcsab u steep bluff, {bribing the the river. PaPaorjgers as . ascend; from and to steam means jof long/ flights of merchandise iis drawn up !’ machinery, j Selma is the lecininus of jthe Alabama iSCe railroad,iand the Ala- fail road enn i h TJnijontown and {Marion, had two iroh foundries! *1 ihufactory, ty?o banks, two is, three daily newspapers, ns andjja {number df public n schools. In the printer of exported nearly opej hnn ' -arid bales of cotton. .By of the river, Se.lmajis eigh !;s below. Montgomery, the nt of the Confederate Gov- J.- Selm. hate oci ant; mililar The place i on the [rig fiver. Th< 3,177. ovated plat ruptly in i bank of ■t cend and d boats by i step!), and tbe'iblaff bj Southern ! bfuna and n|cls it wii Id 1860 ]it cutriugoi m public - iittll six cburciii and privati 1869-60 it died thou< the coarse ty-onb mill original jsei eminent. ion for I I r.-! ' * 1 !»«.» . 1 Rebels pN Move- 1 ■A j WasWogtondispiich -of to] the Philadelphia Pres* has wing. The Richmond! Ekqiii. e 25th aaya that if Grant. de natim, Georgia »nd Alabama’ tol -him, knd Mobile Will fall t struggle Geo. R. Kdne, the i Marshal Kano, of Baltimore,: red ll in Richmond, ana. been ’olpjnel. ,The Examiner eaysj oft Mobile is inevitable in the Grantapd Johnston, and the onldna to rail jra wait the re >at|crisia ratUer than ihcur a hazard in attacking Mobile \V vkl ■ V , ■The MfiNTß. . the 26th the folio ( rer of the feats Joh are open without i nptohoa i bad arri i made a <! The fate affair of ' enemy m salt eff tl needless at t hia ti •Rhode Island House of lives declared withsgreat for the reelection of Presi* ln, on Thursday. ..j Kcpreaan unanimity dent Lln< beautiful white rose and fold nud. theirappeafunce on bep\Jip*; said Bor! licnltural phenomenon beidii hard like ivory an.d continuing to grdw til her| interment:, Skeptics sdid i tw ‘ a natural rose, placed on the f Ms an ornament, but were convinced U insf action that they were I mis take/ .4- .. (- .■ j—i •- < “• : JiEE’a Army.—lnlormation teceii e j at army headquarters is said to | rant the belief that Lee haa no‘.o !t ., : 26,000. or 80,000 men), the reat haWi J beet pent to different.qiiartere in cot 1 l : sequence of the difficulty of getiiaj \ provisions. . Loosu reports of fightfi- i| on Saturday are ic circulation, but are/not known to have any foun dation. •No Mcwwa.—The Pittsburg Chron-' icle gives a statement of a homicide raaraor of a soldier which should have "taken place in this county/-Th* dier 'was, not murdered, and the ac count oftheaffair was rather preTni-' turd on the part ot the Chronicle:' The ;■ idfldelity of the soldier’s wite as stated in that paper, nja£ | have foundation which gave rise to the reported mar dtp.—Lawrence Jpnrnal. [ : , Gen. SicrL*s.-prhe New York Etr. aid's i*. Washington. di|patchcs of the 28th say that Geb; Sickles is expected i • to start on Wednesday tor the West, ' ar.d Ihenco visit] Atlantic coait,- Nashville, Chattanooga,' Arkiniii, Hilton Head, Fortress Monroe, ic.,to investigate, cobcprning tho rebel df. setters, prisonera" cd'wur, and parties taken within opr lines, the result pf which is to be laid belora the Prtfj. dent for guidance of hh future policy in relation to Southerly dxsloyafiata. Cod- 1 <ake up :t he from ,re ipied bo Conference Uoaxuvvtt qnj • j the Whisky Tax. ba* finally -ask the Seriate and House them to tax whisky on hand tsehtj* - five cents a gallon,' and lo .raias M.-' 'sliding scale, to eighty cents ot\'vhii.; ky -made after July 1, and a' handled cents* after Jari. 1, 1865.' This is » great deal better ihannC thing, and: wobelieve (be <fo,untry , has to thank for it the resolute integrity of ilr., W.t«bhnrna f>f TI1i".~_ t ~ - ’ Yokk, February 29.—Tk Times e have information ! of‘ a.formidable offensive raovemtnt by i very, large force, from the Army of the Potomac; which, was initiated on Saturday night, arid may possible be heard from to day. Tim dslniJ * stratum .is |a 'yoiy boll, one,' bat •it in brave-,bands] and will besapportql by a powerful force. : J Sensible EditOr.-L-A jcojnicil sort nf a newspaper editof rejects an offer of a druggist- to advertise and medicine, and take his piiy’oj' if theshop. Ho says he, will take n'ei 'ri; all sorts of produce in' 'payment 'iff i papers and lidvcrtiding, “sucli.as'pus nipSj Woodteii combs. old clothes, wil' victuals,&o,”- —but “he won’t , uks* physic.- -[ . , «erßy ,des patches from Geri. B»W Department we learn that A'lniial Farragut had six mortar bout- s' cumpanyihg his flagship, the .flir* ford, The fejbdls {are reported. toiian twenty thousand troops in 'and i •round Mobile,- and Jtwo« ironclads, lit Tennessee apd} the 1 Nashville, aw? ingin. the harbor. ’'f "■’ Fall >in Gold.— has commenced the; payment of tb* semi-annual interest! on, the f-p L*. S, Treasury notes.: Shine, . two mil-' lions of gold ysri.ll be thrown ori'ikf market by tbps payment Gold •* consequently on the) fail, and i-’-likely. to got a little lower.: 1 J®“A soldier writes'from CiisW 6 ?*, town, Va, that pur memars *°i ™ B ., at borne, that many of .them in the Shenandoah- {Valley" afterdi" wards over. JSome\thirty of thim)>»T e married* and from the courting on .among the {country girls;’. many raprewill probably follow their et* ample. " ;;[ i,-.' ,’' : ; IguThe Richmond. Dispatch don’ tains an advertisement Female College! announcing that-t* price of hoard* for ; twenty ’weeks 11 $5OO, or five barrels of flour. , ’’ ’ ■ - - -4. . . VENKTJiy LiNIM*! 11 has givep universal satisfaction darirts it he fourteen years it has been intw duced inro the. United States. [ being tried by miljiobß, it h*’ proclaimed the paid detroyer of world. Pain cannot be where 1"' liniment is applied, ilf ah!direct ed it cannot and never has ‘failed*' 11 * single instance! For cold*, f*fW' and inflaenza, it ’caa t be beat-! y? 25 cent bottle Will cure ail ... beside being , utofnl :in every f» ml - a lor sodden accidents, such a* cote, scalds, insect;-Sting*,.4° /• |f V perfectly innocent .tip take 1 iilterp;; bod can be given to the oldest or youngest child. , jPriee;2s ss<* V) cents a. bottle.' Office, 56 Mortis, , Street, New-Yoric. Sold by r*®*: '*!•»* *' J ' ,y, DIED—In Beaver, oo the I’^f Wnyaa Qoemlt, spn of' Dr. ?■ S. G. Young, agad 6 rtfobibs »°, days.. 'A J i- I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers