:,,.:, 3,1884. p. i- 'jffifojr ' .Bnani, fir ADTAjrrJs; otherwlM vTwo Dot- ,lll be charged. iifo »U arrearage?. are settled.; . ; ■■■ »nd camnsnicatlonß, by ztitil kaJiiife prompijattcntion. • . - ■ c , ’ I yrJiirrkji toA ' • '-ih! my heart is weury waiting Waiting fob the May; ' i ■ i Waiting, for tb’cpleaaant rambles. ' ffhcre thefrdgrsnthawthombrambles, ■ With the wocjdbine alternating, - ■ Scent thpdowy way. ■ • * & f 1 | ,-■ l_h 1 iny heart 18 is sore with sighing, 1 Sighing for the May; - Sighing for lie sure returning. ■ JVhen the-suminer’s beams are burning, Hopes and Hdwcra.that dead, or dying, AH the Winter. lay. - .. r- ’■ ** ■ I . . I', ; •’ ■ Air! myhcarti my heart is throwing, , i . -Throbbing fortJicMay, , ; ■ Throbbing foAhe aba-side billows, 1 . » pr the water Iwoolng! willows, 1 f VVhere>in paiigbter ami in sobbing, ’ ' Glide the streams away.', J 4. ■. i I . r_ \,l. 1 •■ ■ . the bill. The 'Amendatory Enroll pent Bjll, u~ it passed both ponse? of Congress, and now awaits the -President’s mgr, nature, provides that the President of the United'States shall •’be authorized, whenever he. shall deem it,necessary daring, the! present .war;- to call for such number hf men for the military ,i the, public exigencies may, ‘The quota of eastward of . a I •a, township, predfnsrt. or elec rict of a county, where thei not tints divided, shall bo as possible in proportion to the f men resident therein liable Jnilitasy service; taking into account as far as practicable, the num-, Wr [ has-been .■previously fur- T.'.-'ueii' ; 1 j.- j 1 j •' r .... ’ - h iqnd filling thequota is to tip iaken into account the tnep wjio hfive’ heretofore ! rta-val jsdrvirie of tini icii Slates, and whose names are Al ready returped to ihef office of the I’rovost.-'lttrsii'ul General. , Tfl the quo tas shall not be.filled within lhe'tinio (iesigiiited'by the’ President, .the Pro- - vost Jfars balds to-'nmkara draft for the! 'number, deficient,' hup al ; j' volunteers who may jonlist. after (hd dr^fe-shall have been ordered, and. before i>shall be-actually made, shall, bo dqdubted -,h f im the number ordered, to bo draft " town, township, pro- ciucVor election district or CQiinty • L ‘lf the quota of any district slitill '< ;• noi be filled by the draft made in ac 1, zMordanpOiWitli the provisions of this 1 itcl,,.nn<l tljt> liisv to which this is an amcnd-ipcnt. further drafts shall be made'and like •proceedings haji, un ci! the quota of such districts shall bo filled. : 'I , - .s]' .- '' ; Persons, enrolled /may furnish, at any timle previqas! to the draft, an ac rqna||p substitute who! iis, | notJiable ih drql,t'ydud such person Unis fnr'nish iiig a substitute .shall exompUifrom ilrafi. not .execedinm,- phe time for which such substiluldFshiiU have been . . | ~ i, . . j accepted. Any person Ldrafted may, i '-/t'.-re the li.mo fiL - ecl|>i'<>r jlils appear- j :' L-e :u the draft ord &hdezvous,\fur- j i ; 4i an aecepiuhle'siibslitate, subject! 'j r-uch rules liiul regulations as .-J'O proscribed bj| lire ( SeerC , ary of' War. . -jf- 'I" ■ 1 .■ ■ ' ;; ,i ■‘•lf any drafted person shall hcroa.f 'er'j uV money-for tbojprocuration of ' iiMihMjiaiqpsik-h paym.6iit shall :oper a'w iqjy it, rjjftcyc-'tfij; person from | draft oil Hint jta.ll,. and jbis uarho shall i Ihe reiaiuod onUhat caljl, and he'sball Ji6_Bubject .to draft in fiilingthai quo-. Mid : his’name -shall, the retained on the.roll'-in filling.'ifuturc!quotas; but in 1:0 institneq shall the i exemption of ai! y-pofSoh on .-account-of bis payment. commutation money for. the.proeii ra,iion of a Bubstitutoiexteail beyond t.teycar, biit; atj-the end of one year .'■i every such case the "nance of any > so exempted shall be 1 enrolled - a gSin.-if not before returned to the list juqdurf thb provisions lii’.s section. , ■ ; ■, " ' , , the Boards ,of Enrollment 'are re quired, to enroll,all persons liable to I (lra ttewhoso names.-may have ,;bcen on ?'Ugd by the proper! officers, all per* ‘°i 5 ' v bo shall.arrive! at- the age of years before the draft,’all al* ‘ ft ?*.-who shall declare their intentions ._*» beeoino citizens,! all' persons ;dis c urged from the Military or f nival sorvice-of the suite<jl States who have P°l been in such service two years ,yTm ß;the present war, and all'per*! s £Who hav e beenexemptod unddt o/ rov ‘ s ' <)ns of tbd,’ second section ,t e enrollment; but who are ®o| exempted by the provisions of the re »cni act, and thei said Boards of, . ;y r ” r ° men *-fcbaU rideepeahd discharge, t L allj peraoPs.who, between enro H tne, ' t and the draft* five . - ftri iv6d the age- of forty. sh.all sti ike.the name* , * C P e **pat' from; the- enrollment, y mariner or able ( ot ordinary set n «ht, within Idght days service & . require, 'city,-tow tion disif cotjoty is nearly as qlj to render j - .f!'. t ■' / I ; : I - ■a-.-aiTishfx iso'it fi'psxsi a, ' - - NM 111 r ■ •' 'i ! • -L. -! U -K oT. 4rO~lSiJo. to f -their notification of such draft, to in the naval service, ai a seaman * nd t>® exempt from the draft. Any peireon in the military service, of the ynited States who shall furnish satisfactory proof that he is a mariner 7t°f^ a “ fOP ' •**'• »Ma seaman, may enlist into themavy. under such rules 1 ancl yegclations-as toay be prescribed j hy the President of the United States; provided that such enlistment shall not to less than the nnoxpiredlerra of ibis service,' nor for less tnitt line year, and the bounty which mariner pr seaman enlisting,front the army .into the navy may have re ceived from; the United States, of from the. State in which he enlisted in the artryj shall bo deducted from the ijrlze money to which he may become entitled difring the time, required to comp eta his military service; and prp vided further that the; whole number of 3uch~trausfer enlistments shall not exrpe 110,000. Enlistments in the na vgj service are to be (credited to the . •' J t • following personsjare exempted froioi the enrollment and draft:—Such i arc rejected as. physically or men ‘7 unfit <br the yervjcef 'alt persons |tally ijirUie military , or nbval aer e t f the United States at the time jht draft; and nlljpeisons who-have ye 1 in .-.the military of navaPser- two years, during the present war jibeen' hohorably' discharged; land persibs but such)as. herein exempt sb ill hp exempt.! I 1 *| jo much of, ilia.; Isnrollmont het as J-ideyfor two classes of enrollment epealfed, arid they • are now con-, lated. -• I; - j ryt person forcibly resisting, or aid ng to resist or ;oppose the enroll* iiieiit, etc., shall, upon c.pnyiction the :ejfor in any couftcompotont to try -the olbnsc, be punished by a fine] not ifCxc H’ding So.ooo, oy by imprisonment, [hot exceeding five years, or, both of t thes e punishments, in the discretion of the Court; and iu| cases where;-as saulting,' obstructing or dmpedimt or a d [dcSp p erl*! ns~ttie' o ffender shall bo. decriied guilty of .murder, aud-on con vict ipn shall beypnaishedwith death. ; Tlije of War is authorized to"Lielail.additional surgeons for tern ! i ! ";T : - if ,• i ; pot ary duly in the, examination of! drafted persons, ahd ho is authorized] tc permit or of exam ination' to hold their examinations at 'dj/Fercm pointy .within their | en- as tali act? VI Cl (jf'ti ser vie* and jnoi ed J , , r •rjolln him. 1 J I ! Iffovost Marshals, Hoards of En roll i lent, or any me tuber. thereof, have power tO'SUininon witnesses in behalf of jt to Government, aiid- to enforce tbcji r attendance, j ; | j Membersof religious.denominations, wboj shall 'by oath or affirmation de.i thai they are conscientiously op iated to lire bearing of arms, and .vijh&ljaresprobibitcd from doing; so by J,ht articles of faith )and : prijclice' religious denomina-, lion shalj r when drafted into the imil-,: cnt districts-, to bo determined by y service, be considered non com- 1 ants, and shall be "assigned by the iietary of. War tp'duty in the .Hos ils, or to the care or .11 pay\the sum of three hundred lira, to bo appliad-4o'u.e benefit of it and wounded soldiers.! Provided, at no'person shall be entitled to i benefit oTthis section unless, bis duration mi conscientious scruples i na£ bearing arms shall/be’ sup-: ned by evidence that deportment has been uniformly nsistont with sjjch declarations. j-4 S o person of foreign birth shall, oh account of alienage, bo exempted Iron, enrollment or draft who has at any time assumed'the rights of a izen by voting at any election held under the authority of the laws of any Sjtato.or Terri lory of, the United States, or who Las heldany office an-, dor such laws or any of thejin.but the fact th|a;such person of foreign birth’'has voted or held or shall vote or hold of fied, shall,he taken as conclusive evi dence that be is not entitled to ox empliontrOm militaryservice •bh ac [coa.n't ot. alienage. ’ ~ ‘' ' L| J?ny person- drafted and liable to n nde? military service, who sh|dl pro ems exemption by fraud .or falsa reps ls to' be depmed a desert* er, to be punished as such, and held t< 11 lervice for the full term for which h'j was jdrafted, reckoning from the time of bis arrest, provided that the Sscretarjj of War may oijlor the: dis- a Vlsotwjbpf'f are i ?odepl jthft- ■uga -of ei ghteeh atrthe i tin ft , the applica- v H ME IB • ; .v' ;;A.k?t r.:: f,V V Jli[ , . "\t‘ ea •. L'.:-' o r*-• • ■ I : — r aJjpfeatHnpoo theproof tbit inch perv Bonsaid pir tbf-service Without tbs cdnsbnt, either ; gxprcfsa dr Impiied'i-Aif their parents dr gdardians, and. pro vided. t hat such persons, their parents or guardians, shall first* repay to* the l Government, and to the State and lo cal author hies all bonnttes and ad- ! yanee pay -.which; may have been' paid;to them; £ . r k : ■ ,■ ■■ : ; • Any persons who shall procure, or I attempt to procure a fiilse* report! Surgeon of' the B oard of Bn? .rollnieut,. concerning thop lyaical oour 4 itio n of any drafted peroon, dr a de* ciaion in favor Of suchper ion ’by' the I Board of Enrollment upon a claim to exemption, knowing tho' eame to bo false,| shall, upon conviction, in any. district or|circuit courtV the United: States, bepuhished by imprisonment for the period, for which the party was.drafted. ‘ -Tha tee joi agents and ati making but and causing, t ted papers in support of exemption! from druit, or rend red to the claimant, ase exceed five doilai any siciuri s or surgeons furuisl of disability, and i or deputy connects 'cates clerk Boar 1 Of jEnrollment \vl (jonipensaiion from i dr’ ably service, or ol munce of such .acrvi ceivo, man i perfoi froSi d»ly .member of th the j ifo visions of this of a| high misdeme; lion ;be fined, not ex convi' fed' dollars, and shi et to ; imprisonment hundi subjej not e; tion o xceding one year, al f theiCoujt. • JTo mcht, member bf tboßoard of Enroll and po surgeon detailed-or.em- ployed to assist the Board of Enroll ment, and in o' tlork, assistant or om plot et of any Provosj/lMai-shal or Board of Euroynient.shalj directly or indirectly tbo engaged in rironnrino persotj > drafted or liable ’ ed, and any; surgeon maki incorrect report, or who ly neglect tb make a fait tion ana true report,,ano bor of the Board- of -enr shail wilfully agree-to dis service tiny.'drafted porsoi legally, and 'properly enl thargd, aW; to be punisl and imprisonment.-. " j*Ali lableibodied ’male:' isoldred' per-; sons between the ages of twenty and tforty-!five years, resident in thh Uni [ ted Statcsj shull bo . enrolled, !accord | ing to the provisions of the j Enroll ment act ajid to this amendatory act, and - !!)!-in part of the .National;forces; and when; a slave of'a l»yal master Ishtill lie drafted and must wed into the Wrvice/jof the United Stt tos, his mas ter.shall liave a certificate thereof, and sne-h slave shalhbe free, add the ho# payable by /law for . such dwifted. man, dliall bo i paid, to the person whori such, draft led person ivas owing service or labor lat the tithe of his muster into the j service-pf jllio United [States. . The Secretary of War slfall appoint a commission in each o" the States represented in Congress!, chained to award to each loyal’ person to whom the-colored volunteer may owe servidc a just compensation, net exceeding 8300 to each colored volunteer, pays bib put of the faiid. derived from com mjuliou, and cVery such colored vol unteer pnj being rauetered jnio the -Service shalljbe free: andj iin all cases w here meir of color have )"beeu bores before enlisted or have voluiiteeredjii to thepiilitaiy service, all, the provi sions of tliis act r so fir has the pay ment of bounty and eofri|>ensation are provided, shall he equally applied to those who! may bo hereaiter reCriiited, but then color, drafted or enlisted or who m^j^volunteer ;inlo the mili tary service, win]e they jaball be cred ited ion the quotas ; of |: the several States by son drvisiOni of States, wW neverl’tbey are respectively draft ed ejiliftb'd 6r not be assigned as State trojops, but shall be -mastered into""regiments orepm* pahiiis as ’ United 'States colored - vol- ' r . Tue -wards, precincts district sfaa Used in this to bd eopstraed to reqd division Tor the .put pose] aW draft lot* than- tr which any city or villaj Tided, 1 of* thanthetb# B into J whiyb any count jr^rr 'i i ■ ..r .Qi r t • is£iSLl_a3= ISEN -Vi. I**ol ipfctj !iii noi BEM MOE r&i?i which etnjjt necticat'rivei of the latter lo- There be: hitt t two faithful' ;i Death-the 1 high The distance. the boat wai' t traveled roa&.- across ; .'the "* him tfl( the boat, am of jhis fearf torneyefor o be execu a claim, for any service ball not in 8, and pby. iirg certifi ny vofficer, Just whop the fOrchard opt Hetty Marvin sal sor, tending pa’ .'hold linen. I-T' yards. or mr apiio or tvovjea . months, iqu| :Whh thus made;'ready, ness of bloaibing ed, being astiafly? or- of [not old ennpdgb enough forJthe •kitchen or diary The; roll of : 1:. farmer otitis stoit plat, "beside aeprinj There spread' upopJl* the beat of llufe detv at n-* l. !'l with »tho bo shall rc imy drafted l-taiaing-the. Je, requited : Board by .st, shall be nor, and on seeding five di also be for a term the discre- <ST.- and she would mldo f,Ko _ with her _ jund eliell v au«.^ nuike it wet again.. / : tray him) to his death.” | Thna sat lletty yoang- j “And [then, yo(f promise er daughter of Gov. Gtfiwbljl’s cbua- ,y o a wouldn't tell which w in, when her hunted sprang if you vtas killed for it?’? past her intb the road 1b Osbape' froii ,■ “Yes sir ” 1 , Hetty a chiljl “That [was a brave stib pKabout Uselfl year*; yet thought- suppok lie thanked yon M and wisp bey^ t |' n any of ran down the road as quick her ciders.! She was frightened by ble.’’ f | -- ,;.■■■.• th[e headlong haste jith which tb* “I promised not! to tell Governor rushed acros itha ijncadow. went. sir.H ■ 1 But she quickly conjjirtherded .the “Oh, yes; 1. forgot ‘Wc scene; and itstanUv q - bis lust Mortis, ■ and we woi fu| Towser. who. Hit g{ia fl;iena of you! anymore " ’ "I thji family gqest; thoi Itbpcbraingi I “Hik |U A o rds were: “It?s mv to (bark, loudly «t harried Steps. onl y chai j ce) chi!d: j,,, -1 t: dow ' , Her wise fprcthoulhyarreslcd the; a s r you jay.- ; A nd overoLe Ibv i a Governor s | notice qd, suggested a senso of hof(kinsman’s da.Jr, should scheme toJelude T-- they rightly .nterpret,the )an g nage “He ty, he W ly,. “I am vh)cll she had reported, shl sobbed flying far .hy life; -#| unless I ,eaii a l olld , al)d hid her facc fl . Qm L_ ht ( I reach my boat am Her tormentors did not stlv long-J lam a lost .my). Yk sen the, road or to sod&e or question her!' They forks, here. *ow I nngto rut down they.snpposcd, lie' infor 1 th s vray to the rm fWyoumuat motion wimlh they wunted; aid! push-] ellthb rascals wht ue mp, e d rapidly down to, the river. L*J hat 1 have gone np ie road to catch the Governor had arranged a signal the mail wagon, ."lh/will, soon be with his boatman ; that i along, you know. Then 1 they ■ will h _j,_ ~ '.v r L ...... • turn off the other .t.” V'! ■ [ n t “l! "’S ' “Ob) cousin!’’ Lthh little inTw hS m;*• .! r* I, which.wai jaet visible at, thelmpath an o of the erlek,,should ■ nfolm iJm if A Mv. IT ’ 7 t e wer e iJ trouble, and put them up- gqing?:’ on the alert to help Th.W As soon, dear spreiy ypu therefore, as hbstartbdl from his eons death !i- in T >B tb - flo , ug afalseor >han \vi!D;l -iiful ir.spco : any mem* llment who ibargoifrom i who is not itlcd to| dia led by fine. “Hetty, would not H,arkI —they are click of .their hoi ty, telHhem I ha\ * • . I ’I instead: of | down; hleSs yon.? | “Heaven :nover speak falsely,' com tell them which t they kilt mef so if) Bible.” : ■■■'■s' V"; “It’s of nqiqsej ihem,lama,d®a “Cousinj'toaBii qif olothj they’d j ing for yotj here’, swift off you' lean and stand spnhij n,.. “It> my . only , down us: yon s| action to the wc soon biqdeniuu the cloth.• j • ' Ahgryftbaff escaped ftoib hoped; tosecdj Tories,-head? dashed aitsity MifeoAtiaif VMdosrtiM I ind election •: ■ • i 'act, are not lire i anysqb tof enrojlmebt e wards into 6 may he dl» oFtoWnabipa 'T' . i* v -si- cijs-3 ISE jSJffci At:- i-V Mg oov. I : . II r i.When. 6d New sefca'-prl Woid.the Lyice, Win hid him fartrihonst foediwaovi snnny aftbi ed from his that a , bar prpacbinr v |Eis oni reach the tW >'Baity Ili ng!:r-i hear; (.lie feet; Oh, Hot ,one u/ the rOad nd Hejaven will ; .1' tsaes those who But 1 will not •I'M ■)' .I.'-' you go, even if m qdiokly oa poa ess'l odn deceive an.”|rjs'‘; ''l,. do my web >r think oil loojc omo.got down as d I'll, (jovef yoh, fmy ; hnen’[ v .Hr And Bpitihg t,no jtjao fiDyernor was hnjd nso ;j#tfero they TO^’iiMflmudted i igp M'i 7T^ oft! M 4 : j i [V' : : 1 'fißgi .44 stern] Wena.njan rnnningaway j inn fliphing. v- !; i he go? . /'I promised’ hot to tail, 1 : Xoa must, oi tak< 'j 1 wouldn’t tell kWpd.me,” sobbed tfio girl.” , i j *•? it out of her/ the furl oils officer; with an “Lot nte speak to her,” \ . Hetty 3 jlehsantly. ■ ‘•Tea, Bir. i ’ |“Atid this man who ran lew minutes ago Was yoti copBin,.waBn;ehe'?’’ 1 r “Yes, sir, he w'as.’*' ' “Well, wo are friends of did ho ,say to you; wber along?” i , i.'''/':- “He—He told me—4that I ing for bis life.” /■:, ‘ - “Just: sd, Hetty ; that - true. I hope hej won't! t far.. Where was he going shido?-you see I could ~hel[ Snew his iplans.” ,1 . Hetty was not a whit deceiv ed by this smooth speech But gjhe was willing lo tell as nihcb of the truth aswould consist with his safety; and she wisely judged frankness would steals her kinsman butter than her silence. So she answered bier questioner candidly. “My , cousin sajd he was going down lliii, way to tlid river;; Whore he had a buat; and. be -wrfffied up: to tell the met that were 'chasing hip that ho bad gon# the other Way ;to catch the maihwagon .j “Why didn't'you do as be 1 bid yon, 'then, when I asked where ilc bad gone?” thundered the officer, fiercely -1s» “i could not tell a lie, air,” was the RtiiWeri . ‘ • PfleUji,” again began the smoo&* “you are a' nice child) a nme/gffl; { l |Y6iU dld yoar* cousin vay- ith he ■&sk. '-to mil F*% wottfd > f«im length thfrom ' Tpifr. IOQBO - .ently jiiiter i ’ jkh« 18 Ji .eaignul floated from thewindowj \ t°, warn them. And .when they. b&!w| ■ the pursuing dash madly do'wn j * the rivet 1 , and recognized the British j 1 uniform of the. leader, they pulled 1 swiftly out I to sea.' \ The horsemen 1 reached the shore only in! season, to £ see the boat, with two inon in it, near- 1 ly out of sight; and their t destined prey | had escaped, relinquish- £ ed the pursuit! T r ■' ;■ the hunted'victim, lay safely aiid quiet, where the simple shrewdness of his little cousin aad-hid ■* him, until the time came forlher to rel turn to 'the bouse for suppfer. Then Jier go.as übnal to her home, t tellinjfher ask her mother to place o thei! signal damp, as: soon as it grew c dark, in thn windfaw ; Watmen; ucid to Sebd him thetdwooie inppor, 1 witjb his valise, which, in toe hnrrypf hisldeparture, j be bad left behind. Tbe signal recalled the boUt,[which, after ttHligiht pad ventured insight of thefsbpro aid ibe farm liouse; and the Governor madbhis way tp tap river in safety, j VVhen he rej oined bisfamr ily -in a secure borne, be named, the infintdaughter, which bad been borri in bis absence, “Hetty Margin,;’ tbit hfe I might/be dbly reminded'l Of the little cousin, whose.tenth And Abrew '*b*d«»ted-hi* Ufc,) I: ! I 1 - ' f S ■ wt —> I \ST \ - i '' ;■ 1 ‘ . '! 1' ) m o J3_a- OM k 'V \ ■■'f'*; bo^.'va remove j RfirlaiTii.-! J fern- ■'W ul7 ty .*-• ism * rr.j rFI” jr : ♦ ; N, ]■ 181 R •_ * i f ■ I r t “have yoi icreabouts?' M hi tabling list oi S«&d jurors, March, >64 COMMENCING) 7th day ' BlSimml ,1>! : Frankfort boro: Siephenßrieeland Rochester boro: Stephen B. (Ss IrHppovrell tp: Robert Duncan. tp: Jos. Duninjl ?«T» tp V WmDo “ (I5 - r “ FnllEjon boro: Davie} Davfia. i • • |aftBfi£jiisu4* J*nseOomTKjlw; Kobl. fl’Oaskej ; : Greene'; tp: John- Jackson y-:;v- i ■ Econqjnyjtp: JohajlT. Stir lea.. ‘..i .New Sewicltiy tp:. Simon OltojJ.no Wagner. ", - '. ! r ;-lv -■ ■- Raccoon tp;John B. Potter. Borough tp: Ri W-Russell. Marion tprAustin Thomas. s ' 1 Wi I " \ j. / . . PETIT JUK,CjBBr-jIBT WEEK. . Harmony tp:- George Baner. : Freedom: Geprge Baker, ' Thomas H. Cooper, Joseph P. Ecoff.- . , New 1 Sevricklyj tp: Charles Barrett, John Fisher, Jabob vPeirsol, Edwin Reeder. John Zirjkhorn North Sowickfy tpr Hugh Benriett, David Graham, sr; BlnjWhislor, Or ville Jackson. i -■ \ V ' ii sir.” • i,‘ |, r - the conse ycji ; if yp» brightened I ♦ ! v' ' exclaimed oath.. j aid. his T<L - • [aryinr’.be by you a •I mother^ hia—what he came' o was flyn - was very [lave to .fly to try :to 0 him if I Big Beaver tpj Wm. Calhoun, Win- ' Eakin.. •. I’ ■ ■ i ' Rochester borp: T. J. Chandler, 1 G. C. Speyoier, X. B Smith. . !' .. Ohio tp; Wm.j W. Lawson. 'j : j Bridgewater: S. R; Dunlap'., New Brighton:.Levi Foster, George Porter.’ '. j ... V.j ,; • f Brighton tp: Sami Gillespie. * : Hanover tp: J. A. Gibb, David Lit tle, Jacksoin Jeh{dns. ; . Patterson.tp:i Wihi Harrison. ■ Beaver: John L. Hall,,Jos ilky. ■ Industry .'Sami Hrtytt : - o Borough tp: Paul i Mebcrling. .>•- , 'Moon tp:- Chcus Johnston.' -V . Economy-tp; Henry Linn'cnbriok. Raccoon tp: James il’Culloug.li. ' . . South BeavordptlOlos Martin.' . PhiKip&burg boro: | Robert Jl’Lain. Independence Jp:l ffra M’Oyjy.' Greene tp: 'Wtu.Stjowdep. < ■ r 6ECOKD WEEK- ; Rochester borb: Jl B. Breckonridge. “ Big Beaver; tp: Win Beatty, C. P. Wallace. ir - ' j ,J‘ '- Borai; S. M. Barbouif, j ai.wa, 1 John Reeves, David.lßoyle. 1 Racoon Barnes, Abn\- burn Cjinsty,' Danl Hlarvby. . . Chippewa Ip: Jdkßritlain, .Scott,JK . •! -vj •X-.', North Sewiekly tpr jps. H. Cun ningham, Daniel Daniels.K > Moon tp: -Philip .Cooper, \ DAniel Fjgley, Gotleib Seif- j |N.-- Beaver boro: I). M. Donoboo ' X w Dar «V n L gtoa l r : % bei t Dilworlh. Win Whann , i | J tp : George Engle,-. Jdsiah Franklih.tp: Cdhrai Pulaski tp: Sirapso Phos Ferguson, j ■ , |. ! Greene-tp: Tbos Ee Hanover tp: Sarnm Torrence., i- i . Brighton tp: Isaac 1 Hopewell tp: David ?attbui _ • '!■] Puillipsburgh; boro: I! : . •! i. iij )d him that 1 ' iy ho-went t -T -sch; and 1 or.it, and; iy as possi il ' , where he 11, tell' us i’t Rouble I. | Extremes!Meet I jj ,Tao Bichmond Despatch, which, throigh some a [copj of McClellan’s-iep6r t, publishes copious extracts in itis!' columns.— When It first appeartti,; the Demo cratic papers of the 7 !! forth lauded it as a production /fcmibently and un d oub(ly patriotic. It ia slngulhr, but the Richmond editors. ’use similar sjiectacles in ‘viewing |patidttal affairs. Iho report was printed it the papers pr the!,rebel capital,in Columns decorat ed with headings suffii i’ently: fliimihg and voldmindus to do Justice- to ’the !N T e\j York Jferald o|r the Countless I ci ilio is of the Inqiu rer. It is strange, i but while the Dcmoci|i)ii6 press :;niljj-.| represent and abuse, tile [Government’] ard its policies, the rebels,; take Ithe' sahio view. When the I charges are made that the Xorthefn Democrats of th 3 peace ; persadfiipif are allied to Southern rebels, the assertions are indignantly jdenied. Yeit; “simijar then hold similar views’ —didW is •it'?—- P/ ila JS r ncs. {■ . • ! . 'if • i ' . / 4 ■, Kindly ‘ Shephei id.—According o tbej Daadec Courib r/tho minister if a large cohgregat to lin -Dundee, Icotla'nd, was recently interrupted in ,b<i coarae of bis foreii ion sornidn by tbriepeUtedcoughing: >f iiis auditors ‘ Pa wing the midst j>f -hia obadrva! Ud i, he dddresaed bia congregation .til th* Jbljowrng effect: ‘ ‘f3To'u ’go about the streets at the Now Year time— yoa get drunk, and |ot| cqid-=-tbdd : (yod copaeiKpre and, cough j, cottgh like a giv|e you. ayacatiou of aj|x webka, that YSty ud I I ■ ■ s ' 1 «r 3■* V.-'V 1 -,; r ■ - IKf- I ; . * jf V '\7' :Vn h- J- , ; '* 'jit’ ’ i •’ ' i V', J ■& 1; Fisher, ri CuihbcrtsotK 1-. ••• /r it,, George Pod. ;I Moore. James oss Clever, David I G edrgo A’ogt. i. ;•■ j i‘ ' ! , yy^l.oi r.#F, •draHlaera, and dn.loag adfertti^wU?^^ ularrateß. •*/»CMh?J ta:y. ,- . ***. Biuineu card!*. - a .W •. -Marriagea -.. ... , [ Fron > the LojuariUe Dtynocpt..} ~" ' . V* ‘ made brief mention o? tho*iUib«~ ■* %« an - W stS Michigan Infancy,4t C«'mp ; Nel^ ; b 7 Cj ‘Pt- Up isUUr.;*! r f B - , e : has : beU brpuUt- V^Y"f J? D °* iia jßarfftcits - J°* h ,\ Wo jeaterdiiV.paid him^Vi£ ! ’l, an d. Icarli eiiTroraJ ulitni ]Ui m have coKgerjsed ajboat Captl RUtronpd 14 - Grcensbarg; in this sU®> 4tm jdr<iet£ ed -to report at'Kubsr’Ue.j: . ■■ijy Kothaving s'ecu his wife fi)rittensi time, Captain' Qrandi U sonjt* word ltd ■,=£, horai Russellville,, at she-/ was stopping,’to comle and - hiaiy She loft. Russellville and proceeded a 3 far as Lebanon, she iriet Irfpiill Hogan, .who pretended to beveryin- ly/ith her husband, &nd differ-, ied to escort her to CampbollsTille,a3 ’ he was gding - there inj'a Mrs. Crandall , mipppsirig: Lleht.i Hogan to ' friend of her husband, gladly-afei copied his companyll ; The lypo.Jleft, Lebanon together, and, when a, short distance 1 ,out, ; Hogan! commenced| dri ving at such a rapid rate-as to fcight ojn the lady, and she desired 'him -to drive slower,-but be’ turned* it off by ,saying that Ho wasjin a hurry, andi that there was no danger.. ' : J - After driving for epm®! lime they, came to a vacant house, where Hogan * halted and ordered the lady, to get' oul/of i the buggy, which she'resolute- - ly. refused t’o dpi Hogan then, ’with pistol drawn, threatened to kill her if she didlnot obey him, ..She still res*. mained and Hogan jerjeed her ‘out -of the bdggy, and by force took her in- . to iho s houso, where he outraged her person.] He thou niiarleiP. forward, and when night cant; they^stcpped_^t lelled tbe ln^v M r .? rk' . filching Gjreeusburg, lira, Crandall' related, to her bus.baiid tike' outrageous and . cruel treatment sue ' bad roc jived at the bands of Hogan, Capt Crandall, preferring to let law hare full sway, instead of admin iAteringj justice hi nisei If reported ftbe case, hud bad an drd4|cj issued tor [the. , arrest of ilogan. j li, ■i. 1 . ; \ 0“ Tuesday] last, ’jvbfle . riding out |frpm camp Kelson, h|o met Lieut. Ho r ini thejcoc ieslt! manner pos- 1 8'bjc, upt only | acknowledged: all cjiarged. against him, but'made light [°f 10 iuauVcj jTliisJ was more'' thah “ [ the epuid stalnd 1 ; and be drew, * j bis, pistol anil fired twice, both shots jl taking pffect in Hogan's breast, and causing!instant death.|. 0 K . Capt. Crandall is' nndey arrest, and l ■ will bo tried by iourt-rniirtial. in this' cite ■ ■ ; i - ' J ' 'I J-J ’/-V ■ . V ■ Se: ■ ” 'William jRVijD Him Eight.—Aaymypiitbizi • n gi ug the other day tocdiw doliß TCiyjha'lot deserters in / s,hovv lyis| cslreuvo frioncjliness b§ mhda ,\ this observation;.: ; ■!; .'' |’-.’L, 1 ■", -f -.(‘•■W’ell; seOiria tliat you tp.O are tibe subjec^p|? / . abolition arbitraryarrests.!”,' ; V’/'t • A ybur.g deserter responded, as /fol lows : • ■ / r * If n A s ‘k es difference tvpother yon '. us dem°oratB or abjitiyhists. ' tfinjg I know: I wduidn/t'hivV this cursed hole if it>badn’L > j the persuasion of afew infernal Cop* | perheads like yourself.' d ,Was alight; ; ,• ! in tlie arm}' undl tliese devils t&hh" bout nio, aud; induced ■ (uo 10. desert.-—* j I, have dishonored myself ahd the ser. j vice to the advice.of a get ! of villains j' ,/ . '1 be wbo AVont 1 on a hi;?-* sibnj of condolence, turned on h'ls heel and loft. It was holiced at the tiipe. fbat ho shook' his head; a$ though ryj .enormoustflca. hftd cbmhiepced .opera ting bri a.large 'scaie in .bstii lined State Joiitruit. \ ■ • *•.> »’V v » . mfloe. to nfre at. the house of-ah %&L''. quimtance, in order to save > saidi “Scrapo for tne, while l knodl: for Both of us.” ;■: / ! ; v ; -i > J&L. A prisoner having # been I \ 'tended .to thb .State Prison" last itjieing-the fourth tiltfei.^ithW : tfie i tWenly ,yoats, menced siijgibg •StJohn, Burns, the old i herppf • .tieUjabrugh, isinKew. York, wbert h? is receiving anck attention. ;. I. r / . • -V 4 I ! ./ I , • ,V iljc6aProws,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers