' i.. s • I ■ I 111 t.'••••• 'Y , 4 7 • '". , )3 ,AL. V 3iLIX. • , • • ll ‘ i L Eflft * Prttprf^f. ‘ «d Far* Ccm xs.' advakce; ;otherwiee Two Doe- will be charged. .No paper dleeontinued. ctl lil aU arrearagea are s^ttled. J;. • Letters and comfcnnicatloh*, by mail i«ll prompt attention. 1 , . ]s i e-,j rip CLEVELAND & R.',', BeavefStation—[GoiNaEA^r. Cemcnt'm, 'Xomay, Nov 16, 1868.—TVainj Bearer Slolian a» folhtr i 0 , Ml ' Arrives' at Pittsburgh, 10:00 A. M. ii • i ‘ 3:50-p. *. •C.±; *! ' “ I . 8:50 P.M. ' Igoiso ■ ' ■ ■ Trains 1 UareJUiisleurgh 'eu - iiSA si. ' Arrives at Beaver,. 7:45 a. m. V-Sfl p! M.■{ ■ i‘ r ~...,.4:25-P.-M. ■ il.tp m’ jj j Rochester....; 8:00 K m; Vj'i k m I 1 “ ' " ...J..8:15 a. h. ■ ; J, N. Brct'u . f. i-iMVE-Rf | Gtn’i Agent. TiTTSI’VIUi. I'T. VIAIVNc &' CHICAGO .li.R, 1 - Rochester Stationi—Goino East. ' j' .lAn-Cs Kiictiester. Apvat Pitts, '-t Ori^li’n’Accoui. az m i:-i:2O a., m. % Bri'pVa ":, «|*> *•' *~ ' ;;4 liricli’n ' -r 12:3q P. 2:30 p..?!. ■ A-h BriAtOD «r ■ 8:00 p.m....... 4:50 P. w. Vail ! 5;Hi P. H.. 7:00,P. M. ' i;'.-V,ske«. I ■ 1:05; A; i.”..... 2:20 A. M. ■si FkriVfs; •. I - 2:05! p; 3:80 p. m. •Ar.c : AtiF.s P . ;i 6:46! P. a. 7:50 P. M. v i..i‘ ,! ' r Gmso West— ■, 1 i«j\res Pitts. Arr. at Rochester! {‘.eelire'Aecoal. 2:13 p.' m...... 4:00 p. M. ■iVP-cjrh-’nAccok Msj a. m...;..11:0Q a. m. : - '2d Bpiirh’a “ U 1-60,- a. si.l—: 1:82 K m. , p ( 1 i .! ,'.4;3OiP. M— ■■■ '6:10(-p. >£. 4!b « . *• 1 S.-4V jp. M.......' 7:20 p, M, .1 . i r . 7.00 a. m. .... 8:20 A., M. v -}st Express, J:4sj a. M..3:00 aJ_m. £d Bipress,■ i !- 1:44ir.. M ' JjfbO pJ M. . " AUG. BRADLEY. Supt., E. I). _ Quarterly Statement of Bankl x)f ;■ Beaver County. I , New Buk|ut|)%-; Feb. , JIS64. j i , . .tißsorßcr.s. | -i! -j .Votci end bills Ascourijicd, activie;ss'l.947 90 j ■' Sr.ne unOft; pfotjest 11.....’..!...... 'lOO 00.. V. S. 5-20 0 per cfeB.t. .coiipea'bonU. • 9-3,150 00 J I"; 8. 7 SrlOper |centijtj}eai lAotda.. . 4,850 1001; Furniture’and ojfibe 1,958 05 ’ Due from%ther 0an1£5,Jr......... 23.685.64 j Jioles nnJchecks of otherbanka and j ' ’ i C..s. Treasury R0te5.....;.....j....’ r 27,212 44 (Vain vault ......... J. ................. , 5,754 41 1 Pretest rrrininl.. — 1 41 \Current espensßa.l....J..^.. 1.,. 1 ... J..... 400 00, .A; --r A’ : -! ■■■—■! 1 'V. " I.IABtLITIKfI. , i Capital stuck paid .00 Notes injcireiila'ion....JJ.... ' 1,236 00 l>ne depositors.lo3.s74 .31 j line tltc CdinradnweallhJ..... ’■.. 003 64 1 .K-o'ftti tint! earnings....' •, "0 I'ividemif unpaid...' i~.'Y 61^00- •-‘1 teiU 65 *. r l J^B.Brocfcenrldge. i ,?s.r.o nid jf ea^ r <*t W,n ■»"s*. C : . (mr-nbiect-VdiTijrto ihc'ftcst of ! fiiy 411'owle.lgc || ~ ‘ -.’ ,-T "I ■»*•< . ■ •Eu»AjBß.ltooM. )pash’r.,' ‘1 bridge water boro: ißarbour, Afihhncd'aod before me, this 3d - Thos Campbell--’ -1 •■>-■• I'--* -! .. , ■ ' -|^v'l°* jvl ir, '-‘otoijiry. Public. Al'Clialion. . ■ ' —" ' Brighton I Abr*m Best- R£ .!ji i tRijS NOTICE. wi«lc.(Cbas Hoop's, Tbos M.jMcCord, 4 LX jter'sfohsL intcTr.ptcd in’, the ■ following Reeves, David Hoyle, j 2\.i pirui-iina/diaii account?. .Raccoon tp: Elijah 1 Barnb«, Abra which l-avol, ncc;i -pa&efl axu\: file;! in the l|bam Christy,'-Darjl-Harrev i • .'1 ■ itcgiMii-rs o!lU'<‘. of iienyp- courtly,. I’n.. win]. Gliippo'.va tp: Jbs BrittainJ Wil iam- lhat the snmc will 00 pri;s\mtea to 1 c.i-tt in - V.j • . ’ u-e l)r;,!r;.ss' PX;rt. to ! i!)e ii.e-M i ( I Heaver;-on’i . 'j. ' . . T _ ‘ t'.’i- in.-- hy, the svh ;.i»v of Mafjln-ISG-J. for l , .XorCb,..Sewu!kiy tp: Jos. Cb nc-::;ir;-nt?.on .".n i r p.U'-)vii.}'.ao. 1 f ningbain, Daniel | Daniels. 1 lac .tirst and final i uconnf of Mioltael i IMootl , tp: . Plfi|lipV Cooper, Daniel' fc* ‘•Fijrlby-, Gotleib ijitif.j j • “’’r 1 . v.t on -r' '- ••. 1 Heaver boro: Cj.j Ali..Donchoo. i .juni oi Jamc« .seldon, aarnuustra- * ,• . t a , . the es tat C of ; Thhmas Mysfifi. de- ! ...DarljngtOO .. Hobo: t DtlwOrlh,. ■ 1 ’ *• ■ 1W m VTharin ■ [l. |1 - -’- V* Industry lp:/Gcorge Engle, Jbsiah Todd. . ’ J j-1 i , ,| .-i i . PrankHn tp: Gonrati Fisher. \j- Pulaski tp; Si|inpson Ciilhbertspn, Tlios j ■ _ j 1 • T;.i’ r.?con:;t 3Tdto?cp’i (j 1 . r.,l —ir:«]r of the* eHatf 6f .-Vafcrlcl: Keating,' Ti.e account anU pcrnonan of. Jo'.r:’j ‘,’i jif.Tisoii. nar-ijiiisirato-r, tie bonis-. n r ir. *,vi:lf will l Jolin Kiblo, -U Ti;** tiiril acoounf ('jjQrsondn of Andrew espotworjof the fcjst will of Wil : “:ci Sc .f‘T. <l,v‘d. i ’i.; •. I i Lc, '■ »tir*t v f J ti Kldcmillcr, :4<l r n t r of J. C. IcMe. Joe d.. The jirn! account ■of i Jacob Hou?choM_cr.j of 4ho;lasi' w-ill 4 of Philip JI. Piiug,| OVU; ,-J ' ( , ' ‘ 'jNiit* final account cf Eli- Ilamscv, acting ci eon; or of iho last wjli of Robert Katnsey, 'KcM. '| „, ;'u , •■’. -v ,■ • i. . Tho final - account of John fiarrard, admin* Jrrrat.'c of .rlic chtatlc of r .]qhu Kuion, dec\f>’ account of) Juntos .Todd, Jr,, ad-, mini-'ratur OL,t|Sie e*mtb of James Todd, Sr.,, i{ V'- r '"\. if ■ i!*•'*’ first ‘and! final Doii'rho'o. Hdmimsirc •Glenn, dec'd. > ■ ■ 1 f- ' ' - Aseiount of Dan tv-1 ■ M. itbr of tiie estate of Jobn, accounts (Real and Per- T'no firs; and final -if \Vuiift;u K. Hamilton* ri.e finMjacijqiint of Franc I’ise firgi and fmul ‘■'n:*!*. of Hrc{'.t\vna Xv U David 1 iic Guaialjim' acc Guariiah.oii i.V 7I - minor Thv>- Guardian ac <n WiUiur kliza i n ‘Vfolk fkc'd. .‘j fiiH*' Guardlan act Gjiirdian of V# m. 3 Moiaou, ,«r. t dc ■ \ Pilo guardian ac Guardian of Mary E ter ot I’lonzor Powe: Guardian accoi Maria (li-Cid. j, % ■ l!>e Guardlnh acc •Guardian E|j.zal t»ieun; < -Thu Guardian acc '.Qian ofiKHwid H. D ■* Do avis. dee d. The Guardian a< of Thoma: J aniel Daniels.’ t ”u f llO Guardian acc J*-}®. Guardian of ie ?f oflhos. D;,Ca: The Guardian m guardian of Seha pmall. minor chUdr lue Account ofß i "w of John Miller, ? u’ iUrtin > C. Childre, ®6JiSe4; V. , Acoouta \tt 1 Bodeh, .administrator of deed. *' W William K, Bodcn; ad s Miirrcl, dcc’d. iic-iooms illekl and Per iStiii. executor pf jibe last , sr./jdec'd. .. - • louma.tif Joseph Brittain, jll. & Ann. Elizabeth Brit- John’ Brittain, dice’id. -j'. .■counts of 11. VM. Rhodes," ;r, Elijah, Sarah Jane .& i inori children of Eleazer - ' ’ ' V I • i , 1 V.J ountlof -Daniel lorton, jr., jniaW son'of o'U.- 1 ' • ;ount of Benj. M'-FarUn, nma Powell, minordaugh 1, dec d. , 1. not ofiJios. O Wilsin.Guar- minor heir of dames : onnt s of Joseph Mehaffey,. t-eth J. 6z-'Alary Aghess i f JoKn CRerm, dec'd. mnt of P: Mulvanon.Guar mds, 'minor eon of James i' * -j' count of John Thomas, B. Daniels, sfiaor son of • <1 , mnt of Jackman T. Stock- Susan E. Calboon, minor boon, dec'd. ' • ‘ icounts of .John; Weaver, l iaa, Stephen and Ellen sn of 'Martin Small; dec’d. cgina -MBler, Adminiatra deo’d, whj) was Guardian .tbarlne and Adam Frjah i of Adam IFrcshoorn, ide- al estate) of Wm. Whan, estate Clement Z. Sou- LFEED B. MOORE’, p «l>- 8.1864. • . RAIL-RI IQ; AD HOUSE, INSON, PRO’R <WHWITIBR. pa. M' ■i ~'! C- I '- ; :.4V Vot. 4b -No,: List of ditsbid Jurors, Marobfifl? COMMENCIKQ ?TH DAT. . ‘ i. Darljng|on [tpr jiio While j-Fbremtin, Satnl Eeed, John Grim. | ; i ! Hanover tp: Thlos. Adams, Samuel Kibhraondj ! j ; , > . Frankfort boro; {Stephen Brieeland, i , Eocheater boro: Stephen 18. Cross Hopewp'.l tp; Robert jDuOcan, JoB Irons. ■|- I: : I' - ; 1 ; Chippewa tp: Jos. Dnblap. f i Moon tp; A Douds. Fallstbn borbt-david Dayis. •" Franklin tp; N.|N. Bazen. North Sewicklv tp'; Wm.! Kennedy. . Brighton t]i;fWm, A. Laird. Freedom boro: Robt.M’Cafekey GrCene tjjr. Johp Moody, Jbckeoti Swearingen. ,{ . . \. Economy tp: John Y* Marks. \-, New ScWickly tp: Siipn Otto, Jbo Wagner - /, ■. f. W ' • ; \ Eaccoon tp: John B. Potter. , Borough tp; E. W. Eusscll. ' Mariontp: AuatinThoinas. > • . ; . t [ PEjiT jimons—lst week. Mar'nibny-tp; l George Baner • Freedom: George Baker;Thomas H.-Cooper, Joseph! P. Keoff. j \ ' ,4feff Sewiekiy ip: Charles Barrett, John Fisher,' Jappb Peirspl,-'Edwin Keeder. John,Ziiil{horn I North,Sewiblrly tp: Hugh lieu nett, i'David'Graliam, srj Behj. Whisler, Or-, vjlle Jabkson. - j ' :7 I Big Beaver tpi: iWm..Calhoun, Wm. EaEin. - ■ i 1 Bpchester lwro:j T. j ■ Chandler, G. G. Speyei er, J. B Smith. ‘ Ohio tp: Wm; W; Dawson. -Bridgewater: S.|R: Dunlap. . Ne\v BrightondlLeyi Foster, Georg? Porter. i j ■ ; Brighton tp: Sajm'i Gillespie.- .Hanover tp: J.|A: Gibb,,David lint tln,’Jackstm Jenkins * ;| •... ’ Patterson tp; Win Harrison; , Beaver: Jolin L|. Hall, Jos; ilay. ; Industry,. Sami Hoyt. 5 Borough tp: Pnlul Heberljng. : - .Moon tp: (Jhas Johnston./,/. 1; Economy tp: Henrj- Jnnnotibrink. Eaccoori tp: Janies M’Cullbudii. South. Beaver tp: JosAlartin] PLillip&bargT' bOro: Eoberl jt’Laiu. Independence tp:- WmM’Coy. / 6,roe no tp: Win. Snowden ! SECOND WEEK. '! , . j $210,900 65 i I) (irctsne tp; Thrils tierr, If answer tp: Samuel Ml i | 1 Brighton tp^lsJvatj'S'oKS. ' Hopewell tp: David K Clevpr.David Patton. • ~ j ' | Pliillipsburgh -Iboro: George Vogt. Lawyers’ Pees* in/New. York- Some of our eminent limbs of the law are fobbing immense fees no w-a daysy tbe'incomcs of the rrtosjt favored' advocates being almost (fabulous in a inount. Twenty-five thousand dollars a year Used to bo considered well worth any lawyer's While, and the hope of enjoying pven a |ilho of that sum has made many an "Wimble bar- mouth utalor. ’ liutj in these troublods and litigpus times ’lawyers look upon twently|fivc, thirty, or even forty thousand dollars as ho great affair of an ]incom<[, 4nd retain ers of one,' two land tnree-thousand dollars drop into; jtheir hands: with as .little .concern 6ij theiripart as one tenth the sum was wont] to aspire ten or a dozen years aco. To prove that politic-ill prominence pays, I -may. in stance the case pf a Idpding Demo : erntic, lawycr/ wlio, last year) received pne hundred and twenty five thousand dollars for conducting fevfo suits, and also the cases of the most-radical of pur, Republican Attorneys,, whose fee, in a' 1 ; certain celebrated Miriing Com pany's law suit,] was Opel hundred th ousand dollars’ I worth m -the Com pany's stock which realized / him sixty-five cents |on the. dollar. Just think of sixty-.fjvjo thousand dollars as‘a singlecouiujel fee l I ! ought to £ldd that most of the prominent law yers of Now Ydrk are; rn .j,ho enjoy ment of'incomes Ranging from thirty thousand to seveply thousand dollars a year. Talk aboutthe uncertainties of law I Surely, the .only doubtful or uncertain thing about it—so far as lawyers are concerned—is j whether they couldn’t get more if they had, the; cheek taj ask ill i Choir- moltd would seem t» be borrowed frohi Spoil’s Chester, charge 1"-— Bosfpn Pott. . ,- ? !>f. ea.VVm. Mr Stone, tbe/'niiW ,Gpver hor of lowa, wasonce a/danal’ driw between Bpscro j inff ’ J at three dollars a month. - JL- . « • - .r ' ’ v ’Register I- ■{• I 1 -iTt J’~ sS«?V.«S. irpifc-o jf'rv'i * T\tl BE ii.: s F t I; .• [i ■ '! ir v-f Q. (Jobrge.'Boc. Hire, Jaijies g ' :1 i'K TV J _ ’7 < k'-.i; II Jiße; 14-r, J 5 i : '' ••• ;i; ; :.'fl;i'! : Prijsons in ' (jnl’ oYjthe report Mr. G whgjbas Jately beet pmZfc Ihe'oprreapont et4> joW&ljjgivbsa ejtpei tenon itUhepfis and < ther -matters. coi condition oB the peo| few i ems.fijjmi hie ati ; TII 5-HoERpES OF OAI! i The name pf-fjiastle T out he Soitliorn S sngg sstive ojf sirfferiri edjm isery, and justly ! , Th is prisoriis allot! the near equation of the lebolajjmy, but ii collection otj wretche worl i to offer a para to. .j ■ I i Milcfactprs of bl mnn orei*; -lithe- cdai ponli ry thief, and them. tbo unfortum gaim t some petty 1 law. Twofoomsar almost exclusive use ijcitizen prisoners, and j’prcslnt occupied by j Kici; ardsonii dud Bi | tibni hly tlij|d elysiui .iprist ns. -r:! \;j ... - , il ran apj>ropnatel;f style this as a utopian' for acts of dishones ty, vulgar!tv ,or crime are corapara tlyely,of raVe!occurrence, ißt.t those rooms assigned to the febe prisoners fundiih living tableaux , of -vice, ar.li misery, such asT have rare y regd of "and; never else-! whe -e. . i ; " f ■.'■■■_• - | Imagine'a champsr tenited by a - njaai iof beings;bach |i: ragging ball and Ami a, producing by the clunking si; porf eiual Vulcnnlan din, and on the, ‘‘Littl and ml. of 4fresh addition to the cir- Maine, cfe the chunpc .irdreased in intensity j a (_bcl tl by the. loud d.emppstrsxtions.of wcl ... \ cbm 3. Ohji for wjords to 'describe , - r ‘ lBeel " ther rigged, filthy, repulsive and The' disgusting. faro these creatures’ np- and hit peai arice.'j. expresi A'iy unlof tunatc who shouldj enter office to thesj rooms dccedtly clad, woe be to when, him He 4at once seized .ripon, and was ho ther; commences a strife of conten. trough tion’ after which,iif. the: victim has charaot .but Lo mourn the lpis of bis clothes opoh. . and iriOnoyl he can console hirhself all the.t .and bless his iuclcyl stars that. noth. yesWWi ing worse has huppp tod. .. , u °f wittf ' 'lt ieaaro lost during these f< ccurrences, and pnasis, the groans pf-lthc shfTe.rdra still ring such ai in n years. In another room are to j the organ of can|tion,as ijri the head of be Turn crcjitures \vparinglho. forma I Cfoorge -B. McClellan! I also found and scinblii ices of m sii, but who lire j lj>e propelling fiicullies b<! .combatiye the legitimate ■ inetri icrs of the por i P'css and destructiveness,, small, and I cine tribe, ;,ud it meal -times bedlam ! thought lo myself.- what hi the sense of broke loose furnisheu no comparison i reason of sending nucha natural cow to tie frantic riot, and demoniacal tig- j afd to West Point? But thqnT rea gies cscitei by the approach of food, j sohed tlmt-there would probaly r nevefr .Hoi e,-side by fide ;ait Lie Seen the; bp any war to crll’for hiilitary genius, hardened v Ilian, whe ■•ionnts his deeds I and. West Point mtehlas well ediicaie] of mphi.o- -tiiid violincd as a genera)! tbe'eo.waula its aiiy ot,ho.r insiiVuiion.’' would his Victories • the midnight aa.-« j He said that his ;life bad onlyxproyefl i sa.stjiii, who glides! about his prison | liis'early, cdpvicl ib r ns,!aßd referring £p With cut like (.tealth ness, so habitual; the great, seven Iday's' battle, related is it' to follow his i efiiiibus- calling, j that a pefsodal f irfiiiv frictid was then ,ahd the popr wrote! so nnfor.t'unate jin Kichniorid,-and th.e-.plai of tlvc.Lmt as ,:o‘-be suMpeeted of) [idverty, an(|? lit-'.waij wel.l kri.dwi J lieb', sjaid, fcutid guilty. j % know MeL’lellari for a pat krai coward; I! ere. society is revolutionized and' and if I draw every kvailable man org ini/.atiOn rcvei*s(jii; for to be hint from Hichrhond, arid llur oaf whole ost is to- be <icH|-isei:i: the aristocracy: 'force upon bis 'i ight Wing I he Trill hot ! Sor »rrii«u- Witli.pa rieian ilidoity the :.<laf« to move hl|i left!’!i lie did so and lopd.staihed murthwer dispenses pii proted tliat he did know hjs af irsary; oliaire on tlo pi, l(ian pick pot-set.; for. though |-McClellan iCo have | vice grregantlv struts by^smiorig?; swung his left iug. right | > cKicii u . pitying scorn on innocent he only sent torwar) poral’s ] I gitai-d to reephnoitro. arir golden 'opportunity was.passed U'l \ . , . \ . llui 1 will’d raw .trio veil over meuf ory. Ilet.n.speciivli view of ,pu«-ji see res served but to pain by thoi: 'iol- me nbrarree . , \ ’ I j j Tllf. FATE OF DESERTERS FROM tllE! UNION ARMY. j ihe so called Soutjbcrn Confederacy offers ■'but - few iuducemcnl.-i to de sersters frdm tbe Union army., A pris on] witp. the brilliant and proud sound hig .title of Castle Ljgbtßing, is the extlusive domainj of such as have come over! to thcL enemy. Probably the treatinent they receive is the most cruel of any class oIkII : and, little as thiy deserve sympstlU’/involuntarily a sentimorit of pity- Will arise oh see ing theif truly deplorable condition.— Tljis not my design to give a minute *nuH' dotuiliid account, neither would 't be intei es,ting ; u'cpttcise'epitomie will embody Wll of actual interest that I ba|ve tp narrate-. ‘ | j . DEPARTURE FEOSI RICnMONP. jOn 'tlie jmbrnirig |of our departure fro in Richmond a defective escorted!, ufj downjtd th|j flag ,jof truce boat, up on, which Wo found Col. Ould itbe reo elpCoir.Jnissioner of ; exchange, and hi# assistants. \Vo were requestod to r<(mt»n below deck, witijc the vessels Jied Fbrt Darling, -.and . Drury’s T, but were afterwards invited to a upl j . | 1 ■ . ■ • j,, • r e yvere the recipients of mpeb ci .y and comtcsy rom Major Hot- Confederate Chiefof signal corps, Captain to Gpl. 1, and to these gentlemen 1 owe expression of grateful acknpwl ment. On arriving at City Point «*jo aaw.oDce again { flattering iu the breeze that proud' dfd ffag.— the Stars and Stripbs4-and as if its* car riled with it the inspiration of freedom, I ponld then, and only then, realize that I was inhaling fho air of.liberty ajtnu tbs srau ampbtupes oboe 1 6a tha tlniou flag of trad* boat wa lEEE! I . . 1.44 :...''..1. f c• -•; :t •: , : -. lt .-... 1 :-. I ''" " :4 l.-- ... I-, z\ •': ij 1 - - ' - -,' 1: t•Z' ) . S: 41.. -,,' A i't ~.'T. .. ~ _1...,..: ' 1 4 ; . IA: _;\ Z , 1. -., :i . ':.•!.1 . 1' . ..:::?'..; -. >1 - 'i’i. Uv . J *’• . | .y^s^^WTeid.; Rtohmondy < ire bf : tlie*Ko f' aorge Jar;;Bart, i; exchanged ;fer : enteof aSotlth naralive of hi? ins of the South, nnected witbdkhe vple. We cull a tement; . ITLK THCNDEft.^ 'hander through-; is terribl3r g and of degrad so. ■ ed principally to; deserters from the abode of a that ! defy, the’ lei resemblance' ickest dye, the' ruffian, tho with; ite offenabr# a echnnlity of the; > assigned to the; of the Northern one Of them, at Messrs. Bnlkley, own, is .unqnes i of Uichn^ontl MI “'■it ::;S\ r CO) Maiforf, pVew m> gifinificapct S' reciatian d) at there ss, ► 6r Confederate, puHsen'ger o'n his sentiments.’ ; , •: INTKRVTIW On reaching, hart art ihtfer>' who, in a iriai oat mindr.j ing iiid rei whom wo | selves, that the great/ In the coUi _ theGonoral.JE that apprtarttdu nale, chirginff? atrocities! of.tK credit. hfi; sor hiscommar . I told hi tlcirten hni mo ah gi on' dignant op . lion. Ihrcpl; I would stal' was a base; were, it ' trta' hang thVjpJ would at end* tno, to right.” being tl of a CO) five h'ui of the i offeuaei ing thi terms Rumored Raidinto Ohio. A correspondent.of jtljej jSTew: York 1 lUtralil, at Gallijmlis, Ohio, states that Mio has’ had alii inlfityieY with Mr.; Winciiart, a rjeft gcc antl oscajied con seript from hear Jefferson, N. G.,'ar.d that Mr. W* giv ;s him important in formation,■’■as ' follows; jjLbont three week? ago over thirty hew, long, nar row and open bo scs f corked and tarred” and made poinU 1 at; one} end, were sent to Wytheville, id; Wythe county,. Western Virgin il These', boxes are styled pontoons. Officer* had arrived ( and sent-men! ent tbj co|lect*strong, light wagons tnd horsbg from the farmers of the t cighborhpod. It was I whispered among., the military men that there would soon bela raid made in Ohio, and t hat the; pontoons re ferred to would bo dfawiji overhind to cither the New ,)r Kanawha mj(tf,and priced and do: ted dowji the! T)hio, 'and that the Same would he crossed.at , ; lwo poin'.s—dm byway of Barbdursrille and Ghyandotte.—l It was; rutnoredjandi expected that troops would |arrive for, concentration from both thdf ejastornand western fe- I be! armies. Jn [regard th the above report, it is i said. that romors have been in circulationforWrao time past, of mysterious movements! bn the line of the Virginia} and Tennessee .Rail roa'd, but as to bow : &r these rumors are favored * by! the above statement, the reader is left' to cdniebtoVe. SguThe New York; Jlerald says it has . been acquainted with ization* known as the Democratic par* forty yoafisVand.it “knows it to Be' dead and buried. Not afcestigcOf it is left.” ' It further remarks; “There is an organization of contract bro kers that oscillates between Tamma hjr Hall and] itoaartHall, and .buys. «d sells Tofett cafs itsblf the 1 Democratic party, bnt • hbre is* ite „AI. ' •. y ■ I - ; -t - 1 MAMI Ell _ :x.T. ill ins 1 <ry 18( iSfajbr ex- ■ Tlie Prqgreas. be reaso he i I fact that Public Opini lyand stronglyl in I speedy and thorough TOPy. Nobody nhrinl w]ien called an Abbl feels that ho neel exp for; tho fact that the 1 i necpesarily an anti-SI following: extract ft speech injthe Hon so A.' Garfield, qfj Ohk Staff to Gen. Bosecn toraely giad the ndt the,great andrapid ient •P -ineija; nion itnilar w« tier, ieWd, grant *•'» for onr ialize 'oa.— ft* with article jo*r ms of to the 1 coder md. iCrrgcn ■elves s«hty in- opinibn. flearhim: i ( ,k } fo have said to a friend whsnl entered} the army, ‘Yao hate fio d° I: p but I hate!Disunion t“dro. ij Irot us drop uho Slavery.ques tion and fight too n stain theJUnion. When the supremacy of the,Governs mcht lids been |re-es;ablished, we will attend to the lother question.’ '•1 Started b;af with .that position, taken in good, faith, as did thousands of others of all (paftles. But' the ar- Bty soon found that,, dowhatitwould, ths black phantom f let it eveiy-whfiro . —fn the camp, jin t‘l o'bivouac, on the j bail to: field, arid at ill ti ties. ■lt was a ghost that would not he laid. Sla- Was both the. sa-eriglii drib tveak nessi of tli’e enjeray.; His Strength— | for it tilled his fields and fed hlsi le gions; bis weakness—for in the hearts of| slavris dwelt!'dint prophecies that their deliyerar ce from bondage would be the outcome} of the waf. P ) (“The negroes came from the cotton fields; they swam rijrers; they climbed njorinfains; they came through jun gles, in the darkness and storms of the nigh t, to tell, ns that the enemy "Was coming here orj coming there. Thby wore bur true friends in every case.— There b’Ss hardly j been a Lattle,' a march, dr any important event of the war, whore the frifend of bur cause, the black man, has not been] found truthful and helpful, and always devo-'j tedly loyal. The jrorivictidn forped itself rupori the mind of eve}ry soldier that, behind the i|ebol army of sol i djers,''tbe black’ army of laborers as feeding , arid sustaining thd rebellion, and theye could he ho victory till its main support bo taken a;way.- “Gegllenien bin the ,other .side, you JaM Jffli If yon please to say so, 1 grant The rapid current Of events has maqe the army of the Republic an Aboli tiop army; l ean find in the ranks a thousand men‘‘who are iri favor pf -weeping away Slavery to every doz en that} desire to preserve | it. They havej been where, they have seen its malevolence, its baleful effect upon j tiie, country ana thy Unibnj, and they [demand that it shall away’” ’ e®*Gen. Gantt is, on his way home to Arkansas, where his presence is needed in tiie approaching election. Before ho left, be .spjbke to an immertse audience in'Plymouth Church, Brook lyn. IleiriiWea long address, on’the proposition that slavery was the cause of the war and brigh t to ho destroyed. He spbko frorn the pulpit} and the Roy.- Mr.. Bcecherj who*,occupied it with him, and had introduejed the fe formed rebel. Arose} at the -conclusion of his speech, and said there had been many strange scenes in tllut church, but he never expected to jlive to see the time when a citizen of Arkanias Should stand in his place to plead with the North not to stop tho. aibolitio'n-of slavery. There never was! a comrou n ty at large with so little} animosity, as the North had |to the South, or where there was ?<[ deep and genuine a sympathy in their real prosperity, and it slavery bo |tnkeri out; of the way there is nothing,between us; noth-' ing but the Outstretched ,haml,riolhirig but heart-beats, fie movedifliat the thanks of the audience be tendered to Mr. Gantt, and through him the cor dial and. patrioiTc sympathy *of the people ol the North to be tendered to the S,tato of Ari'arisgs.' Vi . ' in que«j talod that Cfc ihat ijti vJiirij .for if Avonld thanhe js a<lv iCoftld | over 1 ti coi j-'thje |y- J ' i- . \ ii - : A Costly Structure . The Capitol at Washington will be, when completed, the finest building of the Corinthian order of architecture in the world. It stands.9o feetaboye ,lhe IoW tide of the Potorhuoj Its com manding position, was determined by Washington. It is surrounded ;By a beautiful park, of 35 aoreS, adorned.by a ; great variety ot shade trees. The corner-stone was laid at the south east corner of the north j-wing, by Washington, at 12 M. on Wednesday, September 18,-1793; with all.‘the ma sonic rites appropriate to thh occasion: "The 'entire length of the' building is 751 feet 4 inches: Lengtho! wings, including steps,;. 324 feet; |[width* cf wings 128 feet 8 inches; width of cen tral part; 326 feet. 4 inches;, (irea of ground cofered, 153,112 square feet,; 0r.625 feet more than three acres and a half;, height of dome aboye base ment] floors,. 264 feet. Its splendid architectural proportion, its ad mira ble materials, its) magnificent location, and the fine works of art which It donlains, would well, repay la voyage across the Atlantiq tp behbld. jeb-Tho Orleanshas gone intooperation,. ■ It received oyor|6oo,oooln deposits on tba first day. 1 •H' ; - nI- •J' =CZ sa,n-4! V - pT|7-N £1 j [J S |;/- j .jl* !■* ' 4- f : \ ;v- , *Eistaßli& Opinion.' \ I thonghtof >be |M>. doubt of the ion .drift* blondi kvdr?of ranking . work 5 wjtli' Sl*-‘ l|cjs .or winces now. litionisi- lain or apologise 'Var the Union is layery Wat. 'The rom tha recent 3 Of Hon James t v |(1 ale ; Chief of nn|»,) vividly and . ire and causes of change in pithltc i" ' • 1 4 ■ A'uc x^c?iMg . . . . ~...- , , , ..c,ri....., . ~ t.l-.,,—(i y *yj*4 ~V**S V--.‘v.r • • £ U V . ; 1 ■', ; £• ; -l < - it Revel ofArkam - * u larrisburg, a in concerning tome li laders iu the State 'i ie said that after tJ!nion forces (he ; A Signlfloai General Gantt,| recent speech at J attjrcting revelatij of the Democratic of Pennsylvania, bis capture by.t e- w._ was a General jn thetebel. service), at island No. 10,be vas brought North to this State as a prisoner of war, and declared that pr m inent Democrats of Pennsylvaniathen :ocferred wjth him and assured him . : ; v “That ifi the relels would hold out' alittle louger-iheyiroald be successful, for the Democrats i>f the North would arfest the Conscription and otherwise renderingtheAdministrationpower less to prosecute it.- And/’ ho added with withering em rhasisj—“/ can Hive you the names if what J say is disputed!’’ ; V A number of. '‘Democratic” mem< befs: of the Legislature were present* but they did not dare to question the statement or coill; for the names.-!- Duritigihiß rstnarks Gen. Gantt also' said;' \" .jL- ] ; ; i “The Democrat jjf the North adris ed us to war, promised to come tpour. ttstfistat tie, finer then left uaalone in the “linggle and chnfir.ed themselves 10 cowardly, i perfidious, jstealthy as saults updn their jown Giovernment.” “Instead of Northern'D.edocTfi.ts coni: ing to our assist!an|b'o,; ,t)ve soldiers of the Un|op came in overwhelming force and conquered .ais;j but they ..brought government \vilh | them and /escued us f'roml a! ti'rauoy more terrible than' death.”! ' '■ \ i- : " ' The above, statements by General Giinttl confirm Wh it has been, ed.a thousand times by/ihe Union men of'the North. |Can finy intelligent man longer doubt: the complicity of Northern Copperheads ’with Southern Traitors iti the destruction of the Gov ernment ? No wonder that honest Democrats are forsaking their former party 1 associations and enrolling thejr names as among |tl e true friends of ,ihe Union. - . hi.-!"''. i ■ ■' I' .yv - l> : The. Opening of Congress Sala, the novelist,who is now, io this country tis the correspondent of| the London Telegraph, describes, in a; late letter, tire opening of the presoiil sexton sion to the;stories jao common in Engr land, of the daily rows which are sup: i posed to take placje, in our Congres sional halls, is atnusing. So saya;!> v . “There was no Masting ; of trump elSj npiboWing and scraping of court creatures stuck! all oyeiv with gold lace, tip dangling of ribbons, noj glit tering of stars;' nor was there anyjun scetnly helter-skelter ru'sh 'ofi.mem-i bers ofc one bouse the other to hear a spoeeb read. | Tjo me th©.spectacle was tamo. Wh en]t he towdyism ia to ,begm-|-if fo begin- it, fe' destined —< when the members arc to- set to abus ing <ir coWhidiiVg jone another, Or ex-: change imputations of cowardice, mendacity, fraud and drunkenness, I do not knowj. Everything Avhicb I; beheld) appeared t!p mo thoroughly simple’ and free] citizens of|, a great- commbrt;w|ealtli' about {the' task loft governing them-' selves, doing it sensiblj’ and! welh ■ EeUki,. iNVASi’dx'bF th,| North.—A! Washington. disnach says:—GohJ Hal leck, iti conVersa|tiop with prominent public men, has . expressed hiS ibelief that the last grahd and desperate effort will be made in the ensuing spring by. the rebels to- transfer the rpal fighting to Nqi[lhern soil,' They cannot subsist their armies in | their own desolate' region), from all the most fruitful parts of .which' slaves i have hb.en withdrawn intjo tfio interior Cot ton States. Itds difficult to determine Whether their nepr campaign , wjill be due north into Pennsylvania again' or across Kentucky into Ohio, useings Longstfeet’a present position) as*a base of operations. , ,AU the. .'secret advices received'fit the<War Depart ment ah6w that a Peter-the-Hermit crusade against |tbe North is now be. ihg preached tbroghout, the Confed eracy, and that they are conscripting info the ranks with ruthless’violence everything hurmin t intis .able to bear, arms. ' ■. | , A jt®“The President has replied, as follows to a.j body of clergymen who petitioned him to ualo hia influence to affect an amendment of the Consti tution ; ■ I “Gentlemen—Th<j general aspect of your movement I pordially approye,. In regard to particularsj I nfust ask time to deliberate.! as,the work of amending the not be done hastily-j J.wHl cUrefuTly ex amine your, paper, in ordeir more fully to comprehend! its; contents tnijn is’ possible from merely- hearing it I'ead, and wi ll take sUch action' upon jit as m}- responsibility tb our jijaker' anti bur conntry depiand's *' 1 ' ' of the subscribers I of {the Girard Union, having;. complained that that paper contained too] many tbol editdrs reply as follows: ‘‘Well;’deighhorai when-; you Will Mi ns bullocks that have neithpr blood,bones nor bbttcl*, bqi pn solid beetldetfr i%rongb,lwe revrsbappr* without WTtmtiMffliitti.? : ' y: ■ - vl^ r, A ~ CTg^j^«siigai Tyrpi\? i> [ y iff. jr gi,* Ell jjfljjjir?.. eantopar aytara- aacV tiiliwiijjiil' l|||ifßp' •."■ 26 eanUu A.-lib«nldinmmt jiutdate ntflf ' - toeaaoredas a sqpart.j, -j-^; * j?, ;•*: Special notietyfepaij mdC addition Mg i o'-'% ..'d-? 1 I ,•-£•; . 3n«ia**» e»rsiT,7s <U#a « ". /■Marriage* and' Deni iji \, Political and other. Notices of utnr*t tern. . ed : iSiB ■ i ■; ■ ; ! I - The following appears in a Saint ,• Louis paper: .v t •.... ; Wamtkd.—lbiiye liyud soli tarv long* - enough. I wantsc me One to Jwk'Hpfcyi* ijnarrel with—the& kiss and again. ‘ Therefore I am wady tp:r#i\! ‘ ceivocommuaicrittpria from young ’lk? dies and biooming -widow© of # moret than average respectability; tolerably; ,'■;■4 tame in dispbsitfdnj and ; hair.of J»ny 4_. cblpr.-T. As jnearty Wa; 1 JddgeJdf ;| myself, I am not dyer eighty nor ,n& % der twenty-five years, of agO; .1 ip; - five feet eight, or eight feet five, Ifbl* get which,. I weigh 133, 316y>r581 lbs.,: one- of the tirreo/bot as tp. ..... ti ue/arrangrimepi i -am * ; litiio ’ zledl. Have a whole suitofbgir. 4y£ ©d'by nature and fboe frora-dandrufP.- ; .Eyes buttermilk brindl©, tinged peagreen, Hose blunt, according td the lonic order of archit©eture; witli. a touch of the' Composite, and month between a catfish’s an.d alliga tor’s—made espqmTlv: fbfi dnatpry! \ and large oysters, fears {fal long/- and, elegantly shaped.' My:,' i : whiskers are a C(|mbinati6ni of j hair| moss and briar brush—*we!l he* A haved, fearfully luxuriant. I aidV SoundJri linth and bn the negro - qhes: i ■ tion. iWear boots’lNo. 9 when oorrisij are troublesome,- and can write poet? ry by the,mile, while double rhyme, ;; on both edges—io readjplacfkward,' ' forward, crosswise and diagonally.—' . Can play the jewsbdrp and the basftt drum, pod whistle Yankee Doodle id: Spanidfe Atn\ver!y correct, in- morals,.! - ’ and. first-rate dt ' pins;-have a' . great regard for the Sabbath, andon- , ly dilnk whep invited. Am a domes.; , tic animal; and perfectly docile wihenl i 1 towels aro clean arid shirt ,alt- ] iqghtj, If J posse >s apredpnunaiirig' virtue.it is of tha, of forgiying every, 1 enemy whom t dit oih it .hazardous to 1 ’ bandfo. I say my prriyers every; / nigtiyi' - (termi ttirig;. qs - .to' r' whether d snore n ray sleep, I want \ somebody 10. tcl . me. Money js nd' object, as I never \v aatr b u hltiM wll if anj r and iieverexpecttobe. I should' ~ like some iady who isiperfctly able to.- £ ,' support a husband, or if she could iBr 1 : ti.oduce me to^somig 1 family- whore.re*. • ligipus example, would be considered 4uffibient comperisaUon for hoard, if ■ woul|d do ipst as Address Xi 22, st. Louis. P. q. -■ j r -r . .- : r ■i! I *’ » f.!-. 1 - I i XJsisq Neqrobs.—The rebel egress has beeni discussing a ppppo^i-; thajtpOur Copper head, “Conservaliven” - i vralHiave- ho fault to find with tbeif. ‘‘Sputher|n b.rethertV' if they should , i carry out the'seheme of nsjng negroes sdrnewhaj more extensively haye war purp’pses. \N e yenttipe that we shall! not , hear j a word frorn Copperhead lips or. press agdinst; the rebel, employment offnegrpes tb help brrive jsou* ’ l bf| the North and pyeiilhtow^he N |Sov- * ernrrient; notwithstanding the Ifeowl- - " ■irig that has boeri heard] from that quarter against the enlisting services of negroes tb ijiiittingl .down rßcbel : i'bn-. ; -j-J ■■■ [his t . , x^F Y I ' ~ r~-'_ • •- a{ IMO - Nano& voc' . JfirQuiteajoko, Happened one .of-the doctor. ci-iaU some little time since, '[-lie ordered s mie ; powerful medicine for s;»lcjk'''boj’'. and the ffitli off. not Ili'kipg'The appearance of U,. forced itdowri threat’s throat. \Vlveo, the doqtor Called again, and , enquirC/l if thC-pOwder haJ clired;ihe boy, the father replied, . '* * | ?‘2&; weldid: net give lit td him.” .} . “brood heavens; said the .doctoi - ,' “is the child living ?” ' , " ‘/Yes, but the cut aiu’W-we gave if to her.” i ; |.j l-\ • ' " ... 'flic doctor, s!o|)ed.j ■ , , ' sarA; country fellow, jest coma to' '; town, pb Jpt ip every shop bp: came to. at last came in to an in«urt« . ance. office where, seeing /inly one - man sitting iSt a s could nolim agine what commodityvvas sold there,? •. h.ut calling to the clerk, he said:— • t “Bray,, sir, what do you keep to soil here?” ' '■[ t J “Loggerheadsli cried the c}erk.,‘... , ‘'Do you?” answered the country man;; theri you gaS'e# precious good trade, for -I see y"pu have but one left!”* - ■ ■ - ■ 1-. - /t^BT During a recent examination for _ assistant %riginebrS r - in the . ifayy', a caucjUdate was '|s&d(; Suppose' you{.. bad'-built an engi ne ybuwtJl^pei^orm-A.? 6d every pait of theyiicrk.without aa-\ sistance, and Ahrio that it was in eom« f - plate order, but. when put into a vesjt '■ sel the prirnipi, woiuld not draw .water,’ what would do!” 'l'he young; 7 man promptly replied: “t go the side of tbc vtesSelj and ascertain, Wj there was any witter inftbeiriver. ■ i Short and Swskt.—(|)n a rough bltf sailor being' aslced byone of the mSDK > bora of, a leased society to write' a. concise account jof the manners. and; customs of,» somewbati barbarous na- 1 tiop,j jrlitoe territory.'ha; bad'lafely) been -explcudng? ne put down tbe^fOt^! lowing exdbVdingly V»ef summary of the characteristics of Uic people th , question’; i*;lf antrers, none. : Customs,!: nasty.” ' 1 - - r - . iCu,Ke*ad« his : no! ambitttyn tor. State, honor*. The ptoph raoantly, decided by aiarge ntnjomy. W-, jnain taintboterritonal condition forwinf' U time longer. • V- ■; ■ ~v. 7 -:;- 1 % ISE J ! -U BM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers